数字音频矩阵 Audio Matrix 使用说明书


CME matrix x 音频矩阵系统x 说明书

CME matrix x 音频矩阵系统x 说明书

Version 1.0Matrix X音頻矩陣系統 X用戶手冊 商標CME及Matrix X是中音公司的註冊商標。






















PEAVEY 可编程数字处理器Digitool MX介绍与使用一、前、后面板控制旋钮及接口介绍:(一)、前面板:1.数据轮这个旋钮的操作可以在显示屏上显示出来,它的功能要比屏幕右边的三个旋钮更强大。


2.LCD 显示屏一些参数的设置及改变、功能的选择等等都可以在这个LCD 屏上显示出来。


他们各自的单独的功能根据LCD 屏上显示的菜单的不同也是各不相同的。

4.活动LED 状态指示灯这些LED 指示灯(8 路输入和8 路输出)会显示相应的输入和输出。

(二)、背面板:5.电源插口6.电源开关7.RJ-45 输入/输出接口用来连接到 RS-485 控制总线。

8.RS-232 连接口标准的 DB-9 线连接口,用于Digitool 和PC 之间的连接。

9.控制电压接口用于连接外部 0 到10V 的直流电压控制信号。





(2)参数控制旋钮:在显示屏右边有 3 个参数控制旋钮。

它们转动的时候,显示屏右边的相对应的3 个小方框中的参数也会随之变化。

在Mix 菜单中他们控制的参数如图1 所示:(图1)(3)Mix(混合)菜单:从混合菜单中可以看到 8 个输出通道。

从图1 中可以看到混合菜单的组成以及可以调节的一些参数。


屏幕上左边的8 个通道是输入通道,右面的是输出通道,图中箭头所指的是其中一个。

注意,图1 所示菜单中,每次只能显示一个输出混合。

(4)混合菜单控制旋钮:这三个旋钮在 Mix 菜单中分别控制的是输出电平、(输入到输出的)混合电平及主输出电平。

Meyer sound Matrix3 中文说明书

Meyer sound Matrix3 中文说明书




插口3所显示的模块是ELC模块,我们可以通过这个模块来连接安装有CueStation的PC 或者Mac电脑来对Matrix3系统进行控制,下面的SCSI硬盘接口是用来连接WildTracks多轨重放硬盘。


插口X是同步通讯控制模块接口,这个模块通过RS-422/232接口与CueMixer或者AMX 等中央控制系统连接,MIDI接口支持接受MIDI时间码,支持MSC。


如果您的主机如上图所设置,那么我们来看一看这台机器的硬件配置:Slot A 话筒/线路模拟输入模块Slot B 模拟输出模块Slot C 模拟输出模块Slot 0 主DSP模块,号码为01Slot 1 扩展DSP模块,号码为11Slot 2 扩展DSP模块,号码为10Slot 3 ELC控制模块Slot 4 连接模块Slot X 同步通讯控制模块接着我们可以打开Matrix3主机,这时候我们需要注意主机的前面板,等待一段时间后,就会显示这个机器的MAC码和IP,我们需要把安装有CueStation的电脑设置到和Matrix3在同一个网段。

数字音频矩阵 Audio Matrix 使用说明书

数字音频矩阵 Audio Matrix 使用说明书




目录安全操作指南 (2)一、产品概述 (3)1.1产品外观 (3)1.2功能介绍 (3)1.3产品参数 (3)二、前后面板接口说明 (5)2.1 前面板说明 (5)2.2 背板接口说明 (5)2.4 GPIO说明 (6)三、软件操作说明 (6)3.1网页控制和软件下载 (6)3.2 系统流程 (10)3.3 软件特色 (10)3.4 菜单栏和状态栏 (15)3.4.1文件 (15)3.4.2设备设置 (15)3.5 处理器模块 (22)3.5.1输入设置 (22)3.5.2扩展器 (23)3.5.3均衡器 (23)3.5.4压缩器 (25)3.5.5自动增益 (26)3.4.6自动混音器 (26)3.5.7反馈/回声/噪声消除 (28)3.5.8延时器 (30)3.5.9分频器 (30)3.5.10 限幅器 (31)3.5.11 输出设置 (32)附1:串口通信协议 (33)附2:GPIO说明 (34)安全操作指南为确保设备可靠使用及人员的安全,在安装、使用和维护时,请遵守以下事项:1.在设备安装时,应确保电源线中的地线接地良好,机箱接地点良好接地,请勿使用两芯插头。

确保设备的输入电源为100V-240V 、50/60Hz的交流电。








专业矩阵切换器该系列按键适用于8x8规模以下矩阵1) 指示灯COM: 串口通讯指示灯,当发送串口命令时该灯闪烁RUN: 运行指示灯,一直处于常亮状态说明设备运行正常2) 显示屏OUTPUT(输出通道号) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8INPUT(输入通道号) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 83) 按键在前面板上的键盘::INPUT/OUTPUTINPUT/OUTPUT0 —9: 数字键,用于输出通道,设备地址和场景的选择。

ALL: 输入通道号+All,可将该输入切换到所有输出通道。

序号名称功能1 Audio 用于选择切换音频模式2 Video 用于选择切换视频模式3 AFV 用于选择切换音视频模式4 STO Store,用于存储场景5 REC Recall,用于恢复场景6 LOCK 锁定键盘或解除键盘锁定7 FUN 更换设备地址8 TAKE 确定操作4)设备地址的修改:“FUN”+“1-9”+TAKE5) 切换指令操作方法:“输出通道”+ “功能键”+“输入通道”+“TAKE”;6)“功能键”是指:AFV : 表示音视频信号同时切换,Video: 表示只切换视频信号或VGA信号,Audio: 表示只切换音频信号,* “输出通道”是指:要连接的下级设备当前所连接的通道,面板上的“0-9”号数字键。

* “输入通道”是指:要切换的信号源当前所连接的通道,面板上的“0-9”号数字键。

* “TAKE”是指:表示确认操作。

现在以8系列为例说明:例1:将第6路音视频输入信号切换到第8路通道输出,操作如下:“8” + A V + “6” + “TAKE”例2:将7路视频输入信号切换到第8路通道输出,操作如下:“8” + “Video” +“7” + “TAKE”例3:将第2路音视频输入信号切换到所有通道输出,操作如下:“ALL”+ “A V”+2”+ “TAKE”SA VE存储指令操作方法: 例如:将当前状态存储到4,操作如下:“STO” + “4” + “TAKE”RECALL调用指令操作方法:例如:将存储单元4的切换状态调用为当前状态,操作如下:“RECALL” + “4” + “TAKE”232串口接线说明矩阵上232串口使用的通用DB9接口,如下:2脚为TXD3脚为RXD5脚为GND与电脑直接用直通线连接即可。



PEAVEY 可编程数字处理器Digitool MX介绍与使用一、前、后面板控制旋钮及接口介绍:(一)、前面板:1.数据轮这个旋钮的操作可以在显示屏上显示出来,它的功能要比屏幕右边的三个旋钮更强大。


