
Module 1 Unit 1 Use your eyesbehind [bi'haind] 在……后面cherry ['tʃeri] 樱桃durian ['du:riən] 榴莲evening ['i:vniŋ]晚上glasses ['glæsɪz]眼镜in front of [frʌnt]在……前面inside ['in'said] 在……里面plum [plʌm] 梅子rise [raiz] 上升shadow ['ʃædəu] 影子strawberry ['strɔ:bəri] 草莓Module 1 Unit 2 Use your earsasleep [ə'sli:p] 睡着的awake [ə'weik] 唤醒be quiet ['kwaɪət]安静点bell [bel] 钟full [ful] 满的hammer ['hæmə] 锤子hide [haid] 隐藏instrument ['instrumənt] 乐器musical ['mju:zikəl] 音乐的screwdriver ['skru:draivə] 螺丝刀shaker ['ʃeikə] 摇动者string [striŋ]细绳wheel [wi:l¸ hw-] 轮Module 1 Unit 3 Use your handscushion ['kuʃən] 垫子empty ['empti] 空的fluffy ['flʌfɪ] 绒毛的lady ['leidi] 女士mine [main] 矿藏parcel ['pa:sl] 包裹rough [rʌf] 粗糙的shiny ['ʃaini] 有光泽的theirs [ðɛəz] 他(或她、它)们的yours [jɔ:z¸ juəz] 你的Module 1 Unit 4 Use your five sensesbeanstalk ['bi:nstRk] 豆茎castle ['ka:sl] 城堡climb up [klaɪm][ʌp]向上爬different ['difrənt] 不同的drink [drɪŋk]喝giant ['dʒaiənt] 巨人goose [gu:s] 鹅listen ['lisn] 听pear [pɛə] 梨子same [seim] 同样的事touch [tʌtʃ] 触摸Module 2 Unit 1 Animals in the zoobranch [bra:ntʃ] 树枝cage [keidʒ] 笼feed [fi:d] 喂pond [pɔnd] 池塘sign [sain] 符号tiger ['taigə] 老虎Module 2 Unit 2 Favourite toysdinosaur ['dainəsɔ:] 恐龙favourite ['feivərit] 喜爱的puppet ['pʌpit] 木偶skateboard ['skeit¸bɔ:d] 冰鞋soldier ['səuldʒə] 士兵Module 2 Unit 3 At homefurniture ['fə:nitʃə] 家具police station [pə'lis]['steiʃən]警察局roll over [rəul] ['əuvə]翻滚rug [rʌg] 小地毯shelf [ʃelf] 架子sofa ['səufə] 沙发supermarket ['sju:pə¸ma:kit] 超级市场Module 3 Unit 1 Colours around usbench [bentʃ] 长凳duckling ['dʌklɪŋ]小鸭子hers [hə:z] 她的ours ['auəz] 我们的tadpole ['tædpəul] 蝌蚪Module 3 Unit 2 Different noisescome in 进入diary ['daiəri] 日记get up 起床goal [gəul] 球门hissing ['hɪsɪŋ]蔑视humming ['hʌmiŋ]发出嗡嗡声的pop [pɔp] 大众的score [skɔ:¸ skɔə] 得分twenty-five 二十五Module 3 Unit 3 What is the weather likecloudy ['klaudi] 多云的drum [drʌm] 鼓millimetre ['mɪlɪ¸mi:tə(r)] 毫米spring [spriŋ]春天storm [stɔ:m] 风暴。

上海版牛津英语5B单词_及音标Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 Use your eyes!block [bl?k] n.大楼,街区shadow [???d?u] n.阴影;影子in front of 在…前面,在…面前front [fr?nt] a.前面的flat [fl?t] n.公寓套房strawberry [‘str?:b?ri] n.草莓cherry [?t?eri] n.樱桃(树)plum [pl?m] n.李子durian ['du:ri?n] n.榴莲rise [raiz] vi.升起down [daun] a./ ad.向下prep.沿着…而下Unit 2 Use your ears!quiet [?kwai?t] a.轻声的;安静的careful [?k??ful] a.小心的,仔细的Lady [?leidi] n.女士,夫人asleep [??sli:p] a.睡着的awake [??weik] a.醒着的hammer [?h?m?] n.锤,榔头screwdriver [?skru:?draiv?] n.螺丝起子both [b?uθ] a.两个…(都),两者的musical [?mju:zik?l] a.音乐的instrument [?instrum?nt] n.仪器,器械,乐器bean [bi:n] n.豆string [stri?]n.弦,线empty [?empti] a.空的over [??uv?] prep.在…的上方cupboard [?k?b?d] n.(放食物,衣物,碗碟等的)柜橱round [raund] a.圆的v.环(绕)all [?:l] a.全部的,所有的(三个或东西以上)Unit 3 Use your hands!fluffy [?fl?fi] a.绒毛的shiny [??aini] a.发光的;磨光的,有光泽的parcel [?pɑ:sl]n.小包,包裹cushion [?ku??n] n.垫子,坐垫tongue [t??]n.舌头上海版牛津英语5B单词_及音标correct [k??rekt] a.正确的;合适的with [wie, wiθ]prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着country [?k?ntri] n.国家; [the ~]农村,乡村lost [l?st] a.失去的shout [?aut] v./ n.呼喊,呼叫save [seiv] vt.救same [seim] a.相同的different [?difr?nt] a.不同的beanstalk ['bin.st?k] n. 豆茎giant [?d?ai?nt] n.巨人castle [?kɑ:s?l]n.城堡golden [?g?uld?n] a.金(黄)色的;金的goose [gu:s] n.鹅sell [sel] v.卖,出售Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1 Animals in the zookilo [?ki:l?u] n.千克,公斤corn [k?:n] n.谷物,小麦;玉米feed [fi:d] vt.喂(养)hay [hei] n.干草left [left] a.左边的ad.在左边right [rait] a./ ad.对(的);右(的)up [?p] ad./a. 向上(的) prep. 沿…往上along [??l??]ad. 向前地prep. 沿着hotel [h?u?tel] n.旅馆,宾馆,酒店,饭店holiday [?h?l?di] n.假期,假日,节日step [step] n.(脚)步;台阶cross [kr?s] v.穿过,交叉branch [brɑ:nt?]n.树枝ask [ɑ:sk]vt.询问;请求say [sei] v.说Unit 2 Favourite toyspuppet [?p?pit] n.木偶dinosaur [?dain?s?:] n.恐龙computer [k?m?pju:t?] n.计算机,电脑Unit 3 At homepast [pɑ:st]prep./ ad.经过,过上海版牛津英语5B单词_及音标find [faind] vt.发现inside [in?said] ad./ prep.在…里面outside [?aut?said] prep./ad./ a.(在,向)的外面(的) rug [r?g] n.(小)地毯,毯子furniture [?f?:nit??] n.家具move [mu:v] v.搬家,移动roll [r?ul] v.(使)滚动roll over 翻滚Module 3 Things around usunit 1 Colours around usaround [??raund] ad.在周围;到处tadpole [?t?dp?ul] n.蝌蚪caterpillar [?k?t??pil?] n.毛虫,蝴蝶的幼虫cocoon [k??ku?n] n.茧Unit 2 Different noiseshumming ['h?mi?]adj. 发出嗡嗡声的hissing [hisi?]n. 发嘶嘶声score [sk?:] n.得分goal [g?ul] n.目标;进球得分;球门,得分pop [p?p] n.流行音乐noisy [?n?izi] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的after [?ɑ:ft?]prep./ conj.在…之后people [?pi:pl] n.人(们)Unit 3 What is the weather likeago [??g?u] ad.以前farmer [?fɑ:m?]n.农场主,农民build [bild] vt.建造temperature [?temp(?)rit??] n.温度,气温,体温degree [di?gri:] n.度,度数millimetre [?mili?mi:t?] n.毫米south [sauθ]n.南(方),南部north [n?:θ]n.北(方,部) a.北方(部)的east [i:st] adj. 东方的n. 东方west [west] n. 西,西方,西部adj.西方的everything [?evriθi?]pron.每件事,一切become [bi?k?m] vi.变成,开始变得away [??wei] ad.远处,离开。

on the paper
English /`IŋglIʃ/
英语 ,英国人
keeper/`ki: pə/
P30 p31
queen /kwi:n/
walk your dog
mirror /`mIrə/
come out
a pair of shoes
lay eggs
magic /`mædʒIk/
once /wʌns/
workshop /`w3:kʃɒp/
bright /braIt/
nail /neIl/
cry /kraI/
stone /stəʊn/
scarf /skɑ:f/
