

5 电子商务 外文翻译 英文文献 中英对照 管理信息系统

5 电子商务 外文翻译 英文文献 中英对照 管理信息系统

英文原文The Source Of Article:Russ Basiura, Mike BatongbacalManagement Information SystemIt is the MIS(Management Information System ) that we constantly say that the management information system , and is living to emphasize the administration , and emphasizes that it changes into more and more significantly and more and more is universalized in the contemporary community of message . MIS is a fresh branch of learning, and it leaped over several territories, and for instance administers scientific knowledge, system science, operational research, statistic along with calculating machine scientific knowledge. Is living on these the branches of learning base, and takes shape that the message is gathered and the process means, thereby take shape the system that the crossbar mingles.1. The Management Information System Summary20 centuries, in the wake of the flourishing development of whole world economy, numerous economists propose the fresh administration theory one by one. Xi Men propose the administration and was dependent on idea to message and decision of strategic importance in the 50’s 20 centuries. The dimension of simultaneous stage is admitted issuing cybernetics, and he thinks that the administration is a control procedure. In 1958, Ger. write the lid: “ the administration shall obtain without delay with the lower cost and exact message, completes the better control “. This particular period, the calculating machine starts being used accountancy work. The data handling term has risen.In 1970, Walter T.Kennevan give administration that has raised the only a short while ago information system term to get off a definition: “ either the cover of the book shape with the discount, is living appropriately time to director, staff member along with the outside world personnel staff supplies the past and now and message that internal forecasting the approaching relevant business reaches such environment, in order to assist they make a strategic decision”. Is living in this definition to emphasize, yet does not emphasize using the pattern, and mention the calculating machine application in the way of the message support decision of strategic importance.In 1985, admonishing information system originator, title Buddhist nun Su Da university administration professor Gordon B.Davis give the management information system relatively integrated definition, in immediate future “ administer the information system is one use calculating machine software and hardware resources along with data bank man - the engine system.It be able to supply message support business either organization operation, administration or the decision making function. Comprehensive directions of this definition management information system target and meritorious service capacity and component, but alsomake known the management information system to be living the level that attains at that time.1.1 The Developing History of MISThe management information system is living the most primarily phase is counting the system, the substance which researched is the regular pattern on face between the incremental data, it what may separate into the data being mutually related and more not being mutually related series, afterwards act as the data conversion to message.The second stage is the data are replaced the system, and it is that the SABRE that the American airline company put up to in the 50’s 20 centuries subscribes to book the bank note system that such type stands for. It possess 1008 bank note booking spots, and may access 600000 traveler keep the minutes and 27000 flight segments record. Its operation is comparatively more complex, and is living whatever one “spot ”wholly to check whether to be the free place up some one flight numbers. Yet through approximately attending school up to say, it is only a data and replaces the system, for instance it can not let know you with the bank note the selling velocity now when the bank note shall be sell through, thereby takes remedying the step. As a result it also is administer information system rudimentary phase.The third phase is the status reports system, and it may separate into manufacture state speech and service state and make known and research the systems such as status reports and so on. Its type stands for the production control system that is the IBM corporation to the for instance manufacture state speech system. As is known to all, the calculating machine corporation that the IBM corporation is the largest on the world, in 1964 it given birth to middle-sized calculating machine IBM360 and causes the calculating machine level lift a step, yet form that the manufacture administration work. Yet enormously complicatedly dissolve moreover, the calculating machine overtakes 15000 difference components once more, in addition the plant of IBM extends all over the American various places to every one components once more like works an element, and the order of difference possess difference components and the difference element, and have to point out that what element what plant what installation gives birth to, hence not merely giving birth to complexly, fitting, installation and transportation wholly fully complex. Have to there be a manufacture status reports system that takes the calculating machine in order to guarantee being underway successfully of manufacture along with else segment as the base. Hence the same ages IBM establish the systematic AAS of well-developed administration it be able to carry on 450 professional work operations. In 1968, the corporation establishes the communal once more and manufactures informationsystem CMIS and runs and succeeds very much, the past needs 15 weeks work, that system merely may be completed in the way of 3 weeks.It is the data handling system that the status reports system still possess one kind of shape , and that it is used for handles the everyday professional work to make known with manufacture , and stress rests with by the handwork task automation , and lifts the effectiveness with saves the labor power . The data handling system ordinarily can not supply decision of strategic importance message.Last phase is the support systems make a strategic decision, and it is the information system being used for supplementary making a strategic decision. Thatsystem may program and the analysis scheme, and goes over key and the error solve a problem. Its proper better person-machine dialogue means, may with not particularly the personnel staff who have an intimate knowledge of the calculating machine hold conversation. It ordinarily consists of some pattern so as to come into being decision of strategic importance message, yet emphasize comprehensive administration meritorious service capacity.1.2 The Application of Management Information SystemThe management information system is used to the most base work, like dump report form, calculation pay and occurrences in human tubes and so on, and then developing up business financial affairs administrations and inventory control and so on individual event operational control , this pertains to the electron data handling ( EDP Data Processing ) system . When establish the business data bank, thereby possess the calculating machine electric network to attain data sharing queen , the slave system concept is start off , when the implementation the situation as a whole is made program and the design information system ,attained the administration information system phase . In the wake of calculating machine technique progress and the demand adjust the system of people lift further, people emphasize more furthermore administer the information system phase. Progress and people in the wake of the calculating machine technique lift at the demand adjust the system further, people emphasize more furthermore to administer the information system whether back business higher level to lead makes a strategic decision this meritorious service capacity, still more lay special emphasis on the gathering to the external message of business and integrated data storehouse, model library , means storehouse and else artificial intelligence means whether directly to decision of strategic importance person , this is the support system ( DDS ) mission making a strategic decision.There is the part application that few business start MIS inner place the limit of the world at the early da ys of being living in the 70’s 20 centuries. Up at the moment, MIS is living, and there be the appropriatePopularization rate in every state nation in world, and nearly covered that every profession reaches every department.1.3 The Direction of MIS DevelopmentClose 20 curtains; external grand duke takes charge of having arisen3 kinds of alternations:A. Paying special attention to the administration being emphasized toestablishing MIS’s system, and causing the administration technique headfor the ageing.B. The message is the decision of strategic importance foundation, and MISsupplies the message service in the interest of director at all times.C. Director causes such management program getting in touch with togetherwith the concrete professional work maneuver by means of MIS. not merelybig-and-middle-sized business universally establish MIS some small-sizebusiness also not exceptions of self, universally establish the communal datanetwork, like the electronic mail and electron data exchange and so on, MISsupplied the well support environment to the application of Intranet’stechnique to speedily developing of INTERNET especially in the past fewyears in the interest of the business.Through international technique developme nt tendency is see, in the 90’s 20 centuries had arisen some kinds of brand-new administration technique.1. Business Processes Rebuild (BPR)A business should value correctly time and produce quality, manufacturing cost and technical service and so on several section administrations, grip at the moment organization and the process compose once more,andcompletes that meritorious service capacity integrationist, operation processization and organization form fluctuation. Shall act as the service veer of middle layer management personnel staff the decision of strategic importance of the director service?2. Intelligentization Decision Support System (IDSS)The intelligentization decision of strategic importance support system was sufficiently consider demand and the work distinguishing feature of business higher level personnel staff.3. Lean Production (LP)Application give birth to on time, comprehensive quality control and parallel project that picked amount is given birth to and so on the technique, the utmost product design cutting down and production cycle, raise produce quality and cuts down the reproduced goods to reserve, and is living in the manufacture promote corps essence, in order to meet the demand that client continuously changes.4. Agile Manufacture (AM)One kind of business administration pattern that possess the vision, such distinguishing feature is workers and staff members’ quality is high, and the organization simplifies and the multi-purpose group effectiveness GAO message loading is agile and answers client requires swiftly.2. The Effect To The Business Administration of MIS DevelopmentThe effect to the business administration of the management information system development is administered the change to business and business administration of information system development and come into being and is coming into being the far-reaching effect with.Decision of strategic importance, particularly strategic decision-making may be assisted by the administration information system, and its good or bad directly affects living and the development up the business. The MIS is impeding the orientation development that the administration means one another unites through quality and ration. This express to utilize the administration in the calculation with the different mathematical model the problem in the quantitative analysis business.The past administer that the problem is difficult to test, but MIS may unite the administration necessaries, and supply the sufficient data, and simulates to producethe term in the interest of the administration.In the wake of the development of MIS, much business sit up the decentralized message concentration to establish the information system ministry of directly under director, and the chief of information system ministry is ordinarily in the interest of assistant manager’s grade. After the authority of business is centralized up high-quality administration personnel staff’s hand, as if causing much sections office work decrease, hence someone prophesy, middle layer management shall vanish. In reality, the reappearance phase employed layer management among the information system queen not merely not to decrease, on the contrary there being the increase a bit.This is for, although the middle layer management personnel staff getting off exonerate out through loaded down with trivial details daily routine, yet needs them to analyses researching work in the way of even more energy, lift further admonishing the decision of strategic importance level. In the wake of the development of MIS, the business continuously adds to the demand of high technique a talented person, but the scarce thing of capability shall be washed out gradually. This compels people by means of study and cultivating, and conti nuously lifts individual’s quality. In The wake of the news dispatch and electric network and file transmission system development, business staff member is on duty in many being living incomparably either the home. Having caused that corporation save the expenses enormously, the work efficiency obviously moves upward American Rank Zeros corporation the office system on the net, in the interest of the creativity of raise office personnel staff was produced the advantageous term.At the moment many countries are fermenting one kind of more well-developed manufacturing industry strategy, and become quickly manufacturing the business. It completely on the basis of the user requirement organization design together with manufacture, may carry on the large-scale cooperation in the interest of identical produce by means of the business that the flow was shifted the distinct districts, and by means of the once more programming to the machinery with to the resources and the reorganization of personnel staff , constituted a fresh affrication system, and causes that manufacturing cost together with lot nearly have nothing to do with. Quickly manufacturing the business establishes a whole completely new strategy dependence relation against consumer, and is able to arouse the structure of production once more revolution.The management information system is towards the self-adoption and Self-learning orientation development, the decision procedure of imitation man who is be able to be better. Some entrepreneurs of the west vainly hope that consummate MIS is encircles the magic drug to govern the business all kinds of diseases; Yet also someone says, and what it is too many is dependent on the defeat that MIS be able to cause on the administration. It is adaptable each other to comprehend the effect to the business of MIS, and is favor of us to be living in development and the research work, and causes the business organization and administer the better development against MIS of system and administration means , and establish more valid MIS.英文翻译文章的出处:Russ Basiura, Mike Batongbacal管理信息系统管理信息系统就是我们常说的MIS(Management Information System), 在强调管理,强调信息的现代社会中它变得越来越重要、越来越普及。






1. Porter, M. E. (2001). Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review.迈克尔·波特是战略管理领域的著名学者,他在这篇经典的文章中强调,互联网并非一个威胁,而是一个改变商业规则的机会。


2. Hoffman, D. L., & Novak, T. P. (1996). Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments: Conceptual foundations. Journal of Marketing, 60(3), 50-68.霍夫曼和诺瓦克是互联网营销领域的重要学者,他们的文章对电子商务中的市场营销进行了深入研究。


3. Rayport, J. F., & Sviokla, J. J. (1994). Managing in the Marketspace. Harvard Business Review.雷波特和斯维奥克拉是电子商务战略领域的重要学者,他们的文章讨论了电子商务对市场的影响和企业管理的变革。


4. Li, T., & Li, X. (2011). Information technology and firm profitability: Mechanisms and empirical evidence. MIS Quarterly, 35(4), 1167-1188.李彤和李旭是电子商务领域的重要学者,他们的文章通过实证研究揭示了信息技术对企业盈利能力的影响机制。






















The Development of E-commerceA perfect marketMay 13th 2004From The Economist print edition E-commerce is coming of age, says Paul Markillie, but not in the way predicted in the bubble yearsWhen the technology bubble burst in 2000, the crazy valuations for online companies vanished with it, and many businesses folded、The survivors plugged on as best they could, encouraged by the growing number of internet users、Now valuations are rising again and some of the dotcoms are making real profits, but the business world has become much more cautious about the internet’s potential、The funny thing is that the wild predictions made at the height of the boom—namely, that vast chunks of the world economy would move into cyberspace—are, in one way or another, coming true、The raw numbers tell only part of the story、According to America’s Department of Commerce, online retail sales in the world’s biggest market last year rose by 26%, to $55 billion、That sounds a lot of money, but it amounts to only 1、6% of total retail sales、The vast majority of people still buy most things in the good old “bricks-and-mortar” world、But the commerce department’s figures deal with only part of the retail industry、For instance, they exclude online travel services, one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors of e-commerce、InterActiveCorp (IAC), the owner of expedia、com and hotels、com, alone sold $10 billion-worth of travel last year—and it has plenty of competition, not least from airlines, hotels and car-rental companies, all of which increasingly sell online、Nor do the figures take in things like financial services, ticket-sales agencies, pornography (a $2 billion business in America last year, according to Adult Video News, a trade magazine), online dating and a host of other activities, from tracing ancestors to gambling (worth perhaps $6 billion worldwide)、They also leave out purchases in grey markets, such as the online pharmacies that are thought to be responsible for a good proportion of the $700m that Americans spent last year on buying cut-price prescription drugs from across the border in Canada、And there is more、The commerce department’s figures include the fees earned by internetauction sites, but not the value of goods that are sold: an astonishing $24 billion-worth of trade was done last year on eBay, the biggest online auctioneer、Nor, by definition, do they include the billions of dollars-worth of goods bought and sold by businesses connecting to each other over the internet、Some of these B2B services are proprietary; for example, Wal-Mart tells its suppliers that they must use its own system if they want to be part of its annual turnover of $250 billion、So e-commerce is already very big, and it is going to get much bigger、But the actual value of transactions currently concluded online is dwarfed by the extraordinary influence the internet is exerting over purchases carried out in the offline world、That influence is becoming an integral part of e-commerce、To start with, the internet is profoundly changing consumer behaviour、One in five customers walking into a Sears department store in America to buy an electrical appliance will have researched their purchase online—and most will know down to a dime what they intend to pay、More surprisingly, three out of four Americans start shopping for new cars online, even though most end up buying them from traditional dealers、The difference is that these customers come to the showroom armed with information about the car and the best available deals、Sometimes they even have computer print-outs identifying the particular vehicle from the dealer’s stock that they want to buy、Half of the 60m consumers in Europe who have an internet connection bought products offline after having investigated prices and details online, according to a study by Forrester, a research consultancy (see chart 1)、Different countries have different habits、In Italy and Spain, for instance, people are twice as likely to buy offline as online after researching on the internet、But in Britain and Germany, the two most developed internet markets, the numbers are evenly split、Forrester says that people begin to shop online for simple, predictable products, such as DVDs, and then graduate to more complex items、Used-car sales are now one of the biggest online growth areas in America、People seem to enjoy shopping on the internet, if high customer-satisfaction scores are any guide、Websites are doing ever more and cleverer things to serve and entertain their customers, and seem set to take a muc h bigger share of people’s overall spending in the future、This has enormous implications for business、 A company that neglects its website may becommitting commercial suicide、A website is increasingly becoming the gateway to a company’s brand, products and services—even if the firm does not sell online、A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away、But even the coolest website will be lost in cyberspace if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensure that they appear high up in internet search results、For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the internet、The best-known search engine has already entered the lexicon: people say they have “Googled” a company, a product or their plumber、The search business has also developed one of the most effective forms of advertising on the internet、And it is already the best way to reach some consumers: teenagers and young men spend more time online than watching television、All this means that search is turning into the internet’s next big battleground as Google defends itself against challenges from Yahoo! and Microsoft、The other way to get noticed online is to offer goods and services through one of the big sites that already get a lot of traffic、Ebay, Yahoo! and Amazon are becoming huge trading platforms for other companies、But to take part, a company’s products have to stand up to intense price competition、People check online prices, compare them with those in their local high street and may well take a peek at what customers in other countries are paying、Even if websites are prevented from shipping their goods abroad, there are plenty of web-based entrepreneurs ready to oblige、What is going on here is arbitrage between different sales channels, says Mohanbir Sawhney, professor of technology at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago、For instance, someone might use the internet to research digital cameras, but visit a photographic shop for a hands-on demonstration、“I’ll think about it,” they will tell the sales assistant、Back home, they will use a search engine to find the lowest price and buy online、In this way, consumers are “deconstructing the purchasing process”, says Professor Sawhney、They are unbundling product information from the transaction itself、It is not only price transparency that makes internet consumers so powerful; it is also the way the net makes it easy for them to be fickle、If they do not like a website, they swiftly move on、“The web is the most selfish environment in the world,” says Daniel Rosensweig, chief operatingofficer of Yahoo! “People want to use the internet whenever they want, how they want and for whatever they want、”Yahoo! is not alone in defining its strategy as working out what its customers (260m unique users every month) are looking for, and then trying to give it to them、The first thing they want is to become better informed about products and prices、“We operate our business on that belief,” says Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s chief executive、Amazon became famous for books, but long ago branched out into selling lots of other things too; among its latest ventures are health products, jewellery and gourmet food、Apart from cheap and bulky items such as garden rakes, Mr Bezos thinks he can sell most things、And so do the millions of people who use eBay、And yet nobody thinks real shops are finished, especially those operating in niche markets、Many bricks-and-mortar bookshops still make a good living, as do flea markets、But many record shops and travel agents could be in for a tougher time、Erik Blachford, the head of IAC’s travel side and boss of Expedia, the biggest internet travel agent, thinks online travel bookings in America could quickly move from 20% of the market to more than half、Mr Bezos reckons online retailers might capture 10-15% of retail sales over the next decade、That would represent a massive shift in spending、How will traditional shops respond? Michael Dell, the founder of Dell, which leads the personal-computer market by selling direct to the customer, has long thought many shops will turn into showrooms、There are already signs of change on the high street、The latest Apple and Sony stores are designed to display products, in the full expectation that many people will buy online、To some extent, the online and offline worlds may merge、Multi-channel selling could involve a combination of traditional shops, a printed catalogue, a home-shopping channel on TV, a phone-in order service and an e-commerce-enabled website、But often it is likely to be the website where customers will be encouraged to place their orders、One of the biggest commercial advantages of the internet is a lowering of transaction costs, which usually translates directly into lower prices for the consumer、So, if the lowest prices can be found on the internet and people like the service they get, why would they buy anywhere else?One reason may be convenience; another, concern about fraud, which poses the biggest threat to online trade、But as long as the internet continues to deliver price and productinformation quickly, cheaply and securely, e-commerce will continue to grow、Increasingly, companies will have to assume that customers will know exactly where to look for the best buy、This market has the potential to become as perfect as it gets、。



