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1. 填空题:
My favorite book is _______ (哈利·波特).
2. 填空题:
My pet loves to chase my _________ (玩具球) around the yard.
3. 填空题:
My grandmother tells the best __________ (故事).
4. 填空题:
It’s fun to build a ______ (雪堡) in the snow.
5. agette movement fought for ________ (女性的投票权). 填空题:
The Suff
6. 选择题:
What do you call the thing you open to read?
A. Book
B. Magazine
C. Newspaper
D. Journal
答案: A
7. 选择题:
What is the main ingredient in soup?
A. Water
B. Bread
C. Rice
D. Meat
答案: A
8. 填空题:
The capital of Chile is ________ (圣地亚哥).
9. 听力题:
A supernova is an explosion of a dying _____.
10. 选择题:
What is the color of a lemon?
A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. Red
11. 选择题:
What is the name of the holiday celebrated on the last day of the year?
A. Christmas
B. Thanksgiving
C. New Year's Eve
D. Independence Day
12. 填空题:
My __________ (玩具名) helps me imagine all kinds of __________ (名词).
13. 听力题:
The chemical symbol for selenium is ______.
14. 选择题:
What do we celebrate on December 25th?
A. Halloween
B. Thanksgiving
C. Christmas
D. New Year
15. n River flows through _____ countries. 填空题:
The Amaz
16. 听力题:
She is _______ (dancing) with joy.
17. 听力题:
My favorite subject is _____ (数学).
18. 选择题:
What do you call a young deer?
A. Fawn
B. Kid
C. Pup
D. Calf
19. 填空题:
The ________ was a renowned leader in the civil rights movement.
20. 听力填空题:
I enjoy practicing mindfulness to stay present in the __________.
21. 选择题:
What is the capital of Denmark?
A. Copenhagen
B. Aarhus
C. Odense
D. Aalborg
答案: A
22. 填空题:
The __________ was a movement to end slavery in the United States. (废奴运动)
23. 选择题:
What do you call a long speech given by a character in a play?
A. Dialogue
B. Monologue
C. Soliloquy
D. Script
24. 填空题:
My favorite animal is a ______ (大象). It is the largest land animal and is very ______ (温和).
25. 填空题:
The __________ is a large river that flows through Russia. (伏尔加河)
26. 填空题:
The __________ was a significant time of exploration in the 15th century. (大航海时代)
27. 听力题:
The sun is ___ (setting/rising) in the evening.
28. 选择题:
What is the capital city of the Czech Republic?
A. Prague
B. Brno
C. Ostrava
D. Plzeň
29. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的映像) reflects society.
30. 填空题:
My dad is my _______ because he teaches me many things.
31. 填空题:
We should _____ (保护) endangered plant species.
32. 听力题:
The _____ (ocean/lake) is calm.
33. 听力题:
The __________ is the region around the nucleus where electrons are found.
34. 听力题:
The ____ makes a croaking sound and is often found near water.
35. 填空题:
The ________ was a significant battle during the American Civil War.
36. 填空题:
The _______ (猪) is often found on farms.
37. 填空题:
_____ (sunlight) is essential for photosynthesis.
38. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous beach in Rio de Janeiro?
A. Copacabana
B. Ipanema
C. Bondi
D. Waikiki
39. 选择题:
What is the largest continent?
A. Africa
B. Asia
C. Europe
D. North America
40. 听力题:
The flowers smell ________.
I take my ________ (玩具名称) wherever I go.
42. 选择题:
What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
A. Tomato
B. Avocado
C. Pepper
D. Onion
43. 填空题:
The _____ (泡泡) maker is so cool.
44. 填空题:
The dog likes to ________ (追逐) balls.
45. 填空题:
My sister's favorite toy is a ________ doll.
46. 选择题:
How many days are there in February (not a leap year)?
A. 28
B. 29
C. 30
D. 31
答案: A
47. 填空题:
A small ___ (小鹦鹉) sits on my shoulder.
48. 听力题:
A _______ can be a wonderful addition to your classroom.
