460005137 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005138 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460005139 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460001088 Nothing 460001089 Repayment 460001088ZHO70414001071D31 Financial products 460001088ZHO70414001071D32 Financial products 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005138 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460005136 Xisha Sales 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460001089 Nothing 310280000 Buckle up account agreement 102310055110180 Shanghai Shi-US auto China Construction Bank Corporation sealed
876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876
Transfer Deposit ATM withdrawal ATM withdrawal Transfer Deposit Transfer Deposit ZHO70414001071D ZHO70414001071D Transfer withdrawal Transfer withdrawal ATM withdrawal ATM Deposit Transfer Deposit Buckle up account agreement Consumption
银行相关翻译银行卡类型 Card Type银行卡号 Card No借记卡 Debit Card贷记卡 Credit Card定期账户 Time deposit活期账户 Savings Account活期一本通 Passbook of Current Savings 普通活期存折 Regular Passbook saving 定期一本通 Passbook of Time Deposit零存整取 Installment Time Deposit教育储蓄 Education Saving存本取息 Interest Withdraw Time Deposit 准贷记卡 Quasi Credit Card账号 Account No./Acc. No.余额 Balance余额查询 Balance Enquiry存单序号 CD No.收入金额 credit支出金额 Debit业务摘要 Memo人民币 RMB美元 USD乙钞 B Cash转账明细 Transfer details日元 JPY加拿大元 CAD澳大利亚元 AUD瑞士法郎 CHF新加坡元 SGD现钞 Cash现汇 Remit手续费 Service Charge转账类型 Transfer Type转账状态 Transfer Status可用额度 Available Credit预约日期 Submit Date指定转账日期 Schedule Date提交 Submit整存整取支取 Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw通知存款支取 Call Deposit Transfer存折 Passbook存单 CD存本取息(利息)支取本币最低还款额 RMB Minimal Payment本币全额金额 RMB Total amount due外币最低还款额 Foreign Currency Minimal Payment 外币全额金额 Foreign Currency Total Payment账户信用额度 Credit limit可用额度 Available Credit原交易金额 Original Amount交易地点 Transact at本币存入合计 RMB total Credit人民币还款 RMB Payment美元还款 USD Payment还款方式 Payment method记账日期 Booked Date上次结算日 Previous settlement Date信用卡还款 Credit card payment自助还款服务 Self Service Payment 到期还款日 Due Date全额还款金额 Total Due最低还款金额 Minimal Payment Amount住宅地址 Address居住年限 Period of Resident住宅邮编 Zip Code住宅电话 Resident Phone区号 Region电话号码 Phone no.分机号 ext手机号码 Mobile Phone电子邮箱 Email供养人数 House hold账单缴付 Bill Payment缴费地区 payment region缴费类型 payment type缴费日期 payment Date缴费详细信息 payment detail截止日期 Due Date交费日期 Transfer Date机主姓名 owner name手机正常话费 basic fee信息费 Information fee安全电子邮件 security email 收件箱 Inbox发邮件 Send mail发件箱 Outbox标题 subject发信人 sender接收日期 receive date删除 delete邮件详细内容 mail content发送日期 send dateBanque de construction de Chine 建设银行的流水清单个人活期一本通帐户明细 Personal current account detail list liste détaillée de compt e courant personnel打印柜员号printed teller sequence numbernuméro imprimé de caissier交易日期 trade /transaction datedate de l’opération摘要 abstractextrait交易金额transaction amountmontant de l'o pération账号余额 account balancesolde du compte对方账号 reciprocal account number numéro de compte réciproqueRBS流水查询 RBS Transaction inquiry enquête de transaction终端 terminalTerminal柜员 tellercaissier交易码 transaction code Code de transaction工作站 workstation。