本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPMANAGEMENT文献、资料来源:加勒斯特经济学院文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2000.3.25院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:外文文献:CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT1. IntroductionIn the last decade, the majority of the companies were preoccupied with production, recession, mergers, new technologies and business regulation. Romania’s accession in the European Union will bring many advantages for further development, together with membership in a Common Market with common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement for all the four factors of production (goods, services, capital and labor). This means that Romanian companies will compete with other companies from the EU directly in their home market. European companies are more flexible and mobile and will put a high pressure on the local companies in order to produce better products, launch better offers and services and orientate more towards their customers. High revenue equals important customer is a classic rule when the company organises its customer policy. “An important customer brings a gross amount of money for our enterprise” has become a reflex for many companies a broad and perhaps in Romania, too. But is this always true, or do we need more information than a simple figure reported at the end of the year?2. Marketing information systemA winning company is more productive in acquiring and retaining customers, to expand its clientele (Kotler, 2003). This company improves the value of the customers by reducing the rate of defection, increasing the longevity of customer Management & marketing relationship, making low-profit customers more profitable or terminating them etc. Gathering information on the actual or potential marketplace not only allows the organisation to monitor trends and issues concerning its current customers, but also helps it identify and profile potential customers and new markets, to keep track of its competition, their strategies, tactics and future plans (Brassington and Pettitt,2003). In order to collect and organize a high quantity of diverse information, the enterprises started to build marketing information systems. There are, mainly, a set of procedures and methods by which pertinent, timely and accurate information is continually gathered, sorted, analysed, evaluated, stored and distributed for the use of marketing decisionmakers (Zikmund and D´Amico,1993). The marketing information system includes data from external and internal sources (sales records, customer records, marketing communications, and sales force information). The focus on the customer and the integration of the marketing function helps the company to create customer databases with comprehensive information about individual customers or prospects.3. Customer relationship managementCustomer Relationship Management has been around for the last 30 years, but it became very important when companies changed their attitude towards marketing function. Nowadays, the cross-functional approach to marketing requires an organizational culture and climate that encourages collaboration and cooperation between departments. People within the business must understand their role in serving customers, internal or external one. CRM builds on the principles of relationship marketing and recognizes that customers are a business asset and not simply a commercial audience, implies the structuring of the company from functions to processes, information are used proactively rather than reactively and develops the ne-to-one marketing approaches (Payne, 2006).When defining CRM, we must first explain the difference between customer acquisition and customer retention. The two concepts have different drivers. Attracting customers has become very difficult these days, when people are harder to please. They are smarter, price conscious and sensitive, more demanding, less forgiving, and they are approached by many more competitors with equally good or better offers (Kotler,2003). Companies focus more on sales analysis, customer segmentation, advertising, merchandising and campaign management. The more difficult part is keeping the customers. According to Bruhn, a customer is satisfied when the comparison between offer and consumption fulfils his/her expectations, after he/she accepts the company, trusts it and exhibits a positive attitude towards it, becomes loyal to that company. In this situation, the customer talks favourably about the company and about its products, pays less attention to competing brands and is less sensitive to price, which turns transactions into routine (Bruhn, 1999). With customer retention, the company must pay attention to service satisfaction and trust in Customer relationship management the organization and its staff. Some companies believe that if a customer complaints the problem will be solved, but 96% ofunsatisfied customers don’t complain and go to another company. Therefore, Customer Relationship Management is the mechanism for retaining customers (Russell-Jones, 2003). Mainly CRM allows the company to understand who their customer is, isolate the best customer (those with whom you desire to have long-standing relationships), create relationships stretching over time and involving multi-interactions, manage the relationship to mutual advantage, seek to acquire more of those “best” customers. Inputs like marketing strategy, customer base, products, and regulation, competitors and staff skills are synthesized in a CRM programme which creates outputs as customer service, customer retention, higher share of wallet, customer referral, more predictable revenues streams, improved profitability, lower costs and better compliance (Russell-Jones, 2003).4. Developing a strategy in customer relationship managementBecause CRM is a cross-functional activity and large companies have thousands and millions of customers, the need for a strategic framework is very high. The dimensions of a CRM strategy are mainly focused on defining the following topics:- object of the customer relationship management – the company has three options: focusing on the company itself, on a brand or on the distributor;- target segment – the company usually sets priorities between different customer segments, it defines strategic customers based on the portfolio analyses, factors as revenue, length of the relationship, income, collaboration with the customer. These are its analysis criteria;- ways of retaining the customers –customers’ satisfaction is in the centre of all the decisions, but customers retention can also become a central issue through contractual clauses, such as service, leasing and warranty;- choosing the instruments of CRM – the company combines the instruments of the 4P´s with focus on the customer;- intensity and timing of the CRM decisions –show when and how should the company introduce different instruments; programmes can last from one day to one week, or from three month to two years;- cooperation within the CRM programme – sometimes the company must cooperate with other partners from the distribution channel, mainly between producer and wholesaler and retail.5. Instruments of customer relationship managementThe communication policy plays an important role in the instruments mix. It follows two objectives: first, to build a permanent dialogue with the customer in order to stabilize or change its expectations, and second, to counteract influences after consumption. The main CRM instruments within the communication policy are: Direct-Mail is material distributed through the postal service to the recipients’ home or business address to promote a product or service. In CRM the mailed issue can vary from a simple letter to a catalogue, and its sending will always occur at a particular moment in customer’s life (birthday, invitation for an event). It must incorporate sticky gadgets to increase their chances of being opened and read; Newsletters are distributed to customers for free and contain information about new products, offers for special events and others; Fidelity cards (store cards) are an important tool in gathering information about customer behaviour. By accumulating points of fidelity, the customer can benefit from different special offers; Clients club designates a concept which has grown in parallel with the fidelity cards. Its main forms are VIP-Club, Fan-Club, Product-Interest-Club, and Lifestyle-Club. The club represents an opportunity for the company to make offers in accordance with the social status, acceptance, prestige and expectations of its customers;Telemarketing allows companies to undertake marketing research and is highly measurable and accountable; the number of positive and negative responses are easily recorded and monitored. It provides for interaction, is flexible and permits immediate feed-back. Online-marketing includes many forms such as on-line advertising, on-line sales promotions, on-line direct marketing, on-line public relations, one-line personal selling. The medium used is the internet and the main instrument is the email. Virtual promotions are cheaper than hard copy versions, but the challenge is to drive traffic to your company’s Web site. Event-marketing takes place in three main areas: the product (here, it focuses on increasing sales), the corporation (for developing a corporate body) and the community (to make a difference in the life of the local community) (Bruhn, 1999& Fill, 2002).The price policy can be thought about in various ways when building a CRM programme: discounts for special customers, underselling or matching competitors, loyalty refunds, bundling items together and offering overall prices. Although price is not a measure of inherent value received, it is often used by customers as a benchmark, ignoring any other features or differences.Key factors in the product policy are the product itself, with quality, design, technical features, packaging and service management which includes lifelong warranty, price warranty or a customer telephone line. An active management in the distribution policy can focus on the customer or on the distribution channel. The producer evaluates the activity of the distribution partner and Customer relationship management intervenes when needed. The focus on the customers is realised through a Key Account Management which develops programmes for special customers.6. Customer relationship management in financial servicesFinancial services differ from many other industries. This can be seen particularly in Romania, where 40 commercial banks fight for a population of 21 million citizens. They cover the whole spectrum of customers from individuals to partnerships, institutions, corporations and governments. As a result, it can be very difficult to focus on single markets. Customers are often in two positions: they may have a deposit and savings accounts, but also loans and overdrafts. They are very service focused, they sell only intangibles. Financial services require processing billions of transactions worldwide and they are one of the heaviest regulated industries in the world (Rusell-Jones, 2003).The customers in the financial services are better informed, are switching channels, and seem to be more demanding of service, and used to change. The market is also highly competitive and new entrants are coming with diverse products and approaches.The industry of financial services in Romania has a very high potential and registers every year high growth rates. Till now, the location in a major city of the country with a population around 300.000 people was an advantage of the business and a success factor. Now the battlefield has moved in the small towns. The competition became tougher; banks began to develop and to introduce new products. Some experts say that a weakness of the banking sector is market segmentation. There is lots of information about customers, but it seems that banks prefer to focus on clients with large savings accounts. The main banks in Romania, as BRD, BCR, ING, and HVB-Tiriac announced for the year 2005 an increase in the number of the private banking clients. These are mainly customers with accounts between 50.000 and 100.000 Euros, they benefit of private consultancy, special interest rates, commissions, and special insurances. Customers have also a word to say about their bank. A market study made by DeadalusConsulting revealed that the customer profile for banking services is: person aged between 45-55 years, with higher or middle education. The most utilized service is the bank card for salaries payment (32,6%). Next, savings accounts (10,2%), credits for personal needs (11,1%), credits for buying electronics (9,2%) and auto leasing. The best grades were received by Raiffeisen Bank (8,83), BCR (8,58) and BRD Societe Generale (8,57). A customer’s criteria when choosing a bank are the trust in the bank, the environment in the branch, the quality of the staff, the advice they receive, the best interest rate they can receive, the information about the credit costs, and the conditions for obtaining a credit. A successful service provided by the majority of the banks is internet banking. It allows clients to save time and money, without going to the bank, 24 of 24 from inside or abroad. The access is free of charge or very cheap, and includes all kinds of activities from money transfer, payment orders, currency exchange, payment of current bills, external payments etc. The rate of penetration is still low, ranking between 10% and 30% of the customers in one middle bank.7. ConclusionsRomanian companies must focus in the future on the Customer Relationship Management and try to turn a “susceptible” client into a “partner”, to transform people who once needed their product/service, or occasional business partners into supporters and advocates and, eventually, into loyal partners that “sell” on the behalf of the company. Companies must create a permanent dialogue with their customers, and fight for them, because the clientele is not given for free. Customers that were price sensitive show now a higher interest in quality, service and behaviour of staff, and a company which concentrated on a price strategy should check how prepared its rivals are for a competition in the aforementioned fields. Customer Relationship Management increases its flexibility and adaptability to the market, in a world of capricious clients.中文译文:客户关系管理1.介绍在过去的十年中,大多数企业正在忙于生产,经济衰退,合并,新技术和商业管理。



电子商务信息安全中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:E-commerce Information Security ProblemsⅠ. IntroductionE-commerce (E-Business) is in open networks, including between enterprises (B2B), business and consumers (B2C) commercial transactions, compared with the traditional business model, e-commerce with efficient, convenient, covered wide range of characteristics and benefits. However, e-commerce open this Internet-based data exchange is great its security vulnerabilities, security is a core e-commerce development constraints and key issues.In this paper, the basic ideas and principles of systems engineering, analyzes the current security threats facing e-commerce, in this based on security technology from the perspective of development trend of e-commerce.Ⅱ. E-commerce modelModern e-commerce technology has focused on the establishment and operation of the network of stores. Network in the department stores and real stores no distinction between structure and function, differences in their function and structure to achieve these methods and the way business operate.Web store from the front view is a special kind of WEB server. WEB site of modern multimedia support and a good interactive feature as the basis for the establishment of this virtual store, so customers can, as in a real supermarket pushing a shopping cart to select goods, and finally in the checkout check out. These online stores also constitute the three pillars of software: catalog, shopping cart and customer checkout. Customers use an electronic currency and transaction must store customers and stores are safe and reliable.Behind the store in the network, enterprises must first have a product storage warehouse and administration; second network to sell products by mail or other delivery channels to customers hands; Third, enterprises should also be responsible for product after-sales service, This service may be through networks, may not. Internet transactions are usually a first Pay the bill and getting goods shopping. For customers, convenience is that the goods purchased will be directly delivered to their home, but hard to feel assured that the goods can not be confirmed until the handsreach into their own hands, what it is.Therefore, the credibility of the store network and service quality is actually the key to the success of e-commerce.Ⅲ.the key to development of electronic commerceE-commerce in the telecommunications network to develop. Therefore, the advanced computer network infrastructure and telecommunications policy easing the development of electronic commerce has become a prerequisite. Currently, telecom services, high prices, limited bandwidth, the service is not timely or not reliable and so the development of e-commerce has become a constraint. Speed up the construction of telecommunications infrastructure, to break the telecommunications market monopoly, introduce competition mechanism to ensure fair competition in the telecommunications business, to promote networking, ensure to provide users with low-cost, high-speed, reliable communications services is a good construction target network environment, but also all of the world common task.E-commerce the most prominent problem is to solve the on-line shopping, trading and clearing of security issues, including the establishment of e-commerce trust between all the main issues, namely the establishment of safety certification system (CA) issues; choose safety standards (such as SET , SSL, PKI, etc.) problems; using encryption and decryption method and encryption strength problems. Establishment of security authentication system which is the key.Online trading and traditional face to face or written transactions in different ways, it is transmitted through the network business information and trade activities. The security of online transactions means:Validity: the validity of the contract to ensure online transactions, to prevent system failure, computer viruses, hacker attacks.Confidentiality: the content of the transaction, both transactions account, the password is not recognized by others and stealing.Integrity: to prevent the formation of unilateral transaction information and modify.Therefore, the e-commerce security system should include: secure and reliable communications network to ensure reliable data transmission integrity, prevent viruses, hackers; electronic signatures and other authentication systems; complete data encryption system and so on.Ⅳ.e-commerce security issues facingAs e-commerce network is the computer-based, it inevitably faces a number of security issues.(1) Information leakPerformance in e-commerce for the leakage of business secrets, including two aspects: the parties are dealing transactions by third parties to steal the contents; transaction to the other party to provide documents used illegal use by third parties.(2) AlteredE-commerce information for business performance in the authenticity and integrity issues. Electronic transaction information in the network transmission process may be others to illegally modify, delete or re-changed, so that information about its authenticity and integrity.(3) IdentificationWithout identification, third-party transactions is likely to fake the identity of parties to a deal breaker, damage the reputation of being counterfeit or stolen by one party to the transaction fake results and so on, for identification, the transaction between the two sides can prevent suspicion situation.(4) Computer virusesComputer virus appeared 10 years, a variety of new virus and its variants rapidly increasing, the emergence of the Internet for the spread of the virus has provided the best medium. Many new viruses directly using the network as its transmission, as well as many viruses spread faster through dried networks, frequently causing billions of dollars in economic losses.(5) HackerWith the spread of a variety of application tools, hackers have been popular, and are not in the past; non-computer expert can not be a hacker. Have kicked Yahoo's mafia boy did not receive any special training, only a few attacks to the users to download software and learn how to use the Internet on a big dry.Ⅴ.e-commerce security and safety factorsEnterprise application security is the most worried about e-commerce, and how to protect the security of e-commerce activities, will remain the core of e-commerce research. As a secure e-commerce system, we must first have a safe, reliable communication network, to ensure that transaction information secure and rapidtransmission; second database server to ensure absolute security against hackers break into networks to steal information. E-commerce security technologies include encryption, authentication technology and e-commerce security protocols, firewall technology.(A), encryption technologyTo ensure the security of data and transactions to prevent fraud, to confirm the true identity of transaction parties, e-commerce to adopt encryption technology, encryption technology is through the use of code or password to protect data security. For encrypted data is called plaintext, specifically through the role of a encryption algorithm, the conversion into cipher text, we will express this change as the cipher text is called encryption, the cipher text by the decryption algorithm to form a clear role in the output of this a process known as decryption. Encryption algorithm known as the key parameters used. The longer the key, the key space is large, traverse the key space the more time spent, the less likely cracked.Encryption technology can be divided into two categories: symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption to the data encryption standard DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm is represented. Asymmetric encryption is usually RSA (Rivets Shamir Aleman) algorithm is represented.(B), authenticationCommonly used security authentication technologies: digital signatures, digital certificates, digital time stamp, CA security authentication technology.(C), hacker protection technologyCurrently, hackers have become the biggest e-commerce security threats, thus preventing hacking network security technology has become the main content, by governments and industry are highly valued. Hacking techniques include buffer overflow attacks, Trojans, port scans, IP fraud, network monitoring, password attacks, and denial of service Dos attacks. At present, people have made many effective anti-hacker technologies, including firewalls, intrusion detection, and network security evaluation techniques.Ⅵ.the future security of e-commerceIncreasingly severe security problems, are growing threat to national and global economic security, governments have been based on efforts in the following areas: (1) Strengthen the legislation, refer to the advanced countries have effective legislation, innovative, e-commerce and improve the protection of the laws againstcyber-crime security system.(2) Establishment of relevant institutions, to take practical measures to combat cyber crime. Development of the law, the implementing agencies should also be used for its relevant laws, which must establish an independent oversight body, such as the executing agency to implement the law.(3) Increase investment in network security technology; improve the level of network security technology. E-commerce security law is the prerequisite and basis for development and secure e-commerce security technology is a means of protection. There are many security issues are technical reasons, it should increase the technology resources, and continuously push forward the development of old technologies and developing new security technology.(4) To encourage enterprises to protect themselves against Internet crime against. To avoid attack, companies can not hold things to chance, must attach great importance to system vulnerabilities, in time to find security holes to install the operating system and server patches, and network security detection equipment should be used regularly scan the network monitoring, develop a set of complete security protection system to enable enterprises to form a system and combined with the comprehensive protection system.(5) To strengthen international cooperation to strengthen global efforts to combat cyber crime. As e-commerce knows no borders, no geographical, it is a completely open area, so the action against cyber crime e-commerce will also be global. This will require Governments to strengthen cooperation, can not have "the saying which goes, regardless of others, cream tile" misconception.(6) To strengthen the network of national safety education, pay attention to the cultivation of outstanding computer.Ⅶ. ConclusionE-commerce in China has developed rapidly in recent years, but the security has not yet established. This has an impact on the development of electronic commerce as a barrier.To this end, we must accelerate the construction of the e-commerce security systems. This will be a comprehensive, systematic project involving the whole society. Specifically, we want legal recognition of electronic communications records of the effectiveness of legal protection for electronic commerce; we should strengthen the research on electronic signatures, to protect e-commerce technology; we need to build e-commerce authentication system as soon as possible, to organize protection for electronic commerce. Moreover, for e-commerce features without borders, we shouldalso strengthen international cooperation, so that e-commerce truly plays its role. Only in this way, we can adapt to the timesPromoting China's economic development; also the only way we can in the economic globalization today, to participate in international competition, and thus gain a competitive advantage.Source: Michael Hecker, Tharam S. Dillon, and Elizabeth Chang IEEE Internet Computing prentice hall publishing, 2002电子商务中的信息安全问题一、引言电子商务(E-Business)是发生在开放网络上的包括企业之间(B2B)、企业和消费者之间(B2C)的商业交易,与传统商务模式相比,电子商务具有高效、便捷、覆盖范围广等特点和优点。



本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Distribution to users from alogistics base shipping method 文献、资料来源:网络文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2012。

7院(部):商学院专业: 电子商务班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:外文文献:Distribution to users from a logistics base shipping methodAbstract: Logistics is the company's 'third profit source',while at the end of the logistics of distribution, logistics and economic efficiency has to improve, optimize,improve the logistics system,improve service, reduce costs and other functions in the logistics system to occupy an important position。

Keywords:Efficient Logistics And Distribution Trends Of The Importance Of Features Distribution of transport and other logistics activities,or constitute a combination of integrated logistics services activities。

Distribution of the 'distribution’ includes the requirements of the order by the user,sorting,picking, loading, storage, handling and other activities, one of the 'free' in the transport process is in the 'secondary transport’, ’Feeder' or 'transport terminal', starting and ending point of the logistics base to the user。



有关电子商务的英语短文范文Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce,refers to the buying and selling of goods and servicesusing the internet and other electronic means. It has become an integral part of the global economy, revolutionizing the way businesses operate and consumers shop. In this article, we will explore the various aspectsof e-commerce and its impact on the modern world.First and foremost, e-commerce has greatly expanded the reach of businesses. With a website or an online store, companies can now reach customers from all around the world, breaking down geographical barriers and opening up new market opportunities. This has allowed businesses of all sizes to compete on a global scale and has leveled the playing field for small and medium-sized enterprises.Moreover, e-commerce has also transformed the way consumers shop. The convenience of being able to browse and purchase products online from the comfort of one's home has led to a significant shift in consumer behavior. Online shopping has become increasingly popular, with more andmore people opting to make their purchases online ratherthan in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. This shift has also led to the rise of new business models such as dropshipping and subscription services, furtherdiversifying the e-commerce landscape.In addition to its impact on businesses and consumers,e-commerce has also brought about significant changes in the logistics and supply chain industry. With the rise ofe-commerce, the demand for efficient and reliable shipping and delivery services has skyrocketed. This has led to innovations in last-mile delivery, warehousing, and inventory management, as companies strive to meet the growing expectations of online shoppers for fast and reliable delivery.Furthermore, e-commerce has also given rise to new payment methods and financial technologies. Online transactions require secure and convenient payment solutions, leading to the development of digital wallets, mobile payment apps, and cryptocurrency. These new payment methods have not only made online shopping more convenient but have also opened up new opportunities for financial inclusion, particularly in developing countries.In conclusion, e-commerce has had a profound impact onthe global economy, transforming the way businesses operate, consumers shop, and goods are delivered. Its continued growth and evolution will undoubtedly shape the future of commerce and redefine the way we buy and sell goods and services.电子商务,通常称为电子商务,是指利用互联网和其他电子手段进行商品和服务的买卖。



