电影音乐英语PPT Music and movies
音乐和电影的英语作文Music and movies are two of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. People love to listen to music and watch movies to relax and have fun. Music can make us feel happy, sad, excited, or even nostalgic. It has the power to evoke emotions and memories. Similarly, movies can transport us to different worlds and make us experience a wide range of emotions. Whether it's a thrilling action movie or a heartwarming romantic comedy, movies have the ability to captivate and entertain us.Music and movies also have the ability to bring people together. We often bond with others over our shared lovefor a certain band or singer, or a particular movie or actor. Music concerts and movie premieres are great opportunities for people to come together and enjoy their favorite music or film with like-minded individuals. Inthis way, music and movies have the power to create a sense of community and belonging.One of the great things about music and movies is that they can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you're a teenager or a senior citizen, there's a genre of music or a type of movie that will resonate with you. From classical music to hip-hop, and from animated films to documentaries, there's something for everyone to enjoy. This universal appeal is what makes music and movies such powerful forms of entertainment.In addition to providing entertainment, music and movies can also be a source of inspiration and motivation. Many people find solace in music during difficult times, and movies can serve as a source of inspiration by telling powerful stories of triumph over adversity. Whether it's a song that lifts our spirits or a movie that motivates us to pursue our dreams, music and movies have the power to inspire us and give us hope.In conclusion, music and movies are an integral part of our lives. They have the ability to evoke emotions, bring people together, appeal to a wide audience, and inspire and motivate us. Whether we're listening to our favorite songor watching a beloved film, music and movies have the power to enrich our lives and bring joy and entertainment to people all over the world.。
你最喜欢的音乐和电影英语作文Title: My Favorite Music and MoviesMusic has always been an integral part of my life, a constant companion that has enriched my experiences and shaped my emotions. From the soulful melodies of classical composers to the infectious rhythms of contemporary artists, music has the power to transport me to different realms, evoking a range of feelings and memories.One of my all-time favorite musical genres is classical music. The intricate harmonies and complex compositions of composers like Beethoven, Chopin, and Debussy never fail to captivate me. The way they weave together intricate melodies and harmonies to create a tapestry of sound is nothing short of awe-inspiring. I find myself lost in the emotional intensity of a Beethoven symphony or the delicate, haunting beauty of a Chopin nocturne. The way these composers canconvey the full spectrum of human emotions, from the triumphant to the melancholic, is truly remarkable.Alongside my love for classical music, I also deeply appreciate the power of contemporary