英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿63:我们该选择死亡吗?(伯特兰.罗素反核武器演说)mp3Here, then, is the problem which I present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an endto the human race or shall mankind renounce war? People will not face this alternative because it is so difficult to abolish war. The abolition of war will demand distasteful limitationsof national sovereignty. But what perhaps impedes understanding of the situation more than anything else is that the term “mankind” feels vague and abstract.这里,我要向你提起一个直率的、令人不快而又无法回避的问题:我们该消灭人类,还是人类该抛弃战争?人们不愿面对这个抉择,因为消灭战争太难了。
People scarcely realize in imagination that the dangeris to themselves and their children and their grandchildren, and not only to a dimly apprehended humanity. And so they hopethat perhaps war may be allowed to continue provided modem weapons are prohibited. I am afraid this hope is illusory. Whatever agreements not to use hydrogen bombs had been reached in time of peace, they would no longer be considered binding in time of war, and both sides would set to work to manufacture hydrogen bombs as soon as war broke out, for if one side manufactured the bombs and the other did not, the side that manufactured them would inevitably be victorious...人们几乎没有用自己的想象力去认识这种危险不仅指向他们所模模糊糊理解的人类,而且指向他们自己和他们的子子孙孙。
《百家讲坛》刘心武揭秘红楼梦全集篇一:百家讲坛目录全集百家讲坛7年讲座全集,视频点播、RMVB迅雷下载、MP3音频下载[曾仕强主讲]《胡雪岩的启示》(15集全集)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛[曾仕强主讲]《胡雪岩的启示》(15集全集MP3)下载|百家讲坛[曾仕强主讲]《胡雪岩的启示》(15集全集)WMV视频点播下载|百家讲坛《太平公主》(蒙曼主讲)(正在播出...)MP3下载|百家讲坛《太平公主》(蒙曼主讲)(正在播出...)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《王立群读史记之秦始皇》(正在播出...)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《王立群读史记之秦始皇》(正在播出...)MP3下载|百家讲坛《南唐后主、千古词帝--李煜》(赵晓岚主讲)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《南唐后主、千古词帝--李煜》(赵晓岚主讲)MP3下载|百家讲坛《新解三十六计》(乔良主讲)(正在播出...)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《新解三十六计》(乔良主讲)(正在播出...)MP3下载|百家讲坛《诗歌唐朝》(莫砺锋主讲)(正在播出...)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《诗歌唐朝》(莫砺锋主讲)(正在播出...)MP3下载|百家讲坛《历史人物的悲剧》(邱紫华主讲)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《历史人物的悲剧》(邱紫华主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《王立群读史记》特别节目:易中天对话王立群 RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《汉代风云人物之汉武帝--王立群读史记》全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《汉代风云人物之汉武帝--王立群读史记》MP3下载|百家讲坛《汉代风云人物之吕后》(王立群主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《汉代风云人物之吕后》(王立群主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《汉代风云人物之项羽》(王立群主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《汉代风云人物之项羽》(王立群主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《马未都说陶瓷收藏》(23集,全集更新完成)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《马未都说陶瓷收藏》全集MP3下载|百家讲坛百家讲坛特别节目:张越“鉴宝”马未都 RMVB下载《马未都说家具收藏》全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《马未都说家具收藏》 MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《传奇紫砂壶》(康尔主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《传奇紫砂壶》(康尔主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《我读经典》(曾仕强、易中天、于丹、王立群、钱文忠、阎崇年、纪连海等主讲)|百家讲坛《我读经典》(曾仕强、易中天、于丹、王立群、钱文忠、阎崇年、纪连海等主讲)MP3全集|百家讲坛于丹《论语》感悟全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛于丹《论语》感悟 MP3全集下载|百家讲坛百家讲坛特别节目:于丹《论语》心得回顾 RMVB、MP3下载百家讲坛特别节目:本色于丹-主持人:张越 RMVB、MP3下载于丹《庄子》心得全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛于丹《庄子》心得 MP3全集下载|百家讲坛百家讲坛于丹《论语》心得_特别节目:本色于丹、柴静解读于丹-嘉宾:易中天于丹《论语》心得全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛于丹《论语》心得 MP3全集下载|百家讲坛百家讲坛《易中天品三国》特别节目:易中天与小崔说事-主持人:崔永元百家讲坛《易中天品三国》易中天之我的历史观百家讲坛《易中天品三国》特别节目:与易中天面对面-王志专访麻辣教授易中天 RMVB、MP3下载百家讲坛《易中天品三国》特别节目:拷问易中天-主持人:张斌 RMVB、MP3下载《易中天品三国》第三部《三足鼎立》、第四部《重归一统》、第五部《评价三国》|百家讲坛《易中天品三国》第三部《三足鼎立》、第四部《重归一统》、第五部《评价三国》 MP3|百家讲坛《易中天品三国》第一部:魏武挥鞭、第二部:孙刘联盟|百家讲坛《易中天品三国》第一部:魏武挥鞭、第二部:孙刘联盟 MP3下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说吴三桂》(纪连海主讲)全集视频点播下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说吴三桂》(纪连海主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛博弈圣首藏《正说清朝二十四臣-正说鳌拜》(纪连海主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说鳌拜》(纪连海主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说多尔衮》(纪连海主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说多尔衮》(纪连海主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说纪晓岚》(纪连海主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说纪晓岚》(纪连海主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说刘墉》(纪连海主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说刘墉》(纪连海主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说和珅(王申)》(纪连海主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