



V 1 2 No 2 o . , . 3 Ap . 0 2 r2 1
非 线 性 时滞 系统 的模 糊 控 制 设 计

伟 ,佟 绍成
( 宁工 业大 学 理 学 院, 辽宁 锦 州 110 ) 辽 20 1
要 :针 对一类非线性 时滞 系统 ,采 用模糊 T S模型对系统进行逼近 ,应用平 行分布补偿算法(DC 设计 - P )
第3 2卷第 2 期
2 l 年 4 月 0 2
辽 宁工 业大学学报 ( 自然科 学版)
J u a f i nn iesyo eh oo yNaua S i c dt n o r l a igUnv ri f c n lg ( trl c n eE io ) n oL o t T e i
Ke r s n niers se ; i - ea ;i e r ti e u l ; tb l o dt n ywo d : o l a tms t n y med ly l a rxi q ai sa it c n i o s n ma n y t i y i
Ab t a t s r c :A tb l a i n c tro o o i e r s s ms wi med l sp o o e n r v sa i z t r e n f r n n n a y t t t .ea wa r p s d a d p o o i o i i l e h i y d
Wa ds ndbsdo p rll i r ue c  ̄ s ei e ae n a l d tb td o g ae si
ao P )T e t i o n n na s ms s rvd t n(DC . h a l f o ier yt wa po e i sbi y t l s e



1.粒子群优化变论域模糊PID控制在风电机组变桨距中的应用 [J], 党存禄;杜小波
2.一种优化fuzzy-PID控制在MPPT中的应用 [J], 王严龙;杨旭红;王军成;薛阳
3.PSO-BP算法优化PID控制在光照系统中的应用 [J], 王雷
4.基于遗传算法优化的模糊PID控制在粮食干燥中的应用 [J], 聂放;周晓光;代爱妮;
5.粒子群优化模糊PID控制在SCR系统中的应用 [J], 陈彦豪;朱志宇


考 虑 2阶系统
f a ( f )一A( f ) Ⅱ ( ) =VF ( t , ( t ) ) , t u ( 0 )一“ ( )= u ( O )一“ ( T )=0 , a . e . t∈ d t —I . F ( t , ( t ) ) d t ,
目前 , 当A( t );0 ( t∈ [ 0 , T ] ) 时, 利用 临界点 理论研 究 问题 ( 1 )周 期 解 的存 在 性 已有 许 多 结 果 。 , 其 中文献 [ 3 ]使 用 最 小 作 用 原 理研 究 了 当 A( t )三0时 问题 ( 1 ) 解 的存 在性 ; 当A( t ) 是 一般 的
l F( t , )I ≤a ( 1 1 ) 6 ( ) , l VF ( t , )I ≤
Ⅳ阶连续对称矩阵时, 在次线性 的非线性项及其 它

些适 当条件 下 , 文献[ 2 ]和 文献 [ 1 3 ]使 用 临界 点
理 论 中的极 大极小 方法证 明 了系统 ( 1 )至少有 1 个
J u
则 弱下 半连续 且连续 可微 , 同时

( ( u ) , )=【 [ ( ( £ ) , ( £ ) ) +( A ( c ) ( £ ) ,
( £ ) )一( V ( t , u ) , ( t ) ) ] 众所 周知 , 泛 函 的临界 点 即为 问题 ( 1 )的解.
第 3期
则 问题
王 少敏 , 等: 用最 小作 用原 理研究 具 有次 线性 的非线 性项 2阶系统 2 I fl I I 五I I
I I ㈤
2 3 7 £ ) ¨
) ¨
2 I I 五I I
f n ( )= V F( t , ( f ) ) ,






关键字:模糊控制;MATLAB;SIMULINK;PIDResearch of fuzzy control algorithm of second ordersystemsUndergraduate:Supervisor:Abstract:Fuzzy control, which is based on the fuzzy mathematics, is a new way of nonlinearity control system in which the mathematical model is unable established or the mathematical model is very rough. For these systems, fuzzy control offers users a satisfied control result, and settles down some problems which cannot be solved by traditional methods.This paper aims to introduce how to use a fuzzy controller which is based on the MATLAB fuzzy control toolbox to control a second-order system. In order to fulfill this target, the author firstly defines the input variables, output variables and their membership functions. Then, the author analyzes the relationship between the input variables and output variables, and designs the fuzzy control rule bank. Finally, the author makes a difference between the methods of the classic PID control and the fuzzy control by SIMULINK. Membership function of fuzzy controller, control rules, and the function of quantizes and scale factor in the fuzzy control process are also discussed in this paper.Key words: MATLAB; Fuzzy control; PID;SIMULINK simulation目录绪论 (1)1控制理论算法 (5)3.1 PID控制规律 (5)3.1PID控制器原理 (5)3.1 (5)3.1.3微分(D)控制 (5)3.2传统PID控制过程 (5)1模糊控制 (1)1.1模糊控制的背景及意义 (1)1.2模糊控制的基本理论 (1)1.3模糊控制的基本结构 (1)1.4模糊控制的组成 (1)1.5模糊控制的运行模型 (1)1.6模糊控制与SIMULINK的 (1)2基于MATLAB的模糊控制仿真 (2)2.1模糊控制器的设计 (2)2.1模糊集合及论域的定义 (2)2.2模糊控制规则确定 (4)2.3仿真曲线 (5)4比较 (7)参考文献 (8)致 (9)绪论模糊控制器由三个环节组成:用于输入信号处理的模糊量化和模糊化环节,模糊控制算法功能单元,以及用于输出解模糊化的模糊判决环节。







一、非线性系统辨识方法研究1. 仿射变换法仿射变换法是一种常用的非线性系统辨识方法之一。



2. 基于神经网络的方法神经网络作为一种强大的表达非线性关系的工具,被广泛应用于非线性系统辨识。



3. 基于系统辨识方法的非线性系统辨识传统的系统辨识方法主要适用于线性系统的辨识,但其在非线性系统辨识中也有应用的价值。




二、非线性系统控制方法研究1. 反馈线性化控制反馈线性化是一种常用的非线性系统控制方法。




2. 自适应控制自适应控制是一种针对非线性系统的适应性控制方法。

模糊pid 文献综述

模糊pid 文献综述

文献综述模糊PID控制器的研究与应用学院自动化与电子信息学院二O一四年四月四川理工学院毕业(设计)论文文献综述0 前言PID控制作为一种典型的传统反馈控制器,以其结构简单,易于实现和鲁棒性好等特点在工业过程控制中广泛应用。





模糊PID无需考虑被控系统的模型,而只根据其误差e 和误差变化ec等检测数据来自适应调整Kp、Ki、Kd的值,最终使被控系统处于稳定工作态。

1 国外研究现状ŞabanÇetin,AliVolkanAkkaya[1](2010)表示准确度和精密度液压系统的位置控制是为了设置更经济和高质量系统的关键参数。



此外,基于规则的混合型模糊 PID控制器(H F P I DC R)提出了液压系统的位置控制,并对其性能进行了仿真研究测试。

这种控制器的新颖方面是模糊逻辑和PID 控制器结合在一个开关条件。

该HFPIDCR 基于控制器的模拟结果与经典PID、模糊逻辑控制器(FLC)和混合模糊PID 控制器(HFPID)的结果进行了比较。


IndranilPana[ 2] 等(2011)通过减少积分时间降低最优PID 和最优模糊PID的绝对误差(ITAE)和平方控制器输出的网络控制系统(NCS)的响应速度。



