

英文:The development of smart grid is a topic of great concern for many people, myself included. A smart grid refers to the use of advanced communication, computing, and control technologies to achieve intelligent management and operation of the power system. It can achieve efficient use of electricity, improve power supply reliability, and reduce energy consumption. At present, the development of smart grid has made some achievements, but it also faces some challenges and problems.中文:智能电网的发展是许多人关注的话题,我也是其中之一。
英文:One of the achievements of the development of smartgrid is the integration of renewable energy sources intothe power grid. For example, in my city, we have a large-scale solar power plant that is connected to the smart grid. This allows the power generated from the solar panels to be efficiently distributed and used, reducing the reliance on traditional fossil fuels and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. This is a great example of how smart grid technology can promote the use of clean and sustainable energy.中文:智能电网发展的成就之一是将可再生能源整合到电力网中。


Impact of Distributed Generation on Smart Grid Transient Stability
2. Overview of Distributed Generation, Smart Grid and SVC Technologies
2.1. Distributed Generation
Copyright © 2011 SciRes.
there is a need to transform this model into Smart Grid that can enhance power quality and fully integrate with advanced grid elements such as intelligent sensing and digital metering. Smart Grid is recognized as a new platform for future power industry. The rapid rise on this issue is also leading to the fast growth of distributed generation technology markets such as in fuel cells (FC), photovoltaic (PV), wind turbine (WT) and energy storage (ES). This trend will have profound impact on future electricity technology which allows Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and advanced power electronic devices to be installed and embedded throughout the network. This is the challenge where current bulk generation and distributed generation will co-exist with higher power reliability and quality in the form of Smart Grid. To emphasize these, this paper will provide a fundamental understanding of distributed generation issues and framework of Smart Grid. Lastly, it finishes off by providing an analysis impact of DG on Smart Grid transient stability.

1Research on Smart Grid in ChinaJingjing Lu, Da Xie, Member, IEEE and Qian Ai, Member, IEEEAbstract--The Smart Grid is the latest direction for the futurepower system development. In this paper, firstly the backgroundof Smart Grid, its meaning, as well as the concept and structurewere presented. Typical diagram of Smart Grid was illustrated.Then, the current development of Smart Grid in United States and Europe were described, development ideas and the future trends in these countries were summarized and compared as well.Besides, the driving force of Smart Grid in China was analyzed,with detailed introduction of current related projects in China.The relation between the UHV Power Grid and the Smart Grid was discussed. Finally, the potential role of Smart Grid in future power grids in China was prospected and a new direction for China’s Smart Grid development was charted.Index Terms—Smart Grid, UHV power grid, planning,operation, managementI. INTRODUCTIONWith the promotion of world economy modernization, theprice of oil has been kept on a upward trend. What is also noticeable is the shortage of energy supply around the world, the increasing pressures on resources and environment pressure, and the enormous power losses in energy delivery due to the low eff iciency of the current power grid. What’s more, owing to the growing electricity demands and the users’increasing requirements for reliability and quality, the power industry is now facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Therefore, a new sort of power system of environment friendly, economic, high performance, low investment, safety, reliability and flexibility has been a goal of engineers in power industry.Still, the emergence of advanced meter infrastructure and more extensive usage of the Internet accelerate the process [1]. Since 1990's, with the increasing use of distributed generation power, more demands and requirements have been proposed for power grid intensity [2], [3]. To find out a optimal solution for these problems, power companies should accept the idea of new technology adoption, potential mining of the existing power system and improvement of its application and utilization. Consensus has been reached by experts and scholars from different countries that future power gird must be able to meet various requirements of energy generating and the demands of highly market-oriented power transaction so that the needs of the self-selection from customers can be satisfied individually. All of these will become the future development direction of Smart Grid.This paper focuses on the status of the development of the Smart Grid, analyzing the driving force of the Smart Grid and introducing the current demonstration projects in China. It also discusses the relation between UHV power grid and Smart Grid, and then prospect the significance of Smart Grid in the future. A new direction for Chinese Smart Grid development is charted as well, which might be the reference for the development of Smart Grid in China.II. CONCEPT OF SMART GRIDSmart Grid is a gradual development process accompanied with the technology innovation, demands of energy saving and managements needs. People will have their own understandingfor Smart Grid, no matter if they are facility suppliers, IT companies, consulting firms, public power companies or power generation companies. From the earlier smart intelligence meteringto electrical intelligence, from transmission and distribution automation to a whole intelligent process, the concept of smart power grid has been enriched substantially [4]. In 2006, US IBM presented a "Smart Grid" solution. This is a relatively complete concept for current Smart Grid which indicates its official birth [5].As shown in Fig.1, a Smart Grid is basically overlaying the physical power system with an information system which links a variety of equipments and assets together with sensors to form a customer service platform. It allows the utility and consumers to constantly monitor and adjust electricity use. The management of operation will be more intelligent and scientific based on the dynamic analysis of needs both from user-side and demand side which can increase capital investment efficiency due to tighter design limits and optimized use of grid assets.In comparison with traditional grid, Smart Grid includes integrated communication systems, advanced Sensing,metering, measurement infrastructure, complete decision support and human interfaces.III. CURRENT RESEARCH ACTIVITIESA. Comparison of researches in Smart Grid area between European and the United statesIn the United States, there were several large power outages in recent years. Because of which, electric power industry pays closer attention to power quality and reliability;customers draw out more requests for electricity supply. The ever-increasing demands of national security and environmental protection policy of the United States leads to the establishment of a higher standard for power grid construction and management [6]. At the same time, in recent years’ researches of basic materials, power and information technologies, breakthroughs have been achieved for implementation target which shows the significant improvement of reliability, efficiency in power network. Such as the emergence of superconducting cables, it assures Obama’s new gove rnment of United States has seen the daylights of the Smart Grid.Similarly, the European power users also raise higher requirements for electricity supply & power quality [7].Because of the extreme attention for environmental protection,compared with the construction of power grid in US,Europeans have more concerns about the construction of renewable energy access, the impact on wildlife, as well as the actively research on real-time monitoring and remotecontrolling.All is about to realize the "Plug & Play use" idea,ensuring a more friendly, flexible access and interaction with the user. In both Europe and United States, the most common direction for grid development is to seek new and renewable sources for energy generation. However, Smart Grid is not a fixed, static project, according to their particular status and main problems, all countries need to simplify the Smart Grid and make it adjusted to fit their own features.B. Driving force of the Smart Grid in ChinaThe drivers for Smart Grid construction can be concluded into market, circumstances, safety and power quality. Chinese power industry is also facing the similar situation as in Europe and the United States.At Market-oriented reforms level, the national network and unified national electricity market has not completely formed.In national wide, power exchanges are not effective; neither does the true meaning of the online bidding. From a long term view,China's transaction approaches of power markets and pricing structure is developing, market demand and supply sides will have more frequent interactions. In order to attract more users to join the market competition, power companies must improve their service, strengthen the interaction with users and provide more products for selection, so as to meet the demands of different types of users.At the macro policy level, the power industry needs to meet the requirements ofresource-saving and environment-friendly society’s construction, adapt to climate change and suitable for sustainable development.Regarding the Chinese power grid itself, a strong backbone network has not been built yet, and it is still not strong enough to withstand multiple faults circumstances. The regional power grid backbone is also in a lower stability level, which results in a limited flexibility for system operation, etc. The snow storm weather in early 2008 which led to a blackout in major area of China vividly exposed the weakness of the current Chinese grid in safeguard of electricity supply aspect.Moreover, the lack of intelligent power distribution leads to a regional, seasonal shortage of electricity and coexistent in some areas with both surplus & shortages of electricity.There still remain challenges that how to improve the efficiency of power investment and construction, how to ensure the security and reliability of power grid’s operation, to ensure power quality; how to improve the maintenance of power system; how to enhance the service quality to users, as well as how to improve the power grid management in China.For these issues, Smart Grid would be an ideal solution.C. Current research activities in ChinaIn the year of 2006, IBM published the guideline named ‘Establishing Smart Power Grid and Innovating Management Methods – A New Thought of the Development of Electric in China’. Directed at the current opportunities and challenges of the power grid companies in China, the guideline suggests improving the efficiency of electrical investments and construction, the stability of power grid, and the companies’service and ma nagement level through the construction of smart power grid and the innovation of management methods.Meanwhile, IBM proposed that it can provide a whole scheme - Solution Architecture for Energy (SAFT) for the power companies in China to use the smart power grid effectively. SAFT contains several parts: first is to improvethe digital level by connecting the equipments with sensors;Second is to establish the data collecting and integrating system; Third is to analyze: SAFT optimize the operating progress and management based on the analyzing of the data[5]. This is the bud of smart power grid in Chin.In October 2007, East China Power Grid Company embarked on the research area of the feasibility of smart power grid. The research project was not only correlated with the progress of those advanced companies and research facilities abroad, but also take the current situation and future needs of east china power grid into consideration. The result came out as, based on the high equipment level and strong technological innovation ability, the construction of smart power grid is feasible in east china power grid. East China Power Grid Company would follow the belief that‘Concerning the future and change fast with needs, and providing high quality service’, when bui lding smart power grid. There is a three step strategy with an advanced