文献信息:文献标题:ELECTRONIC COMMERCE(电子商务)国外作者:Đerić Slavko文献出处:《Economics》,2017,4字数统计:英文2060单词,11447字符;中文3455汉字外文文献:ELECTRONIC COMMERCESUMMARY Electronic commerce can be defined in different ways. Any definition helps to understand and explain that concept as better as possible. Electronic commerce is a set of procedures and technologies that automate the tasks of financial transactions using electronic means. Also, according to some authors, electronic commerce is defined as a new concept, which is being developed and which includes process of buying and selling or exchanging products, services or information via computer networks, including the Internet. Electronic commerce is not limited just to buying and selling, but it also includes all pre-sales and after-sales ongoing activities along the supply chain. Introducing electronic commerce, using the Internet and Web services in business, realizes the way to a completely new type of economy—internet economy.Keywords:electronic commerce, development, purchase, sale, economy, InternetINTRODUCTIONToday, development of modern means of communication, especially electronic, which radically change the existing power relations and the power on the global market, have a significant role in more evident process of globalization. The magnitude of impact of the development of communication and information resources on the world economy may be implied by the fact that it goes into traditional laborintensive activities, where before there were not opportunities for the application of modern information technology.Managers of large companies, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, need to understand first of all the importance, as well as many advantages that use of modern digital technology enables them in the creation of new business ideas and their realization. In the new digital era the benefits and opportunities of e-business represent a significant potential that should be used in the best and the most efficient way. Thanks to the internet there are some changes in the way of business, geographical boundaries are disappearing, language barriers and currency restrictions are being bowed down.ELECTRONIC COMMERCEToday’s way of doing business is completely changed, mostly thanks to the Internet. E-commerce has a great role in the process of globalization and in the development of modern means of communication, especially electronic, by radically changing the existing power relations and the power on the global market. In modern business there is a transition from mechanical to electronic phase of business. Besides the technological aspect it is necessary to emphasize the economic aspect and define e-commerce as a new market that offers new types of goods and services, such as digital products through digital processes. Sellers of physical goods are also being included in digital processes, such as on-line ordering, market research and payment, which are the parts of the new market.Electronic commerce is the exchange of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions between different organizations via telecommunication networks and is more than a set of Internet technologies.E-commerce can be viewed from the narrower and wider point of view. In the narrow sense electronic commerce involves buying and selling through the Internet, and in a broader sense it includes the exchange of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by means oftelecommunications networks. In fulfilling tasks it uses electronic communication media such as the Internet, extranets, e-mail, database and mobile telephony. Electronic commerce includes several activities such as electronic sales and purchases of goods and services, online delivery of digital content, electronic funds transfer, public procurement, direct consumer marketing and other after-sales services. The basis of e-business is often called a fully digital business and it contains three components: product, process and participants, which have two components, physical and digital. Everything that can be sent and received via the Internet is considered to be a digital product.Electronic commerce creates new markets and economic activities, which are characterized by rapid information processes and market dynamics. Electronic networks provide the infrastructure for collecting and disseminating information. They also serve as a new channel for the sales, promotion of products and services delivery. Moreover, network integrate information for managing business activities at all levels of the company and provide new electronic connections with customers and partners in the supply chain. An increasing number of activities that add value to the economy take place in cyberspace through globally connected electronic networks. The Internet has expanded the premises to which companies reach. Managers can detect a greater number of business opportunities due to obtaining many additional business information from the Internet.ELECTRONIC MARKETMilicevic (2002) states that the Internetand new information technologies are leading to restructuring of markets on a global level and some industrial and service sectors. As well as on traditional (physical) market, also in electronic market, customers and sellers exchange goods and services for money or other goods or services, but only electronically. Electronic market uses electronic transactions leading to a new way of distribution of products and services to ultimate consumers. Electronic market means a place where electronic commerce is conducted, that is to say a network of interactions and communication where the information, products,services and payments are exchanged. In recent years, electronic market is gaining importance in the modern way of doing business. When it comes to e-business, business center is a network based on the locations where there are customers, sellers and other participants and they all find each other electronically and do business so.MODELS OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCEThere are many models of electronic commerce that vary according to the relations which exist between participants in trade (companies, customers, employees, government). Some of the models are: B2B, B2C, B2E, C2C, C2B, but lately there are also more complex forms that are created as a combination and updating of existing models such as B2B2C and C2B2C.B2B (Business to Business) is the automated exchange of information between different organizations;B2C (Business to Consumer) means the sale of goods and services to end consumers;B2E (Business to Employee) is a model which is also known as Intranet, or the Web site that gives products or information to employees;C2B (Consumer to Business) is a model where the consumer requests a product or service from the seller;C2C (Consumer to Consumer) is a model in which customers sell to each other;B2B2C (Business to Business to Consumer) is a model that is realized using B2B model that supports the company’s operations on the model of B2C;C2B2C (Consumer to Business to Consumer) is a model that connects consumers using on-line company as an intermediary.LEGAL ISSUES SPECIFIC TO ELECTRONIC COMMERCEThe most important legal issues specific to e-commerce are: assigning domain names, tax collection from incomes generated electronically and intellectual property protection. When assigning Internet addresses or domain names, problems arise when several companies that have similar names compete around the domain. The problemis solved in court or before an international arbitration system. Federal, state and local authorities are trying in every way to calculate how to get a share of revenue generated electronically. The problems are particularly prominent in international trade, when the question is where you need to pay a tax for a business license, income tax, value-added tax, the annual income tax and the like, as well as who controls the charge. Protection of software and other intangible creations is difficult to be implemented over the Web, which is why the issues of copyright and protection of intellectual property are subjects of frequent discussions. One solution might be a tax that is unique to the Internet, the so-called “bit tax”. The idea of this tax is based on the fact that each bit that travels through the network represents a subject to taxation at a rate that is unique. It could be collected in telephone exchanges or at the service provider and to be submitted to the competent tax authorities. However, such a tax would not take account of the nature of the information or goods that are purchased. The largest amount of bits on the Internet belongs to the children’s video games which are in most countries, wheree-business is developed, tax-exempt or taxed at the lowest rate. It is also unclear which government would take over the tax that is a result of cross-border data flow. Besides safety problems, the problem of unclear model of taxation of commercial transactions on the Internet certainly inflicts great torments to fiscal experts worldwide.ADV ANTAGES AND DISADV ANTAGES OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE The main characteristic of e-commerce is a profound and very rapid change in the way trade is conducted. Today, e-commerce has many advantages over traditional conducting commercial transactions. Extensive use of e-commerce leads to new advantages. A set of interactive, content-rich and personalized messages can be delivered tospecifically selected consumers to increase sales. Today companies have a lot more information than before, which allows them to take advantage of this information as efficiently as possible, to segment the market and to adapt their products or services to potential customers or service users as well as possible.The impact of e-commerce is especially expressed in industries engaged in theproduction of computers, software and computer equipment and other elements necessary for realization of e-commerce. E-commerce has enabled companies to choose suppliers all over the world regardless of their geographical location, and to sell and market their products or services anywhere in the global market.Compared to traditional commerce the advantages of Internet commerce are numerous because properties are not necessary, as well as window dressing, sales staff is reduced to a minimum, there is a possibility of selling around the world, instant communication, presentation of interactive multimedia catalog that can provide the information that the customer wants (there is no classic catalog and postal shipping), promotion is much cheaper, it is easier to achieve publicity on the internet, there are more opportunities to adapt to customer needs, and with allthat the customer is enabled easier purchases carried out from an armchair, with no time limit (nonstop) ,without affecting the sales staff in the decision-making and various other benefits. Due to the complexity of the system of electronic trade problems in the sale or purchase over the Internet may occur. Problems refer to the fact that many potential customers still do not have Internet access or do not use it, some do not have fast Internet connection, online purchase involves a lot of confidence, privacy is compromised and there is a problem of the actual existence of stores on the Internet. Internet is a public network that is accessible to everyone, and because of that there is a possibility that someone monitors comunication without authorization and to abuse it later. Because of these reasons, it is necessary to find mechanisms that will ensure the protection of information, information integrity, and their authenticity. Cryptography is the science that deals with methods of maintenance of the confidentiality of information and which has its own features such as encryption, decryption and key. Defining and verifying the identity of the sender is achieved by using digital signatures and certificates. The purpose of the digital signature is authentication of the message content, as well as provision of guarantee of identity of the sender of the message.CONCLUSIONWith the advent of the Internet a lot has changed in terms of business and trade. Once the operating was based on the principle of face-toface, but now with the advent of the Internet participants in trade do not need to know, nor meet and see each other. With the advent of e-commerce there are no more geographical borders, nor language barriers and currency constraints. In modern business there is a transition from mechanical to electronic phase of business, which leads to more rapid penetration of technical progress in trade. It comes to development of electronic stores, which have significant benefits for end consumers, but there are new problems related to payments and the security of transactions carried out in this way. E-commerce and e-business are becoming inevitable everyday. Paper, pencil, stamp and other equipmentare replaced by computer and the Internet, thanks to which it is much easier and better to conduct an increasing number of business transactions. Online purchase and e-commerce are developing very fast, thus opening up new business opportunities, which affects an increase in productivity, reduction of costs and faster capital turnover. E-commerce creates employment opportunities, stimulates economic growth, investment in innovations, new technologies and knowledge, which contributes to the emergence of new operators in the market.中文译文:电子商务摘要电子商务可以用不同的方式进行定义。



本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Deriving market intelligence fromfrom micro-blog文献、资料来源:网络.tw/en/Faculty/li-yung-ming 文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2013.5.22院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期外文文献:Deriving market intelligence from Micro-blogs Social media platforms, while more and more people join the line of peer production. Much user-generated content is informative and valuable to business managers who are eager to learn how and in what aspects customers love or hate their products and services. Social media platforms have been argued to be important means for planning marketing strategies and managing customer relations . As opposed to waiting for customer contact, actively collecting and analyzing customers' opinions are a suggested approach for gaining business competiveness; thus, businesses should use social media platforms as data sources for market research and align their goals with customers' tastes. Right after the blooming of blogs, microblogs appeared and grew quickly. Microblogs descended from blogs in 2006 and have become an increasingly influential social media since. Today, the largest microblog platform Twitter has over 100 million users and generates 55 billion posts per day according to its report at the end of April 2010. The term “microblog” was coined because of its 140-character limitation for each post. Microblogs have several characteristics. First, this compactness of message length makes microblog posts easier to produce and consume. Second, microblogs are highly accessible from many mobile devices; thus, users are able to share and broadcast timely information and experiences conveniently. However, the format of posts is usually informal and poorly structured. Third, the following–follower model allows one to follow and receive new posts from others without requesting permission. This subscription-like model stimulates the information spreading on microblog. Furthermore, the repost function (a.k.a. “retweet” in Twitter) makes message diffusion even faster. These characteristics make microblogs a good place to conduct e-word of mouth (eWOM) marketing. Many successful caseshave shown the potential of marketing on microblogs. For example, by posting Twitter-exclusive offers to its followers, computer manufacturer Dell gained $3 million in revenue. Best Buy demonstrates another successful usage of microblogs as a real-time customer services tool, the “Twelp”, to collect customers' opinions and answer their questions. Customers could ask any questions by adding a hashtag #Twelpforce to the post. As of February 2009, @twelpforce had provided over19,500 answers to customer inquiries.To derive a MI system on microblogs, several problems are in the way. First, the volume of posts is overwhelming on microblogs. it is nearly impossible to read and organize every post manually because of the massive number of opinions.Marketing intelligence (MI) is an important pillar of business intelligence. The MI system is designed to fulfill four needs of business managers: (1) identify opportunities and threats from the market environment; (2) help managers know more about competitors; (3) help preempt competitors' actability; and (4) aid effective marketing decision making. Many MI systems are proposed to cope with traditional types of web content, such as product reviews on forums .However, few studies have effectively discovered well-rounded MI over microblogs because the microblog platform is new and has unique characteristics. Numerous posts are produced every second on microblogs, which makes them a great source of understanding customers' opinions on campaigns and the new products/services rolled out by businesses in real time.Hence, an interesting problem arises: can we develop a system framework to summarize and extract valuable knowledge from opinions automatically? Several sub-problems thus emerge. First, the opinions about the topic of a user's query may focus on many different aspects. For example, when people talk about a company, they may comment on specific services, products, or even the environmental issues of the company. Therefore, it is important to know the topics concerned by the customers. Second, how should these opinions be summarized and grouped? Third, should we discriminately treat opinions that come from different expressers because of their different levels of credibility?As in most MI systems, the data gathered from external environment are analyzed and assembled into concrete information units before providing subtle reports and helping decision making. To provide advanced MI, informal text-format posts on microblogs have to be cleaned, analyzed, and polished. From microblog posts, several attributes can be extracted. We can learn what is commented and the expresser's evaluation of it. With these two basic attributes, MI is made possible. As in important tasks, such as tracking customer satisfaction and competitors' performances, can be accomplished by quantifying and tracking the fluctuation of these two attributes. However, many spam accounts and extremists are reported on microblogs and thereby the credibility of opinion expressers should be carefully considered.To respond to these problems, in this research we develop a framework that achieves the following tasks. The firstis topic detection, which means that the topics mentioned in the opinions associated with the queries of users should be identified and extracted. The second task is the classification of opinions. By judging the polarity of the sentiment released, the impressions held by customers can be captured. The third task, understanding the credibility of the expresser, should be assessed to provide more representative summarization. Fourth, the above three kinds of information should be aggregated adequately to reflect the true points of view of the opinions. To evaluate the effectiveness of the system framework, we conducted an experiment on Twitter.On the path of constructing such a system, we developed adequate methodologies and reformed them to fit the communication paradigm on microblogs. Most existing information retrieval approaches deal with document-based data sources. The microblogs' characteristics mentioned above need different considerations. From a practical angle, we anticipate that the system will benefit both consumers and companies in the markets. For consumers, they could know each other's opinions on different aspects of brands, products, and services and track a product launch in real time before reading the detailed reviews. For companies, they could track users' perceptions. Therefore, labor-intensive work is minimized, while correct and deeper insights are revealed.As microblogs have become mainstream social platforms for information sharing, much research has revealed not only their usages and behaviors but also their hidden marketing opportunities. The uniqueness of a microblog is addressed in net: “While the shortness of the microblog keeps people from writing long thoughts, it is precisely the micro part that makes microblogs unique from other eWOM mediums”. The length of a standard microblog message is approximately equal to the length of a typical newspaper headline and subheading, which makes it easy to produce and consume.Java et al. analyze the structural properties of Twitter via social network analysis to understand microblog user behavior. The authors point out that Twitter is a scale-free network. Furthermore, the authors categorize microblog users into three categories: “information seeker”, “information source”, and “friends”. As also addressed in way, the authors find that a majority of Twitter users focus on “self”, while others focus on information sharing.Java et al。



本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:On The E—Commerce BusinessDevelopment Is Inevitable文献、资料来源:网络文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2015。


3院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:外文文献:On The E-Commerce Business Development Is InevitableAbstractPaper Introduction: E—commerce refers to the use of computer and Internet technologies to support the business activities carried out. Business efficiency, the paper Daquan,On the development of e-commerce business is inevitable。

Keywords: E—Commerce, E—Business,Business EfficiencyIntroductionE—commerce refers to the use of computer and Internet technology to support business activities carried out. Paper Encyclopedia, business efficiency。

E-commerce is not so much in the development of enterprise innovation to as it is inevitable,as has its unique advantages。

Today,enterprises in the market economy, the ring, who can take advantage of e-commerce,one might get the winning edge。



