
人教版2017—2018学年度第一学期期末试卷八年级物理一、单项选择题(下列每小题的四个选项中只有一个选项符合题意.共30分,每小题2分)1.在下列单位中,质量的单位是A.秒(s)B.千克(kg)C.米(m) D.米/秒(m/s)2.图1所示的光现象中,由于光的反射形成的是3.冰雕是一种以冰为材料来雕刻的艺术形式,属于造型艺术。
当过山车高速旋转时,小明看到地面上的人和建筑物都在旋转,他选取的参照物是A.地面B.建筑物C.过山车D.过山车的轨道5.舞蹈演员在排练时,总是要对着竖直放置的平面镜,纠正自己的动作.当图3中的舞蹈演员面对竖直放置的平面镜时,她看到自己在平面镜中的像应该是图4中的6.在图5所示的示意图中,所属视力类型及矫正视力需要配戴的透镜是A.远视眼,凹透镜B.远视眼,凸透镜C.近视眼,凹透镜D.近视眼,凸透镜7.在图6所示的四种自然现象中,属于液化现象的是图5图3 A B C D图4冰雪消融A 霜满枝头B白雾茫茫C大雪纷飞D图6图2小桥在水中的“倒影”A阳光穿过三棱镜B阳光穿过树林C透过水珠看树叶D图1八年级期末物理试卷第 1 页(共9 页)八年级期末 物理试卷 第 2 页(共 9 页)8.下列有关声现象的描述,正确的是A .只要大声说话就能听到回声B .发生地震、海啸时,都伴有次声波产生C .“锣鼓喧天”是指声音的音调高D .道路两旁安装隔音墙是在声源处减弱噪声9.关于测量,下面说法中正确的是A .选用更精密的测量仪器,就可以避免误差B .可以将有腐蚀性的药品直接放在天平的托盘上C .零刻线磨损的刻度尺不能测量任何物体的长度D .使用测量工具时不能超过量程,否则可能损坏量具10.下列有关光学的知识,叙述正确的是A .人们把红、黄、蓝叫做色光的三原色B .光在真空中的传播速度为3×105km/sC .物体经过一个凸透镜所成的像一定是倒立的D .光照到电影院银幕上发生的反射是镜面反射11.小刚同学是一位初二的男生,下列与他相关的一些估测数据,不合理...的是 A .他的质量大约是55kg B .他的正常体温大约是36.5℃C .他穿的鞋的长度大约是26cmD .他的脉搏跳动50次大约需要2min12.小莉根据右侧表格中的数据,得出以下四个结论,其中正确的是A .不同物质的密度一定不同 一些物质的密度/kg•m —3B .固体的密度都大于液体的密度C .一定质量的水结成冰,体积比原来减小了D .等质量的实心铝球和空心铜球,体积可能相同13.跟凸透镜主光轴平行的光线经过透镜后会聚的情形如图7所示。

北京市西城区2017— 2018学年度第一学期期末试卷 七年级数学 2018.1试卷满分:100分,考试时间:100分钟一、选择题(本题共30分,每小题3分)下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个..是符合题意的. 1.据中新社2017年10月8日报道,2017年我国粮食总产量达到736 000 000吨,将736 000 000用科学记数法表示为( ).(A )673610⨯ (B )773.610⨯ (C )87.3610⨯ (D )90.73610⨯2. 如图所示,将两个圆柱体紧靠在一起,从上面看这两个立体图形,得到的平面图形是( ).(A ) (B ) (C ) (D ) 3. 下列运算中,正确的是( ).(A )2(2)4=-- (B ) 224=- (C )236= (D )3(3)27-=-4. 下列各式进行的变形中,不.正确..的是( ). (A )若3a =2b ,则3a +2 =2b +2 (B )若3a =2b ,则3a -5 =2b - 5 (C )若3a =2b ,则 9a =4b (D )若3a =2b ,则23a b= 5.若2(1)210x y -++=,则x +y 的值为( ).(A )12(B )12-(C )32(D )32-6. 在一些商场、饭店或写字楼中,常常能看到一种三翼式旋转门在圆柱体的空间內旋转. 旋转门的三片旋转翼把空间等分..成三个部分,下图是从上面俯视旋转门的平面图,两片旋转翼之间的角度是( ).(A )100° (B )120° (C )135° (D )150°7. 实数a,b,c,d在数轴上对应点的位置如图所示,正确的结论是(A)a > c(B)b +c > 0 (C)|a|<|d| (D)-b<d8. 如图,在下列各关系式中,不.正确..的是().(A)AD - CD=AB + BC(B)AC- BC=AD -DB(C)AC- BC=AC + BD(D)AD -AC=BD -BC9. 某礼品包装商店提供了多种款式的包装纸片,将它们沿实线折叠(图案在包装纸片的外部,内部无图案),再用透明胶条粘合,就折成了正方体包装盒,小明用购买的纸片制作的包装盒如右图所示,在下列四种款式的纸片中,小明所选的款式的是().(A)(B)(C)(D).10.《九章算术》是中国古代数学专著,《九章算术》方程篇中有这样一道题:“今有善行者行一百步,不善行者行六十步,今不善行者先行一百步,善行者追之,问几何步及之?”这是一道行程问题,意思是说:走路快的人走100步的时候,走路慢的才走了60步;走路慢的人先走100步,然后走路快的人去追赶,问走路快的人要走多少步才能追上走路慢的人?如果走路慢的人先走100步,设走路快的人要走x 步才能追上走路慢的人,那么,下面所列方程正确的是().(A)10060100x x-=(B)10010060x x-=(C)10060100x x+=(D)10010060x x+=二、填空题(本题共20分,第11~14题每小题3分,第15~18题每小题2分) 11.已知x = 2是关于x 的方程3x + a = 8的解,则a = .12.一个有理数x 满足: x <0且2x <,写出一个满足条件的有理数x 的值: x = . 13.在一面墙上用一根钉子钉木条时,木条总是来回晃动;用两根钉子钉木条时,木条就会固定不动,用数学知识解释这两种生活现象为 , . 14.已知222x x +=,则多项式2243x x +-的值为 . 15.已知一个角的补角比这个角的一半多30°,设这个角的度数为x °,则列出的方程是: .16.右图是一所住宅的建筑平面图(图中长度单位:m ),这所住宅的建筑面积为 m. .17.如图,点A ,O ,B 在同一条直线上,射线OD平分∠BOC ,射线OE 在∠AOC 的内部,且 ∠DOE =90°,写出图中所有互为余角的角: .18.如图,一艘货轮位于O 地,发现灯塔A 在它的正北方向上,这艘货轮沿正东方向航行,到达B 地,此时发现灯塔A 在它的北偏西60°的方向上. (1) 在图中用直尺、量角器画出B 地的位置;(2) 连接AB ,若货轮位于O 地时,货轮与灯塔A 相距1.5千米,通过测量图中AB 的长度,计算出货轮到达B 地时与灯塔A 的实际距离约为 千米(精确到0.1千米).19.(21)(9)(8)(12)---+--- 解:20. 311()()(2)424-⨯-÷-解: 21.31125(25)25()424⨯--⨯+⨯- 解:22.3213(2)0.254[()]4028-⨯-÷---解:23.先化简,再求值:2223()2()3x xy x y xy ---+,其中1x =-,3y =. 解: 24.解方程12423x x +-+=. 解:25.解方程组 253 1.x y x y +=⎧⎨-=⎩,解:26.已知AB =10,点C 在射线 AB 上, 且12BC AB =,D 为AC 的中点.(1)依题意,画出图形; (2)直接写出线段BD 的长. 解:(1)依题意,画图如下:(2)线段BD 的长为 .五、解答题(本题共13分,第27题6分,第28题7分)27.列方程或方程组解应用题为了备战学校体育节的乒乓球比赛活动,某班计划买5副乒乓球拍和若干盒乒乓球(多于5盒).该班体育委员发现在学校附近有甲、乙两家商店都在出售相同品牌的乒乓球拍和乒乓球,乒乓球拍每副售价100元,乒乓球每盒售价25元.经过体育委员的洽谈,甲商店给出每买一副乒乓球拍送一盒乒乓球的优惠;乙商店给出乒乓球拍和乒乓球全部九折的优惠.(1)若这个班计划购买6盒乒乓球,则在甲商店付款元,在乙商店付款元;(2)当这个班购买多少盒乒乓球时,在甲、乙两家商店付款相同?28. 如图,A,O,B三点在同一直线上,∠BOD与∠BOC互补.(1)试判断∠AOC与∠BOD之间有怎样的数量关系,写出你的结论,并加以证明;(2)OM平分∠AOC,ON平分∠AOD,①依题意,将备用图补全;②若∠MON=40°,求∠BOD的度数.解:(1)答:∠AOC与∠BOD之间的数量关系为:;理由如下:(2)①补全图形;②备用图北京市西城区2017— 2018学年度第一学期期末试卷七年级数学附加题2018.1试卷满分:20分一、填空题(本题共6分)1.用“△”定义新运算:对于任意有理数a,b,当a≤b时,都有2a b a b∆=;当a>b时,都有2a b ab∆=.那么,2△6 = ,2()3-△(3)-= .二、解答题(本题共14分,每小题7分)2.输液时间与输液速率问题静脉输液是用来给病人注射液体和药品的.在医院里,静脉输液是护士护理中最重要的一项工作,护士需要依据输液速率D,即每分钟输入多少滴液体,来计算输完点滴注射液的时间t(单位:分钟).他们使用的公式是:dVtD=,其中,V 是点滴注射液的容积,以毫升(ml)为单位,d 是点滴系数,即每毫升(ml)液体的滴数.(1)一瓶点滴注射液的容积为360毫升,点滴系数是每毫升25 滴,如果护士给病人注射的输液速率为每分钟50滴,那么输完这瓶点滴注射液需要多少分钟?(2)如果遇到的病人年龄比较大时,护士会把输液速率缩小为原来的12,准确地描述,在V 和d 保持不变的条件下,输完这瓶点滴注射液的时间将会发生怎样的变化?3.阅读下列材料:我们给出如下定义:数轴上给定两点A,B以及一条线段PQ,若线段AB的中点R在线段PQ 上(点R能与点P或Q重合),则称点A与点B关于线段PQ径向对称.下图为点A与点B关于线段PQ径向对称的示意图.解答下列问题:如图1,在数轴上,点O为原点,点A表示的数为−1,点M表示的数为2.图1(1)①点B,C,D分别表示的数为−3,32,3,在B,C,D三点中,与点A关于线段OM径向对称;②点E 表示的数为x,若点A与点E关于线段OM的径向对称,则x的取值范围是;(2)点N是数轴上一个动点,点F表示的数为6,点A与点F关于线段ON径向对称,线段ON的最小值是;(3)在数轴上,点H,K,L表示的数分别是−5,−4,−3,当点H以每秒1个单位长度的速度向正半轴方向移动时,线段KL同时以每秒3个单位长度的速度向正半轴方向移动.设移动的时间为t(t>0)秒,问t为何值时,线段KL上至少存在一点与点H关于线段OM径向对称.解:(1)①与点A关于线段OM的径向对称;②x的取值范围是;(2)线段ON的最小值是;(3)北京市西城区2017— 2018学年度第一学期期末试卷七年级数学参考答案及评分标准 2018.1一、选择题(本题共30分,每小题3分)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10答案 C A D C A B D C D B二、填空题(本题共20分,第11~14题每小题3分,第15~18题每小题2分)题号11 12 13 14 15答案 2 答案不唯一,如:-1 经过一点有无数条直线,两点确定一条直线 1题号16 17 18答案∠1和∠3, ∠2和∠3,∠1和∠4,∠2和∠4互为余角作图位置正确 1分3.0千米 2分三、计算题(本题共16分,每小题4分)19.解:= -21 + 9 - 8 + 12 1分= -29 + 21 3分= -8 4分20.解:2分3分4分21.解:= 1分= 2分=25 4分22.解:= 1分= 2分= 3分= 4分四、解答题(本题共21分,23~25题每小题5分,第26题6分)23.,其中,.解:= 2分= 3分当,时,原式= 4分=19.5分24.解方程.解:去分母,得.1分去括号,得. 2分移项,得.3分合并同类项,得. 4分系数化1,得.5分25.解:由①得.③1分把③代入②,得.2分解这个方程,得.3分把代入③,得.4分所以,这个方程组的解为5分26.解:(1)依题意,画图如下:图1 图24分(2)15或5.6分五、解答题(本题共13分,第27题6分,第28题7分)27.(1)525 ,585;2分(2)解:设这个班购买x ( x>5 ) 盒乒乓球时,在甲、乙两家商店付款相同.3分由题意,得.5分解方程,得.答:购买30盒乒乓球时,在甲、乙两家商店付款相同.6分28.解:(1)∠AOC =∠BOD ;1分理由如下:∵点A,O,B三点在同一直线上,∴∠AOC +∠BOC = 180°.2分∵∠BOD与∠BOC互补,∴∠BOD +∠BOC = 180°.∴∠AOC =∠BOD.3分(2)①补全图形,如图所示.②设∠AOM =α,∵ OM平分∠AOC,∴∠AOC =2∠AOM =2α.∵∠MON=40°,∴∠AON =∠MON +∠AOM =40°+ α.∵ ON平分∠AOD,∴∠AOD =2∠AON =80° +2α.由(1)可得∠BOD=∠AOC=2α,∵∠BOD +∠AOD =180°,∴ 2α. + 80 +2α.=180°.∴ 2α. =50°.∴∠BOD =50°.7分北京市西城区2017— 2018学年度第一学期期末试卷七年级数学附加题参考答案及评分标准 2018.1一、填空题(本题共6分)1. 24,-6 6分二、解答题(本题共14分,每小题7分)2.解:(1)由D = 50, d = 25, , ,∴.3分∴ t =180.4分答:输完点滴注射液的时间是180分钟.(2)设输的速率为D1滴/分,点滴注射的时间为t1分钟,则.5分输液速率缩小为 2,点滴注射的时间延长到t2分钟,则,6分答:在d 和V保持不变的条件下,D 将缩小到原来的时,点输完滴注射的时间延长为原来的2倍.7分3.(1)①点C,点D与点A是关于线段OM的径向对称点;2分②x的取值范围是1≤x≤5;4分(2)5分(3)解:移动时间为t(t>0)秒时,点H,K,L表示的数分别是−5+t,−4+3t,−3+3t. 此时,线段HK的中点R1表示的数是,线段HL的中点R2表示的数是2t−4.当线段R1R2在线段OM上运动时,线段KL上至少存在一点与点P关于线段OM径向对称.当R2经过点O时,2t−4=0时,t=2.当R1经过点M时, =2时,t= .∴当2≤t≤时,线段R1R2在线段OM上运动.∴ 2≤t≤时,线段KL上至少存在一点与点P关于线段OM径向对称.7分。

