



2024刘晓燕考研英语语法长难句精讲阅读 In the realm of graduate entrance examination preparation, Liu Xiaoyan's intensive explanation of complex and difficult English grammar sentences stands out as a beacon of clarity for aspiring candidates. Her approach to dismantling these often intimidating sentence structures not only equips students with the necessary tools for comprehension but also inspires confidence in their ability to tackle the demands of the exam.The essence of Liu Xiaoyan's teaching lies in herability to break down the complexities of grammar into manageable chunks. She takes a methodical approach, first introducing the basic elements of sentence structure and then gradually building up to more intricate patterns. This gradual progression allows students to build a solid foundation in grammar, which is crucial for understanding and analyzing long and complex sentences.One of the key aspects of Liu Xiaoyan's teaching is her emphasis on practice. She believes that the best way to master grammar is through repeated exposure and analysis of real-world examples. Therefore, her classes are filled withnumerous examples of complex sentences taken from authentic sources such as academic articles and research papers. By analyzing these sentences, students learn to identify the various components of sentence structure, such as subject, verb, modifiers, and clauses.Moreover, Liu Xiaoyan's approach is highly interactive. She encourages students to actively participate in the discussion, asking questions and offering their own interpretations of the sentences being analyzed. This interactive learning environment not only keeps students engaged but also helps them retain information better.The benefits of Liu Xiaoyan's teaching are numerous. Firstly, it significantly improves students' reading comprehension skills. By understanding the structure and function of complex sentences, students are able to decode the meaning of dense and technical texts more easily. Secondly, it enhances their writing abilities. A solid understanding of grammar is essential for producing coherent and well-structured essays and reports. Finally, it boosts students' confidence. Mastering complex grammar sentences is a significant milestone in their preparationfor the exam, and it gives them a sense of accomplishment and momentum as they move forward in their studies.In conclusion, Liu Xiaoyan's intensive explanation of complex and difficult English grammar sentences is an invaluable resource for graduate entrance examination candidates. Her methodical approach, emphasis on practice, and interactive teaching style make her classes both informative and engaging. By following her guidance, students can not only improve their grammar skills but also enhance their overall performance in the exam.**2024刘晓燕考研英语语法长难句精讲阅读**在考研备考领域,刘晓燕对复杂困难英语语法长句的深入讲解,为有志于考研的学子们指明了清晰的学习方向。


前言与介绍:介绍本书的学习目标、适用人群以及学习建议等,帮助读者对 本书有一个初步的了解。
语法知识梳理:详细列出考研英语中常见的语法知识点,包括句子结构、时 态、语态、虚拟语气等,为考生提供系统的语法复习框架。
长难句解析:选取考研英语中的典型长难句进行分析,教授学生如何理解和 翻译这些复杂句子,提高阅读理解能力。
我要说的是,这本书的标题就足够吸引人。在考研英语的备考中,语法和长 难句一直是许多考生的痛点,而词汇记忆更是让许多人头疼不已。刘晓艳老师的 这本书,恰好针对了这些问题,用大雁作为象征,寓意着带领考生在考研英语的 海洋中飞翔。
书中的内容安排得十分合理,从基础的语法知识开始,逐步深入到长难句的 分析,再到词汇的记忆,每一步都讲解得清晰明了。刘晓艳老师的语言风格亲切 而生动,使得枯燥无味的语法知识变得有趣而易于理解。
系统性:目录结构层次分明,从基础知识到实战应用,循序渐进,帮助考生 建立完整的知识体系。
针对性:针对考研英语的特点和难点,选取重点内容进行详细讲解和练习, 提高学习效率。
实用性:不仅提供理论知识,还注重实战应用,通过大量的练习和模拟试题, 帮助考生将知识转化为实际应试能力。
易用性:目录清晰明了,方便考生快速找到所需内容,附录和索引的设置也 便于考生查阅和复习。
《刘晓艳考研英语一英二大雁教大家语法长难句带大家记单词刘晓燕大家》 读后感
对于考研英语的备考者来说,一本好的辅导书无疑是他们在漫漫备考路上的 一盏明灯。最近,我有幸阅读了《刘晓艳考研英语一英二大雁教大家语法长难句 带大家记单词刘晓燕大家》这本书,深感其内容的详实与实用,对考研英语的复 习有很大的帮助。
在阅读过程中,我深受启发的是刘晓艳老师对于语法和长难句的讲解。她不 仅详细地解释了各个语法点的含义和用法,还通过大量的例句,让我们在实际语 境中理解并掌握这些语法知识。对于长难句的分析,刘晓艳老师更是给出了许多 实用的方法和技巧,帮助我们更好地理解和分析这些句子。



一、成分二、什么是名词性从句三、名词性从句的引导词四、分析(一)写作分析1.主语从句2.同位语从句(二)长难句分析1.主语从句2.宾语从句3.表语从句五、修饰名词的成分——定语1. 什么是定语2. 定语的成分3. 定语的位置4. 定语从句一、成分主语、宾语、表语、同位语主语:The movie proves brilliant.宾语:I appreciate the actress.表语:She keeps a ghost.同位语:I enjoy the part,the end.(同位语只能跟在名词后,the part=the end;作文中任何名词的后面都可以再加一个名词作为同位语出现)例句:Over fishing, a universal phenomenon throughout the word, has become increasingly grave under modern conditions.过度捕捞,一个全球普遍现象,已经变得越来越严重了。

