英文各类演讲致辞开头的写作格式(通用15篇)篇1:英文各类演讲致辞开头的写作格式英文各类演讲致辞开头的写作格式演讲致辞开始一般都要以ladies and gentlemen称呼听众。
结束时候一般要以thank you 致谢。
下面是一些各种致辞的`开头举例:1) 欢迎辞it is my special pleasure to welcome our new staff member, mr. john water, who has come here from the united states.2) 欢迎辞it is really a great honor and pleasure for me toattend and speak at the opening ceremony of 1995 summer chinese program for the canadians. on behalf of anhui university, i extend my warm welcome to all canadian friends who ...3) 欢迎辞on behalf of the organizing committee of the 1975 beijing international swimming meet, i extend my warm welcome to all of you to this opening ceremony.4) 开幕辞allow me now to call the meeting to order. first, i welcome you all on behalf of the executive committee of the congress on the peaceful use of atomic energy.5) 开幕辞welcome everybody. merry christmas to you all! thank you for coming tonight to celebrate this happy and joyous occasion.6) 开幕辞happy new year, everybody. i am very happy to see allof you here to celebrate the arrival of the new year.7) 祝酒辞i'd like to propose a toast to mr. black on his seventieth birthday.8) 欢送辞 we are very sad to say good-bye to mr. brown.9) 欢送辞 we enjoyed every minute that we worked with you.10) 祝贺辞 i am truly happy to speak for all of us in congratulating mr. brown, the winner of the contest.11) 祝贺辞we are all thrilled that you won in such a famouscontest.12) 祝福语:i wish you the best of luck in the new year.13) 祝福语i hope you will have a very enjoyable stay.14) 祝福语i take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty welcome.15) 答谢辞 words cannot express how grateful i am to you all. i am truly honored by the kindness and attention you have shown me today.16) 答谢辞 i wish, first of all, to thank my host and hostess for inviting me to this christmas dinner.篇2:英文写作--演讲英文写作--演讲英文写作--演讲演讲致辞开始一般都要以Ladies and gentlemen称呼听众。
英文致辞(精选多篇)第一篇:英文致辞ladiesandgentlemen:welcometo“watermelonhealthclub”,wefeelsohonorinviteyoub eingheretoattendouropeningceremony,thankyou.todayisanimportantdayforustocelebratetogether.inmodernsoc iety,peoplehavemoreandmorepressure.inordertorelievethosepress ure,strengthenthephysicalfitnessandimprovelifequality,“water melonhealthclub”beginstorunbusinesstoday.iam**,generalmanagerof“watermelonhealthclub”.ourclub’s gistis:comingwithme,yourhealthisatyourfingertips.here,notonlycanyougetahealthybody,butalsothemethodtoobtai nhealth.youcanfollowourprofessionalstaff,throughavarietyof indoorandoutdooractivities,toachievethepurposeofeffectivefitn ess.then,iwillintroducealldepartmentsoftheclubandtheresponsib lepersonofeachdepartment.ms**isthetrainingmanagerofclub,responsiblefortheoverallwo rkoftraining,**isclimbingcoach,**isswimmingcoach,**ismartialartscoach,**isyogainstructor,**isridinginstructor,theyareprofe ssionalteachers,canscientificallyguideyoutorealizetheobjectiv eofhealththroughexercising.mr**istheclub'smanagerofhumanresources.ifyouthinkyouhave expertiseintermsoffitnessandiswillingtoserveasacoachinthe club,pleasegetintouchwithhim.ms**isresponsibleforthefinancialdepartmentandmarketingdep artment.today,theclubalsoopenedaheadquartersandtwodivisions,h eadquartersislocatedinxi'an,onedivisioninbeijing,theotherinne wyork.ifyouwanttoinvestinwatermelonhealthclub,orwouldliketopa rticipateinourfitnessactivities,pleasegetintouchwithher.mr**isinchargeofsupervisiondepartment,ifyouarenotsatisfie dwithourclub,pleaseconnectwithhim.finally,welcometojoinourclu b.asthefirstdayofpractice,youwillgetasilvermemberqualificat ion,canenjoyadiscountof10%off.ifyouputforwardaproposalforthec lub,andtheproposalisadopted,wewillupgradeyoutogoldcardmembers ,whichcanenjoyadiscountof30%offok,that’sall,pleasegot othefinancialdepartmentforregistra tionandpayment.forspecificquestions,pleasecontactthedepartmen theads.thankyou.第二篇:英文欢迎致辞英文欢迎致辞欢迎辞welcomingspeechladiesandgentlemen,followingtheincreasingrapidityofourcommunicationswithcoun triesabroad,chinaishavingalargenumberofvisitorsfromdifferentc ountries.today,wefeelverymuchhonoredtohave[prof.martin.wilson ]withus.[prof.martin.wilson]iswellknowntotheworldforhisachiev ementsinthefieldof[mathematics].firstofall,letme,onbehalfofallpresenthere,extendourwarmwe lcomeandcordialgreetingstoourdistinguishedguest.nowletusinvite[prof.wilson]togiveusalecture.女士们,先生们:随着我国对外交往日益增多,中国每天要接待大量来自不同国家的贵客。