1.若a的相反数是2,则a的值为()A.2B.−2C.−12D.±22.在国家“一带一路”战略下,我国与欧洲开通了互利互惠的中欧班列.行程最长,途经城市和国家最多的一趟专列全程长13000km,将13000用科学记数法表示应为()A.0.13×105B.1.3×104C.1.3×105D.13×1033.已知(a−1)x2y a+1是关于x,y的五次单项式,则这个单项式的系数是()A.1B.2C.3D.04.将如图所示的直角三角形ABC绕直角边AB旋转一周得到一个几何体,从正面看这个几何体得到的平面图形应为()A B CD5.如图,下列说法错误的是()A.直线AC与射线BD相交于点AB.BC是线段C.直线AC经过点AD.点D在线段AB上6.如图所示,下列表示角的方法错误的是()A.∠1与∠AOB表示同一个角B.∠β表示的是∠BOCC.图中共有三个角:∠AOB,∠AOC,∠BOCD.∠AOC也可用∠O来表示7.如图所示,学校、书店、体育馆在平面图上的位置分别是A,B,C,书店在学校的正东方向,体育馆在学校的南偏西35◦方向,那么平面图上的∠CAB等于()A.145◦B.125◦C.55◦D.35◦8.图1和图2中所有的正方形都全等,将图1的正方形放在图2中的①②③④某一位置,所组成的图形不能围成正方体的位置是()A.①B.②C.③D.④9.关于x的方程a−3(x−5)=b(x+2)是一元一次方程,则b的取值情况是()A.b=−3B.b=−3C.b=−2D.b为任意数10.下列各数中,正确的角度互化是()A.63.5◦=63◦50′B.23◦12′36″=23.48◦C.18◦18′18″=18.33◦D.22.25◦=22◦15′11.设一个锐角与这个角的补角的差的绝对值为α,则()A.0◦<α<90◦B.0◦<α⩽90◦C.0◦<α<90◦或90◦<α<180◦D.0◦<α<180◦#!"分钟 满分#!"分考试时量2018年天津市第一中学初一上学期期末考试数学12.如果点B在线段AC上,那么下列表达式中:①AB=1AC,②AB=BC,③AC=2AB,④AB+BC=2AC,能表示B是线段AC的中点的有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个13.若3x =−13,则4x =.14.已知有理数a 在数轴上的位置如图,则a +|a −1|=.15.已知线段MN =16cm ,点P 为任意一点,那么线段MP 与NP 和的最小值是cm .16.若x =y +3,则14(x −y )2−2.3(x −y )+0.75(x −y )2+310(x −y )+7等于.17.若点M 是线段AB 的中点,N 是线段AM 的中点,若图中所有线段的和是20cm ,则AN 的长是cm .18.以∠AOB 的顶点O 为端点引射线OP ,使∠AOP :∠BOP =3:2,若∠AOB =17◦,∠AOP 的度数为.19.计算:(1)25×34−(−25)×12+25÷(−14);(2)213−23÷[(12)2−(−3+0.75)]×5.20.解下列方程:(1)x +2(x −3)3=6−x −76;(2)4x −1.50.5−0.5x −0.30.02=23.二 填空题 每小题3分三 解答题22.如图,直线AB 与CD 相交于点O ,∠BOE =∠DOF =90◦.(1)写出图中与∠COE 互补的所有的角(不用说明理由);(2)问:∠COE 与∠AOF 相等吗?请说明理由;(3)如果∠AOC =15∠EOF ,求∠AOC的度数.23.列一元一次方程解应用题.有一批共享单车需要维修,维修后继续投放骑用,现有甲、乙两人做维修,甲每天维修16辆,乙每天维修的车辆比甲多8辆,甲单独维修完成这批共享单车比乙单独维修完多用20天,公司每天付甲80元维修费,付乙120元维修费.(1)问需要维修的这批共享单车共有多少辆?(2)在维修过程中,公司要派一名人员进行质量监督,公司负担他每天10元补助费,现有三种维修方案:①由甲单独维修;②由乙单独维修;③甲、乙合作同时维修,你认为哪种方案最省钱,为什么?21.已知A =3x 2+3y 2−5xy ,B =2xy −3y 2+4x 2.(1)化简:2B −A ;(2)已知−a |x −2|b 2与13ab y 是同类项,求2B −A 的值.24.已知关于m的方程13(m−14)=−2的解也是关于x的方程2(x−12)−n=11的解.(1)求m,n的值;(2)若线段AB=m,在直线AB上取一点P,恰好使APP B=n,点Q是P B的中点,求线段AQ的长.25.已知∠AOB=α,过点O作∠BOC=90◦.(1)若α=30,则∠AOC的度数;(2)已知射线OE平分∠AOC,射线OF平分∠BOC.①若α=50◦,求∠EOF的度数;②若90◦<α<180◦,则∠EOF的度数为(直接填写用含α的式子表示的结果).12345678910B B A C D D B A A D 1112D C1.由a 的相反数是2,得a =−2.2.将13000用科学记数法表示为:1.3×104.3.由题意得:a +1+2=5,解得:a =2,则这个单项式的系数是a −1=1.4.直角三角形ABC 绕直角边AB 所在直线旋转一周得到一个几何体是圆锥,从正面看这个几何体得到的平面图形是等腰三角形.5.6.A 、∠1与∠AOB 表示同一个角,正确,故本选项错误;B 、∠β表示的是∠BOC ,正确,故本选项错误;C 、图中共有三个角:∠AOB ,∠AOC ,∠BOC ,正确,故本选项错误;D 、∠AOC 不能用∠O 表示,错误,故本选项正确.7.从图中发现平面图上的∠CAB =∠1+∠2=90◦+35◦=125◦.8.9.a −3(x −5)=b (x +2),a −3x +15−bx −2b =0,(3+b )x =a −2b +15,∴b +3=0,b =−3.10.A 、63.5◦=63◦30′=63◦50′,故A 不符合题意;B 、23.48◦=23◦28′48′′=23◦12′36′′,故B 不符合题意;C 、18.33◦=18◦19′48′′=18◦18′18′′,故C 不符合题意;D 、22.25◦=22◦15′,故D 正确.11.12.如图,若B 是线段AC 的中点,则AB =12AC ,AB =BC ,AC =2AB ,而AB +BC =AC ,B可是线段AC 上的任意一点,∴表示B 是线段AC 的中点的有①②③3个.13.−49解析:系数化为1,得x =−19,4x =−19×4=−49.14.1解析:由数轴上a 点的位置可知,a <0,∴a −1<0,∴原式=a +1−a =1.15.16解析:如图所示:∴线段MP 与NP 和的最小值是16cm .16.10解析:∵x =y +3,∴x −y =3,初一第一学期期末考试数学参考答案则原式=14×32−2.3×3+0.75×32+310×3+7=2.25−6.9+6.75+0.9+7 =10.17.2013解析:如图,∵点M是线段AB的中点,N是线段AM的中点,∴AN=NM=12AM=12BM=13BN=14AB,∴AM=BM=2AN,BN=3AN,AB=4AN,又∵图中所有线段的和是20cm,∴AN+MN+BM+AM+BN+AB=20,∴AN+AN+2AN+2AN+3AN+4AN=20,解得AN=2013cm.18.10.2◦或51◦解析:如图1,当射线OP在∠AOB的内部时,设∠AOP=3x,则∠BOP=2x,∵∠AOB=∠AOP+∠BOP=5x=17◦,解得:x=3.4◦,则∠AOP=10.2◦,如图2,当射线OP在∠AOB的外部时,设∠AOP=3x,则∠BOP=2x,∴∠AOP=∠AOB+∠BOP,又∵∠AOB=17◦,∴3x=17◦+2x,解得:x=17◦,则∠AOP=51◦.故∠AOP的度数为10.2◦或51◦.19.(1)25×34−(−25)×12+25÷(−14)=25×34+25×12+25×(−4)=25×(34+12−4)=25×(−114)=−2754.(2)213−23÷[(12)2−(−3+0.75)]×5=213−8÷[14−(−214)]×5=213−8÷212×5=213−8×25×5=213−16=−132 3 .20.(1)去分母,可得:6x+4(x−3)=36−x+7.去括号,可得:6x+4x−12=43−x.移项,合并同类项,可得:11x=55.解得x=5.(2)去分母,可得:6(4x−1.5)−150(0.5x−0.3)=2.去括号,可得:24x−9−75x+45=2.移项,合并同类项,可得:51x=34.解得x=2 3 .21.(1)因为A=3x2+3y2−5xy,B=2xy−3y2+4x2,所以2B−A=2(2xy−3y2+4x2)−(3x2+3y2−5xy)=4xy−6y2+8x2−3x2−3y2+5xy =5x2+9xy−9y2.(2)因为−a|x−2|b2与13ab y是同类项,所以|x−2|=1,y=2,解得:x=3或x=1,y=2,当x=3,y=2时,2B−A=45+54−36=63;当x=1,y=2时,2B−A=5+18−36=−13.22.(1)与∠COE互补的所有的角为∠DOE,∠BOF.解析:∵直线AB与CD相交于点O,∴∠COE+∠DOE=180◦,又∵∠BOE=∠DOF=90◦,∴∠DOE=∠BOF,∴与∠COE互补的所有的角为∠DOE,∠BOF.(2)∠COE与∠AOF相等.理由:∵∠BOE=∠DOF=90◦,∴∠AOE=∠COF,∴∠AOE−∠AOC=∠COF−∠AOC,∴∠COE=∠AOF.(3)设∠AOC=x,则∠EOF=5x,∵∠COE=∠AOF,∴∠COE=∠AOF=12(5x−x)=2x,∵∠AOE=90◦,∴x+2x=90◦,∴x=30◦,∴∠AOC=30◦.23.(1)设乙单独做需要x天完成,则甲单独做需要(x+20)天,由题意可得:16(x+20)=24x.解得:x=40.总数:24×40=960(辆).答:乙单独做需要40天完成,甲单独做需要60天,一共有960辆共享单车.(2)方案一:甲单独完成:60×80+60×10=5400(元),方案二:乙单独完成:40×120+40×10=5200(元),方案三:甲、乙合作完成:960÷(16+24)=24(天),则一共需要:24×(120+80)+24×10=5040(元),故选择方案三合算.24.(1)13(m−14)=−2,m−14=−6,m=8,∵关于m的方程13(m−14)=−2的解也是关于x的方程2(x−12)−n=11的解.∴x=8,将x=8代入方程2(x−12)−n=11得:解得:n=4,故m=8,n=4.(2)由(1)知:AB=8,APP B=4,①当点P在线段AB上时,如图所示:∵AB=8,APP B=4,∴AP=325,BP=85,∵点Q为P B的中点,∴P Q=BQ=12BP=45,∴AQ=AP+P Q=325+45=365;②当点P在线段AB的延长线上时,如图所示:∵AB=8,APP B=4,∴P B=83,∵点Q为P B的中点,∴P Q =BQ =43,∴AQ =AB +BQ =8+43=283.故AQ =365或283.25.(1)如图1中,∠AOC =∠AOB +∠BOC =120◦;如图2中,∠AOC =∠BOC −∠AOB =60◦.(2)①如图1−1中,∵∠AOC =∠AOB +∠BOC =140◦,∴∠EOC =12∠AOC =70◦,∵∠F OC =12∠BOC =45◦,∴∠EOF =∠EOC −∠F OC =25◦;如图2−1中,∵∠AOC =∠BOC −∠AOB =40◦,∴∠EOC =12∠AOC =20◦,∵∠F OC =12∠BOC =45◦,∴∠EOF =∠F OC −∠EOC =25◦.②12α或180◦−12α解析:②如图1−2中,∵∠AOC=∠AOB−∠BOC=α−90◦,∴∠EOC=12∠AOC=12(α−90◦),∵∠F OC=12∠BOC=45◦,∴∠EOF=∠EOC+∠F OC=12α;如图2−2中,∵∠AOC=360◦−∠AOB−∠BOC=270◦−α,∴∠EOC=12∠AOC=12(270−α),∵∠F OC=12∠BOC=45◦,∴∠EOF=∠EOC+∠F OC=180◦−12α.。

2017~2018学年第一学期期末考试(1)七年级语文试题(考试时间:120分钟 分数:150分)一.基础知识及运用(30分)1.下列词语中加点字注音全正确..的一项是( )(3分) A.酝酿.( liàng ) 沐.浴(m ù) 干涩.(sh è) 一霎.时(shà) B.憔.悴(qiaó) 粼.粼(líng ) 莅.临(l ì) 咄咄..逼人(duóduó) C.荫.蔽(y ìn ) 姊.妹(zǐ) 祷.告(dǎo ) 菡.萏 (h àn ) D.匿.笑 (n ì) 瘫痪.(hu àn ) 粗犷(gu ǎng ) 贮.蓄 (zhù) 2.下列词语书写完全正确的一项是( )(3分) A.静谧 瞭亮 睫毛 朗润 B.棱镜 决别 分歧 铃铛 C.并蒂 沉寂 淅沥 徘徊 D.着落 朗润 凌镜 侍弄3.下列句中加点词语使用不恰当...的一项是( )(3分) A.我的姑奶奶,今天你这搞得花枝招展...的出来干吗?害我差点没认出你。
B.面对他人咄咄逼人....的态度,我们能做的就是心平气和的调整自己. C.这些矛盾处理好了,笔画和偏旁就能各得其所....,整个字就会成为和谐完整的统一体。
4.下列有关文学常识的表述,错误..的一项是( )(3分) A.《荷叶·母亲》——冰心——原名:谢婉莹——代表作——《繁星》《春水》等。
5.下列句子修辞判断有误..的一项是( )(3分) A.黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫色的花热烈。

A◇Share Flats Happy Valley big flat 1 room ready for use immediately. Quiet and convenient, fully furnished, park view. $6, 800 including bills. With maid. Female nonsmoker. No pet. Sara 25720836 or 10077809.◇Moving Sale 2 armchairs, red/brown at $400 each; coffee table, black, wood, $800; oil painting, big, $900; Tianjin carpet, green 3 ?7, $600; double bed, $500; mirror, big, square, $500; fridge, big, double-door, $1000; old pictures, $140, up, each; plants, big and small. Tel: Weekend, 2521-6011/Weekday, 2524-5867.◇Part-time Laboratory Assistant Wanted Required by busy electronics(电子)company to help with development of computer. Should have an electronics degree and some practical experience of working in an electronics laboratory. Hours 9:30 am.-1:00 pm. Mon.