高中英语选修9课件:Unit 2Sailing the Oceans597张 含解析 精品
the crowd.他们在人群中坚难行进。 navigation n. 航海,航行 navigational adj. 航海的,航行的
2)Using nature navigators could keep alongside thec_o_a_s_tl_i_n_e, use such
celestial bodies as North Star to ___p_lo_t__ their positions, as the sun overhead to n__a_v_ig_a_t_e by, as clouds
James Cook
• 1728年出生在英国北部的一个村庄。 10多岁时他第一次随船出海。他于 1775年加入皇家海军,此后成为了 一名航海和制图专家。1768年,库 克受命担任英国皇家海军太平洋考 察队队长。在其后的10年间,他带 领考察队进行了3次史诗般的航行, 足迹遍及未知的太平洋,揭开了地 球上最大水域的地理秘密。
3.What does seaweed look like when it is near land?
4.When did seaman use fog to help identify the posision of a stream or river?
1.How many skills are mentioned to help the navigators explore the seas?
show the way. Fog could help identify the _p_o_s_it_io_n_ of a stream or
三年级上册英语-Lesson 9 一起来学习 科普版
red cherry
士兵们和军官注意听着,开始注视周围的灌木丛和挂在道旁的白桦树枝。他们发现就在很近很近的地方,有个孩子坐在河岸边上,耷拉着两条腿。他光着头,穿一件颜色跟树叶差不多的 绿上衣,手里拿着一块木头,不知在削什么。 四年级语文下册《语文园地七》的学习目标是写自己敬佩的一个人,内容具体,语句通顺,认真修改。小编在此整理了四年级语文下册《语文园地七》,供大家参阅,希望大家在阅读过 程中有所收获! 四年级语文下册《将心比心》课文原文
colouபைடு நூலகம்ful world
See You!
询问他人“你最喜欢的颜色是什么”的句型是: What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is________.
我是小小记者: 以小组为单位,一人 当小记者采访其他同学,利
用“What’s your favourite colour?“问,“My favourite colour is...”来回答。
Let’s chant
What’s your favourite colour? 让我们一起唱
What’s your favourite letter? 起来吧! I love every colour. I love every letter.
Oh, it's a yellow A.
And it’s a green Z.
Lesson 9 一起来学习
unit 9
Warming up: Let’s study together.
blue sea
orange orange
本组教材均为写人佳作,从科学家、艺术家、残疾人到普通农民,在追求成功的过程中,都闪烁着执著专注、坚持不懈的精神光辉。安排这次口语交际的训练,一是让学生继续学习这样 的品质;二是提高学生的口语表达能力。 本次口语交际的重点是把书的有关内容向大家介绍明白、清楚。教学中可参考以下几点: 6、文中某句话有什么含义?或告诉我们什么深刻的道理?请说说你的理解。 这种问题的回答不是简单地从文中寻找现成的句子就可以解决的,这需要我们的同学平时多读多看多积累 ,多看并记住一些富有哲理性的名言警句,这样才能真正地理解文章的意思,丰富回答内容,用自己的语言把自己对文章的理解准确地表达出来。 3、要注意习作赏析和评价:
六年级上册英语说课稿-《Lesson 9 Mr. Wood Teaches a Science Le
六年级上册英语说课稿 - Lesson 9 Mr. Wood Teaches aScience Lesson | 冀教版一、教学目标1.能够听懂并理解文章中的科学知识,如金属的导电性。
五、教学步骤(一)Classroom English首先,我们需要通过提示学生,使他们准备好听英语,学习英语。
高级值班机工业务目录第一篇机工业务第一章轮机工程第一节轮机安全值班第二节主推进动力装置的操作及运行管理第三节辅助机械的操作及运行管理第四节燃油的管理第五节其他设备的安全操作与管理第二章船舶电气第一节电气设备的安全使用和操作第二节触电的原因和预防触电应采取的措施第三章维护与修理第一节轮机日常维护修理工作程序和注意事项第二节油漆、润滑和清洁材料与设备的使用第三节表面清理技术第四节废料安全处置第五节液压工具、测量仪器的应用与维护第四章船舶作业管理与人员管理第一节船用物料管理第二节船舶防污染第三节船舶防污染技术与设备第四节轮机部安全作业注意事项第二篇动力设备操作与金工工艺第五章动力设备操作第一节轮机工程实操项目一机舱监视与报警系统的使用操作实操项目二发电柴油机故障应急操作实操项目三失电应急操作实操项目四船舶主柴油机备车、机动操纵与完车管理实操项目五船舶主柴油机定速后的运行管理实操项目六燃油加装时的操作与管理实操项目七燃油驳运时的操作与管理实操项目八舱底水系统的操作与运行管理实操项目九压载水系统的操作与运行管理实操项目十液压甲板机械的启动与停用实操项目十一液压系统的日常管理第二节电气、电子和控制工程实操项目十二发电机手动准同步并车、并联运行发电机组的负荷转移及分配、发电机组的解列第三节维护与修理实操项目十三通用工具实操项目十四专用工具实操项目十五量具第四节防污染设备实操项目十六油水分离器的操作与管理实操项目十七生活污水处理装置的操作和运行管理实操项目十八焚烧炉的操作和运行管理第六章金工工艺第一节车工工艺实操项目一卡盘、量具、刻度盘的使用以及刀具的磨制、车刀安装实操项目二车削台阶轴实操项目三车削锥体实操项目四车削螺纹柱第二节钳工工艺实操项目五钳工夹具、量具的使用实操项目六方块铁画线、钻孔、攻丝实操项目七方块铁錾切、锯割、锉削实操项目八螺栓拆卸与紧固实操项目九轴承的装卸实操项目十螺纹表面修复与断节螺栓的拆卸实操项目十一螺帽加工第三节电气焊工艺实操项目十二钢板平对接焊实操项目十三管子对接焊实操项目十四管板垂直角焊实操项目十五补焊实操项目十六钢板平对接焊实操项目十七管子对接焊实操项目十八气割附录1 MARPOL 73/78六个附则附录2 防污染法规参考文献高级值班机工英语目录Unit 1 Ship's Main Propulsion PlantLesson 1 A Brief Introduction to the Marine Diesel EnginesLesson 2 Diesel Engine ConstructionLesson 3 Main Diesel Engine Fuel Oil SystemLesson 4 Main Diesel Engine Lubricating SystemLesson 5 Main Diesel Engine Cooling Water SystemLesson 6 Main Diesel Engine Starting SystemUnit 2 Marine Auxiliary MachineryLesson 7 Marine BoilersLesson 8 Marine Pumps (A)Lesson 9 Marine Pollution Prevention EquipmentLesson 10 Oil SeparatorLesson 11 Deck Machinery (A)Unit 3 Marine Engineering ManagementLesson 12 Stand by Engine and Finished with EngineLesson 13 Safety Precaution on Working in Machinery SpaceLesson 14 Basic Knowledge of Fire and ExplosionLesson 15 Marine Emergency Arrangement and EquipmentLesson 16 BunkeringLesson 17 Lube Oil, Stores and Spare PartsUnit 4 International Conventions and RegulationsLesson 18 STCW Convention (A)Lesson 19 MARPOL Convention (A)Lesson 20 SOLAS Convention (A)Lesson 21 ISM Code (A)Lesson 22 ISPS Code (A)Lesson 23 ILO ConventionLesson 24 PSC Inspection (A)Unit 5 Watchkeeping and Engine Room LogbookLesson 25 Engine Room WatchkeepingLesson 26 Engine Room LogbookKey to ExercisesReferences高级值班机工英语听力与会话目录Unit 1 Daily EnglishLesson 1 Daily EnglishPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 2 Common terms on boardPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 2 Daily Engine Room BusinessLesson 3 Main Engine System OperationPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 4 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(I)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 5 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(II)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 6 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(III)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 3 Communication with BridgeLesson 7 Stand by EnginePart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 4 EmergenciesLesson 8 Emergency Situation(I)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 9 Emergency Situation(II)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 5 BunkeringLesson 10 BunkeringPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 6 PSC InspectionLesson 11 Port State Control InspectionPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 7 ISM/ISPS InspectionLesson 12 ISM/ISPS InspectionPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 8 Engine Room MaintenanceLesson 13 Engine Room MaintenancePart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsKey to ExercisesAppendixReferences(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