《正说清朝二十四臣-正说和珅(王申)》(纪连海主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《大太监李连英/李莲英》(纪连海主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《大太监李连英/李莲英》(纪连海主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《解读中医》(王新陆主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《解读中医》(王新陆主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛千古中医故事(王立群、孙立群、纪连海、钱文忠、郝万山)|百家讲坛千古中医故事(王立群、孙立群、纪连海、钱文忠、郝万山)|百家讲坛百家讲坛《玄奘西游记》特别节目:玄奘精神-主持人:张越、主讲人:钱文忠《玄奘西游记》(钱文忠主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《玄奘西游记》(钱文忠主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《明十七帝疑案之明仁宗暴死之谜》(毛佩琦主讲)视频点播及RMVB、MP3下载|百家讲坛《明十七帝疑案之朱棣》(毛佩琦主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《明十七帝疑案之朱棣》(毛佩琦主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《明十七帝疑案之朱允炆》(毛佩琦主讲)|百家讲坛《明十七帝疑案之朱元璋》(毛佩琦主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《明十七帝疑案之朱元璋》(毛佩琦主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《康熙陵寝》(赵英健主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《康熙陵寝》(赵英健主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛百家讲坛特别节目:青梅煮酒说康熙(主持人:张越、主讲人:阎崇年、二月河)《康熙大帝》(阎崇年主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《康熙大帝》(阎崇年主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《明亡清兴六十年(下)》(阎崇年主讲)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《明亡清兴六十年(下)》(阎崇年主讲)MP3下载|百家讲坛《明亡清兴六十年(上)》(阎崇年主讲)RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《明亡清兴六十年(上)》(阎崇年主讲)MP3下载|百家讲坛百家讲坛《明亡清兴六十年》特别节目:对话阎崇年 RMVB、MP3下载(主持人:董倩、主讲人:阎崇年)百家讲坛特别节目:阿丘纪录蒙曼 RMVB视频、MP3音频下载《武则天》(蒙曼主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《武则天》(蒙曼主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛白蛇传奇(段怀清主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛白蛇传奇(段怀清主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《梅兰芳》(翁思再主讲)全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《梅兰芳》(翁思再主讲)MP3全集下载|百家讲坛《周汝昌眼中的四大名著》全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛《周汝昌眼中的四大名著》MP3全集下载|百家讲坛周岭解密曹雪芹全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛周岭解密曹雪芹 MP3全集下载|百家讲坛周岭谈《红楼梦》中的端午节全集RMVB、MP3下载|百家讲坛百家讲坛_揭秘《红楼梦》_特别节目:揭秘刘心武-主持人:张越、主讲人:刘心武刘心武揭秘《红楼梦》之史湘云全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛刘心武揭秘《红楼梦》之史湘云 MP3全集下载|百家讲坛刘心武揭秘《红楼梦》之贾宝玉全集RMVB清晰讲座视频点播下载|百家讲坛刘心武揭秘《红楼梦》之贾宝玉 MP3全集下载|百家讲坛篇二:读《刘心武揭秘红楼梦》换个角度看《红楼》——小谈《刘心武揭秘红楼梦》2005年,著名作家刘心武先生被邀请到CCTV-10的“百家讲坛”节目做关于《红楼梦》研究的专题讲座,该节目一经播出,便赢得了广大观众的好评,如此便有了《刘心武揭秘红楼梦》系列的付梓出版。
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英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿72:失败是人生的选项之一,但畏惧不是(导演詹姆斯.卡梅隆TED大会演讲)mp372. Failure Is an Option, but Fear Is Not72. 失败是人生的选项之一,但畏惧不是So, when I came back to make my next movie, which was “Avatar,”I tried to apply that same principle of leadership which is that you respect your team, and you earn their respect in return. And it really changed the dynamic, So, here I was again with a small team, in uncharted territory doing “Avatar,”coming up with new technology that didn’t exist before. Tremendously exciting. Tremendously challenging. And we became a family, over a four and half year period. And it completely changed how I do movies.当我开始拍摄《阿凡达》时,我试着将这种互相尊重的领导力原则应用在电影拍摄中。
So, people have commented on how, well, you know, you brought back the ocean organisms and put them on the planet of Pandora. To me it was more of a fundamental way of doing business, the process itself, that changed as a result of that.有许论文章说,卡梅隆把海底的-些生物放到了潘多拉星球上。
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿59:肩负起作为一名作家的责任(威廉.福克纳诺贝尔文学奖演讲词)mp359. Shoulder the Responsibility of Being a Writer59. 肩负起作为一名作家的责任Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up? Because of this, the young man or women writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.当今人们普遍存在着一种生理上的恐惧,这种恐惧由来已久,以致我们都已经习惯了。
He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed——love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice. Until he does so, he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, of victories without hope and, worst of all, without pity or compassion. His grieves grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars. He writes the glands.创作者必须重新学会这一切;必须教会自己认识到一切事物的本质是恐惧;教会自己学会忘记一切恐惧;在自己的创作空间里不给其他东西留任何空间,惟一拥有的是心灵的真谛。