显示屏一些参数的设置及改变、功能的选择等等都可以在这个LCD 屏上显示出来。


他们各自的单独的功能根据LCD 屏上显示的菜单的不同也是各不相同的。

4.活动LED 状态指示灯这些LED 指示灯(8 路输入和8 路输出)会显示相应的输入和输出。

(二)、背面板:5.电源插口6.电源开关7.RJ-45 输入/输出接口用来连接到RS-485 控制总线。

8.RS-232 连接口标准的DB-9 线连接口,用于Digitool 和PC 之间的连接。

9.控制电压接口用于连接外部0 到10V 的直流电压控制信号。





(2)参数控制旋钮:在显示屏右边有 3 个参数控制旋钮。

它们转动的时候,显示屏右边的相对应的3 个小方框中的参数也会随之变化。

在Mix 菜单中他们控制的参数如图1 所示:(图1)(3)Mix(混合)菜单:从混合菜单中可以看到8 个输出通道。

从图1 中可以看到混合菜单的组成以及可以调节的一些参数。


屏幕上左边的8 个通道是输入通道,右面的是输出通道,图中箭头所指的是其中一个。

注意,图1 所示菜单中,每次只能显示一个输出混合。

(4)混合菜单控制旋钮:这三个旋钮在Mix 菜单中分别控制的是输出电平、(输入到输出的)混合电平及主输出电平。



ruUser's ManualTable of Contents1. QUICK REFERENCE (4)2. INTRODUCTION (5)2.1. Purpose (5)2.2. Box Contents (5)2.3. Conventions used in this manual (5)3. POSSIBLE SETUPS (6)3.1. Available AUX cards (6)3.2. Available FLX devices (7)3.3. FlexLink connection (7)4. AUDIO ROUTING (8)4.1. Modes and indication (8)4.2. Selecting the Route Mode (9)4.3. Remarks (9)5. CLOCK SETTINGS (10)5.1. Clock sources and indication (10)5.2. Selecting the Clock Source (10)6. ACCESSING INTERNALS (12)6.1. Opening the device (12)6.2. Inside view (12)6.3. Installing AUX cards (12)7. DIP SETTINGS (13)7.1. Base device config (DIP1..3) (13)7.2. AUX config (DIP4..6) (14)7.3. FlexLink channel mapping (DIP7..9) (15)8. SPECIAL OPERATING MODES (16)8.1. Version Display (16)8.2. LED Test (16)8.3. Interface Self-Test (16)8.4. Firmware update (17)9. SPECIFICATIONS (18)10. ACCESSORIES (18)10.1. Rack mount kits (18)10.2. Additional (redundant) power supply (18)11. APPENDIX (19)11.1. Warranty (19)11.2. Manufacturer contact (19)11.3. FCC Compliance (19)11.4. Recycling (20)FLX-MADI 11.5. Document Revision History (20)11.6. About this document (20)User's Manual1. QUICK REFERENCE➊Power switch and "power good" indicators.LEDs light up blue when power is available on the respective port.➋Mode indicators/selector. Long-press the "Select" button to change the audio routing between the interfaces. Wait four seconds to activate the selected mode.➌Clock indicators/selector. Long-press the "Select" button to change the clock source and sample-rate. Wait four seconds to activate the selected mode.➍MADI SFP port. Pre-installed 1310nm Multimode SFP, accepts any other SFPs Compatible to standard MADI optical (SC plugs) using an LC-to-SC adapter cable ➎MADI Coaxial port➏AUX slot. Accepts optional card for standalone use, or additional MADI channels ➐DIP switches, mostly to control output data format. See 7 . DIP Settings➑USB port (firmware update only, no audio)➒Redundant DC input ports➓FlexLink: optional connection to second flexiverter, or to multiverter.FLX-MADI2. INTRODUCTION2.1.PurposeThe FLX-MADI device is as digital audio converter, providing two built-in MADIinterfaces and a third one (or many other interfaces) with optional AUX cards. Itcan be used in different setups, depending on the user's needs:standalone, to convert between the built-in MADI ports (media converter),standalone, to convert between one of the built-in MADI ports and an additionalAUX card (MADI-to-anything),together with another flexiverter, connected via FlexLink (for up to 192x192channels),together with the multiverter, connected via FlexLink. This provides remotecontrol, channel-wise routing and SRC (Sample Rate Conversion).For a detailed description of possible configurations see 3 . Possible Setups.2.2.Box Contents1 FLX-MADI Converter1 HDMI cable 0.5m / 1.7 ft with locking screws1 Power supply1 Power cord (country specific)This manual2.3.Conventions used in this manualA button on the front is shown like this: Mode or ClockA LED is shown like this:◌ off / ⬤on / ❇ blinkingA section marked with an "information" icon indicatesa useful tip.User's Manual3. POSSIBLE SETUPSThe device can be used in three different setups, shown below:3.1.Available AUX cardsAt the time of writing (2021-11), the following AUX cards are available. More will come, please check www.appsys.ch for updates.FLX-MADIAUX-AVB116x16ch / 32x0ch / 0x32ch MILAN-approved AVBAUX-DAC18ch analog outputs (1xDB25)AUX-DANTE64x64ch DANTE network cardAUX-MADI-COAX64x64ch MADI for coaxial cable (BNC connectors)AUX-MADI-OPTO64x64ch MADI optical, SC connector (Multimode 125um 1310 nm)AUX-MADI-SFP64x64ch MADI for SFP (Small-Factor Pluggable) modulesAUX-WORDCLOCK BNC wordclock I/O3.2.Available FLX devicesAt the time of writing (2021-11), the following FLX devices are available. More willcome, please check www.appsys.ch for updates.3.3.FlexLink connectionThe FlexLink connection is designed to connect Flexiverters with each other, orwith the Multiverter. It provides:192x192 channels bi-directional transmission of 24-bit uncompressed audio(fully transparent to AES3 compatible metadata bits)Super-low link latency of 4 samples (ca. 83µs)Dedicated, high-quality reference clock signal with automatic configurationPower supply for connected devices (to reduce cabling), alternatively serves asredundancy scheme when both devices are powered: in case of power failure,both devices keep working from the remaining power supply.Uses standard HDMI cables (with locking screws), to provide easy fieldreplacement in case of defects.1Estimated availability: Q1/2022User's Manual4. AUDIO ROUTINGThe flexiverter can operate in various routing modes, allowing you to pass audiobetween the available interfaces (MADI SFP, MADI coaxial, AUX and FlexLink) inmany different ways. The LEDs in the "MODE" section indicate the involvedinterfaces.4.1.Modes and indication2All incoming data is also split (output) to FlexLink: MADI SFP is split to Lane 1 (ch1-64), MADI coaxial is split to Lane 2 (ch65-128) and AUX is split to Lane 3 (ch129-192). The split is not indicated on the LEDs for clarity but is always active.FLX-MADIseconds, the selected mode is applied automatically.4.2.Selecting the Route ModeLong-press the Mode button until the LEDs are blinking yellow.Current routing mode is shown by alternately yellow blinking LEDs, indicatingthe interfaces where the signal is passed between.Press the Mode button repeatedly to cycle between available modes, untilthe desired mode is shown.After four seconds without interaction, selection mode is terminated and thecurrent setting comes into effect.4.3.RemarksRouting between the selected interfaces is always bi-directional, meaning thataudio is passed between them both ways. A working bi-directional link shows⬤green for both interfaces. If the LED shows ⚪white, the correspondinginterface does only output data but no input on it has been detected. If the LEDshows ⬤ red, the interface is not connected, or the clock is invalid or missing.Channel-wise routing and splitting (crosspoint switch/matrix) between allchannels is possible when the flexiverter is connected to a multiverter. Routingis then done via the multiverter's web interface or via the command line.User's Manual5. CLOCK SETTINGS5.1.Clock sources and indicationThe flexiverter can be clocked from every interface (acting as clock slave), or canrun on its internal clock (acting as clock master).5.2.Selecting the Clock SourceLong-press the Clock button until the LEDs are blinking yellow.Current clock source/modes is shown by blinking LED(s).Press the Clock button repeatedly to cycle between the available clock sources. Depending on the source, you might need to select the desired sample rate (❇44.1 kHz or ❇48 kHz) and/or the appropriate multipliers (❇x2 /❇x4).After four seconds without interaction, clock setting is automatically terminated and the selected clock source comes into effect.6. ACCESSING INTERNALS6.1.Opening the deviceRequired: Torx T10 screwdriver.Power off the