——《庄⼦》内篇《逍遥游》Therefore, as the saying goes, “The perfect man cares for no self; the holy man cares for no merit; the sage cares for no name.”——Wandering in Absolute Freedom, Inner Chapters,ZhuangZiEnglish Translation By Wang Rongpei⼤知闲闲,⼩知间间;⼤⾔炎炎,⼩⾔詹詹。
——《庄⼦》《齐物论》Men of great wits are open and broad-minded; men of small wits are mean and meticulous. Men of great eloquence speak with arrogance; men of small eloquence speak without a point.——On the Uniformity of All Things, ZhuangZiEnglish Translation By Wang Rongpei可呼可,不可呼不可。
——《庄⼦》《齐物论》Something is approved because we approve it; something is disapproved because we disapprove it. A path is formed because we walk on it; a thing has a name because we call it so. When something is approved, there are reason to approve it; when something is disapproved, there are reasons to disapprove it. When something is like this, there are reasons for it to be like this; when something is not like this, there are reasons for it to be not like this. Why is is like this? Because it is like this. Why is is not like this? Because it is not like this. Since something is approved, why should it be disapproved? Womethkng is disapproved only when it is diaapproved. It is inherent in everything that it should be approved. Nothing should not belike this; nothing should not be approved.——On the Uniformity of All Things ,,ZhuangZiEnglish Translation By Wang Rongpei为善⽆近名,为恶⽆近刑。
现在《逍遥游》的英译本有好几种,林语堂的翻译版本(以下简称“林译本”)中把它译作A Happy Excursion,雷格(Legge)的翻译版本(以下简称“雷译本”)中把它译作Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease。
A Happy Excursion北冥有鱼,其名为鲲(kūn)3。
In the northern ocean there is a fish, called the kun, I do not know how many thousand li in size. This kun changes into a bird, called the peng. Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth. When it is moved, it flies, its wings obscuring the sky like clouds. When on a voyage, this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean, the Celestial Lake. And in the Records of Marvels we read that when the peng flies southwards, the water is smitten for a space of three thousand li around, while the bird itself mounts upon a great wind to a height of ninety thousand li, for a flight of six months' duration. There mounting aloft, the bird saw the moving white mists of spring, the dust-clouds, and the living things blowing their breaths among them. It wondered whether the blue of the sky was its real color, or only the result of distance without end, and saw that the things on earth appeared the same to it. If there is not sufficient depth, water will not float large ships. Upset a cupful into a hole in the yard, and a mustard-seed will be your boat. Try to float the cup, and it will be grounded, due to the disproportion between water and vessel. So with air. If there is notsufficient a depth, it cannot support large wings. And for this bird, a depth of ninety thousand li is necessary to bear it up. Then, gliding upon the wind, with nothing save the clear sky above, and no obstacles in the way, it starts upon its journey to the south. A cicada and a young dove laughed, saying, "Now, when I fly with all my might, 'tis as much as I can do to get from tree to tree. And sometimes I do not reach, but fall to the ground midway. What then can be the use of going up ninety thousand li to start for the south?" He who goes to the countryside taking three meals with him comes back with his stomach as full as when he started. But he who travels a hundred li must take ground rice enough for an overnight stay. And he who travels a thousand li must supply himself with provisions for three months. Those two little creatures, what should they know? Small knowledge has not the compass of great knowledge any more than a short year has the length of a long year. How can we tell that this is so? The fungus plant of a morning knows not the alternation of day and night. The cicada knows not the alternation of spring and autumn. Theirs are short years. But in the south of Chu there is a mingling (tree) whose spring and autumn are each of five hundred years' duration. And in former days there was a large tree which had a spring and autumn each of eight thousand years. Yet, Peng Tsu is known for reaching a great age and is still, alas! an object of envy to all! It was on this very subject that the Emperor Tang spoke to Chi, as follows: "At the north of Chiungta, there is a Dark Sea,the Celestial Lake. In it there is a fish several thousand li in breadth, and I know not how many in length. It is called the kun. There is also a bird, called the peng, with a back like Mount Tai, and wings like clouds across the sky. It soars up upon a whirlwind to a height of ninety thousand li, far above the region of the clouds, with only the clear sky above it. And then it directs its flight towards the Southern Ocean. "And a lake sparrow laughed, and said: Pray, what may that creature be going to do? I rise but a few yards in the air and settle down again, after flying around among the reeds. That is as much as any one would want to fly. Now, wherever can this creature be going to?" Such, indeed, is the difference between small and great. Take, for instance, a man who creditably fills some small office, or whose influence spreads over a village, or whose character pleases a certain prince. His opinion of himself will be much the same as that lake sparrow's. The philosopher Yung of Sung would laugh at such a one. If the whole world flattered him, he would not be affected thereby, nor if the whole world blamed him would he be dissuaded from what he was doing. For Yung can distinguish between essence and superficialities, and understand what is true honor and shame. Such men are rare in their generation. But even he has not established himself. Now Liehtse could ride upon the wind. Sailing happily in the cool breeze, he would go on for fifteen days before his return. Among mortals who attain happiness, such a man is rare. Yet although Liehtsecould dispense with walking, he would still have to depend upon something. As for one who is charioted upon the eternal fitness of Heaven and Earth, driving before him the changing elements as his team to roam through the realms of the Infinite, upon what, then, would such a one have need to depend? Thus it is said, "The perfect man ignores self; the divine man ignores achievement; the true Sage ignores reputation." The Emperor Yao wished to abdicate in favor of Hsu Y u, saying, "If, when the sun and moon are shining, the torch is still lighted, would it be not difficult for the latter to shine? If, when the rain has fallen, one should still continue to water the fields, would this not be a waste of labor?Now, if you would assume the reins of government, the empire would be well governed, and yet I am filling this office. I am conscious of my own deficiencies, and I beg to offer you the Empire." "You are ruling the Empire, and the Empire is already well ruled," replied Hsu Yu. "Why should I take your place? Should I do this for the sake of a name? A name is but the shadow of reality, and should I trouble myself about the shadow? The tit, building its nest in the mighty forest, occupies but a single twig. The beaver slakes its thirst from the river, but drinks enough only to fill its belly. I would rather go back: I have no use for the empire! If the cook is unable to prepare the funeral sacrifices, the representative of the worshipped spirit and the officer of prayer may not step over the wines and meats and do it for him." Chien Wu said to Lien Shu, "I heardChieh Yu talk on high and fine subjects endlessly. I was greatly startled at what he said, for his words seemed interminable as the Milky Way, but they are quite detached from our common human experience." "What was it?" asked Lien Shu. "He declared," replied Chien Wu, "that on the Miao-ku-yi mountain there lives a divine one, whose skin is white like ice or snow, whose grace and elegance are like those of a virgin, who eats no grain, but lives on air and dew, and who, riding on clouds with flying dragons for his team, roams beyond the limit's of the mortal regions. When his spirit gravitates, he can ward off corruption from all things, and bring good crops. That is why I call it nonsense, and do not believe it." "Well," answered Lien Shu, "you don't ask a blind man's opinion of beautiful designs, nor do you invite a deaf man to a concert. And blindness and deafness are not physical only. There is blindness and deafness of the mind. His words are like the unspoiled virgin. The good influence of such a man with such a character fills all creation. Yet because a paltry generation cries for reform, you would have him busy himself about the details of an empire! "Objective existences cannot harm. In a flood which reached the sky, he would not be drowned. In a drought, though metals ran liquid and mountains were scorched up, he would not be hot. Out of his very dust and siftings you might fashion two such men as Yao and Shun. And you would have him occupy himself