大屏幕欢迎词范文英文欢迎辞英文典型范文I'd like to wele you to (楼主您欢迎对方所到的地方). We are excited that you are about to(对方要来做的事情). I trust that you are mutually excited about (楼主和对方要合作的事情).如果对方是来就职的新员工,您可以这么写:As mentioned during the interviews, while your new position reports to me, I'd like to wele you to the (Name of Department) on behalf of all the staff. Each of us will play a role to ensure your successful integration into the department.We're expecting youfor new employee orientation on (Date), Tuesday at 9 a.m. You will meet with me to discuss your successful integration into our pany and with Human Resourcesstaff to learn about employment related issues. You'll also meet with several coworkers so you can get a feel for the overall work of the department. Our dress code is casual.Your new team anticipates taking you out to lunch to get to know you and to make sure you meet everyone with whom you will be working. Your agenda,for the rest of your first day, will involve planning your orientation with me and setting some initial work goals so that you feel immediately productive in your new role.I anticipate that your second day willinvolve more coworker meetings to understand the department. You'll also have the opportunity to continue with your new employee orientation plan and your initial work for the department.Again, wele tothe team. If you have questions prior to your start date, please call me at any time, or send email ifthat is more convenient. We look forward to having you e onboard.如果对方是来参观的客人,您可以这么写:We have a full agenda during the next (天数) days, so please take a few minutes to read through the information on the(如果您提供了阅读材料给对方,请把材料名称写在这里). It includes our itinerary and other important information.We look forward to spending this time with you in (客人要去的目的地). If we can do anything to make your stay more pleasant, please let us know. Thank you for joining (客人要参加的事件名称)如果对方是来开会的,您可以这么写:I'd like to personally wele each of you to the (要开的会的名称). It's an exciting time for (开会课题所讨论的领域) as we continue to grow and adapt, remaining always adaptable, motivated and responsive (插入合适的形容词,比如“customer-focused”, “relevant” 或者“open to new ideas”). Our organization is confronting a time of many changes and we're meeting these changes during a time of larger nation-wide and global change. The world of (开会课题所讨论的领域)is an exciting area in which to work/study/play, and we'll continue to meet and bring inspired people together in forums like this, to ensure our(楼主您的公司或组织名称) remains at the cutting edge.I'd like to give you an idea of what you can expect and what we hope to achieve over the next few days. (这里您可以详细写一下时间表等等的信息,或者会议期待实现的目标).Let me give you a brief update on where we are today. (您可以在这里写一下上次会议后,都发生了哪些变化,当然是跟上次会议讨论有关的变化).We're transforming the way we operate to continuously improve our ability to (楼主方致力实现的目标),(目标2) and(目标3). Our employees and partners have continued to meet the challenges of our field and to excel despite setbacks. We should all be very proud of where we are today and excited about where we are headed.Before I close, I'd like to thank each of your for attending our conference and bringing your expertise to our gathering. You, as organization leaders, have the vision, the knowledge, the wherewithal and the experience to help us pave our way into the future. You are truly our greatest asset today and tomorrow, and we could not acplish what we do without your support and leadership. Throughout this conference, I ask you to stay engaged, keep us proactive and help us shape the future of (开会课题所讨论的领域). My personal respect and thanks goes out to all of you..码了这么多字很不容易,还望敬爱的楼主大人给予采纳,祝楼主大人新年快乐,事业顺利!欢迎辞英文典型范文I'd like to wele you to (楼主您欢迎对方所到的地方). We are excited that you are about to(对方要来做的事情). I trust that you are mutually excited about (楼主和对方要合作的事情).如果对方是来就职的新员工,您可以这么写:As mentioned during the interviews, while your new position reports to me, I'd like to wele you to the (Name of Department) on behalf of all the staff. Each of us will play a role to ensure your successfulintegration into the department.We're expecting youfor new employee orientation on (Date), Tuesday at 9 a.m. You will meet with me to discuss your successful integration into our pany and with Human Resources staff to learn about employment related issues. You'll also meet with several coworkers so you can get a feel for the overall work of the department. Our dress code is casual.Your new team anticipates taking you out to lunch to get to know you and to make sure you meet everyone with whom you will be working. Your agenda, for the rest of your first day, will involve planning your orientation with me and setting some initial work goals so that you feel immediately productive in your new role.I anticipate that your second day will involve more coworker meetings to understand the department. You'll also have the opportunity to continue with your new employee orientation plan and your initial work for the department.Again, wele to the team. If you have questions prior to your start date, please call me at any time, or send email ifthat is more convenient. We look forward to having you e onboard.