
推荐教材:王恩铭、英语国家概况[M]、上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2013参考书目:[1] 来安方、英美概况[M]、河南: 河南人民出版社, 2007[2] 余志远、英语国家概况主编[M]、北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000[3] 朱永涛、英国社会与文化[M]、北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003二、课程总目标以《英语国家概况》(王恩铭著)为蓝本。
教学方法与手段:讲授+讨论+练习四、理论课程教学内容第一章Britain: Land and People教学目得:掌握英国得自然、地理、人口概况。

英语国家概况课程教学大纲第一篇:英语国家概况课程教学大纲《英语国家概况》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:03050201222 课程类别:必修课学时:总36学时;2学时/周学分:2学分适用专业:英语开课院(系):英语语言文化系开课学期:2009~2010学年第一学期二、教学目标及教学要求教学目标:根据全国专业英语教学大纲的要求,英语专业二年级英语国家概况的教学目标是培养学生实际运用语言的能力,帮助学生打下坚实的专业基础,达到专业四级水平;同时培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性,为学生升入三年级打下扎实基础。
三、教学内容及学时分配1.第一章Britain: Land and People(2学时)目的要求:掌握英国的自然、地理、人口概况。
2.第二章Britain: History I(2学时)目的要求:英国的古代史。
基本内容: 英国的古代史。
3.第三章Britain: History II(2学时)目的要求:英国的形成。
基本内容: 英国的形成。
4.第四章Britain: History III(2学时)目的要求:英国的近代史。

二、课时分配三、教学组织Unit One Introduction to the UK[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 geographical features, climate2 characteristics of the UK3 history of the UK4distribution of the UK’s population[本章主要内容]:1 geographical features, climate2 characteristics of the UK3 history of the UK4distribution of the UK’s population[本章重点]:1 features of invasion of the UK2 the Great Empire, gentleman[本章难点]:Troubles in the Northern Ireland[本章思考题]:1.What is gentleman?2.The influences of the Great EmpireUnit Two The government of the UK[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 Constitutional Monarchy2 British parliament and its functions3 British government[本章主要内容]:1 Constitutional Monarchy2 British parliament and its functions3 British government[本章重点]:1 Constitutional Monarchy2 British parliament and its functions[本章难点]:Constitutional Monarchy[本章思考题]:1.How long do you think the royal family can exist?Unit Three Politics, class and race[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 understanding of the general election of the UK2 social class3 races[本章主要内容]:1 understanding of the general election of the UK2 social class3 races[本章重点]:1 the general election of the UK2 multiracial society[本章难点]:the general election of the UK[本章思考题]:1.The system of general elections and its influence in the worldUnit Four The UK economy[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 understanding the position of the UK after the WW II2. the reason of the decline3 characteristics of British agriculture and industry[本章主要内容]:1 understanding the position of the UK after the WW II2. the reason of the decline3 characteristics of British agriculture and industry[本章重点]:1 the reasons for the decline2.the trends for the British economy[本章难点]:the reasons for the decline he general election of the UK[本章思考题]:1.The privatization and reform in the economic developmentUnit Five British literature[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 the history of British literature2 writers3 schools4 divisions of literal periods[本章主要内容]:1 the history of British literature2 writers3 schools4 divisions of literal periods[本章重点]:1 the history of British literature2 well-known writers[本章难点]:divisions of literal periods[本章思考题]:1.Describe a writer/ a school/work you are most familiar with?Unit Six British education system[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 the history of education2 education systems3 higher education[本章主要内容]:1 the history of education2 education systems3 higher education[本章重点]:1 the history of education2 education systems[本章难点]:higher education[本章思考题]:1.Compare British and Chinese higher educationUnit Seven British Foreign Relations[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 UK foreign policies and their makings2 Britain and international institutions3 Britain and the United States[本章主要内容]:1 UK foreign policies and their makings2 Britain and international institutions3 Britain and the United States[本章重点]:1 UK foreign policies and their makings2 Britain and the United States[本章难点]:Britain and the United States[本章思考题]:1.The change of British image in international world from Iraqi warUnit Eight the British Media[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 British newspapers2 broadcast media3 television media[本章主要内容]:1 British newspapers2 broadcast media3 television media[本章重点]:1 British newspapers2 broadcast media[本章难点]:British newspapers[本章思考题]:1.The functions of media in cultural