



呼吸科英文病历范文ENGLISHCASE700756(Respiratory department)----------------------------Name: Liyuzhen `Age:42 yearsSex: FemaleRace: HanOccupation: Free occupationNationality: ChinaMarried status: married Addre: Qianjing Road No.16, Wuhan Hankou.thDate of admiion: July 26, 2001thDate of record: July 26, 2001Present illne:Two days ago the patient suddenly started to cough and feelHer spirit,sleep,appetite were normal.stool and urine werenormal, too.----------------------------PastHistory:General health status: normalOperation history: thyroidectomy.Infection history: No history of tuberculosis or hepatitis.Allergic history: allergic to a lot of drugs such as sulfanilamideTraumatic history: No traumatic history----------------------------SystemreviewRespiratorysystem: No history of repeated pharyngodynia, chroniccough, expectoration, hemoptysis, asthma, dyspneaor chest pain.Circulation system: No history of palpitation, hemoptysis, legsedema, short breath after sports, hypertension,precordium pain or faintne.Digestive system: No history of low appetite, sour regurgitation,belching, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension,abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, hemaptysis,melena, hematochezia or jaundice.Urinary system: No history of lumbago, frequency of urination,urgency of urination, odynuria, dysuria, bloodyurine, polyuria or facial edemaHematopoietic system: No history of acratia, dizzine, gingivalbleeding, nasal bleeding, subcutaneous bleedingor ostealgia.Endocrine system: No history of appetite change, sweating, chillyexceive thirst, polyuria, hands tremor, character alternation, obesity, emaciation, hair change, pig- mentation or amenorrhea.Kinetic system: No history of wandering arthritis, joint pain, red swelling of joint, joint deformity, muscle painor myophagism.Neural system: No history of dizzine ,headache, vertigo, in- somnia, disturbance of consciousne, tremor, conv-ulsion, paralysis or abnormal sensation.--------------------------- Personal History:She was born in Hubei.She never smokes andDrinks.No exposurehistory to toxic substances,and infected water.Her menstruation was normal.LMP:23/7,2001----------------------------Family History:Her parents are living and well.No congenitaldisease in her family.---------------------------- PhysicalExaminationVital signs:T 36.6`C , P 80/min, R 22/min, BP120/80mmHg. General inspection: The patient is a well developed, well nou- rished adult female apparently in no acute distre,pleasant and cooperative.Skin:Normally free of eruption or unusual pigmentation. Lymphnodes: There are no swelling of lymphnodes. Head: Normal skull.No baldne, noscars.Eyes: No ptosis.Extraocular normal.Conjuctiva normal.The Pupils are round, regular, and react to light and ac-Ears: Externally normal.Canals clear.The drums normal.Nose: No abnormalities noted.Mouth and throat: lips red, tongue red.Alveolar ridges normal. Tonsils atrophil and uninfected.Neck: No adenopathy.Thyroid palpable,but not enlarged.No Abnormal pulsations.Trachea in middle.Chest and lung: Normal contour.Breast normal.Expansion equal. Fremitus normal.No unusual areas of dullne.Diaphr-agmatic position and excursion normal.No abnormal br-eath sound.No moist rales heard.No audible pleural fric-ion.There are lots of rhonchi rales and whoop can be heard thHeart: P.M.I 0.5cm to left of midolavicular line in 5 inter- Space.Forceful apex beat.No thrills.No pathologicheart murmur.Heart beat 80 and rhythm is normal. Abdomen: Flat abdomen.Good muscle tone.No distension.No v- isible peristalsis.No rigidity.No ma palpable.Tenderne (-), rebound tenderne (-).Liver and spleenare not palpable.Shifting dullne (-).Bowl soundsnormal.Systolic blowing murmur can be heard at theright side of the navel.Extremities: No joint disease.Muscle strength normal.No ab- normal motion.Thumb sign(+).Wrist sign(+).Neural system:Knee jerk (-).Achilles jerk (-).Babinski sign (-).Oppenheim sign (-).Chaddock sign (-).Conda sign (-).Hoffmann sign (-).Neck tetany (-)Kernig sign (-).Brudzinski sign (-).Genitourinary system: Normal.Rectum: No tenderne------Out-patient department data:No----------------------------Historysummary1).Li Yuzhen, female, 42y.2).Cough and dyspnea for 2 days3).PE: T 36.6`C, P 80/min, R 22/min, BP120/80mmHg.superficial nodes were not palpable.Normal vision.Upper palate haunch--uped.HR: 80bpm, rhythm is normal.There are lots of rho-nchi rales and whoop can be heard .Flat abdomen, Tenderne (-),rebound tenderne (-).Liver and spleen are not pal-pable.Shifting dullne (-).Bowl sounds normal..4).Outpatient data: see above.----------------------------Impreion: Bronchial asthmaSignature:He Lin 95-10033《英文病历.doc》。



呼吸系统大病历书写规范模板范文英文回答:Medical Record Template for Respiratory System.I. Chief Complaint.Describe the patient's primary reason for seeking medical attention.II. History of Present Illness.Describe the duration, nature, severity, and progression of the patient's symptoms.Elicit associated symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, or wheezing.Determine any potential triggers or exposures.III. Past Medical History.Document any previous respiratory conditions, surgeries, or treatments.Inquire about a history of smoking, allergies, or environmental exposures.IV. Social History.Assess the patient's smoking status, occupational exposure, and living environment.Determine if they have any pets or hobbies that may be contributing to their symptoms.V. Family History.Inquire about a family history of respiratory conditions, such as asthma or COPD.VI. Physical Examination.General:Assess the patient's overall appearance, vital signs, and oxygen saturation.Chest Auscultation:Listen for adventitious sounds such as wheezing, crackles, or rales.Chest Percussion:Determine the presence of dullness or hyperresonance.VII. Investigations.Order appropriate tests, such as:Chest X-ray.Pulmonary function tests.Sputum culture and sensitivity.Allergy testing.VIII. Diagnosis.Based on the findings, formulate a diagnosis and specify any underlying conditions.IX. Management.Outline the treatment plan, including:Medications (e.g., bronchodilators, corticosteroids)。



急性呼吸道感染门诊病历范文英文回答:Chief Complaint: Acute Respiratory Infection.History of Present Illness:The patient is a 25-year-old female who presents to the clinic today with a 3-day history of fever, chills, cough, and sore throat. She states that her fever has been as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit and that she has been taking ibuprofen to reduce it. She also reports that her cough is productive of yellow-green sputum and that she has been experiencing shortness of breath. She denies any chest pain or pleuritic chest pain.Past Medical History:The patient has a history of asthma that is well controlled with albuterol inhalers. She has no othersignificant medical history.Medications:The patient is currently taking ibuprofen for her fever and albuterol inhalers for her asthma.Allergies:The patient has no known drug allergies.Social History:The patient is a non-smoker and drinks alcohol socially. She is employed as a teacher and has been exposed toseveral students with respiratory infections in the pastfew weeks.Family History:The patient has no significant family history of respiratory illness.Physical Examination:General: The patient is in no acute distress. She is alert and oriented x3. Her vital signs are as follows:Temperature: 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.Heart rate: 90 beats per minute.Respiratory rate: 20 breaths per minute.Blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg.HEENT: The patient's head and neck are normocephalic and atraumatic. Her eyes are clear and white with no discharge. Her ears are normal in appearance with no erythema or drainage. Her nose is clear with no discharge. Her oropharynx is erythematous and edematous with small white exudates on her tonsils.Respiratory: The patient's lungs are clear toauscultation bilaterally. There is no wheezing or rales.Cardiovascular: The patient's heart is regular with no murmurs or gallops.Abdomen: The patient's abdomen is soft and non-tender. There is no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly.Musculoskeletal: The patient's muscles and joints are normal.Neurological: The patient's cranial nerves are intact. Her motor and sensory exams are normal.Assessment:The patient has an acute respiratory infection, most likely due to a viral upper respiratory infection (URI). She is at low risk for complications, given her age and overall health status.Treatment Plan:The patient was advised to rest and drink plenty of fluids. She was also prescribed a course of amoxicillin to treat her URI. She was instructed to return to the clinicif her symptoms worsen or if she develops any new symptoms.中文回答:主诉,急性呼吸道感染。



