在学前比较教育学的学习中,我们需要了解不同教育模式和方法的特点,包括传统的教育模式、幼儿园的游戏教育、Montessori教育和Reggio Emilia教育等。
(对)5. 1802年英国开办的西点军校是英国第一所设有技术学科的学校。
(对)15. 高等学校的招生制度有证书制、高考制和开放制。
(对)17. 法国根据19世纪80年代《费立法》建立了免费的、义务的、非宗教的教育制度。
(对)18. 狭义的教育管理包括教育行政和学校管理两部分。
6 1817 年发表了一本小册子《比较教育的研究计划与初步意见》这本书里,他提出以下建议:①组织一个国际教育委员会,聘请常任公务人员承担比教育资料的收集工作②用问卷的方式向各国收集资料,以便国际委员会能够提出适当的教育改革建议③建立师范学校网,用最新的方法培训师资④发行各种语言的教育定期刊物,传播教育改革的经验。
7:模仿日本的学制,学习年限很长,实行九五三三制,儿童 6 岁入学,小学堂九年,中学堂五年,高等教育学堂或大学预科三年,分科大学堂 3-4 年,还有通儒院五年。
8:模仿美国学制,采用六三三四制,儿童 6 岁入学,小学六年,初中三年,高中三年,大学四至六年。
9 1806 年宣布建立帝“国大学”负责组织全国的教育,帝国大学只是一个行政机构,管理全国公里教育的学校和人员。
1319 世纪初,英国国教会牧师贝尔和公谊会教徒兰开斯特分别发明了著名的导生制,使一名教师在导生的帮助下,同时可教数百名学生。
三、“理智的框架”:第一,规范模式(normative pattern) :影响各国教育的信仰、宗教、哲学、政治观念、道德价值等意识形态方面的资料。
第二,制度模式(institutional pattern) :有关教育制度及其组织结构,制约教育制度的政治、经济制度,政党,经济、法律组织结构和群众团体等资料。
第三,精神模式(pattern of mental state) :包括传统观念、民族意识和特性等方面的资料。
第四,自然模式(physical pattern) :包括地理、地质、气象、环境、人口等方面的资料。
(源于平时做的单选、多选题)练习题1《比较教育学的历史发展》一、单项选择题1.比较教育学界人们常说的“比较教育之父”指的是:朱利安2、萨德勒是英国比较教育的先驱者之一,1895~1903年,他主持考察了欧洲各国、当时大英帝国的领地和美国的教育,撰写了一部28卷的著作是:《教育问题专题报告》3 .1817年,朱利安在巴黎《教育杂志》上连载发表作品是:《关于比较教育的工作纲要和初步意见》4.英国比较教育学家汉斯在英王学院任职期间撰写的代表作为:《比较教育:教育的因素和传统研究》5.1842年,马萨诸塞州的教育督察长霍拉斯·曼访问欧洲归来,撰写了一本著名的:《第七年报告》二、多项选择题1.在比较教育的史前时代有一些学者对异地教育进行了描述与比较,以下属于这一时代的学者有: B.色诺芬C.柏拉图D.西塞罗E.伊拉斯谟2 .霍尔斯认为比较教育内部已经分化出四个研究领域,其中包括:A.比较研究B.外国教育D.国际教育E.发展教育3 .中国编辑出版的重要比较教育刊物有B.《比较教育研究》D.《外国教育研究》4.在比较教育发展史上,“因素分析时代”的主要代表人物有B.萨德勒 C.康德尔 D.施奈德 E.汉斯5.汉斯认为影响教育制度的决定性因素可分作三类,它们是:A.自然因素 B.宗教因素 C.世俗因素练习题2《比较教育学的理论体系》一、单项选择题1.结构功能主义对比较教育的影响,主要表现为比较教育注重对教育与社会之间的关系进行分析和研究。
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(源于平时做的单选、多选题)练习题1《比较教育学的历史发展》一、单项选择题1.比较教育学界人们常说的“比较教育之父”指的是:朱利安2、萨德勒是英国比较教育的先驱者之一,1895~1903年,他主持考察了欧洲各国、当时大英帝国的领地和美国的教育,撰写了一部28卷的著作是:《教育问题专题报告》3 .1817年,朱利安在巴黎《教育杂志》上连载发表作品是:《关于比较教育的工作纲要和初步意见》4.英国比较教育学家汉斯在英王学院任职期间撰写的代表作为:《比较教育:教育的因素和传统研究》5.1842年,马萨诸塞州的教育督察长霍拉斯·曼访问欧洲归来,撰写了一本著名的:《第七年报告》二、多项选择题1.在比较教育的史前时代有一些学者对异地教育进行了描述与比较,以下属于这一时代的学者有: B.色诺芬C.柏拉图 D.西塞罗 E.伊拉斯谟2 .霍尔斯认为比较教育内部已经分化出四个研究领域,其中包括:A.比较研究 B.外国教育 D.国际教育E.发展教育3 .中国编辑出版的重要比较教育刊物有B.《比较教育研究》 D.《外国教育研究》4.在比较教育发展史上,“因素分析时代”的主要代表人物有B.萨德勒 C.康德尔 D.施奈德 E.汉斯5.汉斯认为影响教育制度的决定性因素可分作三类,它们是:A.自然因素 B.宗教因素 C.世俗因素练习题2《比较教育学的理论体系》一、单项选择题1.结构功能主义对比较教育的影响,主要表现为比较教育注重对教育与社会之间的关系进行分析和研究。
如德国的赫尔巴特(Herbert)提出了“教育是永恒的,学校只是暂时的”的思想,著名教育学家杜威(John Dewey)提出了“学以致用”、“体验的教育”等思想,对教育学的发展产生了重大影响。
1. 教育思想史教育思想史是教育学的重要组成部分,它研究了人类对教育问题所产生的思想、观念和学说。
2. 教育社会学教育社会学是研究教育现象和教育制度在社会中的地位和作用的学科。
3. 教育心理学教育心理学是研究个体在教育过程中的心理活动和行为规律的学科。
4. 教育管理学教育管理学是研究教育组织和管理的学科,它包括教育组织理论、教育领导理论、教育管理方法、教育管理技能等内容。
5. 教育评价教育评价是研究教育质量和教育效果的学科,它包括教育评价理论、教育评价方法、教育评价体系等内容。
选择题1763年普鲁士公国颁布( )规定实施义务教育,德国各地几乎都实行了义务教育。
A.《教育总计划》B.《魏玛宪法》C.《乡村学校规程》D.《基础学校法》答案:C在美国教育史上,18世纪中叶,( )在费城创办了第一所文实中学。
这部法律是A.《莫雷尔法》B.《史密斯-休士法》C.《退伍军人重新适应法》D.《国防教育法》答案:A萨德勒是英国比较教育的先驱者之一,1895~1903年,他主持考察了欧洲各国、当时大英帝国的领地和美国的教育,撰写了一部28卷的著作是( )。
A.《教育问题专题报告》B.《关于普鲁士公立教育情况的报告》C.《第七年报告》D.《我们从对别国教育制度的研究中究竟能学到什么有价值的东西?》全世界高等教育机构最多的国家是A.中国B.印度C.美国D.日本答案:C法国是一个中央集权的国家,设立的中央教育行政机构为( )。
A.联邦教育部B.教育和科学部C.文部省D.国民教育部答案:D下列幼儿教育课程模式中,以进步主义观点为其基本理论依据的是A.发展成熟论模式B.行为环境论模式C.认知发展相互作用论模式D.浪漫主义派答案:C在英国教育发展史上,标志着英国公共教育制度正式确立的事件是A.1876年《桑登法》B.1870年《初等教育法》颁布C.1902年《巴尔福法》颁布D.1833年教育拨款答案:B1842年,马萨诸塞州的教育督察长霍拉斯?曼访问欧洲归来,撰写了一本著名的( )。
A.《关于普鲁士公立教育情况的报告》B.《关于比较教育的工作纲要和初步意见》C.《欧洲大陆的学校》D.《第七年报告》答案:D根据1886年的《学制令》,日本形成了分别面向精英人才和平民大众的双重结构的全国教育制度,这种制度一直存在到( )。
一、教育目标1. 教育目标的概念教育目标是指教育的预期效果和最终追求目标。
2. 教育目标的分类教育目标可以分为个人发展目标和社会发展目标两大类。
3. 教育目标的特点a. 教育目标是具有方向性和导向性的。
b. 教育目标是动态的和可变的。
c. 教育目标是多维度的和多元化的。
4. 教育目标的实现实现教育目标需要教育者和学生共同努力。
二、教育内容1. 教育内容的概念教育内容是指教育活动所涉及的知识、技能、思想、文化等方面的内容和要求。
2. 教育内容的分类教育内容可以分为认知内容、情感内容、品德内容等三大类。
a. 教育内容是知识与能力的结合。
b. 教育内容是系统和完整的。
在比较教育学的选择题中,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 比较教育学的定义和基本概念:考生需要了解比较教育学的定义,明确其研究对象和范围,掌握比较教育学的基本概念,如教育制度、教育政策、教育方法等,以便正确回答相关的选择题。
2. 比较教育学的理论框架:比较教育学包括了多种理论框架,如功能主义、文化相对主义、现代化理论等,考生需要理解这些框架的内涵和特点,掌握它们在比较教育学研究中的应用。
3. 比较教育学的研究方法:考生需要熟悉比较教育学的研究方法,如文献分析、实地调查、案例研究等,了解这些方法的优势和局限性,以便正确选择相关的答案。
在比较教育学的名词解释题中,考生应该注意以下几个重点:1. 理解概念的内涵:考生需要准确理解所提到的概念的内涵和特点,明确其与其他相关概念的区别,以便更好地回答问题。
2. 解释概念的产生与发展:考生应该关注概念的产生背景和历史演变过程,了解其研究意义和学术价值,这对于回答名词解释题至关重要。
3. 举例说明概念的应用:在解释概念时,考生可以通过举例说明概念的具体应用和实践意义,这样不仅能够更好地展示自己的知识水平,还能够增强答案的可读性。
在比较教育学的论述题中,考生应该注意以下几个重点:1. 梳理脉络,合理组织论述:在回答论述题时,考生需要先梳理好整个论述的脉络,合理组织各个段落的内容,确保论述的条理清晰。
选择题19世纪的德国幼教机构中,以教育为主要任务的是A.巴乌利勒的保育所B.瓦德切克的托儿所C.弗利托娜的幼儿学校D.福禄培尔的幼儿园***标准答案:D19世纪的德国幼教机构中,以中上层家庭的儿童为服务对象的是A.巴乌利勒的保育所B.瓦德切克的托儿所C.弗利托娜的幼儿学校D.福禄培尔的幼儿园***标准答案:D19世纪末,资助并领导了美国免费幼儿园运动的是A.皮博迪B.希尔C.舒尔茨D.肖夫人***标准答案:D20世纪30-40年代,美国进步主义幼儿园运动的杰出领导人是A.皮博迪B.希尔C.舒尔茨D.肖夫人***标准答案:B比较研究中,搜集各种文献资料非常重要,下列文献资料中不属于第一手资料的是A.观察者本人对事件的记录B.会议纪要C.政府和其他机构的官方报告D.书籍***标准答案:D编织学校的创办人是A.柯夏B.凯果玛C.奥伯林D.马尔波***标准答案:C标志日本学前教育制度化进程基本完成的文件是A.《学制令》B.《教育令》C.《幼儿园令》D.《学校医、幼儿园医及青年训练所医令》***标准答案:D标志苏联学前教育制度基本确立的文件是A.1919年苏共八大党纲B.1938年《幼儿园规程》C.1932年幼儿园教学大纲草案D.1944年《幼儿园规则》***标准答案:D标志着法国近代学前教育制度基本确立的法令是A.1881年政令B.1835年《关于在各县设立初等教育特别视学官的规定》C.1883年《初等教育法》D.1887年政令***标准答案:A二战后,被称为是真正的“以儿童为中心”的教育改革计划是A.三分制教学B.郎之万-瓦隆方案C.阿比改革D.《教育方针法》***标准答案:B二战后,标志日本的保育所基本完成法制化和制度化的文件是 A.《学校教育法》B.《保育大纲》C.《儿童福利法》D.《保育所经营大纲》***标准答案:D二战后,将日本保育机构名称统称为保育所的文件是A.《学校教育法》B.《保育大纲》C.《儿童福利法》D.《保育所经营大纲》***标准答案:C二战后,强调幼儿园是正规学校机构,受文部省管辖的文件是 A.《学校教育法》B.《保育大纲》C.《儿童福利法》D.《保育所经营大纲》***标准答案:A二战后,日本第一个由国家制定的学前教育大纲是A.《学校教育法》B.《保育大纲》C.《儿童福利法》D.《保育所经营大纲》***标准答案:B法国第一所婴儿日间看护中心的创办人是A.柯夏B.凯果玛C.奥伯林D.马尔波***标准答案:D法国最早出现的幼教机构是A.编织学校B.日间看护中心C.母育学校D.幼儿园***标准答案:A规定5岁是英国义务教育开始年龄的文件是A.1870年《初等教育法》B.1944年《巴特勒法》C.1918年《费舍法》D.1972年《教育白皮书》***标准答案:A将福禄培尔式幼儿园传入美国的是A.皮博迪B.希尔C.舒尔茨D.肖夫人***标准答案:C将有组织作业教学引入幼儿园大班来解决幼小衔接问题的是A.乌索娃B.查包洛热茨C.乌申斯基D.俄罗斯联邦***标准答案:A将幼儿师资培养与小学教师培养并轨的典型国家是A.德国B.