
二、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握英语基本语法和词汇;(2)了解英语国家的基本文化背景;(3)提高英语听、说、读、写能力。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够进行简单的英语口语交流;(2)能够阅读和理解英语短文;(3)能够运用所学知识进行写作。
3. 素质目标:(1)培养学生良好的英语学习习惯;(2)提高学生的自主学习能力;(3)增强学生的跨文化交际意识。
三、教学内容1. 单元一:问候与介绍2. 单元二:日常用语3. 单元三:购物4. 单元四:饮食5. 单元五:交通6. 单元六:天气与气候7. 单元七:工作与职业8. 单元八:娱乐与休闲9. 单元九:旅行10. 单元十:家庭与朋友四、教学方法1. 讲授法:教师讲解英语语法、词汇和口语表达,帮助学生掌握基础知识;2. 演示法:教师通过实际操作演示,让学生直观地了解英语口语和写作技巧;3. 讨论法:鼓励学生积极参与课堂讨论,提高学生的口语表达能力;4. 案例分析法:结合实际生活案例,让学生了解英语国家文化背景;5. 角色扮演法:通过模拟真实场景,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识。
五、教学进度安排1. 第一周:导入课程,介绍课程内容、教学目标和方法;2. 第二至四周:学习单元一至三,重点掌握问候、介绍和日常用语;3. 第五至七周:学习单元四至六,重点掌握购物、饮食和天气与气候;4. 第八至十周:学习单元七至十,重点掌握工作与职业、娱乐与休闲、旅行和家庭与朋友;5. 第十一周:进行期中考试,检验学生的学习成果;6. 第十二至十三周:复习巩固所学知识,进行期末考试。
六、教学评价1. 课堂表现:包括出勤、课堂发言、参与讨论等;2. 作业完成情况:包括课堂作业、课后作业等;3. 考试成绩:包括期中考试、期末考试等;4. 学生自评:学生对自己的学习情况进行自我评价。

a. The kid __w_e_n_t__ into his room and shut the door. b. She tried to blow out all the candles on the cake in one __g_o_. (3) rest n. & vi. a. You may take a __r_e_s_t __ after that class. b. I see a bird __r_e_st_in_g_ on the roof. (4) drink n. & vt. a. Are there any soft _d_r_in_k_s__ in the refrigerator? b. She __d_r_in_k_s_ milk before going to bed every night. (5) feel n. & vi. a. I _a_m_ not __fe_e_l_in_g_ well now, so I can’t dine out with you. b. The _______ of the meeting is tense.
美心英语 上海交通大学出版社
Focus 1 Section I
Exercise VII.1 Translation: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1) She’s been dating him for months but she’s still not very serious. 她__跟_他__约__会__几__个_月__了__,__但__她__还_不__是__很__认__真_。____ (2) Tom came close to falling off the high wall. 汤__姆__差__点__从_高__墙__上__跌__下__来_。________________ (3) He goes for the world record. _他__想_创__造__世__界__纪_录__。______________________ (4) The magician escaped from the cage with his hands tied behind his back. _魔__术_师__双__手__反__绑_着__从__笼__子__里__逃_了__出__来__。_______ (5) She must have had a cold, for she had a fever and a runny nose. 她__一__定__是__感_冒__了__,__因__为__她_发__烧__,__还__流_鼻__涕__。____

F. With his severance payment. G. With the money given by his children. H. With the money left by his parents. I. With his savings.
M: Because I was much hurt from last year’s job seeking experience. You know what the two bosses said to me? They said directly to my face, “You look very tired.” “You look run down.” I’m tired of it.
The Beginning (Paras. 1-4)
More and more unemployed people are spending their severance pay on plastic surgery.
Body (Paras. 5-16)
Senior people, together with some professionals and high executives, in order to get a competitive advantage in job-seeking, are undergoing plastic surgery too.
The End (Paras. 17-19)
The effect of plastic surgery and other forms of cosmetic treatment is still not clear.

教材聚焦典型生活和职业场景,以富有生活化、职业性和时代性的选材,将英语技能放在职业场景中操练,注重对学生英语基本功和职业技能的全面培养,并创设“线上+ 线下”混合式外语教学生态,资源以立体化、多模态形式呈现,是比较适合我校学生实际的教材。

An sectional engine view of a typical spark ignition petrol engine is shown in Fig.2.1, detailing the major components.
into the cylinder.
partial:部分的,不完全的;不公平的,偏袒的 vacuum:真空,真空度
The correct air-fuel mixture is provided by the carburetor.
When the piston reaches the end of its stroke the inlet valve closes,
sealing the top end of the cylinder as both valves are closed.
第一个end:终点,终了; 第二个end:端面,端部
throttle n.节流阀
depression n.降低,下降,衰减
pivot n.枢轴,支点
tilt v.倾斜,翻转
principle:原则,原理;准则,道义 principal:主要的,首要的