建筑环境与设备工程专业(Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning)英语教材
Lesson 9 Boiler System (锅炉系统)I. Text[1] Boiler are used to supply steam or hot water for heating, processing, or power purposes. This chapter is primarily concerned with a description of the low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boiler used in the heating systems of residences and small buildings.[2]The basic construction of both low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boiler fired by fossil fuels consists of an insulated steel jacket enclosing a lower chamber in which the combustion process takes place; and an upper chamber containing cast-iron sections or steel tubes in which water is heated or converted to steam for circulation through the pipes of the heating system.Steam and Hot Water Boiler Similarities and Differences [3]Steam and hot-water space heating boiler are very similar physically, but there are sone important differences:Steam boiler operate only about three-fourths full of water, whereas hot-water boiler operate completely filled with water. Steam boilers in residential steam heating systems operate at 13.79 kPa pressure or slightly more, where as residentialhot-water boilers operate at approximately six times that pressure.Steam boilers are equipped with a low-water cutoff device to protect the appliance from burning out if it should run out of water. Only large hot-water space heating boilers with a capacity exceeding 422.04 MJ/h are presently required by code to be equipped with low-water cutoffs. (Note: Many HV AC contractors who install the smaller residential hot-water boilers strongly recommend the addition of a low-water cutoff device to these appliances to prevent burn out if the boiler loses its water.) Steam boilers require makeup feed to replace water lost through evaporation and the production of steam during normal operation. Hot-water boilers can operate with little or on need for makeup water under the same normal operating conditions.[4]The design and construction of the lower chamber depends upon the type of fuel used to fire the boiler. It serves as a combustion chamber for coal-fired and oil-fired boilers and as a compartment for housing the gas burner assembly on gas-fired boiler. These gas burner assemblies are commonly designed for easy removal so that they can be periodically cleaned or serviced.[5]Oil burners are externally mounted with the burner nozzle extending into the combustion chamber. This is also true of gas conversion burners. Gas burner assemblies, on the other hand, are located inside the lower chamber of the boiler.[6]The cast-iron sections or stell tubes in the upper chamber of the boiler contain water that circulates through the pipes in the heating system in the form of either steam or hot water.The heat from the combustion process in the lower chamber of the boiler is transferred through the metal surface of the cast-iron sections or steel tubes to the water contained in them, causing a rise temperature. The amount of water contained in these passages is one of the ways in which steam boilers and hot-water space heating boilers are distinguished from one another.In hot-water space heating boilers these passages are completely filled with water; whereas in low-pressure steam boilers only the lower two-thirds are filled. In steam boilers the water is heated very rapidly, causing steam to form in the upper one-third. The steam, under pressure, rises through the supply pipes connected to the top section of the boiler.[7]A boiler jacket contains a number of different openings for pipe connections and the mounting of accessories. The numberand type of openings on a specific boiler jacket depends upon the type of boiler (i.e. Steam or hot water ). Among the different openings to be found on a boiler jacket are the flue connections, water feed (supply )connection, inspection and cleanout tapping, blow down tapping, relief valve tapping, control tapping, drain tapping, expansion tank tapping, and return tapping. These are also gas and oil burner connections Fig.1 illustrates the arrangement of tapping in a Weil-McLain oil-fires boiler.[8]Most (but not all ) of the controls on low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boilers fired by the same fuel are similar in design and function, but there are exceptions. For example, a few boiler controls and fittings are designed to be specifically used on steam boilers; other are found only on hot-water space heating boilers.Boiler Rating Method[9]The construction of low-pressure steel and cast-iron heating boilers is governed by the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This is a nationally recognized code used by boiler manufacturers, and any boiler used in a heating installation should clearly display the ASME stamp. State and local codes are usually patterned after the ASME Code.