-Fri. Fourteen days paid leave. Salary ¥6598-10230 dependent on experience. Letter of application to: Mrs. G Chan, NOVA ELECTRONICS, 45 Gordon Rd, Hung Hom Kowloon.21.The one who put on the first ad probably wants to _______.A.rent a beautiful flat of her own in Happy ValleyB.find another lady to share the cost to rent a flatC.share her room in a flat with whoever has no petD.take on a maid to look after herself and the flat22.According to the ads, you may _______.A.buy an old picture for $150B.call at 25720836 and see a beautiful parkC.buy two armchairs for $ 400D.hire a maid by paying $6 80023.Once you can get a part-time job in NOVA ELECTRONICS, _______.A.you have to work at least 4 hours a dayB.you should write a letter to Mrs. G ChanC.you will be given 14 days off each year besides weekendsD.you will get no more than $6 598 each monthBImagine you went to a restaurant with a date, had a burger, paid with a credit card, and left. The next time you go there, the waiter or waitress, armed with your profile data, greets you with. "Hey Joe, how are you? Mary is over there in the seat you sat in last time. Would you like to join her for dinner again?" Then you find out that your burger has been cooked and your drink is on the table. Forget the fact that you are with another date and are on a diet that doesn't include burgers. Sound a little bizarre? To some, this is restaurant equivalent of the Internet. The Net's ability to profile you through your visits to and interactions at websites provides marketers with an enormous amount of data on you—some of which you may not want them to have.Almost every time you access a website you get a "cookie". A cookie on the Internet is a computer code sent by the site to your computer—usually without your knowledge. During the entire period of time that you are at the site, the cookie is collecting information about your interaction, including where you visit, how long you stay there, how frequently you return to certain pages, and even your electronic address. Fill out a survey to collect free information or samples, and marketers know even more about you—like your name, address, and any other information you provide. While this may sound scary enough, cookies aren’t even the latest in technology.A new system called I-librarian Alexa—named for the legendary third century B.C. library in Alexandria, Egypt—does even more. While cookies track what you are doing at one site, Alexa collects data on all your Web activity, such as which sites you visit next, how long you stay there, whether you click on ads,etc. All this information is available to marketers, who use it to market more effectively to you. Not only do you not get paid for providing the information, you probably don’t even know that you are giving it.24.The author makes up the restaurant story in order to _______。


可能用到的相对原子质量:H —1 0—16 C-12一、选择题(本题有12小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。
1・8小题每题1分,9・12小 题每题2分,共16分)1. 下列不属于化学研究范踌的是A.纳米铜的性质 B ・C60的组成 C ・单晶硅的结构 D.无人机的研发2. 用托盘天平称議5g 药品时,称杲过程中发现指针向左偏移,这时则应A.增加祛码B.添加药品C.减少药品D.调节平衡螺母3. 造成酸雨的主要物质是A ・ SO2和NO?B ・ SO2和CO C. CO 和CO2 D ・ CH4和CO4. 洗脸的毛巾用久后,常常会变硬。
这是因为用于洗脸的水中常含有较多的A ・氧气 B.钙镁化合物 C.氧元素 D.氢元素5. 已知某两种物质在光照条件下能发生化学反应,其微观示意图如下:下列说法正确的是A.反应物都是单质C.该反应属于置换反应 D ・化学变化中分子可分,而原子不能再分6. 下列物质的性质与所对应的用途没有直接关系的是A.稀有气体的性质稳定一作保护气B.石墨能导电——可作电极C.氧气的密度比空气略大一用于急救病人 D ・干冰升华吸热——用于人工降雨7. 下列有关实验现象的描述正确的是A.木炭在空气中充分燃烧生成二氧化碳B.铁丝在空气中剧烈燃烧,火星四射B.化学反应C.硫在氧气中燃烧发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰D.红磷燃烧产生大量的白色烟雾A.甲和乙B.甲和丁C.乙和丁8. •绿水青山就是金山银山”!下列做法不利于环境保护•的是A ・生活污水未经处理就随意排放B.农业生产中合理使用化肥 C ・提倡使用节能技术利节能产品 D.尽量乘公.交车或骑自行车出行9. 某可燃物1.6g 在02中充分燃烧后,只生成1.8g H 20和2.2gCO2,下列结论正确的是 A ・该物质只含C 、H 两种元素 B.该物质一定含C 、H 、O 三种元素C.该物质一定含有C 、H 元素,可能含有O 元素D.无法得出肯定的结论10. 鉴别下列各组物质的方法不正确的是 选项鉴别的物质 鉴别的方法 A纯水和矿泉水 观察是否澄清 B二氧化碳和一氧化碳 点燃,观察是否能燃烧 C水和过氧化氢溶液 加二氧化猛,观察是否有气泡 D 冰和干冰 室温(20°C )放貿,过一段时间观察是否有液体残留11.臭氧(03)能够吸收紫外线保护地球生命,打雷放电时,空气中有极少址氧气会转化 成臭氧(03)。

XXX2017-2018学年第一学期期末考试高一数学试卷XXX2017-2018学年第一学期期末考试高一年级数学试卷第I卷(选择题共40分)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的1.已知向量a=(2,1),b=(λ−1,2),若a+b与a−b共线,则λ=()A.−2B.−1C.1D.2改写:向量a=(2,1),向量b=(λ-1,2),若a+b和a-b共线,则λ=() A。
-2 B。
-1 C。
1 D。
22.已知3sinα+4cosα=2,则1-sinαcosα-cos2α的值是() A。
- B。
-2 D。
2改写:已知3sinα+4cosα=2,求1-sinαcosα-cos2α的值,答案为() A。
- B。
-2 D。
23.已知在△ABC中,AB=AC=1,BC=3,则AB·AC=() A。
1/33 B。
- C。
-2 D。
-改写:在△ABC中,AB=AC=1,BC=3,求XXX的值,答案为() A。
1/33 B。
- C。
-2 D。
-4.在△ABC中,若AB2=AB·AC+BA·BC+CA·CB,则△ABC是() A.锐角三角形B.钝角三角形C.直角三角形D.不确定改写:在△ABC中,如果AB2=AB·AC+BA·BC+CA·CB,则△ABC是() A.锐角三角形B.钝角三角形C.直角三角形D.不确定5.已知△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对边的边长分别为a,b,c,且c=7/11,a+b=22/3,XXX-tanA-tanB=3,则△ABC的面积为() A。
3/33 B。
- C。
3 D。
33/2改写:已知△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对边的边长分别为a,b,c,且c=7/11,a+b=22/3,XXX-tanB=3,求△ABC的面积,答案为() A。
3/33 B。
- C。

2017-2018学年第一学期期末测试卷初二数学一、选择题(每小题2分,本题共16分)1.剪纸是古老的汉族民间艺术,剪纸的工具材料简便普及,技法易于掌握,有着其他艺术门类 不可替代的特性,因而,这一艺术形式从古到今,几乎遍及我国的城镇乡村,深得人民群 众的喜爱.请你认真观察下列四幅剪纸图案, 其中不是..轴对称图形的是A .B .C .D .2. 若代数式4xx -有意义,则实数x 的取值范围是 A .0x = B .4x = C .0x ≠ D .4x ≠3. 实数9的平方根是A .3B .±3C.3± D .814. 在下列事件中,是必然事件的是A .买一张电影票,座位号一定是偶数B .随时打开电视机,正在播新闻C .通常情况下,抛出的篮球会下落D .阴天就一定会下雨5. 下列变形中,正确的是A. (23)2=2×3=6B.2)52(-=-52C.169+=169+ D. )4()9(-⨯-=49⨯6. 如果把yx y322-中的x 和y 都扩大5倍,那么分式的值A .扩大5倍B .不变C .缩小5倍D .扩大4倍7. 如图,将ABC △放在正方形网格图中(图中每个小正方形的边长均为1),点A ,B ,C 恰好在网格图中的格点上,那么ABC △中BC 边上的高是A. B. C. D.8. 如图所示,将矩形纸片先沿虚线按箭头方向向右对折,对折后的纸片沿虚线向下对折,然后剪下一个小三角形,再将纸片打开,则打开后的展开图是A. B. C. D.二、填空题(每小题2分,本题共16分)9. 写出一个比3大且比4小的无理数:______________.10. 如图,AE =DF ,∠A =∠D ,欲证ΔACE ≌ΔDBF ,需要添加条件 ____________,证明全等的理由是________________________;AE P BCD11. 一个不透明的盒子中装有6张生肖邮票,其中有3张“猴票”,2张“鸡票”和1张“狗票”,这些邮票除了画面内容外其他都相同,从中随机摸出一张邮票,恰好是“鸡票”的可能性为 .12. 已知等腰三角形的两条边长分别为2和5,则它的周长为______________. 13.mn =______________. 14. 小明编写了一个如下程序:输入x →2x →立方根→倒数→算术平方根→21, 则x 为 .15. 如图,等边△ABC 的边长为6,AD 是BC 边上的中线,点E 是AC 边上的中点. 如果点P 是AD 上的动点,那么EP+CP 的最小值 为______________.16. 如图,OP =1,过P 作OP PP ⊥1且11=PP ,根据勾股定理,得21=OP ;再过1P 作121OP P P ⊥且21P P =1,得32=OP ;又过2P 作232OP P P ⊥且132=P P ,得 =3OP 2;…依此继续,得=2018OP , =n OP (n 为自然数,且n >0)三、解答题(本大题共9小题,17—25小题,每小题5分,共45分) 17.计算:238)3(1230-+----π18. 计算:1)P 4P 3P 2PP 1O19. 如图,点A 、F 、C 、D 在同一条直线上. AB ∥DE ,∠B =∠E ,AF=DC. 求证:BC =EF .20. 解分式方程:3x 3x 211x x +=-+21. 李老师在黑板上写了一道题目,计算:23311x x x---- .小宇做得最快,立刻拿给李老 师看,李老师看完摇了摇头,让小宇回去认真检查. 请你仔细阅读小宇的计算过程,帮 助小宇改正错误.23311x x x ----=()()33111x x x x --+-- (A ) =()()()()()3131111x x x x x x +--+-+- (B ) = 33(1)x x --+ (C ) = 26x -- (D )(1) 上述计算过程中, 哪一步开始..出现错误? ;(用字母表示) (2) 从(B )到(C )是否正确? ;若不正确,错误的原因是 ; (3) 请你写出此题完整正确的解答过程.D22.如图:在△ABC 中,作AB 边的垂直平分线,交AB 于点E ,交BC 于点F ,连结AF (1(2)你的作图依据是 .(3)若AC=3,BC=5,则△ACF 的周长是23. 先化简,再求值:121112++÷⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-a a aa ,其中13-=a .24. 如图,在△ABC 中,∠C=90°,AD 平分∠BAC 交BC 于 DE ⊥AB 于E, 当时,求DE 的长。

