



期末考试题型:1.Re-organizing sentences for a news report (10%)2.Matching headlines to lead paragraphs (10%)3.True or False questions about English journalism (cf. Appendix I below) (10%)4.Reading Comprehension (3 passages with 15 multiple-choice questions) (30%)5.Abbreviations in News reports (complete forms +Chinese translation) (10%)6.News Headline Analysis (10%) (Analyzing the stylistic features of 3 news headlines)7.News comment writing (20%) (about 200 words)1.Definition of journalism, medium, news报刊(p1)、媒介(p2)、新闻(p4)的定义2.Functions of mass communication vs functions of newspaper大众传播工具(p2)与报纸(p1)的功能3.News value; public interest; principles of newsworthiness新闻价值;公众兴趣;衡量新闻价值的原则(p4)4.Classification of news新闻的分类(p6)5.Five basic elements of news新闻的五个基本要素(p6)6.Legal concerns; codes of ethics法律关系;道德规范(p7)(General knowledge is enough. No need for word by word memorization.)(一般知识就够了。



2013年秋季学期英语报刊选读课程期末复习指导英语报刊选读课程是英语专业专、本科选修课程,帮助学生了解和扩人有关英语国家的社会与文化的背景知识,如历史、地理、政治、经济、社会牛活和文化传统等方而的概况, 了解英语报刊的特点,掌握常见的新闻用语。



一、复习范围和重点1. 复习范围本课程的复习范围为教材《美英报刊文章阅读(精选本)》,北京大学出版社,2010 年8月第四版的第1 •第30课。

2. 复习重点本课程的复习重点为教材《美英报刊文章阅读(精选本)》的第1 ■第15课,约占期末终结考试的60%以上。

15个重点课的内容如下:Less on 01 An American in Beiji ngLess on 02 Home at LastLesson 03 China Find Western Ways Bring New WoesLesson 04 Exploding Tourism Eroding China's RichesLess on 05 The Evolutio n WarsLess on 06 Elite U.S. Schools Turn the Fight for Supremacy into Online GameLesson 07 Is Harvard Worth IT?Lesson 08 The Economy Sucks. But Is It ‘92 Redux?Less on 09 Obama Makes HistoryLess on 10 The New Dream Isn't America nLess on 11 Is America's New Decli nism for Real?Lesson 12 Path of the StormLess on 13 Terrorized by “War on Terror5*Lesson 14 Iraq: Who Won the War?Less on 15 Libby Defense Portrays Client as a Scapegoat二、考核说明1.考核对象湖南广播电视大学(开放教冇)英语专业专、木科的学生。


its handcuffed-to-the-post cliffhangers are foursquare and primal… 泰坦尼克号的善与恶的原型,它的不走运的恋人,它的人物被 限制在特定的阶层的扣人心弦的情节是直率的、原始的……
5. Compound words
checkbook participation
1. Short Words (for Long Words)
agreement pact
aim endeavor
nab terminate
investigate prohibit/forbid
probe strong criticism
info (information) porn(pornography)
asst (assistant) dept (department)
execs(executives) chute (parachute) quake (earthquake)
crack (crack cocaine) final (the final race) senior (a senior citizen)
2. Clippings
corp (corporation)
tec (detective)
teens (teenagers)
script (prescription)
kick off

























课程:英语报刊选读复习要点(最新版)熟悉下列英语报刊高频率词汇的含义In Mediaback issue, bulletin, canned copy, censorship, checkbook journalism, cold news, development stories, dope story, exclusive, breaking news, catchpenny, brief, broad sheet paper, caption, cover story, editor’s not es (Eds) ,flash, follow-up story, newscast, publicity, puff pieces, personal profile, round-up/wrap-up, running stories, social event features, spot news, wire service/news agency, update, deep throatIn Politicsriot police, the Bush administration, Saddam regime, rogue state, Axis of evil, Donkey, Elephant, Al-Qaeda, cold war mentality, empty-nest syndrome, Femlib, low profile, news blackout, sexism, upper, dove, hawk, police state, pocket vetoIn Metro Life dust storm/ sand storm, public hazard, fat farm, visual pollution, midriff, bug, edp crimes, domestic violence, occupational disease, makeover nation, Internet hookups, gay marriage, B-schoolIn Military Affairsbeam weapons, blanket bombing, MIA (missing in action), POW, war games, non-proliferation drive, bloodless coup, scud missile, military coup, military presence, stealth bomber, honey trap, weapon of mass destruction, coalition forces, checkbook participation, talkman, stealth fighters, decapitationIn Medicineeuthanasia或mercy killing/painless death, industrial disease, liposuction, vanity surgery, hypertensionIn Business and EconomyEuroland, debt chain, buy-out, equity joint venture, job-hopper, hardball, consumer price index (CPI), kickback, knockout product, scalper, cash cow, ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), Gate’s LawIn Science & Technologycanned software, cutting edge, g-force, info highway, computernik,In Film and TVbox office income/record/value, premiere /debut, trailer, show biz, animation, block-buster, paparazzo , rating , sitcom , soundtrack , extra Proper NounsWhite House, Capitol Hill, Buckingham, Downing Street No.10, Fleet Street, Pentagon, Wall Street, Broadway, Elysee, Kremlin, Hollywood, Silicon ValleyGreen Berets, Blue Berets, Iron Lady, Iron Curtain, First Lady Loanwordspersona non grata, glasnost, per capita, rapport, bloc, tsunami, tycoon, status quo, De factoa wait-and–see attitude, the life-and–death issue, the hit-and-run tactics, ready-to-eat foodThe four social functions of the media: surveillance, interpretation, transmit values, entertainment The Definition of JournalismDefinition of News and ingredients/elements of news News value/the newsworthinessPublic interest, Criteria for Newsworthiness:News value determiners²Timeliness.²Impact or Consequence or Importance²Prominence or Eminence²Proximity or closeness/ nearness²Conflict²The Unusual or the Bizarreness / Weirdness²Currency²NecessityNews ClassificationHard NewsSoft NewsFeaturescommentaries and columnspositive coveragenegative coverageneutral coveragemuckrakingThe headlineThe grammar of headlines:tenses, voices, Omission/Ellipsis, Punctuations, abbreviations各种机构、重要的国际组织名称的缩写常用缩写Important International Organizations, 要积累和熟记, E.g.CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency)FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation),PLO,OPEC, ApecIMF (International Monetary Fund), WHOATM- Automatic Teller Machine CEO-Chief Executive OfficerCFO-Chief financial OfficerCNN-Cable News Networks Copter-helicopterCTO-Chief Technology Officer CTV-Cable TVD-dayDJ-disc jockeyDJ-Dow Jones & Co.GE-General ElectricsGM-General MotorsGMS-Global Positioning SystemHKSAR-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ICP-Internet Content ProviderIOUMart-marketMP- Member of ParliamentPM- Prime MinisterNMD-the National Missile Defense systemNYSE-New York Stock ExchangeOpec-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries PNTR-Permanent Normal Trade RelationsPOW-prisoner of warSIM-Subscribers’ Identification ModuleV-day- Victory DayVP-Vice PresidentLead and body of a news storyA direct lead A delayed leadInverted pyramid阅读材料中的内容(Selected Readings from Mainstream Newspapers & Magazines) 包括重点词汇:International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)denuclearizationthe terrorism blacklistIOC( the International Olympic Committee)human rights abusesAI (Amnesty International)BOCAG (Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games ) International Paralympics Committee (IPC)The Federal Reservehigh net worth individualsthe Guinness World Recordthe National Intelligence Councilthe National Counterintelligence ExecutiveIPCC (the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) EU (the European Union)Met Office (the Meteorological Office)the Royal Geographical SocietyGreenpeacethe World Health OrganisationNGO (non-governmental organizations)civil societyGongoshardline policyNASCAR (National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing)Unifem (United Nations Development Fund for Women)GOPWFP (the UN World Food Program)Article 43 (page 85) Paragraphs 1 & 2cyber-censorshipAttribution:消息来源official sourcesa US State Department sourcewell-informed sourcepolice sourcesthe highest quartersthe quarters concerneddiplomatic quartersmilitary expertsdiplomatic observeran unidentified sourcea source who wants to remain anonymous a source speaking on condition of anonymity。






