



鞋种编码00装有金属防护鞋头的塑料防水鞋靴? ?00装有金属防护鞋头的橡胶防水鞋靴? ?00安全鞋39#(牛头牌橡胶制工作用有金属护头)00安全鞋(橡胶或塑料模制防水鞋,金属护头)00全胶鞋 INFINI(鞋面:底均为橡胶,中帮)00雨鞋(鞋面与鞋非用缝铆钉旋塞等类似方法连结的,橡胶或塑料模制,不过膝)00胶鞋(材质:全胶,款式:不过膝,过踝,有DCM的商标,INFILOOP.无)00橡胶靴鞋面材料:天然橡胶(鞋底材料:天然橡胶 T369)00胶鞋(低帮雨鞋,成份:全橡胶,商标:KEN&WINNIE)00中帮全胶鞋(外为橡胶制,里为棉毛布)90全橡胶越野滑雪鞋靴(不含濒危动物毛皮)90塑料外底及面的运动鞋(滑雪靴除外,不含濒危动物毛皮)90运动鞋 PU运动童鞋 20-35#(TPR底 PU面)90人造革运动鞋? ?90橡胶外底及面的运动鞋(滑雪靴除外,不含濒危动物毛皮)00EVE拖鞋(EVE SLIPPER)00EVA女拖鞋 EVA面,EVA底? ?00女凉鞋(革)00全橡胶短统靴(防水及运动鞋靴除外)00童鞋 SUPERSTAR K079(60%合成革+40%网布,橡胶底)00PU女童凉鞋(11-2#/中码11#.12#.13#大码1#.2#)00运动鞋TN777(50%合成革+50%网布,橡胶底)00运动鞋 A00739(人造革面,橡胶底)00男鞋 PU革制面,胶制底? ?00PU人革女装便鞋(3#-8#)00PVC运动鞋PVC面.橡胶底(29-32码)00PU童装鞋(面PU为主,橡胶或塑料底 UT09)00人革凉鞋? ?00拖鞋 TZS100(100%聚氨酯)00EVA成人拖鞋 SD220BT(NEW BALANCE牌码)00运动鞋 TN6A16(50%合成革+50%网布,橡胶底)00PU女拖鞋(成人/9-12#)00PU成人鞋(面PU为主,橡胶或塑料底 UC04)00运动鞋 100739(人造革面,橡胶底)00PU男单鞋? ?00PU人革女装凉拖鞋(3#-8#)00全塑料泡沫拖鞋(非拴塞固定的)00休闲鞋鞋面:EVA,鞋底PVC+橡胶? ?00全橡胶泡沫拖鞋(非拴塞固定的)00休闲鞋鞋面:EVA,鞋底PVC+橡胶? ?00全橡胶泡沫拖鞋(非拴塞固定的)00EVA沙滩鞋C00全塑料浴室拖鞋(非拴塞固定的)00人造革鞋,无金属防护头,(PVC人造革鞋面,TPR底)00全橡胶浴室拖鞋(非拴塞固定的)00人造革女鞋(WOMEN'S SHOES PU UPPER PVC OUTSOLE)00新马鞍PVC大女鞋#)00运动鞋 HY429-0184(合成革面,橡胶底)10野生动物皮革制鞋面的滑雪靴? ?90皮革制鞋面的滑雪靴(野生动物皮革面除外)10野生动物皮革制鞋面运动鞋靴(滑雪靴除外)90均码运动鞋(无野生动物皮制面,橡胶外底皮面的,滑雪靴除外)90运动鞋(橡.塑.皮外底,皮面的,滑雪靴除外)90皮面户外鞋男式? ?90羽毛球运动鞋 SHB-40C(皮革面胶底.码数:22-29)90运动鞋(鞋面皮革,尼龙布,鞋底为橡胶)90皮革制鞋面的运动鞋靴(滑雪靴除外,野生动物皮革面除外)90皮革制鞋面的其他运动鞋靴(#7107 女)90皮革制鞋面的其他运动鞋靴(#6008 男)90橡胶外底皮面耐克运动鞋(非滑雪靴)90皮革条带为鞋面的皮底鞋(野生动物皮革条面除外)10有金属护鞋头的野生动物皮革面鞋(橡、塑、皮革或再生皮革制外底)90安全鞋(橡.塑.皮外底,皮面的,有金属护头)90男装二榔皮鞋(13-14码)90牛皮PU工作鞋成人(橡胶底/以牛皮为主/有鞋头铁套)90运动鞋(皮革外底及面的,非体育专用)90牛皮鞋低帮码-12码? ?90牛皮鞋低帮码-15码? ?90皮鞋(非野生动物皮革制底及面,靴除外)90皮革制底及面女装皮鞋(非野生动物皮革制,靴除外)90皮革制底及面男装皮鞋(非野生动物皮革制,靴除外)10野生动物皮革制面的鞋(橡胶、塑料、皮革外底,非运动鞋)10成人女式蛇皮鞋(5-12#)90塑料外底牛皮面男鞋(非野牛皮制)90橡胶外底牛皮面女皮鞋? ?90鞋无金属防护头,鞋面为牛皮(大底为橡胶)90休闲鞋皮革面,橡胶底, 斯通富来 07031790再生皮革制外底皮革制面女装皮鞋? ?90皮鞋SHOES,面为牛皮,底为橡胶,无金属护头,(非运动,不过踝, SENSE 1991.)90橡胶底皮面药磁医疗保健鞋(非运动用鞋)90橡胶外底牛皮面男鞋(非运动用鞋)90羊剪绒拖鞋(4-14码)90女鞋(牛革面/橡胶底)90女装皮鞋(橡胶,塑料,再生皮革外底,皮革面)90皮鞋(橡胶,塑料或再生皮革外底,皮革面)90男工作鞋(6英寸没有金属防护头牛皮革橡胶)90皮面胶底登山鞋(KY/93/JL)90工作鞋帮高4"-8"(牛皮革制面/橡胶PU鞋底)90牛皮PU休闲鞋A(成人装/面以牛皮为主/橡胶鞋底)90女士凉鞋(橡胶底,再生皮革面)90黑色羊皮女单鞋(杏色牛皮内里)90女羊皮单鞋(橡胶制外底,不含金属护鞋头)90皮鞋(皮面橡胶底,非野生皮革制)90羊皮拖鞋(成人)90猪皮童装鞋(面猪皮为主,橡胶或塑料底,ZT10)90工作鞋帮高4-8"皮革面(橡胶PU鞋底)90皮革面男士凉鞋? ?90女真皮凉鞋(6-12码/羊皮/不过踝)90牛皮工作鞋非高筒鞋底为橡胶(鞋面为经鞣制未剖层整张熟牛皮)90女装休闲皮凉鞋(牛皮面,橡胶底)90皮革面男士休闲鞋? ?90牛皮男工作鞋底为橡胶(非高筒鞋面为经鞣制未剖层整张熟)90工作鞋帮高4"-8"(皮革制面,橡胶PU鞋底)90女式便鞋休闲皮鞋,销售用(牛皮面,橡胶底,81074)90皮革面女士凉鞋? ?90男鞋(牛革面/橡胶底)90女士皮凉鞋(橡胶底,再生皮革面)90女装皮凉鞋(牛皮面,橡胶底,35-41#)90女装休闲凉鞋(牛皮面,PU底)90塑料制外底皮革制面女装鞋(非运动用鞋)90真皮女鞋(WOMEN'S SHOES LEA UPPER PVC OUTSOLE)90运动鞋(橡.塑.再生革底,皮面非体育专用)90男式牛皮鞋MEN'S SHOES LEATHER UPPE(款式:低帮,系带,无金属护头.)90女式皮鞋矮帮牛皮鞋面橡塑(GS0035)90皮革皮鞋LEATHER SHOES(鞋面:皮革,鞋底:橡胶)00纺织材料面篮球鞋(橡胶或塑料制外底)00户外鞋尼龙制? ?00运动鞋,低统,鞋底橡胶,鞋面纺织,多威,专业使用(DO-WIN)00休闲鞋,低帮,布面,橡胶底,(非专业使用)00纺织材料面训练鞋(橡胶或塑料制外底)00运动鞋(橡胶或塑料制外底,纺织材料制面)00纺织材料面网球鞋(橡胶或塑料制外底)00运动鞋(纺织面,橡胶底)00纺织材料面体操鞋(橡胶或塑料制外底)00女士纺织布鞋(5-12#)00运动鞋(帆布面,橡胶底)00拖鞋纺织面料胶底? ?00云芸布女拖鞋#)00布胶鞋(面:帆布,底:橡胶)00鞋(橡.塑外底,纺材面,运动鞋靴除外)00休闲鞋B棉布面胶底(39#-42#)00纺织材料鞋面胶底雪地靴(KY/30/JL)00女童布制鞋GIRL SHOE,布面,橡胶底,不过踝。