power grid distributing center built by 2010, the construction of digital power grid with primary intelligence completed by 2020, and a smart power grid with the ability of self-healing built by 2030 [8]. The construction plan is still under consideration.On Feb. 28, 2009, as a part of the smart power grid of East China Power Grid Company, the three-state security defense and power generation monitoring system passed the acceptance check in Beijing, which stands for stable-state,transient-state and dynamic-state. The system integrated three single systems altogether for the first time, which includes power management system, power grid dynamic wan monitor system and online stability analysis and warning system. The operator has full access to the whole view of the power grid operating situation andthe decision-making assistance without switching in systems or platforms. Besides, the system can effectively improve the management standardization and the level of flow of the related power plants through establishing the management checking platform and the assistance marketservice quality analyzing platform.The development of smart power grid research in China is slow and far behind the west. So far, only East China Power Grid Company and North China Power Grid Company have carried out researches about the developing and implementation plan. It is a tradition for China to emphasize technology development, and in fact, the equipments in China are more advanced than those in developed countries. Thus,smart power grid has a bright prospect in China.IV. PROSPECTS OF SMART GRID IN CHINAIn order to solve the problems of imbalance distribution for generation resources and power loads, the transmission capacity should be enhanced by building long-distance and large-capacity power transmission systems. And unity or united UHV power grids should be constructed under coordinated plan. The transmission of power on a large scale from west and north China to middle and east China can reduce the pressure of energy in the east China and the pressure of transmission and environmental protection.Furthermore, this can expedite the conversion from resource advantage to economy advantage and realize the coordinated development of nation economy. Chinese politics system,economic environment and management system also promotes UHV power grids in its development. At present, China is studying the future large power grids technology and has the ability to construct the national united power grids. On Jan, 16,2009, the first UHV power line in China was finished and put into operation.Unity or united UHV power grid, distributed power generating or scattered interactive power supplying grid are the trends of development. China, as the delegate in unity or united UHV power grid development trend, is different from any western countries. In China, is it in contradiction to develop both UHV power grid and Smart Grid? Though the large power grid with linkage effect has the advantage of optimizing the resources, it has the potential risk of power outage in large area. The ability to control the large power grid and maintain its stability is required by the fast development of power grid. And the smart power gird with self-healing and high reliability matches such requirements.Thus, smart power grid is the direction of China power grid development while building UHV power grid and the grid of different level, as well as improving the operating and management level of the grid.According to the precondition and the background of UHVpower grid development in current China, the aspects which should be paid more attention on are as follows:Smart Planning: The power grid should become selfhealing and smart. The ability of power grid planning optimization should be enhanced. So should be the ability of receive-side power grid planning, on the premise of the UHV AC/ DC feed-in and differentvoltage level coordinated development. The most important thing is to change the concepts and methods of power planning, and to make the traditional power development concept such like regarding building new power stations as a wide-ranging concept of resourcesdistribution.Smart Operation: The dispatching pattern is developing towards a coordinated control direction, aiming at the enhancement of control and mastering of large power grid. The future Smart Grid should be coordinated with a matching control center equipped with more advanced power system management ability, for the purpose of improving the functions and performanceof existing EMS, MOS, WAMMAP system in an integral manner, at the same time to track down the correlations between different power grid monitoring and controlling indexes,and to construct a logic structure based power system monitoring and controlling index system. Through thegradual process of implementation of dynamic security monitoring, power system pre-alarm processing and precontrol,much more accurate and comprehensive knowledge of the operation state of the power systemcan be obtained, based on which, the most effective and timely measures and actions can be taken to fulfill the power system control and dispatching strategy, finally to improve the safeguard of the whole power system’sstability and security.Smart Management: The management pattern of power system is undergoing an evolution from vertical mode to distributed mode, from function management to process management, from grid construction to both construction and operation modes.V. CONCLUSIONSmart Grid is a hot spot in today's electric power system,also regarded as one of the vanes in 21st century for the major scientific and technological innovation and development in power system. Many countries in the world are involved in this big trend, and have set up a lot of Smart Grid demonstration projects and test platforms. Also, the theoretical and experimental research in Smart Grid has made some achievements. The international exchanges have greatly promoted the development of Smart Grid. Because of China's electricity distribution and extremely uneven distribution of electricity load, it is the right time to develop special highvoltage power grid. As the development of Smart Grid is still at the very beginning stage of our country, how to combine the special high-voltage power grids with intelligent power grid is the main problem confronted. The direction to development and the characteristics of smart power grids in China are still open for our experts and scholars for further study.VI. REFERENCES[1] David G. Hart, " Using AMI to Realize the Smart Grid," in Proc. 2008IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion andDelivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, pp. 1-2.[2] S. Massoud Amin and B.F. Wollenberg, “Toward a Smart Grid: powerdeli very for the 21st century,” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol.3, No. 5 Sept.-Oct. 2005, pp. 34-41.[3] D. Divan and H. Johal, “A Smarter Grid for Improving SystemReliability and Asset Utilization,” Power Electronics and MotionControl Conference, August, 2006.[4] Tai, H. and Hogain, E.O., “Behind the buzz [In My View]," IEEE Trans.Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 7, pp. 96 - 92, Mar.-Apr. 2009.[5] Fujie Sun, Ming Lei and Chengbin Yang, “Establishing Smart PowerGrid and Innovating Management Methods– A New Thought of theDevelopment of Electric in China," IBM Corp, [Online]. Available:[6] Richard E. Brown, " Impact of Smart Grid on distribution systemdesign," in Proc. 2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting- Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, pp.1-4.[7] European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, “Draft -Strategic Deployment Document for Europe’s Electricity Networks ofthe future”, 2008[8] Junqing Shuai, Aiming at the forefront and Establishing SmartGrid, State Grid, issue 2, pp.54-57, 2008.VII. BIOGRAPHIESJingjing Lu was born in Hunan, China in 1985. Shereceived her B.Sc. degree in electrical engineeringfrom Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,China in 200 . Now she is a gradate student ofDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaoong University in Shanghai, China. She mainlyfocuses her research on power system simulation,FACTS and Smart Grid.Da Xie (M’03) was born in Heilongjiang, China in1969. He received his B.Sc. degree in electricalengineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai, China in 1991, the M.Sc. degree inelectrical engineering from Harbin Institute ofTechnology, Harbin, China in 1996,and the Ph.D.degree in electrical engineering from Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai, China in 1999. Now heis associate professor in Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity, EE department. He mainly focuses hisresearch on FACTS and power system simulation.Qian Ai (M’03) was born in Hubei, China in1969.He received the B.Sc. degree in electricalengineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai, China, the M.Sc. degree in electricalengineering from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China,and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering fromTsinghua University, Beijing, China. He worked asa Research Fellow from 1999 to 2002 in NanyangTechnological University, Singapore, and theUniversity of Bath, Bath, U.K. He is currently anAssociate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His interests includepower system modeling, power quality, FACTS and Micro grid.对中国智能电网的研究摘要 -智能电网是电力系统的未来发展的新方向。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献译文及原文Application of the Power Flow Calculation Method to Islanding Micro GridsY.H. Liu. Z.Q. Wu, S.J Lin, N. P. BrandonAbstract:Most existing power flow calculation methods use a swing bus as a reference node for the whole system Increasingly. new distributed generation resources (DGRs) are being added to the grid. Sometimes, local demand or failure of the grid can result in independent micro-grids forming, which are known as 'islanding' systems Howcver. current DGRs are often limited such that there is no single DGR which can balance the power demand and stabilize the frequency of the micro-grid, meaning that there is no swing bus from which the microgrid can bemanaged. According to existing research. a DGR coupled with a dcdicated cnergy storage .system and suitable control stratcgy (here termed a distributcd generation (DG system) has the ability to adjust its output. This means that a DG system can respond dynamically to grid events. This means that a DG .system can rcspond dynamically to grid events. In this paper. a new power flow calculation method (based on Newton-Raphson power flow solution) with good convergence is proposed that can accommodate the lack of a swing bus in an islanding system. This addresses power flow results and the frequency ofthe whole system. The method proposed is discussed in detail with cxamples of diffcrent DG systems with various adjustment coefficients and load models.The results arc compared with those of a traditional power flow calculation mcthod based around the use of a swing bus. In conclusion, this paper shows that the improved method is more apprpriate for islanding systems with mesh topology and for micro-grid management wihtno swing bus.Index Terms--Distributed Generation; Islanding; Micro Grid; Power Flow Calculation; Power SystemⅠ.NOMENCLATUREA. Indexesi,j numbef of node ;B. Constantsn number of nods of the system;m number of non-power-source nodes in the system;Ai percentage coefficient of constant impedance load in a compound load modeBi percentage coefficient ofconstant current load in a compound load model;Ci percentage coefficient of constant power load in a compound load model;错误!未找到引用源。

voltage regulation
Network interface card
on load tap changing transformer(OLTC)
Pulse Code Modulation
fault calculations
packet switching
load forecasting
fuel cells
leakage reactances,
twisted pair
Human–Machine Interface
Original text:
Book1: Smart Grid-Technology and Applications(2012) : 269.
Large quantities of electrical energy can be stored using pumped hydro or underground compressed air facilities. Such schemes can have a power rating of up to 1-2 GW with an energy capacity of 10-20 GWh. Smaller quantities of energy can be stored in batteries, flywheels and Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) devices [1-3]. Fuel cells convert a continuous source of chemical energy into electricity but have a similar impact on the power network as some energy storage systems (for example, flow batteries).