如果对方是来参观的客人,您可以这么写:We have a full agenda during the next (天数) days, so please take a few minutes to read through the information on the(如果您提供了阅读材料给对方,请把材料名称写在这里). It includes our itinerary and other important information.We look forward to spending this time with you in (客人要去的目的地). If we can do anything to make your stay more pleasant, please let us know. Thank you for joining (客人要参加的事件名称)如果对方是来开会的,您可以这么写:I'd like topersonally wele each of you to the (要开的会的名称). It's an exciting time for (开会课题所讨论的领域) as we continue to grow and adapt, remaining always adaptable, motivated and responsive (插入合适的形容词,比如“customer-focused”, “relevant” 或者“open to new ideas”). Our organization is confronting a time of many changes and we're meeting these changes during a time of larger nation-wide and global change. The world of (开会课题所讨论的领域)is an exciting area in which to work/study/play, and we'll continue to meet and bring inspired people together in forums like this, to ensure our(楼主您的公司或组织名称) remains at the cutting edge.I'd like to give you an idea of what you can expect and what we hope to achieve over the next few days. (这里您可以详细写一下时间表等等的信息,或者会议期待实现的目标).Let me give you a brief update on where we are today. (您可以在这里写一下上次会议后,都发生了哪些变化,当然是跟上次会议讨论有关的变化).We're transforming the way we operate to continuously improve our ability to (楼主方致力实现的目标),(目标2) and(目标3). Our employees and partners have continued to meet the challenges of our field and to excel despite setbacks. We should all be very proud of where we are today and excited about where we are headed.Before I close, I'd like to thank each of your for attending our conference and bringing your expertise to our gathering. You, as organization leaders, have the vision, the knowledge, the wherewithal and the experience to help us pave our way into the future. You are truly our greatest asset today and tomorrow,and we could not acplish what we do without your support and leadership. Throughout this conference, I ask you to stay engaged, keep us proactive and help us shape the future of (开会课题所讨论的领域). My personal respect and thanks goes out to all of you..码了这么多字很不容易,还望敬爱的楼主大人给予采纳,祝楼主大人新年快乐,事业顺利!会议欢迎词范文组成部分欢迎词一般由标题、称呼、正文和落款四部分组成。
英语作文欢迎致辞模板英文回答:Good evening, honored guests, distinguished colleagues, and my fellow graduates.It is with great pleasure and honor that I stand before you today to welcome you to the commencement ceremony of the Class of 2023. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration of [University Name], I extend our warmest congratulations to each and every one of you.We are here tonight to celebrate the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. You have spent countless hours studying, attending lectures, and completing assignments. You have overcome challenges, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt. And through it all, you have persevered.Today, you are standing on the threshold of a newchapter in your lives. The knowledge and skills you have acquired at [University Name] will equip you to make meaningful contributions to your communities and the world. You are ready to embark on careers that will allow you to use your talents and passions to make a positive impact.As you go forward, I encourage you to remember the values that have guided you during your time here at [University Name]. Be intellectually curious. Be open to new ideas and experiences. Be respectful of others, regardless of their differences. And always strive for excellence in all that you do.The world needs your ideas, your energy, and your commitment to making a difference. I am confident that you will go on to achieve great things and make us all proud.In closing, I would like to thank the faculty and staff who have supported our graduates on their journey. Your dedication and hard work have made this day possible. I would also like to thank the families and friends who have been there for our graduates every step of the way. Yourlove and encouragement have been invaluable.Congratulations, Class of 2023! The future is yours to seize. Go forth and make your mark on the world!中文回答:各位尊敬的来宾、杰出的同事和我的毕业生同伴们,。
Dear guests,。
It is my great honor to invite our distinguished guest to give a speech today. Could you please share with us your thoughts on the topic of today's event?
Guest: Thank you for having me here today. I am delighted to be able to share my insights on this important topic. In my opinion, the topic of today's event is very relevant to our current society. We are facing many challenges, and it is crucial that we work together to find solutions.