[10]The location of the identification symbols used by the ASME is specified by the code and determined by the type of boiler. For example, on a water-tube boiler, it appears in a head of the steam-outlet drum near and above the manhole opening. On vertical fire-tube boilers, the stamp bearing the identification symbol should appear on the shell above the fire door and handhole opening. Other types of boilers (e.g. Scotch marine and super heaters ) have their own specified location for the identification symbol stamp.[11] The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applies only to boiler construction, specifically to maximum allowable working pressures, not to uts heating capacity. A number of different methods are used to rate the heating or operating capacity of a boiler, the boiler manufacturers have developed their own ratings, but these are generally used along with rating methods available from several professional and trade associations. [12]The Steel Boilers Institute no longer exists, but its SBI rating is still found on many existing stell boilers. The I=B=R (or IBR ) logo was created by the now defunct Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers to indicate the gross output (s) at 100 percent firing rate for most sectional cast-iron boilers. The I=B=R rating logo is now used by the Hydronic InstituteDivision of the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (GAMA).[13]The Mechanical Contractors Association of America has devised a method for rating boilers not covered by ether the SBI or I=B=R codes. Finally, fas-fired boilers are rated in accordance with methods developed by the American Gas Association.[14]Other rating logos appearing on boilers and in their installation and operation manuals are the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and the Underwriter’s Laboratories of Canada logos.[15]In terms of its heating capacity, the rating of a boiler can be expressed on square feet of equivalent direct radiation (EDR) or thousands of Btu/h. Sometimes a boiler horsepower rating is also given, but this is has proven to be misleading.[16]For steam boilers, 0.09 m2 of equivalent direct radiation (EDR) is equal to the emission of 253.21kJ/h. For a water boiler, 0.09 m2 of EDR is considered equal to the emission of 158.26kJ/h.[17]A boiler horsepower (bhp) os the evaporation of 15.66kg of water onto dry steam from and at 100℃. For rating purposes, 1 bhp is considered as the heat equivalent of 13.02㎡of steamradiation per hour. In some cases bhp ratings are oltained by dividing steam SBI ratings by 140.[18]A boiler is rated according to its operating or heating capacity, but this rating will vary in accordance with the type of load used as the basis for the rating. The three types of connected loads used to determine the rating of a boiler are:(1)Net load(2)Design load(3)Gross load[19]Net load refers to the actual connected load of the heat-emitting units in the steam or hot-water heating system. Design load includes the met-load rating plus an allowance for piping heat loss. Finally, gross load will equal the net load and the piping heat loss, plus an additional allowance for the pickup load.Boiler Heating Surface[20]The boiler heating surface (expressed in square feet ) is that portion of the surface of the heat transfer apparatus in contact with the fluid being heated on one side and the gas or refractory being cooled in the other side. The direct or radiant hearing surface is the surface against which the fire strikes. The surface that cones in contact with the hot gases is called the indirect irconvection surface.[21]The heating capacity of any boiler is influenced by the amount and arrangement of the heating surface and the temperature on either side, the arrangement if the heating surface refers to the ratio of the diameter if each passage to its length, as well as its contour (straight or curved ), cross-sectional shape, number of passes, and other design variables.Boiler Efficiency[22]the boiler efficiency is the ratio of the heat output to the caloric value of the fuel. Boiler efficiency is determined by various factors including the type of fuel used, the method of firing, and the control settings. For example, oil-and gas-fired boilers have boiler efficiencies ranging from 70 to 80 percent. A hand-fired boiler in which anthracite coal is used will have a boiler efficiency of 60 to 75 percent.Boiler energy Efficiency[23]Two government programs have been created within the last 20 years to rate the energy efficiency of different heating appliances such as furnaces, boilers, water heaters, and heat pumps. These two programs are (1) the annual fuel utilization capacity (AFUE) programs and (2) the Energy Star Certificationprogram.[24]Annual Fuel Utilization Capacity (AFUE). The energy efficiency of an oil-, gas-, or coal-fired boiler is measured by its annual fuel utilization capacity (AFUE). The AFUE reatings for boilers manufactured today are listed in the boiler manufacturer’s literature. Look for the EnerGuide emblem for the efficiency rating of that particular model. The higher the rating, the more efficient the boiler. The government has established a minimum rating foe boilers of 78 percent. Mid-efficiency boilers have AFUE ratings ranging from 78 to 80 percent. Higher-efficiency (condensing ) boilers have AFUE ratings ranging from 88 to 97 percent. Conventional ( noncondensing ) steam and hot-water space heating boilers have AFUE ratings of approximately 60 to 65 Percent.