一、经济与商业1.《经济学人》(The Economist):该杂志是一本知名的英国周刊,以其深度的经济分析和评论而闻名。






2.《纽约客》(The New Yorker):这是一本美国的综合性周刊,涵盖了文学、艺术、政治和社会等方面的内容。




2.《科学美国人》(Scientific American):这是一本美国科学杂志,致力于向读者普及科学知识和最新的科学研究成果。


四、社会与时事1.《纽约时报》(The New York Times):这是一家美国的全国性报纸,以其深度报道和评论而闻名。




商务英语报刊选读期末考试内容一、单词l.Invigorate vt.鼓舞;使精力充沛2.Gauntadj.憔悴的;荒凉的;枯瘦的3.Sporadically adv.菩星地;偶发地4.1rascible adj.易怒的5.Vivacious adj•活泼的;快活的;有生气的法货币19.1ntegrate vt使..完整,使..成为整体2O.Perceive vt.察觉,感觉;理解;认知vi.感到6.Ambivalence n.矛盾情绪7.Shrink vi.收缩;vt.使缩小;使收缩8.Revenue n.收入;税收;收益9.Evolvevt.发展;进化;推断出10.Hybrid n.杂种;混血儿;混合物11.Premium n.保险费额外费用;奖金12.Subsidize vt•资助結予奖助金;向...行贿13.Fraudulent adj•欺骗性的;不正的14.Encrypt vt•加密15.Replicate vt.复制;折叠n.复制品16.Demographic adj•人口统计学的;人口学的23.Permanent adj.永久的,永恒的;不变的24.Undeniably abv.不可否认的,确凿无疑的25.Encroach vi.侵占;蚕食;侵蚀26.Predominant adj.主要的;卓越的支配的;有力的27.1nfringe vt.侵犯;违反;破坏vi侵犯,侵害28.Penetratingadj•渗透的;尖锐的;29.Doctrine n.主义;学说;教义30.Ambiguity n.含糊:不明确;暧昧31.Jurisdiction n.司法权,审判权,管18.Sovereignty n.主权;主权家;君32.Debilitate vt.使衰弱;使虚弱33.Concoct vt.捏造;混合而制;调和34丄ogistics n.后勤学35.1nterweave n.互相编织36.Momentum n•势头;动力:冲力37.Restructure n.调整;重建;更改结构38.Nuisancen•讨厌的人;【法律】妨害行为,骚扰行为39.Triple n•增至三倍40.Consecutive adj.连贯的,连续不断的Morale n.士气;精神面貌;民心Attrition n.摩擦;磨损;消耗Forgo vt.放弃;停止21.Overhaul vt.分解检查,大修;追上并超过22.Bias n.偏爱;偏见41.Exert vt.运用,发挥,;施以影响42.Ore n.矿石,矿43.Scrutiny n.详细审查;监视;细看44.Ratio n.比率;比例45.Lodgevt.提出;寄存;借助;嵌入二、词组l.Venture capitalist 风险资本家9.Junk bond 垃圾证券2.Unemployment rate 失业率lO.Feature story 新闻特写3.Real estate 不动产ILMarketing mix 营销组合4.Stock market 证券交易所12.Product packaging 产品包装SeEquity market 股栗市场13.Listed company 上市公司6.Bad loan 坏账14.Access to market 市场准入7.Delinquency rate 拖欠率attract foreign investment 吸引外资8.Central bank 中央银行Economic sovereignty 经济主权Economic entities 经济实体Start-up companies 新成立的公司Regional economics 区域经济学Market share 市场份额An acquisition spree 大举收购Market competition 市场竞争Tax revenue 税收收入Joint venture 合资企业Technology executives 技术主管At stake 岌岌可危Patent application 专利申请State-owned companies 国有企业三、选词填空I.When we embark on any task,it is important that we start well.2>Undervalued share price can lead to dealership competition and hostile takeover.3Xarge volume of data were gathered because of the research.4eThe Board agreed to Johnson’s retirement on grounds(?/illness healths5.1t has given me consolation and delight to see such a vivacious younger generation.6.What’s more,any laboratory equip to make vaccines can easily churn out deadly biological material.7eHe would disappear for months at a time ,occasionally showing up gaunt and ragged.8.Their goals was to invigorate their economics and international standing by attracting brains ,taste and talent9Jf the current trends continue,by 2020,the population of Singapore may start to shrink.lO.China is among several countries in the region that subsidize rice prices,an increasingly expensive proposition.II.Learn to highlight your positive attitude*12eBusines$es and need to update security software ^encrypt data and be aware of data flow.13.1f others means fail,they will resort to force.14.The Congress come to an end of their one-month holiday and start afresh working this afternoon,15.You should never try to earn money at the sacrifice of your health*16.Another proposal was to ban the use of primates caught in the wild .17.The census of 2.0 and the CASS study both showed the ratio stable at around 120.18.The draft legislation still requires parliamentary approval.。