英国C.法国D.美国***标准答案:C近代日本学前教育发展史上,第一次对学前教育做出规定的文件是A.《学制令》B.《教育令》C.《幼儿园令》D.《学校医、幼儿园医及青年训练所医令》***标准答案:A近代日本学前教育发展史上,明确规定学前教育隶属文部省管理的文件是A.《学制令》B.《教育令》C.《幼儿园令》D.《学校医、幼儿园医及青年训练所医令》***标准答案:B就研究的类型来看,学前教育课程比较研究属于A.区域研究B.局部研究C.综合研究D.专题研究***标准答案:D柯夏创办的幼教机构是A.编织学校B.日间看护中心C.母育学校D.幼儿园***标准答案:B历史上第一所幼儿师范学校创办在A.德国B.英国C.法国D.美国***标准答案:C美国最早的幼儿教育机构是A.幼儿园B.幼儿学校C.保育学校D.儿童之家***标准答案:B确定法国初等教育“学习阶段”教育改革原则的文件是A.三分制教学B.郎之万-瓦隆方案C.阿比改革D.《教育方针法》***标准答案:D首先将师范学校升格为师范学院的国家是A.德国B.英国C.法国D.美国***标准答案:D提出问题法这个比较教育研究方法的学者是A.霍姆斯B.贝雷迪C.埃德蒙?金D.诺亚***标准答案:A通过设置跨越幼儿期和儿童期的教育机构解决幼小衔接问题的国家的是A.俄罗斯联邦B.美国C.意大利D.德国***标准答案:B为儿童人权拟定种种保证的第一项国际法律文书是A.《儿童权利公约》B.《日内瓦儿童权利宣言》C.《儿童权利宣言》D.《儿童生存、保护和发展世界宣言》***标准答案:A下列国家中,实行地方分权教育管理体制的是A.法国B.美国C.德国D.日本***标准答案:B下列国家中,实行两层次的学前教育管理模式的是A.法国B.美国C.德国D.英国***标准答案:D下列国家中,实行平行的学前教育管理模式的是A.法国B.美国C.日本D.德国***标准答案:C下列国家中,实行统一的学前教育管理模式的是A.法国B.美国C.日本D.英国***标准答案:A下列国家中,实行中央集权教育管理体制的是A.法国B.美国C.德国D.英国***标准答案:A下列国家中,学前教育不隶属于主管文化教育的机构管辖的是A.法国B.美国C.德国D.英国***标准答案:C下列国家中,在解决幼小衔接问题时曾出现过幼儿教育小学化倾向的是A.俄罗斯联邦B.美国C.日本D.德国***标准答案:C下列活动中,不属于英国学前教育机构使用的教育途径的是A.一日活动B.区域活动C.游览活动D.集体教学***标准答案:D下列解决幼小衔接问题的措施中,不属于法国采用的是A.尝试不分年级的教育B.设置跨越幼儿期和儿童期的教育机构C.政府出台政策直接干预D.实施幼儿教师和小学教师的并轨培养***标准答案:B下列解决幼小衔接问题的措施中,属于德国采用的是A.尝试不分年级的教育B.设置跨越幼儿期和儿童期的教育机构C.政府出台政策直接干预D.实施幼儿教师和小学教师的并轨培养***标准答案:A下列解决幼小衔接问题的措施中,属于福禄培尔观点的是A.尝试不分年级的教育B.设置跨越幼儿期和儿童期的教育机构C.政府出台政策直接干预D.实施幼儿教师和小学教师的并轨培养***标准答案:B下列课程模式中,围绕关键经验设计课程内容的是A.蒙特梭利课程模式B.银行街课程模式C.海斯科普课程模式D.瑞吉欧课程模式***标准答案:C下列课程模式中,以埃里克森等人的心理动力学理论为主要理论依据的是A.蒙特梭利课程模式B.银行街课程模式C.海斯科普课程模式D.瑞吉欧课程模式***标准答案:B下列课程模式中,以侧重幼儿认知发展为主要特点的是A.蒙特梭利课程模式B.银行街课程模式C.海斯科普课程模式D.瑞吉欧课程模式***标准答案:C下列课程模式中,以方案活动为主要课程形式的是A.蒙特梭利课程模式B.银行街课程模式C.海斯科普课程模式D.瑞吉欧课程模式***标准答案:D下列课程模式中,以个别化教育为主要特点的是A.蒙特梭利课程模式B.银行街课程模式C.海斯科普课程模式D.瑞吉欧课程模式***标准答案:A下列课程模式中,以教学过程高结构化为主要特点的是A.蒙特梭利课程模式B.银行街课程模式C.海斯科普课程模式D.瑞吉欧课程模式***标准答案:A下列美国学前教育课程模式中,被称为“就让孩子玩”的课程模式是A.零点计划课程B.河滨街模式C.发展适宜性课程模式D.直接指导模式***标准答案:B下列美国学前教育课程模式中,主要继承了进步主义教育传统的是A.零点计划课程B.河滨街模式C.发展适宜性课程模式D.直接指导模式***标准答案:B下列哪个幼教机构的出现形成了英国学前教育双轨制的格局A.幼儿学校B.幼儿园C.保育学校D.日间托儿所***标准答案:B下列苏联学前教育机构中,体现托幼一体化的机构类型是A.托儿所B.托儿所幼儿园C.特殊幼儿园D.学校幼儿园***标准答案:B下列苏联学前教育机构中,为数最多的机构类型是A.托儿所B.托儿所幼儿园C.特殊幼儿园D.学校幼儿园***标准答案:B下列苏联学前教育机构中,主要设在人口稀少的农村地区的机构类型是A.托儿所B.托儿所幼儿园C.特殊幼儿园D.学校幼儿园***标准答案:D下列选项中,不属于1924年《青少年福利法》内容的是A.家庭教育在学前教育中居于优先地位B.学前教育是青少年福利事业C.3-6岁的幼儿教育属于基础教育D.训练修女担任幼教机构的看护工作***标准答案:C下列选项中,不属于德国幼儿园教育特点的是A.进行集体的读写算教学活动B.以游戏等自由活动为主C.不进行读写算等教学D.一般没有正规课程***标准答案:A下列英国幼教机构中,全年开放的是A.幼儿学校B.幼儿园C.保育学校D.日间托儿所***标准答案:D以非师范型方式培养幼儿教育师资的典型国家是A.德国B.英国C.法国D.美国***标准答案:D幼儿教师属于国家公务员,工资列入国家预算的国家是A.德国B.英国C.法国D.美国***标准答案:C在比较教育学科发展史上,第一个系统阐述比较教育研究理论与方法的学者是A.朱利安B.萨德勒C.康德尔D.汉斯***标准答案:C在德国,负责培育学前教育机构教师的是A.大学B.技术学院C.培训学院D.职业学校***标准答案:B在下列美国幼教机构中,承担托儿所与学校双重性质的机构是A.幼儿园B.托儿所C.保育学校D.儿童之家***标准答案:C正式将保育学校纳入国民教育制度中的文件是A.1870年《初等教育法》B.1944年《巴特勒法》C.1918年《费舍法》D.1972年《教育白皮书》***标准答案:C旨在实现学前教育均等目标的学前教育计划是A.先行计划B.佩里学前教育研究计划C.进步主义幼儿园运动D.公立学校运动***标准答案:A著名比较教育研究学者康德尔的代表著作是A.《比较教育的研究计划和初步意见》B.《教育的新时代:比较研究》C.《百科全书》D.《国际教育评论》***标准答案:判断题(1代表正确,0代表错误)英国幼儿教育具有双轨制的特征。
Chapter Six Applying Frameworks to Analyze Educational Issues1.What are frameworks?A.Frameworks are freestanding devices that can be applied in order to analyzecomplex factors and influences.B.The framework of the study is a structure that can hold or support a theory of aresearch work.C.The framework is but a theory that serves as a basis for conducting research.D.Frameworks have their components, and the components within the frameworksare related to one another.2.Benefits of FrameworksA.Frameworks can help educators to interpret forces affecting education, to askquestions that can help foster deeper reflection on education, and to act with enriched insight.ing frameworks is to help educators become more comfortable managing theambiguity and complexity inherent in the educational landscape.C.Another benefit is that frameworks encourage a spirit of exploration and astructure for momentarily suspending judgment on an issue in order to aid in the critical investigation of that issue, whether domestic or international.3.Four Analytical FrameworksA.Hofstede's cross-cultural framework provided a psychosociological critique of thepurposes of schoolingB.Harvey's framework for examining educational policy discourse enabled acritique of educational access and opportunity;C.Frank's framework was employed to examine the relationship between educationaccountability and authority;D.Thomas's political framework was applied in a critique of teacherprofessionalism.4.Hofstede’s FrameworkA.Four dimensions:B.Psychosociological framework for the critique of educationThe concept of power becomes a major factor in helping to interpret not only the individual-society relationship but the education-society relationship as well.Power, as “the capacity or ability of an individual to exercise control and/or authority”, can be manifested formally and informally. Formal power is exerted through official laws and institutional rules, whereas informal power refers to the ability of an individual or group to influence others without official sanction.Because power creates differences between individuals and between nations in terms of wealth, prestige, and opportunity, Hofstedehas argued that human inequality is an inevitable result. Power distance and the toleration of social inequalities occurred because those elites can convince those with less power that their situation is a result of their own inadequacies.Whereas Hofstede concluded that wealthier countries are more likely to have citizens with more individualistic intentions and