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿70:给我打电话(“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔退役演说)mp370. Give Me a Call70. 给我打电话That’s the nineteen years I’m announcing my retirement from professional basketball. It’s now the time for me to begin my new life. I would like to thank my mother and father for their support and guidance. I would like especially thank my father, because without him, I wouldn’t be here today. Because it was him who met a young lady, who had a boy and he took us in. He taught me the game, he taught me how to play the game, he taught me how to dominate the game. So I just want to say, from son to father, thank you very much. I love you two. And my mother, I can’t forget about you, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known in the world. You always take care of me, the days you spent with me, you always brought me in the rooms and you always snort the cake, the milk and cookies, and told me don’t worry about father and my dreams. Thank youvery much.现在我宣布,我19年的篮球职业生涯到此结束,之后我要开始新的生活了。
英语演讲稿-经典名人英语演讲稿54:信息技术的发展前景(IBM首席执行官路易斯.郭士纳CeBIT亚洲展会演讲) mp3
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿54:信息技术的发展前景(IBM首席执行官路易斯.郭士纳CeBIT亚洲展会演讲) mp354. The Future of Information Technology54. 信息技术的发展前景But as we stand here today, the opening of CeBIT, we are on the threshold of a very important change in the evolution of this industry. In many ways, this industry, a very immature industry, is about to play out in its most important dimension. That is because the technology has become so powerful and so pervasive that its future impact on people and governments and all institutions will dwarf what has happened today.然而当我们今天站在这里,出席CeBIT开幕式的时候,信息技术革命正在发生重要变革。
I believe there are two trends that are most significanthere, and bear the closest watching. The first is what we call deep computing. The term is inspired by our chess-playing super computer Deep Blue, which I believe many of you know competed with the Grand Master Gary Kasparov last year. The second major development in Information Technology is of course for a topical, already discussed here this evening, and that is the rise of global networks, like the Internet to create a network world, or what some call a network economy.我认为,现在我们最需要关注的是信息技术产业发展的两个最重要的趋势。
视频格式是m4v,mov.我刚用迅雷刚才下了五个视频,速度感觉还可以(比YouTube解析的后下载的速度快多了)视频在暴风影音和real player上每个都可以播放,我都试过了。
但都是奥巴马经典的演讲视频,还有奥巴马在大选过程相关的一些视频,比如grassroots organizing类的视频,和The Campaign Trail的一些视频。
需要更多好的英语资料的朋友看这里最新添加奥巴马就职演讲视频和音频下载(1月20日),下载地址以下的演讲视频直接点击就可以下载了1 a more perfect union2 New Hampshire Primary Speech: Yes We Can3 forging a new future for American4 south carolina victory speech5 amrican stories(美国公民讲述自己的故事来支持推选奥巴马)6 Democratic National Convention 2004 Keynote(2004.7.27,查看中英文对照文稿)7 Biden VP announcement8 Orlando, Fla VFW Address9 Yes We Can, Nashua NH10 Boston Students(波士顿大学学生和奥巴马电话交谈,会见奥巴马,还有他们对大选的一些看法)11 Bronx Students(一所中学的学生谈论大选,并各自发表自己的演讲yes we/I can).........更多奥巴马竞选相关视频下载12 change has come to America (11月4日获胜芝加哥演讲):ed2k://|file|[%E5%A5%A5%E5%B7%B4%E9%A9%AC%E5%B D%93%E9%80%89%E6%BC%94%E8%AE%B2].Barack.Obama. Presidential.Victory.Speech.HDTV.XviD-XOXO.avi|183121870|1568 efc587c6885c3a4da0bc9e27ac5c|/将这一段地址复制后,打开你的迅雷,点"新建",自动弹出迅雷的下载对话框里即可下载。
美国20世纪100个经典英文演讲MP3(精选多篇)第一篇:美国20世纪100个经典英文演讲MP3rankspeakertitle/textaudio1martin luther king, jr. “i have a dream”MP3 stream2john fitzgerald kennedyinaugural addressMP3 stream3franklin delano rooseveltfirst inaugural addressMP3 stream4franklin delano rooseveltpearl harbor address to the nationMP3 stream5barbara charline jordan1976 dnc keynote addressMP3 stream6richard milhous nixon”checkers”MP3 stream7malcolm x”the ballot or the bullet”MP3.1 MP3.28ronald wilson reaganshuttle ‘‘challenger’’ disaster addressMP3 stream9john fitzgerald kennedyhouston ministerial association speechMP3 stream10lyndon baines johnson”we shall overcome”MP3 stream11mario mathew cuomo1984 dnc keynote addressMP3 stream12jesse louis jackson1984 dnc addressMP3.1 MP3.2 MP3.313barbara charline jordanstatement on the articles of impeachmentMP3 stream14(general) douglas macarthurfarewell address to congressMP3 stream15martin luther king, jr.