device and detach all cables to avoid short-circuit or damage.Detach the device from the rack-mount kit.Remove the four top screws and the top cover by pulling it upwards:6.2.Inside view➊Screws for AUX cover plate➋AUX card connector6.3.Installing AUX cardsRemove the screws holding the cover plate, and the blank cover plate ➊Insert the AUX card from inside, using the supplied cover plate.Make sure it is correctly fitted to the card connector➋Secure the card using two cover screws ➊The card has been installed correctly if you are able to select an audio routingmode involving AUX (long-press MODE button to enter Route Mode Selection).7. DIP SETTINGSFine-tuning of the flexiverter's built-in interface behavior and of the AUX card canbe achieved via DIP settings on the back side. Changing the DIP settings will come immediately into effect. Default setting: all switches up.7.1.Base device config (DIP1..3)The configuration below affects only the MADI outputs. The input format isautomatically detected, independent of the DIP switch settings.7.2.AUX config (DIP4..6)Many AUX card provide additional settings, which can be adjusted using theseswitches. The actual meaning depends on the type of AUX card installed:For cards not listed, refer to the manual of the respective card, or check for anewer version of this manual.3Applies to outputs only. Input format is always auto-detected, regardless of the switch setting7.3.FlexLink channel mapping (DIP7..9)The FlexLink interface can transmit 192x192 channels, organized in three laneswith 64 channels each. The channel assignment can be adjusted to meet the user's needs, particularly when the device is used in double-FLX configuration (to makesure that all interfaces and channels are mapped to the desired target on the peerFLX device.8. SPECIAL OPERATING MODESSpecial operating modes are accessible by holding down the Mode button while switching on the device. Press Mode again to switch to the next mode:Version Display ⇨ LED Test ⇨ Interface Self-Test ⇨ Normal operation 8.1.Version DisplayThe firmware version "X.Y" and the hardware version "Z" are shown on theLEDs on the front panel:- The number of ⬤pink LEDs lit indicate the major firmware number "X"- The number of ⬤orange LEDs lit indicate the minor firmware number "Y"- The number of ⬤green LEDs lit indicate the hardware version "Z"Example: One (1) ⬤pink LED and three (3) ⬤⬤⬤orange LEDs means"Firmware 1.3", zero green LEDs mean HW version 0.Blinking LEDs mean that the currently installed firmware is a "beta" version. Itis advised to upgrade to an official release version as soon as it is released.Press Mode again to proceed to LED test.8.2.LED TestAll LEDs on the front and on the back should show ⚪ white.Press Mode again to proceed to Interface Self-Test.8.3.Interface Self-TestAll built-in interfaces and the optional AUX card can be tested for correct operation by the user. This is done using the special self-test mode, in which the deviceoutputs a special random test pattern on all channels. This pattern is looped backvia an external cable into the corresponding inputs, where it is checked forconsistency.Self-test mode is indicated with "CLOCK"showing INT/48kHz in ⬤cyan color.The "MODE" LEDs indicate ⬤red (error/no connection) or ⬤green (loopbackdata received ok) for the respective interface.Connect the Output to the Input of the MADI SFP Port using an optical cable.Connect the Output to the Input of the MADI Coaxial Port using an coaxial(BNC) cable with 75 Ohms impedance.If an AUX card is installed, connect all output ports of the AUX card to therespective inputs using a loop-back cable. Note: NOT supported with AUX-ADC, AUX-AES67, AUX-AVB, AUX-DANTE.8.4.Firmware updateThe firmware can be updated from any Windows PC over the rear USB port.▶To update:Download the latest firmware from www.appsys.ch/FLX- MADIUnpack the firmware package FLX-MADI-Firmware_x.y.zipConnect your PC via USB to the flexiverterPower ON the deviceRun the FLX-MADI_Updater.bat file from the firmware package and follow theinstructions on the screen.Power cycle the device to effect the update.Thanks to the special design of the updater, it is virtuallyimpossible to damage ("brick") the device during update. Ifupdating fails or is interrupted, restart the procedure. You canalso can go back to any older firmware version at any time.9. SPECIFICATIONS10. ACCESSORIES10.1.Rack mount kitsFor integration in 19" racks, two kinds of rack mount kits / brackets are available:RM-FLX1: For mounting one FLX device into 1U 19" spaceRM-FLX2: For mounting two FLX devices into 1U 19" space10.2.Additional (redundant) power supplyPWR-FLX: Additional power supply to provide redundancy for single-FLXconfigurationsFlexLink Cable 0.5m. HDMI cable with locking screws11. APPENDIX11.1.WarrantyWe offer a full two (2) year warranty from the date of purchase. Within this period,we repair or exchange your device free of charge in case of any defect*. If youexperience any problems, please contact us first. We try hard to solve your problem as soon as possible, even after the warranty period.* Not covered by the warranty are any damages resulting out of improper use,willful damage, normal wear-out (especially of the connectors) or connection withincompatible devices.11.2.Manufacturer contactAppsys ProAudioRolf Eichenseher Bullingerstr. 63 / BK241 CH-8004 Zürich Switzerland www.appsys.ch**************Phone: +41 43 537 28 51 Mobile: +41 76 747 07 4211.3.FCC ComplianceThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class Bdigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antennaIncrease the separation between the equipment and receiverConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to whichthe receiver is connectedConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpFLX-MADI This equipment has been verified to comply with the limits for a class B computingdevice, pursuant to FCC Rules. In order to maintain compliance with FCCregulations, shielded cables must be used with this equipment. Operation with non-approved equipment or unshielded cables is likely to result in interference to radioand TV reception. The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made tothe equipment without the approval of manufacturer could void the user’s authorityto operate this equipment.11.4.RecyclingAccording to EU directive 2002/96/EU, electronic devices with acrossed-out dustbin may not be disposed into normal domesticwaste. Please return the products back for environment-friendlyrecycling, we'll refund you the shipping fees.11.5.Document Revision History1: Initial release11.6.About this documentAll trademarks mentioned in this document are property of the respective owners.All information provided here is subject to change without prior notice.Document Revision: 1 · 2021-11-29Copyright © 2021 Appsys ProAudio · Printed in SwitzerlandIDENT 9.00.16146.00User's ManualDeclaration of ConformityThe manufacturer:Appsys ProAudioRolf EichenseherBullingerstr. 63 BK 241CH-8004 ZürichSwitzerlanddeclares under sole responsibility that the products mentioned below:Flexiverter FLX-MADImeet the requirements of the following standards:EN 55024:2010EN 55032:2015 Class BEN 61000-3-2:2006/A1/A2:2009EN 61000-3-3:2009EN 61000-6-3:2007/A1:2011Therefore the product fulfills the demand of the following EC directives:73/23/EWG(Directive related to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits)89/336/EWG(Directive related to electromagnetic compatibility)The devices are marked accordingly.Zürich, 21.11.2021Rolf Eichenseher (CEO)。