英语课程名称:英语课程代码:课程类型:必修公共课开课学期:第2学期学时:4x18=72学分:2教学对象:美术系07动漫,07装潢先修课程:大学英语使用教材:《实用综合教程》1册,主编:王守仁,上海外语教育出版社,2006参考书目:1、《牛津英语语法》,Oxford University Press, 19952.《简明英语语法》,张道真,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2002考核方式:考试所属教研室:公外教研室Lesson PlanUnit 1 Good Manners(8 periods)Lesson Goals:To get to know the students and talk about their vocation.Theme: manners and culture.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: good manners and ways to express thanks.Grammar: modal verbs.Practical writing: how to write a note of thanks.Materials: Unit 1 in textbookProcedure:1.Roll Call :A.to give a brief self-introduction .B. to tell Ss rules and requirements of this course.C. to ask Ss to talk about their vocation.a, how was your vocation? (fantastic, fabulous,great, terrific, excellent , good, not bad, just so so, boring, dull , horrible, nightmare)b, what did you do in the Spring Festival?✧Time: first day of the 1st Lunar month✧Activity: clean homes, pay debts, cut hair, buy new clothes, decorate houseswith paper scroll, new year pictures, burn incense, hold feast, set off firecrackers, see the old year out and new year in, receive red envelop.✧Food: Jiaozi, Niangao, fish…✧Origin: the monster called “nian”2. W arming-up discussion.A Can you name anything related with "manners"?Greetings, polite, shake hands, avoid certain topics , courtesy, patient ...B What kind of behavior do you think is good manners for a man?a.He should help her get in and out of cars. ( )b.He should pay the dinner everytime. ( )c.He should walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk.( )d.He should pull the chair out for her before sitting down himself. ( )e.He should never resort to violent means. ( )3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A Help Ss read the words.B Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a.Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand itsmeaning.b.K ey words and expressions.C Vocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. 7. Grammar tips: modal verbs.A.T asks Ss to tell the types of modal verbs in their own words.B.T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write a note of thanks.Unit2 Living Environment(8periods)Lesson Goals:Theme:enviromental protection.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: how to make our living enviroment beautiful and comfortable. Grammar:the adverbial clause of time.Practical writing: how to write a note of apology.Materials: Unit 2 in textbookProcedure:1. Roll Call :2. W arming-up discussion.A. Can you name anything related with "enviroment"?Chemical, waste, pollution, population...B. Disscussion: how to make our living enviroment beautiful and comfortable.3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A. Help Ss read the words.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a.Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand itsmeaning.b.K ey words and expressions.C. V ocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. Grammar tips: the adverbial clause of time .A. T asks Ss to tell the types of time expressions in their own words.B. T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write a note of apology.Unit3 Fast Food(8periods)Lesson Goals:Theme:healthy eating habits.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: western and Chinese foods and drinks.Grammar:the adverbial clause of purpose.Practical writing: how to write a note of congratulation.Materials: Unit 3 in textbookProcedure:1. Roll Call :2. W arming-up discussion.A. Can you name anything related with "food"?Diet, health, habit, flour, fruit...B. Disscussion: differences between western and Chinese foods and drinks.3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A. Help Ss read the words.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a.Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand itsmeaning.b.K ey words and expressions.C. V ocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. Grammar tips: the adverbial clause of purpose .A. T asks Ss to tell the types of adverbial clauses in their own words.B. T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write a note of apology.Unit 4 Daily shopping(8periods)Lesson Goals:Theme:shopping.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: shopping experienceGrammar:the gerund.Practical writing: how to write an anouncement.Materials: Unit 4 in textbookProcedure:1. Roll Call :2. W arming-up discussion.A. Can you name anything related with "shopping"?Customer, queue, check, account, grocery...B. Disscussion: do you have any impressive shoping experience?3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A. Help Ss read the words.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a. Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand its meaning.b. Key words and expressions.C. V ocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. Grammar tips: the gerund.A. T asks Ss to tell the feature of the gerund in their own words.B. T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write a note of apology.Unit 5 Modern Communication(8periods)Lesson Goals:Theme:communication.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: benefits and disadvantages of modern communication. Grammar:the infinitive.Practical writing: how to write a notice.Materials: Unit 5 in textbookProcedure:1. Roll Call :2. W arming-up discussion.A. Can you name anything related with "communication"?Hotline, caller, cellphone, telegram, language...B. Disscussion: what're the effecient ways of communication ?3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A. Help Ss read the words.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a. Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand its meaning.b. Key words and expressions.C. V ocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. Grammar tips: the infinitive.A. T asks Ss to tell the roles of the infinitive in their own words.B. T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write a note of notice.Unit 6 Health Care(8periods)Lesson Goals:Theme:health.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: How to describe your illness to your doctor?Grammar:the past participle .Practical writing: how to write a name card.Materials: Unit 6 in textbookProcedure:1. Roll Call :2. W arming-up discussion.A. Can you name anything related with "health"?Symptom, liver, cold, fever...B. Disscussion: what do you usually do to maintain healthy?3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A. Help Ss read the words.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a. Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand its meaning.b. Key words and expressions.C. V ocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. Grammar tips: the past participle.A. T asks Ss to tell the functions of past participles in their own words.B. T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write a name card.Unit 7 Generation Gap(8periods)Lesson Goals:Theme:generation gap.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: the relationship between you and your parents?Grammar:the relative clause .Practical writing: how to write an invitation letter.Materials: Unit 7 in textbookProcedure:1. Roll Call :2. W arming-up discussion.A. Can you name anything related with "generation gap"?Parent, age, idea, old-fashioned, popular, value...B. Disscussion: how to bridge the generation gap?3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A. Help Ss read the words.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a. Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand its meaning.b. Key words and expressions.C. V ocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. Grammar tips: the relative clause.A. T asks Ss to tell the types of the relative clauses in their own words.B. T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write an invitation letter.Unit 8 Gender Differences(8periods)Lesson Goals:Theme:gender differences.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: gender differences in some ways.Grammar:the predicative clause.Practical writing: how to write letters either to accept or decline an invitation. Materials: Unit 8 in textbookProcedure:1. Roll Call :2. W arming-up discussion.A. Can you name anything related with "gender"?Male, female, strength, equal ...B. Disscussion: are there any gender differences nowadays? What are they?3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A. Help Ss read the words.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a. Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand its meaning.b. Key words and expressions.C. V ocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. Grammar tips: the predicative.A. T asks Ss to tell the types of the predicative in their own words.B. T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write letters either to accept or decline an invitation.Unit 9 Job Hunting(8periods)Lesson Goals:Theme:job hunting in a city.V ocabulary: to learn words and phrases in this unit.Speaking: how to communicate with a potential employer in an interview. Grammar:the object clause.Practical writing: how to write a resume.Materials: Unit 9 in textbookProcedure:1. Roll Call :2. W arming-up discussion.A. Can you name anything related with "job"?Empolyer, employee, personnel, resume, applicant...B. Disscussion:what problems may come up in a job interview.3. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.A. Help Ss read the words.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text A.a. Underline the new words and phrases in text and try to understand itsmeaning.b. Key words and expressions.C. V ocabulary check (B and C)4. Discussion of Text A and the following-up exercises..A. Ss watch the video clip and answer questions.B. T helps Ss understand the text and difficult sentences.C. Ss finish the following-up exercises5. Grammar tips: the object clause.A. T asks Ss to tell the types of object clauses in their own words.B. T gives Ss some examples and helps Ss get rules about it.C. Ss finish exercises.6. Discussion of Text B and the following-up exercises.A. Warming up: T asks Ss to answer Comprehensive questions.B. Study of words and expressions in the Text B.C. Detailed study of the text.D. Ss finish the following-up exercises .prehensive exercises.8. Homework: write a resume.。