“i’ve been to the mountaintop”MP3 stream16theodore roosevelt“the man with the muck-rake”17robert francis kennedyremarks on the assassination of mlkingMP3 stream18dwight david eisenhowerfarewell addressMP3 stream19woodrow thomas wilsonwar message20(general) douglas macarthur“duty, honor, country”MP3 stream21richard milhous nixon“the great silent majority”MP3 stream22john fitzgerald kennedy“ich bin ein berliner”MP3 stream23clarence seward darrow“mercy for leopold and loeb”24russell h. conwell“acres of diamonds”MP3 stream25ronald wilson reagan“a time for choosing”MP3 streamw26huey pierce long”every man a king”27anna howard shaw”the fundamental principle of a republic”28franklin delano roosevelt“the arsenal of democracy”MP3 stream29ronald wilson reagan“the evil empire”MP3 stream30ronald wilson reaganfirst inaugural addressMP3 stream31franklin delano rooseveltfirst fireside chatMP3 stream32harry s. truman”the truman doctrine”MP3 stream33william cuthbert faulknernobel prize acceptance speechMP3 stream34eugene victor debs1918 statement to the court35hillary rodham clinton“women’s rights are human rights”36dwight david eisenhower“atoms for peace”MP3 stream37john fitzgerald kennedyamerican university commencement addressMP338dorothy ann willis richards1988 dnc keynote addressMP339richard milhous nixonresignation speechMP340woodrow thomas wilson“the fourteen points”41margaret chase smith“declaration of conscience”42franklin delano roosevelt“the four freedoms”MP343martin luther king, jr.“a time to break silence”MP344mary church terrell“what it means to be colored in the...u.s.”45william jennings bryan“against imperialism”real audio stream46margaret higgins sanger“the morality of birth control”47barbara pierce bush1990 wellesley college commencement addressMP348john fitzgerald kennedycivil rights addressMP349john fitzgerald kennedycuban missile crisis addressMP350spiro theodore agnew“television news coverage”MP3w51jesse louis jackson1988 dnc addressMP3.1 MP3.252mary fisher“a whisper of aids”MP353lyndon baines johnson”the great society”MP3 stream54george catlett marshall “the marshall plan”MP355edward moore kennedy“truth and tolerance in america”MP356adlai ewing stevensonpresidential nomination acceptance address57anna eleanor roosevelt“the struggle for human rights”58geraldine anne ferrarovice-presidential nomination acceptance speechMP359robert marion la follette“free speech in wartime”60ronald wilson reagan40th anniversary of d-day addressMP361mario mathew cuomo“religious belief and public morality”62edward moore kennedy “chappaquiddick”MP363john llewellyn lewis“the rights of labor”64barry morris goldwaterpresidential nomination acceptance addressMP365stokely carmichael“black power”66hubert horatio humphrey1948 dnc address67emma goldmanaddress to the jury68carrie chapman catt“the crisis”69newton norman minow“television and the public interest”real audio stream70edward moore kennedyeulogy for robert francis kennedyMP3 stream71anita faye hillstatement to the senate judiciary committeeMP372woodrow thomas wilsonleague of nations final address73henry louis (“lou”) gehrigfarewell to baseball addressMP374richard milhous nixoncambodian incursion addressMP375carriechapman cattaddress to the u.s. congresssw76edward moore kennedy1980 dnc addressMP377lyndon baines johnsonon vietnam and not seeking re-electionMP378franklin delano rooseveltcommonwealth club address79woodrow thomas wilsonfirst inaugural address80mario savio“an end to history”81elizabeth glaser1992 dnc addressMP382eugene victor debs“the issue”83margaret higgins sanger”the children’s era”84ursula le guin”a left-handed commencement address”85crystal eastman“now we can begin”86huey pierce long“share our wealth”87gerald rudolph fordaddress on taking the oath of officeMP388cesar estrada chavezspeech on ending his 25 day fast89elizabeth gurley flynnstatement at the smith act trial90jimmy earl carter“a crisis of confidence”MP391malcolm x“message to the grassroots”MP392william jefferson clintonoklahoma bombing memorial addressMP393shirley anita st. hill chisholm”for the equal rights amendment”94ronald wilson reaganbrandenburg gate addressMP395eliezer (“elie”) wiesel”the perils of indifference”MP396gerald rudolph fordnational address pardoning richard m. nixonMP397woodrow thomas wilson“for the league of nations”98lyndon baines johnson“let us continue”MP399joseph n. welch“have you no sense of decency”MP3100anna eleanor rooseveltadopting the declaration of human rightsMP3第二篇:美国20世纪100个经典英文演讲MP3rankspeakertitle/textaudio1martin luther king, jr. “i have a dream”MP3 stream2john fitzgerald kennedyinaugural addressMP3 stream3franklin delano rooseveltfirst inaugural addressMP3 stream4franklin delano rooseveltpearl harbor address to the nationMP3 stream5barbara charline jordan1976 dnc keynote addressMP3 stream6richard milhous nixon”checkers”MP3 stream7malcolm x”the ballot or the bullet”MP3.1 MP3.28ronald wilson reaganshuttle ‘‘challenger’’ disaster addressMP3 stream9john fitzgerald kennedyhouston ministerial association speechMP3 s tream10lyndon baines johnson”we shall overcome”MP3 stream11mario mathew cuomo1984 dnc keynote addressMP3 stream12jesse louis jackson1984 dnc addressMP3.1 MP3.2 MP3.313barbara charline jordanstatement on the articles of impeachmentMP3 stream14(general) douglas macarthurfarewell address to congressMP3 stream15martin luther king, jr.