怦然心动经典台词中英文【精选】1 Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.我们中有些人平庸无为,有些人锦衣华服,有些人虚有其表,但偶尔你也会遇上一个光彩夺目的人,当你遇上TA,一切都无与伦比。
2 I never been embarrassed by where I 've lived before, I also never really thought about money, I knew we weren't rich, but I didn't feel like we were missing anything.我从没有因为住在哪里而自卑,也没有太多地想过贫穷,我知道我们不富裕,但我感觉我没有错过任何东西。
3 你,从未忘记过你的初恋。
《怦然心动》4 在这一场的洗礼里,我经历了最痛彻心扉的,它是如此的扑朔迷离,差点让我误以为它不能称作爱情。
《怦然心动》5 Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈,世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。
”下面是留学网为您整理的电影《怦然心动》经典台词【中英文对照】,希望您喜欢!电影《怦然心动》经典台词【中英文对照】A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic.一幅画不是众多物件简单拼凑而成的。
The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发迷人。
Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.有时落日泛起紫红的余晖,有时散发出橘红色的火光燃起天边的晚霞。
他和我聊各式各样的事情He told me all sorts of things.比如他怎么找到一份运输干草的工作,比如他后悔自己没有完成大学学业like how he got his first job delivering hay and how he'd wished he'd finished college. 有天,他出人意料地问Then one day he surprised me.你和对门那个布莱斯是怎么回事啊?What's going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski?朱莉:啊?什么怎么回事啊?没什么啊What do you mean? Nothing.父:哦,那就好,是我想多了Oh, okay .My mistake.朱莉:你为什么这么想?Why would you even think that?父:没什么,只是你成天把他挂在嘴边No reason .Just that you...talk about him all the time.朱莉:我有吗?I do?父:是啊Mm-hm.朱莉:我不知道Idon't know.我想是因为他那双眼睛,或者是他的微笑I guess it's something about his eyes .Or maybe his smile.父:那他这个人如何?But what about him?朱莉:什么?What?父:你必须看到整体You have to look at the whole landscape.朱莉:什么意思?What does that mean?父:一幅画可不仅仅是它各个部分的简单组合A painting is more than the sum of its parts.一头牛只是一头牛A cow by itself is just a cow.草地只是一片长满青草和花朵的土地A meadow by itself is just grass,透过树枝的阳光,也不过是一束光线而已And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.但是你将它们组合在一起But you put them all together...却美的不可思议and it can be magic.爸爸的话,我一知半解I didn't really understand what he was saying直到有一天下午,我在那棵梧桐树上until one afternoon...when I was up in the sycamore tree.当时我是想取一个风筝I was rescuing a kite.风筝挂在很高的树上,我从未爬到那么高的地方It was a long way up ,higher than I'd ever been.我爬得越高,风景就越发曼妙迷人And the higher I got ,the more amazed I was by the view.我感觉可以嗅到微风的芬芳,就像阳光和野草I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled .Like sunshine and wild grass.我忍不住深呼吸I couldn't stop breathing it in...让肺中充盈着我有生以来最美好的气息filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I'd ever known.从那一刻起,那里就成为我最喜欢的地方From that moment on ,that became my spot.我可以坐在树上几个小时I could sit there for hours,看着这个世界just looking out at the world.有时候,日落是粉红或紫色,Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.有时候,橙色的余辉点燃地平线的晚霞And some days they were a blazing range...setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. 就是在某个那样的日落中It was during one of those sunsets我开始明白我爸爸所说的“整体大于部分之和”that my father's idea...of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts...moved from my head to my heart.有时候,我会起得特别早,只为了在树上看日出Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.就这样,我哭了整整两个星期I must've cried for two weeks straight.虽然我仍坚持去学校Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could...但感觉什么事情都不重要but nothing seemed to matter.但无论我怎么做,我就是忘不了那棵树But no matter what I did ,I couldn't stop thinking about it.父:你还好吧are you okay朱莉:那只是棵树it was just a tree父:不,那不只是棵树no ,it wasn't just a tree我希望你永远不要忘记在树上的感觉i never want you to forget how you feel when you were up there.那幅画是我每天清晨醒来第一个看见的事物It was the first thing I saw every morning...也是我每天睡前看到的最后一件事物and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.当我不再面对画落泪时And once I could look at it without crying...我看到的不再仅仅是一棵树I saw more than the tree我开始懂了在树上的那些时光对我的意义and what being up there meant to me.我觉得自己的世界观发生了变化I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.禁不住想,我对布莱斯的感觉是不是也变了呢And I wondered ,did I still feel the same things about Bryce?外公:我们当中的有些人平庸,有些人像缎子一样光彩照人,有些人浮华于外表Some of us get dipped in flat...some in satin...some in gloss.但有一天,你会遇到一个如彩虹般灿烂的人But every once in a while...you find someone who's iridescent.当你遇到这个人,And when you do...其他人都只是浮云而已nothing will ever compare.我们边劳动边聊天And the whole time we worked ,we talked.他想知道关于那棵梧桐树的故事He wanted to know more about the sycamore tree.而且他完全明白“整体大于部分之和”的意思!He knew exactly what it meant about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.他说这就和人一样He said it was the same with people但是,对于人而言,有时候“整体反而不如部分之和”but sometimes with people ,the whole could be less.我觉得这个观点很有趣I thought that was pretty interesting.我开始带着这一观点观察小学以来认识的同学I started looking at people I'd known since elementary school...试着发现他们整个人是大于还是小于他们的各个部分之和trying to figure out if they were more or less than the sum of their parts.Chet说的对,大部分的人,整体而言都不如他们的各部分之和Chet was right. A lot of them were less.所有的同学中,只有布莱斯我不敢确定Of all my classmates, the one person I couldn't seem to place was Bryce.如果是以前,我肯定毫不犹豫地说,布莱斯一定是大于部分之和Until recently, I would've said with absolute certainty...但是现在,我不确定了. But now I wasn't so sure。
Flipped怦然心动电影台词英文整理版Flipped: Compilation of English Dialogues from the Heartwarming MovieIntroduction:Flipped is a heartwarming film released in 2010, directed by Rob Reiner. It revolves around the lives of Bryce Loski and Juli Baker, two individuals whose lives intertwine, as they navigate through childhood, adolescence, and the complexities of young love. The movie beautifully captures their interactions through dialogues that are both relatable and poignant. In this article, we present a compilation of some memorable English dialogues from the movie "Flipped".Scene 1: First meetingJuli: "You're the new neighbors, right? What's your name?"Bryce: "Bryce Loski. Hi."Juli: "Hi. I'm Juli. Welcome to the neighborhood, Bryce Loski."Scene 2: Bryce's perspective on JuliBryce: "She's weird. Even if she wasn't, I wouldn't be interested in someone like her!"Scene 3: Juli's persistenceJuli: "You don't know what you're missing, Loski! You just don't know."Scene 4: Bryce's evolving perceptionYoung Bryce: "When did I realize that I liked Juli? I guess you could say it all started with the sycamore tree."Scene 5: Juli's admiration for BryceJuli: "Bryce Loski likes to pretend he's a secret agent. You should see him working on his dangerous missions in the backyard."Scene 6: Bryce's confusionChet: "You don't like her? Relief, I was worried."Bryce: "Why were you worried?"Chet: "Nothing. Just daughter goggles. I thought everyone saw her the way I do."Scene 7: Juli's unwavering trust in BryceJuli: "I've loved Bryce for as long as I can remember. He just doesn't know it yet."Scene 8: Juli's transformationJuli: "I thought the world was divided into good guys and bad guys. Boy, was I wrong."Scene 9: Bryce's realizationYoung Bryce: "And that was the first time I really thought about Juli's eyes."Scene 10: Bryce's confessionBryce: "You stand out, Juli. But I think you're beautiful."Scene 11: Bryce's growthBryce: "I liked Juli Baker. I really liked her. Just not the way she wanted. Not the way I wished I could."Scene 12: Juli's realizationJuli: "It was like I had been seeing the world in black and white, and when Bryce came into my life, color splashed all over it."Scene 13: Bryce's ultimate understandingBryce: "Juli, you're my best friend. You're my girl. And, in case you haven't noticed, I'm in love with you."Conclusion:"Flipped" encapsulates the journey of two individuals, Bryce and Juli, as they navigate the complexities of young love. The movie cleverly uses dialogues to capture their evolving emotions, perceptions, and growth. These dialogues serve as a reflection of the characters' inner thoughts and offer valuable life lessons on love, understanding, and appreciating the beauty in others. "Flipped" is not just a movie; it's a gentle reminder that the world is a better place when we see beyond the surface and embrace the true essence of love.。
我只希望朱莉?贝克能离我远点All I ever wanted wasfor Juli Baker to leave me alone.故事始于一年级暑假年的夏天It all began in the summerof , before the start of second grade.于我而言这意味着我从此步入了For me, it was the beginning of what would be长达五年的不安与逃避生涯more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.显然这姑娘也太不识趣了It didn't take long torealize this girl could not take a hint.咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧不要紧啊It's crowded in herewith three people.I don't mind.毫无自知之明我们一起推吧?Of any kind.You wanna push this one together?布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧?Bryce, isn't it time for you to go help your mother? 是啊是啊Oh, yeah.我真是拿她没辙I mean, nothing would stop her.我终于忍无可忍这时候诡异的事情却发生了I was aboutto tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.我真是难以置信I couldn't believe it.我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手There I was holding handswith this strange girl.我咋就惹上了这种麻烦?你好呀How did I get into this mess?Well, hello.看来你已经认识我儿子了I see you've met my son我不得不使出岁男生仅有的气概Finally, I did the onlymanly thing available when you're years old.然而还有一大串的麻烦等着我However, my troubles were far from over.就在我走进叶尔森老师的教室时The minute I walkedinto很显然it was clear:即使在学校也无法逃脱她的魔掌School would not be a sanctuary.嘿布莱斯你女朋友呢?Hey, Bryce, where's your girlfriend?枉我一世英名啊I was branded for life.搬来镇上的第一年简直就是场灾难My first year in town was a disaster.接下来的三年也不尽如人意And the next three weren't much better.就这么捱到了六年级我总算不再坐以待毙But finally, in the sixth grade, I took action.想到了一个大狠招I hatched the plan.雪利Sherry...这个招数的绝妙之处在于To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan雪利?斯道尔斯是朱莉的眼中钉you have to understand that Juli hated SherryStalls但我始终想不通其中的缘由though I never understood why.雪利长发飘飘为人和善Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair.我原本一心指望只要和雪利吃吃饭The idea was that Sherry would eat with me散散步就能让朱莉知难而退maybe we'd walk around together, and hopefully Juli would lose interest..米娜妮也想打耳洞So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced,但她老妈也不是省油的灯but of course hermother said no.她就在家大发雷霆 So she threw a fit 把约翰尼?马蒂斯的精选辑给砸了and smashed her Johnny MathisGreatest Hits album结果就被禁足了and she got grounded,连我的睡衣派对都来不了so now she can't come to my pajama sleepover party.直到我所谓的挚友加利特?埃恩德That is, until my supposed best friend, Garrett Einbinder开始打起了雪利的主意took an interest in Sherry himself.俗话说得好重色必轻友加利特这个叛徒Loyalty gave way to desire and Garrett, the turncoat向雪利全盘托出我的计划told Sherry what I was up to.至于朱莉Word got back to Juli, 她自然又开始对我故技重施and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.而且还变本加厉Only this time it was worse.居然开始嗅我She started sniffing me.你没听错她居然用鼻子嗅我That's right, sniffing me. 搞什么飞机啊?What was that all about?我只能期望来年能摆脱魔掌My only consolation wasthat next year would be different.但愿升入初中后Junior high, bigger school.不用再和她同班 Maybe we'd be in different classes彻底结束我的噩梦and it would finally, finally be over.见到布莱斯?罗斯基的第一眼我便怦然心动了The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped.他的双眸让我如痴如醉It was those eyes, something in 他感到无比羞愧脸都红了And he was so embarrassed, his cheeks turned completely red.那晚我躺在床上不停幻想初吻的场景I went to bed that night thinking of the kiss that might have been.我知道他对我动心了 I mean, it was clear he had feelings for me, 只是怯于表达爱意but he was just too shy to show them.妈妈说过男孩子都会这样My mother said boys were like that.我决定帮他克服心中的恐惧 So I decided to help him out.布莱斯?你也在这啊Bryce?You're here.我会竭尽所能帮他彻底释放自我I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyness.六年级那年我学着有所收敛By the sixth grade, I'd learned to control myself.没想到半路却杀出个雪利?斯道尔斯Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture.雪利?斯道尔斯就是一人尽可夫的长舌妇Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, backstabbingflirt.头发长见识短All hair and no substance.而且她竟然...And there she was和布莱斯十指紧扣那可是我家布莱斯holding hands with Bryce.My Bryce.我的初吻白马王子The one who was walking around with my first kiss.我决定对她视而不见依照布莱斯的品性My solution was to ignore her.I knew a boy of Bryce's caliber总有一天能意识到雪利有多浅薄无知would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls.如我所料他俩一周后便分手了It took all of a week. They broke up at recess.她也不看看自己几斤几两She didn't take it well.自从布莱斯摆脱了朱莉的魔掌 Now that Bryce was out of Sherry's evil clutches, 对我也变得更为友善he started being nicer to me.嗨朱莉嗨布莱斯Hi, Juli.Hi, Bryce.他如此腼腆可人He was so shy and so cute他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛and his hair, it smelled like watermelon.我简直如痴如醉I couldn't get enough of it.整整一年我都沉浸在这迷人的芬芳里I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon期盼着何时能迎来我的初吻and wondering if I was ever going to get my kiss.升入初一后生活开始有所改观Seventh grade brought changes, all right.但最大的变化并非学校But the biggest one didn't happen at school.而是出现在家中It happened at home.外公搬来与我们同住My grandfather came to live with us.妈妈说他是过于思念外婆才会如此迷惘Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma.但他怎么可能对我推心置腹呢That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me.其实他在我面前总是沉默寡言As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me.直到朱莉的名字登上了当地报纸That is, until Juli appeared in the local newspaper.布莱斯能和你聊聊吗?有事吗?Oh, Bryce.May I speak with you?What?坐吧孩子Have a seat, son.跟我说说你的朋友朱莉?贝克吧Tell me about your friend Juli Baker.其实朱莉算不上是我朋友Juli.She's not exactly my friend.为什么呢?Oh.Why's that?你怎么突然问这个?Why do you wanna know?朱莉?贝克登上梅菲尔德时报Now, Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times可不是因为她天赋异禀for being an eighth-grade Einstein.而是因为她赖在无花果树上No, she got front-page coverage because she refused 死活不肯下来to climb out of a sycamore tree.朱莉?贝克和那棵白痴无花果树Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree.她认为那棵树She always thought it was God's gift 是上帝对我们的恩赐to our little corner of the universe.嘿布莱斯过来和我们一起爬树不?Hey, Bryce.Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers? 不了谢谢No, thanks.布莱斯快上来嘛很好玩的Bryce.Come up here.It's fun.可以看到全世界呢我没空You can see everything.I can't.我爸爸让我帮他去修...My dad needs me to help him fix修东西a thing.拉倒吧That's all I needed.我才不要和朱莉?贝克一起爬树呢Climb up a tree with Juli Baker.我可不想重温二年级的噩梦I'd be dragged right back into the second grade.布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree.我宁可下半辈子吃青豆度日Why don't you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.还有三个街区就来了It's three blocks away.只剩两个喽Two blocks.还有最后一个One block away.还真把自己当回事最受不了她这种人了Like that's valuable information.I hate it when she does that.真希望校车哪天能罢工I like to think there's at least a chance the bus won't show.这棵树在晨曦中显得尤为美丽你说对么?I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light.Don't you?如果你所谓的美丽是指奇丑无比 If by "beautiful" you mean "unbelievably ugly," 那我绝对赞成then, yes, I would agree.你眼神不太好吧我真同情你You're just visually challenged.I feel sorry for you.眼神不太好?"Visually challenged"?眼神不太好?"Visually challenged"?她家不也是街坊邻里的笑柄么 This from the girl wholived in a house 居然敢这么说我?that was the joke of the neighborhood?灌木爬满了窗台门前杂草丛生They had bushes growing over windows and weeds all over the place.我老爸为此很是不爽It bugged my dad bigtime.哟快瞧瞧Oh, there he is.砌墙工当自己是大画家呢 The bricklayer who thinkshe's a painter.嫌那破车不够寒碜 That truck's not ugly enough inreal life?还得画幅画裱起来?He's gotta make a painting of it?人家的风景画可是集市上的抢手货No, he does landscapes.Sells them at the county fair.大家都夸赞他呢People say they're beautiful.风景画?要我说吧Landscapes?Let me tell you something.他要是能把院子拾掇拾掇The world would have more beauty in it这个世界一定会更加美好if he'd do alittle landscaping on that piece of crap he calls a yard.我真同情他老婆嫁了这么个幻想家I feel bad for his wife.She married a dreamer.梦想与现实间的冲突总得有一个人来承受Because ofthat, one of the two of them will always be unhappy. 没错可为啥要殃及无辜呢?Yeah, fine.But why do we have to be unhappy?和朱莉?贝克成天赖在树上相比As annoying as the yard was to my dad她家那院子其实也不见得有多惹人生厌it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree.还有三个街区哦Three blocks away.每天早上我们都不得不忍受Every morning we had to listen to the sound她极为啰嗦的交通播报of herblow-by-blow traffic report.还有两个了Two blocks.到喽There you go.为什么要叫"三个臭皮匠"呢?Why do they call it The Three Stooges?明明有五个人啊什么?I mean, there's five of them.What?你看啊莫伊拉里克里谢普和卷毛乔伊Well, yeah, there's Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe.可每场戏却只有三个人是啊Yeah, but they only have three at a time.Yeah.我讨厌卷毛乔伊他哪算得上臭皮匠呢You know, I hate Curly Joe.I mean, he shouldn't even be a Stooge.姑娘我可要报警了Listen, girl, I'm this close to calling the police.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.怎么了?你最好自己下来What's going on?Either you come down要不我们就砍树了你们赶紧上来吧or we're gonna cut you down.You guys, come up here with me.咱们人一多他们就不敢砍了They won't cut it down if we're all up here.车来了朱莉真是疯了Bus, bus, bus.Juli was frantic.他们想把树给砍了They wanted to cut down her tree. 真不明白那无比畸形的树I couldn't understand whythat mutant tangle of gnarly branches在她心里怎么就那么重要布莱斯求你了meant so much to her. Bryce, please.我很同情她别管她I felt bad for her.Leave her.但我可不至于为此旷课But I wasn't about to cut school over it.走吧哥们儿Come on, bro.你为什么不把她当朋友呢布莱斯?Why isn't she your friend, Bryce?等你真正了解朱莉就明白了You'd have to know Juli. 我倒真想认识她Well, I'd like to.为什么?Why?这姑娘挺有骨气的That girl has an iron backbone.要不你抽空请她来家里玩?Why don't you invite her over sometime?有骨气?An iron backbone?她那是一根筋She's just stubborn而且还很自以为是and she's pushy beyond belief.是这样吗?Is that so?她从二年级起就老是缠着我And she's been stalking me since the second grade.这种女孩可是可遇不可求的Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.谁遇上谁倒霉Lucky them.看看这个Read this.放下心中的成见Without prejudice.我才没兴趣去了解朱莉?贝克Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.第二天早上朱莉没去等校车Juli wasn't at the bus stop the next morning.第三天也不见她出现Or the morning after that.不知道她怎么来学校的She was at school, but you'd never know it.小乔伊?他那妆也太浓了他不显老啊Little Joe?He's got so much makeup on He doesn't age.我告诉自己应该感到庆幸I told myself I should beglad about it.这不就是我日期夜盼的吗?I mean, isn't that what I'd always wanted?但我仍替她感到难过But still, I felt bad for her.我想跟她说声对不起但是一想还是算了I was gonnatell her I was sorry, but then I thought, hey, no我可真不希望that's the last thing I needed:让朱莉?贝克以为我在想她Juli Baker thinking I missed her.我知道你为什么喜欢这里I see why you like to comeout here.那你能开导开导你老妈不?Would you mind explaining it to your mother?我喜欢看着爸爸作画I loved to watch my father paint. 更喜欢在他画画时和他聊天Or really, I loved to hear him talk while he painted.这样能让我更了解他I learned a lot about my dad that way.他和我无话不谈He told me all sorts of things比如他怎样得到第一份工作 like how he got his first jobdelivering hay他多么渴望能完成学业and how he'd wished he'd finished college.有一天他出人意料地问我Then one day he surprised me. 你和布莱斯?罗斯基是怎么回事?What's going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski?什么怎么回事啊?没什么呀What do you mean?Nothing.那好吧Oh, okay.是我想多了My mistake.你怎么会这么想?Why would you even think that?其实也没什么No reason.只是你成天Just that you都把他挂在嘴边talk abouthim all the time.我有吗?I do?我也不知道I don't know.也许我被他的双眼所吸引吧I guess it's somethingabout his eyes.还有他迷人的微笑Or maybe his smile.那他人怎么样?But what about him?什么?你得考虑画的整体效果What?You have to look at the whole landscape.什么意思?What does that mean?一幅画绝非简单拼凑就能完成A painting is more thanthe sum of its parts.一头牛只是一头牛A cow by itself is just a cow.草地也只长满了青草和花朵A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers.阳光照进大树的枝桠亦不过缕缕薄光And the sunpeeking through the trees is just a beam of light.但你若能将它们衔接拼凑But you put them all together却能收获意想不到的成果and it can be magic.我对他的话一知半解直到一天下午I didn't really understand what he was saying until one afternoon我爬上无花果树的枝头when I was up in the sycamoretree.试图去捡风筝I was rescuing a kite.它挂得很高我从没爬过这么高It was a long way up, higher than I'd ever been.但我发现爬得越高眼前的景象便愈发迷人And the higherI got, the more amazed I was by the view.沁人心脾的微风迎面扑来I began to notice howwonderful the breeze smelled.夹杂着阳光和野草的芬芳Like sunshine and wild grass. 我忍不住大口呼吸I couldn't stop breathing it in让肺里溢满甜美醉人的气息filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I'd ever known.嘿我的风筝被你找到了Hey, you found my kite.布莱斯你真该上来看看Bryce, you should come up here. 太美了It's so beautiful.不行我扭伤了...I can't.I sprained my, um我出疹子了I have a rash.从那一刻起我彻底爱上了这里From that moment on,that became my spot.我可以坐上好几个钟头静静欣赏这世界I could sitthere for hours, just looking out at the world.落日时而泛着微醺的紫红Some days the sunsets wouldbe purple and pink.时而迸发出橙色的余晖And some days they were ablazing orange瞬间布满天边的晚霞setting fire tothe clouds on the horizon.在如此瑰丽的景象中It was during one of thosesunsets that my father's idea我终于慢慢有所领悟of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts爸爸所说的整体胜于全部moved from my head to my heart. 有时我会起个大早只为去看日出Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.一天清晨我在心里兀自揣度One morning I was making mental notes应该如何向爸爸描绘of how the streaksof light were cutting through the clouds缕缕曙光穿透云层的景象so I could tell my dad下面却传来阵阵嘈杂when I heard a noise below.不好意思Excuse me.抱歉你们不能停在这里这是校车站台Excuse me.I'm sorry, but you can't park there.That's a bus stop.你在上面干嘛呢?Hey, what are you doing up there?赶紧下来我们要砍树了You can't be up there, we're gonna take this thing down.砍这棵树?没错快下来吧The tree?Yeah.Now come on down.谁批准你们砍树的?树的主人啊But who told you, you could cut it down? The owner.为什么?Why?他想在这里建房这棵树挡道了He's gonna build a house, and this tree's in the way.姑娘赶紧下来吧我们得开工了So come on, girl, we got work to do.你们不能砍这棵树不能砍You can't cut it down.You just can't.姑娘你再不下来我就报警了Listen, girl.I'm this close to calling the police.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.你再不下来我们就直接砍了Now either you come down, or we're gonna cut you down.来吧要砍就砍吧Go ahead.Cut me down.我不下去坚决不下去I'm not coming down.I'm never coming down.布莱斯你们快上来帮我啊Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.上面人一多他们就不敢砍了They won't cut it down if we're all up here.布莱斯别让他们砍树啊Bryce, please don't let them do this.求你们了Come on, you guys.布莱斯求你了你不用爬很高的Bryce, please.You don't have to come up this high.Just a little ways.布莱斯求求你了Bryce, please.Please.从那之后一切都变得模糊起来What happened after that was a blur.似乎整个镇上的人都围了过来It seemed like the whole town was there.但我一直坚持不肯下去But still I wouldn't move.爸爸后来赶了过来Then my father showed up.他说服消防员架了楼梯爬上来He talked a fireman intoletting him come up to where I was.宝贝儿我们下去吧Sweetie, it's time to come down. 爸爸别让他们砍树Daddy, please don't let them do this.宝贝儿爸爸你看啊Sweetie Daddy, look.在这里可以俯瞰整个世界You can see everything.You can see the whole world from here.万里河山也不及我女儿的安危重要下去吧No view is worth my daughter's safety.Now, come on.我不走I can't.朱莉安娜别耍小性子了Julianna, it's time to come down now.求你了爸爸Please, Daddy.听话下去吧It's time.就这么结束了And that was it.我整整两周都以泪洗面I must've cried for two weeks straight.我仍然坚持上学异常用功Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could却感觉生活失去了重心but nothing seemed to matter.朱莉?啊?Juli?Huh?你知道答案是什么吗?Do you know the answer?伯罗奔尼撒战争?Uh, the Peloponnesian War?这也许是某个问题的答案I'm sure that's the answer to something但我问的是菱形的面积but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.其实菱形三角形之类的Somehow, rhomboids andisosceles right triangles在我看来并不重要didn't seem so important.我开始骑车上学只为避开那个伤心地I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to pass by the stump那里曾经矗立着世上最美的无花果树that used to be the earth's most magnificent sycamore tree.但不管我怎么努力我对它始终心有念想But no matter what I did, I couldn't stop thinking about it.你还好吧?Are you okay?不就是一棵树么It was just a tree.那不仅只是一棵树No, it wasn't just a tree.希望你能将树梢的美好时光永存心底I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there.谢谢你爸爸Thanks, Dad.我每天醒来就会看着这幅画It was the first thing I saw every morning它亦每天伴着我入眠and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.直到有一天看着它我不再泪眼朦胧And once I could look at it without crying我领悟到了更深层的寓意I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me.我的世界观开始有了细微的变化I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.我不禁问自己我对布莱斯的感情是否一如往日?And I wondered, did I still feel the same things about Bryce?我向来对鸡蛋不感冒I've never been a huge fan of eggs.既不喜欢也说不上讨厌I mean, I could always just take them or leave them.但那天在斯凯勒?布朗家的车库里That is, until one day in Skyler Brown's garage让我对鸡蛋的厌恶根深蒂固when my feelings about eggs were solidified.嘿伙计们艾德娜的早餐有着落喽Hey, hey, hey.Guys.Edna's found her breakfast.黏糊糊软趴趴的动物喜欢的食物I mean, if a slimyreptile found them appetizing我想想都觉得恶心there was certainly no place for them in my diet.天啊太给力了Oh, man, that's so cool.她连嚼都不用嚼省时又省心She doesn't even have to chew.I mean, think of all the time you'd save.都怨我姐姐丽奈特I could've gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw非要来找斯凯勒?布朗商量联赛的事if it hadn't been for Lynetta.要不我这辈子都不想看蛇活吞鸡蛋She had a major-league thing for Skyler Brown.真够恶心的I think it's gross.他和朱莉的哥哥马特和马克组了个乐队He and Juli's brothers, Matt and Mark, had formed a band.丽奈特要看着他们排练And Lynetta would watch them practice.太赞了吧That is so neat.你觉得呢布莱斯?How about that, huh, Bryce?是啊够给力的Yeah.Neat.布莱斯你觉得它要怎么消化?So, Brycie, how do you think he's gonna digest that? 胃酸?就知道你会这么说Stomach acid?You'd like to think that.等等别出声好戏开始了Wait, everybody quiet.Here he goes.这才叫吃鸡蛋啊Eggs over easy.太恶心了看得我想吐Gross.Gross, gross, gross.等等哈最精彩的还没出现呢Wait, wait.You haven't seen the best part.好恶啊Gross.我试着佯装淡定却毫不管用I tried to be casual about it, but it didn't take.我开始做噩梦I started having bad dreams.梦见自己被困在巨型鸡蛋里I'd be trapped inside a huge egg怪物张嘴将我吞入囊中and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me.所幸每次都能及时醒来I'd wake up just in time.没想到噩梦成真了Then the real nightmare began.嗨布莱斯我给你们带了些鸡蛋Hi, Bryce.I brought these over for you and your family.我家养的鸡开始下蛋了什么?My chickens are laying eggs.What?还记得艾比邦妮克莱德 You remember Abby and Bonnie and Clyde 德克斯特尤妮丝和弗洛伦斯吗?and Dexter and Eunice and Florence?就是科学展览会上孵的小鸡当然记得啊The ones I hatched for the science fair.How could I forget?朱莉?贝克总是那么经典It was classic Juli Baker.轻而易举成了全场的焦点She totally dominated the fair.她的课题是观察无聊的鸡蛋孵化过程And get this, her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch. 我的可是现场模拟火山爆发I mean, here I had a live-action erupting volcano可大家显然对朱莉孵出的鸡仔and all anyone cared about was Juli's boring chicks更感兴趣breaking out of their boring shells.最后一只出来了Oh, I think the last one's hatching. 出来了出来了啊It's hatching.Oh, it's hatching.孩子们快过来Kids, come over here.好吧我输给她了But hey, she won.I lost.我彻底被无视了I've never been one to dwell.孵出来了Here it comes.但我可不会吃她送来的鸡蛋But that didn't mean I had to eat her lousy eggs.朱莉这姑娘真乖巧还给我们送鸡蛋I think it was very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.我才不吃呢我明早还是喝燕麦粥I don't care.I'm still having cereal tomorrow.我们怎么能确定这蛋不是孵了一半呢Yeah, how do we know there's no chicks in one of those eggs?我小时候常吃刚下的蛋很是可口I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid.They were delicious.刚下的蛋当然美味了Yeah, well, that's all well and good可万一敲开鸡蛋掉出一具尸体咋整?but what if we crack one open and a dead chickfalls out?他们家有养公鸡吗?Do they have a rooster?如果没有就不是受精蛋If they don't have a roosterthe eggs can't be fertile.如果养了公鸡我们也会知道 And if they had a rooster, we'd know.街坊邻居都能听到The whole neighborhood would know. 万一人家把公鸡变声了呢Maybe they got it de-yodeled. 变声?"De-yodeled"?就是把声带给割了You know.De-cock-a-doodle-doo'd.瞎说什么呢你?What the hell are you talking about?就像给狗禁声那样Like they de-bark dogs.布莱斯你直接问问朱莉不就行了?Bryce, why don't you just ask Juli?还是不要吧什么?I don't think that What?你不敢跟她说话?谁说我不敢跟她说话You afraid to talk to her?I'm not afraid to talk to her.我看是你不敢吧I know you are, but what am I?好了你去找她问问清楚吧布莱斯Okay.Just talk to her and find out.Bryce.你会如何识别公鸡?How do you tell if one's a rooster?公鸡体型较大羽毛更长Well, a rooster's bigger. Longer feathers.头上长有红色的鸡冠They've got that red stuff growing out of their head.脖子上也长有红毛那应该挺好鉴别的吧And around their neck too.That shouldn't be too hard to spot.你想想啊鸡通常都长有鸡冠Although, come to think of it, chickens have the rubbery red stuff too.只不过不太明显罢了Just not as much.加利特是公鸡专家Garrett's expertise in roosters他能让我避免直接和朱莉?贝克对峙was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker.我们偷偷溜去她家后院The balance of which involvedspying over her back fence.快点快点嘘Come on, come on.Shh.Shh.就在这Over here.我看不清那些鸡啊I can't see the stupid chickens. 得把它们从笼子里弄出来We gotta get them out of the coop.那是公鸡吗?Is that a rooster?不是看起来不像No, it looks like a chicken.你怎么知道?How can you tell?只可意会不可言传It just does.瞧见了吧?什么叫做专家See what I mean?Expertise.嘘干嘛?Shh, shh! What?朱莉Juli.开饭啦宝贝们Here, guys.出来吧吃饭喽Go on, there you go.来来来吃饭哦没错都是鸡Here, guys.Go on.Yeah, they're all chickens.一只公鸡都没有?非得让我再说一遍?There's no rooster?What did I just say?你怎么看出来的?How can you tell?它们走路没有昂首阔步来来来多吃点Well, none of them are strutting.Here, come on.公鸡也懂昂首阔步?快吃呀Roosters strut?Come on, guys.你不懂就别问了行不?吃吧吃吧What did I just say?Here.再说了也没看见有红鸡冠的Plus, hardly any of them have any rubbery red stuff.你在干嘛呀?绝对都是鸡What are you doing?Yeah.They're definitely all chickens.他们家养的都是鸡They're all chickens.真替你骄傲啊布莱斯I'm proud of you, Bryce.你克服了恐惧心理什么?You overcame your fear.Huh?你跟她说话了呀哦是啊You talked to her.Oh, heh.Yeah.这有啥大不了的It's no big deal.是她亲口跟你说的吗?养的都是鸡?That's what she told you?They're all chickens?是啊Yeah.你俩都够油菜的不是鸡难道还是鸭啊She's a genius. You're both genius Of course they're all chickens. 公鸡不也是鸡么可关键在于A rooster's a chicken. The question is:那些鸡都是母的吗?Is one of them a rooster or are they all hens?母鸡?谁跟我提过母鸡啊?Hens?Who said anything about hens?我突然就开窍了Then it hit me.加利特压根对鸡一窍不通Garrett didn't know jack shit about chickens.公鸡走路会昂首阔步么?那当然了Do roosters strut?Yes, they do.问这个问题有意义吗?What does that have to do with anything?那它们全是母鸡They're all hens.只要鸡蛋没问题就行了Well, the main thing is the eggs are okay.不用再纠结了It's all settled.我可不这么想Not for me.我打死都不可能去碰There was no way I was ever gonna eat anything和朱莉?贝克有关的任何东西that had anything to do with Juli Baker.我不想吃鸡蛋I'm not eating them.为什么呢?Well, why not?你又不是没见过她家那院子Have you seen their yard? It's简直是寸草不生除了污泥就是鸡粪There's not even any grass.It's all mud and chicken turds.真恶心有沙门氏菌?Ew.Gross.Salmonella.该不会有沙门氏菌吧?Do you suppose they could have salmonella?应该不太可能为什么要拿健康冒险?。
• Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.