with objectives!" A man of the Sung State carried some ceremonial capsto the Yueh tribes for sale. But the men of Yueh used to cut off their hair and paint their bodies, so that they had no use for such things. The Emperor Yao ruled all under heaven and governed the affairs of the entire country. After he paid a visit to the four sages of the Miao-ku-yi Mountain, he felt on his return to his capital at Fenyang that the empire existed for him no more. Hueitse said to Chuangtse, "The Prince of Wei gave me a seed of a large-sized kind of gourd. I planted it, and it bore a fruit as big as a five bushel measure. Now had I used this for holding liquids, it would have been too heavy to lift; and had I cut it in half for ladles, the ladles would have been too flat for such purpose. Certainly it was a huge thing, but I had no use for it and so broke it up.""It was rather you did not know how to use large things," replied Chuangtse. "There was a man of Sung who had a recipe for salve for chapped hands, his family having been silk-washers for generations. A stranger who had heard of it came and offered him a hundred ounces of silver for this recipe; whereupon he called together his clansmen and said, 'We have never made much money by silk-washing. Now, we can sell the recipe for a hundred ounces in a single day. Let the stranger have it.' "The stranger got the recipe, and went and had an interview with the Prince of Wu. The Yueh State was in trouble, and the Prince of Wu sent a general to fight a naval battle with Yueh at the beginning of winter. The latter was totally defeated, and the stranger was rewarded with a piece ofthe King's territory. Thus, while the efficacy of the salve to cure chapped hands was in both cases the same, its applications were different. Here, it secured a title; there, the people remained silk-washers. "Now as to your five-bushel gourd, why did you not make a float of it, and float about over river and lake? And you complain of its being too flat for holding things! I fear your mind is stuffy inside." Hueitse said to Chuangtse, "I have a large tree, called the ailanthus. Its trunk is so irregular and knotty that it cannot be measured out for planks; while its branches are so twisted that they cannot be cut out into discs or squares. It stands by the roadside, but no carpenter will look at it. Your words are like that tree — big and useless, of no concern to the world." "Have you never seen a wild cat," rejoined Chuangtse, "crouching down in wait for its prey? Right and left and high and low, it springs about, until it gets caught in a trap or dies in a snare. On the other hand, there is the yak with its great huge body. It is big enough in all conscience, but it cannot catch mice. Now if you have a big tree and are at a loss what to do with it, why not plant it in the Village of Nowhere, in the great wilds, where you might loiter idly by its side, and lie down in blissful repose beneath its shade? There it would be safe from the ax and from all other injury. For being of no use to others, what could worry its mind?"。
现在《逍遥游》的英译本有好几种,林语堂的翻译版本(以下简称“林译本”)中把它译作A Happy Excursion,雷格(Legge)的翻译版本(以下简称“雷译本”)中把它译作Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease。
A HappyExcurs ionIn the northe rn oceanthereis a fish, called the kun, I do not know how many thousa nd li in size. This kun change s into a bird, called the peng. Its back is I do not know how many thousa nd li in breadt h. When it is moved,it flies,its wingsobscur ing the sky like clouds. When on a voyage, this bird prepar es to startfor the Southe rn Ocean, the Celest ial Lake. And in the Record s of Marvel s we read that when the peng fliessouthw ards, the wateris smitte n for a spaceof threethousa nd li around, whilethe bird itself mounts upon a greatwind to a height of ninety thousa nd li, for a flight of six months' durati on. Theremounti ng aloft, the bird saw the moving whitemistsof spring, the dust-clouds, and the living things blowin g theirbreath s amongthem. It wonder ed whethe r the blue of the sky was its real color, or only the result of distan ce withou t end, and saw that the things on earthappear ed the same to it. If thereis not suffic ientdepth,waterwill not floatlargeships.Upseta cupful into a hole in the yard, and a mustar d-seed will be your boat. Try to floatthe cup, and it will be ground ed, due to the dispro porti on betwee n waterand vessel. So with air. If thereis not suffic ienta depth,it cannot suppor t largewings. And for this bird, a depthof ninety thousa nd li is necess ary to bear it up. Then, glidin g upon the wind, with nothin g save the clearsky above,and no obstac les in the way, it starts upon its journe y to the south. A cicada and a youngdove laughe d, saying, "Now,when I fly with all my might, 'tis as much as I can do to get from tree to tree. And someti mes I do not reach, but fall to the ground midway. What then can be the use of goingup ninety thousa nd li to startfor the south?" He who goes to the countr yside taking threemealswith him comesback with his stomac h as full as when he starte d. But he who travel s a hundre d li must take ground rice enough for an overni ght stay. And he who travel s a thousa nd li must supply himsel f with provis ionsfor threemonths. Thosetwo little creatu res, what should they know? Smallknowle dge has not the compas s of greatknowle dge any more than a shortyear has the length of a long year. How can we tell that this is so? The fungus plantof a mornin g knowsnot the altern ation of day and night. The cicada knowsnot the altern ation of spring and autumn. Theirs are shortyears. But in the southof Chu thereis a mingli ng (tree) whosespring and autumn are each of five hundre d years'durati on. And in former days therewas a largetree whichhad a spring and autumn each of eightthousa nd years. Yet, Peng Tsu is knownfor reachi ng a greatage and is still, alas! an object of envy to all! It was on this very subjec t that the Empero r Tang spoketo Chi, as follow s: "At the northof Chiung ta, thereis a Dark Sea, the Celest ial Lake. In it thereis a fish severa l thousa nd li in breadt h, and I know not how many in length. It is called the kun. Thereis also a bird, called the peng, with a back like MountTai, and wingslike clouds across the sky. It soarsup upon a whirlw ind to aheight of ninety thousa nd li, far abovethe region of the clouds, with only the clearsky aboveit. And then it direct s its flight toward s the Southe rn Ocean. "And a lake sparro w laughe d, and said: Pray, what may that creatu re be goingto do? I rise but a few yardsin the air and settle down again, afterflying around amongthe reeds. That is as much as any one wouldwant to fly. Now, wherev er can this creatu re be goingto?" Such, indeed, is the differ encebetwee n smalland great.Take, for instan ce, a man who credit ablyfillssome smalloffice, or whoseinflue nce spread s over a villag e, or whosecharac ter please s a certai n prince. His opinio n of himsel f will be much the same as that lake sparro w's. The philos opher Yung of Sung wouldlaughat such a one. If the wholeworldflatte red him, he wouldnot be affect ed thereb y, nor if the wholeworldblamed him wouldhe be dissua ded from what he was doing.For Yung can distin guish betwee n essenc e and superf icial ities, and unders tandwhat is true honorand shame. Such men are rare in theirgenera tion. But even he has not establ ished himsel f. Now Liehts e couldride upon the wind. Sailin g happil y in the cool breeze, he wouldgo on for fiftee n days before his return. Amongmortal s who attain happin ess, such a man is rare. Yet althou gh Liehts e coulddispen se with walkin g, he wouldstillhave to depend upon someth ing. As for one who is chario ted upon the eterna l fitnes s of Heaven and Earth, drivin g before him the changi ng elemen ts as his team to roam throug h the realms of the Infini te, upon what, then,wouldsuch a one have need to depend? Thus it is said, "The perfec t man ignore s self; the divine man ignore s achiev ement; the true Sage ignore s reputa tion." The Empero r Yao wished to abdica te in favorof Hsu Yu, saying, "If, when the sun and moon are shinin g, the torchis stilllighte d, wouldit be not diffic ult for the latter to shine?If, when the rain has fallen, one should stillcontin ue to waterthe fields, wouldthis not be a wasteof labor?Now, if you wouldassume the reinsof govern ment,the empire wouldbe well govern ed, and yet I am fillin g this office. I am consci ous of my own defici encie s, and I beg to offeryou the Empire." "You are ruling the Empire, and the Empire is alread y well ruled," replie d Hsu Yu. "Why should I take your place? Should I do this for the sake of a name? A name is but the shadow of realit y, and should I troubl e myself aboutthe shadow? The tit, buildi ng its nest in the mighty forest, occupi es but a single twig. The beaver slakes its thirst from the river, but drinks enough only to fill its belly. I wouldrather go back: I have no use for the empire! If the cook is unable to