“i’ve been to the mountaintop”MP3 stream16theodore roosevelt“the man with the muck-rake”17robert francis kennedyremarks on the assassination of mlkingMP3 stream18dwight david eisenhowerfarewell addressMP3 stream19woodrow thomas wilsonwar message20(general) douglas macarthur“duty, honor, country”MP3 stream21richard milhous nixon“the great silent majority”MP3 stream22john fitzgerald kennedy“ich bin ein berliner”MP3 stream23clarence seward darrow“mercy for leopold and loeb”24russell h. conwell“acres of diamonds”MP3 stream25ronald wilson reagan“a time for choosing”MP3 streamw26huey pierce long”every man a king”27anna howard sha w”the fundamental principle of a republic”28franklin delano roosevelt“the arsenal of democracy”MP3 stream29ronald wilson reagan“the evil empire”MP3 stream30ronald wilson reaganfirst inaugural addressMP3 stream31franklin delano rooseveltfirst fireside chatMP3 stream32harry s. truman”the truman doctrine”MP3 stream33william cuthbert faulknernobel prize acceptance speechMP3 stream34eugene victor debs1918 statement to the court35hillary rodham clinton“women’s rights are human rights”36dwight david eisenhower“atoms for peace”MP3 stream37john fitzgerald kennedyamerican university commencement addressMP338dorothy ann willis richards1988 dnc keynote addressMP339richard milhous nixonresignation speechMP340woodrow thomas wilson“the fourteen points”41margaret chase smith“declaration of conscience”42franklin delano roosevelt“the four freedoms”MP343martin luther king, jr.“a time to break silence”MP344mary church terrell“what it means to be colored in the...u.s.”45william jennings bryan“against imperialism”real audio stream46margaret higgins sanger“the morality of birth control”47barbara pierce bush1990 wellesley college commencement addressMP348john fitzgerald kennedycivil rights addressMP349john fitzgerald kennedycuban missile crisis addressMP350spiro theodore agnew“television news coverage”MP3w51jesse louis jackson1988 dnc addressMP3.1 MP3.252mary fisher“a whisper of aids”MP353lyndon baines johnson”the great society”MP3 stream54george catlett marshall“the marshall plan”MP355edward moore kennedy“truth and tolerance in america”MP356adlai ewing stevensonpresidential nomination acceptance address57anna eleanor roosevelt“the struggle for human rights”58geraldine anne ferrarovice-presidential nomination acceptance speechMP359robert marion la follette“free speech in wartime”60ronald wilson reagan40th anniversary of d-day addressMP361mario mathew cuomo“religious belief and public morality”62edward moore kennedy “chappaquiddick”MP363john llewellyn lewis“the rights of labor”64barry morris goldwaterpresidential nomination acceptance addressMP365stokely carmichael“black power”66hubert horatio humphrey1948 dnc address67emma goldmanaddress to the jury68carrie chapman catt“the crisis”69newton norman minow“television and the public interest”real audio stream70edward moore kennedyeulogy for robert francis kennedyMP3 stream71anita faye hillstatement to the senate judiciary committee MP372woodrow thomas wilsonleague of nations final address73henry louis (“lou”) gehrigfarewell to baseball addressMP374richard milhous nixoncambodian incursion addressMP375carriechapman cattaddress to the u.s. congresssw76edward moore kennedy1980 dnc addressMP377lyndon baines johnsonon vietnam and not seeking re-electionMP378franklin delano rooseveltcommonwealth club address79woodrow thomas wilsonfirst inaugural address80mario savio“an end to history”81elizabeth glaser1992 dnc addressMP382eugene victor debs“the issue”83margaret higgins sanger”the children’s era”84ursula le guin”a left-handed commencement address”85crystal eastman“now we can begin”86huey pierce long“share our wealth”87geral d rudolph fordaddress on taking the oath of officeMP388cesar estrada chavezspeech on ending his 25 day fast89elizabeth gurley flynnstatement at the smith act trial90jimmy earl carter“a crisis of confidence”MP391malcolm x“message to the grassroots”MP392william jefferson clintonoklahoma bombing memorial addressMP393shirley anita st. hill chisholm”for the equal rights amendment”94ronald wilson reaganbrandenburg gate addressMP395eliezer (“elie”) wiesel”the perils of