第1页 / 共9页江汉区2017-2018学年度第一学期期末考试七年级数学试题一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每题3分,共30分) 1.-3的倒数是A .3B .1-3C .13D .-32.单项式34xy z -的系数及次数分别是A .系数是0,次数是7B .系数是1,次数是8C .系数是-1,次数是7D .系数是-1,次数是83.武汉长江新城规划面积约600000000平方米,数600000000用科学记数法表示为 A .76010⨯ B .8610⨯ C .90.610⨯ D .660010⨯4.近似数0.960精确到A .千位B .千分位C .百分位D .万分位5.如图是由若干个小正方体所组成的几何体以及从上面看这个几何体所看到的图形,那么从左边看这个几何体时,所看到的几何图形是从上面看↓从正面看→从下面看↑A B C D6长方形的长为3a ,宽为2a -b ,则这个长方形的周长为A .10a -2bB .10a +2bC .6a -2bD .10a -b7.若a +b <0,且ab <0,则下列说法正确的是A .a ,b 异号,且负数的绝对值大B .a ,b 异号,且a >bC .a ,b 异号,且a b > D .a ,b 异号,且正数的绝对值大8.下列计算正确的是A .()33a b c d a b c d +-+-=++-B .()22a b c d a b c d --+-=+-+C .()223426a b c d a b c d --+-=++-D .()22747a b c d a b c d --+-=+-+第2页 / 共9页9. 有一些相同的房间需要粉刷墙面,一天四名一级技工去粉刷10个房间,结果其中有32㎡墙面未来得及粉刷;同样时间内7名二级技工粉刷了15个房间之外,还多粉刷了另外的4㎡墙面.每名一级技工比二级技工一天多粉刷10㎡墙面,设每个房间需要粉刷的墙面面积为x 平方米,下列方程正确的是A .10321541047x x +--=B .15410321074x x +--=C .10321541047x x -+-=D .15410321074x x -+-=10.下列说法:①画一条长为6cm 的直线;②若AC =BC ,则C 为线段AB 的中点;③线段AB 是点A 到点B 的距离;④OC ,OD 为∠AOB 的三等分线,则∠AOC =∠DO C . 其中正确的个数是A .0个B .1个C .2个D .3个二、填空题11.如果x =2是关于x 的方程112x a +=-的解,那么a 的值是______________12.计算:100°-46°17′= ______________13.若a -b =-7,c +d =3,则(b +c )-(a -d )的值是______________14.观察下图寻找规律,在e 处应填上的数字是______________ 1124713244481→→→→→→→→→e15.如果一个数的立方等于这个数的平方,那么这个数是_____________16.已知x ,y ,z 满足x +y =9,y +z =13,x +z =14,则x +2y -z =______________三、解答题 17.计算()()()139335--+⨯-+ ()()()228255485⎛⎫-+⨯---÷- ⎪⎝⎭18.解方程(组)()2531164x x---= ()4152323x y x y +=⎧⎨-=⎩19.先化简,再求值()()2222533a b ab ab a b--+,其中11,23 a b==.20. 列方程(组)解应用题有大小两种货车,2辆大货车与3辆小货车一次可以运货15.5吨,5辆大货车与6辆小货车一次可以运货35吨,3辆大货车与5辆小货车一次可以运货多少吨?21.点A,B,C在同一直线上,AB=12,BC=4.(1)如图1,若点C在点A,B之间,求线段AC的长;(2)如图2,点C在线段AB的延长线上,点D在线段AC上,若AD+BD+CD=17.求CDA C BA B C第3页 / 共9页第4页 / 共9页四、填空题22. 将如图所示的长方形沿着AB 折叠得到图1,再把它沿着BD 折叠到图2,折叠后BE 正好落在直线BC 上,则以点B 为顶点的角中,互余的角有_______对,互补的角有_______对.图1 图223.现有1角、5角、1元的硬币各若干枚,从中取出9枚,共值3元,则1角的取_________枚,5角的取______________枚.24.数轴上有MN 两点,MN 之间的距离为2,点M 与原点之间的距离为4,则所有符合条件的点N 与原点的距离之和为_________________. 25.下列说法:①若m =n ,则am =an ;②若m =n ,则2222m na a =++;③若mx +5=nx +5,则m =n ; ④若m +n =1,则关于x 的方程mx +n =1的解为x =1;⑤若m +n +s =1,则x =1是关于x 的方程mx +n +s =1的解;⑥若mn =6,则关于x 的方程mx +m =6的解为x =n -1.其中错误的是_________________.(填序号五、解答题26.已知∠AO B .(1) 如图1,OC 是∠AOB 的平分线,D 是∠BOC 内一点,若∠AOC =5∠BOD ,∠AOB =150°,求∠AOD的度数;(2)OE 是∠AOB 的三等分线,T 是∠AOB 内部的一点,且∠BOT +∠EOA =∠AOT ,求∠AOB :∠TOB 的值.27.某自行车厂计划一年生产安装24000辆自行车.若1名熟练工和2名新工人每月一共可安装800辆自行车,EBBB2名熟练工和3名新工人每月一共可安装1400辆自行车.(1)每名熟练工和每名新工人每月分别可以安装多少辆自行车?(2)如果工厂招聘a(0<a<8)名新工人,使得新工人和抽调的熟练工刚好能完成一年的安装任务,那么工厂有哪几种新工人的招聘方案?(3)在(2)的条件下,每名熟练工每月工资为8000元,每名新工人每月工资为5000元,那么工厂应招聘多少名新工人,使新工人的数量多于熟练工,同时工厂每月支出的工资总额最少?最少是多少?(不需过程,直接写结果)第5页 / 共9页28.在数轴上有M、N、Q三个动点,M,N,Q的速度分别为:2个单位/s,4个单位/s,8个单位/s(1)如图,如果M、N同时出发,相向而行,经过10s相遇,求出发前M、N之间的距离;(2)如图,如果M、N同时从原点出发沿数轴正方向运动,同时点Q从定点A出发沿数轴负方向运动,若点Q与M、N的相遇时间间隔为5s,求点A对应的数是多少?(3)如果MN=18,NQ=24,M、N、Q同时出发,沿数轴负方向运动,在N还没有追上M的这段时间内,当其中一点与另外两点之间的距离相等时,它们行驶的时间是多少?第6页 / 共9页第7页 / 共9页江汉区2017-2018学年度第一学期期末七年级数学试题参考答案10.内这样的点很多;③错,正确答案应该是线段AB 的长度是点A 到点B 的距离;④对的.二、填空题11.-2 12.135°43′ 13.10 14.149 15.0和1 16.4 14.解析:前三项的和是是第四项.16. 2x y z x y y z +-=++-,其中y z -是第一个式子减去第三个式子得到的. 三、解答题17.(1)原式=12 (2)原式=-3118.(1)13x = (2)33x y =⎧⎨=⎩19.原式化简得22126a b ab -,代值计算得23. 20.解:设一辆大货车一次可以运x 吨,设一辆小货车一次可以运y 吨,则3辆大货车与5辆小货车一次可以运货()35x y +吨.2315.55635x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩,解得42.5x y =⎧⎨=⎩则 35x y +=24.5 21.解:(1)AC =12-4=8CD =3或5(D 在B 点左边和右边两种情况) 四、填空题 22.3;523.一角5枚;五角3枚;一元1枚解析:设一角、五角、一元各需x y z 、、枚,则951030x+y+z x y z =⎧⎨++=⎩,因为x y z 、、为正整数,可以凑得531x y z =⎧⎪=⎨⎪=⎩24.解析:M 有4和-4,N 有2、6、-2、-6,与原点的距离和是16. 25.③④⑤26.(1)设∠BOD 为x °,则∠AOC =5x °,∠COD =4x °,∠AOB =10x =150°,解得x =15°,则∠AOD =9x =135°(2)如图1,设∠BOT =x ,∠EOT =y ,则∠AOE =2x +2y ,由∠BOT +∠EOA =∠AOT 可得x +2x +2y =2x +3y ,解得x =y ,则∠AOB :∠TOB =6:1如图2,设∠AOE =x ,∠BOT =y ,由∠BOT +∠EOA =∠AOT 可得∠EOT =y ,则∠BOE =2y =2x ,则∠AOB :∠TOB =3:1第8页 / 共9页27.解析:(1)设每名熟练工和每名新工人每月分别可以安装x 辆y 辆自行车则2800231400x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩,解得400200x y =⎧⎨=⎩(2)设抽调的熟练工有b 人,则200a +400b =1200,即a +2b =6,a =6-2b ,因为0<a <8,且a ,b 均为自然数,则有621012a a a b b b ===⎧⎧⎧⎨⎨⎨===⎩⎩⎩三种方案. (3)方案一支出:5000×6=30000方案二支出:5000×2+8000×1=18000 方案三支出:5000×1+8000×2=21000 28.解析:(1)令MN 间的距离为a ,假设M 点为0,则N 点为a ,动点表示为: M :2t N : a -4tMN =6a t -,当t =10时,6a t -=0,则a =60 (2)设A 点对应的数是x ,则M 、N 、Q 的动点表示为: M :2t N :4t Q :x -8t MQ =10x t - NQ =12x t -设MQ 、NQ 分别相遇时,时间分别是1t ,2t ,即10x t -=0,12x t -=012,1012x x t t ==,可得51012x x-=,解得60x = (3)令M 为0,则N 是18,Q 是42,动点表示为: M :2t - N :18-4t Q :42-8t , MN =182t - N 追上M 需要的时间当182t -=0,即t =9秒.其中一点与另外两点之间的距离相等,这句话的含义可以理解为其中一个点是另外两个点的中点,即M ,N ,Q 分别为中点时,根据中点公式:18442822N Q t tM +-+-==2t =-,解得7.5t = 242822M Q t tN +-+-==184t =-,解得3t = 218422M N t tQ +-+-==428t =-,解得 6.6t = 当Q 追上M ,与M 重合或者Q 追上N ,与N 重合的时候也满足条件,即 QM =428(2)4260t t t ---=-=,解得7t = QN =428(184)2440t t t ---=-=,解得6t =第9页 / 共9页。

{3} B。
{2} C。
{1,2,4} D。
{x|x+3=3} B。
{(x,y)|y=-x,x,y∈R} C。
{x|x<x} D。
单调递减的偶函数 B。
单调递增的偶函数 C。
单调递减的奇函数 D。
单调递增的奇函数4.已知log2 3=a,log2 5=b,则log2(3^2×2^a/b)=()A。
5 B。
a-2b C。
2a-2b D。
1 B。
-1 C。
0 D。
1 B。
2 C。
2^(2) D。
f(x)与g(x)都是奇函数 B。
f(x)是奇函数,g(x)是偶函数 C。
f(x)与g(x)都是偶函数 D。

2018—2018学年度第一学期期末考试八年级英语本卷分为第一卷<选择题)和第二卷<非选择题)两部分.注意事项:1、请考生答题前务必将自己地姓名、考试号用黑水笔填写在试卷规定位置上并认真核对.2、请将第一卷地答案用黑水笔填在答题纸相应地位置,在其他位置做答一律无效.3、考试结束后,考生只需交答题纸和第二卷.第Ⅰ卷<选择题共100分)一、听力<共25小题;每题1分,共25分)A.听对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符地选项.听两遍.1.A. B. C.2.A. B. C.3.A. B. C.4.A. B C.5.A. C .B.听对话,从题中所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案.听两遍.6. What’s the time now?A. 3:30.B. 4:30.C. 5:30.7. Whodoes the woman want to speak to?A. Mr. Johnson.B. Mr. Smith.C. Mr. Brown.8. Why can’t the man go to the birthday party?A. Because he is ill.B. Because he is busy.C. Because he will go to Shanghai.9. How will the weather be tomorrow?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Cloudy.10. What do we know about the new teacher?A.He often keeps silent(沉默地>.B.He talks too much.C.He has no chance to speak.C.听下面四段材料,从题中所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案.听两遍.听第一段材料,回答第11-12题.11. Where are the speakers talking?A. At a food shop.B. At a bookshop.C. In a library.12.Does the man like Maths?A. No, he doesn’t.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, very much.13. A. Writing B. Using it C. Listening14. A. be sad B. not be sad C. get angry15. A. keep quiet B. feel worried C. keep the sense of humor听第三段材料,回答第16-17题.16. Where is the woman going?A. To the post office.B. To the library.C. To the park.17. How much does the woman’s ticket cost?A. Three yuan.B. Two yuan.C. One yuan听第四段材料,回答第18-20题.18. Who made Mr Hu angry yesterday afternoon?A. Fred and Tim.B. Jack and Fred.C. Tim and Jack.19. What was Mr Hu doing at that time?A. Talking with studentsB. Giving a lessonC. Having a rest20. What would they never do again?A. They would never be noisy in the classroomB. They would never be angry.C. They would never talk to the teacher.D. 听短文,从题中所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案.听两遍.21. Why do people all over the world enjoy sports?A. Sports are very interesting.B. Sports can make people healthy and happy.C. Sports are thousands of years old.22. What do sports change with?A. The season.B. The weather.C. The people.23. Which of the following sports is the oldest?A. Running.B. Basketball.C. V olleyball.24. What do people in all countries near the sea like better?A. Football.B. Jumping.C. Swimming.25. Why do people from different countries often become good friends after a game?A. The game is exciting.B. Sports help them understand each other.C. They begin to know each other.二、单项选择<共20小题;每题1分,共20分)26. Can you see ______ 11-year-old boy and _____ one-eyed cow in the field?A. a; anB. a; aC. an; theD. an; a27. Please stop _____ about your favourite animals if you ______ busy.A. talking, won’tB. to talk, don’tC. to talk, aren’tD. to talk, won’t be28.My bedroom looks a little smaller, but ________.A. it’s as big as youB. it has the same size as youC. it have the same size as yoursD. it’s the same size as yours29. It rained, ________, the football match was postponed (延期>.A. becauseB. orC. thereforeD. but30.