教学过程:Step 1:导入 (5分钟)教师通过展示图片和提问的方式导入新课,引发学生对实用英语的兴趣。
Step 2:单词学习 (10分钟)教师通过多媒体展示单词,并配以发音,引导学生学习和记忆新词汇。
Step 3:听力训练 (15分钟)教师播放一段对话或独白,要求学生仔细听并回答问题。
Step 4:口语训练 (15分钟)教师设计各种情景对话和角色扮演活动,让学生进行口语练习。
Step 5:阅读训练 (15分钟)教师指导学生阅读一篇短文,并进行理解和表达训练。
Step 6:写作训练 (15分钟)教师引导学生进行写作训练,可以让学生完成一篇短文或写一封电子邮件。
Step 7:文化交流 (10分钟)教师通过展示图片、视频或讲解等方式介绍英语国家的文化和习俗,引发学生的兴趣并提高学生的跨文化交际能力。
Step 8:总结 (5分钟)教师引导学生对本节课的内容进行总结,对学生的表现给予肯定和鼓励,并展望下节课的内容。

Book I
Application-oriented college English Course
Course Description
Expectation: Finish every task on time Be brave and active in discussion Don't be shy and try to make learning fun together
Text Lead-in
Text Organization
Introduction (Para.1)
Introduction to the hero of the story: Monty Roberts, who owns a horsehe teacher failed him and required him to rewrite the paper.
Monty persevered in his dream until he realized it.
Conclusion (Para. 10) Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.
put on:at 1)risk 举办(展览等);演出 ranch: 牧场 youth programs: youth at 不要让别人偷走你的梦想 fund-raising: 筹募基金活动 (戏剧) risk refers to those young who e.g. He is dreaming ofpeople owning a Meaning: He has allowed me to e.g. A charity walklooked is a fund-raising 1 我有个朋友叫蒙蒂·罗伯兹,他 are not properly after or e.g. The gallery will put on an ranch in North America. collect funds to finance social services event. 在圣伊斯德罗有个牧马场。他把住宅 educated and have a tendency to exhibition ofa his latest works offers this Note that large ranch for those young people who are in danger 借给我举办募款活动,为问题青少年 commit wrongdoingscampaign such as being The fund-raising was weekend. horseback riding, rafting, fishing, and of going astray/becoming juvenile 项目筹备基金。 addicted to alcohol, drugs, and so on. kicked off by a tours; millionaire. 2) 穿上,戴上 mountain bike owning delinquents (青少年犯罪分子 ). a ranch at risk: 有危险,有风险 may be the life-long dream for many e.g. The fire suddenly broke out. Americans. e.g. didIfnot wehave go to She thewar, timeinnocent to put lives will socks on. be put at risk.

2-4 Paras. _____
2-3 _____
The mpt of the landlord and his town fellows for the farmer-like Jefferson.
The revelation of the identity of Jefferson and the landlord’s somersault in his attitude. Jefferson’s rejection of the landlord’s offer.
1. Starter
Mind Map nuisance contagious weapon explosive n. 麻烦事 a.传染性的 n. 武器,凶器 n. 爆炸物
1. Starter
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer for each
on presentation and public speaking in
1. Starter
Mark the items with a tick “√”. A hotel can refuse to receive a guest if ( √ ) 1. the person is drunk, creating a public nuisance. ( √ ) 2. the person is suffering from a contagious disease. ( ) 3. the person arrives in the middle of the night. ( √ ) 4. the person is bringing an animal into the hotel. ( √ ) 5. the person is bringing weapons or explosives. ( ) 6. the person is dressed plainly.

new words
Para. 2
Capacity n. ability, power 能力;容量,容积 e.g.
(1)He has a great capacity for remembering. (2)The theatre has a seating capacity of 2000.
Incapacity n. lack of ability or power to do sth. e.g. He was fired for his incapacity for hard work.
disapprove: v. (of)
to have an unfavorable opinion 不赞成, 不同意 e.g.
(1) He disapproves of women smoking. (2) They disapproved strongly of my proposal.
因为哭是人体的一种自然技能,是为了让感情失衡 的人恢复到平衡状态。
Para. 2
The return of the unbalanced organ systems of the body to steady or dynamic stability is known as homeostasis.
new words
Para. 1
in the least: (usu. in negative) at all 一点,丝毫,极少
(1)He is not in the least worried. (2)He was not in the least surprised.

年级:三年级教材:人教PEP版英语课时:2课时教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够认识并掌握基本的交通运输工具单词,如:bus、car、train、plane、ship、subway等。
2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学词汇进行简单的对话,表达自己出行的方式。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生热爱生活、关注社会的能力。
教学重点:1. 交通运输工具单词的认读和运用。
2. 简单对话的表达。
教学难点:1. 交通运输工具单词的发音和拼写。
2. 简单对话的连贯性和准确性。
教学准备:1. 多媒体课件2. 交通工具图片及单词卡片3. 录音机及磁带教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师用多媒体课件展示各种交通工具图片,引导学生说出它们的名称。
2. 学生自由交流,分享自己出行的交通工具。
二、新课呈现1. 教师展示交通工具单词卡片,带领学生认读单词。
2. 学生跟读、拼读单词,教师纠正发音。
三、单词练习1. 教师组织学生进行单词接龙游戏,巩固所学单词。
2. 学生分组,进行“交通工具接龙”游戏,每组轮流说出一种交通工具,下一个人说出与之相连的交通工具。
四、对话练习1. 教师展示情景图,引导学生用所学单词进行对话。
2. 学生分组,进行角色扮演,练习对话。
五、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点单词和句型。
2. 学生分享自己对本节课的感受。
第二课时一、复习1. 教师用多媒体课件展示交通工具图片,引导学生复习所学单词。
2. 学生进行“交通工具连连看”游戏,巩固单词。
二、新课呈现1. 教师展示不同场景的图片,引导学生用所学单词描述出行方式。
2. 学生分组,进行“描述出行方式”游戏,每组轮流描述一种出行方式。
三、对话练习1. 教师展示情景图,引导学生用所学单词进行对话。
2. 学生分组,进行角色扮演,练习对话。
四、拓展活动1. 教师组织学生进行“我是小小交通警察”活动,让学生扮演交通警察,指挥交通。
2. 学生分组,进行“交通工具拼图”活动,巩固所学单词。