attitudes, Friederichspostulated that a society's exposure to Western values and culture results in the society's reluctance to challenge existing power imbalances. But there is somecriticism—Individualist and elitist tendencies in socialist societiesC.The framework provides a structure for examining how ideology and socialprivilege are embedded in a country's school content and practices.5.Harvey and Knight’s FrameworkA.Five particular notions of quality (identifying key aspects about them as well assome important tensions among them):B.Harvey and Knight have noted that educational improvement is characterized byconflicting forces.6.Frank’s FrameworkA.Frank has provided a set of criteria for critiquing policy theory and—inemploying these criteria to challenge the effectiveness of certain theories of development—has demonstrated their usefulness.B.Three elements:C.LimitationsIt fails to account for ethical considerations, or ethical merit. Quite apart from analyses of effectiveness, theory, and validity, a program of change should articulate and adhere to ethical principles.Gubahas emphasized that teachers are not only instruments of policy but areagents of the policymaking process as well. The ability to assess an educational program or proposal for change is a crucial skill for policy makers. This must include teachers themselves because they have a central role in interpreting circumstances, making decisions that affect the allocation of resources, adapting plans for action to suit emerging realities, and other activities that occupy the core of policymaking.7.Thomas’s FrameworkThomas’s examination of the political influence on schooling contributes to a deeper understanding of the relationship between the state and education.Education is influenced by politics in at least three ways:a)The support provided to schools;b)The content and procedures allowed in schools;c)The latitude of social and political actions permitted the people who inhabitschools.Education’s impact on politics:a)Political socialization or citizenship training: socializing youth to supportdecision making advocated by those in power;b)Political legitimation: Legitimating a country’s existing political system;c)Human resource production: Provide society with the specific kinds andnumbers of workers needed;d)Sorting and selecting of youths: Enabling some individuals to enjoy afavored position in terms of the amount of and kind of education they receive.Stability and longevity of existing political arrangementse)Social assessment and interpretationf)Social controlg)Stimulation of social change: Schooling can stimulate youths to analyze theirsociety critically, but the degree is controlled by the stateEducation systems, according to Thomas, influence the political realm through their social control functions, whereas schools can serve as either reflectors of the existing social order or agents of social change.Thomas's political model privileges the concepts of power, control, and influence.The term politics refers to one group's exercise of power over another group or groups.In schools, the exercise of power might take the form of educators seeking to control their own professional affairs by maintaining autonomy over their work. For the state, this might involve expecting teachers to assume greater responsibility for student performance through demonstrable outcomes.8.Bridging the Framework to Other Dilemmas in EducationScenario One: The Homework DilemmaConcerns: Homework loads were too heavy, requiring children to spend considerable afterschool time in assignment completion and notaccommodating students’ additional commitments.Hofstede’s model: Power distanceThomas’s political-educational framework: the concept of supportComparison between US and Germany: In German, “class work” can be seen as homework. The social expectation in Germany is that class work issomething that naturally extends into the home. However, “homework”inUSA suggests some culturalacceptance for inevitability of out-of-school classwork. The case points to politicization of the issue at local level.Scenario Two: The Standardized Testing DilemmaPublic support for the notion that there should be rigorous school standards tends to favor increased certainty about U.S. educational goals. Yet it isrelatively impossible to standardize all that schools are normally expected todo. Goals that are purported to be valuable but are less concrete are not aseasily subject to evaluation through economical methods such asstandardized testing.Harvey’s alternative definitions of qualityComparison between US and Germany:☞Germany has methods other than tests that serve to sort and select students. In Germany, students, at about 11 years of age, enter one ofthree separate schools based on a combination of assessment measures, such as teacher recommendations, parental input, and students' academic performance over their previous schooling years. Its educational system has three tiers: First tier—Gymnasium, for the exceptional for college education; Second tier—Realschule; Third tier—Hauptschule, that is, comprehensive schools. It supports fitness-for-purpose outlook, specializes instruction with an eye on optimizing students’ readiness fora certain set of vocational niches.