肺部感染病历书写范文英文回答:I remember the case of a patient who presented with symptoms of a lung infection. The patient, a 45-year-old man, came to the hospital complaining of a persistent cough, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. Upon examination, I noticed that he had a high fever and his breathing wasrapid and shallow. Based on these symptoms, I suspectedthat he had a lung infection.To confirm my suspicion, I ordered a series ofdiagnostic tests. The patient underwent a chest X-ray,which revealed the presence of infiltrates in the lungs. This finding, along with the patient's symptoms, further supported the diagnosis of a lung infection.Further investigations were carried out to determinethe causative agent of the infection. A sputum culture was collected and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Theresults showed the presence of Streptococcus pneumoniae, a common bacterium known to cause pneumonia.The patient was started on a course of antibiotics to target the specific bacteria causing the infection. In addition, supportive measures such as oxygen therapy and pain medication were provided to alleviate the patient's symptoms. The patient was closely monitored for any signsof deterioration or complications.Over the course of the treatment, the patient's symptoms gradually improved. His cough became less frequent, the chest pain subsided, and his breathing became easier. Repeat chest X-rays showed a reduction in the infiltrates, indicating a positive response to the treatment.After completing the course of antibiotics, the patient was discharged from the hospital with instructions forfollow-up care. He was advised to continue taking any prescribed medications and to monitor his symptoms closely. Additionally, he was encouraged to practice goodrespiratory hygiene and to get vaccinated againstpneumococcal infections.中文回答:我记得有一个病人的病历,他出现了肺部感染的症状。



soap英文病历Patient Information:Name: John SmithAge: 45 yearsGender: MaleDate of Admission: June 5, 2021Date of Discharge: June 10, 2021Chief Complaint:The patient presented with a persistent cough and difficulty breathing for the past week.History of Present Illness:Mr. Smith reports that he developed a cough one week ago, which has progressively worsened. He also complains of shortness of breath, especially during physical activities. He denies any chest pain, fever, or weight loss. The cough is non-productive and is not associated with any sputum or blood. He does not have a history of allergies or recent exposure to respiratory irritants.Past Medical History:The patient has a history of asthma, which is well-controlled with daily use of an inhaler. He had a similar episode of respiratory distress three years ago and was treated with corticosteroids and bronchodilators at that time. He denies any recent hospitalizations or surgeries.Family History:There is no significant family history of respiratory diseases.Social History:Mr. Smith is a non-smoker and does not consume alcohol regularly. He works as an office manager and is not exposed to any occupational hazards. He lives with his wife and two teenage children. He denies any recent travel or contact with sick individuals.Physical Examination:Upon examination, the patient appears in no acute distress. Vital signs are stable with a temperature of 98.6°F (37°C), blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg, heart rate of 80 beats per minute, and respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute. Auscultation of the lungs reveals bilateral wheezing and decreased breath sounds in the lower lung fields. There is no evidence of cyanosis or clubbing. The cardiovascular and abdominal examinations are within normal limits.Diagnostic Tests:A chest X-ray was ordered to evaluate the patient's respiratory symptoms. The X-ray showed bilateral diffuse patchy infiltrates, consistent with bronchial asthma. Pulmonary function tests were performed, revealing a decreased forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC), indicating obstructive lung disease.Assessment and Plan:The patient's symptoms, physical examination findings, and diagnostic test results are consistent with a diagnosis of exacerbation of bronchial asthma. The patient was started on a short course of oral corticosteroids, a short-acting bronchodilator,and an inhaled corticosteroid. He was also provided education regarding trigger avoidance and proper inhaler technique. Close follow-up was scheduled to monitor his response to treatment and adjust the management plan if necessary.Follow-Up:The patient will be seen for a follow-up visit in two weeks to evaluate his response to treatment and adjust his medication regimen if needed. He was instructed to monitor his lung function at home using a peak flow meter and seek medical attention if there is a significant decrease in his peak flow readings or if his symptoms worsen. The importance of regular follow-up visits and adherence to the prescribed medication regimen was emphasized. Summary:Mr. Smith, a 45-year-old male with a history of asthma, presented with a persistent cough and difficulty breathing. A diagnosis of exacerbation of bronchial asthma was made based on his symptoms, examination findings, and diagnostic tests. The patient was started on appropriate treatment and provided with education regarding trigger avoidance and inhaler technique. Close follow-up was arranged to monitor his response to treatment and ensure optimal management.。



儿科呼吸道感染完整病历范文英文回答:Pediatric Respiratory Infection.Chief Complaint: Respiratory infection.History of Present Illness:The patient is a 4-year-old male who presents to the clinic with a 3-day history of cough, rhinorrhea, and fever. The cough is described as non-productive and dry. Thepatient has also experienced some congestion and nasal discharge. The fever has been low-grade, reaching a maximum of 100.4°F. The patient has not had any vomiting, diarrhea, or shortness of breath.Past Medical History:The patient has no significant past medical history.Medications:The patient is not currently taking any medications.Allergies:The patient has no known drug or food allergies.Social History:The patient lives with his parents and two siblings. He attends daycare three times per week.Family History:The patient's mother has asthma.Physical Examination:General: The patient is in no acute distress. He is well-developed and well-nourished.Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat (HEENT): Thepatient's head is normocephalic and atraumatic. His eyes are clear and conjunctiva are pink. His ears are normal in appearance. His nose is congested and there is clear nasal discharge. His oropharynx is clear and without erythema or exudate.Neck: The patient's neck is supple and without adenopathy.Chest: The patient's chest is symmetric with good air movement bilaterally. Auscultation reveals clear breath sounds throughout. There are no wheezes, rales, or rhonchi.Cardiovascular: The patient's heart is regular and no murmurs are appreciated.Abdomen: The patient's abdomen is soft, non-tender, and non-distended. Bowel sounds are normoactive.Genitourinary: The patient's external genitalia arenormal in appearance.Neurological: The patient is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. He has no focal neurological deficits.Assessment:Respiratory infection, most likely viral.Plan:Symptomatic treatment with over-the-counter cough and cold medications.Rest and fluids.Reassurance and follow-up as needed.中文回答:儿科呼吸道感染。



呼吸科病例讨论模板范文英文回答:Pulmonology Case Discussion Template.I. Patient Information.Name.Age.Sex.Occupation.Smoking history.Medical history.Current medications.II. Presenting Symptoms.Chief complaint.Duration of symptoms.Associated symptoms (e.g., chest pain, shortness of breath, cough)。

Triggers (e.g., exercise, allergens)。

Exacerbating factors (e.g., smoke, pollution)。

III. Physical Examination.Vital signs.Respiratory examination (e.g., auscultation, percussion)。

Cardiovascular examination.Neurological examination.IV. Laboratory Findings.Pulmonary function tests (e.g., spirometry, lung volumes)。

Chest X-ray.Computed tomography (CT) scan.Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis.Microbiological studies (e.g., sputum culture, bronchoscopy)。

V. Differential Diagnosis.List of possible diagnoses based on patient history, physical examination, and laboratory findings.Explain rationale for each diagnosis.VI. Management Plan.Medications (e.g., antibiotics, bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids)。



医学英语病历写作范文Chief Complaint: Left leg pain with recent fall.History of Present Illness: The patient is a 65-year-old male who presents to the emergency department with a chief complaint of left leg pain. He states that he fell down a flight of stairs approximately 3 hours prior to presentation. He reports that he is in moderate to severe pain, which is localized to his left lower extremity. He denies any associated numbness or tingling. He has no prior history of leg pain or injury.Past Medical History: The patient has a history of hypertension, which is well-controlled with medication. He has no other significant medical history.Social History: The patient is married and has two children. He is a retired construction worker. He smokes one pack of cigarettes per day and drinks alcohol socially.Family History: The patient's father has a history of coronary artery disease. His mother has a history of Alzheimer's disease.Physical Examination:Vital signs: Blood pressure 140/80 mmHg, heart rate 80 bpm, respiratory rate 18 breaths per minute, temperature 98.6°F (37°C).General: The patient is in moderate distress due to pain. He is alert and oriented to person, place, and time.HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. Pupils are equal and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact. No conjunctival injection or discharge. Tympanic membranes are intact and mobile.Neck: Supple with full range of motion. No masses or tenderness.Chest: Auscultation reveals clear breath soundsbilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi.Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, rubs, or gallops.Abdomen: Soft and non-tender. No masses or organomegaly.Extremities: Left lower extremity: Examination reveals swelling and tenderness of the left knee. There is a palpable step-off deformity of the lateral aspect of theleft knee. Active and passive range of motion is limiteddue to pain. Distal pulses are palpable and capillaryrefill is brisk. Sensation is intact. Right lower extremity: Examination reveals no abnormalities.Neurological Examination:Mental status: Alert and oriented to person, place,and time. No deficits in attention, memory, or language.Cranial nerves: No deficits.Motor: Strength is 5/5 in both upper and lower extremities. No atrophy or fasciculations.Sensory: Sensation is intact to light touch, pinprick, and temperature in all four extremities.Diagnostic Studies:X-ray of the left knee: The X-ray shows a displaced lateral tibial plateau fracture.Assessment:Left knee pain.Displaced lateral tibial plateau fracture.Plan:The patient will be admitted to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment.He will be placed in a knee immobilizer and will be started on pain medication.Orthopedic surgery will be consulted for further management.。



