
4. A sub-commission/arbitration center has an arbitration court, which performs the functions of the Arbitration Court in accordance with these Rules under the direction of the president of the arbitration court of the sub-commission/arbitration center.
5. Where a case is administered by a sub-commission/arbitration center, the functions and duties vested in the President of the Arbitration Court under these Rules may, by his/her authorization, be performed by the president of the arbitration court of the relevant sub-commission/arbitration center.

速卖通开店考试一次性通过最新秘籍令狐采学update:1、以下关于盗图的陈述中,正确的做法有哪些?(正确答案:B)A. 被投诉盗用他人图片成立,举证时提供了经过PS处理的图片B. 盗图投诉成立,必须在3个工作日进行举证C. 逾期未举证,可以再次进行申诉举证D. 在进行盗图案件申诉时,产品原图找不到,提供产品套图也可以2、关于水印图盗用,以下描述正确的有?(正确答案:ABD)A. 水印盗用投诉成立,被投诉商品将被删除B. 在发布的商品信息中不得使用他人水印图C. 可以在图片中使用他人的店铺域名,改下字体就可以D. 累计到12分及12分的倍数时冻结店铺,下架全部商品3、使用香港邮政航空包裹需要注意什么?(正确答案:ABCD)A. 使用航空小包产品邮寄时,一定要挂号,同时在发货期内在全球速贸通平台上填写提交发货通知,否则订单款项将会自动退回给买家。
B. 价值或时效性要求较高的货品,应尽量选择其他运输方式。
C. 卖家在发货时尽量选择资质较好的货代,使用实力较差的货代会增加丢包和误期的风险。
D. 发货后,要及时跟进货物的运输情况。
如出现网上货运追踪信息不全的情况,例如:只有发货记录,没有妥投记录,要及时联系买家确认收货情况4、恶意骚扰根据其违规严重程度,分别执行的处罚措施都有哪些?(正确答案:ABC)A. 一般违规2分/次B. 严重违规12/分C. 特别严重48分/次D. 第一次不扣分5、恶意骚扰特别严重行为包括哪些?(正确答案:ABC)A. 骚扰的范围大,影响面广,对平台安全,声誉造成或可能造成严重影响的行为;B. 采取极端手段或工具骚扰用户,严重影响他人正常生活,给他人身心造成极大伤害,包括但不限于向会员邮寄让人产生反感或侮辱性/威胁性物品的、将买家的私人电话、地址、姓名、购买记录等信息发布到网上等;C. 文字中出现谩骂词汇(如fuck、suck之类)、威胁、诅咒,种族歧视性言语、宗教或人身攻击等或者多次骚扰,影响他人身心及正常生活;相关知识点基础规则(不定项选择,共4题,每题4分,共16分)6、根据违规行为和违规性质,速卖通平台违规的类别主要有以下哪几种?(正确答案:ABC)A. 知识产权禁限售违规B. 交易违规及其他C. 商品信息质量违规D. 纠纷规则违规7、以下哪些作品受知识产权著作权的保护范围之内,一旦构成侵权将按照知识产权侵权规则执行相应处罚?(正确答案:ABCD)A. 文字作品侵权B. 口述作品侵权C. 美术建筑作品侵权D. 摄影作品侵权8、买家可以通过哪些方式联系咨询卖家(正确答案:ABCD)A. 已下单买家可以通过邮箱B. 已下单买家可以通过订单留言C. trademanagerD. 站内信9、以下哪些行为属于标题类目不符?(正确答案:ABD)A. 标题中出现与实际销售产品不符的关键词B. 标题中实际商品属性词为women’sets,但标题中出现wedding dressC. 商品的描述使用相同或近似的关键词堆砌D. 类目选择正确,但标题与商品的实际属性不一致的情形10、高质量的商品信息质量描述应该具备以下哪些基本要素?(正确答案:ABC)A. 商品信息的如实描述B. 商品描述信息尽量准确完整C. 配以高质量的图片展示D. 图片由专业影棚拍摄11、盗图投诉成立,将会受到哪些相应的处罚?(正确答案:ABC)A. 被投诉商品删除B. 扣6分/次C. 累计到12分及12分的倍数时冻结店铺,下架全部商品D. 扣分2分/次12、为了共同维护诚信公平的交易环境,鼓励卖家举报不法行为,平台当前可以举报的案件类型都有哪些?(正确答案:ABCD)A. 知识产权及禁限售举报B. 商品发布违规举报C. 搜索作弊举报D. 举报恶意买家13、店铺被扣分了,需要到哪里查看店铺违规处罚的具体信息呢?(正确答案:A)A. 登录卖家后台在“经营表现,我的处罚”进行查看B. 交易订单详情页面C. 消息中心D. 产品管理页面14、根据违规行为和违规性质,速卖通平台违规的类别主要有以下哪几种?(正确答案:ABC)A. 知识产权禁限售违规B. 交易违规及其他C. 商品信息质量违规D. 纠纷规则违规15、以下哪些属于知识产权侵权行为?(正确答案:ABCD)A. 恶意类目错放以规避侵权的行为B. 使用变形词恶意规避C. 遮盖商标恶意规避D. 图文不符错放类目的侵权行为16、知识产权侵权行为主要包括但不局限于以下哪几类?(正确答案:ABC)A. 商标侵权B. 著作权侵权C. 专利侵权D. 图片及水印盗用17、信用及销量炒作违规,根据其违规严重程度给予的处罚有哪些?(正确答案:ABCD)A. 6分/次B. 12分/次D. 48分/次或直接清退update:1、速卖通的买家主要有哪些?(正确答案:ABC)A. 美国B. 西班牙C. 俄罗斯D. 巴西2、以下哪些订单状态需要卖家跟进处理(正确答案:ABCD)A. 有纠纷的订单B. 买家申请取消订单C. 等待发货订单D. 等待确认收货订单3、店铺产品结构有哪些(正确答案:ABD)A. 利润款B. 引流款D. 爆款4、速卖通支持的国际物流包含哪些类型?(正确答案:ABD)A. 经济类物流B. 标准类物流C. 国内物流D. 快速类物流5、关于速卖通发货的说法哪些是正确的?(正确答案:ABCD)A. 卖家可选用线上发货B. 卖家必须使用买家选择的物流方式C. 卖家在自己填写的发货时间内必须发货D. 卖家可自己联系物流商发货6、使用中国邮政航空包裹有什么风险?(正确答案:ABD)A. 丢包率较高B. 货运追踪信息不全C. 价格高D. 货运周期较长7、新手运费模板包含哪些物流方式(正确答案:BCD)A. DHLB. China Post Air MailC. ePacketD. EMS8、新手运费模板中中国邮政小包的承诺运达时间是多少天(正确答案:AB)A. 39天B. 60天C. 14天D. 27天9、关于自定义运费设置哪些说法是正确的(正确答案:ABCD)A. 可以按照地区选择是否发货B. 可以按照国家选择是否发货C. 设置自定义运费可以选择按照重量设置D. 设置自定义运费可以选择按照数量设置10、搜索词分析中可以看到哪些维度的分析(正确答案:BCD)A. 蓝海词B. 零少词C. 飙升词D. 热搜词11、搜索词分析中哪几个维度可以看到小语种关键词?(正确答案:ACD)A. 零少词B. 关键词C. 飙升词D. 热搜词12、通过访客行为分析可以从哪些数据维度查看商品的情况(正确答案:ABCD)A. 访问时长B. 询盘次数C. 添加购物车次数D. 添加收藏次数13、行业情报中的数据可以选择哪些时间段(正确答案:BCD)A. 14天B. 30天C. 90天D. 7天14、以下哪些行为会被认定为重复铺货(正确答案:ABCD)A. 商品主图完全相同,且标题、属性雷同B. 同个卖家不同商品, 商品主图不同, 但标题、价格、属性完全相同C. 同件商品设置不同的打包方式,发布商品数量超过3个D. 商品主图不同(比如,主图为同件商品不同角度,有无包装拍摄的图片),但标题、属性、价格高度雷同,15、SKU作弊会有哪些处罚(正确答案:ABD)A. 关闭店铺B. 屏蔽店铺C. 限制发布D. 搜索屏蔽16、在哪里可以看到纠纷指标的数据(正确答案:AD)A. 数据纵横B. 搜索诊断C. 个人中心D. 商铺经营看板17、什么情况下会上升平台裁决(正确答案:ABCD)A. 当买家提交或修改纠纷后,卖家需要在5天内作出回复,第6天上升至平台裁决B. 卖家拒绝纠纷,买家可直接上升至平台裁决C. 退款申请原因为“货物在途”,根据设置运达时限时间自动提交平台裁决D. 第一次提起退款申请15天内未协商一致取消纠纷,第16天即可上升平台纠纷裁决18、速卖通根据卖家的综合经营情况(例如纠纷、评价、退款等数据指标)评估订单放款时间,一般情况下平台的放款时间分别是什么时候?(正确答案:ABC)A. 交易完成+15天B. 发货后3-5天C. 发货后180天D. 发货后60天19、下面哪种商品禁止在平台上发布(正确答案:ABCD)B. 枪支消音器C. 迷你大炮D. 鱼叉20、违背承诺有哪些处罚(正确答案:BCD)A. 12分/次B. 1分/次C. 48分/次D. 3分/次21、恶意骚扰有哪些处罚(正确答案:ABC)A. 12分/次B. 2分/次C. 48分/次D. 3分/次22、速卖通可以用哪几个语言编辑并展示产品信息(正确答案:ABCD)A. 西班牙语B. 葡萄牙语D. 俄语23、买家可以通过哪些方式联系咨询卖家(正确答案:ABCD)A. 已下单买家可以通过邮箱B. 站内信C. 已下单买家可以通过订单留言D. trademanager24、买家付款方式有哪些(正确答案:ABCD)A. Master cardB. VISAC. BoletoD. Webmoney25、卖家后台个人中心展示的内容包含哪些(正确答案:ABCD)A. 认证信息B. 安全等级C. 邮箱验证信息D. 用户名26、选品和定价应该关注哪些数据? (正确答案:ABCD)A. 通过数据纵横-选品专家关注买家使用了什么搜索词、搜索次数,成交价以及目标市场的零售价来选品和定价B. 数据纵横中行业情报可以帮助卖家选择产品线及这个产品线的行业趋势,具体需关注:上架产品数、竞争力、成交率判断等C. 通过商铺分析查询自己店铺的流量数据,关注热卖产品D. 通过买家地域数据指标关注买家来自哪些国家,不同国家的买家需求是怎样的;27、产品标题如何填写? (正确答案:ABCD)A. 清楚的描述清楚商品的名称、型号以及关键的一些特征和特性B. 符合海外买家的语法习惯C. 切记避免虚假描述,以免影响您商品的转化情况D. 切记避免关键词堆砌,以免引起搜索降权处罚。

3. CIETAC is based in Beijing. It has sub-commissions or arbitration centers (Appendix I). The sub-commissions/arbitration centers are CIETAC’s branches, which accept arbitration applications and administer arbitration cases with CIETAC’s authorization.
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
Arbitration Rules

章:571 《證券及期貨條例》憲報編號版本日期詳題 E.R. 2 of 2012 02/08/2012本條例旨在綜合和修訂關於金融產品、證券期貨市場及證券期貨業的法律、關於規管與金融產品、證券期貨市場及證券期貨業有關連的活動及其他事宜的法律、關於保障投資者的法律,以及關於附帶或相關事宜的法律,並就有關連的目的訂定條文。
[2003年4月1日] 2003年第12號法律公告 (略去制定語式條文—2012年第1號編輯修訂紀錄)(本為2002年第5號)部:I 導言 E.R. 2 of 2012 02/08/2012(*格式變更─2012年第2號編輯修訂紀錄) __________________________________________________________________________註:* 第I部的格式已按現行法例樣式更新。
條: 1 簡稱 E.R. 2 of 2012 02/08/2012(1) 本條例可引稱為《證券及期貨條例》。
(2) (已失時效而略去—2012年第2號編輯修訂紀錄)條: 2 釋義 E.R. 2 of 2012 02/08/2012(1) 附表1所載釋義條文,按其內容適用於本條例。
(2) 本條例各部及各條文所載釋義條文的適用範圍,按該等釋義條文的內容而定。
(3) 證監會可藉憲報公告修訂附表1第2、3、4及5部。
部:II 證券及期貨事務監察委員會 E.R. 2 of 2012 02/08/2012(*格式變更─2012年第2號編輯修訂紀錄) __________________________________________________________________________註:* 第II部的格式已按現行法例樣式更新。
部:分部:II1證監會L.N. 12 of 2003 01/04/2003條: 3 證券及期貨事務監察委員會 E.R. 2 of 2012 02/08/2012(1) 儘管《證券及期貨事務監察委員會條例》(第24章)根據第406條被廢除,該條例第3條以“證券及期貨事務監察委員會”名稱設立的團體,仍以原來的名稱持續作為法人團體存在,並可以該名稱起訴及被起訴。

各仲裁机构仲裁条款示范CIETAC 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission)Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon the parties.凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际贸易仲裁委员会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。