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The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 11, 3-4 (2002), 215-243.中小企业电子商务使用模式及影响因素分析: 中小企业电子商务使用模式及影响因素分析: 文献综述及未来研究展望徐赟丁婕曾红华陈冬宇经济信息工程学院, 西南财经大学【摘要】中小企业对电子商务的采纳与使用一直以来都吸引着众多研究者的兴趣, 但以往大量文献都仅仅局限于研究采纳或采纳的意图, 很少有文章具体分析了这些企业是如何使用电子商务的不同服务,以及什么因素造成了这样的不同.为了探索这方面潜在的研究前景,本论文通过对以往电子商务采纳与使用文献的分析,总结了以往研究的对象,背景,理论及相关发现.在上述分析基础上,我们提出了下一步研究的展望和建议.理论上,本文指明了中小企业电子商务使用模式研究的潜在方向, 从而为进一步的具体的使用模式及影响因素分析做好铺垫.实践上,本研究将有助于电子商务服务商针对不同行为的企业提供更为精准,有效, 便捷的服务,从而争取吸纳更多潜在中小企业客户,推动电子商务应用的广度和深度. 【关键词】中小企业,B2B 电子商务,组织行为 1 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) Analysis of small and medium enterprises' e-commerce usage patterns and antecedents: Literature review and future research. Xu Yun, Ding Jie, Zheng Honghua, Cheng Dongyu Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Abstract E-commerce adoption and use of small and medium enterprises (SME) has been attracting the interest of many researchers, but previous studies are limited to the adoption or the intention to adopt. There is little research analyzes how these enterprises use e-commerce services in different ways, and what factors contribute to the differences. In order to explore the potential research opportunity, the paper reviews related literature, summarizes the background, theory and related findings. Based on the results, we propose our future research. Theoretically, this paper indicates the potential direction of SME e-commerce use research. Practically, this study will help e-commerce service providers to provide more precise, effective and convenient services to different companies, and attract more SME to use e-commerce. Keywords: SME, B2B e-business, organization behavior 2 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) 一) 引言近年来,伴随着国内互联网建设的迅速发展,电子商务政策法律环境的日益完善,中小企业及个人利用电子商务的意识逐步提升, 国内电子商务进入了一个高速发展的阶段. 根据艾瑞咨询报告显示,2010 第一季度中国电子商务市场整体交易额规模达到了10152.7 亿元, 单季交易额突破万亿规模.以投融资规模来看,第一季度互联网行业14.3 亿元的投融资额当中,电子商务的占比高达74.3%,电子商务成为网络经济各行业当中最受关注的行业.从电子商务市场结构来看,企业间电子商务仍然是电子商务市场的主体.其中,中小企业B2B 电子商务交易规模占比最高,达到了52.6%,成为电子商务市场发展最大的推动力.中小企业B2B 电子商务的发展对中国经济起到越来越重要的作用.例如,根据阿里巴巴提供的中国中小企业电子商务发展报告(2009)介绍:2009 年,中小企业通过电子商务创造的新增价值占我国GDP 的 1.5%,拉动我国GDP 增长0.13%.中小企业电子商务交易规模将达 1.99 万亿,同比增速达到20.3%.其中内,外贸交易规模分别为 1.13 万亿和0.86 万亿, 分别相当于2008 年全国国内商品销售总额和出口总值的6%和8.9%.中小企业通过开展电子商务直接创造的新增就业超过130 万,相当于我国2008 年全国城镇新增就业的11.7%.每增加1%的中小企业使用电子商务,将带来 4 万个新增就业机会.此外,电子商务还带动了大量创业机会和间接就业, 为缓解社会就业压力, 促进社会稳定发挥着重要的作用. 对于这么一个巨大,重要,而且发展迅速的市场,中小企业如何使用电子商务,以及什么因素影响了他们对电子商务的使用成为服务商和相关研究人员关注的焦点. 以往相关的大量文献都仅仅局限于研究中小企业对B2B 电子商务的采纳或采纳的意图[1-4],很少有文章探索了企业是如何使用电子商务的不同服务,以及什么因素造成了这样的不同. 有些研究已经指出企业对技术的使用或采纳不能仅仅停留在简单的"使用"vs."不使用" 或"采纳"vs."不采纳"的二元关系[5, p. 61],而是应该进一步分析企业对这些技术的使用行为模式.因为最终的收益,对企业的冲击等等都取决于企业如何使用这些技术,而不仅仅是采纳或使用的决定. 实践上, 各种企业在使用电子商务时, 很多不同的行为模式已经被识别. 例如,把电子商务作为一个简单的广告或信息收集渠道vs. 将电子商务作为线下业务的有益补充vs.做纯粹的网商而完全依赖于电子商务.当服务商提供更多的电子商务服务时,企业对电子商务的使用模式更加多样化.例如,通过阿里巴巴,买家可以找到卖家,可以使用相关的辅助服务(查看信用,比较报价等) ,可以使用在线交易,物流服务,和其他服务(金3 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) 融,培训,外贸等) .那么众多电子商务的使用者在面对如此多的服务时,他们到底有没有使用这些服务;如果使用,是如何使用的?这是我们需要关注的第一个研究问题,这个问题在以往的文献中很少被回答. 上述的这些行为模式受到很多因素的影响,如企业战略(高附加值产品vs. 简单来料加工) ;产品特性(制造业vs.服务业) ;市场(农村vs. 城市,国内vs.国外) ;企业背景(中型vs.小型vs.微型)等等.例如一个服装行业的买家,可能利用阿里巴巴找到卖家,查看该卖家信用,比较价格后决定交易,然后直接利用阿里巴巴提供的在线交易平台完成交易;与之相反,一个重型机械的买家,可能仅仅利用阿里巴巴找到卖家,然后直接与该卖家线下联系交易.这种使用行为模式上的区别可能是因为重型机械产品需要大量定制,客户化服务, 而且交易金额巨大等原因,阿里巴巴因而无法满足其特定需求而造成了该用户使用上的差异.因此,第二个值得关注研究问题就是分析这些典型行为模式背后的核心影响因素;有哪些因素影响了用户(特别是买家)对电子商务网站所提供的服务的使用. 为了更好的帮助我们回答上述两个问题, 本文将呈现一个全面的文献综述. 其主要目的将集中在: 1) 对以往研究做多维度的分析(研究对象,目标,理论等) ,从而指出将来的研究会有哪些理论上的贡献度. 2) 分析企业进行电子商务时所经历的主要阶段,对网站提供的服务做有效分类.从而为进一步的使用模式分类做好铺垫. 3) 全面整理出影响电子商务使用模式的因素,并对各种因素分类.为下一步结合实际找出针对特定群体的影响因素做好准备. 二) 文献搜索为了了解国内外研究现状,我们深入搜索了相关文献.尽管我们关注的研究重点是B2B 电子商务下的电子市场(E-marketplace)模式,我们也把文献搜索的范围扩大到B2C, C2C, 以及B2B 电子商务下的跨组织系统(Inter-organizational systems – IOS)模式(例如,供应链管理系统) .我们相信这些相关研究的发现和结论对本研究也大有裨益. 我们首先指定了一些关键词,如电子商务(E-commerce) ,电子业务(E-business) ,B2B, B2C,C2C,采纳(Adoption) ,采纳后(Post-adoption) ,使用(Use)等.然后利用这些关键词在英文电子期刊数据库(EBSCOhost, ABI 和ScienceDirect Online 等)搜索,并专注于某4 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) 些顶尖的信息系统,管理,及市场营销期刊(例如Information Systems Research,MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management,International Journal of Electronic Commerce,Academy of Management Journal,Academy of Management Review,Strategic Management Journal,Administrative Science Quarterly,Management Science,Organization Science,Journal of Marketing,Journal of Marketing Research,Journal of Consumer Research,Marketing Science 等).国内的文献搜索集中于核心期刊(例如管理世界,管理科学学报,中国管理科学,南开管理评论等) ,和博士,硕士学位论文.找到相当数量的文章后,我们利用这些文章中参考文献部分的列表进行反向搜索更多文章. 我们认真阅读了文章的摘要和主要理论章节以判断文章的相关性, 最后总共85 篇文章被确认和本研究相关. 三) 文献分析在开始文献分析之前,第一作者首先提出了一套分析的框架,在同其他作者讨论,修正后达成一致.利用这套框架分析相关文献后,我们有了如下发现: 1)研究背景) 以往中小企业电子商务使用的研究背景除了阿里巴巴和淘宝这种第三方电子市场平台, 另外非常多的研究集中在跨组织系统, 例如沃尔玛和它的供应商之间的供应链管理系统. 基于增值网(V AN)的传统电子数据交换(Electronic data interchange – EDI)技术被应用于最早的跨组织系统.早期的EDI 系统可以增加企业的业务处理速度和降低成本,因为交易(如订单)的数据可以自动转移到合作伙伴组织的内部系统中,而无需手动重新进入,因而减少了错误[6].随着互联网技术的发展,更多的跨组织系统开始基于XML (Extensible Markup Language)语言,这些系统可以针对某特定行业/领域的电子数据交换的需求,如产品/服务细节定义,数据定义,商业文件的格式,和企业间的业务流程;从而允许参与业务流程的不同贸易合作伙伴利用互联网自动化流程,因而提高速度,效率和可靠性,允许在贸易合作伙伴间进行更大规模的协作和交流[7, 8].这些跨组织系统相对于一般性的电子市场平台在某些方面具有一定优势, 如能提供更多的产品细节与针对性服务, 吸引相关产业的供应商和客户等.另外一个重要的优点在于这些跨组织系统可以提供与本企业内部系统(如ERP)的集成.这将大大减少企业的手工干预,从而提高企业的业务处理速度和降低成本. 5 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) 2)研究的因变量(Dependent variable) ) 2.1 意图(Intention) vs. 真实行为(Behavior) 意图( 真实行为( ) ) 以往大量文献都集中研究了用户对电子商务采纳或使用的意图[例如,3, 4, 6, 9, 10]. 这些文章关注的目标是"用户是否打算或计划在未来使用电子商务". 尽管行为意图很大程度上决定行为的产生, 但很多学者也指出了真正的采纳或使用行为还受到更多因素的影响. 例如, 即便使用意图本身很强烈, 知识壁垒或资源的缺乏都会阻碍或影响着用户对技术的使用过程[8]. 也有少量论文研究了用户对电子商务真正的使用[例如, 11]. Zhu et al. [5] 强5, 如调了电子商务采纳后的企业真实使用行为,因此他们的研究度量了使用的电子商务服务种类,在线服务的比例等实际使用指标. 2.2 最初采纳(Initial Adoption)vs. 持续使用(Retention/Loyalty/Continuance) 最初采纳( 持续使用( ) ) 对于电子市场的用户来说,电子商务的使用不是一次性的.因此,相关的研究不仅仅应该强调最初的采纳决定, 而且更应该关注这些用户是否持续地使用电子商务, 以及对相关网站的忠诚度如何.以往的大部分文献都只是研究了电子商务最初采纳的行为或决定[例如, 1, 2], 相对比较少的文章关注了后续的使用, 对网站的忠诚, 用户的留存度等[例如, 13]. 12, 如Chen et al. [12] 研究了一个房屋中介的电子服务网站,研究发现网站,用户,以及在线中介的特点都影响了用户是否继续使用该网站服务,或是否选择另外一个中介. 3)使用的理论) 以往文献使用了很多不同的理论支持相关研究,主要的一些理论如下: 3.1 经济学理论在经济学的视角中, 技术的采纳基于效率的考虑. 一些研究人员已经利用微观经济学和交易成本(Transaction cost)等理论建立电子商务技术采纳和扩散的模型[14-16].例如,基于交易成本理论,Malone et al. [17]指出,一个企业将依据经济效率选择合适的电子商务方式(第三方的电子市场vs. 直接联系的EDI 系统) . 3.2 技术接受模型(Technology acceptance model TAM) 技术接受模型( ) 根据技术接受模型[18],感知有用性(Perceived usefulness)和感知易用性(Perceived ease of use)是使用态度(Attitude toward Using)的决定因素,进而影响到使用者的行为意愿(Behavior intention)和使用行为(Behavior).这个理论大量地被用于B2C 和C2C 电子商务研 6 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) 究领域, 相关研究分析了电子商务网站服务的有用性和易用性如何影响了用户的采纳和使用决定.后续的研究在该理论的基础上也做了很多补充和完善,例如,Moon et al. [19] 在该模型中添加了一个感知趣味性(Perceived playfulness)的新变量,建议网站不仅仅要有用,易用,还要有趣.Venkatesh 和Davis 等学者也将技术接受模型进行延伸扩展,修改并重复测试后重新提出了新的技术接受模型(TAM2)和整合技术接受模型(UTAUT) [20, 21].另外两个与技术接受模型相关的是理性行为理论TRA,和计划行为理论TPB.它们也被广泛应用于电子商务研究领域. 3.3 创新扩散理论(Innovation diffusion theory - IDT) 另外一个被广泛使用的是创新扩散理论, 该理论指出创新技术的采纳和扩散取决于该技术本身的特点[22],这些特点包括了技术的相对优势,兼容性,复杂性等.因此,电子商务的相对优势影响该技术的采纳和使用[23].另外,这些技术的使用关系到多个合作伙伴和多种交易类型,这涉及不同的硬件,软件,网络协议和业务过程.因此,电子商务系统的兼容性和复杂性也影响其采纳和使用[24]. 3.4 网络效应理论网络效应理论指出某技术使用者的收益与由所有该技术的使用者组成的网络的大小正相关[25].这些收益包括基于这个技术的更多应用,更广泛的服务,和更丰富的知识共享等.因此,当有很多企业开始使用某电子商务网站时,其他企业将有更强的动机使用同一个网站[26].为了创造正向的网络外部性,电子商务的发起者应该资助其他的使用者加入该用户网络,以形成更大的用户网络和更强的外部效应[14, 15]. 3.4 制度理论(Institutional theory) ) 制度理论的核心支柱是组织趋同现象(Isomorphism),即组织之间具有相似的行为. DiMaggio 和Powell [27]认为有三个机制会导致组织趋同:强制机制(Coercive),模仿机制(Mimetic)和规范机制(Normative).同时,组织趋同性是竞争性过程和制度化过程的共同结果.例如Teo et al. [10] 发现上述三种机制造成的强制压力,模仿压力和规范压力很显著地影响了企业对EDI 系统的采纳. 7 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) 3.5 组织间关系理论组织间关系理论(Relational View) 企业存在于价值链或价值网络中的,很多时候影响技术采纳的因素不仅局限于企业内部,而是分布于价值网络中.Dyer and Singh [28] 提出一个组织间关系理论去分析企业如何利用在价值网络中的资源和形成的能力去创造竞争优势. 这个视角包括了四个要素: 关系专属性资产(Relation-specific asset),知识共享渠道(Knowledge-sharing routine),互补的资源和能力(Complementary resources and capabilities),和有效的管理(Effective governance).例如,有效的管理中一个经常被研究的因素就是信任(Trust) ,很多学者研究了信任如何影响用户开始使用电子商务,愿意购买,以及持续的使用.其他诸如组织间学习,社会网络等因素也广泛被研究. 3.6 综合框架上述介绍表明,许多因素可能影响电子商务的采纳.为了取得一个全面的视角,很多综合框架已经被构建出来.技术-组织-环境框架(Technology–Organization–Environment, TOE) 框架是其中最常见的一个,而且已经被许多研究人员所采用[例如5, 6, 29].TOE 的框架是由Tornatzky 和Fleischer [30] 所构建.这个框架确定了三方面影响技术采纳的因素:技术方面,组织方面和环境方面.重要的技术因素包括技术的感知收益,复杂性,兼容性等特点[6, 29].组织因素反映了一个组织本身促进或遏制技术采纳的某些特点,如企业规模和技术能力等[3]. 环境因素包括了各种来自业界, 竞争对手, 贸易伙伴, 和政府的外部影响等[10]. 4)电子市场服务阶段划分) 互联网技术可以极大地影响销售中的信息流,资金流,和物流的服务[31, 32],但是像阿里巴巴等电子市场还是主要提供针对信息流和资金流方面的服务. 因此, 很多相关研究就直接将电子市场提供的服务与用户行为划分成两个阶段:获取信息与产品购买[33, 34].当然也有更多的研究将相关服务和行为分为三个阶段:购买前(Pre-purchase),购买中(During purchase),和购买后(Post-purchase) [35-37].购买前阶段主要涉及到买家获取产品和卖家信息,明确自己需求,产品和卖家评估, 比较, 以及讨价还价等活动.购买中就主要是下订单, 在线支付,收货等活动.购买后就主要涉及一些售后活动,例如通过用户评价,论坛等形式提供客户对产品和反馈信息等. 8 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) 5) 影响因素影响因素接下来, 本文将基于以往的文献综合整理出影响电子商务采纳和使用的关键因素, 并把它们区分为六个主要维度.一些主要的因素归纳于下表(并不代表全部因素) . 产品产品描述复杂度,产品的标准化程度, 产品的可编码程度产品价格与采购频率,数字化产品,产品差异化程度环境地方环境:政府的电子就绪度,法律,信用,安全等外部压力:强制压力,模仿压力,规范压力产业环境:需求不确定性,市场波动性,产业集中度,市场力量电子就绪度,支持性行业电子就绪度电子商务网站系统质量:可用性,可靠性,反应速度,易使用性信息质量:相关性,准确性,可靠性,充分性,易懂性服务质量: :可靠性,响应性,保证性,移情性交易伙伴组织本身组织本身(态度) 依赖程度,合作经历,诚信,地域,规模高层的支持,组织规模,IT能力,经营战略感知收益,感知可用性,感知易用性信任,感知风险,感知控制度表一:关键因素分类 5.1 产品一个企业的产品特点对该企业接受电子商务技术有重要的影响. 以往文献中已经总结了不同的产品特点: 产品描述复杂度- 根据市场交易理论[17, 38], 影响企业利用电子市场机制交易的一个重要影响因素是产品描述复杂度[1].产品描述复杂性被定义为描述特定的产品所需一切细节信息的总和. 描述复杂性是电子商务的障碍, 这类产品很难通过网络为网上购物提供足够的产品描述信息.例如,比起书籍和CD,纺织品受颜色,印花图案,工艺和原材料质量诸多因素影响, 描述的复杂程度很高, 买卖双方交易这类产品时就需要详细的产品描述信息[17, 39].很多相关的研究也介绍了相近的概念:如1)产品的标准化程度,产品标准化对复杂产品的交易起着很大推动作用, 通过简洁明确的属性信息描述的标准化产品便于在网络交易中降低描述的复杂程度[7];2) 产品的可编码程度,这个概念度量产品信息是否能够被9 *本研究受阿里巴巴青年学者支持计划资助(Ali-2010-A-9) 很精确地转换为电子信息,从而有利于用户在进行电子商务时可以准确找到想要的产品[40]. 价格与采购频率- Peterson et al.[32] 提出一个会影响网上交易的产品特性是价格和采购频率,他们把产品区别为低价易耗品(例如牛奶)和高价耐用品(例如电脑) .很多研究都指出因为物流成本和相对的低价,低价易耗品可能不太适合电子商务. 其他特性还包括: 1)数字化产品(如各种充值卡) vs. 实物产品; 2)产品差异化程度(如是否品牌产品) .这些特性都会对买家是否希望进行网上购物产生影响. 5.2 环境企业所处的环境对于其采纳和具体使用电子商务也有重要影响.主要因素归纳如下: 地方环境- 国内江浙一带电子商务非常流行,这不能不说与当地软环境(法律,信用, 安全等因素)有着紧密关系.政府可以通过提供支持性的基础建设,法律规范和电子商务使用指导等来促进企业使用这种新的业务方式,很多文章总结这个因素为政府的电子就绪度[41].在发展中国家的研究背景中,这一因素甚至会影响到已经采用电子商务企业的后续使用行为[41, 42].规范的法律和商务环境,会大大的降低网络交易的违约率,从法律层面增强对于电子交易保障,从而影响用户对于电子商务的风险感知程度,提高使用率[43]. 外部压力- 很多研究已经基于制度理论指出强制压力(Coercive pressures),模仿压力(Mimetic pressures)和规范压力(Normative pressures)会影响电子商务的采纳和使用.在中小企业参与类似阿里巴巴的B2B 电子市场时,可能不会感受到太多被其他组织强制去使用电子商务的压力, 那么主要起作用的就是模仿压力和规范压力. 模仿压力是指由于竞争者对某项技术的采纳和成功应用使得企业感到压力去使用同样的技术(所以这种压力有时也叫竞争压力) 规范压力是指行业和政府的规范化力量, . 多数同行企业的使用而给企业带来的压力. 产业环境–一个企业所处的产业中有存在多种因素影响B2B 电子市场的使用.1) 需求不确定性(Demand uncertainty)指的是商品采购的频度和数量的不可预测性.以往的研。



电子商务外文文献Title: E-commerce: A Review of the Literature and Perspectives for Future ResearchE-commerce, or electronic commerce, has become a fundamental aspect of business and economic activity in the globalized digital age. The交易研究领域的一个重要组成部分。



The literature on e-commerce has been extensive, covering a range of topics from online retailing to global supply chain management. The Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) and Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) are two of the leading journals in the field, publishing high-quality research on various aspects ofe-commerce. Additionally, several books and conference proceedings provide valuable insights into the development and evolution of e-commerce.E-commerce research has examined the impact of technology on business processes, explored innovative business models, andanalyzed the role of e-commerce in global trade and development. The literature has addressed a range of important issues, including security and privacy, electronic payment systems, and the impact of social media on e-commerce.Despite the significant progress made in e-commerce research, several areas for future exploration remn. These include the development of new e-commerce technologies, such as blockchn and artificial intelligence, and their potential impact on global trade and supply chns. Additionally, research on the role of e-commerce in sustnable development, particularly in terms of environmental sustnability and social inclusivity, represents an important area for future investigation.In conclusion, e-commerce has become a fundamental aspect of business and economic activity in the digital age. The literature on e-commerce has provided valuable insights into its development and evolution, but there remn several areas for future exploration. Future research should address these unexplored areas and contribute to the development ofe-commerce as a transformative force in global trade and development.商学院电子商务外文文献Title: E-commerce in Business Schools: A Critical Analysis of Curriculum, Teaching Methods, and Future TrendsThe rise of e-commerce in recent years has revolutionized business education, with business schools across the globe scrambling to keep up with the latest trends and prepare students for the digital economy. This article delves into the world of e-commerce education in business schools, exploring curriculum, teaching methods, and predicting future trends. E-commerce has become an integral part of modern business, and business schools are responding to this trend by incorporating e-commerce courses into their curriculum. The primary objective of these courses is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the e-commerce industry, including the latest trends, tools, and techniques. In addition to fundamental topics such as online marketing and web design, today's e-commerce courses also cover more specialized topics such as cloud computing, big data analysis, and social media marketing.Business schools are adopting a variety of teaching methods to impart knowledge on e-commerce, ranging from traditional classroom lectures to more innovative hands-onbs and simulations. These experiential learning opportunities allow students to gain practical experience in real-world settings, providing them with a deeper understanding of the dynamics and challenges of the e-commerce industry.With the continuous evolution of the internet and e-commerce landscape, it is essential to track and predict future trends in this field. Business schools are playing a crucial role in this regard by staying abreast of industry developments and incorporating relevant content into their courses. The trend towards more personalized and interactive learning experiences is likely to continue, with business schools tloring their teaching methods to suit the needs of individual students. Additionally, the integration of technology into every aspect of business will continue to drive changes in e-commerce education, with an increasing focus on areas such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.In conclusion, business schools have responded to the rise of e-commerce with a comprehensive approach that includes updating curriculum, adopting innovative teaching methods, and predicting future trends. However, there are still challengesahead, such as keeping up with the rapidly changing landscape and providing all students with equal opportunities to access e-commerce education. By continuing to adapt and innovate, business schools can help shape a brighter future fore-commerce and prepare students to thrive in the digital economy.电子商务外文翻译文献电子商务的发展及其影响:外文翻译文献随着全球互联网的迅速普及,电子商务在全球范围内得到了前所未有的发展。



电子商务简介外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Electronic commerceElectronic commerce, or the electronics trade, or the electronic business is regarded as a new kind of rising business model which will bring about profound influence on social economy. And it can be said as the important function in the social development of the world-wide locations. It represents the current of the world trade in late of 21 centuries.1). What is the electronic commerce?Electronic commerce point is through the teleportation method to carry on the business data's exchange with the numerical form and on-line business ually, electronic commerce can be divided into dichotomouslayers:The first is a low level electronic commerce, namely electronic business intelligence report, the electronic bargain and electronics contract.The second one is a high electronic commerce, including all kinds of business activities which ask for helping Internet's be engaged ins, from searching the customer, the business negotiation, order, on-line payment,the electronics invoice, going to the electronics to pay customs duties, the electronics pay tax, all of these are engaged in the Internet.The electronic commerce means that all trades with the realization electronical.It has the following characteristics:①Fair freedom, the ②is efficiently, globalization of ③ , the conjecture of ④ turn, interaction of ⑤ , ⑥independence, ⑦ humanization service.Making use of the electronic commerce, customer and provider can contact in the global scope mutually closely and conveniently. As a result the customers can find out their satisfy demanding ideals to provide the goods to the company from each corner in the world. The electronic commerce will change the environment that the business enterprise competes mutually, lower under the residing in the market structure of tradition is high not of cost. trade the cost low and easy to entered person's market and governments to encourage to use Internet( tax-free) to activate the electronic commerce, push its start 伊to start to develop then and quickly. Predict according to the expert, to 2000, the whole world electronic commerce will attain the scale of USD 300,000,000,000.But it has already exceeded this scale. For insuring the safety of the electronic commerce, should build up theelectronics certificate center. The numerical ID card uses to the definite evidence body.The numerical ID card issues to entrust to the third square, namely an authorization machineThe organ carry out, it includes the holder to identify the information( name, address, the contact method, the ID card serial number), both parties pooling key of secret , term of validity, password and the authorization organizations to identify information etc..Make use of the numerical ID card, trade the both parties and can insure to identify another one square's body, and definite evidence another the information that a square send out has not yet to change. 2). the influence that the electronic commerce may produce Compared with the traditional business, the electronic commerce has the following advantage:* Overlay the scope wide:A network system that combines Internet, intranet( the area net of the bureau of the business enterprise inner part) and extranet( the business enterprise exterior network)s make buyer, selling party, manufactory and it cooperate colleague can in the world of scope contact and deliver the business intelligence report and documents expediently mutually.* The function is well-found: In the electronic commerce, different from the customer of different layer can carry out bargain target of different category, for example, release the business intelligence report, on-line negotiation, the electronics payment and build up virtual market and on-line bank etc.s.* Usage the convenience is vivid: According to Internet, the electronic commerce is free from the restrict that the specialized data exchanges theagreement.Can use personal calculator of any type, at in the world any location, carry on the bargain expediently on the calculator screen.* The cost is low:Make use of the electronic commerce, the expenditure that can cut down to used for expenses and international trips that employs the employee, the maintenance warehouse and shop front and mail consumedly. The expenses that uses Internet is very low.The electronic commerce will bring about important influence on social economy:* The electronic commerce will change the people the behavior method that adopt habitually in the business activity. Pass the network, the people can enter the virtual store of person, browsing every where, choose their interested in thing, and enjoy various on-line service. On the other hand, company's house can pass the network and the consumer contacts, deciding to purchase the product( category and quantity) to combine the close book.The government organ can carry on the electronics invitation to bid and government purchases through a network.* The core of the electronic commerce is a person.It is a social system.The on-line store changed the people's daily life method, full body now the consumer is in independent power in the bargain.* The electronic commerce change business enterprise produces the way of the product.Pass the network, the manufactory direct understanding market need, and arrange the production according to the demand of the consumer.* The electronic commerce raised the trade efficiency biggest, can remove in the center link;The biggest limit lowers the sale cost.Produce the arrangement can carry out" the small batch quantity adds the species diverse", but" zero stocks"s become realistic.* The electronic commerce calls the bank service reform.Be like the on-line bank, on-line cash card and credit card, on-line close book, electronics invoice, the electronics" cash"s- hour of the consumer purchase any further need not actual cash- these new the concept will become realistic.* The electronic commerce will change the government behavior.So-called" on-line government", an on-line administration management organization is exertive the important function of the social outlet, keep order and fair, fish for and smash on-line cheat.3). the present condition of the flourishing and national electronic commerce90's in 20 centuries middle, Internet experiences the development of explode the type, the tiny machine enters ten thousand of person's thousand, the calculator network has already become people's daily life in the necessary part.People the in hopes of calculator network brings more advantages and convenience.The electronic commerce emerge with the tide of the times.At flourishing nation, actual applied policy of the government well timed establishment push electronic commerce, occupy the predominant position in newly a competition of scope of world.The electronic commerce of the United States controls the trade ofworld.Currently, there are 60,000,000 customers of Internet in the United States.98% buys the manager above on-line look for the target.According to the estimate of, to 2002, of the American business enterprise pass the value that the electronic commerce completes the trading post to involve and will have 6.1% an of GDP 《wealth 》the covariance enunciation of the magazine,500 strong companies in world all open the on-line business of exhibition.The IBM accepts the person's 25%( about USD 20,000,000,000) to have something to do with electronic commerce.Had the electronic commerce luckily, make the IBM save the expenditure of USD 250,000,000 in 1999.4). the development of the Chinese electronic commerceThe development of the Chinese government and civil electronic commerce begins from 1993.Today, the electronic commerce has already been apply in foreign trade, maritime customs, finance and business realm.Peking and Shanghai has already built up the native electronic commerce frame.Some electronic commerce Web addresses have already openned to the on-line shopping and on-line close book.Though do all these effort, China open the company of the exhibition electronic commerce to suffer the loss in one business of C( the B department points the business, C the department points the consumer) of one to of its Bosomed Chinese experts love this shopping habit that attributes to the Chinese- Chinese consumer the amateur that the shopping sees as a kind of interesting; They enjoy to pass to enjoy and compare the merchandise and haggle to the expensive fun; But all these will start disappear from the on-line shopping.Other experts can't practice the business this phenomenon attributes to the society in the widespread and existent doubt attitude 11 banks with each other because of frightened its rival pulls to walk customer; The bank has to pull to the walk customer; The cash card can't make widely available because the bank does not believe the common people; But the common people do not like the on-line shopping etc. Because of the belief of the on-line store.Why?The reason lies in on-line and society in many affairs that are all deceitful, for example the deceitful customer quantity, deceitful interview flowing the covariance, counterfeits the merchandise, forges the diploma, forges the resume, deceitful investment, deceitful rank, appears on market the business enterprise deceitful accept person etc..Thus a comprehensive environment will not change in very long time recently.In such environment, it can't be engaged in any business activity.So many operators of IT's electronic commerce of our nations lost the confidence.5). the electronic commerce outlookThough the development is quick and seems to have the bright future. The electronic commerce faces a series of actual problems, for example, involving safety, technique, expenses, law system, revenue from tax system, idea, privacy protection, infrastructure etc. problems.However, the electronic commerce has the main current of the new business enterprise of century, and will develop quickly in several years of after time.Some company estimates, until to 2003, the electronic commerce between the developed countries of business enterprises which will have 9% of the business total amount(13, USD 0)above.But in all aspects the online consumes of the electronic commerce ,untilto 2002, the sales amount will attain USD 76,300,000,000.But positive such as the expert's estimate, the electronic commerce of China will catch up within 10 years in the developed countries.They put forward spending 3 to 5 years to draw up developing the electronic commerce. That of plan, policy and regulation, construct huge and solid true at of electronic commerce system, will encourage the specialized talented person, excellent turn the electronic commerce system of some professions and region; Then with 5 to 7 years ,international electronic commerce’s, making our electronic commerce system become the importance of the international electronic commerce to constitute the part; Making widely available the electronic commerce application, we promote the electronic commerce of the our country to the higher level in the aspects of the study, develops and apply, attains average level of the flourishing nation.电子商务电子商务,或者电子贸易,或者电子商业作为一种新兴的商业模式,将对社会经济产生深远的影响,并且在世界各地的社会发展中发挥重要作用。