artists to evoke a range of emotions. The raw, emotive vocals of singers like Adele or the intricate, layered instrumentals of bands like Radiohead have a way of striking a chord deep within me. These artists possess an incredible ability to capture the complexities of the human experience, whether it's the ache of heartbreak or the euphoria of falling in love.In addition to music, I am also an avid cinephile, constantly seeking out films that challenge me intellectually and emotionally. One of my favorite genres is the thought-provoking, character-driven drama. Films like "The Shawshank Redemption," "Birdman," and "The Social Network" captivate me with their nuanced storytelling and complex, multidimensional characters.What I love most about these films is the way they delve into the human condition, exploring themes of identity, morality, and the pursuit of meaning. The masterful performances of the actors, combined with the brilliant direction and cinematography, create an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression on me. These films not only entertain but also compel me to reflect on my own experiences and beliefs.Another genre that I deeply appreciate is the visually stunning and imaginative realm of science fiction. Films like "Interstellar," "Arrival," and "Blade Runner 2049" transport me to worlds beyond our own, challenging my perceptions of reality and the human experience. The intricate worldbuilding, coupled with the exploration of deep philosophical questions, makes these films both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant.Moreover, I find great joy in the empowering narratives of inspiring biopics. Films like "The Imitation Game," "Hidden Figures," and "Bohemian Rhapsody" not only entertain but also educate and uplift me. These stories of remarkable individuals who have overcome adversity and made significant contributions to the world serve as a reminder of the human spirit's resilience and the power of perseverance.Ultimately, both music and film have the ability to touch my soul, to evoke emotions that I didn't even know I possessed. They offer a window into the human experience, allowing me to connect with stories and characters that transcend time and space. Whether it's the swell of a symphony or the captivating performance of a cinematic masterpiece, these art forms have the power to inspire, challenge, and transform me in profound ways.。
11.君子藏器于身,待时而动。 ——《周易》 译:君子就算有卓越的才能超群的技艺,也不会到处炫耀、卖弄。而是在必要的时刻把才能或技艺施展出来。
7.己所不欲,勿施于人。 ——《论语》 译:自己不想要的(痛苦、灾难、祸事……),就不要把它强加到别人身上去。
8.当仁,不让于师。 ——《论语》 译:遇到应该做的好事,不能犹豫不决,即使老师在一旁,也应该抢着去做。后发展为成语“当仁不让”。
9.君子欲讷于言而敏于行。 ——《论语》 译:君子不会夸夸其谈,做起事来却敏捷灵巧。
12.满招损,谦受益。 ——《尚书》 译:自满于已获得的成绩,将会招来损失和灾害;谦逊并时时感到了自己的不足,就能因此而得益。
13.人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? ——《论语》 译:如果我有了某些成就,别人并不理解,可我决不会感到气愤、委屈。这不也是一种君子风度的表现吗?知缘斋主人
14.言必信 ,行必果。 ——《论语》 译:说了的话,一定要守信用;确定了要干的事,就一定要坚决果敢地干下去。
3.见善如不及,见不善如探汤。 ——《论语》 译:见到好的人,生怕来不及向他学习,见到好的事,生怕迟了就做不了。看到了恶人、坏事,就像是接触到热得发烫的水一样,要立刻离开,避得远远的。
4.躬自厚而薄责于人,则远怨矣。 ——《论语》 译:干活抢重的,有过失主动承担主要责任是“躬自厚”,对别人多谅解多宽容,是“薄责于人”,这样的话,就不会互相怨恨。
前,先得受尽悲痛,流尽眼泪。可是这样是好的,应该要这样…… —— 罗曼•罗兰 68、一个最困苦、最卑贱、最为命运所屈辱的人,只要还抱有希望,便无所怨惧。—— 莎士比亚 69、患难可以试验一个人的品格,非常的境遇方才可以显出非常的气节;风平浪静的海面,所有的船只都可以并驱竞胜。命运的铁拳击中要害的时候,候,只有大勇大智的人才能够处之泰然;……——
