
V ol. 17. N o. 1 Feb. 2004
( 北京第二外国语学院 北京市 100024)
3. 2 动词、 动名词的使用 限制性、 强制性、 表示 动态 意义的公示语 大量使用动词、 动名词 , 将公众的注意力集中在 要求公众采取的行动上。如 Keep Silence 保持 安静、 Slow 减速行驶、 No Parking 严禁停车、 No Spitt ing 严禁随地吐痰、 No Dog Pooping 严禁狗 便等。 3. 3 词组、 短语的使用 动词短语、 名词短语大量应用于公示语, 其 结构简短 , 易于识别 , 如 Open Now 现在营业、 Check In 入住登记、 Drive_in Cinema 汽车影院、 Dut y Manager 值班经理、 Game Reserve 野生动 物保护区、 M et er P arking 记时收费停车场等。 3. 4 缩略语的应用 公众和旅游者最常接触和使用的公共设施 和服务的公示语会使用缩略语显示, 一目了然 , 如 IDD 国内直播、 DDD 国际直播、 i 旅游咨询、 P 停车场、 F& B 餐饮服务、 YHA 青 年旅舍、 sq 广场、 cnt r 中 心、 VIP Suite 贵宾 候机 室、 ENT Depart ment 耳鼻喉科等。 3. 5 严格禁用生僻词汇 英语公示语的词汇选择非常重视公众化 , 严格避免使用生僻词语、 古语、 俚语、 术语, 如 : No L it tering 请勿乱扔废弃物、 Occupied( 厕所 ) 有人、 Det our 绕 行、 Frag ile 小 心 易 碎、 Private Parking 专用车位、 Delayed( 航班 ) 延误等。 3. 6 现在时态的应用 公示语给予所处特定区域范围的公众以现 实行为的指示、 提示、 限制、 强制, 为此 , 时态应 用仅限于现在时, 如: Keep Dry 保持干燥、 Give Way T o Buses 公 交 优先、 Don ∀ t Drive When T ired 严 禁疲 劳驾 驶、 Protect Against H eat 怕 热、 Fasten Your Seat Belt 系好安全带等。 3. 7 祈使句的使用 由于外出或旅游的公众多是行色匆匆, 公 示语针对的目标公众又是明确的 , 所以公示语 便避免了程式化的客套 , 大量应用祈使句, 如 : Do Not Dist urb 请勿打扰、 Keep Off T he Grass 勿踏草坪、 Handle Wit h Care 小心轻放、Bew are Pedest rians 注意行人等。 3. 8 规范性和标准性语汇 由于公示语在公众和旅游者生活中的重要 性 , 任何歧意、 误解都会导致不良后果。与日常 生活相关的英语公示语都是多年实际使用形成 的规范和标准表达语汇 , 如 : T w o Way 双向行

■ 指示性Directing (static)
❏ 票务与旅游中心Ticket & Travel Centre ❏ 地 铁 Underground ❏ 行 人 Pedestrians ❏ 公共厕所Public Toilet ❏ 问询服务Information ❏ 婴儿换巾处Baby Change
Steel and Iron Factory
Iron and Steel Factory
海尔整体 Haier Unit
Haier Kitchen Unit
e.g. 9 Misspelled English Words
e.g.10 Misunderstanding the Source or Target Language
❏ 共同努力,世界更精彩Working together, we can make a world of difference.
■ 防范犯罪
❏ 警示他人,迅速撤离Warn others. Move away. ❏ 盗贼当心Thieves Beware
■ Shopping Signs
■ 强制性Compelling (dynamic)
❏ 警戒线勿超越Police Line Do Not Cross ❏ 严禁拍照No Photography ❏ 禁止通行Don’t Walk ❏ 禁酒区Alcohol Free Zone ❏ 禁止导游讲解NO BRIEFING OF GROUPS
11. Omitting
■ 患心脏病、高血压、酗酒者忌座”. ■ Anyone who with heart disease, high blood, please

• NO THROUGH ROAD FOR MOTOR VEHECLES. • There is no way out at the other end of this road for cars. • CYCLISTS DISMOUNT HERE. • Cyclists should get off their bicycles here. • NO ADMISSION TO UNACCOMPANIED MINORS. • Young people under 18 years old can only come if they are with an adult.
• • • • • • • • • • •
• 下面这些例句显示了公示语和日常口语的 对照: • FEEDING ANIMALS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. • You are not allowed to feed the animal. • PENALTY FOR DROPPING LITRE ---- UP TO £100 FINE. • You can be taken to court and made to pay £100 for dropping rubbish.