二、什么是名词性从句主语从句:The movie proves brilliant.What I saw proves brilliant.宾语从句:I appreciate the actress.I appreciate what she did.表语从句:She keeps a ghost.She keeps who I admire.同位语从句:I enjoy the part, the end.I enjoy the part that she knew the truth.名词在句子中能够充当的成分从句都能充当这就是名词性从句,名词性从句一共包括四类:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句三、名词性从句的引导词例句她已经离婚了是显而易见的She has got divorced is conspicuous.(句子不能做主语)That she has got divorced is conspicuous.她离婚了吗是个秘密Has she got divorced keeps a secret.→whether she has got divorced keeps a secret.她什么时候离婚是个谜When did she get divorced remains a mystery. →When she got divorced remains a mystery.引导词名词性从句的引导词是按照从句的类型分的类,一共把引导词分成三类:that(当从句是陈述句时,并且that在从句中不充当任何成分也没有任何意思)whether(当从句是一般疑问句时,并且whether在从句中不充当任何成分,意思翻译成是否)所有特殊疑问词(当从句是特殊疑问句时)并且英语中所有的从句一定都是陈述句的形式,也就是引导词+主语+谓语的形式练习:练习一:我正在思考外星人存在吗I am wondering whether the allien exists.(宾语从句)(可数名词不能单独使用,a/复数/the;不确定是否可数用the)练习二:他们为什么去西藏离开家乡是一个谜Why they left hometown for Tibet remains a mystery.(可数名词不能单独使用)Why they left their hometown for Tibet remains a mystery.(主语从句)(主系表)练习三:关键是你什么时候有钱呀关键(主语)是(谓语)你什么时候有钱呀(表语)The point seem when wealth will be available for you.(表语从句)available可得到的练习四:有一天你会发现事业、友情、亲情都比爱情重要你(主语)发现(谓语)事业、友情、亲情都比爱情重要(宾语)Someday, you will find that career, kinship and friendship are all more indispensable than romance.(宾语从句)四、分析(一)写作分析1.主语从句主语从句的满分表达就是把主句从句放到句末去,加it做形式主语,主语从句的满分句型可以写在作文中任何一句话的前面用来拉长句子显而易见,众所周知:It keeps common knowledge thatIt looks beyond dispute that(超越争论)It is universally acknowledged thatIt has been widely accepted that我认为:It keeps my perspective that例句:女人总是对的是一个常识That ladies tend to be right keeps common knowledge.→It keeps common knowledge that ladies tend to be right.例句:关于养宠物这个话题已经引起广泛关注了It has been widely accepted that the subject about raising pets has been brought into the limelight.2.同位语从句同位语从句的位置:名词后;句末她的丈夫去世了这个消息传遍了整个村庄The news that her husband passed away has been spread the whole village.→(The news has been spread the whole village that her husband passed away.同位语从句可以放在句末,但作文中不要放在句末)河南人都是骗子这个想法是不正确的The outlook that individuals from henan province tend to be deceivers remains wrong.(outlook/perspective/idea观点,看法)温室里的花朵不能经受风雨这个事实表明我们不应该溺爱孩子The evidence that flowers in the greenhouse fail to endure storms demonstrates that kids should never be spoiled.穿自己的鞋不仅方便而且还确保了一点不用去管别人的感受Wearing my own shoes proves not only convenient but also ensures a point that the feelings of others can be ignored.(二)长难句分析能够快速的识别各个名词性从句,并且把他们通顺的翻译出来1.主语从句只要见到有引导词放在句首,并且从句后没有被逗号逗号隔开就绝对是主语从句,主语从句从句首开始到主句的谓语动词之前结束(前面没有引导词的动词就是主句的谓语动词)除此以外,只要见到it...that通常也是主语从句,主语从句从that开始到句末结束The outlook that individuals from henan province tend to be deceivers remains wrong.(同位语从句)When I saw you, I loved you.(状语从句)引导词在句首,不是主语从句就是状语从句例句:That the plates are moving is now beyond dispute.That the plates are moving主语 is谓语 beyond dispute表语例句:Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expend of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.Whether...versa主语(由whether...or...并列的两个从句共同充当主语) depends on谓语 the issue宾语 of which is seen as the driving force定语政府是应该以技术为代价增加对纯科学的投入还是以纯科学为代价增加对技术的投入通常取决于哪一个被视为驱动力的问题例句:How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.depends upon谓语;the amount, reliability,and appropriateness宾语;with which it is interpreted定语(定前面所有名词)and+介词+定语upon→on;the skill and wisdom→the amount, reliability,and appropriateness;of the information used→ with which it is interpreted省略了depends以后的行为将会多么准确的证明这些预言取决于所使用的信息的数量、可靠性和适合性并且还取决于解释信息的技巧和智慧例句:It is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symble in solving problems.that ...problems主句;谓语is agreed;主语从句中:谓语is,主语a person,定语of high intelligence,表语one,修饰one的定语成分who... problems为四个并列的定语从句→who can grasp ideas readily, who can make distinctions, who can reason logically, and who can make use of verbal and mathematical symble in solving problems.众所周知一个高智商的人是一个能够轻易理解思想的人,是一个能够做出辨别的人,是一个能够进行逻辑推理的人,并且还能够使用语言和数学的符号解决问题的人例句:For example, it has long been known that total sleep deprivation is 100% fatal to rats, yet, upon examination of the dead bodies, the animals look completely normal.主语that ...normal,谓语has been known(has帮助known构成现在完成时,been帮助known完成被动)主语从句之所以这么长是因为由yet并列的两个句子共同充当主语,两个句子均为主系表结构比如说,长期以来众所周知完全的睡眠的剥夺对老鼠来说是百分之一百致命的,但是通过检查这些尸体,这些动物看起来完全正常2.宾语从句只要实义动词的后面有个引导词,就暂定为宾语从句(还可能是状语从句He died when he saw me)She said that she would marry an old rich man.that 可省略,在名词性从句中,只有宾语从句可以省略,作文中不省略,作文为正式文体You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction(归纳法)and deduction(演绎法),that by the help of these operations,they,in a sort of sense, manage to extract from Nature certain natural laws,and that out of these , by some special skills of their own,they build up their theories.主谓宾宾补You主语,have heard谓语,it宾语,repeated宾补it形式宾语,指代that...你们听说以下的事情被重复吧:科学家们通过归纳法和演绎法进行工作,通过这些操作的帮助,他们成功地抽出从自然中抽出了一些自然法则,在这些自然法则之中,通过他们自己的一些特殊的技能,他们建立起了自己的理论(out of 在...之中,在...之外)This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in.A fact underlined by statistics shows that out of eight European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.(在...之中)3.表语从句只要系动词的后面有个引导词,就一定是表语从句Galileo's greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.Galileo's greatest glory主语,was谓语,that ...Earth表语从句从句中:he主语,was谓语,the first person表语,to ...planets定语伽利略最伟大的成就是在1609年他是第一个用新发明的望远镜观测天空证明了行星是绕着太阳转的而不是绕着地球转的第一人4. 同位语从句只要名词的后面有个引导词,就暂定为同位语从句(可能性很小)A century ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.Freud主语,formulated谓语,his revolutionary theory宾语,that ...fears同位语从句从句:dreams主语,were谓语,the disguised shadows表语,of our unconscious desires and fears定语(shadows的定语)一个世纪以前,弗洛伊德解释了他的革命性的理论梦是我们无意识地欲望和恐惧的映射But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.the idea主语,rests on谓语,that ...citizen同位语从句,an understanding+special responsibilities宾语,of the established+of the news media分别为两个名词的定语记者必须要比普通人更深刻的理解法律这种想法取决于对既定风俗的理解和新闻媒体的特殊责任Evidence came up that specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.Evidence主语,came up谓语,同位语从句后置 that ...old六个月大的婴儿能够识别具体的说话的声音这种证据已经出现了五、修饰名词的成分——定语1. 什么是定语只要听到...的+名词,...的就是修饰这个名词的定语成分2. 定语的成分1. 形容词修饰名词那个善良的夜莺失去了他的意志The naive nightingale lost his life.2. 名词修饰名词夜莺的歌声能够使那朵花开放The singing of the nighting enables the rose to bloom.3. 介词短语做定语窗外的夜莺听到了年轻人的感叹The nighting out of the window heard the sigh of the youngster.4. 非谓语动词修饰名词那只唱歌的夜莺死的很悲惨The singing nighting died pitifully.=The nighing to sing died pitifully.5. 从句修饰名词我喜欢王子送给我的珠宝3. 定语的位置前小后大特殊:1. 形容词修饰不定代词,放在不定代词后something special2. 当过去分词修饰名词的时候即使只有一个单词也通常放在名词后被抛弃的那个男人看起来很可怜The boy discarded looks pitiful这是一个关于夜莺和玫瑰的故事This is a fiction about a nighting and a rose.那个懂爱的年轻人离开了王子的舞会The youngster grasping romance left the party of the prince. 4. 定语从句(1)构成n(先行词)+引导词+句子定语从句修饰名词,名词性从句代替名词(2)引导词定语从句的引导词是按照先行词的种类分的类,一共把引导词分成5类①当先行词是人的时候引导词有:who whom whose②当先行词是物的时候引导词有:that which whose③当先行词是时间的时候引导词有:that which when④当先行词是地点的时候引导词有:that which where⑤当先行词是原因的时候引导词有:that which why名词后面不是定语从句就是同位语从句到底是谁决定了定语从句的引导词I will never forget the day when I met you.(从句不缺主谓宾)that在定语从句中充当关系代词,代替先行词引导定语从句(定从中that与which等同)。