acquisitionUnit Nine American beginnings[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 a new land2 the settlement in Virginia3 Puritan New England4 Catholic Maryland5 Quaker Pennsylvania6 American revolution[本章主要内容]:1 a new land2 the settlement in Virginia3 Puritan New England4 Catholic Maryland5 Quaker Pennsylvania6 American revolution[本章重点]:1 A new land2 American revolution[本章难点]:American revolution[本章思考题]:1.How did modern development in Europe influence the settlement of North American colonies?Unit Ten Political system in the United States[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of :1 legislative branch2 executive branch3 Judicial branch4 political parties[本章主要内容]:1 legislative branch2 executive branch3 Judicial branch4 political parties[本章重点]:1 Checks and balance2 Political parties[本章难点]:checks and balance[本章思考题]:Compare the political systems between the UK and the USAUnit Eleven American economy[教学目标与要求]:understanding of:1.industry revolution2.free enterprise3 . American agriculture[本章主要内容]:1.industry revolution2.free enterprise3. American agriculture[本章重点]:1 free enterprise2. the roots of affluence[本章难点]:the roots of affluence[本章思考题]:The influences of American economy on the worldUnit Twelve Religion in the USA[教学目标与要求]:understanding of:1 religious liberty2. protestants in the USA3. Catholics in the USA[本章主要内容]:1 religious liberty2. protestants in the USA3. Catholics in the USA[本章重点]:1 religious liberty2 religious diversity[本章难点]:American character of religion[本章思考题]:The effects of religion on American culture and everyday lifeUnit Thirteen American literature[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 the history of American literature2 writers3 schools4 divisions of literal periods[本章主要内容]:1 the history of American literature2 writers3 schools4 divisions of literal periods[本章重点]:1 the history of American literature2 well-known writers[本章难点]:divisions of literal periods[本章思考题]:Describe a writer/ a school/work you are most familiar with?Unit Fourteen Education system in the United States[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 the history of education2 education systems3 higher education[本章主要内容]:1 the history of education2 education systems3 higher education[本章重点]:1 the history of education2 education systems[本章难点]:higher education[本章思考题]:1.Why American schools have more international students than any other countries?Unit Fifteen Social problems in the USA[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 racial problems2 drug abuse3 crimes4.abuse of power by government and corporation[本章主要内容]:1 racial problems2 drug abuse3 crimes4.abuse of power by government and corporation[本章重点]:1 racial problems2 drug abuse[本章难点]:racial problems[本章思考题]:Why is it perceived as a major threat to American society?Unit Sixteen Post-WWII American foreign policy[教学目标与要求]:understanding of:1 the beginning of the cold war2 arm races3 the engagement and expansion[本章主要内容]:1 the beginning of the cold war2 arm races3 the engagement and expansion[本章重点]:1 the cold war2 the engagement and expansion[本章难点]:the cold war[本章思考题]:The current international relationships and the role America plays in it四、课程考核学生总评成绩取决于学生的出勤情况、课堂参与、学期论文、课后作业和期末考试成绩。

《英语国家概况》教学⼤纲《英语国家概况》教学⼤纲An Outline Introduction to Britain and America学时:36学时学分:2分层次:本科⼆年级适⽤专业:英语专业第⼀部分⼤纲说明⼀、课程的性质、⽬的和任务英语国家概况是⼀门⽂化知识性课程,主要以英语为媒介系统阐述世界主要英语国家基本概况的学科,是⾼等学校英语专业本科⽣的必修课程之⼀。
四、学时分配本课程的教学时间为36学时,安排在第四学期,每周2学时,本课程的教材选⽤《新编英美概况教程》(第⼆版),周叔麟、﹝美﹞C.W. Pollard,June Almes 主编,北京⼤学出版社;并辅以英美重要⽂献资料的阅读和分析。
整个教学顺序五、教材与参考书教材:《新编英美概况教程》(第⼆版),周叔麟,﹝美﹞C.W. Pollard,June Almes 主编,北京⼤学出版社,2010年5⽉出版。
教学参考书:1.Davidson, James. Nation of Nations. McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2006.2. Grafton, John Edited. The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American History 1775-1865. Dover Publications, Inc. 2000.3. Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, August 2, 2005.4.来安⽅编著,张克定校订,《英美概况》(新增订本),郑州:河南⼈民出版社,2007年8⽉.5.马丁·吉尔伯特著,王⽟菡译,《美国历史地图》,北京:中国青年出版社,2009年.6.马丁·吉尔伯特著,王⽟菡译,《英国历史地图》,北京:中国青年出版社,2009年.7.余志远主编《英语国家概况》,北京:外语教育与研究出版社,2000年.课外阅读部分:英国部分:《⼤宪章》、《权利法案》美国部分:《独⽴宣⾔》、《美国宪法》、《⼈权法案》、《解放⿊⼈奴⾪宣⾔》六、教学⽅法与⼿段建议该课程的教学应遵循以下原则:6.1系统性原则:以系统思想为依据,将整个历史部分的教学过程视为⼀项系统⼯程,采⽤系统⽅法和⼿段,对教学过程的各个环节以及与教学相关的因素进⾏系统分析,对教学的内容和程序予以系统设计,以求在现有的条件下达到最佳教学效果。

《英语国家概况》教学大纲An Outline Introduction to Britain and America学时:36学时学分:2分层次:本科二年级适用专业:英语专业第一部分大纲说明一、课程的性质、目的和任务英语国家概况是一门文化知识性课程,主要以英语为媒介系统阐述世界主要英语国家基本概况的学科,是高等学校英语专业本科生的必修课程之一。