高星级酒店术语中英文对照RESERV ATION DEPARTMENT GLOSSARYReservationist The front office employee responsible for processing and 订房员maintaining all reservation recordsAdvanced deposit The receipt of money to be placed into a guest's account 预付定金prior to the guest's arrival at the hotel.Advanced The request for available space at some time in the near 预先预订reservation future.Confirmation The communication of an acceptance of a reservation 确认预订信Slip request from the hotel to the guest Confirmation A reservation requests that is confirmed by phone or mail 确认预订Reservation prior to a guest's arrival at the hotel.Day rate A room rate for less than an overnight accommodation. 日租Full house The achievement of a handmade percent occupancy in 爆满hotel guest room utilization.Guaranteed A reservation arrangement in which the hotel is guaranteed 保证预订Reservation the room ate whether or not the guest arriver.No show A guest who makes a reservation and then neither cancel 预订未来or registers with the hotel (Represents lost revenues to the hotel ).Overbooking The practice of committing more guests roomsthan are 超额预订available as a budge against no-shows.Over stay A guest that stays beyond the original date of departure. 延期入住Room availability Describer the availability of recent rooms at some time inthe future.Turn always The number of persons denied accommodations at the 未来房间供Hotel. 应情况Undercooking An erroneous belief that all the hotel's rooms are sold 背过脸when in reality they are not.Under - stay A guest who checks out of the hotel's at a time prior to 未能爆满Their original departure date .Guest history file A record of guests that have stayed at the hotel. Maybe at 提早离店simple a collection of checked all registration cards or assophisticated at an electronic computer memory file.V oucher A support document used to transmit date from one point 客史to another .Walking the guest The refusal of a guest with a reservation due to an error in 凭单planing by the hotel.Blocked A room or group of rooms is taken out of available for an 占房an liupated commitment .GCR (Guaranteed A reduced rate guaranteed ( offered ) to a company.company rate )Complimentary A room provided at a zero rate , ( or a means of promoting 免费rate busses )Group rate A special discounted hotel room rate offered to groups a an 团队价incentive to attract larger assume blager of people or to sell larger blocks of rooms .Family plan A special discounted room rate offered to families, normally 家庭套价applied when children and parents stay in a separate room.Package plan A room rate that includes or is included iwa apace 包价combination of activities and events .FIT (Free A guest that want to the hotel as a non - alphabet group 零星客Independent member .Traveler )Statistics A collection of quantitative data assembled for analytical and 统计interpretive purposes .Amendment Changes in guests details prior to get arrival . 更改Cancellation Guests decision of not coming after reservations has been 取消RECEPTION / CASHIER DEPARTMENT GLOSSARYAverage room rate The average number of dollars collected for each room bed 平均房价at a given hotel .Back of the house Those areas and departments with which the guest is unlikelyto come into direct contact during a normal periodof occupancy .Front of the house Those areas and departments with whichthe guest is mostlikely to come into direct during a normal period ofoccupancy .Occupancy That period of time during which a guest rents a room and 住房率is in residency .Transient guest A person away from home .Floor limit The amount of outstanding charger the hotel will allow acredit card guest to near prior to receiving an authorization number from the credit card company .Home limit The amount of money the guest is allowed to charge to anaccount by the hotel approach the guest seeking partial or full settlement of the outstanding account balance .Account by the hotel approach the guest seeking partial or Full settlement of the outstanding account balance .in house guest An individual client who had registered with the hotel and 住店宾客has not checked out .Late Charge A charge purchase that reaches the front desk for postingafter the has checked out . regale a late charge billing .night audit A specialized reification of accuracy and completeness on 夜审a limited set of accounts .registration The completion of the check-in procedure , which captures 登记guest data and room requirements .room rate The prior charged for the use of a hotel's guestrooms. 房价Room revenuer The amount of dollars derivedfrom the sale of room's fotSome given accounting period .Room type Hotel guestrooms are grouped by the number and kings of 房类beds they contain .skipper A hotel guest who leaves the hotel without paying and 逃单without checking out .sleeper A room that appears to be occupied , although it is vacant ,due to an error in room status reporting at the desk .Walk - in A guest who comes to the hotel without a reservation 散客Check - in The procedure involving registration of guest, on arrival, atthe front desk of the hotel . A prosaic guest cycle ofactivity .Check - out The procedure preceding the guest's departure from thehotel. The guest's account is brought to a zero balance,room keys are returned , A post sale guest cycle activity .Guest list An alphabetical listing of all in - house guests showing each 宾客名单guest's room numbers.Pre-register Refers to registration activities that are performed in advance 提前登记of the actual registration of a guest by the hotel'sreservation and front desk staffs.Registration Card The document dengue to capture revenant guest data at the time 登记表of check-in.CRT (Control The nucleus of a computer system responsible forProcessing unit A、Controlling all processB、Completing All arithmetic and logical operationsC、Interfacing with all other system components.HIS (Hotel An arrangement of hotel data procedures dengue to improveInformation improve the handing and flow of information andSystem) documentation .Adjacent rooms Refers to two hotel rooms that have a common wall, they 相邻房are simply side by side .(Adjoining rooms) Adjacent rooms that have an inside connecting doorway . 相连房connecting roomson - chang A room that is in the process of being prepared for sale to anew incoming guestout-of - order A room that is not saleable because it is under repairer, 坏房decoration or renovationAvailable A room that is ready to be assigned to the next guest 可用房Occupied A room that is currently rented to a hotel guest 住人房Guest account The record of a guest's financial transactions with the hotel. 客帐Check - out time A specified time when the previous day's room rate 结帐时间express a new day's rate goes into effect.Home count The number of registered guests in the hotel.Check - in time The earnest time of day the hotel will allowits guests tobegin registration.On - line The operating mode of a computer peripheral device whichIs directly interacting or connected to the centralProcessing unit of the system ( i. e. direct communicationwith the computer. )City ledger A collection of city or nonguest , receivable account balance 街帐( i. e. lots all account receivables coed to the hotelNO ENGLISH CHIESE1(A)ability to pay 支付能力2 aboard 上般(车),登机3 absenteeism 旷工4 accent 口音5 accident insurance 事故保险6 accommodation 住宿7 account balance 帐户结余8 account receivable 应收账(款)9 acquaintance 相识,认识的人10 addition 附加11 address book 通讯录12 adjoining room 邻室13 adjustment of prices 价格调整14 advance deposit 预订金15 afternoon tea 午后茶点16 after---season 淡季17 air conditioner 空调器,冷气机18 air pollution 空气污染19 airline hotel 航空公司所属饭店20 airport 机场21 apartment hotel 公寓旅馆22 apologize 抱歉23 applicant 申请人24 assignment 转让25 average room rate 平均房价1(B)baby—sitting 照看婴儿2 back bar 饮料柜3 back brush 擦背刷4 background music (旅馆,餐厅,酒吧)背景音乐5 baggage 行李6 baggage check 行李单7 balance 结存8 banquet room 宴会厅9 barber 理发师,美发师10 bath foam 浴液11 bath robe 浴衣,睡衣12 bath rug 浴垫13 bath salt 浴用盐14 bath soap 浴皂15 bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋16 bath stopper 浴缸塞子17 bath towel 浴巾18 bath tub 浴缸19 bathing box 更衣室20 bathroom scales 浴室磅秤21 beds frame 床架22 bedside lamp 床头灯23 bedside rug 床头踏脚地毯24 bedside table 床头灯25 bedspread 床罩26 beeper 微型对讲机27 billiard 弹子房,台球28 boiled water 白开水29 bowl game 玩保龄球30 buying habits 购买惯习31 buying power 购买力1( C)camera 照相机2 cancellation 取消(预订,旅行)3 candy 糖果4 cash 现金5 cashier 出纳员6 certification 证件7 change 零钱,兑换零钱,兑换8 check in 住房登记,乘机登记9 check out 办理退房手续10 cheers 干杯11 Christmas day 圣诞节12 citizen 公民,国民13 city guide 城市导游手册14 city ledger 非住宿客人应收款分类帐15 climate 气候16 closed dates 预订截止日期17 club 俱乐部18 coffee machine 咖啡机19 commission 佣金,手续费20 conference room 会议室21 contract 合同,契约22 convenience 方便,便利23 conversion rate 汇价,兑换率24 copying machine 复印机25 courtesy 礼貌26 credit card 信用卡27 cultural background (旅游者)文化背景28 currency 货币29 customs 海关1(D)daily report 日报2 data 数据,资料3 date of arrival 抵达日期4 debit 借方5 deluxe (旅馆)豪化级6 department store 百货商店7 deposit 储蓄,预订金,抻金8 depreciation 折旧,贬值9 Diner’s Club大来卡10 diplomatic passport 外交护照11 discount 减价,折扣12 display cards 展示卡13 domestic flight 国内航班14 door evacuation notice 门后疏散图示1(E) EAP(each additional person) 每增加一人2 eat out 在外用餐3 earning 收入4 Easter (耶稣)复洛节5 EC—Eurocard 欧洲银行信用卡6 E/D card 入/出境登记卡7 EE(extra earnings) 额外收入8 EFF(effective on) 继续有效9 EFTS(Electronic Fund Transfer信贷卡转帐系统System)10 EHC(European Hotel Corporations欧洲旅馆服务有限公司Service Ltd.)11 EHMA(Euro Travelers Cheque欧洲旅馆经理协会International12 EITC(Euro Travelers Cheque欧洲旅馆者支票国际(西德一家商业银行)International)13 electric clippers 电推子14 electric coffeemaker 电煮咖啡器15 electric cooker 电炉16 electric grinder 电磨机17 electric heater 电热器18 electric juicer 电榨汁机19 electric ranger 电灶20 electric stove 电炉21 electric typewriter 电动打字机22 electric razor 电刮胡刀23 electrician 电工24 electronic data processing system 电子帐目记录25 electronic funds transfer system 信贷卡电子转帐系统26 electronic mail 电话传递信息27 elevator microphone 升降式话筒28 elevator shaft 电梯井29 embarkation card 登机牌30 embarkation point 上船地点31 emergency call 紧急电话32 emergency exit 紧急出口33 Emergency Refund (美运通公司提供的用旅行支票)紧急兑换现金34 emptying wastebasket 倒废纸篓35 en pension 美国式房价(包括住宿费与一日三餐)36 encasement of travelers cheques 旅游支票兑换现金37 end table 桌几38 endorsement 在客票(或票据)上签字39 engaged (电话)占线40 English breakfast 英国式早餐41 English mustard 英国芥末42 English service 英国式餐食服务43 enrollment 登记注册44 enter without knocking 不敲门进房间45 entertainment center 娱乐中心46 entertainment tax 娱乐税47 entrance foyer (旅馆)门厅,大堂48 entry permit 入境许可证49 envelope 信封50 envelope airmail 航空信封51 envelope local 普通信封152 EP (European Plan) 欧洲式房价(只限住宿费)53 epiphany 主显节(1月6日纪念耶稣显灵的日子)54 EPMT (equipment) 设备55 Eq (equipment) (航空缩写)飞机型号56 equivalent exchange 等价交换57 eradicator ink 修正液58 escalator 自动电梯,自动步道59 escape period 回程日期60 escort 陪同61 escorted group tour 有陪同的团体旅游62 escorts’ pass旅行团领队免票证63 escrow account 第三者保留的契据帐64 espresso machine 压气咖啡器65 established rate 确定的价格66 ETA (estimated time of arrival) (航空飞行)预计到达时间67 ETD (estimated time of departure) (航空旅行)预计起飞时间68 ethnic agency 专事少数民族或宗教人员旅游的旅行社69 ethnic group 种族风俗旅游团70 ethnic restaurant 民族风味餐厅(馆)71 ethnic tourism 民族风俗旅游72 Eurail group 欧洲(14国)包租列车旅游团73 Eurail Pass 欧洲(14国)火车旅游团领队免票证74 Eurail tariff 欧洲(14国)包租列车旅游票价75 Euro Traveler’s Cheque欧洲旅游者支票国际(西德一家商业银行)International76 Eurocard 欧洲信用卡(公司)77 Eurodollar 欧洲美元78 Europacar Tours 欧洲火车旅游公司79 European dishes 西餐80 European hotel Corporations Services欧洲旅馆服务有限公司Ltd.81 European Hotel Managers Association 欧洲旅馆经理协会82 European Leisure and Recreation欧洲闲暇娱乐协会Association83 European Plan 欧洲式房价(仅限住宿费)84 European Plan hotel 欧洲芪计价旅馆85 evening by candlelight 蜡烛晚会86 evening concert 音乐晚会87 evening dance 跳舞晚会,舞会88 evening entertainment 娱乐晚会89 evening party 晚会90 evening performance 