• 有时落日泛起紫红的余晖,有时散发出橘红色的 火光燃起天边的晚霞。在这绚烂的日落景象中, 我慢慢领悟了父亲所说的整体胜于局部总和的道 理。
• Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.
• One’s character is set at an early age. I'd hate to see you swim out so far you can't swim back.
• 从小看到老,我可不愿看到你做边城浪子 回不了头。
• I never been embarrassed by where I 've lived before, I also never really thought about money, I knew we weren't rich, but I didn't feel like we were missing anything.
• 有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。 可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的 人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云。
• Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, back stabbing flirt. All hair and no substance. And there she was holding hands with Bryce. My Bryce. The one who was walking around with my first kiss.
我只希望朱莉贝克能离我远点All I ever wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone.故事始于一年级暑假年的夏天It all began in the summer of , before the start of second grade.于我而言这意味着我从此步入了For me, it was the beginning of what would be长达五年的不安与逃避生涯more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.显然这姑娘也太不识趣了It didn't take long torealize this girl could not take a hint.咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧不要紧啊It's crowded in here with three people.I don't mind.毫无自知之明我们一起推吧Of any kind.You wanna push this one together布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧Bryce, isn't it time for you to go help your mother 是啊是啊Oh, yeah.我真是拿她没辙I mean, nothing would stop her.我终于忍无可忍这时候诡异的事情却发生了I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.我真是难以置信I couldn't believe it.我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手There I was holding hands with this strange girl.我咋就惹上了这种麻烦你好呀How did I get into this messWell, hello.看来你已经认识我儿子了I see you've met my son我不得不使出岁男生仅有的气概Finally, I did the only manly thing available when you're years old.然而还有一大串的麻烦等着我However, my troubles were far from over.就在我走进叶尔森老师的教室时The minute I walkedinto很显然it was clear:即使在学校也无法逃脱她的魔掌School would not be a sanctuary.嘿布莱斯你女朋友呢Hey, Bryce, where's your girlfriend枉我一世英名啊I was branded for life.搬来镇上的第一年简直就是场灾难My first year in town was a disaster.接下来的三年也不尽如人意And the next three weren't much better.就这么捱到了六年级我总算不再坐以待毙But finally, in the sixth grade, I took action.想到了一个大狠招I hatched the plan.雪利Sherry...这个招数的绝妙之处在于To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan雪利斯道尔斯是朱莉的眼中钉you have to understand that Juli hated SherryStalls但我始终想不通其中的缘由though I never understood why.雪利长发飘飘为人和善Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair.我原本一心指望只要和雪利吃吃饭The idea was that Sherry would eat with me散散步就能让朱莉知难而退maybe we'd walk around together, and hopefully Juli would lose interest..米娜妮也想打耳洞So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced,但她老妈也不是省油的灯but of course hermother said no.她就在家大发雷霆 So she threw a fit 把约翰尼马蒂斯的精选辑给砸了and smashed her Johnny MathisGreatest Hits album结果就被禁足了and she got grounded,连我的睡衣派对都来不了so now she can't come to my pajama sleepover party.直到我所谓的挚友加利特埃恩德That is, until my supposed best friend, Garrett Einbinder开始打起了雪利的主意took an interest in Sherry himself.俗话说得好重色必轻友加利特这个叛徒Loyalty gave way to desire and Garrett, the turncoat向雪利全盘托出我的计划told Sherry what I was up to.至于朱莉Word got back to Juli, 她自然又开始对我故技重施and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.而且还变本加厉Only this time it was worse.居然开始嗅我She started sniffing me.你没听错她居然用鼻子嗅我That's right, sniffing me. 搞什么飞机啊What was that all about我只能期望来年能摆脱魔掌My only consolation wasthat next year would be different.但愿升入初中后Junior high, bigger school.不用再和她同班 Maybe we'd be in different classes彻底结束我的噩梦and it would finally, finally be over.见到布莱斯罗斯基的第一眼我便怦然心动了The firstday I met Bryce Loski, I flipped.他的双眸让我如痴如醉It was those eyes, something in 他感到无比羞愧脸都红了And he was so embarrassed, his cheeks turned completely red.那晚我躺在床上不停幻想初吻的场景I went to bed that night thinking of the kiss that might have been.我知道他对我动心了 I mean, it was clear he had feelings for me, 只是怯于表达爱意but he was just too shy to show them.妈妈说过男孩子都会这样My mother said boys were like that.我决定帮他克服心中的恐惧 So I decided to help him out.布莱斯你也在这啊BryceYou're here.我会竭尽所能帮他彻底释放自我I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyness.六年级那年我学着有所收敛By the sixth grade, I'd learned to control myself.没想到半路却杀出个雪利斯道尔斯Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture.雪利斯道尔斯就是一人尽可夫的长舌妇Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, backstabbing flirt. 头发长见识短All hair and no substance.而且她竟然...And there she was和布莱斯十指紧扣那可是我家布莱斯holding hands with Bryce.My Bryce.我的初吻白马王子The one who was walking around with my first kiss.我决定对她视而不见依照布莱斯的品性My solution was to ignore her.I knew a boy of Bryce's caliber总有一天能意识到雪利有多浅薄无知would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls.如我所料他俩一周后便分手了It took all of a week.They broke up at recess.她也不看看自己几斤几两She didn't take it well.自从布莱斯摆脱了朱莉的魔掌 Now that Bryce was out of Sherry's evil clutches, 对我也变得更为友善he started being nicer to me.嗨朱莉嗨布莱斯Hi, Juli.Hi, Bryce.他如此腼腆可人He was so shy and so cute他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛and his hair, it smelled like watermelon.我简直如痴如醉I couldn't get enough of it.整整一年我都沉浸在这迷人的芬芳里I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon期盼着何时能迎来我的初吻and wondering if I was ever going to get my kiss.升入初一后生活开始有所改观Seventh grade brought changes, all right.但最大的变化并非学校But the biggest one didn't happen at school.而是出现在家中It happened at home.外公搬来与我们同住My grandfather came to live with us.妈妈说他是过于思念外婆才会如此迷惘Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma.但他怎么可能对我推心置腹呢That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me.其实他在我面前总是沉默寡言As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me.直到朱莉的名字登上了当地报纸That is, until Juli appeared in the local newspaper.布莱斯能和你聊聊吗有事吗Oh, Bryce.May I speak with youWhat坐吧孩子Have a seat, son.跟我说说你的朋友朱莉贝克吧Tell me about your friend Juli Baker.其实朱莉算不上是我朋友Juli.She's not exactly my friend.为什么呢Oh.Why's that你怎么突然问这个Why do you wanna know朱莉贝克登上梅菲尔德时报Now, Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times可不是因为她天赋异禀for being an eighth-grade Einstein.而是因为她赖在无花果树上No, she got front-page coverage because she refused 死活不肯下来to climb out of a sycamore tree.朱莉贝克和那棵白痴无花果树Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree.她认为那棵树She always thought it was God's gift 是上帝对我们的恩赐to our little corner of the universe.嘿布莱斯过来和我们一起爬树不Hey, Bryce.Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers 不了谢谢No, thanks.布莱斯快上来嘛很好玩的Bryce.Come up here.It's fun.可以看到全世界呢我没空You can see everything.I can't.我爸爸让我帮他去修...My dad needs me to help him fix修东西a thing.拉倒吧That's all I needed.我才不要和朱莉贝克一起爬树呢Climb up a tree with Juli Baker.我可不想重温二年级的噩梦I'd be dragged right back into the second grade.布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree.我宁可下半辈子吃青豆度日Why don't you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.还有三个街区就来了It's three blocks away.只剩两个喽Two blocks.还有最后一个One block away.还真把自己当回事最受不了她这种人了Like that's valuable information.I hate it when she does that.真希望校车哪天能罢工I like to think there's at least a chance the bus won't show.这棵树在晨曦中显得尤为美丽你说对么I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light.Don't you如果你所谓的美丽是指奇丑无比 If by "beautiful" you mean "unbelievably ugly," 那我绝对赞成then, yes, I would agree.你眼神不太好吧我真同情你You're just visually challenged.I feel sorry for you.眼神不太好"Visually challenged"眼神不太好"Visually challenged"她家不也是街坊邻里的笑柄么 This from the girl wholived in a house 居然敢这么说我that was the joke of the neighborhood灌木爬满了窗台门前杂草丛生They had bushes growing over windows and weeds all over the place.我老爸为此很是不爽It bugged my dad bigtime.哟快瞧瞧Oh, there he is.砌墙工当自己是大画家呢 The bricklayer who thinkshe's a painter.嫌那破车不够寒碜 That truck's not ugly enough inreal life还得画幅画裱起来He's gotta make a painting of it人家的风景画可是集市上的抢手货No, he does landscapes.Sells them at the county fair.大家都夸赞他呢People say they're beautiful.风景画要我说吧LandscapesLet me tell you something.他要是能把院子拾掇拾掇The world would have more beauty in it这个世界一定会更加美好if he'd do alittle landscaping on that piece of crap he calls a yard.我真同情他老婆嫁了这么个幻想家I feel bad for his wife.She married a dreamer.梦想与现实间的冲突总得有一个人来承受Because ofthat, one of the two of them will always be unhappy. 没错可为啥要殃及无辜呢Yeah, fine.But why do we have to be unhappy和朱莉贝克成天赖在树上相比As annoying as the yard was to my dad她家那院子其实也不见得有多惹人生厌it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree.还有三个街区哦Three blocks away.每天早上我们都不得不忍受Every morning we had to listen to the sound她极为啰嗦的交通播报of herblow-by-blow traffic report.还有两个了Two blocks.到喽There you go.为什么要叫"三个臭皮匠"呢Why do they call it The Three Stooges明明有五个人啊什么I mean, there's five of them.What你看啊莫伊拉里克里谢普和卷毛乔伊Well, yeah, there's Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe.可每场戏却只有三个人是啊Yeah, but they only have three at a time.Yeah.我讨厌卷毛乔伊他哪算得上臭皮匠呢You know, I hate Curly Joe.I mean, he shouldn't even be a Stooge.姑娘我可要报警了Listen, girl, I'm this close to calling the police.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.怎么了你最好自己下来What's going onEither you come down要不我们就砍树了你们赶紧上来吧or we're gonna cut you down.You guys, come up here with me.咱们人一多他们就不敢砍了They won't cut it down ifwe're all up here.车来了朱莉真是疯了Bus, bus, bus.Juli was frantic.他们想把树给砍了They wanted to cut down her tree. 真不明白那无比畸形的树I couldn't understand whythat mutant tangle of gnarly branches在她心里怎么就那么重要布莱斯求你了meant so much to her. Bryce, please.我很同情她别管她I felt bad for her.Leave her.但我可不至于为此旷课But I wasn't about to cut school over it.走吧哥们儿Come on, bro.你为什么不把她当朋友呢布莱斯Why isn't she your friend, Bryce等你真正了解朱莉就明白了You'd have to know Juli. 我倒真想认识她Well, I'd like to.为什么Why这姑娘挺有骨气的That girl has an iron backbone.要不你抽空请她来家里玩Why don't you invite her over sometime有骨气An iron backbone她那是一根筋She's just stubborn而且还很自以为是and she's pushy beyond belief.是这样吗Is that so她从二年级起就老是缠着我And she's been stalking me since the second grade.这种女孩可是可遇不可求的Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.谁遇上谁倒霉Lucky them.看看这个Read this.放下心中的成见Without prejudice.我才没兴趣去了解朱莉贝克Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.第二天早上朱莉没去等校车Juli wasn't at the bus stop the next morning.第三天也不见她出现Or the morning after that.不知道她怎么来学校的She was at school, but you'd never know it.小乔伊他那妆也太浓了他不显老啊Little JoeHe's got so much makeup on He doesn't age.我告诉自己应该感到庆幸I told myself I should beglad about it.这不就是我日期夜盼的吗I mean, isn't that what I'd always wanted但我仍替她感到难过But still, I felt bad for her.我想跟她说声对不起但是一想还是算了I was gonnatell her I was sorry, but then I thought, hey, no我可真不希望that's the last thing I needed:让朱莉贝克以为我在想她Juli Baker thinking I missed her.我知道你为什么喜欢这里I see why you like to comeout here.那你能开导开导你老妈不Would you mind explaining it to your mother我喜欢看着爸爸作画I loved to watch my father paint. 更喜欢在他画画时和他聊天Or really, I loved to hear him talk while he painted.这样能让我更了解他I learned a lot about my dad that way.他和我无话不谈He told me all sorts of things比如他怎样得到第一份工作 like how he got his first job delivering hay他多么渴望能完成学业and how he'dwished he'd finished college.有一天他出人意料地问我Then one day he surprised me. 你和布莱斯罗斯基是怎么回事What's going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski什么怎么回事啊没什么呀What do you meanNothing.那好吧Oh, okay.是我想多了My mistake.你怎么会这么想Why would you even think that其实也没什么No reason.只是你成天Just that you都把他挂在嘴边talk abouthim all the time.我有吗I do我也不知道I don't know.也许我被他的双眼所吸引吧I guess it's somethingabout his eyes.还有他迷人的微笑Or maybe his smile.那他人怎么样But what about him什么你得考虑画的整体效果WhatYou have to look at the whole landscape.什么意思What does that mean一幅画绝非简单拼凑就能完成A painting is more thanthe sum of its parts.一头牛只是一头牛A cow by itself is just a cow.草地也只长满了青草和花朵A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers.阳光照进大树的枝桠亦不过缕缕薄光And the sunpeeking through the trees is just a beam of light.但你若能将它们衔接拼凑But you put them all together却能收获意想不到的成果and it can be magic.我对他的话一知半解直到一天下午I didn't really understand what he was saying until one afternoon我爬上无花果树的枝头when I was up in the sycamoretree.试图去捡风筝I was rescuing a kite.它挂得很高我从没爬过这么高It was a long way up, higher than I'd ever been.但我发现爬得越高眼前的景象便愈发迷人And the higherI got, the more amazed I was by the view.沁人心脾的微风迎面扑来I began to notice howwonderful the breeze smelled.夹杂着阳光和野草的芬芳Like sunshine and wild grass. 我忍不住大口呼吸I couldn't stop breathing it in让肺里溢满甜美醉人的气息filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I'd ever known.嘿我的风筝被你找到了Hey, you found my kite.布莱斯你真该上来看看Bryce, you should come up here. 太美了It's so beautiful.不行我扭伤了...I can't.I sprained my, um我出疹子了I have a rash.从那一刻起我彻底爱上了这里From that moment on,that became my spot.我可以坐上好几个钟头静静欣赏这世界I could sitthere for hours, just looking out at the world.落日时而泛着微醺的紫红Some days the sunsets wouldbe purple and pink.时而迸发出橙色的余晖And some days they were ablazing orange瞬间布满天边的晚霞setting fire tothe clouds on the horizon.在如此瑰丽的景象中It was during one of thosesunsets that my father's idea我终于慢慢有所领悟of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts爸爸所说的整体胜于全部moved from my head to my heart. 有时我会起个大早只为去看日出Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.一天清晨我在心里兀自揣度One morning I was making mental notes应该如何向爸爸描绘of how the streaksof light were cutting through the clouds缕缕曙光穿透云层的景象so I could tell my dad下面却传来阵阵嘈杂when I heard a noise below.不好意思Excuse me.抱歉你们不能停在这里这是校车站台Excuse me.I'm sorry, but you can't park there.That's a bus stop.你在上面干嘛呢Hey, what are you doing up there赶紧下来我们要砍树了You can't be up there, we're gonna take this thing down.砍这棵树没错快下来吧The treeYeah.Now come on down.谁批准你们砍树的树的主人啊But who told you, you could cut it down The owner.为什么Why他想在这里建房这棵树挡道了He's gonna build a house, and this tree's in the way.姑娘赶紧下来吧我们得开工了So come on, girl, wegot work to do.你们不能砍这棵树不能砍You can't cut it down.You just can't.姑娘你再不下来我就报警了Listen, girl.I'm this close to calling the police.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.你再不下来我们就直接砍了Now either you come down, or we're gonna cut you down.来吧要砍就砍吧Go ahead.Cut me down.我不下去坚决不下去I'm not coming down.I'm never coming down.布莱斯你们快上来帮我啊Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.上面人一多他们就不敢砍了They won't cut it down if we're all up here.布莱斯别让他们砍树啊Bryce, please don't let them do this.求你们了Come on, you guys.布莱斯求你了你不用爬很高的Bryce, please.You don't have to come up this high.Just a little ways.布莱斯求求你了Bryce, please.Please.从那之后一切都变得模糊起来What happened after that was a blur.似乎整个镇上的人都围了过来It seemed like the whole town was there.但我一直坚持不肯下去But still I wouldn't move.爸爸后来赶了过来Then my father showed up.他说服消防员架了楼梯爬上来He talked a fireman into letting him come up to where I was.宝贝儿我们下去吧Sweetie, it's time to come down. 爸爸别让他们砍树Daddy, please don't let them do this.宝贝儿爸爸你看啊Sweetie Daddy, look.在这里可以俯瞰整个世界You can see everything.You can see the whole world from here.万里河山也不及我女儿的安危重要下去吧No view is worth my daughter's safety.Now, come on.我不走I can't.朱莉安娜别耍小性子了Julianna, it's time to come down now.求你了爸爸Please, Daddy.听话下去吧It's time.就这么结束了And that was it.我整整两周都以泪洗面I must've cried for two weeks straight.我仍然坚持上学异常用功Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could却感觉生活失去了重心but nothing seemed to matter.朱莉啊JuliHuh你知道答案是什么吗Do you know the answer伯罗奔尼撒战争Uh, the Peloponnesian War这也许是某个问题的答案I'm sure that's the answer to something但我问的是菱形的面积but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.其实菱形三角形之类的Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles right triangles在我看来并不重要didn'tseem so important.我开始骑车上学只为避开那个伤心地I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to pass by the stump那里曾经矗立着世上最美的无花果树that used to be the earth's most magnificent sycamore tree.但不管我怎么努力我对它始终心有念想But no matter what I did, I couldn't stop thinking about it.你还好吧Are you okay不就是一棵树么It was just a tree.那不仅只是一棵树No, it wasn't just a tree.希望你能将树梢的美好时光永存心底I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there.谢谢你爸爸Thanks, Dad.我每天醒来就会看着这幅画It was the first thing I saw every morning它亦每天伴着我入眠and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.直到有一天看着它我不再泪眼朦胧And once I could look at it without crying我领悟到了更深层的寓意I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me.我的世界观开始有了细微的变化I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.我不禁问自己我对布莱斯的感情是否一如往日And I wondered, did I still feel the same things about Bryce我向来对鸡蛋不感冒I've never been a huge fan of eggs.既不喜欢也说不上讨厌I mean, I could always just take them or leave them.但那天在斯凯勒布朗家的车库里That is, until one day in Skyler Brown's garage让我对鸡蛋的厌恶根深蒂固when my feelings about eggs were solidified.嘿伙计们艾德娜的早餐有着落喽Hey, hey, hey. Guys.Edna's found her breakfast.黏糊糊软趴趴的动物喜欢的食物I mean, if a slimy reptile found them appetizing我想想都觉得恶心there was certainly no place for them in my diet.天啊太给力了Oh, man, that's so cool.她连嚼都不用嚼省时又省心She doesn't even have to chew.I mean, think of all the time you'd save.都怨我姐姐丽奈特I could've gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw非要来找斯凯勒布朗商量联赛的事if it hadn't been for Lynetta.要不我这辈子都不想看蛇活吞鸡蛋She had a major-league thing for Skyler Brown.真够恶心的I think it's gross.他和朱莉的哥哥马特和马克组了个乐队He and Juli's brothers, Matt and Mark, had formed a band.丽奈特要看着他们排练And Lynetta would watch them practice.太赞了吧That is so neat.你觉得呢布莱斯How about that, huh, Bryce是啊够给力的Yeah.Neat.布莱斯你觉得它要怎么消化So, Brycie, how do you think he's gonna digest that 胃酸就知道你会这么说Stomach acidYou'd like to think that.等等别出声好戏开始了Wait, everybody quiet.Here he goes.这才叫吃鸡蛋啊Eggs over easy.太恶心了看得我想吐Gross.Gross, gross, gross.等等哈最精彩的还没出现呢Wait, wait.You haven't seen the best part.好恶啊Gross.我试着佯装淡定却毫不管用I tried to be casual about it, but it didn't take.我开始做噩梦I started having bad dreams.梦见自己被困在巨型鸡蛋里I'd be trapped inside a huge egg怪物张嘴将我吞入囊中and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me.所幸每次都能及时醒来I'd wake up just in time.没想到噩梦成真了Then the real nightmare began.嗨布莱斯我给你们带了些鸡蛋Hi, Bryce.I brought these over for you and your family.我家养的鸡开始下蛋了什么My chickens are laying eggs.What还记得艾比邦妮克莱德 You remember Abby and Bonnie and Clyde 德克斯特尤妮丝和弗洛伦斯吗and Dexter and Eunice and Florence就是科学展览会上孵的小鸡当然记得啊The ones I hatched for the science fair.How could I forget朱莉贝克总是那么经典It was classic Juli Baker.轻而易举成了全场的焦点She totally dominated the fair.她的课题是观察无聊的鸡蛋孵化过程And get this, her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch. 我的可是现场模拟火山爆发I mean, here I had a live-action erupting volcano可大家显然对朱莉孵出的鸡仔and all anyone cared about was Juli's boring chicks 更感兴趣breaking out of their boring shells.最后一只出来了Oh, I think the last one's hatching. 出来了出来了啊It's hatching.Oh, it's hatching.孩子们快过来Kids, come over here.好吧我输给她了But hey, she won.I lost.我彻底被无视了I've never been one to dwell.孵出来了Here it comes.但我可不会吃她送来的鸡蛋But that didn't mean I had to eat her lousy eggs.朱莉这姑娘真乖巧还给我们送鸡蛋I think it was very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.我才不吃呢我明早还是喝燕麦粥I don't care.I'm still having cereal tomorrow.我们怎么能确定这蛋不是孵了一半呢Yeah, how do we know there's no chicks in one of those eggs我小时候常吃刚下的蛋很是可口I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid.They were delicious.刚下的蛋当然美味了Yeah, well, that's all well and good可万一敲开鸡蛋掉出一具尸体咋整but what if we crack one open and a dead chickfalls out他们家有养公鸡吗Do they have a rooster如果没有就不是受精蛋If they don't have a roosterthe eggs can't be fertile.如果养了公鸡我们也会知道 And if they had a rooster, we'd know.街坊邻居都能听到The whole neighborhood would know. 万一人家把公鸡变声了呢Maybe they got it de-yodeled. 变声"De-yodeled"就是把声带给割了You know.De-cock-a-doodle-doo'd.瞎说什么呢你What the hell are you talking about就像给狗禁声那样Like they de-bark dogs.布莱斯你直接问问朱莉不就行了Bryce, why don't you just ask Juli还是不要吧什么I don't think that What你不敢跟她说话谁说我不敢跟她说话You afraid to talk to herI'm not afraid to talk to her.我看是你不敢吧I know you are, but what am I好了你去找她问问清楚吧布莱斯Okay.Just talk to her and find out.Bryce.你会如何识别公鸡How do you tell if one's a rooster公鸡体型较大羽毛更长Well, a rooster's bigger. Longer feathers.头上长有红色的鸡冠They've got that red stuff growing out of their head.脖子上也长有红毛那应该挺好鉴别的吧And around their neck too.That shouldn't be too hard to spot.你想想啊鸡通常都长有鸡冠Although, come to think of it, chickens have the rubbery red stuff too.只不过不太明显罢了Just not as much.加利特是公鸡专家Garrett's expertise in roosters他能让我避免直接和朱莉贝克对峙was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker.我们偷偷溜去她家后院The balance of which involved spying over her back fence.快点快点嘘Come on, come on.Shh.Shh.就在这Over here.我看不清那些鸡啊I can't see the stupid chickens. 得把它们从笼子里弄出来We gotta get them out of the coop.那是公鸡吗Is that a rooster不是看起来不像No, it looks like a chicken.你怎么知道How can you tell只可意会不可言传It just does.瞧见了吧什么叫做专家See what I meanExpertise.嘘干嘛Shh, shh! What朱莉Juli.开饭啦宝贝们Here, guys.出来吧吃饭喽Go on, there you go.来来来吃饭哦没错都是鸡Here, guys.Go on.Yeah, they're all chickens.一只公鸡都没有非得让我再说一遍There's no roosterWhat did I just say你怎么看出来的How can you tell它们走路没有昂首阔步来来来多吃点Well, none of them are strutting.Here, come on.公鸡也懂昂首阔步快吃呀Roosters strutCome on, guys.你不懂就别问了行不吃吧吃吧What did I just sayHere.再说了也没看见有红鸡冠的Plus, hardly any of them have any rubbery red stuff.你在干嘛呀绝对都是鸡What are you doingYeah.They're definitely all chickens.他们家养的都是鸡They're all chickens.真替你骄傲啊布莱斯I'm proud of you, Bryce.你克服了恐惧心理什么You overcame your fear.Huh你跟她说话了呀哦是啊You talked to her.Oh, heh.Yeah.这有啥大不了的It's no big deal.是她亲口跟你说的吗养的都是鸡That's what she told youThey're all chickens是啊Yeah.你俩都够油菜的不是鸡难道还是鸭啊She's a genius. You're both genius Of course they're all chickens. 公鸡不也是鸡么可关键在于A rooster's a chicken. The question is:那些鸡都是母的吗Is one of them a rooster or are they all hens母鸡谁跟我提过母鸡啊HensWho said anything about hens我突然就开窍了Then it hit me.加利特压根对鸡一窍不通Garrett didn't know jack shit about chickens.公鸡走路会昂首阔步么那当然了Do roosters strutYes, they do.问这个问题有意义吗What does that have to do with anything那它们全是母鸡They're all hens.只要鸡蛋没问题就行了Well, the main thing is the eggs are okay.不用再纠结了It's all settled.我可不这么想Not for me.我打死都不可能去碰There was no way I was ever gonna eat anything和朱莉贝克有关的任何东西that had anything to do with Juli Baker.我不想吃鸡蛋I'm not eating them.为什么呢Well, why not你又不是没见过她家那院子Have you seen their yard It's简直是寸草不生除了污泥就是鸡粪There's not even any grass.It's all mud and chicken turds.真恶心有沙门氏菌Ew.Gross.Salmonella.该不会有沙门氏菌吧Do you suppose they could have salmonella应该不太可能为什么要拿健康冒险It's not very likely.Why take the risk那鸡蛋如何处理What do we do with the eggs还回去吧Give them back.还回去还给朱莉没错Give them backTo JuliSure.反正你都跟她说过话了也没见你掉肉啊You talked to her before, rightIt didn't kill you.那我要怎么跟她说呢Well, what do I say告诉她我们家不吃鸡蛋Tell her we don't eat eggs.对鸡蛋过敏之类的Uh, we're allergic to them or something.你不会动脑筋想想啊Come on, use your brains.撒谎总归不太好It didn't feel right to lie.再说了三岁小孩都知道Besides, even a seventh grader would know 全家人不可能同时对鸡蛋过敏that entire families aren't allergic to eggs.我也不想让她伤心But I didn't wanna hurt herfeelings either.所以我只能这么做了So that left me with only one option.而且也能让我避免And thus another near-death experience和朱莉贝克当面发生冲突in my ongoing saga with Juli Baker had been successfully avoided.直到一个星期后Until one week later.嗨布莱斯我又给你带了些鸡蛋Hi, Bryce.Brought you some more eggs.哇Wow.。