医学英语病历书写范文Here's a sample of a medical English patient chart entry, written in an informal yet professional manner, adhering to the given requirements:The patient presented with complaints of persistent headache and occasional dizziness. He mentioned that the pain was localized to the left side of his forehead and tended to worsen with stress.On physical examination, I noticed a slight elevation in blood pressure, but other vital signs were within normal limits. The patient's neurological reflexes were intact.The patient mentioned a history of high blood pressure and was on regular medication for the same. However, he admitted to missing a few doses recently.We discussed possible causes of his headache, including stress, lack of sleep, and diet. I recommended lifestylemodifications and a follow-up visit if symptoms persisted.The patient expressed concern about the possibility of a more serious underlying condition. I assured him that while we need to be vigilant, his current symptoms are more likely to be related to lifestyle factors.I prescribed a mild pain reliever and advised him to monitor his blood pressure regularly. The patient seemed relieved after the consultation and thanked me for my time.Overall, the patient's condition seems manageable with lifestyle changes and regular monitoring. I'll recommend further testing if symptoms worsen or persist.。



英语病历书写-英语病例写作⽅法-⼊院记录Admission note:Personal details, admission date, major complaint, present history, simple previous and other histories, physical examination done, laboratory done, impression, problems, initial plan for treatment.Present history : onset, cause or triggers, evolution, received treatment, general conditions after onsetPersonal details, admission date, major complaintA 25-year-old lady (个⼈资料) was admitted (被动语态) to (was brought into) this hospital on May 11,2003 (⼊院⽇期) because of fever and caugh with chill for three days.常⽤主诉:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, shot of breath, rash, bleeding, pain in some part (epigastium), discomfort in some part (anal region), difficulty in some function (walking), loss of function (vision), decrease (increase) of function (libido), irregular in (menstrual period).Present historyFour days ago ,the patient took a trip to Guangzhou on business(发病背景).The next day (起病时间) she complained of chill and malaise (起病特征), and in the afternoon (演变时间) she began to cough and temperature went up to 38 ℃ (演变状况).Self administration of APC and Dicough had no effect (已诊治情况).The patient was in good nutritional and conscious condition on admission (起病当初⼀般情况).⼀般过去时,⽤简单句,介词或名词短语作时间状语以体现病情演变。