文艺晚会91 event (文化,体育,艺术等)活动92 EX(Excursion Fare) 游览票价93 examination of luggage 行李检查94 excessive charge 高价95 excessive price 高价96 exchange 前厅服务台每日交给财务部门的现金收入中退回其正常营业所需现金额97 exchange control 外汇管制98 exchange market 比价损失99 exchange order (航空公司向其代理人签发的)开票许可证:(航空公司,旅行社发给旅游者的)付款凭证100 exchange quota 外汇限额101 exchange rate 货币兑换率102 exchange rate quotation 外汇牌价103 exchange voucher 换汇单据104 excise room 健身房(旅馆内附设供客人健身活动的房间)105 excursion boat 游览船106 excursion program 游览项目,游览日程107 executive assistant manager 执行助理经理108 executive chef 主厨,厨师长109 executive housekeeper 客房部主管120 expendable supplies (旅馆)消耗性用品121 expenditure account 开去帐号(户)122 expiration 期满123 expire date of/C 信用证有效期124 exposure 客房面对开阔的方向125 express dry cleaning 快件干洗126 express service (洗衣)快件127 express service charge 快件收费128 external call 外部电话129 extinguisher 灭火器130 extra bed (客房里)加床131 extra charge 加收费用131 extra charge for service 服务附加费131 extra meal 不包括在美国式房价中的用餐132 extra shift 加班133 extra—courteous service 额外礼貌服务费134 extraordinary cost 特别费用135 extension 包价外需另付款的旅游活动136 extension of stay 延长停留日期137 extra---bed(s) charge 加床费138 electric roaster 电烤器具1(F)F$B daily linen requisition 日常餐饮布件申领单2 F§B(food and beverage) 食品饮料3 fabricated foods 组合食品4 face cloth 面巾5 face towel 面巾6 face tub 面盆7 family name 姓8 faucet (主美)水龙头9 fare basis 票价计算基础10 fare calculation box 机票计价栏11 fare calculation ladder (机票上)票价计算栏12 fare code identifier 航空票价识别代号13 fare, constructed 正常票价14 fare reduction 减价15 fare, specified 特种票价16 farm out (旅馆因超预订)将客人送至其他旅馆17 fast food 快餐18 Father Christmas 圣诞老人19 Father’s Day(美国)父亲节20 faucet 水龙头21 favorable terms 有利条件,优惠条件22 FB(full breakfast) 完全早餐23 FCLTY(facility) 设备,设施24 FCU(foreign currency unit) 外汇券25 feeder-service aircraft 接送客人飞机26 fellow 伙计,小伙子27 festival 节日28 FFR(French France) 法国法郎29 fiestas 宗教纪念日,圣徒纪念日,假日30 file clerk (前厅服务台)管理客人住房登记表的人员31 final consumer price 最后消费价格32 financial statement 财务报表,决算表33 finger bowl 洗手盆34 fire escape 太平梯,避火梯35 fire exit (旅馆)火警出口36 fire extinguisher 灭火器37 fire fighting service 救火设备38 fire hydrant 消防栓39 fire insurance 火灾保险40 fire precaution 紧急出口41 fire prevention 防火设备42 fireproof bed 防火床43 firm-works 烟火45 firming (航运公司对旅客预订的)确认46 first aid 急救47 first aid kit 急救物品,急救箱48 fitness center 健身中心49 five-o’clock tea(下午)五时茶点50 fixed price contract (旅馆租借)固定价格合同51 fixed room charge 固定房价52 flash bulb 闪光灯泡53 floor cloth 擦地板拭布54 floor housekeeper 楼层客房服务员(管理员)55 floor key 通用一层楼客房的万能钥匙56 floor polisher 地面磨光机57 floor price 最低价格,最低限价58 floor staff 楼层人员59 floor staff 楼层监工60 floor supervisor check list 楼层领班工作表61 floor waiter 楼层(餐饮)服务员62 flush pipe (厕所)冲水管63 flushing lever 冲洗手把64 foam 浴油65 foam-rubber mat (浴室内)泡沫橡皮垫66 F,O,C,(free of charge) 免费67 folio 登记客人应收款的帐页68 fold-away bed 折叠床69 food and beverage controller 餐饮管理员,餐饮监督员70 food and beverage department 餐饮部71 food and beverage profit 餐饮管理72 food and beverage manager 餐饮部经理73 food and beverage profit 餐饮利润74 food and beverage purchasing餐饮采购员agent75 food and beverage sales per平均每间客房食品饮料销售额available room76 food bar 自助餐77 foreign exchange 外汇78 foreign visitor 外国游客79 forename 名字,教名80 forfeited deposit 末到客人没有取消预订的预订金81 form of payment 付款形式82 formality 手续83 foyer 休息厅84 free of charge 免费85 freepass 免费票86 freeway 高速公路87 French Service 法国式餐食服务88 fresco 壁画89 fresh flower 鲜花90 fresh-water swimming pool 淡水游泳池91 front 门厅行李员92 front desk 前厅服务台93 front desk clerk 前厅服务台工作人员94 front desk follow-up book 总台交接事项处理簿95 front door 大门96 front office 前厅服务台,前厅部97 front office manager 前厅部经理98 front office staff 前厅接待人员99 full American Plan 完全的美国式房价100 full bar 标准酒吧101 full bath 全身浴102 full breakfast 美国早餐(包括面包,鸡蛋,酒水,卷饼等)103 full comp 全部免费(包括住宿,餐食,电话,洗衣,饮料)104 full house 百分之百的客房住宿率105 full pension 美国式房价:全日包伙式房价106 full-fledged menu 全套菜单107 function room (旅馆)客厅,会议厅,多功能厅108 furnish med. without charge 供应免费餐109 furnish room 备有室内设备的客房1(G)gala dinner 节日食品,节日餐食2 games room 游艺室3 garment bag 衣袋4 gasoline coupon 汽车票5 GB(group booking) 团体预订6 gender 性别7 general account 普通帐,总帐8 general cashier 总出纳9 general final account 总决算10 general journal 总日记帐11 general ledger 总分类帐12 general manager 总经理13 generalized preferences 普遍优惠14 gentlemen’s cloak-room 男厕所15 gentlemen’s lavatory男厕所16 get off 下车17 get on 上车18 gift 礼品19 GIT(Group Inclusive Tour) 团体包价旅游票20 GIT fare 团体包价旅游票价21 GITX(Group Inclusive Tour(欧洲国家的叫法)团体包价旅游票Excursion)22 glass cloth 擦杯布23 glassware 玻璃器具24 glass wrapper 枕套25 gloves 手套26 go aboard 上船27 go shopping 购物28 go straight on 请一直向前走29 Gold Card 金色信用卡(美运通公司发行的一种子信用卡)30 golf club 高乐夫球俱乐部31 golf course 高乐夫球场32 Good Friday 耶稣受难节33 goods to declare 申报物品34 government passenger 政府出差人员35 grab bar (浴缸)扶手36 grand total 总计37 grandmaster key (能开全旅馆门锁的)万能钥匙38 gratis items 免费项目39 gratuity 小费40 greeting 打招呼,问候41 greet 打招呼,问候42 gross booking 预订总数43 gross rates 总价目表44 group billing 记入团休帐45 group booking 团休预订46 group booking sheet 团体预订详情记录表47 group business 团体旅游业务48 Group Calculation Sheet 团体收费单49 group desk 团体预订柜台50 group discount 团体折扣,团体减价51 group fare 团体票价52 group leader (旅游团)领队53 group luggage record 团体行李登记表54 group master account 团体旅客总帐55 group number 团号56 group passport 团体护照57 group reservation 团体接待58 group reservation 团体预订59 group rooming list 团体房号名单60 group visa 团体签证61 guaranteed arrival (旅行社向旅馆)担保客人的到达人次62 guaranteed maximum rate plan 旅馆保证补偿由于无房对其确认客人转住其他旅馆高价客房差价的计划63 guaranteed payment (旅行社向旅馆)有保证的付款64 guaranteed reservation 有保证的预订65 guest 客人66 guest account 客帐67 guest case card 住客资料卡68 guest check 客人支票69 guest comment list 客人意见表70 guest count 客人数量71 guest elevator 专供客人使用的电梯72 guest file 旅客档案73 guest history 客人住店情况纪录74 guest history card 住店旅客历史卡片75 guest laundry 客人送洗的衣服76 guest ledger 住店客人分类帐77 guest lodging list 旅客住宿一览表78 guest occupancy 客人床位占用率79 guests per occupied room 平均每间客房客人数80 guest questionnaire 征求客人意见表81 guest room 客房1(H)H(high or peak season) 旅游旺季2 H(house staff) (房间登记代号)旅馆工作人员用房3 hailstone 雹子4 hair brush 发刷5 hai立式衣帽架l-stand16 hand-carried luggage 手提行李17 hand prepared bill 手写帐单18 hand pump 开瓶器19 hand shower 手拿淋浴装置20 hand-carried luggage 手提行李21 handing out of baggage 行李提取22 hand-napkin 餐巾纸23 handrail 扶手24 hang on 别挂电话25 hang up 挂断电话26 hanger 衣架27 hard cash 现金28 hard liquor 白酒,烈性酒29 hat peg(or pin) 挂帽钩30 hat rack (飞机上)行李架31 have a happy journey(home) 祝旅途愉快32 have a safe journey(home) 祝一路平安33 head of shift 领班34 head operator 电话接线班领班35 head waiter 餐厅服务员领班36 headboard 床头板37 heat and smoke detector 烟感器38 heating system 暖气系统39 heavy wine 浓葡萄酒40 hideabed 沙发床41 high season 旺季42 hire charge 出租费租金43 hire purchase agreement 租购合同44 hire service 租赁服务45 hired car 租用汽车46 HOL(holiday) 假日47 hold on 别挂电话48 hold the line 别挂电话49 holiday home 假日住房50 Holy Thursday 耶稣升天节(复活节后40天的星期四)51 Holy Week 复活节前的一周52 honeymoon 蜜月53 hot water 热水54 hot water plate 暖水碟55 hot water tape 热水龙头56 hot-air bath 蒸气浴57 hotel, average comfort 三星旅馆58 hotel bellboy 旅馆(男服务员)59 hotel directory 旅馆指南(名录)60 hotel, economy 一星旅馆61 hotel, high comfort 四星旅馆62 hotel, luxury 五星旅馆63 hotel rep 旅馆销售代表64 hotel reservation 预订旅馆65 hotel vestibule 旅馆门厅66 hotel’s income statement旅馆收入报告书67 hot-water bottle 热水瓶68 house account (旅馆向常客提供的)信用帐69 house bank 客人将硬币与小票子交旅馆出纳员换票面大的货币70 housekeeper 客房部主管71 housekeeping 客房管理72 housekeeping department 管家部,房务部73 horseman 客房男服务员74 hunk bed 坐睡两用床1(I)IAC (International Air Convention) 国际航空公约2 IACA (International association of国际旅游会计协会Hospitality Accountants)3 IATAN(International Airlines Travel国际航空旅游代理人组织Agent Network)4 IBRD(International Bank of(联合国)国际复兴开发银行Reconstruction and Development)5 IBUSZ Tourist Office 匈牙利旅游局6 ice box 冰箱7 ice container 冰桶8 ice cubes 冰块9 Ideal Average Room Rate 理想的平均房价10 Identification paper 身份证11 if holding cancel 如果保留取消(指机座,客房)12 if not holding, need 如果(预订)不保留,需要…13 if not holding, sold 如果(预订)不保留,就卖掉14 IFC(International Finance 国际金融公司15 IFN(information) 消息,情报,情况,信息16 IK(Master charge) (美国)马斯特信用卡(公司)17 IMS(Incoming Message Service) 旅馆给客人传送外来电话记录费18 in block letter 用黑体字母(写)19 in capital letter 用英文大写字母(写)20 incidental charges 杂费21 inclusive fare 包价22 inclusive price 包价23 inclusive tour certificate (旅行社为旅游者向轮船公司开的)包价旅行证24 income sheet 损益表25 incoming call (旅馆)外来电话26 incoming mail (旅馆)外来信件27 incoming message service (旅馆给客人传送)外来电话记录费28 indicator board (旅馆)客房信宿情况记录板29 indicator lamp (旅馆)客房情况指示灯30 individual journey 单程返回31 indoor parking 室内停车场32 infant crib (周围有栏杆的)幼儿床33 infant’s carrying basket携婴儿筐34 inflatable beach mattress 游泳气垫35 information rack (客人)住宿情况分类架36 information service (旅游)问讯服务37 inhospitable attitudes 不礼貌的态度38 in-house laundry 旅馆内洗衣房39 inside call 旅馆内通电话40 inside connection 内线41 insulated picnic bag 冷却袋42 international telegram 国际电报43 internal call (旅馆)内部电话45 International Hotel Association 国际饭店协会46 internal phone 内线自动电话机47 interpreter 翻译,口译48 interpreter microphone 口译传声器49 interstate call 跨州(省)长途电话50 intrastate call 州(省)内部长途电话51 invoice 发票52 in-WATS (旅馆,航空公司提供的)免费长途电话53 ironing service 熨衣服务处54 Is(if not holding, sold) 如果预订的客房不保留,就卖掉…1(J)JC-Japan Credit 日本银行信用卡1(K)key box(es) 客房钥匙箱2 key deposit 客房钥匙抻金3 key depository 钥匙投入箱4 key desk 前厅服务台5 KH(peak domestically Fridaytrough Internationally high season 旺季价(美国内从星期五至星期天,国际上为旺季)1(L)label (行李)标签2 lamp shade 床罩3 late arrival 在预订保留客房截止时间以后到达的客人;预订时要求比预订时间晚到的客人4 late booking 晚预订,晚登记5 late cancellation 在截止时间以后进行的预订取消6 late charge 客人离店后欠款转入非住店客人应收款帐户中的费用7 late checkout 在得到允许后免费推迟离店的客人8 late passenger arrival 旅客晚期抵达9 late payment 补付款,迟付款10 late-show 预订到达时间过后来的客人11 laundry 洗衣;洗衣房;水洗12 laundry and pressing list 湿洗熨衣单13 laundry bag (客房中)洗衣袋14 laundry charge 洗衣费15 laundry list 洗衣单,湿洗单16 laundry man 洗衣男工(尤指为洗衣店取送客人衣服的人)17 laundry service 洗衣服务18 laundry women 洗熨衣服的女工19 lavatory lid 马桶盖板20 Lavatory seat 马桶坐圈21 lavish shopping area 购物中心区22 lawyer 律师23 lease deposit 租赁保证金24 left by 交接人25 leave a message to…给…留话26 letter file 信夹;卷宗27 letter head air mail 航空信笺28 letter head local 普通信笺29 letter of agreement (旅馆寄给预订客人)确认信30 letter opener 信封开启器31 letter paper 信笺32 linen cart (更换客房)布织手推车33 linen room 客房主管办公定,布织品预备室34 linen sheet 床单35 List of Discount Rate and客房折扣和优惠表Complimentary36 logbook (旅馆)晚间客人事务记录本37 Long Distance Call V oucher 长途电话收费单38 long haul phone call 长途电话39 long stay guest 停留时间长的客人40 long-distance call 长途电话41 low season 淡季42 lower season (旅游)淡季43 luggage 行李44 luggage attendant 行李员45 luggage barrow 手推行李车46 luggage car (火车)行李车厢47 luggage check 行李牌48 luggage claim 行李认领处49 luggage office 行李房50 luggage rack (客房)行李架51 luggage receipt 行李收据52 luggage storage bill 行李保存单53 luggage tag 行李牌54 lump of sugar 方糖1(M)maid’s work report客房女服务员工作报表2 make reservation 进行预订3 make up room(card) 整理房间,请打扫4 making beds 铺床5 massage rush (洗澡用)擦身刷6 master account 团体客人总帐7 master bill 总帐单8 master key (通用一层楼客房锁的)万能钥匙9 message lamp 电话记录信号灯10 message operator 留话记录电话员11 message slip 客人留言条12 miscellaneous income 杂项收入1(N)name of group 团名2 napkin 餐巾3 napkins-paper 餐巾纸4 napkins-linen 餐巾布5 National Holiday 国庆节6 night audit 夜审,对帐7 night auditor 夜间审计员8 night clerk report 夜班工作人员报表9 night maid 夜班客房女服务员10 night maid’s work report夜班客房女服务员值勤报表11 night telegram 夜间电报12 night turndown service 开夜床13 no rate 免收房费14 no reservation 未预订而来住店的客人15 no smoking 禁止吸烟16 No Spitting 禁止吐痰17 no through bookings 预订天数不得越过旅馆不接受预订的特定日子18 no-frill 基本服务,不附加服务项目19 no-host 付现款酒吧20 nondepreciable item 非折扣项目,非折旧项目21 NON-REF(non-refundable) 不退款预订22 nonregistered guest 非住店客人23 NR(no rate) 免收房费24 NR(no reservation) 未预订来住店的客人1(O)occupancy rate (旅馆)客房占用率,客房出租率2 occupied (厕所)有人;(客房)已出租3 office mail 公务信件4 office supplies 办公用品5 on cleaning 正在清扫的(客房)6 on waiting list 当日候补订房表7 on-site reservation system 现场电脑预订系统8 open bar (英国,美国)正式酒吧;请客酒吧9 open check 未付帐单10 order taker 订餐(酒)服务员11 ordinary service (洗衣)湿洗,水洗12 OS(off the street) 未事先预订而来住店的客2人13 out of order 不能出租的(客房)14 outdoor swimming pool 室外游泳池。