1--All I ever wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone.我只希望朱莉·贝克能离我远点2--It all began in the summer of1957,before the start of second grade.故事始于一年级暑假1957年的夏天3--Here we are.我们到家啦4--What do you guys think?I like this place.你们觉得这里怎么样?我挺喜欢的5--It's cool.Uh,what color is my room?很赞呢我的房间是什么颜色?6--Just you wait.别急嘛7--Let's see what's inside.Hey,come on,buddy Bryce.咱们进去瞧瞧嘿布莱斯8--Why don't,uh,you and I go help unload the van过来给我搭把手搬东西9--and the womenfolk here can get in the kitchen and start setting up.让姑娘们去整理厨房吧10--Okay,Dad.好的老爸11--For me,it was the beginning of what would be于我而言这意味着我从此步入了12--more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.长达五年的不安与逃避生涯13--Hi,I'm Juli Baker.Hey,hey,what are you doing?嗨我是朱莉·贝克喂喂喂你干嘛呢?14--Don't you want some help?要我帮忙吗?15--No.There's some valuable things in there.不必了那里面都是贵重物品16--How about this one?No,no,no.那我就搬这个吧不用了17--Run home.Your mother's probably wondering where you are.赶紧回家吧你妈妈没准在找你呢18--Oh,no,my mom knows where I am.She said it's fine.没关系我妈妈知道我在哪她同意我过来19--It didn't take long to realize this girl could not take a hint.显然这姑娘也太不识趣了20--It's crowded in here with three people.I don't mind.咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧不要紧啊21--Of any kind.You wanna push this one together?毫无自知之明我们一起推吧?22--Bryce,isn't it time for you to go help your mother?布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧?23--Oh,yeah.是啊是啊24--I mean,nothing would stop her.我真是拿她没辙25--I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.我终于忍无可忍这时候诡异的事情却发生了26--I couldn't believe it.我真是难以置信27--There I was holding hands with this strange girl.我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手28--How did I get into this mess?Well,hello.我咋就惹上了这种麻烦?你好呀29--I see you've met my son看来你已经认识我儿子了30--Finally,I did the only manly thing available when you're7years old.我不得不使出7岁男生仅有的气概31--However,my troubles were far from over.然而还有一大串的麻烦等着我32--The minute I walked into Miss Yelson's classroom就在我走进叶尔森老师的教室时33--Bryce?You're here.布莱斯?你也在这啊34--it was clear:很显然35--School would not be a sanctuary.即使在学校也无法逃脱她的魔掌36--Hey,Bryce,where's your girlfriend?嘿布莱斯你女朋友呢?37--I was branded for life.枉我一世英名啊38--Hey,Bryce,why don't you ask her to marry you?嘿布莱斯你咋不向她求婚呢?39--Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢40--K-l-S-S-l-N-G卿卿我我甜如蜜41--My first year in town was a disaster.搬来镇上的第一年简直就是场灾难42--Look at them.瞧那小两口呀43--And the next three weren't much better.接下来的三年也不尽如人意44--But finally,in the sixth grade,I took action.就这么捱到了六年级我总算不再坐以待毙45--I hatched the plan.想到了一个大狠招46--Sherry.雪利47--Sherry,wait up.雪利等一下48--Hi,Bryce.Heh.嗨布莱斯49--I asked out Sherry Stalls.我向雪利·斯道尔斯展开攻势50--I was wondering if you wanted to go我想问你愿不愿意...51--To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan这个招数的绝妙之处在于52--you have to understand that Juli hated Sherry Stalls雪利·斯道尔斯是朱莉的眼中钉53--though I never understood why.但我始终想不通其中的缘由54--Sherry was nice,friendly and she had a lot of hair.雪利长发飘飘为人和善55--At first,my mother wouldn't let me get my ears pierced,but I begged我妈之前一直不让我打耳洞后来我拼命求她56--The idea was that Sherry would eat with me我原本一心指望只要和雪利吃吃饭57--maybe we'd walk around together,and hopefully Juli would lose interest.散散步就能让朱莉知难而退58--But I still can't get the hoops till I'm16.她还是不允许我16岁前打耳洞59--Oh,that's a shame.太可惜了60--So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced,米娜妮也想打耳洞61--but of course her mother said no.但她老妈也不是省油的灯62--So she threw a fit她就在家大发雷霆63--and smashed her Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album把约翰尼·马蒂斯的精选辑给砸了64--and she got grounded,结果就被禁足了65--so now she can't come to my pajama sleepover party.连我的睡衣派对都来不了66--Things were unfolding quite nicely.事情进展相当顺利67--What are you doing for your science project?你的科学实验打算怎么做?68--That is,until my supposed best friend,Garrett Einbinder直到我所谓的挚友加利特·埃恩德69--took an interest in Sherry himself.开始打起了雪利的主意70--I was thinking of showing how split ends react我想展示各种护发素71--with different hair conditioners.如何修复头发分叉72--That's fascinating.太棒了73--Loyalty gave way to desire and Garrett,the turncoat俗话说得好重色必轻友加利特这个叛徒74--told Sherry what I was up to.向雪利全盘托出我的计划75--Jerk.混蛋76--She didn't take it well.她自然很是生气77--Word got back to Juli,至于朱莉78--and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.她自然又开始对我故技重施79--Only this time it was worse.而且还变本加厉80--She started sniffing me.居然开始嗅我81--That's right,sniffing me.你没听错她居然用鼻子嗅我82--What was that all about?搞什么飞机啊?83--My only consolation was that next year would be different.我只能期望来年能摆脱魔掌84--Junior high,bigger school.但愿升入初中后85--Maybe we'd be in different classes不用再和她同班86--and it would finally,finally be over.彻底结束我的噩梦87--The first day I met Bryce Loski,I flipped.见到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一眼我便怦然心动了88--It was those eyes,something in those dazzling eyes.他的双眸让我如痴如醉89--You wanna push this one together?我们一起推吧?90--His family had just moved into the neighborhood那时候他们刚搬到我家隔壁91--and I'd gone over to help them.我过去帮他们搬东西92--I'd been in the van all of two minutes我在车里刚呆了2分钟93--when his dad sent him off to help his mom.他老爸就让她去帮他妈妈94--I could see he didn't wanna go.我知道他并不想离开95--So I chased after him to see于是我追上前去96--if we could play a little before he got trapped inside.问他能不能先玩一会再进屋97--The next thing I know,he's holding my hand接着他便用力握着我的手98--and looking right into my eyes.与我深情凝视99--My heart stopped.那一刹那我的心停止了跳动100--Was this it?这一刻到来了吗?101--Would this be my first kiss?是时候迎来我的初吻了吗?102--But then his mother came out.Well,hello.没想到他妈妈却出来了你好呀103--And he was so embarrassed,his cheeks turned completely red.他感到无比羞愧脸都红了104--I went to bed that night thinking of the kiss that might have been.那晚我躺在床上不停幻想初吻的场景105--I mean,it was clear he had feelings for me,我知道他对我动心了106--but he was just too shy to show them.只是怯于表达爱意107--My mother said boys were like that.妈妈说过男孩子都会这样108--So I decided to help him out.我决定帮他克服心中的恐惧109--Bryce?You're here.布莱斯?你也在这啊110--I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyness.我会竭尽所能帮他彻底释放自我111--By the sixth grade,I'd learned to control myself.六年级那年我学着有所收敛112--Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture.没想到半路却杀出个雪利·斯道尔斯113--Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny,gossipy,backstabbing flirt.雪利·斯道尔斯就是一人尽可夫的长舌妇114--All hair and no substance.头发长见识短115--And there she was而且她竟然...116--holding hands with Bryce.My Bryce.和布莱斯十指紧扣那可是我家布莱斯117--The one who was walking around with my first kiss.我的初吻白马王子118--My solution was to ignore her.I knew a boy of Bryce's caliber我决定对她视而不见依照布莱斯的品性119--would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls.总有一天能意识到雪利有多浅薄无知120--It took all of a week.They broke up at recess.如我所料他俩一周后便分手了121--She didn't take it well.她也不看看自己几斤几两122--Now that Bryce was outof Sherry's evil clutches,自从布莱斯摆脱了朱莉的魔掌123--he started being nicerto me.对我也变得更为友善124--Hi,Juli.Hi,Bryce.嗨朱莉嗨布莱斯125--He was so shy and so cute他如此腼腆可人126--and his hair,it smelled like watermelon.他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛127--I couldn't get enough of it.我简直如痴如醉128--I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon整整一年我都沉浸在这迷人的芬芳里129--and wondering if I was ever going to get my kiss.期盼着何时能迎来我的初吻130--Seventh grade brought changes,all right.升入初一后生活开始有所改观131--But the biggest one didn't happen at school.但最大的变化并非学校132--It happened at home.而是出现在家中133--My grandfather came to live with us.外公搬来与我们同住134--Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma.妈妈说他是过于思念外婆才会如此迷惘135--That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me.但他怎么可能对我推心置腹呢136--As a matter of fact,he never talked about much of anything with me.其实他在我面前总是沉默寡言137--That is,until Juli appeared in the local newspaper.直到朱莉的名字登上了当地报纸138--Oh,Bryce.May I speak with you?What?布莱斯能和你聊聊吗?有事吗?139--Have a seat,son.坐吧孩子140--Tell me about your friend Juli Baker.跟我说说你的朋友朱莉·贝克吧141--Juli.She's not exactly my friend.其实朱莉算不上是我朋友142--Oh.Why's that?为什么呢?143--Why do you wanna know?你怎么突然问这个?144--Now,Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times朱莉·贝克登上梅菲尔德时报145--for being an eighth-grade Einstein.可不是因为她天赋异禀146--No,she got front-page coverage because she refused而是因为她赖在无花果树上147--to climb out of a sycamore tree.死活不肯下来148--Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree.朱莉·贝克和那棵白痴无花果树149--She always thought it was God's gift她认为那棵树150--to our little corner of the universe.是上帝对我们的恩赐151--Hey,Bryce.Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers?嘿布莱斯过来和我们一起爬树不?152--No,thanks.不了谢谢e up here.It's fun.布莱斯快上来嘛很好玩的154--You can see everything.I can't.可以看到全世界呢我没空155--My dad needs me to help him fix我爸爸让我帮他去修...156--a thing.修东西157--That's all I needed.拉倒吧158--Climb up a tree with Juli Baker.我才不要和朱莉·贝克一起爬树呢159--I'd be dragged right back into the second grade.我可不想重温二年级的噩梦160--Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree.布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢161--Why don't you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.我宁可下半辈子吃青豆度日162--It's three blocks away.还有三个街区就来了163--Two blocks.只剩两个喽164--One block away.还有最后一个165--Like that's valuable information.I hate it when she does that.还真把自己当回事最受不了她这种人了166--I like to think there's at least a chance the bus won't show.真希望校车哪天能罢工167--I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light.Don't you?这棵树在晨曦中显得尤为美丽你说对么?168--If by"beautiful"you mean"unbelievably ugly,"如果你所谓的美丽是指奇丑无比169--then,yes,I would agree.那我绝对赞成170--You're just visually challenged.I feel sorry for you.你眼神不太好吧我真同情你171--"Visually challenged"?眼神不太好?172--"Visually challenged"?眼神不太好?173--This from the girl who lived in a house她家不也是街坊邻里的笑柄么174--that was the joke of the neighborhood?居然敢这么说我?175--They had bushes growing over windows and weeds all over the place.灌木爬满了窗台门前杂草丛生176--It bugged my dad bigtime.我老爸为此很是不爽177--Oh,there he is.哟快瞧瞧178--The bricklayer who thinks he's a painter.砌墙工当自己是大画家呢179--That truck's not ugly enough in real life?嫌那破车不够寒碜180--He's gotta make a painting of it?还得画幅画裱起来?181--No,he does landscapes.Sells them at the county fair.人家的风景画可是集市上的抢手货182--People say they're beautiful.大家都夸赞他呢183--Landscapes?Let me tell you something.风景画?要我说吧184--The world would have more beauty in it他要是能把院子拾掇拾掇185--if he'd do a little landscaping on that piece of crap he calls a yard.这个世界一定会更加美好186--I feel bad for his wife.She married a dreamer.我真同情他老婆嫁了这么个幻想家187--Because of that,one of the two of them will always be unhappy.梦想与现实间的冲突总得有一个人来承受188--Yeah,fine.But why do we have to be unhappy?没错可为啥要殃及无辜呢?189--As annoying as the yard was to my dad和朱莉·贝克成天赖在树上相比190--it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree.她家那院子其实也不见得有多惹人生厌191--Three blocks away.还有三个街区哦192--Every morning we had to listen to the sound每天早上我们都不得不忍受193--of her blow-by-blow traffic report.她极为啰嗦的交通播报194--Two blocks.还有两个了195--There you go.到喽196--Why do they call it The Three Stooges?为什么要叫"三个臭皮匠"呢?197--I mean,there's five of them.What?明明有五个人啊什么?198--Well,yeah,there's Moe,Larry,Curly,Shemp and Curly Joe.你看啊莫伊拉里克里谢普和卷毛乔伊199--Yeah,but they only have three at a time.Yeah.可每场戏却只有三个人是啊200--You know,I hate Curly Joe.I mean,he shouldn't even be a Stooge.我讨厌卷毛乔伊他哪算得上臭皮匠呢201--Listen,girl,I'm this close to calling the police.姑娘我可要报警了202--You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工203--What's going on?Either you come down怎么了?你最好自己下来204--or we're gonna cut you down.You guys,come up here with me.要不我们就砍树了你们赶紧上来吧205--They won't cut it down if we're all up here.咱们人一多他们就不敢砍了206--Bus,bus,bus.Juli was frantic.车来了朱莉真是疯了207--They wanted to cut down her tree.他们想把树给砍了208--I couldn't understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly branches真不明白那无比畸形的树209--meant so much to her.Bryce,please.在她心里怎么就那么重要布莱斯求你了210--Ifelt bad for her.Leave her.我很同情她别管她211--But I wasn't about to cut school over it.但我可不至于为此旷课212--Come on,bro.走吧哥们儿213--Why isn't she your friend,Bryce?你为什么不把她当朋友呢布莱斯?214--You'd have to know Juli.等你真正了解朱莉就明白了215--Well,I'dlike to.我倒真想认识她216--Why?为什么?217--That girl has an iron backbone.这姑娘挺有骨气的218--Why don't you invite her over sometime?要不你抽空请她来家里玩?219--An iron backbone?有骨气?220--She's just stubborn她那是一根筋221--and she's pushy beyond belief.而且还很自以为是222--Is that so?是这样吗?223--And she's been stalking me since the second grade.她从二年级起就老是缠着我224--Well,a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.这种女孩可是可遇不可求的225--Lucky them.谁遇上谁倒霉226--Read this.看看这个227--Without prejudice.放下心中的成见228--Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.我才没兴趣去了解朱莉·贝克229--Juli wasn't at the bus stop the next morning.第二天早上朱莉没去等校车230--Or the morning after that.第三天也不见她出现231--She was at school,but you'd never know it.不知道她怎么来学校的232--Little Joe?He's got so much makeup on He doesn't age.小乔伊?他那妆也太浓了他不显老啊233--I told myself I should be glad about it.我告诉自己应该感到庆幸234--I mean,isn't that what I'd always wanted?这不就是我日期夜盼的吗?235--But still,I felt bad for her.但我仍替她感到难过236--I was gonna tell her I was sorry,but then I thought,hey,no我想跟她说声对不起但是一想还是算了237--that's the last thing I needed:我可真不希望238--Juli Baker thinking I missed her.让朱莉·贝克以为我在想她239--I see why you like to come out here.我知道你为什么喜欢这里240--Would you mind explaining it to your mother?那你能开导开导你老妈不?241--I loved to watch my father paint.我喜欢看着爸爸作画242--Or really,I loved to hear him talk while he painted.更喜欢在他画画时和他聊天243--I learned a lot about my dad that way.这样能让我更了解他244--He told me all sorts of things他和我无话不谈245--like how he got his first job delivering hay比如他怎样得到第一份工作246--and how he'd wished he'd finished college.他多么渴望能完成学业247--Then one day he surprised me.有一天他出人意料地问我248--What's going on with you and,uh,Bryce Loski?你和布莱斯·罗斯基是怎么回事?249--What do you mean?Nothing.什么怎么回事啊?没什么呀250--Oh,okay.那好吧251--My mistake.是我想多了252--Why would you even think that?你怎么会这么想?253--No reason.其实也没什么254--Just that you只是你成天255--talk about him all the time.都把他挂在嘴边256--I do?我有吗?257--I don't know.我也不知道258--I guess it's something about his eyes.也许我被他的双眼所吸引吧259--Or maybe his smile.还有他迷人的微笑260--But what about him?那他人怎么样?261--What?You have to look at the whole landscape.什么?你得考虑画的整体效果262--What does that mean?什么意思?263--A painting is more than the sum of its parts.一幅画绝非简单拼凑就能完成264--A cow by itself is just a cow.一头牛只是一头牛265--A meadow by itself is just grass,flowers.草地也只长满了青草和花朵266--And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.阳光照进大树的枝桠亦不过缕缕薄光267--But you put them all together但你若能将它们衔接拼凑268--and it can be magic.却能收获意想不到的成果269--I didn't really understand what he was saying until one afternoon我对他的话一知半解直到一天下午270--when I was up in the sycamore tree.我爬上无花果树的枝头271--I was rescuing a kite.试图去捡风筝272--It was a long way up,higher than I'd ever been.它挂得很高我从没爬过这么高273--And the higher I got,the more amazed I was by the view.但我发现爬得越高眼前的景象便愈发迷人274--I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled.沁人心脾的微风迎面扑来275--Like sunshine and wild grass.夹杂着阳光和野草的芬芳276--I couldn't stop breathing it in我忍不住大口呼吸277--filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I'd ever known.让肺里溢满甜美醉人的气息278--Hey,you found my kite.嘿我的风筝被你找到了279--Bryce,you should come up here.布莱斯你真该上来看看280--It's so beautiful.太美了281--I can't.I sprained my,um不行我扭伤了...282--I have a rash.我出疹子了283--From that moment on,that became my spot.从那一刻起我彻底爱上了这里284--I could sit there for hours,just looking out at the world.我可以坐上好几个钟头静静欣赏这世界285--Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.落日时而泛着微醺的紫红286--And some days they were a blazing orange时而迸发出橙色的余晖287--setting fire to the clouds on the horizon.瞬间布满天边的晚霞288--It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea在如此瑰丽的景象中289--of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts我终于慢慢有所领悟290--moved from my head to my heart.爸爸所说的整体胜于全部291--Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.有时我会起个大早只为去看日出292--One morning I was making mental notes一天清晨我在心里兀自揣度293--of how the streaks of light were cutting through the clouds应该如何向爸爸描绘294--so I could tell my dad缕缕曙光穿透云层的景象295--when I heard a noisebelow.下面却传来阵阵嘈杂296--Excuse me.不好意思297--Excuse me.I'm sorry,but you can't park there.That's a bus stop.抱歉你们不能停在这里这是校车站台298--Hey,what are you doing up there?你在上面干嘛呢?299--You can't be up there,we're gonna take this thing down.赶紧下来我们要砍树了300--The tree?Yeah.Now come on down.砍这棵树?没错快下来吧301--But who told you,you could cut it down?The owner.谁批准你们砍树的?树的主人啊302--Why?为什么?303--He's gonna build a house,and this tree's in the way.他想在这里建房这棵树挡道了304--So come on,girl,we got work to do.姑娘赶紧下来吧我们得开工了305--You can't cut it down.You just can't.你们不能砍这棵树不能砍306--Listen,girl.I'm this close to calling the police.姑娘你再不下来我就报警了307--You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工308--Now either you come down,or we're gonna cut you down.你再不下来我们就直接砍了309--Go ahead.Cut me down.来吧要砍就砍吧310--I'm not coming down.I'm never coming down.我不下去坚决不下去311--Bryce.You guys,come up here with me.布莱斯你们快上来帮我啊312--They won't cut it down if we're all up here.上面人一多他们就不敢砍了313--Bryce,please don't let them do this.布莱斯别让他们砍树啊314--Comeon,you guys.求你们了315--Bryce,please.You don't have to come up this high.Just a little ways.布莱斯求你了你不用爬很高的316--Bryce,please.Please.布莱斯求求你了317--What happened after that was a blur.从那之后一切都变得模糊起来318--It seemed like the whole town was there.似乎整个镇上的人都围了过来319--But still I wouldn't move.但我一直坚持不肯下去320--Then my father showed up.爸爸后来赶了过来321--He talked a fireman into letting him come up to where I was.他说服消防员架了楼梯爬上来322--Sweetie,it's time to come down.宝贝儿我们下去吧323--Daddy,please don't let them do this.爸爸别让他们砍树324--Sweetie Daddy,look.宝贝儿爸爸你看啊325--You can see everything.You can see the whole world from here.在这里可以俯瞰整个世界326--No view is worth my daughter's safety.Now,come on.万里河山也不及我女儿的安危重要下去吧327--I can't.我不走328--Julianna,it's time to come down now.朱莉安娜别耍小性子了329--Please,Daddy.求你了爸爸330--It's time.听话下去吧331--And that was it.就这么结束了332--I must've cried for two weeks straight.我整整两周都以泪洗面333--Oh,sure,I went to school and did the best I could我仍然坚持上学异常用功334--but nothing seemed to matter.却感觉生活失去了重心335--Juli?Huh?朱莉?啊?336--Do you know the answer?你知道答案是什么吗?337--Uh,the Peloponnesian War?伯罗奔尼撒战争?338--I'm sure that's the answer to something这也许是某个问题的答案339--but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.但我问的是菱形的面积340--Somehow,rhomboids and isosceles right triangles其实菱形三角形之类的341--didn't seem so important.在我看来并不重要342--I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to pass by the stump我开始骑车上学只为避开那个伤心地343--that used to be the earth's most magnificent sycamore tree.那里曾经矗立着世上最美的无花果树344--But no matter what I did,I couldn't stop thinking about it.但不管我怎么努力我对它始终心有念想345--Are you okay?你还好吧?346--It was just a tree.不就是一棵树么347--No,it wasn't just a tree.那不仅只是一棵树348--I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there.希望你能将树梢的美好时光永存心底349--Thanks,Dad.谢谢你爸爸350--It was the first thing I saw every morning我每天醒来就会看着这幅画351--and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.它亦每天伴着我入眠352--And once I could look at it without crying直到有一天看着它我不再泪眼朦胧353--I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me.我领悟到了更深层的寓意354--I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.我的世界观开始有了细微的变化355--And I wondered,did I still feel the same things about Bryce?我不禁问自己我对布莱斯的感情是否一如往日?356--I've never been a huge fan of eggs.我向来对鸡蛋不感冒357--I mean,I could always just take them or leave them.既不喜欢也说不上讨厌358--That is,until one day in Skyler Brown's garage但那天在斯凯勒·布朗家的车库里359--when my feelings about eggs were solidified.让我对鸡蛋的厌恶根深蒂固360--Hey,hey,hey.Guys.Edna's found her breakfast.嘿伙计们艾德娜的早餐有着落喽361--I mean,if a slimy reptile found them appetizing黏糊糊软趴趴的动物喜欢的食物362--therewas certainly no place for them in my diet.我想想都觉得恶心363--Oh,man,that's so cool.天啊太给力了364--She doesn't even have to chew.I mean,think of all the time you'd save.她连嚼都不用嚼省时又省心365--I could've gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw都怨我姐姐丽奈特366--if it hadn't been for Lynetta.非要来找斯凯勒·布朗商量联赛的事367--She had amajor-league thing for Skyler Brown.要不我这辈子都不想看蛇活吞鸡蛋368--I think it'sgross.真够恶心的369--He and Juli's brothers,Matt and Mark,had formed a band.他和朱莉的哥哥马特和马克组了个乐队370--And Lynetta would watch them practice.丽奈特要看着他们排练371--That is so neat.太赞了吧372--How about that,huh,Bryce?你觉得呢布莱斯?373--Yeah.Neat.是啊够给力的374--So,Brycie,how do you think he's gonna digest that?布莱斯你觉得它要怎么消化?375--Stomach acid?You'd like to think that.胃酸?就知道你会这么说376--Wait,everybody quiet.Here he goes.等等别出声好戏开始了377--Eggs over easy.这才叫吃鸡蛋啊378--Gross.Gross,gross,gross.太恶心了看得我想吐379--Wait,wait.You haven't seen the best part.等等哈最精彩的还没出现呢380--Gross.好恶啊381--I tried to be casual about it,but it didn't take.我试着佯装淡定却毫不管用382--I started having bad dreams.我开始做噩梦383--I'd be trapped inside a huge egg梦见自己被困在巨型鸡蛋里384--and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me.怪物张嘴将我吞入囊中385--I'd wake up just in time.所幸每次都能及时醒来386--Then the real nightmare began.没想到噩梦成真了387--Hi,Bryce.I brought these over for you and your family.嗨布莱斯我给你们带了些鸡蛋388--My chickens are laying eggs.What?我家养的鸡开始下蛋了什么?389--You remember Abby and Bonnie and Clyde还记得艾比邦妮克莱德390--and Dexter and Eunice and Florence?德克斯特尤妮丝和弗洛伦斯吗?391--The ones I hatched for the science fair.How could I forget?就是科学展览会上孵的小鸡当然记得啊392--It was classic Juli Baker.朱莉·贝克总是那么经典393--She totally dominated the fair.轻而易举成了全场的焦点394--And get this,her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch.她的课题是观察无聊的鸡蛋孵化过程395--I mean,here I had a live-action erupting volcano我的可是现场模拟火山爆发396--and all anyone cared about was Juli's boring chicks可大家显然对朱莉孵出的鸡仔397--breaking out of their boring shells.更感兴趣398--Oh,I think the last one's hatching.最后一只出来了399--It's hatching.Oh,it's hatching.出来了出来了啊400--Kids,come over here.孩子们快过来401--But hey,she won.I lost.好吧我输给她了402--I've never been one to dwell.我彻底被无视了403--Here it comes.孵出来了404--But that didn't mean I had to eat her lousy eggs.但我可不会吃她送来的鸡蛋405--I think it was very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.朱莉这姑娘真乖巧还给我们送鸡蛋406--I don't care.I'm still having cereal tomorrow.我才不吃呢我明早还是喝燕麦粥407--Yeah,how do we know there's no chicks in one of those eggs?我们怎么能确定这蛋不是孵了一半呢408--I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid.They were delicious.我小时候常吃刚下的蛋很是可口409--Yeah,well,that's all well and good刚下的蛋当然美味了410--but what if we crack one open and a dead chick falls out?可万一敲开鸡蛋掉出一具尸体咋整? 411--Do they have a rooster?他们家有养公鸡吗?412--If they don't have a rooster the eggs can't be fertile.如果没有就不是受精蛋413--And if they had a rooster,we'd know.如果养了公鸡我们也会知道414--The whole neighborhood would know.街坊邻居都能听到415--Maybe they got it de-yodeled.万一人家把公鸡变声了呢416--"De-yodeled"?变声?417--You know.De-cock-a-doodle-doo'd.就是把声带给割了418--What the hell are you talking about?瞎说什么呢你?419--Like they de-bark dogs.就像给狗禁声那样420--Bryce,why don't you just ask Juli?布莱斯你直接问问朱莉不就行了?421--I don't think that What?还是不要吧什么?422--You afraid to talk to her?I'm not afraid to talk to her.你不敢跟她说话?谁说我不敢跟她说话423--I know you are,but what am I?我看是你不敢吧424--Okay.Just talk to her and find out.Bryce.好了你去找她问问清楚吧布莱斯425--How do you tell if one's a rooster?你会如何识别公鸡?426--Well,a rooster's bigger.Longer feathers.公鸡体型较大羽毛更长427--They've got that red stuff growing out of their head.头上长有红色的鸡冠428--And around their neck too.That shouldn't be too hard to spot.脖子上也长有红毛那应该挺好鉴别的吧429--Although,come to think of it,chickens have the rubbery red stuff too.你想想啊鸡通常都长有鸡冠430--Just not as much.只不过不太明显罢了431--Garrett's expertise in roosters加利特是公鸡专家432--was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker.他能让我避免直接和朱莉·贝克对峙433--The balance of which involved spying over her back fence.我们偷偷溜去她家后院434--Come on,come on.Shh.Shh.快点快点嘘435--Over here.就在这436--I can't see the stupid chickens.我看不清那些鸡啊437--We gotta get them out of the coop.得把它们从笼子里弄出来438--Is that a rooster?那是公鸡吗?439--No,it looks like a chicken.不是看起来不像440--How can you tell?你怎么知道?441--It just does.只可意会不可言传442--See what I mean?Expertise.瞧见了吧?什么叫做专家443--Shh,shh!What?嘘干嘛?444--Juli.朱莉445--Here,guys.开饭啦宝贝们446--Go on,there you go.出来吧吃饭喽447--Here,guys.Go on.Yeah,they're all chickens.来来来吃饭哦没错都是鸡448--There's no rooster?What did I just say?一只公鸡都没有?非得让我再说一遍?449--How can you tell?你怎么看出来的?450--Well,none of them are strutting.Here,come on.它们走路没有昂首阔步来来来多吃点451--Roosters strut?Come on,guys.公鸡也懂昂首阔步?快吃呀452--What did I just say?Here.你不懂就别问了行不?吃吧吃吧453--Plus,hardly any of them have any rubbery red stuff.再说了也没看见有红鸡冠的454--What are you doing?Yeah.They're definitely all chickens.你在干嘛呀?绝对都是鸡。