☞In the United States, momentous decisions are increasingly based on standardized assessments. High-stakes testing refers to the increasing use of educational assessments as qualifications for a number of consequential decisions. High-stakes tests are seen as an instrument of this sorting impetus. Pressure is increasing to use student performances on standardized tests in a larger pool of data by which schools themselves are rated.For the sake of holding schools and teachers accountable to taxpayers, sorting of schools, communities,and children is generally tolerated as acceptable or even desirable.☞Some questions are standardized tests:♈For what end is testing argued to be necessary? What parties are supposed to be most directly affected? What additional parties areaffected and in what ways?♈Is the purpose of the tests to identify “best” and “worst” performers?If so, what are the proposed consequences of this sorting? If not, issorting nonetheless a by-product of the process?♈Are costs to society (e.g., private and corporate taxpayers) overtly or tacitly implicated in discourse surrounding the issue? If so, by whatmeasure are costs assessed as reasonable or unreasonable?♈What educational purposes or end points are served by the status quo? To what parties are these educational results described aslacking? On what grounds?Scenario Three: The Moral Education DilemmaThree western philosophical traditions for moral education:☞Mechanism: emphasizes students’conformity to defined social rules, with good and bad behavior rewarded accordingly.☞Romanticism: a romantic view of moral education that focused on protecting children from unnecessary coercion and authority so that theymight be relieved of societal pressures to develop into free moral beings.☞Dialecticism: view education as a progression toward an ultimate truth achieved through dialectical (辩证的) inquiry. Although stage theories ofmoral development have their merits, moral reasoning arguably mustalso be accompanied by changes in ethical behavior.Generally, those theories all constitutes appropriate behavior and right fromwrong.Comparison between Japan and US☞Japan: basic education entails attention not only to academics but to societal and moral aspects as well. Characteristics such as persistence,responsibility, and respect are considered essential educational aims inJapan. Teachers orchestrate learning in ways to help foster students’sense of belonging and enable them to contribute in meaningful ways.☞US: educational history is characterized by a pendulum (钟摆) between social development and academic rigor. Moral education does notreceive the consistent attention in US classrooms that it does in Japan. 9.ConclusionAnalytic frameworks can help foster deeper reflection on educational dilemmas in country-specific contexts as well as cross-national ones. Because the educational and social concerns of one nation are increasingly the concerns of other nations, the ability to view educational issues through a comparative lens will not only enlarge one's thinking about the issues but also enable one to ask questions of education in other societies to gain insight about educational practice in one's own local context.问题提示:注意后面的三个dilemma,非常好的例子。
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Chapter 5 Globalization and Implications for Education1.What is Globalization?A.General Introduction of GlobalizationGlobalization, according to Toss-Hoist, has become the central issue of our time, and will define the world our children inherit. Globalization results in the increasing interdependence and integration of countries as the result of the worldwide movement of ideas, capital, labor and goods, and is a set of processes that tend to de-territorialize important economic, social, and cultural practices from their traditional boundaries in nation-states.Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people,companies and governments of different nations.Globalization‟s combined effect on economy, information technologies, and immigration results in cultural transformation and the transference of diverse values within and between societies.B.Multiple Conceptions of GlobalizationThese conceptions of globalization include economic, informational and communication technology-related, sociocultural, and philosophical/ethical dimensions.The Economic Globalization: worldwide marketization and economic growtha)For those who depict economic interdependence in positive terms,globalization represents a natural and inevitable expansion of themarketplace beyond national borders. Proponents of economic globalizationbelieves that society‟s wants and needs become more unified around theworld, and the cultures of production and consumption are articulated andfostered in common terms around the world. It is optimistic about the natureof interdependence. Market forces are best left to take their course withoutintrusion by the states and their governments except to the extent that theyprepare for changes that the market makes inevitable.b)People have the power—and perhaps the responsibility as “humanagent”—to shape markets and economic imperatives. This outlookacknowledges the economic nature of globalization, linking it with thepolitical by stressing the authoritative ways in which the most desirableproducts and productive roles are allocated to some but withheld from others.c)Economic globalization has resulted in economic inequality not only withinbut also across nations. It emphasizes the lack of symmetry in which theworld‟s people are able to participate.d)Economic globalization and education: Schools have an effect