校园教室信息管理系统 大学毕业设计
1 绪论教师信息管理系统是一所院校在各种信息管理中的一部分,对于学校管理者来说是很重要的,所以所设计的系统应该能为管理者提供教师的基本信息管理手段和一些方便的查询方式。
1.1 毕业设计主要任务1用户登录2 修改个人密码3 个人信息维护4 教师信息管理5 教师信息查询6 教师工资管理7教师工资查询8安全退出1.2 课题的意义教师管理系统是以教师管理为主。
1.3 论文的工作和安排本次设计的目标是:开发一个网站,设计一套功能比较完善的、方便使用的在教师管理系统。
1 绪论教师信息管理系统是一所院校在各种信息管理中的一部分,对于学校管理者来说是很重要的,所以所设计的系统应该能为管理者提供教师的基本信息管理手段和一些方便的查询方式。
1.1 毕业设计主要任务1用户登录2 修改个人密码3 个人信息维护4 教师信息管理5 教师信息查询6 教师工资管理7教师工资查询8安全退出1.2 课题的意义教师管理系统是以教师管理为主。
1.3 论文的工作和安排本次设计的目标是:开发一个网站,设计一套功能比较完善的、方便使用的在教师管理系统。
(2)Maintain Info(信息维护):本用例提供了创建、修改、删除、查询教师信息、课程信息、教研信息、辅助信息的功能。
(3)Plan teach(教学计划):本用例提供了各学院安排新学期教学计划的功能。
(4)Select Course(教师选课):本用例提供了教师选择新学期要讲授的课程的功能。
(5)Take Item(注册项目):本用例提供了教师注册参加教学研究项目的功能。
毕业设计论文论文题目:教师信息管理系统的设计与实现系部计算机科学与技术系专业班级学生姓名学号指导教师2011年5 月18 日摘要随着高等院校规模的不断扩大,教师的数量急剧增加,有关教师的各种信息量也在不断地成倍增长。
关键词:信息管理系统;数据库;开发SummaryWith the constant expansion of higher colleges, the teacher sharply increase, all kinds of information about teachers and are constantly increase exponentially. Personal information for teachers of management to become an important task facing huge information, however, if the teacher's personal information, then deposit paper files for future modification, inquires the other operating will bring very much not convenient, and paper files sometimes get lost, go against data long-term preservation. This needs database to establish a teachers' information management system to improve teachers' personal information management efficiency. Through this topic research, can basically do teachers' personal information standardized management and rapid inquiry, as well as other related operation, reducing the workload of the information management aspects. Realized the teachers' personal information management highlyeffective, network and intelligent.Teachers' information management system is a college information management system is an important part of, it is mainly used for teachers of personal data entry and management, and related information query and statistics, etc. Use the information management system for the teachers college can easily master the school teachers' information material, adjust the reasonable distribution of the faculty. While strengthening teachers' team management, save the management cost and will give top leaders more time to make choices, and not spend a lot of time to gather information and then in making decisions.Keyword:Manage the information system;Database;Development目录1 绪论 (1)1.1研究动机与目的 (1)1.2研究背景 (1)1.3论文的组织结构 (2)2 可行性分析 (3)2.1提出背景 (3)2.2可行性分析 (3)3 需求分析 (5)3.1任务概述 (5)3.2系统设计原则 (5)3.3系统需求分析 (6)3.3.1业务流程 (6)3.3.2系统流程图 (6)4 总体设计 (8)4.1系统总体结构 (8)4.2各模块功能描述 (8)4.3数据库设计 (9)4.3.1系统功能要求 (9)4.3.2系统功能模块分析 (9)4.3.3数据库需求分析 (10)4.3.4数据字典和ER图 (10)5 详细设计与编码 (16)5.1系统描述 (16)5.2数据库连接 (16)5.3系统各模块窗体的实现 (18)5.3.1登录窗体 (18)5.3.2密码修改窗体 (20)5.3.3主界面窗体 (22)5.3.4基础数据管理模块 (24)5.3.5个人信息管理窗体 (25)5.3.6人员统计分析窗体 (29)5.3.7【关于】窗体 (30)6 系统测试与维护 (31)7 总结 (34)致谢 (35)参考文献 (36)1 绪论1.1研究动机与目的信息管理系统是一个以人为主导,利用计算机硬件、软件,网络通信这些设备和其他的办公设备进行信息的收集、传输、加工、储存、更新和维护达到战略竞优、提高效率的目的,来支持高层决策、中层控制和基层运作的集成化的人机系统。
经过分析,我们使用MICROSOFT公司的VISUAL BASIC开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,尤其是数据窗口这一能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。
中间层:函数库Library和虚拟机Virtual Machine,C++开发
教师信息管理系统毕业论文内容关键词:教师信息;管理信息系统;需求分析中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2012)34-8105-04管理信息系统是一个不断发展的新型学科,学校要生存要发展,要高效率地把学校活动有机地组织起来,就必须加强学校管理,即加强对学校内部的各种资源的有效管理,建立与自身特点相适应的管理信息系统。
1 管理信息系统(MIS)1.1系统特点面向对象设计:系统中将教师类型,教师等都封装成相应的类,同时每个类都有自己对应的集合类,从而在次提高了对数据库操作的安全性和程序的可扩展性。
1.2相关技术及开发工具系统平台:Windows 2000,Windows XP数据库:ACCESS 2000开发工具:Visual Basic 6.02 需求分析数据库在一个信息管理系统中占有非常重要的地位,数据库结构设计的好坏将直接影响应用系统的效率及实现的效果。
教师信息管理系统设计与实现毕业设计教师信息管理系统设计与实现系别:机电信息学院专学业生名姓称:计算机科学与技术名:Xxx 学号:xxxxxxxx 指导教师姓名、职称:xxxxxxxx完成日期2013年12 月24 日教师信息管理系统设计与实现摘要教师管理系统设计与实现是典型的信息管理系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面.对于前者要求建立数据一致性和完整性强,数据安全性好的数据库.而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。
本次毕业设计的内容是设计并且实现一个基于web技术的教师信息管理系统,故而系统主要以j2EE作为开发基础,用myeclipse作为开发工具,以MYSQL作为数据库,以Macromedia公司的Dreamweaver作为界面美化工具,使用JA V A语言开发,页面采取JSP动态页面开发技术。
关键词:教师信息管理系统;JA V A ;JSP Teachers’ information management system design and implementation ABSTRACT Teachers’ information management system design and implementation is a typicalmanagement information system, two aspects of its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front end the application procedure development. Regarding the former request establishment data consistency and integrity, and data security database. For the latter request application procedure function is complete, easy to use and so on characteristics. In the school, the teacher information management including teacher information, obviously artificial manner if its management will spend a lot of manpower, material resources, the development of this system as a target, to reduce the burden of teachers management. The contents of this graduation project isto design and implement a based on the teacher information management system based on Web, MyEclipse as a development tool, MYSQL as the database,using Macromedia’s Dreamweaver as the interface landscaping tools, the use ofJA V A language development, take the development technology of JSP dynamic web page. The functions of the system are: the achievement of all teachers personal information management functions and the provision of basic insertion , deletion, modification and enquiry functions. It also facilitate the management and statistics of teachers’information, including basic information , workload,working information and so system has a simple interface, easy operation, easy maintenance. Keywords: Teacher information management system;JA V A ;JSP目录摘要....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