HKIAC 香港国际仲裁中心(Hong Kong International Arbitration Center)Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating tothis contract, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as at present in force and may be amended by the rest of this clause.The appointing authority shall be Hong Kong International Arbitration Center.The place of arbitration shall be in Hong Kong at Hong Kong International Arbitration Center.There shall be only one arbitrator.The language(s) to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be …Any such arbitration shall be administered by HKIAC in accordance with HKIAC Procedures for Arbitration in force at the date of this contract including such additions to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as are therein contained.凡因本合同或与本合同有关的争议、争执或索赔、违约终止或合同无效等均应通过仲裁解决。

关于美国第一次退还部分庚款的几个问题崔志海内容提要 1909年的美国第一次退款兴学,是近代中美关系史和中国近代留学史上的一件大事。
关键词 庚子赔款 庚款兴学 美国 清政府1909年美国退还部分庚子赔款,以此作为派遣中国学生赴美留学之用,史称“庚款兴学”。
(一)对于美国政府为什么要退还部分庚款,1907年6月15日美国国务卿罗脱(Elihu Root )第一次将这一决定正式通知中国驻美公使梁诚时是这样解释的:“从赔款一开始本政府就有此意向,即在适当的时候,当所有的申诉均已提出,所有的开支均尽可能查清之后,原来估计的数字以及赔款支付总数应予修正,并作为与中国真诚友好的一个证明,自愿免除超出中国应向美国国家和公民赔偿之外的那一部分赔款的法律义务。
”②由于没有具体细节,大多数学者对罗脱所说美国政府从赔款一开始就有退还部分庚款的意向,不是没有予以注意,便是持怀疑态度,认为美国政府主动退还部分庚子赔款是“不确切的”、“不符合历史事实的”,“美国政府退关于美国第一次退还部分庚款的几个问题①②“The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister ”,J une 15,1907,Papers Relati ng tothe Foreign Relations of the U nited S tates ,1907(Washington :G overnment Printing Office ,1910),p.174.按:有关学者对美国退还庚子赔款所持的不同观点将在文内的注释中逐一注出,此不赘述。
中华人民共和国仲裁法(1994) 中英文双语逐条对照版

中华人民共和国仲裁法(1994)Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China(1994年8月31日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第九次会议通过)(Adopted at the Ninth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on August 31, 1994)第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条为保证公正、及时地仲裁经济纠纷,保护当事人的合法权益,保障社会主义市场经济健康发展,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to ensure the impartial and prompt arbitration of economic disputes, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and to safeguard the sound development of the socialist market economy.第二条平等主体的公民、法人和其他组织之间发生的合同纠纷和其他财产权益纠纷,可以仲裁。
Article 2 Contractual disputes and other disputes over rights and interests in property between citizens, legal persons and other organizations that are equal subjects may be arbitrated.第三条下列纠纷不能仲裁:Article 3 The following disputes may not be arbitrated:(一)婚姻、收养、监护、扶养、继承纠纷;(1) marital, adoption, guardianship, support and succession disputes;(二)依法应当由行政机关处理的行政争议。


中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则(1988年9月12日中国国际贸易促进委员会第一届第三次委员会会议通过)第一章总则第一节管辖第一条中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(以下简称仲裁委员会)以仲裁的方式,独立、公正地解决产生于国际经济贸易中的争议,以保护当事人的正当权益,促进国际经济贸易的发展。

( ) 一 商或者 商事活动 的内在 要求 在 国际经济 交往 中, 多数 国家对 于提交 仲裁的合 同都有 商 事 的要 求 , 只有商 事合 同才能提 交仲裁解 决 , 但是 由于各 国法 律传统 和文化 的差异 , 对于何 为 “ 商事 ” 分歧 很大 , 以在 国际 难 层 面形 成统一 的认识 , 以即使 是有关 国际仲裁 的国际公约和 所 示范法也多采用保 留的态度对 待此 问题 。 第一 , 国际商事 仲裁 示范法》 《 中对商事采取 的是宽泛 的定 义 。《 国际商事仲裁示范法》 目前国际商事仲裁领域影响最广 是 泛 的一部示 范法 , 于商事 , 对 采用 的是 “o ec l这 个词 , cmm ri ” a 规 定为 “ ‘ 事 ’ 词应作 广义解 释 , 对 商 一 使其包 括不论是 契约性 或 非契约性 的一切商事性质 的关 系所 引起 的事项 。商事性质 的关 系包括但不 限于下列交易 : 供应或交换货 物或服务 的任何 贸易 交易 ; 销售 协议 ; 商事代表或代理 ; 保理 ; 租赁 , 建造工厂 ; 咨询 ; 工程 ; 使用 许可 ; 投资 ; 资 ; 行 ; 筹 银 保险 ; 开发协议或特 许 ; 营 合 和其他形式 的工业 或商业合作 ; 中、 空 海上 、 铁路或公路 的客货 载运” 。① 第二 , 国际 统一私法 协会 国际商事合 同通则 》 以下简称 《 (
有学者 认为 仲裁条款 独立原 则 的具 体含义 是 : 尽管 仲裁 《 “ 通则 》中对商事也采取 了宽泛的定义 。《 ) 通则》 目 的 标是要制 条款是合 同中的一个条款 , 但此条款 与它所属 的主合 同是两个 定一套可 以在世 界范 围内使用 的均 衡的规则体系 , 而不论在它 相互独立的合 同。 如果争议涉及 主合 同是否存在及 其有 效性 问 们 被适用的国家的法律传统和政治经济条件如何 。 这一 目标在 题, 或者 主合同无效或 者失效 , 仲裁条 款作 为双方 当事人约 定 《 通则 》 正式文本 中和 这些规则所 反映 出的总 的指导方 针 中都 的解决合 同争议 的条款 , 可独立存 在 , 仍 并不 因主合 同无效 或 能得到体现 。② 其对 于商事 , 的英 文表述依 然是 “o m r 采用 em e - 失效 而当然无效或失 效 , 除非该仲裁条款本 身依据应 当适用 的 ca , i ” 规定 为“ ‘ l 对 商事 ’ 同的限定 , 合 并非 照搬某些法律 体系 中 法律为无效协议 。” 对‘ 民事 ’ ‘ 事 ’ 当事人 和 / 和 商 、 或这 两种 交易 的传统 界定 , 即 仲裁条款独 立原则 已成为 国际仲裁界理论 的重要基石 , 不 《 通则》 的适用仅 依赖于 当事人是否 有正式 的 ‘ 商人 ’ 身份 , , 和 但各国的仲裁立法予 以承认 , 国际层 面亦有仲裁案例 和公 约 或交易是否具有商业性质 。 在 ………《 通则 》 ‘ 对 商事 ’ 同并没有 合 的认可 。虽然我 国《 仲裁法 》 也有关 于仲裁条款独 立性的规定 , 给予任何 明确 的定 义 , 只是假定对 ‘ 商事 ’ 同这一概念应在尽 合

CONTENTS目录1General Provisions一般规定 (1)1.1Definitions定义 (1)1.2Interpretation解释 (7)1.3Communications通信交流 (7)1.4Law and Language法律和语言 (8)1.5Priority of Document文件优先次序 (8)1.6Contract Agreement合同协议书 (9)1.7Assignment权益转让 (9)1.8Care and Supply of Document文件的照管和提供 (9)1.9Confidentiality保密性 (10)1.10Employ er’s Use of Contractor’s Documents雇主使用承包商文件 (10)1.11Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents承包商使用雇主文件 (11)1.12Confidential Details保密事项 (11)1.13Compliance with Laws遵守法律 (11)1.14Joint and Several Liability共同的和各自的责任 (12)2The Employer雇主 (12)2.1Right of Access to the Site现场进入权 (13)2.2Permits, Licences or Approves许可、执照或批准 (14)2.3Employer’s personnel雇主人员 (14)2.4Employer’s Financial Arrangements雇主的资金安排 (15)2.5Employer’s Claims雇主的索赔 (15)3The Employer’s Administration雇主的管理 (16)3.1The Employer’s Representative雇主代表 (16)3.2The Employer’s personnel其他雇主人员 (16)3.3Delegated Persons受托人员 (17)3.4Instructions指示 (17)3.5Determinations确定 (18)4The Contractor承包商 (18)4.1The Contractor’s General Obligations承包商的一般义务 (18)4.2Performance security履约担保 (19)4.3Contractor’s Representative承包商代表 (20)4.4Subcontractors分包商 (21)4.5Nominated Subcontractors指定的分包商 (22)4.6Co-operation合作 (22)4.7Setting out放线 (23)4.8Safety procedures安全程序 (23)4.9Quality Assurance质量保证 (24)4.10Site Data现场数据 (24)4.11Sufficiency of the Contract Price合同价格 (25)4.12Unforeseeable Difficulties不可预见的困难 (25)4.13Rights of way and Facilities道路通行权于设施 (26)4.14Avoidance of Interference避免干扰 (26)4.15Access Route进场通路 (26)4.16Transport of Goods货物运输 (27)4.17Contractor’s Equipment承包商设备 (28)4.18Protection of the Environment环境保护 (28)4.19Electricity, Water and Gas电、水和燃气 (28)4.20Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material雇主设备和免费供应的材料 (29)4.21Progress Reports进度报告 (30)4.22Security of the Site现场保安 (31)4.23Contractor’s Operations on Site承包商的现场作业 (31)4.24Fossils化石 (32)5Design设计 (33)5.1General Design Obligations设计义务一般要求 (33)5.2Contractor’s Documents承包商文件 (34)5.3Contractor’s Undertaking承包商的承诺 (35)5.4Technical Standards and Regulations技术标准和法规 (35)5.5Training培训 (36)5.6As-Built Documents竣工文件 (36)5.7Operation and Maintenance Manuals操作和维修手册 (37)5.8Design Error设计错误 (37)6Staff and Labour员工 (38)6.1Engagement of Staff and Labour员工的雇用 (38)6.2Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour工资标准和劳动条件 (38)6.3Persons in the Service of Employer为雇主服务的人员 (38)6.4Labour