Rev 0505 High Gain Omni-Directional Antenna User Guidefor Models:WI-ANT-P6 Omni-Directional 6 dBd Pole remote antennaWI-ANT-P6-A-10 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 10 ft cableWI-ANT-P6-A-25 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 25 ft cableAccutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A Division of Adaptive Instruments Corp.577 Main Street · Hudson, MA 01749 U.S.A.TE L:800-879-6576·978-568-0500FAX:978-568-9085Email:*******************************Rev Date Notes InitialsRelease TH1.0 1/17/2005TH0505 05/17/2005 Updated format, changedan installation picture.AccutechA Division of Adaptive Instruments Corp.577 Main Street · Hudson, MA 01749 USATEL: 800-879-6576 · 978-568-0500FAX: 978-568-9085Email: *******************************Web: Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505Table of Contents1.ABOUT THE HIGH GAIN OMNI-DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA (1)2.INSTALLING THE HIGH GAIN ANTENNA WITH THE LIGHTNING ARRESTOR (2)2.1.Package Contents (2)2.2.Antenna & Lightning Arrestor Connection (3)3.INSTALLING THE HIGH GAIN ANTENNA (6)3.1.Package Contents (6)3.2.Antenna Connection (7)4.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (9)4.1.High Gain Omni-Directional Antenna (9)4.2.Mounting bracket dimensioned drawing (10)Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 05051. About the High Gain Omni-DirectionalAntennaHigh gain and remote antennas can increase the transmission distanceof the Accutech Wireless Sensors. For even greater transmissiondistance, a high gain directional antenna (Yagi) may be purchased as anintegral part of a field unit.Warning! Any Base Radio with an omni-directional antenna is forordinary locations only.This manual will guide you through the steps to connect a High GainOmni-Directional Antenna with or without a lightning arrestor to a BaseRadio. If you are using a lightning arrestor, go to section 2. If you are notusing a lightning arrestor, go to section 3.The following model numbers are covered in this guide:Remote AntennasWI-ANT-P6 Omni-Directional 6 dBd Pole remote antennaWI-ANT-P6-A-10 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 10 ft cableWI-ANT-P6-A-25 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 25 ft cableEach of the above High Gain Remote Antenna models can be used withany of the following Base Radio model numbers:Base RadiosWI-BR-R10-4XN EMA 4X Base Radio w/10 ft cable and RS-485 output for rmt antenna WI-BR-R10-4X-MOD NEMA 4X Base Radio w/10 ft cable, RS-485 & Modbus, for rmt antenna WI-BR-R25-4X NEMA 4X Base Radio w/25 ft cable and RS-485 output for rmt antenna WI-BR-R25-4X-MOD NEMA 4X Base Radio w/25 ft cable, RS-485 & Modbus, for rmt antenna1Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 05052. Installing the High Gain Antenna with theLightning ArrestorThis section will show you how to install the high gain antenna with thelightning arrestor. If you are not using the lightning arrestor, go to Section3. For additional information about the Base Radio see the Base RadioUser Manual. Any of the Base Radio model numbers mentioned insection 1 may be used with the following remote antenna models:WI-ANT-P6-A-10 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 10 ftcableWI-ANT-P6-A-25 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 25 ftcable2.1. Package ContentsThe high gain Omni 6 dBd antenna with the lightning arrestor kit comescomplete with:[1] High gain antenna pole[2] 2 Mounting brackets for the high gain antenna[3] Lightning arrestor assembly consisting of lightning arrestor and 10’of 10 AWG ground wire[4] Coaxial cable assembly attached to the l ightning arrestor:10’ length for WI-ANT-P6-A-1025’ length for WI-ANT-P6-A-25[5] Waterproofing material for the antenna coaxial connectionT he following comes attached to the Base Radio:cableassembly:[6] Coaxial10’ length for WI-BR-R10-4X and WI-BR-R10-4X-MOD25’ length for WI-BR-R25-4X and WI-BR-R25-4X-MODAccutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 22.2. Antenna & Lightning Arrestor ConnectionAttention!For installation inordinary locations only!Antenna connected to Lightning Arrestor and Base Radio3Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 0505Warning! Always use caution when installing this antenna. You canbe seriously injured if this antenna comes near or in contact with apower line. Follow all local and national electrical coderequirements when installing the Base Radio with the high gainantenna.[1] Select the locations for the high gain antenna, the lightningarrestor and Base Radio.It is recommended that the lightning arrestor be mounted in closeproximity to the building egress. The lightning arrestor should bemounted indoors unless you have the weatherproof enclosure.The location for the high gain antenna should be selected basedon optimal positioning for RF communications with the field unitsand allow for sufficient length of coaxial cable to reach the buildingegress.The Base Radio should be installed in a location where there issufficient coaxial cable available to reach the building egress.Warning! Any Base Radio with an omni-directional antenna is forordinary locations only.