a lot of leaves
glove /glʌv/
every day
space /speIs/
make a lot of silk
weight /weIt/
silkworm cocoons
a pair of gloves
at school
run away from a farm
new word

牛津英语5B单词表辅音[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] [f] [v] [Ɵ] [ð] [ʃ] [Ʒ] [ʧ] [ʤ][ʦ] [ʣ] [tr] [dr] [s] [z] [h] [n] [ŋ] [w] [l][r] [m] [j]单元音[ɑ:] [ʌ] [u:] [u] [i:] [i][Ʒ:] [ǝ] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [æ] [e]双元音[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [au] [ǝu] [iǝ] [uǝ] [eǝ]春节作文写春节作文前,我们可以先回忆下过春节是我们参加过的活动,如贴倒福、分压岁钱、吃饺子、掸扬尘、贴年画、贴剪纸、放鞭炮、守岁、给压岁钱、挂千千结、贴春联等,然后挑一个我们印象深刻的上网查些资料,可以到百度搜春节的八个习俗,春节的由来与传说等,也可以上作文网作文素材频道找到相关资料再进行介绍。

上海版牛津英语单词五年级上Module 1 Unit 1cross v. 英音:[krɔ:s]美音:[krɔs] 穿过drink v. 英音:[driŋk]美音:[drɪŋk]喝go out 出去make a noise 英音:[nɔiz]美音:[nɔɪz]吵闹mean v. 英音:[mi:n]美音:[min]意指one pron. 一or conj.或out prep .通过…而出road n. 英音:[rəud]美音:[rod]路rubbish n. 英音:['rʌbiʃ]美音:['rʌbɪʃ]垃圾sign n. 英音:[sain]美音:[saɪn]标志smoke v. 英音:[sməuk]美音:[smok]抽烟station n. 英音:['steiʃən]美音:['steʃən]车站traffic light英音:['træfik]美音:['træfɪk]交通灯underground n. 英音:['ʌndəgraund]美音:['ʌndɚ,graund]地下wait v. 英音:[weit]美音:[wet]等wait for 等候way n.way英音:[wei]美音:[we]方向which adv.英音:[hwitʃ]美音:[hwɪtʃ]哪一个unit2bigmac n.巨无霸french fries n. 英音:[frentʃ]美音:[frɛntʃ] 英音:[fraiz]美音:[fraɪz]炸薯条glue n. 英音:[glu:]美音:[glu]胶水mcchicken 麦香鸡paper n.英音:['peipə]美音:['pepɚ]纸picnic n. 英音:['piknik]美音:['pɪknɪk]野餐scissors n.英音:['sizəz]美音:['sɪzɚz]剪刀tape n.英音:[teip]美音:[tep]胶带vegetable n.英音:['vedʒitəbl]美音:['vɛdʒətəb!]蔬菜want v. 英音:[wɔnt]美音:[wɑnt]要unit3bake v.英音:[beik]美音:[bek]烤buy v.英音:[bai]美音:[baɪ]买cheap adj.英音:[tʃi:p]美音:[tʃip]便宜的dear adj.英音:[diə]美音:[dɪr]贵的for prep.英音:[fɔ:]美音:[fɔr]为need v. 英音:[ni:d]美音:[nid]需要salt n.英音:[sɔ:lt]美音:[sɔlt]盐uniform n. 英音:['ju:nifɔ:m]美音:['junə,fɔrm]制服wear v. 英音:[wɛə]美音:[wɛr]穿let’s英音:[lets]美音:[lɛts]让我们module2 unit1at(time) perp. 在…时group n.英音:[gru:p]美音:[grup]小组home adv. 英音:[həum]美音:[hom]回家morning n .英音:['mɔ:niŋ]美音:['mɔrnɪŋ]早上mice n. 英音:[mais]美音:[maɪs]老鼠night n. 英音:[nait]美音:[naɪt]夜间outside adv. 英音:['aut'said]美音:['aut'saɪd]向外面park n. 英音:[pɑ:k]美音:[pɑrk]公园way n. 英音:[wei]美音:[we]方法unit 2be v. 英音:[bi:]美音:[bi]是(三种形式:am,is,are)cabbage n. 英音:['kæbidʒ]美音:['kæbɪdʒ]卷心菜carrot n. 英音:['kærət]美音:['kærət]胡萝卜dessert n.英音:[di'zə:t]美音:[dɪ'zɝt]甜点心doesn’t英音:[dʌznt]美音:[dʌznt]不drink n. 英音:[driŋk]美音:[drɪŋk]饮料know v. 英音:[nəu]美音:[no]知道nod v. 英音:[nɔd]美音:[nɑd]点on(days of the week) 在…的时候potato n. 英音:[pə'teitəu]美音:[pə'teto]土豆sausage n. 英音:['sɔ:sidʒ]美音:['sɔsɪdʒ]香肠shout v. 英音:[ʃaut]美音:[ʃaut]叫喊show v.英音:[ʃəu]美音:[ʃo]出示sick adj.英音:[sik]美音:[sɪk]有病的tea n. 英音:[ti:]美音:[ti]茶unit 3colour v. 英音:['kʌlə]美音:['kʌlɚ]给..着色eighth num. 英音:[eitθ]美音:[etθ]第八eleventh num.英音:[i'levnθ]美音:[ɪ'lɛvnθ]第十一first num. 英音:[fə:st]美音:[fɝst]第一fourth num. 英音:[fɔ:θ]美音:[forθ]第四invitation n. 英音:[,invi'teiʃən]美音:[,ɪnvə'teʃən]请贴ninth num. 英音:[nainθ]美音:[naɪnθ]第九of prep.英音:[ɔv]美音:[ɑv]…的party n. 英音:['pɑ:ti]美音:['pɑrtɪ]聚会picture n.英音:['piktʃə]美音:['pɪktʃɚ]画second num. 英音:['sekənd]美音:['sɛkənd]第二seventh num. 英音:['sevnθ]美音:['sɛvnθ]第七sixth num. 英音:[siksθ]美音:[sɪksθ]第六tenth num.英音:[tenθ]美音:[tɛnθ]第十third num. 英音:[θə:d]美音:[θɝd]第三thirtieth num. 英音:['θə:tiiθ]美音:['θɝtɪɪθ]第十三twelfth num. 英音:[twelfθ]美音:[twɛlfθ]第十二twentieth num. 英音:['twentiiθ]美音:['twɛntɪɪθ]第二十twenty-first num. 英音:[,twenti'fə:st]美音:[,twɛntɪ'fɝst]第二十一when adv. 英音:[hwen]美音:[hwɛn]什么时候Module 3 unit1Art [ɑrt] and Craft [kræft]工艺美术break n. 英音:[breik]美音:[brek]课间休息by(bus.car,etc) 英音:[bai]美音:[baɪ]通过Chinese n. Chinese英音:['tʃai'ni:z]美音:['tʃaɪ'niz]语文Cupboard n. 英音:['kʌbəd]美音:['kʌbɚd]小橱day(every day) n. 英音:[dei]美音:[de]天English n. 英音:['iŋgliʃ]美音:['ɪŋglɪʃ]英语Fan n. 英音:[fæn]美音:[fæn]风扇Floor n.英音:[flɔ:]美音:[flor]层handred num.[ hain,dri:d]百lesson n. 英音:['lesn]美音:['lɛsn]课maths n. 英音:[mæθs]美音:[mæθs]数学music n. 英音:['mju:zik]美音:['mjuzɪk]音乐physical英音:['fizikəl]美音:['fɪzɪk!]education英音:[,edjukeiʃn]美音:[,ɛdʒu'keʃən] n. 教育quarter n.英音:['kwɔ:tə]美音:['kwɔrtɚ]一刻钟science n. 英音:['saiəns]美音:['saɪəns]科学subject n. 英音:['sʌbdʒikt]美音:['sʌbdʒɪkt]科目then adv. 英音:[ðen]美音:[ðɛn]接着timetable n. 英音:['taim,teibl]美音:['taɪm,teb!]课程表tram n. 英音:[træm]美音:[træm]电车unit2case(pencil case)英音:[keis]美音:[kes]盒eighty num. 英音:['eiti]美音:['etɪ]八十fifty num.英音:['fifti]美音:['fɪftɪ]五十money n.英音:['mʌni]美音:['mʌnɪ]钱ninety num. 英音:['nainti]美音:['naɪntɪ]九十note n. 英音:[nəut]美音:[not]纸币seventy num. 英音:['sevnti]美音:['sɛvntɪ]七十sixty num. 英音:['siksti]美音:['sɪkstɪ]六十unit 3bin n. 英音:[bin]美音:[bɪn]垃圾箱dangerous adj. 英音:['deindʒərəs]美音:['dendʒərəs]危险的play with英音:['plei wið]美音:['ple wɪð]玩pool n. 英音:[pu:l]美音:[pul]水池swimming ['swɪmɪŋ] pool 游泳池why adv . 英音:[hwai]美音:[hwaɪ]为什么module 4 unit1bar n. 英音:[bɑ:]美音:[bɑr]栅栏country ['kʌntrɪ] park [pɑrk]乡村公园crocodile n. 英音:['krɔkədail]美音:['krɑkə,daɪl]鳄鱼if conj. 英音:[if]美音:[ɪf]如果jungle n. 英音:['dʒʌŋgl]美音:['dʒʌŋg!]丛林peel n. 英音:[pi:l]美音:[pil]剥them pron.英音:[ðem]美音:[ðɛm]Through prep. 英音:[θru:]美音:[θru]穿过Zoo n. 英音:[zu:]美音:[zu]动物园Zoo-keeper英音:['ki:pə]美音:['kipɚ] n. 饲养员unit2become v. 英音:[bi'kʌm]美音:[bɪ'kʌm]变成body n. 英音:['bɔdi]美音:['bɑdɪ]躯体caterpillar n. 