FBI教你破解身体语言-图解版_第一章 FBI告诉你身体语言的秘密
![FBI教你破解身体语言-图解版_第一章 FBI告诉你身体语言的秘密](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d527d65d77232f60ddcca15e.png)
1. 目光接触:客户与销售人员的目光接触是沟通的基础,如果客户主动与销售人员进行目光接触,通常表示对对方感兴趣,并愿意与其进行交流。
2. 眨眼频率:眨眼频率可以反映客户的焦虑程度。
3. 眼神方向:观察客户的眼神方向也是解读其意图的重要依据。
1. 整体姿势:客户保持开放而放松的姿势通常表示其对销售人员和交流内容抱有好感。
2. 交叉手臂:如果客户交叉双臂放在胸前,说明客户对销售人员或者所提供的信息持怀疑态度。
3. 躯干倾斜:客户的躯干倾斜可以反映对当前话题的兴趣程度。
• 撒谎的肢体语言-揉眼睛,低脑袋,用指甲 轻轻的触摸衣角,看天花板,触摸眼角, 捂嘴 • 路途中的肢体语言-相互注视,猛地抬头, 眉毛上扬1/6秒,点头,相互微笑,暂时避 开对方目光,走近后又相遇,握手,拍肩 膀,说话
• 自我调节的肢体语言-抠鼻子,扭手腕,搔头皮, 舔嘴唇,玩笔,转东西,挖耳朵。 • 象征性肢体语言-点头,摇头等 • 表示厌烦的肢体语言-捂耳朵,交头接耳,打瞌睡, 用手支撑着头,低头看书看报,跷二郎腿,双臂 交叉,眼睛盯着别处用手指敲桌子,跺脚 • 求爱的肢体语言-肌肉微张,站姿笔直,神采奕奕, 皮肤通红或胀白。男:拢拢头发,扣好衣服,伸 伸领带,拉拉裤子。女:抚弄头发,把脸上的头 发弄到两边去。位置:相向而坐,身体朝向对方, 看着对方的脸,向对方倾靠,手臂围成一个圈, 脚交叉
• • • • • • • • 睁开眼睛,其实沟通没有障碍: 肢体语言的类型: 广域信号-举止,身体摆放方式 身体语言-身体躯干 微观动作-手指,鼻子,瞳孔 面部动作-面部 空间行为-距离 触觉-拥抱,握手,接吻等
• 不同意而调转头-身体稍稍侧转,懒散的坐着,双 腿交叉并不正视你 • 挫败感和焦虑-手臂交叉,多次交叉双腿,脸部摩 擦动作,摆弄珠宝,钢笔,衣服等 • 不耐烦-行动加速,频繁更换坐姿,点头速度加快, 双腿交叉时上面的那条腿摇晃,不停的看表,掌 心向下放在桌子上,开始整理文件 • 厌倦-打哈欠,因哈欠而流泪,重复的做同样的姿 势和动作,旋转手中的笔
• 表示封闭的肢体语言-正面朝着对方,缩短 距离 • 表示屈从的肢体语言-低头,屈膝,鞠躬, 哈腰 • 表示进攻肢体语言-敞开上衣,双腿叉开, 双手成拳。 • 某人站立,双手置于腰间-等待,万事俱备, 就绪,大男子主义
坐姿不端 坐在椅子上不稳定的样子,代表缺乏耐心与毅力,做起事来容易虎头蛇尾,欠缺坚强的意志和持续力。
没有说话嘴乱动 在销售过程中不要出现自言自语或是无语露齿的模样。这会令说话的对方分神。另外,说话的时候嘴角习惯歪向一边的样子,也会带给人自负的不良印象。
跷二郎腿 坐着时跷二郎腿显得过于傲慢与不庄重。尤其是跷二郎腿时脚还上下晃动的人,更显轻浮而无内涵,抖动脚是坐姿的一大忌讳,特别是对女推销员来说。
9.不要不断地触摸自己的脸,这只会让你觉得紧张。 10.保持目光平视。不要把目光集中在地上,给别人一种不信任的感觉。 11.放慢速度可以让你冷静,减少压力。 12.不要坐立不安。 13.与其让你的手左右摆动或者触摸自己的脸,不如让你的手加入对话中。 14.不要把手维持在胸前,尽量放在脚的两侧,否则会让听者觉得你显得拘束。 15.一定要保持好的态度。
说明对方无ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ或不耐烦(用脚敲击地板同此理)
受挫的表现是: 呼吸急促嘴里念念有词 双手紧握双手绞动 敌对的姿势指指点点 用手梳理头发摸自己的脖颈 踢着地面或假想的物体
远离你擦擦或抚摸颈部 快速点头有限的目光接触 身体背对你堵着耳朵,或磨擦耳朵 握紧拳头烦躁(比如,快速地用铅笔打拍子) 脚底板打节拍捂着鼻子 看看天空捂着嘴巴 来回踱步急促呼气
• 表达隐忍旳肢体语言-用手摘线头或衣缝, 头朝下,眼睛盯着地板,抠树皮,抠桌子, 抠袖口,包,指甲等
• 象征性肢体语言-点头,摇头等 • 表达厌烦旳肢体语言-捂耳朵,交头接耳,打瞌睡,
用手支撑着头,低头看书看报,跷二郎腿,双臂 交叉,眼睛盯着别处用手指敲桌子,跺脚 • 求爱旳肢体语言-肌肉微张,站姿笔直,神采奕奕, 皮肤通红或胀白。男:拢拢头发,扣好衣服,伸 伸领带,拉拉裤子。女:抚弄头发,把脸上旳头 发弄到两边去。位置:相向而坐,身体朝向对方, 看着对方旳脸,向对方倾靠,手臂围成一种圈, 脚交叉
背,或者用眼睛盯着说话者周围旳东西 • 埃及人旳问好动作像敬礼 • 某些非洲民族会面时,相互拥抱,把面颊贴在一
• 拉丁美洲肢体语言: • 将手朝下一挥,在阿根廷,乌拉圭,委内
瑞拉表达嘿,好样旳。而在秘鲁表达,啊 呀,我弄错啦。在智利,表达,瞧,出什 么事了?
南美印第安人部落图托和保罗罗人交谈时, 眼睛要朝四面八方看,若是在公共场合下 讲故事,讲话者要盯着屋角
• 东方人-两个食指推向外眼角 • 自己-用食指或拇指指着自己旳胸部 • 谄媚,拍马屁,讨好-鼻子尖上捻动一下拳
头 • 希望成功,祝你好运-一只手或两只手旳食
指与中指交叉 • 上帝保佑,免遭厄运-画十字:右手五指并
拢,前额,胸,左肩,右肩,然后,双手 手指交叉或合成掌
• 顺从,无威胁,礼貌,诚恳-手心向上 • 权威,反感-手心向下 • 迫使对方屈服-手握成拳,食指伸出 • 优越感-双手放在裤子口袋里,露出拇指 • 防卫-怀抱上臂,同步拇指朝上 • 嘲弄-用拇指指人 • 赞扬-翘大拇指 • 不,坏,不喜欢,死亡-双拇指向下
身体语言的秘密 Secrets of Body Language
![身体语言的秘密 Secrets of Body Language](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/85c3436f58fafab069dc02db.png)
1A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all.This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, ormicro-expressions.In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets.This is a world where what we say is all important. — They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—Tomorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message?—Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around…Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words.93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.— Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the significance on 7% for words. We shouldn’t have really been doing that.Beyond the words lies a fascinating world of non-verbal communication, the secret world of body language. We are about to watch our one of the world leaders, our sports stars.— Good morning. —We’ll revisit famous figures from recent history.—Did you kill the President?— Because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook, well, but I am not a crook. I've earned everythi ng I’ve got.We’ll view our celebrities with fresh eyes. We are going to show how people in the public eye try to control the way we perceive them, and how sometimes, despite their best efforts, the truth leaks out.— Whomever it might be, if the truth is told, then my name will be cleared and I can move on with my life.If you know what to look for.—It’s not what you are seeing. It’s what you are not seeing. And you are not seeing an, an anger response.We are going to equip you with the tools to read those body language giveaway.2You’re getting a hidden peek, a peek into the world of what’s really going on there. When you can read body language, every moment you spend with others, you can make it valuable, and if you are in business, you can make it profitable. Body language is crucial.For those who study nonverbal communication, one of the first indicators they look out for is the way someone’s body moves.At this Camp David Summit, President Bush is the host to visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin.Vladimir Putin knows the world is watching him on American soil and he also knows that his people are watching, so he must show