实用标准药芯焊丝牌号对照表药芯焊丝牌号对照表序符合号GB相当标准AWSJIS结构钢用药芯焊丝1 GB/T 10045-2001 E500T-1A5.20 E70T-1 Z3313 YFW-C50DR2 GB/T 10045-2001 E501T-1A5.20 E71T-1 Z3313 YFW-C50DR3 GB/T 10045-2001 E500T-5A5.20 E70T-5 Z3313 YFW-C503B4 ------------A5.29 E81T1-Ni1 Z3313 YFW-C603R5 GB/T 10045-2001 E500T-1 6 -----------7 ------------A5.20 E70T-1 -----------------Z3313 YFW-C50DR Z3313 YFL-C504R Z3320 YFA-50W8 GB/T 17493-1998 E550T1-WA5.29 E80T1-W Z3320 YFA-58W耐热钢用药芯焊丝 9 GB/T 17493-1998 E551T1-A1 10 GB/T 17493-1998 E551T1-B1 11 GB/T 17493-1998 E551T1-B2 12 -----------13 GB/T 17493-1998 E601T1-B3气保焊不锈钢药芯焊丝 14 GB/T 17853-1999 E308T1-1 15 GB/T 17853-1999 E308LT1-1 16 GB/T 17853-1999 E309T0-1 17 GB/T 17853-1999 E309LT0-1 18 GB/T 17493-1999 E309MoT0-1 19 GB/T 17853-1999 E316T0-1 20 GB/T 17853-1999 E316LT0-1 21 GB/T 17853-1999 E347T1-1 22 GB/T 17853-1999 E410T0-1A5.29 E81T1-A1 Z3318 YFM-CA5.29 E81T1-B1 Z3318 YFCM-CA5.29 E81T1-B2 Z3318 YF1CM-C--------------------A5.29 E91T1-B3 Z3318 YF2CM-CA5.22 E308T-1 Z3323 YF308C A5.22 E308LT-1 Z3323 YF308LC A5.22 E309T-1 Z3323 YF309C A5.22 E309LT-1 Z3323 YF309LC ---------- Z3323 YF309MoC A5.22 E316T-1 Z3323 YF316C A5.22 E316LT-1 Z3323 YF316LC A5.22 E347T-1 Z3323 YF347C A5.22 E410T-1 Z3323 YF410C文案大全实用标准23 GB/T 17853-1999 E430T0-1A5.22 E430T-1 Z3323 YF430C不锈钢 TIG 焊用药芯焊丝24 (相当)GB/T 17853-1999 E308T1-5 A5.22 E308T-2 Z3323 YF308C25 GB/T 17853-1999 R308LT1-5A5.22 E308LT-2 Z3323 YF308LC26 (相当)GB/T 17853-1999 E309T1-5 A5.22 E309T-2 Z3323 YF309C27 GB/T 17853-1999 R309LT1-5A5.22 E309LT-2 Z3323 YF309LC28 ---------------------- Z3323 YF309MoC29 (相当)GB/T 17853-1999 E316T1-5 A5.22 E316T-2 Z3323 YF316C30 GB/T 17853-1999 R316LT1-5A5.22 E316LT-2 Z3323 YF316LC31 GB/T 17853-1999 R347T1-5A5.22 E347T-2 Z3323 YF347CMAG 焊用耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝32 ---------------------- ----------33 ---------------------- ----------34 ---------------------- ----------35 ---------------------- ----------36 ---------------------- ----------37 ---------------------- ----------埋弧焊用耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝38 ---------------------- ----------39 ---------------------- ----------40 ---------------------- ----------41 ---------------------- ----------42 ---------------------- ----------序 中国钢廉号1 ------------2 GL-YJ502(Q)3 GL-YJ507(Q)4 GL-YJ602(Q)日本神户韩国现代DW-100F DW-100 -----------DW-60-----------SF-71 -----------------------文案大全实用标准5 ------------MX-1006 GL-YJ502Ni(Q)------------7 GL-YJ502CrNiCu(Q) DW-50W8 GL-YJ602CrNiCu(Q) DW-588耐热钢用药芯焊丝9 ------------------------10 ------------------------11 GL-YR302(Q)DW-1CMA12 ------------------------13 GL-YR402(Q)DW-2CMA气保焊不锈钢药芯焊丝14 GL-YA102(Q)DW-30815 GL-YA002(Q)DW-308L16 GL-YA302(Q)DW-30917 GL-YA062(Q)DW-309L18 ------------------------19 GL-YA202(Q)DW-31620 GL-YA022(Q)DW-316L21 GL-YA132(Q)DW-34722 ------------DW-410Nb23 ------------DW-430NbSF-70MX -----------SF-70W SF-80W-------------------------------------------------------------------SW-308L Cored -----------SW-309L Cored ----------------------SW-316L Cored SW-347 Cored -----------------------文案大全实用标准不锈钢 TIG 焊用药芯焊丝24 ------------------------------------25 ------------------------------------26 ------------------------------------27 ------------------------------------28 ------------------------------------29 ------------------------------------30 ------------------------------------31 ------------------------------------MAG 焊用耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝32 ------------DWH-250------------33 GL-YD350(Q)DWH-350------------34 GL-YD450(Q)DWH-450------------35 ------------DWH-600------------36 ------------DWH-800------------37 ------------------------------------埋弧焊用耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝38 ------------G-50/USH-250N------------39 ------------G-50/USH-350N------------40 ------------G-50/USH-450N------------41 ------------G-50/USH-500N------------文案大全------------42 ------------实用标准 MF-30/USH-600N ------------牌号 JQ.YD132-1GB 标准JQ.YD172-1JQ.YD212-1JQ.YJ501-1E501T-1JQ.YJ501Ni-1E501T1-GJQ.YJ501NiCrCu-1JQ.YJ502-1E500T-1JQ.YJ502Ni-1E550T1-Ni1JQ.YJ507-1E500T-5AWS 标准E71T-1 E71T1-G E70T-1 E80T1-Ni1 E70T-5气保护药芯焊丝简明表焊接电源主要用途DC+堆焊用 CO2 气保护钛型药芯焊丝。



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52150/52175POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE 5-AMP 78HGA REPLACEMENT VOLTAGE REGULATORMiiHYBRID MICROELECTRONICS PRODUCTS DIVISIONFeatures:•Replacement for 78HGA• 5.0 A Output Current•Internal Current And Thermal Limiting •Internal Short Circuit Current Limit•Low Drop-Out Voltage (Typically 2.3 V @ 5.0 A)•50W Power Dissipation•Electrically Isolated Case• Steel TO-3 Case Applications:•Designed for use in general purposeapplications where adjustability isadvantageous.•Military and Hi Rel Industrial applications where hermeticity is required.ORDER INFORMATION52150Standard52175MIL-STD-883 ScreenedDESCRIPTIONThe 52150/52175, which is a replacement for the 78HGA, is an adjustable 4-terminal positive voltage regulator capable of supplying in excess of 5.0 A over a 5.0 V to 24 V output range. Only two external resistors are required to set the output voltage. It is packaged in a hermetically sealed TO-3, and provides 50W power dissipation. The regulator consists of a monolithic chip driving a discrete series-pass element. A beryllium-oxide substrate is used in conjunction with an isothermal layout to optimize the thermal characteristics of each device and still maintain electrical isolation between the various chips. This unique circuit design limits the maximum junction temperature of the power output transistor to provide full automatic thermal overload protection. If the safe operating area is ever exceeded (Note 1), the device simply shuts down rather than fail or damage other system components. This feature eliminates the need to design costly regulators built from discrete components.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSInput Voltage.................................................................................................................................................................40 V Internal Power Dissipation @T c = 25°C.......................................................................................................................50W Maximum Input-to-Output Voltage Differential............................................................................................................35 V Operating Junction Temperature..............................................................................................................................150°C Storage Temperature Range...................................................................................................................-55°C to +150°C Pin Temperature (Soldering, 60 seconds)................................................................................................................300°C Commercial Temperature Range 52150.....................................................................................................0°C to +125°C Military Temperature Range 52175.........................................................................................................-55°C to +125°CMicropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement.52150/52175 POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE 5-AMP VOLTAGE REGULATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST J = 25ºC, V IN = 10 V and I OUT = -2.0A unless otherwise specifiedPARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Output Voltage (Note 4)V OUT I OUT = 2.0A,V IN = V OUT + 3.5V5.024VLine Regulation (Note 2)∆V OUT V IN= 7.5 to 25V0.2%1%V Load Regulation (Note 2)∆V OUT10mA ≤ I OUT ≤ 5.0A0.2%1%V Quiescent Current I Q I OUT = 0 3.410mA Ripple Rejection RR I OUT = 1.0A,f = 210Hz, 5.0V pk-pk60dBOutput Noise V n10Hz ≤ f ≤ 100 kHzV IN = V OUT + 5.0V50µV RMSDropout Voltage (Note 5)V DD I OUT = 5.0AI OUT = 3.0A CurrentLimitI OS V IN= 15V, V OUT = 5V7.012.0A Control Pin Voltage V C 4.85 5.0 5.25VNOTES:1. This voltage regulator offers output transistor safe-area protection. However, to maintain full protection, thedevice must be operated within the maximum input-to-output voltage differential rating listed on the data sheet under “Absolute Maximum Ratings”. For applications violating these limits, device will not be fully protected.2. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Pulse testing is required with a pulsewidth ≤ 1 ms and a duty cycle ≤ 5%. Full Kelvin connection methods must be used to measure these parameters.3. The performance characteristics of the adjustable series (78HGA) is specified for V OUT = 5.0 V, unless otherwisenoted.4. V OUT is defined as V OUT = R1+ R2 (V CONT) where R1 and R2 are defined in the Basic Test Circuit diagram.5. Dropout Voltage is the input-output voltage differential that causes the output voltage to decrease by 5% of itsinitial value.Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement.52150/52175POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE 5-AMP VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSThis device has thermal overload protection from excessive power and internal short circuit protection which limits the circuit’s maximum current. Thus, the device is protected from overload abnormalities. Although the internal power dissipation is limited, the junction temperature must be kept below the maximum specified temperature (150ºC). It is recommended by the manufacturer that the maximum junction temperature be kept as low as possible for increased reliability. To calculate the maximum junction temperature or heat sink required, the following thermal resistance values should be used.Package Type MaxP D(MAX) = T J(max) – T AθCA = θCS + θSAθJCθJCθ+ θCAJCTO-3 1.8 2.5Solving for T J = T A + P D (θJC+θCA)Where: T J = Junction TemperatureT A = Ambient TemperatureθCA = Case-to-ambient thermal resistanceP D = Power Dissipation θCS = Case-to-heat sink thermal resistanceθJC = Junction-to-case thermal resistanceθSA = Heat sink-to-ambient thermal resistance The device is designed to operate without external compensation components. However, the amount of external filtering of these voltage regulators depends upon the circuit layout. If in a specific application the regulator is more than four inches from the filter capacitor, a 2µF solid tantalum capacitor should be used at the input. A 1µF capacitor should be used at the output to reduce transients created by fast switching loads, as seen in the basic test circuit. These filter capacitors must be located as close to the regulator as possible.Caution: Permanent damage can result from forcing the output voltage higher than the input voltage. A protection diode from output to input should be used if this condition exists.VOLTAGE OUTPUTThe device has an adjustable output voltage from 5.0V to 24V which can be programmed by the external resistor network (potentiometer or two fixed resistors) using the relationship:Example: If R1 = 0Ω and R2 = 5kΩ, Then V OUT = V CONTROL x R1 + R2V OUT = 5V nominal.R2Or, if R1 = 10 kΩ and R2 = 5 kΩ thenV OUT = 15VMicropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement.。