Maize Studio 1.2 中文说明书

Maize Studio 1.2 中文说明书

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MIDI输入输出接口可以打开您的标准MIDI输入输出设备(比如键盘,控制器)。注意:别忘了 打开电源。
钟表(Clock) :
!"#$%&'()*#+ ,-./012-34567 !898 :;<3=>?@ABCD !898 3=:E FGHIJ34-?KLMN& ! D !"#" :;OPQR<S3=-01$!"#"%&'()*'+%"(,C% ! TUVWIJXYZ[>L\]^7 !"#" 3=_`abIcdeC% ! fghiM !"#" 3=jklmn:E% 请按时吃饭。 ! 34nopq>FGrsC% LStuvFG>_5wTUVxyWv34C& &
Maize Studio
本说明帮助用户了解什么是模块化现场音频制作 环境,以及如何利用Maize Studio作为现场音频 辅助软件,进行音乐播放和音频处理。
欢迎使用Maize Studio
Maize Studio 简介
Maize Studio是一款模块化的数字音频平台,您可以自己设计创建音频设备,并将其用虚拟的连线连接起 来,灵活的组成各种用途的音频系统。Maize Studio支持VST插件,更为您提供了十几种高效方便的内置设 备。Maize Studio以完全面向设备的理念构件,所有功能都是一个设备,随着各种设备的加入,Maize Studio的功能会越来越丰富。

矩阵 说明书

矩阵 说明书



















PEAVEY 可编程数字处理器Digitool MX介绍与使用一、前、后面板控制旋钮及接口介绍:(一)、前面板:1.数据轮这个旋钮的操作可以在显示屏上显示出来,它的功能要比屏幕右边的三个旋钮更强大。