英语报刊选读chapter3词汇特点 简洁具体 借用 新词语 生造词 缩略词 时髦词

英语报刊选读chapter3词汇特点 简洁具体 借用 新词语 生造词 缩略词 时髦词

3. 借商标、品牌、店名代该物。例如:Cadillac——卡迪拉克 起汽车;McDonald’s——麦当劳快餐店;Arby’s——阿比 快餐店; 4. 借所具特色代某国、某机构。例如:the Bear——苏联; Big Apple——纽约市;Dice City——赌城拉斯维加斯市 5. 借典型姓氏代表某国人或某国。例如:Ivan——伊凡,俄 罗斯人;Wang——王,中国人;John Bull——约翰牛, 英国人 6. 借国家领导人代改国政府。例如:Howard——霍华德,澳 大利亚政府;Koizumu——小泉,日本政府;Sharon—— 沙龙,以色列政府。
beeroholic; colБайду номын сангаасholic; movieholic; shopaholic; TV-aholic/teloholic; workaholic; crediholic
generation gap credibility gap communication gap development gap missile gap
生造词是记者根据英语中一些单词的现有词根、词缀或构词成 分,通过联想或推理类比而仿造的,故有的语言学家称这种临 时生造出来的新词为“仿词”,或“仿它词”(imitation word)。
economic crisis
beef crisis; currency crisis; health crisis; Kosovo crisis; the Gulf crisis
第三章 词汇特色

第一节 用词简洁具体 第二节 借用人、物名称 第三节 新词语层出不穷 第四节 生造词新颖别致 第五节 缩略词屡见不鲜 第六节 时髦词过目难忘

同济大学 英美报刊选读 期末考试资料

同济大学 英美报刊选读 期末考试资料

同济大学英美报刊选读期末考试必备资料(由河清海晏整理)Part One1.What is news? What are some categories of news?2.What is news value? What are some basic elements of news value?3.What are the functions of the newspaper?4.What are the features of a front page in a newspaper?5.What are the main features of headlines in Lexis, Grammar and Rhetoric?6.How do news magazines differ from newspapers in layout and news coverage?7.What is news lead? What are direct lead and delayed lead?8.What is the body structure of a news story? What are advantages of it?9.What are the difference between tabloids and broadsheets? (at least four aspects)10.What are the main functions of mass communication for society?11.How to deal with new words in reading newspapers and magazines?12.What is communication? What are the forms of communication?13.What is the code of ethics for journalists?14.What is journalism? What does the study of journalism include?15.What is the definition of news agency? What are the major news agencies in America and Britain?16.What are the benefits obtained via appreciating the language of English news?17.What is privacy? What actions can be regarded as invasion of privacy?18.Give a brief account of the general communication process19.What is Yellow Journalism?20.What is hard news? What is soft news? How to distinguish between them?ANSWERS AND PERFECT VERSION:PLEASE CONTACT : NINE SIX ONE TWO THREE TWO EIGHT FOUR ONE(qqnumber)Part TwoAPEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织API Air Pollution Index 空气污染指数ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款(出纳)机BBS Bulletin Board System 电子布告栏系统CFO Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官CIA Central Intelligence Agency (美国)中央情报局CPI Consumer Price Index 消费价格指数DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average (美国) 道琼斯工业平均指数FIFA International Federation of Football Association 国际足球联盟IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织IPR intellectual property right 知识产权ISO International Standards Organization 国际标准化组织NGO Non-Government Organization 非政府组织NMD National Missile Defense 国家导弹防御系统NPC National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会NYSE New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织PPI Producer Price Index 生产者物价指数SOE State-Owned Enterprise 国有企业UPI United Press International 美国合众国际社。



SALT=strategic arms limitation talks (限制战略武器会谈) SDI=strategic defense initiative(战略防御措施) TOEFL-Test of English as a Foreign Language([为外国学生设置的英语水平考试]托 福) E.g. 1 World Shocked as Top Soccer Star Gets AIDS (AIDS=acquired immunity deficiency syndrome获得性免疫缺乏综合 症,既“艾滋病”) The Toronto Star, Nov. 25, 1991 2. PC, fax sales expected to soar (pc=personal computer) The Asian Wall Street Journal, Jan. 10, 1992 3)表示人们职业或职务的名称。如: DJ=disk jockey (音乐节目主持人) DINKS=double income, no kids(双收入、无子女的夫妻/丁克族) MP=member of parliament (议员) TP=traffic policeman (交通警察)
Eg. 1. Aussie PM sacks ‘gentle’ treasurer (PM=Australian Prime Minister) The Australian Financial Review, Dec. 2, 1991
2. Rally calls for more black MPS (MPS=members of parliament) The Vancouver Sun, Feb.2, 1992 值得注意的是,标题中出现的缩写词,不外乎为一般读者所熟悉的或颇感陌 生的;不论是常见的还是陌生的,它的全称一般均能在消息正文的第 一段即导语中找到,读者只需将标题中的缩写词与导语中的具体内容 加以对照,意思就会明白的.例如: Eg. 1. US refuses ME talks date change WASHIONTON-The US administration on Thursday turned down Arab requests for setting a new starting time for the Middle East peace talks. The Guardian, Dec. 6, 1991 初看这条标题无法理解的意思,对照导语,问题便迎忍而解了 Eg. 2. Alumnus Donates $1Million to SMU A Chinese-American doctor donated $ 1 million to the Shanghai Medical University as a special gift to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of his Alma Mater. The Shanghai Students’ Post, Oct.13, 1987 将标题中的SMU与导语中的全称一对照,不难琢磨出该标题的大意:上海医大 校友向母校捐赠 100万美元.