●二、定语的成分● 1.形容词作定语●The nightingale innocent and brave died .那个善良勇敢的夜莺死了。

(定语比较长放在后面更好看)●2.名词(短语)作定语●The singing of the nightingale can make the rose bloom .夜莺的歌声能让玫瑰花开放。

●3.介词短语作定语●The nightingale out of the window heared the sighs of the youngster.窗外的夜莺听到了年轻人的感叹。

●4.非谓语动词作定语●That singing nightingale lost his life .那只唱歌的夜莺失去了他的生命。

●5.从句作定语●The rose that/which the nightingale exchanged with his life was discarded.夜莺用生命换来的玫瑰花被扔掉了。

●6.形容词性物主代词作定语(my your his…)●三、定语的位置●一般是短前长后:当定语是一个单词时通常放在名词前,当定语是多个单词时通常放在名词后●例:This is a fiction about a nightingale and a rose .这是一个关于夜莺和玫瑰的故事。

(介词短语作定语)●例:The youngster grasping romance(非谓语动词做作定语) left the party of theprince .(名词作定语)那个懂爱的年轻人离开了王子的舞会。


●例:The boy rejected looks pitiful .被拒绝的那个男生看起来很可怜。



考研英语|刘晓艳语法和长难句|第四章定语和定语从句●一、什么是定语● 定语就是修饰名词(短语)的成分。

●二、定语的成分●1.形容词(短语)作定语●This extraordinary rose turns dark red.●2.名词(短语)作定语【这时的名词(短语)已经形容词化了】●The nightingale’s singing can make the rose bloom.●或The singing of the nightingale can make the rose bloom.●⚠️注:英语更倾向于写成of 结构。

●3.介词短语作定语●The nightingale out of the window heard the sighs of the young man.●4.分词、不定式(非谓语)作定语●In the end,the singing nightingale died because of love.●The innocent nightingale must have loved the student deceived by the girl.●5.从句作定语●The rose which the nightingale exchanged with his life failed to help the student.●三、定语的位置●“前小后大”● 定语的位置取决于它的长短,当一个单词修饰名词(短语)时通常放在名词(短语)前面,当两个以上的单词修饰名词(短语)时通常放在名词(短语)后面。


●eg. This is a fiction about a rose and a nightingale.(介词短语作定语,比较长,放在所修饰的名词后)●At the party of the prince,the youngster understanding romance was rejected.(现在分词短语作定语,比较长,放在所修饰的名词之后)●The boy rejected looks pitiful.(过去分词作定语,即使是一个单词也通常放在所修饰的名词之后)●I have something important to tell you.(当形容词修饰不定代词时,即使只有一个单词也通常放在名词后)●四、定语从句●1.构成● 先行词【名词(短语)】+引导词+分句。



考研英语|刘晓艳英语语法和长难句|第五章(一)状语和状语从句●一、形容词(短语)和副词(短语)●1.形容词(短语)●1⃣️ 放在系动词后面作表语●He becomes tough these days.●2⃣️ 放在名词(短语)前作定语●He has become a tough man these days.●3⃣️ 放在宾语后面作补语(不太常见)●The reality makes him tough these days.●形容词(短语)无论作什么成分都是修饰名词(短语)/代词的。

●2.副词(短语)●He smiles sweetly.(副词sweetly修饰实义动词smiles)●He looks pretty sweet.(副词pretty修饰形容词sweet)●He smiles especially sweetly.(副词especially修饰副词sweetly)●Luckily,he passed the examination.(副词luckily修饰整个句子)● 副词(短语可以修饰实义动词(词组)、形容词(短语)和整个句子,副词甚至可以修饰副词。


●二、什么是状语●1.含义● 状语就是在一个句子中,用来修饰实义动词(词组)、形容词(短语)、副词或整个句子的成分。



●2.成分●1⃣️ 副词:She smiles sweetly.●2⃣️ 副词短语:I tried again and again.●3⃣️ 介词短语:He runs fast like a crazy dog.●4⃣️ 分词、不定式:He leaves,crying.●5⃣️ 从句:I will return the book as soon as I have read it.●3.位置● 状语的位置极其灵活,可以随意放置在句中,但是放在句首或句末的情况居多。



一、what is 简单句?二、简单句得分类(一)主谓结构(二)主谓宾(三)主谓表(四)主谓双宾(五)主谓宾宾补三、句子得成分(词性得问题)(一)谓语(二)主语(三)宾语(四)表语一、what is 简单句?英语必须具备主谓结构,并且主语一定就是谓语动作得发出者,如果有宾语,宾语一定就是谓语动作得承受者。

试译:我得英语说得很好I speak English well、我要去剪头A barber will cut my hair、二、简单句得分类(一)主谓结构he died; welaugh(ed)(二)主谓宾谓语:实意动词(三)主谓表谓语:系动词系动词:1、be2、感官动词:looksmell taste sound feel3、变化:bee get4、保持:keep stay remain(四)主谓双宾(五)主谓宾宾补I bought him a dog(双宾)It makeshim happy(宾补)判断双宾还就是宾补:二者就是否有关系,无关双宾有关宾补;加is就是否通顺,通顺为宾补不通为双宾三、句子得成分(词性得问题)(一)谓语有时态得实意动词或系动词充当谓语1、谓语得成分谓语只能就是动词,动词只能做谓语,所以我们需要把一句话中所有不做谓语得动词变成不就是动词(1)+ing主动(2)+ed被动(3)+to目得2、动词能不能多?绝对不能,一句话中只能有一个动词得存在,并且充当谓语,多余得动词全部变成非谓语动词,所以英语中有了独立主格与分词作状语Beat you is my fault、→Beating you is my fault、I enjoy watch TV、→I enjoywatching TV、My dream is watch TV、→My dream is watching TV、My dream is bee a teacher、→My dream is being a teacher、试译:她拍了拍我得肩膀,一句话都没说就离开了Hebeat my shoulder, saying nothing, departed、我爱您,您爱我I loving you,you loveme、 (独立主格)(能分清主次,留主要得为谓语;分不清留后面得为谓语)把几句话写成一句话得方法:●独立主格(分词作状语):把多个句子用逗号连接写成一个句子,留一个为谓语,其她变为非谓语动词●并列句:在几句话中加连词●复合句:把最重要得句子留下,其她变为从句冬天来了,春天就不远了Winter approaching, springwill be around thecorner、我就是一个老师,我喜欢唱歌I be a teacher, I enjoy singing、(独立主格)主语一致省略一个主语Be a teacher, I enjoy singing、(分词作状语)3、动词能不能少?绝对不能,当一句话中需要动词而没有动词时,永远都加be动词,并且be动词没有意思Your mother mustvery beautiful、→Your mother must be very beautiful、I against you、→I amagainst(介词) you、谓语总结:一句话中有且只有一个有时态得实意动词或者系动词得存在,并且充当谓语。