幼儿园中班英语教案:Transportation(交通工具)一、教学目标:1、通过学习能够让小朋友理解car, bus, scooter, on foot的意思。
2、能够了解句型How do you go to school? I go to school on foot.3、通过游戏活动,让小朋友在做动作中学会car, bus, scooter, on foot的单词。
三、教学过程:1、Warm up:Up, up, up touch your headDown, down, down touch your feetUp and down, touch your hip,Turn round and touch the ground.2、出示挂图,教师提问,并让小朋友上前来指出。
T: What do you see?C: I see 汽车。
T: Great! This is car. (拿出准备好的实物汽车)让小朋友跟着我读car,并让他们做出开车的样子,围着教室来开车,同时读car.拿出事先准备好的实物,放在桌子上,问小朋友“How do you go to school?”让小朋友上前来选。
T:“What’s this?” C: “This is 公共汽车。
拿出闪卡,读Bus(我从小朋友的面前迅速跑过,让小朋友Touch the bus.)Read after me: bus请小朋友模仿等bus的样在,站在一边,同时说:bus ,bus, bus coming.再请小朋友上来选交通工具T: “how do you go to school?”C: 摩托车拿出闪卡带领小朋友读Scooter老师拿出安全帽给小朋友带上,然后做骑摩托车的动作,让所有小朋友一起来读Scooter。
T: Anyone else, “How do you go to school?”C: 走路来的T: on foot老师一边走一边说On foot.带领小朋友读几遍。

《实用英语综合教程》第一册Units1-6教案Unit 1 EducationTeaching objective1. read what Bill Gates says about education;2. build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;3. get to know about the vocational education in Germany;4. study different types of nouns;5. write an introduction of yourself.Teaching focuses:1. Vocabulary: (omitted)2. Grammar: Nouns3. Practical writing: short passage to introduce yourselfTeaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text AStep 2: Discussion of Text AStep 3: Comprehensive ExercisesStep 4: Grammar Tips; Active Words and V ocabulary Check Step 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up ComprehensionStep 6: Practical WritingStep 7: Starting Out & In-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Step 8: Cultural Notes & After-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course) Teaching methods:(1)Practice speaking and listening(2)Discussion(3)Presentation and role play(4) ExercisesTeaching ProceduresWarm-up Discussion and background information1. Bill Gates:(Bill) H. Bill Gates is the co-founder, chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the world’s largest and most profitable software company. And he is also the richest man in the world.Gates was born in 1955, in Seattle, Washington.●Gates attended the private Lakeside School. There, he discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age 13.●Gate s went off to Harvard University in 1973 with the original intention of becoming a math professor. It was during his Harvard days that he and his friend developed BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), the programming language for the first microcomputer. Gates left Harvard in 1975 without completing his university education.●He started Microsoft at the age of 19, and made a deal that changed the landscape of computing forever.●Gates announced in 2006 that he would be transitioning from full-time workat Microsoft to part-time work, and full-time work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty in the world2. HarvardHarvard University, founded in 1636, is America’s oldest institution of higher learning. The university was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown. Since its founding, the university has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates and graduate students in 10 principalacademic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School.Text A : Education does countStudy of words and expressions in Text A/doc/8818832061.htmlcation n.教育educate v.教育educated adj. 受教育的educator n. 教育家,教育者1. Children in poor areas receive free education.2. The writer was educated at a very good school3. a well-educated man2. count v.有重要意义,有价值1. Every second counts.2. What counts more is whether you have tried your best.3. hundreds of 好几百,许许多多1. Hundreds of journalists attended the press conference.2. More than two hundred journalists attended the press conference.4. advice n. 忠告,建议advise vt. 忠告,建议1. She advised that I (should) wear my best suit.2. I was advised not to go there alone at night.5. drop out of 退学,不参与,退出1. He dropped out of school at the age of 10 because his family was too poor to afford the tuition.2. She decided to drop out of the competition because it was not fair.6. a …number of 若干1. A number of students didn’t want to have a spring outing.7. ask for 询问,寻求1. If you ask for my advice, that color doesn’t suit you.2. May I ask for the telephone number of the Grand Hotel?8. suggestion n.意见,建议at/on sb.’s suggestion 根据某人的建议make/offer a suggestion 提议,建议1. At/On her suggestion we went to Beijing by train.2. We will listen to anyone who makes/offers suggestions for the theme of the party.9. success n.成功,胜利succeed vi. 成功;达到;完成1. Failure is the mother of success.2. He succeeded in the examination.3. He succeeded in making his dreams come true.10. advantage n. 有利条件,好处;优点,优势advantageous adj. 有利的,有益的;便利的advantageous adj. 有利的,有益的;便利1. Mary speaks good English. Her advantage is that her mother is an English.2. This product has many advantages.3. It is highly advantageous to us.11. lifetime n. 一生,终生chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机,一生中唯一的机会1. a lifetime guarantee2. In my father’s lifetime there have been many changes in the village.3. It’s the chance of a lifetime. You will regret it the rest of your life if you don’t take it.12. programmer n. 程序师,编程员program vt.编制程序(亦作:programme)1. Please program the computer to do the job instead of doing it manually.13. discourage vt. 不鼓励;使泄气,使失去信心discouraged adj. 泄气的,失去信心的discouraging adj. 使人泄气的,使人失去信心的1. His parents discouraged him from joining the air force.2. If you meet with any difficulty in your study, don’t be discouraged.3. It is discouraging that I didn’t know how to solve the maths problem.encourage vt.鼓励courage n. 勇敢,勇气4. I encouraged her to work hard and to try to pass the examinations.5. She showed remarkable courage when she heard the bad news.14. diploma n. 文凭,毕业证书diplomatic adj. 外交的,从事外交的1. Julia joined the diplomatic service after her graduation from the university.15. spirit n. 精神in good/high/great spirits 精神好,高兴,兴致好in low/poor spirits 意志消沉,垂头丧气,怏怏不乐1. She is in good / high / great spirits these days because her son is returning from England.2. Do you know what happened to him? He seems to be in low/poor spirits.16. focus v. (使)集中;(使)聚焦1. All eyes (were) focused on the speaker.2. Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.17. range (1) n. 范围(2) vi.在某范围内变化1. You have a wide range of choices.2. The temperature ranges from 10 to 20 degrees.3. The students’ages range between 15 and 18.18. try out 试验,考验1. She bought a cookbook and tried out a few new recipes.2. We tried out the project within a small range at first.19. in short 简而言之,总之1. In short, you should study hard for a better future.Synonym:in brief / to sum up / all in all / in conclusion20. They want to know what to study, or whether it’s OK to drop out of college since that’s what I did.:They want to know what they should study or whether it is fine for them to leave college without completing the education since I did it myself.what to study:This is a “wh-word + infinitive”structure used as the object, which can be changed into an object clause. “Wh-wo rd + infinitive”structure can be used as a subject, an object, or an appositive, etc., functioning as a subject clause (主语从句), an object clause (宾语从句) or an appositive clause (同位语从句).21. it’s OK to drop out of college: Here “it”is used as a formal subject, and the actual subject is the infinitive structure “to drop out of college”. The structure is “It is + adj. + (for / of + sb.) to do sth.”More example:1. It was very thoughtful of her to come to see me when I was ill.2. It is careless of you to make such a mistake.3. It is easy for me to see through his trick.22. That’s what I did: “what I did”here is a predicative clause (表语从句) introduced by “what”. The structure is “subject + be / look / remain / seem + predicative clause”and the predicative clause can be introduced by such words as“that”(often omitted), and other wh-words.For example:1. It seems (that) it is going to rain.2. The question remains whether we can win the game.3. This is why I refused to attend the meeting.23. As I’ve said before, nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the chance of a lifetime. And even then they should consider carefully.:Para: Everyone should complete their college education unless they are sure they have met the best chance in their lifetime. Even in that situation they should give it their serious consideration As I’ve said before: This is a non-restrictive relative clause (a “relative clause”is also referred to as an “attributive clause”) introduced by “as”(正如……的那样), which can be placed at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.More examples:1. As people expected, she was admitted to Beijing University.unless: “unless” is a conjunction for an adverbial clause of condition (条件状语从句), which means “if… not … (除非)”.More examples:1. I won’t leave unless the rain stops.2. Unless you have a good command of both English and Chinese, you cannot be a good translator.24. In my company’s early years, we had a bright part-time programmer who planned to drop out of high school to work.: During the early years after my company was started, we had an intelligent programmer who worked part-time for us. He intended to quit high school and work. plan to: intend to do sth. 计划、打算做某事1. I plan to make a trip to Beijing during the summer vacation.2. I will always be with you no matter what you plan to do.25. who planned to …work: a restrictive relative clause (限制性关系从句) introduced by “who”since its antecedent is a person and serves as the subject in the clause. The relative pronoun “that”can be use d here too.26. Quite a few of our people didn’t finish college, but we discourage dropping out. Having a diploma certainly helps somebody who is looking to us for a job.: A large number of people in our company didn’t complete their college education, but we don’t encourage others to drop out of school. It is helpful for those who want to work in our company to have a diploma.look to sb. / sth. for sth.: to depend on sb. or sth. for help or advice 指望,依赖1. They are looking to the teacher to suggest a place for their spring outing.27. High school and college offer you the best chance to learn many things and to do projects with others that teach you about team spirit.: High school and college are the best places where you can learn many things and do projects with others, which helps to cultivate your sense of cooperation with others.that teach you about team spirit: This is a restrictive relative clause introduced by “that”, whose antecedent acts as the subject of the clause. Actually the relative clause introduced by “that”can be used to modify both the person(s) and the thing(s), and the role of “that” can be either the subject or the object.More examples:1.He was the only one that I knew there.2. I haven’t been to the place that you have mentioned.3. The bicycle that was stolen last week was brand new.28. In high school there was a time when I was highly focused on writing software, but for most of my high school years I had many interests: I was deeply absorbed in writing software for a period of time in high school, but for most of the time at high school I took interest in many things.when …software: This is a relative clause introduced by the relative adverb “when”, which acts as the adverbial of time in the clause.More examples:1. There was a time when I completely lost my self-confidence, and her support and patience helped me regain it.2. I will never forget those days when we were together.29. But somebody handing you a book doesn’t automatically start your learning. You should learn with other people, ask questions, try out ideas and have a way to test your ability.: But it doesn’t mean that you are learning spontaneously when someone gives you a book. You should find some other people to learn with, ask them questions, see if ideas work and find a way to evaluate your ability.30. In short, it’s a real mistake not to take the chance to study a wide range of subjects and to learn to work with other people because education does count.: To sum up, it is wrong not to take the chance to study various subjects and to learn to work with other people, because education is really important.it’s a real mistake not to take the chance: This is an infinitive structure of negation, where “not”is placed before the infinitive.More examples:1. We are asked not to speak loudly in class.2. It is a good idea not to go out on such a rainy day.Grammar Nouns一、名词的概念: 表示人、事物或抽象概念的词叫做名词。