附件1:外文原文(复印件)The Development of E-commerceA perfect marketMay 13th 2004From The Economist print edition E-commerce is coming of age, says Paul Markillie, but not in the way predicted in the bubble yearsWhen the technology bubble burst in 2000, the crazy valuations for online companies vanished with it, and many businesses folded. The survivors plugged on as best they could, encouraged by the growing number of internet users. Now valuations are rising again and some of the dotcoms are making real profits, but the business world has become much more cautious about the internet’s potential. The funny thing is that the wild predictions made at the height of the boom—namely, that vast chunks of the world economy would move into cyberspace—are, in one way or another, coming true.The raw numbers tell only part of the story. According to America’s Department of Commerce, online retail sales in the world’s biggest market last year rose by 26%, to $55 billion. That sounds a lot of money, but it amounts to only 1.6% of total retail sales. The vast majority of people still buy most things in the good old “bricks-and-mortar” world.But the commerce department’s figures deal with only part of the retail industry. For instance, they exclude online travel services, one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors of e-commerce. InterActiveCorp (IAC), the owner of and , alone sold $10 billion-worth of travel last year—and it has plenty of competition, not least from airlines, hotels and car-rental companies, all of which increasingly sell online.Nor do the figures take in things like financial services, ticket-sales agencies, pornography (a $2 billion business in America last year, according to Adult Video News, a trade magazine), online dating and a host of other activities, from tracing ancestors to gambling (worth perhaps $6 billion worldwide). They also leave out purchases in grey markets, such as the online pharmacies that are thought to be responsible for a good proportion of the $700m that Americans spent last year on buying cut-price prescription drugs from across the border in Canada.And there is more. The commerce department’s figures include the fees earned by internet auction sites, but not the value of goods that are sold: an astonishing $24 billion-worth of tradewas done last year on eBay, the biggest online auctioneer. Nor, by definition, do they include the billions of dollars-worth of goods bought and sold by businesses connecting to each other over the internet. Some of these B2B services are proprietary; for example, Wal-Mart tells its suppliers that they must use its own system if they want to be part of its annual turnover of $250 billion.So e-commerce is already very big, and it is going to get much bigger. But the actual value of transactions currently concluded online is dwarfed by the extraordinary influence the internet is exerting over purchases carried out in the offline world. That influence is becoming an integral part of e-commerce.To start with, the internet is profoundly changing consumer behaviour. One in five customers walking into a Sears department store in America to buy an electrical appliance will have researched their purchase online—and most will know down to a dime what they intend to pay. More surprisingly, three out of four Americans start shopping for new cars online, even though most end up buying them from traditional dealers. The difference is that these customers come to the showroom armed with information about the car and the best available deals. Sometimes they even have computer print-outs identifying the particular vehicle from the dealer’s stock that they want to buy.Half of the 60m consumers in Europe who have an internet connection bought products offline after having investigated prices and details online, according to a study by Forrester, a research consultancy (see chart 1). Different countries have different habits. In Italy and Spain, for instance, people are twice as likely to buy offline as online after researching on the internet. But in Britain and Germany, the two most developed internet markets, the numbers are evenly split. Forrester says that people begin to shop online for simple, predictable products, such as DVDs, and then graduate to more complex items. Used-car sales are now one of the biggest online growth areas in America.People seem to enjoy shopping on the internet, if high customer-satisfaction scores are any guide. Websites are doing ever more and cleverer things to serve and entertain their customers, and seem set to take a much bigger share of people’s overall spending in the future.This has enormous implications for business. A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide. A website is increasingly becoming the gate way to a company’s brand, products and services—even if the firm does not sell online. A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away. But even the coolest website will be lost in cyberspace if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensurethat they appear high up in internet search results.For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the internet. The best-known search engine has already entered the lexicon: people say they have “Googled” a compan y, a product or their plumber. The search business has also developed one of the most effective forms of advertising on the internet. And it is already the best way to reach some consumers: teenagers and young men spend more time online than watching television. All this means that search is turning into the internet’s next big battleground as Google defends itself against challenges from Yahoo! and Microsoft.The other way to get noticed online is to offer goods and services through one of the big sites that already get a lot of traffic. Ebay, Yahoo! and Amazon are becoming huge trading platforms for other companies. But to take part, a company’s products have to stand up to intense price competition. People check online prices, compare them with those in their local high street and may well take a peek at what customers in other countries are paying. Even if websites are prevented from shipping their goods abroad, there are plenty of web-based entrepreneurs ready to oblige.What is going on here is arbitrage between different sales channels, says Mohanbir Sawhney, professor of technology at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago. For instance, someone might use the internet to research digital cameras, but visit a photographic shop for a hands-on demo nstration. “I’ll think about it,” they will tell the sales assistant. Back home, they will use a search engine to find the lowest price and buy online. In this way, consumers are “deconstructing the purchasing process”, / says Professor Sawhney. They are unbundling product information from the transaction itself.It is not only price transparency that makes internet consumers so powerful; it is also the way the net makes it easy for them to be fickle. If they do not like a website, they swiftly move on. “The web is the most selfish environment in the world,” says Daniel Rosensweig, chief operating officer of Yahoo! “People want to use the internet whenever they want, how they want and for whatever they want.”Yahoo! is not alone in defining its strategy as working out what its customers (260m unique users every month) are looking for, and then trying to give it to them. The first thing they want is to become better informed about products and prices. “We operate our business on that belief,” says Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s chief executive. Amazon became famous for books, but long ago branched out into selling lots of other things too; among its latest ventures are health products,jewellery and gourmet food. Apart from cheap and bulky items such as garden rakes, Mr Bezos thinks he can sell most things. And so do the millions of people who use eBay.And yet nobody thinks real shops are finished, especially those operating in niche markets. Many bricks-and-mortar bookshops still make a good living, as do flea markets. But many record shops and travel agents could be in for a tougher time. Erik Blachford, the head of IAC’s travel side and boss of Expedia, the biggest internet travel agent, thinks online travel bookings in America could quickly move from 20% of the market to more than half. Mr Bezos reckons online retailers might capture 10-15% of retail sales over the next decade. That would represent a massive shift in spending.How will traditional shops respond? Michael Dell, the founder of Dell, which leads the personal-computer market by selling direct to the customer, has long thought many shops will turn into showrooms. There are already signs of change on the high street. The latest Apple and Sony stores are designed to display products, in the full expectation that many people will buy online. To some extent, the online and offline worlds may merge. Multi-channel selling could involve a combination of traditional shops, a printed catalogue, a home-shopping channel on TV, a phone-in order service and an e-commerce-enabled website. But often it is likely to be the website where customers will be encouraged to place their orders.One of the biggest commercial advantages of the internet is a lowering of transaction costs, which usually translates directly into lower prices for the consumer. So, if the lowest prices can be found on the internet and people like the service they get, why would they buy anywhere else?One reason may be convenience; another, concern about fraud, which poses the biggest threat to online trade. But as long as the internet continues to deliver price and product information quickly, cheaply and securely, e-commerce will continue to grow. Increasingly, companies will have to assume that customers will know exactly where to look for the best buy. This market has the potential to become as perfect as it gets.附件2:外文资料翻译译文日趋完善的电子商务当2000年科技泡沫爆发时,备受炒作的网上公司好象随之蒸发了,众多的网上贸易也被迫流产。



E-commerce websites for developing countries –a usability evaluation frameworkLayla HasanDepartment of Management Information Systems,Zarqa University,Zarqa,Jordan,and Anne Morris and Steve Probets Department of Information Science,Loughborough University,Loughborough,UKAbstractPurpose –The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodological usability evaluation approach for e-commerce websites in developing countries.Design/methodology/approach –A multi-faceted usability evaluation of three Jordanian e-commerce websites was used,where three usability methods (user testing,heuristic evaluation and web analytics)were applied to the sites.Findings –A four-step approach was developed to facilitate the evaluation of e-commerce sites,mindful of the advantages and disadvantages of the methods used in identifying specific usability problems.Research limitations/implications –The approach was developed and tested using Jordanian users,experts and e-commerce sites.The study compared the ability of the methods to detect problems that were present,however,usability issues not present on any of the sites could not be considered when creating the approach.Practical implications –The approach helps e-commerce retailers evaluate the usability of their websites and understand which usability method(s)best matches their need.Originality/value –This research proposes a new approach for evaluating the usability of e-commerce sites.A novel aspect is the use of web analytics (Google Analytics software)as a component in the usability evaluation in conjunction with heuristics and user testing.Keywords Multi-faceted evaluation,E-commerce websites,Developing countries,User testing,Heuristic evaluation,Google Analytics,Electronic commercePaper type Research paperIntroductionThis paper is situated in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI),specifically the area of usability evaluation methods (UEMs).HCI has been defined as “A discipline concerned with the design,evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of main phenomena surrounding them”(Hewett et al.,2009).The main goal of the majority of HCI work has been to propose techniques,methods and guidelines for designing better and more usable interfaces (Agarwal and Venkatesh,2002).Therefore various UEMs have been developed and research has been undertaken to compare them.However,Hartson et al.(2001)indicate that there is room for discussing the relative merits of the various UEMs and for improving existing UEMs.This research aims to present an approach which involves three UEMs to evaluate usability of e-commerce web sites.It is based on e-commerce web sites in Jordan,which like those in other developing countries,face additional challenges compared to their counterparts in the West in making their sites acceptable,usable and profitable in the absence of legislation and regulations (Obeidat,2001).During the last decade Jordan has witnessed an improvement in information and communication technologies,whichThe current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at/1468-4527.htmRefereed article received5October 2011Approved for publication9May 2012Online Information Review Vol.37No.2,2013pp.231-251r Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1468-4527DOI 10.1108/OIR-10-2011-0166231E-commerce websiteshas resulted in an increasing number of internet users and e-commerce web sites (Harris Interactive,2009).It was thought to be worthwhile to conduct a study in Jordan that would clarify the effectiveness of the UEMs employed.This would encourage e-commerce companies to address usability in the design of their web sites by employing one or all of these methods in order to improve it,which could help increase their profitability.The aim of the research described here was therefore to develop a methodologicalapproach to investigate the usability of e-commerce web sites in Jordan.The specific objectives for the research were:.To use three different approaches (user testing,heuristic evaluation and a leading web analytics package:Google Analytics (GA))to evaluate the usability of a selection of e-commerce web sites by identifying the main usability problem areas on the sites from three different perspectives:evaluators,users and software tools;.To determine which of these approaches were the most effective in evaluating each usability problem area;and.To create an approach to identify how to evaluate e-commerce sites in relation to specific areas.The remaining sections of this paper describe the literature review and methods used,present the analysis of the main results,illustrate the approach,discuss the results in relation to other empirical studies and finally,present the conclusions.ContextDefinitions of usabilityThe usability of the interface is a core area in the field of HCI (Gray and Salzman,1998).The concept of usability has been defined and measured differently by different authors.Nielsen (2003)indicated that usability is one of the most important attributes of any user interface and measures how easy the interface is to use.Nielsen (2003)also stated that usability is not a single attribute;instead it is defined in terms of five characteristics:learnability,efficiency,memorability,errors and satisfaction.Alternatively Brinck et al.(2001,p.2)defined usability as “the degree to which users can perform a set of required tasks”.They also indicated that usability is the product of several design goals,including the five attributes already indicated by Nielsen (2003),in addition to another goal named “functionally correct”.These definitions indicate that usability is defined in terms of a set of attributes or design goals of a system/product.However,the International Standards Organisation (ISO)provides a broader definition of usability,stating that:“Usability is the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness,efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use”(ISO,1998,p.6).This definition emphasises that the usability of a product is dependent on the context of use which includes users,tasks,equipment (hardware,software and materials),and the physical and social environment,all of which may influence the usability of a product.UEMsUEMs can be categorised in terms of how the usability problems are identified:for example by users,evaluators or tools.User-based UEMs usually involve users being observed undertaking pre-defined tasks with the purpose of identifying usability problems (Brinck et al.,2001).User-based approaches have been frequently used to evaluate the usability of e-commerce web sites232OIR 37,2(Agarwal and Venkatesh,2002),for example Tilson et al.(1998)asked16users to complete tasks on four e-commerce sites and report what they liked and disliked.Freeman and Hyland(2003)used a similar technique to evaluate and compare the usability of e-commerce sites.The research outcomes proved the usefulness of user-based methods in identifying major design problems which prevented users from interacting with the sites successfully.Evaluator-based UEMs involve having a number of expert evaluators assess theuser interface to judge whether it conforms to a set of usability principles,known as “heuristics”(Nielsen and Mack,1994).Chen and Macredie(2005),for example,used expert evaluator methods to evaluate the usability of four online supermarkets.Again the research outcomes proved this method successful in identifying both usability problems and good design features on the sites.Several studies have compared both user testing and heuristic evaluation methods. Barnard and Wesson(2004),for example,used both methods to investigate design issues and problems that were highly significant for e-commerce sites in South Africa from the perspective of both experts and users.Problems identified by both users and experts were considered to be significant while those that were missed or identified by only one of those methods were ignored.Other comparative studies have shown that heuristic evaluation methods uniquely identify more usability problems than usability testing(Desurvire et al., 1991;Doubleday et al.,1997;Fu et al.,2002).Although these studies did not explain the distribution of usability problems in terms of whether they were major or minor problems,other studies have discussed this issue and offer various findings. Jeffries et al.(1991),for example,found that heuristic evaluation identified a larger number of both serious and minor problems in comparison to user testing.However,Gray and Salzman(1998)criticised the design of this study because the number of participants was too small for statistical analysis.In contrast Law and Hvannberg(2002)found that while heuristic evaluation found a larger number of minor problems compared to user testing,the latter was better at uniquely identifying major problems.Only a few studies,however,highlight the types of specific usability problems identified by these methods.One such study by Tan et al.(2009)compared user testing and heuristic evaluation by evaluating four commercial web sites and classified usability problems by type.Both methods were found to be equally effective in identifying different usability problems related to five categories(navigation,information content, layout organisation and structure,usability and availability of tools and common look and feel)but user testing did not identify problems relating to two issues(compatibility, and security and privacy issues).Software-based UEMs use software tools to identify usability problems.Web analytics is an example of this approach.It involves collecting,measuring,monitoring,analysing and reporting web usage data to understand visitors’experiences(Web Analytics Association,n.d.).There are two common approaches to web analytics:server-based log file analysis and client-based page tagging(JavaScript tagging).Server-based log file analysis involves using a server’s log file to collect access and visit data.Kaushik(2007), however,indicates that while the log file technique was used widely as a data source for web analytics,the disadvantages of using this approach(i.e.the use of caching techniques,and the use of IP addresses to identify unique visitors)were noticed by both web analytics vendors and customers.These challenges led to the emergence of page-tagging techniques as a new mechanism for collecting usage data from web sites.Page tagging involves adding lines of script(e.g.JavaScript)to the pages of a web site to gather statistics from them. Page tagging is typically more accurate than server-based analysis as most page tags233 E-commercewebsitesare based on cookies to determine the uniqueness of a visitor and not on an IP address,and this method is not influenced by caching techniques (Kaushik,2007;Peterson,2004).An example of a web analytics tool that uses a page-tagging approach,and which has had a major effect on the web analytics industry,is GA.Web metrics give meaning to data collected by web analytics tools and can be either basic or advanced.Basic metrics are raw data which are usually expressed in rawnumbers (i.e.visits,page views,etc.).Advanced metrics are expressed in ratios or percentages instead of raw numbers and are designed to improve the usefulness of the analytics data (Peterson,2006).At least two studies have used GA to evaluate and improve the design and content of web sites (Fang,2007;Prom,2007).Both used standard reports from GA (i.e.funnel navigation)without deriving specific metrics.These studies both suggested that analysis of GA data enables problems to be identified quickly and helps determine whether a site provides the necessary information to its visitors.There has,however,been little research evaluating the usability of e-commerce web sites employing user-based,evaluator-based and software-based (GA)UEMs together.Studies by Fang (2007)and Prom (2007)illustrated the potential usefulness of using GA to evaluate web sites with the intention of improving their usability,however,further research is needed to explain how GA can be used to evaluate the usability of e-commerce web sites by employing advanced web metrics.Similarly additional research is needed to investigate and compare detailed types of specific usability problems that could be identified uniquely by user testing,heuristic evaluation methods and GA,and those problems that could be either missed or commonly identified by these methods when evaluating an e-commerce web site.MethodologySelection of UEMsThe selection of the three UEMs (user testing,heuristic evaluation and GA)was based on evidence that these methods are complementary in that they are able to identify usability problems from different perspectives (Desurvire et al.,1992;Fu et al.,2002;Jeffries et al.,1991;Kaushik,2007;Law and Hvannberg,2002;Nielsen,2003;Peterson,2004).Several researchers have suggested using both heuristic and user testing in tandem in order to identify different kinds of usability problems (Desurvire et al.,1991;Fu et al.,2002;Jeffries et al.,1991;Law and Hvannberg,2002;Nielsen,2003).GA was used since it has a wide range of features and benefits (i.e.a usable and simple interface)and is easy to implement,thus encouraging site owners to deploy web analytics (Jasra,2006).It is also freely available.A multi-faceted evaluationThe research was based on a multi-faceted usability evaluation of three Jordanian e-commerce web sites where the three methods (user testing,heuristic evaluation and GA)were applied to the sites in order to develop the approach.Initially 27e-commerce companies in Jordan were identified from five electronic Jordanian and Arab directories and a Google search.Of these only three companies agreed to participate in the research.Fortunately all three sites had a wide range of usability issues,a necessary selection pany 1specialises in manufacturing Islamic clothing for women.It was founded in Jordan in 1987although its online outlet has only been operational since pany 2also specialises in manufacturing Islamic clothing for women and is based in Jordan.Its online shop was launched in 2004.234OIR 37,2Launched in2005Company3provides an online store that sells a wide variety of crafts and handmade products made in Jordan and Palestine.The customers of these web sites are both local and international.However,all three companies expressed a desire to expand their local market.Consequently this study investigated the usability of the web sites from the perspective of local(Jordanian) customers.The three methods were employed concurrently on each site between July and December2007.No web site changes were made by the e-commerce vendors during this timeframe.Initially the required GA script was inserted on the companies’web sites to enable GA software to track the usage of the e-commerce sites.The usage of the web sites was then monitored for three months.To facilitate the user testing,typical tasks for e-commerce web sites were devised, such as finding information and products,using the site’s search engine,purchasing products,changing the content of the shopping cart and changing the user profile. Each company was asked to explain the characteristics of their current and proposed user base and then20users were recruited with characteristics that matched those specified by the companies.Data were gathered from each user testing session using screen capture software(Camtasia).Observation of the users working through the tasks,in addition to asking for comments from the users while interacting with each site,was also undertaken.Finally post-test questionnaires were completed by the users after interaction with each site.In addition a set of comprehensive heuristics,specific to e-commerce web sites, was devised based on a detailed review of the HCI literature.Specifically the developed heuristics were based on three items.Table I presents the items used and their respective sources.The heuristics used in the research were organised into five major categories: architecture and navigation,content,accessibility and customer service,design and the purchasing process.Five web experts,who had extensive design experience in e-commerce web sites(more than ten years),evaluated the sites using the heuristic guidelines.This number was considered appropriate given that Nielsen and Mack (1994)and Pickard(2007)all recommend using from three to five evaluators.The heuristic evaluators were asked to indicate whether they felt any usability problems were likely to be minor or major.To ensure inter-rater reliability(i.e.the extent of agreement between the heuristic evaluators)k-statistics were calculated.Overall the k-statistic for all the usability problems identified by the evaluators was0.69,which, according to Altman(1991),indicates good agreement among the evaluators.Items used Respective authorsGeneral texts on how to design usable websites Nielsen(2000),Sharp et al.(2007),Pearrow(2000),Brinck et al.(2001)Design criteria developed for evaluating e-commerce websites Elliott et al.(2000),Davidson and Lambert(2005), Oppenheim and Ward(2006),Van der Merwe and Bekker(2003),Hung and McQueen(2004)Research investigating the relative importance of e-commerce web design issues and features that affect purchasing habits Barnard and Wesson(2004),Oliveira and Joia(2007),Chen and Macredie(2005),Freeman and Hyland(2003),Oppenheim and Ward(2006),Pearson et al.(2007),Tarafdar and Zhang(2005),Tilson et al.(1998),Whiteand Manning(1998)Table I.Items used in developingthe heuristic guidelines235E-commercewebsitesData analysis After all three methods had been deployed,the data were analysed to determine which methods identified each usability problem area.The first stage involved analysing each usability method separately for each site and identifying the usability problems obtained by each method.The user testing method was analysed by examining performance data,in-session observation notes,the Camtasia sessions,users’comments noted during the test,and quantitative and qualitative data from the post-test questionnaires.The heuristic evaluation method was analysed by examining the heuristic evaluators’comments obtained during the 15sessions.To analyse the GA results,a matrix of 41advanced web metrics was suggested,which include the most common advanced web metrics defined in the literature.The matrix was then divided into nine categories,as shown in Table II.The first seven categories included metrics that were selected to describe the overall usability of a site while the last two categories included metrics that were selected to describe other issues.These helped to provide an understanding of the usability of the e-commerce sites.The web usage of the three sites,tracked using GA,was measured using the suggested matrix.The second stage of the analysis aimed to identify a list of common usability problems pinpointed by each method.This was achieved by performing a comparison of each UEM across the three sites.The third stage of the analysis was undertaken in order to generate a list of standardised usability problem themes and sub-themes to facilitate comparison among the methods.Problem themes and sub-themes were identified from No.Metrics categoryMetrics 1General usability metrics Average time on site,average page views per visit,percentage of long,medium and short visits,percentage of high,medium and low click depth (page view)visits,bounce rate 2Internal search metrics Average searches per visit,percentage of visits using search,search results to site exits ratio 3Top landing pages metrics Bounce rate,entrance sources,entrance keywords 4Top content pages (most viewed pages)metrics Bounce rate,average time,percentage of site exits 5Top exit pages metrics Percentage of site exits 6Finding customer support information metrics Information find conversion rate (percentage of visits where visitors viewed customer support pages),feedback form conversion rate 7Purchasing process metrics Cart start rate (percentage of visits involving visitors adding atleast one item to shopping cart),cart completion rate,checkoutstart rate (percentage of visits involving visitors clicking thecheckout button),checkout completion rate,ratio of checkoutstarts to cart starts,funnel report (an analysis of the navigationalpaths followed by visitors based on a number of identified steps)8Visitors’metrics Ratio of new to returning visits,visitor engagement index (theaverage sessions or visits per visitor),percentage of high,mediumand low frequency visits,percentage of high,medium and lowrecency visits,language,operating systems,browsers,screencolours,screen resolutions,flash versions,Java support,connection speed9Financial performance metricsAverage order value,order conversion rate,average revenue pervisit,average visits to purchase,average days to purchase,average items per cart completed Table II.Trial matrix ofweb metrics 236OIR 37,2the common usability problem areas which were generated by each method.Ten-problem themes(usability problem areas)and44problem sub-themes(usability problem sub-areas)were finally identified from an analysis of the methods and the ability of each method to accurately identify each problem sub-theme was recorded(see Appendix).ResultsFirst we present the results obtained from employing GA,then summarise the results regarding the effectiveness of user testing and heuristic evaluation methods in identifying usability problem areas on the e-commerce web sites.GA resultsThe results obtained from the trial matrix of41web metrics(Table II)showed that the metrics could be used to identify potential usability problems on e-commerce web sites. Based on the results a matrix of web metrics was developed(Figure1).Figure1shows six areas(navigation,architecture,content/design,internal search,customer service and purchasing process)and the corresponding metrics which can be used to indicate potential usability problems in these areas.Figure1also shows that web metrics could be used to provide information regarding two important issues:site visitors and financial performance of a site.Furthermore,with regard to the content/design and purchasing process areas,Figure1shows the corresponding web metrics that could be used to indicate potential usability problems in specific pages of an e-commerce web site(top landing pages,top content pages,top exit pages and those in the purchasing process).To illustrate how the combination of metrics in Figure1provided potential indications of usability problems in the overall purchasing process for the three sites, as well as indications of potential problems with specific pages that make up the purchasing process,two examples are provided below:(1)The combination of order conversion rate,time spent on site,cart completionand checkout rate metrics suggests that the three sites had usability problems in their overall purchasing processes.Specifically the low values of the order conversion rate metric of all sites indicated that few visits resulted in an order.The relatively low values for the percentage of long visits suggest that few visitors were engaged in purchasing activity on the three sites.The low cart completion rate and checkout completion rate metrics also suggest that the three sites had usability problems in their purchasing processes.These findings were aligned with the feedback from the users and heuristic evaluators who experienced problems with the purchasing processes of all three sites.(2)The low value of the cart start rate metric(which showed that few users addedanything to the shopping cart)suggests that sites1and2had usability problems on their product pages.This was confirmed by the user testing and the heuristic evaluation methods.On site1,for example,the performance data and observation and the heuristic evaluation methods identified a navigation problem relating to misleading links.The qualitative data from the satisfaction questionnaire,together with the heuristic evaluation methods,also identified two content problems on sites1and2on the product pages:inaccurate information and missing product information.The results,however,indicated some limitations of employing the metrics in the evaluation of the usability of e-commerce web sites.These related to the fact that237 E-commercewebsitesthe web metrics indicated only a potential usability problem area which could relateto one or more specific problem sub-areas or sub-themes in this area.They could not provide in-depth detail about specific problems that might be present on a page.These specific problem sub-themes were only identified by the user testing and/or heuristic methods.Figure 1.The suggested web matrix 238OIR37,2User testing and heuristic evaluation methodsThe heuristic evaluation was more effective than user testing in terms of identifying a larger proportion of problems (see Table III),however,nearly all of these were rated by the evaluators as “minor”.User testing found six more “major”problems than heuristic evaluation.An example of a “major”problem was when a user made an error and was unable to recover and complete the assigned task in the allotted time,whereas an example of a “minor”problem was when a user recognised they had made an error and was able to recover from it.An analysis of the usability problems that were uniquely and commonly identified by the two methods based on the number of usability problems related to the ten-problem themes is presented in Figure 2.It can be seen that the heuristic evaluation method was more effective in identifying a large number of problems compared to user testing with respect to all the problem themes except one (purchasing process),where user testing identified a larger number of problems.Further specific details regarding the major and minor problems identified in the ten-problem themes and 44sub-themes are presented in the Appendix,highlighting the effectiveness of the user testing and heuristic evaluation methods in the case studies.The results show the number and severity level of each specific problem area identified by the user testing and heuristic evaluation methods with regard to the ten main usability problem areas and their corresponding sub-areas.The results also illustrate which method(s)are useful for identifying minor and major problems,those51015202530354045Na v i g a t i o n I n t e r n a l s e a r c h C o n t e n t A r c h i t e c t u r eD e s i g n P u r c h a s i n g p r o c e s s S e c u r i t y a n d p r i v a c y I n c o n s i s t e n c y A c c e s s i b i l i t y a n d c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e M i s s i n g f u n c t i o n s N u m b e r o f p r o b l e m sFigure 2.Distribution of usability problems identified (by problem area and evaluation method)Heuristic testingUser testing Minor1592Major1319Total 17221Table III.Distribution of usability problems uniquely identified by the two methods 239E-commerce websitesthat might fail to identify specific types of problems,or those that will always fail to identify specific types of problems.For example,regarding the navigation theme,the Appendix shows that user testing was more effective than heuristic evaluation in uniquely identifying major problems related to two specific areas:misleading links (i.e.links with names that did not meet users’expectations as the name of the link did not match the content of itsdestination page)and links that were not obvious (i.e.links that were not situated in obvious locations on the sites).However,the heuristic evaluation was more effective than the user testing in uniquely identifying other major navigational problems (i.e.pages without a navigation menu)and minor problems related to four areas:misleading links,links that were not obvious,broken links and orphan pages (i.e.pages that did not have any links).One example from the case studies was that on site 1,users did not expect the advanced search link to only allow searching the site by colour and price (Figure 3).This link therefore constitutes a problem as the link name (Advanced Search)did not match the content of the destination ers expected this page to have search boxes with multiple search criteria,however,this page included only combo boxes that allowed users to search the site on limited criteria,it did not allow users to search by keywords or within a specific category.The heuristic evaluators,however,missed identifying this problem.In addition to the different kinds of navigational issues that were identified by the two methods,there were many examples across the other usability themes that illustrated the different kinds of issues identified by these methods.These included:.Internal search theme:both heuristic evaluation and user testing identified similar major problems relating to inaccurate results and similar minor problems relating to limited search options,however,heuristicevaluationFigure 3.Advanced search page(site 1)240OIR 37,2。