中国建设银行银行卡客户交易查询打印翻译第一篇:中国建设银行银行卡客户交易查询打印翻译Bank Card Customer Transaction Statement Inquiry / Print 银行卡客户交易查询/打印Card NO.卡号:Start Date起始日期:Customer’s Name客户姓名:Expiration Date终止日期:Branch/Sub-Branch分/支行Special Seal for Business of CBC Co., Ltd.中国建设银行股份有限公司业务专用章Card NO.卡号Abstract摘要Transaction Amount交易金额Balance账户余额Transaction Date交易日期Accounting Date记账日期Commercial Tenant/Branch Number and Name商户/网点号及名称861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861 861Cash DepositAccount Management Fee Cash Deposit Cash Deposit Cash Deposit Cash Deposit ATM Withdrawal Cash Withdrawal ATM Withdrawal Cash Deposit10.00-10.00 28,000.00 37,000.00 5,000.00 1,800.00-300.00-70,000.00-500.00 9,500.0010.00 2014/04/10 0.00 2014/04/10 28,000.00 2014/04/10 65,000.00 2014/04/10 70,000.00 2014/04/13 71,800.00 2014/04/14 71,500.00 2014/04/14 1,500.00 2014/04/17 1,000.002014/04/27 10,500.00 2014/05/062014/04/10 2014/04/10 2014/04/10 2014/04/10 2014/04/13 2014/04/14 2014/04/14 2014/04/17 2014/04/27 2014/05/06 210660041 Lujiang Subbranch of Dandong2106600412014Yearend Account Management Fee 210660041 Lujiang Subbranch of Dandong210660041 Lujiang Subbranch of Dandong210660041 Lujiang Subbranch of Dandong210660041 Lujiang Subbranch of Dandong210660041 Lujiang Subbranch of Dandong210660041 Lujiang Subbranch of Dandong210660041 Lujiang Subbranch of Dandong210660041 Yuanbao Subbranch of Dandong第二篇:中国建设银行个人信用查询授权书个人信用查询授权书中国建设银行股份有限公司焦作分行:本人:,性别:,年龄岁,身份证号码:。
Transaction Date 20200701
End Date: 20220630 Transaction Amount
20200702 20200703
6,891.69 -5,000.00
20200705 20200706 20200707 20200708 20200709 20200710 20200711 20200712 20200713 20200714
Consumption Consumption Consumption
20200716 20200717 20200718
-6,000.00 -600.00 -208.50
Print Date: 2022-02-24 13:46:37
Note: Above content are all the details between start date and end date. Please contact personel of our bank if you have any question.
uction Bank Transaction Detail of Peronal Current Account
ed by China Construction Bank Co.,Ltd Shanghai ** Branch) Currency:RMB
Acount Balance 2,071.85
uction Bank Transaction Detail of Peronal Current Account
ed by China Construction Bank Co.,Ltd Shanghai ** Branch)
105330173990081 105330173990081
105330173990081 105330173990081 105330173990081 Print Agency: CCB Shanghai **** Branch [31078****]
Service 33001616735059111***Shanghai***
Co.,Ltd 33001616735059111***Shanghai***
Co.,Ltd 33001616735059111***Shanghai***
33001616735059111***Shanghai*** Co.,Ltd
-6,000.00 -600.00 -208.50
Print Date: 2022-02-24 13:46:37
Note: Above content are all the details between start date and end date. Please contact personel of our bank if you have any question.
-Page 1-
Card/Account No: 6217001******* * Start Date: 20200701
Abstract Reimbursement
Salary Consumption Other fee of China Merchant
Bank Reimbursement
Consumption Consumption
Consumption Consumption
银行明细对账单相关翻译第一篇:银行明细对账单相关翻译银行相关翻译银行卡类型 Card Type 银行卡号 Card No 借记卡 Debit Card 贷记卡 Credit Card 电话银行 IVR(Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统)证件号码I.D.No 注册Enrollment 证件I.D.新密码New Password 确认密码 Confirm Password 密码重置 Ret Password 账户管理Account management 账户查询Account enquiry 账户概览Account summary 账户详情Account detail 交易明细查询Transaction detail enquiry 转账 Transfer 定期存款 Time deposit 定期账户Time deposit 活期账户Savings Account 活期一本通Passbook of Current Savings 普通活期存折Regular Passbook saving 定期一本通 Passbook of Time Deposit 零存整取 Installment Time Deposit 教育储蓄Education Saving 存本取息Interest Withdraw Time Deposit 准贷记卡 Quasi Credit Card 账号 Account No./Acc.No.别名Nickname 账号状态Acc.Status 开户网点Acc.Open 网点 Branch 开户日期 Open Date 卡号 Card No.卡状态Card Status 起始日期Start Date 结束日期End Date 交易日期Transaction Date 币种Currency 钞/汇Cash/Remit 当前余额Current Balance 可用余额 Available Balance余额 Balance 余额查询 Balance Enquiry 存单序号 CD No.收入金额 credit 支出金额 Debit 业务摘要 Memo 人民币 RMB 美元 USD 乙钞B Cash 转账明细Transfer details 预约转账管理Scheduled transfer management 转出账号Transfer Out Acc.