2.LCD 显示屏一些参数的设置及改变、功能的选择等等都可以在这个LCD 屏上显示出来。


他们各自的单独的功能根据LCD 屏上显示的菜单的不同也是各不相同的。

4.活动LED 状态指示灯这些LED 指示灯(8 路输入和8 路输出)会显示相应的输入和输出。

(二)、背面板:5.电源插口6.电源开关7.RJ-45 输入/输出接口用来连接到 RS-485 控制总线。

8.RS-232 连接口标准的 DB-9 线连接口,用于Digitool 和PC 之间的连接。

9.控制电压接口用于连接外部 0 到10V 的直流电压控制信号。





(2)参数控制旋钮:在显示屏右边有 3 个参数控制旋钮。

它们转动的时候,显示屏右边的相对应的3 个小方框中的参数也会随之变化。

在Mix 菜单中他们控制的参数如图1 所示:(图1)(3)Mix(混合)菜单:从混合菜单中可以看到 8 个输出通道。

从图1 中可以看到混合菜单的组成以及可以调节的一些参数。


屏幕上左边的8 个通道是输入通道,右面的是输出通道,图中箭头所指的是其中一个。

注意,图1 所示菜单中,每次只能显示一个输出混合。

(4)混合菜单控制旋钮:这三个旋钮在 Mix 菜单中分别控制的是输出电平、(输入到输出的)混合电平及主输出电平。

BOSCH AHM-64 音频矩阵处理器说明书

BOSCH AHM-64 音频矩阵处理器说明书

AHM-64 is an audio matrix processor for sound management and installation. It is designed for audio distribution, paging, conferencing and speaker processing in a multitude of environments including corporate, hospitality, education, event and multi-purpose venues, retail, theatres, cruise ships and sports venues.The AHM-64 processor is complemented by an extended ecosystem of remote audio expanders, remote controllers, interfaces, apps and software. A family of portable, rack-mountable or wall-mount audio expanders is available with a choice of proprietary point-to-point Layer-2 or Dante transport protocols.• 64x64 processing matrix • 12x12 local analogue I/O• I/O Port for audio networking, up to 128x128• Dante 96kHz 64x64 optional card (AES67 and DDM ready)• 128x128 built-in SLink port for audio expansion • 64 configurable processing outs – up to 64 mono/stereo zones• 96kHz FPGA core with ultra-low latency• Compatible with IP1, IP6, IP8 remote controllers • 2x2 local GPIO plus networkable GPIO interface • DC backup power supply • System Manager software• Custom Control app and editor • 32 user profiles• Integrated stereo / dual mono playback •Event schedulerSound management tools• 8x Automatic Mic Mixers• AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation) – optional module • ANC (Ambient Noise Compensation)• Priority ducking• 8-band PEQ, dynamics and delay on every input and zone •Speaker processing with x-over filter, delay, limiter and PEQThe unit shall be a 2u rack-mountable digital matrix processor, capable of 64 input channels and 64 output channels, all independently assigned. The unit shall operate at 96kHz sample rate and employ FPGA technology for digital signal processing. The system latency from analogue input to output shall not exceed 1ms.All input channels shall be configurable mono/stereo and have access to any local or remote input.Output channels shall be configurable as mono/stereo zones or as speaker processing outputs with 2, 3 or 4-way Crossovers, allowing up to 64 mono zones / 32 stereo zones, or any combination of zones and speaker processing outputs not exceeding 64 total channels.All input channels shall provide the following processing: Trim, Polarity, Gate, Insert point, 8-band Parametric EQ, Compressor, Delay and Automatic Mic Mixing (AMM).All zones shall provide the following processing: Source Selector, Insert point, 8-band Parametric EQ, 28-band GEQ, Compressor, Delay, Ambient Noise Compensation (ANC) and Limiter.All speaker processing outputs shall provide the following processing: Crossover filters with selectable filter type and slope, PEQ, Delay and Limiter.All output channels shall be routable to any local or remote output.The 8-band Parametric EQ shall provide Bell, Constant Q, Shelving, LPF, HPF and Notch filter types selectable per band.The unit shall have 12 balanced inputs on pluggable Phoenix terminal blocks. Each input shall have independent gain control with +60dB of gain, a -20dB active PAD and +48V phantom power.The unit shall have 12 balanced outputs on pluggable Phoenix terminal blocks with a nominal level of +4dBu.The routing matrix mixer shall be capable of mixing all inputs to all zones, as well as all zones to other zones.The unit shall provide Automatic Mic Mixing (AMM) of up to 64 microphone sources into 1, 2 ,4 or 8 zones. The AMM shall be capable of running in classic gain sharing mode or optionally as a NOM (Number of Open Microphones) algorithm.The unit shall offer a slot for optional processing modules including Acoustic Echo Cancellation.Playback of stereo or dual mono .WAV, MP3 and FLAC files shall be supported, with internal storage for the audio files.There shall be a local SLink Ethernet audio expansion port, supporting multiple Audio-over-Ethernet protocols and providing access to up to 128x128 I/O, and allowing remote connection and preamp control of Allen & Heath audio expanders, connected via a single Cat5e or higher cable.An RJ45 Control Network port shall be provided on the rear of the unit for connection to System Manager software, IP remote controllers, Custom Control app and TCP control.One 128x128 I/O port for optional digital interface modules shall be provided. The Dante optional module shall provide a minimum of 64x64 I/O at 96kHz, and be compliant with AES67 and Dante Domain Manager.The unit shall provide the facility to save 500 presets. The presets shall be nameable and a descriptive text entry per preset provided.A crossfade of up to 20 seconds shall be available to apply to any combination of Inputs, Zones, Groups, Input/Zone Crosspoints and Zone/Zone Crosspoints.The unit shall provide the facility to save 50 events. The events shall be nameable and should allow for the scheduled recall of presets at a specified time on specific days, or every day, with the option for the event to be triggered repeatedly or just once.The unit shall allow the creation and storage of up to 32 user profiles, each with an editable name, password and permission settings.The unit shall allow the connection of two general purpose inputs, and two general purpose relay outputs, via pluggable Phoenix connectors on the rear of the chassis. Each input connector shall allow analogue control of Mutes, Levels, Preset Recall, Custom MIDI and Audio Playback via a 0-10V control signal. Output 1 shall support normally closed and normally open operation, and output 2 shall support normally open operation. The outputs shall be configurable to respond to Mutes, Preset Recalls, Audio Playback and Level Sensing. An optional 8x8 networkable GPIO interface shall be available for expansion of the GPIO functionality. Networkable, PoE-enabled remote controllers shall be available to complement the unit, including wallplate controllers in both US and EU formats, and desktop controllers with a minimum of 8 motorised faders and 8 LCD displays.The unit shall have an integrated power supply accepting AC mains voltages of 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 70W max via an earthed 3-pin IEC C6 male connector mounted on the rear chassis. A DC input for backup power supply shall be included, capable of accepting a 12V input on a 2-pin Phoenix terminal block. For redundant power supply operation, the internal power supply shall be capable of operating simultaneously with an external DC supply.The unit shall be the Allen & Heath AHM-64.64 x 64 processing matrix TRIMAHM-64 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMMic/Line Inputs Mic/Line Preamp Input Sensitivity Analogue Gain PadMaximum Input Level Input ImpedanceMic EINAnalogue OutputsOutput Impedance Nominal OutputMaximum Output Level Residual Output Noise AHM-64AHM-64 BoxedBalanced, +48V phantom power Fully recallable -60 to +15dBu+5 to +60dB, 1dB steps -20dB Active PAD+30dBu (PAD in)>3kΩ (Pad out), >8kΩ (Pad in)-127dB with 150Ω source Balanced, Relay protected <75Ω+4dBu = 0dB meter reading+22dBu-94dBu (muted, 20-20kHz)-92dBu (muted, 20-40kHz)Width x Depth x Height x Weight482.6mm x 364mm x 91.2mm (19” x 14.3” x 3.6”) x 7kg (15.5lbs)600 x 500 x 180 mm(23.6” x 19.7”x 7.1”) x 9.5kg (21lbs)Dynamic RangeSystem Signal to Noise Frequency ResponseTHD+N (analogue in to out)Headroom Sampling Rate ADC DAC PlaybackInternal Storage File typesOperating Temperature Range Mains PowerDC Power110dB -94dB20Hz - 25kHz +0/-0.8dB 0.005% @ +16dBu output, 1kHz +5dB gain +18dB96kHz +/- 20 PPM 32-bit Delta-Sigma 32-bit Delta-Sigma~3GBMono/stereo .WAV (16/24bit, 44.1/48/96kHz), MP3, FLAC 0 deg C to 40 deg C (32 deg F to 104 deg F)100-240V AC, 50-60Hz,70W max12VDC - 5A minimum capable supplyMeasured balanced XLR in to XLR out, 20-20kHz, +5dB Gain, Pad out, signal @ 0dB (meter)Configurable mono or stereo +/-24dB digital trimNormal/ReverseL/R, R/L, L -Pol/R, R -Pol/L, Mono, L/L, R,R, M/SSelf-key or source selectable, with12dB/octave Lo-Pass and Hi-Pass -72dBu to +12dBu 0 to 60 dB 50us to 300ms 10ms to 5s 10ms to 1sIn/Out, +4dBu/-10dBV level8-Band fully parametric, +/-15dB Selectable LF/HF Shelving, Bell (variable or constant Q), Hi-Pass / Lo-Pass, Notch 0.50 – 6.00 Q Classic Baxandall 12dB/octave Peak or RMS sensingSelf-key or source selectable, with 12dB/octave Lo-Pass and Hi-Pass -46dBu to 18dBuThreshold, Ratio, Attack, Release Up to 683ms64 Input Channels TrimPolarityStereo Width Control Gate Sidechain Threshold Depth Attack Hold Release Insert PEQ Type Band 1 - 8Bell Width Shelving Type Hi-Pass, Lo-Pass Filter Compressor Sidechain ThresholdCompressor parameters DelayUp to 64 Zones Source SelectorInsert GEQ PEQCompressorDelayANC Ambient LevelGapGain ElementLimiter Crossovers FiltersPEQ DelayLimiter Channels ModesConfigurable mono or stereo Up to 20 sources, variable level, Fade In and Fade Out time <20s In/Out, +4dBu/-10dBV level 28 bands 31Hz -16kHz, +/-12dB, constant-QSee Input Processing See Input Processing Up to 683msSelectable source and metering point, Gain Differential -18dB to 40dBSelectable source and metering point, Threshold -62dB to -20dB, Time 0-5000msMin / Max Gain, Rate 0-30dB/s Variable Threshold, Attack and ReleaseConfigurable 2, 3, 4 way Asymmetrical, selectable 1st order, Butterworth 12/18/24 db/octave, LR 12/24 dB/octave 4-Band fully parametric Up to 683msSee Zone Processing1x64, 2x32, 4x16 or 8x8D-Classic gain sharing or NOMAllen & Heath reserves the right to alter any information supplied in this document or any other document supplied hereafter. E&OE.。