中英文对照资料外文翻译外文资料翻译Power supply system of high-rise building designAbstract: with the continuous development of city size, more and more high-rise buildings, therefore high-rise building electrical design to the designers had to face. In this paper, an engineering example, describes the electrical design of high-rise buildings and some of the more typical issues of universal significance, combined with the actual practice of an engineering solution to the problem described.Key words: high-rise building; electrical design; distribution; load calculation1 Project OverviewThe commercial complex project,with a total construction area of 405570m2,on the ground floor area of 272330m2, underground construction area of 133240m2, the main height of 99m. Project components are: two office buildings, construction area is 70800m2, 28 layers, the standard story is 3.2m.2 Load Calculation1) Load characteristics: electric load, much larger than the "national civil engineering technical measures" Large 120W/m2 indicators, especially in the electricity load more food, and different types of food and beverage catering different cultural backgrounds also high.2) the uncertainty of a large load, because the commercial real estate rents are often based on market demand, and constantly adjust the nature of the shops, making the load in the dynamic changes.3) There is no specification and technical measures in the different types of commercial projects refer to the detailed parameters of the shops, engineering design load calculation in the lack of data, in most cases to rely on staff with previous experience in engineering design calculations.Load the selection of parameters: for the above problems, the load calculation, the first developer of sales and good communication, to determine the form of layers of the forms and nature of floor area, which is calculated on the basis of electrical load basis; followed to determine parameter index within the unit area of shops is also very important and complex because there is no clear indicator of the specification can refer to; and different levels of economic development between cities is not balanced, power indices are also different; will be in the same city, different regions have different consumer groups .3) the need to factor in the choice: parameters determined, the need for load calculation. Need to factor commonly used method, the calculation will not repeat them. Need to explore is the need for coefficient selection, which in the current specifications, manuals and the "unified technical measures" is also not clear requirements, based on years of design experience that most end shops in the distribution or level within the household distribution box with case Kx generally take a while, in the calculation of the loop route to take 0.7 to 0.8, the distribution transformers in the substation calculations take 0.4 to 0.6.3 substations setLoad calculation based on the results of this project the total installed capacity of transformer 43400Kv.A, after repeated consultations with the power company, respectively, in the project in northern, central and southern three sections set the three buildings into three power substations, 1 # set 6 sets 2500Kv.A transformer substation, take the northern section of power supply; 2 # 4 1600Kv.A transformer substations located, plus 6 sets 2000Kv.A transformers, take the middle of the power supply, in addition to 5 Taiwan 10Kv.A high-pressure water chillers (total 4000Kv.A); 3 # substation located 2 units plus 2 units 1000Kv.A 2000Kv.A transformers, take the southern section of A, B twooffice supply. 10Kv power configuration of this project into two points, each at the two 10Kv lines, the power company under the provisions of 10Kv power capacity: maximum load per channel is about to 11000Kv.A, two is the 22000Kv.A, design # 1 , 3 # combination of a substation 10Kv, power line, with a total capacity of 21000Kv.A; 2 # substation transformers and 10Kv, 10Kv chillers sharing a power line, with a total capacity of 22400Kv.A. The design of the substation layout, in addition to meeting regulatory requirements, it also need to consider the high-pressure cabinets, transformers and low voltage power supply cabinet by order of arrangement, especially in low voltage distribution cabinet to feed the cable smooth and easy inspection duty problems are not seriously consider the construction of the cable crossing will cause more long detour, a waste of floor space, and convenient inspections and other issues【8】.4 small fire load power supplyIn the design of large commercial projects often encounter small fire load of electrical equipment and more dispersed distribution, if fed by a substation, a substation will be fed a lot of low-voltage low-current counter circuit breaking capacity circuit breaker and conductor of the dynamic and thermal stability in a certain extent. According to GB50045-1995 "fire protection design of tall buildings," rule "should be used in Fire Equipment dedicated power supply circuit, the power distribution equipment shall be provided with clear signs." Interpretation of the provisions of the power supply circuit means "from the low-voltage main distribution room (including the distribution of electrical room) to last a distribution box, and the general distribution lines should be strictly separated." In this design, the use of methods to increase the level of distribution, that is different from the substation bus segments, respectively, a fire fed a special circuit, set in place two distribution cabinets, distribution cabinets and then the resulting radial allocated to the end of the dual power to vote each box, so that not only meets the specification requirements for dedicated power supply circuit, but also to avoid feeding the substation level of many small current loop.5, the choice of circuit breaker and conductorCommercial real estate projects use the room as the uncertainty in the choice of circuit breakers and conductors must be considered in a certain margin to meet the needs caused by adjustment of the load changes. According to this characteristic, increased use in the design of the plug bus-powered, not only meet the requirements of large carrying capacity, and also allows the flexibility to increase supply and distribution, are reserved in each shaft in the plug-box backup in order to change, according to changes in upper and lower load, to adjust. For example: a bus is responsible for a shaft 1 to 3 layers of power, when a layer due to the change in capacity increases, while the 3-layer capacity is reduced, you can use a spare plug box layer off the 3-layer 1 layer capacity rationing . This level distribution in the substation, select the circuit breaker to choose the setting value when the circuit breaker to adjust to changes at the end to adjust the load setting value; in the bus and the transformer circuit breaker according to the choice of the general framework of values to select . For example: Route certain equipment capacity 530Kv, Kx take 0.7 to calculate current of 704A, select the frame circuit breaker is 1000A, tuning is 800A; current transformer for the 1000/50; bus carrying capacity for the 1000A, this road can meet the maximum 1000A current load requirements, even if there is adjustment, power distribution switches and circuit can not make big changes.6 layer distribution box setAccording to the division of layers of fire protection district, respectively numbered as A ~ K layers within the set level shaft for the retail lighting power distribution box, with one on one power supply shops in radial power. Should be noted that the forms of the complex layers of layers of fire partition, does not correspond to the lower, making some of shaft power in charge of the fire district at the same time, also responsible for the power supply adjacent to the fire district. At design time, using the principle of proximity, while also taking into account the burden of the whole trunk load conditions, so that each shaft as far as possible a more balanced load. PrerequisitesThe loop that you want to auto-tune must be in automatic mode. The loopoutput must be controlled by the execution of the PID instruction. Auto-tune will fail if the loop is in manual mode.Before initiating an auto-tune operation your process must be brought to a stable state which means that the PV has reached setpoint (or for a P type loop, a constant difference between PV and setpoint) and the output is not changing erratically.Ideally, the loop output value needs to be near the center of the control range when auto-tuning is started. The auto-tune procedure sets up an oscillation in the process by making small step changes in the loop output. If the loop output is close to either extreme of its control range, the step changes introduced in the auto-tune procedure may cause the output value to attempt to exceed the minimum or the maximum range limit.If this were to happen, it may result in the generation of an auto-tune error condition, and it will certainly result in the determination of less than near optimal suggested values.Auto-Hysteresis and Auto-DeviationThe hysteresis parameter specifies the excursion (plus or minus) from setpoint that the PV (process variable) is allowed to make without causing the relay controller to change the output. This value is used to minimize the effect of noise in the PV signal to more accurately determine the natural oscillation frequency of the process.If you select to automatically determine the hysteresis value, the PID Auto-Tuner will enter a hysteresis determination sequence. This sequence involves sampling the process variable for a period of time and then performing a standard deviation calculation on the sample results.In order to have a statistically meaningful sample, a set of at least 100 samples must be acquired. For a loop with a sample time of 200 msec, acquiring 100 samples takes 20 seconds. For loops with a longer sample time it will take longer. Even though 100 samples can be acquired in less than 20 seconds for loops with sample times less than 200 msec, the hysteresis determinationsequence always acquires samples for at least 20 seconds.Once all the samples have been acquired, the standard deviation for the sample set is calculated. The hysteresis value is defined to be two times the standard deviation. The calculated hysteresis value is written into the actual hysteresis field (AHYS) of the loop table.TipWhile the auto-hysteresis sequence is in progress, the normal PID calculation is not performed. Therefore, it is imperative that the process be in a stable state prior to initiating an auto-tune sequence. This will yield a better result for the hysteresis value and it will ensure that the process does not go out of control during the auto-hysteresis determination sequence.The deviation parameter specifies the desired peak-to-peak swing of the PV around the set point. If you select to automatically determine this value, the desired deviation of the PV is computed by multiplying the hysteresis value by 4.5. The output will be driven proportionally to induce this magnitude of oscillation in the process during auto-tuning.Auto-Tune SequenceThe auto-tuning sequence begins after the hysteresis and deviation values have been determined. The tuning process begins when the initial output step is applied to the loop output.This change in output value should cause a corresponding change in the value of the process variable. When the output change drives the PV away from setpoint far enough to exceed the hysteresis boundary a zero-crossing event is detected by the auto-tuner. Upon each zero crossing event the auto-tuner drives the output in the opposite direction.The tuner continues to sample the PV and waits for the next zero crossing event.A total of twelve zero-crossings are required to complete the sequence. The magnitude of the observed peak-to-peak PV values (peak error) and the rate at which zero-crossings occur are directly related to the dynamics of the process. Early in the auto-tuning process, the output step value is proportionally adjustedonce to induce subsequent peak-to-peak swings of the PV to more closely match the desired deviation amount. Once the adjustment is made, the new output step amount is written into the Actual Step Size field (ASTEP) of the loop table.The auto-tuning sequence will be terminated with an error, if the time between zero crossings exceeds the zero crossing watchdog interval time. The default value for the zero crossing watchdog interval time is two hours.Figure 1 shows the output and process variable behaviors during an auto-tuning sequence on a direct acting loop. The PID Tuning Control Panel was used to initiate and monitor the tuning sequence.Notice how the auto-tuner switches the output to cause the process (as evidenced by the PV value) to undergo small oscillations. The frequency and the amplitude of the PV oscillations are indicative of the process gain and natural frequency.7 public area distribution box setTaking into account the future needs of the business re-decoration of public areas must be reserved for power. Here the design needs to consider the following points:①question of how much reserve power, lighting and electricity, which according to GB50034-2004 "Architectural Lighting Design Standards" table of Article 6.1.3 and 6.1.8, commercial building lighting power density value, high-end supermarkets, business offices as 20W/m2, under the "decorative lighting included 50% of the total lighting power density calculation" requirements, using the reserved standard 40W/m2.②In order to facilitate the decoration in each partition set fire lighting in public areas and emergency lighting distribution box distribution box, in order to identify the electrical power distribution decoration cut-off point.③the staircase, storage rooms and other parts of the decoration does not need to do, set the power distribution circuit or a separate distribution box, try not to be reserved from the public area of electricity distribution board fed hardcover out.