[2] P osition the antenna sothat the gold sleeve clearsany obstructions. Thisincludes masts and towersections.[3] Mount the antenna usingthe 2 mounting brackets.One clamp must beplaced at the center of thegold sleeve, the other atany point below.[4] Connect the Base Radio coaxial cable to the lightning arrestor andtighten by hand.[5] Attach the ground wire to a suitable earth ground connection. Keepthis wire as short as possible. Make sure this connection conformsto electrical code requirements.[6] Connect the lightning arrestor coaxial cable to the antenna andhand-tighten.[7] Install a drip loop in the cable to insure proper drainage.Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 4[8] Wrap the antenna connection with the supplied waterproofingmaterial.Note Do not cover the drain holes on the bottom of the antenna asthey provide drainage for moisture.[9] Finished.5Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 05053. Installing the High Gain AntennaThis section will show you how to install the high gain antenna without alightning arrestor. If you are using a lightning arrestor, go to section 2.For additional information about the Base Radio see the Base RadioUser Manual.Warning! This configuration is for indoor use only. If you aremounting the antenna outdoors, a lightning arrestor must be used.Any of the Base Radio model numbers mentioned in section 1 may beused with the following remote antenna model:WI-ANT-P6 Omni-Directional 6 dBd Pole remote antenna3.1. Package ContentsThe high gain Omni 6 dBd antenna kit comes complete with:[1] High gain antenna pole[2] 2 Mounting brackets for the high gain antenna[3] Waterproofing material for the antenna coaxial connectionT he following comes attached to the Base Radio:assembly:[4] Coaxialcable10’ length for WI-BR-R10-4X and WI-BR-R10-4X-MOD25’ length for WI-BR-R25-4X and WI-BR-R25-4X-MODAccutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 63.2. Antenna ConnectionAttention!For installation inordinary locations only!Antenna connected to Base Radio7Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 0505Warning! Always use caution when installing this antenna. You canbe seriously injured if this antenna comes near or in contact with apower line. Follow all local and national electrical coderequirements when installing the Base Radio with the high gainantenna.[1] Select the locations for the high gain antenna and Base Radio.The location for the high gain antenna should be selected basedon optimal positioning for RF communications with the field units.Warning! Any Base Radio with an omni-directional antenna is forordinary locations only.[2] Position the antenna sothat the gold sleeve clearsany obstructions. Thisincludes masts and towersections.[3] Mount the antenna usingthe 2 mounting brackets.One clamp must beplaced at the center of thegold sleeve, the other atany point below.[4] Connect the Base Radio coaxial cable to the antenna and hand-tighten.[5] Install a drip loop in the cable to insure proper drainage.[6] Wrap the connection with the supplied waterproofing material.Note Do not cover the drain holes on the bottom of the antenna asthey provide drainage for moisture.[7] Finished.Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 84. Technical Specifications4.1. High Gain Omni-Directional AntennaBase Radio High Gain Omni-Directional AntennaLength65”Gain 6 dBd (less cable loss ≈ 0.04 dBd/ft)Weight 6 lbsPolarization VerticalMounting Heavy wall gold anodized 1 ¼” aluminum withbrackets included10’ or 25’Base Radio coaxialcable length9Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 05054.2. Mounting Bracket Dimensioned DrawingMounting bracket dimensioned drawingAccutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 10______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Division of Adaptive Instruments Corp.577 Main Street · Hudson, MA 01749 U.S.A.TE L: 800-879-6576 · 978-568-0500FAX: 978-568-9085Email: ******************************* Accutech, a division of Adaptive Instruments Corp., is a leading edge,technology-driven developer, manufacturer and supplier of embeddedmicroprocessor-based electronics. Based in Hudson, Massachusetts,Accutech is the most successful leading independent producer ofwireless instrumentation on the market today.Accutech customers include large national companies in the oil andgas, chemicals, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, primary materialsprocessing, and energy industries. In addition to the wireless productline, Accutech also offers a traditional wired line of temperature,pressure and differential pressure instrumentation.In the process control field, where quality is taken for granted and newtechnology is announced daily, we have deliberately concentrated ourefforts on the development of instrumentation that makes businesssense. The result is a product range that is rugged, secure, andreliable and works in even the most hazardous environments. We givecompanies the tools to reduce costs, save time, enhance safety,improve environmental performance and cut waste.The next industrial revolution is right now. Let Accutech show you howto realize gains in operating efficiency.Visit us at: Or call us at +1 800 879-6576 Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in USA. Copyright 2005 Adaptive Instruments, Corp.。