转出账号地区Transfer Out Region 转入账号Transfer In Acc.转入账号地区Transfer In Region 钞汇标志Cash/Remit 转账金额Transfer Amount 即时转账Immediate(Transfer)指定日期转账Schedule(Transfer)转账日期Transfer Date 备注Memo 港币HKD 英镑 GBP 欧元 EUR 日元 JPY 加拿大元 CAD 澳大利亚元 AUD 瑞士法郎 CHF 新加坡元 SGD 现钞 Cash 现汇 Remit 手续费 Service Charge 转账类型 Transfer Type 转账状态 Transfer Status 定期存款支取 Time deposit withdraw 整存整取 Lump-sum Time Deposit 通知存款 Call Deposit 零存整取续存Renew Time Deposit 教育储蓄续存Renew Education Saving 定活两便Consolidated Time &Savings 转存Repeating 转存方式 Transfer Type 储种 Type 存期 Period 自动转存 Repeating 业务品种 Class 续存金额 Renew Amount 信用额度 Credit Limit 可用额度 Available Credit 预约日期 Submit Date 指定转账日期 Schedule Date 提交 Submit 整存整取支取 Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw 通知存款支取 Call Deposit Transfer 存折Passbook 存单CD 存本取息(利息)支取定活两便支取Consolidated time & Savings transfer 信用卡查询Credit card enquiry 信用卡概览 Credit Card Summary 信用卡详细信息 Credit Card Detail 信用卡未出账单明细 Credit Card unsettled bills 信用卡交易明细 Credit Card Transaction Detail 信用卡月结单查询 Credit Card Monthly Statement Enquiry 查询月份 Equiry month 结单日期Statement Date 贷记利息 Interest Rate 本币上月余额 RMB Previous month balance 本币本月余额 RMB Current month balance 美元上月余额USD Previous month balance 美元本月余额USD Current month balance 本币最低还款额 RMB Minimal Payment 本币全额金额RMB Total amount due 外币最低还款额Foreign Currency Minimal Payment 外币全额金额 Foreign Currency T otal Payment 账户信用额度Credit limit 可用额度Available Credit 原交易金额Original Amount 交易地点Transact at 本币存入合计RMB total Credit 外币存入合计Foreign Currency total Credit 本币支出合计RMB total Debit 外币支出合计 Foreign Currency total Debit 上一结单日 Previous Settlement Date 还款到期日 Next Payment Date 信用积分Credit Point 上次未还金额Previous Period unpaid amount 上次还款金额 Previous Period paid amount需立即缴交的过期款项/超额款项Overdue/Over limit amount全额还款总额 Total due amount 最低还款总额 Minimum Payment Amount 全额购汇还款总额 Total foreign currency due amount 最低购汇还款总额 Mini foreign currency payment amount 购汇牌价(人民币/美元)Exchange Rate(RMB/USD)人民币还款 RMB Payment 美元还款USD Payment 还款方式Payment method 记账日期Booked Date 上次结算日Previous settlement Date 信用卡还款Credit card payment 自助还款服务 Self Service Payment 到期还款日Due Date 全额还款金额T otal Due 最低还款金额Minimal Payment Amount 还款种类 Payment Type 付款账号 Payment acc no.付款金额 Payment amount 申请信用卡 Credit card application 美元, 人民币双币种卡 USD, RMB dual currency card 称谓 Title 姓名拼音 Name(Pingyin)出生日期 Date of Birth 证件类别 I.D.Type 证件号码I.D.NO.国籍Nationality 婚姻状况Marital Status 教育状况Education 住宅性质Resident Type 住宅地址Address 居住年限Period of Resident 住宅邮编 Zip Code 住宅电话 Resident Phone 区号 Region 电话号码 Phone no.分机号 ext 手机号码 Mobile Phone 电子邮箱 Email 供养人数 House hold 父亲姓名 Father's name 母亲姓名Mother’s name 公司名称Company name 公司地址Company add.公司邮编Company Zip Code 公司电话Company phone 行业性质 Industry 经济类型 Organization 职位 Position 现职年限 Years employed 现职固定月收入 Monthly Salary 年收入总额Year Income 储蓄账户 saving account 个人资产信息 Personal asset data 账单缴付Bill Payment 缴费地区payment region 缴费类型payment type 缴费日期payment Date 缴费详细信息payment detail 截止日期 Due Date 交费日期 Transfer Date 机主姓名 owner name 手机正常话费 basic fee 信息费 Information fee 交费总额 Total amount 缴费账号 Payment acc.No.