④control of lighting in public areas, the majority in two ways, namely,C-BUS control system or the BA system, the use of C-BUS has the advantage of more flexible control, each road can be fed out of control, adjustable light control; shortcomings is a higher cost. BA system control advantages of using low cost, simple control; disadvantage is that the exchanges and contacts for the three-phase, three-way control may be related both to open, or both, in the decoration of the contacts required to feed the power supply circuit diverge to avoid failure blackouts.Design of distribution box 8In the commercial real estate design, shop design is often only a meter box, and outlet route back to the needs of the user according to their second design, but the shops are difficult to resolve within the power supply fan coil units, air-conditioning system as a whole can not debug. The project approach is to add a circuit breaker in the meter box for the coil power supply, another way for users to use the second design, as shown below.User distribution box design9 distribution cabinet / box number and distribution circuitsLarge-scale projects are often low voltage distribution cabinet / box number, low-voltage circuits to feed the more often there will be cabinet / box number and line number duplication, resulting in the design and the future looks difficult maintenance and overhaul. The project has three 10Kv substations, 20 transformer, hundreds of low-voltage fed out of the closet, fed the circuit more. Accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the Chinese national standard requirements:①All the distribution number to be simple and clear, not too box and line numbers are not repeated.②number to simple and clear, not too long.③distinction between nature and type of load.④law was easy to find, make viewer at a glance. Based on the above requirements and on the ground, fire district and the underground construction industry form the different conditions, using two slightly different ways.Essential for the underground garage, uses a single comparison, also relatively fire district neat, according to fire district number, such as AL-BL-1 / 1, AP and APE, the meaning of the letters and numbers: AL on behalf of lighting distribution (AP on behalf of Power distribution box, APE on behalf of the emergency power distribution box); BI on behalf of the basement; 1 / 1 for partition 1, I fire box. Above ground is more complex, more fire district, and on the fire district does not correspond to the lower, according to shaft number is better, such as AL-1-A1, AP, and APE, letters and numbers mean: 1 represents a layer; A1 on behalf of A, No. 1 shaft fed a distribution box. Fed a low-voltage circuits, such as the number of uses: W3-6-AL-1-A1, W3-6) indicates that the route back to power supply transformer 3, 6, feed the power distribution cabinet, AL-1-A1, said the then the first loop of the distribution box for the AL-1-A1 and so on, and so on.10 ConclusionWith more and more complex commercial design projects, designers need to continually improve the design level, designed to make fine. These are only bits of the design in the business lessons learned, and the majority of designers want to communicate译文:浅谈高层建筑供配电系统设计摘要:随着城市规模的不断发展,高层建筑越来越多,因此,高层建筑电气设计就成为设计者不得不面对的问题。

中英文对照资料外文翻译外文资料翻译Power supply system of high-rise building designAbstract: with the continuous development of city size, more and more high-rise buildings, therefore high-rise building electrical design to the designers had to face. In this paper, an engineering example, describes the electrical design of high-rise buildings and some of the more typical issues of universal significance, combined with the actual practice of an engineering solution to the problem described.Key words: high-rise building; electrical design; distribution; load calculation1 Project OverviewThe commercial complex project,with a total construction area of 405570m2,on the ground floor area of 272330m2, underground construction area of 133240m2, the main height of 99m. Project components are: two office buildings, construction area is 70800m2, 28 layers, the standard story is 3.2m.2 Load Calculation1) Load characteristics: electric load, much larger than the "national civil engineering technical measures" Large 120W/m2 indicators, especially in the electricity load more food, and different types of food and beverage catering different cultural backgrounds also high.2) the uncertainty of a large load, because the commercial real estate rents are often based on market demand, and constantly adjust the nature of the shops, making the load in the dynamic changes.3) There is no specification and technical measures in the different types of commercial projects refer to the detailed parameters of the shops, engineering design load calculation in the lack of data, in most cases to rely on staff with previous experience in engineering design calculations.Load the selection of parameters: for the above problems, the load calculation, the first developer of sales and good communication, to determine the form of layers of the forms and nature of floor area, which is calculated on the basis of electrical load basis; followed to determine parameter index within the unit area of shops is also very important and complex because there is no clear indicator of the specification can refer to; and different levels of economic development between cities is not balanced, power indices are also different; will be in the same city, different regions have different consumer groups .3) the need to factor in the choice: parameters determined, the need for load calculation. Need to factor commonly used method, the calculation will not repeat them. Need to explore is the need for coefficient selection, which in the current specifications, manuals and the "unified technical measures" is also not clear requirements, based on years of design experience that most end shops in the distribution or level within the household distribution box with case Kx generally take a while, in the calculation of the loop route to take 0.7 to 0.8, the distribution transformers in the substation calculations take 0.4 to 0.6.3 substations setLoad calculation based on the results of this project the total installed capacity of transformer 43400Kv.A, after repeated consultations with the power company, respectively, in the project in northern, central and southern three sections set the three buildings into three power substations, 1 # set 6 sets 2500Kv.A transformer substation, take the northern section of power supply; 2 # 4 1600Kv.A transformer substations located, plus 6 sets 2000Kv.A transformers, take the middle of the power supply, in addition to 5 Taiwan 10Kv.A high-pressure water chillers (total 4000Kv.A); 3 # substation located 2 units plus 2 units 1000Kv.A 2000Kv.A transformers, take the southern section of A, B twooffice supply. 10Kv power configuration of this project into two points, each at the two 10Kv lines, the power company under the provisions of 10Kv power capacity: maximum load per channel is about to 11000Kv.A, two is the 22000Kv.A, design # 1 , 3 # combination of a substation 10Kv, power line, with a total capacity of 21000Kv.A; 2 # substation transformers and 10Kv, 10Kv chillers sharing a power line, with a total capacity of 22400Kv.A. The design of the substation layout, in addition to meeting regulatory requirements, it also need to consider the high-pressure cabinets, transformers and low voltage power supply cabinet by order of arrangement, especially in low voltage distribution cabinet to feed the cable smooth and easy inspection duty problems are not seriously consider the construction of the cable crossing will cause more long detour, a waste of floor space, and convenient inspections and other issues【8】.4 small fire load power supplyIn the design of large commercial projects often encounter small fire load of electrical equipment and more dispersed distribution, if fed by a substation, a substation will be fed a lot of low-voltage low-current counter circuit breaking capacity circuit breaker and conductor of the dynamic and thermal stability in a certain extent. According to GB50045-1995 "fire protection design of tall buildings," rule "should be used in Fire Equipment dedicated power supply circuit, the power distribution equipment shall be provided with clear signs." Interpretation of the provisions of the power supply circuit means "from the low-voltage main distribution room (including the distribution of electrical room) to last a distribution box, and the general distribution lines should be strictly separated." In this design, the use of methods to increase the level of distribution, that is different from the substation bus segments, respectively, a fire fed a special circuit, set in place two distribution cabinets, distribution cabinets and then the resulting radial allocated to the end of the dual power to vote each box, so that not only meets the specification requirements for dedicated power supply circuit, but also to avoid feeding the substation level of many small current loop.5, the choice of circuit breaker and conductorCommercial real estate projects use the room as the uncertainty in the choice of circuit breakers and conductors must be considered in a certain margin to meet the needs caused by adjustment of the load changes. According to this characteristic, increased use in the design of the plug bus-powered, not only meet the requirements of large carrying capacity, and also allows the flexibility to increase supply and distribution, are reserved in each shaft in the plug-box backup in order to change, according to changes in upper and lower load, to adjust. For example: a bus is responsible for a shaft 1 to 3 layers of power, when a layer due to the change in capacity increases, while the 3-layer capacity is reduced, you can use a spare plug box layer off the 3-layer 1 layer capacity rationing . This level distribution in the substation, select the circuit breaker to choose the setting value when the circuit breaker to adjust to changes at the end to adjust the load setting value; in the bus and the transformer circuit breaker according to the choice of the general framework of values to select . For example: Route certain equipment capacity 530Kv, Kx take 0.7 to calculate current of 704A, select the frame circuit breaker is 1000A, tuning is 800A; current transformer for the 1000/50; bus carrying capacity for the 1000A, this road can meet the maximum 1000A current load requirements, even if there is adjustment, power distribution switches and circuit can not make big changes.6 layer distribution box setAccording to the division of layers of fire protection district, respectively numbered as A ~ K layers within the set level shaft for the retail lighting power distribution box, with one on one power supply shops in radial power. Should be noted that the forms of the complex layers of layers of fire partition, does not correspond to the lower, making some of shaft power in charge of the fire district at the same time, also responsible for the power supply adjacent to the fire district. At design time, using the principle of proximity, while also taking into account the burden of the whole trunk load conditions, so that each shaft as far as possible a more balanced load. PrerequisitesThe loop that you want to auto-tune must be in automatic mode. The loopoutput must be controlled by the execution of the PID instruction. Auto-tune will fail if the loop is in manual mode.Before initiating an auto-tune operation your process must be brought to a stable state which means that the PV has reached setpoint (or for a P type loop, a constant difference between PV and setpoint) and the output is not changing erratically.Ideally, the loop output value needs to be near the center of the control range when auto-tuning is started. The auto-tune procedure sets up an oscillation in the process by making small step changes in the loop output. If the loop output is close to either extreme of its control range, the step changes introduced in the auto-tune procedure may cause the output value to attempt to exceed the minimum or the maximum range limit.If this were to happen, it may result in the generation of an auto-tune error condition, and it will certainly result in the determination of less than near optimal suggested values.Auto-Hysteresis and Auto-DeviationThe hysteresis parameter specifies the excursion (plus or minus) from setpoint that the PV (process variable) is allowed to make without causing the relay controller to change the output. This value is used to minimize the effect of noise in the PV signal to more accurately determine the natural oscillation frequency of the process.If you select to automatically determine the hysteresis value, the PID Auto-Tuner will enter a hysteresis determination sequence. This sequence involves sampling the process variable for a period of time and then performing a standard deviation calculation on the sample results.In order to have a statistically meaningful sample, a set of at least 100 samples must be acquired. For a loop with a sample time of 200 msec, acquiring 100 samples takes 20 seconds. For loops with a longer sample time it will take longer. Even though 100 samples can be acquired in less than 20 seconds for loops with sample times less than 200 msec, the hysteresis determinationsequence always acquires samples for at least 20 seconds.Once all the samples have been acquired, the standard deviation for the sample set is calculated. The hysteresis value is defined to be two times the standard deviation. The calculated hysteresis value is written into the actual hysteresis field (AHYS) of the loop table.TipWhile the auto-hysteresis sequence is in progress, the normal PID calculation is not performed. Therefore, it is imperative that the process be in a stable state prior to initiating an auto-tune sequence. This will yield a better result for the hysteresis value and it will ensure that the process does not go out of control during the auto-hysteresis determination sequence.The deviation parameter specifies the desired peak-to-peak swing of the PV around the set point. If you select to automatically determine this value, the desired deviation of the PV is computed by multiplying the hysteresis value by 4.5. The output will be driven proportionally to induce this magnitude of oscillation in the process during auto-tuning.Auto-Tune SequenceThe auto-tuning sequence begins after the hysteresis and deviation values have been determined. The tuning process begins when the initial output step is applied to the loop output.This change in output value should cause a corresponding change in the value of the process variable. When the output change drives the PV away from setpoint far enough to exceed the hysteresis boundary a zero-crossing event is detected by the auto-tuner. Upon each zero crossing event the auto-tuner drives the output in the opposite direction.The tuner continues to sample the PV and waits for the next zero crossing event.A total of twelve zero-crossings are required to complete the sequence. The magnitude of the observed peak-to-peak PV values (peak error) and the rate at which zero-crossings occur are directly related to the dynamics of the process. Early in the auto-tuning process, the output step value is proportionally adjustedonce to induce subsequent peak-to-peak swings of the PV to more closely match the desired deviation amount. Once the adjustment is made, the new output step amount is written into the Actual Step Size field (ASTEP) of the loop table.The auto-tuning sequence will be terminated with an error, if the time between zero crossings exceeds the zero crossing watchdog interval time. The default value for the zero crossing watchdog interval time is two hours.Figure 1 shows the output and process variable behaviors during an auto-tuning sequence on a direct acting loop. The PID Tuning Control Panel was used to initiate and monitor the tuning sequence.Notice how the auto-tuner switches the output to cause the process (as evidenced by the PV value) to undergo small oscillations. The frequency and the amplitude of the PV oscillations are indicative of the process gain and natural frequency.7 public area distribution box setTaking into account the future needs of the business re-decoration of public areas must be reserved for power. Here the design needs to consider the following points:①question of how much reserve power, lighting and electricity, which according to GB50034-2004 "Architectural Lighting Design Standards" table of Article 6.1.3 and 6.1.8, commercial building lighting power density value, high-end supermarkets, business offices as 20W/m2, under the "decorative lighting included 50% of the total lighting power density calculation" requirements, using the reserved standard 40W/m2.