中国四大名楼 PPT英文版
名胜古迹介绍 英文PPT
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Here we are! 我们到
了L!et’s rock and roll! 我们出 发吧!
Tian’an Square天安 门
Chengtian Men--1417
Tian’an Men—1651—main entrance to the Imperical City
Welcome to Beijing
Province Tian’an
! Chang’a
n Street
the Monument
to thly step this way!请往 这边走!
Tian’an Men Square
the Largest City Square in the World
the Symbol of modern
a Glorious Page of the
Birth of
1、scenic spot 景点 2、sightseeing 观光景点 3、Have endured times and changes 饱经沧桑 4、the Palace Museum 故宫 5、the Portrait of Chairman Mao 毛主席的肖像 6、the Gate of Heavenly Peace 天安门 7、Founding Ceremony 开国大典 8、Chang’an Street 长安街 9、the Monument to the People’s Heroes 人民英 雄纪念碑
Origin of the Great Wild Goose Pagoda
As for the reason why it is called Big Wild Goose Pagoda, there is a legend.
One day, they couldn't find meat to buy. Upon seeing a group of big wild geese flying by, a monk said to himself: 'Today we have no meat. I hope the merciful Bodhisattva will give us some.' At that very moment, the leading wild goose broke its wings and fell to the ground. All the monks were startled and believed that Bodhisattva showed his spirit to order them to be more pious. They established a pagoda where the wild goose fell and stopped eating meat. Hence it got the name ‘Great Wild Goose Pago of GreatWild Goose Pagoda
Brief introduction of the North square of Great Wild Goose Pagoda
Surrounding Great Wild Goose Pagoda, the scenery is also quite charming, especially the square north of the Da Ci'en Temple.
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• The tremendous weight could eventually bring down the entire complex.
The Chinese word for "palace" is Gong. The Forbidden City of Beijing, which still stands intact and which served as the imperial palace for both Ming and Qing emperors (1368-1911) covers an area of 720,000 square meters and embraces many halls, towers, pavilions and studies measured as 9,900 bays. It is one of the greatest palaces of the world. In short, palaces grew into a veritable city and are often called Gongcheng (palace city).
— Their durability is not as good as structures of brick or stone.
— wood grows very slowly and cannot be cut on a large scale recklessly.
The Temple of Heaven
The Summer Palace
Most ancient buildings found in the West are stone structures. In comparison, ancient Chinese
Architecture of Ancient China
My alma mater is Huaiyuan No.1 middle school which is one of the oldest middle school in Anhui province.Her history can dates back to 1903.At first,there was a Xianya(the county′s government);and then,it was used as a the church hospital , church school;After liberation ,it turned into a public school.She is also famous for it′s magnificent old buildings.Now ,let me tell you something about architecture of ancient China.
The dragon was the totem(图 腾)of the ancient Chinese people.
The Temple of Heaven
largely on the worship of various aspects of Nature, particularly the heaven, earth, sun, and moon.
2.4 越王楼
• 概述 • 为中国文化名楼之一的越王楼,规模宏大、富丽堂皇,堪 称中国四大名楼(绵阳越王楼、滕王阁、黄鹤楼、岳阳楼) 之首。恢复重建后的越王楼,气势与当年相比毫不逊色。 99米的高度目前仍为全国仿古建筑之最( 四大名楼现今 滕王阁高57.2米,黄鹤楼高52.6米,鹳鹊楼高72米,岳阳 楼高32米);天下诗文收录最丰富,共收录包括李白、杜 甫、王勃、陆游等历代大诗人题咏越王楼诗篇多达154篇 (黄鹤楼112篇,滕王阁86篇,岳阳楼、鹳鹊楼虽有名诗 文,但并不多),可谓“一座越王楼,半部中国文学史”; 诗文作者档次最高,除诗仙李白、诗圣杜甫外,几乎涵盖 唐代以后的著名诗坛泰斗,算得上“天下诗文第一楼”。
• 历史文化 • 黄鹤楼位于武汉市蛇山的黄鹤矶头,面对鹦鹉洲。相传始建于三国时 期,历代屡毁屡建。现楼为1981年重建,以清代“同治楼”为原型设 计。楼址仍在蛇山头。主楼高49米,共五层,攒尖顶,层层飞檐,四 望如一。底层外檐柱对径为30米,中部大厅正面墙上设大片浮雕,表 现出了历代有关黄鹤楼的神话传说;三层设夹层回廊,陈列有关诗词 书画;二、三、四层外有四面回廊,可供游人远眺;五层为瞭望厅, 可在此观赏大江景色;附属建筑有仙枣亭、石照亭、黄鹤归来小景等.。 黄鹤楼是闻名中外的名胜古迹,它雄踞长江之滨,蛇山之首,背倚万 户林立的武昌城,面临汹涌浩荡的扬子江,相对古雅清俊晴川阁,刚 好位于长江和京广线的交叉处,即东西水路与南北陆路的交汇点上。 登上黄鹤楼武汉三镇的旖旎风光历历在目,辽阔神州的锦绣山河也遥 遥在望。由于这独特的地理位置,以及前人流传至今的诗词、文赋、 楹联、匾额、摩岩石刻和民间故事,使黄鹤楼成为山川与人文景观相 互倚重的文化名楼。