I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2013, 03, 74-82Published Online February 2013 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2013.03.08A Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Framework forFunction PointsAnupama KaushikDept. of IT, Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, GGSIP University, Delhi, Indiaanupama@msit.inA.K. SoniDept. of IT, School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Indiaak.soni@sharda.ac.inRachna SoniDept. of Computer Science and Applications, DAV College, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, Indiasonirachna67@Abstract —Software effort estimation is very crucial in software project planning. Accurate software estimation is very critical for a project success. There are many software prediction models and all of them utilize software size as a key factor to estimate effort. Function Points size metric is a popular method for estimating and measuring the size of application software based on the functionality of the software from the user‘s point of view. While there is a great advancement in software development, the weight values assigned to count standard FP remains the same. In this paper the concepts of calibrating the function point weights using Type-2 fuzzy logic framework is provided whose aim is to estimate a more accurate software size for various software applications and to improve the effort estimation of software projects. Evaluation experiments have shown the framework to be promising.Index Terms —Project management, Software Effort Estimation, Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System, Function Point AnalysisI.IntroductionSoftware development has become an important activity for many modern organizations. Software engineers have become more and more concerned about accurately predicting the cost and quality of software product under development. Consequently, many models for estimating software cost have been proposed such as Constructive Cost Model(COCOMO) [1],Constructive Cost Model II (COCOMO II) [2], Software Life Cycle Management (SLIM) [3] etc. These models identify key contributors to effort and use historical organizational projects data to generate a set of mathematical formulae that relates these contributors to effort. Such a set of mathematical formulae are often referred to as parametric model because alternative scenarios can be defined by changing the assumed values of a set of fixed coefficients (parameters) [4]. All these models use the software size as the major determinant of effort. Function Points is an ideal software size metric to estimate cost since it can be used in the early development phase, such as requirement, measures the software functional size from user‘s view, and is programming language independent [5].Today the scenario of software industry has changed from what it has many years ago. Now-a-days the object oriented paradigm has incorporated into the software development which leads to the creation of object oriented function points [6]. All the traditional cost estimation models are limited by their inability to cope with vagueness and imprecision in the early stages of the software life cycle. So, a number of soft computing approaches like fuzzy logic (FL), artificial neural networks (ANN), evolutionary computation (EC) etc. are incorporated to make rational decisions in an environment of uncertainty and vagueness. The first realization of the fuzziness of several aspects of COCOMO was that of Fei and Liu [7] called F-COCOMO. Jack Ryder [8] investigated the application of fuzzy modelling techniques to COCOMO and the Function Points models, respectively. Venkatachalam [9] investigated the application of artificial neural network (ANN) to software cost estimation. Many researchers have applied the evolutionary computation approach towards cost estimation [10, 11].1.1 Background and related workOsias de Souza Lima Junior et al. [12] have worked on trapezoidal fuzzy numbers to model function point analysis for the development and enhancement projectassessment. Ho Leung [13] has presented a case study for evaluation of function points. Finnie et al. [14] provided the combination of machine learning approach with FP. They compared the three approaches i.e. regression analysis, artificial neural networks and case based reasoning using FP as an estimate of software size. The authors observed that both artificial neural networks and case based reasoning performed well on the given dataset in contrast to regression analysis. They concluded that case based reasoning is appealing because of its similarity to the expert judgement approach and for its potential in supporting human judgement. Al-Hajri et al. [15] establish a new FP weight system using artificial neural network. Lima et al. [16] proposed the concepts and properties from fuzzy set theory to extend FP analysis into a fuzzy FP analysis and the calibration was done using a small database comprised of legacy systems developed mainly in Natural 2, Microsoft Access and Microsoft Visual Basic. Yau and Tsoi [17] introduced a fuzzified FP analysis model to help software size estimators to express their judgement and use fuzzy B-spline membership function to derive their assessment values. The weak point of their work is that they use limited in-house software to validate the model. Abran and Robillard‘s empirical study [18] demonstrates the clear relationship between FPA‘s primary component and work-effort. Kralj et al. [19] identified the function point analysis method deficiency of upper boundaries in the rating complexity process and proposed an improved FPA method. Wei Xia et al. [20] proposed a Neuro-Fuzzy calibration approach for function point complexity weights. Their model provided an equation between Unadjusted Function Points and work effort which is used to train the neural network and estimated the effort. Moataz A. Ahmed and Zeeshan Muzaffar [4] provided an effort prediction framework that is based on type-2 fuzzy logic to allow handling imprecision and uncertainty present in the effort prediction. Mohd. Sadiq et al. [21] developed two different linear regression models using fuzzy function point and non fuzzy function point in order to predict the software project effort.The above researches have concluded that the combination of soft computing approaches and the traditional cost estimation models yields a more accurate prediction of software costs and effort. All the earlier work on software cost estimation using fuzzy logic incorporated type-1 or type-2 fuzzy framework for effort prediction. This paper proposes an improved FPA method by calibrating the function point‘s weight using type-2 fuzzy logic framework.1.2 Function Point Analysis: A short description Function point analysis is a process used to calculate the software size from the user‘s point of view, i.e. on the basis of what the user requests and receives in return from the system. Allan J Albrecht [22] of IBM proposed Function Point Count (FPC) as a size measure in the late 1970s. Albrecht had taken up the task of arriving at size measures of software systems to compute a productivity measure that could be used across programming languages and development technologies. The current promoter of Albrecht‘s function point model is the International Function Point User‘s Group (IFPUG). IFPUG evolves the FPA method and periodically releases the Counting Practices Manual for consistent counting of function points across different organizations. In FPA, a system is decomposed into five functional units: Internal Logical Files (ILF), External Interface Files (EIF), External Inputs (EI), External Outputs (EO) and External Inquiry (EQ). These functional units are categorized into data functional units and transactional function units. All the functions do not provide the same functionality to the user. Hence, the function points contributed by each function varies depending upon the type of function (ILF, EIF, EI, EO or EQ) and complexity (Simple, Average or Complex) of the function. The data functions complexity is based on the number of Data Element Types (DET) and number of Record Element Types (RET). The transactional functions are classified according to the number of file types referenced (FTRs) and the number of DETs. The complexity matrix for all the five components is given in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. Table 4 illustrates how each function component is then assigned a weight according to its complexity.The actual calculation process of FPA is accomplished in three stages: (i) determine the unadjusted function points (UFP); (ii) calculate the value adjustment factor (VAF); (iii) calculate the final adjusted function points.The Unadjusted Function Points (UFP) is calculated using ―(1)‖, where W ij are the complexity weights and Z ij are the counts for each function component.∑∑ (1) The second stage, calculating the value adjustment factor (VAF), is derived from the sum of the degree of influence (DI) of the 14 general system characteristics (GSCs). The DI of each one of these characteristics ranges from 0 to 5 as follows: (i) 0 – no influence; (ii) 1 –incidental influence; (iii) 2 –moderate influence; (iv) 3 – average influence; (v) 4 – significant influence; and (vi) 5 – strong influence.The general characteristics of a system are: (i) data communications; (ii) distributed data processing; (iii) performance; (iv) heavily used configuration; (v) transaction rate; (vi) online data entry; (vii) end-user efficiency; (viii) on-line update; (ix) complex processing; (x) reusability; (xi) installation ease; (xii) operational ease; (xiii) multiple sites; and (xiv) facilitate change. VAF is then computed using ―(2)‖:∑ (2)x i is the Degree of Influence (DI) rating of each GSC. Finally, the adjusted function points are calculated as given in ―(3)‖.(3)Table 1: Complexity Matrix of ILF/EIFTable 2: Complexity Matrix of EITable 3: Complexity Matrix of EO/EQTable 4: Functional Units with weighting factorsII.Type 2 Fuzzy Logic SystemsFuzzy Logic is a methodology to solve problems which are too complex to be understood quantitatively. It is based on fuzzy set theory and introduced in 1965 by Prof. Zadeh in the paper fuzzy sets [23]. It is a theory of classes with unsharp boundaries, and considered as an extension of the classical set theory [24]. The membership µA(x) of an element x of a classical set A, as subset of the universe X, is defined by:µA(x) = {That is, x is a member of set A (µA (x) = 1) or not (µA (x) = 0). The classical sets where the membership value is either zero or one are referred to as crisp sets. Fuzzy sets allow partial membership. A fuzzy set A is defined by giving a reference set X, called the universe and a mapping;µA : X []called the membership function of the fuzzy set A µA(x), for x X is interpreted as the degree of membership of x in the fuzzy set A. A membership function is a curve that defines how each point in the input space is mapped to a membership value between 0 and 1. The higher the membership x has in the fuzzy set A, the more true that x is A. The membership functions (MFs) may be triangular, trapezoidal, Gaussian, parabolic etc.Fuzzy logic allows variables to take on qualitative values which are words. When qualitative values are used, these degrees may be managed by specific inferential procedures. Just as in fuzzy set theory the set membership values can range (inclusively) between 0 and 1, in fuzzy logic the degree of truth of a statement can range between 0 and 1 and is not constrained to the two truth values {true, false} as in classic predicate logic.Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) is the name given to any system that has a direct relationship with fuzzy concepts. The most popular fuzzy logic systems in the literature may be classified into three types [25]: pure fuzzy logic systems, Takagi and Sugeno‘s fuzzy system and fuzzy logic system with fuzzifier and defuzzifier also known as Mamdani system. As most of the engineering applications use crisp data as input and produce crisp data as output, the Mamdani system [26] is the most widely used one where the fuzzifier maps crisp inputs into fuzzy sets and the defuzzifier maps fuzzy sets into crisp outputs.Zadeh [27], proposed more sophisticated kinds of fuzzy sets, called type-2 fuzzy sets (T2FSs). A type-2 fuzzy set lets us incorporate uncertainty about the membership function into fuzzy set theory. In order to symbolically distinguish between a type-1 fuzzy set and a type-2 fuzzy set, a tilde symbol is put over the symbol for the fuzzy set; so, A denotes a type-1 fuzzy set, whereas à denotes the comparable type-2 fuzzy set. Mendel and Liang [28, 29] characterized T2FSs using the concept of footprint of uncertainty (FOU), and upper and lower MFs. To depict the concept, let us consider type-1 gauss MF shown in ―Fig. 1‖.As can be seen from the figure type-1 gaussian membership function is constrained to be in between 0 and 1 for all x X, and is a two dimensional function. These types of membership don‘t carry any uncertainty. There exists a clear membership value for every input data point.If the Gaussian function in ―Fig.1‖ is blurred ―Fig. 2‖can be obtained. The FOU represents the bounded region obtained by blurring the boundaries of type-1 MF. The upper and lower MFs represent the upper and lower boundaries of the FOU, respectively. In this case, for a specific input value, there is no longer a single certain value of membership; instead the MF takes on values wherever the vertical line intersects the blur. Those values do not have to be all weighted the same; hence, an amplitude distribution can be assigned to those points. Doing this for all input values x, a three dimensional MF is created, which is a type-2 MF. In this, the first two dimensions allow handlingimprecision via modelling the degree of membership of x; while the third dimension allows handling uncertainty via modelling the amplitude distribution of the degree of membership of x. Here also, like in type-1 MFs the degree of membership along the second dimension and the amplitude distribution values along the third dimension is always in the interval [0, 1]. Clearly, if the blur disappears; then a type-2 MF reduces to a type-1 MF.A general architecture of type-2 fuzzy logic system (T2FL) as proposed by Mendel is depicted in ―Fig. 3‖.Fig. 1: A Gaussian Type-1 membership functionFig. 2: A Gaussian Type-2 membership functionFig. 3: A typical type-2 fuzzy logic system [29]Table 5: Example on FP complexity classificationT2FL systems contain five components –rules, fuzzifier, inference engine, type reducer, and defuzzifier. Rules are the heart of a T2FL system, and may be provided by experts or can be extracted from numerical data. These rules can be expressed as a collection of IF-THEN statements. The IF part of a rule is its antecedent, and the THEN part of the rule is its consequent. Fuzzy sets are associated with terms that appear in the antecedents or consequents of rules, and with inputs to and output of the T2FL system. The inference engine combines rules and gives mapping from input type-2 fuzzy sets to output type-2 fuzzy set. The fuzzifier converts inputs into their fuzzy representation. The defuzzifier converts the output of the inference engine into crisp output. The type reducer transforms the type-2 fuzzy output set into type-1 fuzzy set to be processed by the defuzzifier. A T2FL system is very similar to a T1FL system; the major difference being that the output processing block of T1FL system is just a defuzzifier while the output processing block of a T2FL system contains the type reducer as well. III.Problem Description and AnalysisIn cost estimation process, the primary input is the software size and the secondary inputs are the various cost drivers. There is a significant relationship between the software size and cost. There are mainly two types of software size metrics: lines of code (LOC) and Function Point (FP). Size estimation is best done when there is complete information about the system; but this is not available till the system is actually built. The challenge for the estimator is therefore to arrive at a reasonable estimate of the size of the system with partial information.LOC is usually not available until the coding phase, so FP has gained popularity because it can be used at an earlier stage of software development.In our work, we are using type-2 based fuzzy logic approach to calibrate the function point weight values which provides an improvement in the software size estimation process. There are 15 parameters in the FP complexity weight system to calibrate. These parameters are low, average and high values of External Inputs, External Outputs, Internal Logical Files, External Interface Files and External Inquiries respectively. A fuzzy based approach is chosen since it can capture human‘s judgement with ease and instead of giving an exact number to all 15 function points parameters we can define fuzzy linguistic terms and assign a fuzzy set within numeric range. This provides an ability to cope up with the vagueness and imprecision present in the earlier stages of software development.In Function Point Analysis (FPA) method each component is classified to a complexity level determined by the number of its associated files such as DET, RET or FTR as given in Table 4. If we determine the FPA complexity of a particular software application, in some cases it may not correctly reflect the complexity for its components.Table 5 shows a software project with three EIF‘s A, B and C. According to the complexity matrix, A and B are classified as having the same complexity and are assigned the same weight value of 10. However, A has 19 more DET than B and is certainly more complex. But both of them are assigned the same complexity. Also, EIF C is having only one DET less than EIF B and it is classified as average and assigned a weight value of 7. From the above example it is concluded that there is a huge scope of improvement in the FPA complexity classification. Processing the number of FP component associated files such as DET, RET and FTR using fuzzy logic can provide an exact complexity degree.IV.Fuzzy Logic calibration to improve FPAType-2 fuzzy inference system is developed for all the five FPA components (ILF, EIF, EI, EO, EQ) using the Mamdani approach. We define three new linguistic terms: small, medium and large, to express the inputs qualitatively. Also we use linguistic terms: simple, average and complex for the output. To fuzzify the inputs and outputs, we define fuzzy sets to represent the linguistic terms [30]. The fuzzy membership grade is captured through the membership functions of each fuzzy set. The inputs and outputs are represented using gaussian igaussstype2 membership which is represented in ―Fig. 4‖. It has certain mean m, and an uncertain standard deviation that takes on values in [σ1, σ2]. The shaded area represents the FOU. Using interval type-2 Gaussian MF‘s makes it easier to build T2FL systems since the mathematics behind the corresponding inferential procedures and training algorithms are less complicated [29]. ―Fig.5 (a)‖and ―Fig.5 (b)‖ shows how the inputs of EIF are assigned the membership functions and represented using linguistic variables of fuzzy sets. ―Fig. 6‖ depicts the output of EIF using membership functions. After representing the inputs and output of EIF using membership functions nine fuzzy rules are defined using rule editor based on the original complexity matrices and illustrated in Table 6. Each rule has two parts in its antecedent linked with an ‗AND‘ operatorand one part in its consequence. These fuzzy rules define the connection between the input and output fuzzy variables. A fuzzy rule has the form: IF <Antecedent> THEN <Consequent>, where antecedent is a compound fuzzy logic expression of one or more simple fuzzy expressions connected with fuzzy operators; and the consequent is an expression that assigns fuzzy values to output variables. The inference system evaluates all the rules of the rule base and combines the weights of the consequents of all relevantrules in one fuzzy set using the aggregate operation. Finally, the output fuzzy set is defuzzified to a crisp single number.Fig. 4: FOU for Gaussian MFFig. 5 (a): Input fuzzy set DET for EIFFig. 5 (b): Input fuzzy set RET for EIFFig. 6: Output fuzzy set Complexity for EIFTable 6: Truth table of fuzzy logic rule setFig. 7: Type-2 Fuzzy Inference process of Function Points Model Table 7: Calibration using type-2 fuzzy logicAn example of the complete fuzzy inference process is shown in ―Fig. 7‖. Input values are set to DET 51 and RET 5. These are represented using the antecedent part of the fuzzy rules. Finally, the consequent part isdefuzzified and the output is achieved as a single value of 7.63.A fuzzy logic system for each FPA element (ILF, EIF, EI, EO, EQ) is constructed. A fuzzy complexity measurement system that takes into account all five Unadjusted Function Points function components is built after the fuzzy logic system for each function component is established as shown in ―Fig. 8‖. The calibrated values for EIF A, EIF B and EIF C is listed in Table 7 and it is found that these calibrated weight values are more convincing than the original weight values.Fig. 8: Fuzzy complexity measurement system for Type-2 Fuzzyfunction points modelTable 8: Calculation of t2UFFP and UFP for ILFV.Experimental Methodology and ResultsWe have conducted some experiments to develop a type-2 fuzzy system for function points analysis using our framework as depicted in ―Fig. 8‖. Our model has been implemented in Matlab(R2008a). As it is the case with validating any prediction model, real industrial data necessary to use our framework to develop and tune the parameters of prediction models were not available. To get around this data scarcity problem for the sake of showing the validity of our framework for the industry where organizations have their own data available, we generated artificial datasets consisting of 20 projects. A complexity calculation for all the five components for each project is done using the type-2 fuzzy framework. The Tables (8, 9, 10, 11, 12) lists the complexity values for all the five components for the first project using type-2 fuzzy framework (t2UFFP) and conventional method i.e.UFP.Using ―(1)‖ total unadjusted function points from the type-2 technique and the conventional technique is calculated and listed in Table 13. It is found that the type-2 technique is at par than the conventional technique.Table 9: Calculation of t2UFFP and UFP for EIFTable 10: Calculation of t2UFFP and UFP for EITable 11: Calculation of t2UFFP and UFP for EOTable 12: Calculation of t2UFFP and UFP for EQTable 13: Comparison of t2UFFP and UFPTable 14: Comparison of type-2 fuzzy FP and conventional FPIn order to compute the value of the conventional function point and type-2 fuzzy function point, we have treated all the 14 general system characteristics as average. Using ―(2)‖and ―(3)‖VAF and FPA is calculated and listed in Table 14.From the above results it is concluded that the calibrated function points using type-2 fuzzy yields better results than conventional function points.VI.ConclusionsFP as a software size metric is an important topic in the software engineering domain. The use of type2 fuzzy logic to calibrate FP weight values further improves the estimation of FP. This in turn will improve the cost estimation process of software projects. Empirical evaluation has shown that T2FL is promising. But there are potentials for improvements when the framework is deployed in practice. As all the experiments were conducted using artificial datasets, a need to evaluate the prediction performance of the framework on real data still persists. Some future work can be directed towards developing inferential procedures using various other membership functions present in type-2 fuzzy systems. This work can also be extended using Neuro Fuzzy approach. AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of this paper and for their helpful comments.References[1] B.W. Boehm. Software Engineering Economics.Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981.[2] B. Boehm, B. Clark, E. Horowitz, R. Madachy, R.Shelby, C. Westland. 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Application of fuzzy logic toapproximate reasoning using linguistic synthesis.IEEE transactions on computers, vol. 26, 1977, pp.1182-1191. Anupama Kaushik is an Assistant Professor at Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India. Her research area includes Software Engineering, Object Oriented Software Engineering and Soft Computing.Dr. A.K Soni has done his Ph.D. and M.S.(Computer Science) both from Bowling Green State University in Ohio, USA . He is the Professor and Head, Department of Information Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India. His research area includes Software Engineering, Datamining, Database Management Systems and Object Oriented Systems.Dr. Rachna Soni did her M. Phil from IIT Roorkee and Ph.D. from Kururukshetra University, Kurukshetra. She is the Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Computer Science and Applications, D.A.V. College, Yamunanagar, India. Her area of interest includes Software Risk Management, Project Management, Requirement Engineering, Simulation and Component based Software Engineering.。