②In order to facilitate the decoration in each partition set fire lighting in public areas and emergency lighting distribution box distribution box, in order to identify the electrical power distribution decoration cut-off point.③the staircase, storage rooms and other parts of the decoration does not need to do, set the power distribution circuit or a separate distribution box, try not to be reserved from the public area of electricity distribution board fed hardcover out.④control of lighting in public areas, the majority in two ways, namely,C-BUS control system or the BA system, the use of C-BUS has the advantage of more flexible control, each road can be fed out of control, adjustable light control; shortcomings is a higher cost. BA system control advantages of using low cost, simple control; disadvantage is that the exchanges and contacts for the three-phase, three-way control may be related both to open, or both, in the decoration of the contacts required to feed the power supply circuit diverge to avoid failure blackouts.Design of distribution box 8In the commercial real estate design, shop design is often only a meter box, and outlet route back to the needs of the user according to their second design, but the shops are difficult to resolve within the power supply fan coil units, air-conditioning system as a whole can not debug. The project approach is to add a circuit breaker in the meter box for the coil power supply, another way for users to use the second design, as shown below.User distribution box design9 distribution cabinet / box number and distribution circuitsLarge-scale projects are often low voltage distribution cabinet / box number, low-voltage circuits to feed the more often there will be cabinet / box number and line number duplication, resulting in the design and the future looks difficult maintenance and overhaul. The project has three 10Kv substations, 20 transformer, hundreds of low-voltage fed out of the closet, fed the circuit more. Accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the Chinese national standard requirements:①All the distribution number to be simple and clear, not too box and line numbers are not repeated.②number to simple and clear, not too long.③distinction between nature and type of load.④law was easy to find, make viewer at a glance. Based on the above requirements and on the ground, fire district and the underground construction industry form the different conditions, using two slightly different ways.Essential for the underground garage, uses a single comparison, also relatively fire district neat, according to fire district number, such as AL-BL-1 / 1, AP and APE, the meaning of the letters and numbers: AL on behalf of lighting distribution (AP on behalf of Power distribution box, APE on behalf of the emergency power distribution box); BI on behalf of the basement; 1 / 1 for partition 1, I fire box. Above ground is more complex, more fire district, and on the fire district does not correspond to the lower, according to shaft number is better, such as AL-1-A1, AP, and APE, letters and numbers mean: 1 represents a layer; A1 on behalf of A, No. 1 shaft fed a distribution box. Fed a low-voltage circuits, such as the number of uses: W3-6-AL-1-A1, W3-6) indicates that the route back to power supply transformer 3, 6, feed the power distribution cabinet, AL-1-A1, said the then the first loop of the distribution box for the AL-1-A1 and so on, and so on.10 ConclusionWith more and more complex commercial design projects, designers need to continually improve the design level, designed to make fine. These are only bits of the design in the business lessons learned, and the majority of designers want to communicate译文:浅谈高层建筑供配电系统设计摘要:随着城市规模的不断发展,高层建筑越来越多,因此,高层建筑电气设计就成为设计者不得不面对的问题。

Three problems that should be stressed for China to constructsmart grids1.The smart grid with Chinese characteristics isboth strong and smart.China’s grids, as an important part in the national energy strategy and a vital link in energy sector and the important component of the national comprehensive transportation system, are in the phase of rapid development. The country has to stick to the road of constructing large grids and UHV transmission systems because of the basic conditions of the country on energy resources. However, the requirement on the level to which the grids are smart is very high, which can be ascribed to the diversification of energy sources and electricitydemandsand p eople’s concerns about environmental protection and sustainable development. On one hand, a strong property of grid is the base of safe and reliable operation of the grid and immune to natural disasters and even attacks from outside. And on the other hand, the introduction of advanced technology and equipment, scientific managerial philosophy enables flexible operation and controllable flows of power. Therefore, the grid, both strong and smart, is the direction for China’s future grids. The construction and planning of China’s smart grids should be fully considered with the construction and planning of its UHV grids.2. Scientifically planning the temporal orders ofmaking T&D systems smartAs the US and Europe have evolved into a relatively mature phase which has limited room left for electricity demands to grow, their smart grids start with distribution systems and emphasize the importance of electricity users. Power balance is usually maintained in local regions. But in China, at the beginning of constructing smart grids, more importance should be attached to making large-capacity trans-area power delivery more efficient, more reliable and more cost-effective. In middle stage, with the maturity of electricity market, the function of DSM will become more prominent. More enthusiasm will be displayed by users to participate the market. Meanwhile, the smart transmission systems willaccelerate the installing of advanced metering systems that will enable the two-way flow of data. Therefore, the whole system can be made smart under the condition of electricity market. By that time, electricity users will have enjoyed more options and decision-making power and electricity will have taken up more part of terminal energy consumptions, which display the flexibility, interactivity and environmentally friendly quality of smart grids. So, the flexibility and openness of smart grid planning and the temporal orders of making T&D systems smart should be stressed. A network with rational structure, flexible operation and high adaptability will guarantee the security, flexibility and efficiency of the grids.3.The integration of smart grid and informationproject should be considered in advanceWith introducing advanced managerialphilosophies into system management, smart gridsneed an ocean of data from all sections of the system(power generation, power T&D, power consumptions)and should process them in smart ways. From theviewpoint of information, constructing smart grids isequal to building a communication platform, aframework, and a decision-making system, ahierarchical system of agreements, which will makean efficient managerial platform to realize automationof production, modernization of management andscientification of decision making process.For instance, currently the State GridCorporation of China (SGCC) is devoted to realizingthe whole-process information project that covers itsstaff, money and materials and business. Therefore,when SGCC constructs its smart grids, advanceconsideration should be made on the consistence oftheir information structures, decision-making process,communication frameworks and the system ofagreement to settle the mutual integration of theto-be-used and obtained information and data, withoutproducing contradictory data, congestion or mutuallyrejected data. Only this way can smart grids promotefurther development of the information projects andintegrate all kinds of databases scientifically,rationally, and efficiently.。

Research on Dependable Distributed Systems forSmart GridQilin LiProduction and Technology Department, Sichuan Electric Power Science and Research Institute, Chengdu, P.R.ChinaEmail: li_qi_lin@Mingtian ZhouSchool of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,P.R.ChinaEmail: mtzhou@Abstract—Within the last few years, smart grid has been one of major trends in the electric power industry and has gained popularity in electric utilities, research institutes and communication companies. As applications for smart grid become more distributed and complex, the probability of faults undoubtedly increases. This fact has motivated to construct dependable distributed systems for smart grid. However, dependable distributed systems are difficult to build. They present challenging problems to system designers. In this paper, we first examine the question of dependability and identify major challenges during the construction of dependable systems. Next, we attempt to present a view on the fault tolerance techniques for dependable distributed systems. As part of this view, we present the distributed tolerance techniques for the construction of dependable distributed applications in smart grid. Subsequently, we propose a systematic solution based on the middleware that supports dependable distributed systems for smart grid and study the combination of reflection and dependable middleware. Finally, we draw our conclusions and points out the future directions of research. Index Terms—smart grid, dependability, dependable middleware, fault-tolerance, fault, error, failure, error processing, fault treatment, replication, distributed recovery, partitioning, open implementation, reflection, inspection, adaptationI.I NTRODUCTIONWithin the last few years, smart grid has been one of major trends in the electric power industry and has gained popularity in electric utilities, research institutes and communication companies. The main purpose of smart grid is to meet the future power demands and to provide higher supply reliability, excellent power quality and satisfactory services. Although smart grid brings great benefits to electric power industry, such a new grid introduces new technical challenges to researchers and engineering practioners.As applications for smart grid become more distributed and complex, the probability of faults undoubtedly increases. Distributed systems are defined as a set of geographically distributed components that must cooperate correctly to carry out some common work. Each component runs on a computer. The operation of one component generally depends on the operation of other components that run on different computers[1] [2]. Although the reliability of computer hardware has improved during the last few decades, the probability of component failure still exists. Furthermore, as the number of interdependent components in a distributed system increases, the probability that a distributed service can easily be disrupted if any of the components involved should fail also increases[2]. This fact has motivated to construct dependable distributed systems for smart grid.Fault tolerance is needed in many different dependable distributed applications for smart grid. However, dependable distributed systems are difficult to build. They present challenging problems to system designers. System designers must face the daunting requirement of having to provide dependability at the application level, as well as to deal with the complexities of the distributed application itself, such as heterogeneity, scalability, performance, resource sharing, and the like. Few system designers have these skills. As a result, a systematic approach to achieving the desired dependability for distributed applications in smart grid is needed to simplify the difficult task.Recently, middleware has emerged as an important architectural component in supporting the construction of dependable distributed systems. Dependable middleware can render building blocks to be exploited by applications for enforcing non-functional properties, such as scalability, heterogeneity, fault-tolerance, performance, security, and so on[3]. These attractive features have made middleware a powerful tool in the construction of dependable distributed systems for smart grid [3].This paper makes three contributions to the construction of dependable distributed systems for smart grid. First of all, we examine the question of dependability and identify major challenges during the construction of dependable systems. Subsequently, we attempt to present a view on the fault tolerance techniques for dependable distributed systems. As part of© 2012 ACADEMY PUBLISHER doi:10.4304/jsw.7.6.1250-1257this view, we present the distributed tolerance techniques for building dependable distributed applications in smart grid. Finally, we propose a systematic solution based on the middleware that supports dependable distributed systems for smart grid and study the combination of reflection and dependable middleware.