F2003 GSM IP MODEM无线数据终端说明书
![F2003 GSM IP MODEM无线数据终端说明书](
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本文档所载的所有材料或内容受版权法的保护,所有版权由厦门四信通信科技有限公司 拥有,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。未经四信公司书面许可,任何人不得将本文档上的任 何内容以任何方式进行复制、经销、翻印、连接、传送等任何商业目的的使用,但对于非商 业目的的、个人使用的下载或打印(条件是不得修改,且须保留该材料中的版权说明或其他 所有权的说明)除外。
第二章 安装.....................................................................................................................................9 2.1 概述....................................................................................................................................9 2.2 开箱...................................................................................................................................9 2.3 安装与电缆连接................................................................................................................9 2.4 电源说明..........................................................................................................................11 2.5 指示灯说明......................................................................................................................11
同时,还需要准备以下工具:1. 十字螺丝刀2. 接线钳3. 天线电缆三、安装步骤1. 断电:在进行任何安装操作之前,务必断开所有设备的电源以防止电击风险。
2. 确定安装位置:选择合适的位置来安装天线共用器,确保它能够方便地连接到各个设备。
3. 连接天线线缆:首先,将一个天线线缆插入到天线共用器的“输入”接口上。
4. 连接设备:将每个设备的天线线缆依次插入天线共用器的相应输出接口上。
5. 固定天线共用器:使用螺丝刀将天线共用器固定在选择好的位置上,确保它牢固地固定在墙壁或其他支撑物上。
四、天线调节1. 在天线共用器上可能会有一些调节旋钮或开关,根据不同设备的需求进行调节。
2. 对于电视信号调节,可以根据不同频道的要求进行调整,以获得更好的图像和声音质量。
3. 注意:每个设备的调节方法可能略有不同,请参考设备的使用说明书进行正确的调整。
五、注意事项1. 在安装和使用过程中,请务必仔细阅读设备的使用说明书,并且按照正确的方法进行操作,避免不必要的损坏或人身伤害。
2. 定期检查天线连接是否牢固,如果发现有松动或损坏的情况,请及时修理或更换。
3. 在调节天线共用器时,请不要随意更改未知的参数,以免影响天线信号的正常传输。
4. 如发现天线共用器使用过程中出现故障,请及时与售后服务联系进行维修或更换。
GSM03 模块使用说明 V100一、Uart接口参数设置: 波特率:4800 数据位:8 奇偶校验位:无 停止位:1 二、GSM模块功能设置 1、设置主控手机 设置主控手机以短信的方式设置,任意手机发“密码#手机号#” , 操 作 密 码 是 0000 。
例 如 发 “0000#1300000000#”到到 GSM 模块上,手机号 1300000000 就设为主控手机,设置成功后,GSM 模块返回 设置成功。
再次设置主控手机时,之前设置的主控手机被取消(以当前的设置有效) 。
同时任意手机发 “0000##”也可以取消当前设置的主控手机。
2、设置短讯控制内容 (1)格式:1234#数字#短信回复内容#GSM 语音内容# i:数字为 ASIIC 码,001 到 010 ii:汉字尽量 5 个字,模块内带字库。
(2)主控手机发送上述格式成功后,GSM 回复短信“控制码设置成功” 。
(3)新的模块必须先设置短信控制内容,否则 GSM 不会回复任何短信,GSM 模块也无语音。
(4)主控手机可以远程操作 GSM 播放语音。
例如:①主控手机设置 1234#001#一防区报警#一号报警#,短信回复“控制码(001)设置成功” 。
②MCU 发#001#(数据流 16 进制表示为 23 30 30 31 23),则 GSM 模块回复短信“一防区报警” 语音播放“一号报警” 。
③主控发短信“一防区报警” ,GSM模块也会播放“一号报警” (即主控将GSM模块回复的短信发给 GSM模块) 。
3、GSM03 模块增加内部短讯排队堆栈,对收到的信息进行排队处理(16级排队,超过不处理) ,避免回复 空短讯。
4、 GSM03 模块增加一个输出端口(GP28) ,模块开机及短讯发送时为高电平,开机完成及短讯发送完成 后为低电平,平时为低电平。
5、 GSM03模块增加一组低电压提示编码($000#) ,同时加一个输出端口(GP27) ,低电压时为高电平,电 压正常时为低电平。
GSM900/DCS1800 数字光纤直放站
深圳市西瑞克斯通信设备有限公司 Shen Zhen Cylix Technology Communication Equipment
GSM900/DCS1800 数字光纤直放站用户手册
第一章 系统概述 ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 概述 ............................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 基本原理 ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 组网方式 ....................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 产品特点 ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.5 技术指标 ....................................................................................................................... 8 1.5.1 主要技术指标 .................................................................................................. 8 1.5.2 机械特性 .......................................................................................................... 9 1.5.3 接口 .................................................................................................................. 9
NSPL-500 AIS VHF天线分配器用户手册说明书
![NSPL-500 AIS VHF天线分配器用户手册说明书](
This manual represents the product as at the time of printing. Navico Holding AS and its subsidiaries, branches and affiliates reserve the right to make changes to specifications without notice.
| NSPL-500 User Manual
4 Notices 4 Safety warnings 4 General notices 4 Compass safe distance 4 RF emissions notice 5 Warranty 5 Disposal of this product and packaging
16 Operation 16 Indicator functions
17 Troubleshooting
18 Specifications
Contents | NSPL-500 User Manual
Table of figures
7 Figure 1 8 Figure 2 9 Figure 3 11 Figure 4 12 Figure 5 12 Figure 6 13 Figure 7 14 Figure 8 15 Figure 9 16 Figure 10
¼¼ Note: Used to draw the reader’s attention to a comment or other important information.