电子商务英文论文完整的英文论文Recent development of information technologies has brought us new possibilitie s for teaching and learning classical art and humanities in several different ways. Image plays a key role here. In learning classical Japanese poetry, it i s quite important to examine original books and manus because even the publish ed books were printed from the wood blocks of engraved words which were writte n with brush by, in many cases, the authors themselves. Not only the visual ar t works, but also the literary materials as such pose the problem of authentic ity, and this problem itself is closely linked to the interpretation of the li terary works and the life history of the authors. Yosa Buson 1716-84, a poet-p ainter, and his followers best represent this type of artists and must be stud ied with both texts and images they created.Buson was a leading haiku poet of the 18th century and, with Basho and Issa, o ne of the great names in haiku. He was also a distinguished BUNJINGA literati-style painter, and perfected haiga or cursive sketch with poems as a branch of Japanese pictorial art. Buson read classics extensively and studied different styles of Chinese and Japanese paintings. Poetry and painting affected each o ther in his art. His poems were, diversely enough, rich in imagery, clearly de picting fine movements and sensual appearances of things, dynamic with wider l andscapes, lyrical, sensitive to human affairs, romantic with hidden stories, graceful, and longingly time-conscious. Buson completed his own style of painting in his later years when he was using the name of Sha-In. Freed from the in fluence of China, he created genuine Japanese landscapes.Creation of the SiteIn the light of Heidegger's thinking, Buson's poems emerge as 'poems of being' more than anything else. Of course Buson lived far earlier than Heidegger, an d clearly there was no direct correspondence between them. However, beyond thi s distance what weighs on my mind is, for example, such a Hokku poem of peony as below. This poem is usually viewed as staged on a peony garden, but I look at it as an event inside a room.Within the quietness of a lull in visitors' absence, appears the peony flowers eki to e kyaku no taema no botan kanaPossibly after a Haiku meeting, or it seems it could have been any persons, th e poet saw the visitors off and returned to the room. He then looked at the co rner, and saw the peony, which has been there for some time, as appearing agai n, floating in a lull, as though it were transformed to that peony as itself. While residual scents of the visitors in the room are silently disappearing, i t is calm, not too light nor dark, and the peony is there lighted on its face by that surrounding air. The poet stands there, veiled in ennui, where he feel s both bliss and lament, with that time perceived as a long instant. Even if it is an instant, a time of 'unworldliness' is disclosed there, as a poet himse lf or for a man as a Heideggerian Da-sein, to be almost continual to eternity. Access and EvaluationTwo years after starting its creation, this site now rece ives more and more accesses from both Japan and abroad. In May 2000, for examp le, there were, in average, about 350 hits for the site per day, 45 different individual accesses to the English top page, and 17 different accesses to the Japanese top page. Some people leave notes in the guest book, and some other p eople prefer to send e-mails to the site author. These notes and mails are ana lyzed in terms of contents, interests, and gratification. Formative evaluation of the site is now conducted with college students. This site, when it is ful ly developed, is to be converted into a CD-ROM with upgraded still and moving images.Abstract From the concept of the network university, we deduce its three basic infrastructures:the education center station, the high speed backbone and th e user terminal network. we point out that the remote learning online at home will be the most important studying model in the future,so the HomeNet will be a necessary infrastructure platform for remote learning , in this paper we di scuss the structure, the key technologies and connection media of HomeNet. Keywords network university remote learning HomeNet1. The BackgroundWith the extension of internet in application area, from academies, enterprise s to the government departments, the network reaches variable aspects of our s ociety. From knowledge learning, message obtaining to e-commerce, the digital network is all proved a strong pushing strength. With network, the difference of time and space are eliminated, the exchange and communication among people, the resources sharing are becoming much more easier, based on that, more and more applications are developed, and one of which is the network university an d remote learning which will be a great revolution to the traditional teaching and learning way. People can study online, exchange thoughts interactively wi th teachers and schoolmates through network rather than special classrooms in the campus, this will provide a chance to learn knowledge all the life for tho se who are i n work or can’t go into colleges, perhaps the network university will be the most important model to study in a not long future.The network university consists of three infrastructures: the education center stations which include multimedia courseware, sound and image material etc., the high speed backbone and user terminal network. Our government has made the remote learning a strategy to promote the quality of the nation, the CERNET backbone are in construction , and the education center stations have already been implemented successfully in some campuses, so the key to employing the re mote learning project lies in the third part---the user terminal network.The network brings us great flexibility to study online , no doubt , the most often place for people to learn is at home , and with the development of life standard , many families will have more than one set of computer and HDTV sets, and study is not only the thing of children , but also the need of parents , and additionally , remote medical treatment , ordering online, home automation controlling are all the future requirements in the family1, so it is a necess ary condition to digitalized the families in the information society to constr uct a perfect HomeNet home terminal network which provide all above functions , in the following sections , we will discuss the structure, the key technologi es and access media of HomeNet.The home network is a special LAN, in logical structure, they have some resemb lance, but the home network has its own special features in application enviro nment, operational functions and system physical construction. The implement o f home network requires several key technologies to support as following2: the embodied operate system and embodied custom ICASIC , API level interoperable specifications, the final use interface design and access technology.There are various devices at home, and the difference between them is large i n controlling model, computation ability and intelligent level. Most of them a re less performance products except a few such as computers, thus, to enable t he whole home network, the embodied OS and IC is the kernel technologies. Curr ent prevailing embodied OS are WINDOWS CE, 3COM Palm OS, JAVA2, JAVA2 Micro Edition, Pjava, Ejava and our own embodied Hopen OS designed by KAISI Cooperatio n. The embodied IC includes LonWorks’ Neuron ICs and Intel’s micro controlle rs such as 8051 family and the like.API is application program interface, due to the media is various in the netw ork physical layer, in order to get the interoperability on the program interf ace layer, API lever interoperable specifications must be defined, it’s the f oundation to develop home network application, it shields the under layer prot ocols, and provide a identical interface to application developer. The current APIs are Microsoft UPnP, SUN JINI, Home PNP, Home API and so on.User interfaceUI determines the easy degree of operation, and then bring abou t the system’s final use recognition . To the HOMENET interface, its applicat ion environment and special use objects decide the following features3: Usability: the users of home network are various people, the age’s disparity from young to old, the culture level and relative technology is different from each other, so the usability of HomeNet is very important to develop the home network market, thus the UI must provide a flexible, simple and intuitional i nterface to the general user collective.Mobility: HomeNet is a heterogenous network, it consists of digital sub networ k, A/V sub network and control sub network. When all the electronics at home are connected by HOMENET, users should configure, control, manage and check the network performance and equipment status from different access points. Scalability: Due to the economics, technology and market elements, the process of HOMENET construction is not an instant procedure, but is a accumulating on e, so the topology structure must facilitate the system upgrade and maintenanc e, and the UI should provide the proper interface to the new plugged equipmen t.Access section is the connection between internet and HomeNet, access technol ogy can be divided into two types: wire and wireless ways, the wire way includ es Modem, HFC/Cable Modem, FFTH and xDSL technologies, the wireless way includ es WAP, LDMS and so on. Traditional Modem technology has low transmission rate, with the home network wide spreads, the access technology will transfer to Ca ble Modem and xDSL technology, and in the end, the FTTH and WAP technology wil l be the prefer selection.3. HomeNet Logical Layer ArchitectureFigure1 shows the HOMENET logical architecture, the whole system consists of f ive layers: physical media layer, protocol layer, API layer, APP layer applica tion program and UI user interface layer. The specifications of the underlying two layers has been distributed and used in practices.Figure 1 HomeNet architectureThe API layer is the key of HomeNet , the technologies of it is the hot issue of home network development, the Home API and Jini specifications distributed in 1999. The fourth layer APP is a set of applications over the third. The fif th layer is UI, it is a set of various interface tools, it is not limited to P C, but also includes emergent buttons, help switches, remote controlling devic es and other visual interfaces.The HomeNet protocols can be divided into three types: under layer protocols media ,protocol layers, API protocols and UI specifications. In UI layer, with out proper distributed specifications, with the market enlarging and the incre ment of user requirement, it is necessary to standardize the UI design. From t he view of zone, the HomeNet specifications are distributed by America, Europe and Japan, such as Japan’s HBS, Europe’s BatiBUS, Europe Home System and EI B, America’s X10, CEBus and lonWorks. Addition, some work group also distribu ted specifications such as HAVI’s IEEE 1394, Bluetooth, HPNP, Home API and Ji ni45.4. The Connect Scenarios and MediaThere are several communication media at home as following: TP twisted pair, T L telephone line, xDSL, Cable Modem, FB fiber, PL power line and wireless trsm ission , HomeRF, Bluetooth. TP, TL and PL are current prevailing media in Home Net, FB, xDSL, Cable Modem and wireless media will dominate in the future.The implement of connection scenarios are relative closely to the communicatio n media . The two rules must be observed in HOMENET construction, the first is the usability and the another is the reasonable cost. Due to HOMENET’S vario us functions and each family’s affording ability, the connection scenarios wi ll also be various. In the following sections, we discuss ether and fast ether network, home TL network, PL network and wireless network.Ether and fast ether network: ether network is often used in practice , simpli city and reliability is its advantage, and the cost is lower than other scenar ios. The compatibility of it makes it convenient to upgrade from 10mpbs to 100 mpbs and 1000mpbs ether network, and it benefits users from protecting the ori ginal investigates, so this is a preferred scenario in constructing HomeNet. TL HomeNet: Home TL technology makes it possible to build a high speed network at home by use already existing telephone lines. The 10mpbs TL specification has been distributed in HomePNA , a digital product can be easily linked to th e network by a interface module which connects the telephone line plug and the product. Addition, the xDSL technology extends the PL communication band, and makes the TL HOMENET can afford the multimedia applications.PL network: this scenario interconnects the home digital devices by ubiquitous power lines, its biggest advantage is that most of the electronic products ha ve been linked to PLs. Although the old PL network X-10 have difficulties to carry high speed data information, the new technology has implemented high spee d data transmission.Wireless network: the advantages of it over wire network lie in flexibility, m obility and easy constructing. The technology maturity of the wireless network has been proved in the applications of restaurant communication and stock exc hange information transmission, but the defect is its high cost in constructio n and the narrow communication band. With the appearing of new technologies, t he wireless network will dominate the HomeNet market in the future due to its above tributes.5. The EndThere are still a lot things to do to spread the home network currently: first of all is the development of embodied OS and IC, then without the interoperab le specifications the different devices can not communicate each other directl y, and the integration of HomeNet becomes complicated due to much more protoco ls in the under lays, so much efforts should be taken to implement the dream o f remote learning online, ordering online and so on through the HomeNet. References在线翻译结果信息技术的新发展带来了我们新可能性为教和学会经典艺术和人文学科用几个不同的方式;图象扮演一个关键角色这里;在学会古典日本诗歌, 它是相当重要审查原始的书和manus因为甚而出版书, 在许多情况下, 打印了从被写与刷子被刻记的词的木块作者;不仅视觉艺术工作, 而且文艺材料象这样姿势真实性的问题, 和这个问题与文艺工作和作者的生活历史的解释连接严密;Yosa Buson 1716-84, 诗人画家, 和他的追随者最好代表这类型艺术家, 必须被学习以他们创造的两个文本和图象;Buson 是18 世纪和, 与Basho 和Issa, 的一位主导的haiku 诗人了不起的名字的当中一个在haiku ;他并且是一位卓越的BUNJINGA 知识界样式画家, 和被完善的haiga 或草写剪影以诗作为日本摄影艺术分支;Buson 广泛地读了经典之作和学习了中国和日本绘画不同的样式;诗歌和绘画互相影响了在他的艺术;他的诗是, 足够不同地, 富有在成像上, 清楚地描述好事运动和肉欲的出现, 动态以更宽的风景, 抒情, 敏感对人的事理, 浪漫以暗藏的故事, 优美, 和longingly 讲究时间;Buson 完成了他自己的样式绘在他的最新岁月当他使用名字沙在;释放从中国的影响, 他创造了真正日本风景站点的创作根据Heidegger's 认为, Buson's 诗涌现作为being' 'poems; 更多比别的;当然Buson 比Heidegger 及早居住, 并且清楚地没有直接书信在他们之间;但是, 在这个距离之外什么称在我的头脑象下面是, 例如, 牡丹这样Hokku 诗;这首诗依照被演出通常被观看在牡丹庭院, 但我看它作为一次事件在屋子里面;在暂时平息的安静之内在visitors' 缺席, 出现牡丹花 seki 对 e kyaku 没有taema 没有botan kana可能在Haiku 会议, 或它以后似乎这能是任一persons, 诗人看了visitors 和回到了屋子;他然后看角落, 和看见了牡丹, 象再看来在有一段时间了那里, 漂浮在暂时平息, 好象它被变换了对那株牡丹作为本身;当访客的残余的气味在屋子里沈默地消失, 它是镇静的, 不太轻亦不黑暗, 并且牡丹那里被点燃在它的面孔由那周围的航空;诗人立场那里,遮掩在倦怠, 他感觉极乐和哀叹, 与那时间被察觉作为长的瞬时;既使这是瞬时,'unworldliness' 的时期; 被透露那里, 作为一位诗人或为一个人作为HeideggerianDa-sein, 是几乎连续的对永恒; 通入和评估二年在开始它的创作以后, 这个站点现在接受越来越通入从日本和海外;在2000 年5月, 例如, 有, 在平均、大约350 命中为站点每天, 对英国顶面页的45 不同各自的通入, 和对日本顶面页的17 不同通入;某些人民把笔记留在在客人书, 并且其它人民喜欢送电子邮件到站点作者;这些笔记和邮件被分析根据内容、兴趣, 和称心;站点的形成评估现在被举办与大学生;这个站点, 当它充分地被开发, 将被转换成CD-ROM 与仍然升级和移动的图象信息技术的新发展带来了我们新可能性为教和学会经典艺术和人文学科用几个不同的方式;图象扮演一个关键角色这里;在学会古典日本诗歌, 它是相当重要审查原始的书和manus 因为甚而出版书, 在许多情况下, 打印了从被写与刷子被刻记的词的木块作者;不仅视觉艺术工作, 而且文艺材料象这样姿势真实性的问题, 和这个问题与文艺工作和作者的生活历史的解释连接严密;Yosa Buson 1716-84, 诗人画家, 和他的追随者最好代表这类型艺术家, 必须被学习以他们创造的两个文本和图象; Buson 是18 世纪和, 与Basho 和Issa, 的一位主导的haiku 诗人了不起的名字的当中一个在haiku ;他并且是一位卓越的BUNJINGA 知识界样式画家, 和被完善的haiga 或草写剪影以诗作为日本摄影艺术分支;Buson 广泛地读了经典之作和学习了中国和日本绘画不同的样式;诗歌和绘画互相影响了在他的艺术;他的诗是, 足够不同地, 富有在成像上, 清楚地描述好事运动和肉欲的出现, 动态以更宽的风景, 抒情, 敏感对人的事理, 浪漫以暗藏的故事, 优美, 和longingly 讲究时间;Buson 完成了他自己的样式绘在他的最新岁月当他使用名字沙在;释放从中国的影响, 他创造了真正日本风景; 站点的创作网站为Buson 和他的小组的研究因而被创造了在;这个站点有三个主要区域: 文章在Buson, 书目资源在Buson, 和Buson 和他的小组haiku 和绘画工作摄影编目;页亢奋连接在站点之内并且一些页包含链接到其它相关网站;多数页被写在日语和英语国际上吸引学习者;第一区域包含author's 原文和杂文譬如"Poetry 作为一个露天场所为Being" 孕腹轻松; ;引述唯一几段从那里; 根据Heidegger's 认为, Buson's 诗涌现作为being' 'poems; 更多比别的;当然Buson 比Heidegger 及早居住, 并且清楚地没有直接书信在他们之间;但是, 在这个距离之外什么称在我的头脑象下面是, 例如, 牡丹这样Hokku 诗;这首诗依照被演出通常被观看在牡丹庭院, 但我看它作为一次事件在屋子里面; 在暂时平息的安静之内在visitors' 缺席, 出现牡丹花 seki 对 e kyaku 没有taema 没有botan kana 可能在Haiku 会议, 或它以后似乎这能是任一persons, 诗人看了visitors 和回到了屋子;他然后看角落, 和看见了牡丹, 象再看来在有一段时间了那里, 漂浮在暂时平息, 好象它被变换了对那株牡丹作为本身;当访客的残余的气味在屋子里沈默地消失, 它是镇静的,不太轻亦不黑暗, 并且牡丹那里被点燃在它的面孔由那周围的航空;诗人立场那里, 遮掩在倦怠, 他感觉极乐和哀叹, 与那时间被察觉作为长的瞬时;既使这是瞬时, 'unworldliness' 的时期; 被透露那里, 作为一位诗人或为一个人作为Heideggerian Da-sein, 是几乎连续的对永恒; 通入和评估二年在开始它的创作以后, 这个站点现在接受越来越通入从日本和海外;在2000 年5月, 例如, 有, 在平均、大约350 命中为站点每天, 对英国顶面页的45 不同各自的通入, 和对日本顶面页的17 不同通入;某些人民把笔记留在在客人书, 并且其它人民喜欢送电子邮件到站点作者;这些笔记和邮件被分析根据内容、兴趣, 和称心;站点的形成评估现在被举办与大学生;这个站点, 当它充分地被开发, 将被转换成CD-ROM 与仍然升级和移动的图象;摘要从网络大学的概念, 我们推论它的三基本的infrastructuresthe 教育中心驻地、高速中坚和用户终端网络;我们指出, 遥控在网上学会在家将是最重要的学习的模型在HomeNet 将是一个必要的基础设施平台为遥远学会的futureso, 在我们谈论结构的本文, HomeNet 关键技术和连接媒介;主题词网络大学遥远的学习的HomeNet 1 背景以互联网引伸在应用范围, 从学院, 企业对政府部门, 网络到达我们的社会的易变的方面;从知识学会, 消息获得对电子商务, 数字网所有被证明强的推挤的力量;以网络, 区别时间和空间被消灭, 交换和通信在人之中, 资源分享变得更加容易, 根据那, 越来越应用被开发, 并且其中之一是网络大学和遥远的学会哪些将是一次了不起的革命对传统教的和学习的方式;人们能交互式地在网上学习, 交换想法与老师和同学通过网络而不是特别教室在校园里, 这将提供一次机会学会知识所有生活为那些是在工作或无法进入学院, 或许网络大学将是最重要的模型对研究在一不长的未来; 网络大学包括三基础设施: 包括多媒体课件、声音和图象材料等, 高速中坚和用户终端网络的教育中心驻地;我们的政府做了遥控学会战略促进国家的质量, CERNET 中坚是在建筑,并且教育中心驻地成功地已经被实施在一些校园, 因此使用遥远的学习的项目谎言的钥匙里在第三个部份这用户终端网络; 网络带来我们伟大的灵活性在网上学习, 没有疑义, 经常地方使人学会在家是, 并且以生活标准的发展, 许多家庭将有超过一套计算机和HDTV 集合, 并且研究是不仅孩子事, 而且父母需要, 并且另外, 遥远的药物治疗, 定购网上, 家庭自动化控制是所有未来要求在family1 , 因此这是一个必要条件对数字化家庭在信息社会修建一个完善的HomeNet家庭终端网络哪些提供所有在作用之上, 在以下部分, 我们将谈论结构、关键技术和HomeNet 通入媒介;2. 关键技术在HomeNet 家庭网络是特别LAN, 在逻辑结构里, 他们有一些相似, 但家庭网络有它自己的特殊性能在应用环境、操作的作用和系统物理建筑;家庭网络的贯彻要求几关键技术支持作为following2 : 被实现操作系统和被实现的风俗ICASIC, API 水平相互可操作的规格、最后的用途接口设计和通入技术; 有在家各种各样的设备, 并且区别在他们之间是大的在控制模型、计算能力和聪明的水平;大多数是较少表现产品除了一些譬如计算机, 因而, 使能整体家庭网络, 被实现的OS 和IC 是仁技术;当前的战胜的被实现的OS 是WINDOWS CE, 3COM 棕榈OS 、JAVA2, JAVA2 微编辑、Pjava 、Ejava 和我们自己的被实现的Hopen OS 由KAISI 合作设计;被实现的IC 包括LonWorks 的神经元ICs 和英特尔的微控制器譬如8051 家庭和等等; API 是应用程序结口, 由于媒介是各种各样的在网络物理层, 为了得到共用在节目接口层数, API 杠杆相互可操作的规格必须被定义, 这是基础开发家庭网络应用, 它保护下面分层协议, 和提供一个相同接口对应用开发者;当前的APIs 是微软UPnP, 太阳JINI, 家庭PNP, 家庭API 等等; 用户interfaceUI 确定容易的程度操作, 和然后达到系统的最后的用途认识;对HOMENET 接口, 它的应用环境和特别用途对象决定以下features3 : 实用性: 家庭网络的用户是各种各样的人民, 年龄的差距从年轻对老, 文化水平和相对技术是与彼此不同, 因此HomeNet 的实用性非常重要开发家庭网络市场, 因而UI 必须提供一个灵活, 简单和intuitional 接口对一般用户集体; 流动性: HomeNet 是一个异源网络, 它包括数字式次级网络, A/V 次级网络和控制次级网络;当所有电子由HOMENET 在家连接, 用户应该配置, 控制, 处理和检查网络表现和设备状态从不同的存取点; 可测量性: 由于经济、技术和市场元素, HOMENET 建筑的过程不是一个立即做法, 而是是一积累的一个, 因此拓扑结构结构必须促进系统升级和维护, 并且UI 应该提供适当的接口对新被塞住的设备; 通入部分是连接在互联网之间并且HomeNet, 通入技术可能被划分成二型: 导线和无线方式, 导线方式包括调制解调器, HFC/Cable 调制解调器, FFTH并且xDSL 技术, 无线方式包括WAP, LDMS 等等;传统调制解调器技术有低传输率, 以家庭网络宽传播, 通入技术将转移到电缆调制器和xDSL 技术, 并且在最后, FTTH 和WAP 技术将是更喜欢选择。

