[25]Energy Star Certification. Energy Star os an energy performance rating system created in 1992 by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to identify and certify certain energy-efficient appliances. The goal is give special recognition to companies who manufacture products that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This voluntary labeling program was expanded by 1995 to include furnaces, boiler, heat pumps, and other HV AC equipment. Both the Energy Star labeland an AFUE rating are used to identify an energy-efficient appliance.Types of Boiler[26]The boiler used in low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating systems can be classified in a number of different ways. Some of the criteria used in classifying them are:(1)Construction material(2)Construction design(3)Boiler position(4)Number of passes of the hot gases(5)Length of travel of the hot gases(6)Type of heating surface(7)Type of fuel used[27]Most boilers are constructed of either cast iron or steel. A few are constructed from nonferrous materials such as aluminum. Cast-iron boilers generally display a greater resistance to the corrosive effects of water than steel ones do, but the degree of corrosion in steel boilers can be significantly reduced by chemically treating the water. [28]The heating core of many boilers is formed by joining together a series of cast-iron sections either horizontally (so-called pancake construction ) or vertically. In the horizontalcast-iron section design, the heating surface of each cast-iron section is exposed at right angles to the rising flue gases. The water travels in a zigzag path from section to section in a manner similar to the flow of water on a steel tube boiler. [29]Steel boilers may be classified with respect to the relative position of water and hot gases in the tubular heating surface. In fire-tube boilers, for example, the hot gases pass within the boiler tube while the water being heated circulates around them. In water-tube boilers, the reverse is true. Flexible steel tubes are used in some boilers for the circulation of the water around the heat rising from the fire.[30]A hot-water (hydronic) copper-fin tube operates on a different principle from the cast-iron and steel boilers. It is designed to transfer heat almost instantly to the water. Water flows across the boiler heat exchanger, picks up heat, and then moves through the pipes to the heat convectors, radiators, or panels.Note If the water stops flowing while the burner is still running, heat will build up until the water flashes into steam and damages the boiler. This condition is similar to dry firing in cast-iron and steek boilers. It can be avoided by installing a flow switch in the path of the water. The switch turns off the burner when the waterstops flowing.[31]Boilers can also be classified according to the number of passes made by the hot gases (e.g. One pass, two passes, and three passes). The length of travel of the hot gases is another method used for classifying boilers. The efficiency of a boiler heating surface depends, in part, upon the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the passage to its length.[32]Among the various fuels used to fire boilers are oil, gas ( natural and propane),coal, and coke. Conversion kits for converting a boiler from one gas to another are available from some manufacturers. Changing from coal (or coke ) to oil or gas can be accomplished by using conversion chambers and making certain other modifications.[33]Electricity can also be used to fire boilers. One advantage in using electric-fired boilers is that the draft provisions required by boilers using combustible fuels is not necessary. Unlike the boilers fired by fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc.), electric boilers do not have an AFUE efficiency rating. They operate at almost 100 percent efficiency.[34]The classification criteria described above are selective and limited to the more common types in use. Considering the multiplicity of boiler types and designs available, it is extremelydifficult to establish a classification system suitable for all of them.。
lesson 16
There are many types of watertube boilers in general use on board ship and each manufacturer has a variety of designs to offer depending upon requirements. requirements.
These waterwall tubes are connected either to upper and headers(联箱 联箱) lower headers(联箱) or a lower header and the steam drum. drum.
Jimei university
Between the steam drum and the smaller water drum below, large numbers of smaller diameter generating tubes( 蒸 发管束) fitted. 发管束) are fitted.
Jimei university
and the water-tube boiler(水管 waterboiler(水管 锅炉) 锅炉) in which the water flows through the inside of the tubes while the hot furnace gases pass around the outside. outside.
Jimei university
A later development of waterwatertube boilers is the bent tube design. design.