indifference”MP396gerald rudolph fordnational address pardoning richard m. nixonMP397woodrow thomas wilson“for the league of nations”98lyndon baines johnson“let us continue”MP399joseph n. welch“have you no sense of decency”MP3100anna eleanor rooseveltadopting the declaration of human rightsMP3第三篇:美国20世纪经典英语演讲100篇(MP3+文本)???? ·美国经典英文演讲100篇:farewell address to congress·美国经典英文演讲100篇:1984 dnc address·美国经典英文演讲100篇:we shall overcome·美国经典英文演讲100篇:shuttle’’challenger’’disaster address?? ·美国经典英文演讲100篇:checkers·美国经典英文演讲100篇:pearl harbor address to the nation??? ·美国经典英文演讲100篇:i have a dream·美国经典英文演讲100篇:civil rights address·美国经典英文演讲100篇:a time to break silence-beyondvietnam????? ·美国经典英文演讲100篇:1988 dnc keynote address·美国经典英文演讲100篇:atoms for peace·美国经典英文演讲100篇:the truman doctrine·美国经典英文演讲100篇:first inaugural address·美国经典英文演讲100篇:the great arsenal of democracy??? ·美国经典英文演讲100篇:acres of diamonds·美国经典英文演讲100篇:the great silent majority·美国经典英文演讲100篇:farewell address。
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿61:荣耀的时刻(谢默斯·希尼在诺贝尔宴会上的演讲)mp361. The Moment of Pride61. 荣耀的时刻Today’s ceremonies and tonight’s banquet have been mighty and memorable events. Nobody who has shared in them will ever forget them, but for the laureates these celebrations have had a unique importance. Each of us has participated in a ritual, a rite of passage, a public drama which has been commensurate with the inner experience of winning a Nobel Prize. The slightly incredible condition we have lived in since the news of the prizes was announced a couple of weeks ago has now been rendered credible. The mysterious powers represented by the words Nobel Foundation and Swedish Academy have manifested themselves in friendly human form.今天的仪式和宴会都举办得很隆重,让人难以忘怀。
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿68:做真正的自己(2009年美国脱口秀节目主持人艾伦杜兰大学演讲)mp368. Stay True to Yourself68. 做真正的自己And really when I look back on it, I wouldn’t change a thing. I mean, it was so important for me to lose everything because I found out what the most important thing is, is to be true to yourself. Ultimately, that’s what’s gotten me to this place. I don’t live in fear, I’free, I have no secrets. And I know I’ll always be OK, because no matter what, I know who I am. So In conclusion, when I was younger I thought success was something different. I thought when I grow up, I want to be famous. I want to be a star. I want to be in movies. When I grow up I want to see the world, drive nice cars, I want to have groupies. To quote the Pussycat Dolls. How many people thought it was “boobies”, by the way? It’s not, it’s “groupies”.当我回首这些往事的时候,我还会做相同的决定。
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿60:与人为善(查尔斯.斯宾塞在戴安娜的葬礼上的致辞)mp360. Good Deeds Towards Others60. 与人为善We have all despaired at our loss over the past week and only the strength of the message you gave us through your years of giving has afforded us the strength to more forward.一个星期以来,我们全家都生活在痛失亲人的绝望中,惟有你多年慷慨留下的信心和力量才让我们有力量继续走下去。
There is a temptation to rush to canonize your memory, there is no need to do so. You stand tall enough as a human being of unique qualities not to need to be seen as a saint. Indeed to sanctify your memory would be to miss out on the very core of your being, your wonderfully mischievous sense of humor, with a laugh that bent you double. Your joy for life transmitted wherever your took your smile and the sparkle in those unforgettable eyes. Your boundless energy which you could barely contain.现在有股风潮,大家争抢对你的回忆,实在没有必要这样做。
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿62:三种方法让你生活更美好(拉塞尔.贝克在康乃迪克学院的演讲)mp3Bend down once in a while and smell a flower.偶尔弯下腰闯一闻花香。
Listen once in a while. It’s amazing what you can hear. On a hot summer day in the country you can hear the corn growing, the crack of a tin roof buckling under the power of the sun. In a real old-fashioned parlor silence so deep you can hear the dust settling on the velveteen settee, you might hear the footsteps of something sinister gaining on you, or a heart-stoppingly beautiful phrase from Mozart you haven’t heard since childhood, or the voice of somebody---now gone-whom you loved. Or sometime when you’re talking up a storm so brilliant, so charming that you can hardly believe how wonderful you are, pause just a moment and listen to yourself. It’s good for the soul to hear yourself as others hear you, and next time maybe, just maybe, you will not talkso much, so loudly, so brilliantly, so charmingly, so utterly shamelessly foolishly.有时注意倾听一下,你会惊讶于自己听到的声音。