电子商务论文参考文献精选3篇lolosophy and Social Science Edition)] 翟凤荣我国电子商业上的事务付出的近况及瞻望 The Actuality and Expectation of Electronic Business Payment in Chellona [重庆广播电视机大学学报 Journal of Chongqing RTV University] 刘波我国电子商业上的事务成长远景瞻望 [互助经济与科学技术 CO-Oerativeconomy & Science] 张元慧 , 李少伟 , 许丽红电子商业上的事务瞻望现代贸易摩登 Business 2001年,第11期浅析我国电子商业上的事务的近况与趋向 Present Situation and Development of Electronic Commerce蔺建霞 Lin Jianxia电子商业上的事务的成长近况与瞻望 The Current Development and Prospects for E-Bussiness很多顶 Xu Duoding我国电子商业上的事务成长远景瞻望张元慧李少伟许丽红我国电子商业上的事务情况下CA的成长瞻望 Development Prospect of Electronic Commerce CA in Chellona江艳霞左明电子商业上的事务市场近况与瞻望 The Recent Situation and Trends of EC 马克et周智佑电子商务论文参考文献精选3篇[1]Brenda Kiena.电子商务[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2001[2]孙有望.现代物流导论[M].上海:同济大学出版社,2004,8:95-98[3]牟旭东.物流:第三利润源泉[M].上海:上海远东出版社,2002,6[4]国家发改委经济运行局.中国物流发展报告(2005年).北京:机械工业出版,2005,8:61[5]课题组.中国快递市场发展研究报告[R].北京:中国经济出版社,2006,4:112[6]刘萍.电子商务物流[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2005,8:110-123[7]陈修齐.电子商务物流管理[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2006,1:16-20[8]黎青松.关于我国企业发展现代物流的途径的思考[J].华北科技学院学报,2003,6:110-114[9]陈丽.信息时代两种图书物流模式效率比较[J].经济理论与经济管理,2006,7:68-72[10]杨熙亮.我国物流规模及发展状况分析[J].科技经济市场,2006,4:97[11]张良杰.全球电子商务发展趋势电子商务[J]. 2006 3 9-13[12]李智勇.浅谈我国现代物流业发展中存在的问题及对策[J].黑龙江对外经贸,2006,7:55-56[13]张华芹.论商业企业物流模式的选择[J].商业经济与管理,2006,6:26-30[14]王峻涛.读懂亚马逊是理解电子商务趋势的关键[J].IT时代周刊,2005,2:20-89[15]陈勇.电子商务下我国物流业发展的探讨[J].武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版),2004,1:101-103[16]蒋惠园.基于电子商务的物流发展策略[J].交通科技,2001,1:63-64[17]路耀华.日本电子商务发展的特点及对我国的启迪[J].现代日本经济,2001,1:37-40[18]焦文旗.美国物流业发展经验及对我国的启示[J].商业研究,2004,3:162-163[19]胡宜朝.对中国物流业发展状况及前景的思考[J].石家庄经济学院学报,2006 4:146-148[20]刘立辉.电子商务环境下我国物流业发展对策探讨[J].经济地理,2005,9:554-558[21]李晓锦.电子商务B2C的物流解决之道[J].经济师,2002,12:103[22]冯文龙.第三方物流发展存在的问题及对策[J].成都大学学报社科版,2006,5:41-43[23]刘婵媛.B2C电子商务企业的物流模式研究[J].物流技术,2005,1:76-79[24]李敏仪.邮政的C2C交易模式探讨[J].图书馆学研究,2006(5):5-7[25]中国快递市场发展研究课题组.中国快递市场发展研究报告[M].北京:中国经济出版社,2006:3,7-9[26]中国互联网络信息中心.2008年中国网络购物调查研究报告[R].中国互联网络信息中心,2008(6)[27][美]森尼尔、乔普瑞,彼得、梅因德尔.供应链管理[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2003:32[28]Krikke HR, Harten A, Schuur PC. Business case Oce: reverse logistic network redesign for copiers [J].OR Spektrun.1999,:381-409.[29]Dale S Rogers, Ronald S. Tibben-Lembke. Going Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices[J].Pittsburg, PA: Reverse Logistics Executive Council,1999,:50-52.[30] 鲍尔索科斯等.物流管理-供应链过程的一体化[M].北京:机械工业出版社,1999.[31] 谭清美,冯凌云,葛云.物流能力对区域经济的贡献研究[J].现代经济探讨,2003(8):22[32]张新安,田澎.利用扩展的GAP模型评价企业的服务能力[J].工业工程与管理,2003,5[33] Kee-hung Lai. Service capability and performance of logistics service providers[J].Transportation research,2004,40:385-399[34] 汪鸣,冯浩.我国物流业发展政策研究[M].北京:中国计划出版社,2002.[35] 姜继锋,刘志学.物流企业三种重要能力辨析[J].物流技术,2005,7:18-21[36] 马士华,申文. .企业物流能力的影响因素及其交叉作用研究[J].物流技术,2005,4:5-9[37] 季建华.运营管理[M].上海,上海交通大学出版社,2004,1[38] 金海和,陈剑,赵纯均.分销配送网络优化模型及其求解算法[M].清华大学学报(自然科学版,2002.6:739-742[39] 刘志强,丁鹏,盛焕烨.物流配送系统设计[M].清华大学出版社,2004[40] 徐杰,郑凯,田源,汝宣红.物流中心选址的影响因素分析及案例[M].北方交通大学学报,2005.(5):12-16[41] 孙会君,高自友.考虑路线安排的物流配送中心选址双层规划模型及求解算法[J] .中国公路学报,2003.(2):115-119[42] 张玉起.国内网上商店现状及其发展[J].今日科苑,2008.5:93[43] 葛晓芳,杜哲培.零售业电子商务应用探析[J].经济论坛,2006.:193-95[44] 李锦飞,王玉伟.混合零售下物流配送网络研究[J].中国管理信息化,2009.2:95-97[45] 孙宏岭.高效率配送中心的设计与经营[M〕.中国物资出版社,2002.01[46] 万伦来,达庆利.企业柔性的本质及其构建策略[J].管理科学学报,2003,2:89-94[47] Kumar V.On measurement of flexibility in flexible manufacturing systems:an information theoretic approach, Proc of 2nd ORSA/TIMS Coaf. On FMS,1986[48] Swamidass P., Manufacturing Flexibility, Monogragh 2, Operations ManagementAssociation,Waco,TX,1988[49] 龚代华,陈荣秋.企业柔性研究中存在的若干问题[J].管理工程学报,1999,1:73-74[50] 马玉波,陈荣秋.即时顾客化定制理论框架下企业柔性研究的新思路[J].管理论坛,2004,4:39-44[51] Hyun, J. H., Ahn, B.H.A unifying framework for manufacturingflexibility[J].Manufacturing Review,1992,5(4):251-259.。