Laws劳动法 (38)6.5Working Hours工作时间 (39)6.6Facilities for Staff and Labour为员工提供设施 (39)6.7Health and Safety健康和安全 (39)6.8Contractor’s Superintendence承包商的监督 (40)6.9Contractor’s Personnel承包商人员 (40)6.10Records of contractor’s Personnel and Equipment承包商人员和设备的记录 (41)6.11Disorderly Conduct无序行为 (41)7Plant, Materials and Workmanship生产设备、材料和工艺 (42)7.1Manner of Execution实施方法 (42)7.2Samples样品 (42)7.3Inspection检验 (42)7.4Testing试验 (43)7.5Rejection拒收 (44)7.6Remedial Work修补工作 (45)7.7Ownership of Plant and Materials生产设备和材料的所有权 (45)7.8Royalties土地(矿区)使用费 (46)8Commencement,Delays and Suspension开工、延误和暂停 (46)8.1Commencement of Works工程的开工 (46)8.2Time for Completion竣工时间 (47)8.3Programme进度计划 (47)8.4Extension of Time for Completion竣工时间延长 (48)8.5Delays Caused by Authorities当局造成的延误 (49)8.6Rate of Progress工程进度 (49)8.7Delay Damages误期损害赔偿费 (50)8.8Suspension of Work暂时停工 (50)8.9Consequences of Suspension暂停的后果 (51)8.10Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension暂停时对生产设备和材料的付款 (51)8.11Prolonged Suspension托长的暂停 (52)8.12Resumption of Work复工 (52)9Tests on Completion竣工试验 (52)9.1Contractor’s Obligations承包商的义务 (52)9.2Delayed Tests延误的试验 (54)9.3Retesting重新试验 (54)9.4Failure to Pass Tests on Completion未能通过竣工试验 (54)10Employer’s Taking Over雇主的接收 (55)10.1Taking Over of the Works and Sections工程和分项工程的接收 (55)10.2Taking Over of Parts of the Works部分工程的接收 (56)10.3Interference with Tests on Completion对竣工试验的干扰 (56)11Defects Liability缺陷责任 (57)11.1Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects完成扫尾工作和修补缺陷 (57)11.2Cost of Remedying Defects修补缺陷的费用 (58)11.3Extension of Defects Notification Period缺陷通知期的延长 (58)11.4Failure to Remedy Defects未能修补的缺陷 (59)11.5Removal of Defective Work移出有缺陷的工程 (60)11.6Further Tests进一步试验 (60)11.7Right of Access进入权 (60)11.8Contractor to Search承包商调查 (60)11.9Performance Certificate履约证书 (61)11.10Unfulfilled Obligations未履行的义务 (61)11.11Clearance of Site现场清理 (62)12Tests after Completion竣工后试验 (62)12.1Procedure for Tests after Completion竣工后试验的程序 (62)12.2Delayed Tests延误的试验 (63)12.3Retesting重新试验 (64)12.4Failure to Pass Tests after Completion未能通过的竣工后试验 (64)13Variations and Adjustments变更和调整 (65)13.1Right to V ary变更权 (65)13.2V alue Engineering价值工程 (66)13.3V ariation Procedure变更程序 (66)13.4Payment in Applicable Currencies以适用货币支付 (67)13.5Provisional Sums暂列金额 (67)13.6Daywork计日工作 (68)13.7Adjustments for Changes in Legislation因法律改变的调整 (69)13.8Adjustments for Changes in Cost因成本改变的调整 (69)14Contract price and Payment合同价格和支付 (70)14.1The Contract Price合同价格 (70)14.2Advance payment预付款 (70)14.3Application for Interim Payments期中付款的申请 (71)14.4Schedule of Payments付款价格表 (72)14.5Plant and Materials intended for the Works拟用于工程的生产设备和材料 (73)14.6Interim Payments期中付款 (74)14.7Timing of Payments付款的时间安排 (74)14.8Delayed Payment延误的付款 (75)14.9Payment of Retention Money保留金支付 (75)14.10Statement at Completion施工报表 (76)14.11Application for Final Payment最终付款的申请 (77)14.12Discharge结清证明 (77)14.13Final Payment最终付款 (78)14.14Cessation of Employer’s Liability雇主责任的中止 (78)14.15Currencies of Payment支付的货币 (78)15Termination by Employer由雇主终止 (79)15.1Notice to Correct通知改正 (80)15.2Termination by Employer由雇主终止 (80)15.3V aluation at Date of Termination终止日期时的估价 (82)15.4Payment after Termination终止后的付款 (82)15.5Employer’s Entitlement to Termination雇主终止的权利 (82)16Suspension and ter mination by Contracto r由承包商暂停和终止 (83)16.1Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work承包商暂停工作的权利 (83)16.2Termination by Contractor由承包商终止 (84)16.3Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment停止工作和承包商设备的撤离 (85)16.4Payment on Termination终止时的付款 (85)17Risk and Responsibility风险和职责 (86)17.1Indemnities保障 (86)17.2Contractor’s Care of the Works承包商对工程的照管 (87)17.3Employer’s Risks雇主的风险 (88)17.4Consequence of Employer’s Risks雇主风险的后果 (88)17.5Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights知识产权和工业产权 (89)17.6Limitation of Liability责任限度 (90)18Insurance保险 (91)18.1General Requirements for Insurances有关保险的一般要求 (91)18.2Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipmen t工程和承包商设备的保险 (93)18.3Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property人身伤害和财产损害险 (95)18.4Insurance for Contractor’s Personnel承包商人员的保险 (96)19Force Majeure不可抗力 (96)19.1Definition of Force Majeure不可抗力的定义 (96)19.2Notice of Force Majeure不可抗力的通知 (97)19.3Duty to Minimise Delay将延误减至最小的义务 (98)19.4Consequences of Force Majeure不可抗力的后果 (98)19.5Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor不可抗力影响分包商 (99)19.6Optional Termination, Payment and Release自主选择终止、支付和解除 (99)19.7Release from Performance under the Law根据法律解除履约 (100)20Claims, Disputes and Arbitration索赔、争端和仲裁 (100)20.1Contractor’s Claims承包商的索赔 (100)20.2Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board争端裁决委员会的任命 (102)20.3Failure to Agreement Dispute Adjudication Board对争端裁决委员会未能取得一致时 (104)20.4Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision取得争端裁决委员会的决定 (104)20.5Amicable Settlement友好解决 (106)20.6Arbitration仲裁 (106)20.7Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision未能遵守争端裁决委员会的决定 (107)20.8Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board’s Appointment争端裁决委员会任命期满 (107)1General Provisions一般规定1.1Definitions定义In the Conditions of Contract (“these Conditions”), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meaning stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporation and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise.在合同条件(“本条件”),包括专用条件和通用条件中,下列词语和措辞应具有以下所述的含义.除上下文另有要求外,文中人员或当事各方等词语包括公司和其他合法实体.1.1.1The Contract合同1.1.1.1“Contract”means the Contract Agreement, these Conditions, theEmployer’s Requirement, the Tender, and further document (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement.“合同”系指合同协议书、本条件、雇主要求、投标书和合同协议书列出的其他文件(如果有).“Contract Agreement”means the contract agreement referred to inSub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement], including any annexed memoranda.“合同协议书”系指第1.6款[合同协议书]中所述的合同协议书及所附各项备忘录.“Employer’s requirements”means the document entitled employer’srequirements, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to such document in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the purpose, scope, and/or design and/or other technical criteria, for the Works.“雇主要求”系指合同中包括的,题为雇主要求的文件,其中列明工程的目标、范围、和(或)设计和(或)其他技术标准,以及按合同对此项文件所作的任何补充和修改.“T ender”means the Contractor’s signed offer for the Works and all otherdocuments which the Contractor submitted therewith (other than these Conditions and Employer’s Requirements, if so submitted), as included in the Contract.“投标书”系指包含在合同中的由承包商提交的为完成工程签署的报价,以及随同提交的所有其他文件(本条件和雇主要求除外,如同时提交).“Performance Guarantees”and “Schedule of payments”mean thedocuments so named (if any), as included in the Contract.“履约保证”和“付款计划表”系指合同中包括的具有上述名称的文件(如果有).1.1.2Parties and Persons各方和人员1.1.2.1“Party” means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.“当事方(或一方)”根据上下文需要,或指雇主,或指承包商。