1、Business Hours 营业时间2、Office Hours 办公时间3、Entrance 入口4、Exit 出口5、Push 推6、Pull 拉7、Shut 此路不通8、On 打开(放)9、Off 关10、Open 营业11、Pause 暂停12、Stop 关闭13、Closed 下班14、Menu 菜单15、Fragile 易碎16、This Side Up 此面向上17、Introductions 说明18、One Street 单行道19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过21、Wet Paint 油漆未干22、Danger 危险23、Lost and Found 失物招领处24、Give Way 快车先行25、Safety First 安全第一26、Filling Station 加油站27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟28、No Photos 请勿拍照29、No Visitors 游人止步30、No Entry 禁止入内31、No Admittance 闲人免进32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭33、Parting 停车处34、Toll Free 免费通行35、F.F. 快进36、Rew. 倒带37、EMS (邮政)特快专递38、Insert Here 此处插入39、Open Here 此处开启40、Split Here 此处撕开41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理42、“AA”Film十四岁以下禁看电影43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车44、No U Turn 禁止掉头45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车47、SOS 紧急求救信号48、Hands Wanted 招聘49、Staff Only 本处职工专用50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸52、Keep Silence 保持安静53、On Sale 削价出售54、No Bills 不准张贴55、Not for Sale 恕不出售56、Pub 酒店57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆58、Bar 酒巴59、Laundry 洗衣店60、Travel Agency 旅行社61、In Shade 置于阴凉处62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存63、Poison 有毒/毒品64、Guard against Damp 防潮65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手66、Complaint Box 意见箱67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用68、Bakery 面包店69、Keep Dry 保持干燥70、Information 问讯处71、No Passing 禁止通行72、No Angling 不准垂钓73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎74、Seat by Number 对号入座75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物76、Ticket Office(or :Booking Office)售票处77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土79、Men“s/Gentlemen/Gents Room男厕所80、Women“s/Ladies/Ladies” Room女厕所81、Occupied (厕所)有人82、Vacant (厕所)无人83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便84、Net(Weight)净重85、MAN:25032002 生产日期:2002年3月25日86、EXP:25032002 失效期:2002年3月25日87、Admission Free免费入场88、Bike Park(ing)自行车存车处89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先90、Save Food 节约粮食91、Save Energy 节约能源92、Handle with Care 小心轻放93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西99、Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处。

