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班级__________ 姓名__________


( ) 1. A. train B. plane C. go

( ) 2. A. usually B. what C. sometimes

( ) 3. A. library B. traffic C. hospital

( ) 4. A. what B. who C. white

( ) 5. A. morning B. tonight C. straight

( ) 6. A. foot B. car C. train

( ) 7. A. red B. green C. light

( ) 8. A. by B. on C. take

( ) 9. A. yellow B. go C. stop

( ) 10. A. fifth B. first C. five


( ) 1. I go to school _____foot.

A. by

B. on

C. to

( ) 2. Where ____ the cinema?

A. are

B. is

C. am

( ) 3. What are you ______ to do?

A. go

B. going

C. to go

( ) 4. The cinema is ______ to the hospital.

A. next

B. to

C. in

( ) 5. 当你想知道对方打算做什么,应该怎么问。

A. What are you going to do ?

B. What do you do ?

( ) 6 当你不知道医院在哪儿,应该怎么问。

A. Where is the hospital, please ?

B. How can I get the cinema, please?

( ) 7. ---______can we get there? ---You can go there by the No. 12 bus.

A. What

B. How C Where

( ) 8. Turn left ______ the bookstore.

A. on

B. at C with

( ) 9. __________, where is the post office?

A. Excuse me

B. Sorry

C. Thank you

( ) 10. I want _______ a new book.

A. buy

B. to buy

C. buying

( ) 11. Usually I go to school on _______.

A. bike

B. foot

C. plane

( ) 12. ---_______ do you go to school? ---By bike.

A. How

B. Who

C. Where

( ) 13. I'm going ________ 3 o'clock.

A. on

B. in

C. at

( ) 14. I'm going to see a film ________ space travel.

A. about

B. at

C. in

( )15. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must pay attention to the _______.

A. helmet

B. traffic

C. traffic lights

( )16. Red light means _______.

A. go

B. wait

C. stop

( ) 17. --- ______ is the cinema, please? --- It’s next to the hospital.

A. Where

B. What

C. When

( ) 18. Is it far ______ here?

A. from

B. about

C. for

( ) 19. The hospital is ______ the left.

A. for

B. in

C. on

( ) 20. Go straight ______ three minutes.

A. at

B. for

C. in


( ) 1. How do you go to school? A.祝你生日快乐!

( ) 2. Stop at a red light. B.我怎么才能到博物馆?

( ) 3. Excuse me. Where is the library? C.红灯停。

( ) 4. How can I get to the museum? D.打扰一下,请问图书馆在哪里?

( ) 5. Happy birthday to you! E.你怎么上学去的?



Yes, I have a comic book.


You can go to the park by bus.


The cinema is in front of the hospital.