Unit 1 EducationObjectives1.Read what Bill Gates says about education;2.Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;3.Learn something from an ancient Greek educator;4.Study different types of nouns;5.Write an introduction of yourself.Focuses1.Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;2.Write an introduction of yourself.Outline1.Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (B and C)2.Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises (A and B)3.Active Words and V ocabulary Check; Grammar Tips4.Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercisesprehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of theclass beforehand)6.Practical WritingProcedures:Classroom ActivitiesI. Warm-up discussionQuestion: Do you know anything about Bill Gates such as his life and his educational background?Hint1)birthday and birthplace: October 28, 1995; Seattle, Washington2)educational background: Harvard University (education not completed)3)career: chairmen and c hief software architect of Microsoft, the word’s largest and most profitable software company.4)main events in his life:a.beginning programming computers at age 13;b.developing a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer in Harvard;c.founding Microsoft Corporation in 1975 at the age of 19II. Vocabulary in Text A1. education n.教育e.g. Children in poor areas receive free education.educate v.教育;教导educated adj.受教育的e.g. a well-educated maneducator n.教育家,教育者2. count v.派用场,点数e.g. 1) Every seconds counts.2) What counts more is whether you have tried your best.3) to count from 1 to 1004) Count these apples.3. advantage n.有利条件,好处;优点,优势e.g. This product has many advantages.advantageous adj.有利的,有益的,便利的e.g. It is highly advantageous to us.Phrase: take advantage of 很好的使用;利用e.g. take advantage of all educational opportunitiesAntonym: disadvantage n.不利;不利条件e.g. His bad health is a great disadvantage to him when he looks for work.4. lifetime n.一生,终生e.g. 1) a lifetime guarantee2)lifetime membership3) In my father’s lifetime there have been many changes in the village.5. part-time adj.& adv.兼职的(地)e.g. 1)a part-time job2)He works part-time.full-time adj.全职的e.g. a full-time housewife6. programmer n.程序师,编程员program v.编制程序e.g. Please program the computer to do the job instead of doing it manually(手工操作).7. discourage vt. 不鼓励;使泄气,使失去信心e.g. His parents discouraged him from joining the air force.discouraged adj. 泄气的,失去信心的discouraging adj.使人泄气的,使人失去信心的e.g. 1) If you meet difficulty in your study, don’t be discouraged.2) It is discouraging that I didn’t know how to solve the problem.Antonym: encourage vt.鼓励e.g. I encouraged her to work hard and to try to pass the examinations.courage n. 勇敢,勇气e.g. David showed great courage when he saved the child from the burning house.8. diploma n. 文凭,毕业证书e.g. a college diplomadiplomatic adj. 外交的,从事外交的e.g. Julia joined the diplomatic service after her graduation from university.9. project n.项目,课题e.g. 1) an impossible project2) The professor is directing a research project.Synonym: plan10. highly adv. 高度地;非常e.g. 1) a highly interesting story2) a highly paid jobPhrase: speak/ think highly of 赞扬,对…给予很高评价e.g. The leader speaks / thinks highly of our work.11. focus v.(使)集中;(使)聚焦e.g. 1) to focus (one’s mind) in work2) All eyes focused on the speaker.focus n.(兴趣活动等的)中心,焦点e.g. Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when heentered the office.12. range n. 范围e.g. You have a wide range of choices.range vi.在某范围内变化e.g. The temperature ranges from 10 to 20 degrees.13. attend v.参加,出席e.g. attend schoolattend a lectureattendance n.出席,到场14. automatically adv.自动地e.g. the machine operates automatically.automatic adj.自动的e.g. We have an automatic washing machine.15. drop out of 退学,不参与,退出e.g. 1) He dropped out of school at the age of 10 because his family was too poor to afford thetuition.2) She decided to drop out of the competition because it was not fire.16. chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机,一生中唯一的机会e.g. It’s the chance of a lifetime. You will regret it the rest of your life if you don’t take it.17. try out 试验,考验e.g. She bought a cookbook and tried out a few new recipes.18. in short 简而言之,总之e.g. In short, you should study hard for a better future.Synonym: in brief/ to sum up/ all in all/ in conclusionIII. Language Points in Text A1.They want to know what to study, or whether it’s Ok to drop out of colleg e since that’s what I did.what to study: This is a wh-word + infinitive structure used as the object, which can be changed into an object clause. Wh-word + infinitive structure can be used as a subject, an object, or an appositive clause(同位语从句),for example:1)How to improve their English is often discussed among the students.2)We haven’t decided when to visit the place.3)You haven’t answered my question about where to get these books.it’s Ok to drop out of college: Here ―it‖ is used as a formal subject, and t he actual subject is the infinitive structure ―to drop out of college‖. The general pattern is ―It is + adj. + (for/ of + sb.) to do sth.‖ More examples:1)It was very thoughtful of her to come to see me when I was ill.2)It’s easy for me to see through his tr ick.that’s what I did: ―what I did‖ here is a predictive clause (表语从句)introduced by ―what‖. It is always structured in the form of ―subject + be/ look/ remain/ seem + predictive clause‖ and can be introduced by such words as ―that‖ (always omitted), and o ther wh-words, for example:1) It seems (that) it is going to rain.2) This is why I refused to attend the meeting.2. As I’ve said before, nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the chance of a lifetime.As I’ve said before: This is a non-restrictive relative clause(非限制性关系从句) introduced by ―as‖(正如…的那样), which can be placed at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. More examples:1) As people expected, she was admitted to Beijing University.2) Hundreds of people were killed in the earthquake, as I have learned from the newspaper. unless: is a conjunction for an adverbial clause of condition (条件状语从句), which equals ―if…not…‖(除非).e.g. I won’t leave unless the rain stops.3. In my company’s early years, we have a bright part-time programmer who planned to drop out of high school to work.planned to: intend to do sth.计划、打算做某事e.g. I plan to make a trip to Beijing during the summer vocation.who planned to …work: a restrictive relative clause introduced by ―who‖ since its antecedent is a person and serves as the subj ect in the clause. The relative pronoun ―that‖ can be used here too. More examples:1) The young man who sits there quietly is my brother.2) I don’t like people that pry into others’ private business.4. Having a diploma certainly helps somebody who is looking to us for a job.look to sb./ sth.: to depend on sb. or sth. for help or advice 指望,依赖e.g. We look to you for support.5. High school and college offer you the best chance to learn many things and to do projects with others that teach you about team spirit.that teach you about team spirit: This is a restrictive relative clause intro duced by ―that‖, whose antecedent acts as the subject of the clause. Actually the relative clause introduced by ―that‖ can be used to modify both the person or the thing, and the roll of ―that‖ can be either the subject or the object.e.g. He was the only one that I knew there.I haven’t been to the place that you have mentioned.6. In high school there was a time when I was highly focused on writing software, but for most of my high school years I had many interests.when …software: This is a relative clause introduced by the relative adverb ―when‖, which actsas the adverbial of time in the clause.e.g. 1) There was a time when I completely lost my self-confidence.2) I will never forget those days when we were together.7. For me, classroom is not the only place where you can learn.where you can learn: This is a restrictive relative clause introduced by the relative adverb ―where‖, which is used as the adverbial of place in the clause.e.g. 1) Do you still remember the restaurant where we had dinner last night?2) This is the place where he stayed his whole life.8. In short, it’s a real mistake not to take the chance to study a wide range of subjects and to learn to work with other people because education does count.it’s a real mistake not to take the chance: This is an example of a negative infinitive structure, where ―not‖ is placed before an infinitive.e.g. 1) We are asked not to speak loudly in class.2) It is a good idea not to go out on such a rainy day.IV. Focus on Grammar名词(Noun )一、名词的概念表示人、事物或抽象概念的词叫做名词。
应本一Unit1大学英语 第一册 上海交通大学出版社

