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belong to a black Coffee
A large amount of water added directly
higher caffeine
two tablespoons milk foam into espresso
Macdo means “mark” in Italian so machiatto symbolize the sweet mark
(Flat white)
a specialty of Malaysia
color is not white, but soft white light more than the average Coffee
(Caffè Latte)
a classical mixed espresso coffee with milk
Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. It is one of the main beverages in the world with cocoa and tea. First consumed in the 9th century, when it was discovered in the highland of Ethiopia. Today, trade in coffee has a large economic value. Coffee is an important export commodity for many countries; in 2004, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries, and in 2005, it was among the world's top fifteen legal agricultural exports in value.
复杂性 (Complexity) :用作形容对多种口味的领会 及体验
平衡度 (Balanced) :形容咖啡在各方面都十分均衡
一般咖啡口味特色:光亮(Bright)、干(Dry)、剧烈 (Sharp)、强烈(Snappy,中美洲咖啡的典型)
焦糖味 (Caramelly) :糖味或糖浆口味 巧克力味 (Chocolaty) :适合餐后饮用的口味,跟非
UCC悠诗诗 是以定点精心培养、种植的咖啡 豆为原料,由日本UCC上岛咖啡株式会社生 产、销售的世界著名品牌咖啡。 1993年成 立于日本,是日本在世界上最为成功的品牌, 也是品质的保证
皇室哥本哈根 Royal Copenhagen
Have high quality evaluation. In Coffee market, has not shake the position. I n the round table, enjoy the highest quality award. Has the position that unable to change with the pursuit of the highest quality in Coffee trend. The basic reason of mellow is the use of coffee bean from Brazil.
Can also put some sugar into Caramel Latte
Italy Coffee
As famous as machiato
In Italian, Con means ‘and’ ,Panna means whipped cream
维也纳咖啡 (Viennese)
德国著名咖啡品牌。推出 一系列的卡布奇诺咖啡, 味香芳醇。市面上常见其 随身包包装
Nescafe Coffee originated in 1930 Founder : Henry Nestle slogan : Choose quality, choose
the Nescafe 选品质、选雀巢
浓缩咖啡 (Espresso)
Belongs to the Italian Coffee
directly rushed out of the coffee
Suitable for office workers.
美式咖啡 (Americano)
the most common Coffee
咖啡因会刺激交感神经,刺激胃肠分泌胃酸,促进消化、防止胃胀、胃下 垂,及促进肠胃激素、蠕动激素,使快速通便 美容皮肤 消除疲劳 防止心血管疾病
低血压患者每天喝杯黑咖啡,可以使自己更佳。在高温煮咖啡的过程中, 还会产生一种抗氧化的化合物,它有助于抗癌、抗衰老、甚至有防止心血 管疾病的作用,可以与水果和蔬菜媲美。 影响情绪 实验表明,一般人一天吸收300毫克(约3杯煮泡咖啡)的咖啡因,对一 个人的机警和情绪会带来良好的影响 减肥 使用咖啡粉洗澡是一种温热疗法,有减肥的作用
浓茶、咖啡、含碳酸盐的饮料也是形成消化道溃疡病的危险因子; 所以患有胃部疾患者,不宜多饮咖啡
喝完咖啡不宜立即抽烟,咖啡里边的某些成分和香烟相结合产生 致癌物质
Thank you
the most famous Coffee in Austria
whipped cream and chocolate mixture
爱尔兰咖啡(Irish Coffee)
Irish Whiskey is added into the concentrated Coffee, then top with a layer of cream.
甜的香草及巧克力味道相同 细致 (Delicate) :一种利用舌头顶部领会出来的隐晦
口味(多用作形容新几内亚的亚伯加咖啡) 土味(Earthy) :土壤味道(多用作形容Sumatran咖
啡) 香味 (Fragrant) :泛指花香以至香料的香气味道
解酒 酒后喝咖啡,能使由酒精转变而来的乙醛快速氧 化,分解成水和二氧化 碳而排出体外; 改善肝脏功能 研究结果称患有肝炎或肝硬化等丙型(C型)慢性肝脏疾病的患者,每天饮用 一杯以上滴漏咖啡(drip coffee)的话,其肝脏的机能将会得到改善。 开胃助食
Mocha is named after a famous Mocha port.
General senior personage loves
UCC is based on the point of cultivating, planting Coffee beans as raw material Japan's UCC island Coffee Corporation production, sales of well-known brands in the world Coffee. Founded in Japan in 1993. It is the most successful brand in the world, and it is the guarantee of quality.
一直拥有高品质的评价。在咖啡市场 上,拥有无法动摇的地位。圆桌会议 上,享有最高品质荣誉。在咖啡追求 最高品质的趋势上拥有无法改变的地 位。其中香醇的基本原因是使用来自 巴西,世界著名的克拉西菲卡多尔所 使用的咖啡豆。
探索蓝色元素的细 节
格兰特咖啡 Grandoscoffee
The famous German coffee brand. Launched a series of cappuccino, it is fragrant, mellow. We can find the portable package on the market
mixed with espresso and steam bubble milk equivalent of Italy coffee.
The color of coffee like cappuccino monks in the church on a dark brown coat covered with a scarf
In general, the taste is heavier than the latte
摩卡咖啡(Café Mocha)
one of the oldest Coffee
It is composed of Italy concentrated Coffee, chocolate sauce, cream and milk mixture.
茶叶和咖啡中的单宁酸,会让钙吸收降低。所以,喝茶和喝咖啡 的时间,最好是选在两餐当中
含咖啡因的饮料和食品,被孕妇大量饮用后,会出现恶心、呕吐、 头痛、心跳加快等症状。咖啡因还会通过胎盘进入胎儿体内, 影响胎儿发育;
儿童不宜喝咖啡。咖啡因可以兴奋儿童中枢神经系统,干扰儿童的 记忆,造成儿童多动症Байду номын сангаас
It can be said, the Irish Coffee is an alcoholic Coffee.
焦糖玛琪朵 (Caramel Macchiato)
by adding fragrant Hot Milk, vanilla, caramel into concentrated coffee