03 实验三 碱性蛋白酶活力测定

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实验三. 碱性蛋白酶活力测定


1. 掌握测定碱性蛋白酶活力的原理和酶活力的计算方法。

2. 学习测定酶促反应速度的方法和基本操作。









(1)福林试剂:在1L容积的磨口回流瓶中加入50g钨酸钠(Na2WO4·2H2O)、125g钼酸钠(Na2MoO4·2H2O)、350ml蒸馏水、25ml 85%磷酸及50ml浓盐酸,充分混匀后回流10h。回流完毕,再加25g硫酸锂、25ml蒸馏水及数滴液体溴,开口继续沸腾15分钟,以便驱除过量的溴,冷却后定容到500ml。过滤,置于棕色瓶中暗处保存。使用前加4倍蒸馏水稀释。

(2)1%酪蛋白溶液:称取酪蛋白1克于研钵中,先用少量蒸馏水湿润后,慢慢加入0.2mol/L NaOH 4ml,充分研磨,用蒸馏水洗入100ml容量瓶中,放入水浴中煮沸15分钟,溶解后冷却,定容至100ml,保存于冰箱内。


甲液(0.05mol/L硼砂溶液):取硼砂(Na2B4O7·10H2O) 19克,用蒸馏水溶解并定容至1000ml。



(4)标准酪氨酸溶液:精确称取酪氨酸50mg,加入1ml 1mol/L盐酸溶解后用蒸馏水定容至50ml,即得1mg/ml酪氨酸标准溶液。




(1) 取7支试管,编号,按下表配制不同含量的酪氨酸溶液。(见下页)

(2) 在上述7支试管中,分别加入1%酪蛋白溶液1ml,于40℃水浴中保温15分钟,取出后,加入0.4mol/L三氯醋酸3ml,充分摇匀,各管分别用滤纸过滤。


(4) 用721型分光光度计,以0号管作对照,在680nm处测定光密度。

(5) 以光密度为纵坐标,酪氨酸含量(微克数)为横坐标,绘制标准曲线。


(1)精确称取干酶粉2克,加入10ml pH10缓冲溶液,在小烧杯中溶解,并用玻璃棒搅拌,静止片刻后,将上层液小心倾入容量瓶中,沉渣部分再加入少量缓冲液,如此反复搅拌溶解4次,最后全部移入200ml容量瓶中。用缓冲溶液定容至刻度,充分摇匀,用二层纱布或四层纱布过滤,吸取滤液5ml,,移入100ml容量瓶中,用蒸馏水稀释至刻度,所得液为稀释2000倍的酶液。






2. 本实验中碱性蛋白酶活力单位的计算:

每克碱性蛋白酶的活力单位= m / t ×f



f:酶的稀释倍数,本实验中f = 2000



2. 酶活力测定过程中应注意哪些问题?

Experiment 3. Activity Assay of Alkaline Protease


1.To grasp the principle of alkaline protease activity assay and the computation method of

protease activity.

2.To learn the approach and the basic operation of enzyme-catalyzed reaction speed assay.【Principle】

Enzyme activity is the capability of catalyzing some chemical reaction. The value of enzyme activity may be expressed by the speed of some chemical reaction that catalyzes under certain conditions. Enzyme activity assay is to assay the speed of chemical reaction catalyzed by enzyme in reality.

The speed of enzyme-catalyzed reaction may be expressed with the decrease of reaction substrate or the increase of product in unit time. Usually, assaying the resulting volume of the derivatives within per unit time is applied for the sake of sensitivity. Since enzyme-catalyzed reaction speed may be reduced along with time, we must assay the initial speed of enzyme-catalyzed reaction so as to assay enzyme activity correctly.

Alkaline protease may catalyze casein to hydrolyze and generate tyrosine under the alkaline conditions. Tyrosine is aminophenol which contains phenolhydroxyl and may cause Folin-phenol reaction with Folin reagent (a mixture of phosphowolframate and phosphomolybdate). (Folin-phenol reaction: Folin reagent is very unstable under alkaline conditions; it is apt to be deoxidized by phenol combinations quantifica-

tionally and creates a mixture of wolfram blue and molybdenum blue that wears various shades of blue.) By way of colorimetry, the formation volume of tyrosine can be assayed. Express enzyme activity with the amount of tyrosine derived from hydrolyzed casein.


1. Apparatus

Electric-thermostatic water bath trough, Assay scale, Volumetric flask, Tubes for solution transfer, Tubes and tube shelf, Glass funnels, 721 spectrophotometer

2. Reagent

(1) Folin reagent: Add 50g of Na2WO4• 2H2O, 125g of Na2MoO4• 2H2O, 350ml of distilled water, 25ml of 85% H3PO4 and 50ml of concerntrated HC1 into a 1L round- bottom stoppered flask, mix well and reflux l0h. After refluxing, add 25g of Li2SO4, 25ml of distilled water, several drops liquid Br2, boil 15min without cap to get rid of excessive Br2. After cooling, dilute to a constant volume of 500ml by volumetric flask, filtrate, keep the filtrate in brown flask in darkroom. Add 4 times diluted water before using.

(2) 1% casein solution: Weigh 1g casein in a mortar. Make it humid with a dollop of distilled water. Then add slowly 0.2 mol/L NaOH 4ml and grind it adequately. Wash it out into a volumetric flask. Put it into water tub and boil it 15 minutes. When it is cooled off, set the volume at 100ml and then store it into a refrigerator.

(3) pH10 buffering solution:

Solution A (0.05 mol/L borax solution): Weigh 19g borax (Na2B4O7•10H2O). Dissolve it in distilled water and set the volume at 1000ml.