prepar e the funera l sacrif ices, the repres entat ive of the worshi ppedspirit and the office r of prayer may not step over the winesand meatsand do it for him." ChienWu said to Lien Shu, "I heardChiehYu talk on high and fine subjec ts endles sly. I was greatl y startl ed at what he said, for his wordsseemed interm inabl e as the MilkyWay, but they are quitedetach ed from our common humanexperi ence." "Whatwas it?" askedLien Shu. "He declar ed," replie d ChienWu, "that on the Miao-ku-yi mounta in therelivesa divine one, whoseskin is whitelike ice or snow, whosegraceand elegan ce are like thoseof a virgin, who eats no grain, but liveson air and dew, and who, riding on clouds with flying dragon s for his team, roamsbeyond the limit's of the mortal region s. When his spirit gravit ates, he can ward off corrup tionfrom all things, and bringgood crops. That is why I call it nonsen se, and do not believ e it." "Well," answer ed Lien Shu, "you don't ask a blindman's opinio n of beauti ful design s, nor do you invite a deaf man to a concer t. And blindn ess and deafne ss are not physic al only. Thereis blindn ess and deafne ss of the mind. His wordsare like the unspoi led virgin. The good influe nce of such a man with such a charac ter fillsall creati on. Yet becaus e a paltry genera tioncriesfor reform, you wouldhave him busy himsel f aboutthe detail s of an empire! "Object ive existe ncescannot harm. In a floodwhichreache d the sky, he wouldnot be drowne d. In a drough t, though metals ran liquid and mounta ins were scorch ed up, he wouldnot be hot. Out of his very dust and siftin gs you mightfashio n two such men as Yao and Shun. And you wouldhave him occupy himsel f with object ives!" A man of the Sung Statecarrie d some ceremo nialcaps to the Yueh tribes for sale. But the men of Yueh used to cut off theirhair and painttheirbodies, so that they had no use for such things. The Empero r Yao ruledall underheaven and govern ed the affair s of theentire countr y. Afterhe paid a visitto the four sagesof the Miao-ku-yi Mounta in, he felt on his return to his capita l at Fenyan g that the empire existe d for him no more. Hueits e said to Chuang tse, "The Prince of Wei gave me a seed of a large-sizedkind of gourd. I plante d it, and it bore a fruitas big as a five bushel measur e. Now had I used this for holdin g liquid s, it wouldhave been too heavyto lift; and had I cut it in half for ladles, the ladles wouldhave been too flat for such purpos e. Certai nly it was a huge thing, but I had no use for it and so brokeit up.""It was rather you did not know how to use largethings," replie d Chuang tse. "Therewas a man of Sung who had a recipe for salvefor chappe d hands,his family having been silk-washer s for genera tions. A strang er who had heardof it came and offere d him a hundre d ounces of silver for this recipe; whereu pon he called togeth er his clansm en and said, 'We have nevermade much moneyby silk-washin g. Now, we can sell the recipe for a hundre d ounces in a single day. Let the strang er have it.' "The strang er got the recipe, and went and had an interv iew with the Prince of Wu. The Yueh Statewas in troubl e, and the Prince of Wu sent a genera l to fighta navalbattle with Yueh at the beginn ing of winter. The latter was totall y defeat ed, and the strang er was reward ed with a pieceof the King's territ ory. Thus, whilethe effica cy of the salveto cure chappe d handswas in both casesthe same, its applic ation s were differ ent. Here, it secure d a title;there,the people remain edsilk-washer s. "Now as to your five-bushel gourd, why did you not make a floatof it, and floataboutover riverand lake? And you compla in of its beingtoo flat for holdin g things! I fear your mind is stuffy inside." Hueits e said to Chuang tse, "I have a largetree, called the ailant hus. Its trunkis so irregu lar and knotty that it cannot be measur ed out for planks; whileits branch es are so twiste d that they cannot be cut out into discsor square s. It stands by the roadsi de, but no carpen ter will look at it. Your wordsare like that tree — big and useles s, of no concer n to the world." "Have you neverseen a wild cat," rejoin ed Chuang tse, "crouch ing down in wait for its prey? Rightand left and high and low, it spring s about,untilit gets caught in a trap or dies in a snare.On the otherhand, thereis the yak with its greathuge body. It is big enough in all consci ence, but it cannot catchmice. Now if you have a big tree and are at a loss what to do with it, why not plantit in the Villag e of Nowher e, in the greatwilds, whereyou mightloiter idly by its side, and lie down in blissf ul repose beneat h its shade?Thereit wouldbe safe from the ax and from all otherinjury. For beingof no use to others, what couldworryits mind?"。
聊乘化以归尽,乐夫天命复奚疑!Ah, homeward bound I go!Why not go home, seeing that my fieldand gardens are overgrown?Myself have made my soul serf to my body:why have vain regrets and mourn alone?Fret not over bygonesand the forward journey take.Only a short distance have I gone astray,and I know today I am right,if yesterday was a complete mistake.Lightly floats and drifts the boat,and gently flows and flaps my gown.I inquire the road of a wayfarer,and sulk at the dimness of the dawn.Then when I catch sight of my old roofs,joy will my steps quicken.Servants will be there to bid me welcome,and waiting at the door are the greeting children.Gone to seed, perhaps, are my garden paths,but there will still bethe chrysanthemums and the pine!I shall lead the youngest boy in by the hand,and on the table there stands a cup full of wine!Holding the pot and cup, I give myself a drink,happy to see in the courtyard the hanging bough.I lean upon the southern window with an immense satisfaction, and note that the little place is cosy enough to walk around. The garden grows more familiarand interesting with the daily walks.What if no one knocks at the always closed door!Carrying a cane I wander at peace,and now and then look aloft to gaze at the blue above.There the clouds idle away from their mountain recesses without any intent or purpose,and birds, when tired of their wandering flights,will think of home.Darkly then fall the shadows and, ready to come home,I yet fondle the lonely pines and loiter around.Ah, homeward bound I go!Let me from now on learn to live alone!The world and I are not made for one another,and why go round like one looking for what he has not found? Content shall I be with conversations with my own kin,and there will be music and booksto while away the hours.The farmers will come and tell me that spring is hereand there will be work to do at the western farm.Some order covered wagons;some row in small boats.Sometimes we explore quiet, unknown ponds,and sometimes we climb over steep, rugged mounds.There the trees, happy of heart, grow marvelously green,and spring water gushes forth with a gurgling sound.I admire how things grow and prosperaccording to their seasons,and feel that thus, too, shall my life go its round.Enough!How long yet shall I this mortal shape keep?Why not take life as it comes,and why hustle and bustle like one on an errand bound?Wealth and power are not my ambitions,and unattainable is the abode of the gods!I would go forth alone on a bright morning,or perhaps, planting my cane,begin to pluck the weeds and till the ground.Or I would compose a poem beside a clear stream,or perhaps go up to Tungkaoand make a long-drawn call on top of the hill.So would I be content to live and die,and without questionings of the heart,gladly accept Heaven's will.-- excerpted from The Importance of Living, by Lin Yutang白话译文:回去吧,田园快要荒芜了,为什么还不回!既然自认为心志被形体所役使,又为什么惆怅而独自悲伤?认识到过去的错误已不可挽救,知道了未来的事情尚可追回。