Unit OneA. Objectives of this unita.Content1.Don‟t let anyone steal your dreams: Persevering in your heart with your own dreams oflife.2.Discussion: Our dreams of life and the ways to realize them.3.A dialogue: About one‟s expectations.4.A welcome speech for freshmen.b.Key language points1. The modal verb will in the conditional clause.2. Hyphenated words as pre-modifiers.3. Particles in phrasal verbs.4. The simple sentence structure.c.V ocabularyBasic requirements: 65 new words.Intermediate requirements: 7 new words.Advanced requirements: 4 new words.prehensive skills1. Understanding a passage of560words at the pre-intermediate level of difficulty.2. Writing a 150-word summary of a passage of about 600 words at the pre-intermediatelevel of difficulty.3. Exchanging expectations about the new semester with classmates.4. Internet skills: Surfing the Internet to collect information about Harvard University.5. Research project: Giving a speech introducing a student organization.e.Functions1. Insisting on one‟s goal of life.2. Socializing during the freshman orientation week.3. Persuading fellow students into joining students‟ organizations.B. Procedures and MethodsEight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit, among which four periods are for the module of Language Skills Development, three periods for the module of Language in Use and one mainly for the module of Enhancement of Language Abilities.I. Part 1 Language Skills Development1. Period One and Period Two:●Step One: StarterA. Read the lyrics of a song. Listen to the tape or the CD and sing in chorus. Ask thestudents to listen to the song and understand the general meaning of it. Then ask some questions related to the song and then shift to Part B.B. Listen to a short passage entitled “My Dream” and answer the questions.Before playing the tape, the instructor can ask the students to take a look at the three questions first. Then the instructor tells the students to listen to the passage with the questions in mind. After listening to the passage, ask the students to answer the questions.This step shall take up 10-15 minutes.●Step Two: New words and expressionsGo over the key words and expressions in the text (refer to Student‟s Book Pages 5-7) to prepare students for the text learning.The time for this step should not exceed 10 minutes.●Step Three: Text teachingStart teaching the text: Don‟t let anyone steal your dreams. Before delving into the text, ask students a general question about the text such as “How come one can steal your dream? Isn‟t a dream something in your head that no one can touch?”Then start the detailed study of the text and go through the text paragraph by paragraph. Help students understand the story and explain language points meanwhile.After that the text organizational chart will be presented so that the students can expand each episode.Then start the detailed study of the text and go through the text paragraph by paragraph. To help students understand the story, the instructor can explain the language points and ask students to answer the questions related to the text.This step shall not take up more than one and a half periods.2.I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. 我有个朋友叫蒙蒂·罗伯兹,他在圣伊斯德罗有个牧马场。
实用英语第一册教案unit 1 上海交通大学出版社