SCENE 1BRYCE: All I ever wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone. It all began in the summer of 1957, before the start of second grade.STEVEN: Here we are.PATSY: Ha, ha. What do you guys think? L YNETTA: I like this place.BRYCE: It's cool.L YNETTA: Uh, what color is my room? PATSY: Just you wait.BRYCE: Let's see what's inside. STEVEN: Hey, come on, buddy Bryce. Why don't, uh, you and I go help unload the van and the womenfolk here can get in the kitchen and start setting up. BRYCE: Okay, Dad.BRYCE: For me, it was the beginning of what would be more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort. JULI: Hi, I'm Juli Baker.STEVEN: Hey, hey, what are you doing? JULI: Don't you want some help? STEVEN: No. There's some valuable things in there.JULI: - How about this one?STEVEN: No, no, no. Run home. Your mother's probably wondering where you are.JULI: Oh, no, my mom knows where I am. She said it's fine.BRYCE: It didn't take long to realize this girl could not take a hint.STEVEN: It's crowded in here with three people.JULI: I don't mind.BRYCE: Of any kind.JULI: You wanna push this one together?STEVEN: Bryce, isn't it time for you to gohelp your mother?BRYCE: Huh? Oh, yeah.BRYCE: I mean, nothing would stop her. Iwas about to tell her to get lost when theweirdest thing happened. I couldn't believeit. There I was holding hands with thisstrange girl. How did I get into this mess?PATSY: Well, hello. I see you've met myson.JULI: Uh-huh.BRYCE: Finally, I did the only manlything available when you're 7 years old.[BELL RINGING]BRYCE: However, my troubles were farfrom over. The minute I walked into MissYelson's classroom...JULI: Bryce? You're here.BRYCE: ...it was clear: School would notbe a sanctuary.[CHILDREN LAUGHING]KID 1: Hey, Bryce, where's yourgirlfriend?BRYCE: I was branded for life.KID 2: Hey, Bryce, why don't you ask herto marry you?GIRLS [SINGING]: Bryce and Juli sittingin a tree, K-l-S-S-l-N-G.BRYCE: My first year in town was adisaster. And the next three weren't muchbetter. But finally, in the sixth grade, Itook action. I hatched the plan.BRYCE: Sherry. Sherry, wait up.SHERRY: Hi, Bryce. Heh.BRYCE: I asked out Sherry Stalls.BRYCE: I was wondering if you wantedto go...BRYCE: To full appreciate the brillianceof this plan, you have to understand thatJuli hated Sherry Stalls, though I neverunderstood why. Sherry was nice, friendlyand she had a lot of hair.SHERRY: At first, my mother wouldn't letme get my ears pierced, but I begged...BRYCE: The idea was that Sherry wouldeat with me... maybe we'd walk aroundtogether, and hopefully Juli would loseinterest.SHERRY: But I still can't get the hoops tillI'm 16.BRYCE: Oh, that's a shame.SHERRY: So Melanie wanted to get herears pierced, but of course her mother saidno. So she threw a fit and smashed herJohnny Mathis Greatest Hits album...[LAUGHS]...and she got grounded, sonow she can't come to my pajamasleepover party.BRYCE: Things were unfolding quitenicely.GARRETT: What are you doing for yourscience project?BRYCE: That is, until my supposed bestfriend, Garrett Einbinder took an interestin Sherry himself.SHERRY: I was thinking of showing howsplit ends react with different hairconditioners.GARRETT: That's fascinating.BRYCE: Loyalty gave way to desire andGarrett, the turncoat... told Sherry what Iwas up to.SHERRY: Jerk.BRYCE: She didn't take it well. Word gotback to Juli, and pretty soon she started upwith the goo-goo eyes again. Only thistime it was worse. She started sniffing me.That's right, sniffing me. What was that allabout? My only consolation was that nextyear would be different. Junior high,bigger school. Maybe we'd be in differentclasses and it would finally, finally beover.SCENE 2JULI: The first day I met Bryce Loski, Iflipped. It was those eyes, something inthose dazzling eyes.JULI: You wanna push this one together?JULI: His family had just moved into theneighborhood... and I'd gone over to helpthem. I'd been in the van all of twominutes when his dad sent him off to helphis mom. I could see he didn't wanna go.So I chased after him to see if we couldplay a little before he got trapped inside.The next thing I know, he's holding myhand... and looking right into my eyes. Myheart stopped. Was this it? Would this be1my first kiss? - But then his mother came out.PATSY: - Well, hello.JULI: And he was so embarrassed, his cheeks turned completely red. I went to bed that night thinking of the kiss that might have been. I mean, it was clear he had feelings for me, but he was just too shy to show them. My mother said boys were like that. So I decided to help him out.JULI: - Bryce? You're here. [CHILDREN GIGGLING]JULI: I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyness. By the sixth grade, I'd learned to control myself. Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture. Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, backstabbing flirt. All hair and no substance. And there she was... holding hands with Bryce. My Bryce. The one who was walking around with my first kiss. My solution was to ignore her. I knew a boy of Bryce's caliber... would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls. It took all of a week. They broke up at recess. She didn't take it well. Now that Bryce was out of Sherry's evil clutches, he started being nicer to me. BRYCE: - Hi, Juli.JULI: - Hi, Bryce.JULI: He was so shy and so cute... and his hair, it smelled like watermelon. I couldn't get enough of it. I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon... andwondering if I was ever going to get mykiss.SCENE 3BRYCE: Seventh grade brought changes,all right. But the biggest one didn't happenat school. It happened at home. Mygrandfather came to live with us. Momsaid he stared like that because he missedGrandma. That was not somethingGrandpa would ever talk about with me.As a matter of fact, he never talked aboutmuch of anything with me. That is, untilJuli appeared in the local newspaper.CHET: Oh, Bryce. May I speak with you?BRYCE: What?CHET: Have a seat, son. Tell me aboutyour friend Juli Baker.BRYCE: Juli. She's not exactly my friend.CHET: Oh. Why's that?BRYCE: Why do you wanna know?BRYCE: Now, Juli Baker did not wind upin The Mayfield Times for being aneighth-grade Einstein. No, she got front-page coverage because she refused toclimb out of a sycamore tree. Juli Bakerand that stupid sycamore tree. She alwaysthought it was God's gift to our littlecorner of the universe.JULI: Hey, Bryce. Wanna come climb thetree with me and my brothers?BRYCE: No, thanks.JULI: Bryce. Come up here. It's fun. Youcan see everything.BRYCE: I can't. My dad needs me to helphim fix... a thing.BRYCE: That's all I needed. Climb up atree with Juli Baker. I'd be dragged rightback into the second grade. Bryce and Julisitting in a tree. Why don't you just makeme eat lima beans for the rest of my life.JULI: It's three blocks away. Two blocks.One block away.BRYCE: Like that's valuable information.GARRETT: I hate it when she does that.I like to think there's at least a chance thebus won't show.JULI: I think the tree looks particularlybeautiful in this light. Don't you?BRYCE: If by "beautiful" you mean"unbelievably ugly," then, yes, I wouldagree.JULI: You're just visually challenged. Ifeel sorry for you.BRYCE: "Visually challenged"? "Visuallychallenged"? This from the girl who livedin a house that was the joke of theneighborhood? They had bushes growingover windows and weeds all over the place.It bugged my dad bigtime.STEVEN: Oh, there he is. The bricklayerwho thinks he's a painter. That truck's notugly enough in real life? He's gotta make apainting of it?L YNETTA: No, he does landscapes. Sellsthem at the county fair. People say they'rebeautiful.STEVEN: Landscapes? Let me tell yousomething. The world would have morebeauty in it if he'd do a little landscapingon that piece of crap he calls a yard.PATSY: I feel bad for his wife. Shemarried a dreamer. Because of that, one ofthe two of them will always be unhappy.STEVEN: Yeah, fine. But why do we haveto be unhappy?BRYCE: As annoying as the yard was tomy dad... it was nothing compared to howannoying Juli Baker was in that tree.JULI: Three blocks away.BRYCE: Every morning we had to listento the sound ...of her blow-by-blow trafficreport.JULI: Two blocks.WOMAN: There you go.GARRETT: Why do they call it The ThreeStooges? I mean, there's five of them.BRYCE: What?GARRETT: Well, yeah, there's Moe, Larry,Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe.BRYCE: Yeah, but they only have three ata time.GARRETT: Yeah. You know, I hate CurlyJoe. I mean, he shouldn't even be a Stooge.MAN: Listen, girl, I'm this close to callingthe police. You are trespassing andobstructing progress on a contracted job.GARRETT: What's going on?MAN: Either you come down... or we'regonna cut you down.JULI: You guys, come up here withme.They won't cut it down if we're all up2here.GARRETT: Bus, bus, bus.BRYCE: Juli was frantic. They wanted to cut down her tree. I couldn't understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly branches meant so much to her.JULI: Bryce, please.BRYCE: I felt bad for her. GARRETT: Leave her.BRYCE: But I wasn't about to cut school over it.GARRETT: Come on, bro.CHET: Why isn't she your friend, Bryce? BRYCE: You'd have to know Juli. CHET: Well, I'd like to.BRYCE: Why?CHET: That girl has an iron backbone. Why don't you invite her over sometime? BRYCE: An iron backbone? She's just stubborn... and she's pushy beyond belief. CHET: Is that so?BRYCE: And she's been stalking me since the second grade.CHET: Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.BRYCE: Lucky them.CHET: Read this. Without prejudice. BRYCE: Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.BRYCE: Juli wasn't at the bus stop the next morning. Or the morning after that. She was at school, but you'd never know it.GARRETT: Little Joe? He's got so much makeup on...BRYCE: He doesn't age.BRYCE: I told myself I should be gladabout it. I mean, isn't that what I'd alwayswanted? But still, I felt bad for her. I wasgonna tell her I was sorry, but then Ithought, hey, no... that's the last thing Ineeded: Juli Baker thinking I missed her.SCENE 4JULI: I see why you like to come out here.RICHARD: Would you mind explaining itto your mother?JULI: I loved to watch my father paint. Orreally, I loved to hear him talk while hepainted. I learned a lot about my dad thatway. He told me all sorts of things... likehow he got his first job delivering hay andhow he'd wished he'd finished college.Then one day he surprised me.RICHARD: What's going on with you and,uh, Bryce Loski?JULI: What do you mean? Nothing.RICHARD: Oh, okay. My mistake.JULI: Why would you even think that?RICHARD: No reason. Just that you... talkabout him all the time.JULI: I do?RICHARD: Mm-hm.JULI: I don't know. I guess it's somethingabout his eyes. Or maybe his smile.RICHARD: But what about him?JULI: What?RICHARD: You have to look at the wholelandscape.JULI: What does that mean?RICHARD: A painting is more than thesum of its parts. A cow by itself is just acow. A meadow by itself is just grass,flowers.And the sun peeking through the trees isjust a beam of light. But you put them alltogether...and it can be magic.JULI: I didn't really understand what hewas saying until one afternoon...when Iwas up in the sycamore tree. I wasrescuing a kite. It was a long way up,higher than I'd ever been. And the higher Igot, the more amazed I was by the view. Ibegan to noticehow wonderful the breeze smelled. Likesunshine and wild grass. I couldn't stopbreathing it in...filling my lungs with thesweetest smell I'd ever known.BRYCE: Hey, you found my kite.JULI: Bryce, you should come up here.It's so beautiful.BRYCE: I can't. I sprained my, um (I)have a rash.JULI: From that moment on, that becamemy spot. I could sit there for hours, justlooking out at the world. Some days thesunsets would be purple and pink. Andsome days they were a blazing orangesetting fire to the clouds on the horizon. Itwas during one of those sunsets that myfather's idea of the whole being greaterthan the sum of its parts moved from myhead to my heart. Some days I would getthere extra early to watch the sunrise. Onemorning I was making mental notes ofhow the streaks of light were cuttingthrough the clouds …so I could tell mydad when I heard a noise below.JULI: Excuse me. Excuse me. I'm sorry,but you can't park there. That's a bus stop.MAN 1: Hey, what are you doing upthere?MAN 2: You can't be up there, we'regonna take this thing down.JULI: The tree?MAN 2: Yeah. Now come on down.JULI: But who told you, you could cut itdown?MAN 1: The owner.JULI: Why?MAN 1: He's gonna build a house, andthis tree's in the way. So come on, girl, wegot work to do.JULI: You can't cut it down. You just can't.MAN 1: Listen, girl. I'm this close tocalling the police. You are trespassing andobstructing progress on a contracted job.Now either you come down, or we'regonna cut you down.JULI: Go ahead. Cut me down. I'm notcoming down. I'm never coming down.Bryce. You guys, come up here with me.They won't cut it down if we're all up here.Bryce, please don't let them do this. Comeon, you guys. Bryce, please. You don'thave tocome up this high. Just a little ways. Bryce,3please. Please.JULI: What happened after that was a blur. It seemed like the whole town was there. But still I wouldn't move. Then my father showed up. He talked a fireman into letting him come up to where I was. RICHARD: Sweetie, it's time to come down.JULI: Daddy, please don't let them do this. RICHARD: Sweetie...JULI: Daddy, look. You can see everything. You can see the whole world from here.RICHARD: No view is worth my daughter's safety. Now, come on.JULI: I can't.RICHARD: Julianna, it's time to come down now.JULI: Please, Daddy.RICHARD: It's time.JULI: And that was it. I must've cried for two weeks straight. Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could... but nothing seemed to matter.TEACHER: Juli?JULI: Huh?TEACHER: Do you know the answer? JULI: Uh, the Peloponnesian War? TEACHER: I'm sure that's the answer to something... but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.[CHILDREN LAUGH]JULI: Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles right triangles... didn't seem so important. I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to passby the stump... that used to be the earth'smost magnificent sycamore tree. But nomatter what I did, I couldn't stop thinkingabout it.[KNOCKING ON DOOR]RICHARD: Are you okay?JULI: It was just a tree.RICHARD: No, it wasn't just a tree. Inever want you to forget how you feltwhen you were up there.JULI: Thanks, Dad.JULI: It was the first thing I saw everymorning... and the last thing I saw before Iwent to sleep. And once I could look at itwithout crying... I saw more than the treeand what being up there meant to me. Isaw the day that my view of things aroundme started changing. And I wondered, didI still feel the same things about Bryce?SCENE 5BRYCE: I've never been a huge fan ofeggs. I mean, I could always just takethem or leave them. That is, until one dayin Skyler Brown's garage.. when myfeelings about eggs were solidified.[BAND PLAYING ROCK MUSIC]SKYLER: Hey, hey, hey. Guys. Edna'sfound her breakfast.BRYCE: I mean, if a slimy reptile foundthem appetizing... there was certainly noplace for them in my diet.MATT: Oh, man, that's so cool. Shedoesn't even have to chew. I mean, thinkof all the time you'd save.BRYCE: I could've gone my whole lifenot knowing that snakes eat eggs raw... ifit hadn't been for Lynetta. She had amajor-league thing for Skyler Brown.L YNETTA: I think it's gross.BRYCE: He and Juli's brothers, Matt andMark, had formed a band. And Lynettawould watch them practice.MARK: That is so neat. How about that,huh, Bryce?BRYCE: Yeah. Neat.SKYLER: So, Brycie, how do you thinkhe's gonna digest that?BRYCE: Stomach acid?SKYLER: You'd like to think that. Wait,everybody quiet. Here he goes. [SHELLCRACKING] Eggs over easy.L YNETTA: Gross. Gross, gross, gross.SKYLER: Wait, wait. You haven't seen thebest part.L YNETTA: Ugh! Gross.BRYCE: I tried to be casual about it, but itdidn't take. I started having bad dreams.I'd be trapped inside a huge egg... and thismonster would open his jaws and start todevour me. I'd wake up just in time.[KNOCKING ON DOOR] Then the realnightmare began.JULI: Hi, Bryce. I brought these over foryou and your family. My chickens arelaying eggs.BRYCE: What?JULI: You remember Abby and Bonnieand Clyde and Dexter and Eunice andFlorence? The ones I hatched for thescience fair.BRYCE: How could I forget?BRYCE: It was classic Juli Baker. Shetotally dominated the fair. And get this, herproject was all about watching boring eggshatch. I mean, here I had a live-actionerupting volcano... and all anyone caredabout was Juli's boring chicks... breakingout of their boring shells.JULI: Oh, I think the last one's hatching.WOMAN 1: It's hatching.WOMAN 2: Oh, it's hatching.WOMAN 1: Kids, come over here.BRYCE: But hey, she won. I lost. I'venever been one to dwell.WOMAN 2: Here it comes.BRYCE: But that didn't mean I had to eather lousy eggs.PATSY: I think it was very sweet of Juli tobring us those eggs.BRYCE: I don't care. I'm still havingcereal tomorrow.STEVEN: Yeah, how do we know there'sno chicks in one of those eggs?CHET: I used to eat farm-fresh eggs whenI was a kid. They were delicious.STEVEN: Yeah, well, that's all well andgood... but what if we crack one open anda dead chick falls out?CHET: Do they have a rooster? If theydon't have a rooster the eggs can't befertile.4PATSY: And if they had a rooster, we'd know. The whole neighborhood would know.L YNETTA: Maybe they got it de-yodeled. STEVEN: "De-yodeled"?L YNETTA: You know. De-cock-a-doodle-doo'd.STEVEN: What the hell are you talking about?L YNETTA: Like they de-bark dogs. PATSY: Bryce, why don't you just ask Juli?BRYCE: I don't think that...L YNETTA: What? You afraid to talk to her?BRYCE: I'm not afraid to talk to her.L YNETTA: [MIMICS CHICKEN] BRYCE: I know you are, but what am I? STEVEN: Okay. Just talk to her and find out.Bryce: How do you tell if one's a rooster? GARRETT: Well, a rooster's bigger. Longer feathers.BRYCE: Mm-hm.GARRETT: They've got that red stuff growing out of their head. And around their neck too.BRYCE: That shouldn't be too hard to spot.GARRETT: Although, come to think of it, chickens have the rubbery red stuff too. Just not as much.BRYCE: Garrett's expertise in roosters... was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker. The balance ofwhich involved spying over her backfence.BRYCE: Come on, come on. Shh. Shh.Over here.BRYCE: I can't see the stupid chickens.GARRETT: We gotta get them out of thecoop.[CLUCKING]BRYCE: Is that a rooster?GARRETT: No, it looks like a chicken.BRYCE: How can you tell?GARRETT: It just does.BRYCE: See what I mean? Expertise.BRYCE: Shh, shh!GARRETT: What?BRYCE: Juli.JULI: Here, guys. Go on, there you go.Here, guys. Go on.GARRETT: Yeah, they're all chickens.BRYCE: There's no rooster?GARRETT: What did I just say?BRYCE: How can you tell?GARRETT: Well, none of them arestrutting.JULI: Here, come on.BRYCE: Roosters strut?JULI: Come on, guys.GARRETT: What did I just say?JULI: Here.GARRETT: Plus, hardly any of them haveany rubbery red stuff.JULI: What are you doing?GARRETT: Yeah. They're definitely allchickens.BRYCE: They're all chickens.CHET: I'm proud of you, Bryce. Youovercame your fear.BRYCE: Huh?CHET:CHET: You talked to her.BRYCE: Oh, heh. Yeah. It's no big deal.STEVEN: That's what she told you?They're all chickens?BRYCE: Yeah.STEVEN: She's a genius. You're bothgenius... Of course they're all chickens. Arooster's a chicken. The question is: Is oneof them a rooster or are they all hens?BRYCE: Hens? Who said anything abouthens? Then it hit me. Garrett didn't knowjack shit about chickens.BRYCE: Do roosters strut?CHET: Yes, they do.STEVEN: What does that have to do withanything?BRYCE: They're all hens.PATSY: Well, the main thing is the eggsare okay. It's all settled.BRYCE: Not for me. There was no way Iwas ever gonna eat anything that hadanything to do with Juli Baker.BRYCE: I'm not eating them.PATSY: Well, why not?BRYCE: Have you seen their yard? It's...There's not even any grass. It's all mudand chicken turds.L YNETTA: Ew. Gross. Salmonella.PATSY: Do you suppose they could havesalmonella?CHET: It's not very likely.STEVEN: Why take the risk?PATSY: What do we do with the eggs?STEVEN: Give them back.BRYCE: Give them back? To Juli?STEVEN: Sure. You talked to her before,right? It didn't kill you.BRYCE: Well, what do I say?STEVEN: Tell her we don't eat eggs.Uh,we're allergic to them or something. Comeon, use your brains.BRYCE: It didn't feel right to lie. Besides,even a seventh grader would know thatentire families aren't allergic to eggs. But Ididn't wanna hurt her feelings either. Sothat left me with only one option. And thusanother near-death experience in myongoing saga with Juli Baker had beensuccessfully avoided. Until one week later.LULI: Hi, Bryce. Brought you some moreeggs.BRYCE: Wow. Thanks.JULI: Did your family like the first batch?BRYCE: Do you even have to ask?JULI: Great. See you at school.BRYCE: What I hoped would be aone-time event was just the beginning of alife consumed with lies, intrigue anddeception. Every morning I'd be on thelookout for Juli so if she happened tocome, I could whip the door open beforeshe knocked.5BRYCE: Thanks.BRYCE: Then I'd dump the eggs before anyone noticed. And why? Why couldn't I just face her? Why couldn't I just say:"No, thanks. Don't want them. Don't need them. Give them to the snake"? Was I really afraid of hurting her feelings or was I just afraid of her?SCENE 6RICHARD: Now, you wanna make sure you get it...JULI: When Mrs. Brubeck first suggested hatching eggs as my science project I was less than excited. That is, until I saw my first sign of life.TRINA: Is that it?RICHARD: That's the embryo. Heh. TRINA: Wow.JULI: It looks like a bean.TRINA: It does.JULI: Let's try the other ones.JULl: Suddenly it felt real. All the eggs were alive. There were, like, little bean babies inside every one. On the day of the fair,all six chicks hatched. What are the odds? TEACHER: This year's top prize goes to Juli Baker for her wonderful project: "A Chicken is Born."JULI: I won first place. And that was cool, but all I really cared about were my chicks.JULI: There you go. There you go, guys. JULI: My mom wasn't crazy about us raising chickens. But I begged and pleaded.I told her I would take care of everything.And I did.JULI: Where's Clyde? Clyde? Hey, Clyde.What's the matter? Are you okay? Aren'tyou hungry? Come on. Come here. What'swrong, baby? Come here. Hey, you're notClyde. You're Clydette. Mom!JULl: As it turned out, my hens laid moreeggs than we could eat. At first we tried tokeep up, but after a month of boiling,frying and deviling like that movie TheBlob, we were being overtaken by eggs.Then opportunity in the form of ourneighbor, Mrs. Steuby, knocked.STEUBY: Hello, dear. If you ever haveany extra, I'd be happy to buy them fromyou.JULI: Really?STEUBY: Certainly. And I happen toknow that Mrs. Helms would be interestedas well.JULI: Great.STEUBY: Nothing like fresh eggs.JULI: Thanks, Mrs. Steuby.STEUBY: You bet, dear. Bye.JULI: Between Mrs. Steuby and Mrs.Helms, my egg overflow problem wassolved. Then I realized that Mrs. Loskideserved eggs too. But I didn't think itwould be right to charge her. She had beensuch a good neighbor, lending us supplieswhen we ran out, giving my mother a ridewhen our car wouldn't start, it was theleast I could do. Besides, if I happened torun into Bryce, that wouldn't be the end ofthe world.JULI: Hi, Bryce.JULI: By the third time I brought eggsover to the Loskis I realized Bryce waswaiting for me. Waiting to pull open thedoor and say, "Thanks, Juli. See you atschool." And in return, I got a fewmoments alone with the world's mostdazzling eyes.BRYCE: Thanks, Juli. See you at school.JULI: It was a bargain. Until the day itwasn't. It was two weeks after thesycamore tree was cut down and I was juststarting to feel normal again.BRYCE: Hey, Juli. Right on schedule.JULI: Yeah, well, neither rain nor sleet.BRYCE: Huh?JULI: You know, the mailman thing?BRYCE: Oh. Right. So, um, will you startriding the bus again?JULI: I don't know. I haven't been up theresince...BRYCE: It doesn't look so bad anymore.It's all cleared away. Well, um, I better getready for school. Guess I'll see you there.JULI: See you.JULI: Maybe Bryce was right. Maybe itwas time I started riding the bus again.After all, didn't he just tell me he wantedme to? Could it be that Bryce Loskiactually misses me?[DOOR OPENS]BRYCE: Juli? What are you still doinghere?JULI: I was just thinking.BRYCE: It's pickup day. The cans are infront.JULI: I know. You need some help?BRYCE: No. Maybe I'll do it later.JULI: Are those my eggs?BRYCE: Yeah. Yeah, I dropped them.JULI: They're not broken. Why are youthrowing them away? Don't you wantthem?BRYCE: It wasn't me. My dad didn't thinkit was worth the risk.JULI: Risk? What risk?BRYCE: Salmonella.JULI: What are you talking about? He'safraid of being poisoned?BRYCE: Well, Juli, I mean, look at yourback yard. It's a complete mess. It's likecovered in turds.JULI: That's not true. I clean up after mygirls every day.BRYCE: We just didn't wanna hurt yourfeelings.JULI: Have you always thrown them away?You know, Mrs. Steuby and Mrs. Helmspay me for my eggs.BRYCE: They do?JULI: They pay me 60 cents a dozen.BRYCE: I didn't know.JULI: How could you?BRYCE: I'm sorry.JULI: No, you're not.6。