询问病史 12case historyYou need to get a detailed history including the timing and acuity of onset, exacerbating and alleviating factors and environment triggers to help you confirm a diagnosis or discard other diseases /develop a differential diagnosis. Ask your patient whether there is a history of tobacco use, or other toxic and environmental exposures and his occupational history.General/biographical,baiu'ɡrfik,-kl data传记,marital婚姻status, nativity出生, occupation, informant提供消息的人, time of admission and record, chief complaint, history of present illness, previous health statuswell, ordinary or bad, any infectious diseases, allergic history, history of trauma or surgery, smoking about how many years, average how many pieces per day, ceased for how many years, alcohol intakeoccasional or frequent,spouse’s spaus 配偶health status, menorrhea,men'ri:月经menarche me'nɑ:ki:, m- 初潮 age , cycle lasting for how many days, menstrual cycle, last menstruation period or age of menopause, any menstrual'menstrul 月经周期 pain or irregular cycle, childbearing or pregnancy times , natural labor, abortions流产 ,premature,prem'tju, ,pri:- delivery早产, stillbirths 死产, difficult labor, family history any congenital先天性 diseases, father and mother: still alive, illness ,or cause of death, siblings兄弟姐妹 and children常用的症状 symptomsfeverCough 咳嗽Sputum dry, purulent'pjurjulnt脓性的, copious'kupis green sputum大量绿色痰,tenacious ti'neis, t- yellow sputum 黄粘痰,frothy white sputum白色泡沫痰,rusty sputum 铁锈色痰wheezingDyspnea during exertion iɡ'z:n or at rest 呼吸困难Orthopnea:'θpni端坐呼吸Paroxysmal,prk'sizml nocturnal nk't:nl dyspnea 夜间阵发性呼吸困难Shortness of breath SOBChest tightness 胸部紧迫感Exercise intolerancepleuritic chest pain 胸膜型胸痛Pharyngalgia frin'gldi ; pharyngodynia,fri'ɡdini咽痛Hemoptysis 咯血Bucking 呛咳Sneeze喷嚏snore 打鼾malaise m'leiz不舒服myalgia mai'ldi 肌痛insomnia in'smni失眠hoarseness声嘶dysphonia dis'funi发声困难常见的体征 physical signsclubbed fingers杵状指: increased longitudinal,lndi'tju:dinl and transverse横向 curvature'k:vt弯曲 ,loss of concave'knkeiv凹面的 nail fold angle, bogginess of nail bed and increased soft tissue bulk of distal phalanx 'flks, 'fei-趾骨,指骨, drumstick- likenicotine stainingcyanosis,sai'nusis发绀:blue discolouration of mucosal membranes and skin ,caused when mean capillary concentration of deoxyhemoglobin di:,ksi'hemu,ɡlubin去氧血红蛋白 more than 5g/dl, O2 saturation less than 85%,PaO2 less than 8KPaperipheral p'rifrl外围的,次要的 cyanosis: cold blue peripheries, . nail beds due to cold exposurescentral cyanosis: warm peripheries, blue tongue or lipshand flap: due to CO2 retention潴留asterixis 扑翼样震颤papilloedema 视乳头水肿chemosis球结膜水肿enlarged supraclavicula锁骨上的r kl'vikjul and axillary k'silri腋窝 lymph nodesincreased respiratory ratetachycardia 心动过速pulsus paradoxus: >10 mmHg ↓on inspiration seen in severe asthmabarrel chesthyperexpanded, decreased expansionkyphosis kai'fusis驼背,脊柱后凸Inspection:tachypnea ,tkip'ni:呼吸急促accessory muscles of respiration,resp'rein: sternocleidomastoid'st:nu,klaid'mstid 胸锁乳突肌muscle, arm support, alae flaringwide or narrow intercostal,int'kstl 肋间的 spacetactile触觉的 vocal声音的 fremitus震颤触觉语颤subcutaneous crepitus 皮下捻发感Percussion:resonance清音dullness浊音flatness实音hyperresonance过清音tympany/timp2ni/鼓音lower borders: scapular'skpjul肩胛的line X left/right intercostal,int'kstl 肋间的 spacerange of mobility mu'bilti移动Auscultation,:skl'tein:听诊vocal resonance 语音共振ronchi: wheeze , stridor'straid 喘鸣 , crackles'krkl发出细碎的爆裂声, Velcro-like soundesmoist rales : coarse粗的, medium中等的, fine好的, crepitus捻发音pleural friction rubscomplete absence of breath soundsankle edemaweight loss,cachexia k'keksi恶病质,cachectic k'kektik恶病质的decreased food appetite, loss of appetite, anorexia,n'reksi食欲减退常做的检查 examinations or laboratory findingsto take ,undergo, perform ,receive or havetemperature charts 体温图take one’s body temperaturesputum pot 痰盂Blood/urine/stool routine, occult'klt/ blood test潜隐血试验Blood biochemistrySputum /blood culture and drug sensitivity testsputum cytology sai'tldi细胞学Pulse oximeter k'simit脉氧计:continuous monitoring of blood oxygen saturationArterial blood gas analysisABG: arterial blood sampling , radial/ femoral'femrl股骨的 artery puncture穿刺PaCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood hypercarbiaPaO2: partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood hypoxemia,haipk'si:mi血氧不足respiratory failure:type 1: decreased O2 supply, PaO2<60 mmHgmillimeters of mercury'm:kjuri汞due to diffusion failure or V/Q dismatch ventilation-perfusionquotientratiopulmonary edema, pneumonia, infarction, fibrosis,or pulmonary embolism,pulmonary hypertension, shunttype 2: decreased CO2 removal, PaCO2>50 mmHgmillimeters of mercurydue to alveolar ventilation failureobstructive: COPD, asthma, bronchiectasisrestrictive: neuromuscular,njuru'mskjul神经肌肉 sedatives'sdtiv镇静剂myasthenia,mais'θi:ni肌无力, structural'strktrl结构的ankylosing spondylitis,ki'luzi,spndi'laitis强直性脊柱炎, pleural diseases ,obesity Chest X-ray/radiograph:reticulo-nodular shadowing reticular ri'tikjul网状的, linear'lini线状的, military nodules粟粒样结节coin lesions 硬币样cavities空腔:amphoric'mfrik空翁音的breathing like blowing over a bottle topopacification u,psifi'kein浑浊:consolidation air space infiltrate:confluent'knflunt支流的,汇合的 shadowing and air bronchogramf支气管造影collapse: lobarupper, middle/lingual, lowersegmental atelactasis肺不张pleural effusionmediastinal,mi:dis'tainl纵隔 mass: thyroid ,thymomaθai'mum胸腺瘤, teratoma,ter'tum畸胎瘤, TB lymph nodes,terrible diagnoses including lymphoma lim'fum淋巴瘤 and aneurysm 动脉瘤Chest CT scan computed tomographyHead MRImagnetic resonance imagingPET-CT of the whole bodypositron-emission tomography'pzitrn正电子Abdominal ultrasound'ltrsaund超声skin prick test 皮肤点刺试验dust mites尘螨,pollen花粉,cockroach 蟑螂tuberculin skin test purified protein derivative di'rivtiv纯蛋白衍生物of tuberculin test, PPD testPulmonary function test : Spirometry spai'rmitri呼吸量测定法,肺量测定法obstructive lung diseases: airflow limitationFEV1/FVC FVC RV and TLC KCO< ↓ ↑ ↓restrictive lung diseases: decreased lung compliance and small lung volumesintraparenchymal > ↓↓ ↓ ↓extraparenchymal variable ↓↓ ↓ normalFEV1: forced expiratory iks'pairtri/ volume in 1 secondFVC: force vital capacityTLC: total lung capacityRV: residual volumeKCO: transfer factor diffusion ratePEFR: peak expiratory flow rateflow-volume loop inspiration and expiration,ekspi'reinbronchoprovocation/challenge test,prv'kein 支气管激发试验:histamine'histmmin组胺or methacholine乙酰甲胆碱-inhalation,inh'lein bronchodilatation,dail'tein支气管舒张试验: salbutamol沙丁胺醇sl'bju:tm:lfiberoptic bronchoscopy br'kskpi: biopsy'bai,psi活组织检查bronchial brush samples for pathological examation, bronchial washings bronchoalveolar lavage BALprotected specimen brush PStransthoracic,trnsθ'rsik,经胸廓的percutaneous needle aspiration,sp'rein吸引术percutanous needle biopsy under CT guidance for peripheraltumoursvideo-assisted thoracoscopic-guidedθ'rkskup 胸腔镜 lung biopsyopen lung biopsypleural biopsybiopsy of enlarged lymph nodesD-Dimerselectrocardiogram ECG心电图echocardiogram心动图V/Q isotope'aisutup 同位素 scan ventilation/perfusion scanningspiral螺旋 CT/MRA Magnetic Resonance Angiography,ndi'ɡrfi血管造影术pulmonary angiographyDoppler'dpl 多普勒 USS thighθai大腿 and pelvis'pelvis 骨盆 USS: ultrasound scanningcardiac monitorPSG polysommography常见的病名 diseasesacute upper respiratory tract infection 急性上呼吸道感染common cold 普通感冒influenza 流感,influ'enzpharynigitis 咽炎pharyngalgia frin'gldi咽痛acute broncho-bronchitis 急性气管-支气管炎pneumonia 肺炎community acquired pneumonia CAP 社区获得性肺炎hospital acquired pneumonia HAP 医院获得性肺炎nosocomical pneumonia NP 医院内肺炎bronchiectasis 支气管扩张chornic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎pulmonary emphysema 肺气肿chronic obstructive pulmonary disease acute exacerbating AECOPD COPD急性发作bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘allergic rhinitis rai'naitis过敏性鼻炎respiratory failure 呼吸衰竭lung abscess 肺脓肿pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核病lung cancer: 肺癌primary bronchogenic carcinoma 原发性支气管肺癌squamous'skweims cell carcinoma 鳞癌adenocarcinoma 腺癌'dnu,kɑ:si'numbronchoalveolar cell carcinoma 支气管肺泡细胞癌small cell lung carcinoma SCLC小细胞肺癌pulmonary metastasis 肺转移瘤m'tstsispulmonary embolism PE 肺栓塞pulmonary thromboembolism PTE 肺血栓栓塞症,θrmbu'emblizmpulmonary infarction 肺梗死deep venous thrombosis ,DVT 深静脉血栓形成empyema 脓胸,empai'i:mpneumothorax气胸pyopneumothorax 脓气胸'paiu,nju:mu'θ:rkschronic suppurative disease 慢性化脓性疾病'spjurtiv, -reitivcongenital cyanotic disease 先天性紫绀性心脏病,sai'ntikcor pulmonale 肺源性心脏病'k:,pum'nlipulmonary hypertension 肺动脉高压pulmonary encephalopathy 肺性脑病en,sef'lpθiright heart failure; right-sided heart failure 右心衰竭pulmonary vascular diseases 肺血管疾病interstitial lung disease, ILD 弥漫性间质性肺疾病idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF 特发性肺纤维化,idi'pθikcryptogenic,kriptu'denik 隐源性的 fibrosing alveolitis, CFA 隐源性纤维化性肺泡炎connective tissue related lung diseases 结缔组织相关性肺疾病systemic lupus'lju:ps狼疮 erythematosus, SLE 系统性红斑狼疮rheumatoid arthritis, RA 类风湿性关节炎systemic sclerosis, SSc 系统性硬化scleroderma 硬皮病sjoren’s syndrome 感知综合征polymyositis 多发性肌炎dermatomyositis 皮肌炎sarcoidosis 结节病,sɑ:ki'dusisPulmonary alveolar proteinosis,prutii'nusis, PAP 肺泡蛋白沉积症Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis 'hi:mu,sid'rusis, ,hem-特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着病Langerhans cell granulomatosis 朗格汉斯细胞肉芽肿病'ɡrnju,lum'tusis Eosinophilic granuloma 嗜酸性肉芽肿,i:sin'filikHistiocytosis X 组织细胞增多症XWegener granulomatosis Wegener肉芽肿extrinsic allergic alveolitis 外源性过敏性肺泡炎pneumoconiosis 尘肺'nju:m,kuni'usisdrug-induced lung disease 药物性肺病aspergillosis,sp:di'lusis曲菌病:allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis ABPApleural disease 胸膜疾病broncho-pleural fistula 支气管胸膜瘘'fistjuloral candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病,鹅口疮,kndi'daisisosteoporotic bone change 骨质疏松样改变glaucoma 青光眼cataract白内障acute lung injury ,ALI 急性肺损伤acute respiratory distress syndrome , ARDS 急性呼吸窘迫综合征urticaria 荨麻疹eczema 湿疹hypertension 高血压diabetes 糖尿病常用的药物 drugs or agentsbe administered, treat sb. withempirical 经验性的, prophylactic,prfi'lktik, ,pru-预防性, remedial ri'mi:dil治疗性Expectorant 祛痰药eks'pektrntMucolytics 粘液溶解剂,mju:ku'litikbronchodilator支气管扩张剂,brkudai'leitB2-agonists'ɡnist兴奋剂: short-acting :salbutamol沙丁胺醇sl'bju:tm:llong-acting: salmeterol 沙美特罗muscarinic,msk'rinik 毒蕈碱样的antagonists n'tɡnist对抗剂: ipratropium bromide'brumaid 异丙托溴胺aminophylline 氨茶碱,mi:nu'fili:nsteroids'stirid类固醇inhaled: budesonide 布地奈德, beclomethasone,beklu'meθsun倍氯米松,fluticasone氟替卡松systemic: prednisolone'pred'nislun 强的松poper os., hydrocortisone,haidru'k:tizun氢化可的松iv.mast cell stabilizers: cromoglycate sodium色甘酸钠leukotriene,lju:ku'train白三烯 receptor antagonists: montelukast 孟鲁司特respiratory stimulants:lobelinenikethamide ni'keθmaid, -mid尼可刹米cardiac tonic 强心剂diuretics 利尿剂,daiju'retikalbumin 白蛋白'lbjuminantitussive agents 镇咳药,nti'tsivammonium chloride 氯化铵'munjm铵'kl:raid氯化物ambroxol 氨溴索 mucosolvan 沐舒坦Pantoloc潘妥洛克常用的治疗措施low or high flow oxygen: nasal cannulae'knjuli:鼻导管, Venturi ven'tjuri文里氏 face-mask nebulizer'nebjulaiz喷雾器: finer particle size 3 to 20um allows tracheobronchial depositionmetered dose inhaler MDI定量雾化吸入器continuous positive airway pressure CPAP-tight-fitting mask non-invasiveintermittent positive-pressure ventilation IPPVnon-invasive positive-pressure ventilation NIPPVmechanical ventilation: non-invasive or invasivevia intubation,intju:'bein插管 ,tracheostomy ,trki'stmi, ,trei-气管造口术,tracheotomy,trki'tmi, ,trei-气管切开术synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation, SIMV 