on the natureand depth of globalization‟s influences just as the imperatives ofglobalization themselves influence the schools.The Political Globalizationa)Political globalization is evident in the growing importance of internationalorganization. These organizations are transnational and enable states to takeconcerted action without sacrificing national sovereignty. (WTO, WB, UN)b)What globalization has changed is not the historical reality that politicalpower is often marshaled on the world‟s stage but that the effects andconsequences of this have become more sweeping.The Cultural Globalizationa)Cultural globalization is the process where information, commodities andimages produced in one part of the world enter into a global flow that'flattens out' cultural differences. (Confucius Institute)b)What globalization has changed is not the historical reality that politicalpower is often marshaled on the world‟s stage but that the effects andconsequences of this have become more sweeping.Information and Communications Technologies: the Rate and Reach of knowledge access space, time, and peoplesa)Global economy is often conceived as a “knowledge economy”, that is, aneconomy “driven by information and communications technology, and theturning of certain kinds of knowledge into economic wealth.b)According to According to Castells (1996), information and communicationstechnologies have transformed the rate and consequences of globalization notonly by collapsing the geographical distance that has traditionally separatedpeoples but also by condensing the time that communication has entailed.Therefore, an important implication of globalization on the contemporaryboom of communications and information is that there are opportunities forlearners to utilize and new realities for teachers to recognize.c)Constraint: How the amount of information now available as a result oftechnological progress actually lends itself to the development of knowledge?Technology revolution does not ensure students‟movement in developinghigh-order thinking such as analytical skills to gather information.d)Constraint: A fascination with assembled information alone can serve todistract technology‟s users from other constructive considerations about theconsequence of globalization.e)The homogenizing potential of information and communicationstechnologies, combined with the unequal distribution of technologicalresources, makes it likely that global society develops predominantly in theimage of the privileged developed world.f)Upon Education: Students need to make technology and its effects objects ofinquiry to ask questions about the computer rather than merely gettinganswers from it.Globalization as Sociocultural Phenomena: the movement of populations and the mingling of cultures and identitiesa)To a significant degree, sociocultural aspects of globalization provide acountervailing view towards the pressures of worldwide homogenization,calling attention to the ways that cultural variety is maintained and thathomogenization—at least in part—may be resisted.b)Local practice converts the borrowed to something unique. While schoolsworldwide may take a relatively homogeneous or isomorphic form andeducational practice often reflects European antecedents, importededucational practices are often creolized and indigenized.c)Immigrant people are especially attentive to the maintenance of their culturalpractices. Globalization for vastly larger numbers of people meansmaintaining familiar cultural habits and outlooks even as they must seek tounderstand and accommodate cultural norms and practices that are new.Although pressure to adapt and conform is a part of the complex process ofnegotiating the familiar and alien, immigrants can affect change andinnovation within their adopted environments.d)Educators should understand the divergence and convergence of perspectiveswithin classrooms that are increasingly multicultural. Ask how the nationaland international are reflected in the local and by the actualities andexperiences of people‟s lives.Philosophical Reassessmenta)Economic and social interdependence requires new mind-sets about thenature of and the meaning of citizenship, calling for a redefinition of “society”in terms of fellowship rather than in terms of primarily of kinship,community, and region.b)An ethically sensitive view of globalization demands realization that theburgeoning growth of information and communications technologies mayproduce a worldwide “digital divide,” preventing equal participation in theglobal conversation that technology may now make possible. Where basicc)The philosophical and ethical conception of globalization pro- motes anexpanded notion of literacy for effective participation as world citizens--aform of literacy built largely on global social justice. By this argument, thenotion of citizenship in the world demands the simultaneous universalizationof human rights.d)Upon Education: the world and for teachers to encourage in their studentssensitivity to social justice as it plays out on a much larger world stage. Fromthis perspective, functional literacy extends well beyond the realm of narrow“basic skills”(reading, writing, and math)—skills that are necessary but notsufficient in today‟s world. It places new obligations on teachers and studentsto expand and redefine their classroom goals. Schools may be a prime venuefor the transmission of ideologies favoring globalization, but such