Unit OneA Teaching Objectivesa. Contents of the text:Focus 1: Help the students learn a lesson from the story—Look beyond the obvious and allow miracles to be created in our life.Focus 2: The importance and necessity of crying.b. Key language points in the text:Focus 1: 1. Words such as graduate, purchase, hand, regret, desire may function both as a verb and a noun.2. Present participle used as adverbials of time, cause and result, etc.3. Absolute construction introduced by the preposition with.c. Vocabulary:Focus 1: 31 B-level words, 11 A-level words, and 4 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.Focus 2: 30 B-level words, 20 A-level words, and 8 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.d. Comprehensive skills:Understand a passage at the pre-intermediate level of difficulty and on this basis, be able to write a summary of the text.e. Functions:Focus 1: Expressing Thanks.Focus 2: Writing a Thank-you Letter.B Procedures and MethodsEight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit.1. Period One and Period Two:●Step One:a. Background information:Graduation Day in the West “There’s a time for joy/A time for tears/A time we’ll treasure through the years/We’ll remember always Graduation Day…” This is a song entitled Graduation Day by Beach Boys. For graduates and their families, Graduation Day marks a unique moment in time: a celebration of years passed, while looking forward to the endless possibilities of the countless hours that lay ahead. To celebrate, a ceremony is usually held at school on which students wear cap and gown for this special moment and the song “Pomp & Circumstances” is the standard march. At home, parents usually throw a party for their children and special gifts are also necessary.b. warm-up questionsHow is the relationship between you and your father?What is the best gift you have ever received from your father?(The warm-up exercise shall not take up more than 8 minutes.)●Step Two: Go over the key words and expressions in the text.*graduate vi. 毕业n. [C](大学)毕业生,研究生He graduated from Beijing University in 1998.☆admire vt. 羡慕,赞赏,钦佩I really admire you for havingsuch a big house.*faithful a. 忠诚的,忠实的;如实的One cannot be too faithful toone’s du ty.☆prosperous a.(经济上)成功的;繁荣的,昌盛的His business is prosperous.*business n. [C, U] 商号,企业;商业,生意;事务He works for a shoe business.*afford vt. 买得起,负担得起;提供,给予This sofa is expensive. I am afraid that I can’t afford it.*graduation n. [U, C] 毕业典礼;毕业Some of my classmatesdidn’t attend the graduation.☆approach vi./vt. 靠近,接近n. [U, C] 接近;途径,入门;方式,方法As summer approached, the weather became hotter.☆await vt.(人)等候,期待,(事件等)等待(处理)I am awaiting your reply.*purchase vt. 买,购买n. [C, U] 购买的物品She purchased a new car last month.*private a. 私人的,个人的;秘密的,私下的Don’t read my private letters without my permission.*curious a. 好奇的When I mentioned his name,everyone was very curious. *disappointed a. 失望的,沮丧的,失意的My parents will bedisappointed if I fail theexam.☆depressed a. 抑郁的,沮丧的,意志消沉的She was depressed because of failing in the final exam.*successful a. 成功的,有成就的His father is a successfulbusinessman.☆domestic a. 家(庭)的,家用的;国内的,本国的;驯养的He had a good many domestic troubles.*arrangement n. [C] [常pl.] 安排,筹备Arrangements have beenmade to give the foreignguests a warm welcome.△will vt. 将(财产等)遗赠My father willed his house tome.*possession n. [C] [常pl.] 财产,私人物品He lost all his possessions inthe fire.*sadness n. [U] 悲伤,悲痛,难过;使人悲伤(或难过)的事When their grandfather died, a great sadness filled their lives.*regret n. [U] 遗憾,懊悔,抱歉vt. 遗憾,懊悔,抱歉The manager expressed his regret at the failure of the talks.*search vi./vt. 搜索,寻找,探查n. [C] 搜索,寻找,探查He searched through his pocket for some money.*desire vt. 渴望,想望,要求n. [C, U] 愿望,欲望,要求Young people all desire independence.*exactly ad. 精确地,准确地Do exactly as the teachersaid.*expect vt. 期待,等待;预料You can’t expect me toapprove of it.△affirmation n. [C] 声明,断言She made an affirmation thatshe was loyal to her husband.*beyond prep. 在……的外边,远于;超出ad. 在更远处Beyond the mountains is another village.*allow vt. 允许,准许;允给My parents don’t allow me tosmoke.*create vt. 创造,创作;引起,产生Many people believe thatGod created the world.get ready to do sth. 准备好做某事lead a…life 过(活);使过(某种生活)pass away 去世take care of 处理,照顾Step Three: Start to teach the text para. by para. Help students understand the text and explain language points meanwhile.Questions about Para. 1(1) What was the young man in our story getting ready to do?(2) What did he want from his father as a gift for him?(3) Could his father afford it?Notes of Para 1:A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. 一个年轻人即将从大学毕业。