四、学时分配本课程的教学时间为36学时,安排在第四学期,每周2学时,本课程的教材选用《新编英美概况教程》(第二版),周叔麟、﹝美﹞C.W. Pollard,JuneAlmes主编,北京大学出版社;并辅以英美重要文献资料的阅读和分析。
整个教学顺序安排如下:五、教材与参考书教材:《新编英美概况教程》(第二版),周叔麟,﹝美﹞C.W. Pollard,June Almes主编,北京大学出版社,2010年5月出版。
教学参考书:1.Davidson, James. Nation of Nations. McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2006. 2. Grafton, John Edited. The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American History 1775-1865. Dover Publications, Inc. 2000.3. Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, August 2, 2005.4.来安方编著,张克定校订,《英美概况》(新增订本),郑州:河南人民出版社,2007年8月.5.马丁·吉尔伯特著,王玉菡译,《美国历史地图》,北京:中国青年出版社,2009年.6.马丁·吉尔伯特著,王玉菡译,《英国历史地图》,北京:中国青年出版社,2009年.7.余志远主编《英语国家概况》,北京:外语教育与研究出版社,2000年.课外阅读部分:英国部分:《大宪章》、《权利法案》美国部分:《独立宣言》、《美国宪法》、《人权法案》、《解放黑人奴隶宣言》六、教学方法与手段建议该课程的教学应遵循以下原则:6.1系统性原则:以系统思想为依据,将整个历史部分的教学过程视为一项系统工程,采用系统方法和手段,对教学过程的各个环节以及与教学相关的因素进行系统分析,对教学的内容和程序予以系统设计,以求在现有的条件下达到最佳教学效果。

二、教学内容1. 地理概况地理概况是英语国家概况教学的基础。
2. 历史概况了解英语国家的历史可以帮助学生更好地理解英语国家的文化和社会背景。
3. 文化概况英语国家的文化多样性是学习英语的重要方面。
4. 经济概况了解英语国家的经济情况对于学生了解英语国家的社会发展和就业机会非常重要。
三、教学方法1. 多媒体教学多媒体教学是英语国家概况教学的重要手段。
2. 小组讨论小组讨论是培养学生合作意识和思维能力的有效方法。
3. 实地考察实地考察是英语国家概况教学的一种拓展方式。

英语国家概况教学大纲课程编码:04213020 适用专业:商务英语教学时数: 64学时其中实践0学时一、课程性质《英语国家概况》是英语专业的一门知识性基础课。

《英语国家概况》课程教学大纲A Survey of the English-speaking Countries课程负责人:宋力英执笔人:高丽娜编写日期:2012 年5 月课程编号:06010210课程类别:专业课课程性质:限选课学时:34(理论34)学分:1.5适用专业:英语一、课程教学目标及学生能达到的能力《英语国家概况》是一门集英语国家背景知识和英语语言知识为一体的英语专业必修课程,旨在向学生介绍主要英语国家的历史、社会和文化等背景知识,拓宽其知识面,帮助学生了解英、美国家的地理、历史、文化、社会生活与政治体系概貌,使学生从上述五个角度更加深刻地理解和掌握所学语言知识和技能,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,培养学生跨文化交际能力。
二、课程教学内容与基本要求Chapter 1 Philosophy of Western Civilization(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the outline of western philosophy, understand different trends and memorize important figures and historical facts.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the outline of western philosophy and understand its core values.2. Learn different trends and the representative philosophers.3. Memorize important terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The outline of western philosophy2. Greek rationalism,Plato and Aristotle3. Renaissance4. Modern trends难点:1. Greek rationalism and its influence on western culture2. Renaissance3. Pragmatism(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the structure of western philosophy and philosophers by PPT.2. Learning quotations of these philosophers and help students to understand their ideas.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§1-1 Introduction§1-2 Greek Rationalism§1-3 The Middle Ages§1-4 The Renaissance§1-5 Modern Philosophy§1-6 Modern Philosophical Trends§1-7 SummaryChapter 2 Geography of the United Kingdom(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the general features of British geography, the key feature --- water and four political regions, and memorize important terms and figures.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the general features of British geography and four political regions.2. Learn geographical history and the Commonwealth.3. Memorize important terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The general features of British geography2. Four political regions3. Water system4. The Commonwealth难点:1. Topography of the UK2. Geographical features of Scotland and England3. The geographical history(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the topography and four political regions by PPT.2. Helping students understand the features of British geography by a lot of pictures, evenvideos.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§2-1 Introduction§2-2 General Characteristics of the UK§2-3 Water: the Key Geographical Features§2-4 Geographical History§2-5 Surface Features and Geography --- by Political Region§2-6 Current Situation§2-7 CommonwealthChapter 3 History of the United Kingdom(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the course of British history and the basic historical facts, and memorize important terms and key points.