ideologiesare commonly defined in economic terms, and this regularly results in thediscrediting or removal of certain instructional emphases inschools—especially of knowledge that may distract attention from or callinto question the certainty and the propriety of a market-centric conception ofglobalization.C.Implications for EducationBecause of the intensified movement of peoples worldwide, educators, much like the students they teach, are obliged to navigate a complex terrain of language, race, ethnicity and gender.Educators are skeptical of the way in which a host of transnational participants have positioned themselves with explicit voice and power in the arena of education. The result, then, is that education is being redefined by powerful actors and that educators‟voices are more marginalized in policymaking arena. Thus, globalization is arguably not a neutral force or one that all people see as desirable. Martin Carnoy:a)The changes in labor markets and education systems due to the emergingdemand for workforces are capable of the production of high value-addedconsumer goods.b)The ensuing demand for additional resources for education in a policyenvironment is hostile to the expansion of the role of the public sector.c)The consequences of increased decentralization and privatization,which areoften considered as the most effective strategy forensuring quality andflexibility in a globalized economy.d)The multiplication of cross-national measurements of educationsystems.e)The widespread adoption of information technology to extend educationalopportunities to new target groups, and to improve educational qualitythrough computer-supported instruction and access to the Internet.f)This, by the way, can become a new area of globalization. One may wonderwhat the consequences are for university programs in the South of themultiplication of educational and training opportunities which exist on theInternet and which are developed by Universities in a number ofindustrialized countries.g)The transformation of culture and the resulting …struggle over the meaningand value of knowledge.2.Globalization as Paradox Rather Than ParadigmA.Viewing Globalization as ParadigmThe acceptance of globalization as an explanation for transnational circumstances reveals that globalization not only is the preferred terminology to identify societal development but has also been used to galvanize people‟s prereflective assumptions regarding societal development in the present era.Globalization, as a development model, has been elevated to paradigm status; that is, globalization has become the conceptual framework by which a host of stakeholders have come to organize their ideas about business, workplace competencies, and comparative advantage in an increasingly international context.Globalization, therefore, is understood largely as the next stage of development and progress for societies in the contemporary, postmodern age.B.Globalization as ParadoxThose critical of globalization, however, have raised arguments that globalization is more a paradox than a paradigm. Rather than serving as a typical example or paradigm of how the world evolves and operates, globalization seems to contradict itself in paradoxical ways.In this way, globalization can be examined in terms of its paradoxical nature--as a phenomenon that is contradictory to conventional wisdom and as conflicting with common opinion about it.While political and cultural borders arguably are becoming more fluid, nationalism and cultural impetuses are arising as well.How will nations form unity amidst diversity? Adopting cultural change yet preserving social order inlight of cultural convergence is currently a predominant challenge for multicultural, democratic societies.Along with the economic and instant communication benefits that globalization affords, people also become increasingly aware of the social dilemmas that cross national borders. Globalization may reshape nation-state politics and bring greater awareness of how others are faring within and among countries. While it brings benefits, tensions and dilemmas are also obvious in globalization.3.The Local-Global DichotomyThe lack of attention by transnational actors to issues of social justice is the downside of globalization‟s optimism. The current globalization is a process that builds upon previous relations of social and economic asymmetry between peoples and nations.For those in developing countries who seldom reap the benefits of globalization, tensions between the local and global are most apparent. The local-global dichotomy is evident even in some projects designed to promote democratic processes with educators and children in developing cational development efforts often imply new forms of imperialism, as educators from developed countries involve those from developing ones in “international”projects that do not necessarily build on the knowledge of indigenous com-munities, especially in postcolonial societies, but rather supplant participants' view s and experiences with “global”needs. Arguably, the “global” is actually the knowledge of those from developed nations passed off as priorities onto the other—the developing nation.Because globalization interrupts the ways individuals experience cultural belongings and national identities, a paradox of globalization is how difference itself has become a norm.The preservation of resident wisdom, especially in the face of imperialist