NVDM 数字矩阵/网络视频解码器使用说明 数字矩阵说明书 V2.0 版(20141106)
截止 2014 年 11 月 6 号最新说明书,在原有基本上有以下修改: 1、由固定规格变成了 4-64 路通用版本;
2、增加了输入窗口直接搜索输入源进行切换等功能 注意事项: 1.安装场所
远离高温的热源和环境,避免阳光直接照射。 为确保本机的正常散热,应避开通风不良的场所。 本机应水平安装,为了防止电击和失火,请勿将本机放置于易燃、易爆的场所。 小心轻放本机避免强烈碰撞、振动等,避免安装在会剧烈震动的场所。 避免在过冷、过热的场所间相互搬动本机,以免机器内部产生结露,影响机器的 使用寿命。 2.避免电击和失火 切记勿用湿手触摸电源开关和本机。 勿将液体溅落在本机上,以免造成机器内部短路或失火。 勿将其它设备直接放置于本机上部。 当本机的电源线与电源插座连接后,即使未启动本机,机器内部仍有电压。 安装过程中进行接线或改线时,都应将电源断开,预防触电。 接通本机电源后,露在外面的接线端子有危险电压,切记勿触碰。 重要提示:
第五章 输入管理....................................................................................................... 15 一、输入设备组管理.......................................................................................... 15 二、输入管理..................................................................................................... 16

matrix x 音频矩阵系统 x 说明书

matrix x 音频矩阵系统 x 说明书

Version 1.0Matrix X音频矩阵系统X用户手册 商标CME及Matrix X是中音公司的注册商标。




















Matrix 数字音频传送器

Matrix 数字音频传送器

Matrix 数字音频传送器Matrix 数字音频传送器是一台多功能数字编解码器。


普通电话线路下, 通过V.34 Modem单路信号传输带宽可达15KHz•提供ISDN附加功能,标准为ISO/MPEG Layer III or G.722•数据接口可连接GSM电话• 软件可通过计算机通讯接口进行刷新•与BlueBox/Vector/ HotLine Pots 编码器兼容•最低延时时间6ms(ISDN配件)音频接口•1路麦克输入,1路麦克/线路选择输入•1路-10dbu TAPE输入,可连接MD与DAT机•1路耳机输出•1路线路XLR输出技术指标插头音频输入:XLR平衡音频输出: XLR平衡电话输出: RJ11C 6芯Modular接点开关: 1/8” 小三芯插头多用插口: 9针D 型口电平音频输入: -10, 0, +4 dBu(via jumpers to +8)@ 20K ohms音频输出: -10, 0, +4 dBu(via jumpers to +8)@100 ohms电话输出: -9dBm@600ohms电源:外置电源 120/240 V AC 60/50Hz尺寸:19”x 8”x 1.75” ( 宽x 深x 高 )重量:5.5磅音频频率响应表:传送速率 Matrix/Vector 模式 HotLine 模式9.6 kb/s 5 kHz n/a12 kb/s 6 kHz 4.5 kHz14.4 kb/s 7 kHz 5.4 kHz16.8 kb/s 7 kHz 5.6 kHz19.2 kb/s 11 kHz 5.8 kHz21.6 kb/s 12 kHz 6.5 kHz24 kb/s 15 kHz 7 kHz26.4 kb/s 15 kHz 8 kHz28.8 kb/s 15 kHz 8.6 kHz31.2 kb/s 15 kHz 9.3 kHz33.6 kb/s 15 kHz 10 kHz。

数字音频矩阵 MatrixV2.0说明书

数字音频矩阵 MatrixV2.0说明书




警告-接地装置连接不当会导致电击;如果你对产品是否正确接地存在疑问,请委托合格电工或维修人员检查;请不要尝试私自更改产品的电源插头,如果不适合电源插座,可委托合格电工安装适当的电源插座;3. 为了减小伤害的风险,当产品在小孩附近使用时,要严密监管;4. 请勿在湿度很大的地方使用机器,例如靠近浴缸、洗面盆、厨房水槽、湿度大的地下室或者靠近游泳池和湖泊;5. 该产品应当安装与通风良好的地方;6. 该产品必须远离热源,例如电暖炉、电热毯或者其他产生热量的产品;7. 该产品的电源类型必须符合操作指示或者产品上标明的类型;8. 该产品要配备一条两端的电源线(一端的插片长过另一端)。



9. 长时间不使用时,请把电源线从电源插座中拔出,从电源插座拔出电源线时,请勿拉扯电源线,应当抓住电源插头将其拔出;10. 细心护理,请勿让杂物或者液体从其缝隙掉进机器内;11. 当有下列情况时,应委托合格维修人员修理:A.电源线或电源插头已被损坏B.杂物或者液体已掉进机内C.产品已被雨淋D.产品已不能正常操作或在演出中出现明显变化E.产品已跌坏或外观损坏12. 当出现在用户维修指南中没有描述的情况时,请勿尝试私自修理,应当委托合格的维修人员修理;13. 警告-勿让重物积压或踩踏电源线,切忌拉、拔或强力扭曲电源线。



目录Contents Part1. USB驱动的安装 USB Driver Installation ·Mac·Linux·Windows·XP·7/8.x·10Part2. 播放软件的设置 Setup for Player Software ·Windows OS·Foobar2000·JRiver·Mac OS·iTunes·Audirvana PlusUSB驱动的安装USB Driver InstallationMac 系统Mac OSMac系统下无需安装驱动,请前往“系统偏好设置->声音->输出”进行设置,以Mini-I系列DAC为例,通过USB线连接设备之后,将输出设备设置为“Mini-i Series”即可:Mac OS X do not need to install USB driver. After connect DAC with PC through USB cable, taken Mini-i Series DAC as example, the output device should be set as " Mini-i Series"(steps: System Preferences>Sound>Output).Linux系统Linux OS目前还没有使用于Linux系统的驱动程序。

There is no USB driver for Linux OS now.Windows系统Windows OSWindows XP如果您的操作系统版本是Windows XP,请下载安装V2.24版本的驱动。

