
A or DA: Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.题型:呼吁题论点:一边倒(同意)论证角度:利弊分析开头:同意政府应该把财政预算更多地放在环保上。
(话题引入+双方观点呈现+我方观点及过渡句)The past several decades have witnessed that the world’s economy is booming. Modern skyscrapers, convenient communications, fast transportations make it easier and cozier for people to live in this planet. However, people are beginning to realize that the great achievements today seem to be at the price of destroying the nature. They claim that governments should focus its budgets more on environment than on economic development. As for me, I am a big fan of environmental protection and I am wholeheartedly in agreement with this claim. Here are some reasons and examples to support my view.中间段1:环境保护关系到每一个人的健康问题。

2014年的托福写作应该重点复习哪些题目?谷天田提供写作范文:减压的办法是独处?希望谷天田提供的资料对你的托福备考有所帮助!托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone.(减压的办法是独处?)托福写作参考范文:Regardless of age, individuals from all walks of life各行各业require ample amounts of time for relaxation. Whether or not it is due to other people, schooling, work, or even the living environment, the underlying cause would always seem to be the reduction, if not total elimination 完全消除, of stress. Who doesn’t want to sit by the beach and sip an ice cold glass of juice while not being bothered by the heavy workload you left at the office? However, for today, that will not be our main concern. Instead, we would focus on which is the ideal way of relaxation—alone or with another person or group?Certain people某些人prefer lying in their beds all day with their headphones on while being whisked away去to their personal fantasy lands. There are even those who would spend time alone in the mountains just to meditate冥想. Others, however, like it the other way around. They would rather go to a lunch date or even to night parties with their family or friends. Now I am not saying that either one is the right way of doing it or the other one is obviously wrong. Relaxation is more of a personal preference. Even if your officemat/coworkers took you to a KTV bar since it’s her way of being relaxed, if that’s not your cup of tea如果你不喜欢的话, then most likely you’ll never have a good time. With this being said, I prefer spending time alone in order to relieve myself of stress, even if it’s just for that fleeting moment. Let’s have a deeper look as to why I said that.For one, as mentioned above, stress is mostly caused by external factors. Yes, factors that involve other people mostly. If I wanted to relax, I’d rather spend it in the comfort of my own room or maybe while having a quick walk around our local park. Psychologically speaking, the presence of stimuli (other people themselves and their actions toward you) can either agitate or remind you of the stress you are trying to drive away. Here’s a very simple example. Suppose, I am a student who is currently stressed by the never-ending barrage of lessons and homework一堆永远做不完的作业听不完的课. I’ve just had enough of these already that I decided to go to a local resort to unwind. Then along came my classmates. They also want to go with me there. I might enjoy their company and the venue, but I’m pretty sure, any moment someone will want to start a conversation about our professors, homework, and lessons. Now, how will I be able to relax then? If I went alone, spent time with just the water, trees, and blue sky, I believe the outcome would be very different.On a social perspective, this approach would be taken as a form of anti-social behavior. Those who favor the other side of the coin would often claim that real enjoyment and in particular, relaxation, can only be achieved via the presence of other people. Now this certainly holds water. However, my counter-argument is the fact that not all people are comfortable spending time withother people. Regardless of the reasons—money, distance, beliefs, and preferences, the fact is still there. When one spends time alone to relax and accordingly shoo away stress, he is doing himself a huge favor of not worrying about his friends or family members who might’ve come with him.The desire for relaxation is all but natural. Stress, on the other hand, is the culprit behind such inclination. Be it alone or with other people, relaxing activities are a sure-fire way of beating stress. However, as per the reasons indicated above, I would rather prefer spending time alone, maybe in a private hotel suite and spa, than spend time with other people of whom I am quite sure do not share my preferences wholly.。

【托福写作备考】托福独立写作观点分析及满分范文(二)Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice.参考分析:选择和很多朋友在一起(1)获得更多的信息。
参考范文:One or two friends, or many friends?I cannot imagine a person who hasn’t enjoyed the company of a friend. Friends are very precious and therefore, we constantly love and cherish them. Spending time with friends has always been regarded as a wonderful thing to do with no doubt. However, one might choose to spend timeCertainly, there is a difference between the enjoyment gained by spending time with our few close friends and the delight obtained by hanging out with many friends. When we are spending time with our close friends, we can feel a special closeness and bond with them. With the company of intimate friends, we can be more open and true to ourselves. Although with few people around the scope of our activities is limited, it is compensated by the satisfaction that we gained from the warm atmosphere.If a person doesn’t like the joy attained from the company of just few close friends and wants to extend his activities with more friends, he can choose to spend time with many friends. When a group of friends gather together they can engage in many group activities such as playing games and sports, and travel to new places. This enjoyment doesn’t necessarily require close relations among the group members. Being sociable and outgoing is good enough to create a pleasant ambiance for everyone.I’d rather choose to spend my time with one or two close friends than being with a number of friends. With my close friends around we don’t really have to do anything in particular together. For us the significance lies in the fact that we are together, sharing our time. As the saying goes, “I can spend hours without uttering a single word with my friend and I’d have the best conversation ever..”。