同步间歇指令通气pressure support ventilation, PSV 压力支持通气thoracocentesis 胸腔穿刺术,θ:rksen't esischest drain/drainage 引流术chemotherapy 化疗radiation therapy 放疗pneumonectomy 肺切除术,nju:mu'nektmilobectomy of lung,pulmonary lobectomy肺叶切除术lu'bektmi叶切除术thoracotomy 开胸术,胸廓切开术,θ:r'ktmipleurodesis胸膜剥脱术pleurectomy 胸膜切除术pleural adhesion 胸膜粘连术thromboendarterectomy血栓动脉内膜切除术inferior vena cava filter 下腔静脉过滤器常见的疾病chornic bronchitis: procuctive cough, most days of 3 months of the year, for at least 2 consecutive years, cough with white or purulent sputumbronchiectasis:cystic'sistik囊性的/varicose'vrikus曲张样/cyclindrical柱状-tram-tracks轨道样hemoptysisphysiotherapy: chest wall percussion wirh head-down postural'pstrl drainagelong term oxygen inhalation : to prevent cor pulmonalemedical: bronchodilators, mucolytics, rotating courses of antibioticssurgical: resection, artery embolization for hemoptysislung abscessusually on right side, as right bronchus is shorter and more vertical;in the supine'sju:pain仰卧patient , abscess develops in apical lower lobe or posterial upper lobe.pneumothoraxaccumulation of air in pleural space, with secondary partial collapse of subpleural胸膜下的 bleb bleb大疱 rupture 'rpt破裂lactrogenic: positive pressure ventilation, bronchoscopy br'kskpi 支气管镜检查 ,esp. biopsytypes: closed, open, tensionmediastinal deviation :trachea and apex'eipeks尖端shiftcontralaterally对立的旁边CXR: translucency trnz'lju:snsi半透明+collapse倒塌: visible rim边缘 between lung and chest wall>2 cmcentimeter =>50% lung volume loss aspiration ,sp'rein吸引术,intercostal drainrefractory or recurrent周期性的: pleurodesis胸膜固定术, pleurectomy plu'rektmi胸膜切除术, bulla'bul 大疱 stapling装订 or lasering 激光pleural effusionchest pain and progressively worsening of shortness of breathTransudate,trnsju'deit漏出液:redistribution of Starling forces across microcirculation, diuretics,daiju'retik利尿剂 can result in rapid resolution, protein <30g/Lgram/litre'li:t or pleura: serum'sirm血清 protein <1/2 or pleura: serum LDH<2/3;often seen in cardiac failure, hypoalbuminemia,haipul,bju:m'ni:mi 低蛋白血症, embolism, superior or inferior vena cava obstruction, hypothyroidism .,haipu'θairidizm甲状腺功能低下Exudate'eksjudeit渗出液:capillary permeability,p:mi'biliti 渗透increases or lymph drainage decreasesoften seen in infection ,neoplasia,ni:u'pleizi, -i瘤形成, surgery or trauma.CXR: meniscus mi'nisks弯液面-shaped,rises towards axilla k'sil腋温Appearance: clear ,straw淡黄色的-coloured: suggests transduateturbid't:bid浑浊的, green: indicates exudatespus ps脓cells or empyema,empai'i:m积脓症 bacterial infectionbloody haemothorax,hi:mu'θ:rks血胸: tumor ,pulmonary embolism, acute pancreatitis'pnkri'taitis胰腺炎, traumawhite chylothorax,kailu'θ:rks乳糜胸:lymph ,blocked thoracicθ:'rsik, duct胸导管, usually due to tumourTherapy: transudate: diureticsexudates: repeated drainage thoracocentesisintrathoracic,intrθ'rsik胸廓内的 streptokinase,streptu'kaineis链球菌激酶via chest drain: to lyse lais溶解 fibrinous'faibrins 纤维蛋白的adhesions d'hi:n粘合pleural adhesion: tetracycline,tetr'saiklain四环素. bleomycin,bli:u'maisin博莱霉素lung cancerhoarseness: due to left recurrent屡发的 laryngeal,lrin'di:l 喉的nerve palsy'p:lzi麻痹dysphagia dis'feidi,-di吞咽困难pancoast tumor infiltrates T1 stellate 'stelit, -leit 星形的ganglion'ɡɡlin神经节 resulting in Horner syndromehypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy,stiuɑ:'θrupθi骨关节病superior vena cava obstruction SVCO: headache, shortness of breath; conjunctival e dema, ,kndk'taiv结膜plethora'pleθr, vein dilation,pericardial tamponade,tmp'neid心包填塞JVP↑,ABP↓,quiet HSparaneoplastic syndromes: endocrine ACTH: Cushing’s; B-HCG:gynaecomastia and body hair loss; PTH: hypercalcaemia especially squamous cell carcinoma,skindermatomyositisimmunocompromised . shingles 带状疱疹squamous cell carcinoma: 30% of all primary lung tumours, but decreasing incidence ,relatively good prognosis if localized, squamous metaplasia with keratin whorls, central location, clubbing, hypercalcemia PTH-rp secretionadenocarcinoma: 30%,increasing incidence, esp. women, less association with smoking, poor prognosis, metastasis early, gland-like and mucin-secretion, peripheral location, pleural effusions, hypercoagulable statesmall cell carcinoma:20%,poor prognosis, metastasis occur early, small AUPD cells with neurosecretory granules, central location, paraneoplastic syndromes commonbronchoalveolar cell carcinoma: variant of adenocarcinoma that is associated with chronic lung inflammation , . fibrosing , copious clear mucoid sputumNSCLC: surgical resection possible at first, adjuvant chemotherapySCLC: radiotherapy + chemotherapy etoposide + cisplatinsecondary lung cancer: breast, oesophago/gastric/head-neck+colon if liver metastasis, melanoma, bone sarcoma, thyroid, renal, prostate, ovary, choriocarcinoma, testes etc.obstructive sleep apnoeaobstruction of upper airway occurs at night with loss of muscle tone in sleep, sn oring, sleepiness during day, aponeic spells O2↓,patient awakes from sleep, awakening with nocturia, daytime somnolence, decreased memory and attention, increased accident risk, polycythaemia, systemic hypertension and pulmonary hypertensionCauses: central obesity fat deposition around upper airway leads to airway narrowing, abdominal fat elevates diaphragm,structural features of upper airway nasal obstruction: rhinitis,polyps, deviated sputum; adenotonsillar hypertrophy, micrognathia; macroglossia due to hypothyrodism/amyloid/Down’s; cervical masses: goiter,laryngeal stenosis, smoking exacerabates hypoxia, alcohol acts as a sedative thereby reducing upper airway tone,neuromuscular or CNS diseasesPSG polysommography: overnight sleep studyTherapy: conservative: weight loss, avoid alcohol /smoking/sedatives, avoid supine positioncontinuous positive airway pressure CPAPmandibular advancement device MADadenoidectomy curative in childrenuvulopalatopharyngoplasty悬雍垂-腭-咽成形术maxillomandibular osteotomyobesity-hypoventilation syndrome: collapse of alveoli at end-expiration, decreased compliance due to weight of abdomen and chest wall, central respiratory drive↓常用的化疗药cisplatin 顺铂Gemcitabine吉西他滨:Gemzar 盐酸吉西他滨注射剂paclitaxel; taxinol紫杉醇Taxol泰素docetaxel多西他赛泰素帝常见的抗生素beta-lactam antibiotics: inhibit cell wall synthesispenicillin skin testamoxicillin 阿莫西林piperacillin/tazobactam sodium 哌拉西林/他唑巴坦钠ticarcillin/ clavulanate potassium 替卡西林/克拉维酸钾cephamycin 头孢菌素类cefradine 头孢拉啶cefaclor 头孢克洛cefoperazone/sulbactam 头孢哌酮/舒巴坦ceftriaxone 头孢曲松cefpiramide 头孢吡啶ceftazidime 头孢他定ceftizoxime 头孢唑污carbopenems 碳青霉烯类azactam 氨曲南meropenem 美罗培南imipenem and sodium cilastatin 亚胺培南/西司他丁钠泰能 tienam Glycopeptides 糖肽类 inhibit cell wall assemblyvancomycin 万古霉素norvancomycin 去甲万古霉素teicoplanin 替考拉林Macrolides大环内酯类: inhibit protein synthesisroxithromycin 罗红霉素clarithromycin 克拉霉素azithromycin 阿奇霉素erythromycin 红霉素Aminoglycoside antibiotics: 氨基糖苷类reno- and ototoxicinhibit initiation and elongation process during protein synthesis amikacin 阿米卡星丁胺卡那gentamicin 庆大霉素streptomycin 链霉素Sulfamido 磺胺类sulfamethoxazole compound Quinolones 喹诺酮类: inhibit DNAgyrase norfloxacin 诺氟沙星ofloxacin 氧氟沙星levofloxacin 左氧氟沙星gatifloxacin 加替沙星moxifloxacin 莫西沙星ciprofloxacin 环丙沙星Tetracycline 四环素类minocycline 美满霉素Nitromidazole 硝基咪唑类metronidazole 甲硝唑tinidazole 替硝唑ornidazole 奥硝唑Antitubercular agents抗结核药rifampicin 利福平rifapentine 利福喷丁isoniazide, isonicotinic hydrazide acid INH 异烟肼pyrazinamide 吡嗪酰胺ethambutol 乙胺丁醇Antifungal/antimycotic drug 抗真菌药nystatin 制霉菌素amphotericin 两性霉素 B fluconazole 氟康唑voriconazole 伏立康唑itraconazole 伊曲康唑Antivirus agents ribavirin 利巴韦林oseltamivir 奥司他韦acyclovir 阿昔洛韦ganciclovir 更昔洛韦valaciclovir 伐昔洛韦foscarnet sodium, phosphonoformic acid膦甲酸钠可耐lamivudine 拉米夫定entecavir 恩替卡韦常见的病原微生物microorganism, microbe 微生物bacterium 细菌lipopolysaccharide LPS脂多糖antibiotics 抗生素pyrogen 致热原exotoxin 外毒素endotoxin 内毒素Gram stain 革兰染色Colony forming unit, CFU 集落形成单位antibacterial agents 抗菌药resistance 耐药性ESBLs:extended spectrum B-lactamases 超光谱B内酰胺酶MRSA:methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌bacteremia 菌血症toxemia 毒血症endotoxemia 内毒素血症septicaemia 败血症pyemia 脓毒血症pathogen 致病原pathogenicity 致病性virulence 毒力median lethal dose LD50 半数致死量median infective dose ID50 半数感染量virus 病毒replication 复制viremia 病毒血症normal microbiota, microflora, normal flora, physiological microbiota 正常微生物群flora disequilibrium 菌群失调dysbacteriosis 菌群失调症opportunistic infection 机会性感染conditioned infection 条件致病性感染endogenous infection 内源性感染exogenous infection 外源性感染antimicrobial susceptibility testing 药物敏感试验minimum inhibitory concentration MIC 最小抑菌浓度minimum bactericidal concentration MBC 最小杀菌浓度disinfection 消毒sterilization 灭菌asepsis 无菌aseptic technique 无菌技术bacteriostasis 抑菌antisepsis 防腐disinfectant 消毒剂bacteriostatic agent 抑菌剂bactericide 杀菌剂autoclaving or steam under pressure sterilization 高压蒸汽灭菌法ultraviolet radiation, UV 紫外线isolation precaution 隔离预防artificial active immunization 人工主动免疫vaccination 疫苗接种killed/inactivated vaccine 死/灭活疫苗attentuated live vaccine 减毒活疫苗toxoid 类毒素artificial passive immunity 人工被动免疫antitoxin 抗毒素gammaglobulin 丙种球蛋白Staphylococcus aureus 金黄色葡萄球菌Coagulase-negative staphylococci 凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌Staphylococcus epidermidis 表皮葡萄球菌Streptococcus pneumoniae , pneumococcus 肺炎链球菌Viridans streptococci 草绿色链球菌Escherichia coli 大肠埃希菌Klebsiella pneumoniae 肺炎克雷伯菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa 铜绿假单胞菌Haemophilus influenzae 流感嗜血杆菌Legionella 军团杆菌属Enterobacter cloacae 阴沟肠杆菌Serratia 沙雷菌属Proteus vulgaris 普通变形杆菌Acinebacter 不动杆菌属Neisseria meningitis, meningococcus 脑膜炎链球菌Neisseria gonorrhoeae, gonococcus 淋病奈瑟菌Shigella, dysentery bacterium 痢疾杆菌Salmonella typhi 伤寒沙门菌Vibrio cholerae 霍乱弧菌Helicobacter pylori 幽门螺杆菌Campylobacter jejuni 空肠弯曲菌Mycobacterium, acid-fast bacilli 分枝杆菌属,抗酸杆菌Mycobacterium tuberculosis,tubercle bacillus 结核分枝杆菌Purified protein derivate, PPD Old tuberculin,OT Atypical mycobacteria 非结核分枝杆菌Mycobacterium leprae 麻风分枝杆菌Anaerobic bacterial 厌氧性细菌Clostridium tetani 破伤风梭菌Clostridum perfringens 产气荚膜梭菌Clostridum botulinum 肉毒梭菌Clostridum difficile 艰难梭菌antibiotic-associated diarrhea 抗生素相关性腹泻pseudomembranous colitis 假膜性结肠炎Corynebacterium diphtheriae 白喉棒状杆菌Yersinia 耶尔森菌属Brucella 布氏菌属Actinomyces 放线菌属Treponema pallidum 梅毒螺旋体苍白密螺旋体Venereal disease reference laboratory VDRL Rapid plasma regain RPR Mycoplasma pneumoniae 肺炎支原体Chlamydia trachomatis 沙眼衣原体Viruses associated with respiratory infections 呼吸道病毒Influenza virus 流感病毒Parainfluenza virus 副流感病毒Respiratory syncytial virus, RSV 呼吸道合胞病毒Coronavirus 冠状病毒Severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS Adenovirus 腺病毒Rubella virus风疹病毒Rhinovirus 鼻病毒Enterovirus 肠道病毒Rotavirus 轮状病毒hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒Encephalitis B virus 流行性乙型脑炎病毒Hantavirus 汉坦病毒Viral hemorrhagic fever 病毒性出血热Herpes simplex virus, HSV 单纯疱疹病毒Varicella-Zoster virus, VZV 水痘-带状疱疹病毒Cytomegalovirus, CMV 巨细胞病毒Epstein-Barr virus, EBV EB病毒Human herpes virus 6, HHV-6 人疱疹病毒6型Human papillomaviruses, HPV 人乳头状瘤病毒Human immunodeficiency virus, HIV 人类免疫缺陷病毒Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS Human T-lymphotropic virus, HTLV 人T 淋巴细胞病毒Adult T-cell leukemia 成人T细胞性白血病Rabies virus 风疹病毒Fungus 真菌Yeast 酵母Spore 孢子Hypha 菌丝Dermatophytes 皮肤癣菌Trichophyton 毛癣菌属Epidermophyton 表皮癣菌属Tinea 癣Histoplasma 组织胞浆菌属Histoplasmosis 组织胞浆菌病Saccharomyces albicans, candida albicans 白假丝酵母菌,白色念珠菌Candidiasis 念珠菌病Cryptococcus neoformans 新生隐球菌Pneumocystis carinii 卡氏肺孢子菌Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia , PCP 卡氏肺孢子菌肺炎Aspergillus 曲霉菌Mucor 毛霉菌属。