报刊考试范围:除Lesson Twenty-eight外的所有课文, 共10课考试时间:第17周,具体时间待定考试题型:I. List the dominant British and American newspapers and magazines and the four major news agencies in the world. 10%II. Translate the following terms into Chinese. 20% (60%出自要点)III. Translate the following into Chinese. 20% (要点)IV. Answer the following questions according to the texts you have learned. 20%(要点)V. Reading comprehension 30% (课外)复习要点Lesson One1.words to knowballpark, dugout, dwarf, elective, predominance, presence, refreshing, semester, underrepresented, unequaled, worldview2. translationSo while the average American student is aware of China‘s geographical presence, they are not quite as aware of its cultural presence. This is grossly unfair. China has a population of 1.3 billion and 5,000 years of uninterrupted history. Both of these numbers dwarf their U.S. counterparts. There is a clear need to raise cultural awareness of China in the United States.3. Answer the questionQuestion 3Lesson Two1.words to knowHBS, MBA , Talk show, cellular phone , consulting firm, debt specialists,go online , management consultant, management expertise, multinational,investment banking, start-up(company), silicon valley, Intel capital2. translationIt was one of those all-night gabfests when graduating students, in boozy camaraderie, bare their deepest feelings. Only this was more serious: the 11 classmates who gathered at an apartment on the HBS campus in May 1999 were wrestling with the fate of China.3. Answer the questionQuestion 1Lesson Four1.words to knowcanned performance, carbon dioxide, cash cow, cultural conservation, ethnic flavor, exploding tourism, carrying capacity, the lion‘s share, indigenous life infrastructure, sculpture, shrine, silk road, tourist boom, UNESCO, WHO2. translationCarved directly into a cliff face in the Gobi Desert, the Mogao caves contain a millennium‘s worth of work by travelers along the old Silk Road who turned countless small caves into stunningly painted shrines between the 4th and 14th centuries.3. Answer the questionQuestion 1Lesson Seven1.words to knowdiploma, a private college, alumni connections, class slacker, elite college/ education, extracurricular activities, feeder school, full scholarship, gilt-edged diploma, Ivy League, Ivy Leaguers, on-campus recruiting opportunities, public school, SAT scores, selective colleges, selectivity, test, pre course, undergraduate degree2. translationa. It‘s true that big law firms, major teaching hospitals, and investment banks—heck,even the offices of FORTUNE –are stuffed with Ivy Leaguers. It also true that if you want to a career at what passes for the American establishment—a gilt-edged diploma is a distinct advantage.b. The same traits that made the students desirable candidates for admission to Yale --ambition, intelligence, wit --carried over to the workplace, where they were duly (and comparably) rewarded, even though they had turned down an elite education.3. Answer the questionQuestion 2.4Lesson Nine1.words to knowagenda, campaign, concession speech, Congress, conservative, Democrat, electoral college, electoral map, exit poll, filibuster, the House, nominate, popular vote, President-elect, razor-thin margin, referendum, Republican, Senate2. translationa. It ushered in a new era of Democratic dominance in Congress, even though the partyappeared unlikely to meet its goal of capturing the 60 Senate votes needed for a filibuster-proof majority.b. The simple act of voting was a prosaic close to the longest and most expensivepresidential election in U.S. history, one that fundamentally changed national politics in communication strategy and voter outreach.3. Answer the questionQuestion 4Lesson Fifteen1.words to knowCIA, FBI, convict, count, felony, grand jury, indictment, juror, obstruction of justice, op-ed, perjury, prosecutor, right-hand man, scapegoat, State of the Union speech, testify, testimony, under oath, fall guy2. translationThe charge against Mr. Libby, Mr. Wells said, amounted to ―a weak, paper thin circumstantial case about ‗he said-she said.‘‖3. Answer the questionQuestion 1Lesson Seventeen1.words to knowchampion (v.), coercion, disparate forces, diplomacy, endorsement, confirmation hearing, proponent, smart power, soft power, think tank, Islamist, jihadist terrorism2. translationThere was never a president, including Bush, who didn‘t want to be smart about using power and who repudiated feasible diplomatic solutions in order to pursue foreign-policy goals militaristically instead.3. Answer the questionQuestion 2Lesson Nineteen1. words to knowAbove politics, annus horribilis, apolitical stand, constitutional monarch/ monarchy, cult of personality, dissolve Parliament, figurehead, head of state, parliamentary democracy, take sides, the Commonwealth, usurp power, waive the power2. translationThis apolitical stance has made it possible for the political culture of Great Britain to assimilate, with relative ease, theories that would appear on the face of things to be radically at odds with a system of monarchical government--for example, socialism.3. Answer the questionQuestion 4Lesson Twenty-four1. words to knowbinge, carbon footprint, chump change, disposable income, frugal, garage sale, grapple with, guilt trip, hippie movement, hybrid car, ostentation, stock options, the yuppie period2. translationThey may have disposable income, but whatever they make, they live below their means in a conscious effort to tread lightly on the earth.3. Answer the questionQuestion 1.5Lesson Twenty-five1. words to knowAhead-of–the-curve, ascendancy, baby boomers, bleeding edge, clinical genomics, genome, imaging cutting-edge, longevity, navigate, offshore, overtax, simulation, unsung hero,2. translationThe already overtaxed U.S. healthcare system will be forced to take on more patients because of the many aging baby boomers, the influx of immigrants, and the millions of now uninsured Americans who would be covered under a national healthcare plan likely to be enacted in the next president's administration.3. Answer the questionQuestion 5。