2015年全国国际商务单证专业培训考试国际商务单证基础理论与知识试题(考试时间:5月31日下午13︰00—15︰00)一、单项选择题(总共 80 小题,每小题 0.5 分,共 40 分。
单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分,请在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑)1. 《URC522》将单据分为金融单据和()两大类。
A.商业单据B.运输单据C.保险单据D.官方单据2. 现行的《国际贸易术语解释通则》是于()生效的。
3. 我方公司与外商成交,选用贸易术语为CIF Shanghai,办理保险一方应为()。
A.我方公司 B. 外商C. 两方应协商决定D. 以上均不正确4. 按《INCOTERMS 2010》,CIP术语买卖双方风险划分的界限是()。
A.装运港船上 B. 目的港船上C. 目的港码头D. 货交承运人5. 根据《INCOTERMS2010》,下列贸易术语中装卸费都由卖方承担的是()。
A. CFR ex ship’s holdB. CFR ex tackleC. CIF landedD. CIF liner terms6. 根据《2010年通则》,DAT是( )。
A. 指定目的港交货B. 指定目的地交货C. 目的地交货 D.运输终端交货7. 跨境B2C的全称是()。
A. Business to CustomerB. Business to CompanyC. Business to CorporationD. Business to Chamber8.2015年3月国务院批复同意的中国首个跨境电子商务综合试验区设在()。
A. 杭州B. 上海C.北京D. 广州9. 某商品出口价格为每公吨2500美元CIF香港减2%折扣,可写成USD 2500 Per M/T CIFHONGKONG less 2% Discount。
A. 2500B. 5000C. 2450D. 300010. 国际货物买卖合同的基本内容不包括()。

全国外经贸单证员考试基础理论真题(附答案)2022年全国国际商务单证专业培训考试国际商务单证基础理论与知识试题(考试时间:5月31日下午13U00―15U00)一、单项选择题(总共80 小题,每小题0.5 分,共40 分。
单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分,请在答题卡上将相应的选项涂黑)1. 《URC522》将单据分为金融单据和()两大类。
A.商业单据B.运输单据C.保险单据D.官方单据2. 现行的《国际贸易术语解释通则》是于()生效的。
3. 我方公司与外商成交,选用贸易术语为CIF Shanghai,办理保险一方应为()。
A.我方公司B. 外商C. 两方应协商决定D. 以上均不正确4. 按《__MS 2022年》,CIP术语买卖双方风险划分的界限是()。
A.装运港船上B. 目的港船上C. 目的港码头D. 货交承运人5. 根据《__MS2022年》,下列贸易术语中装卸费都由卖方承担的是()。
A. CFR ex ship’s holdB. CFR ex tackleC. CIF landedD. CIF liner terms6. 根据《2022年通则》,DAT是( )。
A. 指定目的港交货B. 指定目的地交货C. 目的地交货D.运输终端交货7. 跨境B2C的全称是()。
A. Business to CustomerB. Business to CompanyC. Business to CorporationD. Business to Chamber8.2022年3月国务院批复同意的中国首个跨境电子商务综合试验区设在()。
A. 杭州B. 上海C.北京D. 广州9. 某商品出口价格为每公吨2500美元CIF香港减2%折扣,可写成USD 2500 Per M/T CIF__G less 2% Discount。
A. 2500B. 5000C. 2450D. 300010. 国际货物买卖合同的基本内容不包括()。

)1. 合同的订立的程序要经过________________和承诺两个阶段。
2. “报价单”译成英文是________________。
3. 一级邮区中心局有北京、上海、________________、武汉、广州、成都和西安。
4. 填写“国际(地区)特快专递邮件详情单”时,物品类内件需以________________为货币单位填写申报价值。
5. 国际特快专递邮件出口袋尺寸最大的型号是________________。
6. 转运部门接卸航空邮件时,遇有邮件总包短少或节目不符,应向________________发验。
7. 铁路干线陇海—兰新线由________________经兰州至乌鲁木齐。
8. 特快专递邮件档案是各个业务处理环节的________________,是查询特快专递邮件和对外进行账务结算的依据。
9. 北京退袋接收局接收退袋的范围是非洲、欧洲各国和________________。
10. 寄件人申请撤回的国内特快专递邮件尚未投递时,应在特快专递邮件上加贴“改退批条”,批明________________字样。
11. ________________指在一定时间内,邮件的收寄、分拣封发、运输、投递等环节规定的作业次数。
12. 国际出口袋发运应按________________程序办理,任何局、所不得中途截留出口袋。
13. 国内标准快递“红杯”邮件的每件最高限重________________千克。
14. 邮件发运生产作业单位必须依据时限和频次的规定以及上级的要求,制订详细的邮件发运计划和________________,严格按计划组织实施。
15. 分拣人员捆扎出口国内特快专递邮件总包时,轧好铅志后应在距铅志约________________厘米处将多余的绳头剪去。
16. 在国际邮件无条码袋牌中,直接换机续运袋牌的正面颜色是________________。


A.1804 年的《法国民法典》B.1865 年的《意大利民法典C.1896 年的《德国民法实施法》D.1898 年的《日本法例》正确答案:B4.【单选题】英美法国家多以当事人的以下哪一选项为当事人的属人法()。
A.住所地法B.属人法C.本国法D.法院地法正确答案:A5.【单选题】世界知识产权组织哪一年正式成为联合国的专门机构之一A.1893 年B.1967 年C.1974 年D.1980 年正确答案:C6.【单选题】领事婚姻制度通常适用于在领事驻在国境内的()。

单位内部认证船舶管理知识考试(试卷编号151)1.[单选题]400 总吨及以上的非油船排放机舱污水应距最近陆地_________海里以外。
A)12B)10C)25D)60答案:A解析:2.[单选题]港口国海事主管机关,可以根据公约的监督条款,对到港的外国船舶在公约的符合性方面进行监督性检查,通过( ),达到避免海事发生的目的。
A)避免低标准的船舶在海上航行B)避免低标准的船舶到港C)避免低标准的船舶的登记D)避免低标准船舶拥有船级答案:A解析:3.[单选题]航行值班交接班规定,交班轮机员于交班前______(白天 4~8、8~12 班于交班前______)指派专人叫班;接班人员接班前______进入巡回检查路线,按交接内容认真检查。
A)20B)30C)30D)15答案:C解析:4.[单选题]大多数以抢夺钱财为主的海盗登船后,往往将( )作为其袭击的最主要目标。
A)驾驶台B)船长房间C)物料间D)船员房间答案:B解析:5.[单选题]海事诉讼管辖的种类有( )。
A)Ⅰ,Ⅱ,ⅣC)Ⅰ~ⅣD)Ⅰ~Ⅲ答案:D解析:6.[单选题]租船运输的经营方式有( )。
A)Ⅰ~ⅢB)Ⅱ~ⅣC)Ⅰ~ⅣD)Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ答案:B解析:7.[单选题]SOLAS 公约中,消防规则中的基本原则是:①用耐热与结构型界面将船舶划分为若干个主要区 ②可燃材料的限制使用③抑制和扑灭火源处所内的任何火灾④客船上每只消防栓至少配备一根消防水带⑤配备符合要求的消防员装备A)①②③B)①④⑤C)②③④D)③④⑤答案:A解析:8.[单选题]船舶在发生溢油事故后按《船上油污应急计划》应变部署的要求,三管轮的岗位应在____。
A)在现场,协助轮机长指挥溢油回收B)在机舱,操作设备C)在现场,清除溢油D)在现场,随艇下海,操作发动机,回收溢油答案:D解析:9.[单选题]SOLAS 公约附则第 X 章中,着重对_____的安全进行了适用的规定。
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HONG KONG INTERNATIONALARBITRATION CENTRE ADMINISTERED ARBITRATION RULESIntroductionThese Rules have been adopted by the Council of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) for use by parties who seek the formality and convenience of an administered arbitration.ApplicationThese Rules may be adopted in an arbitration agreement or by an agreement in writing at any time before or after a dispute has arisen. These Rules may be adopted for use in both domestic and international arbitral proceedings. Provisions regarding the scope of application of these Rules are set out in Article 1.EffectivenessThese Rules have been adopted to take effect from 1 September 2008, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Rules.Suggested Clauses1.The following model clause may be adopted by theparties to a contract who wish to have any futuredisputes referred to arbitration in accordance withthese Rules:"Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of orrelating to this contract, including the validity,invalidity, breach or termination thereof, shall besettled by arbitration in Hong Kong under the HongKong International Arbitration Centre AdministeredArbitration Rules in force when the Notice ofArbitration is submitted in accordance with theseRules.* The number of arbitrators shall be ... (one or three).The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in ....(insert language)."* Optional22.Parties to an existing dispute in which neither anarbitration clause nor a previous agreement withrespect to arbitration exists, who wish to refer suchdispute to arbitration under the Rules, may agree to doso in the following terms:"We, the undersigned, agree to refer to arbitration inHong Kong under the Hong Kong InternationalArbitration Centre Administered Arbitration Rules alldisputes or differences arising out of or in connectionwith:(Brief description of contract under which disputesor differences have arisen or may arise.)* The number of arbitrators shall be ... (one or three).The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in ...