但都是奥巴马经典的演讲视频,还有奥巴马在大选过程相关的一些视频,比如grassroots organizing类的视频,和ThecampaignTrail的一些视频。
需要更多好的英语资料的朋友看这里最新添加奥巴马就职演讲视频和音频下载(1月20日),下载地址以下的演讲视频直接点击就可以下载了12newhampshireprimaryspeech:Yeswecan3forginganewfutureforAmerican4southcarolinavictoryspeech5amricanstories(美国公民讲述自己的故事来支持推选奥巴马)6Democraticnationalconvention20XXKeynote(20XX.7.27,查看中英文对照文稿)7bidenVpannouncement8orlando,FlaVFwAddress9Yeswecan,nashuanh10bostonstudents(波士顿大学学生和奥巴马电话交谈,会见奥巴马,还有他们对大选的一些看法)11bronxstudents(一所中学的学生谈论大选,并各自发表自己的演讲yeswe/Ican).........更多奥巴马竞选相关视频下载12changehascometoAmerica(11月4日获胜芝加哥演讲):ed2k://|file|[%e5%A5%A5%e5%b7%b4%e9%A9%Ac%e5%bD%93% e9%80%89%e6%bc%94%e8%Ae%b2].barack.obama.presidenti al.Victory.speech.hDTV.xviD-xoxo.avi|183121870|1568 efc587c6885c3a4da0bc9e27ac5c|/将这一段地址复制后,打开你的迅雷,点"新建",自动弹出迅雷的下载对话框里即可下载。
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英语演讲稿-经典名人英语演讲稿56:建立电子化世界(惠普前任总裁马克·赫德惠普MegaForum讲话) mp3
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿56:建立电子化世界(惠普前任总裁马克·赫德惠普MegaForum讲话) mp356. Working Towards An Electronic World56. 建立电子化世界For many years now, HP has been working towards a world of pervasive information technologies that will characterize the 21 st century. We call it the Electronic World, and it has four different ingredients. First, there’s the Extended Enterprise infrastructure. Second, there’s the sphere of Electronic Business. There’s another sphere developing that most mainstream computer suppliers are paying little attention to, and that’s the e-consumer. Then there is the world of E-commerce, the electronic payment for goods and services. This is the 21st-century electronic world.多年年来,惠普公司一直在位建立一个信息技术无所不在的21世纪而奋斗。
美国20世纪100个经典英文演讲MP3(精选多篇) “i have a dream”MP3 stream2inaugural address MP3 stream3first inaugural addressMP3 stream4pearl harbor address to the nationMP3 stream51976 dnc keynote address“checkers”MP3 stream7malcolm x”the ballot or the bullet”shuttle ‘‘challenger’’ disaster addressMP3 stream9houston ministerial association speech MP3 stream10lyndon baines johnson”e”MP3 stream11mario matheo1984 dnc keynote address MP3 stream12jesse louis jackson1984 dnc addressstatement on the articles of impeachmentMP3 stream14fare15”i’ve been to the mountaintop”MP3 stream16”the man uck-rake”17remarks on the assassination of mlkingMP3 stream18d19essage20”duty, honor, country”MP3 stream21”the great silent majority”MP3 stream22”ich bin ein berliner”MP3 stream23”mercy for leopold and loeb”24”acres of diamonds”MP3 stream25”a time for choosing”MP3 streaman a king”27anna hoental principle of a republic”28”the arsenal of democracy”MP3 stream29”the evil empire”MP3 stream30first inaugural addressMP3 stream31first fireside chatMP3 stream32harry s. truman”the truman doctrine”MP3 stream33 cuthbert faulknernobel prize acceptance speechMP3 stream341918 statement to the court35”en’s rights are human rights”36”atoms for peace”MP3 stream37american university commencement address1988 dnc keynote addressresignation speech“the fourteen points”41”declaration of conscience”42”the four freedoms”MP343”a time to break silence”MP344”eans to be colored in the...u.s.”45”against imperialism”“the morality of birth control”471990 mencement addresscivil rights addresscuban missile crisis address“television ne54”the marshall plan”“truth and tolerance in america”MP356presidential nomination acceptance address57”the struggle for human rights”58vice-presidential nomination acceptance speechMP359”free speech in e”6040th anniversary of d-day address“religious belief and public morality”62”chappaquiddick”“the rights of labor”64presidential nomination acceptance addressMP365”black po70eulogy for robert francis kennedyMP3 stream71anita faye hillstatement to the senate judiciary committeeMP372as bodian incursion addressMP375address to the u.s. congresss and not seeking re-electionMP378commonargaret higgins sanger”the children’sera”84ursula le guin”a left-handed commencement address”85”noent at the smith act trial90”a crisis of confidence”MP391”message to the grassroots”MP392oklahoma bombing memorial addressM P393shirley anita st. hill chisholm”for the equal rights amendment”94ronald . nixon“for the league of nations”98”let us continue”MP399”have you no sense of decency”MP3100adopting the declaration of human rightsMP3第三篇:美国20世纪经典英语演讲100篇(MP3+文本)???? ·美国经典英文演讲100篇:faree·美国经典英文演讲100篇:shuttle’’challenger’’disaster addre。
