Thoushaltremain, inmidst ofotherwoe
Thanours,a friendto man,to whomthou say'st,
Beauty is truth, truthbeauty,--that is all
Yeknowon earth,andall yeneed to know.
Allbreathinghumanpassion farabove,
That leavesa hearthigh-sorrowfulandcloyed,
A burningforehead, andaparchingtongue.
Whoare these comingtothe sacrifice?
To whatgreenaltar, O mysteriouspriest,
Of marblemen andmaidens overwrought,
Withforest branches and tቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe trodden weed;
Thou,silentform,dostteaseusoutof thought
As dotheternity:ColdPastoral!
Whenold age shall this generation waste,
She cannotfade,though thouhastnotthybliss,
For ever wiltthoulove, andshebe fair!
Ah,happy,happy boughs! thatcannotshed
Your leaves,noreverbid thespring adieu;
关键词:《希腊古瓮颂》修辞格诗歌语言中图分类号:i106.2 文献标识码:a引言约翰·济慈(john keats,1795-1821),与拜伦、雪莱齐名,是继华兹华斯、柯勒律治之后英国19世纪浪漫主义诗坛上又一具有深远影响的天才诗人。
一济慈颂歌体1 颂歌是一种抒情诗,最早是一种配合音乐而写的古老文字形式,有不同的五音步诗行长度,没有固定的押韵体系,表达丰富崇高的思想。
2 韵律:五音步抑扬格《希腊古瓮颂》其韵律为五音步抑扬格,是英诗及其他许多语言的诗歌中最普遍的韵脚。
如:thou still|un rav|ished bride|of qui|et ness,thou fos|ter child|of si|lence and|slow time.二《希腊古瓮颂》中的修辞格修辞格是一种语言文字的表达模式,可增加美感或加强情感强烈程度,其语言运用不是停留在字面意义。
颂的每一小节前四行韵律采用abab式结构;第一和最后一小节后六行采用了cdedce模式; 而第二、三和第四小节的后六行则以cdecde格局结束。
希腊古瓮颂 赏析
The fourth stanza
Who are these coming to the sacrifice? To what green altar, O mysterious priest, Lead’st thou that heifer lowing at the skies, And all her silken flanks with garlands drest? What little town by river or sea shore, Or mountain-built with peaceful citadel; Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn? And , little town, thy streets for evermore Will silent be; and not a soul to tell Why thou art desolate, can e’er return.
Sensual: pertaining to the physical senses, in this case, hearing. Nor ever bid the spring adieu: spring will forever stay with them; “adieu” means good bye. All breathing human passion far above…and a parching tongue: the young lovers on the urn and their love are far above the agony of human passion. “cloyed” (腻烦)in Line 29 means to annoy somebody because there is too much of it.
beautiful bride at once. This may be the difference between great people and
common persons.
It is a pity that the beauty in life can not exist forever. The summer flowers come
Monalisa to smile for hundreds of years. In this poem, there is also one sentence
expresses the same meaning. On the urn, a piture showed that a young man wanted to
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文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如诗歌散文、原文赏析、读书笔记、经典名著、古典文学、网络文学、经典语录、童话故事、心得体会、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor.I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic sample essays, such as poetry and prose, original text appreciation, reading notes, classic works, classical literature, online literature, classic quotations, fairy tales, experience, other sample essays, etc. if you want to know the difference Please pay attention to the format and writing of the sample essay!济慈诗歌《希腊古瓮颂》原文及赏析【导语】:你平静的保持着童贞的新娘, 沉默和漫长的时间领养的少女, 山林的历史家, 你如此美妙地叙讲如花的故事, 胜过我们的诗句: 绿叶镶边的传说在你的身上缠, 讲的可是神, 或人, 或神人在一道你——“平静”的保持着童贞的新娘, “沉默”和漫长的“时间”领养的少女,山林的历史家, 你如此美妙地叙讲如花的故事, 胜过我们的诗句:绿叶镶边的传说在你的身上缠, 讲的可是神, 或人, 或神人在一道, 活跃在滕坡, 或者阿卡狄谷地?什么人, 什么神? 什么样姑娘不情愿? 怎样疯狂的追求? 竭力的脱逃? 什么笛, 铃鼓? 怎样忘情的狂喜?听见的乐曲是悦耳, 听不见的旋律更甜美; 风笛呵, 你该继续吹奏;不是对耳朵, 而是对心灵奏出无声的乐曲,送上更多的温柔:树下的美少年,你永远不停止歌唱, 那些树木也永远不可能凋枯; 大胆的情郎,你永远得不到一吻,虽然接近了目标——你可别悲伤, 她永远不衰老,尽管你摘不到幸福, 你永远在爱着,她永远美丽动人!啊,幸运的树枝!你永远不掉下你的绿叶,永不向春光告别;幸福的乐手,你永远不知道疲乏, 永远奏出永远新鲜的音乐;幸福的爱情!更加幸福的爱情! 永远热烈,永远等待着享受, 永远喘息着,永远是青春年少,这一切情态,都这样超凡入圣, 永远不会让心灵餍足,发愁, 不会让额头发烧,舌蔽唇焦。
浅析《希腊古瓮颂》中的“消极感受力”1. 引言1.1 介绍《希腊古瓮颂》《希腊古瓮颂》是中国古代文学中一部备受推崇的诗歌作品,它描绘了一种独特的审美情感,即“消极感受力”。
1.2 解释“消极感受力”的概念“消极感受力”是一种对世界、生活中负面情感和困难的感知与体验。
2. 正文2.1 表现“消极感受力”的诗句分析《希腊古瓮颂》中表现“消极感受力”的诗句有许多,其中最具代表性的包括:“悲伤的波涛在心灵中奔涌”,“黑暗的阴霾笼罩着大地”,“绝望的呼喊在寂静的夜晚回荡”。
济慈《 希 腊古 瓮 颂 》 论 析
胡 健
( 淮 阴师 范学 院 文学院 , 江苏 淮安 2 2 3 0 0 1 )
摘 要: 济慈主张“ 想象即真实, 即美” 。在《 希腊古瓮颂》 中, 他借着想象, 展开 了 诗 心与古瓮的对话 , 化美为媚 ,
“ 复活” 并“ 创造 ” 了具有永 恒意味的“ 希腊 古瓮之美” 。 《 希腊 古瓮颂》 很好 地体 现 了济 慈“ 元原 则、 无道德 观念 、 无自 我”
“ 处 子” 与“ 田 园 的史 家 ” 就 是 这 样 非 常成 功 的 比喻 。
它给 灵魂 奏 出无声 的 乐曲 ; 树下 的 美少年 呵 , 你 无 法 中断
你 的歌 , 那树木 也 落不 了叶子 ;
古瓮不是“ 处子” “ 史家” 却说它是“ 处子” “ 史家” , 这就 是“ 物虽胡越 , 合则肝胆 ” 。“ 处子” 的比喻 出人意外 ,
让 人惊 异 , 而且这 “ 处 子” 还 受过 “ 沉默” 和“ 悠久 ” 的抚
听见 的 乐声 虽好 , 但 若 听不见 却更 美 ; 所 以, 吹吧 , 柔情 的风 笛 ;
不是 奏给 耳 朵听 , 而是 更甜 ,
“ 物虽 胡 越 , 合则 肝 胆 。 ” J 2 比喻 , 特 别 是 暗 喻是