forms of implanted and imported knowledge from western nations, is a way to maintain respect for and deference to indigenous knowledge or cultural ways of knowing. Two dominant characteristics of globalization are deterritorialization andreterritorialization.Thus, striking a balance between the local and the global is an important area for inquiry. The critical comparative educator must ask, What is globalization's end goal? Questions of cultural identity and national development are implicated in the processes of globalization because globalization's forces may actually incite strong reactions from local communities committed to protecting their particular views and values.4.Addressing the Local-Global DichotomyChildren, and their teachers, increasingly are challenged to examine ethnicity, race and language, gender, and class inequalities. Schools, therefore, are expected to help prepare students to adapt to a global-oriented economy while simultaneously negotiating community values at more local levels.The task for educators is to help children and youth develop skills that enable them to see themselves as global citizens as they engage in participation at local, national and international levels, national, and international levels. It is important to consider the degree to which educators themselves possess the skill of comparative perspective taking so that they might foster such competence in their students.According to Howard Gardner, institutions that are able to respond to globalization, while simultaneously respecting the diversities reflected in cultures and belief systems will be best positioned to navigate a global world.An important purpose of education in a global age will be helping students to address cultural pluralism.5.Globalization and Its Impact on Educational IssuesA.Globalization and Purposes of SchoolingWhat constitutes an “educated person”is often predicated onthe way in which dominant or powerful members of a society view the world. For those depicting the world through a globalization lens, contemporary society is portrayed as different from the past, with new realities and challenges presenting themselves to citizens who are increasingly being integrated into a global network ofrelationships that extend beyond their local communities. The forces of globalization demand certain sets of skills, values and morals.One assertion is to equip students with the kinds of knowledge and skills that will enable them to contribute significantly to their local communities and countries, because the world has entered a knowledge age.Centered primarily on economic mission—rational and scientific knowledge, economic-oriented values, etc.An important purpose of schooling, then, is to help students understand cultural, economic, political, and social convergence and divergence in a globalizing environment. These globalization tendencies are also explored in relation to educational access and opportunity.B.Globalization and Educational Access and OpportunityThe quality and consistency of educational experiences are unbalanced in globalization. For example, in Africa, economic hardship, compounded by disease, interferes with educational progress. The benefits of education are least available in the region that may be in most desperate need. children. HIV/AIDS introduces a situation in which low participation in education due to the disease begets an even higher incidence of that very disease, in turn further curtailing participation in school.As review of the discourse surrounding globalization has shown, the profusion of technology is linked to economic progress, for better or perhaps worse. On the one hand, the information and communications revolution requires new skills of students and opens new possibilities for access to information and the development of a richer knowledge of the world. On the other hand, however, the tendency for globalization's benefits to go disproportionately to wealthy countries surely extends to technological access.Globalization has brought significant relocation around the world, but migration is not available for all people in equal measures.Educators should agree that a more culturally diverse classroom gives all students access to richer learning environments. Teachers have a central role to play inpreventing the societal exclusion of students from new ethic groups that may be disparaged. They need to avoid reproducing inequalities. It is important for students to develop identities as residents and citizens of the world, and for teachers to assist them in developing these identities.Governments seeking to improve education see curriculum as a necessary tool.But teachers should be mindful of hierarchies that may emerge within the curriculum and that invocations of globalization can sometimes help to reinforce undesirable inequities and injustices. Teachers need to step into their roles as decision makers in the development and the execution of curricular policy, accepting their important functions as defenders of the curriculum.Reform towards citizenship: Help individuals see where they fit into the world, raise the awareness of global society, and their responsibility beyond borders;Cultivate students who recognize global inequities as moral affrontsC.Globalization and Education Accountability and AuthorityAccountability: Change may be articulated in ways that unfairly privilege some people at the expense of others. In