A Happy ExcursionIn the northern ocean there is a fish, called the k'un, I do not know how many thousand li in size. This k'un changes into a bird, called the p'eng.Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth. When it ismoved, it flies, its wings obscuring the sky like clouds.When on a voyage, this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean, the Celestial Lake. And in the Records of Marvels we read that when thep'eng flies southwards, the water is smitten for a space of threethousand li around, while the bird itself mounts upon a great wind to aheight of ninety thousand li, for a flight of six months' duration.There mounting aloft, the bird saw the moving white mists of spring, thedust-clouds, and the living things blowing their breaths among them. It wondered whether the blue of the sky was its real color, or only theresult of distance without end, and saw that the things on earthappeared the same to it.If there is not sufficient depth, water will not float large ships. Upset a cupful into a hole in the yard, and a mustard-seed will be your boat. Tryto float the cup, and it will be grounded, due to the disproportionbetween water and vessel.So with air. If there is not sufficient a depth, it cannot support large wings. And for this bird, a depth of ninety thousand li is necessary tobear it up. Then, gliding upon the wind, with nothing save the clear sky above, and no obstacles in the way, it starts upon its journey to thesouth.A cicada and a young dove laughed, saying, "Now, when I fly with all my might, 'tis as much as I can do to get from tree to tree. And sometimes Ido not reach, but fall to the ground midway. What then can be the use ofgoing up ninety thousand li to start for the south"He who goes to the countryside taking three meals with him comes backwith his stomach as full as when he started. But he who travels ahundred li must take ground rice enough for an overnight stay. And hewho travels a thousand li must supply himself with provisions for three months. Those two little creatures, what should they knowSmall knowledge has not the compass of great knowledge any more thana short year has the length of a long year. How can we tell that this is so The fungus plant of a morning knows not the alternation of day and night.The cicada knows not the alternation of spring and autumn. Theirs areshort years. But in the south of Ch'u there is a mingling (tree) whosespring and autumn are each of five hundred years' duration. And informer days there was a large tree which had a spring and autumn eachof eight thousand years. Yet, P'eng Tsu(1) is known for reaching a greatage and is still, alas! an object of envy to all!It was on this very subject that the Emperor T'ang(2) spoke to Chi, as follows: "At the north of Ch'iungta, there is a Dark Sea, the Celestial Lake. In it there is a fish several thousand li in breadth, and I know not howmany in length. It is called the k'un. There is also a bird, called the p'eng, with a back like Mount T'ai, and wings like clouds across the sky. It soarsup upon a whirlwind to a height of ninety thousand li, far above theregion of the clouds, with only the clear sky above it. And then it directsits flight towards the Southern Ocean."And a lake sparrow laughed, and said: Pray, what may that creature begoing to do I rise but a few yards in the air and settle down again, after flying around among the reeds. That is as much as any one would wantto fly. Now, wherever can this creature be going to" Such, indeed, is the difference between small and great.Take, for instance, a man who creditably fills some small office, or whose influence spreads over a village, or whose character pleases a certainprince. His opinion of himself will be much the same as that lakesparrow's. The philosopher Yung of Sung would laugh at such a one. Ifthe whole world flattered him, he would not be affected thereby, nor ifthe whole world blamed him would he be dissuaded from what he wasdoing. For Yung can distinguish between essence and superficialities,and understand what is true honor and shame. Such men are rare in theirgeneration. But even he has not established himself.Now Liehtse(3) could ride upon the wind. Sailing happily in the coolbreeze, he would go on for fifteen days before his return. Among mortals who attain happiness, such a man is rare. Yet although Liehtse coulddispense with walking, he would still have to depend upon something(4).As for one who is charioted upon the eternal fitness of Heaven and Earth, driving before him the changing elements as his team to roam throughthe realms of the Infinite, upon what, then, would such a one have needto depend Thus it is said, "The perfect man ignores self; the divine man ignores achievement; the true Sage ignores reputation."The Emperor Yao(5) wished to abdicate in favor of Hsu: Yu, saying, "If,when the sun and moon are shining, the torch is still lighted, would it be not difficult for the latter to shine If, when the rain has fallen, oneshould still continue to water the fields, would this not be a waste oflabor Now if you would assume the reins of government, the empirewould be well governed, and yet I am filling this office. I am conscious of my own deficiencies, and I beg to offer you the Empire.""You are ruling the Empire, and the Empire is already well ruled," replied Hsu: Yu. "Why should I take your place Should I do this for the sake of a name A name is but the shadow of reality, and should I trouble myselfabout the shadow The tit, building its nest in the mighty forest, occupies but a single twig. The beaver slakes its thirst from the river, but drinks enough only to fill its belly. I would rather go back: I have no use for the empire! If the cook is unable to prepare the funeral sacrifices, therepresentative of the worshipped spirit and the officer of prayer may not step over the wines and meats and do it for him."Chien Wu said to Lien Shu, "I heard Chieh Yu: talk on high and finesubjects endlessly. I was greatly startled at what he said, for his words seemed interminable as the Milky Way, but they are quite detached fromour common human experience.""What was it" asked Lien Shu."He declared," replied Chien Wu, "that on the Miao-ku-yi mountain therelives a divine one, whose skin is white like ice or snow, whose grace and elegance are like those of a virgin, who eats no grain, but lives on air and dew, and who, riding on clouds with flying dragons for his team, roamsbeyond the limit's of the mortal regions. When his spirit gravitates, hecan ward off corruption from all things, and bring good crops. That iswhy I call it nonsense, and do not believe it.""Well," answered Lien Shu, "you don't ask a blind man's opinion ofbeautiful designs, nor do you invite a deaf man to a concert. Andblindness and deafness are not physical only. There is blindness and deafness of the mind. His words are like the unspoiled virgin. The good influence of such a man with such a character fills all creation. Yet because a paltry generation cries for reform, you would have him busyhimself about the details of an empire!"Objective existences cannot harm. In a flood which reached the sky, hewould not be drowned. In a drought, though metals ran liquid andmountains were scorched up, he would not be hot. Out of his very dustand siftings you might fashion two such men as Yao and Shun(6). Andyou would have him occupy himself with objectives!"A man of the Sung State carried some ceremonial caps to the Yu:ehtribes for sale. But the men of Yu:eh used to cut off their hair and paint their bodies, so that they had no use for such things.The Emperor Yao ruled all under heaven and governed the affairs of theentire country. After he paid a visit to the four sages of the Miao-ku-yi Mountain, he felt on his return to his capital at Fenyang that the empire existed for him no more.Hueitse(7) said to Chuangtse, "The Prince of Wei gave me a seed of alarge-sized kind of gourd. I planted it, and it bore a fruit as big as a five bushel measure. Now had I used this for holding liquids, it would havebeen too heavy to lift; and had I cut it in half for ladles, the ladles would have been too flat for such purpose. Certainly it was a huge thing, but Ihad no use for it and so broke it up.""It was rather you did not know how to use large things," replied Chuangtse. "There was a man of Sung who had a recipe for salve forchapped hands, his family having been silk-washers for generations. A stranger who had heard of it came and offered him a hundred ounces ofsilver for this recipe; whereupon he called together his clansmen andsaid, 'We have never made much money by silk-washing. Now, we cansell the recipe for a hundred ounces in a single day. Let the stranger have it.'"The stranger got the recipe, and went and had an interview with thePrince ofWu. The Yu:eh State was in trouble, and the Prince of Wu sent a general to fight a naval battle with Yu:eh at the beginning of winter. The latter was totally defeated, and the stranger was rewarded with a pieceof the King's territory. Thus, while the efficacy of the salve to cure chapped hands was in both cases the same, its applications weredifferent. Here, it secured a title; there, the people remained silkwashers. "Now as to your five-bushel gourd, why did you not make a float of it,and float about over river and lake And you complain of its being too flatfor holding things! I fear your mind is stuffy inside."Hueitse said to Chuangtse, "I have a large tree, called the ailanthus. Its trunk is so irregular and knotty that it cannot be measured out for planks; while its branches are so twisted that they cannot be cut out into discsor squares. It stands by the roadside, but no carpenter will look at it.Your words are like that tree -- big and useless, of no concern to theworld.""Have you never seen a wild cat," rejoined Chuangtse, "crouching downin wait for its prey Right and left and high and low, it springs about,until it gets caught in a trap or dies in a snare. On the other hand, thereis the yak with its great huge body. It is big enough in all conscience, butit cannot catch mice. Now if you have a big tree and are at a loss what todo with it, why not plant it in the Village of Nowhere, in the great wilds,where you might loiter idly by its side, and lie down in blissful reposebeneath its shade There it would be safe from the ax and from all otherinjury. For being of no use to others, what could worry its mind"。