托福写作范文赏析精选5篇托福写作范文赏析1MA A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child’s development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.When I was about 10 years old, my older sister gave me a present. It was my first real grown-up bicycle: a three-speed, yellow and black, shiny and new. I still remember how excited I was. That bicycle was very important to me over the next few years. If I wanted to give a gift that would contribute to a child’s development, I would choose a bicycle.Bikes are great exercise. They encourage outdoor play. Television and video games, which are the most popular children’s activities nowadays, involve mostly sitting and starting. Riding a bike makes exercise fun.Bikes are convenient transportation, too. Without a bike you have to depend on an adult to drive you almost everywhere. With a bike you can go farth er. You can ride to your friend’s bouses. If your school is close enough, you can take yourself to school. You have control over where you go, and you’re not always waiting or begging for a ride. Now you can say “Can I go ……?” instead of “Please take me!”To me as a child, a bicycle meant independence. Not only could I could I go farther, but no one was watching where I went. The road went past the park, the pond, the woods, the 7-11 store, and more. I saw the network of little neighborhood roads from a different viewpoint. I could stop anywhere and look at whatever I wanted. Everything was my choice. Bike riding was active, notpassive.My bicycle gave me fun exercise, easy transportation, and freedom. For all these reasons, I think that a bicycle is a special present for a child.托福写作范文赏析2PR Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation each year. Others believe that students should have several short vacations throughout the year. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.I like the idea of students having several short vacations throughout the year. I’m a working parent with two school-age children. Every summer I have to come up with a plan for keeping my children safe and entertained for three months, while my husband and I are at work. Summer camps are expensive, and finding the one your children will enjoy can be a challenge. Getting rid of that one long vacation would make life a lot easier.Having several shorter vacations would also make it easier to schedule vacations. My husband and I both work in small offices with other working parents. All of us need vacation time during the same three months. This is hard on our businesses and our careers.We also find that wherever we go in the summer, it’s crowded. It would be nice to go places throughout the year and find smaller crowds. I’m sure the attractions themselves would like that better, too. It would be better for the economy to spread things out, too.I think my children would be more focused on their students if their vacation time was divided up throughout the year. The final month of the school year, they’re just not paying attention.They’ve been in school for nine long months and they don’t have a lot of energy. Plus , the y’re anticipating vacation time. If vacations were throughout the year, they would concentrate better on studies.Of course, many older school buildings aren’t air-conditioned, because usually people aren’t there during the hottest months. That might be a problem, I think, though, that new air-conditioning would be worth the cost. During the last few weeks of summer, my children are bored with their long vacation. I doubt that would happen if there were several vacations throughout the year.托福写作范文赏析3EX What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.The kitchen is my favorite room in a house, because it is where families gather. T o me, that is the most important thing. So many of the memories people have of growing up revolve around the kitchen. My childhood memories concern the kitchens in my grandparents ‘homes.My mother’s family lived in a row house in the city. The rooms were all small, and that included the kitchen. In the summertime, when we’d visit, the back door of the house would be left open. People would be sitting on the back porch and in the kitchen, talking and laughing, while my grandmother made dinner. There was no air-conditioning, but I don’t ever remember feeling too hot. There was always a breeze coming through, along with the sounds of traffic and kids playing ball in the street.My father’s family liver on a farm in the country, and their house had a huge kitchen with windows on three sides. It seems like the windows were always open and the curtains blowing with the breeze. The main door to the house was almost never used. Everyone came in through the kitchen, and sat at the big table in the middle of the room. When dinner was being prepared, all the women would bustle around, while the men sat at the table talking about farm prices. Sometimes my grandmother wouldn’t even sit down during dinner, but would be refilling bowls of food and people’s glasses. Fr om outside ,we could hear the cows in the field near the house.These two kitchens are the background for some of my happiest memories. From the beginning of time, human beings have gathered together near the fire where the food was being prepared. I hope that never changes.托福写作范文赏析4PR Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.I know there are advantages to living in a modern apartment, but I'd prefer to live in a traditional house. My reason is that I love traditional design. It's graceful and warm and inviting. I think modern design is very empty and sterile and not very inviting. So, because of the way it looks, I'd choose a traditional house.I recognize the fact that a modern apartment is going to be in much better shape. Being new probably means all the plumbing works, the roof isn't going to leak, the windows are properly sealed, and the kitchen appliances are in working order.A traditional house can't guarantee any of that. In fact, it's likely that things will break down or need replacement, simply becauseof age.Still, if the appliances are old, so is the wood, and that's a big advantage as far as I'm concerned. Very few new buildings have the kind of woods that were used years ago. It's something that can't be copied.Space is always important to me, too. I need a lot of room for my home office, my clothes, and to display all the knickknacks I've picked up in my travels. I also like to have interesting space.I don't want all the rooms and windows the same size or a boxy design. A modern apartment usually comes in one size and shape.A traditional house is going to have a variety of spaces where I can put a little table or a window seat. And it will have lots of room, from basement to attic. These are all good reasons for me to prefer living in a traditional house.Some people love modern design, but it's not for me. The space and beauty of a traditional home are more important to me than having everything new and perfect.托福写作范文赏析5Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.I think high school students should be allowed to choose some of the subjects they study. However, the basic subjects, like mathematics, literature, and science, should be mandatory for all students.When I was in high school, we were allowed to choose three electives each semeste r. Electives were subjects that weren’t part of the basic curriculum. They included things like music, journalism, art, and various kinds of team sports. Choosing someof these subjects to study gave me a chance to experiment. I was able to get a head start on what I was going to study in college.However, college preparation shouldn’t be the main factor.I think all students should be allowed to take a certain number of courses just because they’re interested in them. For many students, high school is the last chance to learn about things they’re interested in. Maybe once they have a job there won’t be time for studying.Of course, it’s also important that students study certain basic subjects. If I’d had a choice, I know I wouldn’t have studied mathematics or science. I wasn’t very interested in them. However, once I was in class, I found myself getting interested. I wouldn’t have known this if I’d been given the choice, because I would have chosen not to take the courses.High school students aren’t always the best judges of what they’ll find useful in the years ahead. They need the guidance of experts in the field of education. However, they also need some freedom to follow their curiosity and individual interests. They should be given the freedom to choose some courses, while being required to take others.。