英音:['kætə,pilə]美音:['kætɚ,pɪlɚ]毛虫cocoon n.英音:[kə'ku:n]美音:[kə'kun] (昆虫的)卵袋feeler n. 英音:['fi:lə]美音:['filɚ]触角insect n.英音:['insekt]美音:['ɪnsɛkt]昆虫lay v. 英音:[lei]美音:[le]下spell v.英音:[spel]美音:[spɛl]拼wing n.英音:[wiŋ]美音:[wɪŋ]翅膀unit3aquarium n.英音:[ə'kwɛəriəm]美音:[ə'kwɛrɪəm]水族馆catch v.英音:[kætʃ]美音:[kætʃ]赶上diver n. 英音:['daivə]美音:['daɪvɚ]跳水者dolphin n.英音:['dɔlfin]美音:['dɑlfɪn]海豚from prep. 英音:[frɔm]美音:[frɑm]从…garden n.英音:['gɑ:dn]美音:['gɑrdn]花园high adj. 英音:[hai]美音:[haɪ]高的island n. 英音:['ailənd]美音:['aɪlənd]岛lake n.英音:[leik]美音:[lek]湖map n. 英音:[mæp]美音:[mæp]地图ocean n.英音:['əuʃən]美音:['oʃən]海洋place n. 英音:[pleis]美音:[ples]地方plant v. 英音:[plɑ:nt]美音:[plænt]种seal n. 英音:[si:l]美音:[sil]海豹shark n. 英音:['ʃɑ:k]美音:['ʃɑrk]鲨鱼theatre【英】=theater n.英音:['θiətə]美音:['θɪətɚ]剧场tower n.英音:['tauə]美音:['tauɚ]塔visit v. 英音:['vizit]美音:['vɪzɪt]游览。

5B-M1-单词得到巨大的乐趣havegreatfun 一点也不notatall住在火星上liveonMars 喜欢做某事enjoydoingsth听见鸟在唱歌hearthebirdssinging 爱做某事lovedoingsth很响地做事情doeverythingloudly 小鸟和河流的歌thesongsofthebirdsandtheriver 在他的生日上onhisbirthday5B-M3-单词标志sign /sa?n/ 厕所toilet /?t??l?t/ 出口exit /'egz?t/ 扔垃圾,垃圾litter /'l?t?/ 野餐picnic /'p?kn?k/ 石头stone /st??n/窗window /'w?nd??/ 书架bookshelf /'b?k?elf/ 台灯lamp /l?mp/ 不同的different /?d?fr?nt/城镇town /ta?n/建筑物building /'b?ld??/ 博物馆museum /mju?'z??m/许多年之前manyyearsago 许多老上海的照片alotofphotosofoldShanghai 许多其它老东西manyotheroldthings 上海历史博物馆theShanghaiHistoryMuseum 看上去不一样lookdifferent5B-M4-单词5B-M4-词组在科技馆attheScienceMuseum 美术馆artmuseum历史博物馆historymuseum 昆虫馆insectmuseum 汽车博物馆carmuseum 火车博物馆railwaymuseum 不同的汽车differentcars 机器人世界TheWorldofRobots 弹钢琴playthepiano 京剧BeijingOpera永久foreverandever 对…生气beangrywith 动词过去式的变化:建筑build built 跑run ran买buy bought 说say said能can could 看见see saw来come came 卖sell sold切cut cut 唱歌sing sang做do did 坐sit sat 画draw drew 睡觉sleep slept 喝drink drank 站立stand stood 驾车drive drove 游泳swim swam成长grow grew 保持keep kept 有have had 找到find found 听hear heard 知道know knew 学习learn learnt 摇晃shake shook。

新修订小学阶段原创精品配套教材小学英语5B单词表(上海新教材牛津英语)教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改Primary school English 5B word list (Shanghai New Textbook OxfordEnglish)教师:风老师风顺第二小学编订:FoonShion教育小学英语5B单词表(上海新教材牛津英语)五年级第二学期牛津英语必背词汇表XX-2 班级____ 姓名____ 牛津页数中文英文中文英文p2一团糟what a mess! p12出生born名词性物主代词我的(东西)mine尾巴tail你的/你们的(东西)yours p14噪音,吵闹声nnoise他的(东西)his吵闹的adj noisy她的(东西)hers另一个another我们的(东西)ourshear的过去式heard他们的(东西)theirssit的过去式sat故事书storybook p15电钻drill p3笔记本notebook 卡车lorry画笔,毛笔brush公交车bus颜料paints小轿车car书包school bag 摩托车motorbike 蜡笔crayon电视television 胶水glue收音机胶带tape门铃doorbell放put p17流行乐队pop group p6工作坊workshop一点儿也不not at all. p7魔力的magic p18loud的最高级loudest磁铁magnet响亮的,大声的adj loud钉子响亮地,大声地adv loudly p8有趣的interesting p19安静的adjquiet昆虫insect安静地advquietly茧cocoon p20可乐cola生长grow健康的adjhealthyam/is的过去式was重要的adjimportantare的过去式weredo的过去式did p9毛毛虫caterpillar远离keep…away蝴蝶butterfly p21肉meat小鸡chick xk b1.c om 猪肉pork鸡chicken牛肉beef小鸭duckling鸡肉chicken鸭duck鱼肉fish小狗puppy水果fruit狗dog蔬菜vegetable p10蚕silkworm番茄tomato土豆potato p33到了上语文课的时间。

上海版牛津英语单词五年级上Module 1Unit 1cross v. 英音:[krɔ:s]美音:[krɔs] 穿过drink v。
英音:[driŋk]美音:[drɪŋk]喝go out 出去make a noise 英音:[nɔiz]美音:[nɔɪz]吵闹mean v。
英音:[mi:n]美音:[min]意指one pron. 一or conj.或out prep .通过…而出road n. 英音:[rəud]美音:[rod]路rubbish n. 英音:['rʌbiʃ]美音:[’rʌbɪʃ]垃圾sign n. 英音:[sain]美音:[saɪn]标志smoke v. 英音:[sməuk]美音:[smok]抽烟station n. 英音:['steiʃən]美音:['steʃən]车站traffic light英音:['træfik]美音:[’træfɪk]交通灯underground n。
英音:[’ʌndəgraund]美音:[’ʌndɚ,graund]地下wait v. 英音:[weit]美音:[wet]等wait for 等候way n。
way英音:[wei]美音:[we]方向which adv。
英音:[hwitʃ]美音:[hwɪtʃ]哪一个unit2bigmac n.巨无霸french fries n. 英音:[frentʃ]美音:[frɛntʃ]英音:[fraiz]美音:[fraɪz]炸薯条glue n. 英音:[glu:]美音:[glu]胶水mcchicken 麦香鸡paper n。
英音:['peipə]美音:[’pepɚ]纸picnic n. 英音:['piknik]美音:[’pɪknɪk]野餐scissors n.英音:[’sizəz]美音:[’sɪzɚz]剪刀tape n.英音:[teip]美音:[tep]胶带vegetable n。

上海新教材牛津英语5B单词表Grade 5 XXX 2012-2Class: ____________ Name: ________________ English。
PronounWhat a mess。
school bag。
doorbellpop group。
Not at all。
adjNote: The format of the article XXX。
XXX need to be made in each paragraph.Grade 5 XXX 2012-2English。
Page Noun。
PronounWhat a mess。
Yours His。

5B-M1-单词杂乱mess /mes/ 笔记本notebook /'nəʊtbʊk/ 我的mine /maɪn/刷子brush /brʌʃ/颜料paints /peints/ 蜡笔crayon /ˈkreɪən/ 胶带tape /teɪp/胶水glue /gluː/谁的whose /huːz/放put /pʊt/整齐的,整理tidy /'taɪdɪ/ 沙发sofa /'səʊfə/ 手套gloves /glʌvz/围巾scarf /skɑːf/石头stone /stəʊn/ 有魔力的magic /'mædʒɪk/ 钉子,指甲nail /neɪl/ 工作间workshop /'wɜːkʃɒp/ 磁铁magnet /ˈmæɡnɪt/ 是(过去式) was /wɒz/ 蝴蝶butterfly /'bʌtəflaɪ/蛹cocoon /kə'kuːn/ 小狗puppy /'pʌpɪ/ 小鸭子duckling /'dʌklɪŋ/ 飞蛾moth /mɒθ/周四Thursday /'θɜːzdeɪ/ 曾经once /wʌns/海龟turtle /'tɜːt(ə)l/ 是(are过去式)were /wə/ 卵,蛋egg /eg/小鸡chick /tʃɪk/昆虫insect /'ɪnsekt/ 蚕丝silk /sɪlk/翅膀wing /wɪŋ/周六Saturday /ˈsætədɪ/ 出生born /bɔːn/抓catch /kætʃ/生长grow /grəʊ/ 毛毛虫caterpillar /'kætəpɪlə/ 鸡,鸡肉chicken /'tʃɪkɪn/ 有趣的interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ 蚕silkworm /'sɪlkwɜːm/下蛋,产卵lay /leɪ/ 周三Wednesday /ˈwenzdɪ/ 尾巴tail /teɪl/钻机drill /drɪl/外面outside /aʊt'saɪd/ 噪音noise /nɔɪz/卡通片cartoon /kɑː'tuːn/ 飞机aeroplane /'eərəpleɪn/ 门铃doorbell /'dɔːbel/小组group /gruːp/火星Mars /mɑːz/王国kingdom /'kɪŋdəm/ 卡车lorry /'lɒrɪ/睡觉sleep /sliːp/坐(sit)sat /sæt/响的loud /laʊd/电话telephone /'telɪfəʊn/ 收音机radio /'reɪdɪəʊ/ 享受enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/地方place /pleɪs/最响的loudest /laʊdist/ 摩托车motorbike /'məʊtəbaɪk/ 另一个another /ə'nʌðə/ 听见(hear) heard /hɜːd/安静的quiet /'kwaɪət/ 电视机television /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/ 流行音乐的pop /pɒp/ 响地loudly /'laʊdlɪ/ 有(过去式) had /hæd/ 喊叫shout /ʃaʊt/5B-M1-词组真是一团糟what a mess 她所有的故事书all her storybooks一个书包 a school bag 整理房间tidy up the room把它放在沙发上put it on the sofa 把它放进父母的卧室put it in Mum and Dad’s bedroom 在工作间in the workshop 许多的钉子 a lot of nails落到地板上fall onto the floor 小心be careful = look out粘在…stick to…用磁铁检起钉子pick up the nails with a magnet一只有趣的昆虫an interesting insect 许多的腿many legs一只美丽的蓝蝴蝶a beautiful blue butterfly 吐许多的丝make a lot of silk出来come out 产卵lay eggs用翅膀飞翔fly with wings 在明亮的蓝天上in the bright blue sky 在我的床上哭cry in my bed 出生be born小贾斯汀Little Justin 抓苍蝇catch flies 没有尾巴has no tail 最响的声音the loudest noise 太吵了too noisy 听说hear about 看卡通片watch a cartoon 听见另一种响的噪音hear another loud noise 一个流行乐队 a pop group 做回家作业do one’s homework为本演奏响的音乐play some loud music forBen在城市广场at City Square得到巨大的乐趣have great fun 一点也不not at all住在火星上live on Mars 喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth听见鸟在唱歌hear the birds singing 爱做某事love doing sth很响地做事情do everything loudly 小鸟和河流的歌the songs of the birds and the river 在他的生日上on his birthday5B-M2-单词食物food /fuːd/健康的healthy /'helθɪ/重要的important /ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt/ 肉meat /miːt/蔬菜vegetable /ˈvedʒtəbl/ 卷心菜cabbage /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ 面条noodles /ˈnu:dlz/午饭lunch /lʌn(t)ʃ/冰箱fridge /frɪdʒ/发生happen /'hæp(ə)n/ 饮料drinks /drɪŋks/可乐cola /'kəʊlə/面包bread /bred/猪肉pork /pɔːk/土豆potato /pə'teɪtəʊ/ 胡萝卜carrot /'kærət/果汁juice /dʒuːs/晚饭dinner /'dɪnə/火腿ham /hæm/猜guess /ges/早餐breakfast /'brekfəst/ 汉堡hamburger /ˈhæmbɜ:gə/ 最喜欢的favourite /'feɪv(ə)rɪt/ 牛肉beef /biːf/西红柿tomato /tə'mɑːtəʊ/ 豆bean /biːn/水water /'wɔːtə/不健康的unhealthy /ʌn'helθɪ/ 安全的safe /seɪf/电影film /fɪlm/入口entrance /ˈentrəns/ 应,会shall(用于第一人称)/ʃæl; ʃ(ə)l/ 成人adult /'ædʌlt; ə'dʌlt/ 有魔力的magic /'mædʒɪk/ 杀死kill /kɪl/公主princess /prɪn'ses/ 出口exit /'eksɪt; 'egzɪt/ 天鹅swan /swɒn/今晚tonight /tə'naɪt/镜子mirror /'mɪrə/猎人hunter /'hʌntə/票子ticket /'tɪkɪt/座位seat /siːt/矮人dwarf /dwɔːf/矮人复数dwarfs或dwarves王后queen /kwiːn/美丽的fair /feə/语文Chinese /tʃaɪniːz/信息技术IT information technology 美术Art /ɑːt/休息break /breɪk/单词word /wɜːd/美丽的pretty /'prɪtɪ/纸paper /'peɪpə/ 仔细地carefully /'keəfəlɪ/英语English /'ɪŋɡlɪʃ/体育PE physical education 学科subject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt;səbˈdʒekt/ 课,课程class /klɑːs/ 数count /kaʊnt/线line /laɪn/没什么nothing /'nʌθɪŋ/也许maybe /'meɪbiː; -bɪ/ 数学Maths /mæθs/音乐Music /'mjuːzɪk/课程表timetable /'taɪmteɪb(ə)l/ 学习learn /lɜːn/加add /æd/点dot /dɒt/真地really /'rɪəlɪ/5B-M2-词组一杯牛奶 a glass of milk 变得太胖了get too fat看太多电视watch too much TV 做运动play sport 吃太多的甜食eat too much sweet food 在冰箱里in the fridge做一些运动do some exercise 整日整夜all day and all night (某事)发生在某人身上happen to sb 跑进洞内run into the hole不让接近某人(某物)keep…away 在最后in the end一天一个苹果医生远离我!An apple a day keeps the doctoraway!售票处ticket office今天下午this afternoon五分钟里(后)in five minutes 上映be on 料理鼠王The Little Rat Cook 玩具总动员Toy Story和…待在一起stay with …天鹅湖Swan Lake一个大红苹果a big red apple下一次next time 醒来wake up去看电影see a film = go to the cinema 在2点钟at two o’clock三张白雪公主的票子three tickets for Snow White 看一看have a look 兔子快跑Rabbit Run在所有…当中of all 在城市电影院at City Cinema 入睡fall asleep 快一点be quick 发现find out正在上映什么电影?What film is on?我们…好吗?Shall we …?休息have a break感谢你的帮助thanks for your help 上六节课have six classes 午休lunch break每节课后after each class 周二的课程timetable for Tuesday表不上课have no lessons 在英语课上in English class从十一点半到下午一点from 11:30 to 13:00 从一数到十count from one to ten在纸上画东一个新单词 a new worddraw sth on the paper西仔细地看他look at his paper carefully 在美术课上in the Art class的图片看起来像雨look like rain出示他的图片给Dannyshow Danny his picture = show his picture to Danny 看到了…的时间了。

游客 沿着…走
tourist 'tu:rist alk along士兵 住
参观 飞机 士兵 钥匙 给
soldier live
visit aeroplane soldier key give
[liv] ['vizit] ['səuldʒə] [bəuθ] [ki:] [giv] ['geimbɔi]
飞 害怕的
flew afraid
[[flu:]] [ə'freid] [nɔiz] [kwait] [keim] [wə:]] [laud] [pɑ:st] ['daiəri] ['mju:zikəl] ['hʌmiŋ] [hisiŋ] [skɔ:] [gəul] [pɔp]
多云的 毫米 春天 暴风 干的 温暖 湿的 凉的 剪 刮风的 说
牛津小学英语5B单词 M1 中文 英文 音标 中文 [bi'haind] 靠垫 在...后 behind cherry ['t∫eri] 樱桃 空的 durian ['djuəriən] 蓬松的 榴莲果 evening ['i:vniŋ] 晚上 女士 glasses ['glɑ:siz] 包裹 眼镜 [in`said] 在...里 inside 粗糙的 [aut`said] 光亮的 在...外 outside plum [plΛm] 梅子 我的 rise [raiz] 升起 他们的 shadow ['∫ædəu] 影子 你们的 strawberry ['strɔ:bəri] 豆茎 草莓 在...前 in front of 城堡 asleep [ə'sli:p] 睡着 awake [ə'weik] 醒着 不同的 be quiet [bi'kwaiət] 饮料 轻些 bell [bel] 铃 巨人 full [ful] 满的 鹅 hammer ['hæmə] 锤子 听 [haid] 把..藏起来hide 梨 instrument ['instrumənt] 触摸 器具 musical [mju:zikəl] 相同的 音乐的 screwdriver ['skru:,draivə] 爬上 螺丝刀 shaker ['∫eikə] 摇动器 乡村公园 string [striŋ] 线 wheel [hwi:l] 轮子 be quiet 安静 英文 cushion empty fluffy lady parcel rough shiny mine theirs yours beanstalk castle 音标 ['ku∫ən] ['empti] ['flΛfi] ['leidi] [pa:sl] [rΛf] [∫aini] [main] [ðεəz] [jɔ:z] ['bi:nstɔ:k] ['kɑ:sl] 中文