一座越王楼,千年文化史。2001年10月,绵阳市通过现场考古,查阅史料, 开始对越王楼实施重建,最大限度还原其历史原貌。恢复重建后的越王楼, 主楼为全框架钢筋混凝土现浇结构,形体融汇了历代古建筑的阁、楼、亭、 殿、廊、塔于一体的建造法式,气势与当年相比毫不逊色,99米的高度目前 仍为全国仿古建筑之最(现今滕王阁高57.2米,黄鹤楼高52.6米,鹳鹊楼高72 米,岳阳楼高32米)。 鹳雀楼位于山西省永济市蒲州古城西面的黄河东岸,共六层,前对中条山, 下临黄河,是唐代河中府著名的风景胜地。它作为备选之一,与武昌黄鹤楼、 洞庭湖畔岳阳楼、南昌滕王阁齐名,被誉为我国古代四大名楼。相传当年时 常有鹳鹊(颧,鹤一类水鸟)栖于其上,所以得名。该楼始建于北周 (公元 557--580),废毁于元初。可惜鹳雀楼到宋以后被水淹没,后水退却。由于 楼体壮观,结构奇巧,加之区位优势,风景 秀丽,唐宋之际文人学士登楼赏 景留下许多不朽诗篇,其中王之涣《登鹳雀楼》诗 “白日依山尽,黄河入海 流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。”堪称千古绝唱,流传于海内外。沈括《梦 溪笔谈》给了鹳鹊楼八个字:“前瞻中条,下瞰大河。”千余年间,它对于 激励振兴中华民族之志产生了深远影响。21世纪初,中国人重建鹳鹊楼。有 关方面报道,为弘扬中华民族文化,1997年12月,鹳鹊楼复建工程破土动工, 重新修建的鹳鹊楼为钢筋混凝土减力墙框架结构,设计高度为73.9米,总投 资为5500万元,截至2001年,主体工程已完成封顶。这座九层高楼在永济市 黄河岸边落成鹳雀楼与同在山西省永济市蒲州古城的人文风景胜地的普救寺 相隔不远,这两大著名人文景观成为当地的旅游支柱。
The Great Wall
The history of Great Wall construction can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States period, the Great Wall was built into the first climax, but the length of the construction was relatively short.
Soon, Lady Meng Jiang and Fan fell in love and decided to get married. But unfortunately, on the wedding day, a pair of soldiers broke in and took Fan Xiliang away to work at the Great Wall.
Terracotta Army
In ancient years, especially in Yin and Shang dynasties, slaves belong to the property of the slave owner.
After the death of the slave owner, slaves would accompany his owner as a funeral. With the change of society, funeral customs have had changed.
Part 02 Terracotta Army
中国古建筑(英文) ppt
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The most significant characteristic of ancient Chinese architecture: the use of timber/wooden framework
The roofs
• An important part of Chinese architecture.
The Chinese word for "palace" is Gong. The Forbidden City of Beijing, which still stands intact and which served as the imperial palace for both Ming and Qing emperors (1368-1911) covers an area of 720,000 square meters and embraces many halls, towers, pavilions and studies measured as 9,900 bays. It is one of the greatest palaces of the world. In short, palaces grew into a veritable city and are often called Gongcheng (palace city).
— the wooden framework bears all the weight of the building, which makes the installation of both the outer and inner walls flexible and able to be placed in accordance with practical needs
中国古代四大书院 (英文PPT)
![中国古代四大书院 (英文PPT)](
白 鹿 洞
It is located at the southern foot of Houping Mountain, 10 kilometers south of the Wulao Peak of Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi province.
Zhudong, the satrap of Tanzhou, founded Yuelu Academy and laid the foundation for the lecture part of the academy.
Southern Song Dynasty (AD 1165)
Qing Dynasty (AD 1903)
Songyang Temple as a center of Confucian
activities, which was called Taiyi
In the Song Dynasty (AD 1035)
The president was set up to manage the affairs of the academy. It was rechristened detail
Song dynasty Yuan dynasty
Tang dynasty
Ming dynasty Qing dynasty
An important organizational form of ancient education. education
Important influences politics
➢ the Mystery of Chinese… ➢ the Comparison Between Southern And Northern… ➢ the Comparison Between Western And Chinese… ➢ the History of Chinese Architecture
The main building material of the western traditional architecture is stone. Straightforward Simple Rigid Majestic(庄严的,宏伟的)
The architectural form is thick and heavy.