公示语翻译(一)警示提示语序号中文名称英文名称1 请勿摄像No Filming/No Video2 请勿录音No Recording3 请勿拍照No Photography4 请勿吸烟No Smoking5 请勿蹬踏Don't Step On6 请勿触摸Don't Touch7 请勿入内No Admittance8 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗Quiet Please9 请勿乱动开关Please Don't Touch the Switch10 请勿将软包装的饮料带入场内No Drinks from Outside11 请随手关门Keep Door Closed /Please close the door behind you.12 请节约用水Please Save Water/Don't Waste Water13 请节约用纸Please Save Paper/Don't Waste Paper14 请出示证件Please Show Y our ID15 请排队等候入场Please Line Up16 请保持场内清洁Please Keep the Area Clean/ Don't Litter17 请关闭通讯设备Please Turn Off Cellphones & Beepers18 请将手机和寻呼机静音Please Mute Cellphones & Beepers19 小心烫伤Caution! Hot20 小心地滑Caution! Slippery/Caution! Wet Floor21 小心玻璃Caution! Glass22 道路湿滑请小心Caution! Slippery When Wet23 下台阶时请您小心Watch Y our Step/ Mind the Step24 观众止步No Admittance25 非公莫入Staff Only26 禁止通行No Admittance/No Entry27 谢绝参观No Admittance28 谨防扒窃Beware of Pickpockets29 严禁使用明火No Open Flame30 场内禁止吸烟No Smoking31 非演职人员请勿入内Staff Only32 演出人员请到此止步No Admittance for Performers33 一米以下儿童谢绝入内No Admittance for Children Under 1m.34 贵宾专用通道VIP Only35 办公区域,观众止步Staff Only36 舞台重地、观众止步Staff Only37 贵重物品请随身保管Please Don't Leave Y our V aluables Unattended38 易碎品,请轻拿轻放Fragile! Handle with Care39 商品展示柜,此产品不参加活动Display Only40 请保管好您随身携带的物品Take Care of Y our Belongings41 离开时请您带上您的包Please Take Y our Belongings When Leaving42 演出进行中,请勿大声喧哗或随意走动。