新版英语5B单词归纳cap crayon socks umbrelladining room studydo exercise take a photo wear glassesdictionary magazine newspaper storybookrow a boat see a filmhotel island seafoodart room meeting room hall school gatesweater coat trousers shoeshave a cold have a fever have a headache have a toothache camera watchthe Spring Festival the Mid-Autumn Festivalthe Double Ninth FestivalLearn the soundsc ar bl ue sch oo l sk ir t p ur se L au ra fl oorb ee t ea d eer t ear f i ve p ieFl o g oa t J oe t oy n oi seh air Cl are b ear m ou se ow l M ay w ai t新版英语5B句型归纳Are they yours? Yes, they are.\ No, they aren’t.Why do you like it? Because it’s so big.I’ll be a teacher. I won’t wear glasses.I’m going to read a story every day.What are you going to do this weekend?Where will we stay?How long will we stay in Sanya?First, they’ll visit our classroom.Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one?You should take some medicine. You shouldn’t go to bed late.People can tell the time anywhere.The Spring Festival comes in January or February every year. What a mess! \Do you know why? \Don’t wait until tomorrow. It’s your size.\What’s wrong with yo u?\Let me have a look. Have a good rest and you’ll get well soon.What shall we do?Really?新版英语5B知识点总结1、let's tidy it up.Whose cap is this? It's mine.Whose socks are these? They are Paul's.Can you put it on his bed? Sure.Thank you for your help, Sally.You're welcome, Peter.Peter is tidying up the bedroom. Who is tidying up the bedroom? Jimmy sees a small box on the table. It's full of nails.All the nails fall on the floor.Jimmy's father gives him a black stone.2、Why do you like it? Because it's so big.Wild geese have busy lives. They fly from one place to another. They change homes twice every year.There is an old woman. She gives the children some bread, and then she says, it's time to go to bed.Do you like Nancy's home or Dan's home?Laura wants to buy a new skirt. The old one is too small.3、I'll be a teacher.I won't wear glasses.Kitty wants to know about her future. She stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo.I am good at Maths, but I am weak in English.I do not like to get up early, so I have no time for breakfast. I’m often late for school. I do not like sport and I get tired easily. I like watching TV. In the future, I will study hard and I will read more English books. I will try to get up early and have breakfast.I will not be late for school any more. I will do exercise every day. I will not watch too much TV.4、I'm going to read a story every day.The students in Class5A are going to make posters about the best sto ries for children.The Lis are at the bookshop.5、What are you going to do this weekend?I'm going to stay at home and watch TV with my grandparents.I don't have any plans for the weekend.6、What are we going to do this summer?How do we get there? We get there by plane.Where will we stay? We’ll stay in a hotel by the sea.How long will we stay in Sanya? We’ll stay there for five days. What will we do there?Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water. We’ll go swimming there. We’ll also have seafood. The seafood there tastes great.7、The Open Day is on 30th April. Ms Guo is asking the children about the day.First,they’ll visit our classroom.Next, they’ll visit the art room.Then, they’ll go to the hall.Af ter that, they’ll go to the library.Finally, they’ll meet the teachers in the meeting room.Ms Guo takes the parents to the classroom. She tells them about the lessons.The children show their parents some beautiful pictures.They have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.In the UK, schools often have Parents’Evenings. It is a time for teachers and parents to talk.8、Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one?I like the pink one. You can try both on. I’ll try on the trousers.One day, a man visits him with some nice clothes.The emperor puts on the “new clothes” and gives the man a lot of money.People keep quiet.9、You should take some medicine.You shouldn’t go to bed late.What’s wrong with you? I have a headache/have a cold.have a fever have a headache have a toothachehave a look have a good rest get wellWhat’s the date today?It’s the fifth of May.10、People can travel from one place to anther very fast.One day, they are watching some birds flying in the sky. They want to fly too.11、The Spring Festival comes in January or February every year. On Chinese New Year Eve, families have a bid dinner together. Children often get red packets with some money in them.People also watch fireworks at night.12、A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden.She does not bring any to the giant’s garden.They bring Miss Spring to his garden.The giant looks at his garden and feels sad.He’s not kind to children.The giant knocks down the wall around his garden. Miss Spring never comes late again.。