诗人常用的艺术手法 。比喻创造着 艺术 的新 的形象 与意义 , 并为人带来新 的美。《 希腊古瓮颂 》 开首 的
2 0 1 4年 6月
连 云港 师范 高等 专科 学校 学报
J o u r n a l o f L i a n y u  ̄a n g N o u n a 1 . C o U e g e
J u n e . 2 0 1 4
希腊古瓮颂英文赏析On the Beauty of Ode on a Grecian UrnAs a famous poem of John Keats’main works, Ode on a Grecian Urn is a remarkable classic to people from generation to generation. One of the reasons why it is renowned is thanks to the excellent poet, John Keats, who is extremely gifted but died young. Besides Ode on a Grecian Urn, in his short but precious poetry life, there emerges several other popular works, to illustrate, To a Nightingale, To Psyche, The Eve of St. Agnes and so on. Full of various beauties, Ode on a Grecian Urn is very worthy appreciating on its theme, images and rhetorical forms.Through depicting an exquisite Grecian Urn made a thousand years ago, the poet expresses his strong admiration to the artist’s innovative skill which shocks him greatly. “Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness, thou foster-child of silence and slow time” refers to the urn, which as a work of art, has been wedded to the quietness and brought up by silence and slow time, and therefore, suffers no change. It also shows that the poet has absorbed himself into the timeless beautiful scenery on the antique Grecian urn. Actually, the theme is embodied in the contrast between the permanence of art and the transience of the human life. Art is immortal.Next, a variety of images in the poem all become the aids to set off the theme. Keats arranges them flexibly and properly, which is quite impressive. Pipe in the second stanza, along with the youth, the t rees attract the poet’s endless fantasy about a lovely spot. And in the third, green altar, mysterious priest and the heifer lowing at the skies altogether structure a lifelike picture. Then in the last stanza, having listing the marble men andmaidens overwrought with forest branches and the trodden weed, he attributes his unforgettable sensation to all the readers. We can’t forget both the talent of the artistry of the poet and the artist to mould their images.In addition, almost all of the vivid expressions in the poem are contributed by wonderful use of rhetorical forms. Personification, allusion, metaphor, metonymy and hyperbole can find their way into the poem. The whole work is written in a thrilling tone as first person with the help of personificat ion. “Ye know on the earth, and all ye need to know”is full of philosophy and emotion. Allusion expressions include “Sylvan”“dales of Arcady”, even and his own quotation “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” The first two lines in the first stanza is a wonderfu l use of metaphor which compares the urn to bride, beautiful and silent. Hyperbole is also very obvious. “As doth eternity” and other description to the still imagery on it all highlight the poet’s adoration to the urn.All in all, Ode on a Grecian Urn, written by the positive romanticist John Keats, is absolutely a representative in the second part of English Romanticism. Fruitful of its theme, imagery, and rhetorical forms, the poem successfully expresses the praise to the creativity of artists in that ti me, and the poet’s admiration. It’s the masterpiece of time and eternity.。
济慈,全名约翰·济慈John Keats(1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英国诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。
以下是小编整理的希腊古瓮颂原文与翻译,欢迎阅读!1.THOU still unravish'd bride of quietness,Thou foster-child of silence and slow time,Sylvan historian, who canst thus expressA flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:What leaf-fring'd legend haunts about thy shapeOf deities or mortals, or of both,In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?你这岿然的,“寂静”的新娘,“沉默”和“悠久”把你来收养。
田园的史家呵,竟能娓娓道来比我们瑰丽诗句更加甜美的如花童话:绿叶流苏般的传说,是怎样地将你那在潭蓓谷里,在阿卡迪亚山壑中的神圣而凡俗的形体缠绕?抑或是人神合一罢!那又是怎样的人,怎样的神呵?处女们怎样不情愿地躲闪?怎样狂烈的追求?怎样挣扎着逃避?怎样的笛音与鼓谣?怎样的——欣喜若狂?2.Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheardAre sweeter;therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear'd,Pipe to the spiritditties of no tone:Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leaveThy song, nor ever can those trees be bare;Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss,Though winning near the goal—yet, do not grieve;She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss,For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!能够聆听的旋律固然迷人,却也比不上那些听不见的乐音;所以,你那柔情的风笛,继续吹响吧,不向那耽于感官之乐的世俗之耳,却更加亲密地向灵魂吹奏出无韵之曲:美丽的少年,在大树下坐着,你无法中断你的歌,而那些大树,也永远不会变得光秃和老迈。