strength.Here though, both leaders are making a strong body language statement. Now here we are, two powerful world leaders in a sort of striding contest, because of course, the faster you stride, the more strong, powerful and fit you are.But it’s not just the speed of walking that sends out messages.Vladimir Putin and George Bush, both of whom are fantastically powerful men, have two completely different kinds of power and it, evidences itself through body language.I thank you all for coming.Vladimir Putin has, what I would call, a very animal power, a strong man power. And he walks by having his shoulders that are actually bouncing back and, back and forth. And he walks. He also makes gestures. He is very active. I would almost call it a kind of sexy power. George Bush, on the other hand, has a more traditional, and I would say, American power. There is a very little movement above the shoulders. He’s trying to look like he’s controlled. There is no extra wasted energy.I thank you all for coming.Perceiving the body language message of these two powerful Presidents is straightforward. But body language is often complex and easily misunderstood.Here President Clinton leads Israeli and Palestinian leaders Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat out before the press during peace negotiations. It’s all smiles for the cameras. But behind the facade of bonhomie, there is a power struggle going on. Clinton jokingly explains that none of them will take any questions.We pledged to each other that we would answer no questions and offer no comments. So, I have to set a good example.The body language then revealed just why that was.3Oh, my!Well…Wow, almost a physical fight.Many view this apparently light-hearted tussle as a sign that Arafat and Barak were getting on well. Think again.There is a, a great meaning behind who goes through the door first. Now, of course, see that here in the West, letting someone through the door first that doesn’t really matter, polite maybe. But in the Middle East, it has significant cultural impact.The host, the power person says I’m in control, I’ll help you through the door, I’ll show you the way.Thank you.Throwing the fear and tension presented in most Middle East negotiations, and suddenly the desire of both Arafat and Barak not to go through that door before the other starts to make sense.This is a classic example in an extreme way of how the last man through the door is the winner. So Barak reaches for Yasser Arafat. Arafat literally grabs this on, moves around and starts waggling his finger at Barak who then, Barak then uses it as an opportunity like a wrestling match to move around, to actually be behind Arafat and then literally grabs Arafat, to hold him by the arm and shoves him through the door boldly.So you’ve got fear and power struggle showing in big, big, big, big, bold body language movements.Arafat and Barak are not the only ones to appreciate the significance of the last man through the door move. Even when friends and allies meet, subtle cues reveal who’s top dog.2003, British Prime Minister Tony Blair plays host to President Bush.In this particular example, we are looking at No.10 Downing Street and one would expect Tony Blair to be very territorial. It’s his territory. He should be host. He should be in charge and the boss in terms of who at least goes through the door.And yet, Tony Blair the Prime Minister accepts that the seniority in place here is the President. So President Bush says photo job is over, gives him a little nod, and so they start getting in. The…4The president is in charge of the choreography.He goes through the door last. He uses his left hand and taps Blair forward, not shoving Blair through the door, but helping him through the door, meaning Bush is in charge.As they go in, the president being in charge and wanting him to be clear that he is in charge, not only displays the ownership symbol of putting his hand on Tony Blair's back, but then he displays a further bit of dominance—gives him three little taps, just to let him know that actually he is a good little boy and that George W. Bush is boss.A pat on the back is one way to demonstrate power. Getting the upper hand is another, quite literally.When body language savvy world leaders get together, they know there's one sure fire moment to demonstrate dominance, the handshake photo while.If you're looking at the left of the picture, they always wanna be standing on the left of the picture. Let me demonstrate. If I'm shaking hands here, what's gonna happen? I'm at the bottom of the handshake. My palm is facing up. That's a very vulnerable position. If I'm shaking hands here, and I've got my arm around the person I'm shaking hands, who is in, who’s got the upper hand? I've got the upper hand.If someone's coming in to shake your