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版本:J 修改状态:0 DMU-4-095-1 编号:
六年级下册英语课件-Lesson9 I helped a deaf man to get home . 科普版(23张)【PPT完美】
六年级下册英语课件-Lesson9 I helped a deaf man to get home . 科普版(23张)【PPT完美】
六年级下册英语课件-Lesson9 I helped a deaf man to get home . 科普版(23张)【PPT完美】
A big house
六年级下册英语课件-Lesson9 I helped a deaf man to get home . 科普版(23张)【PPT完美】
六年级下册英语课件-Lesson9 I helped a deaf man to get home . 科普版(23张)【PPT完美】 六年级下册英语课件-Lesson9 I helped a deaf man to get home . 科普版(23张)【PPT完美】
Step3 While-reading
lived live said
say asked ask
went go told
tell wanted
caught catch got
get saw
六年级下册英语课件-Lesson9 I helped a deaf man to get home . 科普版(23张)【PPT完美】
机工英语听力与会话Lesson 1 Daily EnglishTask 2 Answer the questions1. What is your name?你叫什么名字?My n ame is …•我叫.... 。
2. How old are you?你多大了?I ' m twentyX十岁。
3. What is your marital status?你的婚姻状况是什么?I ' m married! 'm single我结婚了。
4. How many people are there in your family?你家有几口人?Three ,my father我的爸爸my mother 我的妈妈my brother我的兄弟my sister我的姐妹my wife 我的妻子my son我儿子my daughter我女儿and I.和我。
5. How long have you worked on board?你在船上工作多长时间了?For one year. 一年。
6. How many countries have you ever bee n to?你去过多少个国家?One ,the U.S.A 一个美国。
7. Do you like your job?你喜欢你的工作吗?Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。
8. What is your favorite color?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?Green.绿色。
9. Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?Spri ng. 春天。
Autum n.秋天。
Win ter.冬天。
10. What kind of music do you like?你喜欢哪种音乐?Pop music.流行音乐。
初中英语九年级第九课2b部分The 2B section of the 9th lesson in 9th grade junior high school English textbook covers various aspects of language learning. In this article, we will delve into the significant topics and concepts in this section and explore different ways to enhance English proficiency.Reading SkillsThe 2B section focuses on improving reading skills through various exercises and passages. One effective strategy to enhance reading comprehension is to actively engage with the text. This involves analyzing the text structure, identifying key ideas, and making connections between different parts of the text. Additionally, practicing skimming and scanning techniques can help students locate specific information quickly.Vocabulary ExpansionTo improve vocabulary, it is essential to go beyond memorizing isolated words. Students should learn new words in context, understanding their meanings and usage in sentences. Reading extensively, both in textbooks and other authentic materials, is a great way to encounter new words and reinforce their understanding. Students can also create flashcards or use online resources to practice vocabulary regularly.Grammar DevelopmentGrammar plays a vital role in language proficiency. The 2B section introduces and reinforces several important grammar points, such as verb tenses, modal verbs, and reported speech. Understanding and practicingthese grammar rules will enable students to express themselves accurately and clearly. Engaging in grammar exercises, like completing sentence transformations or writing dialogues, will help solidify their grasp of these concepts.Listening ComprehensionListening comprehension is key to effective communication. In the 2B section, students are exposed to various listening materials such as dialogues, monologues, and interviews. Active listening involves paying attention to both the main ideas and specific details. Students can improve their listening skills by engaging in regular listening practice, such as watching English movies or TV shows, listening to English podcasts, or participating in language exchange programs.Speaking and Writing PracticeThe 2B section also provides opportunities for students to practice their speaking and writing skills. To improve spoken English, students should engage in activities that promote oral communication, such as class discussions, role-plays, and presentations. These activities allow students to express their ideas confidently and fluently, while also improving pronunciation and sentence structure.When it comes to writing, it is crucial to develop both creativity and organization. Students should be encouraged to write regularly, using different genres such as narratives, descriptive essays, and argumentative essays. Feedback from teachers or peers can help identify areas of improvement and provide guidance for enhancing writing skills.Effective Study HabitsLastly, cultivating effective study habits is essential for mastering any subject, including English. Students should establish a consistent study routine, allocate dedicated time for English practice, and create a conducive learning environment. Utilizing various resources, such as textbooks, online platforms, and language learning apps, can further facilitate independent studying.In conclusion, the 2B section of the 9th grade junior high school English textbook covers a wide range of language learning skills. By incorporating the strategies mentioned above, students can enhance their reading, vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, and writing abilities. Developing effective study habits will contribute to a comprehensive English learning experience and foster long-term language proficiency.。
《机工英语阅读》课程标准【课程名称】机工英语阅读【英文名称】English Reading for Motorman【课程类型】必修课、职业能力素质课【适用专业】轮机工程技术【总学时】56 学时(理论学时:52 机动学时:4)1.课程性质轮机英语阅读是船舶值班机工的重要专业课之一。
3.课程目标3.1 知识目标通过学习,使学生了解和掌握以下内容的专业英语:I。
六年级上册英语教案-《Lesson 9 Mr. Wood Teaches a Science Les