请注意,由于微软已经停止对Windows XP进行更新,因此仅能使用较早版本的驱动。


MM1C25 数字音频播放器操作手册说明书

MM1C25 数字音频播放器操作手册说明书

OPERATION MANUALDIGITAL AUDIO PLAYERAM/FM STEREOUSBBLUETOOTH CAPABLEHEADPHONE OUTPUTCONTENTSCONTENTS ................................................................... 1CONTROL PANEL ILLUSTRATION....................................2WIRE DIAGRAM ............................................................3INSTALLATION .............................................................. 4BASIC OPERATION ......................................................... 5RADIO OPERATION .........................................................6USB OPERATION ............................................................7iPod OPERATION..............................................................8SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................9TROUBLESHOOTING (10)TROUBLESHOOTING:WARRANTY INFORMATION:Can not read some USB devicesThe unit is not 100%compatible with all USB devices or the USB device has a special format.Try to format the USB device in FAT 16/32 standard.Can not play certain songs with specific formats that are downloaded from websitesExample:iTunes,which is in DRM (digital right management)format is not supported by the current unit while in USB mode.Unit takes about 60 seconds to recognize USB deviceIt's normal.The unit sometimes takes longer to read all the files on the USB deviceLCD cannot display the MP3 song name correctlyThe songs are in a foreign language or not in ID3 tag formatPower does not turn on (no sound)Check the wire.Check the unit fuse and if fuse is blown,simply replace with new fuse. If problem occurs again, consult the dealer.No sound output when operating the unit with amplifiers or power antenna is attachedPower antenna lead is shorted to the ground or excessive current is required for amplifiers or power antennaButton is not responsive or the LCD display is wrongThe connection pins for the front panel may be e a soft cloth to clean it's surface.If this does not fix the problem,please consult your dealer.Unit picks up engine noise Check the ground wireAfter the power is turned on, the unit power turns off immediatelyThe battery may be too low (operating voltage is 11V to 16V).If the unit still cannot turn on, please consult your dealer.Should this product require service,you may obtain specific information by contacting the dealer from whom this product was purchased.For any service related questions, please call our technical service team.Technical Support Phone Number:843-849-9037CONTROL PANEL ILLUSTRATION1.POWER ON/OFF2.FUNCTION SELECT BUTTON3.MODE BUTTON4.BAND BUTTON,Track Repeat Button5.SCAN BUTTON6.MENU7.PLAY/PAUSE8.VOLUME UP/DOWN9.RADIO tune UP/DOWN button, USB/iPod track UP/DOWN buttonSPECIFICATIONFM SpecificationAM Specification LINE OUT GENERALFrequency Range 87.5-107.9MHz Channel step 200KHz Sensitivity 10dB Signal to Noise Radio 55dbTuning European or USA Frequency Range 530-1710 Khz Channel step 10KHz Usable Sensitivity 32dBuv Signal to noise Radio 50dB Output2Volt (max)Impedance33ohmOperating temperature 032to50122Storage temperature -25-13to 85185Humidity up85%RH, non condensing Waterproof level BLACK BOX IP-66COMMANDER IP-67Voltage input 12V DC(10~14.5V allowable)Current input 10A peak Output power 4x45Impedance 4 or 8 ohms Weight 2lbs(0.75kg)Dimensions (W*H*D)Black Box (210mm*92mm*57mm)Commander (140mm*71mm*18mm)℃(℉)℃(℉)℃(℉)℃(℉).Note: Specifications and design are subject to modification without notice due to improvement.WIRING DIAGRAMFUSE REPLACEMENT:If the fuse blows,check the power connection and replace the fuse.If the fuse blows again after the replacement,there may be an internal malfunction. In this case,Warning:Only replace fuse with the same type and e of a different type or rating may cause serious damage consult your nearest repair center./safety concerns.Search functionMove cursor to SEARCH and press SEL to enter search function,the unit can search all the songs titles started with the specified word (only character 0~9 and a~z is supported).For example,if you want to search songs started with character “M”,press VOL+/-button until the character “M”displayed on LCD,and then press “SEL”button.The songs whose title starts with M will be searched and displayed on LCD,You can then press VOL+/- button to select.Note:it always takes more time for searching all the song in the USB drives especially when the USB drive size is big.iPod Operation (Additional cable required for iPod connectivity “Mil-iplug”)Connecting iPodYou may connect your iPod through an iPod port at the back of your unit,This cable can be purchased through your nearest dealer/distributor or through Playing songs in iPod1,Press MODE repeatedly until iPod is displayed on LCD,the unit will play iPod automatically.2, Press button to pause playing and press again to resume.3,Press MENU to access iPod menu,you can select between PLAYLIST,ARTIST,ALBUM,GENRE,SONGSby pressing VOL+/-button,and then press SEL to select the folder or play the songs.Whenyou are selecting between the menus,simply press MENU button to return to up one level menu simply press MENU button to go back one screen at a time.4, Press and Hold SEEK+/- button to fast forward/rewind the song playing.5, Press BD/RPT button to select iPod repeat mode.For connecting iPod, MP3 players and other portable media players.,AUX IN PORTAuto ScanIn tuner mode menu,select the Search Stations,the radio will search the15 strongest stations(FM mode)or10strongest stations(AM mode),and store them to the presets.Preset ScanIn tuner mode menu,select Preset Scan,the radio will scan all the stored stations on current band, and play for 5 second at each station.USB OperationsConnect your USB drive to the USB port at the rear of the unit.Press MODE button repeatedly until USB mode displayed on LCD,the unit will start playing the audio files in the USB drive.Listening to the music,1, Play/Pause (7)Push to pause playing in USB mode, and push again to resume play.2, SCAN (5)Press this button to listen to the first10seconds audio of each track.Press this button again to restore the player to its normal play mode.3, BD/RPT(4)Press this button while playing a desired track to play the track repeatedly. Press BD/RPT button again to return to normal play mode.4, MENU (6)There are four modes in USB menu list:FILE LIST,FOLDER LIST, RANDOM,SEARCH.Press VOL+/-button to move the cursors and Press SEL button to select.FILE LISTIn files list mode,all the audio files in the USB drive will be displayed on the LCD, press VOL+/- and SEL button to select a button to play.FOLDER LISTIn folder list mode,all the folders in the USB drive will be displayed on the LCD,press VOL+/-and SEL button to browse the audio files in the folder. Then press VOL+/-again to select a desired button,and press SEL button to play.RANDOM PLAYSimply pressing SEL to turn RANDOM PLAY ON/OFF when the cursor is moved to RANDOM mode.INSTALLATIONBest:90 facing upwardTUNER REGIONThe MM1BLACK BOX can support USA and EURO frequency,Simply press SEL button to set USA or EURO frequency.CLOCK OperationMODE button (MODE) (3)MENU (6):There are two settings in Clock setting menu:1,12hour/24hour display mode switch,press SEL to change the clock display mode2,Adjust the clock settings:the hours will blink at first,press VOL+/-to adjust the hour,and then press SEL,the minute will blink,press VOL+/-to adjust, and SEL to exit.Press to switch mode:TUNER/USB/AUX/IPOD modes.The MENU functions are different in different mode.I cannot get Manual tuning to work.Radio Operation:Listening to the radioPress MODE (3) to select the radio mode, the frequency appears on LCD.Press BD/RPT to select radio band FM AM Auto seek a station:Press “SEEK+/-”button to start a seek.Manual tuningPress and Hold “SEEK+/-”button to change to manual tuning mode.Storing a scanPress MENU,then press SEL+/-button to move cursor to SAVE CURRENT.Should you wish to save the current station,pressing the “SEL”button will add that station to a preset.Note:there are 15preset stations for FM and 12preset stations for AM.When all the presets are full,user should remove a preset before storing a new one.Moving to a presetPress MENU,then press VOL+/-button to move cursor to RECALL,and then the preset list will be displayed on LCD.Press SEL to select one of the frequencies using the VOL+/-to scroll up or down through that preset list.Automatically tuning control (SCAN)In tuner mode,press SCAN button to scan the stations;the radio will play the searched stationed for 5seconds before the next scan.Press SCAN again to stop scanning.→Basic Operations:POWER ON/OFF 1SELECT(2)&VOLUME UP/DOWN(8)Bluetooth Operations:Dimmer Settings:()Press this button to turn the unit on or offRepeatedly press SEL button to access audio settings,press VOLUME UP/DOWN to move the cursors to the settings below:BASS,TREBLE,FADER,BALANCE,EQUALIZER,LOUDNESS,SPEAKERPress “SEL”button to enter into the mentioned audio settings.Once the particular audio setting has been selected,use the “VOL”buttons to adjust up or down.Press and Hold “SEL”button for 3 seconds to enter system settings.Press Volume buttons to move up or down to access the following functions:BLUETOOTH, DIMMER,TUNER REGION, CLOCK, VERSION, RESET.Then, use the “SEL”button to access the particular function desired.The PRV BLACK BOX supports an external bluetooth module that can stream audio to your external Bluetooth headset.The headset must be paired to the stereo receiver. Let's go through this process:1)Hold Select button for 3seconds until sub menu appears.Bluetooth will be the first option that comes up.Press Select button again to enter into the Bluetooth category.When the Bluetooth is turned on,a small Bluetooth icon will be displayed at the top right corner.The icon will keep blinking until a Bluetooth headset is connected/paired.2)The screen that you are now in will enable you to activateBluetooth.The “BLUETOOTH”category must be turned on and the device must be paired through the “SEARCH DEVICES”menu.3)When in Bluetooth headset mode,one can choose to either leaveon the external speakers (if connected)or turn them off.To turn off,push the SEL button to enter into Audio settings.Then use the Volume-button until the “Speaker Mute”category is reached.Then, use the “SEL”button to mute the speakers.The MM1BLACK BOX supports 10level dimmers,press VOL+/-to move cursor to DIMMER and press SEL to enter dimmer setting menu,press VOL+/- again to set the dimmer value.。