关键词:自适应控制;Backstepping控制;模糊逻辑;非线性系统1. 引言随着科技的不断进步,控制系统的应用范围越来越广。



2. 自适应控制的基本原理自适应控制是一种根据系统的状态变化来自动调整控制参数的控制方法。



3. Backstepping控制的基本原理Backstepping控制是一种逐步构造Lyapunov函数的非线性控制方法。




4. 自适应Backstepping模糊控制器设计在研究过程中,我们发现将自适应控制与Backstepping控制相结合可以提高系统的鲁棒性和控制性能。




兵工自动化Ordnance Industry Automation 2021-0140(1)・27・doi: 10.7690/bgzdh.2021.01.007基于永磁调速直流电机模糊PID 伺服控制系统李广伟J 张红萍J 刘涵睿2,周进良2,陈松波2(1.陆军装备部驻重庆地区军事代表局驻广元地区军事代表室,四川广元628017;2.中国兵器装备集团火控技术中心,四川 成都611731)摘要:为改善永磁调速直流电机调速系统的性能,提岀一种模糊PID 控制策略。

根据模糊理论的基本规则,使 用Matlab 生成模糊控制器,选取电机的实际参数,依据伺服控制策略,将模糊理论与PID 控制技术相结合,使用重 心法解模糊化,得到PID 的控制参数,并通过Matlab 仿真对比模糊PID 控制与单独PID 控制对信号的影响。

仿真结 果表明:模糊PID 控制性能要优于单独PID 控制,可满足直流电机的高精度平稳运行。

关键词:直流电机;PID 控制;模糊理论中图分类号:TP273 文献标志码:AFuzzy PID Servo Control System Based on Permanent Magnet Speed-regulating DC MotorLi Guangwei 1, Zhang Hongping 1, Liu Hanrui 2, Zhou Jinliang 2, Chen Songbo 2(1. Military Representative Office in Guangyuan District, Military Representative Bureau ofArmy Equipment Department in Chongqing, Guangyuan 628017, China;2. Fire Control Technology Center of China South Industries Group Corporation, Chengdu 611731, China)Abstract: In order to improve the performance of the speed control system of permanent magnet speed-regulated DC motor, a fuzzy PID control strategy is proposed. According to the basic rules of fuzzy theory, use Matlab to generate a fuzzy controller, select the actual parameters of the motor, combine the fuzzy theory with PID control technology according to the servo control strategy, use the center of gravity method for fuzzification, get the PID control parameters, and pass Matlab simulation contrasts the influence of fuzzy PID control and individual PID control on the signal. The simulation results show that the fuzzy PID control performance is better than the single PID control, which can meet the high precision and smooth operation of the DC motor.Keywords: DC motor; PID control; fuzzy theory0引言永磁调速直流电机作为调速系统具有结构简单、体积小、质量轻、效率高、功率因数高等优势。