考研英语长难句刘晓燕基础班笔记-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1第一节、句子的成分(词性)1谓语1)谓语的成分 Your mother must (be)very beautiful情态动词不能做谓语一定要具备时态有时态的实意动词(主谓宾结构)或系动词(主系表结构)充当谓语。


独立主格(主语不一致)-分词作状语()谓语只能是动词;动词只能做谓语,所以,我们需要把一句话当中所有不做谓语的动词全部变成不是动词,把动词变成不是动词,在动词后加v-ing主动,v-ed被动,to do目的,这三个有一个共同的名字叫非谓语动词,非谓语动词可以在句子中充当所有成分,除了谓语一句话当中有多个动词,选意思最重要的那个动词充当句子的谓语一句话当中只能有一个动词充当谓语,其他动词要变成非谓语动词3)一句话当中动词能不能少(句子必须具备主谓)绝对不能,当一句话当中需要动词而又没有动词的时候,永远都加be动词,并且be动词没有意思。


2主语1)主语的成分名词、代词(只替代名词的出现)、非谓语动词、从句(引导词加句子)2)主语能不能少3)绝对不能,那一句话没有主语时应该怎么办呢?A.加it作为主语:必须和天气温度时间有关系哦B.There be“有”be=exist,remain,seem-有C.被动作文中所有用人称代词打头的句子,都可以考虑写成被动。

以下三种情况没有被动:a)当动词的后面有介词的时候,这个动词没有被动b)所有的系动词都没有被动c)当have翻译成有的时候,have没有被动D.人称代词不到万不得已千万不要用人称代词I、You、We如果有梦想,就应该会成功If there seems a dream,glories are supposed to be attained3宾语1)宾语的成分名词、代词、非谓语动词、从句4表语1)表语的成分名词、代词、非谓语动词、从句、形容词、介词短语四、简单句在写作中的使用1.所有写不来的单词都可以写成自己会的词汇,反正老师也不知道我想表达的意思2.所有不来的长难句暂时先写成简单句,一定要保证语法正确越来越多的大学生自杀,这个事实表明我们应该关注这个话题了An increasing amount of university students killed themselves ,so weshould care about the problem作业:第一章全部看一遍,15个练习题做完第一章练习题的后面第二节并列句一、什么是并列句二、并列句:就是在两个句子中间加个连词三、常见的连词1.平行关系:and、not only…but alsoSimilarly、equally、likewise、 at the same time2.转折关系:but、yet、while、whereasHowever、nevertheless、conversely、unfortunately、by contrast、on the contrary3.递进(顺承)关系:thenBesides、furthermore、moreover、additionally、subsequently4.因果关系:for;soThus、therefore、as a result、consequently5.选择关系:orAlternatively四、并列句在写作中的使用:写作中只要上下句之间有逻辑关系就一定要用逻辑关系词逻辑关系词:连词、副词、介词短语“,”不能连接两个句子,当使用副词,介词短语不能连接两个句子连词和其他的逻辑关系词的区别在于:连词的前面有没有“。



2024刘晓燕考研英语语法长难句精讲阅读(中英文实用版)Title: 2024 Xiaoliangyan考研English Grammar Complex Sentences Explanation and ReadingIn the journey of 2024 Xiaoliangyan考研English preparation, one crucial aspect that needs special attention is the understanding of English grammar complex sentences.These sentences, though difficult to grasp, are inevitable in higher-level English reading materials.Therefore, it is essential to equip ourselves with the skills to decipher these complex sentences.在2024 Xiaoliangyan考研英语的准备过程中,需要特别关注的一个方面是英语语法复杂句子的理解。



The complex sentences in English are those that contain at least one dependent clause in addition to the main clause.These dependent clauses can be adverbial, noun, or relative clauses.Understanding the role and function of each clause is vital for comprehending the entire sentence.英语中的复杂句子是指至少包含一个从句(除了主句)的句子。



语法及长难句(刘晓艳+田静)●目录●(一)简单句●【考场攻略】●简化句子●如果一个句子里有不及物动词,就说明跟后面的没关系,后面非核心扩展部分●找到分裂结构●看到及物动词可以帮助看懂长难句中的分裂结构●判断从句●及物动词后——宾语从句●系动词后——表语从句●一、什么是简单句?●描述一件事(物质+运动——>N+V——>主语+谓语,一一搭配)的句子,句子必须具备主谓●汉语 VS 英语●1)汉语的主谓宾可有可无(EG:滚出去、我很美、他死了)汉语主要是把几个毫无关系的汉语放在一起表达一种意思就OK了(心花怒放——>开心)●2)英语必有主谓,而且主谓关系一开始就是确定好的,主语一定是谓语动词的发出者,如果有宾语,那么宾语一定是谓语动词的承受者●3)英语很有逻辑,先找谓语,英语和汉语并不是字字对应的Eg:我(主语)的英语(宾语)说(谓语)的很好I speak English very well Eg:我(主语)要去剪(谓语)头(宾语) I will cut my hair(❌)——> 一个理发师给我剪头A barbour will cut my hair●二、简单句的分类●1)主谓●2)主谓宾:谓语是实义动词(有实际意义的动词)●3)主谓表:谓语是系动词●①be动词:am / is / are (一定要是单独出现的,如果有其他的动词,be动词是助动词)●②感官动词:look / smell / taste / sound / feel●③变化:get / become (turn / go / grow 表示"变得"的意思时)●④保持:keep / remain / stay / seem / appear / prove●4)主谓双宾●①主+谓+人+物●②主+谓+物+介词+人●中间的介词通常为to或者for,to强调动作的方向,for强调动作的目的●无论哪个在前面,物永远都是直接宾语,人永远都是间接宾语。



一、What is 并列句二、连词(一)平行(二)转折(三)选择(四)递进(五)因果三、逻辑关系词(一)平行(二)转折(三)选择(四)递进(五)因果四、分析(一)长难句分析:(二)分析长难句步骤一、What is 并列句用连词连接两个句子I love you, you love that dog.→I love you. you love that dog.→I loving you, you love that dog.→I love you, but you love that dog.→Although I love you, you love that dog.二、连词(一)平行and, not only...but also(二)转折but, yet, while, whereas(三)选择or(四)递进then(五)因果for, so三、逻辑关系词逻辑关系词:连词、副词、介词、介词短语试译:有朋自远方来不亦乐乎There exist a train of companies coming from the distance so I become more than delighted.→There exist a train of companies comin g from the distance. as a consequence, I become more than delighted.→There exist a train of companies coming from the distance, and as a consequence, I become more than delighted.连词和其它逻辑关系词的区别在于,连词的前面要么用逗号要么没有标点符号;而其他的逻辑关系词前面要么用句号要么加连词and(一)平行equally, likewise, similarly, at the same time, in the meanwhile(二)转折however, nevertheless, conversely, unexpectedly, on the contrary, by contrast (三)选择alternatively(四)递进besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, subsequently(五)因果thus, therefore, as a consequence/result, consequently你还记得那天吗,我没有通过四级考试,一个人在雨中哭泣,你走过来拍拍我的肩膀告诉我人生没有终点Do you still keep the day in mind? I failed to pass CET4, and consequently, I shed tears alone in the rain. At the same time, you came up to me then beat my shoulder, telling me "there exists no destination in life".四、分析(一)长难句分析:●I was beaten and he只要见到有并列连词的出现通常都会有省略,翻译的时候先把省略的部分补充上后再做翻译●那如何查找省略的内容呢?一句话只要有省略,就一定会省略在连词后而不是连词前。