财经资讯 Financial Information 浏览金融信息 browse financial information 金融信息设置 financial information setting 个人设定 Personal Setting 账户维护 Account maintenance 会话超时设置Session timed setting 更新个人资料Update personal data 更改密码 Change password 个性化session 超时时间 Customizing session inactivity time limit 超时时间 Limit 原密码 original password 网上客服 Customer services 安全电子邮件 security email 收件箱 Inbox 发邮件 Send mail 发件箱 Outbox 标题 subject 发信人 sender 接收日期 receive date 删除 delete 邮件详细内容 mail content 发送日期 send date网上挂失 online Suspend account 账户挂失 Suspend account 挂失多个账户Suspend multiple accounts 退出Logout 账户余额Account balance 结息 Interest Settlement 批量代付业务资金集中过渡户Batch payment business fund centralized transfer account中国银行Bank of China Banque de Chine 中国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Banque industrielle et commerciale de Chine 中国建设银行China Construction Bank Banque de construction de Chine建设银行的流水清单个人活期一本通帐户明细Personal current account detail list liste détaillée de compte coura nt personnel 打印柜员号printed teller sequence number numéro imprimé de caissier 打印时间print time Temps imprimé账号account number numéro de compte客户名称account name nom et prénom de compte 币别currency monnaie 钞汇鉴别cash remittance identification identification d'envoi de fonds / remise de billets 起始日期 start date date de début终止日期termination date / expirty date date d’expiration 交易日期trade /transaction date date de l’opération摘要 abstract extrait 交易金额transaction amount montant de l'opération账号余额account balance solde du compte 对方账号reciprocal account number numéro de compte réciproque 对方帐户名称reciprocal account name nom de compte réciproque 操作员号operator number numéro de l'opérateur 自述摘要autobiographical / self-disclosure abstratct extrait autobiographique 现金存入cash deposit dép?t en espèces 结息interest settlement règlement d'intérêt 现金支取cash withdraw retrait en espèces中国银行的流水清单RBS流水查询RBS Transaction inquiry enquête de transaction 终端 terminal Terminal 柜员 teller caissier 交易码 transaction code Code de transaction 工作站workstation Poste de travail 页数pagination / paginal number / page number pagination 起息日value date Date de valeur 端末机terminal machine Machine de terminal 柜员交易码借贷teller transaction code borrowing and loan / debit and credit Code de tra nscation de caissier / Débit et crédit / emprunter et prêter de l’argent主管 chief manager / executive Administrateur gestionnaire / chef de service / responsable第二篇:银行对账单的格式银行对账单的格式****公司:贵公司与我公司货款往来至20**年**月**日止,我公司应收账款余额为****元,望贵公司收到对账单后给予核对并将回执填好后加盖财务章,回复我公司财务科,谢谢合作。
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Fecha de inicio: El 01 de marzo de2017Fecha de finalización: El 06 de septiembre de2017
Depósito de intereses
Tenpay-pago por Wechat
Tenpay-Unionpay China
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-5,000.00 -5,000.00 99,700.43 5,000,000.00 54,465.75 5,000,000.00 -5,000,000.00 -100,000.00 -2,000.00 8,000.00 99,756.43 -7,736,033,320.85 2,133,021.28 7,133,021.28 7,187,487.03 12,187,487.03 7,187,487.03 7,087,487.03 7,085,487.03 7,093,487.03 7,193,243.46 7,185,506.79 7,135,506.79
876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876
ATM withdrawal ATM withdrawal Transfer Deposit Transfer Deposit ZHO70414001071D ZHO70414001071D Transfer withdrawal Transfer withdrawal ATM withdrawal ATM Deposit Transfer Deposit Buckle up account agreement Consumption
Bank card customer transactions query / Print Card No.: 6210803520001*** Start date: 20131101 Card No. 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 Summary Transfer deposit Cash withdrawal Return on equity Transfer deposit Network ATM withdrawals Pay fees Consumption ATM Transfer Transfer withdrawal Fees Cash withdrawal Cash Deposit Salary ATM withdrawal ATM withdrawal ATM withdrawal Interest settlement Transfer Deposit Cash Deposit Transfer deposit ATM withdrawal Transfer deposit Transfer withdrawal Transfer deposit Cash Deposit Fiscal Unified ZHO70414001071D Transfer Deposit ATM Deposit Transfer Deposit Cash Deposit Transfer