hand like this, here's the nice solid handshake. It should be straight and firm. If it's not...Janine Driver teaches body language evening classes.It’s kind of hard to dominate. You are a powerful boy...She believes the visual impact of important handshakes was first appreciated in 1970 when Elvis Presley famously paid a visit to President Nixon at the White House.We see a picture of Nixon and he’s shaking hands with Elvis Presley. Nixon's got the upper hand. That's where the expression comes from—I've got the upper hand here. So now that people know about this in politics, you see them jogging for position when it comes time to take the picture.At this Summit in 2006 hosted by Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader was on full handshake alert.He’s strategically placed himself in a position where when they're coming forward, he's gonna get the dominant position. They are coming out of cars, this way they're coming up to him. The cameras are here. Every single picture, who gets the upper hand? Putin.Then up strides Tony Blair.We see that Tony Blair is going to actually grab onto Vladimir Putin's hands that, this classic thing of grabbing somebody by the elbow to show who is actually the leader.Score one for Blair.PS:开篇的“The”为续片段3片末的最后一个单词。
身体语言的秘密 Secrets of Body Language
![身体语言的秘密 Secrets of Body Language](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d417090d1f34693daef3eef.png)
1A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all.This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, ormicro-expressions.In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets. This is a world where what we say is all important. — They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—Tomorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message —Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around…Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words.93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.— Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the significance on 7% for words. We shouldn’t have really been doing that.Beyond the words lies a fascinating world of non-verbal communication, the secret world of body language. We are about to watch our one of the world leaders, our sports stars.— Good morning. —We’ll revisit famous figures from recent history.—Did you kill the President— Because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook, well, but I am not a crook. I've earned everything I’ve got. We’ll view our celebrities with fresh eyes. We are going to show how people in the public eye try to control the way we perceive them, and how sometimes, despite their best efforts, the truth leaks out.— Whomever it might be, if the truth is told, then my name will be cleared and I can move on with my life.If you know what to look for.—It’s not what you are seeing. It’s what you are not seeing. And you are not seeing an, an anger response.We are going to equip you with the tools to read those body language giveaway.2You’re getting a hidden peek, a peek into the world of what’s really going on there. When you can read body language, every moment you spend with others, you can make it valuable, and if you are in business, you can make it profitable. Body language is crucial.For those who study nonverbal communication, one of the first indicators they look out for is the way someone’s body moves.At this Camp David Summit, President Bush is the host to visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin.Vladimir Putin knows the world is watching him on American soil and he also knows that his people are watching, so he must show strength.Here though, both leaders are making a strong body language statement. Now here we are, two powerful world leaders in a sort of striding contest, because of course, the faster you stride, the more strong, powerful and fit you are.But it’s not just the speed of walking that sends out messages.Vladimir Putin and George Bush, both of whom are fantastically powerful men, have two completely different kinds of power and it, evidences itself through body language.I thank you all for coming.Vladimir Putin has, what I would call, a very animal power, a strong man power. And he walks by having his shoulders that are actually bouncing back and, back and forth. And he walks. He also makes gestures. He is very active. I would almost call it a kind of sexy power. George Bush, on the other hand, has a more traditional, and I would say, American power. There is a very little movement above the shoulders. He’s trying to look like he’s controlled. There is no extra wasted energy.I thank you all for coming.Perceiving the body language message of these two powerful Presidents is straightforward. But body language is often complex and easily misunderstood. Here President Clinton