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: SectionⅡstudies dependability matters for distributed systems in smart grid and identifies the major challenges for the construction of dependable systems. Section Ⅲintroduces basic concepts and key approaches related to fault-tolerance. In SectionⅣ, we discusses distributed fault-tolerant techniques for building dependable systems in smart grid. SectionⅤintroduces dependable middleware to address the ever increasing complexity of distributed systems for smart grid in a reusable way. Finally, SectionⅥdraws our conclusions and points out the future directions of research.Ⅱ.D EPENDABLILITY M ATTERSDistributed systems are intended to form the backbone of emerging applications for smart grid, including supervisory control, data acquisition system and distribution management system, and so on. An obvious benefit of distributed systems is that they reflect the global business and social environments in which electric utilities operate. Another benefit is that they can improve the quality of service in terms of scalability, reliability, availability, and performance for complex power systems.Dependability is an important quality in power distributed applications. In general terms, a system's dependability is defined as the degree to which reliance can justifiably be placed on the service it delivers [4]. The service delivered by a system is its behavior as it is perceived by its user(s); a user is another system (physical, human) which interacts with the former[4]. More specifically, dependability is a global concept that encapsulates the attributes of reliability (continuity of service), availability (readiness for usage), safety (avoidance of catastrophes), and security (prevention of unauthorized handling of information)[2] [4]. In power distributed environments, even small amounts of downtime can annoy customers, hurt sales, or endanger human lives. This fact has made it necessary to build dependable distributed systems for electric utilities.Fault tolerance is an important aspect of dependability. It is referred to as the ability for a system to provide its specified service in spite of component failure[2] [4]. Fault-tolerant system‘s behavior is predictable despite of partial failures, asynchrony, and run-time reconfiguration of the system. Moreover, fault-tolerant applications are highly available. The application can provide its essential services despite the failure of computing nodes, software object crash, communication network partition, value fault for applications [5]. However, building dependable distributed systems is complex and challenging. On the one hand, system designers have to deal explicitly with problems related to distribution, such as heterogeneity, scalability, resource sharing, partial failures, latency, concurrency control, and the like. On the other hand, system developers must have a deep knowledge of fault tolerance and must write fault-tolerant application software from scratch[2]. As consequence, they have to face a daunting and error-prone task of providing fault tolerance at the application level [2].Certain aspects of distributed systems make dependability more difficult to achieve. Distribution presents system developers with a number of inherent problems. For instance, partial failures are an inherent problem in distributed systems. A distributed service can easily be disrupted if any of the nodes involved should fail. As the number of computing nodes and communication links that constitute the system increases, the reliability of components in a distributed system rapidly decreases.Another inherent problem is concurrency control. System developers must address complex execution states of concurrent programs. Distributed systems consist of a collection of components, distributed over various computers connected via a computer network. These components run in parallel on heterogeneous operating systems and hardware platforms and are therefore prone to race conditions, the failure of communication links, node crashes, and deadlocks. Thus, dependable distributed systems are often more difficult to develop, applications developers must cope explicitly with the complexities introduced by distribution.In theory, the fault tolerance mechanisms of a dependable distributed system can be achieved with either software or hardware solution. However, the cost of custom hardware solution is prohibitive. In the meantime, software can provide more flexibility than its counterpart[2]. As a result, software is a better choice for implementing the fault tolerance‘s mechanisms and policies of dependable distributed systems[2]. However, the software solution for the construction of dependable is also difficult. This is particularly true if distributed systems‘ dependability requirements dynamically change during the execution of an application. Further complicating matters are accidental problems such as the lack of widely reused higher level application frameworks, primitive debugging tools, and non-scalable, unreliable software infrastructures. In that case, fault tolerance can be achieved using middleware [2]. Middleware can be devised to address these problems and to hide heterogeneity and the details of the underlying system software, communication protocols, and hardware. Built-in mechanisms and policies for fault-tolerant can be achieved by middleware and provide solutions to the problem of detecting and reacting to partial failures and to network partitioning. Middleware can render a reusable software layer that supports standard interfaces and protocols to construct a fault-tolerance distributed systems. Dependable middleware shields the underlying distributed environment‘s complexity by separating applications from explicit© 2012 ACADEMY PUBLISHERprotocol handling, disjoint memories, data replication, and facilitates the construction of dependable application [6].Ⅲ.F AULT T OLERANCEA. Failure, Error and FaultIn order to construct a dependable distributed system, it is important to understand the concepts of failure, error, and fault. In a distributed system, a failure occurs when the delivered service of a system or a component deviates from its specification[4]. An error is that part of the system state that is liable to lead to subsequent failure. An error affecting the service is an indication that a failure occurs or has occurred[4]. A fault is the adjudged or hypothesized cause of an error [4].In general terms, we think that an error is the manifestation of a fault in the distributed system, while a failure is the effect of an error on the service. As a result, faults are potential sources of system failures.Whether or not an error will actually lead to a failure depends on three major factors. One factor is the system composition, and especially the nature of the existing redundancy [4]. Another factor is the system activity. An error may be overwritten before creating damage[4]. A third factor is t he definition of a failure from the user‗s viewpoint. What is a failure for a given user may be a bearable nuisance for another one [4].Faults and their sources are extremely diversified. They can be categorized according to five main perspectives that are their phenomenological cause, their nature, their phase of creation or of occurrence, their situation with respect to the system boundaries, and their persistence [4].B. Fault modelsWhen designing a distributed fault-tolerant system, we can not to tolerate all faults. As consequence, we must define what types of faults the system is intended to tolerate. The definition of the types of faults to tolerate is referred to as the fault model, which describes abstractly the possible behaviors of faulty components[2] [4]. A system may not, and generally does not, always fail in the same way. The ways a system can fail are its fault modes. As a result, the fault model is an assumption about how components can fail [2] [4].In distributed systems, a fault model is characterized by component and communication failures[2] [4]. It is common to acknowledge that communication failures can only result in lost or delayed messages, since checksums can be used to detect and discard garbled messages[2] [4]. However, duplicated or disordered messages are also included in some models [2] [4].For a component, the most commonly assumed fault models are (in increasing order of generality): stopping failures or crashes, timing fault model, value fault model and arbitrary fault model[2] [4]. Stopping failures or crashes is the simplest and most common assumption about faulty components[2] [4]. This model always assumes that the only way a component can fail is by stopping the delivery of messages and that its internal state is lost [2] [4].The timing fault model assumes that a component will respond with the correct value, but not within a given time specification [2] [4]. A timing fault model can result in events arriving too soon or too late. A timing fault model includes delay and omission faults[2] [4]. A delay fault occurs when the message has the right content but arrives late[2] [4]. An omission fault occurs when no message is received. Sometimes, delay faults are called performance faults[2] [4]. In the value fault model, the value of delivered service does not comply with the specification [2] [4].Arbitrary fault model is the most general fault model, in which components can fail in an arbitrary way [2] [4]. As a result, if arbitrary faults are considered, no restrictive assumption will be made[2] [4]. An arbitrarily faulty component might even send contradictory messages to different destinations (a so-called byzantine fault)[2] [4]. This model can include all possible causes of fault, such as messages arriving too early or too late, messages with incorrect values, messages never sent at all, or malicious faults [2] [4].C. Error Processing and Fault TreatmentFault tolerance is system‘s ability to continue to provide service in spite of faults [2] [4]. It can be achieved by two main forms: error processing and fault treatment [2] [4]. The purpose of error processing is to remove errors from the computational state before a failure occurs, if possible before failure occurrence, whereas the purpose of fault treatment is to prevent faults from being activated again [2] [4].In error processing, error detection, error diagnosis, and error recovery are commonly used approaches[2] [4]. Error detection and diagnosis is an approach that first identifies an erroneous state in the system, and then assesses the damages caused by the detected error or by errors propagated before detection[2] [4]. After error detection and diagnosis, error recovery substitutes an error-free state for the erroneous state [2] [4].Error recovery may take on three forms: backward recovery, forward recovery, and compensation[2] [4]. In backward recovery, the erroneous state transformation consists of bringing the system back to a state already occupied prior to error occurrence[2] [4]. This entails the establishment of recovery points, which are points in time during the execution of a process for which the then current state may subsequently need to be restored [2] [4].In forward recovery, the erroneous state transformation consists of finding a new state, from which the system can operate[2] [4]. Error compensation renders enough redundancy so that a system is able to deliver an error-free service from the erroneous state [2] [4].The goal of fault treatment determines the cause of observed errors and prevents faults from being activated again[2] [4]. The first step in fault treatment is fault diagnosis, which consists of determining the cause(s) of error(s), in terms of both location and nature [2] [4]. Then it© 2012 ACADEMY PUBLISHERtakes actions aimed at making it (them) passive[2] [4]. This is achieved by preventing the component(s)identified as being faulty from being invoked in further executions[2] [4]. Fault treatment can be used to reconfigure a system to restore the level of redundancy so that the system is able to tolerate further faults [2] [4].Ⅳ.D ISTRIBUTED T OLERANCE T ECHNIQUESA. ReplicationIn order to mask the effects of faults, distributed fault tolerance always requires some form of redundancy. Replication is a classic example of space redundancy. Itexploits additional resources beyond what is needed for normal system operation to implement a distributed fault-tolerant service[2] [4]. The metaphor of replication is to manage the group of processes or replicas so as to maskfailures of some members of the group[2] [4]. By coordinating a group of components replicated on different computing nodes, distributed systems can provide continuity of service in the presence of failednodes [2] [4].There are three well-known replication schemes: active replication, passive replication, and semi-active replication. In active replication scheme, every replicaexecutes the same operations[2] [4]. Input messages are atomically multicasted to all replicas, who all process them and update their internal states. All replicas generate output messages [2] [4].Passive replication is a technique in which only one of the replicas (the primary) actively executes the operation, updates its internal state and sends output messages [2] [4]. The other replicas (the standby replicas) do not processinput messages; however, their internal state must be updated periodically by information sent by the primary [2] [4]. If the primary should fail, one of the standby replicas is elected to take its place [2] [4].Semi-active replication is a technique which is similar to active replication[2] [4]. In semi-active replication, all replicas will receive and process input messages. However, unlike active replication, the processing of messages is asymmetric in that one replica (the leader) takes responsibility for certain decisions (e.g., concerning message acceptance) [2] [4]. The leader replica can enforce its choice on the other replicas (the followers) without resorting to a consensus protocol [2] [4]. One alternative for semi-active replication is that the leader replica may take sole responsibility for sending output messages[2] [4]. Semi-active replication primarily targeted at crash failures. However, under certain conditions, this strategy can also be extended to deal with arbitrary or byzantine failures [2] [4].Continuity of service in the presence of failed nodesrequires replication of processes or objects on multiple nodes[2] [4]. Replication can provide high-available service for a dependable distributed system. By replicating their constituent objects and distributing their replicas