“Thank you,”the man said a smile his face.A. on; onB. with; onC. at; inD. in; with31. — they are talking to each other!—Yes. They are really happy to see each other.A. What excitedB. How excitedC. What excitedlyD. How excitedly32. Since you’ve spilt(洒> the milk, you’ll have to ________.A. mop it upB. mop up itC. mop them upD. mop up them33.–My uncle fell off the bike and hurt his legs yesterday. –______________.A. I am sorry to hear thatB. He is too carelessC. That’s too badD. He sho uld be careful34. Be careful, Tom and Bob, ______you may hurt ________ .A. and; yourselfB. or; yourselvesC. but; yourselvesD. or; yourself35. It may be dangerous ____ a car _____ a snowy day.A. to drive; inB. to drive; onC. drive; inD. drive; on36. –What’s wrong with you ?–I feel ______. I heard a ______ noise just now.A. frightening; frightenedB. frightening; frighteningC. frightened; frighteningD. frightened; frightened37. Of the two English girls, Masha is one. I think you can find her easily.A. tallerB. tallestC. the tallerD. the tallest38. Bad weather may cause natural disasters. Its structure is .A. S+V+PB.S+V+DO+OCC.S+V+IO+DOD.S+V+DO39.—Do you still remember ____ me somewhere in Taizhou?—Yes, of course. Two years ago.A. to seeB. seeC. seeingD. was40.I don’t know if it _________ tomorrow. If it _________ , we will stay indoors.A. rains; rainsB. will rain;rainsC. rains; will rainD. will rain; will rain41. We found to sleep.A. difficult to getB. it difficult gettingC. it difficult to getD. that difficult to get42.Ella can speak ______ Chinese, but she can’t write.A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few43. Don’t buy the clothes ______ of animal fur. It doesn’t look lovely _____ you.A. make; inB. made; onC. made; inD. make; on44.---Which book do you like best ?---You can take ____ book you like .A. bothB. anyC. noD. all45.-Have a nice day today! -______.A. Me, tooB. The same to youC. No, thanks.D. I don’t think so.三、完形填空<共15小题;每题1分,共15分)Mr Evans lives in a city. He was a maths46three years ago. He taught well and his students 47 him. So he decided to work in the middle school all his life. But a terrible accident 48 his fortune(命运>.One spring, he took his class to 49 a place of interest. The children saw a lot of 50things and had a good time there. But on their way to school, their 51 was hit by a truck because the young driver was drunk. Five students 52 and more than half of the children were 53 in the accident. He didn’t know how it had happened and was very 54 it and after he came out of the hospital, he left the school and became a 55 . He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traffic regulations. He worked hard and was strict with the driver. So they were afraid of him.One afternoon it was very hot. Mr Evans was 56 . He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a 57 rushing towards the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man58 a bike. He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it.“ 59 your licence<执照)to me, madam,” said Mr Evans.The girl handed her bag to him and said, “Please look for it in the bag 60 .I can’t see anything without glasses”.46.A. worker B. teacher C. doctor D. farmer47. A. liked B. wished C. helped D. answered48. A. beat B. won C. lost D. changed49.A. build B. break C. visit D. find50.A. terrible B. dangerous C. safe D. interesting51.A. bus B. train C. car D. ship52.A. left B. lived C. died D. fell53.A. beat B. hurt C. touched D. stopped54.A. sad about B. afraid of C. interested in D. worried about55.A. soldier B. policeman C. bookseller D. cleaner56.A. in the corner B. at home C. on duty D. in the office57.A. runner B. policeman C. player D. car58.A. riding B. selling C. buying D. making59.A. Throw B. Show C. Lend D. Copy60.A. you B. I C. yourself D. myself四、阅读理解<共20小题;每题2分,共40分)(A>Mr. and Mrs. Brown have two children, Mike and Liz. The whole family are all busy,A. At 3:30 p.m.B. At 4:00 p.m.C. At 5:00 p.m.D. At 9:00 p.m.62. Who should walk the dog today?A. Mike.B. Mrs BrownC. LizD. Mr Brown63. What’s Mike probably doing at 6:50 p.m.?A. Practicing football.B. Going to Donna’s house.C. Playing tennis.D. Doing his homework.64. Where can Mike find his tennis shoes?A. In his bedroom.B. Outside the back door.C. In the living room.D. At Donna’s house.65. According to the notes, Teddy is .A. Mike’s mother.B. Mike’s brother.C. Mike’s football coach.D. the dog in the family.(B>One morning, Wu Liang discovered that her classroom had changed. She found that the desks were no longer in rows, but pushed together to make eight bigger desks. She was too excited about it for the first two days and she couldn’t listen to the teachers carefully. But soon she and her classmates got used to this new classroom arrangement (安排>. “Now our class is quieter,” said Wu. “What’s more, we can come up with our own ideas and learn more through discussion. It’s a better way to study.”Li Yu liked it, too. He said, “Group members first discuss, and then show ourselves in front of the whole class. It makes us believe in ourselves.” It was part of a reform (改革> at Li’s school. The school made this reform because they wanted to provide students with easier ways to study and more chances to discuss. “Our schoolhopes it can improve students’ abilities (能力> to study by themselves and work in groups,” said Zhang Ming, an English teacher.However, the reform has demanded (要求> more from teachers. Now they have only 15 minutes to give the lesson which should be taught in 45 minutes before. It is difficult to teach in such a short time. The teachers have to find better ways to teach more effectively.The reform demands more, but I’m sure it is helpful,” added Zhang Ming.66.After the new classroom arrangement it was easier for Wu Liang and her classmates to ______ in class.A. discuss with each otherB. sit in the classroomC. push desks togetherD. teach a lesson67. The school made the reform in order to provide students with _______ to study.A. noisier classesB. easier waysC. more seatsD. fewer chances68. The Chinese meaning of the word “effectively” in this passage is _________.A.简单地B. 明确地C. 有效地D. 认真地69. The reform made the students enjoy following EXCEPT__________A. learn more through discussionB. show themselves in front of the whole classC. only play togetherD. improve their abilities (能力> to study by themselves and work in groups70. The best title of this passage may be “________”.A. Students’ FriendshipB. Teachers’ HopeC. Discussion in ClassD. New Look in Class(C>Ten-year-old Barack Obama (奥巴马>was one of the only three black students at his school in Hawaii, the US. He is different from most of the other students. White girls wanted to touch his hair. A white boy asked him if his father ate people.