本科生毕业设计(论文)题目:教师信息管理系统设计与实现学生姓名:计算机毕业设计学号:专业班级:指导教师:职称:目录摘要.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
Abstract .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1 引言 (1)1.1开发背景 (1)1.2开发意义 (1)1.3应用目标 (1)1.4 系统体系结构 (1)2 涉及的技术与工具的介绍 (2)2.1 简介 (2)2.2 Database介绍和应用 (3)2.2.1 Oracle数据库 (3)2.2.2 SQL Server的优势 (3)2.3 数据驱动系统Web站点的优缺点 (5)2.3.1 优点 (5)2.3.2 缺点 (6)3 需求分析 (7)3.1 背景 (7)3.3 定义,术语,缩写词和略语 (7)3.4 业务需求 (7)3.5 性能需求 (7)4 系统功能分析 (8)4.1 整个系统的流程图 (8)4.2 实体联系图 (8)5 数据库设计 (9)5.1 系统的数据表 (9)5.2 数据库表关系图 (9)5.3 数据库物理设计 (10)5.4 运行设计 (11)5.4.1.运行模块的组合 (11)5.4.2.运行控制 (12)5.4.3.运行时间 (12)5.4.4.出错处理设计 (12)6 系统实现 (13)6.1 系统登录界面 (13)6.2 管理员登入功能的实现 (16)6.2.1 管理员登录 (16)6.2.2 用户管理模块 (16)6.3 条件查询模块的功能实现 (17)6.4 教师登入功能实现 (18)6.5 用户信息管理 (19)6.6 打印教师信息文档的实现 (21)7.测试 (22)7.1 测试计划 (22)7.1.1 目的 (22)7.1.2 背景 (222)7.1.3 定义 (222)7.2测试项目说明 (222)7.2.1.用户登录窗口的测试 (222)7.2.2.添加教师信息窗口的测试 (223)7.2.3.修改教师信息窗口的测试 (224)7.2.4.查询教师信息窗口的测试 (225)结论 (226)参考文献 (227)致谢 (228)1引言1.1开发背景该项目开发的软件为学校教师信息管理系统软件,是鉴于目前学校教师人数剧增,教师信息呈爆炸性增长的前提下,学校对教师信息管理的自动化与准确化的要求日益强烈的背景下构思出来的,该软件设计完成后可用于学校的教师信息的管理。
毕业设计(论文)教师信息管理系统设计与实现系别:机电信息学院专业名称:计算机科学与技术学生:Xxx学号:xxxxxxxx指导教师、职称:xxxxxxxx完成日期 2013年 12 月 24 日教师信息管理系统设计与实现摘要教师管理系统设计与实现是典型的信息管理系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面.对于前者要求建立数据一致性和完整性强,数据安全性好的数据库.而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。
关键词:教师信息管理系统;JAVA ; JSPTeachers' information management system design andimplementationABSTRACTTeachers' information management system design and implementation is a typical management information system, two aspects of its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front end the application procedure development. Regarding the former request establishment data consistency and integrity, and data security database. For the latter request application procedure function is complete, easy to use and so on characteristics. In the school, the teacher information management including teacher information, obviously artificial manner if its management will spend a lot of manpower, material resources, the development of this system as a target, to reduce the burden of teachers management.The contents of this graduation project is to design and implement a based on the teacher information management system based on Web, MyEclipse as a development tool, MYSQL as the database, using Macromedia's Dreamweaver as the interface landscaping tools, the use of JAVA language development, take the development technology of JSP dynamic web page.The functions of the system are: the achievement of all teachers personal information management functions and the provision of basic insertion , deletion, modification and enquiry functions. It also facilitate the management and statistics of teachers’information, including basic information , workload,working information and so on.The system , easy maintenance.Keywords: Teacher information management system;JAVA ;JSP目录摘要 ....................................................... 错误!未定义ABSTRACT ..................................................... 错误!未定义1 绪论 ................................................................2 系统的开发环境.........................................................2.1 JSP技术简介....................................................2.2 MyEclipse简介..................................................2.3 SQL Server 简介.................................................2.4 Tomcat简介..................................................... 3需求分析与可行性研究...................................................3.1 需求分析 ........................................................3.2 可行性研究 ......................................................3.2.1 技术可行性分析..............................................3.2.2 经济可行性..................................................3.2.3 运行可行性..................................................4 系统总体设计 ..........................................................4.1 总体功能模块.....................................................4.2 系统管理员功能模块...............................................4.3 教师用户的功能模块...............................................4.4 系统业务描述.....................................................4.5 程序流程图 ...................................................... 5系统详细设计与实现.....................................................5.1 系统和数据库的配置...............................................5.2 概念模型设计.....................................................5.3 数据库逻辑模型...................................................5.4 数据库表结构.....................................................5.5 系统功能实现的主要模块...........................................5.5.1 登陆页面....................................................5.5.2 教师管理主页面..............................................5.5.3 公告管理主页面..............................................5.5.4奖惩信息管理主页面..........................................5.5.5用户设置页面................................................ 