Warning: Used when necessary to warn personnel that they should proceed carefully to prevent risk of injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
热线400-6622-666电子邮件***************.cn网站官方微信Tenda_1999 官方微博Tenda腾达目录1产品介绍 (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.2 主要特性 (1)1.3 工作环境 (2)1.4 产品外观 (2)2快速上网 (5)2.1 手机设置上网 (5)2.2 电脑设置上网 (9)3路由状态 (12)3.1 网络连接状态 (12)3.2 连接设备和实时统计 (14)3.3 系统信息 (15)4上网设置 (16)4.1 宽带拨号上网 (17)4.2 动态IP上网 (17)4.3 静态IP上网 (18)5无线设置 (19)5.1 开启/关闭路由器WiFi (19)5.2 无线名称和无线密码 (20)5.3 无线定时开关 (21)6网速控制 (25)6.1 概述 (25)6.2 设置网速控制 (26)6.3 禁止用户上网 (27)6.4 网速控制示例 (27)7无线中继 (29)7.1 概述 (29)7.2 设置无线中继 (29)7.3 无线中继示例 (32)8静态IP (35)8.1 概述 (35)8.2 添加静态IP规则 (36)8.3 删除静态IP规则 (36)9端口映射 (37)9.1 概述 (37)9.2 添加端口映射规则 (38)9.3 删除端口映射规则 (39)9.4 端口映射示例 (39)10DDNS (42)10.1 概述 (42)10.2 添加DDNS规则 (43)10.3 DDNS示例 (44)11DMZ主机 (47)11.2 添加DMZ规则 (48)12UPnP (49)12.1 概述 (49)12.2 快捷登录路由器管理页面(以Windows7为例) (49)13系统管理 (51)13.1 登录密码 (51)13.2 WAN口参数 (53)13.3 LAN口参数 (54)13.4 重启路由器 (57)13.5 恢复出厂设置 (58)13.6 导出配置信息 (60)13.7 导入配置信息 (61)13.8 导出系统日志 (62)13.9 软件升级 (63)13.10 系统自动维护 (64)附录 (65)A.1 智能手机或平板电脑连接WiFi(以iOS系统为例) (65)A.2 电脑连接WiFi (66)A.3 设置电脑IP地址 (69)A.4 常见问题解答 (73)A.5 有毒有害物质申明 (75)1 产品介绍1.1 产品简介F3是专为中小户型家庭用户打造的一款无线路由器,用于家庭网络组建。
烽火光设备(GF155/622-03B)操作手册GF155/622-03B是基于STM-1/OC-3(或STM-4)传输速率的光纤传输设备,具有SDH同等级设备的基本功能,该设备利用半动态(即预先指定)地按需分配带宽(N ×E1或N×T1)的处理技术,有效地利用现有SDH/SONET网络资源,灵活、高效无缝隙地实现多种宽带业务的接入。
1、面板结构说明GF155/622-03B设备结构图GF155/622-03B光传输部分第2个155支路盘单元或用户接入单元2 基本配置2.1 单板配置2.1.1 EMU为网元管理盘;EOW为公务盘。
2.1.2 AGG1为西向(W)群路盘;AGG2为东向(E)群路盘。
2.1.3 TRi为光传输平台的支路盘总称。
2.1.4 AC2为2M接入控制盘,相当于用户接入部分的群路盘,具有集线功能和业务接入功能。
2.1.5 SIFi为话音、数据等业务接口盘的总称。
2.1.6 PWRR为带铃流的电源盘,它有多种装配方式,用户可根据工程业务容量的要求,选定合适的电源盘装配形式。
2.1.7 NC为空盘位,出厂时加装假面板。
下表为GF155/622-03B传输部分机盘配置表2.2 最大配置IBAS 130(GF155/622-03B/C )单子架具有2×STM-4+4×STM-1容量,设备可接入2个STM-4+252个E1/T1标准接口、或2个STM-4+4个STM-1标准接口或上述接口的若干组合。
提供STM-4/1基于G.652光纤的全系列光接口,包括I-4、S-4.1、L4.1、L4.2光接口、I-1、S-1.1、L1.1、L1.2光接口,通过EDFA 可提供V-4.2、U4.2或V-1.2、U1.2光接口,满足各种传输距离的要求。
2M连接器 CKUI/CKUO 电源
网址: 网址:
03B 03B 03B 03B
EMU盘功能及使用 EMU盘功能及使用
1、780B设备的NMU盘 780B设备的NMU盘 设备的NMU GF2488-01B设备的EMU盘 设备的EMU 2、GF2488-01B设备的EMU盘 180设备的EMU+EOW盘 设备的EMU+EOW 3、IBAS 180设备的EMU+EOW盘 GF155-03B设备的EMU盘 设备的EMU 4、GF155-03B设备的EMU盘
网址: 网址:
根据现网的应用,需要注意的几点: 1、EMU+EOW(网元管理盘+公务盘)。 2、02500/622/155光盘(06、07槽位。我 们通常把06槽位的光盘称为西向,07槽位 的光盘称为东向)。 3、XCU盘(08、09槽位)。 4、05、0A槽位可能插入一些O8光分支盘 或者O155分支盘。
有线电视系统专用分支分配器产品说明书1. 产品介绍分配器是用来分配高频信号的部件。
2. 性能指标(1)防水电流通过型分配器性能参数)通用型分配器性能参数(2(3)防水电流通过型一分支器性能参数(4)防水电流通过型二分支器性能参数(6)通用型二分支器性能参数(8)内置高通滤波器的分配器二分配工作原理图四分配工作原理图四分支工作原理图4. 外观照片普遍要求:分支分配器的外观应整洁,表面不应有明显的凹痕、划伤、裂纹、毛刺、变形等现象;表面镀层不应起泡、龟裂和脱落;金属不应有锈蚀和机械磨损;灌注物不应外溢出。
三遥馈线自动化终端 用户手册说明书
![三遥馈线自动化终端 用户手册说明书](
希普瑞夫 SMD GPS 模块 GPS03 产品说明书
![希普瑞夫 SMD GPS 模块 GPS03 产品说明书](
Featuresz65 channel engine for highperformance acquisitionz GPS L1 C/A Codez Perform 8 million time-frequency hypothesis testing per secondz Open sky hot start 2 secz Open sky cold start 33 secz Signal detection better than –160dBm z Reacquisition sensitivity –156dBmz Accuracy 5m CEPz Tracking current < 50mAz Support active antennaz Small size 27.9 x 20.0 x 3.2 mm (LxWxH) GPS03Low Cost Very High PerformanceSMD GPS ModuleThe GPS03 is a small form factor GPS module solution intended for a broad range of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) products, where fast and easy system integration and minimal development risk is required.The GPS03 GPS receiver’s -160dBm tracking sensitivity allows continuous position coverage in nearly all application environments. Its high performance search engine is capable of testing 8,000,000 time-frequency hypotheses per second, offering industry-leading signal acquisition and TTFF speed. The receiver is optimized for applications requiring high performance, low power, and low cost; suitable for a wide range of OEM configurations including mobile phone, PND, asset tracking, and vehicle navigation products.The very small 27.9mm x 20mm form factor and the SMT pads allow standard surface mount device pick-and-place process in fully automated assembly process; enabling high-volume, very cost-efficient production.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSReceiver Type 65 parallel channel, L1 C/A codeCEP5mPositionAccuracyVelocity 0.1m/sec+/-1us1PPSTimingStartup Time 2 second hot start under open sky33 second cold start under open sky (average) Reacquisition2s-145dBmacquisitionSensitivitytracking-160dBmRate 1HzUpdate(39.2m/sec2)4GDynamicsOperational Limits Altitude < 18,000m or velocity < 515m/s(COCOM limit, either may be exceeded but not both) Serial Interface 3.3V LVTTL levelV3.01NMEA-0183ProtocolGPRMC,GPVTG*2GPGSV,GPGLL,GPGGA,GPGSA,8,1rate,N,9600DefaultbaudWGS-84Datum DefaultdefinableUserDC+/-5%Voltage 3.3VInputacquisitionCurrent ~70mAInputtracking~50mADimension 27.9mm L x 20mm W x 3.2mm HWeight: 3gOperating Temperature -40o C ~ +85o CStorage Temperature -55 ~ +100o C95%~Humidity5%BLOCK