On the Beauty of Ode on a Grecian UrnAs a famous poem of John Keats’ main works, Ode on a Grecian Urn is a remarkable classic to people from generation to generation。
One of the reasons why it is renowned is thanks to the excellent poet, John Keats, who is extremely gifted but died young. Besides Ode on a Grecian Urn,in his short but precious poetry life,there emerges several other popular works, to illustrate,To a Nightingale, To Psyche,The Eve of St. Agnes and so on。
Full of various beauties, Ode on a Grecian Urn is very worthy appreciating on its theme, images and rhetorical forms。
Through depicting an exquisite Grecian Urn made a thousand years ago, the poet expresses his strong admiration to the artist’s innovative skill which shocks him greatly。
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Ode on a Grecian Urn“Ode on a Grecian Urn” is a poem by John Keats, written in 1819 and first published in January 1820. Its inspiration is considered to be a visit by Keats to the exhibition of Greek artifacts accompanying the display of the “ElginMarbles” at the British Museum.[citation needed] The poem captures aspects of Keats”s idea of “Negative Capability”, as the reader does not know who the figures are on the urn, what they are doing, or where they are going. Instead, the speaker revels in this mystery, as he does in the final couplet (mentioned below), which does not makeimmediate, ascertainable sense but continues to have poetic significance nonetheless. The ode ultimately deals with the complexity of art”s relationship with real life.The poem begins:Thou still unravish”d pide of quietness,Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time,and ends with the famous lines:“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is allYe know on earth, and all ye need to know.”Because this ending couplet is in direct contrast to many of Keats” poems, for example “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” or “Lamia”, in which a man is deceived by a woman”s beauty, literary critics have begun interpreting it in a new way. It is now believed that the narrator, representative of Keats, was criticizing the Urn, saying that all it will ever need to know is that beauty is truth and truth beauty. This is also a sign of jealousy as the narrator admires this simplicity just as he criticizes yet admires the characters on the urn, who will never achieve climax yet are forever passionate.StyleThe ode is an ancient form originally written for musical accompaniment. The word itself is of Greek origin, meaning “sung.” While ode-writers from antiquity adhered to rigid patterns of strophe, anti strophe, and epode, the form by Keats”s time had undergone enough transformation that it really represented a manner-rather than a set method for writing a certain type of lyric poetry. In general, the ode of the Romantic era is a poem of 30 to 200 lines that meditates progressively upon or directly addressesa single object or condition. In addition to “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” Ke ats wrote odes about the season of autumn and the song of a nightingale as well as about indolence, melancholy, and even the poet John Milton”s hair.Keats”s odes are characterized by an exalted and highly lyrical tone, and while they employ specific stanza forms and rhyme schemes, these can vary from ode to ode.Notes Compiled by Michael J. Cummings...? 2005Type of Work.“Ode on a Grecian Urn” is a romantic ode, a dignified but highly lyrical (emotional) poem in which the author speaks to a person or thing absent or present. In this famous ode, Keats addresses the urn and the images on it. The romantic ode was at the pinnacle of its popularity in the 19th Century. It was the result of an author’s deep meditation on the person or object. The romantic ode evolved from the ancient Greek ode, written in a serious tone to celepate an event or to praise an individual. The Greek ode was intended to be sung by a chorus or by one person to the accompaniment of musical instruments. The odes of the Greek poet Pindar (circa 518-438 B.C.) frequently extolled athletes who participated