电子商务概论中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文:Electronic CommerceElectronic commerce, or Electronic trade, or electronic business as a newly rising mode of commerce will have far-reaching influence on social economy and play an important role in social development worldwide. It represents the trend of world trade in the 21st century and beyond.1. What is Electronic Commerce?Electronic commerce refers to commercial data exchange in digital form through electronic transmission means and commercial activities conducted on-line. Usually, electronic commerce can be divided into two levels: One is low-level electronic commerce that is, electronic commercial intelligence, electronic trade, and electronic contracts. Another is high-level electronic commerce which includes all commercial activities done via Internet, ranging from searching for clients, commercial negotia-tion, making orders, on-line payment, releasing electronic invoice, to electronic dec-laration to Customs, electronic tax-payment, all conducted on Internet.Electronic commerce means electrification of all trade transactions. It is featured by these characters: ①fairness and freedom, ②high efficiency, ③globalization, ④virtualization, ⑤interactivity, ⑥autonomy, ⑦personalized service. With electronic commerce, clients and suppliers can closely and conveniently contact with each other on a global scale, so that clients can find satisfactory suppliers from all comers of the world to meet their demands.Electronic commerce will change the environment in which enterprises compete with each other and reduce costs which would otherwise be high in traditional market structure. Low costs in transactions, convenience in market entry and government encouragement to use Internet (exemption from tax) activate electronic commerce and boost it to develop rapidly right from its beginning. As experts predicted, by 2000, electronic commerce would reach a scale of 300billion US dollars worldwide. And it has exceeded this scale.To ensure security of electronic commerce, an electronic certification center should be established. Digital ID is used to validate identity. Digital 11 is trusted to a third party, namely, an authorized agency, to release, including identifying informa-tion of the holder (name, address, liaison way, ID card number), an encryptive key for common use by the both parties,period of validity, password and identification in-formation of the authorized agency, etc. With digital ID, both parties in transactions can be assured of identifying the other party and validate that the information sent out from the other party has not been subject to alteration.2. Influence That Electronic Commerce May HaveCompared with traditional commerce, electronic commerce has superiorities as follows *Extensive coverage. A network system combining Internet, Intranet (local area network inside enterprises) and Extranet (networks outside enterprises) enables buy-ers, sellers, manufacturers and their partners to contact with each other and conven-iently transmit commercial intelligence and documents worldwide.*Complete functions. In electronic commerce, users of different types and on dif-ferent tiers can realize different targets in trade, for example, releasing commercial intelligence, on-line negotiation, electronic payment, establishment of virtual com-mercial market place and on-line banking, etc.*Convenience and flexibility in use.. Based on Internet, electronic commerce is free from restriction by specialized protocol for data exchange. Transactions can be conducted conveniently on computer screen, by using any type of PCs, at any place around the world.*Low cost. Use of electronic commerce can cut down costs for hiring employees, maintaining warehouse and storefront, expense for international travel and postage to a great extent. The cost for using Internet is very low.Electronic commerce will have substantial influence on social economy:*Electronic commerce will change the way people used to take in commercial ac-tivities. Through networks, people can enter virtual stores and browse around, select what they are interested in, and enjoy various on-line services. On the other hand, merchants can contact withconsumers through networks, decide on buying in goods (categories and quantities) and perform settlement of accounts. Government agencies can perform electronic tendering and pursue government purchase through networks.*The core of electronic commerce is people. It is a social system. On-line shop-ping changes the way of people's daily life and fully embodies autonomy of consum-ers in trade.*Electronic commerce changes the way enterprises produce their goods. Through networks, manufacturers know market demand directly and make arrangement of production, in accordance with consumers' need.*Electronic commerce dramatically raises efficiency of trade. Intermediate links can be cut down; costs for sales will be reduced to minimum. Production can be ar-ranged in "small batches plus diverse varieties", and "zero stock" will be reality.*Electronic commerce calls for reformation of banking services. New concepts like on-line bank, on-line cash card and credit card, on-line settlement of accounts, electronic invoice, electronic "cash"-consumers will no longer use the real cash when shopping-will become reality.*Electronic commerce will change government behavior. Called "on-line gov-ernment", an on-line administration plays the important role of a social channel, maintaining order and fairness and detecting and cracking down on-line fraud.3. The Present Situation of Electronic Commerce in Developed CountriesIn the mid-1990s, when Internet experienced explosive development and micro-computers entered homes in great numbers, computer networks became an indispen-sable part of people's daily life. People expect for more interests and convenience brought in by computer networks. Electronic Commerce emerged just in time. In de-veloped countries, governments timely madepolicies to boost electronic commerce to practical use and dominant position in a new round of worldwide competition.In 1998, Internet helped the United States to create productive out put of 507 bil-lion US dollars, national income of 301 billion US dollars, and 1. 2 million job op-portunities; of these, electronic commerce created an income of 100 billion US dollars. Internet has be-come the first big industry with yearly productive output increasing by 60%,and accounting for 6% of GDP. Service export from the United States has at-tained 160 billion US dollars each year, and it is predicted that it can compensate trade deficit in commodity trade. Internet played an important role in promoting ex-port from the United States: in 1999, books, automobiles and services were sold through electronic commerce to foreign countries, exceeding 102 billion US dollars.Advocated by the United States, 132 members of WTO decided to turn Internet into a free trade zone within at least one-year term. Some countries and organizations scrambled to work out development framework for electronic commerce and made laws and regulations for developing electronic commerce. In 1996, the UN Confer-ence on Trade and Development passed "Model Law of Electronic Commerce". In December, 1996, the US government issued "Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce".In April 1997, European Union issued "Proposal for Electronic Com-merce in Europe".On July 1 1997, US President Clinton promulgated" A framework for Global Electronic Commerce" which has had great influence on global electronic commerce. In May 1998, WTO minister conference passed "A Manifesto on Global Electronic Commerce", and in September 1998, WTO general council passed "Scheme for Electronic Commerce Work".In October 1998, UN Organization of Economy and Cooperation &Development (OECD) held minister conference at Ottawa, Canada on electronic commerce, which is praised as a milestone of global electronic commerce. InSeptember 1999, Global Business Dialog on Electronic Commerce (GBDE) was held in France and is-sued "Paris Proposal".In December 1999, the United States issued another Internet commerce standard.Electronic commerce in the United States takes the rein of the trade in the world. At present, there are 60 million subscribers of Internet in the United States. More than 98% of purchasing managers seek targets on-line. As estimated, by 2002, the value involved in transactions done through electronic commerce between US enterprises will account for 6.1% of GDP. Fortune magazine's statistics show the 500 top com-panies in the world all engaged in on-line business.25% of income to IBM (about 20 billion US dollars) is related with electronic commerce. Thanks to electronic com-merce, IBM saved its expenses of 250 million US dollars during 1999. HP Company designated its electronic Commerce solution as E-world-an electronized world. This solution is oriented to medium-and small-size enterprises, and great investment was made to third parties-software companies to develop software suited for medium-and small-size enterprises to engage in electronic commerce. Intel places its risky invest-ment mainly on Internet and electronic commerce. In July 1998, Intel began on-line transactions Its monthly business turn electronic commerce reached one billion US dollars.As a survey made by European Information Technology Observation shows, of the surveyed 570 companies, 47% have implemented electronic commerce of some sorts, and 4/5 of them began their electronic commerce in the latest two years. Execu-tive Committee of European Union plans at least 25% of its purchase done through electronic commerce by 2001. In1998, in Australia, web sites related with electronic commerce on Internet doubled in number, and 11% of Australian enterprises have their web sites. 80% of Australian companies use Internet to transmit E-mails and conduct commercial activities. In 1998, Singapore governmentpromulgated,for electronic commerce. Singapore is the only country in Southeast Asia that formally joined the "Rights and Obligation Electronic commerce In cooperation with US manufacturers and firms, Singapore established an electronic commerce entry in Asia, providing comprehensive Business-to-Business (B to B) service, so as to enable Asian trade companies to enter the rank of global electronic commerce.4. Development of Electronic Commerce in ChinaExploration in electronic commerce, governmental and civil began in 1993 in China. Today, electronic commerce has found its applications in foreign trade, Cus-toms, finance and commerce. Local frameworks have been established in Beijing and Shanghai for electronic commerce. Some electronic commerce web sites have been opened to on-line shopping and on-line settlement of accounts.The Ministry of Foreign Trade set up in February 1996 China Electronic Com-merce Center responsible for research, construction, and operation of international electronic commerce project in CT he Center established "China Commodity Trade Market" on Internet, to put rich resources of goods in China to world market, opening new channel for our exports. The subject "Security Proof of Electronic Commerce" as a key item in science and technology during th9th Five-year Plan period was ap-praised in early 1996 by State Department of Science and Technology and State En-cryptive Code Administration, which laid a foundation for establishing a safe and normal environment for electronic commerce in our country.In March 1999, the Ministry of Information Industry approved the electronic commercial network of pharmaceutics and health as a model project of electronic commerce for all trades. It is one of the six specialized networks in China, which pro-vide all-direction serve of market information, product transaction, warehousing and delivery, and account settlement, etc.In Shanghai, in 1999, "Shanghai Administrative Center of Electronic Commerce Security Certificate" was set up, which provide security platform for electronic com-merce and is responsible for application, appraisal, making and management of digital certificate domestic and foreign clients in Shanghai, and offers services such as certi-fication of digital identity and digital signature, electronic notarization, secure E-mail and secure encryption, etc. In January 1 the first on-line bookstore in China-Shanghai Book City On-line standard. It provides VISA cardholders and card-holders of domestic Great Wall card, Dragon card, Peony card and Pacific card with instant and authorized security service.The measure taken in Beijing to develop electronic commerce is to build a capital electronic commerce city. In November 1998, the capital electronic commerce project formally activated, and a frame-work formally showed off. The Legend Computer Company open edits electronic commerce system in June 1999, and web sites 8848, sina, 163, all activated their electronic commerce.In April 2000, sponsored by the Ministry of Information Indus-try,National Economy and Trade Commission, and China Council for Promotion of International Trade, the 4th China International Electronic Commerce Conference was held. State leaders and superintendents of various ministries and commissions joined the opening conference. Mr. Levy, secretary of Commercial Department of the US government led a delegation of famous US enterprises and media, totally more than 100 persons, to join the conference. More than 60 seminars were held during the conference, to dis-cuss extensive topics on electronic commerce.Despite all these efforts, companies engaged in electronic commerce service in China suffer losses in their B-to-C business (B refers to Business, C refers to Con-sumers). Some Chinese experts attribute this to Chinese shopping habit-Chinese con-sumers treat shopping asan interesting hobby; they enjoy the pleasure of spending their money through appreciating and comparing merchandise, and bargaining; but all these will vanish from on-line shopping. Other experts attribute this phenomenon to the ubiquitous incredulity in society-banks can-not interconnect their business be-cause they fear their customers will be captured by their rivals; cash cards cannot be popularized because banks do not trust civilians; and civilians do not like to do on-line shopping because they do not trust on-line stores,…etc. Why?That's because many things on-line and in society are false, for ex-ample, false number of subscribers, false statistics of access flux, shoddy goods, forged diploma, sham curriculum vitae, sham investment, sham listing, false revenue to listed enterprises, etc. Such an over-all environment will not change within a long period of time. In such environment, no commercial activity can be done. Many IT practitioners are disheartened with elec-tronic commerce in our country.5. Prospects of Electronic CommerceAlthough developing rapidly and seeming to have brilliant prospects, electronic commerce faces a series of real problems, for example, problems involving security, technology, expense, legal system, tax system, conception, protection of privacy, in-frastructure, etc. However, electronic commerce is the mainstream of enterprises in the new century and will develop rapidly in the coming years. Some companies pre-dict that by 2003, electronic commerce between enterprises in developed countries will account for over 9%of the total turnover(1,300 billion US dollars), and in consumer electronic commerce the turnover will attain 76. 3 billion US dollars by 2002. And as experts predicted, electronic commerce in China will catch up with de-veloped countries on the average level, in 10 years. They suggested 3 to 5 years be spent on working out plans, policies and regulations necessary for developing elec-tronic commerce, building substantial and tangible electronic commerce systems, fos-tering specialized talents,optimizing of the electronic commerce systems in some trades and areas; and then 5 to 7 years be spent on linking with international elec-tronic commerce to enable our electronic commerce system as an important compo-nent of international electronic commerce; popularizing of electronic commerce in application, raising electronic commerce in our country to a higher level in research, development and application, to the average level in developed countries.The following description tells what major I/e strategies some major manufactur-ers in the world are taking in development of electronic commerce.IBM: IBM is the pioneer that held up the banner of electronic commerce as a new application of Internet. In people's mind, IBM is now not only manufacturer of main-frames, PCs, servers, software but also the “godfather" of electronic commerce. IBM has always been dedicated to promoting secure commerce over the Internet. It sin-come from selling servers has accounted for 60% of its total in-come.IBM not only provides products for large-scale applications of secure, efficient, reliable electronic commerce and payment over Internet, but also for small electronic business as well.IBM Micro Payments an application enabling buyers to purchase low cost items over Internet-is another example of how IBM is expanding to new areas of commerce. By enabling billing servers, content providers and other merchants to profitably sell items for even a few cents, IBM opens up a whole new market.IBM Micro Payments allows buyers, sellers and billing systems to sell content, information, and services over Internet, for small amounts. IBM's commitment to electronic commerce and electronic business makes it a leader in the area of electronic payments. An automated compiler tool transforms existing HTML pages, creating "click and pay" links with either fixed or dynamic prices. Content and service provid-ers can take advantage of theextensive set of APIs and authoring tools to extend IBM Micro Payments available from OEMs. Billing servers can easily integrate the IBM Micro Payments application with existing billing systems and use it to attract content providers and open new sources of revenue.IBM Micro Payments provides scalability and interoperability, which allows widespread availability across Internet, including multi-currency and multilingual support, and low operational costs it easily supports transactions as low as one cent.SUN: SUN as a global leading supplier treats Internet not only a tool but also a new mode of commerce. SUN has provided very flexible solutions to commercial af-fairs for BBC, ETRADE, Federal Express, First Auction, Fruit of the Loom, Kodak, Thomas Cook, Virgin.Microsoft: Microsoft aims at helping enterprises to set up more powerful relation with their clients and partners by three means: (I)Windows 2000, BackOffice, Site Server, Biztalk, etc; (2) MSN (in the United States, more than 40% web users access MSN, and consumers can conduct comparative study when buying articles and ser-vices); (3) Partners provide customers with various products and services on Mi-crosoft MSN platform, realizing electronic commerce solutions, including settling account, paying tax, shopping, logistics, purchasing, accounting, ERP (Electronic Remote Processing) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), etc.Site Server and Biz talk are the two major products of Microsoft adopted in exist-ing system for enterprises to develop electronic commerce. Site Server is used for constructing web stores, based on data-it enables the client to easily realize on-line catalog, buying/selling order, exchange of documents for promoting sale, etc. Disre-garding what platform, operating system or technology used in low layer.Novell: Novell defines itself as "NET Service Supplier" after2000. The word NET includes intranet, extranet, Internet, company net, public net, cable net, wireless net. Its aim isto breakout the existing service domain in which most software products can provide services only in a specific environment or for a specific procedure or server (rather than the whole network).Novell's network service software NDS eDirectory as a nucleus helps clients to reduce complexity of business on network, and improve security, so that it enables network, applications and business processing to adapt to electronic commerce, and thus speed up their transfer to electronic commerce.SCO: SCO’s Tarantella is the best solution for existing users to conduct elec tronic commerce. Users can use only a browser to access any applications of platforms in back counter, without the need of re-writing existing applications, in their effort to transfer their business to electronic commercial mode. To ensure electronic commerce to continually operate, SCO provides an incessant cluster solution based on UNIXWARE 7. This product is easy to use, easy to manage and its cost is one-tenth of large-scale product of the same sort for mainframes while its performance doubles. It is a security solution with higher performance/ cost ratio among the same sort for electronic commerce.Tivoli Systems Inc. today announced Tivoli Business Systems Manager, a new, fully integrated solution that allows businesses to manage their IT environments from the top down, creating a powerful view of business systems management.The Tivoli Business Systems Manager solution provides us with business views and control mechanisms to manage all of our distributed IT resources in the retail, banking and electronic commerce environments-including system resources, data-bases, application servers, web servers and electronic commerce applications-from one central location. The Graphical User Interface allows us to monitor all of our re-sources on a single screen, regardless of geographical location.Combining the features of Tivoli Global Enterprise and Tivoli Manager for OS/390, Tivoli Business Systems Manager provides true end-to-end enterprise management from one console, simplifying the administration of heterogeneous environments. Tivoli Business Systems Manager enables customers to manage and control multiple applications that are required for different business functions.译文:电子商务电子商务或电子贸易,电子商业,或作为一个新兴的商业模式将产生深远的影响,经济和社会中发挥重要作用的社会发展世界各地。

电子商务 外文文献

电子商务 外文文献

The Strategic Challenges of E-commerce Introduction11th Century Europe saw the emergence of credit-based banking systems and financial instruments such as bills of exchange. These concepts remain with us, in their modified form, to this day (Chown, 1994). They underpin all modern forms of commerce. The arrival of information technology (computers and telecommunications) has raised the prospect of radical change to this traditional model.The rise of the Internet (electronic commerce), since the advent of the World Wide Web, has provided an easy to use communication channel for businesses to contact current and potential customers. The emergence of the Internet as a general communication channel has also given rise to the possibility of widespread electronic commerce. Even though there is still much debate relating to electronic payment for commercial activities, this is clearly an area of growth.It is difficult to say how large the Internet is. Hoffman & Novak (1996) quote a number of surveys (O'Reilly, FIND/SVP, Times Mirror and CommerceNet) which suggest that there are at least 10 million Internet users in the United States alone. The number of computers (hosts) connected to the Internet topped 9.47 million (Network Wizards, 1996) as of January 1996. Note that a single host supports anywhere from a single user to, in some cases, thousands of users.As of March 21, 1996, 24,347 firms were listed in Open Market's (1996) directory of "Commercial Services on the Net," and there were 54,800 entries in the "Companies" directory of the Yahoo Guide to WWW (Yahoo, 1996), with the total number of Web sites doublingapproximately every two months. Jim Clarke, the chairman of Netscape, estimated the Internet has 40 million users in 1995 with growth at 8% per month (Clarke, 1995).The Internet is only one aspect of technology. Businesses require information and supporting systems (processes) to handle the data - over time these systems have become computerised (IT). Modern information technology can both support the processes and help capture useful information for the enterprise. These technologies include:1. Organizational support systems, such as workflow and groupware - making businesses more efficient.2. Customer contact databases - helping capture information about customers and facilitate new methods of marketing.3. Electronic payment systems for goods and services - these are emerging, although the majority of payments are still based on relatively expensive traditional cheque clearance.Collectively and individually, these areas will contribute to major changes in the way a company conducts its business. Enix have coined the term Workware to describe the combination of these technologies.Figure 1 - The emergence of Electronic Commerce will be underpinned by three key componentsHowever, there is still widespread misunderstanding on the value of organisational support technology. A recent survey of 437 large enterprises by research company Xephon (1996) indicated that an astonishing proportion (44%) had no immediate intention of introducing modern information handling systems (Groupware was defined by Xephon as Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise). Of these, 65% said they were unsure what these technologies could deliver. From these statistics, it is clear many organisations are still sceptical about the benefits of technology.The efficient collection, utilisation, handling, storage and dissemination of information is a vital component of corporate success in the modern business world. However, the gathering and use of information must take into account issues of privacy and security. A recent feature in the Financial Times (1996) noted that " … in order to thrive in the 1990s, financial services organisations are as much in the business of managing and manipulating information as managing and making money." Furthermore, the interest shown in topics such as TQM and BPR has demonstrated the importance of processes as a fundamental building block.Inevitably a few savvy organizations in each sector will utilise all three components to change their market or develop new markets. Those who do not adapt quickly to the new ways of working are likely to be disadvantaged as their strategies become redundant. All businesses should investigate the implications of these technologies for them and the markets within which they operate.MarketingChampy, Buday and Nohria (1996) argue that the rise of electronic commerce and the changing consumer processes brought about through electronic communities are likely to lead to a new wave of reengineering, mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, organizations may expand into new business areas, taking on roles unforeseen prior to the rise of the Web. For example: a magazine publisher, Cond Naste, has moved into the travel business; Bill Gates is now an electronic real estate agent; and a recruitment advertising agency, Bernard Hodes, has now become an electronic recruitment company.The emergence of electronic commerce will significantly impact what we currently call ‘marketing’. Clearly, the appearance of electronic communities (Armstrong and Hagel, 1996) implies that marketing professionals must expand their horizons as the advent of this technology will threaten existing channels of business. Those involved in marketing need to understand the full range of products and services required by the electronic community. They must learn to take advantage of the technology that allows customers to move seamlessly from information gathering to completion of a transaction, interacting with the various providers of products and services as necessary. A number of interesting questions are implied:1. What kind of information is available for collection? Is it appropriate to gather this information and for what should it be used?2. Are information systems equipped to capture customer information and transactions, making it available for later analysis?3. When dealing with electronic communities, do marketing professionals comprehend the differences? One needs to engage the customer as part of the transaction rather than blindly mailing targets.This idea of community has been at the heart of the Internet since its origins as a defence and academic computer network although most communities are still not particularly oriented toward commerce. However, the World Wide Web has changed and broadened the nature of the Internet and the way in which commercial transactions are conducted. The CEO of Kodak is alleged to have remarked that he couldn’t tell if the Kodak Website was a money maker. But he knew it was important because it was the most personal way of selling since door to door salesmen, only now the customers were knocking on Kodak’s door.Armstrong and Hagel propose four types of non-exclusive electronic communities, those: interested in transactions; sharing common interests; indulging in fantasy games; and with a shared life experience. The business opportunity is for those who support and interact with these communities, building customer loyalty on an ongoing basis. By satisfying the requirements of relational marketing and transactions, companies may gain important insights into their customers’ nature and needs. For example, a baby products comp any could entice customers to order items from an associated on-line catalogue by providing bulletin boards for new parents.The desire to establish long-term customer relationships with increasingly sophisticated demands has led companies to seek new ways of acquiring, managing and utilising customer information (Peters and Fletcher, 1995).Furthermore, advances in information technology have fundamentally altered the channels through which companies and customers maintain their relationships. The capacity to obtain and apply customer information within processes has become a key strategic issue. This often places the company in the position of requiring sensitive personal information from customers.Gummesson (1987, 1994, 1995) views marketing as a set of relationships, networks and interactions and lists 30Rs (relationships) in contrast to McCarthy’s (1981) 4Ps (Product, Price, Place & Promotion). Gummesson highlights the fact that the electronic relationship is not discussed in the marketing literature even though it is practised widely by many businesses. He links relationship marketing to the imaginary (similar to a virtual or network) organisation. He argues that by increasingly applying IT, more relationships are established. They create a new type of bond to customers and between employees.The electronic relationship extends beyond the bounds of the organisation into the market as seen in the example of airline, hotel and car rental reservation systems. The communities established have a re-enforcing effect. These insights force us to re-examine traditional theories of economics, systems, organisations, marketing, competition and transaction cost analysis. As the boundaries between firms and markets dissolve, a characteristic of relationship marketing and network organisations, a new image of interaction and business is needed.The importance of information exchange in relationship marketing (particularly using an electronic channel) requires a clear understanding and recognition of the potential problems. Privacy isalso an issue - what is private changes from one person to another as well as between different cultures. Those who use the Internet are likely to be better educated and less willing to give information, unless they trust the recipient. Companies need to realise that the only reason they hold information on a customer is because they have a relationship with that customer - something which is not transferable. Those using electronic channels to reach customers are likely to target better educated and more affluent customers. They need, therefore, to ensure that their customer information systems are appropriate.An understanding of the trust building process is also required. Firms need to make a feature of their trustworthiness (a unique selling point!). Trust is best developed through processes. Processes tend to be customer facing - within each customer interaction trust is built-up or eroded. Companies must be absolutely clear about the value and intended use of information. Collecting information because it is technically possible (and one day might be useful) is likely to weaken trust development.Hoffman and Novak (1996) assert that the Web heralds an evolution in marketing concepts. In order for marketing efforts to succeed in this new medium, a new business paradigm is required in which the marketing function is reconstructed to facilitate electronic commerce in the emerging electronic society underlying the Web.The "many or any" communication model of the Web (in fact many instances of many-to-one) turns traditional principles of mass media advertising inside out (a one-to-many model) (Hoffman and Novak, 1994). The application of advertising approaches which assume a passive, captive consumer are redundant on the Web.Surprisingly, as it is currently evolving, there is little activity aimed at including the consumer in the development of emerging media (Dennis & Pease, 1994). In order to adopt a market orientation, firms must understand their customers and engage in consumer research. Potential customers are most effectively engaged through new conversational marketing approaches.Anecdotal evidence suggests there are two types of customers -‘convenience shoppers’ and ‘explorers’ (those street-smart consumers who are happy to surf the Web looking for the best deal or most appropriate product combination). Furthermore, the sheer size of the Web (trillions of documents and growing exponentially) means finding relevant information is becoming more and more difficult - despite the best efforts of search engines such as Yahoo. Our research suggests that the large proportion of Web users would rather rely on an intermediary (community operator) to sift and select information on their behalf. Web sites not endorsed will require knowledge of the address (URL) and are unlikely to be accessed when similar information, products or services are readily available inside the community.Contributing to the rise of intermediaries are associated issues of privacy, trust and security (Schell, 1996). Whilst there is much discussion on the issues of Internet privacy and security, in the context of normal business activities, many millions of people trust others with their personal financial information. Examples include ordering over the telephone, passing a credit card to an unknown waiter, even signing direct debit mandates. If an error occurs in these types of transactions we trust the service provider to correct the error.So why is it that we expect the Internet to support a level of trust and security which we do not observe in everyday life?There is no reason why similar trust relationships cannot be established in electronically mediated discussions. If anything, it becomes easier for an individual (or group of individuals) to seek retribution on those that break the rules within an electronic community. Evidence of this can be found in the tendency to attack those that try to advertise on academic discussion groups (mail bombs) and community policing against pornographers in the Netherlands.Marketeers must reconstruct their advertising models for the interactive, consumer controlled medium. The traditional customer loyalty ladder (Suspect, Prospect, Customer, Client, Partner, Advocate) is still applicable, but now operates in a different fashion. The first three stages are often instantaneous in electronic commerce. The transition from customer to advocate relies on loyalty earned through trust. The instantaneous nature of the Internet makes this more difficult.Communicating Across The Value ChainIt should be recognized that processes are not confined within one organization - they cross the value chain as demonstrated by the following example. Steinfield, et al (1995) describe a large, multinational, electrical appliance and consumer electronicsma nufacturer that used France Telecom’s Tel net system to support EDI-like connections to approximately 10,000 separate retailers and independent service engineers throughout France (accessed through Minitel terminals). The ubiquitous Telnet service and the commercialapplications which emerged to exploit it, provide insights into the development of commerce on a world-wide Internet.The after-sales service subsidiary of this manufacturer provided replacement parts and training to its widely dispersed customer base. The Telnet system permitted electronic transactions, even with the smallest trading partners. Through the use of on-line ordering, coupled with courier service for rapid delivery, the firm was able to eliminate regional parts warehouses and reduce the average repair time from two weeks to two days. In the past, service engineers waited until they had a sufficient need for parts before driving to a regional warehouse. Once the system was implemented, they used the Telnet based "just-in-time" stocking practice for replacement parts.Moving to a centralised warehouse reduced the need for replicated inventories and extra personnel around the country, creating substantial savings. Moreover, service engineers were further bound-in following the introduction of a revenue producing, expert system-based, training application. Technicians connected to the expert system which asked a series of questions designed to diagnose the fault and indicate the repairs needed.This "just-in-time" training service meant that technicians no longer required expensive and lengthy in-person training - a difficult task given the short life cycle of new electronics products. Service engineers were charged a fee for connecting to the service, but it clearly helped them to provide a faster service to the end customer whilst also further enforcing their dependence on the supplying firm. The expert system also accumulated data on repair problems and provided valuable feedback to the design and manufacturing divisionsof the company. A primary motivation for this service was to dissuade service engineers from obtaining parts and services from other suppliers. The ubiquity of Minitel merely created the environment within which the supplier could manage relationships with a very large set of buyers, without opening their service to other suppliers.。

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2.2 移动电子商务的服务质量


比如,Turel and Serenko(2006) 修改了美国顾客满意度模型来研究加拿大的顾客满意度。








Chae et al 在调查移动电子商务信息质量的时候,他延伸了先前一个信息质量的框架,将移动电子商务(比如移动设备和背景)的特点结合了起来。




在另一份研究中,Kar et al认为移动电子商务所在的环境具有不稳定性,并采取了电子商务的质量衡量方法。


还有一份关于移动电子服务质量的感知的研究,Yun et al检验了八项移动数据服务,包括短信服务,来电铃声,振铃声,背景图像服务,游戏,多媒体信息服务,基于语境的服务,电视点播,以及关键的质量属性(包括声音质量,游戏时间和图像质量)。