英语报刊选读期末考试范围与重点1.post-traumatic stressdisorder (PTSD) 创伤后压力心理障碍症2.missing in action (MIA)战斗失踪(人员)3.junta 军事政权4.intercontinental ballisticmissile (ICBM) 洲际弹道导弹5.weapons of massdestruction (WMD)大规模杀伤性武器6.an unidentified intelligence source一个身份不明的情报来源7.surface-to-air missiles地对空导弹8.WHO (the World HealthOrganisation) 世界卫生组织9.ACLU (American CivilLiberties Union)美国公民自由协会10.Human Rights Watch(HRW)人权观察11.preventive detention 预防性拘留12.al-Qaeda tranining camps基地组织训练营13.MP国会议员14.the shadow cabinet 影子内阁15.the House of Commons英国下议院又称平民院16.the deputy leader ofthe Labour party工党副领袖17. a seniorConservative/Labourbackbencher一位资深的保守党/劳工后座议员18.Christ ie’s佳士得19.Mo?t Hennessy酩悦轩尼诗20.tycoon (商界)大亨巨头21.chaebol 韩国大企业;韩国财阀22.municipal waste城市垃圾/doc/e515273562.html,ndfill 垃圾掩埋法,垃圾24.International Union forConservation of Natureand Natural Resources(IUCN) 世界自然保护联盟25.the United NationsEnvironment Program(UNEP)联合国环境规划署26.GPS 全球定位系统27.the needy贫穷的人28.the have-nots无产者29.the China CharityFederation中华慈善总会30.the UN World Food Programme联合国世界粮食计划31.tax relief, tax break税务减免,减税政策32.Britain’s Got T alent英国达人33.the Brandenburg Gate勃兰登堡门34.MEP 欧洲议会会员II. Appendixes p.317-318 III. News agencies (P. 316) AP, 美国联合通讯社UPI, 合众国际社Reuters,路透社AFP 法国新闻社,IV. 外来词和委婉语p. 286- 291Chauvinism 沙文主义Debut 首次登台演出,首映de facto 事实上,实际上,现存的embargo 禁运,禁止贸易paparazzo 狗仔队per capita 人均de luxe 高级的豪华的奢华的the needythe have-notsthe well-preserved men 保养有方的人preemptive action 先发制人的行动welfare mother 福利母亲接受救济的母亲V. 表示消息来源的词语p.252-253authoritative sources 权威人士diplomatic sources 外交人士an unidentified source 不愿透露姓名的人士according to an anonymous source 根据一位不愿透露姓名的人士VI. 时新词 p. 184-185brain drain 人才流失crunch 危机困境technically 确切的说,严格说,事实上infotainment 信息娱乐化资讯娱乐ironically 万万没料到,真巧,说来也怪looking-glass 完全颠倒的正好相反的mom-and-pop 夫妻店pink slip 解雇通知单showcase 展示表演亮相vidiot 不管什么电视节目和录像都看的人VII. 缩写词 p.128-129WWF 世界自然基金会)EU欧洲联盟(简称欧盟GMGOP美国共和党GPSIAEA联合国)国际原子能机构NASA美国国家航空航天局NYSE(美国)纽约证券交易所POW战俘VIII. 标题语法特征(p.97-100)IX. 段落翻译:所讲授文章的部分段落和翻译练习中的三段,如以下段落。



The most common acronyms in English newspaper headlines:s of organizationsUNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization(联合国教科文组织)IMF=International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations(东南亚国家联盟;“东盟”)OPEC=Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织;“欧佩克”) IOC=International Olympic Committee(国际奥林匹克委员会)NASA=National Aeronautics Aeronautics And Space Administration[(美国)国家宇航局] 2. Other proper namesUFO=Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物;“飞碟”)DJI=Dow-Jones Index(道·琼斯指数)ABM=Anti-Ballistic Missile(反弹道导弹)SALT=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks(限制战略武器会谈)SDI=Strategic Defence Initiative(战略防御措施)GMT=Greenwich Mean Time(格林威治标准时间)NMD=National Missile Defence (国家导弹防御系统)s for people’s pr ofessions, titlesPM=Prime Minister(总理;首相)MP= Member of Parliament(国会议员)GM=General Manager(总经理)VIP=Very Important Person(贵宾;要人)TP=Traffic Policeman(交通警察)PA=Personal Assistant(私人助理)1.axe: dismiss/reduce 解雇,减少2. aid: help/assist 帮助,援助3.back: support 支持4.ban: prohibit/forbid 禁止5.bid: attempt, try6. blast: criticize/explode7. boost: increase, promote8. boom: increase rapidly and suddenly 激增,暴涨9.clash: disagree发生分歧,争议disagreement, argument, conflict10.curb: control/restrict 控制11. cut: reduce12. drive: campaign 运动13. ink: sign签署14.opt: choose15. oust: expel驱逐16.OK: approve 赞同,批准17. pledge: promise发誓18.probe: investigate 调查19. raid: attack 进攻20. rap: criticize21. rebuke: criticize22. sway: influence23. vie: compete24. vow: determine, promise 决心,发誓25. wed: marry26.woo: seek to win争取,追求27. hit: affect1.ace: champion2. body: committee/ commission 委员会3. deal: agreement/ transaction 协议,交易4. envoy: ambassador5. foe: opponent/ enemy对手,敌人6. hurdle: difficulty, obstacle7. ordeal: an unpleasant experience8.plea: request, beg9. rap: criticism 责备,责难accusation, charge指控,起诉10. snag: unexpected difficulty意外障碍,意外困难11. ties: (diplomatic ) relationsTranslate the following headlines:1. Economy grows slowly as unemployment, inflation rise—Economists2. Thai Protesters Reject Talks After Deadly Clashes3.China cuts US Treasury holdings in June4. US grants visas to DPRK delegation: spokesman5. Parachutes Malfunctioned in NASA Test6.Clinton makes personal bid to resume Mideast talks7.Roddick blasts tour calendar8. US OKs two more import probes against China9. Chinese, Japanese vice PMs vow to boost economic ties。