英文领导致辞篇一:英文欢迎致辞英文欢迎致辞欢迎辞welcomingspeechLadiesandgentlemen, Followingtheincreasingrapidityofourcommunicationswithcountriesabroad ,chinaishavingalargenumberofvisitorsfromdifferentcountries.Today,wefee lverymuchhonoredtohave[Prof.martin.wilson]withus.[Prof.martin.wilson] iswellknowntotheworldforhisachievementsinthefieldof[mathematics]. Firstofall,letme,onbehalfofallpresenthere,extendourwarmwelcomeandcor dialgreetingstoourdistinguishedguest.nowletusinvite[Prof.wilson]togiveusalecture.女士们,先生们:随着我国对外交往日益增多,中国每天要接待大量来自不同国家的贵客。
用英文欢迎新来的同事iamPeter,Salesmanagerofthecompany.Firstofall,iwouldliketotakethisopportunitytowelcomeyoutoourcompany. asyouareawarethatourcompanyistheoneoftheleadingcompanies.iknowyou willbeproudofyoubeingamemberofourcompany.itisalwaysmygreatconcern tokeepthebusinessgoing.wecanneverrestonourlaurels.weneedtosetnewgoalsforourselvesallthetime.asyouareequippedwit hnewknowledge,newthoughtsandnewinsights,makefulluseofthemwhilethe yarestillfreshinyourminds.workhard,notonlyforourcompanybutalsoforyourself,that'stheonlywa yforyouandourcompanykeepgrowing. againiwouldliketowelcomeyouandfromtodayon,let'sstrivefordevelo pment.我是本公司的销售部经理彼特。
英文版欢迎词【篇一:英语欢迎词】英语欢迎词good morning! ladies and gentleman!(早上好!女士们,先生们!)first on behalf of zhejiang international travel service and myself welcome everyone come to zhejiang province.(我仅代表浙江国际旅行社和本人欢迎大家来到浙江省。
)i’m very pleased to be your tour guide during your stay in zhejiang province. (在浙江游玩期间我很高兴做你们的导游)if you have just come to here i can show you around。
(如果你刚来这里我可以带你到处走走)now please allow me introduce myself,my name is xxx.(现在请允许我介绍一下我自己,我的名字叫xxx)sitting beside me is our driver mr. li he has more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one。
(坐在我旁边的是我们的司机李先生,他有十多年驾驶经验,使得我们的旅行安全愉快) an old chinese saying may express our hospitality:“here come friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!”(一个古老的中国谚语可以表达我们的热情款待:“有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎!”)mr.li and i will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable。
开幕致辞英文作文Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and honored participants, welcome to the grand opening of our event. It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today to mark the beginning of this exciting gathering.Today, we come together to celebrate innovation, creativity, and collaboration. This event is a testament to the power of bringing diverse minds and talents together to inspire, learn, and create. It is a platform for us to exchange ideas, challenge assumptions, and push the boundaries of what is possible.As we embark on this journey together, let us embrace the spirit of curiosity and open-mindedness. Let us approach this event with a sense of wonder and awillingness to explore new perspectives. Let us not be afraid to ask questions, challenge the status quo, and seek out new opportunities for growth and development.I am confident that this event will be a catalyst for meaningful connections and fruitful partnerships. It is an opportunity for us to build bridges, forge new relationships, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations. Let us seize this moment to connect with one another, share our experiences, and build a community of support and encouragement.In closing, I would like to express my sinceregratitude to all of you for being here today. Your presence and participation are what make this event truly special. I hope that you will make the most of this opportunity, and that you will leave here feeling inspired, energized, and ready to take on new challenges. Thank you, and let the festivities begin!。
致欢迎辞(Welcome Speech):女士们、先生们Ladies and Gentlemen:春天是一个放飞希望的季节,冰雪融化,万物复苏,不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀,Spring is the season of hope, a flying snow mel t, blooms, don't know fine leaf who cut out, the shears-like breeze like scissors在这美好的日子里,在这温馨浪漫的时光, 我们欢聚一堂,寒冷的冬天过去之后,我们迎来了左权先生和徐苗小姐的婚礼In this beautiful days, in this romantic moments, We gathered,and welcoming the wedding of Mr.Zuoquan and Miss Xumiao下面让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎左权先生和徐苗小姐入场Let's use the warm applause welcome Mr. And XuMiao ZuoQuan miss admission这是一个浪漫的季节This is a romantic season新郎,新娘拥有一个温馨怡人的爱之甜梦The groom and bride have a warm and pleasant love sweet dream这是一个醉人的时刻This is a fascinating moment新郎,新娘开始一个幸福热烈的爱之春天The groom, the bride began a happy warm love spring因为特别所以才会甜美Because special so would sweet在这玫瑰色的世界里In this world of rosy为了这季节For this season鲜花含笑更美More beautiful flowers smiling为了这一时刻For ther moment寂寞孤独悄然离去Lonely lonely slipped away因为你的到来Since your arrival充实欢乐骤然而至Enrich joy suddenly crept up愿你们互相珍惜,同心永结May you cherish each other and together forever "用幽深的明眸去读无垠,高原,青春的天With deep eyes to read, the plateau, the youth day用轻盈的脚步去趟绿美丽生活的芳草园With lightsome pace of life going to green beautiful fragrant garden用辟浪的英姿去搏击人生路上的烦恼Waves with monarch of the heroic life on the road to combat trouble s用深沉的爱去温馨父母夕阳般的暮年With the deep love of the parents to warm the old祝你们共享爱情,共擎风雨,白头偕老Wish you share the love, runners holding storms, grow old together祝你们青春美丽,人生美丽,生命无憾Wish you young and beautiful life beautiful, life partie在我们中华民族流传着这样一句话In our Chinese nation there is a word:父之情母之心Father, mother, the feeling of heart父母恩情比海深饮水思源不忘本Parents kindness than the sea water siyuan not forggestting deep 可敬天下父母心Honorable heart all the parents所以有请两位新人父母入场So