双二五硫化剂 安全技术说明书

双二五硫化剂  安全技术说明书
说明书目录 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 第五部分 第六部分 第七部分 第八部分 化学品名称 成分/组成信息 危险性概述 急救措施 消防措施 泄漏应急处理 操作处置与储存 接触控制/个体防护 第九部分 第十部分 第十一部分 第十二部分 第十三部分 第十四部分 第十五部分 第十六部分 第一部分:化学品名称 化学品 2,5-二甲基-2,5-双(过氧化叔丁基)己烷 中文名 称: 化学品 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(tert-butylperoxy)hexane 英文名 称: 技术说 2237 明书编 码: 生产企 业名称: 地址: 生效日 期: 第二部分:成分/组成信息 有害物成分 2,5-二甲基-2,5-双(过氧化叔丁基)己烷 危险性类别: 侵入途径: 健康危害: 对眼睛有刺激作用。吸入,可致中枢神经损害,引起运动障碍、平衡失调等。 环境危害: 燃爆危险: 本品易燃,具刺激性。 第四部分:急救措施 皮肤接触: 脱去污染的衣着,用流动清水冲洗。 眼睛接触: 提起眼睑,用流动清水或生理盐水冲洗。就医。 吸入: 迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。保持呼吸道通畅。如呼吸困难,给输氧。如呼吸停 含量 第三部分:危险性概述 CAS No. 78-63-7 化学品 双-2,5-己 俗名: 烷 英文名 称: CAS 78-63-7 No.: 理化特性 稳定性和反应活性 毒理学资料 生态学资料 废弃处置 运输信息 法规信息 其他信息
25二甲基25双过氧化叔丁基己烷安全技术说明书说明书目录第一部分化学品名称第九部分理化特性第二部分成分组成信息第十部分稳定性和反应活性第Байду номын сангаас部分危险性概述第十一部分毒理学资料第四部分急救措施第十二部分生态学资料第五部分消防措施第十三部分废弃处置第六部分泄漏应急处理第十四部分运输信息第七部分操作处置与储存第十五部分法规信息第八部分接触控制个体防护第十六部分其他信息第一部分


shutdown time n Output in phase with input
Product Summary
500V max.
1A / 2A
12 - 18V
230 mV
ton/off (typ.) 150 & 150 ns
The IR2125 is a high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver with over-current limiting protection circuitry. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies enable ruggedized monolithic construction. Logic inputs are compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL outputs. The output driver features a high pulse current buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross-conduction. The protection circuitry detects over-current in the driven power transistor and limits the gate drive voltage. Cycle by cycle shutdown is programmed by an external capacitor which directly controls the time interval between detection of the over-current limiting conditions and latched shut-



VF, INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) Fig. 2 Typical Forward Characteristics (per element)
Single half-sine-wave (JEDEC method) Tj = 25°C
10 5
without heatsink Resistive or Inductive load
0.01 0 0.4 0.8 1.2
Pulse width = 300µs
TC, CASE TEMPERATURE (°C) Fig. 1 Forward Current Derating Curve
TJ = 25°C f = 1MHz
0 1 10
1 1.0 10 VR, REVERSE VOLTAGE (V) Fig. 4 Typical Junction Capacitance 100
NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60 Hz Fig. 3 Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current
GBJ25005 - GBJ2510





52421 SOLID STATE THERMOSTAT CONTROLLERSpace Application Series...MiiHYBRID MICROELECTRONICS PRODUCTS DIVISIONFeatures:•Operates With RTD Temperature Sensor •Output Is Either “ON” Or “OFF”•Standard And Custom Factory Settings Of: - Resistance Control Set Points (Temperatures), - Hysteresis, (Minimum/Maximum) And- Timing (On/Off Delays)- Test (Load Power On/Off) Capability •Optional Mounting Configurations Available Applications:Meets The Demanding Requirements Of Space Platform Environments, Where PreciseTemperature Control Is Required.DESCRIPTIONM icropac’s Space level Thermostat Controller 52421 operates with external RTD (Resistance Temperature Device) temperature sensor and provides a power switched (On / Off) output within a temperature window. The RTD sensor is conditioned then controls a high-side MOSFET power switch for an external HEATER.M odels are available with dual channels providing either “OR” or “AND” configurations.W ired combinations of the “OR” configuration device, along with a single channel device, provides a tri-redundancy control system which guarantees both the power ON and power OFF states of the HeaterA BSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSO perating Temperature (T A)........................................................................................................................-55°C to +125°C S torage Temperature (T STG).......................................................................................................................-65°C to +165°C M aximum Steady State V IN..............................................................................................................................+132 Volts DC P eak Transient Input V IN(T)...........................................................................................................+180 Volts DC for 5 Secs. S teady State Load Current…(Source or Sink)......................................................................................................1.1Amps.A PPLICABLE QUALITY STANDARDS OF MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC.•MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and Class K Qualified.•MIL-PRF-19500 JAN S Qualified.•MIL-STD-883 Test Methods and Procedures•ISO 9001 Quality StandardMicropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement.52421SOLID STATE THERMOSTAT CONTROLLER GENERAL ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS(25°C unless otherwise stated)TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNITSQuiescent Power Supply Current Terminal #1 = +126 VDCI LOAD (Terminals 3 and 4) = 0 ARTD = Max5.5mAOver voltage Current Spikes Between Terminals #1 and #2 = +180 VDCFor 5 secondsRTD = Min50.0mAHeater Current Terminals #3 - #4 = Heater LoadTerminal #1 = +120 VDC 1.1A Output Off Current Terminal #1 = +126 VDCBetween Terminals #3 and #4 =R shunt ≤ 10 ohmsRTD = MaxT CASE = 25°CT CASE = 125°C or T CASE = -55°C ±250±1uAmAFull Load Saturation Voltage Terminal #1 = +120 VDCTest Load, 120 ohms ±5%, 250 WattsRTD = MinV SAT, Measured between Terminals #4 and #2T CASE = 25°CT CASE = 125°C or T CASE = -55°C1.92.8VVSelf Test Input Impedance Terminal #1 = +120 VDCRTD = MaxAs Measured between Terminals #8 and #95,000,000ΩOn Time, Load Current Terminal #1 = +120 VDCRTD switched Max to MinMeasuring the 10-90 time of the rising HeaterLoad Current, Terminals #3 and #41.0mSOff Time, Load Current Terminal #1 = +120 VDCRTD switched Min to MaxMeasuring the 90-10 time of the fallingHeater Load Current, Terminals #3 and #42.0mSMicropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement.52421SOLID STATE THERMOSTAT CONTROLLERDUAL CHANNEL TERMINAL NUMBER DESCRIPTIONTERMINAL REF DESCRIPTION1Vin Positive power supply voltage2AGND Power return for all function3+H Current source for Heater (High Side)4-H Current return for Heater5RTD1-H Current source for RTD #16RTD1-L Current return RTD #17RTD1-S for RTD #1 Shield to case8ST1 Self Test #1, “ON”9ST1 Return Self test #1 CommonPackage DimensionsTYPICAL PRESET “RTD” PROFILES AVAILABLEP/N TBD P/N TBD P/N TBD P/N TBD P/N TBDTon-80°F-70°F-60°F-50°F-42°FToff-73°F-63°F-53°F-43°F -35°FP/N TBD P/N TBD P/N TBD P/N TBDTon-28°F-10°F0°F23°FToff-21°F-3°F7°F30°FRTD SENSORS NOT PROVIDED BY Micropac Industries, Inc.The above preset thresholds and switching levels are based on the use of standard 1000 ohm RTDs.Example: IEC-751, 1000 ohms at 0°C (ice point), resistance curve with an alpha of 0.003891 and withan error not to exceed 0.75 °F.Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement.52421SOLID STATE THERMOSTAT CONTROLLER`Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement.。