Film English Listening and Speaking Training
Performance Skills:
Imitation Practice:
Start with a brief introduction of the movie, then focus on the plot, characters, cinematography, music, and other key elements. Conclude with your personal opinion and rating.
Marketing Strategy - 为电影制定的一系列推广和销售计划,以最大程度地提高电影的知名度和票房收入。
Critic - 对电影进行专业评价和分析的人,通过撰写影评来向观众提供观影建议。
Review - 对电影的全面评价和分析,包括故事情节、演员表现、导演技巧等方面。
Fundamentals of Film
电影音乐(Movie Music)
电影音乐(Movie Music)电影音乐(Movie Music)电影音乐(Movie Music) accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as silent , the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. from the very beginning, music was regarded as an indispensable accompaniment; when the lumiere films were shown at the first public film exhibition in the united states in february 1896, they were accompanied by piano improvisations on popular tunes. at first, the music played bore no special relationship to the films; an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient. within a very short time, however, the incongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.as movie theaters grew in number and importance, a violinist, and perhaps a cellist, would be added to the pianist in certain cases, and in the larger movie theaters small orchestras were formed. for a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often theprincipal qualification for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces. since the conductor seldom saw the films until the night before they were to be shown(if indeed, the conductor was lucky enough to see them then), the musical arrangement was normally improvised in the greatest hurry.to help meet this difficulty, film distributing companies started the practice of publishing suggestions for musical accompaniments. in 1909, for example, the edison company began issuing with their films such indications of mood as pleasant , sad , lively . the suggestions became more explicit, and so emerged the musical cue sheet containing indications of mood, the titles of suitable pieces of music, and precise directions to show where one piece led into the next.certain films had music especially composed for them. the most famous of these early special scores was that composed and arranged for d.w griffith's film birth of a nation, which was released in 1915.。
现代音乐和电影PPT课件3(4份) 人教版2
《城市之光》 《大独裁者》 《摩登时代》
奥斯卡奖是最具权威、最 有影响、设奖范围最广的世界 级电影奖。它象征着美国电影 艺术的最高成就,以鼓励并表 彰那些对电影事业做出突出成 就的电影人。 1928 年,在好莱 坞的罗斯福大酒店举行了第一 届学院奖。学院奖的奖品是一 尊身高 13.5 英寸的锡铜合金的 镀金裸体人像。从第七届起, 学院奖正式更名为奥斯卡奖。
1、在发展中求生存,在创新中求发 展,不墨守成规,固步自封。 2、对外来文化要吸收、借鉴,让外 来文化融入到本国文化,不能失去 自己的民族特色。
一、无声电影 1.电影传入中国:19世界末 2. 中国最早放映的电影: 1896 年 8 月 11 日法国商人在上海徐园“又一村”茶楼 内放映的“西洋影戏”。 3. 标志: 1905 年,《定军山》的首影成 功标志着中国电影的起步。 二、有声电影
今天,我们一起学习了摇滚乐、电 影的产生和发展,它们的产生和发 展离不开科学技术的进步,他们的 发展体现了人文情怀,他们互相交 融着,并与时俱进,共同打造文化 全球化!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