六年级上册英语教案-《Lesson 9 Mr. Wood Teaches aScience Lesson》|冀教版教学目标1.让学生能够了解和掌握本课中出现的生物,包括鲸鱼、鹦鹉、鲤鱼等。
九年级英语unit93a知识点Unit 9.3a: The Ocean's Hidden SecretsIntroduction:The ocean covers about 70% of the Earth's surface, but its mysteries continue to intrigue scientists and explorers. In this article, we will delve into some fascinating facts and lesser-known knowledge about the ocean. From the depths of the abyss to astonishing marine life, let's dive right in!The Dark Abyss:1. The Mariana Trench:At a staggering depth of around 36,000 feet, the Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans. This trench, located in the western Pacific Ocean, is even deeper than Mount Everest is tall! The extreme pressure and lack of sunlight make it an extremely challenging environment to explore.2. Mysterious Creatures:Due to the harsh conditions of the abyss, the exploration of this environment is limited. However, fascinating creatures have beendiscovered, such as the anglerfish. This bizarre-looking fish has a bioluminescent lure on its head to attract prey in the dark depths. The anglerfish showcases the incredible adaptations that organisms possess to survive in harsh conditions.The Coral Reefs:1. The Great Barrier Reef:The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world and is visible from space. It stretches over 1,400 miles along the northeast coast of Australia. This complex ecosystem is home to thousands of species, making it one of the most diverse places on Earth.2. Coral Bleaching:Coral reefs face a significant threat from climate change and human activities. When coral is exposed to higher sea temperatures or pollution, it expels the algae living in its tissues. This process, known as coral bleaching, causes the coral to lose its vibrant colors and can lead to its death if the stress continues. Protecting coral reefs is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and the overall health of the oceans.Exploring the Ocean:1. Ocean Currents:Ocean currents play a vital role in redistributing heat around the planet, influencing climate patterns. The Gulf Stream, for example, carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico towards Europe, affecting its climate. Understanding these currents helps scientists predict weather patterns and study the impact of climate change.2. Underwater Volcanoes:Volcanic activity beneath the ocean's surface is prevalent. These underwater volcanoes, known as seamounts, can create unique ecosystems due to the release of minerals and nutrients. Seamounts provide habitats for many marine species, including cold-water corals and deep-sea fish, further emphasizing the importance of exploring and protecting the ocean's depths.Conclusion:The vastness of the ocean hides an abundance of secrets waiting to be unlocked. From the hidden depths of the Mariana Trench to the colorful splendor of coral reefs, the ocean's wonders never cease to amaze us. As we continue to explore and understand the ocean's mysteries, it is essential to protect and preserve this fragile ecosystem for future generations to marvel at.。
教案:六年级上册英语教案-《Lesson 9 Mr. Wood Teaches aScience Lesson》|冀教版一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)能够听懂、会说、会读本课的生词和句子。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够正确使用动词短语描述动作。
3. 情感目标:培养学生的学习兴趣,激发学生对科学的热爱。
二、教学内容1. 词汇:classroom, lab, microscope, plant, seed, water, sunshine, grow, garden, plant seeds, water plants, need sunshine。
2. 句子:(1)Mr. Wood is teaching a science lesson in the classroom.(2)The students are looking at plants under the microscope.(3)They are planting seeds in the garden.(4)The plants need water and sunshine to grow.三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:词汇、句子和动词短语的学习。
2. 难点:正确运用动词短语描述动作,理解课文内容。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、黑板、粉笔、显微镜、植物标本。
2. 学具:课本、练习册、铅笔、橡皮。
五、教学过程1. 导入:(1)复习上一课的词汇和句子。
2. 呈现:(1)展示PPT,呈现课文图片,引导学生看图说话。
3. 学习词汇:(1)教师展示词汇卡片,引导学生学习和读单词。
最新高级机工值班听力与会话课件lesson 9
3. Man overboard on port side. A. Man overboard on starboard side. B. Man fell into the sea on port side. C. Man dead on starboard side. D. Man dead on port side. 4. The lube oil is so bad as to be renewed at once. A. The lube oil should be cleaned. B. The lube oil is in good condition. C. The lube oil should be renewed. D. The lube oil should be poured.
6. SI: How about the flooding? S2: The flooding is not under control yet. Q: What is the situation at present? A. Flooding is not spreading. B. Flooding is not under control. C. Fire is under control. D. Fire is not under control.
Task 3 Dialogue Listening Listen to the following dialogues carefully and answer the questions according to what you hear. 1. SI: Chief engineer, engine room is flooding. S2:I see. I will come down at once. Q: What has happened? A. Cargo hold is flooding. B. Engine room is flooding. C. Chief engineer is blooding D. Somebody is blooding. 2. SI: Check escape routes and report. S2:All escape routes clear. Q: How about escape routes? A. Damaged. B. Blocked. C. Iced. D. Cleared.
新概念英语第二册Lesson 9 A cold welcome
Text 课文
冷遇 星期三的晚上,我们去了市政厅。 那是一年的最后一天, 一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。再过20分钟,大钟将敲 响12下。15分钟过去了,而就在11点55分时,大钟停了。那 根巨大的分针不动了。 我们等啊等啊,可情况没有变化。突 然有人喊道:“已经12点零2分了!那钟已经停了!”我看了一 下我的手表,果真如此。那座大钟不愿意迎接新年。此时, 大家已经笑了起来,同时唱起了歌。
n. 欢迎;v. 欢迎
n. 人群 v. 聚集 n. (表或机器的)指针 v. 喊叫 v. 拒绝 v. 笑
新概念英语第二册Lesson 9 A cold welcome
听录音,然后回答以下问題。 What does 'a cold welcome' refer to?