世界名人演讲100篇download video: mp4 (159mb) | mp3 (15mb)download video: mp4 (159mb) | mp3 (15mb)helping every american with autism achieve their full potential is one of this administration’s top priorities. at the u.s. department of health and human services, we continue to strive to meet the complex needs of all people with autism spectrum disorders (asd) and their families. while there is no cure, early intervention is critical and can greatly improve a child’s development.perhaps the biggest step we’ve taken to support those affected by autism and their families happened over a year ago, with the signing of the affordable care act. now, new insurance plans are required to cover autism screening and developmental assessments for children at no cost to parents. insurers will also no longer be allowed to deny children coverage for a pre-existing condition such as asd or to set arbitrary lifetime or annual limits on benefits.also, thanks to the new law, young adults are allowed to stay on their family health insurance until they turn 26. for a young adult with autism spectrum disorder and their family, that means peace of mind. it means more flexibility, more options, and more opportunity to reach their full potential.ultimately, there is more support for americans with autism than ever before. this means more promise of new breakthroughs that will help us understand autism even better. but in order to continue meeting the needs of people with autism, the combating autism act must be fully reauthorized. we still have a long way to go. workingcollaboratively with important partners, the affordable care act and the combating autism act will allow us to continue important research and develop and refine vital treatments.there are still many unknowns. however, one thing is certain. we will continue to work harder than ever to find solutions and provide support to individuals with asd and their families. together, we can help reduce disparities and allow everyone to actualize their greatest potential.kathleen sebelius is secretary of health and human services.美国健康和人力资源部秘书凯思琳• 西贝利厄斯.。
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竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除名人经典演讲音频mp3下载篇一:世界名人经典演讲mp3和文件世界名人演讲精选世界名人演讲精选(mp3+演讲稿文档)/search.php?key=%cA%c 0%bD%e7%c3%Fb%c8%cb%D1%DD%bD%b2%be%Ab%D1%A1tomakeourcountrymorejustandgenerous;toaffirmthedignit yofourlivesandeverylife.永不疲惫,永不气馁,永不完竭,今天我们重树这样的目标:使我们的国家变得更加公正、更加慷慨,去体现我们每个人和所有人生命的尊严。
政治人物ihaveadream(>>查看演讲音频及英文演讲稿)我有一个梦想——马丁·路德·金letusnotwallowinthevalleyofdespair,isaytoyoutoday,m yfriends.andsoeventhoughwefacethedifficultiesoftodayandtomorrow,istillhaveadream.itisadreamdeeplyrootedintheamericandream.朋友们,今天我要对你们说,千万不要沉沦在绝望的深谷里。
iquit,butiwillcontinuethefight我放弃了,但我会继续战斗——希拉里·克林顿onthedayweliveinanamericawherenochild,noman,andnowo maniswithouthealthinsurance,wewillliveinastrongeramerica.that’swhyweneedtohelpelectbarackobamaourpresident.当我们有朝一日居住在一个让每个孩子、每个男人、每个女人都享有医疗保障的美国时,我们便拥有了一个更强大的美国。
buildingthefoundationsforsuccess为成功做好准备——安妮·德·萨里斯knowingwhoweareandbeingconfidentenoughtodowhatmatte rstous—that’swhatcounts.了解自己,满怀自信,做好我们认为重要的事情,这才是最重要的。
let’selectbarackobamapresidentofusa让我们选举巴拉克·奥巴马为美利坚合众国总统——米歇尔·奥巴马商界精英unleashingyourcreativity(>>查看演讲稿中英文对照)释放你的创造力——比尔·盖茨andibelievethatthroughournaturalinventiveness,creat ivityandwillingnesstosolvetoughproblems,weregoingtomakesomeamazingachi evementsinalltheseareasinmylifetime.我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造能力和不畏艰难、坚韧不拔的品格,在我的有生之年里我们将在所有这些领域都创造出可喜的成就。
grabyourdreamswhenitshowsup当梦想来临时抓住它——拉里·佩奇overall,iknowitseemsliketheworldiscrumblingoutthere ,butitisactuallyagreattimeinyourlifetogetalittlecrazy,followyourcuriosity,andbeambitiousaboutit.dontgiveuponyourdreams.theworldneedsyouall!总而言之,我知道这个世界看起来已支离破碎,但这确实是你们人生中一个伟大的时代,你们可以疯狂一点,追随你们的好奇心,积极进取。
wearewhatwechoose(>>查看演讲稿视频及双语演讲稿)选择塑造人生——杰夫·贝索斯clevernessisagift,kindnessisachoice.giftsareeasy—theyregivenafterall.choicescanbehard.youcanseduceyourselfwithyourgi ftsifyourenotcareful,andifyoudo,itllprobablybetothedetrimentofyourchoice s.聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择。
followyourbliss,followyourheart(>>查看演讲音频及英文演讲稿)追随你的幸福,倾听你的心声——安德森·库珀butitactuallywasthebestthingthateverhappenedtome.id ecidedthatifnoonewouldgivemeachance,i’dhavetotakeachance,andifnoonewouldgivemeanopportunity,iwouldhavetocreatemyownopportunity.但这次失败却成了我人生中最有价值的经历。
娱乐名人failureisanoption,butfearisnot(>>查看演讲视频及演讲稿中英双语对照)失败是一个选项,但畏惧不是——詹姆斯·卡梅隆so,thatsthethoughtiwouldleaveyouwith,isthatinwhatev eryouredoing,failureisanoption,butfearisnot.所以,这是我想给你的想法,不管你做什么,失败是一个选项,但畏惧不是。