leads Israeli and Palestinian leaders Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat out before the press during peace negotiations. It’s all smiles for the cameras. But behind the facade of bonhomie, there is a power struggle going on. Clinton jokingly explains that none of them will take any questions. We pledged to each other that we would answer no questions and offer no comments. So, I have to set a good example.The body language then revealed just why that was.3Oh, my!Well…Wow, almost a physical fight.Many view this apparently light-hearted tussle as a sign that Arafat and Barak were getting on well. Think again.There is a, a great meaning behind who goes through the door first. Now, of course, see that here in the West, letting someone through the door first that doesn’t really matter, polite maybe. But in the Middle East, it has significan t cultural impact.The host, the power person says I’m in control, I’ll help you through the door, I’ll show you the way.Thank you.Throwing the fear and tension presented in most Middle East negotiations, and suddenly the desire of both Arafat and Barak not to go through that door before the other starts to make sense.This is a classic example in an extreme way of how the last man through the door is the winner. So Barak reaches for Yasser Arafat. Arafat literally grabs this on, moves around and starts waggling his finger at Barak who then, Barak then uses it as an opportunity like a wrestling match to move around, to actually be behind Arafat and then literally grabs Arafat, to hold him by the arm and shoves him through the door boldly.So you’ve got fea r and power struggle showing in big, big, big, big, bold body language movements.Arafat and Barak are not the only ones to appreciate the significance of the last man through the door move. Even when friends and allies meet, subtle cues reveal who’s top d og.2003, British Prime Minister Tony Blair plays host to President Bush.In this particular example, we are looking at No.10 Downing Street and one would expect Tony Blair to be very territorial. It’s his territory. He should be host. He should be in charge and the boss in terms of who at least goes through the door.And yet, Tony Blair the Prime Minister accepts that the seniority in place here is the President. So President Bush says photo job is over, gives him a little nod, and so they start getting in. The…4The president is in charge of the choreography.He goes through the door last. He uses his left hand and taps Blair forward, not shoving Blair through the door, but helping him through the door, meaning Bush is in charge.As they go in, the president being in charge and wanting him to be clear that he is in charge, not only displays the ownership symbol of putting his hand on Tony Blair's back, but then he displays a further bit of dominance—gives him three little taps, just to let him know that actually he is a good little boy and that George W. Bush is boss.A pat on the back is one way to demonstrate power. Getting the upper hand is another, quite literally.When body language savvy world leaders get together, they know there's one sure fire moment to demonstrate dominance, the handshake photo while.If you're looking at the left of the picture, they always wanna be standing on the left of the picture. Let me demonstrate. If I'm shaking hands here, what's gonna happen I'm at the bottom of the handshake. My palm is facing up. That's a very vulnerable position. If I'm shaking hands here, and I've got my arm around the person I'm shaking hands, who is in, who’s got the upper hand I've got the upper hand.If someone's coming in to shake your hand like this, here's the nice solid handshake. It should be straight and firm. If it's not...Janine Driver teaches body language evening classes.It’s kind of hard to dominate. You are a powerful boy...She believes the visual impact of important handshakes was first appreciated in 1970 when Elvis Presley famously paid a visit to President Nixon at the White House.We see a picture of Nixon and he’s shaking hands with Elvis Presley. Nixon's got the upper hand. That's where the expression comes from—I've got the upper hand here. So now that people know about this in politics, you see them jogging for position when it comes time to take the picture.At this Summit in 2006 hosted by Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader was on full handshake alert.He’s strategically placed himself in a position where when they're coming forward, he's gonna get the dominant position. They are coming out of cars, this way they're coming up to him. The cameras are here. Every single picture, who gets the upper hand Putin.Then up strides Tony Blair.We see that Tony Blair is going to actually grab onto Vladimir Putin's hands that, this classic thing of grabbing somebody by the elbow to show who is actually the leader.Score one for Blair.PS:开篇的“The”为续片段3片末的最后一个单词。