沪教版牛津小学英语单词表一到六【附翻译音标 精校打印版】

bicycle ['baisikl] 脚踏车;自行车ball [bɔ:l] 球balloon [bə'lu:n] 气球doll [dɔl] 洋娃娃牛津小学英语一年级下册Grandmother ['ɡrænd,mʌðə] 祖母Grandfather ['ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə] 祖父Granddaughter['ɡræn,dɔ:tə] (外)孙女grandson ['ɡrændsʌn] 孙子,外孙Uncle ['ʌŋkl]伯父;叔叔aunt [a:nt] 姑妈;伯母butterfly ['bʌtəflai] 蝴蝶bird [bə:d] 鸟bee [bi:] 蜜蜂frog [frɔɡ] 青蛙rabbit ['ræbit] 兔colour ['kʌlə] 颜色black [blæk] 黑色(的)white [wait] 白色(的)brown [braun] 褐色(的)pink [piŋk]粉红色(的)red [red] 红色(的)orange ['ɔrindʒ]橙色(的)yellow ['jeləu] 黄色(的)green [gri:n] 绿色(的)blue [blu:] 蓝色(的)purple ['pə:pl] 紫色(的)tall [tɔ:l] 高的short [ʃɔ:t] 矮的;短的fat [fæt] 胖的thin [θin]瘦的old [əuld] 年老的young [jʌŋ]年轻的postman ['pəustmən] 邮差policeman [pə'li:smən] 警察fireman ['faiəmən] 消防队员milkman ['milkmən] 送奶工人;售奶工人fisherman ['fiʃəmən] 渔民;渔夫farmer ['fɑ:mə] 农夫;农民teacher ['ti:tʃə] 教师driver [draivə] 司机doctor [dɔktə] 医生nurse [nə:s] 护士cook [kuk] 厨师meat [mi:t] 肉rice [rais] 米饭noodles ['nu:dls] 面条soup [su:p] 汤cake [keik] 蛋糕ice-cream 冰淇淋sweet [swi:t] 糖果jelly ['dʒeli] 果冻coke [kuk] 可乐牛津小学英语二年级上册bin [bin] 筒park [pa:k] 公园road [rəud] 道路building ['bildiŋ]建筑物pizza ['pi:tsə] 比萨饼biscuit ['biskit] 饼干hotdog [hɔtdɔg] 热狗juice [dʒu:s] (果)汁、液water ['wɔ:tə] 水play [plei] 玩,玩耍run [rʌn] 跑sleep [sli:p] 睡觉swim [swim] 游泳plane [plein] 飞机ferry ['feri] 摆渡;渡船train [trein] 火车taxi ['tæksi] 出租车car [ka:] 汽车;小汽车bus [bʌs] 公共汽车van [væn] 有蓬货车stop [stɔp] 停止go [ɡəu] 去;走light [lait] 灯;光fast [fa:st] 快速的slow [sləu] 缓慢的in [in] 在……之内(里) on [ɔn] 在……之上under ['ʌndə] 在……之下bell [bel] 铃;钟star [sta:] 星;恒星present ['preznt]赠品;礼物tree [tri:] 树hat [hæt] 帽子glove [ɡlʌv] 手套scarf [ska:f] 围巾winter ['wintə] 冬季cold [kəuld] 寒冷wind [wind] 风snow [snəu] 雪tie [tai] 领带;带子belt [belt] 腰带sock [sɔk] 袜子shirt [ʃə:t] 衬衫dress [dres] 女服;童装coat [kəut] 外套牛津小学英语二年级下册hen [hen] 母鸡chick [tʃik] 小鸡duck [dʌk] 鸭子cow [kau] 母牛sheep [ʃi:p] 羊pig [pig] 猪horse [hɔ:s] 马bear [bεə] 熊elephant ['elifənt] 大象tiger ['taiɡə] 老虎monkey ['mʌŋki]猴子panda ['pændə] 熊猫window ['windəu] 窗户door [dɔ:] 门bed [bed] 窗room [ru:m] 房间sofa ['səufə] 沙发table ['teibl] 桌子lamp [læmp] 灯walk [wɔ:k] 步行;散步skip [skip] 跳跃swing [swiŋ]秋千;摇摆climb [klaim] 攀登;爬fly [flai] 飞翔ride [raid] 骑;乘glass [gla:s] 玻璃;玻璃杯water ['wɔ:tə] 水soap [səup] 肥皂wash [wɔʃ] 洗dirty ['də:ti] 脏的towel ['tauəl] 手巾;毛巾toothbrush ['tu:θbrʌʃ] 牙刷Toothpaste ['tu:θpeist]牙膏chopsticks ['tʃɔpstiks] 筷子bowl [bəul] 碗plate [pleit] 盘子spoon [spu:n] 勺子;匙fork [fɔ:k] 叉knife [naif] 刀summer ['sʌmə] 夏季sun [sʌn] 太阳cloud [klaud] 云hot [hɔt] 热的beach [bi:tʃ] 海滩shell [ʃel] 贝壳sand [sænd] 沙子watch [wɔtʃ] 手表clock [klɔk] 钟表day [dei] 白天night [nait] 夜晚breakfast ['brekfəst] 早餐牛津小学英语三年级上册late [leit] adj. 迟的very ['veri] adv.很again [ə'ɡen] adv.再no [nəu] interj.不yes [jes] interj.是please [pli:z] interj.请ruler ['ru:lə] n.尺window ['windəu] n.窗kite [kait] n.风筝dog [dɔɡ] n.狗jam [dʒæm] n.果酱box [bɔks] n.盒子ear [iə] n.耳朵mouse [maus] n.老鼠cat [kæt] n.猫door [dɔ:] n.门name [neim] n.名字girl [ɡə:l] n.女孩apple ['æpl] n.苹果pencil ['pensəl]n.铅笔lion ['laiən] n.狮子hand [hænd] n.手book [buk] n.书bag [bæɡ] n.书包desk [desk] n.书桌elephant ['elifənt] n.象rubber ['rʌbə] n.橡皮擦school [sku:l] n.学校clock [klɔk] n.钟you [ju:] pron.你,你们your [jɔ:] pron.你的,你们的what [hwɔt] pron.什么see [si:] v.看见clean [kli:n] v.把……弄干净close [kləuz] v.关open ['əupən] v.开look(at) v.看(着) are [a:] v.是Mrs ['misiz] 夫人Mr [mist] 先生Miss [mis] 小姐big [big] adj.大的long [lɔŋ] adj.长的short [ʃɔ:t] adj.短的tall [tɔ:l] adj.高的good [gud] adj.好的yellow ['jeləu] adj.黄色的sad [sæd] adj.沮丧的thin [θin]adj.瘦的little ['litl] adj.小的happy ['hæpi] adj.幸福的and [ænd] conj.和dad [dæd] n.爸爸mother ['mʌðə] n.妈妈cake [keik] n.蛋糕father ['fɑ:ðə] n.父亲x-ray ['eksrei]n.X光teacher ['ti:tʃə]n.教师sister ['sistə] n.姐妹brother ['brʌðə]n.兄弟boy [bɔi] n.男孩friend [frend] n.朋友umbrella [ʌm'brelə]n.伞sun [sʌn] n.太阳queen [kwi:n] n.王后tail [teil] n.尾巴rain [rein] n.雨small [smɔ:l] adj.小的with [wið] prep.和……一起in [in] prep.在……里who [hu:] pron.谁she [ʃi:] pron.她he [hi:] pron.他it [it] pron.它they [ðei] pron.他们am [æm] v.是is [iz] v.是me [mi:] pron.我(宾格) my [mai] pron.我的baby ['beibi]n.婴儿bow [bau] v.鞠躬,弯腰play [plei] v.玩like [laik] v.喜欢new [nju:] adj.新的up [ʌp] adv.向上down [daun] adv.向下office ['ɔfis] n.办公室flower ['flauə]n.花slide [slaid] n.滑梯classroom ['klɑ:srum] n.教室playground ['pleiɡraund]n.操场hall [hɔ:l] n.礼堂circle ['sə:kl] n.圈triangle ['traiæŋɡl]n.三角形tree [tri:] n.树sky [skai] n.天空library ['laibrəri]n.图书馆banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n.香蕉boat [bəut] n.小船star [sta:] n.星shape [ʃeip] n.形状chair [tʃεə] n.椅子cloud [klaud] n.云square [skwεə] n.正方形that [ðæt] pron.那this [ðis] pron.这stand [stænd] v.站(起) sit [sit] v.坐(下) sorry ['sɔ:ri] adj.抱歉的duck [dʌk] n.鸭fly [flai] n.苍蝇gate [geit] n.大门root [ru:t] n.根egg [eg] n.鸡蛋chick [tʃik] n.小鸡chicken ['tʃikin] n.鸡肉ladybird ['leidibə:d]n.甲虫sandwich ['sænwidʒ] n.三明治sweet [swi:t] n.糖果head [hed] n.头leg [leg] n.腿shoe [ʃu:] n.鞋camera ['kæmərə]n.照相机plant [pla:nt] n.植物pig [pig] n.猪count [kaunt] v.数find [faind] v.找到has [hæz] v.有Excuse me. 对不起。