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the basic historical facts about British history.2. Remember key figures and key points in British history.3. Learn and remember the terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The course of British history2. Major historical events: the Civil War, the Reformation, the Glorious Revolution, theIndustrial Revolution, the First and the Second World Wars.3. Important historical figures4. The definition of important terms难点:1. The bourgeois revolution and the Reformation2. The British Empire and its decline3. The definition of important terms(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the course of British history and major historical events.2. Understanding historical events by learning the life of the important historical figures.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§3-1 Prehistory to the Norman Conquest§3-2 The Making of a Nation: From the Norman Conquest to the Renaissance§3-3 The Tudors: Sea Power and Protestantism§3-4 Founding of the British Empire§3-5 England in Revolution: Representative and Constitutional Government§3-6 England in the Eighteenth Century: The Age of Reason§3-7 Napoleonic Wars and a Century of Slow Reforms§3-8 Nineteenth Century Imperialism§3-9 Twentieth-Century England: Crisis of IdentityChapter 4 British Economy(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the characteristics and development of British economy, understand the present economic policies and memorize important data.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the characteristics and system of British economy.2. Understanding economic dictators and basic economic structure.3. Memorize important data.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The characteristics and system of British economy2. The economic dictators and basic economic structure3. Taxation and other economic policies难点:1. Economic dictators2. Industrial structure3. Economic policies(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the structure of British economy and important economic dictators by pictures and charts.2. Helping students understand characteristics of British economy by examples of world-famous brands or products.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§4-1 Introduction§4-2 Highlights of Britain's Economic Development§4-3 Britain's Prosperity Today§4-4 Britain's Economic System: A Unique Mix§4-5 Consumer Expenditure§4-6 Industrial Structure and Output§4-7 International Trade§4-8 Taxation and Public Spending§4-9 Economic PolicyChapter 5 British Culture(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the meaning of culture and the characteristics of British culture. Remember the representatives and major schools in British art, literature and music.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the characteristics of British culture.2. Learn representatives and major schools in British art, literature, and music.3. Memorize important terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The outline of British culture2. British arts, media, literature, social customs, sports and religion3. Representatives and their achievements难点:1. British arts and literature2. Religion(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the components of British culture by PPT.2. Learn representatives and their achievements by pictures and videos.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§5-1 Introduction§5-2 The British People --- General Traits§5-3 Entertainment§5-4 ConclusionChapter 6 British Education(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the history and characteristics of British education, acknowledge a profile of British higher education and memorize important terms.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the history and characteristics of British education.2. Acknowledging the basic information of British higher education.3. Memorize important terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The history and characteristics of British education.2. The British higher education.难点:1. The history of Britain education2. Higher education and elite universities(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the history of British education using demonstrations and charts on PPT.2. Helping students grasp the outline of British higher education by introducing world-famous colleges and universities.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§6-1 Introduction§6-2 Medieval England---Church and Class§6-3 Renaissance Education§6-4 Eighteenth Century---What Is Correct English§6-5 Nineteenth Century---Class Struggle and Change§6-6 Twentieth Century---Reform, Socialism and Conservatism§6-7 ConclusionChapter 7 Geography of the United States(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the general features of American geography, the physiographic subdivisions, energy and mineral resources, and memorize important terms and figures.