A Happy ExcursionIn the northern ocean there is a fish, called the k'un, I do not know how many thousand li in size. This k'un changes into a bird, called the p'eng. Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth. When it is moved, it flies, its wings obscuring the sky like clouds.When on a voyage, this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean, the Celestial Lake. And in the Records of Marvels we read that when thep'eng flies southwards, the water is smitten for a space of three thousand li around, while the bird itself mounts upon a great wind to a height of ninety thousand li, for a flight of six months' duration.There mounting aloft, the bird saw the moving white mists of spring, the dust-clouds, and the living things blowing their breaths among them. It wondered whether the blue of the sky was its real color, or only the result of distance without end, and saw that the things on earth appeared the same to it.If there is not sufficient depth, water will not float large ships. Upset a cupful into a hole in the yard, and a mustard-seed will be your boat. Try to float the cup, and it will be grounded, due to the disproportion between water and vessel.So with air. If there is not sufficient a depth, it cannot support large wings. And for this bird, a depth of ninety thousand li is necessary to bear it up. Then, gliding upon the wind, with nothing save the clear sky above, and no obstacles in the way, it starts upon its journey to the south.A cicada and a young dove laughed, saying, "Now, when I fly with all my might, 'tis as much as I can do to get from tree to tree. And sometimes I do not reach, but fall to the ground midway. What then can be the use of going up ninety thousand li to start for the south"He who goes to the countryside taking three meals with him comes back with his stomach as full as when he started. But he who travels a hundred li must take ground rice enough for an overnight stay. And he who travels a thousand li must supply himself with provisions for threemonths. Those two little creatures, what should they knowSmall knowledge has not the compass of great knowledge any more than a short year has the length of a long year. How can we tell that this is so The fungus plant of a morning knows not the alternation of day and night. The cicada knows not the alternation of spring and autumn. Theirs are short years. But in the south of Ch'u there is a mingling (tree) whose spring and autumn are each of five hundred years' duration. And in former days there was a large tree which had a spring and autumn each of eight thousand years. Yet, P'eng Tsu(1) is known for reaching a great age and is still, alas! an object of envy to all!It was on this very subject that the Emperor T'ang(2) spoke to Chi, as follows: "At the north of Ch'iungta, there is a Dark Sea, the Celestial Lake. In it there is a fish several thousand li in breadth, and I know not how many in length. It is called the k'un. There is also a bird, called the p'eng, with a back like Mount T'ai, and wings like clouds across the sky. It soars up upon a whirlwind to a height of ninety thousand li, far above the region of the clouds, with only the clear sky above it. And then it directs its flight towards the Southern Ocean."And a lake sparrow laughed, and said: Pray, what may that creature be going to do I rise but a few yards in the air and settle down again, after flying around among the reeds. That is as much as any one would wantto fly. Now, wherever can this creature be going to" Such, indeed, is the difference between small and great.Take, for instance, a man who creditably fills some small office, or whose influence spreads over a village, or whose character pleases a certain prince. His opinion of himself will be much the same as that lake sparrow's. The philosopher Yung of Sung would laugh at such a one. If the whole world flattered him, he would not be affected thereby, nor if the whole world blamed him would he be dissuaded from what he was doing. For Yung can distinguish between essence and superficialities,and understand what is true honor and shame. Such men are rare in their generation. But even he has not established himself.Now Liehtse(3) could ride upon the wind. Sailing happily in the cool breeze, he would go on for fifteen days before his return. Among mortals who attain happiness, such a man is rare. Yet although Liehtse could dispense with walking, he would still have to depend upon something(4). As for one who is charioted upon the eternal fitness of Heaven and Earth, driving before him the changing elements as his team to roam through the realms of the Infinite, upon what, then, would such a one have need to depend Thus it is said, "The perfect man ignores self; the divine man ignores achievement; the true Sage ignores reputation."The Emperor Yao(5) wished to abdicate in favor of Hsu: Yu, saying, "If, when the sun and moon are shining, the torch is still lighted, would it be not difficult for the latter to shine If, when the rain has fallen, one should still continue to water the fields, would this not be a waste of labor Now if you would assume the reins of government, the empire would be well governed, and yet I am filling this office. I am conscious of my own deficiencies, and I beg to offer you the Empire.""You are ruling the Empire, and the Empire is already well ruled," replied Hsu: Yu. "Why should I take your place Should I do this for the sake of a name A name is but the shadow of reality, and should I trouble myself about the shadow The tit, building its nest in the mighty forest, occupies but a single twig. The beaver slakes its thirst from the river, but drinks enough only to fill its belly. I would rather go back: I have no use for the empire! If the cook is unable to prepare the funeral sacrifices, the representative of the worshipped spirit and the officer of prayer may not step over the wines and meats and do it for him."Chien Wu said to Lien Shu, "I heard Chieh Yu: talk on high and fine subjects endlessly. I was greatly startled at what he said, for his words seemed interminable as the Milky Way, but they are quite detached from our common human experience.""What was it" asked Lien Shu."He declared," replied Chien Wu, "that on the Miao-ku-yi mountain there lives a divine one, whose skin is white like ice or snow, whose grace andelegance are like those of a virgin, who eats no grain, but lives on air and dew, and who, riding on clouds with flying dragons for his team, roams beyond the limit's of the mortal regions. When his spirit gravitates, he can ward off corruption from all things, and bring good crops. That is why I call it nonsense, and do not believe it.""Well," answered Lien Shu, "you don't ask a blind man's opinion of beautiful designs, nor do you invite a deaf man to a concert. And blindness and deafness are not physical only. There is blindness and deafness of the mind. His words are like the unspoiled virgin. The good influence of such a man with such a character fills all creation. Yet because a paltry generation cries for reform, you would have him busy himself about the details of an empire!"Objective existences cannot harm. In a flood which reached the sky, he would not be drowned. In a drought, though metals ran liquid and mountains were scorched up, he would not be hot. Out of his very dust and siftings you might fashion two such men as Yao and Shun(6). And you would have him occupy himself with objectives!"A man of the Sung State carried some ceremonial caps to the Yu:eh tribes for sale. But the men of Yu:eh used to cut off their hair and paint their bodies, so that they had no use for such things.The Emperor Yao ruled all under heaven and governed the affairs of the entire country. After he paid a visit to the four sages of the Miao-ku-yi Mountain, he felt on his return to his capital at Fenyang that the empire existed for him no more.Hueitse(7) said to Chuangtse, "The Prince of Wei gave me a seed of a large-sized kind of gourd. I planted it, and it bore a fruit as big as a five bushel measure. Now had I used this for holding liquids, it would have been too heavy to lift; and had I cut it in half for ladles, the ladles would have been too flat for such purpose. Certainly it was a huge thing, but I had no use for it and so broke it up.""It was rather you did not know how to use large things," replied Chuangtse. "There was a man of Sung who had a recipe for salve forchapped hands, his family having been silk-washers for generations. A stranger who had heard of it came and offered him a hundred ounces of silver for this recipe; whereupon he called together his clansmen and said, 'We have never made much money by silk-washing. Now, we can sell the recipe for a hundred ounces in a single day. Let the stranger have it.'"The stranger got the recipe, and went and had an interview with the Prince ofWu. The Yu:eh State was in trouble, and the Prince of