sustained metaphor 博喻 英文版

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Sustained Metaphor (博喻)
What is Sustained Metaphor ???
A comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem.
deeply. A metaphor compares two things that are not alike, and an extended metaphor continues the comparison into the rest of the sentence or the sentences that follow. Extended metaphors are very common in poetry, where they sometimes continue throughout the piece. Writers also use them in fiction, movies, television shows and song lyrics. An extended metaphor, when written well, can be a powerful literary device

(W. Shakespeare: As you like it)
全世界是一个舞 台,所有的男男 女女不过是一些 演员;他们都有 下场的时候。一 个人的一生中扮 演着好几个角色, 他的表演可分为 七个时期。
Green grape, and you refused me. Ripe grape, and you sent me packing. Must you deny me a bite of your rasin?
暗喻 :甲是乙。 本体、喻体都出现,中间常用“是、成了、
变成”连接 。
博喻 :连用几个比喻共同说明一个本体。特征为:连续使用喻
例:雨最寻常的,一下就是三两天,可别恼。看,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝, 密密地斜织着。家家屋顶上都笼着一层薄烟。
My heart is like a singing bird, whose nest is in watered shoot; My heart is like an apple tree, whose boughs are bent with thickest fruit; My heart is like a rainbow shell, that paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these, because my love is come to me .

我的心像一只唱歌的小鸟, 窝儿筑在沾满雨露的嫩枝间; 我的心像一颗苹果树,累累 的果实把树枝压弯; 我的心像一枚色彩斑斓的贝 壳,徜徉在风平浪静的海面; 我的心比这所有的一切都欢hor (延伸隐喻)
metaphors explore metaphors more
博喻是比喻的铺陈形式,是指设喻者根 据自己表达的需要,连续使用两个或两 个以上的喻体去说明,或描绘同一本体, 反复设喻,对本体进行多维的和多角度 的描述。 是一种带有强烈感情色彩的比喻,作者 往往从浓烈的主观感受出发去借景抒情, 把对社会生活独特的观察和体验传达给 读者,创造一种别开生面的意境。

葡萄青涩时,你拒绝我。 葡萄成熟时,你撵走我。 难道成了葡萄干了我尝 一口都不行?

由一般的明喻、暗 喻、类比等复合引申而成。其 比喻往往贯穿于整个语段或语 篇之中。从不同的角度设喻, 用几个喻体说明同一个主体, 使语境层层加深,使读者在接 受全面而又不间断的信息状态 中进入比喻的情景,从而获得 更完美的修辞效果。
All the word’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.
swims like a fish. He is as wise as an owl. Mark Twain is a mirror of America. Life is a short summer.
明喻 :甲像乙。 本体、比喻词、喻体三者明明白白都有。通
常用“像、仿佛、似、犹如…… ”