1A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all.This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, ormicro-expressions.In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets.This is a world where what we say is all important. — They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—Tomorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message—Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around…Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words.93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.—Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the significance on 7% for words. We shouldn’t have really been doing that.Beyond the words lies a fascinating world of non-verbal communication, the secret world of body language. We are about to watch our one of the world leaders, our sports stars.—Good morning. —We’ll revisit famous figures from recent history.—Did you kill the President— Because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook, well, but I am not a crook. I've earned everything I’ve got.We’ll view our celebrities with fresh eyes. We are going to show how people in the public eye try to control the way we perceive them, and how sometimes, despite their best efforts, the truth leaks out.—Whomever it might be, if the truth is told, then my name will be cleared and I can move on with my life.If you know what to look for.—It’s not what you are seeing. It’s what you are not seeing. And you are not seeing an, an anger response.We are going to equip you with the tools to read those body language giveaway.2You’re getting a hidden peek, a peek into the world of what’s really going on there. When you can read body language, every moment you spend with others, you can make it valuable, and if you are in business, you can make it profitable. Body language is crucial.For those who study nonverbal communication, one of the first indicators they look out for is the way someone’s body moves.At this Camp David Summit, President Bush is the host to visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin.Vladimir Putin knows the world is watching him on American soil and he also knows that his people are watching, so he must show strength.Here though, both leaders are making a strong body language statement.Now here we are, two powerful world leaders in a sort of striding contest, because of course, the faster you stride, the more strong, powerful and fit you are.But it’s not just the speed of walking that sends out messages.Vladimir Putin and George Bush, both of whom are fantastically powerful men, have two completely different kinds of power and it, evidences itself through body language.I thank you all for coming.Vladimir Putin has, what I would call, a very animal power, a strong man power. And he walks by having his shoulders that are actually bouncing back and, back and forth. And he walks. He also makes gestures. He is very active. I would almost call it a kind of sexy power. George Bush, on the other hand, has a more traditional, and I would say, American power. There is a very little movement above the shoulders. He’s trying to look like he’s controlled. There is no extra wasted energy.I thank you all for coming.Perceiving the body language message of these two powerful Presidents is straightforward. But body language is often complex and easily misunderstood.Here President Clinton leads Israeli and Palestinian leaders Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat out before the press during peace negotiations. It’s all smiles for the cameras. But behind the facade of bonhomie, there is a power struggle going on. Clinton jokingly explains that none of them will take any questions.We pledged to each other that we would answer no questions and offer no comments. So, I have to set a good example.The body language then revealed just why that was.3Oh, my!Well…Wow, almost a physical fight.Many view this apparently light-hearted tussle as a sign that Arafat and Barak were getting on well. Think again.There is a, a great meaning behind who goes through the door first. Now, of course, see that here in the West, letting someone through the door first that doesn’t really matter, polite maybe. But in the Middle East, it has significant cultural impact.The host, the power person says I’m in control, I’ll help you through the door, I’ll show you the way.Thank you.Throwing the fear and tension presented in most Middle East negotiations, and suddenly the desire of both Arafat and Barak not to go through that door before the other starts to make sense.This is a classic example in an extreme way of how the last man through the door is the winner. So Barak reaches for Yasser Arafat. Arafat literally