Deposit Cash withdrawal Transfer Deposit Transfer Deposit Transfer Deposit Interest settlement Transfer Deposit Transaction Amounts Account Balance Transaction Dates 8,000.00 566,687.70 2013-11-1 -15,000.00 551,687.70 2013-11-5 1,630,400.00 2,182,087.70 2013-11-14 2,445,600.00 4,627,687.70 2013-11-18 -2,500.00 4,625,187.70 2013-11-25 -27.00 4,625,160.70 2013-11-25 -8,951.00 4,616,209.70 2013-11-26 8,000.00 4,624,209.70 2013-11-28 -60,000.00 4,564,209.70 2013-11-28 -20.00 4,564,189.70 2013-11-28 -100,000.00 4,464,189.70 2013-11-28 8,000.00 4,472,189.70 2013-11-29 38,423.73 4,510,613.43 2013-11-29 -5,000.00 4,505,613.43 2013-12-14 -5,000.00 4,500,613.43 2013-12-14 -5,000.00 4,495,613.43 2013-12-14 1,825.75 4,497,439.18 2013-12-21 8,000.00 4,505,439.18 2013-12-25 8,000.00 4,513,439.18 2013-12-28 800,000.00 5,313,439.18 2014-1-2 -2,500.00 5,310,939.18 2014-1-4 38,493.73 5,349,432.91 2014-1-6 -30,000.00 5,319,432.91 2014-1-8 30,000.00 5,349,432.91 2014-1-8 53,059.00 5,402,491.91 2014-1-9 200.00 5,402,691.91 2014-1-13 -5,000,000.00 402,691.91 2014-1-27 400,000.00 802,691.91 2014-1-27 8,000.00 810,691.91 2014-1-28 140,087.94 950,779.85 2014-2-17 8,000.00 958,779.85 2014-2-28 8,000.00 966,779.85 2014-3-3 -52,000.00 914,779.85 2014-3-3 99,700.93 1,014,480.78 2014-3-3 40,277.50 1,054,758.28 2014-3-4 978,240.00 2,032,998.28 2014-3-20 2,322.57 2,035,320.85 2014-3-21 8,000.00 2,043,320.85 2014-3-27 Customer Name: M**** Date of Termination: Billing Date 2013-11-1 2013-11-5 2013-11-14 2013-11-18 2013-11-25 2013-11-25 2013-11-26 2013-11-28 2013-11-28 2013-11-28 2013-11-28 2013-11-29 2013-11-29 2013-12-14 2013-12-14 2013-12-14 2013-12-21 2013-12-25 2013-12-28 2014-1-2 2014-1-4 2014-1-6 2014-1-8 2014-1-8 2014-1-9 2014-1-13 2014-1-27 2014-1-27 2014-1-28 2014-2-17 2014-2-28 2014-3-3 2014-3-3 2014-3-3 2014-3-4 2014-3-20 2014-3-21 2014-3-27 Commercial Tenant/Branch&Name 460005142 the East China Sea Branch of Sanya 460005138 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460001088 Return on equity 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 46000160001426006 Zhaoyang District, Beijing City 46000160001426006 Zhaoyang District, Beijing City 102020006027559 four seas Rongyue Restaurant 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460005138 Certificates of deposit 460005138 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460001088 Salary 460005138 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460005139 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460005140 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 0.000.0000 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005137 Sanya Branch Banking Department Huxi Branch of Huzhou 460001088 Provincial operations accounting center 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005138 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460005146 Wrong account 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460001088 Fiscal Unified 460001088ZHO70414001071D31 Financial products 330649140 Huxi Branch of Huzhou 460005145 Sanya Yuechuan Branch 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005137 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005138 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005138 Sanya Yalong Bay Branch 460005136 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005137 Sanya Branch Banking Department 460005138 Sanya Branch Banking Department 0.000.0000 460005137 Sanya Branch Banking Department