in athletic games at Olympus, Delphi, the Isthmus of Corinth, and Nemea. Bacchylides, a contemporary of Pindar, also wrote odes praising athletes. The Roman poets Horace (65-8 B.C.) and Catullus (84-54 B.C.) wrote odes based on the Greek model, but their odes were not intended to be sung. In the 19th Century, English romantic poets wrote odes that retained the serious tone of the Greek ode. However, like the Roman poets, they did not write odes to be sung. Unlike the Romanpoets, though, the authors of 19th Century romantic odes generally were more emotional in their writing. The author of a typical romantic ode focused on a scene, pondered its meaning, and presented a highly personal reaction to it that included a special insight at the end of the poem (like the closing lines of “Ode on a Grecian Urn”).Writing and Publication Dates“Ode on a Grecian Urn” was written in the spring of 1819 and published later that year in Annals of the Fine Arts, which focused on architecture, sculpture, and painting but sometimes published poems and essays with themes related to the arts. Structure and Meter“Ode on a Grecian Urn” consists of five stanzas that present a scene, describe and comment on what it shows, and offer a general truth that the scene teaches a person analyzing the scene. Each stanza has ten lines written in iambic pentameter, a pattern of rhythm (meter) that assigns ten syllables to each line. The first syllable is unaccented, the second accented, the third unaccented, the fourth accented, and so on. Note, for example, the accent pattern of the first two lines of the poem. The unaccented syllables are in lower-cased blue letters, and the accented syllables are in upper-cased red letters.thou STILL un RAV ished BRIDE of QUI et NESS,thou FOS ter - CHILD of SI lence AND slow TIMENotice that each line has ten syllables, five unaccented ones in blue andfive accented ones in red. Thus, these lines--like the other lines in the poem--are in iambic pentameter. Iambic refers to a pair of syllables, one unaccented and the other accented. Such a pair is called an iamb. “Thou STILL” is an iamb; so are “et NESS” and “slow TIME.” However, “BRIDE of” and “FOS ter” are not iambs because they con sist of an accented syllable followed by an unaccented syllable. Pentameter--the first syllable of which is derived from the Greek word for five--refers to lines that have five iambs (which, as demonstrated, each have two syllables). “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” then, is in iambic pentameter because every line has five iambs, each iamb consisting of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented one. The purpose of this stress pattern is to give the poem rhythm that pleases the ear.Situation and SettingIn England, Keats examines a marble urn crafted in ancient Greece. (Whether such an urn was real or imagined is uncertain. However, many artifacts from ancient Greece, ones which could have inspired Keats, were on display in the British Museum at the time that Keats wrote the poem.) Pictured on the urn, a type of vase, are pastoral scenes in Greece. In one scene, males are chasing females in some sort of revelry or celepation. There are musicians playing pipes (wind instruments such as flutes) and timpels (ancient tambourines). Keats wonders whether the images represent both gods and humans. He also wonders what has occasioned their merrymaking. A secondscene depicts people leading a heifer to a sacrificial altar. Keats writes his ode about what he sees, addressing or commenting on the urn and its images as if they were real beings with whom he can speak. Text, Summary, and AnnotationsEnd-Rhyming Words Are HighlightedSummary and AnnotationsStanza 1Keats calls the urn an “unravish’d pide of quietness” beca use it has existed for centuries without undergoing any changes (it is “unravished”) as it sits quietly on a shelf or table. He also calls it a “foster-child of silence and time” because it is has been adopted by silence and time, parents who have conferred on the urn eternal stillness. In addition, Keats refers to the urn as a “sylvan historian” because it records a pastoral scene from long ago. (“Sylvan” refers to anything pertaining to woods or forests.) This scene tells a story (“legend”) in pictures fr amed with leaves (“leaf-fring’d”)–a story