2014年11月2日托福写作真题(友版) 独立写作:people often buy products not because they really need but because other people have them; 综合写作北:
文章:北美的早期人类是从欧洲过去的。1、spear points的刀锋和欧洲的一样2、bone & skull和欧洲的像 3、他们可以穿越 atlantic ocean 因为那时候全结冰了。 教 授:北美人是从亚洲过去的。1、北美和欧洲的spear point确实像 但是独立发展的 因为那有大型哺乳动物 他们各自发展了 spear point来hunt。2、一个skull的例子不能说明问题 随便找个bone都能跟欧洲的像。3、穿越大西洋很危险 几乎没有机会存 活。而且他们没有这样的经验。

AorDA:Governme ntsshouldfocusitsbudgetsmore onen viro nmen talprotectio ntha noneconom icdev elopme nt.题型:呼吁题论点:一边倒(同意)论证角度:利弊分析开头:同意政府应该把财政预算更多地放在环保上。
(话题引入+双方观点呈现+我方观点及过渡句)Thepastseveraldecadeshavewit nessedthattheworld 'sec ono mRisboomi ng.ModernskRscrapers,c onven ie ntcom mun icatio ns,fasttra nsportatio nsmakeite asiera ndcozierforpeopletolive in thispla net.However,peoplearebeg innin gtorealizethatthegreatachi eveme ntstodaRseemtobeatthepriceofdestroR in gthe nature.TheRclaimthatgover nmen tsshouldfoc usitsbudgetsmore onen viro nmen ttha noneconom icdevelopme nt.Asforme,lamabigfa nofen viro nme n talprotect ionan dIamwholeheartedlR in agreementwiththisclaim.Herearesomereas onsan deRampl estosupportmRview.中间段1:环境保护关系到每一个人的健康问题。