电影怦然心动台词中英文对照以下是电影《怦然心动》中的一些经典台词,包括中英文对照:1. "There are 7 billion people on the planet. You might be lucky enough to bump into the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with." - "地球上有70亿人,你也许幸运到遇到和你一生相伴的那个人。
"3. "It's like you're homesick for a place that doesn't even exist." - "就像你对一个不存在的地方思乡一样。
"4. "I'd rather be happy than right any day." - "我宁愿每天都快乐,不在乎对错。
"5. "Look at him... He's so breathtakingly clueless." - "看着他...他真是毫无所知,令人叹为观止。
"6. "Love is a fragile thing. It grows like spring flowers, but can easily be crushed." - "爱情是一件脆弱的东西。
"7. "We don't choose who we fall for. It just happens." - "我们无法选择我们爱上谁,爱情只是发生而已。
"8. "Be who you want to be, not what others want to see." - "做你想成为的自己,而不是别人想看到的样子。
我只希望朱莉?贝克能离我远点All I ever wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone.故事始于一年级暑假年的夏天It all began in the summer of , before the start of second grade.于我而言这意味着我从此步入了For me, it was the beginning of what would be长达五年的不安与逃避生涯more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.显然这姑娘也太不识趣了It didn’t take long to realize this girl could not take a hint。
咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧不要紧啊It’s crowded in here with three people.I don't mind。
毫无自知之明我们一起推吧?Of any kind。
You wanna push this one together?布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧?Bryce, isn’t it time for you to go help your mother?是啊是啊Oh, yeah。
我真是拿她没辙I mean, nothing would stop her.我终于忍无可忍这时候诡异的事情却发生了I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.我真是难以置信I couldn't believe it.我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手There I was holding hands with this strange girl。
我咋就惹上了这种麻烦?你好呀How did I get into this mess?Well, hello。
我只希望朱莉?贝克能离我远点All I ever wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone.故事始于一年级暑假年的夏天It all began in the summer of , before the start of second grade.于我而言这意味着我从此步入了For me, it was the beginning of what would be长达五年的不安与逃避生涯more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.显然这姑娘也太不识趣了It didn't take long to realize this girl could not take a hint.咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧不要紧啊It's crowded in here with three people.I don't mind.毫无自知之明我们一起推吧?Of any kind.You wanna push this one together?布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧?Bryce, isn't it time for you to go help your mother?是啊是啊Oh, yeah.我真是拿她没辙I mean, nothing would stop her.我终于忍无可忍这时候诡异的事情却发生了I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.我真是难以置信I couldn't believe it.我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手There I was holding hands with this strange girl.我咋就惹上了这种麻烦?你好呀How did I get into this mess?Well, hello.看来你已经认识我儿子了I see you've met my son我不得不使出岁男生仅有的气概Finally, I did the only manly thing available when you're years old.然而还有一大串的麻烦等着我However, my troubles were far from over.就在我走进叶尔森老师的教室时The minute I walked into 很显然it was clear:即使在学校也无法逃脱她的魔掌School would not be a sanctuary.嘿布莱斯你女朋友呢?Hey, Bryce, where's your girlfriend?枉我一世英名啊I was branded for life.搬来镇上的第一年简直就是场灾难My first year in town was a disaster.接下来的三年也不尽如人意And the next three weren't much better.就这么捱到了六年级我总算不再坐以待毙But finally, in the sixth grade, I took action.想到了一个大狠招I hatched the plan.雪利Sherry...这个招数的绝妙之处在于To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan雪利?斯道尔斯是朱莉的眼中钉you have to understand that Juli hated Sherry Stalls但我始终想不通其中的缘由though I never understood why.雪利长发飘飘为人和善Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair.我原本一心指望只要和雪利吃吃饭The idea was that Sherry would eat with me散散步就能让朱莉知难而退maybe we'd walk around together, and hopefully Juli would lose interest..米娜妮也想打耳洞So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced,但她老妈也不是省油的灯but of course her mother said no.她就在家大发雷霆 So she threw a fit 把约翰尼?马蒂斯的精选辑给砸了and smashed her Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album结果就被禁足了and she got grounded,连我的睡衣派对都来不了so now she can't come to my pajama sleepover party.直到我所谓的挚友加利特?埃恩德That is, until my supposed best friend, Garrett Einbinder开始打起了雪利的主意took an interest in Sherry himself.俗话说得好重色必轻友加利特这个叛徒Loyalty gave way to desire and Garrett, the turncoat向雪利全盘托出我的计划told Sherry what I was up to.至于朱莉Word got back to Juli, 她自然又开始对我故技重施and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.而且还变本加厉Only this time it was worse.居然开始嗅我She started sniffing me.你没听错她居然用鼻子嗅我That's right, sniffing me.搞什么飞机啊?What was that all about?我只能期望来年能摆脱魔掌My only consolation was that next year would be different.但愿升入初中后Junior high, bigger school.不用再和她同班 Maybe we'd be in different classes 彻底结束我的噩梦and it would finally, finally be over.见到布莱斯?罗斯基的第一眼我便怦然心动了The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped.他的双眸让我如痴如醉It was those eyes, something in他感到无比羞愧脸都红了And he was so embarrassed, his cheeks turned completely red.那晚我躺在床上不停幻想初吻的场景I went to bed that night thinking of the kiss that might have been.我知道他对我动心了 I mean, it was clear he had feelings for me, 只是怯于表达爱意but he was just too shy to show them.妈妈说过男孩子都会这样My mother said boys were like that.我决定帮他克服心中的恐惧 So I decided to help him out. 布莱斯?你也在这啊Bryce?You're here.我会竭尽所能帮他彻底释放自我I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyness.六年级那年我学着有所收敛By the sixth grade, I'd learned to control myself.没想到半路却杀出个雪利?斯道尔斯Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture.雪利?斯道尔斯就是一人尽可夫的长舌妇Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, backstabbing flirt.头发长见识短All hair and no substance.而且她竟然...And there she was和布莱斯十指紧扣那可是我家布莱斯holding hands with Bryce.My Bryce.我的初吻白马王子The one who was walking around with my first kiss.我决定对她视而不见依照布莱斯的品性My solution was to ignore her.I knew a boy of Bryce's caliber总有一天能意识到雪利有多浅薄无知would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls.如我所料他俩一周后便分手了It took all of a week.They broke up at recess.她也不看看自己几斤几两She didn't take it well.自从布莱斯摆脱了朱莉的魔掌 Now that Bryce was out of Sherry's evil clutches, 对我也变得更为友善he started being nicer to me.嗨朱莉嗨布莱斯Hi, Juli.Hi, Bryce.他如此腼腆可人He was so shy and so cute他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛and his hair, it smelled like watermelon. 我简直如痴如醉I couldn't get enough of it.整整一年我都沉浸在这迷人的芬芳里I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon期盼着何时能迎来我的初吻and wondering if I was ever going to get my kiss.升入初一后生活开始有所改观Seventh grade brought changes, all right.但最大的变化并非学校But the biggest one didn't happen at school.而是出现在家中It happened at home.外公搬来与我们同住My grandfather came to live with us. 妈妈说他是过于思念外婆才会如此迷惘Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma.但他怎么可能对我推心置腹呢That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me.其实他在我面前总是沉默寡言As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me.直到朱莉的名字登上了当地报纸That is, until Juli appeared in the local newspaper.布莱斯能和你聊聊吗?有事吗?Oh, Bryce.May I speak with you?What?坐吧孩子Have a seat, son.跟我说说你的朋友朱莉?贝克吧Tell me about your friend Juli Baker.其实朱莉算不上是我朋友Juli.She's not exactly my friend.为什么呢?Oh.Why's that?你怎么突然问这个?Why do you wanna know?朱莉?贝克登上梅菲尔德时报Now, Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times可不是因为她天赋异禀for being an eighth-grade Einstein.而是因为她赖在无花果树上No, she got front-pagecoverage because she refused 死活不肯下来to climb out of a sycamore tree.朱莉?贝克和那棵白痴无花果树Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree.她认为那棵树She always thought it was God's gift 是上帝对我们的恩赐to our little corner of the universe.嘿布莱斯过来和我们一起爬树不?Hey, Bryce.Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers? 不了谢谢No, thanks.布莱斯快上来嘛很好玩的Bryce.Come up here.It's fun.可以看到全世界呢我没空You can see everything.I can't.我爸爸让我帮他去修...My dad needs me to help him fix修东西a thing.拉倒吧That's all I needed.我才不要和朱莉?贝克一起爬树呢Climb up a tree with Juli Baker.我可不想重温二年级的噩梦I'd be dragged right back into the second grade.布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree.我宁可下半辈子吃青豆度日Why don't you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.还有三个街区就来了It's three blocks away.只剩两个喽Two blocks.还有最后一个One block away.还真把自己当回事最受不了她这种人了Like that'svaluable information.I hate it when she does that.真希望校车哪天能罢工I like to think there's at least a chance the bus won't show.这棵树在晨曦中显得尤为美丽你说对么?I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light.Don't you?如果你所谓的美丽是指奇丑无比 If by "beautiful" you mean "unbelievably ugly," 那我绝对赞成then, yes, I would agree. 你眼神不太好吧我真同情你You're just visually challenged.I feel sorry for you.眼神不太好?"Visually challenged"?眼神不太好?"Visually challenged"?她家不也是街坊邻里的笑柄么 This from the girl who livedin a house 居然敢这么说我?that was the joke of the neighborhood?灌木爬满了窗台门前杂草丛生They had bushes growing over windows and weeds all over the place.我老爸为此很是不爽It bugged my dad bigtime.哟快瞧瞧Oh, there he is.砌墙工当自己是大画家呢 The bricklayer who thinks he's a painter.嫌那破车不够寒碜 That truck's not ugly enough in real life? 还得画幅画裱起来?He's gotta make a painting of it?人家的风景画可是集市上的抢手货No, he does landscapes.Sells them at the county fair.大家都夸赞他呢People say they're beautiful.风景画?要我说吧Landscapes?Let me tell you something.他要是能把院子拾掇拾掇The world would have more beauty in it这个世界一定会更加美好if he'd do a little landscaping on that piece of crap he calls a yard.我真同情他老婆嫁了这么个幻想家I feel bad for his wife. She married a dreamer.梦想与现实间的冲突总得有一个人来承受Because of that, one of the two of them will always be unhappy.没错可为啥要殃及无辜呢?Yeah, fine.But why do we have to be unhappy?和朱莉?贝克成天赖在树上相比As annoying as the yard was to my dad她家那院子其实也不见得有多惹人生厌it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree.还有三个街区哦Three blocks away.每天早上我们都不得不忍受Every morning we had to listen to the sound她极为啰嗦的交通播报of her blow-by-blow traffic report.还有两个了Two blocks.到喽There you go.为什么要叫"三个臭皮匠"呢?Why do they call it The Three Stooges?明明有五个人啊什么?I mean, there's five of them.What?你看啊莫伊拉里克里谢普和卷毛乔伊Well, yeah, there's Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe.可每场戏却只有三个人是啊Yeah, but they only have three at a time.Yeah.我讨厌卷毛乔伊他哪算得上臭皮匠呢You know, I hate Curly Joe.I mean, he shouldn't even be a Stooge.姑娘我可要报警了Listen, girl, I'm this close to calling the police.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.怎么了?你最好自己下来What's going on?Either you come down要不我们就砍树了你们赶紧上来吧or we're gonna cut you down.You guys, come up here with me.咱们人一多他们就不敢砍了They won't cut it down if we're all up here.车来了朱莉真是疯了Bus, bus, bus.Juli was frantic.他们想把树给砍了They wanted to cut down her tree.真不明白那无比畸形的树I couldn't understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly branches在她心里怎么就那么重要布莱斯求你了meant so much to her.Bryce, please.我很同情她别管她I felt bad for her.Leave her.但我可不至于为此旷课But I wasn't about to cut school over it.走吧哥们儿Come on, bro.你为什么不把她当朋友呢布莱斯?Why isn't she your friend, Bryce?等你真正了解朱莉就明白了You'd have to know Juli.我倒真想认识她Well, I'd like to.为什么?Why?这姑娘挺有骨气的That girl has an iron backbone.要不你抽空请她来家里玩?Why don't you invite her over sometime?有骨气?An iron backbone?她那是一根筋She's just stubborn而且还很自以为是and she's pushy beyond belief.是这样吗?Is that so?她从二年级起就老是缠着我And she's been stalking me since the second grade.这种女孩可是可遇不可求的Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.谁遇上谁倒霉Lucky them.看看这个Read this.放下心中的成见Without prejudice.我才没兴趣去了解朱莉?贝克Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.第二天早上朱莉没去等校车Juli wasn't at the bus stop thenext morning.第三天也不见她出现Or the morning after that.不知道她怎么来学校的She was at school, but you'd never know it.小乔伊?他那妆也太浓了他不显老啊Little Joe?He's got so much makeup on He doesn't age.我告诉自己应该感到庆幸I told myself I should be glad about it.这不就是我日期夜盼的吗?I mean, isn't that what I'd always wanted?但我仍替她感到难过But still, I felt bad for her.我想跟她说声对不起但是一想还是算了I was gonna tell her I was sorry, but then I thought, hey, no我可真不希望that's the last thing I needed:让朱莉?贝克以为我在想她Juli Baker thinking I missed her.我知道你为什么喜欢这里I see why you like to come out here.那你能开导开导你老妈不?Would you mind explaining it to your mother?我喜欢看着爸爸作画I loved to watch my father paint.更喜欢在他画画时和他聊天Or really, I loved to hear him talk while he painted.这样能让我更了解他I learned a lot about my dad that way. 他和我无话不谈He told me all sorts of things比如他怎样得到第一份工作 like how he got his first job delivering hay 他多么渴望能完成学业and how he'd wished he'd finished college.有一天他出人意料地问我Then one day he surprised me. 你和布莱斯?罗斯基是怎么回事?What's going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski?什么怎么回事啊?没什么呀What do you mean?Nothing.那好吧Oh, okay.是我想多了My mistake.你怎么会这么想?Why would you even think that?其实也没什么No reason.只是你成天Just that you都把他挂在嘴边talk about him all the time.我有吗?I do?我也不知道I don't know.也许我被他的双眼所吸引吧I guess it's something about his eyes.还有他迷人的微笑Or maybe his smile.那他人怎么样?But what about him?什么?你得考虑画的整体效果What?You have to look at the whole landscape.什么意思?What does that mean?一幅画绝非简单拼凑就能完成A painting is more than the sum of its parts.一头牛只是一头牛A cow by itself is just a cow.草地也只长满了青草和花朵A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers.阳光照进大树的枝桠亦不过缕缕薄光And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.但你若能将它们衔接拼凑But you put them all together却能收获意想不到的成果and it can be magic.我对他的话一知半解直到一天下午I didn't really understand what he was saying until one afternoon我爬上无花果树的枝头when I was up in the sycamore tree.试图去捡风筝I was rescuing a kite.它挂得很高我从没爬过这么高It was a long way up, higher than I'd ever been.但我发现爬得越高眼前的景象便愈发迷人And the higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.沁人心脾的微风迎面扑来I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled.夹杂着阳光和野草的芬芳Like sunshine and wild grass. 我忍不住大口呼吸I couldn't stop breathing it in让肺里溢满甜美醉人的气息filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I'd ever known.嘿我的风筝被你找到了Hey, you found my kite.布莱斯你真该上来看看Bryce, you should come up here. 太美了It's so beautiful.不行我扭伤了...I can't.I sprained my, um我出疹子了I have a rash.从那一刻起我彻底爱上了这里From that moment on, that became my spot.我可以坐上好几个钟头静静欣赏这世界I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world.落日时而泛着微醺的紫红Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.时而迸发出橙色的余晖And some days they were a blazing orange瞬间布满天边的晚霞setting fire to the clouds on the horizon.在如此瑰丽的景象中It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea我终于慢慢有所领悟of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts爸爸所说的整体胜于全部moved from my head to my heart.有时我会起个大早只为去看日出Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.一天清晨我在心里兀自揣度One morning I was making mental notes应该如何向爸爸描绘of how the streaks of light were cutting through the clouds缕缕曙光穿透云层的景象so I could tell my dad下面却传来阵阵嘈杂when I heard a noise below.不好意思Excuse me.抱歉你们不能停在这里这是校车站台Excuse me.I'm sorry, but you can't park there.That's a bus stop.你在上面干嘛呢?Hey, what are you doing up there?赶紧下来我们要砍树了You can't be up there, we'regonna take this thing down.砍这棵树?没错快下来吧The tree?Yeah.Now come on down.谁批准你们砍树的?树的主人啊But who told you, you could cut it down?The owner.为什么?Why?他想在这里建房这棵树挡道了He's gonna build a house, and this tree's in the way.姑娘赶紧下来吧我们得开工了So come on, girl, we got work to do.你们不能砍这棵树不能砍You can't cut it down.You just can't.姑娘你再不下来我就报警了Listen, girl.I'm this close to calling the police.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.你再不下来我们就直接砍了Now either you come down, or we're gonna cut you down.来吧要砍就砍吧Go ahead.Cut me down.我不下去坚决不下去I'm not coming down.I'm never coming down.布莱斯你们快上来帮我啊Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.上面人一多他们就不敢砍了They won't cut it down if we're all up here.布莱斯别让他们砍树啊Bryce, please don't let them do this.求你们了Come on, you guys.布莱斯求你了你不用爬很高的Bryce, please.You don't have to come up this high.Just a little ways.布莱斯求求你了Bryce, please.Please.从那之后一切都变得模糊起来What happened after that was a blur.似乎整个镇上的人都围了过来It seemed like the whole town was there.但我一直坚持不肯下去But still I wouldn't move.爸爸后来赶了过来Then my father showed up.他说服消防员架了楼梯爬上来He talked a fireman into letting him come up to where I was.宝贝儿我们下去吧Sweetie, it's time to come down.爸爸别让他们砍树Daddy, please don't let them do this. 宝贝儿爸爸你看啊Sweetie Daddy, look.在这里可以俯瞰整个世界You can see everything.You can see the whole world from here.万里河山也不及我女儿的安危重要下去吧No view is worth my daughter's safety.Now, come on.我不走I can't.朱莉安娜别耍小性子了Julianna, it's time to come down now.求你了爸爸Please, Daddy.听话下去吧It's time.就这么结束了And that was it.我整整两周都以泪洗面I must've cried for two weeks straight.我仍然坚持上学异常用功Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could却感觉生活失去了重心but nothing seemed to matter.朱莉?啊?Juli?Huh?你知道答案是什么吗?Do you know the answer?伯罗奔尼撒战争?Uh, the Peloponnesian War?这也许是某个问题的答案I'm sure that's the answer to something但我问的是菱形的面积but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.其实菱形三角形之类的Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles right triangles在我看来并不重要didn't seem so important.我开始骑车上学只为避开那个伤心地I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to pass by the stump那里曾经矗立着世上最美的无花果树that used to be the earth's most magnificent sycamore tree.但不管我怎么努力我对它始终心有念想But no matter what I did, I couldn't stop thinking about it.你还好吧?Are you okay?不就是一棵树么It was just a tree.那不仅只是一棵树No, it wasn't just a tree.希望你能将树梢的美好时光永存心底I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there.谢谢你爸爸Thanks, Dad.我每天醒来就会看着这幅画It was the first thing I saw every morning它亦每天伴着我入眠and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.直到有一天看着它我不再泪眼朦胧And once I could look at it without crying我领悟到了更深层的寓意I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me.我的世界观开始有了细微的变化I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.我不禁问自己我对布莱斯的感情是否一如往日?And I wondered, did I still feel the same things about Bryce?我向来对鸡蛋不感冒I've never been a huge fan of eggs. 既不喜欢也说不上讨厌I mean, I could always just take them or leave them.但那天在斯凯勒?布朗家的车库里That is, until one day in Skyler Brown's garage让我对鸡蛋的厌恶根深蒂固when my feelings about eggs were solidified.嘿伙计们艾德娜的早餐有着落喽Hey, hey, hey. Guys.Edna's found her breakfast.黏糊糊软趴趴的动物喜欢的食物I mean, if a slimy reptile found them appetizing我想想都觉得恶心there was certainly no place for them in my diet.天啊太给力了Oh, man, that's so cool.她连嚼都不用嚼省时又省心She doesn't even have tochew.I mean, think of all the time you'd save.都怨我姐姐丽奈特I could've gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw非要来找斯凯勒?布朗商量联赛的事if it hadn't been for Lynetta.要不我这辈子都不想看蛇活吞鸡蛋She had a major-league thing for Skyler Brown.真够恶心的I think it's gross.他和朱莉的哥哥马特和马克组了个乐队He and Juli's brothers, Matt and Mark, had formed a band.丽奈特要看着他们排练And Lynetta would watch them practice.太赞了吧That is so neat.你觉得呢布莱斯?How about that, huh, Bryce?是啊够给力的Yeah.Neat.布莱斯你觉得它要怎么消化?So, Brycie, how do you think he's gonna digest that?胃酸?就知道你会这么说Stomach acid?You'd like to think that.等等别出声好戏开始了Wait, everybody quiet.Here he goes.这才叫吃鸡蛋啊Eggs over easy.太恶心了看得我想吐Gross.Gross, gross, gross.等等哈最精彩的还没出现呢Wait, wait.You haven't seen the best part.好恶啊Gross.我试着佯装淡定却毫不管用I tried to be casual about it, but it didn't take.我开始做噩梦I started having bad dreams.梦见自己被困在巨型鸡蛋里I'd be trapped inside a huge egg怪物张嘴将我吞入囊中and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me.所幸每次都能及时醒来I'd wake up just in time.没想到噩梦成真了Then the real nightmare began.嗨布莱斯我给你们带了些鸡蛋Hi, Bryce.I brought these over for you and your family.我家养的鸡开始下蛋了什么?My chickens are laying eggs.What?还记得艾比邦妮克莱德 You remember Abby and Bonnie and Clyde 德克斯特尤妮丝和弗洛伦斯吗?and Dexter and Eunice and Florence?就是科学展览会上孵的小鸡当然记得啊The ones I hatched for the science fair.How could I forget?朱莉?贝克总是那么经典It was classic Juli Baker.轻而易举成了全场的焦点She totally dominated the fair. 她的课题是观察无聊的鸡蛋孵化过程And get this, her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch.我的可是现场模拟火山爆发I mean, here I had a live-action erupting volcano可大家显然对朱莉孵出的鸡仔and all anyone cared about was Juli's boring chicks更感兴趣breaking out of their boring shells.最后一只出来了Oh, I think the last one's hatching.出来了出来了啊It's hatching.Oh, it's hatching.孩子们快过来Kids, come over here.好吧我输给她了But hey, she won.I lost.我彻底被无视了I've never been one to dwell.孵出来了Here it comes.但我可不会吃她送来的鸡蛋But that didn't mean I had to eat her lousy eggs.朱莉这姑娘真乖巧还给我们送鸡蛋I think it was very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.我才不吃呢我明早还是喝燕麦粥I don't care.I'm still having cereal tomorrow.我们怎么能确定这蛋不是孵了一半呢Yeah, how do we know there's no chicks in one of those eggs?我小时候常吃刚下的蛋很是可口I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid.They were delicious.刚下的蛋当然美味了Yeah, well, that's all well and good可万一敲开鸡蛋掉出一具尸体咋整?but what if we crack one open and a dead chick falls out? 他们家有养公鸡吗?Do they have a rooster?如果没有就不是受精蛋If they don't have a rooster the eggs can't be fertile.如果养了公鸡我们也会知道 And if they had a rooster, we'd know.街坊邻居都能听到The whole neighborhood would know.万一人家把公鸡变声了呢Maybe they got it de-yodeled. 变声?"De-yodeled"?就是把声带给割了You know.De-cock-a-doodle-doo'd.瞎说什么呢你?What the hell are you talking about?就像给狗禁声那样Like they de-bark dogs.布莱斯你直接问问朱莉不就行了?Bryce, why don't you just ask Juli?还是不要吧什么?I don't think that What?你不敢跟她说话?谁说我不敢跟她说话You afraid to talk to her?I'm not afraid to talk to her.我看是你不敢吧I know you are, but what am I?好了你去找她问问清楚吧布莱斯Okay.Just talk to her and find out.Bryce.你会如何识别公鸡?How do you tell if one's a rooster?公鸡体型较大羽毛更长Well, a rooster's bigger.Longer feathers.头上长有红色的鸡冠They've got that red stuff growing out of their head.脖子上也长有红毛那应该挺好鉴别的吧And around their neck too.That shouldn't be too hard to spot.你想想啊鸡通常都长有鸡冠Although, come to think of it, chickens have the rubbery red stuff too.只不过不太明显罢了Just not as much.加利特是公鸡专家Garrett's expertise in roosters他能让我避免直接和朱莉?贝克对峙was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker.我们偷偷溜去她家后院The balance of which involved spying over her back fence.快点快点嘘Come on, come on.Shh.Shh.就在这Over here.我看不清那些鸡啊I can't see the stupid chickens.得把它们从笼子里弄出来We gotta get them out of the coop.那是公鸡吗?Is that a rooster?不是看起来不像No, it looks like a chicken.你怎么知道?How can you tell?只可意会不可言传It just does.瞧见了吧?什么叫做专家See what I mean?Expertise.嘘干嘛?Shh, shh! What?朱莉Juli.开饭啦宝贝们Here, guys.出来吧吃饭喽Go on, there you go.来来来吃饭哦没错都是鸡Here, guys.Yeah, they're all chickens.一只公鸡都没有?非得让我再说一遍?There's no rooster?What did I just say?你怎么看出来的?How can you tell?它们走路没有昂首阔步来来来多吃点Well, none of them are strutting.Here, come on.公鸡也懂昂首阔步?快吃呀Roosters strut?Come on, guys.你不懂就别问了行不?吃吧吃吧What did I just say?Here.再说了也没看见有红鸡冠的Plus, hardly any of them have any rubbery red stuff.你在干嘛呀?绝对都是鸡What are you doing?Yeah.They're definitely all chickens.他们家养的都是鸡They're all chickens.真替你骄傲啊布莱斯I'm proud of you, Bryce.你克服了恐惧心理什么?You overcame your fear.Huh?你跟她说话了呀哦是啊You talked to her.Oh, heh.这有啥大不了的It's no big deal.是她亲口跟你说的吗?养的都是鸡?That's what she told you?They're all chickens?是啊Yeah.你俩都够油菜的不是鸡难道还是鸭啊She's a genius.You're both genius Of course they're all chickens.公鸡不也是鸡么可关键在于A rooster's a chicken.The question is:那些鸡都是母的吗?Is one of them a rooster or are they all hens?母鸡?谁跟我提过母鸡啊?Hens?Who said anything about hens?我突然就开窍了Then it hit me.加利特压根对鸡一窍不通Garrett didn't know jack shit about chickens.公鸡走路会昂首阔步么?那当然了Do roosters strut?Yes, they do.问这个问题有意义吗?What does that have to do with anything?那它们全是母鸡They're all hens.只要鸡蛋没问题就行了Well, the main thing is the eggs are okay.不用再纠结了It's all settled.我可不这么想Not for me.我打死都不可能去碰There was no way I was ever gonna eat anything和朱莉?贝克有关的任何东西that had anything to do with Juli Baker.我不想吃鸡蛋I'm not eating them.为什么呢?Well, why not?你又不是没见过她家那院子Have you seen their yard? It's简直是寸草不生除了污泥就是鸡粪There's not even any grass.It's all mud and chicken turds.真恶心有沙门氏菌?Ew.Gross.Salmonella.该不会有沙门氏菌吧?Do you suppose they could have salmonella?应该不太可能为什么要拿健康冒险?It's not very likely.Why take the risk?那鸡蛋如何处理?What do we do with the eggs?还回去吧Give them back.还回去?还给朱莉?没错Give them back?To Juli?Sure.反正你都跟她说过话了也没见你掉肉啊You talked to her before, right?It didn't kill you.。
看似俗套的A boy meets a girl,也因为独特的叙事方式、优美的配乐、精致的画面,以及富有哲理的台词,引起了很多人的共鸣。
【经典台词】Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss; but every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent, and once you do, nothing will ever compare.有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。
【单词学习】dip [dip] v. 小跌flat [flæt] ad. 扁平的;没精打采的,呆滞的gloss [gl?s] n. 光彩,假象iridescent [iri'desnt] a. 彩虹色的,闪光的英语学习大本营2群 347795749 QQ、微信:2983835611温馨提示:英语学习不是一朝一夕的,需要很长时间的积累和磨练,再此推荐大家一些简单易上手的英语学习方法1.坚持学习。