across different computers connected by the network, distributed applications can be made dependable [5]. The major challenge of replication technique is to maintain replica consistency [7] [8] [9]. Replication will fail in its purpose if the replicas are not true copies of each other, both in state and in behavior [5] [10] [11] [12].B. Distributed RecoveryIn a dependable distributed system, some form of recovery is required to minimize the negative impact of a failed process or replica on the availability of a distributed service [4]. In its simplest form, this can be just a local recovery of the failed process or replica. However, distributed recovery will occurs if the recovery of one process or replica requires remote processes or replicas also to undergo recovery[4]. In this case, processes or replica must rollback to a set of checkpoints that together constitute a consistent global state [4].In order to create checkpoints, there are several major approaches. One way is asynchronous checkpointing[4]. In asynchronous checkpointing, checkpoints are created independently by each process or replica, and then when a failure occurs, a set of checkpoints must be found that represents a consistent global state [4]. This approach aims to minimize timing overheads during normal operation at the expense of a potentially large overhead when a global state is sought dynamically to perform the recovery[4]. The price to be paid for asynchronous checkpointing is domino effect. If no other global consistent state can be found, it might be necessary to roll all processes back to the initial state[4]. As a result, in order to avoid the domino effect, checkpoints can be taken in some coordinated fashion.Another way is to structure process or replica interactions in conversations[4]. In a conversation, processes or replicas can communicate freely between themselves but not with other processes external to a conversation[4]. If processes or replicas all take a checkpoint when entering or leaving a conversation, recovery of one process or replica will only propagate to other processes or replica in the same conversation [4].A third alternative is synchronous checkpointing [4] [13]. In this approach, dynamic checkpoint coordination is allowed so that a set of checkpoints can represent global consistent states [4] [13]. As consequence, the domino effect problem can be transparently avoided for the software developers even if the processes or replicas are not deterministic[4]. At each instant, each process or replica possesses one or two checkpoints: a permanent checkpoint (constituting a global consistent state) and another temporary checkpoint[4]. The temporary checkpoints may be undone or transformed into a permanent checkpoint. The creation of temporary checkpoints, and their transformation into permanent ones, is coordinated by a two-phase commit protocol to ensure that all permanent checkpoints effectively constitute a global consistent state [4].C. Partitioning ToleranceA distributed system may partition into a finite number of components. The processes or replicas in different© 2012 ACADEMY PUBLISHERcomponents can not communicate each other[11]. Partitioning may occur due to normal operations, such as in mobile computing, or due to failures of processes or inter-process communication. Performance failures due to overload situations can cause ephemeral partitions that are difficult to distinguish from physical partitioning [4]. Partitioning is a very real concern and a common event in wide area networks[4]. If the network partitions, different operations may be performed on the processes or replicas in different components, leading to inconsistencies that must be resolved when communication is re-established and the components remerge[5]. One strategy for achieving this is to allow components of a partition to continue some form of operation until the components can re-merge [4] [11]. Once the components of a partitioned remerge, the processes or replicas in the merged components must communicate their states, perform state transfer and reach a global consistent state [5].As another example, certain distributed fault-tolerance techniques are aimed at adopting dynamic linear voting protocol to ensure replica consistency in partitioned networks[5]. Voting protocols are based on quorums. In voting protocols, each node is assigned a number of votes. When a network is partitioned or remerged, if a majority of the last installed quorum is connected, a new quorum is established and updates can be performed within this partition [5].Ⅴ. DEPENDABLE M IDDLEWAREIn the past decade, middleware has emerged as a major building block in supporting the construction of distributed applications[14]. The development of distributed applications has been greatly enhanced by middleware. Middleware provides application developers with a reusable software layer that relieve them from dealing with frequently encountered problems related to distribution, such as heterogeneity, interoperability, security, scalability, and so on[14][15][16][17]. Implementation details are encapsulated inside the middleware itself and are shielded from both users and application develop ers‘, so that the infrastructure‘s diversities are homogenized by middleware [18] [19] [20] [21]. These attractive features have made middleware an important architectural component in the distributed system development practice. Further, with applications becoming increasingly distributed and complex, middleware appears as a powerful tool for the development of software systems [14].Recently, a strong incentive has been given to research community to develop middleware to provide fault tolerance to distributed applications[2]. Middleware support for the construction of dependable distributed systems has the potential to relieve application developers from the burden by making development process faster and easier and significantly enhancing software reuse. Hence, such middleware can render building blocks to be exploited by applications for enforcing dependability property [2].However, building such software infrastructure that achieves dependable goal is not an easy task. Neither the standard nor conventional implementations of middleware directly address complex problems related to dependable computing, such as partial failures, detection of and recovery from faults, network partitioning, real-time quality of service or high-speed performance, group communication, and causal ordering of events[9]. In order to cope with these limitations, many research efforts have been focused on designing new middleware systems capable of supporting the requirements imposed by dependability [5].A first issue that needs to be addressed by dependable middleware is interoperability[2]. Interoperability allows different software systems to exchange data via a common set of exchange formats, to read and write the same file formats, and to use the same protocols. As a result, in order to be useful, dependable middleware should be interoperable[2]. Through interoperability, dependable middleware can provide a platform-independent way for applications to interact with each other[2]. In other words, two systems running on the different middleware platforms can interoperate with each other even when implemented in different programming languages, operating systems, or hardware facilities [2].Another important problem concerns transparency. Dependable middleware should provide some form of transparency to applications[2]. It allows dynamically to add to an existing distributed application and to interfere as little as possible with applications at runtime. Therefore, many existing applications can benefit from the dependable middleware [2]. Traditional middleware is built adhering to the metaphor of the black box. Application developers do not have to deal explicitly with problems introduced by distribution. Middleware developed upon network operating systems provides application developers with a higher level of abstraction. The infrastructure‘s diversities are hidden from both users and application developers, so that the system appears as a single integrated computing facility [16].Although transparency philosophy has been proved successful in supporting the construction of traditional distributed systems, it cannot be used as the guiding principle to develop the new abstractions and mechanisms needed by dependable middleware to foster the development of dependable distributed systems when applied to the today‘s computing settings[15][18][19]. As a result, it is important to adopt an open implementation approach to the engineering of dependable middleware platforms in terms of allowing inspection and adaptation of underlying components at runtime[22][23][24][25].With networks becoming increasingly pervasive, major system requirements posed by today‘s networking infrastructure relate to openness and context-awareness [14]. This leads to investigate new approaches formiddleware with support for dependability and context-aware adaptability. However, in order to provide transparency, traditional middleware must make decisions on behalf of the application. This is inevitably© 2012 ACADEMY PUBLISHER。

毕业设计英文文献翻译(电力方向附带中文)大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!HarmonicsService reliability and quality of power have become growing concerns for many facility managers, especially with the increasing sensitivity of electronic equipment and automated controls. There are several types of voltage fluctuations that can cause problems, including surges and spikes, sags, harmonic distortion, and momentary disruptions. Harmonics can cause sensitive equipment to malfunction and other problems, including overheating of transformers and wiring, nuisance breaker trips, and reduced power factor.What Are Harmonics?Harmonics are voltage and current frequencies riding on top of the normal sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms. Usually these harmonic frequencies are in multiples of the fundamental frequency, which is 60 hertz (Hz) in the US and Canada. The mostcommon source of harmonic distortion is electronic equipment using switch-mode power supplies, such as computers, adjustable-speed drives, and high-efficiency electronic light ballasts.Harmonics are created by these Dswitching loads‖ (also called “nonlinear loads,‖ because current does not vary smoothly with voltage as it does with simple resistive and reactive loads): Each time the current is switched on and off, a current pulse is created. The resulting pulsed waveform is made up of a spectrum of harmonic frequencies, including the 60 Hz fundamental and multiples of it. This voltage distortion typically results from distortion in the current reacting with system impedance. (Impedance is a measure of the total opposi tion―resistance, capacitance, and inductance―to the flow of an alternating current.) The higher-frequency waveforms, collectively referred to as total harmonic distortion (THD), perform no useful work and can be asignificant nuisance.Harmonic waveforms are characterized by their amplitude and harmonic number. In the U.S. and Canada, the third harmonic is 180 Hz―or 3 x 60 Hz―and the fifth harmonic is 300 Hz (5 x 60Hz). The third harmonic (and multiples of it) is the largest problem in circuits with single-phase loads such as computers and fax machines. Figure 1 shows how the 60-Hz alternating current (AC) voltage waveform changes when harmonics are added.大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!The Problem with HarmonicsAny distribution circuit serving modern electronic devices will contain some degree of harmonic frequencies. The harmonics do not always cause problems, but the greater the power drawn by these modern devices or other nonlinear loads, the greater the level of voltage distortion. Potential problems (or symptoms of problems) attributed to harmonics include:■ Malfunction of sensitive equipment■ Random tripping of circuit breakers■ Flickering lights■ Very high neutral currents■ Overheated phase conductors, panels, and transformers ■ Premature failure of transformers and uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs)■ Reduced power factor■ Reduced system capacity (because harmonics create additional heat, transformers and otherdistribution equipment cannot carry full rated load)Identifying the ProblemWithout obvious symptoms such as nuisance breaker trips or overheated transformers, how do you determine whether harmonic current or voltages are a cause for concern? Here are several suggestions for simple, inexpensive measurements that a facility manager or staff electrician could take, starting at the outlet and moving upstream:■ Measure the peak and root mean square (RMS) voltage at a sample of receptacles. The Dcrest factor‖ is the ra tio of peak to RMS voltage. For a perfectly sinusoidal voltage, the crest factor will be 1.4. Low crest factor is a clear indicator of the presence of harmonics. Note that these measurements must be performed with a Dtrue RMS‖ meter―one that doesn‘t assume a perfectly sinusoidal waveform.■ Inspect distribution panels. Remove panel covers and visually inspect components for signs of overheating, including discolored or receded insulation or discoloration of terminal screws. If you see any of these symptoms, check that connectionsare tight (since loose connections could also cause overheating), and compare currents in all conductors to their ratings.■ Measure phase and neutral currents at the transformer secondary with clamp-on current probes. If no harmonics are being generated, the neutral current of a three-phase distribution system carries only the imbalance of the phase currents. In a well-balanced three-phase distribution system, phase currents will be very similar, and current in the neutral conductor should be much lower than phase current and far below its rated current capacity. If phase currents are similar and neutral current exceeds their imbalance by a wide margin, harmonics are present. If neutral current is above 70 percent of the cond uctor‘s rated capacity, you need to mitigate the problem.■Compare transformer temperature and loading with nameplate temperature rise and capacity ratings. Even lightly loaded transformers can overheat if harmonic current is high. A transformer that is near or over its rated temperature rise but is loaded well below its rated capacity is a clear sign that harmonics are at work. (Many transformers have built-in temperature gauges. If yours does not, infrared thermography can be used to detect overheating.)