主讲 朱健平
1.什么是公示语(Public Signs )
公示语是指给公众在公众场合看的文字语言。 与公示语意义相近的语汇包括“标志语”、“标 识语”、“标示语”、“标语”等。 标志语与标志结合,广泛应用于和交通、旅游、 运输等公共领域; 标示语在 IT 行业已经被广泛接纳,几乎成为这个 行业的语言分支; 标识语属于市场营销,广告促销中的推广语,经 常和企业标识使用; 标语则是人们比较熟悉的公益性、政治性、宣传 性的文字语言。
1.基本原则:公示语具有严格的规范性 和标准性,汉语公示语英译时最好是一 对一的置换。 2.翻译中国特有的公示语时,首先应考 虑是否需要翻译。如“小心扒手”, “商品售出,不退不换”,“违者罚 款”。
3.有些公示语可能暂时需要,以后会淘汰。 严禁赌博→ NO GAMBLING 严禁卖淫嫖娼→ NO COMMERCIAL SEX 收费厕所→ PAY TOILET 严禁随地吐痰 → NO SPITTING
11.闲人免进 →No Admittance 12.禁止鸣喇叭 →No Honking 13.免费通行 →Toll Free 14.禁止超车 →Do Not Pass 15.禁止掉头 →No U Turn

Inspection Declined Road Closed Toilet Engaged Parking Permitted Smoking Strictly Prohibited
Hands Off Safety First Staff Only Stairs Up Working Overhead
Recycling bin to your right! Please use it. 回收桶在您右侧!请使用。 If this lift is out of order, please call 020-736397 for assistance, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. 如果电梯出现故障,请拨打020-736397求助。我们 为由此造成的任何不便深感歉意。 No food is to be consumed in this area. 此处不准饮食。 ATTENTION: OUR MERCHANDISE HAS A HIDDEN SECUITY DEVICE UPON PURCHASE IT WILL BE DEACTIVATED 本店商品内置特殊报警装置,付费后即行失效。
句式特点: 3. 多用祈使句 因为受众多是行色匆匆,且公示语所针对 的目标受众是明确的,所以祈使句在公 示语中得到了大量的应用。
See Reverse for Full Rules and Condition 详细规则条款见背页 Lower window for ventilation 调低车窗通风(通风请开车窗) Please do not help yourself to books from this shelf. 请不要随意从架子上取书。 Hold the Hand Rail. 抓紧扶手
公示语集锦 中英互译、翻译权威词汇

公示语集锦——2005年夏英国伦敦实地采集译协编辑1. 为了公众利益和环境保护机动车停驶时请关闭引擎 IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC AND THEENVIRONMENT PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR ENGINE WHILST STATIONARY2. 请沿站台过往 Pass along the platform please3. 门票在检票处免费索取如需帮助,请找工作人员。
Tickets are FREE from the admissionsdesk Please ask a member of staff if you require assistance. Last Admission 5:304. 请注意此门开关费力 Please be aware that the door is difficult to open and close.5. 请在乘车前购买好车票 Please buy your ticket before you board the train6. 乘车前请购票违规者必罚款(至少20镑) Please buy your ticket before you travel, otherwise you may have to pay a Penalty Fare (at least £20).7. 狗便后请清理 PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG8. 请随手关门谢 PLEASE CLOSE BEHIND YOU.THANK YOU.9. 出入请将门关严 Please close this gate securely on entry and exit10. 找寻自行车支架请查阅站区图或请教车站工作人员 Please consult the station map or a member of staff for location of cycle racks.11. 请勿将设备或垃圾置留区内 PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE EQUIPMENT OR RUBBISH WITHIN THIS AREA12.请勿在此停车PLEASE DO NOT PARKHERE.13. 请勿将其它类别的塑料投入此筒/箱 Please DO NOT put other types of plastics in the bin.14. 请勿移动任何可疑物品 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE ANY SUSPICIOUS DEVICES.15. 请从另端进入 Please enter at other end.16. 请按门票所示线路参观 PLEASE FOLLOW THE VISITOR ROUTE INDICATED ON YOUR GUIDE TICKET17. 请将机票或登机牌准备好接受安检 Please have your ticket or boarding card ready for inspection.18. 请协助确保列车准点运行 Please help to run trains on time19. 请协助我们保持站区清洁。

• 7. 过度翻译(累赘、啰嗦): • 所有商品不讲价 • All fixed prices. No Bargain • 建议译文:No Bargaining • 导盲犬不限(厕所) • Guide dogs are not in this limitation • 建议译文:Guide Dogs Allowed
• 售票时间已过,停止入馆 • Stop Receiving Visitors (命令句,显得粗 暴无礼) • 建议译文:Closed
• • • •
变换车道,注意后车 Change Lane, Notice Behind 1) 仅考虑中文原文顺序是不够的; 2) 还要注意两个动作之间实际的逻辑关 系; • 3) 并且在译文中表现出来
• 减肥茶 Reduced Body Weight Tea • 建议译文:Slimming Tea • 现爆玉米花 Now Bomb Popcorn • 建议译文: Fresh Popcorn
• 1. 翻译转换 语境关联 • 根据具体语境,确定词义,灵活翻译 • 拳头产品 • Fist Product (字面意思,不知所云) • 建议译文: Knockout Product
• Keep a safe distance
• 5. 胡译:
• 请随手关灯 Please Close Lamp • 建议译文:Turn Off Lights when Not in Use.
• 宾客止步 Guest Go No Further • 建议译文:Staff Only
Jokes about Misinterpreted Translations 吳劍修
Misinterpreted Translations Academic writing