例1(2009年英译汉)Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world’s work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output.【成分】Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness状语and thrift,状语theintellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association主语under which the world’s work is carried on定语从句receives谓语little attention宾语as compared with physical output.分词作状语【析句】这句话开头是两个介词短语做状语,第一个介词短语是in our industrial life, 第二个介词短语是apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, 句子的主干的主语是the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association,后面是个定语从句under which the world’s work is carried on修饰前面的主语,动词是receives,宾语是little attention,后面是分词状语as compared with physical output,修饰整个句子。



2021刘晓燕考研英语语法长难句笔记(并列句)(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--一、What is 并列句二、连词(一)平行(二)转折(三)选择(四)递进(五)因果三、逻辑关系词(一)平行(二)转折(三)选择(四)递进(五)因果四、分析(一)长难句分析:(二)分析长难句步骤一、What is 并列句用连词连接两个句子I love you, you love that dog.→I love you. you love th at dog.→I loving you, you love that dog.→I love you, but you love that dog.→Although?I love you, you love that dog.二、连词(一)平行and, not only...but also(二)转折but, yet, while, whereas(三)选择or(四)递进then(五)因果for, so三、逻辑关系词逻辑关系词:连词、副词、介词、介词短语试译:有朋自远方来不亦乐乎There exist a train of companies coming from the distance so I become more than delighted.→There exist a train of companies coming from the distance. as a consequence, I become more than delighted.→There exist a train of companies coming from the distance, and as a consequence, I become more than delighted.连词和其它逻辑关系词的区别在于,连词的前面要么用逗号要么没有标点符号;而其他的逻辑关系词前面要么用句号要么加连词and(一)平行equally, likewise, similarly, at the same time, in the meanwhile(二)转折however, nevertheless, conversely, unexpectedly, on the contrary, by contrast(三)选择alternatively(四)递进besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, subsequently(五)因果thus, therefore, as a consequence/result, consequently你还记得那天吗,我没有通过四级考试,一个人在雨中哭泣,你走过来拍拍我的肩膀告诉我人生没有终点Do you still keep the day in mind I failed to pass CET4, and consequently, I shed tears alone in the rain. At the same time, you came up to me then beat my shoulder, telling me "there exists no destination in life".四、分析(一)长难句分析:I was beaten and he只要见到有并列连词的出现通常都会有省略,翻译的时候先把省略的部分补充上后再做翻译那如何查找省略的内容呢?一句话只要有省略,就一定会省略在连词后而不是连词前。



刘晓艳长难句语法之状语和状语从句●一、对比形容词和副词能充当的成分●adj. 可以做表语(系动词后)、定语(名词前)●adv.只做状语●He cried sadly.(修饰实义动词)●He looks especially sad.(修饰形容词)●He cried rather sadly.(修饰副词)●Actually ,he cries .(修饰整个句子)●二、什么是状语?●1.定义:就是一句话中修饰实义动词、形容词、副词或整个句子的成分。


●2.状语的成分●副词●例:She cried sadly.●介词短语●例:She cried sadly like a boy losing his toy.●副词短语●例:I tried again and again.●非谓语动词(分词、不定式)●例:She cries,sitting there .●从句●例:She cried when she sat there .●3.状语的位置●随便放●三、状语从句●状语从句的引导词是按照引导词本身的意思分的类,一共9类:●(一)时间状语从句●引导词:●when =while= as当while 翻译成“当什么……时候”,后面要跟进行时态●before●after●since●the moment=as soon as●until●not…until●时态●在所有的从句中,如果主句的动作和从句的动作都未发生的话,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。

(主将从现)●例:When love comes,I will hold her hands.当爱来临的时候,我要牵住她的手。

●When love came,I faild to hold her hands.当爱来临的时候,我没有牵到她的手。

●区别until和not...until:看主句的谓语是是瞬间动词还是延续性动词,如果是延续性动词,就用until,如果是瞬间动词就用not…until…●I will wait here until you come .●I will not leave until you come .●I didn't realize the grearness of mothers until I grew up.直到我长大,我才意识到母亲的伟大。



一、形容词和副词能够充当的成分1. 形容词充当的成分2. 副词充当的成分二、什么是状语三、可以作状语的成分四、状语的位置五、状语从句1. 原因状语从句2. 让步状语从句3. 比较状语从句4. 方式状语从句5. 目的状语从句六、状语和状语从句的考点分析1. 写作2. 长难句分析一、形容词和副词能够充当的成分1. 形容词充当的成分表语、定语——修饰名词2. 副词充当的成分状语She runs away rapidly.——状语(修饰动词)She looks distinctly rapid.——状语(修饰形容词)She runs away extremly rapidly.——状语(修饰副词)Actually, she runs away.——状语(修饰句子)二、什么是状语状语就是在一句话中修饰实义动词、修饰形容词、修饰副词以及整个句子的就是状语状语除了名词不能修饰,什么都能修饰三、可以作状语的成分1. 副词作状语2. 介词短语作状语She runs away as rapidly as a crazy dog.3. 非谓语动词作状语She runs away, opening her mouth.4. 从句作状语She runs away when she opens her mouth.四、状语的位置随便放五、状语从句状语从句的引导词是按照引导词本身的意思分的类,一共把引导词分成九类时间、地点、原因、条件、让步、结果、目的、方式、比较1. 原因状语从句because, as, since, in that, seeing that, now that(引导词)for(连词)because of/owing to/due to/thanks to/for the sake of/ as a result of(表示原因的介词短语)因为我很漂亮,很多人不喜欢我For I am beautiful, so many people to loved me. (×)(for为连词,只能放在两句话的中间)Immense amounts of peers fail to be fascinated with me for I remain graceful=because of my graceful.我为什么迟到是因为我生病了Why I am late(主从) is(系) because I am sick(表).(×)(because不是表语从句的引导词)Why I am late is that I am sick.2. 让步状语从句although, though, even though/if, as, whilewhile虽然尽管,当...的时候,但是出现在两句话之间,为连词,翻译为“但是”后面跟的时态为进行时态,“当...的时候”当翻译成“虽然尽管”时,只能放在句首,不能放在句中Surfing on the Internet exerts great influence on the physical and mental health of youngsters on campus although it can make the life convenient.3. 比较状语从句as...as...You are happier than me.(than me 不是句子,不是比较状语从句)You are happier than I am.(are和am同时出现,不好看,把am替换掉)You are happier than I do. (do可以省略)You are happier than I.4. 方式状语从句by, by means of, in...way/manner(表示方式的介词短语)as, as if, as though(方式状语从句引导词)He looks as if ice.(if ice 不是句子)He looks as if he were made of ice.5. 目的状语从句so that, in order that(从句表示目的)to, in order to, so as to(动词不定式表示目的)为了看得更远,我们爬得更高We ascend higher so that we overlook farther.(high表示实际的高时为high,表示抽象的高时为highly)We ascend higher in order to we overlook farther. (更常见)6. 结果状语从句so...that...(如此以至于)只要作文中出现形容词或副词的地方,都可以写成so...that...的句型(so...that...为可以替换very的句型)My mother remains so kind that she is respected by all her staff.I become so rejoiced that I fail to fall asleep at night.六、状语和状语从句的考点分析需打印部分在文章末尾1. 写作I love you.时间:我爱你一万年地点:I love you in my deep mind原因:我爱你因为我想让你成为世界上最幸福的女人方式:我爱你通过每天早上送一束玫瑰花让步:我爱你虽然你很丑目的:和原因差不多作文中任何一句话的旁边都可以加一个状语的成分把状语拉长。