6系统测试.................................................... 错误!未定义6.1 软件测试概述.......................................... 错误!未定义6.2 软件测试的目标与方法.................................. 错误!未定义6.2.1 模块测试......................................... 错误!未定义6.2.2 集成测试......................................... 错误!未定义6.2.3 验收测试......................................... 错误!未定义6.2.4 平行运行......................................... 错误!未定义6.3 软件测试的任务和结果.................................. 错误!未定义7 总结与展望 ................................................. 错误!未定义7.1 总结学习感受.......................................... 错误!未定义7.2 解决的问题及存在的不足................................ 错误!未定义致谢 ..................................................................参考文献 ..................................................... 错误!未定义1 绪论随着办学规模的扩大和招教人数的增加,建立一个高效的教师信息管理系统是非常必要的,我国的大中专院校的教师信息管理的自动化和效率不高,并且随着学校规模的扩大与政府人才流动机制的变化,学校教师的人数逐渐增加,而其流动率也在逐年增加,以往的手工管理教师信息的方式变得力不从心,已经不能满足学校对教师信息管理的要求。
最新-教师工作量管理信息系统毕业设计(论文)word格式 精品
系统简介,对系统的设计目的和开发方向做了简单概述,列举了系统的主要开发工具,并对各个开发工具做了简单介绍;系统设计,从WEB 结构设计和数据库设计两方面进行描述,其中WEB结构设计方面,简单介绍了WEB页面的组成和需求规划,而数据结构设计方面,从概念结构设计和逻辑结构设计两方面进行说明;系统实现,详细讲述了系统的设计和实现,将系统拆分为一个个单一的模块,本文主要以实验员模块的功能进行分析、设计和实现。
关键字 数据库存储过程函数工作量安全性Abstract Teacher workload management information system for use by teachers object, WEB-based platform for the management of information systems, the paper largely on the basic framework of technology, is divided into three Most of the analytical system: System, system design and system To achieve. System, the system is designed to develop the direction and a brief overview of the system outlined the main development tools, and various development tools to do a brief introduction, system design, structure design from the WEB database design and a description of both, WEB structural design, simple WEB pages on the composition of and demand for planning, design and data structure, from the concept of structural design and structural design logic of the two aspects; System, described in detail the system design and implementation, Resolution of a system for a single module, the paper mainly to test the functional module Members of the analysis, design and implementation.Key Word Database Store Function Workload Security目录引言 (5)第一章系统简介 (6)1.1 概述 (6)1.2 系统需求分析 (6)1.2.1 功能需求 (6)1.2.2 性能需求 (6)1.3 平台框架介绍 (7)1.3.1 DOT NET (7)1.3.2 (7)1.3.3 Sql (7)1.4 开发工具介绍 (7)1.4.1 Visual Studio 2005 (7)1.4.2 Microsoft Sql Server 2000 (8)1.4.3 Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 (8)1.4.4 Intype (8)1.4.5 小结 (8)第二章系统设计 (9)2.1 系统结构设计 (9)2.1.1 WEB结构设计 (9)2.1.2 WEB结构规划分析 (9)2.2 数据库结构设计 (10)2.2.1 需求分析 (10)2.2.2 概念结构设计 (11)2.2.3 逻辑结构设计 (12)2.2.4 小结 (14)第三章系统的实现 (15)3.1 概述 (15)3.2 系统分析 (15)3.2.1 需求分析 (15)3.2.2 可行性分析 (15)3.2.3 规划设计图 (15)3.3 文件结构 (16)3.4 系统功能实现 (17)3.4.1 页面风格的设计 (17)3.4.2 显示与功能设计 (19)3.4.3 数据库的连接 (19)3.5 实验员模块 (21)3.5.1 概述 (21)3.5.2 实验员基本信息页面 (21)3.5.3 实验工作量信息页面 (24)3.6 遇到的问题与解决过程 (27)3.6.1 发平台的安装问题 (27)3.6.2 数据库问题 (27)3.6.3 数据系统迁移问题 (27)3.6.4 C#编程问题 (28)3.6.5 项目文件的目录问题 (28)3.6.6 页面设计问题 (28)3.6.7 时间问题 (28)3.7 技术性问题讨论 (28)3.7.1 安全性问题 (28)3.8 小结 (29)总结 (30)致谢语 (31)参考文献 (32)附录一数据表 (33)附录二存储程序 (35)附录三外文资料原文 (42)译文 (56)引言管理信息系统(Management Information System),是一个由人、计算机及其他外围设备等组成的能进行信息的收集、传递、存贮、加工、维护和使用的系统。
宁夏大学物电学院网络工程系毕业设计论文毕业设计题目:基于web的高校教师管理系统专业:网络工程年级:09网络学号:************名:******师:**宁夏大学物电学院毕业设计成果目录摘要 (1)英文摘要 (1)引言 (2)1 开发背景 (3)1.1提出问题 (3)1.1.1项目开发的目标 (3)1.1.2项目开发的意义 (3)1 需求分析 (3)1.1系统分析 (3)1.1.1系统目标 (3)1.1.2系统功能 (3)2 系统设计 (3)2.1技术简介 (3)2.1.1 的概述 (3)2.1.2 Visual Studio 2008的概述 (4)2.1.3 SQL Server的概述 (4)2.2页面结构设计 (5)2.3数据库设计 (5)2.3.1数据表设计 (5)2.3.2数据表的结构设计 (5)2.4系统环境 (6)2.4.1硬件环境 (6)2.4.2软件配置 (6)2.5 DBMS的选择 (6)3 系统详细设计 (6)3.1登录页面 (6)3.2主页 (7)3.2.1管理员页面 (7)3.2.2教师页面 (7)3.3用户管理 (7)3.3.1添加用户 (7)3.3.2添加教师 (7)3.4查询页面 (7)3.4.1按编号查询信息 (7)3.4.2按姓名查询信息 (7)3.4.3按课程查询信息 (7)4 系统调试与运行 (7)结论与谢辞 (8)参考文献 (9)附件1程序关键代码及脚本 (10)摘要高校教师信息管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS)。
本论文从高校教师信息管理出发,分析比较了原始的人工信息收集与通过web 的信息服务方式的优缺点,采用程序设计语言,结合SQL数据库技术,完成了基于web的高校教师信息管理系统设计。
关键字: SQL数据库高校信息管理AbstractTeacher Gao Xiao file management the system be the information of the typical model management system.The realization contents is main to include a backstage database of design, establishment and maintenance, and stage application procedure of development .Teacher management is a kind of personnel management, is to the teachers and teachers in the work and relationship management. In particular, it is with the teachers and teachers in the work for object, through the organization, coordination, and control, and other means to seek work with teachers engaged in between the teachers and work with the interaction between the adapt, realize full play to the teacher's potential, grasp the teaching work better this goal of management activities. This system is to use ASP .NETlanguage and combined with SQL to complete the data storage based on a Web of university teachers' information management system.Key words: SQL database Universities' information management引言随着高校建设的日益发展,高校教师的信息量也是越来越多,从而导致了教师信息管理的工作量也是日益繁重。