托福写作模拟题目范文及解析:大学教育托福独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.分类:独立写作话题:学习教育托福独立写作范文:I wholeheartedly agree with the statement because I believe universities and colleges do not adequately prepare students for the world of work. University courses only prepare students by teaching them about their chosen degree subject. This provides students with the qualifications needed for the future, but does not prepare them in other important areas such as making career choices, job applications and other skills they might need in the workplace.Universities should offer more courses that allow students to explore what kinds of jobs they are best suited to in terms of their skills and personality. They should also provide more information about what jobs are related to their degree. It is because of this lack of preparation that students either graduate with no idea of what kind of job they would like to do, or end up doing a job that they actually have no interest in.It is also important to provide students with information on job hunting including applications and interviews, but also salary negotiation. Many students graduate unaware of the best methods of searching for a job or how to negotiate an appropriate salary. There should therefore be courses that inform students about this and offer advice that will help to single them out from the other applicants, as well as ensure that they obtain a fare wage from their employer.University courses should also make students more aware of the importance of transferable skills in the workplace and help them to build on them. This includes skills like teamwork, networking and time management. While theuniversity does prepare students to some extent with these skills, it does not prepare them for the different emphasis that is placed on them in the workplace. For example, while courses may occasionally utilise teamwork skills for group activities in class, it does not prepare students for the daily necessity of working with and obtaining information from your colleagues in order to complete a task.Therefore, universities should provide students with more career direction before they leave university to ensure students are happy in their chosen career. It should also equip them with the skills they will need to do the job in order to decrease the stress of making the transition from full time education to working life.。

托福独立口语真题及答案解析文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]2014年11月29日托福独立口语真题及答案解析Sample: I would say I like to study alone, first and foremost, I think that I waste lots of time when I study in groups with my fellow students, and we will talk about random stuff before we discuss the real problem that we have in our study. Also, I am the kind of person who needs a quiet atmosphere to concentrate on studying, and I get easily distracted when talking to others. Thus, I would like to study alone simply because it is more efficient.Task2 Do you think government should spend money on saving the endangered animals or the money has to come from private sourcesI would say it is definitely the government'sresponsibility to save the endangered species, and I have two reasons for support. Firstly, the government has all the resources need to preserve the wide animals, like research facilities, natural conservation areas, and even different science foundations. Secondly, government is supposed to take care the country, a big part of that responsibility is to save the endangered species from going extinct. It is not evenpossible for private firms or individuals to take such a huge responsibility.。

新托福写作考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心曹美玲考试日期: 2014.11.08(A卷)Task 1INTEGRATED 综合写作Amtrak should be sold to privately owned companies.阅读文章要点:Amtrak should be sold to privately owned companies.1. It loses money on some routes.2. It is unfair to privately owned companies such as airlines because they have reduced the price in order to compete with the government.3. People drive cars more often and do not like to take the Amtrak. 听力逐一反驳:These reasons are unconvincing.1. The main purpose of Amtrak is not to earn money but to facilitate the transportation of the rural areas. People in these areas have the same right as those living in places that have accessible transportation routes.2. The government has already supported the airlines, eg, building the airline transportation control towers and offices.3. People do not like taking Amtrak because it is outdated, if the government invests in improving it, it will be more favorable and more people will take it. The professor gives examples of Japan and Europe, they invest a lot in high-speed rail lines and make it comfortable and fast, and thus people take this a lot and leave the cars at home.Task 2 INDEPENDENT 独立写作话题类别社会类考题文字:Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?Nowadays it is not important for people tohave meals with families regularly.本次写作考试点评:本次新托福综合写作重复2010.12.19大陆考题。

【题】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than social life does.题型分类:选择题论证角度:原因挖掘观点选择:让步开头:跟社会生活相比,工作对我们幸福的影响更大。
(话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡)It is one of human beings’ basic rights to be in pursuit of happiness. Among all factors that can affect our happiness, jobs and social life are the most talked about ones. Thus, an interesting discussion arises on which one of them on earth exerts more influence on our wellbeing. As far as I am concerned, jobs have more correlation with (联系)our happiness instead of social life. My reasons and examples are given below. (74words)中间段1:工作能让人实现自我,充满有成就感。
(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)Firstly, jobs make us feel valuable and fulfilled, which is an important reflection of happiness. It is because everyone is born to this world with a mission. Apart from rudimentary physical demands l ike eating and sleeping, we also need to seek the meaning of life, and working plays a critical role in helping us to find the answers, from which their happiness is derived. For example, Steve Jobs, as we all know, is a workaholic工作狂who almost devoted all the time to his career without much social life. However, from his biography I can feel that it is his career that defined his happiness.(it defines who I am)(102 words)中间段2:工作带来财富,而财富是幸福感的物质保证。