grabs this on, moves around and starts waggling his finger at Barak who then, Barak then uses it as an opportunity like a wrestling match to move around, to actually be behind Arafat and then literally grabs Arafat, to hold him by the arm and shoves him through the door boldly.So you’ve got fear and power struggle showing in big, big, big, big, bold body language movements.Arafat and Barak are not the only ones to appreciate the significance of the last man through the door move. Even when friends and allies meet, subtle cues reveal who’s top dog.2003, British Prime Minister Tony Blair plays host to President Bush.In this particular example, we are looking at Downing Street and one would expect Tony Blair to be very territorial. It’s his territory. He should be host. He should be in charge and the boss in terms of who at least goes through the door.And yet, Tony Blair the Prime Minister accepts that the seniority in place here is the President. So President Bush says photo job is over, gives him a little nod, and so they start getting in. The…4The president is in charge of the choreography.He goes through the door last. He uses his left hand and taps Blair forward, not shoving Blair through the door, but helping him through the door, meaning Bush is in charge.As they go in, the president being in charge and wanting him to be clear that he is in charge, not only displays the ownership symbol of putting his hand on Tony Blair's back, but then he displays a further bit of dominance—gives him three little taps, just to let him know that actually he is a good little boy and that George W. Bush is boss.A pat on the back is one way to demonstrate power. Getting the upper hand is another, quite literally.When body language savvy world leaders get together, they know there's one sure fire moment to demonstrate dominance, the handshake photo while.If you're looking at the left of the picture, they always wanna be standing on the left of the picture. Let me demonstrate. If I'm shaking hands here, what's gonna happen I'm at the bottom of the handshake. My palm is facing up. That's a very vulnerable position. If I'm shaking hands here, andI've got my arm around the person I'm shaking hands, who is in, who’s got the upper hand I've got the upper hand.If someone's coming in to shake your hand like this, here's the nice solid handshake. It should be straight and firm. If it's not...Janine Driver teaches body language evening classes.It’s kind of hard to dominate. You are a powerful boy...She believes the visual impact of important handshakes was first appreciated in 1970 when Elvis Presley famously paid a visit to President Nixon at the White House.We see a picture of Nixon and he’s shaking hands with Elvis Presley. Nixon's got the upper hand. That's where the expression comes from—I've got the upper hand here. So now that people know about this in politics, you see them jogging for position when it comes time to take the picture.At this Summit in 2006 hosted by Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader was on full handshake alert.He’s strategically placed himself in a position where when they're coming forward, he's gonna get the dominant position. They are coming out of cars, this way they're coming up to him. The cameras are here. Every single picture, who gets the upper hand Putin.Then up strides Tony Blair.We see that Tony Blair is going to actually grab onto Vladimir Putin's hands that, this classic thing of grabbing somebody by the elbow to show who is actually the leader.Score one for Blair.PS:开篇的“The”为续片段3片末的最后一个单词。
撒谎时常见的八种手势: 1:用手遮住嘴巴:如果看见听众捂着嘴,最不安, 应停止发言询问; 2:触摸鼻子:儿茶酚胺释放,引起鼻腔内部细胞肿 胀,血压增加导致神经末梢刺痒—“皮诺基奥”效应 3.正常的鼻子发痒:用力摩擦 4.摩擦眼睛:不想看见;男:使劲揉搓,女:往下看 5.抓挠耳朵:听得多了,想要说话,焦虑 6.抓挠脖子:食指抓挠脖子侧面耳垂下方(疑惑不确 定) 7.拉拽衣领:撒谎使面部与颈部刺痒,不得不摩擦或 抓挠来缓解不适,“你再说一遍好吗” 8.手指放在嘴唇之间:内心需要安全感(潜意识里需 要母亲怀抱),对其作出承诺和保证,积极的回应
第十一章 十三种常见姿势
点头:顺从肯定 缓慢点头:很感兴趣,认真深思 快速点头:不耐烦,催促结束发言 点头暗示认同:“你觉得怎么样?” 摇头:哺乳时期学会(摇头说我爱你,赞同,克林顿讲 莱温斯基未摇头) 抬头:高昂,下巴向外突出,强势、傲慢 头部倾斜:顺从,弱小,缺乏攻击,倾听 低头:否定、审慎、具有攻击性态度 (培训师最怕…) 低头耸肩:显示弱小,恭顺; 摘去“不存在”绒毛:否定,不愿意坦率直言
忙碌掩饰 因果法则:习惯摊开手掌,不会说谎;双手抱臂, 自卫感油然而生
搬东西,也没有压力-----84% 手心向下:权威性大增。搬东西,命令,抗 拒; 夫妻散步 ,支配方会往前走,手压在后面手 上方,而靠后会迎合展开的手掌,“谁是一 家之主”-----52% 合掌伸指:凝聚了手掌全部力量, 一触即发;随说话节奏抖动, 非常反感-----28%
同意 抓住男人注意力:注视2-3s,移开垂下眼睑,重 复3-4次 男人撒谎:眼神游离;女人则会注视,不眨眼 如果避免攻击:上司责骂,缩紧身体(手臂紧贴 身体、蜷曲膝盖、下巴贴近前胸);但是遇到歹 徒,要目不斜视、昂首挺胸,大幅度动作 东张西望:不想跟讨厌的人说话,摆脱这个人
《⾝体语⾔密码》[PDF]简介 慧眼观察,洞悉内⼼。
幽默的... (展开全部) 慧眼观察,洞悉内⼼。