其他丝及绢丝制男内裤及三角裤 羊毛或动物细毛制男内裤及三角裤 其他纺织材料制男内裤及三角裤 棉制针织或钩编男长睡衣及睡衣裤 化纤制针织或钩编男睡衣裤 丝及绢丝制针织或钩编男睡衣裤 其他丝及绢丝制针织或钩编男睡衣 羊/动物细毛针织或钩编男睡衣裤 其他纺材制针织或钩编男睡衣裤 棉制针织或钩编其他睡衣裤 棉制针织或钩编男浴衣.晨衣等 化学纤维制其他男睡衣裤、浴衣、晨衣等 其他纺织材料制其他男睡衣裤、浴衣,晨衣等 棉制针织或钩编女三角裤及短衬裤 化纤制一次性女三角裤及短衬裤 化纤制其他女三角裤及短衬裤 丝及绢丝制女三角裤及短衬裤 其他丝及绢丝制女三角裤及短衬裤 羊毛制针织钩编女三角裤及短衬裤 其他纺织材料制女三角裤及短衬裤 棉制针织或钩编女睡衣及睡衣裤 化纤制针织或钩编女睡衣及睡衣裤 丝及绢丝制女睡衣及睡衣裤 其他丝及绢丝制女睡衣及睡衣裤 羊毛或动物细毛制女睡衣及睡衣裤 其他纺织材料制女睡衣及睡衣裤 棉制针织或钩编女内裤,内衣 其他棉制针织或钩编女浴衣、晨衣等 化纤制针织或钩编女内裤,内衣 其他化纤针织或钩编女浴衣、晨衣等 丝及绢丝制制女浴衣、晨衣等 羊毛或动物细毛制女浴衣、晨衣等 其他纺织材料制女浴衣、晨衣等 棉制针织或钩编T恤衫、汗衫等 其他棉制针织或钩编男式T恤衫 其他棉制针织或钩编女式T恤衫 其他棉制男式汗衫及其他背心 其他棉制男式汗衫及其他背心 其他棉制女式汗衫及其他背心 丝及绢丝针织钩编T恤衫汗衫背心 其他丝及绢丝针织钩编T恤衫背心 丝及绢丝针织钩编汗衫背心 其他丝及绢丝针织钩编汗衫背心 其他丝及绢丝针织钩编T恤衫汗衫 其他丝及绢丝针织钩编T恤衫汗衫 毛制针织或钩编T恤衫、汗衫等 毛制针织或钩编男式T恤衫、汗衫 毛制针织或钩编女式T恤衫、汗衫 毛制针织或钩编男式其他T恤衫 毛制针织或钩编女式其他T恤衫 毛制男式汗衫及其他背心


海关 HS 编码对照表
序 号 1
HS 编码
商品名称及备注 机动小客车用新的充气子午线轮胎(橡胶轮胎,包括 旅行小客车及赛车用) 机动小客车用新的充气非子午线轮胎(橡胶轮胎,包 括旅行小客车及赛车用)
其他新的充气橡胶子午线轮胎(其他用途,新充气橡 仅限于 GB9743 标准、 GB9744 标准、 GB518 标准 胶轮胎,非人字形胎面) 范围内的产品
机) 、电锤(含锤钻、电镐、电铲、电凿) 、不易 燃液体电喷枪、 电剪刀 (含双刃电剪刀、 电冲剪) 、 攻丝机、插入式混凝土振动器(含直联式混凝土 制动器) 、电动修枝剪和电动草剪(含剪草机) 、 电木铣和修边机 (含雕刻机) 电动石材切割机 、 (含 大理石切割机、云石机) 。 61 62 63 84705010 84705090 84713000 销售点终端出纳机 其他现金出纳机。 便携式数字自动数据处理设备(重量≤10 公斤,至少 有一个中央处理器,键盘和显示器组成) 仅限于 36 伏以上的现金收款机。 仅限于 36 伏以上的现金收款机。 仅限于笔记本电脑和掌上电脑。 仅限于 36 伏以上的,额定功率小于 1300 瓦的, 64 84714140.90 微型机(飞机载大气数据专用计算机除外) 不在车辆、船舶或飞机上使用的台式计算机、服 务器(不包括工业专用的工控机) 其他数字 式数据 处理设 备 ( 同一机壳内 至少一 个 CPU 和一个输入输出部件;包括组合式): 仅限于 36 伏以上的,计(付)费的接触式和非接 触式的银行用 IC 卡读写器、IC 卡售票机、IC 卡 售货机、收费站用 IC 卡读写器等。 仅限于 36 伏以上的,室外大型显示屏、液晶显示 66 84716010 自动数据处理设备的显示 屏、 ATM 相连的显示终端部件除外的, 与 与计算 机连用的单色/彩色显示器、液晶显示器、投影显 示器、投影仪、等离子显示器和其他显示终端。 67 84716031 自动数据处理设备的针式打印机 仅限于 36 伏以上的, 幅面打印速度小于 60ppm A4 的,与计算机连用的打印机。 仅限于 36 伏以上的, 幅面打印速度小于 60ppm A4 的,与计算机连用的打印机。 仅限于 36 伏以上的, 幅面打印速度小于 60ppm A4 的,与计算机连用的打印机。 仅限于 36 伏以上的, 幅面打印速度小于 60ppm A4 70 84716039 自动数据处理设备的其他打印机 的,与计算机连用的绘图仪、热敏打印机、热转 印打印机、复印/打印多用机、票据打印机等其他 打印设备。 71 84716050 自动数据处理设备的扫描器 仅限于条形码扫描器和笔式扫描器除外的,36 伏 以上的,与计算机配套使用的扫描仪。 仅限于 36 伏以上的, 能复制开本小于 A1 规格的, 72 84721000 胶版复印机,油印机 静电复印机、重氮复印机、办公机构小胶印机、 油印机、数字式一体化速印机、缩微阅读(复印) 机、多用途打印、复印机。 73 74 75 84729090 85011099.90 85012000 其他办公室用机器(包括硬币分类,计数,包装机和削 笔机等) 其他微电机(输出功率不超过 37.5 瓦) >37.5W 交直流两用电动机(输出功率超过 37.5 瓦) 仅限于 36 伏以上的点钞机。 仅限于汽车风扇用除外的,36 伏以上的电动机。 仅限于汽车风扇用除外的,36 伏以上的,功率在



二月桂酸二丁基锡CAS:77-58-7化学品安全技术说明书版本号5.0修订日期05.12.2012打印日期13.04.2014 1.化学品及企业标识1.1 产品标识符产品名称: 二月桂酸二丁基锡产品编号: NT1129品牌: NEWTOP1.2 鉴别的其他方法无数据资料1.3 有关的确定了的物质或混合物的用途和建议不适合的用途仅用于研发。


1.4 安全技术说明书提供者的详情制造商或供应商名称: Newtop Chemical Materials (shanghai) Co.,LtdUnit A4,BuildingNo.A,No.780,Song Pu Road,BaoShan District200940 ShanghaiCHINA电话号码传真电子邮件地址:+86021-66208786 :+86021-51961833:183********@1.5 应急电话紧急联系电话: +86 183******** 2.危险性概述2.1 GHS-分类急性毒性, 经口 (类别 3)急性毒性, 吸入 (类别 1)急性毒性, 经皮 (类别 5)皮肤刺激 (类别 2)眼睛刺激 (类别 2A)皮肤过敏 (类别 1)急性水生毒性 (类别 1)2.2 GHS 标记要素,包括预防性的陈述象形图警示词危险危险申明H301吞咽会中毒H313接触皮肤可能有害。