“I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan prince(肯尼亚王子>. But I kept asking myself who I was.”said Obama.However, 37 years later, the boy became well-known. On November 4th, 2008, Obama became the first black president in US history with 297 electoral (选举地> votes.Obama was born in 1961, to an African father and a white American woman from a small town in the US. He grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii. This unusual background made him wonder who he was. He once turned to alcohol<酒精)to help forget this question.With the help of his friends, Obama finally turned his life around in the university. His hard work made him star at HarvardUniversity. Later, he became the third black senator (参议员> in US history.During his race to the highest post in the US, Obama talked about his background. He called for a United States of America, rather than a white America or a black America. ‘Obama’s success has made Martin Luther King’s dream come true. That is : A man should not be judged by the colour of his skin, but by the content of his character.’ he said at the speech in Chicago soon after he was elected.71.When he was a child, Obama ______at school.A. was popularB. looked happyC. felt uneasyD. was hard-working72.“This unusual background”refers to the fact _________.A.10-year-old Obama was one of only three black students in his school in Hawaii.B. Obama became the first black president in US history.C. he comes from a mixed-race family and grew up in different countriesD. in US history became only the third black senator in US history.73. During his race to the highest post, what did Obama talk about his background to show ?A. America is a place where all things are impossible.B. The power of black people.C. Their country is the United States of America.D. His idea couldn’t be doubted.74. Wha t does the underlined word “judged” mean?A. decidedB. punishedC. bornD. chosen75.Which fact about Obama is NOT TRUE?A. He graduated from HarvardUniversity.B. He thinks hard work was the key to his success at college.C. He lied to his classmates that his father was a Kenyan senator.D. He called on blacks and whites to come together.(D>A dog can’t speak any words, but it can “talk”. It has feelings just as you do. Sometimes it may feel angry or afraid. Watch a dog closely, and you can find out how it feels. You can see what it is trying to tell you. When you are afraid, you may look down. When a dog is afraid, it may run away. When you are angry with other people, you stare at(凝视> them. An angry dog also stares. Sometimes the hair along its back stands up.Do you feel guilty when you do something you shouldn’t do? Dogs can feel guilty, too. Sometimes when I come home, my dog gives me a guilty look. Then I know he did something wrong.Dogs need love and care. Some dogs are very unhappy when they are alone for a long time. Some dogs even snap (撕咬> if they don’t get enough care.You may have a dog or you may know a dog. Take care of it well if you want to have fun with it. Take it on walks. Don’t make it do too many things. Try not to punish (惩罚> it again and again for doing the same thing. Always remember, a dog has needs and feelings just as you do. Talk to a dog, and it will talk to you.76. When a dog is afraid, it may _______.A. look downB. stareC. barkD. run away77. The word guilty in the second paragraph means _______.A. excitedB. sorryC. frightenedD. happy78. When ______, you know that a dog has done something wrong.A. It runs away from youB. its hair stands upC. its tail shakes (摇摆>D. it has a guilty look79. If a dog snaps at things, it may ________.A. feel lonelyB. be frightenedC. feel sleepyD. be happy80. Which of the following would the writer like you to do towards your dog?A. Never leave your dog alone.B. Never punish the dog.C. Try to be kind to dogs.D. Teach the dog to do work for you2018—2018学年度第一学期八年级英语期末测试答题纸本卷分为第一卷<选择题)和第二卷<非选择题)两部分.第Ⅰ卷<选择题共100分)一、听力(25分>第Ⅱ卷<非选择题共50分)五、用所给词地适当形式填空<共15小题;每题1分,共15分)81.Is there anything ___________ in today’s newspaper?(excite>82.They celebrate their safe _______________ (arrive>.83.Somebody ____________ the window and ran away (break >.84.Windy is too young to drive _______________ (she>.85.It’s ________ (usual> for him to come back home late becaus e he always arriveshome beforehis parents.86. _____ Linda with her parents _____(remove> the snow at 9 a.m. yesterday morning?87.Who is the _________(close> person in your family?88.Our teachers told us that the earth ________(move>around the sun..89.Our plane _______(leave> at ten o’clock tonight.90.Tom is very ________ (care> , but he didn’t make any mistakes this time.91.The man was __________ (badly> hurt than the driver in the car accident.92.His teacher can’t believe his words because he is ___________(honest> and often lies to her.93.Kitty was the first one _______ (get> to the cinema.94.Amy touched the lovely cat as _______ (gentle> as she could.95. Today is her grandpa’s __________ (nin ety> birthday.六、阅读表达<共5小题;每题2分,共10分)WWF’s goal is to save the world’s environment. The organization was set up on 11 September, 1961. In the___(1>___, WWF(World Wide Fund for Nature世界自然基金会> worked to save the world’s wildlife. Now, it works to save the earth and its environment.WWF has many tasks. One is to stop ___(1>___. Pollution from industry and cars is harmful to our environment. (2>Each year more and more trees are cut down so WWF tries to protect the earth’s forests. Also WWF is interested in saving all plants and animals. As people use more land, many animals and plants are losing their homes and die. WWF can buy important areas to protect the land from human development.WWF has completed many projects. In China, WWF works to save the panda from extinction(灭绝>. In South America, it works to save the Amazon Rainforest.V olunteers and donations help WWF complete its work. WWF’s work is important toour environment. It is important for people to help them with time and money.96. 在文中<1)处填上适当地短语__________, ____________97. 将文中<2)处翻译成汉语________________________________________________98. 回答问题:What are WWF’s tasks?_________________________________________________________99. 写出同义句:Many animals and plants are disappearing because people take up more land._______________________________________________________________________100. 