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目录安全操作指南 (2)一、产品概述 (3)1.1产品外观 (3)1.2功能介绍 (3)1.3产品参数 (3)二、前后面板接口说明 (5)2.1 前面板说明 (5)2.2 背板接口说明 (5)2.4 GPIO说明 (6)三、软件操作说明 (6)3.1网页控制和软件下载 (6)3.2 系统流程 (10)3.3 软件特色 (10)3.4 菜单栏和状态栏 (15)3.4.1文件 (15)3.4.2设备设置 (15)3.5 处理器模块 (22)3.5.1输入设置 (22)3.5.2扩展器 (23)3.5.3均衡器 (23)3.5.4压缩器 (25)3.5.5自动增益 (26)3.4.6自动混音器 (26)3.5.7反馈/回声/噪声消除 (28)3.5.8延时器 (30)3.5.9分频器 (30)3.5.10 限幅器 (31)3.5.11 输出设置 (32)附1:串口通信协议 (33)附2:GPIO说明 (34)安全操作指南为确保设备可靠使用及人员的安全,在安装、使用和维护时,请遵守以下事项:1.在设备安装时,应确保电源线中的地线接地良好,机箱接地点良好接地,请勿使用两芯插头。

确保设备的输入电源为100V-240V 、50/60Hz的交流电。









其操作简单,性能强大:1、全面的矩阵混音功能,24bit/48KHz取样频率,高性能A/D D/A转换器和32-bit浮点DSP处理器。






1.3产品参数最大输入数量16最大输出数量16232串口数量 1485串口数量 1GPIO数量8,可自由配置输入输出RJ45数量 1USB数量1,可支持录播最大模拟增益-60dB幻象供电48V输入输出量化48KHz/24bitA/D动态范围120dB输入共模抑制80 dB @ +24dBu @60Hz输入阻抗20kΩ balance,10kΩ unbalance 最大输入24dBuD/A动态范围120dB通道隔离度100dB频率响应20~20kHz (±0.25dB)总谐波失真(THD+N) ≤0.002% @1kHz,+4dBu输出阻抗100 Ω balance,50 unbalance 最大输出24dBu工作电源AC 110V/220V 50Hz/60Hz工作温度0~40℃二、前后面板接口说明2.1 前面板说明1●(1)PWR:电源指示灯,灯亮表示设备供电正常,否则供电异常;●(2)SYS:状态指示灯,灯闪标表示设备运行正常,否则设备故障;●(3)USB:支持录播功能;●(4)电源开关。

2.2 背板接口说明●(1)机箱接地点;●(2)POWER:220V交流电源输入接口;●(3)ETHERNET:10M/100M以太网接口,用于连接控制端(PC、路由器等);●(4)RESET:恢复出厂设置,长按5秒有效;●(5)RS232:支持中控命令和摄像跟踪,RX:接收数据,TX:发送数据,G:地线;●(6)RS485:支持摄像跟踪;●(7)GPIO:GPIO控制;●(8)OUTPUT:模拟输出;●(9)INPUT:模拟输入。

2.4 GPIO说明G:接地1~8:8个GPIO端口,2-8均可自由配置输入或输出,端口1只有输入功能。



音频矩阵内部变化 -〉 GPIO管脚电平变化 -〉驱动外部电路。


外部电路状态变化 -〉 GPIO管脚电平变化 -〉音频矩阵内部变化。





Scene :快速调用和保存设备场景。

Download:下载链接提供 .Net框架、PC端软件和RS232中控命令生成器的下载,其中PC端软件支持XP、Win7、Win8操作系统。

在安装软件前,请确保PC端已经安装Microsoft .Net Framework3.5或以上版本。









3.2 系统流程信号处理流程图输入:测试信号/静音/扩展器/5段均衡/压缩器/自动增益标准配置输出:延时器/分频器/31段图示均衡器/限幅器/输出相反/静音高级配置(AFC)反馈消除器(AEC)反馈消除器(ANS)噪声消除器(AutoMixer)自动混音器3.3 软件特色打开软件,初始化界面如下图所示:流程图和处理器控制模块之间的切换:窗口2为处理器详细参数显示区域,窗口3为处理流程图以及快速打开和关闭处理器的快速通道。




