警告申明预防P260不要吸入粉尘/ 烟/ 气体/ 烟雾/ 蒸汽/ 喷雾。






P280穿戴防护手套/ 眼保护罩/ 面部保护罩。


响应P301 + P310如果吞下去了: 立即呼救解毒中心或医生。

[VIP专享]纺织商品名称 HS编码 附加编码 附加序号 说明

[VIP专享]纺织商品名称 HS编码 附加编码 附加序号 说明

商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明未漂白棉府绸 52081100 10 001 棉≥85%,平方米重≤100克未漂白棉细平布 52081100 10 002 棉≥85%,平方米重≤100克未漂白全棉平布 52081100 20 001 平米重不超过100克,68号及以下未漂白全棉平纹奶酪布 52081100 30 001 平米重不超过100克,棉≥85%未漂白全棉平纹印染用布 52081100 40 001 平米重≤100克,43-68号未漂白全棉平纹巴里纱 52081100 50 001 平米重≤100克,69号及以上未漂白全棉平纹薄细布 52081100 50 002 平米重≤100克,69号及以上未漂白全棉平纹机织打字布 52081100 60 001 平米重≤100克,含棉≥85%未漂白全棉医用纱布 52081100 70 001 平米≤100克,棉≥85%未漂白全棉府绸 52081200 10 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%未漂白全棉细平布 52081200 10 002 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%未漂白全棉平布 52081200 20 001 100<平米重≤200克,68号及以下未漂白全棉平纹奶酪布 52081200 30 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%未漂白全棉平纹印染用布 52081200 40 001 100<平米重≤200克,43-68号未漂白全棉平纹巴里纱 52081200 50 001 100<平米重≤200克,69号及以上未漂白全棉平纹薄细布 52081200 50 002 100<平米重≤200克,69号及以上未漂白棉斜纹布 52081300 - 001 棉≥85%,平米重≤200克,三线斜纹未漂白斜纹布 52081300 - 002 棉≥85%,平米重≤200克四线斜纹漂白全棉府绸 52082100 10 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%漂白全棉细平布 52082100 10 002 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%漂白全棉平纹机织平布 52082100 20 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,≤68号漂白全棉平纹奶酪布 52082100 30 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%漂白全棉平纹印染用布 52082100 40 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,43-68号漂白全棉平纹巴里纱 52082100 50 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,≥69号漂白全棉平纹薄细布 52082100 50 002 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,≥69号漂白全棉医用纱布 52082100 60 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,漂白全棉府绸 52082200 10 001 100<平米重<200克,棉≥85%漂白全棉细平布 52082200 10 002 100<平米重<200克,棉≥85%漂白全棉平纹机织平布 52082200 20 001 100<平米重<200克,68号及以下漂白全棉平纹奶酪布 52082200 30 001 100<平米重<200克,棉≥85%漂白全棉平纹印染用布 52082200 40 001 100<平米重<200克,43-68号漂白全棉巴里纱 52082200 50 001 100<平米重<200克,69号及以上漂白全棉薄细布 52082200 50 002 100<平米重<200克,69号及以上染色全棉手工织布 52083100 10 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%染色全棉府绸 52083100 91 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%染色全棉细平布 52083100 91 002 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%染色全棉平纹机织平布 52083100 92 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,≤68号染色全棉平纹奶酪布 52083100 93 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%染色全棉巴里纱 52083100 95 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,≥69号染色全棉薄细布 52083100 95 002 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,≥69号染色全棉手工织布 52083200 10 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%染色全棉平纹府绸 52083200 91 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%染色全棉细平布 52083200 91 002 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%染色全棉平纹机织平布 52083200 92 001 100<平米重≤200克,68号及以下染色全棉平纹奶酪布 52083200 93 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%染色全棉平纹印染用布 52083200 94 001 100<平米重≤200克,43-68号染色全棉巴里纱 52083200 95 001 100<平米重≤200克,69号及以上染色全棉薄细布 52083200 95 002 100<平米重≤200克,69号及以上染色的全棉三线斜纹布 52083300 - 001 平米重≤200克,棉≥85%染色的全棉四线斜纹布 52083300 - 002 平米重≤200克,棉≥85%染色全棉双面斜纹 52083300 - 003 平米重≤200克,棉≥85%染色全棉双面斜纹布 52083300 - 004 平米重≤200克,棉≥85%色织的全棉平纹机织物 52084100 90 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%色织的全棉平纹机织物 52084200 90 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%色织的全棉三线斜纹布 52084300 - 001 平米重≤200克,含棉≥85%色织的全棉四线斜纹布 52084300 - 002 每平方米重量≤200克,含棉≥85%色织全棉双面斜纹 52084300 - 003 每平方米重量≤200克,含棉≥85%色织全棉双面斜纹布 52084300 - 004 每平方米重量≤200克,含棉≥85%印花全棉手工织布 52085100 10 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%印花全棉平纹府绸 52085100 91 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%印花全棉细平布 52085100 91 002 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%印花全棉平纹机织平布 52085100 92 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85,≤68号印花全棉平纹奶酪布 52085100 93 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%印花全棉平纹印染用布 52085100 94 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,43-68号印花全棉平纹巴里纱 52085100 95 001 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,≥69号印花全棉平纹薄细布 52085100 95 002 平米重≤100克,棉≥85%,≥69号印花的全棉手工织布 52085200 10 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%印花的全棉平纹府绸 52085200 91 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%印花的全棉细平布 52085200 91 002 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%印花的全棉平纹机织平布 52085200 92 001 100<平米重≤200克,68号及以下印花的全棉平纹奶酪布 52085200 93 001 100<平米重≤200克,棉≥85%印花的全棉平纹印染用布 52085200 94 001 100<平米重≤200克,43-68号印花的全棉巴里纱 52085200 95 001 100<平米重≤200克,69号及以上印花的全棉薄细布 52085200 95 002 100<平米重≤200克,69号及以上印花的全棉三线斜纹布 52085300 - 001 平米重≤200克,含棉≥85%印花的全棉四线斜纹布 52085300 - 002 平米重≤200克,含棉≥85%印花全棉双面斜纹布 52085300 - 003 平米重≤200克,含棉≥85%未漂白全棉平纹府绸 52091100 10 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%未漂白全棉细平布 52091100 10 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%未漂白的全棉平纹机织平布 52091100 20 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%未漂白的全棉平纹机织帆布 52091100 30 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%未漂白的全棉三线斜纹布 52091200 - 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%未漂白的全棉四线斜纹布 52091200 - 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%未漂白全棉双面斜纹 52091200 - 003 平米重>200克,棉≥85%漂白全棉平纹府绸 52092100 10 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%漂白全棉细平布 52092100 10 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%漂白的全棉平纹机织平布 52092100 20 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%漂白的全棉平纹机织帆布 52092100 30 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%漂白的全棉三线斜纹布 52092200 - 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%漂白的全棉四线斜纹布 52092200 - 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%漂白全棉双面斜纹 52092200 - 003 平米重>200克,棉≥85%染色全棉手工织布 52093100 10 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%染色全棉平纹府绸 52093100 91 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%染色全棉细平布 52093100 91 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%染色的全棉平纹机织平布 52093100 92 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%染色的全棉平纹机织帆布 52093100 93 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%染色的全棉三线斜纹布 52093200 - 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%染色的全棉四线斜纹布 52093200 - 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%染色全棉双面斜纹 52093200 - 003 平米重>200克,棉≥85%色织的全棉手工织布 52094100 10 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%色织的全棉平纹机织物 52094100 90 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%全棉防缩靛蓝牛仔布 52094200 10 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%全棉蓝牛仔布 52094200 10 002 色织斜纹,平方米重>200克色织全棉蓝粗斜纹布 52094200 10 003 平米重>200克,棉≥85%色织的全棉三线斜纹布 52094300 - 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%色织的全棉四线斜纹布 52094300 - 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%色织全棉双面斜纹布 52094300 - 003 平米重>200克,棉≥85%印花全棉手工织布 52095100 10 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%印花全棉平纹府绸 52095100 91 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%印花全棉平纹细平布 52095100 91 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%印花全棉平纹机织平布 52095100 92 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%印花全棉平纹机织帆布 52095100 93 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%印花的全棉三线斜纹布 52095200 - 001 平米重>200克,棉≥85%印花的全棉四线斜纹布 52095200 - 002 平米重>200克,棉≥85%印花全棉双面斜纹布 52095200 - 003 平米重>200克,棉≥85%未漂白棉/涤纶混纺细平布 52101100 11 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%未漂白棉涤纶混纺府绸 52101100 11 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%未漂白棉/涤纶混纺机织平布 52101100 12 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≤68号未漂白棉/涤纶混纺奶酪布 52101100 13 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%未漂白棉/涤纶混纺印染布 52101100 14 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,43-68号未漂白棉/涤纶混纺巴里纱 52101100 15 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号棉涤斜纹布 52101200 10 001 棉<85%,平米重≤200g,未漂白漂白棉/涤纶混纺府绸 52102100 11 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%漂白棉/涤纶混纺细平布 52102100 11 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%漂白棉/涤纶印染布 52102100 14 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,43-68号漂白棉/涤纶巴里纱 52102100 15 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉府绸 52102100 21 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉细平布 52102100 21 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉机织平布 52102100 22 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≤68号漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉奶酪布 52102100 23 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉印染布 52102100 24 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,43-68号漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉巴里纱 52102100 25 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号漂白棉涤纶三线斜纹布 52102200 10 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%漂白棉涤纶四线斜纹布 52102200 10 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺棉府绸 52103100 11 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺棉细平布 