please welcome two rookie parents admission 看这几位老人Look at this a few old man 他们一直用一种特殊的眼光注视着新郎新娘They have beenusing a special kind of eye staring at the bride and bridegroom 在他们的眼光里In their eyes有心酸有喜悦有寄托有希望There are hopes in the bitterness has hope 还有几分叮咛and a few minutes reminds今天在这个特殊的场合Today in this special occasion 我想新郎新娘一定有千言万语对自己的父母抒发又有很多的感慨要对他们表达I think the bride and groom must have a thousand words to his own parents express had so many regrets expressed to them 新郎今后的成就就是对父母双亲最好的报答Groom future achievement is the best repay to parents正式仪式 )(official ceremony)所以新郎新娘请听真,So really, the bride and groom please listen me水有源,树有根,儿女不忘养育恩,water, tree has root, active children don't forget parenting grace,今朝结婚成家业,尊老敬贤白发双亲now married into JingXian possessions, aged parents,接下来是拜高堂,父母双亲,一鞠躬,感谢养育之恩,再鞠躬,感谢抚养成人,三鞠躬,永远孝敬老人!Then we show our respect to our parents First bow, thank you for support, again, thank adulthood bowed three bows, always respect and support the old!好接下来是夫妻对拜,二位新人向左向右转,一鞠躬,谢谢您选择了我,再鞠躬,白头偕老,三鞠躬,永结同心!Good next to a couple, two new worship to the right and to the left turn, a bow, thank you choose me, bow again three bows wanted.now, eternal love, tie the knot!下面让我们举起酒杯,为这对新人祝福!, Let's raise glasses, for the couple wishes!那么最后呢也祝愿我们在场的所有来宾所有的朋友们家庭幸福,生活美满,身体健康,万事如意!Then finally there? We wish all of my friends all guests family happiness, happy life, healthy body, all the luck!。
内容主要包括:1.表示欢迎2.简单介绍学校情况3.简单说明访问活动的安排4.预祝访问顺利Dear friends,Welcome to our school !As chairman of the Students’ Union , I feel it a great honor to have a chance to get together with you here . Please allow to give our warm welcome to all of you on behalf of our school 。
First of all , I would like to introduce our school to you 。
Our school is a famous one with a history of over 1000 years 。
It covers an area of 100 acres 。
There are nearly 4000 students and 300 teachers . It provides students with quality education ,advanced teaching equipment as well as a good study environment 。
On the first day of your arrival , you will be shown around our school and have a better understanding of our school 。
On the second day , you’ll be invited to sit in the classroom to experience what our class is like . During the last day , some of our teachers and students will have a face-to -face talk with you ,exchanging ideas about anything concerning education 。
welcometo…. weappreciateverymuchthatyouhavecometovisitourcityinspiteofthelongand tiringjourney.Youmustbeourlong-expectedguest,ProfessorGreenfromUniv ersityofPittsburgh!您一定是我们期盼已久的客人---….吧。
itgivesmesuchagreatpleasuretomeet…itiswithgreatpleasurethatiextendawarmwelcometothechineseProvincialTra dedelegation.iamveryhappythatyouareheretoattend…itismyprivilegeandgreatpleasuretohostthisbanquetinhonorof…(insb.’shonor) chinawarmlywelcomesvisitorsfromallovertheworld. customersfromvariouscountriesandregionsarewarmlywelcometoestablisha nddevelopbusinesscontacts.热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系iamdelightedtobewithyouhereintheHongKongSpecialadministrativeRegio nofchinaonthisbeautifuleveningiwishtoexpress,onbehalfofthechineseGovernmentandpeople,warmwelcom etoallofyouwhohavecomeherefortheFortuneGlobalForum20XXsponsoredbyaoLTimewar ner.it’sagreatpleasuretohaveyouherewithus.我们很高兴能请到您i’msopleasedtohavemetyou/it’sbeenmypleasuremeetingyou.我很高兴见到您。
英文开场致辞范文Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and honorable judges.I stand before you today with great pleasure and gratitude to address this honorable gathering. On behalf of [organization/company/school], I would like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Thank you for gracing us with your presence and lending your valuable time to be a part of this special event/occasion.Today marks a significant moment in our journey, as we gather here to commemorate/celebrate/acknowledge[event/achievement/occasion]. It is a privilege to have such esteemed individuals in our midst, as your presence reflects your interest and support for [cause/organization/field]. I express my heartfelt gratitude for your contribution towards making this event a grand success.[Event/occasion] holds a special meaning for us, as it signifies [importance/purpose/significance]. It is a testament to our collective efforts, hard work, and dedication towards achieving [goal/objective]. Standing here today, we can look back at our journey with pride and satisfaction, as we witness the fruits of our labor come to life.I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the individuals and organizations who have played a pivotal role in making this event possible. Our deepest appreciation goes to [sponsor/partner/committee] for their unwavering support and belief in our vision. We are grateful for theircontributions, which have helped shape this event into whatit is today.It is also important to recognize the immense effortsand commitment of our team members and volunteers. Their tireless dedication and passion have been instrumental in bringing this event to fruition. I am truly humbled by their selflessness and determination, as they have worked day and night to ensure that everything runs smoothly.As we gather here today, let us take a moment to reflect on the significance of this occasion. It is a reminder of the power of unity, collaboration, and the human spirit. Together, we have achieved what seemed impossible, and today we standas a testimony to the fact that collective determination can move mountains.I would like to once again express my deepest gratitudeto each and every one of you for joining us on this special day. Your presence has added grace and substance to this occasion, making it truly memorable. I hope that today'sevent will inspire and motivate all of us to continue working towards our goals, with even greater passion and resilience.Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the program.。