上呼吸道感染soap病历书写范文英文回答:Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are common illnesses that affect the nose, throat, and sinuses. They are usually caused by viral infections, such as the common cold or influenza. Symptoms of URTI include nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, cough, and sneezing. In some cases, fever and body aches may also be present.When documenting a SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) note for a patient with URTI, it is important to include all relevant information.Subjective:Begin by describing the patient's chief complaint, which may be a sore throat, runny nose, or cough.Include any associated symptoms, such as fever, bodyaches, or fatigue.Document the duration and severity of symptoms, as well as any factors that worsen or alleviate them.Objective:Perform a physical examination and record any findings, such as redness or swelling of the throat, nasal congestion, or enlarged lymph nodes.Note any abnormal vital signs, such as an elevated temperature or increased heart rate.If available, include the results of any diagnostic tests, such as a rapid strep test or influenza swab.Assessment:Provide a diagnosis based on the patient's symptoms and physical examination findings. For example, "The patient presents with symptoms consistent with a viral upperrespiratory tract infection."Include any differential diagnoses that were considered and ruled out, such as strep throat or sinusitis.Plan:Outline the treatment plan, which may include symptomatic relief measures, such as rest, fluids, andover-the-counter medications for pain and fever.If necessary, prescribe antiviral medications or antibiotics, depending on the underlying cause of the infection.Provide instructions for follow-up, including when to return for a re-evaluation or if symptoms worsen.中文回答:上呼吸道感染(URTI)是常见的疾病,影响鼻子、喉咙和鼻窦。