本系统以Delphi7.0 SQL Sever 2000为主要开发平台,从用户的角度出发,对教学管理系统的功能进行了全面的分析。
关键词:Delphi SQL 教学管理系统数据库AbstractThe teaching information management system is an organism that campus information manage the system to constitute the part, this text synopsis expatiated the teaching manages the meaning of system developments and the process of development of the systems.Teaching management system adoption front most popular of Delphi plait distance technique, can realize data efficiently, development, hand over to visit with each other, have the mighty Server/ Client hands over with each other ability.This system with Delphi7.0 SQLSever 2000 for main the terrace of development, set out from the angle of the customer, manage to the teaching the function of the system proceeded completely of analysis.The main function that this system realizes includes the student the score the search, student data search, teacher data search, single section score view, the academic year has a lecture detailed list, credit calculation, average cent calculation, increase to modify the student, teacher, course the information and delete the student, teacher, course the information, database restores, the management of the backup, customer information with support and other some assistance function.Establish the tool of development of the our main adoption in top Access conduct and actions relation database in the database.The database interview technique of the adoption ADO on the conjunction in database.This text is from the development terrace, circulate the environment, system design with mold a design for realizing etc. expatiating system and development processes, from the background of development, system function of that system, designed the way of thinking to proceed the treatise with details etc. that some procedure develop.Its is management that expatiation credit calculation, average cent calculation, increase to modify the student, teacher, course the information and delete the student, teacher, course the information, database restores, backup, customer information with design that support this a few molds piece and development process.Key Words:Delphi SQL teaching management system data-base目录摘要 (I)Abstract .............................................................................................................................................. I II 目录.................................................................................................................................................. I V 引言. (1)第1章管理信息系统概述 (2)1. 1管理信息系统产生的背景 (2)1. 2管理信息系统的定义 (3)1. 3管理信息系统的类型 (4)1. 4管理信息系统设计原则 (5)第2章开发工具的介绍 (7)2. 1 Delphi简介 (7)2. 2 Delphi 的特点 (7)2. 3 Server数据库开发 (8)2. 4 ODBC概述 (8)第3章系统设计和数据库设计 (10)3. 1 系统设计 (10)3. 1. 1 系统功能分析 (10)3. 1. 2系统功能模块设计 (10)3. 2 数据库设计 (10)3. 2. 1数据库需求分析 (10)3. 2. 2数据库概念结构设计 (11)3. 3数据库逻辑结构设计 (13)第4章教学管理系统的详细设计 (15)4. 1用户登陆模块 (15)4. 2系统模块 (15)4. 3查询模块 (15)4. 4浏览模块 (16)4. 5计算模块 (16)4. 6维护模块 (16)4. 7帮助模块 (17)第5章动态数据访问的实现 (18)5. 1 数据库的基础知识 (18)5. 1. 1数据库技术的发展 (18)5. 1. 2数据库(DataBase,简称DB) (20)5. 1. 3 表(Table) (21)5. 2数据库的建立 (22)5. 3 ADO简介 (23)5. 4用ADO连接数据库 (23)第6章教学管理系统的开发过程 (24)6. 1登录窗体 (24)6. 2主窗体 (25)6. 3系统 (25)6. 4 查询 (25)6. 4. 1学生成绩查询 (25)6. 4. 2学生资料查询 (26)6. 4. 3 教师资料查询 (26)6. 5 浏览 (26)6. 5. 1单科成绩浏览 (26)6. 5. 2学年开课清单 (27)6. 6 计算 (27)6. 6. 1 学分累加计算 (27)6. 6. 2 平均分计算 (29)6. 6. 3 学生成绩分布直方图 (30)6. 6. 4 计算器 (31)6. 7 维护 (31)6. 7. 1 添加学生信息 (31)6. 7. 2 添加教师信息 (33)6. 7. 3 添加课程信息 (34)6. 7. 4 学生成绩录入 (36)6. 7. 5 删除学生记录 (37)6. 7. 6 删除教师信息 (38)6. 7. 7 删除课程信息 (39)6. 7. 8 删除成绩记录 (40)6. 7. 9备份数据库 (41)6. 7. 10 还原数据库 (41)6. 7. 11更改密码 (42)6. 7. 12 添加新用户 (43)6. 7. 13 删除用户 (44)6. 8帮助........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
高校教师信息管理系统 毕业设计
高校教师信息管理系统学院名称:专业:计算机科学与技术班级:姓名:指导教师姓名:指导教师职称:2008年6 月高校教师信息管理系统摘要:本系统是使用ASP和ACCESS设计的一个基于Web的高校教师信息管理系统。
关键字:ASP,ACCESS,B/S结构The management system of teachers’ information Abstract:The system is the use of ASP and ACCESS design and development of a Web-based information management system for university teachers. System by the user login, teachers information management, information management materials, press releases, such as a module. The use of the system design and object-oriented structure of a combination of methods, including the structure of the method used for system analysis and design modules, and object-oriented approach for the realization of the functional modules. Implementation of the system in the comprehensive use of the B / S software architecture, ASP script server technology, ACCESS database software technology.Keywords: ASP, ACCESS, B/S Structure目录序言 (1)第1章关键技术简介 (1)1.1 B/S结构 (2)1.2 ASP (3)1.3 ACCESS (4)1.3.1图形界面设计及其程序代码编写.........................................................第2章系统分析.. (7)2.1系统目标 (7)2.2系统功能 (8)2.2.1系统功能分析 (8)2.2.2系统功能结构框图 (8)第3章系统设计 (10)3.1概念结构设计 (10)3.2逻辑结构设计: (11)3.2.1数据表设计 (11)3.2.2数据表的结构 (12)3.3 DBMS的选择 (14)第4章系统实现 (15)4.1硬件环境 (15)4.2软件配置 (15)4.3关键模块实现 (16)4.3.1教师信息查询模块 (16)4.3.2登陆模块 (18)4.3.3教材管理模块 (21)4.3.4 教师信息管理模块 (22)4.3.5任职管理模块 (22)4.3.6新闻模块 (23)4.3.7 意见反馈模块 (24)4.3.8 CSS样式的设置 (24)第5章系统测试 (28)5. 1测试情况 (28)5. 2测试结论 (30)第6章设计总结 (31)参考文献 (33)致谢 (34)高校教师信息管理系统序言近年来,高等教育事业呈现了一个迅猛发展的局面,各级政府对高等教育越来越重视;社会各界对高等教育越来越关注;各类院校对举办高等教育越来越积极;高等教育的规模越来越大。