新概念英语第二册Lesson 9 A cold welcome
新概念英语第二册Lesson 9 A cold welcome
4.We waited and waited, but nothing happened. waited and waited 等啊等啊, 强调动作的重复(walked and walked; run and run) happen vi.事情做主语, 事情发生 What happened? Nothing happened.
新概念英语第二册Lesson 9 A cold welcome
Let’s have a break.
新概念英语第二册Lesson 9 A cold welcome
Summary writing 摘要写作
Answer these questions in not more than 50 words. 回答下列问题,将答案组成一个段落,不要超过50个单词。 1 Where did we go on New Year's Eve? 2 Were there a lot of people there or not ? 3 In how many minutes would the Town Hall clock strike twelve? 4 At what time did it stop? 5 Did it refuse to welcome the New Year or not? 6 What did the crowd do then?
梅尼埃病的临床特征不包括()A.发作性头晕B.耳聋C.耳鸣D.耳胀满感E.眩晕 列药物应放在斗架高层的是A.月季花B.磁石C.甘草D.薄荷E.大黄炭 消化性溃疡患者的饮食应是()A.每日三餐定时进食B.适量刺激性食物C.高脂肪食物D.膳食纤维多的食物E.少量多餐,无刺激性和膳食纤维少的食物 什么是突出重点? α-酸是衡量酒花质量的重指标,α-酸呈弱酸性,在低pH值时溶解度降低,苦味,在高pH值时,苦味。 下列属于房产税征收范围的是。A.露天游泳池B.房地产开发企业建造的商品房在出售前对外出租C.某工业企业地处于农村的生产用房D.房地产开发企业开发的待售商品房 对于土地登记代理人而言,以下项说法不正确。A.取得《土地登记代理人职业资格证书》B.经有关部门登记备案C.可以受聘于一个或多个土地登记代理机构D.以机构的名义从事土地登记代理业务 随着人类社会生产力的进步、机器的使用和劳动生产力的提高,在大量使用机器提高了劳动生产力的同时,也产生了劳动者伤亡、病害等不安全、不卫生的因素。安全人机工程学研究的目的主要是:为保障劳动者的安全与健康,对这些不利因素发生的机理和预防措施进行研究,以便创造更和更文 信息的特征主要包括A、传递性B、共享性C、价值相对性D、时效性 非独立小气候 女性,55岁。右膝关节疼痛伴频发关节交锁1个月,行走及活动时有突然"卡住"感,卡住后剧痛,轻轻活动到某一位置后可"解锁",解锁后关节活动自如。查体:双膝关节无畸形,活动度正常,右膝浮髌试验阳性,研磨试验阳性,回旋挤压试验阴性,抽屉试验阴性。X线检查:未见明显阳性征象。 矿业工程项目矿、土、安三类工程的综合平衡,是决定整个矿山工程项目工期的关键。依照矿山工程的特点,通常根据进度安排来布置各工作的施工顺序。A.矿建工程B.土建工程C.安装工程D.机电工程 没药散2功效与作用 关于病毒学检验中标本采集、处理与运送错误的是A.诊断与病期不同采集的标本不同B.要进行预处理才能用于接种C.采集后立即送到病毒实验室D.暂时不能检查或分离培养时,应将标本放入冻存液E.暂时不能检查或分离培养时,应将标本存放在-20℃冰箱 住院病历书写质量评估标准中有项单项否决。A.30B.31C.32D.33E.34 下列关于三类工程综合平衡的论述,正确的是。A.应围绕关键线路的关键工程组织快速施工。B.一般情况下,矿建工程项目构成矿井建设的关键线路C.关键线路和关键工程在任何情况下都是固定的D.矿建、土建和安装工作应齐头并进,同时进行E.井筒到底后,巷道开拓和地面建筑及级机电备安装 丁型病毒性肝炎的地区分布特征正确的是A.地区分布极不平衡,相差很悬殊,高度地方性流行区主要在地中海沿岸等地B.地方性流行区主要是南亚、南美、非洲等地区,西方国家主要为散发或输入性病例C.流行与卫生水平关系很大,西方国家抗体流行率较低,发展中国家较高D.世界分布很不平衡 极度用力对应的RPE数值为A.15B.16C.17D.18E.19 下列哪项不是含有B族维生素的辅酶A.辅酶AB.四氢叶酸C.细胞色素bD.磷酸吡哆醛E.硫胺素焦磷酸 抢救大咯血窒息时,最关键的措施是A.立即进行人工呼吸B.立即使用中枢兴奋药C.立即使用鼻导管给氧D.立即采取解除呼吸道阻塞的措施E.立即输血或输液 室内装饰设计真正作为一门独立的专业。在世界范围内确定是在之后。 动态评价指标主要有()。A.净现值B.内部收益率C.动态投资回收期D.净现值率 有关脑转移瘤,下列描述错误的是A.脑实质转移B.硬脑膜转移C.软脑膜转移D.室管膜转移E.所有转移瘤均伴有水肿 静脉快速输入1000ml生理盐水,血浆渗透压将。A.降低B.升高C.不变D.先升高后降低E.先降低后升高 定期船货运程序为订舱、卸船交货。A.接货装船B.仓库收货C.集中装船D.交接 发电机定子水路中最易发生漏水的部位是和。 下列哪一种血液成分的相对密度最大。A.血浆B.红细胞C.血小板D.淋巴细胞E.粒细胞 慢性阻塞性肺病最主要的病因是A.过敏因素B.环境因素C.气候因素D.精神紧张E.长期吸烟 根据《水污染防治法》关于施工现场水污染的防治,下列说法错误的是。A.在饮用水水源保护区内,禁止设置排污口B.禁止向水体排放含有汞、镉、砷、铬、铅、氰化物、黄磷等可溶性剧毒废渣C.禁止利用无防渗漏措施的沟渠输送或存贮含有毒污染物的废水D.禁止向水体排放生活污水 不属于安全环保施工组织设计应重点考虑的内容的是。A.安装的方案和方法B.精度和质量控制措施C.对前期工程的维护措施D.劳动力组织计划 特别洁净手术室(Ⅰ类)适合做下列哪些无菌手术A、关节置换手术B、器官移植手术C、脑外科D、心脏外科和眼科E、以上都不对 下列关于膀胱损伤的说法哪项不正确A.膀胱损伤的病因可分为开放性损伤、闭合性损伤和医源性损伤B.膀胱损伤的病理可分为挫伤和破裂,后者又分为腹膜内型和腹膜外型C.膀胱损伤的临床表现可有休克、腹痛、血尿和排尿困难及尿瘘等D.膀胱损伤为防止感染一般不进行膀胱造影E.膀胱破裂如裂 分布式文件系统的设计必须平衡灵活性和可伸缩性与软件的复杂性和性能,不是其透明性。A.访问透明性B.移动透明性C.逻辑透明性D.位置透明性 已知三个不相等的数a、b、c,试给出寻找这三个数中最大的一个算法,画出该算法的流程图。 在疾病三级预防中,做好早期发现、早期诊断、早期治疗的“三早”预防工作在A.第一级预防B.第二级预防C.第三级预防D.第一级预防和第二级预防E.第二级预防和第三级预防
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Lesson 9 Marine Boilers第9课船用锅炉1. Boilers are used on board ship for producing steam. This steam may be used for driving the main engines, when steam turbines are fitted, or for driving auxiliary machinery such as the windlass. There are two basic types of boiler in use in ships: the fire-tube boiler the (terms “smoke tube”and “donkey boiler”are also in use), and the water-tube boiler. Both are illustrated in Fig. 9-1船用锅炉用来产生蒸汽。