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the general features of American geography and physiographic subdivisions.2. Learn geographical history, energy and resources.3. Memorize important terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The general features of American geography2. Physiographic subdivisions3. Living patterns难点:1. Topography of the US2. Physiographic subdivisions3. The geographical history(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the topography and Physiographic subdivisions by PPT.2. Helping students understand the features of British geography by a lot of pictures, even videos.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§7-1 Introduction§7-2 Economic Activities§7-3 Rural, Suburban and Urban Living Patterns§7-4 Physiographic Subdivisions of the United States§7-5 Geologic Processes Shape the Nations Physical and Human Geography§7-6 Energy and Mineral Resources Required for a Modern Society§7-7 Summary: The United States---“A Land of Contrasts”Chapter 8 History of the United States(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the course of American history and the basic historical facts, and memorize important terms and key points.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the basic historical facts about American history.2. Remember key figures and key points in American history.3. Learn and remember the terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The course of American history2. Major historical events: the Independence War, the founding of the new nation, the Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, the First and the Second World Wars, the post-war period.3. Important historical figures4. The definition of important terms难点:1. The Independence War and the founding of the new nation.2. The Capitalism and Monopolies3. The definition of important terms(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the course of American history and major historical events.2. Understanding historical events by learning the life of the important historical figures.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§8-1 Introduction§8-2 Native Americans§8-3 Colonial North America§8-4 The Founding of the United States§8-5 Forming A New Nation§8-6 Nationalism and the Economy Westward Expansion§8-7 The Industrial Revolution and Social Reforms§8-8 The American Civil War and Reconstruction§8-9 Industrialization,Capitalism,and Monopolies§8-10 The United States Becomes a World Power§8-11 The Post World War I Period§8-12 World War Ⅱ§8-13 The Post World War Period (1945- 1989)§8-14 Modern Times§8-15 ConclusionChapter 9 Britain and American Government(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the basic structure and departments of British and American governments, the similarities and differences between the two governments, and memorize important terms and key points.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the basic structure of British and American governments.2. Understand the features and functions of departments in the governments.3. Learn and remember the terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The basic structure and departments of British and American governments2. The similarities and difference3. Important political figures4. The definition of important terms难点:1. The core principles and structure of British and American governments2. The Checks and Balances3. The definition of important terms(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the structure of British and American governments by charts.2. Understanding the checks and balances by charts.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§9-1 Introduction§9-2 Politics§9-3 Political Legitimacy§9-4 Absolutism and Constitutionalism§9-5 Democracy§9-6 Indirect or Representative Democracy§9-7 Elections§9-8 The Assembly Model§9-9 ConclusionChapter 10 The Economy of the United States(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the characteristics and development of American economy, understand the present economic policies and memorize important data.