order to prepare students who are responsive and capable of weighing the costs and benefits of globalization justly, today's schoolchildren need teachers who show them how to reconcile competing sets of values. These emerging tasks thrust new obligations on teachers. Yet the indeterminate work of producing global citizens is not among the tasks most often promoted as vital. Thus, there seems to be dissonance between the things for which teachers are accountable and those things for which they should be most accountable.Teachers' work worlds are shaped by increasing pressure to test students.Authority: Teachers will continue to be asked to develop the individual capacities of their students to compete in a widened global marketplace, which will press them to develop curricula for select students who will pursue "high-status"courses for skilled work. But because the global economy does not afford high-knowledge jobs for all interested and able citizens, "low-status" positions with little compensation will remain. Thus, it is important to question the degreeto which educators have authority, in light of accountability's momentum, to seek other important schooling aims, such as developing ethical persons committed to the creation of more socially just environments.D.Globalization and Teacher ProfessionalismProfessional educators inhabit a terrain situated between two spheres:Just as teachers comprise a bridge between the official and the unofficial spheres of educational policy and its implementation, they must also reconcile two major views: education for national economic growth and education for social transformation toward a more just society.Thus, it is necessarily appropriate that teachers be skeptical about working within a politics defined by the state's disciplining power [and]... capital, but not to be cynical.Three bear specific attention in light of globalization's potential influence on the unofficial sphere via the official one:a)Commitment to human dignity: The more specific form that citizenship takesin a global age is considerably more contested.b)Student in Critical discussion about social challenges: requires attention inschooling to globalization's benefits and challenges as well as a press towardenvisioning more equitable futures.c)Teacher reflection: Educators commit to examining why their practice takesits present form and how it might be improved. Here, too, globalizingimpetuses have tended to lessen the time necessary for such reflection and tocall into question the legitimacy of educators' critically reflective habits.6.Developing Teachers’ Comparative Perspective Taking SkillsWe argue that comparative perspective taking is an essential skill set for classroom teachers and their students. The comparative, cross-cultural exploration of educational issues is central to the field of comparative education--a field whose emphasis has shifted from an examination of foreign educational systems to the exploration of educational issues.Because globalizing impetuses increasingly impact schooling, the development of comparative perspective taking in educators and the students they teach must be given increased priority and attention. The educator's task, then, is not only to prepare students for contemporary society but also to help them envision and construct a world they deem desirable. The educative task is a necessarily complex one because a host of stakeholders, including policy makers, parents, and community members, influence the schooling context in which educators operate. Moreover, the milieu of economics, politics, cultural values, and national histories affect how societies view education and how education will help their respective societies realize their needs and goals in a global world.As a field, comparative and international education can help educators examine social needs and harness schools' potential to address those needs.The four issues addressed in this text--purposes of schooling, educational access and opportunity, education accountability and authority, and teacher professionalism--highlight the complications that occur as educators strive to teach students amidst a host of conflicting goals.Comparative perspective taking can help educators worldwide interpret the historical, political, and economic influences on education and their societies. We are confident that a comparative, cross-cultural, issues-oriented approach to teacher development can encourage critical thinking, aid educational decision making, and facilitate educational improvement. Without demonstrated concern for social justice worldwide--a benefit that comparative perspective taking affords--it is likely that individualism will motivate globalization and limit opportunities for increased participation on the part of oppressed peoples.7.ConclusionIt is our hope that by advancing the concept of comparative perspective taking we may encourage educators around the world to address social needs and educational challenges. Educators, therefore, must develop comparative perspective taking expertise and foster the same in their students.“Education's challenge will be to shape the cognitive skills, interpersonal sensibilities, and cultural sophistication of children and youth whose lives will be both engaged in local contexts and responsive to larger transnat ional processes”.This task is not an easy one, but its benefits will be worth the effort.问题提示:理论联系这里基本都可以找到。