2. Now if you look at the diagram of the fire-tube boiler you will see that it consists ofa cylindrical steel shell, which contains a furnace at the bottom. Two or more furnaces may be fitted, depending on the size of the boiler. The furnace is connected to a combustion chamber, situated in the middle part of the boiler. Leading from this combustion chamber to a smoke box are a large number of horizontal tubes. Some of these are used for supporting the middle section of the boiler and the combustion chamber. Connected to the smoke box are the uptakes for the waste gases. The furnace, the combustion chamber and the tubes are all surrounded by water.在火管锅炉的图中可以看到,它由一个圆筒形的钢外壳构成,其底部有炉膛。
3. The fire-tube boiler is usually of both riveted and welded construction. It is strong and is capable of operating with poor quality feed water. But there are more efficient types of boiler, which can generate more power; therefore fire-tube boilers are now mainly chosen for low-pressure steam production on vessels requiring steam for auxiliary purposes.火管锅炉一般为铆接和焊接结构,结构坚固,能够使用劣质给水工作。
4. Water-tube boilers have replaced fire-tube boilers for generating high-pressure, high-temperature, high-capacity steam for main engines or cargo pump turbines. From the diagram you will see that they have a steam drum at the top, which is partly filledwith water, and water drums at a lower level. These drums are connected by banks of tubes, which also contain water. The furnace is located at the bottom and the whole system is contained in a fireproof casing. Downcomer tubes are placed outside the gas system to act as feeders to the water drums.水管锅炉已经取代了火管锅炉,产生高压高温大流量的蒸汽,以驱动主机或货油泵透平。
5. Gases are heated in the furnace and pass upwards through the banks of tubes, transferring their heat to the water in the tubes. Because the steam drum provides a reservoir of relatively cool water, convection currents are set up causing the water to circulate round the system. The banks of tubes (generating tubes) offer a large surface area to the radiant heat of the furnace gases. This makes them very efficient. Superheaters are added to the system to increase its efficiency. These are located between the rows of tubes.在炉膛内加热的燃气向上通过管束,将热量传递给管内的水。
6. Various valves and gauges are fitted to the boilers. Those attached directly to the pressure parts of the boiler are known as boiler mountings. The mountings usually found on a boiler are: safety valves, which are needed to protect the boiler against overpressure; a main s top valve in order to control the passage of steam to the engines; feed check valves to control the final entry of water into the boiler; water level indicators to show the level of water in the boiler; a blow down valve enables water to be blown down or emptied from the boiler; a scum valve enables the blowing down or removal of scum and impurities from the water surface and thermometers for showing the temperature inside the boiler. In order to be able t o blow away soot and the products of combustion from the tube surfaces, soot blowers are fitted which are operated by steam or compressed air. Salinometer valves are also fitted to allow samples of water to be drawn off for testing. Chemical dosing valves are also necessary so that chemicals can be added directly into the boiler锅炉上装有各种阀和测量仪表。