Deep water! Beware.2、珍惜文物古迹,勿乱刻乱涂。
No graffiti!3、购票中请当面清点票款,门票售出,恕不退款。
Check the change before you leave. No refund for tickets sold.4、游客必须每人持票入内,废票、伪造票不得入内。
Admission by valid tickets only.5、爱护草坪,足下留情。
Keep off the grass.6、心触一片净土,爱博一片蓝天。
Keep the environment clean.7、禁止摆卖。
No venders.8、六点停止入园。
Last admission: 6:009. 请按门票所示线路参观Please follow the visitor route indicated on your guide ticket.10. 请勿在本区域堆弃垃圾Please refrain from dumpling rubbish in this area.乘车的标识语翻译11.请沿站台过往Pass along the platform please.12.请在乘车前购买好车票Please buy your ticket before you board the train.13.请将机票或登机牌准备好接受安检Please have your ticket or boarding card ready for inspection.14.请协助确保列车准点运行Please help to run trains on time15.请将此座位留给老年人、残疾人和抱孩子的人。
Please offer this seat to elderly or disabled people or those carrying children.16.请仅在紧急情况下使用Please only use in an emergency.17.请您在返回车前先付费Please pay before returning to your car.18.需要帮助请按按钮Please press for assistance.19.请系好安全带Please wear the seatbelt provided.20.存放时请务必索取行李票。

1. 开水间:Portable Water Room/ Water Heater Room2. 茶水间:Tea room/ Pantry3. 千手观音:Thousand-hand Bodhisattva4. 对公业务:Corporate Banking Services5. 禁止打手机:No Cellphone.6. 总台:Information Desk/Reception Desk7. 请勿入内:No Admittance.8. 请勿摄像:No Filming.9. 入口:Entrance10. 紧急出口:Emergency Exit11-2011. 来宾登记:Registration12. 禁止吸烟:No Smoking.13. 营业时间:Business Hour14. 游人止步:No Visitors15. 办公时间:Office Hours16. 禁止入内:No Entry.17. 咖啡馆、小餐馆:Cafe18. 此路不通:Shut19. 此面向上:This Side Up.20. 易碎:Fragile21-3021. 小心烫伤:Caution Hot22. 小心地滑:Caution Slippery/Caution Wet Floor.23. 小心玻璃:Caution Glass.24. 小心台阶:Mind the Step.25. 非公莫入:Staff Only.26. 谢绝参观:No Admittance.27. 严禁明火:No Open Flame.28. 禁止拍照:No Photography.29. 谨防扒窃:Beware of Pickpockets.30. 排队等候:Please Line Up.31-4031. 随手关门:Keep Door Closed.32. 节约用纸:Please Save Paper.33.儿童禁入:No Admittance for Children/Adults Only.34. 贵宾通道:VIP Only35. 贵重物品、随身保管:Please Don't Leave Your Valuables Unattended.36. 自动门:Automatic Door37. 电源:Power Supply38. 结账稍后:Temporarily Closed39. 推:Push40. 拉:Pull41-5041. 请勿乱扔杂物:No Littering.42. 请勿触摸:Don't Touch.43. 保持肃静:Quiet Please.44. 节约用水:Please Save Water.45. 请勿坐靠:Please Stand Clear46. 小心碰头:Watch/Mind Your Head.47. 敲击报警:Push for Alarm.48. 熄灭烟头:Put Out Your Cigarettes.49. 高压危险:Danger High Voltage50. 禁止堆放易燃物品:No Flammable Materials.。

第10卷第4期2008年8月安顺学院学报JOURNAL OF ANSHUN UN I V ERSI TYVol 110 No 14Aug 12008收稿日期:2008-04-10作者简介:龚帆元(1961~),男,福建寿宁人,宁德师范高等专科学校英语系副教授。
公示语和外宣翻译误译例析龚帆元(宁德师范高等专科学校英语系,福建 宁德352100)摘 要:文章主要通过列举一些公示语及对外宣传材料的英译误译实例,探析了错误产生的主要原因,同时提出了避免产生相应错误的若干建议,旨在呼吁全社会要高度重视公示语和对外宣传材料英译的质量及重要性,以达到预期对外宣传效果。
关键词:公示语;外宣翻译;错误;原因中图分类号:H315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9507(2008)04-0024-04 一、引言2008年4月,高教社在云南昆明举办全国高职高专英语教学研讨会,邀请上海著名教授梅德明到会讲学,内容涉及我国英语教学中存在的问题:费时低效,培养的是“聋子”、“哑巴”、“低能手”,教学内容低层次循环重复,大中小学阶段教学特点不明确,课程设置有悖于学习规律和认知特点,英语学习与专业学习脱节等等。
他列举了我国几则公示语翻译中的笑话,来说明英语翻译的“低能手”,如:Carefully sli ppery 1Hand wash r oom 1Peop le mountain peop le sea 1Good good study and day day up 1W here is the cl othes exchange r oom?Be rich not sexy 1二、关注环境用我们的实际行动保护自然资源。
W e Care About Envir on ment 1W e are comm itted t o and retaking bractices that p reserve our natural res ources .W illing t o reuse your t owel?W ant your t owel rep laced?Please in t o the bath tub .梅教授指出连北京外国专家大厦里的公示语翻译都会出现如此令人啼笑皆非的笑话,可见其他地方的公示语翻译质量如何了。

67 酒水单
68 套餐菜单
Smoking Area
Coaster Saucer Napkin Tableware Fork Knife Plate Chopsticks Spoon Bowl Ashtray
Vinegar Honey Ingredients Jam Pepper Sichuan Pepper Butter Soy Sauce Peppered Salt Cheese Salad Dressings Sugar Condiments或Spices Milk Salt
156 黄酒
157 咖啡 158 开胃酒 159 米酒 160 啤酒 161 碳酸饮料 162 鲜榨果汁 163 洋酒 164 饮料 165 饮用永
Noodles Cakes and Pastries Huntun或Wanton Lamian Nnodles Rice Rice Noodles Bread Delicatessen[也可简作Deli]或 Cooked Food Pie Mooncake
1 宾馆;酒店;旅馆 Hotel
2 餐馆;饭店;食府 Restaurant
3 餐饮广场;美食城 Food Court或Food Plaza
4 茶馆
5 茶室
6 火锅店
Hot Pot Restaurant[Restaurant 可以省略]
7 酒吧
Menu Wine List[酒类];Beverage List[饮料类] Set Menu
本柜恕不接受VIP 卡
VIP Cards Not Accepted

2. 回避生僻词语 No Thoroughfare 禁止通行 Road Closed 此路封闭 Guest’s Car Park 来客停车场 Buy Two Get One Free 买二赠一 Customer Services When the bus is moving, do not speak to the driver. 汽车行驶中,严禁与司机交谈
限制性公示语对相关公众的行为提出限制、 约束要求,语言应用直截了当,但不会 使人感到强硬、粗暴、无理。 Slow Out Hot! Avoid Contact! Children and Senior Citizens Free All Visitors Please Report to the Gate Warder 来客请到门房登记
词汇特点: 3. 利用词组、短语 词组、短语的结构简单,组合多样,能有 效传达公示语的中心意思。
Be aware of the Dog Check in Area (Zone) Departure Times on Reserve Due to Security Closed After 21:00 hours access to London underground station. Thank you for keeping off the grass.
突出服务、指示功能的公示语,其信息状 态多为“静态”。突出提示、限制、强 制功能的公示语,其信息状态多为“动 态”。
(1)引发兴趣 Anniversary Sale Last chance to buy (2) 提供信息 Fashion Accessories Camping Equipment Souvenirs Tickets and guide books on sale here for Tower of London
公示语的特征与翻译 (公示语)