Wu sent a general to fight a naval battle with Yu:eh at the beginning of winter. The latter was totally defeated, and the stranger was rewarded with a piece of the King's territory. Thus, while the efficacy of the salve to cure chapped hands was in both cases the same, its applications were different. Here, it secured a title; there, the people remained silkwashers. "Now as to your five-bushel gourd, why did you not make a float of it, and float about over river and lake And you complain of its being too flat for holding things! I fear your mind is stuffy inside."Hueitse said to Chuangtse, "I have a large tree, called the ailanthus. Its trunk is so irregular and knotty that it cannot be measured out for planks; while its branches are so twisted that they cannot be cut out into discsor squares. It stands by the roadside, but no carpenter will look at it. Your words are like that tree -- big and useless, of no concern to the world.""Have you never seen a wild cat," rejoined Chuangtse, "crouching down in wait for its prey Right and left and high and low, it springs about,until it gets caught in a trap or dies in a snare. On the other hand, there is the yak with its great huge body. It is big enough in all conscience, but it cannot catch mice. Now if you have a big tree and are at a loss what to do with it, why not plant it in the Village of Nowhere, in the great wilds, where you might loiter idly by its side, and lie down in blissful repose beneath its shade There it would be safe from the ax and from all other injury. For being of no use to others, what could worry its mind"。
1948年,林语堂在《中国与印度的智慧》(The Wisdom of China and India)中,写了《庄子,神秘主义者和幽默家》(Chuangtse, Mystic and Humorist)一文;威厄(韦尔)(James R. Ware)于1963 年出版了《庄子故事集》(一说《庄子语录》),由新美国图书馆出版社出版,这是 20 世纪《庄子》的第一个英语全译本(文军、甘霞 2012:33-34);1999年,湖南人民出版社出版了汪榕培、任秀桦的《庄子:汉英对照卷》。
此外,冯友兰先生等也曾译过《庄子》(Chuang Tzu)。
二、林语堂和汪榕培林语堂(1895-1976),中国现代著名的文学家、语言学家和翻译家,其英文著作和译著包括My Country and My People(《吾国与吾民》)、Moment in Peking(《京华烟云》)、The Importance of Living(《生活的艺术》)、Six Chapters of A Floating Life(《浮生六记》)、The Wisdom of Laotse(《老子的智慧》)等。
In the northern ocean there is a fish, called the k’un, I do not know how many thousand li in size. This k’un changes into a bird, called the p’eng. Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth. When it is moved, it flies, its wings obscuring the sky like clouds.是鸟也,海运则将徙於南冥;南冥者,天池也。
”When on a voyage, this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean, the Celestial Lake. And in the Records of Marvels we read that when the peng flies southwards, the water is smitten for a space of three thousand li around, while the bird itself mounts upon a great wind to a height of ninety thousand li, for a flight of six months' duration.野马也,尘埃也,生物之以息相吹也。
1. "My Country and My People"(《吾国与吾民》):这是林语堂最著名的英语作品之一,是一部介绍中国文化和社会的散文作品。
2. "The Importance of Living"(《生活的艺术》):这是一部关于生活哲学和人生态度的散文作品,阐述了林语堂对生活的理解和追求。
3. "The Wisdom of China and India"(《中国和印度的智慧》):这是一部介绍中国和印度
4. "A History of the Press and Public Opinion in China"(《中国报业与舆论史》):这是一部关于中国报业和舆论发展的历史著作,介绍了中国报业的起源、发展和影响。
5. "The Moment in Peking"(《京华烟云》):这是一部长篇小说,讲述了中国近代历史上的一些重要事件和人物,反映了中国社会的变迁和人民的生活。
兰亭集序It is the ninth year of Yonghe (A.C.353), also known as the year of Guichou in terms of the Chinese lunar calendar.On one of those late spring days, we gather at the Orchid Pavilion, which is located in Shanyin County, Kuaiji Prefecture, for dispelling bad luck and praying for good fortune.The attendees of the gathering are all virtuous intellectuals, varying from young to old. Endowed with great mountains and lofty peaks, Orchid Pavilion has flourishing branches and high bamboo bushes all around, together with a clear winding brook engirdled, which can thereby serve the guests by floating the wine glasses on top for their drinking. Seated by the bank of brook, people will still regale themselves right by poetizing their mixed feelings and emotions with wine and songs, never mind the absence of melody from string and wind instruments.永和九年,岁在癸(guǐ)丑。
场 景还 原
潘 国文 和他 的研究 生 写 过一 篇 文 章 《 古籍 英 译 当求 明 白、 畅 、 洁 》, 出 了古 籍 英 译 的基 通 简 提 本标 准 , 说 这是 “ 、 、 ” 并 信 达 雅 的具体 化做 法 J 。 在 翻译 的 实践 中 , 信 、 、 ” 一准 则 , 中首 “ 达 雅 这 其
是道家的经典力作 , 是中国古典名著之一 , 也是庄 子学派关 于伦理 、 哲学 、 政治 、 生 、 术 的文章 汇 人 学
编 。在其 问世 后 的两 千 多年 , 被 奉 若 道 教 《 既 南 华 真经》, 因摄 人 心 魄 的文学 魅 力著 称 于 世 , 又 这
辑 可谈 , 实 为形 散 而神 聚 ; 美 ” 因 为它 运 用 但 “ 是
到读者所 期待 的效果 。这也 是典籍 翻译 困难 的共
《 逍遥 游》 第一 句 “ 冥有 鱼 ” 北 中的“ 北冥 ” 版 ,
本 1的 译 文 是 “n teNote ak es 。版 本 I r r drn s” h hn
性 之所在 , 间和空 间上 的大 跨度 , 时 使得 即使是 用 本 民族语 言来 还 原也 存 在 一定 的困难 , 况 还 在 何 不 同语言 之 间的 翻译 转换 。 因此 , 究 《 子 》 研 庄 的 翻译 对于 阐述一 般典籍 汉英 翻译 的方法具 有一 定
景 , 隐含 于“ 台” 将 后 的信 息 浮 出水 面 , 现在 “ 表 前 台” 。为此 , 者需 进 行 必要 的增 译 , 人体 现上 译 加
下行 文时 的逻辑关 系 的连接词 以及再 现句 子深层 含义 的解 释 。
化空缺 , 汉两 种语 言的差异 性 , 今语言 的差 异 英 古 性 以及译 者对 原 文 的不 同理解 , 得 译文 很 难 达 使
1.桃花源记——陶渊明The Peach Colony (translated by Lin Yutang 林语堂)晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近。
During the reign of Taiyuan of Chin, there was a fisherman of Wuling. One day he was walking along a bank. After having gone a certain distance, he suddenly came upon a peach grove which extended along the bank for about a hundred yards. He noticed with surprise that the grove had a magic effect, so singularly free from the usual mingling of brushwood, while the beautifully grassy ground was covered with its rose petals. He went further to explore, and when he came to the end of the grove, he saw a spring which came from a cave in the hill, Having noticed that there seemed to be a weak light in the cave, he tied up his boat and decided to go in and explore. At first the opening was very narrow, barely wide enough for one person to go in. After a dozen steps, it opened into a flood of light.土地平旷,屋舍俨然。
Chuang Tzu: Inner ChaptersChapter OneWandering in Absolute FreedomIn the North Sea there is a kind of fish by the name of kun, whose size covers thousands of li. The fish metamorphoses into a kind of bird by the name of peng, whose back cover thousands of li. When it rises in flight, its wings are like clouds that hang from the sky. When the wind blows over the sea, the peng moves to the South Sea, the Celestial Pond.According to Qi Xie, a collection of mysterious stories, “On its journey to the South Sea, the peng flaps sprays for 3,000 li and soars to a height of 90,000 li at the windy time of June.” The air, the dusts and the microbes float in the sky at the breath of the wind. Does the sky display the blueness as its true colour? Or does it reach an unattainable distance? When the peng looks from above, it must have observed a similar sight.If a mass of water is not deep enough, it will not be able to float large ships. When you pour a cup of water into a hole on the floor, a straw can sail on it as a boat, but a cup will get stuck in it for the water is too shallow and the vessel is too large. If the wind is not strong enough, it will not be able to bear large wings. Therefore, the peng must have a strong wind under it as its support so as to soar to a height of 90,000 li. Only then can it brave the blue sky and clear all obstacles on its southward journey.A cicada and a turtle-dove derided the peng saying, “We fly upward until we alight on an elm or a sandal tree. Sometimes when we cannot make it, we just fall back to the ground. What’s the sense of soaring to a height of 90,000 li on your journey to the south?”If you are going to the green suburbs, you only have to bring three meals and you will comeback with a full stomach. If you are going 100 li away, you have to grind enough grain for the overnight stay. If you are going 1,000 li away, you have to bring enough grain to last you three months. How could these two little creatures know about all this?Little learning does not come up to great learning; the short-lived does not come up to the long-lived. How do we knowthat this is the case? The fungi that sprout in the morning and die before evening do not know the alteration of night and day; cicadas do not know the alteration of spring and autumn. Those are cases of the short-lived. In the south of the state of Chu there is a miraculous tortoise, for whom each spring or autumn lasts 500 years; in the remote ages there was a huge toon tree, for which each spring and autumn lasted 8,000 years. Those are cases of the long-lived. But today, Pengzu, who lived over 700 years, is uniquely acknowledged for his longevity. Is it not lamentable that he is an object of envy to all! Tang, the first king of the Shang Dynasty, asked his minister Ji a similar question.Tang asked Ji, “Are there limits up and down, east and west, north and south?”Ji answered, “There are limits beyond limits. In the remote and barren north, there is a dark sea, the Celestial Pond, where lives a kind of fish by the name of kun, whose size covers thousands of li. There are also a kind of bird by the name of peng, whose back is like a lofty mountain and whose wings are like clouds that hang from the sky. Soaring like a whirlwind to a height for 90,00 li, the peng flies above the heavy clouds and