身体语言的秘密SecretsofBodyLanguage1A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand;a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all.This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, ormicro-expressions.In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets. This is a world where what we say is all important. —They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—T omorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message —Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around…Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words.93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.—Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the significance on 7% for words. We shouldn’t have really been doing that.Beyond the words lies a fascinating world of non-verbal communication, the secret world of body language. We are about to watch our one of the world leaders, our sports stars.— Good morning. —We’ll revisit famous figures from recent history.—Did you kill the President— Because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook, well, but I am not a crook. I've earnedeverything I’ve got. We’ll view our celebrities with fresh eyes. We are going to show how people in the public eye try to control the way we perceive them, and how sometimes, despite their best efforts, the truth leaks out.— Whomever it might be, if the truth is told, then my name will be cleared and I can move on with my life.If you know what to look for.—It’s not what you are seeing. It’s what you are not seeing. And you are not seeing an, an anger response.We are going to equip you with the tools to read those body language giveaway.2You’re getting a hidden peek, a peek into the world of what’s really going on there. When you can read body language, every moment you spend with others, you can make it valuable, and if you are in business, you can make it profitable. Body language is crucial.For those who study nonverbal communication, one of the first indicators they look out for is the way someone’s body moves.At this Camp David Summit, President Bush is the host to visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin.Vladimir Putin knows the world is watching him on American soil and he also knows that his people are watching, so he must show strength.Here though, both leaders are making a strong body language statement. Now here we are, two powerful world leaders in a sort of striding contest, because of course, the faster you stride, the more strong, powerful and fit you are.But it’s not just the speed of walking that sends outmessages.Vladimir Putin and George Bush, both of whom are fantastically powerful men, have two completely different kinds of power and it, evidences itself through body language.I thank you all for coming.Vladimir Putin has, what I would call, a very animal power, a strong man power. And he walks by having his shoulders that are actually bouncing back and, back and forth. And he walks. He also makes gestures. He is very active. I would almost call it a kind of sexy power. George Bush, on the other hand, has a more traditional, and I would say, American power. There is a very little movement above the shoulders. He’s trying to look like he’s controlled. There is no extra wasted energy.I thank you all for coming.Perceiving the body language message of these two powerful Presidents is straightforward. But body language is often complex and easily misunderstood. Here President Clinton leads Israeli and Palestinian leaders Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat out before the press during peace negotiations. It’s all sm iles for the cameras. But behind the facade of bonhomie, there is a power struggle going on. Clinton jokingly explains that none of them will take any questions. We pledged to each other that we would answer no questions and offer no comments. So, I have to set a good example.The body language then revealed just why that was.3Oh, my!Well…Wow, almost a physical fight.Many view this apparently light-hearted tussle as a sign thatArafat and Barak were getting on well. Think again.There is a, a great meaning behind who goes through the door first. Now, of course, see that here in the West, letting someone through the door first that doesn’t really matter, polite maybe. But in the Middle East, it has significan t cultural impact.The host, the power person says I’m in control, I’ll help you through the door, I’ll show you the way.Thank you.Throwing the fear and tension presented in most Middle East negotiations, and suddenly the desire of both Arafat and Barak not to go through that door before the other starts to make sense.This is a classic example in an extreme way of how the last man through the door is the winner. So Barak reaches for Yasser Arafat. Arafat literally grabs this on, moves around and starts waggling his finger at Barak who then, Barak then uses it as an opportunity like a wrestling match to move around, to actually be behind Arafat and then literally grabs Arafat, to hold him by the arm and shoves him through the door boldly.So you’ve got fea r and power struggle showing in big, big, big, big, bold body language movements.Arafat and Barak are not the only