一、What is 并列句二、连词(一)平行(二)转折(三)选择(四)递进(五)因果三、逻辑关系词(一)平行(二)转折(三)选择(四)递进(五)因果四、分析(一)长难句分析:(二)分析长难句步骤一、What is 并列句用连词连接两个句子I love you, you love that dog.→I love you. you love that dog.→I loving you, you love that dog.→I love you, but you love that dog.→Although I love you, you love that dog.二、连词(一)平行and, not only...but also(二)转折but, yet, while, whereas(三)选择or(四)递进then(五)因果for, so三、逻辑关系词逻辑关系词:连词、副词、介词、介词短语试译:有朋自远方来不亦乐乎There exist a train of companies coming from the distance so I become more than delighted.→There exist a train of companies coming from the distance. as a consequence, I become more than delighted.→There exist a train of companies coming from the distance, and as a consequence, I become more than delighted.连词和其它逻辑关系词的区别在于,连词的前面要么用逗号要么没有标点符号;而其他的逻辑关系词前面要么用句号要么加连词and(一)平行equally, likewise, similarly, at the same time, in the meanwhile(二)转折however, nevertheless, conversely, unexpectedly, on the contrary, by contrast (三)选择alternatively(四)递进besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, subsequently(五)因果thus, therefore, as a consequence/result, consequently你还记得那天吗,我没有通过四级考试,一个人在雨中哭泣,你走过来拍拍我的肩膀告诉我人生没有终点Do you still keep the day in mind? I failed to pass CET4, and consequently, I shed tears alone in the rain. At the same time, you came up to me then beat my shoulder, telling me "there exists no destination in life".四、分析(一)长难句分析:●I was beaten and he只要见到有并列连词的出现通常都会有省略,翻译的时候先把省略的部分补充上后再做翻译●那如何查找省略的内容呢?一句话只要有省略,就一定会省略在连词后而不是连词前。

语法长难句讲义-简单句并列句 (2)

语法长难句讲义-简单句并列句 (2)

考研英语:语法长难句主讲人:刘晓艳目录第一课奋斗的开始-简单句 (3)一什么是英语句子? (3)二英语句子的基本结构 (3)三句子的成分 (4)四简单句的考点分析 (6)第二课难点稍露尖尖角并列句 (9)一什么是并列句? (9)二并列连词及与其同义的逻辑关系词 (9)三并列句的考点分析 (9)第一课奋斗的开始-简单句一什么是英语句子?英汉句法结构的差异举例:•北京机场就要到了。


二英语句子的基本结构1.主谓2.主谓宾谓语:实义动词3.主谓表谓语:系动词系动词主要分为以下六类:•be•感官动词:look, smell, taste, sound, feel•变化:become, get, turn, grow, fall•保持:keep, stay, remain, stand•表象:seem, appear•终止:prove4.主谓双宾5.主谓宾宾补举例:•I bought him a dog.•You should keep the room clean and tidy.•We made him our monitor.•His father told him not to play in the street.三句子的成分1.谓语1)谓语的成分:举例:•Your mother must very beautiful.2)动词能不能多?举例•Laugh at others is my hobby.•I enjoy see movies.•My dream is become a rich lady.练习•他穿上外衣,锁上门,离开了家。






3)动词能不能少?举例•Your mother must very beautiful;•I against you.谓语的总结:2.主语1)主语的成分举例•Handsome and strong are his nature.2)主语能不能少?举例•北京很冷。



刘晓艳长难句语法之名词性从句●一、名词能够充当什么成分?●主语●例:The movie looks terrific.这部电影很精彩。

●宾语●例:I admire his mother.我钦佩他的妈妈。

●表语●Gump is a man.阿甘是真男人。


●例子:●I enjoy the part, the beginning.我喜欢开头的部分。

(the beginning 解释the part)●My mother, a typical housewife, enjoy playing Mahjong.●persistence, an active mentality, plays a critical role in the glories of all childrenand adults.●△只要在作文中见到名词,就可以有意识地在它后面加一个同位语,对该名词进行补充说明。

●能充当同位语的成分:●名词●代词●非谓语动词例:I enjoy the sports, runining.●从句●二、什么是名词性从句?●名词在句子中充当的成分(主语、宾语、表语、同位语),从句都能充当,这就是名词性从句。


●That he has got divorced is my fault.●他已经离婚了吗?是显而易见的。

●Whether he has got divorced is obvious.●他会和谁结婚呢?是一个秘密。

●Who he will marry is a secret.●按照从句的类型分成三类●1.that: 当从句是陈述句时。


并且whether在从句中也不充当任何成分,意思是“是否”●3.所有的特殊疑问词(who when where …):当从句是特殊疑问句时。



一、成分二、什么是名词性从句三、名词性从句的引导词四、分析(一)写作分析1.主语从句2.同位语从句(二)长难句分析1.主语从句2.宾语从句3.表语从句五、修饰名词的成分——定语1. 什么是定语2. 定语的成分3. 定语的位置4. 定语从句一、成分主语、宾语、表语、同位语主语:The movie proves brilliant.宾语:I appreciate the actress.表语:She keeps a ghost.同位语:I enjoy the part,the end.(同位语只能跟在名词后,the part=the end;作文中任何名词的后面都可以再加一个名词作为同位语出现)例句:Over fishing, a universal phenomenon throughout the word, has become increasingly grave under modern conditions.过度捕捞,一个全球普遍现象,已经变得越来越严重了。