挫折的名言 1、 我觉得坦途在前,人又何必因为一点小障碍而不走路呢?——鲁迅 2、 “不耻最后”。即使慢,弛而不息,纵会落后,纵会失败,但一定可以达到他所向的目标。——鲁迅 3、 故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。 战胜挫折的名言 1、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬 2、每一种挫折或不利的突变,是带着同样或较大的有利的种子。——爱默生 3、我以为挫折、磨难是锻炼意志、增强能力的好机会。——邹韬奋 4、斗争是掌握本领的学校,挫折是通向真理的桥梁。——歌德 激励自己的座右铭 1、 请记得,好朋友的定义是:你混的好,她打心眼里为你开心;你混的不好,她由衷的为你着急。 2、 要有梦想,即使遥远。 3、 努力爱一个人。付出,不一定会有收获;不付出,却一定不会有收获,不要奢望出现奇迹。 4、 承诺是一件美好的事情,但美好的东西往往不会变为现实。 工作座右铭 1、 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。——《荀子劝学》 2、 反省不是去后悔,是为前进铺路。 3、 哭着流泪是怯懦的宣泄,笑着流泪是勇敢的宣言。 4、 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。——屈原《离骚》 5、 每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。 国学经典名句 1、知我者,谓我心忧,不知我者,谓我何求。(诗经王风黍离) 2、人而无仪,不死何为。 (诗经风相鼠) 3、言者无罪,闻者足戒。 (诗经大序) 4、他山之石,可以攻玉。 (诗经小雅鹤鸣) 5、投我以桃,报之以李。 (诗经大雅抑) 6、天作孽,犹可违,自作孽,不可活。(尚书) 7、满招损,谦受益。 (尚书大禹谟) 青春座右铭 1、爱的力量大到可以使人忘记一切,却又小到连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳。 2、把手握紧,什么也没有;把手伸开,你就拥有了一切。 3、不在打击面前退缩,不在困难面前屈服,不在挫折面前低头,不在失败面前却步。勇敢前进! 4、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。 5、当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。 激励向上人生格言 1、实现自己既定的目标,必须能耐得住寂寞单干。 2、世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。 3、为了不让生活留下遗憾和后悔,我们应该尽可能抓住一切改变生活的机会。 4、无论你觉得自己多么的不幸,永远有人比你更加不幸。 5、无论你觉得自己多么的了不起,也永远有人比你更强。 6、打击与挫败是成功的踏脚石,而不是绊脚石。 激励自己的名言 1、忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所别人所不能吃的苦,是为了收获得不到的收获。 2、销售是从被别人拒绝开始的。 3、好咖啡要和朋友一起品尝,好机会也要和朋友一起分享。 4、生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。 5、拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。 6、有识有胆,有胆有识,知识与胆量是互相促进的。 7、体育锻炼可以(有时可以迅速)使人乐观(科学实验证明)。 8、勤奋,机会,乐观是成功的三要素。(注意:传统观念认为勤奋和机会是成功的要素,但是经过统计学和成功人士的分析得出,乐观是成功的第三要素) 9、自信是人格的核心。 10、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴。
《侏羅紀公園》、《辛德勒的名單》、《大白鯊》、《法櫃奇兵》、《超人》、《星際大戰》、《小鬼當家》 …等
莫里斯﹒買瑞爾作品 顏尼歐﹒莫里克奈 (Ennio Morricone,1928-) Saint-Saën) 第八講 電影音樂(Film Music) 電影史上被公認為第一部專門為電影劇情而創作配樂的電影是由法國『藝術電影工司』(Film dArt)製作的《刺殺德吉斯公爵》 (L'Assassinat du Duc de Guise)。
卓別林(Charles Chaplin)
默片時代史上被公認為第一部專門為電影劇情而創 作配樂的電影是由法國『藝術電影工司』 (Film dArt)製作的《刺殺德吉斯公爵》 (L'Assassinat du Duc de Guise)。
為電影《刺殺德吉斯公爵》 擔綱創作者
第八講 電影音樂(Film Music)
宋秀娟 大葉大學 通識教育中心主任 97下學期優質通識教育課程
電影音樂(Film Music)
歷史上首次的電影公映於1895年12月28日, 周六晚上,在法國巴黎香榭大道十四號咖啡館 中的印度沙龍(Boulevard des Capucines, Grand Café, Indian Salon)。法國知名的照 相器材廠老闆安敦‧魯米埃(Antoine Lumiere) 透過兒子們魯米埃兄弟(Auguste N. Lumiere 及 Louis J. Lumiere)所發明的 「活動電影機」 (Cinematographe)在巴黎所舉行的第一次 電影公映會。
• Resident Evil(生化危机)“Resident Evil” starring Milla Jovovich(米拉· 乔沃维奇). Underworld(黑夜传说)
Jackie Chan, my favorite(07 April 1954 )56years old
Representative work: “Laughter boxing weird,” (笑拳怪招)“Drunken Master” (醉拳)series, “Police Story” (警察故事) series, “Who am I”(我是 谁), “A Plan”(A计划) series, “Twin Dragons,” “Rush Hour” series, “Hood”, “Private Game”, “The Myth(神话)”, “Kung Fu Dream”, “neighbor agents”,
类型:武侠 主要获奖纪录: ·2001年度奥斯卡最佳外 语片、最佳摄影、最佳艺 术指导、最佳作曲 ·2001年度美国导演协会 最佳导演
佳影片、最佳导演、最 佳摄影等8项大奖
Ang Lee, who was born in 1954 in Taiwan, is one of the world‘s greatest directors. Ang Lee is a knowledgeable man. In 1973 to 1979, through his hard work with his lessons, he finally received a master’s degree in film directing at NYV. When he grew up, he started to make his own films. for instance Eat Drink Man Woman(饮食男女) Ice Storm (冰 风暴) ,
( ) 3. It tells the story of two people who love each other.
Talk about the topic sentence and analyze each paragraph.
Types of films
Thriller (4points)
Comedy (3points)
Adventure Film(6points)
Comedy is a/an ____ and _____film, which makes people____.