【电影简介】Juli Baker devoutly believes in three things: the sanctity of trees (especially her beloved sycamore), the wholesomeness of the eggs she collects from her backyard flock of chickens, and that someday she will kiss Bryce Loski. Ever since she saw Bryce's baby blues back in second grade, Juli has been smitten. Unfortunately, Bryce has never felt the same. Frankly, he thinks Juli Baker is a little weird--after all, what kind of freak raises chickens and sits in trees for fun? Then, in eighth grade, everything changes. Bryce begins to see that Juli's unusual interests and pride in her family are, well, kind of cool. And Juli starts to think that maybe Bryce's brilliant blue eyes are as empty as the rest of Bryce seems to be. After all, what kind of jerk doesn't care about other people's feelings about chickens and trees?朱莉·贝克虔诚地相信三件事:树是圣洁的(特别是她最爱的无花果树)、她在后院里饲养的鸡生出来的鸡蛋是最卫生的、以及总有一天她会和布莱斯·罗斯基接吻。
我只希望朱莉·贝克能离我远点|All I ever wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone.故事始于一年级暑假1957年的夏天|It all began in the summer of 1957, before the start of second grade.我们到家啦|Here we are.你们觉得这里怎么样? 我挺喜欢的|What do you guys think? I like this place.很赞呢我的房间是什么颜色?|It's cool. Uh, what color is my room?别急嘛|Just you wait.咱们进去瞧瞧嘿布莱斯|Let's see what's inside. Hey, come on, buddy Bryce.过来给我搭把手搬东西|Why don't, uh, you and I go help unload the van让姑娘们去整理厨房吧|and the womenfolk here can get in the kitchen and start setting up.好的老爸|Okay, Dad.于我而言这意味着我从此步入了|For me, it was the beginning of what would be长达五年的不安与逃避生涯|more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.嗨我是朱莉·贝克喂喂喂你干嘛呢?|Hi, I'm Juli Baker. Hey, hey, what are you doing?要我帮忙吗?|Don't you want some help?不必了那里面都是贵重物品|No. There's some valuable things in there.那我就搬这个吧不用了|How about this one? No, no, no.赶紧回家吧你妈妈没准在找你呢|Run home. Your mother's probably wondering where you are.没关系我妈妈知道我在哪她同意我过来|Oh, no, my mom knows where I am. She said it's fine.显然这姑娘也太不识趣了|It didn't take long to realize this girl could not take a hint.咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧不要紧啊|It's crowded in here with three people. I don't mind.毫无自知之明我们一起推吧?|Of any kind. You wanna push this one together?布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧?|Bryce, isn't it time for you to go help your mother?是啊是啊|Oh, yeah.我真是拿她没辙|I mean, nothing would stop her.我终于忍无可忍这时候诡异的事情却发生了|I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened. 我真是难以置信|I couldn't believe it.我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手|There I was holding hands with this strange girl.我咋就惹上了这种麻烦? 你好呀|How did I get into this mess? Well, hello.看来你已经认识我儿子了|I see you've met my son我不得不使出7岁男生仅有的气概|Finally, I did the only manly thing available when you're 7 years old.然而还有一大串的麻烦等着我|However, my troubles were far from over.就在我走进叶尔森老师的教室时|The minute I walked into Miss Yelson's classroom布莱斯? 你也在这啊|Bryce? You're here.很显然|it was clear:即使在学校也无法逃脱她的魔掌|School would not be a sanctuary.嘿布莱斯你女朋友呢?|Hey, Bryce, where's your girlfriend?枉我一世英名啊|I was branded for life.嘿布莱斯你咋不向她求婚呢?|Hey, Bryce, why don't you ask her to marry you?布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢|Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree卿卿我我甜如蜜|K-l-S-S-l-N-G搬来镇上的第一年简直就是场灾难|My first year in town was a disaster.瞧那小两口呀|Look at them.接下来的三年也不尽如人意|And the next three weren't much better.就这么捱到了六年级我总算不再坐以待毙|But finally, in the sixth grade, I took action.想到了一个大狠招|I hatched the plan.雪利|Sherry.雪利等一下|Sherry, wait up.嗨布莱斯|Hi, Bryce. Heh.我向雪利·斯道尔斯展开攻势|I asked out Sherry Stalls.我想问你愿不愿意...|I was wondering if you wanted to go这个招数的绝妙之处在于|To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan雪利·斯道尔斯是朱莉的眼中钉|you have to understand that Juli hated Sherry Stalls但我始终想不通其中的缘由|though I never understood why.雪利长发飘飘为人和善|Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair.我妈之前一直不让我打耳洞后来我拼命求她|At first, my mother wouldn't let me get my ears pierced, but I begged 我原本一心指望只要和雪利吃吃饭|The idea was that Sherry would eat with me散散步就能让朱莉知难而退|maybe we'd walk around together, and hopefully Juli would lose interest.她还是不允许我16岁前打耳洞|But I still can't get the hoops till I'm 16.太可惜了|Oh, that's a shame.米娜妮也想打耳洞|So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced,但她老妈也不是省油的灯|but of course her mother said no.她就在家大发雷霆|So she threw a fit把约翰尼·马蒂斯的精选辑给砸了|and smashed her Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album结果就被禁足了|and she got grounded,连我的睡衣派对都来不了|so now she can't come to my pajama sleepover party.事情进展相当顺利|Things were unfolding quite nicely.你的科学实验打算怎么做?|What are you doing for your science project?直到我所谓的挚友加利特·埃恩德|That is, until my supposed best friend, Garrett Einbinder开始打起了雪利的主意|took an interest in Sherry himself.我想展示各种护发素|I was thinking of showing how split ends react如何修复头发分叉|with different hair conditioners.太棒了|That's fascinating.俗话说得好重色必轻友加利特这个叛徒|Loyalty gave way to desire and Garrett, the turncoat向雪利全盘托出我的计划|told Sherry what I was up to.混蛋|Jerk.她自然很是生气|She didn't take it well.至于朱莉|Word got back to Juli,她自然又开始对我故技重施|and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.而且还变本加厉|Only this time it was worse.居然开始嗅我|She started sniffing me.你没听错她居然用鼻子嗅我|That's right, sniffing me.搞什么飞机啊?|What was that all about?我只能期望来年能摆脱魔掌|My only consolation was that next year would be different.但愿升入初中后|Junior high, bigger school.不用再和她同班|Maybe we'd be in different classes彻底结束我的噩梦|and it would finally, finally be over.见到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一眼我便怦然心动了|The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped.他的双眸让我如痴如醉|It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.我们一起推吧?|You wanna push this one together?那时候他们刚搬到我家隔壁|His family had just moved into the neighborhood我过去帮他们搬东西|and I'd gone over to help them.我在车里刚呆了2分钟|I'd been in the van all of two minutes他老爸就让她去帮他妈妈|when his dad sent him off to help his mom.我知道他并不想离开|I could see he didn't wanna go.于是我追上前去|So I chased after him to see问他能不能先玩一会再进屋|if we could play a little before he got trapped inside.接着他便用力握着我的手|The next thing I know, he's holding my hand与我深情凝视|and looking right into my eyes.那一刹那我的心停止了跳动|My heart stopped.这一刻到来了吗?|Was this it?是时候迎来我的初吻了吗?|Would this be my first kiss?没想到他妈妈却出来了你好呀|But then his mother came out. Well, hello.他感到无比羞愧脸都红了|And he was so embarrassed, his cheeks turned completely red.那晚我躺在床上不停幻想初吻的场景|I went to bed that night thinking of the kiss that might have been. 我知道他对我动心了|I mean, it was clear he had feelings for me,只是怯于表达爱意|but he was just too shy to show them.妈妈说过男孩子都会这样|My mother said boys were like that.我决定帮他克服心中的恐惧|So I decided to help him out.布莱斯? 你也在这啊|Bryce? You're here.我会竭尽所能帮他彻底释放自我|I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyness.六年级那年我学着有所收敛|By the sixth grade, I'd learned to control myself.没想到半路却杀出个雪利·斯道尔斯|Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture.雪利·斯道尔斯就是一人尽可夫的长舌妇|Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, backstabbing flirt. 头发长见识短|All hair and no substance.而且她竟然...|And there she was和布莱斯十指紧扣那可是我家布莱斯|holding hands with Bryce. My Bryce.我的初吻白马王子|The one who was walking around with my first kiss.我决定对她视而不见依照布莱斯的品性|My solution was to ignore her. I knew a boy of Bryce's caliber总有一天能意识到雪利有多浅薄无知|would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls. 如我所料他俩一周后便分手了|It took all of a week. They broke up at recess.她也不看看自己几斤几两|She didn't take it well.自从布莱斯摆脱了朱莉的魔掌|Now that Bryce was out of Sherry's evil clutches,对我也变得更为友善|he started being nicer to me.嗨朱莉嗨布莱斯|Hi, Juli. Hi, Bryce.他如此腼腆可人|He was so shy and so cute他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛|and his hair, it smelled like watermelon.我简直如痴如醉|I couldn't get enough of it.整整一年我都沉浸在这迷人的芬芳里|I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon期盼着何时能迎来我的初吻|and wondering if I was ever going to get my kiss.升入初一后生活开始有所改观|Seventh grade brought changes, all right.但最大的变化并非学校|But the biggest one didn't happen at school.而是出现在家中|It happened at home.外公搬来与我们同住|My grandfather came to live with us.妈妈说他是过于思念外婆才会如此迷惘|Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma.但他怎么可能对我推心置腹呢|That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me.其实他在我面前总是沉默寡言|As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me.直到朱莉的名字登上了当地报纸|That is, until Juli appeared in the local newspaper.布莱斯能和你聊聊吗? 有事吗?|Oh, Bryce. May I speak with you? What?坐吧孩子|Have a seat, son.跟我说说你的朋友朱莉·贝克吧|T ell me about your friend Juli Baker.其实朱莉算不上是我朋友|Juli. She's not exactly my friend.为什么呢?|Oh. Why's that?你怎么突然问这个?|Why do you wanna know?朱莉·贝克登上梅菲尔德时报|Now, Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times可不是因为她天赋异禀|for being an eighth-grade Einstein.而是因为她赖在无花果树上|No, she got front-page coverage because she refused死活不肯下来|to climb out of a sycamore tree.朱莉·贝克和那棵白痴无花果树|Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree.她认为那棵树|She always thought it was God's gift是上帝对我们的恩赐|to our little corner of the universe.嘿布莱斯过来和我们一起爬树不?|Hey, Bryce. Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers?不了谢谢|No, thanks.布莱斯快上来嘛很好玩的|Bryce. Come up here. It's fun.可以看到全世界呢我没空|You can see everything. I can't.我爸爸让我帮他去修...|My dad needs me to help him fix修东西|a thing.拉倒吧|That's all I needed.我才不要和朱莉·贝克一起爬树呢|Climb up a tree with Juli Baker.我可不想重温二年级的噩梦|I'd be dragged right back into the second grade.布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢|Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree.我宁可下半辈子吃青豆度日|Why don't you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.还有三个街区就来了|It's three blocks away.只剩两个喽|Two blocks.还有最后一个|One block away.还真把自己当回事最受不了她这种人了|Like that's valuable information. I hate it when she does that.真希望校车哪天能罢工|I like to think there's at least a chance the bus won't show.这棵树在晨曦中显得尤为美丽你说对么?|I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light. Don't you? 如果你所谓的美丽是指奇丑无比|If by "beautiful" you mean "unbelievably ugly,"那我绝对赞成|then, yes, I would agree.你眼神不太好吧我真同情你|You're just visually challenged. I feel sorry for you.眼神不太好?|"Visually challenged"?眼神不太好?|"Visually challenged"?她家不也是街坊邻里的笑柄么|This from the girl who lived in a house居然敢这么说我?|that was the joke of the neighborhood?灌木爬满了窗台门前杂草丛生|They had bushes growing over windows and weeds all over the place.我老爸为此很是不爽|It bugged my dad bigtime.哟快瞧瞧|Oh, there he is.砌墙工当自己是大画家呢|The bricklayer who thinks he's a painter.嫌那破车不够寒碜|That truck's not ugly enough in real life?还得画幅画裱起来?|He's gotta make a painting of it?人家的风景画可是集市上的抢手货|No, he does landscapes. Sells them at the county fair.大家都夸赞他呢|People say they're beautiful.风景画? 要我说吧|Landscapes? Let me tell you something.他要是能把院子拾掇拾掇|The world would have more beauty in it这个世界一定会更加美好|if he'd do a little landscaping on that piece of crap he calls a yard.我真同情他老婆嫁了这么个幻想家|I feel bad for his wife. She married a dreamer.梦想与现实间的冲突总得有一个人来承受|Because of that, one of the two of them will always be unhappy. 没错可为啥要殃及无辜呢?|Yeah, fine. But why do we have to be unhappy?和朱莉·贝克成天赖在树上相比|As annoying as the yard was to my dad她家那院子其实也不见得有多惹人生厌|it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree. 还有三个街区哦|Three blocks away.每天早上我们都不得不忍受|Every morning we had to listen to the sound她极为啰嗦的交通播报|of her blow-by-blow traffic report.还有两个了|Two blocks.到喽|There you go.为什么要叫"三个臭皮匠"呢?|Why do they call it The Three Stooges?明明有五个人啊什么?|I mean, there's five of them. What?你看啊莫伊拉里克里谢普和卷毛乔伊|Well, yeah, there's Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe.可每场戏却只有三个人是啊|Yeah, but they only have three at a time. Yeah.我讨厌卷毛乔伊他哪算得上臭皮匠呢|You know, I hate Curly Joe. I mean, he shouldn't even be a Stooge.姑娘我可要报警了|Listen, girl, I'm this close to calling the police.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工|You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.怎么了? 你最好自己下来|What's going on? Either you come down要不我们就砍树了你们赶紧上来吧|or we're gonna cut you down. You guys, come up here with me.咱们人一多他们就不敢砍了|They won't cut it down if we're all up here.车来了朱莉真是疯了|Bus, bus, bus. Juli was frantic.他们想把树给砍了|They wanted to cut down her tree.真不明白那无比畸形的树|I couldn't understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly branches在她心里怎么就那么重要布莱斯求你了|meant so much to her. Bryce, please.我很同情她别管她|I felt bad for her. Leave her.但我可不至于为此旷课|But I wasn't about to cut school over it.走吧哥们儿|Come on, bro.你为什么不把她当朋友呢布莱斯?|Why isn't she your friend, Bryce?等你真正了解朱莉就明白了|You'd have to know Juli.我倒真想认识她|Well, I'd like to.为什么?|Why?这姑娘挺有骨气的|That girl has an iron backbone.要不你抽空请她来家里玩?|Why don't you invite her over sometime?有骨气?|An iron backbone?她那是一根筋|She's just stubborn而且还很自以为是|and she's pushy beyond belief.是这样吗?|Is that so?她从二年级起就老是缠着我|And she's been stalking me since the second grade.这种女孩可是可遇不可求的|Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.谁遇上谁倒霉|Lucky them.看看这个|Read this.放下心中的成见|Without prejudice.我才没兴趣去了解朱莉·贝克|Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.第二天早上朱莉没去等校车|Juli wasn't at the bus stop the next morning.第三天也不见她出现|Or the morning after that.不知道她怎么来学校的|She was at school, but you'd never know it.小乔伊? 他那妆也太浓了他不显老啊|Little Joe? He's got so much makeup on He doesn't age.我告诉自己应该感到庆幸|I told myself I should be glad about it.这不就是我日期夜盼的吗?|I mean, isn't that what I'd always wanted?但我仍替她感到难过|But still, I felt bad for her.我想跟她说声对不起但是一想还是算了|I was gonna tell her I was sorry, but then I thought, hey, no 我可真不希望|that's the last thing I needed:让朱莉·贝克以为我在想她|Juli Baker thinking I missed her.我知道你为什么喜欢这里|I see why you like to come out here.那你能开导开导你老妈不?|Would you mind explaining it to your mother?我喜欢看着爸爸作画|I loved to watch my father paint.更喜欢在他画画时和他聊天|Or really, I loved to hear him talk while he painted.这样能让我更了解他|I learned a lot about my dad that way.他和我无话不谈|He told me all sorts of things比如他怎样得到第一份工作|like how he got his first job delivering hay他多么渴望能完成学业|and how he'd wished he'd finished college.有一天他出人意料地问我|Then one day he surprised me.你和布莱斯·罗斯基是怎么回事?|What's going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski?什么怎么回事啊? 没什么呀|What do you mean? Nothing.那好吧|Oh, okay.是我想多了|My mistake.你怎么会这么想?|Why would you even think that?其实也没什么|No reason.只是你成天|Just that you都把他挂在嘴边|talk about him all the time.我有吗?|I do?我也不知道|I don't know.也许我被他的双眼所吸引吧|I guess it's something about his eyes.还有他迷人的微笑|Or maybe his smile.那他人怎么样?|But what about him?什么? 你得考虑画的整体效果|What? You have to look at the whole landscape.什么意思?|What does that mean?一幅画绝非简单拼凑就能完成|A painting is more than the sum of its parts.一头牛只是一头牛|A cow by itself is just a cow.草地也只长满了青草和花朵|A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers.阳光照进大树的枝桠亦不过缕缕薄光|And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. 但你若能将它们衔接拼凑|But you put them all together却能收获意想不到的成果|and it can be magic.我对他的话一知半解直到一天下午|I didn't really understand what he was saying until one afternoon 我爬上无花果树的枝头|when I was up in the sycamore tree.试图去捡风筝|I was rescuing a kite.它挂得很高我从没爬过这么高|It was a long way up, higher than I'd ever been.但我发现爬得越高眼前的景象便愈发迷人|And the higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. 沁人心脾的微风迎面扑来|I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled.夹杂着阳光和野草的芬芳|Like sunshine and wild grass.我忍不住大口呼吸|I couldn't stop breathing it in让肺里溢满甜美醉人的气息|filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I'd ever known.嘿我的风筝被你找到了|Hey, you found my kite.布莱斯你真该上来看看|Bryce, you should come up here.太美了|It's so beautiful.不行我扭伤了...|I can't. I sprained my, um我出疹子了|I have a rash.从那一刻起我彻底爱上了这里|From that moment on, that became my spot.我可以坐上好几个钟头静静欣赏这世界|I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world.落日时而泛着微醺的紫红|Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.时而迸发出橙色的余晖|And some days they were a blazing orange瞬间布满天边的晚霞|setting fire to the clouds on the horizon.在如此瑰丽的景象中|It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea我终于慢慢有所领悟|of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts爸爸所说的整体胜于全部|moved from my head to my heart.有时我会起个大早只为去看日出|Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.一天清晨我在心里兀自揣度|One morning I was making mental notes应该如何向爸爸描绘|of how the streaks of light were cutting through the clouds缕缕曙光穿透云层的景象|so I could tell my dad下面却传来阵阵嘈杂|when I heard a noise below.不好意思|Excuse me.抱歉你们不能停在这里这是校车站台|Excuse me. I'm sorry, but you can't park there. That's a bus stop. 你在上面干嘛呢?|Hey, what are you doing up there?赶紧下来我们要砍树了|You can't be up there, we're gonna take this thing down.砍这棵树? 没错快下来吧|The tree? Yeah. Now come on down.谁批准你们砍树的? 树的主人啊|But who told you, you could cut it down? The owner.为什么?|Why?他想在这里建房这棵树挡道了|He's gonna build a house, and this tree's in the way.姑娘赶紧下来吧我们得开工了|So come on, girl, we got work to do.你们不能砍这棵树不能砍|You can't cut it down. You just can't.姑娘你再不下来我就报警了|Listen, girl. I'm this close to calling the police.你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工|You are trespassing and obstructing progress on a contracted job.你再不下来我们就直接砍了|Now either you come down, or we're gonna cut you down.来吧要砍就砍吧|Go ahead. Cut me down.我不下去坚决不下去|I'm not coming down. I'm never coming down.布莱斯你们快上来帮我啊|Bryce. You guys, come up here with me.上面人一多他们就不敢砍了|They won't cut it down if we're all up here.布莱斯别让他们砍树啊|Bryce, please don't let them do this.求你们了|Come on, you guys.布莱斯求你了你不用爬很高的|Bryce, please. You don't have to come up this high. Just a little ways. 布莱斯求求你了|Bryce, please. Please.从那之后一切都变得模糊起来|What happened after that was a blur.似乎整个镇上的人都围了过来|It seemed like the whole town was there.但我一直坚持不肯下去|But still I wouldn't move.爸爸后来赶了过来|Then my father showed up.他说服消防员架了楼梯爬上来|He talked a fireman into letting him come up to where I was.宝贝儿我们下去吧|Sweetie, it's time to come down.爸爸别让他们砍树|Daddy, please don't let them do this.宝贝儿爸爸你看啊|Sweetie Daddy, look.在这里可以俯瞰整个世界|You can see everything. You can see the whole world from here.万里河山也不及我女儿的安危重要下去吧|No view is worth my daughter's safety. Now, come on.我不走|I can't.朱莉安娜别耍小性子了|Julianna, it's time to come down now.求你了爸爸|Please, Daddy.听话下去吧|It's time.就这么结束了|And that was it.我整整两周都以泪洗面|I must've cried for two weeks straight.我仍然坚持上学异常用功|Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could却感觉生活失去了重心|but nothing seemed to matter.朱莉? 啊?|Juli? Huh?你知道答案是什么吗?|Do you know the answer?伯罗奔尼撒战争?|Uh, the Peloponnesian War?这也许是某个问题的答案|I'm sure that's the answer to something但我问的是菱形的面积|but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.其实菱形三角形之类的|Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles right triangles在我看来并不重要|didn't seem so important.我开始骑车上学只为避开那个伤心地|I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to pass by the stump那里曾经矗立着世上最美的无花果树|that used to be the earth's most magnificent sycamore tree.但不管我怎么努力我对它始终心有念想|But no matter what I did, I couldn't stop thinking about it.你还好吧?|Are you okay?不就是一棵树么|It was just a tree.那不仅只是一棵树|No, it wasn't just a tree.希望你能将树梢的美好时光永存心底|I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there.谢谢你爸爸|Thanks, Dad.我每天醒来就会看着这幅画|It was the first thing I saw every morning它亦每天伴着我入眠|and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.直到有一天看着它我不再泪眼朦胧|And once I could look at it without crying我领悟到了更深层的寓意|I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me.我的世界观开始有了细微的变化|I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.我不禁问自己我对布莱斯的感情是否一如往日?|And I wondered, did I still feel the same things about Bryce? 我向来对鸡蛋不感冒|I've never been a huge fan of eggs.既不喜欢也说不上讨厌|I mean, I could always just take them or leave them.但那天在斯凯勒·布朗家的车库里|That is, until one day in Skyler Brown's garage让我对鸡蛋的厌恶根深蒂固|when my feelings about eggs were solidified.嘿伙计们艾德娜的早餐有着落喽|Hey, hey, hey. Guys. Edna's found her breakfast.黏糊糊软趴趴的动物喜欢的食物|I mean, if a slimy reptile found them appetizing我想想都觉得恶心|there was certainly no place for them in my diet.天啊太给力了|Oh, man, that's so cool.她连嚼都不用嚼省时又省心|She doesn't even have to chew. I mean, think of all the time you'd save.都怨我姐姐丽奈特|I could've gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw非要来找斯凯勒·布朗商量联赛的事|if it hadn't been for Lynetta.要不我这辈子都不想看蛇活吞鸡蛋|She had a major-league thing for Skyler Brown.真够恶心的|I think it's gross.他和朱莉的哥哥马特和马克组了个乐队|He and Juli's brothers, Matt and Mark, had formed a band.丽奈特要看着他们排练|And Lynetta would watch them practice.太赞了吧|That is so neat.你觉得呢布莱斯?|How about that, huh, Bryce?是啊够给力的|Yeah. Neat.布莱斯你觉得它要怎么消化?|So, Brycie, how do you think he's gonna digest that?胃酸? 就知道你会这么说|Stomach acid? You'd like to think that.等等别出声好戏开始了|Wait, everybody quiet. Here he goes.这才叫吃鸡蛋啊|Eggs over easy.太恶心了看得我想吐|Gross. Gross, gross, gross.等等哈最精彩的还没出现呢|Wait, wait. You haven't seen the best part.好恶啊|Gross.我试着佯装淡定却毫不管用|I tried to be casual about it, but it didn't take.我开始做噩梦|I started having bad dreams.梦见自己被困在巨型鸡蛋里|I'd be trapped inside a huge egg怪物张嘴将我吞入囊中|and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me.所幸每次都能及时醒来|I'd wake up just in time.没想到噩梦成真了|Then the real nightmare began.嗨布莱斯我给你们带了些鸡蛋|Hi, Bryce. I brought these over for you and your family.我家养的鸡开始下蛋了什么?|My chickens are laying eggs. What?还记得艾比邦妮克莱德|You remember Abby and Bonnie and Clyde德克斯特尤妮丝和弗洛伦斯吗?|and Dexter and Eunice and Florence?就是科学展览会上孵的小鸡当然记得啊|The ones I hatched for the science fair. How could I forget?朱莉·贝克总是那么经典|It was classic Juli Baker.轻而易举成了全场的焦点|She totally dominated the fair.她的课题是观察无聊的鸡蛋孵化过程|And get this, her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch. 我的可是现场模拟火山爆发|I mean, here I had a live-action erupting volcano可大家显然对朱莉孵出的鸡仔|and all anyone cared about was Juli's boring chicks更感兴趣|breaking out of their boring shells.最后一只出来了|Oh, I think the last one's hatching.出来了出来了啊|It's hatching. Oh, it's hatching.孩子们快过来|Kids, come over here.好吧我输给她了|But hey, she won. I lost.我彻底被无视了|I've never been one to dwell.孵出来了|Here it comes.但我可不会吃她送来的鸡蛋|But that didn't mean I had to eat her lousy eggs.朱莉这姑娘真乖巧还给我们送鸡蛋|I think it was very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.我才不吃呢我明早还是喝燕麦粥|I don't care. I'm still having cereal tomorrow.我们怎么能确定这蛋不是孵了一半呢|Yeah, how do we know there's no chicks in one of those eggs?我小时候常吃刚下的蛋很是可口|I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid. They were delicious. 刚下的蛋当然美味了|Yeah, well, that's all well and good可万一敲开鸡蛋掉出一具尸体咋整?|but what if we crack one open and a dead chick falls out?他们家有养公鸡吗?|Do they have a rooster?如果没有就不是受精蛋|If they don't have a rooster the eggs can't be fertile.如果养了公鸡我们也会知道|And if they had a rooster, we'd know.街坊邻居都能听到|The whole neighborhood would know.万一人家把公鸡变声了呢|Maybe they got it de-yodeled.变声?|"De-yodeled"?就是把声带给割了|You know. De-cock-a-doodle-doo'd.瞎说什么呢你?|What the hell are you talking about?就像给狗禁声那样|Like they de-bark dogs.布莱斯你直接问问朱莉不就行了?|Bryce, why don't you just ask Juli?还是不要吧什么?|I don't think that What?你不敢跟她说话? 谁说我不敢跟她说话|You afraid to talk to her? I'm not afraid to talk to her.我看是你不敢吧|I know you are, but what am I?。
怦然心动电影英文金句1. 'Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.' - The Polar Express2. 'I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.' - Notting Hill3. 'I wish I knew how to quit you.' - Brokeback Mountain4. 'The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.' - Moulin Rouge!5. 'I don't want easy. I want crazy.' - Crazy Stupid Love6. 'You have bewitched me, body and soul.' - Pride and Prejudice7. 'I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.' - The Notebook8. 'You had me at hello.' - Jerry Maguire9. 'I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon mychest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.' - Love in the Time of Cholera10. 'To me, you are perfect.' - Love Actually。