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1、搭建Apache + PHP +MySQL集成开发环境。
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大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名单崇真专业班级软件工程08-1班指导教师袁振海李孝贵职称高工助教所在单位信息科学系软件工程教研室教研室主任刘瑞杰完成日期 2012 年 4 月 13 日Java and the InternetIf Java is, in fact, yet another computer programming language, you may question why it is soimportant and why it is being promoted as a revolutionary step in computer programm ing. The answer isn’t immediately obvious if you’re coming from a traditional programming perspective. Although Java is very useful for solving traditional stand-alone programming problems, it is also important because it will solve programming problems on the World Wide Web.1 Client-side programmingThe Web’s initial server-browser design provided for interactive content, but the interactivity was completely provided by the server. The server produced static pages for the client browser, which would simply interpret and display them. Basic HTML contains simple mechanisms for data gathering: text-entry boxes, check boxes, radio boxes, lists and drop-down lists, as well as a button that can only be programmed to reset the data on the form or “submit” the dat a on the form back to the server. This submission passes through the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) provided on all Web servers. The text within the submission tells CGI what to do with it. The most common action is to run a program located on the server in a directory that’s typically called “cgi-bin.” (If you watch the address window at the top of your browser when you push a button on a Web page, you can sometimes see “cgi-bin” within all the gobbledygook there.) These programs can be written in most languages. Perl is a common choice because it is designed for text manipulation and is interpreted, so it can be installed on any server regardless of processor or operating system.Many powerful Web sites today are built strictly on CGI, and you can in fact do nearly anything with it. However, Web sites built on CGI programs can rapidly become overly complicated to maintain, and there is also the problem of response time. The response of a CGI program depends on how much data must be sent, as well as the load on both the server and the Internet. (On top of this, starting a CGI program tends to be slow.) The initial designers of the Web did not foresee how rapidly this bandwidth would be exhausted for the kinds of applications people developed. For example, any sort of dynamic graphing is nearly impossible to perform with consistency because a GIF file must be created and moved from the server to the client for each version of the graph. And you’ve no doubt had direct experience with something as simple as validating the data on an input form. You press the submit button on a page; the data is shipped back to the server; the server starts a CGI program that discovers an error, formats an HTML page informing you of the error, and then sends the page back to you; you must then back up a page and try again. Not only is this slow, it’s inelegant.The solution is client-side programming. Most machines that run Web browsers are powerful engines capable of doing vast work, and with the original static HTML approach they are sitting there, just idly waiting for the server to dish up the next page. Client-side programming means that the Web browser is harnessed to do whatever work it can, and the result for the user is a much speedier and more interactive experience at your Web site.The problem with discussions of client-side programming is that they aren’t very different fromdiscussions of programming in general. The parameters are almost the same, but the platform is different: a Web browser is like a limited operating system. In the end, you must still program, and this accounts for the dizzying array of problems and solutions produced by client-side programming. The rest of this section provides an overview of the issues and approaches in client-side programming.2 Plug-insOne of the most significant steps forward in client-side programming is the development of the plug-in. This is a way for a programmer to add new functionality to the browser by downloading a piece of code that plugs itself into the appropriate spot i n the browser. It tells the browser “from now on you can perform this new activity.” (You need to download the plug-in only once.) Some fast and powerful behavior is added to browsers via plug-ins, but writing a plug-in is not a trivial task, and isn’t something you’d want to do as part of the process of building a particular site. The value of the plug-in for client-side programming is that it allows an expert programmer to develop a new language and add that language to a browser without the permission of the browser manufacturer. Thus, plug-ins provide a “back door” that allows the creation of new client-side programming languages (although not all languages are implemented as plug-ins).3 Scripting languagesPlug-ins resulted in an explosion of scripting languages. With a scripting language you embed the source code for your client-side