111209NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.1. 工作对人的幸福感影响更大。
1) 人是否幸福和经济状况有关。
2) 幸福还意味着强烈的成就感。
3) 工作占据一个人大部分的时间和精力。
121012NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rule that the whole society today expect young people to follow are too strict.2. 这个社会的规则是有用的。
(2014年3月2日已考)1) 家庭会有各种规矩。
2) 学校和公司也会有很多规矩。
3) 社会上也有法律规定年轻人的行为。

首先,来看一下TASK 1 综合写作考情:第三季度的10道综合写作考题依然沿袭了以往的考题模式,即阅读与听力持相反立场。
而这些主流话题对大部分同学来说并不陌生,因其在听力section 中的比重之大使得同学们在备考过程中势必对相关词汇甚至背景知识有了积累,这一点对考生应对综合写作是很有帮助的。
1. 阅读难度不大,但要首先做到“走心读”,因为很多同学在有限的3分钟时间内,只是get了字面,没有深入了解阅读文所提供的信息,导致对稍后的听力没能起到极好的铺垫作用;理论上,阅读信息是可以帮助我们合理推测听力信息的,也请同学们充分利用这一点;2. 托福圈流行一句话:得听力者得托福。

朗阁海外考试研究中心Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations新托福写作考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心考试日期:2014.11.09Task 1INTEGRATED 综合写作关于whether the location of a kingdom named Ophir is in South Asia。
阅读材料观点:The location is in South Asia.1. The origin of products like rare woods was only found in South Asia;2. It took a year and half to ship to the Mediterranean area, so it must be a long-distant place.3. Similar words were used in South Asia.Lecture逐一反驳:The location is not in South Asia.1. Maybe Ophir was only a trade center. The rare woods may come from other places.2. The navigation and shipment technologies back then were primitive. The ship may get lost easily. For example, ship from Ophir to Arabian Peninsula may take a year or more.3. A few similar words can not prove the connection. For example, an English speaker and an Australian language speaker may use the same word “dog”, but they did not have any connection at that time. Task 2 INDEPENDENT 独立写作话题类别社会类考题文字:When you make a major purchase (such as a car ora computer), which will influence you most?1). recommendations from friends or colleagues;2). information from media (TV, magazines,newspaper);3). recommendations from salesmen in the store;4). your own judgment.本次写作考试点评:本次新托福独立写作重复2013年10月11日北美考题。
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【题】Which factor influences you the most when it comes to a major purchase: 1) recommendations from your friends or colleagues;2) information from media; 3) salesman in the market
(话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡)When people plan to buy something that costs a great deal of money, they will think twice before making the final decision. Factors that will affect the decision might be recommendations from friends and colleagues, information on media
and words of salesman in the market. Among all those factors, I believe that what friends and colleagues say play the most important role in helping us with the decision-making. I am going to elaborate my point of view in the following paragraphs. (75 words)
My first reason is that friends or colleagues’ words are reliable. When offering recommendations for us to make a purchase, friends and colleagues are highly unlikely to lie to us about the quality of the goods while TV commercials and salesmen will try to convince customers to make the deal by any possible means out of commercial purposes. Imagine that I want to buy a car, a salesperson probably recommend me an expensive car that is beyond my purchasing power. Conversely, if I have a friend who is a car-lover, he will guide me to buy a car with a high quality-price ratio. (103 words)
(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)In addition, friends or colleagues’ recommendations provide us with complete information about the product, which is beneficial for making a wise decision. When friends or colleagues can recommend us something, they must have bought or tried this product so that they have a deeper understanding of the features of the product including its quality, price and value. In this sense, their advice is very helpful for our decision. For example, I am very satisfied with the computer that I have bought recently. Expect for its reasonable price, the performance far exceeds my expectation. It is attributed to the recommendation from my friend--Jack, who has already bought one before. (109 words)
Admittedly, I am not saying that recommendations from friends and colleagues are absolutely correct. They may involve their personal preferences when buying the goods, and therefore what they recommend to us may not be totally appropriate for our own situations. However, as long as we can fully realize our
true needs and stop following others’ footsteps blindly, there will be nothing to worry about. (63 words)
In conclusion, when it comes to a major purchase, I prefer to turn to my friends or colleagues for recommendations or advice. It is not only because their words are more reliable but also because their information can help us reduce the risk of making false desicions. (46 words)。