52103100 11 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺棉印染布 52103100 14 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,43-68号染色与聚酯短纤混纺棉巴里纱 52103100 15 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号染色与聚酯短纤混纺棉薄细布 52103100 15 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号染色与化纤长丝混纺棉府绸 52103100 21 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺棉细平布 52103100 21 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺棉机织平布 52103100 22 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺棉奶酪布 52103100 23 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺棉印染布 52103100 24 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,43-68号染色与化纤长丝混纺棉巴里纱 52103100 25 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号染色与化纤长丝混纺棉薄细布 52103100 25 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号染色与聚酯短纤棉双面斜纹布 52103200 10 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤三线棉斜纹布 52103200 10 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤四线棉斜纹布 52103200 10 003 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝棉双面斜纹布 52103200 20 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝三线棉斜纹布 52103200 20 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝四线棉斜纹布 52103200 20 003 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与聚酯短纤混纺棉平纹布 52104100 10 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与化纤长丝混纺棉平纹布 52104100 20 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与聚酯短纤混纺三线斜纹棉布 52104200 10 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与聚酯短纤混纺双面斜纹棉布 52104200 10 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与聚酯短纤混纺四线斜纹棉布 52104200 10 003 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与化纤长丝混纺三线斜纹棉布 52104200 20 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与化纤长丝混纺双面斜纹棉布 52104200 20 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与化纤长丝混纺四线斜纹棉布 52104200 20 003 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与聚酯短纤混纺棉提花布 52104900 11 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%色织与化纤长丝混纺棉提花布 52104900 21 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与聚酯短纤混纺的棉府绸 52105100 11 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与聚酯短纤混纺的棉细平布 52105100 11 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与聚酯短纤混纺棉机织平布 52105100 12 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≤68号印花与聚酯短纤混纺的棉奶酪 52105100 13 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与聚酯短纤混纺棉巴里纱 52105100 15 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号印花与聚酯短纤混纺棉薄细布 52105100 15 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号印花与化纤长丝混纺的棉府绸 52105100 21 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺的棉细平布 52105100 21 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺棉机织平布 52105100 22 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≤68号印花与化纤长丝混纺棉奶酪布 52105100 23 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺棉印染布 52105100 24 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,43-68号印花与化纤长丝混纺棉巴里纱 52105100 25 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号印花与化纤长丝混纺棉薄细布 52105100 25 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%,≥69号印花与聚酯短纤混纺三线斜纹棉布 52105200 10 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与聚酯短纤混纺双面斜纹棉布 52105200 10 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与聚酯短纤混纺四线斜纹棉布 52105200 10 003 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺三线斜纹棉布 52105200 20 001 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺双面斜纹棉布 52105200 20 002 平米重≤200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺四线斜纹棉布 52105200 20 003 平米重≤200克,棉<85%未漂白与聚酯短纤混纺棉府绸 52111100 11 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%未漂白与聚酯短纤混纺棉细平布 52111100 11 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%未漂白与聚酯短纤混纺棉机织平布 52111100 12 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%未漂白与聚酯短纤混纺棉平纹帆布 52111100 19 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%未漂白与化纤混纺棉府绸 52111100 91 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%,非与涤纶混未漂白与化纤混纺棉细平布 52111100 91 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%,非与涤纶混未漂白与化纤混纺棉机织平布 52111100 92 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%,非与涤纶混未漂白与化纤混纺棉平纹帆布 52111100 99 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%,非与涤纶混未漂白聚酯短纤混纺三线斜纹棉布 52111200 10 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%未漂白聚酯短纤混纺四线斜纹棉布 52111200 10 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%未漂白与化纤混纺三线斜纹棉布 52111200 90 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%未漂白与化纤混纺四线斜纹棉布 52111200 90 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与聚酯短纤混纺棉府绸 52112100 11 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与聚酯短纤混纺棉细平布 52112100 11 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与聚酯短纤混纺棉机织平布 52112100 12 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与聚酯短纤混纺棉平纹帆布 52112100 13 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉府绸 52112100 21 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉细平布 52112100 21 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉机织平布 52112100 22 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺棉平纹帆布 52112100 23 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与聚酯短纤混纺三线斜纹棉布 52112200 10 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与聚酯短纤混纺双面斜纹棉布 52112200 10 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与聚酯短纤混纺四线斜纹棉布 52112200 10 003 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺三线斜纹棉布 52112200 20 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺双面斜纹棉布 52112200 20 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%漂白与化纤长丝混纺四线斜纹棉布 52112200 20 003 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺棉府绸 52113100 11 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺棉细平布 52113100 11 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺机织平布 52113100 12 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺平纹帆布 52113100 13 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺棉府绸 52113100 21 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺棉细平布 52113100 21 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺机织平布 52113100 22 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺平纹帆布 52113100 23 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺三线斜纹棉布 52113200 10 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺双面斜纹棉布 52113200 10 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺四线斜纹棉布 52113200 10 003 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺三线斜纹棉布 52113200 20 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺双面斜纹棉布 52113200 20 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺四线斜纹棉布 52113200 20 003 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与聚酯短纤混纺的棉缎布 52113900 11 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%染色与化纤长丝混纺的棉缎布 52113900 21 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%色织与聚酯短纤混纺平纹棉布 52114100 10 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%色织与化纤长丝混纺平纹棉布 52114100 20 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%色织与化纤混纺蓝色粗斜纹棉布 52114200 10 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%色织与化纤混纺粗斜纹棉布 52114200 90 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%,兰色除外色织与聚酯短纤混纺三线斜纹棉布 52114300 10 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%色织与聚酯短纤混纺双面斜纹棉布 52114300 10 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%色织与聚酯短纤混纺四线斜纹棉布 52114300 10 003 平米重>200克,棉<85%色织与化纤长丝混纺三线斜纹棉布 52114300 20 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 色织与化纤长丝混纺双面斜纹棉布 52114300 20 002 平米重>200克,棉<85% 色织与化纤长丝混纺四线斜纹棉布 52114300 20 003 平米重>200克,棉<85% 色织与聚酯短纤混纺的棉提花布 52114900 11 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 色织与化纤长丝混纺的棉提花布 52114900 21 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与聚酯短纤混纺棉府绸 52115100 11 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%印花与聚酯短纤混纺棉细平布 52115100 11 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%印花与聚酯短纤混纺的棉机织平布 52115100 12 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与聚酯短纤混纺的棉平纹帆布 52115100 13 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与化纤长丝混纺棉府绸 52115100 21 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺棉细平布 52115100 21 002 平米重>200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺棉机织平布 52115100 22 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与化纤长丝混纺棉平纹帆布 52115100 23 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与聚酯短纤混纺三线斜纹棉布 52115200 10 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与聚酯短纤混纺双面斜纹棉布 52115200 10 002 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与聚酯短纤混纺四线斜纹棉布 52115200 10 003 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与化纤长丝混纺三线斜纹棉布 52115200 20 001 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与化纤长丝混纺双面斜纹棉布 52115200 20 002 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与化纤长丝混纺四线斜纹棉布 52115200 20 003 平米重>200克,棉<85% 印花与聚酯短纤混纺棉缎布 52115900 11 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%印花与化纤长丝混纺棉缎布 52115900 21 001 平米重>200克,棉<85%。