大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!In addition to these simple measurements, many power-monitoring devices are now commercially available from a variety of manufacturers to measure and record harmonic levels. These instruments provide detailed information on THD, as well as on the intensity of individual harmonic frequencies. After taking the appropriate measurements to determine whether you have high levels of harmonics and, if so, to find the source, you will be well-positioned to choose the best solution.Solutions to Harmonics ProblemsThe best way to deal with harmonics problems is through prevention: choosing equipment and installation practices that minimize the level of harmonics in any one circuit or portion of a facility. Many power quality problems, including those resulting from harmonics, occur when new equipment is haphazardly added to older systems. However, even within existing facilities, the problems can often be solved with simple solutions such as fixing poor or nonexistent grounding on individual equipment or the facility as a whole, moving a few loads between branch circuits, or adding additional circuits to help isolate the sensitiveequipment from what is causing the harmonic distortion. If the problems cannot be solved by these simple measures, there are two basic choices: to reinforce the distribution system to withstand the harmonics or to install devices to attenuate or remove the harmonics. Reinforcing the distribution system means installing double-size neutral wires or installing separate neutral wires for each phase, and/or installing oversized or Krated transformers, which allow for more heat dissipation. There are also harmonic-rated circuit breakers and panels, which are designed to prevent overheating due to harmonics. This option is generally more suited to new facilities, because the costs of retrofitting an existing facility in this way could be significant. Strategies for attenuating harmonics, from cheap to more expensive, include passive harmonic filters, isolation transformers, harmonic mitigating transformers (HMTs), the Harmonic Suppression System (HSS) from Harmonics Ltd., and active filters(Table 1).Passive filters (also called traps) include devices that provide low-impedance paths to divert harmonics to ground and devices that create a higher-impedance path to discourage the flow of harmonics. Both of these devices, by necessity, change theimpedance characteristics of the circuits into which they are inserted. Another weakness of passive harmonic technologies is that, as their name implies, they cannot adapt to changes in the electrical systems in which they operate. This means that changes to the electrical system (for example, the addition or removal of power factorCcorrection capacitors or the addition of more nonlinear loads) could cause them to be overloaded or to create Dresonances‖ that could actually amplify, rather than diminish, harmonics.Active harmonic filters, in contrast, continuously adjust their behavior in response to the harmonic current content of the monitored circuit, and they will not cause resonance. Like an automatic transmission in a car, active filters are designed to accommodate a full range of expected operating conditions upon installation, without requiring further adjustments by the operator.Isolation transformers are filtering devices that segregate harmonics in the circuit in which they are created, protecting upstream equipment from the effects of harmonics. These transformers do not remove the problem in the circuit generating the harmonics, but they can prevent the harmonics from affecting more sensitive equipment elsewhere within the facility.大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!Harmonic mitigating transformers actually do relieve problematic harmonics. HMTs can be quite cost-effective in the right application, because they can both improve reliability and reduce energy costs. The right application includes transformers that are heavily or moderately loaded and where high levels of harmonic currents are present. In addition, HMTs are very effective in supporting critical loads that are backed up by a UPS. UPSs and backup generators tend to have high impedance, which results in high voltage distortion under nonlinear loading. Because of this, equipment that operates flawlessly when supplied by utility power may malfunction when the backup system engages during a utility outage. Note that some of these power systems have output filters (either passive or active) to control harmonic levels. The presence or absence of such filters should be determined before adding an HMT.The Harmonics Ltd. Harmonic Suppression System is a unique solution for single-phase loads that is designed to suppress the third harmonic. An HSS is generally more expensive than an HMT, but it is designed to attenuate the harmonicsproblems throughout the entire distribution system, not just upstream of the transformer. The types of facilities that present the best opportunities for HSS installation are those that place a very high premium on power quality and reliability, such as server farms, radio and television broadcast studios, and hospitals. (See .) Economic EvaluationEvaluating the life-cycle costs and effectiveness of harmonics mitigation technologies can be ve ry challenging―beyond the expertise of most industrial facility managers. After performing the proper measurement and analysis of the harmonics problem, this type of evaluation requires an analysis of the costs of the harmonics problem (downtime of sensitive equipment, reduced power factor, energy losses or potential energy savings) and the costs of the solutions. A good place to start in performing this type of analysis is to ask your local utility or electricity provider for assistance. Many utilities offer their own power quality mitigation services or can refer you to outside power quality service providers.Additional ResourcesInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),Standard 519-1992, DIEEE大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems‖ (1992), available at .Relationship between harmonics and symmetrical componentsAbstract New terminology is introduced to make clear the relationship between harmonics and symmetrical components. Three-phase sets are classified in terms of symmetrical sets and asymmetrical sets. Subclasses are introduced with the names symmetrical balanced sets, symmetrical unbalanced sets, asymmetrical balanced sets and asymmetrical unbalanced sets to show that a threephase set can resolve to either one, two or three symmetrical component sets. The results from four case studies show that these subclasses and their resolution to symmetrical component sets improve understanding of harmonic analysis of systems having balanced and unbalanced harmonic sources and loads.Keywords asymmetrical sets; harmonic flows; harmonic sources; symmetrical component sets; symmetrical sets Any periodic wave shape can be broken down into oranalysed as a fundamentalwave and a series of harmonics.Three-phase harmonic analysis requires a clear understanding of the relationship between symmetrical component injections from harmonic sources (e.g. adjustable speed drives, ASDs) and their relationship to harmonic flows (symmetrical components) arising from the application of a harmonic source to a linear system.Alimited number of references contain brief information concerning harmonics and symmetrical components. Reference 1, provides a paragraph on this topic and uses the heading Relationship between Harmonics and Symmetrical Components‘.It includes a table that is supported by a brief explanatory paragraph. The table expresses harmonics in terms of positive, negative and zero sequences. It states that these sequences are for harmonics in balanced three-phase systems. The heading refers to symmetrical components while the content refers to balanced three-phase systems. Herein lies the anomaly. Classically, symmetrical components (especially ero sequence) are only applied in unbalanced systems. The following questions rose after reading the Ref. 1 paragraph.(a)Do symmetrical components (especially zero sequence), in the classical sense,apply in balanced as well as unbalanced non-sinusoidal systems and is this abreak from tradition?(b)What do the terms, symmetrical, asymmetrical, balanced, unbalanced andsymmetrical components mean?(c)What are the conditions under which a system must operate so that harmonicsresolve to positive, negative and zero sequences and is the table given inRef. 1 correct?The terminology used is found inadequate for describing non-sinusoidal systems.There is thus a need to introduce a three-phase terminology that will show the relationship and make the comparison between injections (currents) and harmonic flows (voltages and currents) meaningful.References 3 provides the basis for the solution by providing definitions for threephase sets‘, symmetrical sets‘an d symmetricalcomponent sets‘.The purpose of this paper is to introduce an approach to harmonic analysis大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!based on the classification of three-phase sets and to make to comparison between injections from harmonic sources and corresponding harmonic flows quantifiable by expressing the results in terms of the number of symmetrical component sets found.Harmonic flows and their resolution to symmetrical components depends upon the magnitudes and phase sequences of the injections from a harmonic source, on the system‘s sequence impedances, on three- and four-wire connections and on whether the customer‘s linear load on the system is balanced or unbalanced. Therefore, what is injected in terms of symmetrical component sets by a harmonic source is not necessarily received by the system, i.e. the harmonic flows may resolve to one, two or three symmetrical component sets and this depends upon the type of three-phase set found. Therefore, any three-phase harmonic may be partially made up of any of thesymmetrical component sets.Four case studies are reported and they show a novel method for teaching the flow of power system harmonics. It is important to use case studies as part of one‘s teaching as they link learning to concepts and improve understanding. They show how the method of symmetrical components can be extended to a system‘s response to harmonic flows. When taught as a group, the four case studies improve cognitive skills by showing that the symmetrical component responses under unbalanced situations are different to the balanced state.IEEE __TIONS ON POWER __NICS VOL.19,NO.3,__年大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!谐波服务的可靠性和电能质量已成为越来越多设施经理的关注,尤其是随着电子设备和自动化控制灵敏度提高了很多。

controlled object, as intelligent load monitoring test, is the use of single-chip I / O port output signal of relay control, then the load to control or monitor, thus similar to any one single chip control system structure, often simplified to input part, an output part and an electronic control unit ( ECU )
information, which can more effectively assist the security personnel to deal with the crisis, and minimize the damage and loss, it has great practical significance, some risk homework, or artificial unable to complete the operation, can be used to realize intelligent device, which solves a lot of artificial can not solve the problem, I think, with the development of the society, intelligent load in all aspects of social life play an important reuse.

供电毕设(含外文文献+中文翻译)某钢铁企业变电所保护系统及防护系统设计1 绪论1.1 变电站继电保护的发展变电站是电力系统的重要组成部分,它直接影响整个电力系统的安全与经济运行,失恋系发电厂和用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的作用,电气主接线是发电厂变电所的主要环节,电气主接线的拟定直接关系着全厂电气设备的选择、配电装置的布置、继电保护和自动装置的确定,是变电站电气部分投资大小的决定性因素。
1.3 设计概述1.3.1 设计依据1)继电保护设计任务书。
2)国标GB50062-92《电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范》3)《工业企业供电》1.3.2 设计原始资料本企业共有12个车间,承担各附属厂的设备、变压器修理和制造任务。
表1.1 用电设备明细表2、负荷性质本厂大部分车间为一班制,少数车间为两班或者三班制,年最大有功负荷利用小时数为h2300。

智能电网的优势英语作文English:Smart grids offer numerous advantages in the modern energy landscape. Firstly, they enhance reliability and efficiency by allowing real-time monitoring and control of energy distribution, minimizing disruptions and optimizing resource allocation. Secondly, smart grids facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, by managing their variability and intermittency through advanced forecasting and demand response mechanisms. Additionally, they empower consumers with greater awareness and control over their energy usage through smart meters and home automation technologies, enabling them to make informed decisions and potentially reduce their electricity bills. Moreover, smart grids enable grid operators to detect and respond to faults and outages more swiftly, enhancing overall system resilience. Furthermore, they promote the adoption of electric vehicles by offering convenient charging infrastructure and grid-friendly charging schedules, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels in the transportation sector. Overall, smart grids represent a pivotal advancement in the modernization of energy infrastructure, offeringa pathway towards a more sustainable, resilient, and efficient energy system.中文翻译:智能电网在现代能源格局中具有许多优势。

智能电网英语翻译An EMS also allows you to monitor real-time information and price signals from your utility and create settings to automatically use power when prices are lowest. You can also choose settings that allow specific appliances and equipment to turn off automatically when a large demand threatens to cause an outage—avoiding peak demand rates, helping to balance the energy load in your area, and preventing blackouts. Your utility may provide financial incentives for doing so. EMS还允许您监控实时信息和价格信号从你的效用和创建设置自动使用电力价格最低的时候。
你也可以选择设置,允许特定的电器和设备时自动关闭大量需求可能导致outage-avoiding 高峰需求率,帮助平衡负载的能量在你的区域,以及防止停电。
Smart Appliances智能电器In your smart home, many of your appliances will be networked together, allowing you to access and operate them through your EMS. An EMS provides the ability to turn on your heater or air conditioner from work when you’re about to go home or keep track of the energy use of specific appliances or equipment—like tracking the energy use of your pool pump, or seeing how much energy you saved with your new Energy Star dishwasher.智能家居,你的许多电器将网络一起,允许您访问和操作通过EMS。

华北电力大学毕业设计(论文)附件外文文献翻译学号: 200701000324 姓名:杨曦所在院系:电力工程系专业班级:电气化0707指导教师:安勃原文标题: Research on Smart Grid in China2011年06月20日对中国智能电网的研究1摘要——智能电网是电力系统的未来发展的新方向。
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例如,用户可以激活直接负荷控制(DLC),授权公用事业公司在电力高峰和/或电价高时远程关闭某些家电(例如,A / C,洗衣机/干衣机)。
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图1 最后一英里智能电网转变的多服务基础构架(来自Cisco)4.受限制网络的独特的网络要求NAN网络部署下的设备往往在资源方面受制约,通常命名为IP智能对象。