that the urn tells more charmingly with its images than Keats does with his pen. Keats speculates that the scene is set either in Tempe or Arcady. Tempe is a valley in Thessaly, Greece–between Mount Olympus and Mount Ossa–that is favored by Apollo, the god of poetry and music. Arcady is Arcadia, a picturesque region in the Peloponnesus (a peninsula making up the southern part of Greece) where inhabitants live in carefree simplicity. Keats wonders whether the imageshe sees represent humans or gods. And, he asks, who are the reluctant (“loth”) maidens and what is the activity taking place?Stanza 2Using paradox and oxymoron to open Stanza 2, Keats praises the silent music coming from the pipes and timpels as far more pleasing than the audible music of real life, for the music from the urn is for the spirit. Keats then notes that the young man playing the pipe beneath trees must always remain an etched figure on the urn. He is fixed in time like the leaves on the tree. They will remain ever green and never die. Keats also says the bold young lover (who may be the piper or another person) can never empace the maiden next to him even though he is so close to her. However, Keats says, the young man should not grieve, for his lady love will remain beautiful forever, and their love–though unfulfilled–will continue through all eternity. Stanza 3Keats addresses the trees, calling them “happy, happy boughs” because they will never shed their leaves, and then addresses the young piper, calling him “happy melodist” because his songs will continue forever. In addition, the young man”s love for the maiden will remain forever “warm and still to be enjoy’d / For ever panting, and for ever young. . . .” In contrast, Keats says, the love between a man and a woman in the real world is imperfect, pinging pain and sorrow and desire that cannot be fully quenched. The lover comes away with a “burning forehead, and a parching tongue.”Stanza 4Keats inquires about the images of people approaching an altar to sacrifice a “lowing” (mooing) cow, one that has never borne a calf, on a green altar. Do these simple folk come from a little town on a river, a seashore, or a mountain topped by a peaceful fortress. Wherever the town is, it will be forever empty, for all of its inhabitants are here participating in the festivities depicted on the urn. Like the other figures on the urn, townspeople are frozen in time; they cannot escape the urn and return to their homes.Stanza 5Keats begins by addr essing the urn as an “attic shape.” Attic refers to Attica, a region of east-central ancient Greece in which Athens was the chief city. Shape, of course, refers to the urn. Thus, attic shape is an urn that was crafted in ancient Attica. The urn is a beautiful one, poet says, adorned with “pede” (paiding, empoidery) depicting marble men and women enacting a scene in the tangle of forest tree panches and weeds. As people look upon the scene, they ponder it–as they would ponder eternity–trying so hard to grasp its meaning that they exhaust themselves of thought. Keats calls the scene a “cold pastoral!”–in part because it is made of cold, unchanging marble and in part, perhaps, because it frustrates him with its unfathomable mysteries, as does eternity. (At this time in his life, Keats was suffering from tuberculosis, a disease that had killed his pother, andwas no doubt much occupied with thoughts of eternity. He was also passionately in love with a young woman, Fanny Brawne, but was unable to act decisively on his feelings–even though she reciprocated his love–because he believed his lower social status and his dubious financial situation stood in the way. Consequently, he was like the cold marble of the urn–fixed and immovable.) Keats says that when death claims him and all those of his generation, the urn will remain. And it will say to the next generation what it has said to Keats: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” In other words, do not try to look beyond the beauty of the urn and its images, which are representations of the eternal, for no one can see into eternity. The beauty itself is enough for a human; that is the only truth that a human can fully grasp. The poem ends with an endorsement of these words, saying they make up the only axiom that any human being really needs to know。