program directly into the HTML page, and the plug-in that interprets that language is automatically activated while the HTML page is being displayed. Scripting languages tend to be reasonably easy to understand and, because they are simply text that is part of an HTML page, they load very quickly as part of the single server hit required to procure that page. The trade-off is that your code is exposed for everyone to see (a nd steal). Generally, however, you aren’t doing amazingly sophisticated things with scripting languages so this is not too much of a hardship.This points out that the scripting languages used inside Web browsers are really intended to solve specific types of problems, primarily the creation of richer and more interactive graphical user interfaces (GUIs). However, a scripting language might solve 80 percent of the problems encountered in client-side programming. Your problems might very well fit completely within that 80 percent, and since scripting languages can allow easier and faster development, you should probably consider a scripting language before looking at a more involved solution such as Java or ActiveX programming.The most commonly discussed browser scripting languages are JavaScript (which has nothing to do with Java; it’s named that way just to grab some of Java’s marketing momentum), VBScript (which looks like Visual Basic), and Tcl/Tk, which comes from the popular cross-platform GUI-building language. There are others out there, and no doubt more in development.JavaScript is probably the most commonly supported. It comes built into both Netscape Navigator and the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). In addition, there are probably more JavaScript books availablethan there are for the other browser languages, and some tools automatically create pages using JavaScript. However, if you’re already fluent in Visual Basic or Tcl/Tk, you’ll be more productive using those scripting languages rather than learning a new one. (You’ll have your hands full dealing with the Web issues already.)4 JavaIf a scripting language can solve 80 percent of the client-side programming problems, what about the other 20 percent—the “really hard stuff?” The most popular solution today is Java. Not only is it a powerful programming language built to be secure, cross-platform, and international, but Java is being continually extended to provide language features and libraries that elegantly handle problems that are difficult in traditional programming languages, such as multithreading, database access, network programming, and distributed computing. Java allows client-side programming via the applet.An applet is a mini-program that will run only under a Web browser. The applet is downloaded automatically as part of a Web page (just as, for example, a graphic is automatically downloaded). When the applet is activated it executes a program. This is part of its beauty—it provides you with a way to automatically distribute the client software from the server at the time the user needs the client software, and no sooner. The user gets the latest version of the client software without fail and without difficult reinstallation. Because of the way Java is designed, the programmer needs to create only a single program, and that program automatically works with all computers that have browsers with built-in Java interpreters. (This safely includes the vast majority of machines.) Since Java is a full-fledged programming language, you can do as much work as possible on the client before and after making requests of the server. For example, you won’t need to send a request form across the Internet to discover that you’ve gotten a date or some other parameter wrong, and your client computer can quickly do the work of plotting data instead of waiting for the server to make a plot and ship a graphic image back to you. Not only do you get the immediate win of speed and responsiveness, but the general network traffic and load on servers can be reduced, preventing the entire Internet from slowing down.One advantage a Java applet has over a scripted program is that it’s in compiled form, so the source code isn’t available to the client. On the other hand, a Java applet can be decompiled without too much trouble, but hiding your code is often not an important issue. Two other factors can be important. As you will see later in this book, a compiled Java applet can comprise many modules and take multiple server “hits” (accesses) to download. (In Java 1.1 and higher this is minimized by Java archives, called JAR files, that allow all the required modules to be packaged together and compressed for a single download.) A scripted program will just be integrated into the Web page as part of its text (and will generally be smaller and reduce server hits). This could be important to the responsiveness of your Web site. Another factor is the all-important learning curve. Regardless of what you’ve heard, Java is not a trivial language to learn. If you’re a Visual Basic programmer, moving to VBScript will be your fastest solution, and since it willprobably solve most typical client/server problems you might be hard pressed to