(insert language).Signed: (Claimant)Signed: (Respondent)Date: "* Optional3TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION I.GENERAL RULESArticle 1•Scope of Application (6)Article 2•Notices and Calculation of Periods ofTime (6)Article 3•Interpretation of Rules (8)SECTION MENCEMENT OF THEARBITRATIONArticle 4•Notice of Arbitration (9)Article 5•Answer to the Notice of Arbitration (11)SECTION III.ARBITRATORS AND THE ARBITRALTRIBUNALArticle 6•Number of Arbitrators (14)Article 7•Appointment of a Sole Arbitrator (14)Article 8•Appointment of Arbitral Tribunal (15)Article 9•Consultation on Arbitrators withAppointment Advisory Board (16)Article 10•Confirmation of Arbitrators (17)Article 11•Independence, Nationality and Challengeand Removal of Arbitrators (17)Article 12•Replacement of an Arbitrator (18)Article 13•Consequences of the Replacement of anArbitrator (18)SECTION IV.ARBITRAL PROCEEDINGSArticle 14•General Provisions (19)Article 15•Seat of the Arbitration (19)Article 16•Language (20)Article 17•Statement of Claim (20)Article 18•Statement of Defence (21)Article 19•Amendments to the Claim or Defence (21)Article 20•Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal (22)Article 21•Further Written Statements (22)Article 22•Periods of Time (22)Article 23•Evidence and Hearings (23)4Article 24•Interim Measures of Protection (24)Article 25•Tribunal-Appointed Experts (24)Article 26•Default (25)Article 27•Closure of Proceedings (26)Article 28•Waiver of Rules (26)SECTION V.THE AWARDArticle 29•Decisions (27)Article 30•Form and Effect of the Award (27)Article 31•Applicable Law, Amiable Compositeur (28)Article 32•Settlement or Other Grounds forTermination (28)Article 33•Interpretation of the Award (29)Article 34•Correction of the Award (29)Article 35•Additional Award (30)Article 36•Fees and Costs (30)Article 37•Deposits for Costs (32)SECTION VI.OTHER PROVISIONSArticle 38•Expedited Procedure (34)Article 39•Confidentiality (35)Article 40•Exclusion of Liability (36)SCHEDULE OF FEES AND COSTSOF ARBITRATION (37)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (42)5Section I. GENERAL RULES Article 1 - Scope of Application1.1These Rules shall govern arbitrations where anagreement to arbitrate (whether entered into before orafter a dispute has arisen) either: (a) provides for theseRules to apply; or (b) subject to Articles 1.2, 1.3 and1.4 below, provides for arbitration "administered by theHKIAC" or words to the same effect.1.2Nothing in these Rules shall prevent parties to a disputeor arbitration agreement from naming the HKIAC asappointing authority, or from requesting certainadministrative services from the HKIAC, withoutsubjecting the arbitration to the provisions containedin these Rules. For the avoidance of doubt, these Rulesshall not govern arbitrations where an agreement toarbitrate provides for arbitration under other rulesadopted by the HKIAC from time to time.1.3These Rules supersede the HKIAC Procedures for theAdministration of International Arbitration adopted witheffect from 31st March 2005 (the "Procedures") save tothe extent that the parties have agreed to adopt theProcedures in an agreement made prior to 1st September2008. Where an agreement to arbitrate made after theseRules have come into effect provides for arbitrationunder the UNCITRAL Rules administered by the HKIAC,the HKIAC shall be the appointing authority and theHKIAC Secretariat shall invite the parties in such a caseto agree to the application of these Rules.1.4These Rules shall come into force on 1st September2008 and, unless the parties have agreed otherwise,shall apply to all arbitrations falling within Article 1.1in which the Notice of Arbitration is submitted on orafter that date.Article 2 -Notices and Calculation ofPeriods of Time2.1Any notice or other written communication pursuantto these Rules shall be deemed to be received by a partyor arbitrator or by the HKIAC if:(a)delivered by hand, registered post or courierservice to6(i)the address of the addressee or itsrepresentative as notified in writing in thearbitration proceedings; or(ii)in the absence of (i), to the addressspecified in any applicable agreementbetween the relevant parties; or(iii)in the absence of (i) or (ii), to any addresswhich the addressee holds out to theworld at the time of such delivery; or(iv)in the absence of (i), (ii) or (iii), to anylast known address of the addressee; or(b)transmitted by facsimile, e-mail or any othermeans of telecommunication that provides arecord of its transmission and the time and datethereof to:(i)the facsimile number or email address (orequivalent) of that person or itsrepresentative as notified in thearbitration proceedings; or(ii)in the absence of (i), to the facsimilenumber or email address or equivalentspecified in any applicable agreementbetween the relevant parties; or(iii)in the absence of (i) and (ii), to anyfacsimile number or email address whichthe addressee holds out to the world at thetime of such transmission.2.2Any such notice or written communication shall bedeemed to be received on the date when it is deliveredpursuant to paragraph (a) above or transmittedpursuant to paragraph (b) above. For this purpose, thedate shall be determined according to the local time atthe place of receipt.2.3For the purposes of calculating a period of time underthese Rules, such period shall begin to run on the dayfollowing the day when a notice, notification,communication or proposal is received. If the last dayof such period is an official holiday or a non-businessday at the place of receipt, the period shall be extendeduntil the first business day which follows. Official7holidays or non-business days occurring during therunning of the period of time shall be included incalculating the period.2.4If the circumstances so justify, the HKIAC Secretariatmay extend the time limits provided for in these Rules,as well as any time limits that it has set.Article 3 - Interpretation of Rules3.1The arbitral tribunal shall interpret the Rules insofaras they relate to its powers and duties hereunder. TheHKIAC Council shall interpret all other provisions ofthese Rules.3.2References in the Rules to the "HKIAC Council" are tothe Council of the HKIAC or the sub-committee or otherbody specially designated by it