关键字:模糊控制;MATLAB;SIMULINK;PIDResearch of fuzzy control algorithm of secondorder systemsUndergraduate:Supervisor:Abstract:Fuzzy control, which is based on the fuzzy mathematics, is a new way of nonlinearity control system in which the mathematical model is unable established or the mathematical model is very rough. For these systems, fuzzy control offers users a satisfied control result, and settles down some problems which cannot be solved by traditional methods.This paper aims to introduce how to use a fuzzy controller which is based on the MATLAB fuzzy control toolbox to control a second-order system. In order to fulfill this target, the author firstly defines the input variables, output variables and their membership functions. Then, the author analyzes the relationship between the input variables and output variables, and designs the fuzzy control rule bank. Finally, the author makes a difference between the methods of the classic PID control and the fuzzy control by SIMULINK. Membership function of fuzzy controller, control rules, and the function of quantizes and scale factor in the fuzzy control process are also discussed in this paper.Key words: MATLAB; Fuzzy control; PID;SIMULINK simulation目录绪论 (1)1控制理论算法 (5)3.1 PID控制规律 (5)3.1PID控制器原理 (5)3.1 (5)3.1.3微分(D)控制 (5)3.2传统PID控制过程 (5)1模糊控制 (1)1.1模糊控制的背景及意义 (1)1.2模糊控制的基本理论 (1)1.3模糊控制的基本结构 (1)1.4模糊控制的组成 (1)1.5模糊控制的运行模型 (1)1.6模糊控制与SIMULINK的 (1)2基于MATLAB的模糊控制仿真 (2)2.1模糊控制器的设计 (2)2.1模糊集合及论域的定义 (2)2.2模糊控制规则确定 (4)2.3仿真曲线 (5)4比较 (7)参考文献 (8)致 (9)绪论模糊控制器由三个环节组成:用于输入信号处理的模糊量化和模糊化环节,模糊控制算法功能单元,以及用于输出解模糊化的模糊判决环节。





参考答案:错误3.在最优控制问题中,如果系统的性能指标是状态变量和控制变量的二次型函数,则称为线性二次型最优控制问题,简称LQ(Linear Quadratic)问题。







_随机系统理论中的Kalman 滤波技术。







Leena G.2 , Professor
EEE Dept, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, ManavRachna International University , India Email: leenag.fet@.in M. K. Soni 3 , Exe. Director and Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, ManavRachna International University , India Email: ed.fet@.in
I. INT RODUCT ION In the region of control systems [1], the inverted pendulum method is a normal problem. For assessing the justification of different kinds of control theories for mechanical systems, an inverted pendulum is familiar which is tough to be controlled by a valid time controller [2] [3]. An Inverted Pendulu m is aneasy pendulum that is apprehended in an erect vertical position. It has a cart and a simp le rod (with or without bob) [4]. Two equilibria, one of which is stable while the other is unstable [5] are found. Rotational single- arm pendulu m, the double arm pendulum and the cart inverted pendulum, etc. [6] are the most well-known kinds of the inverted pendulum. A mu ltivariable, nonlinear, fast reaction, unsteady and high order system [7] [8] is the cart type inverted pendulum system. The general cart-double-pendulum system (CDPS) contains two-link man ipulator mounted on a cart where only the cart is set in motion and the Copyright © 2014 MECS



ìï ï
1 5

- 4ꎬ
ïï 1ꎬ
u( x)

í ï ï

1 5

+ 7ꎬ
îï 0ꎬ
20≤x < 5ꎻ 25≤x≤30ꎻ 30 < x≤35ꎻ x < 20ꎬx > 35.
上述例 1 是一个模糊数的例子. 我们用 E 表示所有一维模糊数的集合. 对任意 α∈(0ꎬ1] ꎬ[ u] α =
{x∈R | u(x)≥α}称为 u 的 α - 截集ꎬ 它是一个闭区间. 设 uꎬv∈Eꎬ 它们的距离定义如下ꎬ
x″ = f(tꎬx(t))
收稿日期:2018 04 22 基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2017B19714ꎬ2017B07414) 资助 作者简介:陈峰 (1992 ) ꎬ男ꎬ 硕士生ꎬE ̄mail: fengedii@ 163. com
(1) u 是上半连续的ꎻ
(2) u 是凸的模糊集ꎻ
(3) u 是正规的模糊集ꎬ 即有 x0∈Rꎬ 使得 u(x0) = 1ꎻ (4) [ u]0 = cl{ x∈R | u( x) > 0} 是闭区间ꎬ
则称 u 是模糊数.
例 1 记天气“好”为一个模糊集 uꎬ 则其关于温度 x 的隶属函数可定义如下:
d( uꎬv)


其中 dH 表示区间的 Hausdorff 距离.
Key words: fuzzy differential equationꎻ generalized differentiabilityꎻ Schauder’ s fixed point theoremꎻ Banach’ s contraction mapping principle


跟踪 误 差 指数 衰 减 趋 于 0 .倒 立摆 仿 真 平 方 误 差 小 于
2 , 相对 跟踪误 差较 混 合 自适 应控 制方 法减 少 了 5 . 其 8 关键词 : 自适应 控 制 ; 糊逻 辑 系统 ; 模 递推 最 小二 乘法
第4 O卷
第 4期

交 通

学 学 报
Vo . 0 N 4 14 o Ap .2 0 r 06
20 0 6年 4月
非 线性 系统 的 递 推 最 二 自适 应 模 糊 控 制 小 乘
ti t si o told s se ,i ih f z y lgc l y t ms( an i n c n r l y t ms n wh c u z o ia se e e s FLS )we e u i z d t d n iy u — r tl e o ie tf n i k o u ci n n t e s se ,a d c n iu u e u sv e s q a e( S)ag rt m su e n wn f n to si h y tm n o t o sr c r iela ts u r RL n lo i h wa s d
中图分类号:T 23 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 : 2 3 8 X 2o )4O 9—4 P7 0 5— 7 (o 6O一3OO 9 Re u sv a tS u r a t eF z y Co t o o n i e r S se e r ie Le s q a eAd p i u z n r lf r No l a y tms v n
a n a a t e l o a js F ih aa tr. T e po et so n u et a h sa d pi a t dut I weg tp rmees h rp r e fRI e s r h tte v w S i S



为了分析 系统 ( ) 2 的稳定性 ,文献 【 引入 9 ] 如 下假 设条 件 :
假设 1
出限 制 ,得到 了 系统 稳 定 的充 分条 件 ,文 献 【】 9 给
出 了控制 器设 计 方 法 。但 文献 [] 9 中给 出 了控制 器 的设 计 方 法 不 是 L 的 ,计算 量 也 很 大 ,因此 在 MI
其 中 :xt∈R 是 状 态 向 量 , ( ∈R 是 控 制 ( ) f )
输入, iB是维数适当的 A i , 常数矩阵, = … ]
是 件 量 ∑h =. h ≤。 前 变 , ) 1 ≤i) 1 ( 0 (
系统 ()的 自治 系统为 1
(: f )
) 删 (
假设 : 假设 2
V ∑h P )P( + () = ) ( ( ( + ) 尸 )

∑ * P )P( +∑ . (x ( ( + ) ( ) )T ) ) c
厂 r ]

∑ r

Q ( Q 1 f + I
l 出 I 5
非线性广义模糊 系统 的镇定控制器设计与分析
Nonlnearg er ague ys em i en alv s t des gn an anal si ft es i d y s o he pr enc o i d cont ol e f m n r