欢迎的英文说法篇一greet英[ɡri:t] 美[ɡrit]欢迎词英文篇二欢迎词英文welcome to xxx university.i am so pleasured to say that from today you will become a member of our big family. for everyone, entering university means a new chapter of your life, and will leave one of the most exciting phases in your memory.it will not only bring valuable opportunities for you to extend the knowledge and skills, to develop new friendships, but also a necessary preparation to face the real society.our xxx university has undergone 64 hard years of development. following the idea of running a university withcherishing talents and embracing diversity and excellence,we has formed its distinguishing ☆☆features of running a university with comprehensive subjects and integrates talents.in order to improve the cultural exchange as well as the co-operation among the medcial universitys in goble,the foreign students' education program is being conducted, which is fully in english medium, to creat a favorable learning atmosphere for foreign students. we have invitied the qualified teachers from a number of countries with multiple cultures and will continue to bring more foreign teachers for you.our goal is to provide the high quality education,advanced teaching equipments,co-operative administration and innovative teaching methodology.we sincerely welcome international friends,experts and scholars to teach or exchange at xxx university and spread the seeds of ,we welcome foreign students to study here and appreciate china's civilition with a history of 5,000 years.venerable oriental civilized nation welcome you,marvelous xxx welcome you,xxx university welcome you.欢迎相关英文表达:篇三欢迎登机Welcome aboard欢迎品尝Please ask to taste欢迎来到Welcome to欢迎致辞Opening Greetings欢迎来访Welcoming the visitors欢迎的英文说法篇四welcome英[ˈwelkəm] 美[ˈwɛlkəm]英文欢迎词篇五Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my pleasure to have friends from afar. Welcome to Confucius hometown―Shandong Province. Please sit back and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don’t have to worry about it.Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Wang is our driver. He has 20 years of driving under his belt, so you’re in very safe hands. Miss. Li, a recent college graduate, is a trainee tour guide. My name is Zeng Zhaoxi, but you may just call me Zeng, which is my surname. The surname is the same as Zencius, one of Confucius famous disciples. We’re from Shandong China Youth Travel Service (CYTS). On behalf of CYTS Shandong and our colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you.During your stay in our province, Miss. Li and I will be your local guides. We’ll do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will do everything in our power to smooth them away.As you will be staying in our province for eight days, you’d better remember the number of our bus. The number is 6. Let’s repeat it together: 20206. And besides that, your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Thank you.Now we are traveling in Jinan downtown area. We will reach the hotel soon. After you get off the bus, you’ll be warmly welcomed by the hotel’s attendants and enjoy very convenient services. You know Shandong people have the tradition of hospitality. I hope you will enjoy your stay in the hotel. Thank you for your attention. Now please take the valuables with you and get off the bus one by one.[英文欢迎词模板]欢迎的英文例句:篇六1. Lucy had strung a banner across the wall saying Welcome Home Daddy.露西在墙上挂了一条横幅,上面写着欢迎爸爸回家。
英文欢迎致辞篇一:英语欢迎致词distinguishedGuestsLadiesandGentlemenFirstofall,allowmeplease,onbehalfofchongqingUniversity,toextendthewar mestwelcometoallofyouroverseasstudents.wearereallydelightedtoreceivey outalentedandcreativestudents.welcometochongqing,welcometochina. Tomostofyou,itmustbethefirsttimecomingtochina,soiwouldliketointroduce chinatoallofyouinbrief. chinaisaverybigcountrywithfivethousandyearshistory,since1400yearsago, Tangdynasty,themonkXuanzangcrossedtheoceantoJapan,notforbusiness,b utfortheculturespread,andinQingdynasty,thewesternizationmovementstart edthehistoryofsendingstudentsaboard.wecherishedthoserevolutionsandcon sideredthemasmutualbenefit.ontoday’sstage,wearepluralist,wearemoreandmoreopen,andwealwayspaycloseatten tiontoalltheculturesandtheexchangeprograms,youareourguestsfromthewor ldandwe’llmakeeveryendeavortohelpyou,peopleherearequitewarmandeasy-going,s oyoucanviewchongqingasyoursecondhomeland.Tellingthetruth,Youmayfeelcuriousaboutchina,becausethisisanewplaceandcountryforyou,however,neverforgetwhatbrings youhere.neveroverlookyourstudy,justliketheoldsayinggoesthat,‘Goodbeginningishalfofthebattle’,agoodbeginningisquitenecessary,onl ythetrueskillsandgenuineknowledgewillleadyousuccess.andlifeisalwaysfil ledwithsetbacksandmisunderstandings,thosewillsurelydisappointyou,butn evergiveup,bepositiveandshowyourself,tellushowexcellentyoucouldbebyy ouractions.what’smore,ialsohopeyoucouldhavemoreexperienceduringparttime,enjoytheent husiasmofchinesefriends,enjoythecharmoftraditionalfood,andenjoytheinte restsoflocallanguage.don’tforgettobringsomenewmethodstoyourchinesefriendstoo,eachofyouisunique,yourclassmatesarelookforwardtoyourownstories. i’mcertainthatthesedayswillbecomeonepartofyourmostvaluablememories,w ishyoubesttimehere!Thankyou!