DIAGRAMRXD0TXD0GPIO03.3VV_Bat RFINModule block schematicANTENNAThe GPS03 module is designed to work active antenna. Recommended active antenna should have gain of 20 ~ 30dB and noise figure less than 1.2dB.PIN AssignmentPIN DescriptionV_BatGPIO0TXD0RXD0RECOMMENDED PCB FOOTPRINTPINOUT DESCRIPTIONV_BatGPIORXD0TXD0NMEA MessagesThe serial interface protocol is based on the National Marine Electronics Association’s NMEA 0183 ASCII interface specification. This standard is fully define in “NMEA 0183, Version 3.01” The standard may be obtained from NMEA, GGA - Global Positioning System Fix DataTime, position and fix related data for a GPS receiver.Structure:$GPGGA,hhmmss.sss,ddmm.mmmm,a,dddmm.mmmm,a,x,xx,x.x,x.x,M,,,,xxxx*hh<CR><LF>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Example:$GPGGA,111636.932,2447.0949,N,12100.5223,E,1,11,0.8,118.2,M,,,,0000*02<CR><LF>Field Name Example Description1 UTC Time 111636.932 UTC of position in hhmmss.sss format, (000000.000 ~235959.999)2 Latitude 2447.0949 Latitude in ddmm.mmmm formatLeading zeros transmitted3 N/S Indicator N Latitude hemisphere indicator, ‘N’ = North, ‘S’ = South4 Longitude 12100.5223 Longitude in dddmm.mmmm formatLeading zeros transmitted5 E/W Indicator E Longitude hemisphere indicator, 'E' = East, 'W' = West6 GPSqualityindicator 1 GPS quality indicator0: position fix unavailable1: valid position fix, SPS mode2: valid position fix, differential GPS mode3: GPS PPS Mode, fix valid4: Real Time Kinematic. System used in RTK mode withfixed integers5: Float RTK. Satellite system used in RTK mode. Floatingintegers6: Estimated (dead reckoning) Mode7: Manual Input Mode8: Simulator Mode7 Satellites Used 11 Number of satellites in use, (00 ~ 12)8 HDOP 0.8 Horizontaldilutionof precision, (00.0 ~ 99.9)9 Altitude 108.2 mean sea level (geoid), (-9999.9 ~ 17999.9)10 DGPS Station ID 0000 Differential reference station ID, 0000 ~ 1023NULL when DGPS not used11 Checksum 02Note: The checksum field starts with a ‘*’ and consists of 2 characters representing a hex number. The checksum is the exclusive OR of all characters between ‘$’ and ‘*’.GLL – Latitude/LongitudeLatitude and longitude of current position, time, and status.Structure:$GPGLL,ddmm.mmmm,a,dddmm.mmmm,a,hhmmss.sss,A,a*hh<CR><LF>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Example:$GPGLL,2447.0944,N,12100.5213,E,112609.932,A,A*57<CR><LF>Field Name Example Description1 Latitude 2447.0944 Latitude in ddmm.mmmm formatLeading zeros transmitted2 N/S Indicator N Latitude hemisphere indicator‘N’ = North‘S’ = South3 Longitude 12100.5213 Longitude in dddmm.mmmm formatLeading zeros transmitted4 E/W Indicator E Longitude hemisphere indicator'E' = East'W' = West5 UTC Time 112609.932 UTC time in hhmmss.sss format (000000.000 ~235959.999)6 Status A Status, ‘A’ = Data valid, ‘V’ = Data not valid7 Mode Indicator A Mode indicator‘N’ = Data not valid‘A’ = Autonomous mode‘D’ = Differential mode‘E’ = Estimated (dead reckoning) mode‘M’ = Manual input mode‘S’ = Simulator mode8 Checksum 57GSA – GNSS DOP and Active SatellitesGPS receiver operating mode, satellites used in the navigation solution reported by the GGA or GNS sentence and DOP values.Structure:$GPGSA,A,x,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF>1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7Example:$GPGSA,A,3,05,12,21,22,30,09,18,06,14,01,31,,1.2,0.8,0.9*36<CR><LF>Field Name Example Description1 Mode A Mode‘M’ = Manual, forced to operate in 2D or 3D mode‘A’ = Automatic, allowed to automatically switch 2D/3D 2 Mode 3 Fixtype1 = Fix not available2 = 2D3 = 3D3 Satellite used 1~12 05,12,21,22,30,09,18,06,14,01,31,, Satellite ID number, 01 to 32, of satellite used in solution, up to 12 transmitted4 PDOP 1.2 Position dilution of precision (00.0 to 99.9)5 HDOP 0.8 Horizontaldilutionof precision (00.0 to 99.9)6 VDOP 0.9 Vertical dilution of precision (00.0 to 99.9)7 Checksum 36GSV – GNSS Satellites in ViewNumber of satellites (SV) in view, satellite ID numbers, elevation, azimuth, and SNR value. Four satellites maximum per transmission.Structure:$GPGSV,x,x,xx,xx,xx,xxx,xx,…,xx,xx,xxx,xx *hh<CR><LF>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8Example:$GPGSV,3,1,12,05,54,069,45,12,44,061,44,21,07,184,46,22,78,289,47*72<CR><LF>$GPGSV,3,2,12,30,65,118,45,09,12,047,37,18,62,157,47,06,08,144,45*7C<CR><LF>$GPGSV,3,3,12,14,39,330,42,01,06,299,38,31,30,256,44,32,36,320,47*7B<CR><LF>Field Name Example Description1 Number of message 3 Total number of GSV messages to be transmitted (1-3)2 Sequence number 1 Sequence number of current GSV message3 Satellites in view 12 Total number of satellites in view (00 ~ 12)4 Satellite ID 05 Satellite ID number, GPS: 01 ~ 32, SBAS: 33 ~ 64 (33 =PRN120)elevation in degrees, (00 ~ 90)5 Elevation 54 Satellite6 Azimuth 069 Satellite azimuth angle in degrees, (000 ~ 359 )7 SNR 45 C/No in dB (00 ~ 99)Null when not tracking8 Checksum 72RMC – Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS DataTime, date, position, course and speed data provided by a GNSS navigation receiver. Structure:$GPRMC,hhmmss.sss,A,dddmm.mmmm,a,dddmm.mmmm,a,x.x,x.x,ddmmyy,,,a*hh<CR><LF>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Example:$GPRMC,111636.932,A,2447.0949,N,12100.5223,E,000.0,000.0,030407,,,A*61<CR><LF> Field Name Example Description1 UTC time 0111636.932 UTC time in hhmmss.sss format (000000.00 ~235959.999)2 Status A Status‘V’ = Navigation receiver warning‘A’ = Data Valid3 Latitude 2447.0949 Latitude in dddmm.mmmm formatLeading zeros transmitted4 N/S indicator N Latitude hemisphere indicator‘N’ = North‘S’ = South5 Longitude 12100.5223 Longitude in dddmm.mmmm formatLeading zeros transmitted6 E/W Indicator E Longitude hemisphere indicator'E' = East'W' = West7 Speed over ground 000.0 Speed over ground in knots (000.0 ~ 999.9)8 Course over ground000.0 Course over ground in degrees (000.0 ~ 359.9)9 UTC Date 030407 UTC date of position fix, ddmmyy format10 Mode indicator A Mode indicator‘N’ = Data not valid‘A’ = Autonomous mode‘D’ = Differential mode‘E’ = Estimated (dead reckoning) mode‘M’ = Manual input mode‘S’ = Simulator mode11 checksum 61VTG – Course Over Ground and Ground SpeedThe actual course and speed relative to the ground.Structure:GPVTG,x.x,T,,M,x.x,N,x.x,K,a*hh<CR><LF>1 2 3 4 5Example:$GPVTG, 000.0,T,,M,000.0,N,0000.0,K,A*3D<CR><LF>Field Name Example Description1 Course 000.0 True course over ground in degrees (000.0 ~ 359.9)2 Speed 000.0 Speed over ground in knots (000.0 ~ 999.9)3 Speed 0000.0 Speed over ground in kilometers per hour (0000.0 ~1800.0)indicator4 Mode A Mode‘N’ = not valid‘A’ = Autonomous mode‘D’ = Differential mode‘E’ = Estimated (dead reckoning) mode‘M’ = Manual input mode‘S’ = Simulator mode5 Checksum 3DORDERING INFORMATIONModel Name Description GPS03 Default 9600 baud rate。
首先说20M-72 M的PPM,很古老的方式了,用了很多年,出现问题基本是个玩模型的就遇到过,就是抖舵,信号一若就会抖舵,信号弱了,脉宽就不稳定,有干扰脉宽也不稳定。
但是72M 2.4G 这2个东西距离做远比较难,72M频率太低,如果要实现高灵敏度非同一般设备,飞利浦收音机芯片结构简单,灵敏度只有-70DB多,估计要是能做成接收机的话也就百十米,灵敏度高的设备有,拿ICOM短波接收机打个比方,看看什么价位,里面用了多少元件,重量多少。
HOBBYWING PPM 接收器设置指南说明书
![HOBBYWING PPM 接收器设置指南说明书](
02FEATURES05Thank you for purchasing this HOBBYWING product! We strongly recommend reading through this user manual before use. Because we have no control overthe use, installation, or maintenance of this product, no liability may be assumed for any damage or losses resulting from the use of the product. We do not assume responsibility for any losses caused by unauthorizedmodifications to our product. Besides, we have the right to modify our product design, appearance, features and usage requirements without notification. We, HOBBYWING, are only responsible for our product cost and nothing else as result of using our product.1. How to Set a PPM ReceiverIf you’re planning to use a PPM receiver, then please solder the GND/Power/Signal Wires of the receiver to the GND/5V/PPM points (on the FC) first, and then set the “Receiver Mode” on the receiver to “PPM RX Input” on the “Configuration Interface” of the Betaflight software. 2. How to Set a SBUS receiverBecause the OMNIBUS firmware doesn’t invert the SBUS signals itself, so an external inverter is needed; the hardware of this flight controller integrates an inverter. If you’re planning to use a SBUS receiver, please solder the GND/Power/Signal Wire of the receiver to the GND/5V/SBUS or GND/5V/UART1-Rx points (if the SBUS receiver has a built-in inverter or an external inverter) on the FC first, then push the “Serial Rx” option button under “UART1” from Gray to Yellow on the “Ports Interface” of the Betaflight software, and set the “Receiver Mode”, “Serial Receiver Provider” on the receiver to “Serial-based Receiver”, “SBUS” respectively on the “Configuration Interface” at last. 3. How to Set a Spektrum 1024/2048 ReceiverIf you’re planning to use a Spektrum DSM2/DSMX receiver, then please solder the GND/Power/Signal Wires of the receiver to the GND/3.3V/UART3-Rx points (on the FC) first, and then push the “Serial Rx” option button under “UART3” from Gray to Yellow on the “Ports Interface” of the Betaflight software. And set the “Receiver Mode”, “Serial Receiver Provider” on the receiver to “Serial-based Receiver”, “SPEKTRUM1024/2048 (1024 for DSM2, 2048 for DSMX)” respectively on the “Configuration Interface” at last. How to bind the Spektrum receiver and transmitter:Please key in the following codes on the CLI (Command Line Interface) of the Betaflight software. • Key in “set spektrum_sat_bind= 9, and then press the “Enter” button on the keyboard. • Key in “set spektrum_sat_bind_autorst= 0, and then press the “Enter” button on the keyboard. • Key in “save”, and then press the “Enter” button on the keyboard.Please wait for the FC to restart, disconnect the FC from all the power supplies (including the USB port), and re-connect the FC to the power supply, then you can see the LED on the Spektrum satellite receiver flashes rapidly, turn on the transmitter to bind the transmitter and receiver. If the LED dies out and then comes on solid, then it means that the binding is succeeded. Otherwise, change the number in the code “set spektrum_sat_bind = 9” to any other number (from 1 to 9) and try again.Please connect the FC to the Betaflight software, and key in the following codes on the CLI (Command Line Interface) of the Betaflight software after successfully binding the transmitter and receiver.