justify learning Java. If you’re experienced with a scripting language you will certainly benefit from looking at JavaScript or VBScript before committing to Java, since they might fit your needs handily and you’ll be more productive sooner.to run its applets withi5 ActiveXTo some degree, the competitor to Java is Microsoft’s ActiveX, althou gh it takes a completely different approach. ActiveX was originally a Windows-only solution, although it is now being developed via an independent consortium to become cross-platform. Effectively, ActiveX says “if your program connects to its environment just so, it can be dropped into a Web page and run under a browser that supports ActiveX.” (IE directly supports ActiveX and Netscape does so using a plug-in.) Thus, ActiveX does not constrain you to a particular language. If, for example, you’re already an experienced Windows programmer using a language such as C++, Visual Basic, or Borland’s Delphi, you can create ActiveX components with almost no changes to your programming knowledge. ActiveX also provides a path for the use of legacy code in your Web pages.6 SecurityAutomatically downloading and running programs across the Internet can sound like a virus-builder’s dream. ActiveX especially brings up the thorny issue of security in client-side programming. If you click on a Web site, you might automatically download any number of things along with the HTML page: GIF files, script code, compiled Java code, and ActiveX components. Some of these are benign; GIF files can’t do any harm, and scripting languages are generally limited in what they can do. Java was also designed to run its applets within a “sandbox” of safety, which prevents it from writing to disk or accessing memory outside the sandbox.ActiveX is at the opposite end of the spectrum. Programming with ActiveX is like programming Windows—you can do anything you want. So if you click on a page that downloads an ActiveX component, that component might cause damage to the files on your disk. Of course, programs that you load onto your computer that are not restricted to running inside a Web browser can do the same thing. Viruses downloaded from Bulletin-Board Systems (BBSs) have long been a problem, but the speed of the Internet amplifies the difficulty.The solution seems to be “digital signatures,” whereby code is verified to show who the author is. This is based on the idea that a virus works because its creator can be anonymous, so if you remove the anonymity individuals will be forced to be responsible for their actions. This seems like a good plan because it allows programs to be much more functional, and I suspect it will eliminate malicious mischief. If, however, a program has an unintentional destructive bug it will still cause problems.The Java approach is to prevent these problems from occurring, via the sandbox. The Java interpreter that lives on your local Web browser examines the applet for any untoward instructions as the applet isbeing loaded. In particular, the applet cannot write files to disk or erase files (one of the mainstays of viruses). Applets are generally considered to be safe, and since this is essential for reliable client/server systems, any bugs in the Java language that allow viruses are rapidly repaired. (It’s worth noting that the browser software actually enforces these security restrictions, and some browsers allow you to select different security levels to provide varying degrees of access to your system.)You might be skeptical of this rather draconian restriction against writing files to your local disk. For example, you may want to build a local database or save data for later use offline. The initial vision seemed to be that eventually everyone would get online to do anything important, but that was soon seen to be impractical (although low-cost “Internet appliances” might someday satisfy the needs of a significant segment of users). The solution is the “signed applet” that uses public-key encryption to verify that an applet does indeed come from where it claims it does. A signed applet can still trash your disk, but the theory is that since you can now hold the app let creator accountable they won’t do vicious things. Java provides a framework for digital signatures so that you will eventually be able to allow an applet to step outside the sandbox if necessary.Digital signatures have missed an important issue, which is the speed that people move around on the Internet. If you download a buggy program and it does something untoward, how long will it be before you discover the damage? It could be days or even weeks. By then, how will you track down the program that’s done it? And what good will it do you at that point?7 Internet vs. intranetThe Web is the most general solution to the client/server problem, so it makes sense that you can use the same technology to solve a subset of the problem, in particular the classic client/server problem within a company. With traditional client/server approaches you have the problem of multiple types of client computers, as well as the difficulty of installing new client software, both of which are handily solved with Web browsers and client-side