在文中找出最能表达该短文主题地句子:_____________________________________________________________________七、短文填空<共10小题;每题1分,共10分)Most people love animals. We think that animals are goodf___101___ of humans. But, in fact,a 1arge number of animals,especially wild ones,are in d___102__ now mainly because of humans. If we do not t__103___ action now,we will have no animals soon.People are destroying animals’ natural shelter by cutting d__104__ trees or building houses. At the same time, many of the animals’ living a__105_ are becoming farmland as we have to feed a 1arger population of the world. Besides,people hunt animals for their fur or other useful things. As a result of the pollution that humans have caused, some animals cannot l__106__ a normal(正常地> life any more.We must try our best to p__107__ animals right now. Remember that it is everyone’s d__108_ to do so. We should write to newspapers and magazines and t__109___ everyone about these problems. We should also d__110___ something to help the endangered animals at once.101. f__________ 102. d_________ 103. t________ 104. d__________105. a_______106. l_________ 107. p____________108. d_________109. t________110. d_______八、书面表达<共15分)本月初我国南方许多地方发生特大洪水,给人们地生命和财产安全带来重大损失.灾后人们纷纷伸出了援助之手.请你以校委会地名义用英语写一份80字左右地倡议书,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.要点提示:(1>洪水带来重大损失:①冲走了村庄;②人们失去了良田和家园;③数以千计地人们失去生命;(2>人们纷纷献出爱心,急忙给灾区人民提供了食物和衣服;(3>作为中学生我们应该做什么……Dear schoolmates,A terrible flood hit many places in south China at the beginning of this month. It brought agreat loss to the people there._______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________If everyone gives a hand , our world will become much more beautiful .School committee2018—2018学年度第一学期八年级英语期末测试听力材料A.听对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符地选项.听两遍.1. W : What’s the girl doing?M: She is playing the computer.2. W: What animal is the most popular in China?M: Panda.3. W: What are children doing there now?M: They are discussing with each other.4. M: How will you go to Beijing next month?W: I’ll take a plane to get there.5. M: What’s your favourite hobby ?W: Playing the piano.B.听对话,从题中所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案.听两遍.6. W: Excuse me. What’s the time, please?M: It’s half past three.W. Thank you.7. W: May I speak to Mr. Smith?M: Sorry, he’s not here at the moment. Can I take a message for you?8. W: Would you like to come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?M: I’m sorry, I will be in Shanghai then.9. W: What will the weather be like tomorrow?M: The radio says there will be a heavy rain.10. W: Do you like your new teacher?M: He’s all right. The only problem is that he never stops talkingC.听下面四段材料,从题中所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案.听两遍.听第一段材料,回答第11-12题.W: Can I help you, sir?M: I’m looking for a book about maths.W: Oh, here are some books about maths. Do you like maths?M: No, my son likes maths very much. I’ll take this one.W: Here you are.M: Thank you. Here’s the money.听第二段材料,回答第13-15题.The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don’t be sad if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you. The most important thing for learning English is: “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”听第三段材料,回答第16-17题.M: Ticket, pleaseW: How much is it?M: Where are you going to get off?W: I’ll get off at the library behind the post office.M: That will be one yuan.W: Don’t all the tickets cost the same?M: Of course not. If you take one more stop, it will cost you two yuan.W: How much is the dearest?M: Three yuan.听第四段材料,回答第18-20题.W: Tim, Do you hear about the thing that happened in the classroom yesterday afternoon?M: No, Idon’t. What happened?W: Jack and Fred were talking nosily while Mr Hu was giving a lesson and it made him very angry.M: Oh, really? That’s too bad.W: But they said that they wouldn’t do it again.D. 听短文,从题中所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案.听两遍.All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports are good for people's health and make them happy. Sports change with the season.People play different games in winter and in summer.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere play them. Football, for example, is very popular around the world. People in all countries near the sea or with many rivers prefer swimming.Some sports or games like running or jumping go back to thousands of years. But basketball and volleyball are quite new. Neither of them is over 100 years old.People from different countries may not be able to understand each other before, but they often become good friends after a game.2018—2018学年度第一学期八年级英语期末测试参考答案一、听力1-5CCABB6-10ABCAB 11-15 BABBC16-20BCBBA 21-25 BAACB二、单项选择26-30DCDCB31-35 BAABB 36-40CCDCB41-45 CABBB三、完形填空46-50 BADCD51-55 ACBAB56-60 CDABC四、阅读理解61-65 CCDBD 66-70ABCCD71-75 CCCAC 76-80DBDAC五、用所给词地适当形式填空81. exciting 82. arrival 83. broke 84. herself 85. unusual86. was removing 87. closest 88. moves 89. leaves90. careless 91. worse 92. dishonest93. to get94. gently 95. ninetieth六、阅读表达96. beginning, (air> pollution97. 由于每年人们砍伐越来越多地树木,所以世界自然基金会才要尽力保护地球上地森林.98. One is to stop air pollution and WWF is also interested in saving all plants and animals.99. As people use more land, many animals and plants are losing their homes and die.100. WWF’s goal is to save the world’s environment.七、短文填空101. friends 102. danger 103. take 104. down 105. areas106. live 107. protect 108. duty 109. tell 110. do八、书面表达Dear schoolmates,A terrible flood hit many places in south China at the beginning of this month. It brought a great loss to the people there.The flood brought a great loss. It washed away the villages and towns, so people lost their farmlands and homes. Thousands of people even lost their homes. They had nowhere to live and no food to eat. When people heard the news, they showed their love in different ways. They were in a great hurry to provide food and clothes to the people in disaster areas. Some even gave money to them. As students, I think we should try our best to help the people in need. Let’s save our pocket money and send it to them.If everyone gives a hand , our world will become much more beautiful .School committee申明:所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途.。

(4分)打开八上语文课本,时事、历史、山水、人情,便如沿途风景扑面而来:跳水姑娘吕伟像轻(①yíng )的、笔直的箭,“哧”地插进碧波之中,几串白色的气泡拥抱了这位自天而降的仙女,四面水花则②悄.然不惊;南宋时期的汴京,近郊道路上有众多仆从簇拥的轿乘队伍和骑驴而行、长途(③bá)涉的商旅,市区街道上的行人更是络绎不绝;西北高原上倔④强.挺立的白杨树,叶子片片向上,几乎没有斜生的,更不用说倒垂了……2.古诗文填空(8分)(1)烽火连三月,________________。
(杜甫《春望》)(2) ,寂寞沙洲冷。
”3.下列句子没有语病的一项是( )(3分)A.所有学校都要关爱留守儿童,利用一切契机激励他们,锻炼他们,培养他们自理自强。