49. 选择题:
What do we call the bright, glowing tail that comets develop?
A. Coma
B. Tail
C. Aura
D. Stream
50. 填空题:
The butterfly flaps its wings ______ (优雅).
51. 听力题:
Ionic bonds form between metals and _____ (nonmetals).
What is the main ingredient in a taco?
A. Tortilla
B. Rice
C. Bean
D. Meat
53. 填空题:
The dog wagged its ________ when it saw me.
54. 听力题:
My favorite fruit is _____. (orange)
55. 选择题:
Which instrument is used to measure temperature?
A. Barometer
B. Thermometer
C. Hydrometer
D. Anemometer
56. 填空题:
My brother loves to __________ (参加) gaming tournaments.
57. 听力题:
The _______ requires proper sunlight.
58. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous artist who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
A. Van Gogh
B. Michelangelo
C. Picasso
D. Rembrandt
答案: B
59. 听力题:
A chemical reaction can produce _____ and bases.
60. 听力题:
We read _____ (故事) before bedtime.
61. 填空题:
The meerkat stands on its ________________ (后腿).
62. 选择题:
What do you call a baby cow?
A. Calf
B. Foal
C. Lamb
D. Kid
答案: A
63. 听力题:
My cousin is a ______. She enjoys painting landscapes.
64. 听力题:
The chemical symbol for thallium is ______.
65. 听力题:
The chemical formula for sodium thiocyanate is _____.
66. 听力题:
His favorite food is ________.
67. 填空题:
My grandpa loves to . (我爷爷喜欢。

68. 听力题:
A ______ can be very colorful.
69. 听力题:
I like to ________ (play) with my toys.
70. 听力题:
A ______ has unique patterns on its skin.
71. 选择题:
What do we call a plant that grows in water?
A. Tree
B. Flower
C. Aquatic plant
D. Grass
72. 选择题:
What do we use to write on paper?
A. Brush
B. Pencil
C. Spoon
D. Scissors
The bumblebee makes _____.
74. 选择题:
What do you call the action of making a decision?
A. Deciding
B. Choosing
C. Selecting
D. Picking
答案: A
75. 听力题:
I have _____ (some/any) cookies left.
76. 填空题:
My favorite stuffed ________ is a bear.
77. 选择题:
What is the name of the first successful Mars rover mission?
A. Spirit
B. Opportunity
C. Curiosity
D. Perseverance
78. 听力题:
I want to go to the ________.
79. 听力题:
I want to _____ (go/stay) home now.
80. 听力题:
A mixture that looks the same throughout is called a _____ (homogeneous mixture).
81. 听力题:
A __________ is a young elephant.
82. 填空题:
The _____ (兔子) is known for its long ears and speed.
83. 填空题:
A bear is a strong _______ that lives in the forest.
84. 填空题:
I respect my . (我尊重我的。

The phase change from gas to liquid is called ______.
86. 填空题:
My friend is a skilled __________ (摄影师).
87. 选择题:
What do we breathe?
A. Water
B. Food
C. Air
D. Fire
88. 选择题:
What is the capital city of Russia?
a. Moscow
b. Saint Petersburg
c. Novosibirsk
d. Kazan
89. 听力题:
Electrons are found in the _______ of an atom.
90. 填空题:
A ferret's playful nature makes it a popular ________________ (宠物).
91. 选择题:
Which continent is known as the "Dark Continent"?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. Europe
D. Australia
答案: B
92. 听力题:
The wind is _____ (strong/weak).
93. 填空题:
The ________ (社区参与) strengthens democracy.
94. 填空题:
A puppy loves to ______ (跳跃) around.
95. 听力题:
The Earth's surface is covered by approximately ______ percent land.
What is the name of the Disney princess who has a pet tiger?
a. Ariel
b. Jasmine
c. Belle
d. Cinderella
97. 听力题:
The ______ is known for her amazing voice.
98. 填空题:
The ______ (青蛙) croaks by the pond at night.
99. 填空题:
The ________ is a friendly creature.
100. 填空题:
I saw a _____ (小兔) hopping around in the garden.。