So the basic vocabulary of western architecture is post and the roof is the main sentence pattern.
The distinction of the roofs leads to the different architecture styles such as Greek style, Rome style,Byzantine style.
As for western people,they advocate individualism which cares much about the individual.
Thus the western buildings tend to be detached patterns while most traditional Chinese buildings are aggregate patterns.
中国古代建筑 PPT 英文
![中国古代建筑 PPT 英文](
Since nine is the largest odd number under
ten, it was regarded as the extremely lucky number. For this reason, the number “nine”
The origins of Feng Shui Building
• This is relative to the mansion. “Book of Filial(孝顺的) Piety(虔诚的行为或语言) - bereavement” “Bu trillion while the house is their house,” which is relative to the Amityville Horror.(《孝经-丧亲》“卜 其宅兆而厝也”这是相阴宅) This is the way to fix a used divination(预测,占卜) place.
in three periods: the Han Dynasty, the
Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the Tang Dynasty.
Han Dynasty
Northern and Southern Dynasty
Tang Dynasty
Numbers in Architecture
These represent the fusion(融合)of Chinese
culture and the pursuit of happiness.
Most ancient buildings found in the
West are stone structures. In comparison, ancient Chinese buildings are mostly of
Taipei 101
Technology Art Innovation People Environment Identity
Bird's Nest
One World, , One Dream
Green High-tech High-ranking One world ,One dream
the China Pavilion
A great thinker and educator who had a profound impact on the culture and education of China,
Suzhou Gardens
Suzhou features more than 200 ancient gardens. The small private gardens are especially famous nationwide and reflect architectural styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties
10 Famous Landmarks of China
By Alice
The Great wall
The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long. The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud history its present strength.
Beauty nature comfort wisdom intelligence
Chinese Famous Architecture: An Introduction Chinese architecture has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. From ancient temples to modern skyscrapers, China boasts a diverse range of remarkable architectural treasures. In this article, we will explore some of the most renowned Chinese architectural masterpieces.The Great Wall of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is an iconic symbol of Chinese civilization and one of the world’s most famous architectural wonders. Extending over 13,000 miles, it was built to protect the Chinese empire from invasions. Made of stone, brick, tamped earth, and other materials, the Great Wall stands as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people.The Forbidden CityLocated in the heart of Beijing, the Forbidden City served as the imperial palace for over 500 years. With its intricate design, grand halls, and beautiful gardens, it showcases the brilliance of traditional Chinese architecture. The Forbidden City is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a glimpse into China’s imperial past.The Terracotta ArmyDiscovered in 1974 near Xi’an, the Terracotta Army is an extraordinary archaeological find. The army consists of thousands of life-sized terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariots that were buried to protect Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife. Each soldier has distinct facial features, reflecting the remarkable craftsmanship of the ancient Chinese artisans.The Temple of HeavenThe Temple of Heaven is a masterpiece of Ming Dynasty architecture located in Beijing. It was a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties would come to pray for good harvests. The complex includes the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, the Imperial Vault of Heaven, and the Circular Mound Altar. Its harmonious design and exquisite details make it a prime example of traditional Chinese religious architecture.The Shanghai TowerAs a modern architectural marvel, the Shanghai Tower dominates the city’s skyline. With its 128 floors reaching a height of 2,073 feet, it is one of the tallest buildings in the world. The tower’s unique design features a twisting exterior thatreduces wind load and contributes to its structural stability. The Shanghai Tower is a symbol of China’s rapid urbanization and technological advancemen t.The Lingering GardenThe Lingering Garden in Suzhou is a classical Chinese garden renowned for its poetic beauty and tranquil atmosphere. It was built during the Ming Dynasty and captures the essence of Chinese garden design principles. The garden features a harmonious blend of pavilions, rock formations, water features, and meticulously arranged plants. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular destination for those seeking serenity in nature.The Yellow Crane TowerThe Yellow Crane Tower is a historic tower located in Wuhan. Originally built in the 3rd century, it has been rebuilt and renovated multiple times throughout history. The tower offers breathtaking views of the Yangtze River and the cityscape. It has served as an inspiration for countless poets and artists, becoming an enduring symbol of Chinese culture and literary excellence.ConclusionChinese architecture is a testament to the country’s rich history, cultural depth, and architectural achievements. From ancient wonders like the Great Wall of China and the Terracotta Army to modern marvels like the Shanghai Tower, these architectural treasures represent the ingenuity, artistry, and cultural significance of China. Exploring these iconic structures is a truly immersive experience that allows you to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of Chinese architecture throughout the ages.。
Three parts
The Great Wild Goose
The Da Ci’en Temple
The North square of Greater Wild Goose Pagoda
The Great Wild Goose Pagoda
Brief introduction the Great Wild Goose Pagoda
The Da Ci’en Temple
Brief introduction of the Da Ci’en Temple
Da Ci'en Temple is the home of Great Wild Goose Pagoda. In 648, to commemorate the dead virtuous queen, royalty ordered the building of a temple named 'Ci'en' (Mercy and Kindness), for which the status and scale far exceeded all others. Today, with an area of 32,314 square meters (38,648.5 square yards), one seventh of the original area, it still retains its grandeur.