我只希望朱莉?贝克能离我远点All I ever wanted was for Juli B a k e r t o l e a v e m e a l o n e. 故事始于一年级暑假年的夏天It all began in the summer of , b e f o r e t h e s t a r t o f s e c o n d g r a d e. 于我而言这意味着我从此步入了For me, it was the beginning of what would be长达五年的不安与逃避生涯more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.显然这姑娘也太不识趣了It didn't take long to realize this girl c o u l d n o t t a k e a h i n t. 咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧不要紧啊It's crowded in here with three p e o p l e.I d o n't m i n d. 毫无自知之明我们一起推吧? O f a n y k i n d.Y o u w a n n a p u s h t h i s o n e t o g e t h e r? 布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧? Bryce, isn't it time for you to go help your mother? 是啊是啊O h,y e a h. 我真是拿她没辙I m e a n,n o t h i n g w o u l d s t o p h e r. 我终于忍无可忍这时候诡异的事情却发生了I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened. 我真是难以置信I c o u l d n't b e l i e v e i t. 我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手There I was holding hands with this s t r a n g e g i r l. 我咋就惹上了这种麻烦? 你好呀H o w d i d I g e t i n t o t h i s m e s s? W e l l,h e l l o.看来你已经认识我儿子了I see you've met my son我不得不使出岁男生仅有的气概Finally, I did the only manly thing available w h e n y o u'r e y e a r s o l d. 然而还有一大串的麻烦等着我However, my troubles were far f r o m o v e r. 就在我走进叶尔森老师的教室时The minute I walked into很显然it was clear:即使在学校也无法逃脱她的魔掌School would n o t b e a s a n c t u a r y. 嘿布莱斯你女朋友呢?H e y,B r y c e,w h e r e's y o u r g i r l f r i e n d? 枉我一世英名啊I w a s b r a n d e d f o r l i f e. 搬来镇上的第一年简直就是场灾难My first year in town was a d i s a s t e r.接下来的三年也不尽如人意And the next three weren't much b e t t e r. 就这么捱到了六年级我总算不再坐以待毙But finally, in the s i x t h g r a d e,I t o o k a c t i o n. 想到了一个大狠招I h a t c h e d t h e p l a n. 雪利S h e r r y...这个招数的绝妙之处在于To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan雪利?斯道尔斯是朱莉的眼中钉you have to understand that Juli hated Sherry Stalls但我始终想不通其中的缘由though I n e v e r u n d e r s t o o d w h y. 雪利长发飘飘为人和善Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a l o t o f h a i r.我原本一心指望只要和雪利吃吃饭The idea was that Sherry would eat with me散散步就能让朱莉知难而退maybe we'd walk around together, and hopefully Juli would lose interest..米娜妮也想打耳洞So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced,但她老妈也不是省油的灯but of course her mother said no. 她就在家大发雷霆 So she threw a fit 把约翰尼?马蒂斯的精选辑给砸了and smashed her Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album 结果就被禁足了and she got grounded,连我的睡衣派对都来不了so now she can't come to my pajama sleepover party. 直到我所谓的挚友加利特?埃恩德That is, until my supposed best friend, Garrett Einbinder开始打起了雪利的主意took an i n t e r e s t i n S h e r r y h i m s e l f.俗话说得好重色必轻友加利特这个叛徒Loyalty gave way to desire and Garrett, the turncoat向雪利全盘托出我的计划told S h e r r y w h a t I w a s u p t o. 至于朱莉Word got back to Juli, 她自然又开始对我故技重施and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again. 而且还变本加厉O n l y t h i s t i m e i t w a s w o r s e. 居然开始嗅我S h e s t a r t e d s n i f f i n g m e. 你没听错她居然用鼻子嗅我That's right, sniffing me. 搞什么飞机啊? W h a t w a s t h a t a l l a b o u t? 我只能期望来年能摆脱魔掌My only consolation was that next y e a r w o u l d b e d i f f e r e n t. 但愿升入初中后J u n i o r h i g h,b i g g e r s c h o o l.不用再和她同班 Maybe we'd be in different classes 彻底结束我的噩梦a n d i t w o u l d f i n a l l y,f i n a l l y b e o v e r. 见到布莱斯?罗斯基的第一眼我便怦然心动了The first day I m e t B r y c e L o s k i,I f l i p p e d. 他的双眸让我如痴如醉It was those eyes, something in他感到无比羞愧脸都红了And he was so embarrassed, his cheeks t u r n e d c o m p l e t e l y r e d. 那晚我躺在床上不停幻想初吻的场景I went to bed that night t h i n k i n g o f t h e k i s s t h a t m i g h t h a v e b e e n. 我知道他对我动心了I mean, it was clear he had feelings for me, 只是怯于表达爱意but he was just too shy to show them. 妈妈说过男孩子都会这样My mother said boys were like that. 我决定帮他克服心中的恐惧So I decided to help him out. 布莱斯?你也在这啊B r y c e? Y o u'r e h e r e. 我会竭尽所能帮他彻底释放自我I would give him plenty of o p p o r t u n i t y t o g e t o v e r h i s s h y n e s s. 六年级那年我学着有所收敛By the sixth grade, I'd learned to c o n t r o l m y s e l f. 没想到半路却杀出个雪利?斯道尔斯Then Sherry Stalls entered t h e p i c t u r e. 雪利?斯道尔斯就是一人尽可夫的长舌妇Sherry Stalls was n o t h i n g b u t a wh i n y,g o s s i p y,b a c k s t a b b i n g f l i r t. 头发长见识短A l l h a i r a n d n o s u b s t a n c e. 而且她竟然...And there she was和布莱斯十指紧扣那可是我家布莱斯h o l d i n g h a n d s w i t h B r y c e. M y B r y c e. 我的初吻白马王子The one who was walking around with my f i r s t k i s s. 我决定对她视而不见依照布莱斯的品性My solution was to i g n o r e h e r.I knew a boy of Bryce's caliber总有一天能意识到雪利有多浅薄无知would eventually see through a shallow conniver like S h e r r y S t a l l s. 如我所料他俩一周后便分手了I t t o o k al l o f a we e k. T h e y b r o k e u p a t r e c e s s. 她也不看看自己几斤几两S h e d i d n't t a k e i t w e l l.自从布莱斯摆脱了朱莉的魔掌Now that Bryce was out of Sherry's evil clutches, 对我也变得更为友善he started being n i c e r t o m e. 嗨朱莉嗨布莱斯H i,J u l i.H i,B r y c e. 他如此腼腆可人He was so shy and so cute他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛and his hair, it smelled like waterme lon. 我简直如痴如醉I c o u l d n't g e t e n o u g h o f i t. 整整一年我都沉浸在这迷人的芬芳里I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon期盼着何时能迎来我的初吻and w o n d e r i n g i f I w a s e v e r g o i n g t o g e t m y k i s s. 升入初一后生活开始有所改观Seventh grade brought changes, a l l r i g h t. 但最大的变化并非学校But the biggest one didn't happen at s c h o o l.而是出现在家中I t h a p p e n e d a t h o m e. 外公搬来与我们同住My grandfather came to live with us. 妈妈说他是过于思念外婆才会如此迷惘Mom said he stared l i k e t h a t b e c a u s e h e m i s s e d G r a n d m a. 但他怎么可能对我推心置腹呢That was not something G r a n d p a w o u l d e v e r t a l k a b o u t w i t h m e. 其实他在我面前总是沉默寡言As a matter of fact, he never t a l k e d a b o u t m u c h o f a n y t h i n g w i t h m e. 直到朱莉的名字登上了当地报纸That is, until Juli appeared in t h e l o c a l n e w s p a p e r. 布莱斯能和你聊聊吗? 有事吗? O h,B r y c e. M a y I s p e a k w i t h y o u?W h a t? 坐吧孩子H a v e a s e a t,s o n. 跟我说说你的朋友朱莉?贝克吧Tell me about your friend Juli B a k e r. 其实朱莉算不上是我朋友J u l i. S h e's n o t e x a c t l y m y f r i e n d. 为什么呢? O h. W h y's t h a t? 你怎么突然问这个? W h y d o y o u w a n n a k n o w? 朱莉?贝克登上梅菲尔德时报Now, Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times可不是因为她天赋异禀for being an eighth-g r a d e E i n s t e i n.而是因为她赖在无花果树上No, she got front-page coverage because she refused 死活不肯下来to climb out of a sycamore t r e e. 朱莉?贝克和那棵白痴无花果树Juli Baker and that stupid s y c a m o r e t r e e. 她认为那棵树She always thought it was God's gift 是上帝对我们的恩赐t o o u r l i t t l e c o r n e r o f t h e u n i v e r s e. 嘿布莱斯过来和我们一起爬树不?H e y,B r y c e. Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers? 不了谢谢N o,t h a n k s. 布莱斯快上来嘛很好玩的B r y c e.C o m e u p h e r e.I t's f u n.可以看到全世界呢我没空Y o u c a n s e e e v e r y t h i n g.I c a n't. 我爸爸让我帮他去修...M y da d n ee d s m e to h e l p h i m fi x修东西 a t hi n g. 拉倒吧T h a t's a l l I n e e d e d. 我才不要和朱莉?贝克一起爬树呢Climb up a tree with Juli B a k e r. 我可不想重温二年级的噩梦I'd be dragged right back into the s e c o n d g r a d e. 布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree. 我宁可下半辈子吃青豆度日Why don't you just make me eat l i m a b e a n s f o r t h e r e s t o f m y l i f e.还有三个街区就来了I t's t h r e e b l o c k s a w a y. 只剩两个喽T w o b l o c k s. 还有最后一个O n e b l o c k a w a y. 还真把自己当回事最受不了她这种人了Like that's valuable i n f o r m a t i o n.I h a t e i t w h e n s h e d o e s t h a t. 真希望校车哪天能罢工I like to think there's at least a chance t h e b u s w o n't s h o w. 这棵树在晨曦中显得尤为美丽你说对么?I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light.D o n't y o u? 如果你所谓的美丽是指奇丑无比If by "beautiful" you mean "unbelievably ugly," 那我绝对赞成then, yes, I would agree. 你眼神不太好吧我真同情你You're just visually challenged.I f e e l s o r r y f o r y o u. 眼神不太好? "V i s u a l l y c h a l l e n g e d"? 眼神不太好? "V i s u a l l y c h a l l e n g e d"? 她家不也是街坊邻里的笑柄么This from the girl who lived in a h o u s e居然敢这么说我? t h a t w a s t h e j o k e o f t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d? 灌木爬满了窗台门前杂草丛生They had bushes growing over w i n d o w s a n d w e e d s a l l o v e r t h e p l a c e. 我老爸为此很是不爽I t b u g g e d m y d a d b i g t i m e. 哟快瞧瞧O h,t h e r e h e i s. 砌墙工当自己是大画家呢The bricklayer who thinks he's a p a i n t e r.嫌那破车不够寒碜That truck's not ugly enough in real life? 还得画幅画裱起来?H e's g o t t a m a k e a p a i n t i n g o f i t? 人家的风景画可是集市上的抢手货No, he does landscapes. S e l l s t h e m a t t h e c o u n t y f a i r. 大家都夸赞他呢P e o p l e s a y t h e y'r e b e a u t i f u l. 风景画? 要我说吧L a n d s c a p e s? L e t m e t e l l y o u s o m e t h i n g. 他要是能把院子拾掇拾掇The world would have more beauty in it这个世界一定会更加美好if he'd do a little landscaping on that p i e c e o f c r a p h e c a l l s a y a r d. 我真同情他老婆嫁了这么个幻想家I feel bad for his wife. S h e m a r r i e d a d r e a m e r.梦想与现实间的冲突总得有一个人来承受Because of that, one o f t h e t w o o f t h e m w i l l a l w a y s b e u n h a p p y. 没错可为啥要殃及无辜呢? Y e a h,f i n e.B u t w h y d o w e h a v e t o b e u n h a p p y? 和朱莉?贝克成天赖在树上相比As annoying as the yard was to my dad她家那院子其实也不见得有多惹人生厌it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree. 还有三个街区哦T h r e e b l o c k s a w a y. 每天早上我们都不得不忍受Every morning we had to listen to the sound她极为啰嗦的交通播报of her blow-by-blow traffic r e p o r t. 还有两个了T w o b l o c k s. 到喽T h e r e y o u g o.为什么要叫"三个臭皮匠"呢? W h y d o t h e y c a l l i t T h e T h r e e S t o o g e s? 明明有五个人啊什么?I m e a n,t h e r e's f i v e o f t h e m. W h a t? 你看啊莫伊拉里克里谢普和卷毛乔伊Well, yeah, there's Moe, L a r r y,C u r l y,S h e m p a n d C u r l y J o e. 可每场戏却只有三个人是啊Yeah, but they only have three at a t i m e. Y e a h. 我讨厌卷毛乔伊他哪算得上臭皮匠呢You know, I hate Curly J o e.I m e a n,h e s h o u l d n't e v e n b e a S t o o g e.姑娘我可要报警了Listen, girl, I'm this close to calling the p o l i c e. 你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工You are trespassing and obstructing p r o g r e s s o n a c o n t r a c t e d j o b. 怎么了? 你最好自己下来W h a t's g o i n g o n? Either you come down要不我们就砍树了你们赶紧上来吧or w e'r e g o n n a c u t y o u d o w n. Y o u g u y s,c o m e u p h e r e w i t h m e. 咱们人一多他们就不敢砍了They won't cut it down if we're all u p h e r e. 车来了朱莉真是疯了B u s,b u s,b u s. J u l i w a s f r a n t i c. 他们想把树给砍了They wanted to cut down her tree.真不明白那无比畸形的树I couldn't understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly branches在她心里怎么就那么重要布莱斯求你了m e a n t s o m u c h t o h e r.B r y c e,p l e a s e. 我很同情她别管她I f e l t b a d f o r h e r. L e a v e h e r. 但我可不至于为此旷课But I wasn't about to cut school over it. 走吧哥们儿C o m e o n,b r o. 你为什么不把她当朋友呢布莱斯? W h y i s n't s h e y o u r f r i e n d,B r y c e? 等你真正了解朱莉就明白了Yo u'd hav e to k now J uli. 我倒真想认识她W e l l,I'd l i k e t o. 为什么?W h y? 这姑娘挺有骨气的T h a t g i r l h a s a n i r o n b a c k b o n e. 要不你抽空请她来家里玩? W h y d o n't y o u i n v i t e h e r o v e r s o m e t i m e? 有骨气?A n i r o n b a c k b o n e? 她那是一根筋She's just stubborn而且还很自以为是and she's p u s h y b e y o n d b e l i e f. 是这样吗?I s t h a t s o? 她从二年级起就老是缠着我And she's been stalking me since t h e s e c o n d g r a d e. 这种女孩可是可遇不可求的Well, a girl like that doesn't live n e x t d o o r t o e v e r y o n e.谁遇上谁倒霉L u c k y t h e m. 看看这个R e a d t h i s. 放下心中的成见W i t h o u t p r e j u d i c e. 我才没兴趣去了解朱莉?贝克Like I needed to know anything m o r e a b o u t J u l i B a k e r. 第二天早上朱莉没去等校车Juli wasn't at the bus stop the next m o r n i n g. 第三天也不见她出现O r t h e m o r n i n g a f t e r t h a t. 不知道她怎么来学校的She was at school, but you'd never k n o w i t. 小乔伊? 他那妆也太浓了他不显老啊L i t t l e J o e?H e's g o t s o m u c h m a k e u p o n H e d o e s n't a g e. 我告诉自己应该感到庆幸I told myself I should be glad about it.这不就是我日期夜盼的吗?I m e a n,i s n't t h a t w h a t I'd a l w a y s w a n t e d? 但我仍替她感到难过B u t s t i l l,I f e l t b a d f o r h e r. 我想跟她说声对不起但是一想还是算了I was gonna tell her I was sorry, but then I thought, hey, no我可真不希望that's the last thing I needed:让朱莉?贝克以为我在想她Juli Baker t h i n k i n g I m i s s e d h e r. 我知道你为什么喜欢这里I see why you like to come out here. 那你能开导开导你老妈不? W o u l d y o u m i n d e x p l a i n i n g i t t o y o u r m o t h e r? 我喜欢看着爸爸作画I loved to watch my father paint. 更喜欢在他画画时和他聊天Or really, I loved to hear him talk w h i l e h e p a i n t e d. 这样能让我更了解他I learned a lot about my dad that way.他和我无话不谈He told me all sorts of things比如他怎样得到第一份工作 like how he got his first job delivering hay他多么渴望能完成学业and how he'd wished he'd finished college. 有一天他出人意料地问我Then one day he surprised me. 你和布莱斯?罗斯基是怎么回事? W h a t's g o i n g o n wi t h yo u a n d,u h,B r yc e L o s k i? 什么怎么回事啊? 没什么呀W h a t d o y o u m e a n? N o t h i n g. 那好吧O h,o k a y. 是我想多了M y m i s t a k e. 你怎么会这么想? W h y w o u l d y o u e v e n t h i n k t h a t?其实也没什么N o r e a s o n. 只是你成天Just that you都把他挂在嘴边talk about him all the t i m e. 我有吗?I d o? 我也不知道I d o n't k n o w. 也许我被他的双眼所吸引吧I guess it's something about his e y e s. 还有他迷人的微笑O r m a y b e h i s s m i l e. 那他人怎么样?B u t w h a t a b o u t h i m? 什么? 你得考虑画的整体效果W h a t? Y o u h a v e t o l o o k a t t h e w h o l e l a n d s c a p e.什么意思? W h a t d o e s t h a t m e a n? 一幅画绝非简单拼凑就能完成A painting is more than the sum o f i t s p a r t s. 一头牛只是一头牛A c o w b y i t s e l f i s j u s t a c o w. 草地也只长满了青草和花朵 A meadow by itself is just grass, f l o w e r s. 阳光照进大树的枝桠亦不过缕缕薄光And the sun peeking t h r o u g h t h e t r e e s i s j u s t a b e a m o f l i g h t. 但你若能将它们衔接拼凑But you put them all together却能收获意想不到的成果a n d i t c a n b e m a g i c. 我对他的话一知半解直到一天下午I didn't really understand what he was saying until one afternoon我爬上无花果树的枝头w h e n I w a s u p i n t h e s y c a m o r e t r e e.试图去捡风筝I w a s r e s c u i n g a k i t e. 它挂得很高我从没爬过这么高It was a long way up, higher t h a n I'd e v e r b e e n. 但我发现爬得越高眼前的景象便愈发迷人And the higher I got, t h e m o r e a m a z e d I w a s b y t h e v i e w. 沁人心脾的微风迎面扑来I began to notice how wonderful the b r e e z e s m e l l e d. 夹杂着阳光和野草的芬芳Like sunshine and wild grass. 我忍不住大口呼吸I couldn't stop breathing it in让肺里溢满甜美醉人的气息filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I'd ever k n o w n. 嘿我的风筝被你找到了H e y,y o u f o u n d m y k i t e. 布莱斯你真该上来看看Bryce, you should come up here. 太美了I t's s o b e a u t i f u l.不行我扭伤了...I c a n't.I s p r a i n e d m y,u m我出疹子了I h a v e a r a s h. 从那一刻起我彻底爱上了这里From that moment on, that b e c a m e m y s p o t. 我可以坐上好几个钟头静静欣赏这世界I could sit there for h o u r s,j u s t l o o k i n g o u t a t t h e w o r l d. 落日时而泛着微醺的紫红Some days the sunsets would be p u r p l e a n d p i n k. 时而迸发出橙色的余晖And some days they were a blazing orange瞬间布满天边的晚霞setting fire to the clouds on the h o r i z o n.在如此瑰丽的景象中It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea我终于慢慢有所领悟of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts爸爸所说的整体胜于全部moved from m y h e a d t o m y h e a r t. 有时我会起个大早只为去看日出Some days I would get there e x t r a e a r l y t o w a t c h t h e s u n r i s e. 一天清晨我在心里兀自揣度One morning I was making mental notes应该如何向爸爸描绘of how the streaks of light were cutting through the clouds缕缕曙光穿透云层的景象so I could tell my dad下面却传来阵阵嘈杂when I heard a noise below. 不好意思E x c u s e m e. 抱歉你们不能停在这里这是校车站台E x c u s e m e. I'm s o r r y,b u t y o u c a n't p a r k t h e r e. T h a t's a b u s s t o p. 你在上面干嘛呢?H e y,w h a t a r e y o u d o i n g u p t h e r e? 赶紧下来我们要砍树了You can't be up there, we're gonna t a k e t h i s t h i n g d o w n. 砍这棵树? 没错快下来吧T h e t r e e? Y e a h. N o w c o m e o n d o w n. 谁批准你们砍树的? 树的主人啊But who told you, you could cut it down? T h e o w n e r. 为什么? W h y? 他想在这里建房这棵树挡道了He's gonna build a house, and t h i s t r e e's i n t h e w a y.姑娘赶紧下来吧我们得开工了So come on, girl, we got work t o d o. 你们不能砍这棵树不能砍Y o u c a n't c u t i t d o w n. Y o u j u s t c a n't. 姑娘你再不下来我就报警了L i s t e n,g i r l. I'm t h i s c l o s e t o c a l l i n g t h e p o l i c e. 你侵犯私人土地妨碍施工You are trespassing and obstructing p r o g r e s s o n a c o n t r a c t e d j o b. 你再不下来我们就直接砍了Now either you come down, or w e'r e g o n n a c u t y o u d o w n. 来吧要砍就砍吧G o a h e a d.C u t m e d o w n. 我不下去坚决不下去I'm n o t c o m i n g d o w n. I'm n e v e r c o m i n g d o w n.布莱斯你们快上来帮我啊B r y c e. Y o u g u y s,c o m e u p h e r e w i t h m e. 上面人一多他们就不敢砍了They won't cut it down if we're all u p h e r e. 布莱斯别让他们砍树啊Bryce, please don't let them do this. 求你们了C o m e o n,y o u g u y s. 布莱斯求你了你不用爬很高的B r y c e,p l e a s e. Y o u d o n't h a v e t o c o m e u p t h i s h i g h. J u s t a l i t t l e w a y s. 布莱斯求求你了B r y c e,p l e a s e. P l e a s e. 从那之后一切都变得模糊起来What happened after that was a b l u r.似乎整个镇上的人都围了过来It seemed like the whole town w a s t h e r e. 但我一直坚持不肯下去B u t s t i l l I w o u l d n't m o v e. 爸爸后来赶了过来T h e n m y f a t h e r s h o w e d u p. 他说服消防员架了楼梯爬上来He talked a fireman into letting h i m c o m e u p t o w h e r e I w a s. 宝贝儿我们下去吧Sweetie, it's time to come down. 爸爸别让他们砍树Daddy, please don't let them do this. 宝贝儿爸爸你看啊S w e e t i e D a d d y,l o o k. 在这里可以俯瞰整个世界Y o u c a n s e e e v e r y t h i n g. Y o u c a n s e e t h e w h o l e w o r l d f r o m h e r e. 万里河山也不及我女儿的安危重要下去吧No view is worth my d a u g h t e r's s a f e t y. N o w,c o m e o n.我不走I c a n't. 朱莉安娜别耍小性子了Julianna, it's time to come down now. 求你了爸爸P l e a s e,D a d d y. 听话下去吧I t's t i m e. 就这么结束了A n d t h a t w a s i t. 我整整两周都以泪洗面I must've cried for two weeks straight. 我仍然坚持上学异常用功Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could却感觉生活失去了重心but nothing seemed to m a t t e r. 朱莉? 啊? J u l i?H u h?你知道答案是什么吗?D o y o u k n o w t h e a n s w e r? 伯罗奔尼撒战争? U h,t h e P e l o p o n n e s i a n W a r? 这也许是某个问题的答案I'm sure that's the answer to something但我问的是菱形的面积but I was looking for the area o f a r h o m b o i d. 其实菱形三角形之类的Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles right triangles在我看来并不重要didn't seem so important. 我开始骑车上学只为避开那个伤心地I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to pass by the stump那里曾经矗立着世上最美的无花果树that used to be the earth's most magnificent s y c a m o r e t r e e. 但不管我怎么努力我对它始终心有念想But no matter what I d i d,I c o u l d n't s t o p t h i n k i n g a b o u t i t.你还好吧?A r e y o u o k a y? 不就是一棵树么I t w a s j u s t a t r e e. 那不仅只是一棵树N o,i t w a s n't j u s t a t r e e. 希望你能将树梢的美好时光永存心底I never want you to forget h o w y o u f e l t w h e n y o u w e r e u p t h e r e. 谢谢你爸爸T h a n k s,D a d. 我每天醒来就会看着这幅画It was the first thing I saw every morning它亦每天伴着我入眠and the last thing I saw before I w e n t t o s l e e p. 直到有一天看着它我不再泪眼朦胧And once I could look at it without crying我领悟到了更深层的寓意I saw more than the t r e e a n d w h a t b e i n g u p t h e r e m e a n t t o m e.我的世界观开始有了细微的变化I saw the day that my view of t h i n g s a r o u n d m e s t a r t e d c h a n g i n g. 我不禁问自己我对布莱斯的感情是否一如往日? And I wondered, did I still feel the same things about Bryce? 我向来对鸡蛋不感冒I've never been a huge fan of eggs. 既不喜欢也说不上讨厌I mean, I could always just take them o r l e a v e t h e m. 但那天在斯凯勒?布朗家的车库里That is, until one day in Skyler Brown's garage让我对鸡蛋的厌恶根深蒂固when my f e e l i n g s a b o u t e g g s w e r e s o l i d i f i e d. 嘿伙计们艾德娜的早餐有着落喽H e y,h e y,h e y.G u y s.E d n a's f o u n d h e r b r e a k f a s t.黏糊糊软趴趴的动物喜欢的食物I mean, if a slimy reptile found them appetizing我想想都觉得恶心there was certainly no place f o r t h e m i n m y d i e t. 天啊太给力了O h,m a n,t h a t's s o c o o l. 她连嚼都不用嚼省时又省心She doesn't even have to chew.I m e a n,t h i n k o f a l l t h e t i m e y o u'd s a v e. 都怨我姐姐丽奈特I could've gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw非要来找斯凯勒?布朗商量联赛的事if i t h a d n't b e e n f o r L y n e t t a. 要不我这辈子都不想看蛇活吞鸡蛋She had a major-league t h i n g f o r S k y l e r B r o w n. 真够恶心的I t h i n k i t's g r o s s. 他和朱莉的哥哥马特和马克组了个乐队He and Juli's brothers, M a t t a n d M a r k,h a d f o r m e d a b a n d.丽奈特要看着他们排练And Lynetta would watch them practice. 太赞了吧T h a t i s s o n e a t. 你觉得呢布莱斯?H o w a b o u t t h a t,h u h,B r y c e? 是啊够给力的Y e a h. N e a t. 布莱斯你觉得它要怎么消化? So, Brycie, how do you think he's gonna digest that? 胃酸? 就知道你会这么说S t o m a c h a c i d? Y o u'd l i k e t o t h i n k t h a t. 等等别出声好戏开始了W a i t,e v e r y b o d y q u i e t.H e r e h e g o e s.这才叫吃鸡蛋啊E g g s o v e r e a s y. 太恶心了看得我想吐G r o s s.G r o s s,g r o s s,g r o s s. 等等哈最精彩的还没出现呢W a i t,w a i t. Y o u h a v e n't s e e n t h e b e s t p a r t. 好恶啊G r o s s. 我试着佯装淡定却毫不管用I tried to be casual about it, but it d i d n't t a k e. 我开始做噩梦I s t a r t e d h a v i n g b a d d r e a m s. 梦见自己被困在巨型鸡蛋里I'd be trapped inside a huge egg怪物张嘴将我吞入囊中and this monster would open his jaws and s t a r t t o d e v o u r m e. 所幸每次都能及时醒来I'd w a k e u p j u s t i n t i m e. 没想到噩梦成真了T h e n t h e r e a l n i g h t m a r e b e g a n.嗨布莱斯我给你们带了些鸡蛋H i,B r y c e.I b r o u g h t t h e s e o v e r f o r y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y. 我家养的鸡开始下蛋了什么? M y c h i c k e n s a r e l a y i n g e g g s. W h a t? 还记得艾比邦妮克莱德 You remember Abby and Bonnie and C l y d e德克斯特尤妮丝和弗洛伦斯吗?a n d D e x t e r a n d E u n i c e a n d F l o r e n c e? 就是科学展览会上孵的小鸡当然记得啊The ones I hatched for t h e s c i e n c e f a i r.H o w c o u l d I f o r g e t? 朱莉?贝克总是那么经典I t w a s c l a s s i c J u l i B a k e r. 轻而易举成了全场的焦点She totally dominated the fair.她的课题是观察无聊的鸡蛋孵化过程And get this, her project w a s a l l a b o u t w a t c h i n g b o r i n g e g g s h a t c h. 我的可是现场模拟火山爆发I mean, here I had a live-action erupting volcano可大家显然对朱莉孵出的鸡仔and all anyone cared about was Juli's boring chicks更感兴趣breaking out of t h e i r b o r i n g s h e l l s. 最后一只出来了Oh, I think the last one's hatching. 出来了出来了啊I t's h a t c h i n g. O h,i t's h a t c h i n g. 孩子们快过来K i d s,c o m e o v e r h e r e. 好吧我输给她了B u t h e y,s h e w o n.I l o s t. 我彻底被无视了I'v e n e v e r b e e n o n e t o d w e l l. 孵出来了H e r e i t c o m e s.但我可不会吃她送来的鸡蛋But that didn't mean I had to eat h e r l o u s y e g g s. 朱莉这姑娘真乖巧还给我们送鸡蛋I think it was very sweet of J u l i t o b r i n g u s t h o s e e g g s. 我才不吃呢我明早还是喝燕麦粥I d o n't c a r e. I'm s t i l l h a v i n g c e r e a l t o m o r r o w. 我们怎么能确定这蛋不是孵了一半呢Yeah, how do we know t h e r e's n o c h i c k s i n o n e o f t h o s e e g g s? 我小时候常吃刚下的蛋很是可口I used to eat farm-fresh eggs w h e n I w a s a k i d. T h e y w e r e d e l i c i o u s. 刚下的蛋当然美味了Yeah, well, that's all well and good可万一敲开鸡蛋掉出一具尸体咋整? but what if we crack one open and a dead chick falls out?他们家有养公鸡吗?D o t h e y h a v e a r o o s t e r? 如果没有就不是受精蛋If they don't have a rooster the eggs c a n't b e f e r t i l e. 如果养了公鸡我们也会知道And if they had a rooster, we'd k n o w. 街坊邻居都能听到The whole neighborhood would know. 万一人家把公鸡变声了呢Maybe they got it de-yodeled. 变声? "D e-y o d e l e d"? 就是把声带给割了Y o u k n o w.D e-c o c k-a-d o o d l e-d o o'd. 瞎说什么呢你? W h a t t h e h e l l a r e y o u t a l k i n g a b o u t?就像给狗禁声那样L i k e t h e y d e-b a r k d o g s. 布莱斯你直接问问朱莉不就行了?B r y c e,w h y d o n't y o u j u s t a s k J u l i? 还是不要吧什么?I d o n't t h i n k t h a t W h a t? 你不敢跟她说话? 谁说我不敢跟她说话Y o u a f r a i d t o t a l k t o h e r? I'm n o t a f r a i d t o t a l k t o h e r. 我看是你不敢吧I k n o w y o u a r e,b u t w h a t a m I? 好了你去找她问问清楚吧布莱斯O k a y. J u s t t a l k t o h e r a n d f i n d o u t.B r y c e. 你会如何识别公鸡?H o w d o y o u t e l l i f o n e's a r o o s t e r? 公鸡体型较大羽毛更长W e l l,a r o o s t e r's b i g g e r. L o n g e r f e a t h e r s. 头上长有红色的鸡冠They've got that red stuff growing out of t h e i r h e a d. 脖子上也长有红毛那应该挺好鉴别的吧And around their neck t o o. T h a t s h o u l d n't b e t o o h a r d t o s p o t. 你想想啊鸡通常都长有鸡冠Although, come to think of it, c h i c k e n s h a v e t h e r u b b e r y r e d s t u f f t o o. 只不过不太明显罢了J u s t n o t a s m u c h. 加利特是公鸡专家Garrett's expertise in roosters他能让我避免直接和朱莉?贝克对峙was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid c o n t a c t w i t h J u l i B a k e r.我们偷偷溜去她家后院The balance of which involved spying o v e r h e r b a c k f e n c e. 快点快点嘘C o m e o n,c o m e o n. S h h. S h h. 就在这O v e r h e r e. 我看不清那些鸡啊I c a n't s e e t h e s t u p i d c h i c k e n s. 得把它们从笼子里弄出来We gotta get them out of the coop. 那是公鸡吗?I s t h a t a r o o s t e r? 不是看起来不像N o,i t l o o k s l i k e a c h i c k e n. 你怎么知道?H o w c a n y o u t e l l?只可意会不可言传I t j u s t d o e s. 瞧见了吧? 什么叫做专家S e e w h a t I m e a n?E x p e r t i s e. 嘘干嘛? S h h,s h h!W h a t? 朱莉J u l i. 开饭啦宝贝们H e r e,g u y s. 出来吧吃饭喽G o o n,t h e r e y o u g o. 来来来吃饭哦没错都是鸡H e r e,g u y s.G o o n. Y e a h,t h e y'r e a l l c h i c k e n s. 一只公鸡都没有?非得让我再说一遍? T h e r e's n o r o o s t e r? W h a t d i d I j u s t s a y? 你怎么看出来的?H o w c a n y o u t e l l? 它们走路没有昂首阔步来来来多吃点Well, none of them are s t r u t t i n g.H e r e,c o m e o n. 公鸡也懂昂首阔步? 快吃呀R o o s t e r s s t r u t?C o m e o n,g u y s. 你不懂就别问了行不? 吃吧吃吧W h a t d i d I j u s t s a y?。
1.I hatched the plan. 我想出了个主意。
2.She didn’t take it well. 她很生气。
3.Be out of one’s evil clutches. 逃离某人的魔爪。
4.July Baker did not wind up in The May field Times for being aneighth-grade Einstein. 登报5.I’d be dragged right back into the second grade. 拖回6.Why don’t you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life! 还不如让我一辈子吃素呢!7.If by “beautiful”you mean “unbelievable ugly”. Then, yes, I wouldagree. 如果你所说的美丽是指无比丑陋的话,那么没错我同意。
8.You’re just visually challenged. I feel sorry for you. 你眼睛出问题了,真为你感到惋惜。
9.It bugged my dad big-time. 搞得我爸爸很无奈。
10.N o, he does landscapes. Sells them at the county fair. 不,他画的是风景画,拿到县集市上去卖的。
11.T he bricklayer who think he’s a painter. 那个自以为是画家的砖瓦匠。
12.T he world would have more beauty in it if he’d do a little landscaping(景观美化) on that piece of crap (垃圾、废物、屎) he calls a yard. 如果他肯把他那杂乱的院子稍微收拾一下的话,这个世界将会变得更美。
• A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic.