二、什么是名词性从句主语从句:The movie proves brilliant.What I saw proves brilliant.宾语从句:I appreciate the actress.I appreciate what she did.表语从句:She keeps a ghost.She keeps who I admire.同位语从句:I enjoy the part, the end.I enjoy the part that she knew the truth.名词在句子中能够充当的成分从句都能充当这就是名词性从句,名词性从句一共包括四类:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句三、名词性从句的引导词例句她已经离婚了是显而易见的She has got divorced is conspicuous.(句子不能做主语)That she has got divorced is conspicuous.她离婚了吗是个秘密Has she got divorced keeps a secret.→whether she has got divorced keeps a secret.她什么时候离婚是个谜When did she get divorced remains a mystery. →When she got divorced remains a mystery.引导词名词性从句的引导词是按照从句的类型分的类,一共把引导词分成三类:that(当从句是陈述句时,并且that在从句中不充当任何成分也没有任何意思)whether(当从句是一般疑问句时,并且whether在从句中不充当任何成分,意思翻译成是否)所有特殊疑问词(当从句是特殊疑问句时)并且英语中所有的从句一定都是陈述句的形式,也就是引导词+主语+谓语的形式练习:练习一:我正在思考外星人存在吗I am wondering whether the allien exists.(宾语从句)(可数名词不能单独使用,a/复数/the;不确定是否可数用the)练习二:他们为什么去西藏离开家乡是一个谜Why they left hometown for Tibet remains a mystery.(可数名词不能单独使用)Why they left their hometown for Tibet remains a mystery.(主语从句)(主系表)练习三:关键是你什么时候有钱呀关键(主语)是(谓语)你什么时候有钱呀(表语)The point seem when wealth will be available for you.(表语从句)available可得到的练习四:有一天你会发现事业、友情、亲情都比爱情重要你(主语)发现(谓语)事业、友情、亲情都比爱情重要(宾语)Someday, you will find that career, kinship and friendship are all more indispensable than romance.(宾语从句)四、分析(一)写作分析1.主语从句主语从句的满分表达就是把主句从句放到句末去,加it做形式主语,主语从句的满分句型可以写在作文中任何一句话的前面用来拉长句子显而易见,众所周知:It keeps common knowledge thatIt looks beyond dispute that(超越争论)It is universally acknowledged thatIt has been widely accepted that我认为:It keeps my perspective that例句:女人总是对的是一个常识That ladies tend to be right keeps common knowledge.→It keeps common knowledge that ladies tend to be right.例句:关于养宠物这个话题已经引起广泛关注了It has been widely accepted that the subject about raising pets has been brought into the limelight.2.同位语从句同位语从句的位置:名词后;句末她的丈夫去世了这个消息传遍了整个村庄The news that her husband passed away has been spread the whole village.→(The news has been spread the whole village that her husband passed away.同位语从句可以放在句末,但作文中不要放在句末)河南人都是骗子这个想法是不正确的The outlook that individuals from henan province tend to be deceivers remains wrong.(outlook/perspective/idea观点,看法)温室里的花朵不能经受风雨这个事实表明我们不应该溺爱孩子The evidence that flowers in the greenhouse fail to endure storms demonstrates that kids should never be spoiled.穿自己的鞋不仅方便而且还确保了一点不用去管别人的感受Wearing my own shoes proves not only convenient but also ensures a point that the feelings of others can be ignored.(二)长难句分析能够快速的识别各个名词性从句,并且把他们通顺的翻译出来1.主语从句只要见到有引导词放在句首,并且从句后没有被逗号逗号隔开就绝对是主语从句,主语从句从句首开始到主句的谓语动词之前结束(前面没有引导词的动词就是主句的谓语动词)除此以外,只要见到it...that通常也是主语从句,主语从句从that开始到句末结束The outlook that individuals from henan province tend to be deceivers remains wrong.(同位语从句)When I saw you, I loved you.(状语从句)引导词在句首,不是主语从句就是状语从句例句:That the plates are moving is now beyond dispute.That the plates are moving主语 is谓语 beyond dispute表语例句:Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expend of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.Whether...versa主语(由whether...or...并列的两个从句共同充当主语) depends on谓语 the issue宾语 of which is seen as the driving force定语政府是应该以技术为代价增加对纯科学的投入还是以纯科学为代价增加对技术的投入通常取决于哪一个被视为驱动力的问题例句:How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.depends upon谓语;the amount, reliability,and appropriateness宾语;with which it is interpreted定语(定前面所有名词)and+介词+定语upon→on;the skill and wisdom→the amount, reliability,and appropriateness;of the information used→ with which it is interpreted省略了depends以后的行为将会多么准确的证明这些预言取决于所使用的信息的数量、可靠性和适合性并且还取决于解释信息的技巧和智慧例句:It is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symble in solving problems.that ...problems主句;谓语is agreed;主语从句中:谓语is,主语a person,定语of high intelligence,表语one,修饰one的定语成分who... problems为四个并列的定语从句→who can grasp ideas readily, who can make distinctions, who can reason logically, and who can make use of verbal and mathematical symble in solving problems.众所周知一个高智商的人是一个能够轻易理解思想的人,是一个能够做出辨别的人,是一个能够进行逻辑推理的人,并且还能够使用语言和数学的符号解决问题的人例句:For example, it has long been known that total sleep deprivation is 100% fatal to rats, yet, upon examination of the dead bodies, the animals look completely normal.主语that ...normal,谓语has been known(has帮助known构成现在完成时,been帮助known完成被动)主语从句之所以这么长是因为由yet并列的两个句子共同充当主语,两个句子均为主系表结构比如说,长期以来众所周知完全的睡眠的剥夺对老鼠来说是百分之一百致命的,但是通过检查这些尸体,这些动物看起来完全正常2.宾语从句只要实义动词的后面有个引导词,就暂定为宾语从句(还可能是状语从句He died when he saw me)She said that she would marry an old rich man.that 可省略,在名词性从句中,只有宾语从句可以省略,作文中不省略,作文为正式文体You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction(归纳法)and deduction(演绎法),that by the help of these operations,they,in a sort of sense, manage to extract from Nature certain natural laws,and that out of these , by some special skills of their own,they build up their theories.主谓宾宾补You主语,have heard谓语,it宾语,repeated宾补it形式宾语,指代that...你们听说以下的事情被重复吧:科学家们通过归纳法和演绎法进行工作,通过这些操作的帮助,他们成功地抽出从自然中抽出了一些自然法则,在这些自然法则之中,通过他们自己的一些特殊的技能,他们建立起了自己的理论(out of 在...之中,在...之外)This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in.A fact underlined by statistics shows that out of eight European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.(在...之中)3.表语从句只要系动词的后面有个引导词,就一定是表语从句Galileo's greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.Galileo's greatest glory主语,was谓语,that ...Earth表语从句从句中:he主语,was谓语,the first person表语,to ...planets定语伽利略最伟大的成就是在1609年他是第一个用新发明的望远镜观测天空证明了行星是绕着太阳转的而不是绕着地球转的第一人4. 同位语从句只要名词的后面有个引导词,就暂定为同位语从句(可能性很小)A century ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.Freud主语,formulated谓语,his revolutionary theory宾语,that ...fears同位语从句从句:dreams主语,were谓语,the disguised shadows表语,of our unconscious desires and fears定语(shadows的定语)一个世纪以前,弗洛伊德解释了他的革命性的理论梦是我们无意识地欲望和恐惧的映射But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.the idea主语,rests on谓语,that ...citizen同位语从句,an understanding+special responsibilities宾语,of the established+of the news media分别为两个名词的定语记者必须要比普通人更深刻的理解法律这种想法取决于对既定风俗的理解和新闻媒体的特殊责任Evidence came up that specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.Evidence主语,came up谓语,同位语从句后置 that ...old六个月大的婴儿能够识别具体的说话的声音这种证据已经出现了五、修饰名词的成分——定语1. 什么是定语只要听到...的+名词,...的就是修饰这个名词的定语成分2. 定语的成分1. 形容词修饰名词那个善良的夜莺失去了他的意志The naive nightingale lost his life.2. 名词修饰名词夜莺的歌声能够使那朵花开放The singing of the nighting enables the rose to bloom.3. 介词短语做定语窗外的夜莺听到了年轻人的感叹The nighting out of the window heard the sigh of the youngster.4. 非谓语动词修饰名词那只唱歌的夜莺死的很悲惨The singing nighting died pitifully.=The nighing to sing died pitifully.5. 从句修饰名词我喜欢王子送给我的珠宝3. 定语的位置前小后大特殊:1. 形容词修饰不定代词,放在不定代词后something special2. 当过去分词修饰名词的时候即使只有一个单词也通常放在名词后被抛弃的那个男人看起来很可怜The boy discarded looks pitiful这是一个关于夜莺和玫瑰的故事This is a fiction about a nighting and a rose.那个懂爱的年轻人离开了王子的舞会The youngster grasping romance left the party of the prince. 4. 定语从句(1)构成n(先行词)+引导词+句子定语从句修饰名词,名词性从句代替名词(2)引导词定语从句的引导词是按照先行词的种类分的类,一共把引导词分成5类①当先行词是人的时候引导词有:who whom whose②当先行词是物的时候引导词有:that which whose③当先行词是时间的时候引导词有:that which when④当先行词是地点的时候引导词有:that which where⑤当先行词是原因的时候引导词有:that which why名词后面不是定语从句就是同位语从句到底是谁决定了定语从句的引导词I will never forget the day when I met you.(从句不缺主谓宾)that在定语从句中充当关系代词,代替先行词引导定语从句(定从中that与which等同)。