• Key in “set spektrum_sat_bind = 0”, and then press the “Enter” button on the keyboard., • Key in “save”, and then press the “Enter” button on the keyboard. After that, you can use your spektrum satellite receiver to receive signals.You need to enter the so-called “DFU” mode when flashing the FC firmware. A software tool called Zadig (you can download it from this website: will be needed to switch the driver (of the FC) to the “DFU” mode. In order to switch the driver, you need to take the following steps.How to this FC to Connect Different Receivers06How to Flash the Firmware07More Info03Layout & Different Ports of the FC 01WARNINGSLatest CP210x Drivers can be downloaded from here .Latest STM USB VCP Drivers can be downloaded from here .Latest Zadig for Windows DFU flashing can be downloaded from here .04How to Adjust ParametersThe Betaflight software (as shown below) is needed whether you’re planning to adjust parameters (of the FC) or flash firmware, you can download it from this website: https:///Betaflight.You need to run this software in Google Chrome, because it’s an extended software of Google. In regard to the software, you can download it from the Google App Store or this website: https:///betaflight/betaflight-configurator.After connecting the FC to a computer, you can click to enter relevant web pages (as shown below) and download the software if you need.You can start to adjust relevant parameters after you successfully connect the FC to the Betaflight software. Please visit the following websites to download the latest version of Betaflight software: https:///betaflight/betaflight-configurator https:///betaflight/betaflight-configurator/releasesPlease refer to the following websites:/ https:///betaflight/betaflight-configurator/releases https:///betaflighthttps:///betaflight/betaflight https:///betaflight/betaflight/releaseshttps:///betaflight/betaflight/wiki/Board---OMNIBUSF4Flight Controller F4U S E R M A N U A L• Name: F4-G2 Flight Controller • Size: 36x36mm• Mounting Holes: 30.5x30.5mm • Firmware Version: OMNIBUSF4SD• 10V: 10V output (it’s provided not by the FC but by the Hobbywing XRotor Micro 45A BLHeli-32 4in1 DShot1200 ESC or an external 10V BEC), the “10V” next to the “Video-Out” has an internal filter circuit, so it’s suitable for powering the VTX.• BAT: voltage monitoring port. In general, it’s directly connected to the battery’s “Positive” pole (at this point, the scale value for voltage monitoring on the FC software is set to 110.); if there is an external voltameter, it should be connectd to the voltage signal output port of the voltameter.• CRT: current monitoring port. It’s connected to the current signal output port of the external voltameter (at this point, please set the scale value for current monitoring on the FC software as per the voltameter’s instructions.).• GND: Ground wire of the FC.• 5V: 5V output (it’s provided not by the FC but by the Hobbywing XRotor Micro 45A 4in1 BLHeli-32 DShot1200 ESC or an external 5V BEC).• S1/S2/S3/S4: throttle signal output ports. S1 for ESC#1, S2 for ESC#2, S3 for ESC#3 and S4 for ESC#4. Video-IN/OUT: input/output port of the on-board OSD video signals.• 3.3V: 3.3V output (it will be available only if the FC inputs the voltage of 5V first). • UART1/ UART3/ UART6... Tx, Rx: UART serial port.• SBUS: SBUS signal input (the SBUS port has a built-in signal inverter, so if signals need to be inverted, please connect the signal wire to this SBUS port. In case signals needn’t be inverted or your receiver has an inverter, then please connect the signal wrie to the Rx of UART1/UART3/UART6.)• RSSI: RSSI signal input.• LED-Strip: for outputting control signals to control the WS2812B LED strip (for the firmware version 3.1.7and later, the LED strip will function nomrally only if you key in and save “resource led_strip a8” on the CLI (Command Line Interface)).• Buzzer+ & Buzzer-: for connecting the buzzer’s “Positive/Negative” poles. • TF-Card: TF-card slot. • MicroUSB: MicroUSB port. • Boot: Bootloader button.Front View:Back View:of the aircraft.• Never use this unit near heat, moisture, strong acid or alkali and under other environmental conditions that bad for electronic components.• The unit is ready-to-use (it’s flashed with firmware before leaving the factory), we won’t be liable for any damage resulting from firmware flashing which is carried out by users.