篇二:英文欢迎致辞英文欢迎致辞欢迎辞welcomingspeechLadiesandgentlemen,Followingtheincreasingrapidityofourcommunicationswithcountriesabroad ,chinaishavingalargenumberofvisitorsfromdifferentcountries.Today,wefee lverymuchhonoredtohave[Prof.martin.wilson]withus.[Prof.martin.wilson] iswellknowntotheworldforhisachievementsinthefieldof[mathematics]. Firstofall,letme,onbehalfofallpresenthere,extendourwarmwelcomeandcor dialgreetingstoourdistinguishedguest.nowletusinvite[Prof.wilson]togiveusalecture.女士们,先生们:随着我国对外交往日益增多,中国每天要接待大量来自不同国家的贵客。
欢迎致辞 英文作文格式
欢迎致辞英文作文格式英文回答:Ladies and gentlemen,。
Good morning/afternoon/evening! It is my great pleasure to welcome you all here today. Thank you for joining us on this special occasion.I would like to extend a warm welcome to our distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and valued clients. Your presence here today is a testament to the importance of this event and the significance of our organization. We are truly honored to have you here with us.Today, we gather here to celebrate [the opening of anew branch/the launch of a new product/the anniversary of our company], and it is a momentous occasion for us. This event not only marks a milestone in our journey but also serves as a reflection of our commitment to excellence andinnovation.Our organization has always strived to provide the best products/services to our customers. We have consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible and have set new industry standards. Today, we stand here proud of our accomplishments and excited about the future possibilities.I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the individuals who have contributed to the success of our organization. Our dedicated team, loyal customers, and supportive partners have been instrumentalin our growth and achievements. Without their unwavering support, we would not be where we are today.As we move forward, we remain committed to our core values of integrity, quality, and customer satisfaction. We will continue to invest in research and development, explore new markets, and embrace emerging technologies. Our goal is to stay ahead of the curve and continue to deliver exceptional products/services that exceed our customers' expectations.In conclusion, I would like to once again thank each and every one of you for being here today. Your presence and support mean the world to us. Let us raise a toast to the success of our organization and to the exciting future that lies ahead.中文回答:女士们先生们,。
英文致辞优秀3篇英语致辞篇一At the beginning of New Year, first of all, I (xing into fire yellow total) on behalf of hing into fire protection to all xing, staff and the ing of the masses of customers friend said sincere respect, at the same time the New Year's greetings to all my colleagues and customers! Thank you all the colleagues and the majority of customers have always supported the fire fighting, and we also hope that you will continue to pay attention to the development of the development, and the prosperity of the future!Happy New Year, firecrackers snow bumper harvest, in had a joy, peace, relaxed after the lunar New Year holiday, we went back to work again, meet in the spring, festival was the moment!As the saying goes, a year in the spring, then in this at the start of the New Year, we will be in a more full of enthusiasm, more solid style, more effective measures, and threw himself into work, to plete all work of the New Year good start, a good step!years, in the pany management personnel at all levels to cooperate and you under the joint efforts of employees, in adhere to the people-centered enterprise culture background and the general new old customers the support of the pany to achieve the leapfrog development, presented the new look, created a new milestone.This year we will make persistent efforts, adhering to the leading technology, innovation, people-oriented, quality first, customer first, the pursuit of excellence business philosophy, bined with the present situation of the pany formulated a series of work plans and regulations, in the fierce market petition to seize new opportunities, meet the new challenges, accelerate the development of new, striding forward towards the goal effort, create brilliant.