英语报刊复习资料一、翻译I. Translate the following into Chinese. ( 20 % )1. Scud missile2. NATO3. Secretary of State5. House Speaker6.Social Security7. Princess8. House of Windsor9. recession10 . political asylum11.人工智能 12.科技文明13.国会 14.文献15.军事文明 16. 亚太经济合作组织17.欧盟组织 18. 联合国18.发动机 20.飞行员二、完形填空A contract is an agreement between two or more people (1) ________ one person agrees to do something by a specified date in return for something done by (2) ________. Usually the contract is a written document signed and dated by both (3) ________. It must state clearly the consideration, that is, what is to be given or done by one person in (4) _______ for what is given or done by the other. If one person does (5) ________ was promised and the other does not, that other may be sued in court and required by court order to make good. He or she (6) ________ also to be required to pay for damages suffered as a result of the failureto perform. The things (7) ________ by both parties must be stated in definite terms (8) ________ the court will hold that the contract is (9) ________ vague and general to be enforced. (10) ________, the time period within which the work is to be done must be definite or the court will say that the document is not a contract.1.A. in which B. which C. that D. on that2. A. another B. other C. the other D. others3. A. parts B. people C. parties D. aspects4. A. replace B. change C. payment D. exchange5. A. that B. what C. the thing D. something6. A. need B. has C. ought D. may7. A. to be done B. to do C. done D. being done8. A. and B. or C. else D. so9. A. so B. too C. rather D. over10. A. Similar B. The same C. Similarly D. Too三、阅读理解Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to get rid of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem – how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which uses not only body heat, but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well that no fuel is needed to make the campus's six buildings comfortable.Some parts of most modern buildings – theaters and offices as well as classrooms – are more than sufficiently heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned even in winter . The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called “heat recovery”. A few modernbuildings recover heat, but the University's system is the first to recover heat from buildings and reuse it in others.Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its producers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students send out more heat than female students, and the larger a student is, the more heat he produces . It is tempting to conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hard-working overweight male genius.1. What is characteristic of the buildings on Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh?A. They are more comfortable to live in than other buildings.B. They collect body heat to regulate the temperature inside.C. They use light bulbs to heat the classrooms.D. They consume less fuel to keep the classrooms cool.2. According to the passage, the technique of heat recovery is used ________.A. to provide a special form of air-conditioningB. to provide heat for the hot water systemC. to find out the source of heatD. to collect heat and reuse it3. The phrase “the hottest prospect” in this passage refers to ________.A. the person who suffers most from heatB. the person who needs more heat than othersC. the person who gives off most heatD. the person who make better use of body heat4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according the passage?A. The harder a student works, the more heat he or she produces.B. The bigger a student is, the more heat he or she sends out.C. A girl student sends out more heat than a boy student.D. A large and hard-working boy student gives off the most heat.5. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?A. Recovery of Body Heat C. Modern Building's Heat SystemB. Body Heat and Sex D. Ways of Heating Buildings四、作文题(30分)题目:保护环境(Protect the environment against pollution)英语专业《英美报刊选读》试题答案1.飞毛腿导弹2. 北大西洋公约3.国务卿4. 众议院议长5.社会保障计划6.公主;王妃7.温莎王室/英国王室8.经济衰退9.政治避难 10.人际关系11.artificial intelligence 12.Science and technology civilization13.Parliament14.Literature itary civilization 16. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation17.EU organization 18.the United Nations (U.N.) 19. Engine 20. Pilot二、1—10: A C C D B / C A B B C三、1—10: A C C D B / C A B B C。