美心英语 上海交通大学出版社
Focus 1 Section I
Intensive Reading Unconditional Love

2)用相关图式进行解码:(对课文内容进行学习)Title: College---- A New Experience(Questions Related to the title:)____What information can you get from the title? Or____ What can you infer from the title? Or_____What does the word “ new” mean for the author ?____Imagine what the author wants to tell us in the passage? And____Is the college life the same as the author expected?(各组讨论并做出回答,然后选出3-4小组的代表,简明扼要的向全班作汇报)。
( Whatever answers the students offer, the key meaning should be : )1)From the title, we know that the speaker has first touch with the college, so college isnew for him /her.2)“new” here may mean “first” or “ having never experienced before” or “be differentfrom what one has ever experienced”3) The author wants to tell us his/her new or different experience about his/her college life,or the passage is about the author’s first experience about college and his/her experienceis new / fresh/ different for him/her;4) since the college is new /fresh/ different experience for the author , the college is not thesame as the author expected .(T: Now you have got some information from the title: College is new for the author and different from what he expected. In what aspects the author mean college is new experience? Let’s move on and see the new aspects that the author has experienced in college .So look at the first paragraph lines 1---3,and discuss the following questions)(学生快速浏览课文第一段,完成由教师结合pre-reading设计的阅读任务,请学生分组讨论。
应用型大学英语 第一册 Unit7

named “Racist Park”.
Translation 上海交通大学出版社
2. Text: Chinglish Ban in Beijing
3 A road sign on Beijing’s Avenue of Eternal Peace warns of a dangerous pavement with the words: “To Take Notice of Safe; The Slippery are Very Crafty”. Menus frequently list items such as “Corrugated iron beef”, “Government abuse chicken”, “Chop the strange fish”, “Husband and Wife’s Lung Slices”, and “Tofu Made By A Pock-Marked Woman”. This last dish differs slightly from “the Tofu Commonly Home-Made”, though both complement “The Temple Explodes The Chicken Cube” and “Young Chicken Without Sex”.
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2. Text: Chinglish Ban in Beijing
1. Why has China started a new campaign to ban Chinglish?
Because the widespread use of Chinglish causes trouble or inconvenience to foreign visitors to China, especially in the year 2008 when the Olympic Games would be hosted in Beijing.
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Unit OneA Teaching Objectivesa. Contents of the text:Focus 1: Help the students learn a lesson from the story—Look beyond the obvious and allow miracles to be created in our life.Focus 2: The importance and necessity of crying.b. Key language points in the text:Focus 1: 1. Words such as graduate, purchase, hand,regret,desire may function both as a verb and a noun.2. Present participle used as adverbials of time, cause and result, etc.3. Absolute construction introduced by the preposition with.c. Vocabulary:Focus 1: 31 B-level words, 11 A-level words, and 4 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.Focus 2: 30 B-level words, 20 A-level words, and 8 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.d. Comprehensive skills:Understand a passage at the pre-intermediate level of difficulty and on this basis, be able to write a summary of the text.e. Functions:Focus 1: Expressing Thanks.Focus 2: Writing a Thank-you Letter.B Procedures and MethodsEight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit.1. Period One and Period Two:Step One:a. Background information:Graduation Day in the West “There’s a time for joy/A time for tears/A time we’ll treasure through the years/We’ll remember always Graduati onDay…” This is a song entitled Graduation Day by Beach Boys. For graduates and their families, Graduation Day marks a unique moment in time: a celebration of years passed, while looking forward to the endless possibilities of the countless hours that lay ahead. To celebrate, a ceremony is usually held at school on which students wear cap and gown for this special moment and the song “Pomp & Circumstances” is the standard march. At home, parents usually throw a party for their children and special gifts are also necessary.b. warm-up questionsHow is the relationship between you and your father?What is the best gift you have ever received from your father?(The warm-up exercise shall not take up more than 8 minutes.)Step Two: Go over the key words and expressions in the text.Step Three: Start to teach the text para. by para. Help students understand the text and explain language points meanwhile. Questions about Para. 1(1) What was the young man in our story getting ready to do?(2) What did he want from his father as a gift for him?(3) Could his father afford it?Notes of Para 1:A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. 一个年轻人即将从大学毕业。
get ready to do sth.: to get prepared to do sth. 准备好做某事该词组在本句中用进行时态,表示“正准备”的意思,意指通过了所有课程,完成了学业。
e.g. (1) We’d better get ready to leave. 我们最好准备出发吧。
(2) The children are getting ready to go to school. 孩子们正准备去学校。
graduate:vi. to complete education at a school or a university 毕业e.g. (1) He graduated from Beijing University in 1998. 他1998年毕业于北京大学。
(2) When did you graduate from Oxford? 你什么时候从牛津大学毕业的?graduate还可以作可数名词,意为“a person who has completed a university degree(大学)毕业生,研究生”K nowing his father… could well afford it:为现在分词短语作状语,表示原因,相当于Beca use he knew his father… could well afford it。
现在分词knowing后是个宾语从句his father…could well afford it. 宾语从句中主语为his father,a faithful Christian是主语his father的同位语,who owned a prosperous business 是定语从句,修饰名词Christian。
e.g. Not knowing what to do, he phoned the police.(因为)不知道该怎么办,他给警察打了电话。
a faithful Christian…:作father的同位语。
faithful: a. having and keeping faith in one person, idea, belief, etc. 忠诚的,忠实的;如实的e.g. (1) One cannot be too faithful to one’s duty.对自己的职责无论怎样忠诚也不为过。
(2) It is a faithful report. 这是一个如实的报告。
faithful 的词根为名词faith,意为“feeling sure that you can trust someone or something 信任,信心;信仰”。
e.g. (1) Have you any faith in what he says? 你相信他说的话吗?(2) Do you have faith in Tim? 你相信蒂姆吗?(3) Christians have faith in God. 基督教徒信仰上帝。
afford: vt. to be able to buy or pay for 买得起,负担得起e.g. (1) This sofa is expensive. I am afraid that I can’t afford it.这张沙发很贵,我恐怕买不起。
(2) Can we afford a holiday abroad this year? 今年我们负担得起出国度假吗?afford 作动词的另一个常用意思为“to provide, to give 提供,给予”。
e.g. The tree afforded us a shelter from the rain. 这棵树为我们提供了避雨的地方。
宾语从句that was all he wanted作为told的直接宾语,前面省略了宾语从句的连接代词that,而句中的指示代词that指的是汽车。
all 后面省略定语从句关系代词that,本句的完整形式应为(that) that was all (that) he wanted。
Questions about Para. 2(4) What did his father hand him on the morning of his graduation?(5) What did he find in it?(6) How did he feel as he saw the gift?(7) What did he do then?Notes of Para 2:approach:vi./vt. to come near or nearer 靠近,接近e.g. (1) As summer approached, the weather became hotter. 随着夏天的临近,天气变得热些了。