• The FC firmware is an open-source program, users can search relevant technical information on the internet and we won’t provide any technical support beyond the FC hardware.• This user manual is based on the operation manual for Betaflight and only for reference. For more detailed information, please refer to the original Betaflight manual. Due to firmware update or other reasons, the descriptions for functions may differ, so please always take the official Betaflight manual as standard.• STM32 F405 MCU allows the FC to run the PID looptime and gyro with higher frequency. • The SPI ICM-20602 which integrates accelerometer and gyro (with the running frequency can be set to 32KHz) is adopted.• Onboard OSD microchip which supports the DMA mode allows users to adjust its • TF-card which can record and save more flight/black box data allows users to adjust the setup of their aircraft easily.• Compatible with various receivers like SBUS, SUMH, SUMD, SPEKTRUM1024/2048, XBUS, PPM and etc.• LED strip signal output port allows users to adjust the color & flash mode of the LED strip via the FC.• Volt/Amp monitoring port allows users to check the battery voltage (BAT port) and current (CRT port , extra current meter is needed).• Buzzer output port allows users to connect external buzzer(s) to the FC for warning or informing the flight status of the aircraft.• Micro USB port allows users to connect the FC to a PC to flash firmware and adjust parameters.。
铁三角 UHF频段分集式天线分配系统 说明书
![铁三角 UHF频段分集式天线分配系统 说明书](
UHF 频段分集式天线分配系统指导手册AEW-DA550C AEW-DA660D AEW-DA730G AEW-DA800E AEW-DA800J AEW-DA860F 540-565 MHz 频段天线分配器655-680 MHz 频段天线分配器721-752 MHz 频段天线分配器795-820 MHz 频段天线分配器779-810 MHz 频段天线分配器840-865 MHz 频段天线分配器安装及操作UHF 频段分集式天线分配系统安装及操作欢迎您选择一套由Audio-Technica (日本鐵三角)生产的无线通讯设备,并欢迎您加入了我们数以万计的用户队伍。
Audio-Technica 无线话筒经是多年来成功经验设计及生产。
AEW-DA550C, AEW-DA660D, AEW-DA730G, AEW-DA800E, AEW-DA800J和AEW-DA860F 分别是一台UHF频段,宽频带的分集式天线分配器,可把一对天线接收信号作整体增益分配到多个通道的无线接收系统中。
以宽频带UHF范围工作,对应不同频段的无线系统 -"C"频段 AEW-DA550C 设计于 540-565MHz 频段范围内使用;"D"频段 AEW-DA660D 设计于 655-680MHz 频段范围内使用;"G"频段 AEW-DA730G 设计于 721-752MHz 频段范围内使用;"E"频段 AEW-DA800E 设计于 795-820MHz 频段范围内使用;"J"频段 AEW-DA800J 设计于 779-810MHz 频段范围内使用;"F"频段 AEW-DA860F 设计于 840-865MHz 频段范围内使用。
• 分支/分配器是一种高频宽带信号功率分配的无源器件。它的带宽目前已达到 5—1000MHz,其结构简单,价格低廉,工作不需要电源,广泛用于HFC有 线电视领域。器件分为室内型和野外型两种结构,以适应不同环境的需要。 野外型器件除具有防水功能外,通常还具有过流功能,以适应需要通过电缆 供电的网络。 分支/分配器对信号功率的分配分量大小用db(分贝)表示,这是一个相对量, 类似我们日常所熟悉的倍数。例如:我们把一个信号按1/2平均分配,每个信 号即为0.5。换算成分贝表示即:lg0.5(取0.5的对数)X 10 = -3db,因此,在理 论上,把一个信号一分为二,这个信号即减小了-3db。但在实际运用中,这 些器件都不是理想化的。所以,实际衰减要稍大于理论值。 分支/分配器的命名通常由生产产家而定,但有一定规律所寻。它们一般是由 分支口数量和衰减量来决定名称的主要部分。如:一分支器,支路衰减8db的, 就称为108;支路衰减24db的二分支器,即可称为224......等。 对于理想的分支/分配器,希望它们的输出口(OUT)之间,以及分支口 (BR)与输出口(OUT)之间的隔离度越大越好,以免各信号口之间产生相 互影响。我们把OUT口之间的隔离称为相互隔离;把BR口与OUT口之间的隔 离称为反向隔离;输入口(IN)与OUT之间的信号衰减称为插入损耗;IN和 BR之间的信号衰减称为分支衰减。 分支/分配器不但具有功率信号的分配功能,更重要的是它在分配信号的同时, 对端口的是设备起到阻抗匹配的作用。这在高频宽带电路中是非常重要的。
• 分支/分配器是一种高频宽带信号功率分配的无源器件。它的带宽目前 已达到5—1000MHz,其结构简单,价格低廉,工作不需要电源,广 泛用于HFC有线电视领域。器件分为室内型和野外型两种结构,以适 应不同环境的需要。野外型器件除具有防水功能外,通常还具有过流 功能,以适应需要通过电缆供电的网络。 分支/分配器对信号功率的分配分量大小用db(分贝)表示,这是 一个相对量,类似我们日常所熟悉的倍数。例如:我们把一个信号按 1/2平均分配,每个信号即为0.5。换算成分贝表示即:lg0.5(取0.5的 对数)X 10 = -3db,因此,在理论上,把一个信号一分为二,这个信号 即减小了-3db。但在实际运用中,这些器件都不是理想化的。所以, 实际衰减要稍大于理论值。 分支/分配器的命名通常由生产产家而定,但有一定规律所寻。它 们一般是由分支口数量和衰减量来决定名称的主要部分。如:一分支 器,支路衰减8db的,就称为108;支路衰减24db的二分支器,即可 称为224......等。
无线网桥建议成对配置 即一对一模式,不建议一对多
编码 产品代码 EWP-WB2360X0235A0CA ANP
产品描述 H3C WB2360X-ANP 802.11n无线局域网室外型 5GHz单频高功率网桥
目录价 50,000
数量 2 20
各种场景配置指导 天线介绍 附件产品介绍
×3 ×3
编码 产品代码 EWP-WA2610E0235A0D4 GNP-FIT 产品描述 H3C WA2610E-GNP-802.11n无线局域网增强型 2.4GHz大功率单频接入点-FIT 单根电缆-射频电缆-0.2m-(N50直公)-(SFF50-3/0.93 0404A04X CAB-RF-0.2m-SMA 棕)-(SMA50直母-Ⅵ) 无源分路器-WLAN/3G-1分2功分器2702A000 SL21357B 1700~2500MHz-N(F) CAB-RF-1.83m射频电缆-1.83m-50ohm-N50直公-(COAX-RG8/U)0404A08V (2*NSM+RG8/U) N50直公 无源分路器-一分三-微带线-800~2500MHz27020081 SLPS-2503 N/female-无源 CAB-RF-10m射频电缆-10m-50ohm-N50直公-(COAX-RG8/U)0404A08X (2*NSM+RG8/U) N50直公 2701A00X ANT-2003CM
ANT-2003CM 2400~2500 100 3dBi 360 70 ≤1.5 50 垂直 10W SMA-型阴头 带N型接头软馈线 NA 直流接地 28.7x41.9 x9.1 0.005kg -40℃~+80℃ NA NA 壁挂或吸顶
二、功能1. 信号分配:森海塞尔天线分配器可以将单个信号源分配到多个接收设备,实现信号的多路分发。
2. 信号放大:天线分配器内置信号放大器,可以增强信号强度,保证传输质量。
3. 信号隔离:天线分配器可以隔离不同接收设备之间的信号干扰,保证每个接收设备的稳定接收。
三、特点1. 高质量信号:森海塞尔天线分配器采用先进的技术,确保信号传输的高保真和稳定性。
2. 多路分发:支持将一个信号分配到多个接收设备,满足用户对多路信号的需求。
3. 大范围应用:适用于电视、无线广播、会议室、演播室等多个领域,满足不同场景的信号分配需求。
4. 简单易用:设备操作简单,只需插入信号源和接收设备即可实现信号分配。
5. 可靠稳定:设备采用高品质材料制造,具有良好的耐用性和稳定性,保证长时间稳定运行。
四、使用方法1. 连接信号源:将信号源通过线缆连接到天线分配器的输入端口。
2. 连接接收设备:将接收设备通过线缆连接到天线分配器的输出端口。
3. 开启电源:接通天线分配器的电源,确保设备正常工作。
4. 调整信号强度:根据实际需求,可以通过天线分配器上的信号调节按钮,调整信号强度。
5. 检查连接:确保所有连接牢固可靠,避免松动或脱落导致信号中断。
五、注意事项1. 安全使用:请遵循安全操作规范,避免触电、短路等安全事故。
2. 适配器选择:根据实际需求选择合适的适配器,确保信号源和接收设备的兼容性。
3. 环境要求:请将天线分配器置于通风良好、干燥、无腐蚀性气体的环境中使用。
4. 温度控制:避免将天线分配器暴露在高温或低温环境中,以免影响设备的正常工作。
5. 维护保养:定期清洁天线分配器,防止尘埃和污垢对设备造成影响。
6. 保修服务:如有设备故障或其他问题,请及时联系售后服务中心进行维修和咨询。
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图1 前面板示意图
图2 后面板示意图