爱普生 零件编号 T215120 安全数据表

爱普生 零件编号 T215120 安全数据表 statements:statements:P102P302+P352P332+P313P501TEGBE143-22-61 - 5noneGlycerols 56-81-5 5 - 10none Water7732-18-565 - 70none 1333-86-4 4 - 7none Substance/Mixture : Mixture (ink composition) Proprietary organic materials -15 - 20none Carbon black United States Ink CompositionPrecautionary facility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and product Section 3 : Composition/information on ingredientsIF ON SKIN: Wash with soap and waterIf skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.% By WeightRemarkCAS No.GHS classification :Telephone :FAX :Emergency telephone number :characteristics at time of disposal.None Keep out of reach of childrenDispose of contents/container to an appropriate treatment and disposal EPSON INK CARTRIDGE T215120Ink for Epson WorkForce WF-100Safety Data SheetLong Beach, CA 90806Section 1 : Identification of substance and company undertaking PrintersEpson America, Inc.3840 Kilroy Airport Way Product identifier:Relevant substance use:Supplier detailsDistributor :Address :Section 2 : Hazard identification 562.276.1369Symbols :Signal word :Not hazardousNone None Label elements562.997.57994. 5 : Fire-fighting measures Firefighters :Other information :Do not dispose of waste to sewer.Reference to other sections : Please refer to Section 13 for disposal.both acute and delayed:Non-emergency Eye and skin protection required during clean-up. Use proper ventilation.Water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or alcohol resistant foam.Spill containment :Use sponges to wipe-up ink.Most importantsymptoms and effects,Ingestion :Seek medical advice, and attention if stomach continues to be upset.Suitable media :Emergency responders: NoneExtinguishing mediaSection 6 : Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency proceduresDescription of measuresEyes :medical attention.Use PPE, avoid a leeward position.Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed : Not necessarySection 4 : First aid measures Remove subject to ventilated fresh air. If not breathing, give artificialrespiration right away. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek immediate Inhalation :Skin :Immediately flush with room temperature, low pressure, clean water.Seek medical attention if irritation continues.IF ON SKIN : Wash with soap and water. Take off contaminated If skin irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention.Methods and material for containment and clean-upWash hands with soap and water.Unsuitable media :None Special hazards frommixture :Spill clean-up :Rinse area with damp cloth. Place waste in closed container for disposal.personnel :Environmental precautions : Do not release to sewer, surface, or ground water.Ink contact with skin may cause irritation, swelling, or redness.None7.1Keep out of reach of children and do not drink ink. protection :Exposure controlsEngineering controls :Environmental exposure controls :Flash point :In the case of skin contact, wash with soap and water.ACGIH TLV-TWA 8-hour Exposure Limit is 10 mg/m 3as glycerin mist.OSHA Z-1 PEL is 5 mg/m 3 as glycerin mist, respirable fraction.OSHA Z-1 PEL is 15 mg/m 3 as glycerin mist, total dust.Do not store cartridges with oxidizing agents or explosives.Make sure cartridges are dry before insertion into printer housing.Personal protective equipment is not required under suitable use.Proper ventilationNot established Greater than 110°C (closed cup, ASTM D3278)Section 9 : Physical and chemical properties Odor :NoneOdor threshold :No data available Safe storage :Do not store cartridges in high or freezing temperatures.Thermal hazards are not known under suitable use.If there is a possibility of ink exposure, wear protective gloves, clothing, eye,and face protection.Respiratory protection is not required under suitable use.Evaporation rate :Specific end uses:Not specifiedSection 8 : Exposure controls / personnel protection Glycerols (CAS No. 56-81-5)Section 7 : Handling and storage Precautions for safe handlingRecommendations :Do not dismantle cartridge.Occupation hygiene :Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.Control parameters :Keep cartridges out of direct sunlight.Not applicable (liquid)Upper/lower Physical and chemical propertiespH :9.0 - 10.0Melting point :Less than 0°C Freezing point :Less than 0°CInitial boiling point :Greater than 100°C Boiling range :Greater than 100°CAppearance :Black liquid No data available Flammability(solid/gas): :With excessive exposure, carbon black has been listed as a possible human carcinogen. However, as engineered within this ink cartridge, emissions to air of carbon black during normal printing use have not been found. IARC,the International Agency for research on Cancer, has found printing inks to be not classifiable as human carcinogens as group 3.Upper/lower explosive limits :No data available Vapor pressure :No data availableVapor density :Greater than 1 (air = 1)Relative density : 1.06 at 20°C Solubility(ies) :Soluble in waterPartition coefficient :N-octanol/water, no data available Auto ignition temp :No data available Decomposition temp :No data availableViscosity :Less than 5 mPa-s at 20°C Explosive properties :None Oxidizing properties :NoneChemical stability :Stable under normal temperature and pressure Section 10 : Stability and reactivity Hazard reactions :NoneReactivity :Stable under normal temperature and pressure Section 11 : Toxicological information Toxicological effectsConditions to avoid :High and freezing temperaturesIncompatible materials :Oxidizers and explosives Hazard decomposition :No data availableSensitization :>2500 mg/kg (rats)>2000 mg/kg (rats)No data available No data available No data available No data availableIrritation Skin :Corrosivity :Acute toxicity Oral LD 50 :Acute toxicity Dermal LD 50 :Irritation Eye :Mutagenicity :No data available Reproduction toxicity :No data available12.112.212.312.412.512.613. 12 : Ecological information methods :requirements.Section 14 : Transportation information UN number :Not applicable Waste treatmentDisposal should be in accordance with federal, state, and local Section 13 : Disposal considerations Proper shipping name :Not applicable Transport hazard class :Not applicable Packing group :Not applicable Environmental hazards :Not applicableSpecial precautions :Not applicableTSCA Sec. 4(a) FinalTest Rules : Not Regulated TSCA Sec. 5 SNUR :Not Regulated Bulk transport Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and IBC Code :Not applicableSection 15 : Regulation information (safety, health, and environmental)U.S. InformationClean Air Act Sec. 112 HAP :TEGBE (CAS# 143-22-6)EPCRA Sec. 313 (SARATitle III) :Not RegulatedTSCA Sec.8(a) PAIR :Not Regulated TSCA Sec. 12(b) 1-time Export :Not RegulatedHealth(1), Flammability(1), Instability/Reactivity(0), Other(0)WHMIS Controlled Product :Not applicable (manufactured article)HMIS Hazard Rating :Health(1), Flammability(1), Instability/Reactivity(0), PPE (D)California Proposition 65 :Not RegulatedToxicity :Persistence and degradability :No data available No data available Bio accumulative potential :No data available Mobility in soil :No data available PBT and vPvB assessment :No data available Other adverse effects :No data availableOSHA Inhalation Hazard :Not Regulated (29 CFR 1910.1000(d)(1)(i))NFPA Hazard Rating :Canada Information :Chemical safetyassessment :Chemical safety assessment on ink has not been conductedSection 16 : Other informationThis SDS adheres to U.S. regulatory requirements and standards and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other locations.This is a revised Safety Data Sheet which replaces all prior U.S. SDS for this substance.This "Safety Data Sheet" contains health, safety, and environmental information. It does not replace any precautionary language or uses and disposal information which may accompany the substance.The information contained herein is believed to be accurate at the time of preparation, but should only be used as a guide. Epson does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. It is subject to revision from time to time.YOU’VE GOT TO SEE IT IN EPSON C O L O R ™。