公示语应用于日常生活的方方面面, 公示语应用于日常生活的方方面面,因此也直接影响到我们生活的 方方面面。公示语在实际应用中具有指示性 提示性、限制性、 指示性、 方方面面。公示语在实际应用中具有指示性、提示性、限制性、强 制性四种突出的应用功能 四种突出的应用功能。 制性四种突出的应用功能。 指示性:没有任何限制、强制意义。其功能在于指示服务内容。 指示性:没有任何限制、强制意义。其功能在于指示服务内容。如 : INFORMATION 问 询 服 务 、 CAR RENTAL 租 车 服 务 、 TRAVEL SERVICE旅游服务、TAKE AWAY外卖服务、OUT旅游服务、 外卖服务、 旅游服务 外卖服务 PATIENT DEPARTMENT门诊部、NIGHT CLUB夜总会等。 门诊部、 夜总会等。 门诊部 夜总会等 提示性:没有任何特指意义,仅起提示作用。如: RESERVED预 提示性: 没有任何特指意义, 仅起提示作用。 预 留席位、 已消毒、 油漆未干、 留席位 、 STERILIZED已消毒 、 WET PAIN油漆未干、 FULL 已消毒 油漆未干 BOOKED 客满 、 SOLD OUT售罄 、 EXPLOSIVE易爆物品 、 客满、 售罄、 易爆物品、 售罄 易爆物品 MAXIMUM HEIGHT限高 、 10% SERVICE CHARGE加收 限高、 限高 加收 10% 服 务 费 、 MINIMUM CHARGE 最 低 消 费 、 CAUTION: WET FLOOR小心地滑等。 小心地滑等。 小心地滑等Fra bibliotek点击下列 文字链接
Existing Problems
Features & Translation

小草有生命,脚下请留情。 Please give me a chance to grow. Grass grows in silence. Please leave it alone. If I am trampled like a weed, I’d be dying at your feet.
护一片绿叶,献一份爱心。 A little turf of grass grows with the care of everyone. My healthy growth calls for everybody’s tender care. Let the grass thrive with our care.
NO THROUGH ROAD FOR MOTOR VEHECLES. There is no way out at the other end of this road for cars.
CYCLISTS DISMOUNT HERE. Cyclists should get off their bicycles here.
Sec 4
Sec 6
1)前方行驶减速(在城市的闹市区或某些特定的地方如 学校附近,车辆必须减速慢行,以避免发生车祸。) 2)(过往车辆)限载重10吨 3)车辆严禁掉头(字母U在这里作为象形文字) 4)右侧通行
(1) Left Baggage
(5) Customers Lounges 返回
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
例如:将(员工通道)staff only 拼写成了stuff only。
不可回收Non Recycleble写成No Recycleble。
例如:酒店淋浴头冷热水标识,热水是Hot Water,冷水应该是Cold Water 才对,却因译者的粗心,写成了Drinking Water,令人啼笑皆非。
例如:消费超过人民币500元,将获得5%的折扣------Purchase 500RMB or more, will receive 5% discount. (取自名为kiosk的商店)没有主语;明明是买500元的东西,却误译为买500块人民币------无稽之作,居然出现在中酒这样的五星级酒店。
(二)、直译错误1、例如:一次性餐具(垃圾箱上的说明),One time tableware 英文中有“one time use”的用法,但不用“one time”来修饰“tableware”。
建议改为:“disposable tableware”2、直译过程中的语言繁琐也是翻译的大问题例如:请妥善保管好您的财物,谨防被盗。
Please take good care of your belongings and strictly guard against theft.“strictly guard against theft”这句话的出现对应的是中文的“谨防被盗”,但其实前一句“请妥善保管好您的财物”所包含的意思或者说目的就是“防止财物被盗”,因此,我们认为第二句完全没有必要翻译出来。
建议改为:Don’t leave your belongings unattended或者Please take good care of your belongings.3、忽视汉英语言结构,表达方式之间的差异而造成的语用失误。
例如:小心碰头Attention Your Head。
“小心碰头”英语中有习惯的表达方式“Mind Your Head”。
例如:游人止步Tourist Stops!“旅客止步”、“游客止步”、“宾客止步”、“闲人免进”等公示语的英译一般都采用“Staff Only”。
(三)、词性滥用例如:退房时间为中午十二点,Check out time is 12:00 noon,check out为动词词组,而此处要用名词词组做定语,应该为Check-out time is 12:00 noon。
对于混乱的翻译市场,国家标准化管理委员会于2002 年11 月下达了起草和编制《翻译服务规范》的通知。
经过广泛征求意见,并且几易其稿,2003 年11 月27 日国家标准化管理委员会批准发布了《翻译服务规范》,2004 年3 月1 日实施。
五、公示语翻译基本原则在公示语功能特色和语言风格的基础上,本文以纽马克的文本分类作为理论依据,试探性地提出公示语汉英翻译三原则:统一( consistency) 、简洁( conciseness)和易懂( comprehensibility) 。
例如:例1:小心碰头“小心碰头”这一公示语的英语译名可谓五花八门:(1) Take Care of Your Head (北京新街口商贸百货商场电梯旁)(2)Attention Your Head (南京地铁沿线站台)(3)Be careful your head /Be careful to hit your head (哈尔滨某商厦警示牌)这三种译文都存在严重问题。
Take Care of Your Head这句英文在外国人看来就变成了“请照顾好您的头”。
他们会纳闷:为什么要在这里照顾自己的头? 译成“Attention Your Head”语法和译文都有问题。
attention是名词,即使要用attention来翻译也应该用它的动词短语pay attention to,即PayAttention to Your Head。
但是,这样的译文仍然有问题,因为pay attention to your head 按照字面意思应该解释为“注意/留意你的头部/脑袋”,让乘客感到莫名其妙。
翻译成Be careful your head / Be careful to hit your head更是令人啼笑皆非。
那么,“小心碰头”应该如何翻译呢? 首先,我们查阅一下“小心”这样的警告性和提示性文字在英语国家是否已经有现成的惯用的英文公示语。
根据国际惯例,这类公示语一般用祈使句或短语表示,如“当心触电”(Danger! High Voltage) ,“当心碰头”(Caution, Head2bump ing! )“当心踏空”(Watch Your Step )等。
“小心⋯⋯”,“注意⋯⋯”,多译为Mind或Watch,如“小心台阶”(Mind the Step ) ,“小心台间跨度”(Mind the Gap) ,“注意上方”(Watch Your Head) 。
有时也译为(Caution) ,如“小心碰头”(Caution! Low Ceiling) ;“小心地滑”(Caution!Slippery/ Caution! Wet Floor) 。
例如:贵宾候车室原译: Distinguished Guests Wait for a Bus at the Place原译把简明标识翻译成了一个完整的句子,这不符合公示语简明扼要的特点。
我们运用“简洁”原则,试改译为: ReservedWaiting2room。