现代音乐和电影PPT课件3(4份) 人教版3
源自美国黑人的爵士乐 19 世纪末发祥于美 国南部路易斯安那州的新奥尔良市,至今已有 百年历史。从最早期的“拉格泰姆”和“布鲁 斯”到颇具规模的新奥尔良爵士乐;从 20 年代 著名的以集体即兴演奏为主的“迪克西兰”到 30 年代以伴舞为主要职能的“摇摆乐”;从 40 年代追求高超的以和弦演奏为基础做即兴演奏 的“比波普”到 50 、 60 年代风格迥异的“比波 普”和“酷”以及随后的“自由”派;从 70 、 80 年代“摇滚”和爵士乐的融合,“合成”的 出现到 90 年代“新经典主义”的诞生;直至今 爵士乐简介 天,每一种爵士风格都活跃在舞台上。具有强 烈持久生命力的爵士乐经过百年的演变和融合, 早已突破了地域、种族和国界的局限,成为一 种世界性的音乐。
L.阿姆斯特朗是一位非凡的小号演奏家和极出色的 歌手,是爵士历史上最出色和富有诗意的独奏表演 家。他被誉为“美国爵士乐的化身”。他的演唱沙 哑而热烈,充满磁性。我们可以从他的一首 “What a wonderful world”中听到他精彩的演绎。
1 、爵士乐的乐队形式大致上可以分为小乐队和大乐队两 种,其中小乐队以钢琴、贝司、鼓构成的爵士三重奏最为 常见,当然也会加入一些其他乐器;而大乐队主要以铜管 和萨克斯管为主体,贝司和鼓一般都是乐队必不可少的乐 器,在此基础上,大乐队还会配置一些吉他、钢琴和颤音 琴等其他乐器。
3、爵士乐最主要的演奏特点是什么? 4、爵士乐对世界音乐有什么影响?
“ 布鲁斯” (Blues) , 是爵士乐初期的一 种重要形式,为爵 士音乐的旋律基础, 源自非洲,由非洲 的黑人带到美国。
人教版必修三第24课 音乐与影视艺术 课件 PPT(36张)优质课件
人 教 版 必 修 三第24 课 音 乐 与影视 艺术 课 件 P P T(36张 )优质 课件
1895年,法国卢 米埃尔兄弟
①1927年 美国
①20C初,美国格里 菲斯 “现代电影之父”
首次拍摄 有声电影
②1935年,第一 部彩色电影
②卓别林 最杰出的演员 《浮华世家》
1.19至20世纪,世界音乐流派与杰作 2.影视艺术的产生与发展
1.列举你所所熟悉的著名音乐人物。 2.19世纪欧洲兴起了哪些音乐流派?各流派有哪些经 典之作? 3.20世纪音乐经历了怎样的发展历程?有何特点和代 表?对世界有何影响?
人 教 版 必 修 三第24 课 音 乐 与影视 艺术 课 件 P P T(36张 )优质 课件
人 教 版 必 修 三第24 课 音 乐 与影视 艺术 课 件 P P T(36张 )优质 课件
1927年,美国华纳电影公司首次拍摄成功 有声电影《爵士歌王》,融对白、音乐、
1895年,法国卢 米埃尔兄弟
①1927年 美国
①20C初,美国格里 首次拍摄
菲斯 “现代电影之父”
②1935年,第一 部色电影
②卓别林 最杰出的演员
③二战后,宽 银幕和立体声
人 教 版 必 修 三第24 课 音 乐 与影视 艺术 课 件 P P T(36张 )优质 课件
《天空之城》主題曲〈伴隨著你〉~ + 〈伴隨著你〉(日文版) + 〈伴隨著你〉(兒童合唱版) + 〈伴隨著你〉(完美版)
《龍貓》主題曲〈風的通道〉~ + 〈風的通道〉(日文版) + 〈風的通道〉(演奏版)
龍貓》主題曲〈豆豆龍〉~ + 〈豆豆龍〉(日文版) + 〈豆豆龍〉(鋼琴演奏版) + 〈豆豆龍〉(交響樂版)
+ 《星際大戰第四部:曙光乍現》
+ 《星際大戰第五部:帝國大反擊》 + 《星際大戰第六部:絕地大反攻》
+ 奪寶奇兵系列~
+ 奪寶奇兵第一部:《法櫃奇兵》
+ 奪寶奇兵第二部:《魔宮傳奇》 + 奪寶奇兵第三部:《聖戰奇兵》
+ 《外星人》(ET) + 《大白鯊》 (Jaws)
+ + + +
《星際大戰》主題曲 《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》 《星際大戰第二部:複製人全面進攻》 《星際大戰第三部:西斯大帝的復仇》
樂,可能來自收音機,可能來自一個樂團,也可 能來自一名歌手或音樂家等,你可能就可以在電 影中「看見」音樂的來源。
劇情配樂 Source Music
music. All the mice
There are no
in the city now. But the people don't
give him the gold.