一、形容词和副词能够充当的成分1. 形容词充当的成分2. 副词充当的成分二、什么是状语三、可以作状语的成分四、状语的位置五、状语从句1. 原因状语从句2. 让步状语从句3. 比较状语从句4. 方式状语从句5. 目的状语从句六、状语和状语从句的考点分析1. 写作2. 长难句分析一、形容词和副词能够充当的成分1. 形容词充当的成分表语、定语——修饰名词2. 副词充当的成分状语She runs away rapidly.——状语(修饰动词)She looks distinctly rapid.——状语(修饰形容词)She runs away extremly rapidly.——状语(修饰副词)Actually, she runs away.——状语(修饰句子)二、什么是状语状语就是在一句话中修饰实义动词、修饰形容词、修饰副词以及整个句子的就是状语状语除了名词不能修饰,什么都能修饰三、可以作状语的成分1. 副词作状语2. 介词短语作状语She runs away as rapidly as a crazy dog.3. 非谓语动词作状语She runs away, opening her mouth.4. 从句作状语She runs away when she opens her mouth.四、状语的位置随便放五、状语从句状语从句的引导词是按照引导词本身的意思分的类,一共把引导词分成九类时间、地点、原因、条件、让步、结果、目的、方式、比较1. 原因状语从句because, as, since, in that, seeing that, now that(引导词)for(连词)because of/owing to/due to/thanks to/for the sake of/ as a result of(表示原因的介词短语)因为我很漂亮,很多人不喜欢我For I am beautiful, so many people to loved me. (×)(for为连词,只能放在两句话的中间)Immense amounts of peers fail to be fascinated with me for I remain graceful=because of my graceful.我为什么迟到是因为我生病了Why I am late(主从) is(系) because I am sick(表).(×)(because不是表语从句的引导词)Why I am late is that I am sick.2. 让步状语从句although, though, even though/if, as, whilewhile虽然尽管,当...的时候,但是出现在两句话之间,为连词,翻译为“但是”后面跟的时态为进行时态,“当...的时候”当翻译成“虽然尽管”时,只能放在句首,不能放在句中Surfing on the Internet exerts great influence on the physical and mental health of youngsters on campus although it can make the life convenient.3. 比较状语从句as...as...You are happier than me.(than me 不是句子,不是比较状语从句)You are happier than I am.(are和am同时出现,不好看,把am替换掉)You are happier than I do. (do可以省略)You are happier than I.4. 方式状语从句by, by means of, in...way/manner(表示方式的介词短语)as, as if, as though(方式状语从句引导词)He looks as if ice.(if ice 不是句子)He looks as if he were made of ice.5. 目的状语从句so that, in order that(从句表示目的)to, in order to, so as to(动词不定式表示目的)为了看得更远,我们爬得更高We ascend higher so that we overlook farther.(high表示实际的高时为high,表示抽象的高时为highly)We ascend higher in order to we overlook farther. (更常见)6. 结果状语从句so...that...(如此以至于)只要作文中出现形容词或副词的地方,都可以写成so...that...的句型(so...that...为可以替换very的句型)My mother remains so kind that she is respected by all her staff.I become so rejoiced that I fail to fall asleep at night.六、状语和状语从句的考点分析需打印部分在文章末尾1. 写作I love you.时间:我爱你一万年地点:I love you in my deep mind原因:我爱你因为我想让你成为世界上最幸福的女人方式:我爱你通过每天早上送一束玫瑰花让步:我爱你虽然你很丑目的:和原因差不多作文中任何一句话的旁边都可以加一个状语的成分把状语拉长。

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1 A boy comes ; (主谓)
2 he is attractive; (主谓表)
3 I like him; (主谓宾)
4 I will give him all my love; (主谓双宾)
5 he can make me happy (主谓宾宾补)


2.主谓表的谓语是系动词(包括be动词;感官动词;表变化的单词eg become;表保持的单词eg keep;)


eg 我很美;我爱美;我动作很美;虽然是一个美,但是写成英语,一个beautiful是解决不了这三个美的。



1. 谓语


比如说:he must go out; 谓语是谁?不是must,是go;那哪些动词作谓语呢?实意动词和系动词;那看下面的句子
i be a beauty;be 是谓语吗?不是,因为它没有时态,应该写成am 才是对的,也就是要写成be的一般现在时am;


翻译的时候不能写i very pretty;,一定要写i am very pretty;也就是说没有动词一定要加be动词作为谓语。


不能译为i must beyond you;因为没有动词就不是句子,那就只能在must后加上be了,这就对了、

love you is my fault; i come buy water; that cry boy is my little brother; he said sth smile;
以上四个句子中都有两个动词,既然只能有一个动词作谓语,所以love, buy, cry 和smile 都要变成不是动词的;那如何把动词变成不是东西呢?那就是分词(现在分词和过去分词)和不定式(to do)
to love/loving; to buy; crying; smiling



2 主语
还有名词,代词eg he/a dog loves me;
2) 不能无主

(×)Shouldn’t shun responsibilities.


(×)This issue the government has attached much importance to.

English must be pointed out to be important.

It is cold here.
3)There be

There are many people who believe marriage is the end of love.
We should protect the environment.
3 宾语
还有名词和代词eg i love you/my boyfriend;

4 表语
eg success is to get/getting what you want;
还有名词,代词eg i am a teacher/me
eg i am beautiful
i am in the office

