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1.What is the name of the fairy tale character with long hair?
A. Rapunzel
B. Cinderella
C. Snow White
D. AuroraA
2.She is ___ (reading/writing) a poem.
3.My sister is ______ soccer this year. (playing)
4.The Earth's surface is shaped by the forces of ______ and erosion.
5.What sound does a dog make?
A. Meow
B. Moo
C. Bark
D. Roar
6.The ________ (海岸线) is long and sandy.
7.The ancient Romans built _______ to connect their empire. (道路)
8.What do we breathe in?
A. Water
B. Food
C. Air
D. Fire
9.What do you call a young crocodile?
A. Hatchling
B. Calf
C. Pup
D. KitA
10.I enjoy ______ (进行) creative writing.
11.The fastest land animal is the ______.
12.The __________ is a layer of soil that is rich in nutrients.
13.The garden is _______ (充满) colorful flowers.
14. A saturated fat contains no ________ bonds.
15.What do you call a group of wolves?
A. Pack
B. Flock
C. School
D. TroopA
16. A ____ flutters in the garden and has beautiful wings.
17.The wind blows through the ______ (树叶). It sounds very ______ (宁静).
18.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Italy?
A. Pompeii
B. Rome
C. Venice
D. FlorenceA Pompeii
19.Light pollution makes it difficult to see the stars in an urban _______.
20.circular economy) minimizes waste through reuse. The ____
21.How many rings are on the Olympic flag?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
22.The _____ (temperature/humidity) is hot today.
23.We have a ______ (有趣的) science experiment to do.
24.What is the main language spoken in the USA?
A. Spanish
B. English
C. French
D. German
25.The _____ (lavender) smells wonderful.
26.The ______ has a strong family bond.
27.The iguana can lose its tail as a ________________ (防御) mechanism.
28.The __________ is known for its unique natural features. (大峡谷)
29.The ______ (小鸟) sings sweet melodies in the morning.
30.The __________ (历史的理解) fosters empathy and awareness.
31.The chemical symbol for antimony is _______.
32.What do you call a large body of fresh water?
A. Ocean
B. Lake
C. River
D. StreamB
33.What do you call a sweet, cold dessert made from fruit?
A. Sorbet
B. Sherbet
C. Ice cream
D. All of the aboveD
34.My dad enjoys _______ (动词) in the evenings. 他总是 _______ (形容词).
35.I enjoy going on field ______ (旅行) with my classmates. It’s a chance to learn outside the classroom.
36.The _____ (climbing) rose grows on trellises.
37.What is the name of the process plants use to make food from sunlight?
A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Fermentation
D. DecompositionB
38.What device do we use to call someone?
A. Phone
B. Computer
C. Television
D. Radio
39.The soup is very ___. (hot)
40.What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide?
A. CO2
C. C2O
D. O2
41.I believe every child should have a ________ (名词) to play with. It makes childhood special.
42.I often ask my __________ for help. (父母)
43.The invention of the printing press was a key moment in _____ history.
44.What do we call the person who fixes cars?
A. Doctor
B. Mechanic
C. Teacher
D. Chef
45.The chemical symbol for cerium is ____.
46.I have a toy ________ (玩具名称) that can climb.
47. A _____ is a small body that orbits a star.
48.My ________ (玩具名称) helps me learn to count.
49.The first successful blood transfusion was performed in ______ (17世纪).
50.My friend’s birthday is in ____.
51. A rocket uses thrust to move _______.
52.What is the capital of Brazil?
A. Brasília
B. São Paulo
C. Rio de Janeiro
D. SalvadorA
53.The chemical formula for phosphoric acid is _______.
54.Which famous painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci?
A. The Starry Night
B. Mona Lisa
C. The Scream
D. Girl with a Pearl EarringB
55.The _______ (Spanish-American War) resulted in the US gaining territories.
56.Plants can reproduce through ______ (播种) or cuttings.
57.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the last Thursday of November?
A. Thanksgiving
B. Labor Day
C. Independence Day
D. Veterans DayA
58.I think nature is beautiful, especially __________ because __________.
59.The __________ is an area that experiences extreme temperatures.
60.My friend is my best _______ because we share everything.
61. A solvent that can dissolve both polar and non-polar substances is called a ______ solvent.
62.My aunt has a pet ______ (狗), and it is very friendly.
63.What is the opposite of "noon"?
A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Midnight
D. DuskC
64.My dad encourages me to be __________ (有创造力的).
65. A zebra is known for its black and ______ stripes.
66.The chemical formula for glucose is __________.
67.What is the name of the famous play written by William Shakespeare?
A. Hamlet
B. Moby Dick
C. The Great Gatsby
D. To Kill a Mockingbird
68._____ (wind) can help disperse seeds.
69.The __________ (历史的视野) opens doors.
70.The Earth's layers include the crust, mantle, and ______ core.
71.The elephant is the largest _______ (大象是最大的_______).
72.Some stars are much _____ than the sun.
73.environmental stewardship) promotes responsible management. The ____
74. A __________ is a type of reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen.
75.The country known for its volcanoes is ________ (冰岛).
76.What is the process of making a choice called?
A. Decision
B. Conclusion
C. Opinion
D. SuggestionA
77.What is the capital city of France?
A. Berlin
B. London
C. Paris
D. Madrid
78.What do you call the young of a llama?
A. Cria
B. Calf
C. Kit
D. PupA
79.My birthday is on _______ (四月), and I will have a _______ (派对).
80.The chemical symbol for radium is _______.
81.The __________ (历史的策略) inform decision-making.
82.What is the term for the gradual increase in brightness of a supernova?
A. Light Curve
B. Brightness Increase
C. Magnitude Shift
D. Luminosity Change
83.My mother, ______ (我的母亲), cooks delicious meals for our family.
84.Stars are made of hydrogen and ______.
85.The ______ is a layer of rock that lies directly beneath the Earth's surface.
86.electrification) reduces reliance on fossil fuels. The ____
87.What is the name of the famous lion in "The Lion King"?
A. Simba
B. Mufasa
C. Scar
D. NalaA
88.I believe that every person has a story worth __________.
89. A rabbit's teeth never ______ (停止) growing.
90.My _____ (父亲) is very supportive.
91.What do you call the season when leaves fall from trees?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. WinterC
92.What is the largest type of bear?
A. Polar Bear
B. Grizzly Bear
C. Black Bear
D. Kodiak BearA
93.What do we call the place where you borrow books?
A. School
B. Library
C. Museum
D. Park
94.The main gas that plants take in is __________.
95.The first person to invent the printing press was ______ (古腾堡).
96.The book is _____ (interesting/dull).
97.The children are ________ in the playground.
98.What is the capital of Brazil?
A. Rio de Janeiro
B. Brasilia
C. Sao Paulo
D. Salvador
99._____ (植物实验) can lead to new discoveries.
100.I like to play ______ (排球) at school.。