5-n,n-二乙基氨基-2-苯基磺酰基-2,4-戊二烯酸辛酯执行标准1. 引言1.1 概述:本文旨在阐述和讨论5-n,n-二乙基氨基-2-苯基磺酰基-2,4-戊二烯酸辛酯的执行标准。



1.2 文章结构:本文将分为六个部分进行阐述。


1.3 目的:本文的主要目的是制定5-n,n-二乙基氨基-2-苯基磺酰基-2,4-戊二烯酸辛酯的执行标准,以确保生产和使用过程中符合相关要求,并提高化合物的质量和稳定性。



2. 正文在本节中,将对5-n,n-二乙基氨基-2-苯基磺酰基-2,4-戊二烯酸辛酯的执行标准进行详细的阐述和解释。






EN 10025-1-2004(中文)

EN 10025-1-2004(中文)

结构钢热轧产品第1部分:总交货技术条件BS EN 10025-1:2004 本标准各部分所代替的标准如下:本标准的2-6部分取代了下列标准:EN10025:1990 + A1:1993 非合金结构钢的热轧产品–技术交货条件。

EN10113-1:1993 焊接用热轧细晶粒结构钢–第1部分:总的交货条件。

EN10113-2:1993 焊接用热轧细晶粒结构钢–第2部分:正火/正火轧制钢材交货条件。

EN10113-3:1993 焊接用热轧细晶粒结构钢–第3部分:热机械轧制钢材交货条件。

EN 10137-1:1995 调质或沉淀硬化高屈服强度钢板和宽钢带–第1部分:总的交货条件。

EN 10137-2:1995 调质或沉淀硬化高屈服强度钢板和宽钢带–第2部分:调质钢的交货条件。

EN 10155:1993 改进型耐大气腐蚀结构钢–交货技术条件。

用区别号2/1999 ECISS/TC 10取代EN 10137-3:1995“调质或沉淀硬化高屈服强度结构钢板和宽钢带–第3部分:沉淀硬化钢交货条件”。







1 范围1.1 本标准规定了除结构空心型材和管线外的热轧结构钢扁平材和长材(见条款3)的要求。








元器件交易网the adjacent pair of detectors. The photodiode outputs are then fed through the signal processing circuitry resulting in A, A, B, B, I and I. Comparators receive these signals and produce the finaloutputs for channels A and B. Due to this integrated phasingtechnique, the digital output of channel A is in quadrature with that of channel B (90 degrees out of phase).The output of the comparator for I and I is sent to the indexprocessing circuitry along with the outputs of channels A and B.The final output of channel I is an index pulse Po which is a one state width (nominally 90electrical degrees), high true index pulse. This pulse iscoincident with the low states of channels A and B.Block DiagramThe HEDT-9040 and 9140 have two channel quadrature outputs plus a third channel index output.This index output is a 90electrical degree high true index pulse.The HEDT-9040 is designed for codewheels which have an optical radius of 23.36 mm (0.920 in.).The HEDT-9140 is designed for codewheels which have an optical radius of 11.00 mm (0.433 in.).The quadrature signals and the index pulse are accessed through five 0.025 inch square pins located on 0.1 inch centers.Resolutions between 360 and 1024 counts per revolution are available. Consult local Agilent sales representatives for other resolutions.ApplicationsThe HEDT-9040 and 9140provide high temperature motion control detection at a low cost,making them suitable for automo-tive and industrial applications.Note: Agilent Technologies encoders are not recommended for use in safety criticalapplications. Eg. ABS braking systems, power steering, lifesupport systems and critical care medical equipment. Please contact sales representative if more clarification is needed.Theory of OperationThe HEDT-9040 and 9104 are emitter/detector modules.Coupled with a codewheel, these modules translate the rotary motion of a shaft into a three-channel digital output.As seen in the block diagram, the module contains a single Light Emitting Diode (LED) as its light source. The light is collimated into a parallel beam by means of a single lens located directly over the LED. Opposite the emitter is the integrated detector circuit.This IC consists of multiple sets of photodetectors and the signal processing circuitry necessary to produce the digital waveforms.The codewheel rotates between the emitter and detector, causing the light beam to be interrupted by the pattern of spaces and bars on the codewheel. Thephotodiodes which detect these interruptions are arranged in a pattern that corresponds to the radius and design of thecodewheel. These detectors are also spaced such that a light period on one pair of detectorscorresponds to a dark period onCycle Error (∆C): An indication of cycle uniformity. The differ-ence between an observed shaft angle which gives rise to one electrical cycle, and the nominal angular increment of l/N of a revolution .Pulse Width (P): The number of electrical degrees that an output is high during 1 cycle. This value is nominally 180°e or 1/2 cycle.Pulse Width Error (∆P): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of the pulse width from its ideal value of 180°e.DefinitionsCount (N): The number of bar and window pairs or counts per revolution (CPR) of the codewheel.One Cycle (C): 360 electrical degrees (°e), 1 bar and window pair.One Shaft Rotation: 360mechanical degrees, N cycles.Position Error (∆Θ): The normalized angular difference between the actual shaft position and the position indicated by the encoder cycle count.Output WaveformsState Width (S): The number of electrical degrees between atransition in the output of channel A and the neighboring transition in the output of channel B. There are 4 states per cycle, each nominally 90°e.State Width Error (∆S): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of each state width from its ideal value of 90°e.Phase (φ): The number of electrical degrees between the center of the high state of channel A and the center of the high state of channel B. This value is nominally 90°e for quadrature output.Phase Error (∆φ): The deviation of the phase from its ideal value of 90°e.Direction of Rotation: When the codewheel rotates in the direction of the arrow on top of the module, channel A will load channel B. If the codewheelrotates in the opposite direction,channel B will lead channel A.Optical Radius (R OP ): The distance from the codewheel’s center of rotation to the optical center (O.C.) of the encoder module.Index Pulse Width (P o ): The number of electrical degrees that an index is high during one full shaft rotation. This value is nominally 90°e or 1/4 cycle.Absolute Maximum RatingsStorage Temperature, T S .................................................-40°C to 140°C Operating Temperature, T A .............................................-40°C to 140°C Supply Voltage, V CC ............................................................-0.5 V to 7 V Output Voltage, V O ..............................................................-0.5 V to V CC Output Current per Channel, I OUT .................................-1.0 mA to 5 mA Shaft Axial Play.................................................±0.25 mm (±0.010 in.)Shaft Eccentricity Plus Radial Play.....................0.1 mm (0 004 in.) TIR Velocity...........................................................................30,000 RPM [1]Acceleration.............................................................250,000 rad/sec 2[1]Note:1. Absolute maximums for HEDS-5140 codewheel only.元器件交易网4Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Notes Temperature T A-40140°CSupply Voltage V CC 4.5 5.0 5.5Volts Ripple < 100 mV p-pLoad Capacitance C L100pF 2.7 kΩ pull-upCount Frequency f50kHz Velocity (rpm) x N/60Shaft Perpendicularity±0.25mm 6.9 mm (0.27 in.) fromPlus Axial Play(±0.010)(in.)mounting surfaceShaft Eccentricity Plus0.04mm (in.) 6.9 mm (0.27 in.) fromRadial Play(0.0015)TIR mounting surface Note: The module performance is guaranteed to 50 kHz but can operate at higher frequencies.Encoding CharacteristicsEncoding Characteristics over Recommended Operating Range and Recommended Mounting Tolerancesunless otherwise specified. Values are for the worst error over the full rotation of HEDS-514X and HEDS-6145 codewheels.Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.*Max.Units Cycle Error∆C510°ePulse Width Error∆P730°eLogic State Width Error∆S530°ePhase Error∆φ215°ePosition Error∆Θ1040min. of arcIndex Pulse Width P O6090120°eCH. I rise after CH. B or CH. A fall t1204301490nsCH. I fall after CH. A or CH. B rise t240250620ns Note: Module mounted on tolerance circle of ±0.13 mm (±0.005 in.) radius referenced from module Side A aligning recess centers. 2.7kΩ pull-up resistors used on all encoder module outputs.Electrical CharacteristicsElectrical Characteristics over Recommended Operating Range.*Typical values specified at V CC = 5.0 V and 25°C.Mechanical CharacteristicsPart No.Parameter Dimension Tolerance Units HEDS-5140Codewheel Available 234+0.000mm11.00 mm optical to Fit These Standard 568-0.015radius codewheelShaft Diameters5/321/8+0.000in.3/161/4-0.0007Moment of Inertia0.6 (8.0 x 10-6)g-cm 2 (oz-in-s 2)Note: The tolerance requirements are on the mating shaft, not on the codewheel.Electrical InterfaceTo insure reliable encodingperformance, the HEDT-9040 and 9140 three channel encoder modules require 2.7 k Ω (±10%)pull-up resistors on output pins 2,3, and 5 (Channels I, A, and B) as shown in Figure 1. These pull-up resistors should be located in close proximity of the encoder module (within 4 feet). Each of the three encoder module outputs can drive a single TTL load in this configuration.Mounting ConsiderationsFigure 2 shows a mountingtolerance requirement for proper operation of the HEDT-9040 and HEDT-9140. The Aligning Recess Centers must be located within a tolerance circle of 0.13 mm (0.005 in.) radius from thenominal locations. This tolerance must be maintained whether the module is mounted with Side A as the mounting plane using aligning pins (see Figure 5), or mounted with Side B as the mounting plane using an alignment tool (see Figures 3 and 4).Figure 1. Pull-up Resistors on HEDT-9X40 Encoder Module Outputs.Figure 2. HEDT-9X40 Mounting Tolerance.Mounting the HEDT-9140 with an Alignment Tool The HEDS-8905 alignment tool is recommended for mounting the HEDT-9140 module with Side B as the mounting plane. This tool can only be used when the HEDT-9140 module is mounted with the HEDS-5140 (codewheel with hub). The HEDS-8905 tool fixes the module position using the codewheel hub as a reference. It will not work if Side A is used as the mounting plane.The following assembly procedure uses the HEDS-8905 alignment tool to mount an HEDT-9140 module and an HEDS-5140 codewheel:Instructions:1. Place codewheel on shaft.2. Set codewheel height: (a) place alignment tool on motor base (pins facing up) flush up against the motor shaft as shown inFigure 3. (b) Push codewheeldown against alignment tool. Thecodewheel is now at the properheight. (c) Tighten codewheelsetscrew and remove alignmenttool.Some motors have a boss aroundthe shaft that extends above themounting plane. In this case, thealignment tool cannot be used asa gage block to set the codewheelheight as described in 2(a), (b),and (c). If boss is abovemounting plane: Slide moduleonto motor base, adjusting heightof codewheel so that it sitsapproximately in the middle ofmodule slot. Lightly tighten set-screw. The codewheel height willbe more precisely set in step 5.3. Insert mounting screwsthrough module and thread intothe motor base. Do not tightenscrews.4. Slide alignment tool overcodewheel hub and onto moduleas shown in Figure 4. The pins ofthe alignment tool should fitsnugly inside the alignmentrecesses of the module.If boss is above mounting plane:The pins of the tool may not mateproperly because the codewheel istoo high on the shaft. Loosencodewheel setscrew and lowercodewheel slightly. Retightensetscrew lightly and attempt thisstep again.5. While holding alignment tool inplace, tighten screws down tosecure module.If boss is above mounting plane:Push codewheel up flush againstalignment tool to set codewheelheight. Tighten codewheelsetscrew.6. Remove alignment tool.Figure 3. Alignment Tool is Used to Set Height of Codewheel.Figure 4. Alignment Tool is Placed over Shaft and onto Codewheel Hub. Alignment Tool Pins Mate with AligningRecesses on Module.Mounting with Aligning Pins The HEDT-9040 and HEDT-9140can also be mounted using aligning pins on the mounting surface.(Agilent does not provide aligning pins.) For this configuration,Side A must be used as the mounting plane. The aligning recess centers must be located within the 0.13mm (0.005 in.)Radius Tolerance Circle as explained in “MountingConsiderations.” Figure 5 shows the necessary dimensions.Figure 6. HEDS-5140 Codewheel Used with HEDT-9140.Figure 5. Mounting Plane Side A.Resolution (Cycles/Rev) 1 = 512 CPRShaft Diameter 00-WITHOUT HUB 01 - 2 mm 11 - 4 mm 02 - 3 mm 14 - 5 mm 03 - 1/8 in.12 - 6 mm 04 - 5/32 in.13 - 8 mm 06 - 1/4 in.Hub0 - Codewheel w/Hub 5 - Codewheel w/o HubThree Channel Encoder Modules and Codewheels, 11.00 mm Optical Radius HEDT-914 Option 0 0HEDS-514OptionOrdering InformationAccessoriesHEDS-8905Alignment Tool for mounting the HEDT-9140.AE F G I HEDT-9140*HEDT-9141*01020304050608091011121314HEDS-5140I*******LEAD0-STRAIGHT LEADS 1-BENT LEADSUsing Multiple Index PulsesThe third channel index (Channel I) is not limited to occurring just once per revolution. Index pulses may be placed arbitrarily over a full codewheel rotation. This is done by altering only the pattern of the codewheel with no modifications necessary to the HEDT-9X40 module. The only restriction is that, depending on the CPR of the codewheel,consecutive index pulses mayhave to be separated by at least10 full cycles.Multiple index pulses can providemore precise absolute positioninformation. By strategicallyplacing the index pulses, a uniqueindex series can be created for aparticular angular position. Thisleads to the idea of the “quasi-absolute” encoder in which only apartial turning of the codewheel isrequired to determine theabsolute position.A special codewheel is required toaccomplish a multiple indexpattern. The standard HEDS-5140, 5145, and 6145 code-wheels have one index pulse perfull revolution. Please consult alocal Agilent sales representativefor further information./semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (408) 654-8675Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 271 2451India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 271 2394 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 271 2194Malaysia, Singapore: (+65) 271 2054Taiwan: (+65) 271 2654Data subject to change.Copyright © 2002 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Obsoletes 5965-5886EFebruary 26, 20025988-5281EN。

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5-212510-1 Product Details
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TE Part Number: 5-212510-1
Add to Part List Subminiature D Pin/Socket Connectors for
MIL-C-24308 and MIL-C-39029
Always EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)
Product Highlights:
?Product Series = 109
?Density = Standard
?Terminate To Coaxial Cable,
Terminate To Printed Circuit Board,
Terminate To Wire
?Insert Arrangement = 17C2
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Product Type Features:
?Product Type = Connector
?Product Series = 109
?Gender = Receptacle
?Shell Size = 3
?Shell Material = Steel
?Mounting Hole Diameter (mm [in]) = 3.05
?Comment = Cable clamp/strain relief hardware
cannot be used with these arrangements. Body Related Features:
?Insert Arrangement = 17C2
?Blindmate = No
?Non-Magnetic = No
?Sockets = Without
?Rear Grommet = No
?Power/Signal/Coax Combination = Yes
?Shell Plating = Zinc
?Mount Style = Mounting Holes
?Retention Clip Material = Stainless Steel Contact Related Features:
?Contact Size = 20
Configuration Related Features:
?Density = Standard
Industry Standards:
?Government/Industry Qualification = No
?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELV
?Lead Free Solder Processes = Wave solder
capable to 240°C, Wave solder capable to 260°
C, Wave solder capable to 265°C
?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always was
RoHS compliant
?NASA Qualification = No
Conditions for Usage:
?Terminate To = Coaxial Cable, Printed Circuit
Board, Wire
?Brand = AMP
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