Unit One★Why is newspaper reading an important class?Reading is a skill-needs practice, has strategies to improve it,Newspapers are authentic source-cultural insight into different countriesThey have short articles-the info is usually condensed, concise, and creatively communicated They can help keep us informed about what is happening in the worldThey extend our knowledge/ New Information- a wide variety of subjects and interestsThey reflect language change★Why are newspapers valuable?A newspaper informs by supplying facts, figures, charts, maps, photos and illustrations.A newspaper educates, going beyond the basic facts to in-depth analysis in opinion pieces, feature stories, columns and editorials.A newspaper entertains with humorous columns, leisure features, comics and puzzles.A newspaper provides a print marketplace for advertisers and prospective customers.A newspaper provides a record for historians and members of a community researching local history.Unit Two★Classification of newspapers1.Newspapers concerning business经济类报刊:Business-oriented;Financial/business news;Analysis of business topics;Wall Street Journal (U.S)Financial Times(UK)prehensive newspapers 综合性报刊:A variety of topics such as political news; sports news; science and technology;Also include business news, however lack of detailed analysis of business topics;The New York Times; Washington Post; USA today(U.S) and etc;The Times; the Daily Telegraph; Guardian (UK) and etc;★Major magazines in America:Time, Newsweek,US News and World Report,Readers’ Digest,Fortune,★Major magazines in Britain:The Economist,New Statesmen,★Major newspapers in America:Wall Street Journal,USA today,Los Angles Times, New York Times,Washington Post,The Christian Science Monitor,International Herald Tribune,★Major newspapers in Britain:Financial Times,Daily Telegraph,Guardian,Times,The Observer,Unit Three★Design of layoutFront Page & Front page termsIn a newspaper, the most important page is the front page since it is designed to arouse the reader’s interest. Editors work hard on front page arrangement and try to create their own characteristic styles.★Technical Terms of Newspaper EnglishBanner headline-Look for the top story of the day;Bold headlines-Look for the other important news stories of the day;Inside/keys-Look for the important news stories on the otherpages;Sections-your interested news;Headline;Lead;(Headline\banner headline\bold headline\byline\cutline\dateline;News service;Lead\subject\news story(main body))Unit Four★There are three main types of journalismStraight news/spot news;Feature (news);Editorial & commentary/opinion;★Component of straight newsStraight news is mainly composed of the following five parts:1.Headline(标题)Headline is the first thing that catches your eye. It tries to tell the whole story in one sentence and then a smaller headline(sub-headline) tells more details of what happened.2.Sub-headline(副标题)3.Dateline(电头/日期行:日期,地点,通讯社)Dateline comes after sub-headline. It consists of three parts:1). the place where the news story was reported;2). The date when the news story was reported;3). the news agency;After the date are the letters standing for the news agencies(通讯社)a.AP(Associated Press) 美联社b.PA(press Association) 英国报纸联合社c. REUTER(Reuter’s News Agency)法国路透社d. BUP(British United Press, Ltd)英国合众社4.News lead(导语)Lead is the first paragraph of the whole news items;Lead tells all the important facts of the whole story in a content-packed sentence.It tells “five wives”—who, what, where, when, why and how about the event.Lead is also named as summary lead for it gives a comprehensive summary of news items5.The body of News story(正文)The body of news stories: The rest of the news item tells the details about the event, such as background, comments and etc.★Features of organizational structureSummary lead is commonly used in a straight news story, which gives a comprehensive summary of news items;A straight news story follows the inverted pyramid structure(the most important information comes first in the lead and the less important information such as background, comments come later in the body of the news);The lead of a straight news story usually answers five questions- “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why” and“how”;Unit five★Importance and function of headlines:First of all, it summarizes the whole news story in one content-packed sentence so the hurried readers can get the gist of the story at a glance.Secondly, it draws the readers’ attention to the story. In this sense, headl ines are usually attractive so as to catch the readers’ eye.Thirdly, since headlines summarize the whole story, it can help the readers to evaluate the story so as to decide whether or not this news story is worth reading.★Types of newspaper headlines:A. Statement/summary (摘要式) :This kind of headline states the main topic of the whole news story. It is commonly used and is easy to understand. This kind of headline often appears in statement, that’s why it is named as statement sometimes.B. Question (设问式):However, most question headlines are not real questions. They are statements followed by a question mark. The question headline can either suggest a future possibility or some doubt about the truth or accuracy of the story:C. Quotation (引语式):This type of headline simply quotes what one says usually in direct speech so as to make the title vivid and lively. The quotation is usually from the spokesman, the eyewitnesses and the people involved in the news.D. Double headlines (双标题):The double headlines for the same news story are often used for important events:★Language features of newspaper headlinesLexical features:Preference for short & simple words-headline words ;Wide Use of Abbreviations &Acronyms Grammatical features:1.Frequent omission of function words: in particular, articles, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliary verbs and pronouns:(1) Articles, (2) Auxiliaries,(3) The conjunction “and” is usually replaced witha comma,(4) The verb “say”, “said” are sometimes replaced with a colon “:” or quotation marks2. Simplification of tense:(1) Wide use of the simple present tense to describe something happening in the past as well as in the present,(2) The future tense is expressed with the infinitive to replace “will”, “shall”.Rhetorical features:Idioms are frequently used in English newspaper headlines so as to achieve vividness and meanwhile appeal to readers ;Slang;Colloquialism;proverbUnit Six★What is news lead?News lead refers to the first paragraph in a news story.★What is the language feature of news lead?Lead, like all English sentences is built around the subject and main verb.★How to understand news lead?As a result, if we can identify the subject and main verb, we will have a good understanding of news lead and the whole story.★How to understand news lead??Identify the subject and main verb first!!★What is prediction?Prediction means guessing what will happen next in the story.★Why should readers make prediction?It involves the readers in active interaction with the text by making them think about what they have read and what they will read next.★How to make prediction?Readers can make prediction based on the picture, title and the first paragraph; for instance, if you are reading a story about a murder, you can expect to find the answers to questions such as:Who was murdered?What was the reason for the murder?Has the murderer been caught? Readers can make prediction based on the picture, title and the first paragraph.Unit Seven★The body of news itemsWhat is it?The rest of news stories apart from news lead!It usually begins from 2nd paragraph of each news story!★Features of the body of news storiesImportant facts that the writer was unable to include in the lead;Specific details to answer readers’ questions;Statements and opinions by people involved in the story or by outside observers;Background information;New, but less important facts;It might be cut and omitted whenever there is no enough space for it.Unit Eight★Language features of news1.Emergence of news affixes and words: words concerning science and technology,words concerning politics, newly-coined words concerning other fields,2. Extension of words’ meanings: to borrow words from every work of life and extend its meaning.Words from the military field,3. Use of Euphemism:The substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that suggests something unpleasant.e of metonymy: the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another closely associated with it.1) the name of an animal is borrowed to substitute a person or an organization.2) the name of a street or a building is used to stand for a well-known establishment or an office, which is located there.3) a well-known person is used to refer to something or somebody sharing the same feature.Unit Nine★Facts vs. opinionFactsA newspaper's primary purpose is to provide reliable information to its readers. To do so, a reporter must let the facts speak for themselves, must convey information fairly.?OpinionHowever, journalists all have their own social, political, economic and cultural background and thus tend to serve the interests of their own nations. Opinions and ideas do have a place in newspapers, in particular, on the editorial page for newspapers.★Bias by word choiceThe use of positive or negative words or words with a particular connotation can strongly influence the reader.Bias through statistics & crowd counts,Bias through use of names & titles, Bias through selections and omission,Bias through placement(Readers of papers judge first page stories to be more significant than those buried in the back. Where a story is placed, therefore, influences what a reader thinks about its importance.Bias by photos(Some pictures flatter a person, others make the person look unpleasant. Pictures can make a person look good, bad, sick, silly, etc. Which photos a newspaper chooses to run can heavily influence the public's perception of a person or event.) Bias by source control (To detect bias, always consider where the news item "comes from." Is the information supplied by a reporter, an eyewitness, police or fire officials, executives, or elected or appointed government officials?)★How is the source conveyed in news?a,News source is usua lly introduced by:Such verbs as “say”, “reveal”, “announce”, “remark”, “comment”;b. By the phrase “according to”;c. By the following passive constructions:It’s claimed that…★How to read a news story criticallyTip1: detect the words conveying bias:As a critical reader, you should pay attention to such words in news as adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs which might convey commendatory(positive) or derogatory(negative) meaning.Tip2: judge the source:As a reader, you must learn to judge whether the source is reliable.Is the source named? The reliability of a story is increased if the source is named since few people want to be known as liars.Where is the reporter? Check the dateline to see where the reporter was in relation to the news he is reporting.Tip3: have your own idea concerning a news storyUnit Ten★Opinion writingOpinion: articles that express the opinion of the newspaper’s editors or publishers; articles that reflect the views of columnists or well-known people; Read like an argumentation;Unlike straight news, they do not simply inform or entertain, but also try to persuade readers to accept W’s opinion;★Opinion writing includes the following major types!!Review;Column;Editorial;Letters to the editor;Editorial cartoons★ReviewReview is a description of books, performance, concerts, films, radio and television programs, lectures and art such as painting, dance and sculpture.Book review,Movie reviewUnit Eleven★What are editorial cartoons?Editorial cartoons are drawings or illustrations in the newspaper to help us think about current issues or to sway us toward the cartoonist’s point of view.★Elements of editorial cartoons:Symbolism: Using known concepts, emblems to represent larger ideas, people, organizations andevents.Dialogue bubbles: Used for speech, usually a circle around the words said by someone in a cartoon.Captions/labels: Used to make clear to readers what people and objects are being represented. Exaggeration/caricature: Emphasizing certain physical features or overstating an aspect of a problem. Many times without exaggeration and caricature, the cartoonist’s opinion might not be clear or the problem might not be obvious.Unit Twleve★The editorial★What is the editorial?articles that express the opinion of the newsp aper’s editors or publishers; Read like an argumentation;Unlike straight news, they do not simply inform or entertain, but also try to persuade readers to accept W’s opinion;★Elements of the editorialprimary purpose: They are intended to argue for or against a position and as well persuade the readers into W’s statement;Rhetorical structure(3 parts):Part I: Introduction paragraph: statement of thesis-put forward directly W’s position/put forward the issue in question;Part II: Body paragraphs: development of argumentsTopic sentence—supporting ideas/details/sub-conclusionPart III: Conclusion paragraph: reinforcement of thesis-sum up his main arguments and restate his position/sum up his main arguments and state his position;★Position of main ideas in the editorialThe main idea/W’s idea of the whole passage often appears in introduction paragraph (1st ) or/and conclusion (last paragraph);The location of the main idea/topic sentence of each paragraph is likely to be at the beginning, or the end of the passage and occasionally in the middle of the paragraph.Step1: Carefully read 1st paragraph and last paragraph for it might contain the main idea of the whole passage;Step2: Carefully read 1st & last sentence of each body paragraph for it might be the topic sentence which contains the main idea of each body paragraph;Step3: After having an understanding of the main idea & organizational structure, you can begin to answer the questions;。