2018学年第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷答案Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分)1. Sam always runs in the morning when the sun is still rising. (C)2. What a beautiful voice the famous singer has! (F)3. It is an exciting experience for students to tour the countryside on their bikes. (A)4. Peter had a bad toothache, so he went to see a dentist yesterday. (D)5. Do you know the names of the first two Astronauts who walked on the moon? (E)6. The little girl asked her father to give up smoking as it was bad for his health. (G)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案) (8分)7. M: Hi, Jane! Where have you been?W: I have just come back from the library. You know, I work there as a volunteer every Saturday.Q: How often does Jane go to the library? (B)8. M: Oh, doctor, please help me. I was hit by a car and every part of my body is in pain.W: Don’t worry. Let me examine. There’s nothing wrong with your arms and legs. But you’ve got a big cut on your head.Q: Which part of the man’s body was hurt in the accident? (D)9. W: Gary, have you seen Kitty? I haven’t seen her for days.M: Oh, she is ill in hospital. Mike, Mary and I have just visited her. She is much better now. Q: Who is in hospital? (A)10.W: The dress looks nice. How much does it cost?M: Well, It was 280 yuan last week, but it’s 100 yuan cheaper now.W: All right. I’ll take it.Q: How much will the woman pay? (C)11. M: Linda, I have to leave for Beijing at once. There’s an urgent meeting to attend. So pleasebook me a train ticket first and then book a room at Park Hotel.W: OK, Mr. Smith. What else should I do after you leave?M: Yes. You should type the paper out and send it to Jones by fax.Q: What is Linda probably going to do first? (C)12. M: It’s very difficult to work out the physics problem, Nancy.W: Yes, it may be, Mike. Would you like me to help you?M: No, thanks. I’ll try my best to do it.W: OK. I’m sure you can if you think it over.Q: Why doesn’t Mike want Nancy to help him? (C)13. W. Hi, Samuel. I hear you complained about the restaurant near your housing estate.M: Yes. You know the food there is quite delicious.W: Then what made you so unhappy?M: Of course the poor service. I waited a long time for the dishes and the waitress was so rude.Q: What did the man complain about? (C)14. M: Do you still remember the serious flood happening in South China last summer?W: Sure. I’ll never forget it.M: Me too. It has affected 4.3 million people. About 180 people were killed and 52 are still missing. It caused about 14.5 billion yuan in damage. It is the worst flood in the past ten years in China.Q: How much in damage did the flood cause? (D)C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) In today’s world many people seem to be hungry for money. Some of them even lose their lives for it. Money does have its most useful effect on the poor, but once a person has a rich life, a lot more money d oesn’t mean more happiness.If money was everything, all millionaires would have true love, true friendship, good health and a long life. However, this is not always true.Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words which are “I love you”. But can l ove be bought? I’m afraid not. Love means to give, not to take. To every person, health and long life are probably the most precious things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “No”.Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires. True friendship can’t be bought either. In a wor d, where people believe money means everything, money can cause brothers to quarrel, lovers to hate, strangers to fight and so on. No matter how much money you have, it is still not enough to make you a happy person if you have not one to laugh with, no one to cry for.15. F 16. T 17. F 18. F 19. T 20. TD. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (听短文填空,完成下列句子。


湖南省长沙市长郡中学2017-2018学年高一上学期期末考试数学试题长郡中学2017-2018学年度高一第一学期期末考试数学一、选择题:1.设集合$A=\{1,3\}$,集合$B=\{1,2,4,5\}$,则集合$A\cup B=$()。
$(2,3)$6.$\triangle ABC$中,内角$A,B,C$所对的边分别是$a,b,c$,若$a^2-c^2+b^2=ab$,则$\angle C=$()。
$60^\circ$或$120^\circ$7.$\triangle ABC$中,内角$A,B,C$所对边的长分别为$a,b,c$,若$\frac{\cos A}{\cos B}=\frac{b}{a}$,则$\triangle ABC$为()。

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一、单项选择题(共10小题,每题2分,共20分)1、Visual Basic是一种面向对象的程序设计语言,构成对象的三要素是()A属性、控件和方法B.属性、事件和方法C.窗体、控件和过程D.控件、过程和模块2、下列语句在任何条件下都至少执行一次的循环体是()A.Do While<条件>B. While<条件>循环体循环体Loop WendC. DoD.Do Until<条件>循环体循环体LoopUntil<条件> Loop3、下面控件中,没有caption属性的()A.框架B.组合框B.命令按钮 D.复选按钮4、要使标签透明须将其()属性改为0A.StyleB. backcolorC.visibleD.borderstyle5、下列关于过程叙述不正确的是()A.过程的传值调用时将实参的具体值传递给形参B.过程的传址调用是将实参在内存的地址传递给形参C.过程的传值调用参数是单向传递的,过程的传址调用参数是双向传递的D.无论过程传值调用还是传地址调用,参数传递都是双向的6、设a=6, b=8, c=10 则函数lif(a<b,lif(b<c,c,b),a+b)的返回值是()A.1OB.6C.8D.127、下面程序的执行结果是()Dim S(10) AS IntegerFor i=0 to 10S(i)=2*iNext iPrint S(S(3))A.12B.6C.0D.48、一下程序输出的结果是()Option Base1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a(10),p(3)As IntegerK=5For i=1 to 10A(i)=iNext iFor i =1to 3P(i)=a(i*i)Next iFor i = 1 to 3K=k+p(i)*2Next iPrint kEnd subA. 33B.28C.35D.379、在窗体上画一个命令按钮,名称为Command1。
然后编写如下程序:Private Sub Command1_Click()For i=1 to 4For j=0 to iPrint chr$(65+i);Next jPrintNext iEnd Sub程序运行后,如果单击命令按钮,则在窗体上现实的内容是( )A. BBCCCDDDDEEEEEB. ABBCCCDDDDC. BCCDDDEEEED. AABBBCCCCDDDDD10、下列过程语句中,一定按传值方式进行数据传递的定义语句是( )A. Sub pro2(a AS integer)B. Sub pro2(ByRef a AS integer)C. Sub pro2(ByVal a AS integer)D.Sub pro2(arr( ) )二、填空题(共5小题,每题2分,共10分。
)1.数学式222233y y x b a ++⋅+对应的VB 表达式为___ __________ 2.已知a=2,b=3,c=4,d=5 .表达式Not a<=c Xor 4*c=b^2 Or b<>a+c 的值为_____ _________3.设变量x是一个两位正整数,写出判断x的十位数是个奇数数字的VB逻辑表达式: _4.写出表达式Val("10abc.5")*Int(-2.7)的值5.写出DateDiff(“m”,#8/30/1999#,#8/30/2000#)的值三、判断题(本题15分,每小题1分)1.标签控件是专门用来显示信息的,所以不能响应鼠标的单击事件。
4. 一条Visual Basic 话句如果不超过80个字符是不能续行的。
5. 在Visual Basic 程序中不可能同时出现tstA和tsta两个控件名。
6. If与EndIf关键字必须成对地使用,有个If就有个End if与之相对应。
7. Do和Loop关键字区须成对使用,有个Do就必须有个Loop与之对应。
8. For和Exit For须成对使用,有个For就必顿有个Exit For与之对应。
9. Select Case语句实现的是一种循环结构。
10. 一个Do循环只能使用一个Loop关键字,但可以使用彩个Exit Do语句。
11.如果过程的个形参使用了ByRef 修饰,且调用时相应的实参是个变量;则实参变量的数据类型必须与形参相同。
15. 在窗体模块中,不能定义全局通用过程。
Private Sub Command1_click()Dim n%,b,tt=1 :b=1 :n=2Do While n<=4if b>1 Then Exit Dob=b*n : t=t+b : n=n+1LoopPrint "t" & tEnd Sub2. 在窗体中添加一个命令技钮Command1, 并编写如下程序:Private Sub Command1_Click()X=InputBox(x)if x^2<=9 Then y=1/xif x^2>9 Then y= x^2+1if (x^2)-7=9 Then y=xPrint "y=" & yEnd Sub程序运行后,在InputBox中输入4,单击命令按钮,写出程序的运行结果。
3. 窗体上画一个命令按钮,并编写以下半件过程和子过程:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integer, y As IntegerX=12 :y=20Call Value(x.y)Print"x="&x,"y="&yEnd SubPrivate Sub Value(ByVal m As Integer, n As Integer)m=m*2n =n-5End Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,写出程序的输出结果。
4.窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个图像框,并编写以下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a(3,3)For m 1T03For n= 1To3If n=m Or n=4 -m Thena(m,n)=m+nElsea(m,n)=0End ifPicture1.Print a(m,n)Next nPicture1.PrintNext mEnd Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,图像框中显示的内容是什么?五、程序填空题(5个空,每空5分,共25分)。
程序1 [程序说明]以下程序随机产生100个两位正整数,先对这些数按从大到小的顺序排序每行10个显示在窗体上。
[程序]Private Sub Form_ Click()Dim a(100) As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, t As Integer, X As Integer,y As IntegerFor i= 1 To 100a(i)=____________________Next iFor i= 1To99Forj=i+ 1To 100If a(i)< a(j)Then___________________________End IfNext jNext iFori= 1To 100Print a(i);________________________________NextiFor i= 1 To 100X=______________________’取十位数字Y= a(i) Mod10 '取个位数字If x+y = 10Then Print a(i)Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Swap______________________________________ Dim Temp As IntegerTemp=X:X=Y:Y= TempEnd Sub。