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the characteristics and system of American economy.2. Understanding economic dictators and basic economic structure.3. Memorize important data.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The characteristics and system of American economy2. The economic dictators and basic economic structure3. Taxation and other economic policies难点:1. Economic dictators2. Industrial structure3. Economic policies(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the structure of American economy and important economic dictators by pictures and charts.2. Helping students understand characteristics of British economy by examples of world-famous brands or products.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§10-1 Introduction§10-2 Introduction and Overview§10-3 History and Growth§10-4 Commercial and Nonprofit Firms§10-5 Households§10-6 Government and the Economy§10-7 International Trade§10-8 Problems and Challenges for the U.S. EconomyChapter 11 American Society(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the characteristics of American society, understand the social conventions and values, and memorize important data.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the characteristics of American society.2. Understanding conventions and values.3. Memorize important terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The characteristics and system of American society2. The conventions and values难点:1. The conventions and values2. Social problems3. Race and ethnicity(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the characteristics of American society and social conventions by pictures and charts.2. Helping students understand American values by instances and cases.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§11-1 Introduction§11-2 Individuals§11-3 Families§11-4 Groups§11-5 Organizations§11-6 Socioeconomic Classes, Status and Roles§11-7 Race and Ethnicity§11-8 Other Social IssuesChapter 12 American Culture(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the meaning of culture and the characteristics of American culture. Remember the features and main points in American food, manners and holidays.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the characteristics of American culture.2. Learn features and main points in American food, manners and holidays.3. Memorize important terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. The outline of American culture2. American food, manners and holidays, social customs, sports and religion难点:1. Materialism2. Religion3. Manners(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the components of American culture by PPT.2. Learn manners and holidays by pictures and videos.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§12-1 Introduction§12-2 Materialism and the Mass Media§12-3 Individual Style and Personal Rites of Passage§12-4 Manners§12-5 Food and Meals§12-6 Pets§12-7 Housing§12-8 Leisure Activities§12-9 HolidaysChapter 13 British Education(一)教学目的和任务Students should grasp the characteristics of American education, acknowledge a profile of American basic and higher education and memorize important terms.(二)教学基本要求1. Grasp the characteristics of American education.2. Acknowledging the basic information of American basic and higher education.3. Memorize important terms.(三)教学重点和难点重点:1. American basic education2. American higher education难点:1. The characteristics of Britain education2. Higher education and elite universities(四)教学建议与说明1. Presenting students with the characteristics of American education using demonstrations and charts on PPT.2. Helping students grasp the outline of American higher education by introducingworld-famous colleges and universities.3. Asking students to make a presentation.(五)教学内容§13-1 Introduction§13-2 Issues in American Basic Education§13-3 Higher Education§13-4 Conclusion三、习题、课程讨论及要求英美概况课程要求学生在课余进行英美国家文化相关资料搜索和整理,课堂授课以理论和知识讲授,学生讨论和总结汇报相结合的方式进行,学生还要通过一定的学习和广泛阅读完成对文化热点问题的相关学期论文。


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英语国家概况教学大纲 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998
Chapter 1 Geography, People and Language
Chapter 2 History
Chapter 3 Government
Chapter 4 Economy
Chapter 5 Education, Media and Holidays
Chapter 6 Literature
1. 贯彻英语教学与文化知识课紧密相结合的原则,体现教学应以学生为中心,学生自己是学习的主人。
2. 采用多媒体教学,如PPT课件、录像教学等,让学生能够更加直观地感受英语国家的社会、生活、文化等方面。
3. 采用灵活的教学方式,提问学生、启发学生。
2.平时成绩:30 分(考勤10分、Presentation 20 分)