programming. When Web technology is used for an information network that is restricted to a particular company, it is referred to as an intranet. Intranets provide much greater security than the Internet, since you can physically control access to the servers within your company. In terms of training, it seems that once people understand the general concept of a browser it’s much easier for them to deal with differences in the way pages and applets look, so the learning curve for new kinds of systems seems to be reduced.The security problem brings us to one of the divisions that seems to be automatically forming in the world of client-side programming. If your program is running on the Internet, you don’t know what platform it will be workin g under, and you want to be extra careful that you don’t disseminate buggy code. You need something cross-platform and secure, like a scripting language or Java.If you’re running on an intranet, you might have a different set of constraints. It’s not unc ommon that your machines could all be Intel/Windows platforms. On an intranet, you’re responsible for the quality ofyour own code and can repair bugs when they’re discovered. In addition, you might already have a body of legacy code that you’ve been using in a more traditional client/server approach, whereby you must physically install client programs every time you do an upgrade. The time wasted in installing upgrades is the most compelling reason to move to browsers, because upgrades are invisible and automatic. If you are involved in such an intranet, the most sensible approach to take is the shortest path that allows you to use your existing code base, rather than trying to recode your programs in a new language.When faced with this bewildering array of solutions to the client-side programming problem, the best plan of attack is a cost-benefit analysis. Consider the constraints of your problem and what would be the shortest path to your solution. Since client-side programming is still programming, it’s always a good idea to take the fastest development approach for your particular situation. This is an aggressive stance to prepare for inevitable encounters with the problems of program development.8 Server-side programmingThis whole discussion has ignored the issue of server-side programming. What happens when you make a request of a server? Most of the time the request is simply “send me this file.” Your browser then interprets the file in some appropriate fashion: as an HTML page, a graphic image, a Java applet, a script program, etc. A more complicated request to a server generally involves a database transaction. A common scenario involves a request for a complex database search, which the server then formats into an HTML page and sends to you as the result. (Of course, if the client has more intelligence via Java or a scripting language, the raw data can be sent and formatted at the client end, which will be faster and less load on the server.) Or you might want to register your name in a database when you join a group or place an order, which will involve changes to that database. These database requests must be processed via some code on the server side, which is generally referred to as server-side programming. Traditionally, server-side programming has been performed using Perl and CGI scripts, but more sophisticated systems have been appearing. These include Java-based Web servers that allow you to perform all your server-side programming in Java by writing what are called servlets. Servlets and their offspring, JSPs, are two of the most compelling reasons that companies who develop Web sites are moving to Java, especially because they eliminate the problems of dealing with differently abled browsers.9 Separate arena: applicationsMuch of the brouhaha over Java has been over applets. Java is actually a general-purpose programming language that can solve any type of problem—at least in theory. And as pointed out previously, there might be more effective ways to solve most client/server problems. When you move out of the applet arena (and simultaneously release the restrictions, such as the one against writing to disk) you enter the world of general-purpose applications that run standalone, without a Web browser, just like any ordinary program does. H ere, Java’s strength is not only in its portability, but also its programmability. As you’ll see throughout this book, Java has many features that allow you to create robust programs in ashorter period than with previous programming languages.Be aware that this is a mixed blessing. You pay for the improvements through slower execution speed (although there is significant work going on in this area—JDK 1.3, in particular, introduces the so-called “hotspot” performance improvements). Like any language, Java has built-in limitations that might make it inappropriate to solve certain types of programming problems. Java is a rapidly evolving language, however, and as each new release comes out it becomes more and more attractive for solving larger sets ofproblems.Java和因特网既然Java不过另一种类型的程序设计语言,大家可能会奇怪它为什么值得如此重视,为什么还有这么多的人认为它是计算机程序设计的一个里程碑呢?如果您来自一个传统的程序设计背景,那么答案在刚开始的时候并不是很明显。