The man is very angry. He plays magic music again. All
the children
PPT模板:/moban/ PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ PPT论坛: 语文课件:/kejian/yuw en/ 英语课件:/kejian/ying yu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexu e/ 化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/
The children come home. They are happy.
1.Does the man help the people?
Yes, he does.
2.Are there any mice in the city at last?
No, there aren't.
1.How does he help? 2.Why does he help?
I have lunch at ...
winte r
What time do you have dinner?
I have dinner at ...
Do you have anything to share with us? (通过一节课的学习,你有什么学习上
behind him.
The people give the man his home.
1. 没有证据证明那把刀是属于她的。
2. Kee
3. I wan
1. Doc
做;运转 work
做手术 新车性能如何?
虚拟的 实际上的
2. com
1. one of Bee 贝多芬最优美的音乐作品之一
创作;撰写;组成c ;构成 (一个整体)
1. 她写了一封抗议信。
2. 委员会由十名女性组成。
3. 云是由水蒸气构成的。
3. enable
1. In 胰岛素使人体能够利用和贮存糖分。
1. Vir
adj. 接近的;事实上的;虚拟的
1. 一些物种濒临灭绝。
2. 该国实际上正逐渐进入内战状态。
3. 虚拟图书馆的建设
1. 他在参加竞选前几乎不为人知。
2. 以他一人之力完成此项任务几乎是不可能的。
3. 他实际已承认自己有罪。
1. Vir ex
2. I
√D. A ma
Defini vir
I __fo_r_g_e______________
Anyone from anyw
a. W b. W c. W d. W e. W f. W
The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.
Maria's love, understanding and tolerance for the kids performance in many details. For example when she first came to the captain’s house, captain educate his childrens with militarized management, he treat them as machines. What’s worse, the kids’ names are replaced by a sharp whistle. Candid Maria immediately retorted: Oh, I won't need to whistle for them, reverend Captain. I mean, I'll use their names. And such lovely names!" This is the respect for people! Although they are just childrens3!
The Love from Maria to Kids
Maria's love, understanding and tolerance for the kids performance in many details. For example when she first came to the captain’s house, captain educate his childrens with militarized management, he treat them as machines. What’s worse, the kids’ names are replaced by a sharp whistle. Candid Maria immediately retorted: Oh, I won't need to whistle for them, reverend Captain. I mean, I'll use their names. And such lovely names!" This is the respect for people! Althou.gh they are just childrens!
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
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Sister Act
Sister Act is a 1992 American comedy film released by Touchstone Pictures. Directed by Emile Ardolino, it features musical arrangements by Marc Shaiman and stars Whoopi Goldberg as a Reno lounge singer who has to impersonate a nun in a San Francisco convent when a mob boss puts her on his hit list. The film was followed by a 1993 sequel, Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit. It also inspired a musical stage version that premiered at the Pasadena Playhouse in Pasadena, California in 2006.