• 有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。
• - And she's been stalking me since the second grade. - Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.
• - 她从二年级起就老是缠着我。 - 这种女孩可是可遇不可求的。
• take a look看一下 • take a walk散步 • take action采取行动;提出诉讼 • take away带走,拿走,取走 • take care of照顾;注意;抚养 • take charge掌管,负责;主持;不受控制 • take delight in乐于 • take possession of占有;占领
• 雪利·斯道尔斯是个絮絮叨叨、阴险毒辣的长舌妇, 头发长见识短。可她竟然牵起了布莱斯的手。那 可是我的布莱斯!带着我的初吻到处招摇的布莱 斯!
怦然心动电影台词The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.见到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一天,我心动了。
The next thing I know, he's holding my hand and looking right into my eyes. My heart stopped. Was this it? Would this be my first kiss?接下来,我所知道的就是,他紧紧握住我的手,与我深情对视。
就要来了吗?我的初吻就要来了吗?Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, backstabbing flirt. All hair and no substance. And there she was holding hands with Bryce. My Bryce. The one who was walking around with my first kiss.雪利·斯道尔斯是个絮絮叨叨、阴险毒辣的长舌妇,头发长见识短。
那可是我的布莱斯!带着我的初吻到处招摇的布莱斯!- And she's been stalking me since the second grade.- Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.- 她从二年级起就老是缠着我。
- 这种女孩可是可遇不可求的。
One’s character is set at an early age. I'd hate to see you swim out so far you can't swim back.从小看到老,我可不愿看到你做边城浪子回不了头。
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SCENE 1 people. better. But finally, in the sixth grade, I in Sherry himself.BRYCE: All I ever wanted was for Juli JULI: I don't mind. took action. I hatched the plan. SHERRY: I was thinking of showing how Baker to leave me alone. It all began in the BRYCE: Of any kind. BRYCE: Sherry. Sherry, wait up. split ends react with different hair summer of 1957, before the start of second JULI: You wanna push this one together? SHERRY: Hi, Bryce. Heh. conditioners.grade. STEVEN: Bryce, isn't it time for you to go BRYCE: I asked out Sherry Stalls. GARRETT: That's fascinating. STEVEN: Here we are. help your mother? BRYCE: I was wondering if you wanted BRYCE: Loyalty gave way to desire and PATSY: Ha, ha. What do you guys think? BRYCE: Huh? Oh, yeah. to go... Garrett, the turncoat... told Sherry what I LYNETTA: Ilike this place. BRYCE: I mean, nothing would stop her. I BRYCE: To full appreciate the brilliance was up to.BRYCE: It's cool. was about to tell her to get lost when the of this plan, you have to understand that SHERRY: Jerk.LYNETTA: Uh, what color is my room? weirdest thing happened. Icouldn't believe Juli hated Sherry Stalls, though I never BRYCE: Shedidn't take it well. Word got PATSY: Just you wait. it. There I was holding hands with this understood why. Sherry was nice, friendly backto Juli, and pretty soon she started up BRYCE: Let's see what's inside. strange girl. How did I get into this mess? and she had a lot of hair. with the goo-goo eyes again. Only this STEVEN: Hey, come on, buddy Bryce.PATSY: Well, hello. I see you've met my SHERRY: At first, my mother wouldn't let time it was worse. She started sniffing me. Why don't, uh, you and I go help unload son. me get my ears pierced, but I begged... That's right, sniffing me. What was that all the van and the womenfolk here can get in JULI: Uh-huh. BRYCE: The idea was that Sherry would about? My only consolation was that next the kitchen and start setting up. BRYCE: Finally, I did the only manly eat with me... maybe we'd walk around year would be different. Junior high, BRYCE: Okay, Dad. thing available when you're 7 years old. together, and hopefully Juli would lose bigger school. Maybe we'd be in different BRYCE: For me, it was the beginning of [BELL RINGING] interest. classes and it would finally, finally be what would be more than half a decade of BRYCE: However, my troubles were far SHERRY: But I still can't get the hoops till over.strategic avoidance and social discomfort. from over. The minute I walked into Miss I'm 16. SCENE 2JULI: Hi, I'm Juli Baker. Yelson's classroom... BRYCE: Oh, that's a shame. JULI: The first day I met Bryce Loski, I STEVEN: Hey, hey, what are you doing? JULI: Bryce? You're here. SHERRY: So Melanie wanted to get her flipped. It was those eyes, something in JULI: Don't you want some help? BRYCE: ...it was clear: School would not ears pierced, but of course her mother said those dazzling eyes.STEVEN: No. There's some valuable be a sanctuary. no. So she threw a fit and smashed her JULI: You wanna push this one together? things in there. [CHILDREN LAUGHING] Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album... JULI:His family had just moved into the JULI: - How about this one? KID 1: Hey, Bryce, where's your [LAUGHS]...and she got grounded, so neighborhood... and I'd gone over to help STEVEN: No, no, no. Run home. Your girlfriend? now she can't come to my pajama them. I'd been in the van all of two mother's probably wondering where you BRYCE: I was branded for life. sleepover party. minutes when his dad sent him off to help are. KID 2: Hey, Bryce, why don't you ask her BRYCE: Things were unfolding quite his mom. I could see he didn't wanna go. JULI: Oh, no, my mom knows where I am. to marry you? nicely. So I chased after him to see if we could She said it's fine. GIRLS [SINGING]: Bryce and Juli sitting GARRETT: What are you doing for your play a little before he got trapped inside. BRYCE: It didn't take long to realize this in a tree, K-l-S-S-l-N-G. science project? The next thing I know, he's holding mygirl could not take a hint. BRYCE: My first year in town was a BRYCE: That is, until my supposed best hand... and looking right into my eyes. My STEVEN: It's crowded in here with three disaster. And the next three weren't much friend, Garrett Einbinder took an interest heart stopped. Was this it? Would this be1my first kiss? - But then his mother came secretly sniffing watermelon... and BRYCE: I can't. My dad needs me to help something. The world would have more out. wondering if I was ever going to get my him fix... a thing. beauty in it if he'd do a little landscaping PATSY: - Well, hello. kiss. BRYCE: That's all I needed. Climb up a on that pieceof crap he calls a yard. JULI: And he was so embarrassed, his SCENE 3 tree with Juli Baker. I'd be dragged right PATSY: I feel bad for his wife. She cheeks turned completely red. I went to BRYCE: Seventh grade brought changes, back into the second grade. Bryce and Juli married a dreamer. Because of that, one of bed that night thinking of the kissthat all right. But the biggest one didn't happen sitting in a tree. Why don't you just make the two of them will always be unhappy. might have been. I mean, it was clear he at school. It happened at home. My me eat lima beans for the rest of my life. STEVEN: Yeah, fine. But why do we have had feelings for me, but he was just too grandfather came to live with us. Mom JULI: It's three blocks away. Two blocks. to be unhappy?shy to show them. My mother said boys said he stared like that because he missed One block away. BRYCE: As annoying as the yard was to were like that. So I decided to help him Grandma. That was not something BRYCE: Like that's valuable information. my dad... it was nothing compared to how out. Grandpa would ever talk about with me. GARRETT: I hate it when she does that. annoying Juli Baker was in that tree. JULI: - Bryce? You're here. As a matter of fact, he never talked about I like to think there's at least a chance the JULI: Three blocks away. [CHILDREN GIGGLING] much of anything with me. That is, until bus won't show. BRYCE: Every morning we had to listen JULI: I would give him plenty of Juli appeared in the local newspaper. JULI: I think the tree looks particularly to the sound ...of her blow-by-blow trafficopportunity to get over his shyness. By the CHET: Oh, Bryce. May I speak with you? beautiful in this light. Don't you? report.sixth grade, I'd learned to control myself. BRYCE: What? BRYCE: Ifby "beautiful" you mean JULI: Two blocks.Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture. CHET: Have a seat, son. Tell me about "unbelievably ugly," then, yes, I would WOMAN: There you go.Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, your friend Juli Baker. agree. GARRETT: Why do they call it The Three gossipy, backstabbing flirt. All hair and no BRYCE: Juli. She's not exactly my friend. JULI: You're just visually challenged. I Stooges? I mean, there's five of them. substance. And there she was... holding CHET: Oh. Why's that? feel sorry for you. BRYCE: What?hands with Bryce. My Bryce. The one BRYCE: Why do you wanna know? BRYCE: "Visually challenged"? "Visually GARRETT: Well, yeah, there's Moe, Larry, who was walking around with my first BRYCE: Now, Juli Baker did not wind up challenged"? This from the girl who lived Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe. kiss. My solution was to ignore her. I in The Mayfield Times for being an in a house that was the joke of the BRYCE: Yeah, but they only have three at knew a boy of Bryce's caliber... would eighth-grade Einstein. No, she got front- neighborhood? They had bushes growing a time.eventually see through a shallow conniver page coverage because she refused to over windows and weeds all over the place. GARRETT: Yeah. You know, I hate Curly like Sherry Stalls. It took all of a week. climb outof a sycamore tree. Juli Baker It bugged my dad bigtime. Joe. I mean, he shouldn't even be a Stooge. They broke up at recess. She didn't take it and that stupid sycamore tree. She always STEVEN: Oh, there he is. The bricklayer MAN: Listen, girl, I'm this close to calling well. Now that Bryce was out of Sherry's thought it was God's gift to our little who thinks he's a painter. That truck's not the police. You are trespassing and evil clutches, he started being nicer to me. corner of the universe. ugly enough in real life? He's gotta make a obstructing progress on a contracted job. BRYCE: - Hi, Juli. JULI: Hey, Bryce. Wanna come climb the painting of it? GARRETT: What's going on? JULI: - Hi, Bryce. tree with me and my brothers? LYNETTA: No, he does landscapes. Sells MAN: Either you come down... or we're JULI: He was so shy and so cute... and his BRYCE: No, thanks. them at the county fair. People say they're gonna cut you down.hair, it smelled like watermelon. I couldn't JULI: Bryce. Come up here. It's fun. You beautiful. JULI: You guys, come up here with get enough of it. I spent the whole year can see everything. STEVEN: Landscapes? Let me tell you me.They won't cut it down if we're all up2here. makeup on... JULI: What does that mean? there extra early to watch the sunrise. One GARRETT: Bus, bus, bus. BRYCE: He doesn't age. RICHARD: A painting is more than the morning I was making mental notes of BRYCE: Juli was frantic. They wanted to BRYCE: I told myself I should be glad sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a how the streaks oflight were cutting cut down her tree. I couldn't understand about it. I mean, isn't that what I'd always cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, through the clouds … so I could tell my why that mutant tangle ofgnarly branches wanted? But still, I felt bad for her. I was flowers.dad when I heard a noise below. meant so much to her. gonna tell her I was sorry, but then I And the sun peeking through the trees is JULI: Excuse me. Excuse me. I'm sorry, JULI: Bryce, please. thought, hey, no... that's the last thing I just a beam of light. But you put them all but you can't park there. That's a bus stop. BRYCE: I felt bad for her. needed: Juli Baker thinking I missed her. together...and it can be magic. MAN 1: Hey, what are you doing up GARRETT: Leave her. SCENE 4 JULI: I didn't really understand what he there?BRYCE: But I wasn't about to cut school JULI: I see why you like to come out here. was saying until one afternoon...when I MAN 2: You can't be up there, we're over it. RICHARD: Would you mind explaining it was up in the sycamore tree. I was gonna take this thing down. GARRETT: Come on, bro. to your mother? rescuing a kite. It was a long way up, JULI: The tree?CHET: Why isn't she your friend, Bryce? JULI: I loved to watch my father paint. Or higher than I'd ever been. And the higher I MAN 2: Yeah. Now come on down. BRYCE: You'd have to know Juli. really, I loved tohear him talk while he got, the more amazed I was by the view. I JULI: But who told you, you could cut it CHET: Well, I'd like to. painted. I learned a lot about my dad that began to notice down?BRYCE: Why? way. He told me all sorts of things... like howwonderful the breeze smelled. Like MAN 1: The owner.CHET: That girl has an iron backbone. how he got his first job delivering hay and sunshine and wild grass. I couldn't stop JULI: Why?Why don't you invite her over sometime? how he'd wished he'dfinished college. breathing it in...filling my lungs with the MAN 1:He's gonna build a house, and BRYCE: An iron backbone? She's just Then one day he surprised me. sweetest smell I'd ever known. this tree's in the way. So come on, girl, we stubborn... and she's pushy beyond belief. RICHARD: What's going on with you and, BRYCE: Hey, you found my kite. got work to do.CHET: Is that so? uh, Bryce Loski? JULI: Bryce, you should come up here. JULI: You can't cut it down. You just can't. BRYCE: And she's been stalking me since JULI: What do you mean? Nothing. It's so beautiful. MAN 1: Listen, girl. I'm this close to the second grade. RICHARD: Oh, okay. My mistake. BRYCE: I can't. I sprained my, um... I calling the police. You are trespassing and CHET: Well, a girl like that doesn'tlive JULI: Why would you even think that? have a rash. obstructing progress on a contracted job. next door to everyone. RICHARD: No reason. Just that you... talk JULI: From that moment on, that became Now either you come down, or we're BRYCE: Lucky them. about him all the time. my spot. I could sit there for hours, just gonna cut you down.CHET: Read this. Without prejudice. JULI: I do? looking out at the world. Some days the JULI: Go ahead. Cut me down. I'm not BRYCE: Like Ineeded to know anything RICHARD: Mm-hm. sunsets would be purple and pink. And coming down. I'm never coming down. more about Juli Baker. JULI: I don't know. I guess it's something some days they were a blazing orange Bryce. You guys, come up here with me. BRYCE: Juli wasn't at the busstop the about his eyes. Or maybe his smile. setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It They won't cut it down if we're all up here. next morning. Or the morning after that. RICHARD: But what about him? was during one of those sunsets that my Bryce, please don't let them do this. Come She was at school, but you'd never know JULI: What? father's ideaof the whole being greater on, you guys. Bryce, please. You don't it. RICHARD: You have to look at the whole than the sum of its parts moved from my have toGARRETT: Little Joe? He's got so much landscape. head to my heart. Some days I would get come up this high. Just a little ways. Bryce,3please. Please. I rode my bike so I wouldn't have to pass of all the time you'd save. and Clyde and Dexter and Eunice and JULI: What happened after that was a blur. by the stump... that used to be the earth's BRYCE: I could've gone my whole life Florence? The ones I hatched for the It seemed like the whole town was there. most magnificent sycamore tree.But no not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw... if science fair.But still I wouldn't move. Then my father matter what I did, Icouldn't stop thinking it hadn't been for Lynetta. She had a BRYCE: How could I forget? showed up. He talked a fireman into about it. major-league thing for Skyler Brown. BRYCE: It was classic Juli Baker. She letting him come up to where I was. [KNOCKING ON DOOR] LYNETTA: I think it's gross. totally dominated the fair. And get this, her RICHARD: Sweetie, it's time to come RICHARD: Are you okay? BRYCE: He and Juli's brothers, Matt and project was all about watching boring eggs down. JULI: It was just a tree. Mark, had formed a band. And Lynetta hatch. I mean, here I had a live-action JULI: Daddy, please don't let them do this. RICHARD: No, it wasn't just a tree. I would watch them practice.erupting volcano... and all anyone cared RICHARD: Sweetie... never want you to forget how you felt MARK: That is so neat. How about that, about was Juli's boring chicks... breaking JULI: Daddy, look. You can see when you were up there. huh, Bryce? out of their boring shells. everything. You can see the whole world JULI: Thanks, Dad. BRYCE: Yeah. Neat. JULI: Oh, I think the last one's hatching. from here. JULI: It was the first thing I saw every SKYLER: So, Brycie, how do you think WOMAN 1: It's hatching. RICHARD: No view is worth my morning... and the last thing I saw before I he's gonna digest that? WOMAN 2: Oh, it's hatching.daughter's safety. Now, come on. went to sleep. And once I could look at it BRYCE: Stomach acid? WOMAN 1: Kids, come over here. JULI: I can't. without crying... I saw more than the tree SKYLER: You'd like to think that. Wait, BRYCE: But hey, she won. I lost. I've RICHARD: Julianna,it's time to come and what being up there meant to me. I everybody quiet. Here he goes. [SHELL never been one to dwell. down now. saw the day that my view of things around CRACKING] Eggs over easy. WOMAN 2: Here itcomes. JULI: Please, Daddy. me started changing. And I wondered, did LYNETTA: Gross. Gross, gross, gross. BRYCE: But that didn't mean I hadto eat RICHARD: It's time. I still feel the same things about Bryce? SKYLER: Wait, wait. You haven't seen the her lousy eggs.JULI: And that was it. I must've cried for SCENE 5 best part. PATSY: I think it was very sweet of Juli to two weeks straight. Oh, sure, Iwent to BRYCE: I've never been a huge fan of LYNETTA: Ugh! Gross. bring us those eggs.school and did the best I could... but eggs. I mean, I could always just take BRYCE: I tried to be casual about it, but it BRYCE: I don't care. I'm still having nothing seemed to matter. them or leave them.That is, until one day didn't take. I started having bad dreams. cereal tomorrow.TEACHER: Juli? in Skyler Brown's garage.. when my I'd be trapped inside a huge egg... and this STEVEN: Yeah, how do we know there's JULI: Huh? feelings about eggs were solidified. monster would open his jawsand start to no chicks in one of those eggs? TEACHER: Do you know the answer? [BAND PLAYING ROCK MUSIC] devour me. I'd wake up just in time. CHET: I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when JULI: Uh, the Peloponnesian War? SKYLER: Hey, hey, hey. Guys. Edna's [KNOCKING ON DOOR] Then the real I was a kid. They were delicious. TEACHER: I'm sure that's the answer to found her breakfast. nightmare began. STEVEN: Yeah, well, that's allwell and something... but I was looking for the area BRYCE: I mean, if a slimy reptile found JULI: Hi, Bryce. I brought these over for good...but what if we crack one open and of a rhomboid. them appetizing...there was certainly no you and your family. My chickens are a dead chick falls out? [CHILDREN LAUGH] place for them in my diet. laying eggs. CHET: Do they have a rooster? If they JULI: Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles MATT: Oh, man, that's so cool. She BRYCE: What? don't have a rooster the eggs can't be right triangles... didn't seem so important. doesn't even have to chew. I mean, think JULI: You remember Abby and Bonnie fertile.4PATSY: And if they had a rooster, we'd contact with Juli Baker. The balance of chickens. PATSY: Do you suppose they could have know. The whole neighborhood would which involved spying over her back BRYCE:They're all chickens. salmonella?know. fence. CHET: I'm proud of you, Bryce. You CHET: It's not very likely. LYNETTA: Maybe they got it de-yodeled. BRYCE: Come on, come on. Shh. Shh. overcame your fear. STEVEN: Why take the risk? STEVEN: "De-yodeled"? Over here. BRYCE: Huh? PATSY: What do we do with the eggs? LYNETTA: You know. BRYCE: I can't see the stupid chickens. CHET: STEVEN: Give them back. De-cock-a-doodle-doo'd. GARRETT: We gotta get them outof the CHET: You talked to her. BRYCE: Give them back? To Juli? STEVEN: What the hell are you talking coop. BRYCE: Oh, heh. Yeah. It's no big deal. STEVEN: Sure. You talked to her before, about? [CLUCKING] STEVEN: That's what she told you? right? It didn't kill you. LYNETTA: Like they de-bark dogs. BRYCE: Is that a rooster? They're all chickens? BRYCE: Well, what do I say? PATSY: Bryce, why don't you just ask GARRETT: No,it looks like a chicken. BRYCE: Yeah. STEVEN: Tell her we don't eat eggs.Uh, Juli? BRYCE: How can you tell? STEVEN: She's a genius. You're both we're allergic to them or something. Come BRYCE: I don't think that... GARRETT: It just does. genius... Of course they're all chickens.A on, use your brains.LYNETTA: What? You afraid to talk to BRYCE: See what I mean? Expertise. rooster's a chicken. The question is: Is one BRYCE: It didn't feel right to lie. Besides, her? BRYCE: Shh, shh! of them a rooster or are they all hens? even a seventh grader would know that BRYCE: I'm not afraid to talk to her. GARRETT: What? BRYCE: Hens? Who said anything about entire families aren't allergic to eggs. But I LYNETTA: [MIMICS CHICKEN] BRYCE: Juli. hens? Then it hit me. Garrett didn't know didn't wanna hurt her feelings either. So BRYCE: I know you are, but what am I? JULI: Here, guys. Go on, there you go. jack shit about chickens. that left me with only one option. And thus STEVEN: Okay. Just talk to her and find Here, guys. Go on. BRYCE: Do roosters strut? another near-death experience in my out. GARRETT: Yeah, they're all chickens. CHET: Yes, they do. ongoing saga with Juli Baker had been Bryce: How do you tell if one's a rooster? BRYCE: There's no rooster? STEVEN: What does that have to do with successfully avoided. Until one week later. GARRETT: Well, a rooster's bigger. GARRETT: What did I just say? anything? LULI: Hi, Bryce. Brought you some more Longer feathers. BRYCE: How can you tell? BRYCE: They're all hens. eggs.BRYCE: Mm-hm. GARRETT: Well, none of them are PATSY: Well, the main thing is the eggs BRYCE: Wow. Thanks.GARRETT: They've got that red stuff strutting. are okay. It's all settled. JULI: Did your family like the first batch? growing out oftheir head. And around JULI: Here, come on. BRYCE: Not for me. There was no way I BRYCE: Do you even have to ask? their neck too. BRYCE: Roosters strut? was ever gonna eat anything that had JULI: Great. See you at school. BRYCE: That shouldn't be too hard to JULI: Come on, guys. anything to do with Juli Baker. BRYCE: What I hoped would be a spot. GARRETT: What did I just say? BRYCE: I'm not eating them. one-time event was just the beginning of a GARRETT: Although, come to think of it, JULI: Here. PATSY: Well, why not? life consumed with lies, intrigue and chickens have the rubbery red stuff too. GARRETT: Plus, hardly any of them have BRYCE: Have you seen their yard? It's... deception. Every morning I'd be on the Just not as much. any rubbery red stuff. There's not even any grass. It's all mud lookout for Juli so if she happened to BRYCE: Garrett's expertise in roosters... JULI: What are you doing? and chicken turds. come, I could whip the door open before was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid GARRETT: Yeah. They're definitely all LYNETTA: Ew. Gross. Salmonella. she knocked.5BRYCE: Thanks. raising chickens. But I begged and pleaded. least I could do. Besides, if I happened to BRYCE: Juli? What are you stilldoing BRYCE: Then I'd dump the eggs before I told her I would take care of everything. run into Bryce, that wouldn't be the end of here?anyone noticed. And why? Why couldn't I And I did. the world. JULI:I was just thinking. just face her? Why couldn't I just say:"No, JULI: Where's Clyde? Clyde? Hey, Clyde. JULI: Hi, Bryce. BRYCE: It's pickup day. The cans are in thanks. Don't want them. Don't need them. What'sthe matter? Are you okay? Aren't JULI: By the third time I brought eggs front.Give them to the snake"? Was I really you hungry? Come on. Come here. What's over to the Loskis I realized Bryce was JULI: I know. You need some help? afraid of hurting her feelings or was I just wrong, baby? Come here. Hey, you're not waiting for me. Waiting to pull open the BRYCE: No. Maybe I'll do it later. afraid of her? Clyde. You're Clydette. Mom! door and say, "Thanks, Juli. See you at JULI: Are those my eggs? SCENE 6 JULl: As it turned out, my hens laid more school." And in return, I got a few BRYCE: Yeah. Yeah, I dropped them. RICHARD: Now, you wanna make sure eggs than we could eat. At first we tried to moments alonewith the world's most JULI: They're not broken. Why are you you get it... keep up, but after a month of boiling, dazzling eyes. throwing them away? Don't you want JULI: When Mrs. Brubeck first suggested frying anddeviling like that movie The BRYCE: Thanks, Juli. See you at school. them?hatching eggs as my science project I was Blob, we were being overtaken by eggs. JULI: It was a bargain. Until the day it BRYCE: Itwasn't me. My dad didn't think less than excited. That is, until I saw my Then opportunity in the form of our wasn't. It was two weeks afterthe it was worth the risk. first sign of life. neighbor, Mrs. Steuby, knocked. sycamore tree was cut down and I was just JULI: Risk? What risk? TRINA: Is that it? STEUBY: Hello, dear. If you ever have starting tofeel normal again. BRYCE: Salmonella.RICHARD: That's the embryo. Heh. any extra, I'd be happy to buy them from BRYCE: Hey, Juli. Right on schedule. JULI: What are you talking about? He's TRINA: Wow. you. JULI: Yeah, well, neither rain nor sleet. afraid of being poisoned? JULI: It looks like a bean. JULI: Really? BRYCE: Huh? BRYCE: Well, Juli, I mean, look at your TRINA: It does. STEUBY: Certainly. And I happen to JULI: You know, the mailman thing? back yard. It's a complete mess. It's like JULI: Let's try the other ones. know that Mrs. Helms would be interested BRYCE: Oh. Right. So, um, will you start covered in turds.JULl: Suddenly it felt real. All the eggs as well. riding the bus again? JULI: That's not true. I clean up after my were alive. There were, like, little bean JULI: Great. JULI: I don't know. I haven't been up there girls every day.babies inside every one. On the day of the STEUBY: Nothing likefresh eggs. since... BRYCE: We just didn't wanna hurt your fair, JULI: Thanks, Mrs. Steuby. BRYCE: It doesn't look so bad anymore. feelings.all six chicks hatched. What are the odds? STEUBY: You bet, dear. Bye. It's all cleared away. Well, um, I better get JULI: Have you alwaysthrown them away? TEACHER: This year's top prize goes to JULI: Between Mrs. Steuby and Mrs. ready for school. Guess I'll see you there. You know, Mrs. Steuby and Mrs. Helms Juli Baker for her wonderful project: "A Helms, my egg overflow problem was JULI: See you. pay me for my eggs.Chicken is Born." solved. Then I realized that Mrs. Loski JULI:Maybe Bryce was right. Maybe it BRYCE: They do?JULI: I won first place. And that was cool, deserved eggs too. But I didn't think it was time I started riding the bus again. JULI: They pay me 60 cents a dozen. but all I really cared about were my would be right to charge her. She had been After all, didn't he just tell me he wanted BRYCE: I didn't know. chicks. such a good neighbor, lending us supplies me to? Could it be that Bryce Loski JULI: How could you? JULI: There you go. There you go, guys. when we ran out, giving my mother a rideactually misses me? BRYCE: I'm sorry.JULI: My mom wasn't crazy about us when our car wouldn't start, it was the [DOOR OPENS] JULI: No, you're not.6SCENE 7 BRYCE: When it came to holding a JULI: I guess so. STEVEN: No, it's not okay. BRYCE: It didn't take me long to realize grudge, Juli Baker was truly impressive. [BONANZA THEME PLAYING] BRYCE: Juli reminds him of Grandma. that I'd traded in my old problems with All week I tried to approach her at school. BRYCE: While Juli's acceptance of my STEVEN: Of Renee? Heh. That's Juli Baker for a whole set of new ones. It She'dalways find some way to duck me. apology was not all that I'd hoped for, at ridiculous.was actually worse having her mad at me And whenever she was in her yard, least the eggs thing was finally behind me. CHET: You know why the Bakers haven't than having her annoy me. The way she Grandpa was always there with her. The first time in months I could truly fixed their yard?ignored me was a constant reminder that Finally, one Saturday I sawmy opening. enjoy Bonanza. STEVEN: Yeah, because he's too busy I'd beena jerk. Then one day I was My grandfather had gone into town to buy CHET: Where you going and why you with his paint-by-numbers kit. coming home from playing basketball some Bengay. I guess the yard work was dressedlike that? CHET: If you had a brother with a severe with Garrett...and things got weird. starting to get to him. LYNETTA: Skyler's. Matt and Mark are handicap, what would you do? CHET: Don't be so timid. Come on, you BRYCE: It's looking real good. bringing over recording stuff andthey're STEVEN: What the hell does that have to won't hurt them. JULI: Thanks. Chet did most of it. gonna make a demo. do with anything?JULl: Like this? BRYCE: I'm sorry for what I did. STEVEN: Demo? Like they know how to CHET: Juli's father has a retarded brother. CHET: Yeah, that's it. JULI: I just don't get it, Bryce. Why didn't make a demo. STEVEN: So what? He's not the gardener, BRYCE: My grandfather. All Iever saw you just tell me? LYNETTA: You don't even know them. is he? Heh.him wear was slippers. Now, where did he BRYCE: I don't know. It was dumb. And I STEVEN: I don't have to. I know the type. PATSY: Steven.。