P : ()
l( 0 fP P 2 3i J )
>。 =l ]则 0设 [ , 有 e k
V , = *f ∑ (= f ( ( ( ) X ( ( f ( x T) E ) ) ) ∑ ) )
利用广义 L au o ypn v函数 () 5 给出如下定理 : 定理 1如果存在常数 , , 使假设 2 :…, 成 立 ,且存 在矩 阵 P (= 12 …,)P , 下面 的 f , , r, :P 使




















Solution of Weak Nonlinear Dynamic Equations based on Second Order Orthogonal Method
XIN Zhenfang 1, LU Hongya 1, SONG Yu 2, HAN Shuyong 1
(1. Beijing Institute of Mechanical Equipment, Beijing 100854, China; 2. The Military Office of Chinese People's Liberation Army for 206, 2nd Institute of CASIC,
第 38 卷 第 Z1 期 2018 年 4 月
非线性方程的 2 阶正交解法
Vol 38 No.Z1 Apr. 2018
辛振芳 1,陆红亚 1,宋 宇 2,韩书永 1
(1. 北京机械设备研究所,北京 100854; 2. 中国人民解放军 驻航天科工集团第二研究院 二〇六所军事代表室,北京 100854 )
力学方程的频响函数表达通式以及动力学方程的响应,并通过对 Duffing 方程进行算例说明。
关键词:振动与波;非线性;动力学方程;2 阶正交法;动力学响应;频响函数
DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1355.2018.Z1.021
其中:x 是 N × 1 位移向量;[M] 、[C] 、[K] 分别是系
统对应的 N × N 质量、阻尼和刚度矩阵;Γx 为 N × 1 的非线性向量 ,在此假设其相对于系统的线性组分
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I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2014, 07, 79-88Published Online June 2014 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2014.07.10Design Minimum Rule-Base Fuzzy Inference Nonlinear Controller for Second Order NonlinearSystemMasoud Mokhtar, Farzin Piltan, Marjan Mirshekari, Alireza Khalilian, Omid Avatefipour Institute of Advance Science and Technology, Intelligent control and Robotics Lab. IRAN SSP, Shiraz, Iran, Email: Piltan_f@Abstract−This research is focused on proposed minimum rule base PID computed torque algorithms with application to continuum robot manipulator. The stability of the closed-loop system is proved mathematically based on the Lyapunov method. Classical Computed Torque Controller (CTC) is robust to control model partly uncertainties and external disturbances. This controller is one of the significant nonlinear methodologies; according to the nonlinear dynamic formulation. One of the main targets in this research is increase the robustness based on the artificial intelligence methodology. Classical computed torque control has difficulty in handling unstructured model uncertainties. One can overcome this problem by combining a computed torque controller and artificial intelligence (e.g. fuzzy logic). To approximate a time-varying nonlinear dynamic system, a fuzzy system requires a large amount of fuzzy rule base. This large number of fuzzy rules will cause a high computation load. To reduce the number of rule base this research is focused on the PD like fuzzy plus integral methodology. This method is applied to continuum robot manipulator to have the best performance.Index Terms− Fuzzy Inference System, Computed Torque Controller, PD Like Fuzzy Theory, Continuum Robot ManipulatorI.I NTRODUCTION A ND B ACKGROUNDThe first person who used the word robot was Karel Capek in 1920 in his satirical play, R.U.R (Rossum‟s Universal Robots). The first person who used the word robotics was the famous author, Issac Asimov along with three fundamental rules. Following World War ІІ, the first industrial robot manipulator have been installation at General Motors in 1962 for the automation. In 1978 the PUMA (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly) and in 1979 the SCA RA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) were introduced and they were quickly used in research laboratories and industries. According to the MSN Learning & Research,” 700000 robots were in the industrial world in 1995 and over 500000 were used in Japan, about 120000 in Western Europe, and 60000 in the United States [1- 6].” Research about mechanical parts and control methodologies in robotic system is shown; the mechanical design, type of actuators, and type of systems drive play important roles to have the best performance controller. More over types of kinematics chain, i.e., serial Vs. parallel manipulators, and types of connection between link and join actuators, i.e., highly geared systems Vs. direct-drive systems are played important roles to select and design the best acceptable performance controllers[7-11]. A serial link continuum robot is a sequence of joints and links which begins with a base frame and ends with an end-effector. This type of robot manipulators, comparing with the load capacitance is more weightily because each link must be supported the weights of all next links and actuators between the present link and end-effector[12-18]. Serial continuum robot manipulators have been used in medical application, and also in research laboratories. One of the most important classifications in controlling the robot manipulator is how the links have connected to the actuators. This classification divides into two main groups: highly geared (e.g., 200 to 1) and direct drive (e.g., 1 to 1). High gear ratios reduce the nonlinear coupling dynamic parameters in robot manipulator. In this case, each joint is modeled the same as SISO systems. In high gear robot manipulators which generally are used in industry, the couplings are modeled as a disturbance for SISO systems. Direct drive increases the coupling of nonlinear dynamic parameters of robot manipulators. This effect should be considered in the design of control systems. As a result some control and robotic researchers‟ works on nonlinear robust controller design[19-24]. Although most of continuum robot manipulator is high gear but this research focuses on design MIMO controller. In modern usage, the word of control has many meanings, this word is usually taken to mean regulate, direct or command. The word feedback plays a vital role in the advance engineering and science. The conceptual frame work in Feed-back theory has developed only since world war ІІ. In the twentiet h century, there was a rapid growth in the application of feedback controllers in process industries. According to Ogata, to do the first significant work in three-term or PID controllers which Nicholas Minorsky worked on it by automatic controllers in 1922. In 1934, Stefen Black was invention of the feedback amplifiers to develop the negative feedback amplifier[25-40]. Negative feedback invited80Design Minimum Rule-Base Fuzzy Inference Nonlinear Controller for Second Order Nonlinear Systemcommunications engineer Harold Black in 1928 and it occurs when the output is subtracted from the input.Automatic control has played an important role inadvance science and engineering and its extreme importance in many industrial applications, i.e.,aerospace, mechanical engineering and robotic systems.The first significant work in automatic control was Ja mes Watt‟s centrifugal governor for the speed control inmotor engine in eighteenth century[41-48]. There areseveral methods for controlling a robot manipulator, which all of them follow two common goals, namely,hardware/software implementation and acceptableperformance. However, the mechanical design of robot manipulator is very important to select the best controllerbut in general two types schemes can be presented,namely, a joint space control schemes and an operation space control schemes[49-59]. Joint space andoperational space control are closed loop controllerswhich they have been used to provide robustness and rejection of disturbance effect. The main target in jointspace controller is to design a feedback controller whichthe actual motion ( () ) and desired motion ( ( ) ) as closely as possible. This control problem is classifiedinto two main groups. Firstly, transformation the desired motion ( ) to joint variable ( ) by inverse kinematics of robot manipulators[34-59]. This control include simple PD control, PID control, inverse dynamiccontrol, Lyapunov-based control, and passivity basedcontrol that explained them in the following section. The main target in operational space controller is to design afeedback controller to allow the actual end-effectormotion ( )to track the desired endeffector motion( ). This control methodology requires a greater algorithmic complexity and the inverse kinematics used in the feedback control loop. Direct measurement of operational space variables are very expensive that caused to limitation used of this controller in industrial robot manipulators[55-59]. One of the simplest ways to analysis control of multiple DOF robot manipulators are analyzed each joint separately such as SISO systems and design an independent joint controller for each joint. In this controller, inputs only depends on the velocity and displacement of the corresponding joint and the other parameters between joints such as coupling presented by disturbance input. Joint space controller has many advantages such as one type controllers design for all joints with the same formulation, low cost hardware, and simple structure.A nonlinear methodology is used for nonlinearuncertain systems (e.g., robot manipulators) to have anacceptable performance. These controllers divided into six groups, namely, feedback linearization (computed-torque control), passivity-based control, sliding mode control (variable structure control), artificial intelligence control, lyapunov-based control and adaptive control[1-20]. Computed torque controller (CTC) is a powerful nonlinear controller which it widely used in control of continuum robot manipulator. It is based on feedback linearization and computes the required arm torques by the nonlinear feedback control law. This controller works very well when all dynamic and physical parameters are known but when the system has variation in dynamic parameters, the controller has no acceptable performance[14]. In practice, most of physical systems (e.g., continuum robot manipulators) parameters are unknown or time variant, therefore, computed torque like controller used to compensate dynamic equation of robot manipulator[15-23]. When all dynamic and physical parameters are known, computed torque controller works fantastically; practically a large amount of systems have uncertainties, therefore fuzzy inference methodology is one of the best case to solve this challenge.In recent years, artificial intelligence theory has been used in sliding mode control systems. Neural network, fuzzy logic, and neuro-fuzzy are synergically co mbined with nonlinear classical controller and used in nonlinear, time variant, and uncertainty plant (e.g., robot manipulator). Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is one of the most important applications of fuzzy logic theory. This controller can be used to control nonlinear, uncertain, and noisy systems. This method is free of some model-based techniques as in classical controllers. As mentioned that fuzzy logic application is not only limited to the modelling of nonlinear systems [31-36]but also this method can help engineers to design easier controller. Control robot arm manipulators using classical controllers are based on manipulator dynamic model. These controllers often have many problems for modelling. Conventional controllers require accurate information of dynamic model of robot manipulator, but these models are multi-input, multi-output and non-linear and calculate accurate model can be very difficult. When the system model is unknown or when it is known but complicated, it is difficult or impossible to use classical mathematics to process this model[32]. The main reasons to use fuzzy logic technology are able to give approximate recommended solution for unclear and complicated systems to easy understanding and flexible. Fuzzy logic provides a method which is able to model a controller for nonlinear plant with a set of IF-THEN rules, or it can identify the control actions and describe them by using fuzzy rules. It should be mentioned that application of fuzzy logic is not limited to a system that‟s difficult for modeling, but it can be used in clear systems that have complicated mathematics models because most of the time it can be shortened in design but there is no high quality design just sometimes we can find design with high quality. Besides using fuzzy logic in the main controller of a control loop, it can be used to design adaptive control, tuning parameters, working in a parallel with the classical and non classical control method [32-39]. The applications of artificial intelligence such as neural networks and fuzzy logic in modelling and control are significantly growing especially in recent years. For instance, the applications of artificial intelligence, neural networks and fuzzy logic, on robot arm control have reported in [40-59].This paper is organized as follows; second part focuses on the modeling dynamic formulation based on Lagrange methodology, fuzzy logic methodology and computedtorque methodology. Third part is focused on the methodology which can be used to reduce the error, increase the performance quality and increase the robustness and stability. Simulation result and discussion is illustrated in forth part which based on trajectory following and disturbance rejection. The last part focuses on the conclusion and compare between this method and the other ones.II.T HEORYDE S IGN PID CONTROLLER:Design of a linear methodology to control of flexible robot manipulator was very straight forward. Since there was an output from the torque model, this means that there would be two inputs into the PID controller. Similarly, the outputs of the controller result from the two control inputs of the torque signal. In a typical PID method, the controller corrects the error between the desired input value and the measured value. Since the actual position is the measured signal. Figure 1 is shown linear PID methodology, applied to flexible robot manipulator [26-34].()()()(1)∑(2)Fig. 1. Block diagram of linear PID methodThe model-free control strategy is based on the assumption that the joints of the manipulators are all independent and the system can be decoupled into a group of single-axis control systems [18-23]. Therefore, the kinematic control method always results in a group of individual controllers, each for an active joint of the manipulator. With the independent joint assumption, no a priori knowledge of robot manipulator dynamics is needed in the kinematic controller design, so the complex computation of its dynamics can be avoided and the controller design can be greatly simplified. This is suitable for real-time control applications when powerful processors, which can execute complex algorithms rapidly, are not accessible. However, since joints coupling is neglected, control performance degrades as operating speed increases and a manipulator controlled in this way is only appropriate for relatively slow motion [34-37]. The fast motion requirement results in even higher dynamic coupling between the various robot joints, which cannot be compensated for by a standard robot controller such as PID [36], and hence model-based control becomes the alternative.COMPUTED TORQUE CONTROL:The central idea of Computed torque controller (CTC) is feedback linearization method therefore, originally this algorithm is called feedback linearization controller. It has assumed that the desired motion trajectory for the manipulator( ), as determined, by a path planner. Defines the tracking error as [23-37]:()()()(3)Where e(t) is error of the plant, ( ) is desired input variable, that in our system is desired displacement, ( ) is actual displacement. If an alternative linear state-space equation in the form ̇ can be defined aṡ0101(4)With ()()() and this is known as the Brunousky canonical form. By equation (3) and (4) the Brunousky canonical form can be written in terms of the state , - as [11-34]:01010101(5) With()*()+(6)Then compute the required arm torques using inverse of equation (6), is;()()()(7) This is a nonlinear feedback control law that guarantees tracking of desired trajectory. Selecting proportional-plus-derivative (PD) feedback for U(t) results in the PD-computed torque controller [8-10];()()()(8) and the resulting linear error dynamics are()(9) According to the linear system theory, convergence of the tracking error to zero is guaranteed [6]. Where and are the controller gains.FUZZY LOGIC THEORY:Zadeh introduced fuzzy sets in 1965. After 40 years, fuzzy systems have been widely used in different fields, especially on control problems. Fuzzy systems transfer expert knowledge to mathematical models. Fuzzy systems used fuzzy logic to estimate dynamics of our systems. Fuzzy controllers including fuzzy if-then rules are used to control our systems. However the application area for fuzzy control is really wide, the basic form for all command types of controllers consists of:∙Input fuzzification (binary-to-fuzzy[B/F]conversion) ∙Fuzzy rule base (knowledge base)∙Inference engine∙Output defuzzification (fuzzy-to-binary[F/B] conversion) [30-40].Conventional control methods use mathematical models to controls systems. Fuzzy control methods replace the mathematical models with fuzzy if then-rules and fuzzy membership function to controls systems. Both fuzzy and conventional control methods are designed to meet system requirements of stability and convergence. When mathematical models are unknown or partially unknown, fuzzy control models can used fuzzy systems to estimate the unknown models. This is called the model-free approach [31, 35]. Conventional control models can use adaptive control methods to achieve the model-free approach. When system dynamics become more complex, nonlinear systems are difficult to handle by conventional control methods. Fuzzy systems can approximate arbitrary nonlinear systems. In practical problems, systems can be controlled perfectly by expert. Experts provide linguistic description about systems. Conventional control methods cannot design controllers combined with linguistic information. When linguistic information is important for designing controllers, we need to design fuzzy controllers for our systems. Fuzzy control methods are easy to understand for designers. The design process of fuzzy controllers can be simplified with simple mathematical models. We define fuzzy systems as two different types. The firs type of fuzzy systems is given by()∑() ( )(10)Where( )()( ()())()∏()∑(∏( )) are adjustable parameters in (10) . ()( ) are given membership functions whose parameters will not change over time.The second type of fuzzy systems is given by()∑[∏(())]∑[∏(())](11)Where are all adjustable parameters. From the universal approximation theorem, we know that we can find a fuzzy system to estimate any continuous function. For the first type of fuzzy systems, we can only adjust in (10). We define ( ) as the approximator of the real function ( ).