The North square of GreatWild Goose Pagoda
Brief introduction of the North square of Great Wild Goose Pagoda
中国四大名楼英文介绍The Four Great Towers of ChinaChina is a country rich in cultural heritage, with a long and storied history that has left an indelible mark on the world. Among the many architectural wonders that grace the landscapes of this ancient land, four towers stand out as true icons of Chinese ingenuity and craftsmanship. These four great towers, known as the "Four Great Towers of China," have captured the imagination of travelers and scholars alike, and their stories are woven into the very fabric of Chinese civilization.The first of these remarkable structures is the Yueyang Tower, located in the city of Yueyang in Hunan province. This towering edifice, dating back to the Song Dynasty, is renowned for its strategic location overlooking the Yangtze River and the Dongting Lake. The tower's striking appearance, with its elegant pavilion-style architecture and intricate carvings, has made it a beloved landmark for both locals and visitors. The Yueyang Tower has long been celebrated in Chinese poetry and literature, with its commanding presence inspiring countless works of art and literature.The second of the Four Great Towers is the Tengwang Pavilion, situated in the city of Nanchang, Jiangxi province. This magnificent structure, built during the Tang Dynasty, is renowned for its harmonious blend of architectural styles and its stunning location on the banks of the Gan River. The Tengwang Pavilion is renowned for its elaborate decorations, including intricate carvings, delicate frescoes, and intricate tile work. The tower's commanding presence and its breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape have made it a popular destination for tourists and a source of immense pride for the people of Nanchang.The third of the Four Great Towers is the Huanghelou Tower, located in the city of Wuhan, Hubei province. This towering structure, dating back to the Ming Dynasty, is renowned for its striking appearance and its strategic location overlooking the Yangtze River. The Huanghelou Tower is known for its elegant, multi-tiered design and its intricate decorations, which include elaborate carvings, delicate frescoes, and intricate tile work. The tower's commanding presence and its breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape have made it a beloved landmark for both locals and visitors.The fourth and final of the Four Great Towers is the Daming Palace, located in the city of Xi'an, Shaanxi province. This grand complex, which was once the imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty, is renowned for its stunning architecture and its rich cultural heritage. TheDaming Palace is known for its vast, sprawling layout, which includes a number of impressive towers and pavilions, as well as intricate gardens and courtyards. The palace's stunning appearance and its rich history have made it a beloved destination for tourists and a source of immense pride for the people of Xi'an.Each of these four great towers is a testament to the enduring spirit of Chinese culture and the ingenuity of its people. From the elegant Yueyang Tower to the grand Daming Palace, these structures have captured the imagination of countless generations and have become beloved landmarks that continue to inspire awe and wonder in all who behold them. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a curious explorer, a visit to these four great towers is an essential part of any journey through the rich and vibrant tapestry of Chinese civilization.。
• The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing, China and now houses the Palace Museum. For almost five centuries, it served as the home of the Emperor and his household, and the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government.
• Mount Tai is one of the "Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism". It is associated with sunrise, birth, and renewal, and is often regarded the foremost of the five. The temples on its slopes have been a destination for pilgrims for 3,000 years.
The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in China,built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 6th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire during the rule of successive dynasties. Several walls, referred to as the Great Wall of China, were built since the 5th century BC. The most famous is the wall built between 220–200 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang; little of it remains; it was much farther north than the current wall, which was built during the Ming Dynasty
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The most significant characteristic of ancient Chinese architecture: the use of timber/wooden framework
The roofs
• An important part of Chinese architecture.
Courtyard House(院落式民居)
— as bell and drum towers
storyed pavilions
The Chinese Ge is similar to the Lou in that both are of two or more storey buildings. The difference between them is that the Ge has a door and windows only on the front side with the other three sides being solid walls. Moreover, Ge is usually enclosed by wooden balustrades or decorated with boards all around.
As an ancient architectural structure of Chinese, the tai was a very much elevated terrace with a flat top, generally built of earth and stone and surfaced with brick.