to perform the functionsreferred to herein.3.3References in the Rules to the "HKIAC Secretariat" areto the Secretary General of the HKIAC for the time beingand other executive staff members of the Secretariatof the HKIAC.8Section II. COMMENCEMENT OFTHE ARBITRATIONArticle 4 - Notice of Arbitration4.1The party initiating recourse to arbitration (hereinaftercalled the "Claimant" or, where applicable, "Claimants")shall submit a Notice of Arbitration to the HKIACSecretariat at the following address, facsimile numberor email address:The HKIAC SecretariatHong Kong International Arbitration Centre38th Floor, Two Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong Kong Special Administrative RegionPeople's Republic of ChinaFacsimile: +852 2524 2171Email: adr@4.2Arbitral proceedings shall be deemed to commence onthe date on which the Notice of Arbitration is receivedby the HKIAC Secretariat. For the avoidance of doubt,this date shall be calculated in accordance with theprovisions of Articles 2.1 and Notice of Arbitration shall, if provided by a methodspecified in Article 2.1(a), be submitted in as manycopies as there are other parties (hereinafter called the"Respondent" or, where applicable, "Respondents"),together with an additional copy for each arbitrator andone copy for the HKIAC Secretariat. It shall includethe following:(a) a demand that the dispute be referred toarbitration;(b)the names and (in so far as known) theaddresses, telephone and fax numbers, and emailaddresses of the parties and of their counsel;(c) a copy of the arbitration agreement that isinvoked;(d) a reference to the contract or other legalinstrument(s) out of or in relation to which thedispute arises;9(e) a description of the general nature of the claimand an indication of the amount involved, if any;(f)the relief or remedy sought;(g) a proposal as to the number of arbitrators ( or three), if the parties have not previouslyagreed thereon.4.4The Notice of Arbitration shall be accompanied bypayment, by cheque or transfer to the account of theHKIAC, of the Registration Fee as required by theSchedule of Fees and Costs of Arbitration attachedhereto in force on the date when the Notice ofArbitration is submitted.4.5The Notice of Arbitration shall be submitted in thelanguage of the arbitration as agreed by the parties. Ifno agreement has been reached between the parties,the Notice of Arbitration shall be submitted in eitherEnglish or Chinese.4.6The Notice of Arbitration may also include:(a)the Claimant's proposals for the appointment ofa sole arbitrator referred to in Article 7;(b)the Claimant's designation of an arbitrator, forthe purpose of constituting a three-memberarbitral tribunal referred to in Article 8;(c)the Statement of Claim referred to in Article 17.4.7If the Notice of Arbitration is incomplete or if the copiesor attachments are not submitted in the requirednumber, or if the Registration Fee is not paid, theHKIAC Secretariat may request the Claimant to remedythe defect within an appropriate period of time. TheHKIAC Secretariat may also request within such timelimit a translation of the Notice of Arbitration if it isnot submitted in the language of the arbitration agreedby the parties or, if no agreement has been reached, ineither English or Chinese. If the Claimant complies withsuch directions within the applicable time limit, theNotice of Arbitration shall be deemed to have beenvalidly filed on the date when the initial version wasreceived by the HKIAC Secretariat.104.8The HKIAC Secretariat shall provide without delay acopy of the Notice of Arbitration and of any exhibitsincluded therewith to the Respondent.Article 5 -Answer to the Notice ofArbitration5.1Within 30 days from receipt of the Notice of Arbitration,the Respondent shall submit to the HKIAC Secretariatan Answer to the Notice of Arbitration. This Answer tothe Notice of Arbitration shall, if provided by a methodspecified in Article 2.1(a), be submitted in as manycopies as there are other parties, together with anadditional copy for each arbitrator and one copy forthe HKIAC Secretariat, and shall, to the extent possible,include the following:(a)the name, address, telephone and fax numbers,and email address of the Respondent and of itscounsel (if different from the descriptioncontained in the Notice of Arbitration);(b)any plea that an arbitral tribunal constitutedunder these Rules lacks jurisdiction;(c)the Respondent's comments on the particularsset forth in the Notice of Arbitration, pursuantto Article 4.3(e);(d)the Respondent's answer to the relief or remedysought in the Notice of Arbitration, pursuant toArticle 4.3(f);(e)the Respondent's proposal as to the number ofarbitrators (i.e. one or three), if the parties havenot previously agreed thereon.5.2The Answer to the Notice of Arbitration shall besubmitted in the language of the arbitration as agreedby the parties. If no agreement has been reachedbetween the parties, the Answer to the Notice ofArbitration shall be submitted in either English orChinese.5.3The Answer to the Notice of Arbitration may alsoinclude:(a)the Respondent's proposals for the appointmentof a sole arbitrator referred to in Article 7;(b)the Respondent's designation of an arbitrator forthe purpose of constituting a three-memberarbitral tribunal referred to in Article 8;(c)if the Notice of Arbitration contained theStatement of Claim referred to in Article 17, theStatement of Defence referred to in Article 18.5.4Any counterclaim or set-off defence shall to the extentpossible be raised with the Respondent's Answer to theNotice of Arbitration, which should include in relationto any such counterclaim or set-off defence:(a) a reference to the contract or other legalinstrument(s) out of or in relation to which itarises;(b) a description of the general nature of thecounterclaim and/or set-off defence and anindication of the amount involved, if any;(c)the relief or remedy sought.5.5If no counterclaim or set-off defence is raised with theRespondent's Answer to the Notice of Arbitration, or ifthere is no indication of the amount of the counterclaimor set-off defence, the HKIAC Secretariat shall only relyupon the information provided by the Claimantpursuant to Article 4.3(e) in order to determine whetherthe provisions of Article 38.1 (Expedited Procedure)shall be applicable.5.6The HKIAC Secretariat shall provide without delay acopy of the Answer to the Notice of Arbitration and ofany exhibits included therewith to the Claimant.5.7Once the Registration Fee has been paid and allarbitrators have been confirmed, the HKIAC Secretariatshall transmit without delay the file to the solearbitrator or to the arbitral tribunal.5.8The parties may be represented or assisted by personsof their choice. The names, addresses, telephone andfax numbers, and email addresses of such persons shallbe communicated in writing to the other party and theHKIAC Secretariat.Section III. ARBITRATORS AND THE ARBITRAL TRIBUNALArticle 6 - Number of Arbitrators6.1If the parties have not agreed upon the number ofarbitrators, the HKIAC Council shall at the request of aparty decide whether the case shall be referred to asole arbitrator or to a three-member arbitral tribunal,taking into account the factors set out in Rule 9 of the"Arbitration (Appointment of Arbitrators and Umpires)Rules" made under the Hong Kong ArbitrationOrdinance. These include:(a)the amount in dispute;(b)the complexity of the claim;(c)the nationalities of the parties;(d)any relevant customs of the trade, business orprofession involved in the said dispute;(e)the availability of appropriate arbitrators; and(f)the urgency of the case.6.2Before deciding on the number of arbitrators to beappointed, the HKIAC Council shall allow the otherparty or parties to the arbitration to serve on the HKIACSecretariat brief written responses in support of theircontention as to the number of arbitrators appropriatefor their dispute. Where no such reasons are servedon the HKIAC Secretariat within 14 days of the day onwhich a request for responses has been made by theHKIAC Secretariat, the HKIAC Council may proceedwith the decision.6.3Where a case is handled under an Expedited Procedurein accordance with Article 38, the provisions of Article38.1(b) and (c) shall apply.Article 7 - Appointment of a Sole Arbitrator7.1Unless the parties have agreed otherwise and subjectto Articles 11.1 and 11.2:(a)where the parties have agreed that the disputeshall be referred to a sole arbitrator, they shalljointly designate the sole arbitrator within 30days from the later of (i) the date when theNotice of Arbitration was received by theRespondent(s) and (ii) the date the partiesagreed that the dispute should be referred to asole arbitrator;(b)where the parties have not agreed upon thenumber of arbitrators but the HKIAC Council hasdecided that the dispute shall be referred to asole arbitrator, the parties shall jointly designatethe sole arbitrator within 30 days from the datewhen the HKIAC Council's decision was receivedby the last of them.7.2If the parties fail to designate the sole arbitrator withinthe applicable time limit, the HKIAC Council shallappoint the sole arbitrator.Article 8 - Appointment of Arbitral Tribunal8.1Where a dispute between two parties is referred to athree-member arbitral tribunal, the tribunal shall beconstituted as follows unless the parties have agreedotherwise:(a)each party shall designate one arbitrator. If aparty fails to designate an arbitrator within 30days after it receives notification of the otherparty's appointment of an arbitrator or within thetime limit set by the parties' agreement, theHKIAC Council shall appoint the secondarbitrator;(b)the two arbitrators so appointed shall designatea third arbitrator who shall act as the presidingarbitrator of the arbitral tribunal. Failing suchdesignation within 30 days from the confirmationof the second arbitrator or within the time limitset by the parties' agreement, the HKIAC Councilshall appoint the presiding arbitrator;(c)subject always to Articles 11.1 and a dispute between more than one Claimant ormore than one Respondent is referred to a three-member arbitral tribunal, the tribunal shall beconstituted as follows unless the parties have agreedotherwise:(a)the HKIAC Secretariat shall set an initial 30 daytime limit for the Claimant or group of Claimantsto designate an arbitrator and set a subsequent30 day time limit for the Respondent or group ofRespondents to designate an arbitrator;(b)if the parties have designated arbitrators inaccordance with Article 8.2(a), the procedure inArticle 8.1(b) shall apply to the designation ofthe presiding arbitrator;(c)where one or more parties or groups of partiesfail to designate an arbitrator in multipartyproceedings within the time period set by theHKIAC Secretariat, the HKIAC Council shallappoint the arbitrator in question and thepresiding arbitrator. Prior to doing so, theHKIAC Secretariat shall give any party or groupof parties which has duly appointed an arbitratorthe opportunity within a specified time to electi n w r i t i n g w h e t h e r t o w i t h d r a w s u c happointment and allow the HKIAC Council toappoint all three arbitrators. Failing suchelection within the specified time, theappointment shall be deemed not to have beenwithdrawn;(d)subject always to Articles 11.1 and 11.2.Article 9 -Consultation on Arbitratorswith Appointment AdvisoryBoard9.1Before making a final decision on the appointment ofan arbitrator, or on the number of arbitrators that areappropriate for any particular dispute, the HKIACCouncil shall consult with at least three availablemembers of the Appointment Advisory Board. TheHKIAC Council shall consider their advice but is notbound by it. The content of any such consultationprocess is private and shall not be disclosed to theparties.Article 10 -Confirmation of Arbitrators10.1All designations of a sole arbitrator or of the arbitratorscomposing a three-member arbitral tribunal, made bythe parties or the arbitrators, are subject toconfirmation by the HKIAC Council, upon which theappointments shall become effective. The HKIACCouncil has no obligation to give reasons when it doesnot confirm an arbitrator.Article 11 -Independence, Nationality andChallenge and Removal ofArbitrators11.1All arbitrators appointed under these Rules shall be andremain at all times impartial and independent of theparties.11.2Where the parties to an arbitration under these Rulesare of different nationalities, a sole arbitrator and thechairman of a three-member arbitral tribunal shall