against the blue sky on its southward journey toward the South Sea. A quail in the marsh laughed at the peng, saying, ‘Where does he think he’s going? I hop and skip and fly up, but I never fly up more than a dozen metres before I come down and hover above the reeds. That’s the highest I ever fly! And where does he think he’s going?’”Such is the difference between the small and the great.For those who are intelligent enough to take a minor office, well-behaved enough to impress a district, virtuous enough to please a lord or talented enough to win the confidence of a state, their complacency is like that of the cicada, the turtle-dove or the quail. Song Rongzi is a philosopher who mocks at them, for he himself does not feel flattered when the whole world praises him and does not feel discouraged when the whole world blames him. He can differentiate the internal form the external; he can distinguish between honour and disgrace. But that is all he can do. Although he is not entangled in worldly affairs, he still has something unattained.Then there is Liezi, who can travel by riding the wind in a free and easy manner, returning to earth in fifteen days. He is never entangled in worldly fortunes, but although he does not have to walk, he is still dependent on something. However, suppose someone rides on the true course of heaven and earth and harnesses the change of the six vital elements of yin, yang, wind, rain, darkness and brightness to travel in the infinite. What is there for him to be dependent on? Therefore, as the saying goes, “The perfect man cares for no self; the holy man cares for no merit; the sage cares for no name.”…Chapter 2On the Uniformity of All ThingsNanguo Ziqi sat leaning on the low table. He gazed at the sky and breathed gently, in a trance as if his soul had left his body. His disciple Yancheng Ziyou, who stood in waiting before him, said, “How does it come to this? Can your body really become thus like a withered tree and your soul like dead ashes? Your appearance as you lean on your low table today is not the same as it used to be.”Ziqi said, “Yan, you’ve asked a good question. Do you know that I lost myself just now? You have heard the music of the man, but you haven’t heard the music of the earth. You may have heard the music of the earth, but you may not have heard the music of the heaven!”…Ziyou said, “The music of the earth is the sound from all those hollows while the music of the man is the sound from different flutes and pipes. May I ask what is the music of the heaven?”Ziqi said, ”The music of the heaven is varied, but it is the same wind that makes different hollows produce different sounds. Each hollow produce its own sound; what else is there to emit the sound?”…Speech is not just like the blowing of the wind. It has meaning, which is not fixed. Is there something reasonable in it, or is there nothing reasonable in it? It is supposed to bedifferent from the chirping of small birds. Is it really different or is it not, as a matter of fact?Why is Tao so obscure that it can be considered both true and false? Why is speech so obscure that it can be considered both right and wrong? Why does Tao prevail and seem to be non-existent? Tao is obscured when it is concealed by minor achievements; speech is obscured between Confucianism and Mohism --- each approves what the other disapproves and disapproves what the other approves. In that case, however, the best thing to do is to bring the truth to light.… Thus, instead of making these distinctions [between right and wrong], the sage seeks enlightenment from the heave, that is to say, he seeks to recognize the true state of things. …To recognize that there is no opposite for either “that side”or “this side”is the essence of Tao. To recognize the essence of Tao is like staying at the centre of things --- ready to cope with the infinite transformation of things. Right is infinite and wrong is infinite, too. Therefore, it is said that the best thing to do is to bring the truth to light. …Only the truly wise man knows that interchangeability leads to uniformity. Instead of dwelling on the distinction of things, he follows their ordinary course. …the ordinary course of things comes close to the true state of Tao. He is following the natural course of things, but he does not know why things develop along this natural course, which is called “Tao”.…There is in the world nothing greater than the tips of the downs of a bird in autumn while Mount Tai is tiny. There is no one who lives longer than a dead baby while Peng Zu, who lived over 700 years, died young. The heaven and the earth and I came to existence at the same time; all things in the world and I are one uniformity. Since all things are one uniformity, what else is there to say? Since I have said that all things are on uniformity, how can there be nothing to say? “One uniformity”and what I have said about it makes two, two and one makes three. If we go on like this, even the cleverest mathematician cannot keep up, let alone the ordinary people. Therefore, if, by moving from non-existence to existence, we arrive at “three”, how much farther would we go if we move from existence to existence! We’d better not move any farther, but follow the natural course of things.…Wang Ni said, “The perfect man is divine. Even though the great swamp were set on fire, he would not feel the heat; even though the rivers were frozen, he would not feel the cold; even though the thunder hit the mountain and the whirlwind shook the sea, he would not feel the shock. Such a man can ride the clouds and mists, mount the sun and the moon, and travel beyond the four seas. How can a man unaffected by life and death bother about benefit and harm?”…“The different voices in an argument are in opposition to each other. To smooth out the opposition is to conform to the natural division of things as it is till the very end. What is meant by conforming to the natural division of things? May answer would be that ‘right’may be not ‘right’and ‘so’ may be not ‘so’. If ‘right’is really right, then ‘right’is so different from ‘not right’ that there is no need for argument; if ‘so’is really so, then ‘so’ is so different from ‘not so’ that there is again no need for argument. Forget about the time, forget about the distinctions, and you will be able to travel in the realm of the infinite. Therefore, the say lives in the realm of the infinite. ”The penumbra asked the shadow, “A little while ago you were moving when the man walked, and now you are standing still when the man stops; a little while ago you were sitting when the man sat, and now you are standing up when the man rises. How is it that you lack independent actions?”The shadow answered, “Don’t I have to depend on the man to be what I am? Doesn’t the man have to depend on the snake’s scales or the cicada’s wings? How can I know why I do this? How can I know why I don’t do that?”I, by the name of Zhang Zhou, once dreamed that I was a butterfly, a butterfly fluttering happily here and there. I was so pleased that I forgot that I was Zhuang Zhou. When I suddenly woke up, I was astonished to find that I was as a matter of fact Zhuang Zhou. Did Zhuang Zhou dream of the butterfly or did the butterfly dream of Zhuang Zhou? Between Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly there must be some distinctions. This is called “the transformation of things.”。
三、 《 逍遥 游 》 林 译 本 的 隐 喻 翻 译 林 语 堂长 于 “ 对 中 国 人 讲 西 方 文 化 。对 西 方 人 讲 中 国 文 化” , 希 望 在 翻译 中 忠实 地 体 现 原 文 的 “ 差 异性 ” . 其 推 行 的翻 译 “ 美” 的标 准— — “ 声音之美 , 意义之美 , 传 神之美 , 文 气 文 体 形 式之美” , 以及 “ 翻 译 即 艺术 ” 的 翻译 观 。 对 中 国典 籍 外 译 极 具 启 示作用。 在 林 语 堂 看来 , 文学翻译“ 应 以 原 文之 风 格 与 其 内容 并 重” , 这种“ 笨拙” “ 愚蠢 ” 的 中 国式 英 语 不 仅 使 译 文 简 洁 明 了 . 还 让 异 域 读 者倍 感 亲 切 , 又不 失 好 奇 心 。 这 种 自成 一 体 , 追求 “ 清 顺 自然 ” 的翻 译 观 对 《 庄子・ 逍遥游》 中隐 喻 的 翻译 有何 启 示 呢? 1 . 威妥玛拼音翻 译。《 逍 遥游》 中 大 量 专 有 名 词 含 有 丰 富 的隐喻意义 、 象 征意义及 文化寓意 , 如“ 鲲” 、 “ 鹏” 等 极 为 典 型 的形 象 , 如 何恰 当 处 理 , 既保 留文化韵 味 , 又 不 过 分 直 白丧 失 美感 。林 译 对 含 有 隐 喻 信 息 的特 有 文 化 名 词 一 般 采 取 威 妥 玛 拼音 , 保 留独 特 汉 语 文 化 意 象 , 使 隐 喻 和 意 象 固化 . 且 不 增 加 任何解释 , 带给读者异域文化魅力感受 。 例一 : 鲲 译文: 1 、 h e K u n “ 鲲” , “ 鱼子 也 , 鱼子 未生 者 日鲲 ” [ 2 l 3 ] 。鲲 本义 是 小鱼 . 在 逍遥 游 中, 庄 子却 以之 为 大鱼 , 所 以“ 鲲” 实 则 含 有小 鱼 和 大 鱼 双 重含 义 。“ 鲲” 所 体现 的 小和 大包 含着 深 刻 的隐 喻信 息 . “ 鱼子 ” 是 生命 开 始 的状 态 ,小 到近 似无 形 ,而 庄 子 以之 为 大鱼 又 是 另一 个 状 态, 可 以大 到 不 知 其 几 千里 。“ 道所 具 有 的 , 诸 如 矛盾 的相 互 转
蜩与学鸠笑之曰:“我决起而飞,枪榆枋, 时则不至而控于地而已 矣,奚以之九万里而 南为?”……之二虫又何知! 《庄子》
1. 蜩(liáo):胡蝉。 2. 学鸠:楚鸠。 3. 决(xùe):轻易。 4. 枪:亦作抢,疾速到达。 5. 枋:檀树。 6. 控:投,落地,落下来。 7. 奚:何为,为什么。 8. 适:往,到。 9. 之:这。 10.二虫:指蜩鸠。
Байду номын сангаас 译文
The Ambition of the Roc
A cicada and a turtle-dove sneered at the roc. They joked:“ If we want to take flight, we simply fly into the air. When we come across an elm or a sandalwood tree, we stop there for a rest. At times, when we run out of strength, we come down to the earth. What need is there to fly 90000 miles high all the way to the south ?”… How could such small insects like the cicada or the turtle-dove can possibly understand the ambition of the roc?