呼吸内科实习经历英语英文回答:During my internship in the respiratory department, I was exposed to a wide range of respiratory conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, and lung cancer. I was also involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia.I learned how to perform pulmonary function tests, which measure lung function, and how to interpret chest X-rays and CT scans. I also gained experience in the use of various medications and devices for the treatment of respiratory conditions, including bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, and nebulizers.In addition to my clinical work, I also participated in research projects, including a study on the use of telemedicine for the management of asthma. I also attendedconferences and presented my research findings at local and national meetings.My internship in the respiratory department was a valuable experience that provided me with a strong foundation in the diagnosis and management of respiratory conditions. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such a dedicated team of physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.中文回答:呼吸内科实习期间,我接触到了广泛的呼吸系统疾病,包括哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD)、肺炎和肺癌。



支气管炎病历英语范文模板 Bronchitis Medical Record Template.Patient Information.Name:Date of Birth:Gender:Address:Phone Number:Email Address:Chief Complaint.Cough.History of Present Illness.Onset and duration of symptoms.Characteristics of cough (productive/non-productive, duration, intensity)。

Associated symptoms (fever, chills, shortness of breath, chest pain)。

Triggers or exacerbating factors.Previous episodes of bronchitis or other respiratory infections.Past Medical History.Allergies.Asthma or other respiratory conditions.Heart disease.Diabetes.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)。

Smoking history.Immunosuppression.Social History.Occupation.Exposure to environmental pollutants or irritants. Travel history.Smoking or vaping habits.Alcohol or drug use.Family History.Respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis, asthma, or COPD.Other significant medical conditions.Physical Examination.General: Appearance, vital signs (temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure)。



英语病历模板范文Chief Complaint:The patient presents with a persistent cough and chest tightness for the past 2 weeks. He also reports feeling fatigued and experiencing shortness of breath during physical activities.History of Present Illness:The patient reports a history of smoking for 20 years, with a 10-pack-year smoking history. He denies any recent travel or exposure to sick contacts. He has been taking over-the-counter cough medicine for symptomatic relief withlimited improvement.Past Medical History:The patient has a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia, for which he takes medication regularly. Healso reports a past history of seasonal allergies and occasional sinus infections.Family History:There is a family history of cardiovascular disease, with the patient's father suffering from a heart attack at the age of 55.Physical Examination:Vital signs on presentation were stable with a blood pressure of 130/80 mmHg, pulse rate of 80 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 98% on room air. Lung auscultation revealed bilateral scattered wheezes and diminished breath sounds in the lower lung fields.Assessment and Plan:Based on the patient's presenting symptoms and physical examination findings, the working diagnosis is exacerbationof chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The plan includes initiating bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and supplemental oxygen therapy. A chest X-ray will be ordered to rule out any acute pathology. Patient education on smoking cessation will be provided, and a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks for reassessment of symptoms will be scheduled.。



肺炎门诊病例书写模板范文英文回答:As a doctor specializing in respiratory diseases, I often come across cases of pneumonia in my outpatient clinic. Here is a template for documenting such cases:Patient Information:Name: [Patient's Full Name]Age: [Patient's Age]Gender: [Patient's Gender]Occupation: [Patient's Occupation]Address: [Patient's Address]Contact Number: [Patient's Contact Number]Chief Complaint:The patient presented with symptoms of cough, fever,and difficulty breathing.History of Present Illness:The patient reported experiencing cough with sputum production for the past week. The cough was initially dry but later became productive. The patient also had a fever with temperatures ran ging from 38.5°C to 39.5°C. Additionally, the patient complained of shortness of breath, especially during physical exertion.Past Medical History:The patient has a history of asthma and is currently on regular inhaler therapy. The patient also mentioned a previous episode of pneumonia two years ago, which was successfully treated with antibiotics.Physical Examination:On examination, the patient appeared ill and had increased respiratory effort. Auscultation of the lungs revealed crackles and decreased breath sounds in the lower lobes. The patient's oxygen saturation was 92% on room air.Diagnostic Tests:1. Chest X-ray: The X-ray showed bilateral infiltrates in the lower lobes, consistent with pneumonia.2. Complete Blood Count: The patient had an elevated white blood cell count and a left shift, indicating an inflammatory response.Diagnosis:Based on the clinical presentation, physical examination findings, and diagnostic tests, the patient was diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia.Treatment:The patient was prescribed a course of oral antibiotics, specifically azithromycin, to cover common bacterial pathogens. In addition, the patient was advised to continue using their inhaler for asthma control. Supportive measures, such as increasing fluid intake and rest, were also recommended.Follow-up:The patient was instructed to return in one week for a follow-up visit to assess the response to treatment and monitor for any complications.中文回答:作为一名专门从事呼吸系统疾病的医生,我经常在门诊中遇到肺炎病例。