英文致辞篇二Dear parents, teachers and dear children:How do you do!First of all, my warmest congratulations to you as you finish your studies and head off into the distance.Just listen to the introduction of 20 classes, just like flipping through old photos, arouse my dusty memories.Remember,20xx, in the military training base, our school team to visit you, is catching up with you in the hot sun to practice standing posture, the instructor told me that this is "I have ever seen the most strong will of the students."I remember that in 20xx, in the final district unified examination, it was you who created the history of winning the second place in Longgang District by equal points of multiple cultural disciplines. You told everyone with your efforts and actions that "everything is possible as long as you work hard."I remember that in 20xx, in the science and culture festival, you created an 8-meter long scroll "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival", and you performed a large-scale poem reciting "Ode to Chinese Etiquette" in the rain. At that time, a leader who visited our school said to me, "This is the real quality education."Of course, you will not forget the college entrance examination, the red carpet, and teachers high five refueling, so confident, so heroic, so exciting.At that moment, I said to myself "This is our greatest educational achievement, you are __ forever proud."This touching photo will not only be treasured in the archives, but also in the minds of every __ forever.Because, she recorded your colorful youth, witnessed your growth footprint, froze many warm moments.But I also know that life cannot and should not be frozen in , you will leave here, resolutely to the distance of lifes dreams.Facing the distance, I believe you must be full of longing, lofty feelings.But, dear students, have not thought, you why to go far?Please do not forget, only reading can reach far.As much as you have read, dear children, as your president, I want to tell you that I would much rather see you stop studying for tests, stop studying for what you is a lifetime thing, reading will give you wisdom and spirit, give you the direction and method of the distance;Remember, there is still peace so far away.Impetuosity will not take you far away, do not for immediate fame and wealth and exhaust your passion for life, do not shake the direction of your life for the cold and hot professional.Students, if you want to sendfar away, dont go too far in the direction of small wisdom, think more about big wisdom, big pattern;Dont go too far in the direction of plaining, think about how to build, how to grow;Dont go too far in the direction of hatred, think more about tolerance and gratitude;Dont go too far in the direction of utilitarianism and tackiness. Think about the dedication and dedication of your parents and teachers.Dont go too far in the direction of self-righteousness, think more about the dream at the beginning.Boys, always remember why you set out."We have gone so far that we have forgotten why we started," said The Lebanese poet Gibran.We should not pursue education for the sake of education, so that we forget the social responsibility of higher education;We should not succeed for the sake of success, so that we forget the mission and responsibility behind success;We should not be individualistic for individualistic sake, so that we forget the essence of human nature and the direction of progress.As president, as teachers, everyone here is eager to see you go faster and climb higher in your life.But I want to tell you right now that you dont have to go too fast on your way to a distant place.The Indians told us not to run too fast, but to let our souls follow;Do not too deliberately pursue must go far, "know" can be far.Class, please take an old photo for a trip.When confused, the old photos of "seeking truth, kindness and beauty" may help you point the way.In times of despair, that old picture of you as a miracle may give you strength to move forward.When you succeed, old pictures of "progressive happiness" may add even more joy and happiness.英文致辞篇三This is the first day of the new semester.Its my honor to stand here and speak as a member of the class. I am so happy, and excited too. Firstly, I want to express my hapiness to see all of you again after a long vacation. Secondly, a new term has begun, I have a lot of expectations.I expect that we will all achieve excellent scores in this term for every program. We will do better and better in every aspect. We will take more physical exercise and keep a healthy body and a keen mind. We will take part in more social activities and learn more living ability and accumulate more experiences. About love, well, I hope we get more chances in this term...(people will laugh and clap).Ok, I think thats all for my speech. Thank you all.。
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欢迎辞 Welcoming speech
Ladies and gentlemen,
Following the increasing rapidity of our communications with countries abroad, China is having a large number of visitors from different countries. Today, we feel very much honored to have [Prof. Martin. Wilson] with us. [Prof. Martin. Wilson] is well known to the world for his achievements in the field of [mathematics].
First of all, let me, on behalf of all present here, extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guest.
Now let us invite [Prof. Wilson] to give us a lecture.
I am Peter, Sales manager of the company.
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our company.
As you are aware that our company is the one of the leading companies.
I know you will be proud of you being a member of our company. It is always my great concern to keep the business going. We can never rest on our laurels. We need to set new goals for ourselves all the time. As you are equipped with new knowledge, new thoughts and new insights, make full use
of them while they are still fresh in your minds.
Work hard, not only for our company but also for yourself, that's the only way for you and our company keep growing.
Again I would like to welcome you and from today on, let's strive for development.