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A Happy ExcursionIn the northern ocean there is a fish, called the kun, I do not know how many thousand li in size. This kun changes into a bird, called the peng. Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth. When it is moved, it flies, its wings obscuring the sky like clouds. When on a voyage, this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean, the Celestial Lake. And in the Records of Marvels we read that when the peng flies southwards, the water is smitten for a space of three thousand li around, while the bird itself mounts upon a great wind to a height of ninety thousand li, for a flight of six months' duration. There mounting aloft, the bird saw the moving white mists of spring, the dust-clouds, and the living things blowing their breaths among them. It wondered whether the blue of the sky was its real color, or only the result of distance without end, and saw that the things on earth appeared the same to it. If there is not sufficient depth, water will not float large ships. Upset a cupful into a hole in the yard, and a mustard-seed will be your boat. Try to float the cup, and it will be grounded, due to the disproportion between water and vessel. So with air. If there is not sufficient a depth, it cannot support large wings. And for this bird, a depth of ninety thousand li is necessary to bear it up. Then, gliding upon the wind, with nothing save the clear sky above, and no obstacles in the way, it starts upon its journey to the south. A cicada and a young dove laughed, saying, "Now,when I fly with all my might, 'tis as much as I can do to get from tree to tree. And sometimes I do not reach, but fall to the ground midway. What then can be the use of going up ninety thousand li to start for the south?" He who goes to the countryside taking three meals with him comes back with his stomach as full as when he started. But he who travels a hundred li must take ground rice enough for an overnight stay. And he who travels a thousand li must supply himself with provisions for three months. Those two little creatures, what should they know? Small knowledge has not the compass of great knowledge any more than a short year has the length of a long year. How can we tell that this is so? The fungus plant of a morning knows not the alternation of day and night. The cicada knows not the alternation of spring and autumn. Theirs are short years. But in the south of Chu there is a mingling (tree) whose spring and autumn are each of five hundred years' duration. And in former days there was a large tree which had a spring and autumn each of eight thousand years. Yet, Peng Tsu is known for reaching a great age and is still, alas! an object of envy to all! It was on this very subject that the Emperor Tang spoke to Chi, as follows: "At the north of Chiungta, there is a Dark Sea, the Celestial Lake. In it there is a fish several thousand li in breadth, and I know not how many in length. It is called the kun. There is also a bird, called the peng, with a back like Mount Tai, and wings like clouds across the sky. It soars up upon a whirlwind to aheight of ninety thousand li, far above the region of the clouds, with only the clear sky above it. And then it directs its flight towards the Southern Ocean. "And a lake sparrow laughed, and said: Pray, what may that creature be going to do? I rise but a few yards in the air and settle down again, after flying around among the reeds. That is as much as any one would want to fly. Now, wherever can this creature be going to?" Such, indeed, is the difference between small and great. Take, for instance, a man who creditably fills some small office, or whose influence spreads over a village, or whose character pleases a certain prince. His opinion of himself will be much the same as that lake sparrow's. The philosopher Yung of Sung would laugh at such a one. If the whole world flattered him, he would not be affected thereby, nor if the whole world blamed him would he be dissuaded from what he was doing. For Yung can distinguish between essence and superficialities, and understand what is true honor and shame. Such men are rare in their generation. But even he has not established himself. Now Liehtse could ride upon the wind. Sailing happily in the cool breeze, he would go on for fifteen days before his return. Among mortals who attain happiness, such a man is rare. Yet although Liehtse could dispense with walking, he would still have to depend upon something. As for one who is charioted upon the eternal fitness of Heaven and Earth, driving before him the changing elements as his team to roam through the realms of the Infinite, upon what, then,would such a one have need to depend? Thus it is said, "The perfect man ignores self; the divine man ignores achievement; the true Sage ignores reputation." The Emperor Yao wished to abdicate in favor of Hsu Yu, saying, "If, when the sun and moon are shining, the torch is still lighted, would it be not difficult for the latter to shine? If, when the rain has fallen, one should still continue to water the fields, would this not be a waste of labor?Now, if you would assume the reins of government, the empire would be well governed, and yet I am filling this office. I am conscious of my own deficiencies, and I beg to offer you the Empire." "You are ruling the Empire, and the Empire is already well ruled," replied Hsu Yu. "Why should I take your place? Should I do this for the sake of a name? A name is but the shadow of reality, and should I trouble myself about the shadow? The tit, building its nest in the mighty forest, occupies but a single twig. The beaver slakes its thirst from the river, but drinks enough only to fill its belly. I would rather go back: I have no use for the empire! If the cook is unable to prepare the funeral sacrifices, the representative of the worshipped spirit and the officer of prayer may not step over the wines and meats and do it for him." Chien Wu said to Lien Shu, "I heard Chieh Yu talk on high and fine subjects endlessly. I was greatly startled at what he said, for his words seemed interminable as the Milky Way, but they are quite detached from our common human experience." "Whatwas it?" asked Lien Shu. "He declared," replied Chien Wu, "that on the Miao-ku-yi mountain there lives a divine one, whose skin is white like ice or snow, whose grace and elegance are like those of a virgin, who eats no grain, but lives on air and dew, and who, riding on clouds with flying dragons for his team, roams beyond the limit's of the mortal regions. When his spirit gravitates, he can ward off corruption from all things, and bring good crops. That is why I call it nonsense, and do not believe it." "Well," answered Lien Shu, "you don't ask a blind man's opinion of beautiful designs, nor do you invite a deaf man to a concert. And blindness and deafness are not physical only. There is blindness and deafness of the mind. His words are like the unspoiled virgin. The good influence of such a man with such a character fills all creation. Yet because a paltry generation cries for reform, you would have him busy himself about the details of an empire! "Objective existences cannot harm. In a flood which reached the sky, he would not be drowned. In a drought, though metals ran liquid and mountains were scorched up, he would not be hot. Out of his very dust and siftings you might fashion two such men as Yao and Shun. And you would have him occupy himself with objectives!" A man of the Sung State carried some ceremonial caps to the Yueh tribes for sale. But the men of Yueh used to cut off their hair and paint their bodies, so that they had no use for such things. The Emperor Yao ruled all under heaven and governed the affairs of theentire country. After he paid a visit to the four sages of the Miao-ku-yi Mountain, he felt on his return to his capital at Fenyang that the empire existed for him no more. Hueitse said to Chuangtse, "The Prince of Wei gave me a seed of a large-sized kind of gourd. I planted it, and it bore a fruit as big as a five bushel measure. Now had I used this for holding liquids, it would have been too heavy to lift; and had I cut it in half for ladles, the ladles would have been too flat for such purpose. Certainly it was a huge thing, but I had no use for it and so broke it up.""It was rather you did not know how to use large things," replied Chuangtse. "There was a man of Sung who had a recipe for salve for chapped hands, his family having been silk-washers for generations. A stranger who had heard of it came and offered him a hundred ounces of silver for this recipe; whereupon he called together his clansmen and said, 'We have never made much money by silk-washing. Now, we can sell the recipe for a hundred ounces in a single day. Let the stranger have it.' "The stranger got the recipe, and went and had an interview with the Prince of Wu. The Yueh State was in trouble, and the Prince of Wu sent a general to fight a naval battle with Yueh at the beginning of winter. The latter was totally defeated, and the stranger was rewarded with a piece of the King's territory. Thus, while the efficacy of the salve to cure chapped hands was in both cases the same, its applications were different. Here, it secured a title; there, the people remainedsilk-washers. "Now as to your five-bushel gourd, why did you not make a float of it, and float about over river and lake? And you complain of its being too flat for holding things! I fear your mind is stuffy inside." Hueitse said to Chuangtse, "I have a large tree, called the ailanthus. Its trunk is so irregular and knotty that it cannot be measured out for planks; while its branches are so twisted that they cannot be cut out into discs or squares. It stands by the roadside, but no carpenter will look at it. Your words are like that tree — big and useless, of no concern to the world." "Have you never seen a wild cat," rejoined Chuangtse, "crouching down in wait for its prey? Right and left and high and low, it springs about, until it gets caught in a trap or dies in a snare. On the other hand, there is the yak with its great huge body. It is big enough in all conscience, but it cannot catch mice. Now if you have a big tree and are at a loss what to do with it, why not plant it in the Village of Nowhere, in the great wilds, where you might loiter idly by its side, and lie down in blissful repose beneath its shade? There it would be safe from the ax and from all other injury. For being of no use to others, what could worry its mind?"。