⏹Case History⏹DefinitionA case history is a medical record of a patient’s illness. It records the whole medical case and functions as the basis for medical practitioners to make an accurate diagnosis and proposes effective treatment or preventive measures.Case histories fall into two kinds:in-patient case histories and out-patient case histories.⏹Language FeaturesHistory and Physical usually involves past tense ( for history of present illness, past medical history, family history and review of systems concerning past information), and present tense ( review of system, physical examination, laboratory data, and plans ).Structurally, noun phrases are frequently used in physical examination, and ellipsis of subject is very common in review of system.⏹In-patient Case HistoriesAn in-patient case history is also termed as History and Physical. It is an account of a patient’s present complaints with descriptions of his past medical history,It usually consists of chief complaint, history of present illness, past medical history, review of systems, physical examination, impression, family history, social history, medications, allergies, laboratory on admission, and plan. However, what parts are included depends on the needs.住院病人病历完整模式病历〔Case History〕(Name) 职业(Occupation)性别(Sex) 住址(Address)年龄(Age or DOB) 供史者(Supplier of history)婚姻(Marital status) 入院日期(Date of admission)籍贯(Place of birth) 记录日期(Date of record)民族(Race)主述(C.C.)现病史(HPI or P.I.)过去史(PMH or P.H.)社会活动史/个人史(SHx or Per.H.)家族史(FHx or F.H.)曾用药物(Meds)过敏史(All)To be continued系统回忆(ROS)体格检查(PE or P.E.)体温(T) 呼吸(R)血压(BP) 脉搏(P)一般状况(General status)皮肤黏膜(Skin & mucosa)头眼耳鼻喉(HEENT)颈部(Neck)胸部与心肺(Chest, Heart and Lungs)腹部(Abdomen)肛门直肠(Anus & rectum)外生殖器(External genitalia)四肢脊柱(Extremities & spine)神经反射(Nerve reflex)To be continued化验室资料(Lab data)(Blood test, Chem-7, EKG, EEG, X-ray examinations or X-ray slides, CT and NMR…)印象与诊断(Impression and diagnosis, or Imp)住院治疗情况记录(Hospital course)出院医嘱(Discharge instructions or recommendations)出院后用药(Discharge medications)医师签名(Signature)⏹Patterns and contents of an out-patient case historyContents: general data (GD), chief complaint (CC), present illness (PI), physical examination (PE), tentative diagnosis (TD) or impression (Imp), treatment (Rp), etc.An out-patient case history should be written in brief and to the very point. More abbreviations and noun phrases are used.⏹Sample of an out-patient case historyMale, 39 year oldCC: Fever, headache and cough for two days.PE: G.C. looks fair. Pharynx congested and tonsils enlarged. Chest and abdomen negative.Imp: U.R.I.Rp: Penicillin 400,000u. (i.m.) q.d. x 3 days.Aspirin 1 tab. t.i.d. x 2 days.Vit C 100 mg t.i.d. x 3 daysSignature ______⏹Chief Complaint (C.C.)⏹ 1. Sentence patterns in chief complaint•症状+for+时间•症状+of+时间+duration•症状+时间+in duration•时间+of+症状•症状+since+时间⏹Chief Complaint (C.C.)⏹ 2. Commonly-used complaints:•weakness, malaise, chills, fever, pain, headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, neuro-psychiatric disorders, shortness of breath, bleeding or discharge, insomnia,stomachache, dyspepsia, no appetite, dysuria, cough, difficulty in coughing up sputum, sorethroat, dizziness, palpitation, restlessness, etc. •弱点,不适感,发冷、发烧、疼痛、头痛、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、neuro-psychiatric紊乱、气短、出血或排放、失眠、胃痛,消化不良,没有胃口,排尿困难、咳嗽、咳痰、困难、喉咙痛、头晕、心悸、不安等。






Medical Records for Admisson General informationName:Du xuechunAge: 52Sex: MaleRace:HanNationality:ChinaAddress:Room。

479, Building。

11, Station north Road, Changsha, Hunan。

Occupation:manager Marital status: MarriedDate of admission: Dec 17th, 2014,16:00Date of record:Dec 18th, 2014, 15:32Complainer of history:Du xuechun Reliability:ReliableChief complaint: Cough and expectoration for one month,and shortness of breath after the event for half a month。

Present illness:The patient felt itchy throat and coughed in mid-November 2014 after catching a cold。

It is a paroxysmal cough relieved at night and occurred repeatedly in a moderate degree usually with white frothy sputum easily coughed。

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Medical Record of AdmissionName: Guo XX Sex: MaleAge: 41 years old Marital status: MarriedRace: Han Occupation: WorkerPlace of birth: Chenzhou City, Hunan provinceAddress: Linwu County, Chenzhou City, Hunan provinceDate of admission: 11:12 AM, 05,12,2014 Date of records: 17:20PM, 05,12,2014Complainer: Guo XXChief complaint: Cough for two months, and tachypnea and chest pain for one month.History of present illness:The patient have no obvious cause cough in October this year, a small amount of white sticky sputum, blood in the sputum, no10th, the patients with fever, the highest temperature of 39.2 degrees, tachypnea, chest pain, hence clinic in Linwu county people's hospital, the number of WBC has been checked a little bit high, chest CT shows on the left side of the massive pleural effusion, a little right lung infection, diagnosis "left pleural effusion, pleurisy" to fight infection (specific drug use is unknown), no significant improvement in symptoms. Then transferred to the first people's hospital of Chenzhou, also the number of WBC has been checked a little bit high, calcitonin original high, c - reactive protein and blood sedimentation increase fast, pleural effusion as exudates, diagnosed as "check the left pleural effusion due to: tuberculosis likely, double lung infection", to the amp south + levofloxacin anti-infection, fever back slightly, but still has a low thermal afternoon, in the 2014-11-20 to diagnostic anti-tuberculosis (quadruple the chemotherapy plan: isoniazid 0.3 qd + rifampicin 0.45 g qd + pyrazinamide 0.5 tid + ethambutol 0.75 qd), patient with no fever, cough, chest pain, were compared with the previous improved patient for diagnosis hence to our hospital. Since the onset of the patient with a good spirit, appetite, sleep, and fever, occasionally cough, blood in phlegm, the feces and urine are both normal, regular anti-tb drugs, weight did notsignificantly reduce.Past history: Ever healthy. Denied the history of "hypertension" and "coronary heart disease", "diabetes". Deny "hepatitis b" "TB" "typhoid fever and other infectious disease and exposure history, deny the history of trauma, surgery and blood transfusion, denied drugs and food allergy, history of vaccination is unknown.Systematic review:Head and facial: No history of visual impairment, deafness, tinnitus, dizziness, nose bleeding, toothache, bleeding gums and voice hoarse.Respiratory system: History of cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, difficulty breathing, tachypnea, fever, chest pain, night sweats.Circulatory system: History of tachypnea, no palpitation, lower limb edema, the area before the heart pain, blood pressure, syncope.Alimentary system: No history of belching, acid regurgitation, difficulty swallowing, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, hematemesis and melena.Genitourinary system: No history of urinary frequency, urgency, urine pain, waist pain, hematuria, dysuria, abnormality of urine, facial edema, genital ulcers.Endocrine system and metabolic: No history of fearless cold, afraid of hot, sweaty, fatigue, headache, palpitations, abnormal appetite, polydipsia, polyuria, edema, obesity.Hematopoietic system: No history of pale skin, dizziness, vertigo, bleeder petechial skin, lymph nodes, liver and spleen enlargement, bone pain.Neural system: No history of headache, dizziness, memory loss, skin feel abnormal sense or history of convulsions, the language barrier, disturbance of consciousness. Kinetic system: No history of joint pain, trembling, convulsions, paralysis, paraesthesia.Mental state: No history of hallucinations, delusions, disorientation, mood disorders. Personal history: Born in origin, not to foreign residents, denied "schistosomiasis epidemic" water and exposure to toxins, denial of serious trauma history and history of play, there are 4 years of exposure to dust, not smoking, not drinking alcohol.Marital history: Married at 33, have a son and a daughter, spouse and children both healthy.Family history: There was no similar or specific medical history in his families.Physical examination: T 37.8℃, P 107/min, R 20/min, BP 120/70mmHg. He is well developed and moderately nourished. Active position. His consciousness was clear. the skin was not stained yellow. No cyanosis. No pigmentation. No skin eruption. Spider angioma was not seen. No pitting edema. The superficial lymph nodes were not found enlarged. Bilateral pupils were round and equal in size. Direct and indirect pupillary reactions to light were existent. No tenderness in mastoid area. Pharynx was not congestive. Tonsils were not enlarged. The neck was soft, jugular veins were not visible and the pulsation of carotid arteries were normal. Thyroid was not enlarged. Trachea was in midline. Chest veins could not be seen easily. No subcutaneous emphysema. Intercostal space was neither narrowed nor widened. No tenderness. Thoracic symmetry on both sides. The tactile fremitus of right lung is normal, right lung percussion sounds were clear, right lung was clear breathing sound. No rhonchus. No moist rales. The tactile fremitus of left lung is reduced, the respiratory movement degrees. No pleural friction fremitus.The left lung percussion were solid sounds and The left lung respiration disappeared. No bulge in precordial area. The point of maximum impulse was in 5th left intercostal space inside of the mid clavicular line. No thrills and pericardial friction sound. Border of the heart was normal. Heart rate 107/min. Cardiac rhythm was regular. No pathological murmurs.Abdomen was flat and soft. No abdominal wall varicosis. Gastrointestinal type or peristalses were not seen. No tenderness or rebound tenderness in the abdomen.Liver and spleen was untouched. No masses. Shifting dullness negative. Fluid thrill negative. No pain in renal regions when percussion. Borborygmus was normal, 4/min. No vascular murmurs. Genitourinary system and rectum were not examined. No articular swelling. Free movements of all limbs. The muscular strength tension of limbs were normal. No edema. Physiological reflexes were existent without any pathological ones.Auxiliary examination:Diagnosis: Check the left lesion and pleural effusionTuberculosis likelyTumor wait for exclusionPhysician sign: Zhang Lian。