新版英语5B单词归纳cap crayon socks umbrelladining room studydo exercise take a photo wear glassesdictionary magazine newspaper storybookrow a boat see a filmhotel island seafoodart room meeting room hall school gatesweater coat trousers shoeshave a cold have a fever have a headache have a toothache camera watchthe Spring Festival the Mid-Autumn Festivalthe Double Ninth FestivalLearn the soundsc ar bl ue sch oo l sk ir t p ur se L au ra fl oorb ee t ea d eer t ear f i ve p ieFl o g oa t J oe t oy n oi seh air Cl are b ear m ou se ow l M ay w ai t新版英语5B句型归纳Are they yours? Yes, they are.\ No, they aren’t.Why do you like it? Because it’s so big.I’ll be a teacher. I won’t wear glasses.I’m going to read a story every day.What are you going to do this weekend?Where will we stay?How long will we stay in Sanya?First, they’ll visit our classroom.Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one? You should take some medicine. You shouldn’t go to bed late.People can tell the time anywhere.The Spring Festival comes in January or February every year.What a mess! \Do you know why? \Don’t wait until tomorrow. It’s your size.\What’s wrong with yo u?\Let me have a look.Have a good rest and you’ll get well soon.What shall we do?Really?新版英语5B知识点总结1、let's tidy it up.Whose cap is this? It's mine.Whose socks are these? They are Paul's.Canyou put it on his bed? Sure.Thank you for your help, Sally.You're welcome, Peter.Peter is tidying up the bedroom. Who is tidying up the bedroom?Jimmy sees a small box on the table.It's full of nails.All the nails fall on the floor.Jimmy's father gives him a black stone.2、Why do you like it? Because it's so big. Wild geese have busy lives. They fly from one place to another.They change homes twice every year.There is an old woman. She gives the children some bread, and then she says, it's time to go to bed.Do you like Nancy's home or Dan's home?Laura wants to buy a new skirt.The old one is too small.3、I'll be a teacher.I won't wear glasses.Kitty wants to know about her future.She stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo.I am good at Maths, but I am weak in English.I do not like to get up early, so Ihave no time for breakfast. I’moften late for school. I do not like sport andI get tired easily. I like watching TV.In the future, I will study hard and I will read moreEnglish books. I will try toget up early and have breakfast.I will not be late for school any more. I will do exercise every day. I will notwatch too much TV.4、I'm going to read a story every day.The students in Class5A are going to make posters about the best stories for children.The Lis are at the bookshop.5、What are you going to do this weekend?I'm going to stay at home and watch TV with my grandparents.Idon't have any plans for the weekend.6、What are we going to do this summer?How do we get there? We get there by plane.Where will we stay? We’ll stay in a hotel by the sea. How long will we stay in Sanya? We’ll stay there for five days.What will we do there?Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water. We’ll go swimming there. We’ll also have seafood. The seafood there tastes great.7、The Open Day is on 30th April. Ms Guo is asking the children about the day.First,they’ll visit our classroom.Next, they’ll visit the art room.Then, they’ll go to the hall.After that, they’ll go to the library.Finally, they’ll meet the teachers in the meeting room. Ms Guo takes the parents to the classroom. She tells themabout the lessons.The children show their parents some beautiful pictures. They have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.In the UK, schools often have Parents’Evenings. It is a time for teachers and parents to talk.8、Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one?I like the pink one. You can try both on. I’ll try on the trousers.One day, a man visits him with some nice clothes.The emperor puts on the “new clothes” and gives the man a lot of money.People keep quiet.9、You should take some medicine.You shouldn’t go to bed late.What’s wrong with you? I have a headach e/have a cold. have a fever have a headache have a toothache have a look have a good rest get wellWhat’s the date today?It’s the fifth of May.10、People can travel from one place to anther very fast. One day, they are watching some birds flying in the sky. They want to fly too.11、The Spring Festival comes in January or February every year.On Chinese New Year Eve, families have a bid dinner together.Children often get red packets with some money in them. People also watch fireworks at night.12、A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. She does not bring any to the giant’s garden.They bring Miss Spring to his garden.The giant looks at his garden and feels sad.He’s not kind to children.The giant knocks down the wall around his garden. Miss Spring never comes late again.如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!。

