董事会决议(董事变更)中英文director change

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Gates Winhere Automotive Pump Products (Yantai) Co., Ltd.

Board of Directors

Action by Written Consent


The undersigned Directors of Gates Winhere Automotive Pump Products (Yantai) Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby adopt by this writ ten consent, in accordance with the Company Law of PRC and the Articles of Association of the Company, the following resolutions with the same force and effect as if they had been adopted at a duly convened meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company and direct that this written consent be filed with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Board of Directors:


WHEREAS, Mr. Mike xxxx has tendered his resignation as the director of the company effective as of July 31st, 2009;

鉴于, Mike xxxx先生递交的辞去公司董事的辞呈于2009年7月31日生效;WHEREAS, Gates Winhere LLC (the “Investor”) has appointed _________________as the director of the Company to fill the remaining term of Mr. Mike xxxx;

鉴于,xxxx有限责任公司(以下简称“投资者”)已经任命__________履行Mike xxxx先生的剩余任期;

NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Company accepts the resignation of Mr. Mike xxxx and thanks him for his service to the Company;

因此,公司董事会决议同意Mike xxxx先生的辞职并感谢他为公司做出的贡献。

FUTHER RESOLVED to acknowledge that __________________has been nominated and hereby is appointed as the director of the Company to fill the remaining term of Mr. Mike xxxx.

进一步决议认识到,___________________被提名并任命为公司董事,履行Mike xxxx先生的剩余任期。

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being all of the Directors of the Company, have executed this Action by Written Consent effective as of ___________.