nothave the same nationality as any party unlessspecifically agreed otherwise by all parties in writing.11.3 A prospective arbitrator shall disclose without delayto those who approach him in connection with hispossible appointment any circumstances likely to giverise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality orindependence. An arbitrator, once designated, shalldisclose without delay such circumstances to theparties unless they have already been informed by himof these circumstances.11.4Any arbitrator may be challenged if circumstances existthat give rise to justifiable doubts as to the arbitrator'simpartiality or independence. A party may challengethe arbitrator designated by it only for reasons whichit became aware or ought reasonably to have becomeaware after designation was made.11.5 A party who intends to challenge an arbitrator shallsend notice of his challenge within 15 days after theappointment of the challenged arbitrator has beennotified to the challenging party or within 15 days afterthat party became aware or ought reasonably to havebecome aware of the circumstances mentioned inArticles 11.3 and challenge shall be notified to the HKIACSecretariat, all other parties, the arbitrator who ischallenged and the other members of the arbitraltribunal. The notification shall be in writing and shallstate the reasons for the challenge.11.7If the arbitrator being challenged does not withdraw,the HKIAC Council shall decide on the challenge. Thechallenge shall be dealt with in accordance with theHong Kong International Arbitration Centre ChallengeRules.Article 12 - Replacement of an Arbitrator12.1Unless all parties otherwise agree and subject alwaysto any applicable mandatory law, if an arbitratordesignated by a party dies or becomes unable toperform his/her functions due to any reasons beyondhis/her control, the HKIAC Secretariat shall set a timelimit for the party having designated that arbitrator todesignate a replacement arbitrator. This rule alsoapplies if an arbitrator has been successfullychallenged, has been otherwise removed, has resignedor is not confirmed by the HKIAC Council pursuant toArticle the party concerned fails to designate a replacementarbitrator within the applicable time limit, the HKIACCouncil shall appoint a replacement arbitrator.Article 13 -Consequences of theReplacement of an Arbitrator13.1If an arbitrator is replaced, the proceedings shallresume at the stage where the arbitrator who wasreplaced ceased to perform his/her functions, unlessthe arbitral tribunal decides otherwise.Section IV. ARBITRAL PROCEEDINGS Article 14 - General Provisions14.1The arbitral tribunal shall adopt suitable proceduresfor the conduct of the arbitration, in order to avoidunnecessary delay or expenses, provided that suchprocedures ensures equal treatment of the parties andafford the parties a reasonable opportunity to be heardand to present their case.14.2At any stage of the proceedings, the arbitral tribunalshall hold hearings for the presentation of evidence bywitnesses, including expert witnesses, or for oralargument in relation to the merits of the dispute, if itso determines or if either party so requests.14.3At an early stage of the arbitral proceedings and inconsultation with the parties, the arbitral tribunal shallprepare a provisional timetable for the arbitralproceedings, which shall be provided to the parties and,for information, to the HKIAC Secretariat.14.4All documents or information supplied to the arbitraltribunal by one party shall at the same time becommunicated by that party to the other party.14.5The arbitral tribunal may, after consulting with theparties, appoint a secretary. Article 11 of these Rulesshall apply by analogy to the secretary.14.6The arbitral tribunal shall have the power to allow, uponthe application of a party, one or more third persons tobe joined in the arbitration as a party, provided thatsuch third person or persons and the applicant partyhave consented to such joinder in writing.14.7The parties shall do everything necessary to ensure thefair and efficient conduct of the proceedings. Article 15 - Seat of the Arbitration15.1The seat of all arbitrations conducted under these Rulesshall be the Hong Kong Special Administrative Regionof the People's Republic of China, unless the partieshave expressly agreed otherwise.15.2Without prejudice to the determination of the seat ofthe arbitration, the arbitral tribunal may hear witnesses,oral argument and hold meetings for consultationamong its members at any place it deems appropriate,having regard to the circumstances of the arbitration.15.3The arbitral tribunal may meet at any place it deemsappropriate for the inspection of goods, other propertyor documents. The parties shall be given sufficientnotice to enable them to be present at such inspection.15.4The award shall be deemed to have been made at theseat of the arbitration.Article 16 - Language16.1Subject to agreement by the parties, the arbitral tribunalshall, promptly after its appointment, determine thelanguage or languages to be used in the proceedings.This determination shall apply to the Statement ofClaim, the Statement of Defence, and any furtherwritten statements and, if oral hearings take place, tothe language or languages to be used in such hearings.16.2The arbitral tribunal may order that any documentsannexed to the Statement of Claim or Statement ofDefence, and any supplementary documents or exhibitssubmitted in the course of the proceedings, deliveredin their original language, shall be accompanied by atranslation into the language or languages of thearbitration agreed upon by the parties or determinedby the arbitral tribunal.Article 17 - Statement of Claim17.1Unless the Statement of Claim was contained in theNotice of Arbitration (or the Claimant elects to treatthe Notice of Arbitration as the Statement of Claim),within a period of time to be determined by the arbitraltribunal, the Claimant shall communicate its Statementof Claim in writing to the Respondent and to each ofthe arbitrators. A copy of the contract, and of thearbitration agreement if not contained in the contract,shall be annexed thereto.17.2The Statement of Claim shall include the followingparticulars:(a)the names and addresses of the parties;。