5B音标单词大全Unit 1Chinese /tʃaɪ'n i:z/ English /'ɪŋglɪ∫/ week /w i:k/ Monday/'mʌnd eɪ; mʌndɪ/ Thursday/'θɜ:z d eɪ;'θɜ:z dɪ;/ Friday/'fr aɪd eɪ; 'fr aɪdɪ/ Science /'s aɪǝnz/ Subject /'s∧bdʒɪkt/ Social/sǝʊ⎰l/ Science Computer StudiesPEinteresting/'ɪntrǝstɪŋ/ minus/'m aɪnǝs/well /w e l/tell /t e l/at once /wʌns/er /ɜ:/trick /trɪk/Unit 2her /hɜ:/speak /sp i:k/bad /bæd/get /g e t/feel /f i:l/cold /kǝʊld/fine /f aɪn/call /kɔ:l/why /w aɪ/absent /'æbsǝnt/stay /st eɪ/stay in bedwrong /rɒŋ/What’s wrong with you? headache /'h e d eɪk/ cough /kɒf/hear /hɪǝ/hope /hǝʊp/better /'b e tǝ/soon /s u:n/still /stɪl/take /t eɪk/medicine /'m e dsn/toothache /'t u:θeɪk/earache /'ɪǝr eɪk/backache /'bæk eɪk/stomachache/'st∧mǝk eɪk/fever /'fi:vǝ(r)/say /s eɪ/rest /r e st/number /'n∧mbǝ (r)/choose /' t⎰u:z/Unit 3collect /kǝ' lekt/stamp /stæmp/many /m e nɪ/ship /⎰ɪp/go shoppingevery /'e vrɪ/aunt /ɑ:nt/uncle /'∧ŋkl/hobby /hɒbɪ/beautiful /'biu:tɪfl/classmate /klɑ:sm eɪt/animal /'ænɪml/take photosgrow /grǝʊ/water /wɔ:tǝ/same /s eɪm/Unit 4e-mail /'i:m eɪl/busy /bɪzɪ/town /t aʊn/usually /'ju:ʒʊǝlɪ/well /wel/faster /fɑ:st/high /h aɪ/from /frɒm/surf /sɜ:f/Internet / 'ɪntǝn e t/London / 'l∧ndǝn/loudly / 'l aʊdlɪ/beautifully /'bju:tɪflɪ/carefully /'k eǝfǝlɪ/quietly / 'kw aɪǝtlɪ/from… tocan’t=cannotUnit 6foot /fʊt/time /t aɪm/turn /tɜ:n/left /l e ft/right /r aɪt/hand /hænd/leg /l e g/arm /ɑ:m/follow / ' fɒlǝʊ/order / 'ɔ:dǝ/line /l aɪn/exercise / 'e ksǝs aɪz/up and downstoplie /l aɪ/lie on one’s backback /bæk/lift /lɪft/lift uptouch /t∧t⎰ /with /wɪð/everybody / 'e vrɪbɒdɪ/neck /nek/shoulder / '⎰ǝʊldǝ/finger / 'fɪŋgǝ/knee /n i:/toe /tǝʊ/Unit 7night /n aɪt/half /hɑ:f/past /pɑ:st/ready / 'r e dɪ/take /t eɪk/really/ 'rɪǝlɪ/begin /bɪ'gɪn/yet /j e t/brush /br∧⎰/tooth /t u:θ/with /wɪð/quarter /kwɔ:tǝ/on duty /dju:tɪ/quick /kwɪk/Unit 8talk /tɔ:k/weekend /w i:k ' e nd/spend /sp e nd/very /v e rɪ/often / ' ɒfn/learn /lɜ:n/…fromsport /spɔ:t/catch /kæt⎰/talk aboutof course /kɔ:s/cartoon /kɑ:t u:n/butterfly / ' b∧tǝfl aɪ/ant /ænt/dragonfly / ' drægǝnfl aɪ/firefly / 'f aɪǝfl aɪ/bee/b i:/grasshopper/ ' grɑ:shɒpǝ/insect / 'ɪns e kt/primary/'pr aɪmǝrɪ/schoolother / ' ∧ðǝ/carry / ' kærɪ/special / ' sp e⎰l/glow /glǝʊ/Unit 9British /'brɪtɪ⎰/America/ǝ 'm e rɪkǝ/French /fr e nt⎰/city / 'sɪtɪ/visit / 'vɪzɪt/American/ǝ 'm e rɪkǝn/Japan /dʒǝ ' pæn/Japanese / dʒæpǝ ' n i:z/France /frɑ:ns/England /ɪŋglænd/Club /kl∧b/visito r / ' vɪzɪtǝ/New York / nju: 'jɔ:k/different / ' dɪfrǝnt/country /'k∧ntrɪ/Chinese / t⎰aɪ ' n i:z/UKUSAAustralia /ɒ 'str eɪlɪǝ/Australian /ɒ 'str eɪlɪǝn/housewife /'h aʊsw aɪf/story /'stɔ:rɪ/。
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Module 1 Using my five senses
Unit 1 Use your eyes!
[blɔk] n.大楼,街区
[ˈʃædəu] n.阴影;影子
[frʌnt] a.前面的
[flæt] n.公寓套房
[‘strɔ:bəri] n.草莓
[ˈtʃeri] n.樱桃(树)
[plʌm] n.李子
['du:riən] n.榴莲
[raiz] vi.升起
[daun] a./ ad.向下prep.沿着…而下Unit 2 Use your ears!
[ˈkwaiət] a.轻声的;安静的
[ˈkɛəful] a.小心的,仔细的
[ˈleidi] n.女士,夫人
[əˈsli:p] a.睡着的
[əˈweik] a.醒着的
[ˈhæmə] n.锤,榔头
[ˈskru:ˌdraivə] n.螺丝起子
[bəuθ] a.两个…(都),两者的
[ˈmju:zikəl] a.音乐的
[ˈinstrumənt] n.仪器,器械,乐器[bi:n] n.豆
[st riŋ]n.弦,线
[ˈempti] a.空的
[ˈəuvə] prep.在…的上方
[ˈkʌbəd] n.(放食物,衣物,碗碟等的)柜橱
[raund] a.圆的v.环(绕)
[ɔ:l] a.全部的,所有的(三个或东西以上)
Unit 3 Use your hands!
[ˈflʌfi] a.绒毛的
[ˈʃaini] a.发光的;磨光的,有光泽的[ˈpɑ:sl]n.小包,包裹
[ˈkuʃən] n.垫子,坐垫
[kəˈrekt] a.正确的;合适的
[wið, wiθ]prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着
[ˈkʌntri] n.国家; [the ~]农村,乡村[lɔst] a.失去的
[ʃaut] v./ n.呼喊,呼叫[seiv] vt.救
[seim] a.相同的
[ˈdifrənt] a.不同的
['bin.stɔk] n. 豆茎
[ˈdʒaiənt] n.巨人
[ˈgəuldən] a.金(黄)色的;金的[gu:s] n.鹅
[sel] v.卖,出售
Module 2 My favourite things
Unit 1 Animals in the zoo
[ˈki:ləu] n.千克,公斤
[kɔ:n] n.谷物,小麦;玉米[fi:d] vt.喂(养)
[hei] n.干草
[left] a.左边的ad.在左边[rait] a./ ad.对(的);右(的)
[ʌp] ad./a. 向上(的) prep. 沿…往上
[əˈlɔŋ]ad. 向前地prep. 沿着[həuˈtel] n.旅馆,宾馆,酒店,饭店[ˈhɔlədi] n.假期,假日,节日[step] n.(脚)步;台阶
[krɔs] v.穿过,交叉
[sei] v.说
Unit 2 Favourite toys
[ˈpʌpit] n.木偶
[ˈdainəsɔ:] n.恐龙
[kʌmˈpju:tə] n.计算机,电脑
Unit 3 At home
[pɑ:st]prep./ ad.经过,过[faind] vt.发现
[inˈsaid] ad./ prep.在…里面
[ˈautˈsaid] prep./ad./ a.(在,向)的外面(的) [rʌg] n.(小)地毯,毯子
[ˈfə:nitʃə] n.家具
[mu:v] v.搬家,移动
[rəul] v.(使)滚动
Module 3 Things around us
unit 1 Colours around us
[əˈraund] ad.在周围;到处
[ˈtædpəul] n.蝌蚪
[ˈkætəˌpilə] n.毛虫,蝴蝶的幼虫
[kəˈkuːn] n.茧
Unit 2 Different noises
['hʌmiŋ]adj. 发出嗡嗡声的
[hisiŋ]n. 发嘶嘶声
[skɔ:] n.得分
[gəul] n.目标;进球得分;球门,得分
[pɔp] n.流行音乐
[ˈnɔizi] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的
[ˈɑ:ftə]prep./ conj.在…之后
[ˈpi:pl] n.人(们)
Unit 3 What is the weather like
[əˈgəu] ad.以前
[bild] vt.建造
[ˈtemp(ə)ritʃə] n.温度,气温,体温
[diˈgri:] n.度,度数
[ˈmiliˌmi:tə] n.毫米
[nɔ:θ]n.北(方,部) a.北方(部)的[i:st] adj. 东方的n. 东方[west] n. 西,西方,西部adj.西方的[ˈevriθiŋ]pron.每件事,一切
[biˈkʌm] vi.变成,开始变得
[əˈwei] ad.远处,离开。