() ( )(12) We define as the values for the minimum error:[() ( ) ](13)Where is a constraint set for . For specific()()is the minimum approximation error we can get.We used the first type of fuzzy systems (10) to estimate the nonlinear system (15) the fuzzy formulation can be write as below;() ( )∑[()]∑,()-(14)Where are adjusted by an adaptation law. The adaptation law is designed to minimize the parameter errors of .DYNAMIC FORMULATION OF CONTINUUM ROBOT:The Continuum section analytical model developed here consists of three modules stacked together in series. In general, the model will be a more precise replication ofthe behavior of a continuum arm with a greater of modules included in series. However, we will show that three modules effectively represent the dynamic behavior of the hardware, so more complex models are not motivated. Thus, the constant curvature bend exhibited by the section is incorporated inherently within the model. The model resulting from the application of Lagrange‟s equations of motion obtained for this system can be represented in the form./././(15) where is a vector of input forces and q is a vector of generalized co-ordinates. The force coefficient matrixtransforms the input forces to the generalized forces and torques in the system. The inertia matrix, is composed of four block matrices. The block matrices that correspond to pure linear accelerations and pure angular accelerations in the system (on the top left and on the bottom right) are symmetric. The matrix contains coefficients of the first order derivatives of the generalized co-ordinates. Since the system is nonlinear, many elements of contain first order derivatives of the generalized co-ordinates. The remaining terms in the dynamic equations resulting from gravitational potential energies and spring energies are collected in the matrix . The coefficient matrices of the dynamic equations are given below,[()()()()()()⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄()⁄()⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄](16). /[()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()](17). /[()()()( )()( )(⁄)()()( )()( )()()( )( )(⁄)()( )()( )()( )()( )()( )()( )( )( )( )(⁄)() (⁄)()()( )( )( )( )()( )()( )(⁄)()()( )(⁄)()()( )( )()( )(⁄)()(⁄)()(⁄)()](18)./[((⁄))((⁄))()((⁄))((⁄))()()((⁄))((⁄))()()()((⁄))(⁄)((⁄))(⁄)()((⁄))(⁄)((⁄))(⁄)((⁄))(⁄)((⁄))(⁄)](19)III.M ETHODOLOGYThe design of PD fuzzy plus integral computed torque controller to control the continuum robot manipulator was very straight forward. PID like fuzzy controller has superior performance according to increase the number of rule base. PD like fuzzy controller is faster than PID like fuzzy, but it has some challenges such as steady state error and overshoot. To reduce the steady state error and overshoot in presence the number of rule base PD like fuzzy plus integral (I) is applied to powerful nonlinear computed torque controller. PID is a linear controller, referring to the three terms operating on the error signal to produce a control signal.()()()(20)(21)( )∑ )(22) Based on pure computed torque controller;()()()(23) When all dynamic and physical parameters are known, baseline CTC works fantastically. According to the linear system theory, convergence of the tracking error to zero is guaranteed. Where and are the controller gains. Computed torque controller has difficulty in handling unstructured model uncertainties. It is possible to solve this problem by combining computed torque controller and (PD plus I) fuzzy-based tuning method which this method can helps to reduce the error in presence of model base controller and reduce the number of rule base, according to reduce the number of inputs.Based on above discussion, compute the best value of controller coefficient has played important role to improve system‟s tracking performance especially the system parameters are unknown or uncertain. This problem is solved by Gradient Descent Optimization (GDO) to adjust the coefficients. In this methodology, the system‟s performance is improved with respect to the trial and error method.If ̂() as the fuzzy inference system;̂() ( )(24) If minimum error () is defined by;,.|̂()()/-(25) where is adjusted by an optimization law and this law is designed to minimize the error‟s parameters of Fuzzy-based part is a main controller based on Mamdani‟s fuzzy logic methodology. This controller has two inputs namely; error ( ) and change of error ( ̇) and an output namely; gain factor( ). As a summary design a PD+I fuzzy logic method has five steps:1.Determine inputs and outputs: it has two inputs error and change of error ( ̇) and the output name‟s is controller coefficient factor ().2. Find linguistic variable: The linguistic variables for error(e) are; Negative Big (NB), Negative Medium (NM), Negative Small (NS), Zero (Z), Positive Small (PS), Positive Medium (PM), Positive Big (PB), and it is quantized into thirteen levels represented by: -1, -0.83, -0.66, -0.5, -0.33, -0.16, 0, 0.16, 0.33, 0.5, 0.66, 0.83, 1, the linguistic variables for change of error( ̇) are ;Fast Left (FL), Medium Left (M L), Slow Left (SL),Zero (Z), Slow Right (SR), Medium Right (MR), Fast Right (FR), and it is quantized in to thirteen levels represented by: -6, -5, -0.4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the linguistic variables for controller coefficient updating factor ( ) are; Zero (ZE), Very Small (VS), Small (S), Small Big (SB), Medium Big (MB), Big (B), and Very Big (VB) and they are defined on ,- and quantized into thirteen levels respected by: 0.5, 0.5417, 0.583, 0.625, 0.667, 0.7087, 0.7503, 0.792, 0.834, 0.876, 0.917, 0.959, 1.3.Type of membership function: In this research triangular membership function is selected because it has linear equation with regard to has a high-quality response.4.Design fuzzy rule table: the rule base for controller coefficient updating factor of fuzzy-based tuning BLCTC is based onF.R1:IF e is NB and is NB, THEN isVB.(26)The complete rule base for supervisory controller is shown in Table 1.5.Defuzzification: based on previous discussion COG method is used to defuzzification in this research. Table 1. Fuzzy rule base for controller coefficients updating factor ()PD like fuzzy controller has 49 rule bases. The integral part caused to reduce the error and increase the stability.*∑[()]∑,()-+∑(27)()()*∑[()]∑,()-+∑(28)IV.R ESULT AND D ISCUSSIONPD like fuzzy computed torque controller (PD-FCTC) and PD+I like fuzzy computed torque controller (PD+I-FCTC) are implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Tracking performance and disturbance rejection are compared.Tracking performances: From the simulation systems trajectory without any disturbance, it was seen that both of controllers have the same performance, because these controllers are adjusted and worked on certain environment. Figure 2 shows the tracking performance in certain system and without external disturbance.Fig. 2. PD-FCTC Vs. PD+I-FCTCBy comparing trajectory response in above graph it is found that the proposed method overshoot (0%) is lower than PD-FCTC (3.8%), although both of them have about the same steady state error.Disturbance rejection: Figure 3 shows the power disturbance elimination in above controllers. One of the important targets in this research is the test of robustness as well as the other responses. A band limited white noise with predefined of 40% the power of input signal is applied to controllers. It found fairly fluctuations in PD-like fuzzy computed torque controller trajectory responses, but proposed method has better response. Fig. 3. PD-FCTC Vs. PD+I-FCTC in presence of uncertainty andexternal disturbanceAmong above graph relating to trajectory following with external disturbance, PD like fuzzy computed torque control has fairly fluctuations.V.C ONCLUSIONPD plus integral like fuzzy computed torque control algorithm for robot manipulators is investigated in this paper. Proposed algorithm utilizes SISO fuzzy system to estimate the cross-coupling effects in robotic manipulator and gets ideal tracking accuracy. However, pure computed torque control and pure fuzzy logic methodology have challenges in presence of uncertainty, but proposed method could solve it. Proposed algorithm attenuated the external disturbance problem very well by substituting a integral fuzzy compensator. The number of fuzzy rules is also reduced by abandoning SISO PD fuzzy plus integral part. But we still need to predefine the premise part of the fuzzy rules based on methodology of optimization.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of this paper and for their helpful comments. This work was supported by the Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (IRANSSP) Research and Development Corporation Program of Iran under grant no. 2013-Persian Gulf-2B.R EFERENCES[1] T. R. 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