ones to appreciate the significance of the last man through the door move. Even when friends and allies meet, subtle cues reveal who’s top d og.2003, British Prime Minister Tony Blair plays host to President Bush.In this particular example, we are looking at No.10 Downing Street and one would expect T ony Blair to be very territorial. It’s his territory. He should be host. He should be in charge and theboss in terms of who at least goes through the door.And yet, Tony Blair the Prime Minister accepts that the seniority in place here is the President. So President Bush says photo job is over, gives him a little nod, and so they start getting in. The…4The president is in charge of the choreography.He goes through the door last. He uses his left hand and taps Blair forward, not shoving Blair through the door, but helping him through the door, meaning Bush is in charge.As they go in, the president being in charge and wanting him to be clear that he is in charge, not only displays the ownership symbol of putting his hand on T ony Blair's back, but then he displays a further bit of dominance—gives him three little taps, just to let him know that actually he is a good little boy and that George W. Bush is boss.A pat on the back is one way to demonstrate power. Getting the upper hand is another, quite literally.When body language savvy world leaders get together, they know there's one sure fire moment to demonstrate dominance, the handshake photo while.If you're looking at the left of the picture, they always wanna be standing on the left of the picture. Let me demonstrate. If I'm shaking hands here, what's gonna happen I'm at the bottom of the handshake. My palm is facing up. That's a very vulnerable position. If I'm shaking hands here, and I've got my arm around the person I'm shaking hands, who is in, who’s got the upper hand I've got the upper hand.If someone's coming in to shake your hand like this, here's the nice solid handshake. It should be straight and firm. If it's not...Janine Driver teaches body language evening classes.It’s kind of hard to dominate. You are a powerful boy...She believes the visual impact of important handshakes was first appreciated in 1970 when Elvis Presley famously paid a visit to President Nixon at the White House.We see a picture of Nixon and he’s shaking hands with Elvis Presley. Nixon's got the upper hand. That's where the expression comes from—I've got the upper hand here. So now that people know about this in politics, you see them jogging for position when it comes time to take the picture.At this Summit in 2006 hosted by Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader was on full handshake alert.He’s strategically placed himself in a position where when they're coming forward, he's gonna get the dominant position. They are coming out of cars, this way they're coming up to him. The cameras are here. Every single picture, who gets the upper hand Putin.Then up strides Tony Blair.We see that T ony Blair is going to actually grab onto Vladimir Putin's hands that, this classic thing of grabbing somebody by the elbow to show who is actually the leader.Score one for Blair.PS:开篇的“The”为续片段3片末的最后一个单词。
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A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all.
This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, or
In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets.
This is a world where what we say is all important. — They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—Tomorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message?
—Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around…
Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words.
93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.— Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the significance on 7% for words. We shouldn’t have really been doing that.
Beyond the words lies a fascinating world of non-verbal communication, the secret world of body language. We are about to watch our one of the world leaders, our sports stars.— Good morning. —We’ll revisit famous figures from recent history.
—Did you kill the President?
— Because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook, well, but I am not a crook. I've earned everything I’ve got.
We’ll view our celebrities with fresh eyes. We are going to show how people in the public eye try to control the way we perceive them, and how sometimes, despite their best efforts, the truth leaks out.
— Whomever it might be, if the truth is told, then my name will be cleared and I can move on with my life.
If you know what to look for.
—It’s not what you are seeing. It’s what you are not seeing. And you are not seeing an, an anger response.
We are going to equip you with the tools to read those body language giveaway.。