Les Choristes
Delightful, uplifting, beautifully acted film that fully deserved its Oscar nominations for both Best Foreign Film and Best Original Song. Christophe Barratier’s The Chorus (Les Choristes) was an unexpectedly huge hit in France, to the point where it has reportedly reawakened a national interest in boys’ choirs. It’s doubtful that its influence on British audiences will be quite so profound
• This is a perfect songs. Will the downy and then pop hymn music full link up. Psalm part calmness, beautiful timbre ripples in the ear and unforgettable. Second half is lively, showing a brisk singers to energy and passion. People seem to also want to subsequently and beating. This is a drive all the person mind songs
The Kings Speech
The British empire in George v died afterwards, finally us hered in humiliating moments, make national all feel humiliated Edward viii.she begins to fall ultimately chose "beauty not jiang shan". Brother, will announce abdicated penalty-takers George vi into the king's throne. However, a heart though kind George vi but suffered a serious physical defect - stuttering problems. Often in public speaking all seem very sweaty, even a few words very simple words could not speak out timidly.
• A Wolf: We lose weight! As long as we become slim, we can cross the fence and make a dinner of fat mutton. • Perhaps Warrior Wolf was starving, surprisingly he agreed and risked his life to lose weight. He became thinner and thinner, until one day – He succeeded when he became skinny, like a rack of bones. When he crossed the fence successfully, he was surprised to see… • (Wool encloses a rock. Warrior Wolf thought it was a fat sheep, so he rushed crazily and devoured it…)
• Warrior wolf spat out white foams and died. It was a night with full moon. Since then, there passed a legend of hungry wolves in their world: the fattest sheep of the world is on the Verdant Grassland, but don’t seek to catch them, otherwise misfortune will arrive on you. Every time when the moon is full, the hungry wolves will wail towards the sky in memory of Warrior Wolf, and forever. • Sheep calendar year 3513. The leading sheep of the Verdant Grassland has become the mayor Slow Sheep. At this moment, Grey Wolf, the 250th-generation grandson of Warrior Wolf, remembers the legend of hungry wolves because he cannot base himself upon the wolves because of his poor skills. So he took his wife, Red Wolf, to the forests facing towards the Verdant Grassland. He cannot believe it true until he finds the countless fat sheep on the grassland. Thus a war between the hungry wolves and the sheep will again come into our view…
Pleasant goat and big big wolf • Sheep calendar year 3010. Soft Sheep,
ancestor of the sheep ethnic and the first leading sheep, arrived at Verdant Grassland, in order to escape the fighting and pursuing of the wolves. When those wolves arrived at Verdant Grassland, Soft Sheep the mayor had made an order to build a high fence in front of the bridge. • The leader of the wolves, Warrior Wolf, with a group of hungry wolves, had tried desperately to cross the fence – jumping, climbing, knocking and beating – but all with failure. They could do nothing but watch the sheep behind the fence singing and dancing, and slobber… • Sometime, there was a voice in the wolves who made a rotten idea:
The Garden of sinners
• Mikiya Kokuto finds himself intrigued by two things. The first is by Shiki a beautiful, yet rather unsociable girl and the other is the strange series of violent deaths that he attempts to get closer to Shiki, he soon learns that the two are connected and that there are many supernatural forces at work, which could very likely get him killed as well.
Hearty Paws
• Maumy is a movie about a deep friendship between a dog named Maumy and a brother Yoo and sister Kim. They all live together in harmony, but something unexpected separates the boy and the dog. Not surprisingly, one of the main characters is a fouryear-old female Labrador retriever named "Dari", the first "acting dog" in Chungmuro. Labrador Retrievers are known for gentle and faithful natures and used as guide dogs for the blind or as drug sniffing dogs. In the movie, Dari shows a variety of face expressions and excellent acting and won several dog training contests. Dari's owner Kim brought Dari to the audition when he happened to find the news about making a movie with a dog as a main character. It's rare for a domestic film to have a dog as a main character.