As we can see, this passage is a disaster report on the American’s 911 event. Since this event is such a serious emegerncy that sweeps through the world instantaneously, the author adpots the most frequently used structure in breaking news writing—the inverted pyramid form. In this structure, events are written in descending order of importance. It’s known to us that most newspaper leads are summary news leads, which usually include all the 5Ws and one H of the news. However, in my perspective, at the begining of this passage, the author uses a suspense lead without providing the complete element of news for us, which adds suspense interest to the story.After setting up a suspense lead, the author offers us the details in the following paragraphs which consist of the body of this passage. Using a large number of direct or indirect quotations can help to show maximum objectivity and to decrease the color of personal slant. In addition, the author also adopts interpretative way of writing such as the eighth paragraph which potrays a vivid scene before us.Inverted pyramid style: it is the most frequently used structure in news writing.In this structure, events are written in descending order of importance. First of all, a terse lead is formed. The lead offers the most essential elements telling who, what, when, where, why and how of the story. Advantages: First, it is convenient for editors to decide the news value and cut the news from the bottom; Second, it is convenient for journalists to meet the deadline without missing any key facts; Third, it can help readers to find the main facts of the news quickly. Disadvantages: First, the main facts all frequently appear in the headline, lead and body, which would be suffocative to most readers; Second, the writing is not tightly organized and fully deployed, what’s more, the style is top heavy and lack of suspense interest.8. News value determinersA: timeliness or freshness;Importance/consequence/impact/significance; Prominence;Proximity/locality/nearnessUnusualness/bizarreness/oddity/noveltyHuman interest;Conflict大量事例的罗列Hard news (spot news/straight news): Events that are timely and are covered almost automatically by print and electronic media. They are often very serious and important news.11. News structurePyramid style/the chronological styleIt is composed by three parts, they are beginning, body and ending. To write a piece of news in pyramid style, a beginning is given first and events are written in time sequence. Writers can take advantage of narrative and descriptive writing, so it flows better and involves readers. At the meantime, it adds suspense interest to the story.List techniqueWall Street journal formula: It tends to focus on individual.12. Forms of reportingFollow-ups/ follow-up stories (second cycle stories/ development stories)Advantages: First, it attracts readers’ attention by accentuating on one important fact of the news; Second, it tends to fully deploy the news from different aspects, which can well make up for the contradiction in terms of freshness and integrity; Third, it helps to form the public opinion.Content: Facts that are not mentioned in previous stories or some background of events.The developments of the events;Different opinions from people of all walks of life;The prediction of the events;Important facts that previously reported.13.Features of leadsA: Succinct. A summary lead should outline a news story in no more than 35 wordsInformative. A summary lead should contain the 5Ws of news.Intriguing. Leads are sometimes called “grabbers”, which means it serves the duty to grab the readers’ attention. What’s more, leads should also be straightforward, varied, clear specific and active.That’s why English journalists strugg le for the best wording and leave no stone unturned千方百计.14.Types of leadsSummary lead/roundup leadMain fact leadDescriptive leadDirect address leadQuotation lead (full quotation lead/partial quotation lead) Suspense leadDelayed lead/multi-paragraph leadContrast leadQuestion leadAnecdotal leadCombined lead/multiple element leadLabel lead (empty lead)17.Sources of news reportingAccurate news sources: with the name of organization, people or agency;Implied news sources: people who do not want to be told the name, or sources from nonsense people that readers do not have interest in, as used like “witness said”Use fuzzy words to imply the sources such as “it is said”18.Difference between feature and news.A: Three differences.First, their focus is not the same. News reporting provides all facts that are related. It tends to focus on inclusiveness and integrity of the news, while features only present the most characteristic and impressive episode of the story. A piece of news shows a panorama, but a feature gives an enlarged close-up.Secondly, their writing purpose is not exactly the same. News only tries to inform the readers, while features try harder to attract the reader’s attention with more detailed and descriptive writing.Thirdly, their composition structure is not always the same. News reporting for most cases adopts inverted pyramid form, but features follow no such rule. It can be very flexible in terms of structure.Proper insert of backgrounds, it makes the news more understandable to readers and deepens the thesis of the news. There are contrast back-grounding, interpretative back-grounding and explanative back-grounding to be insert when necessary.e direct or indirect quotations to show maximumobjectivity and to decrease the color of personal slant. Use dashes破折号to insert parenthetical附加说明的statement in order to give more background and show the opinions of people related,Use figure of speech in a flexible way, which makes the story more readable, vivid and attractive. The common figures are: alliteration头韵, humor, contrast, exaggeration, witticism名言and so on.20. Wording featuresAs in journalistic English, words of certain people often quoted, so there are various words used to express the meaning of saying, such as “allege”, “claim” and “argue” are often used.Abundant vogue words流行字眼can be seen in journalistic English, their special meanings come into being in a certain current and disappear afterwards. “Trauma” is one of such kind of words. Use the words vividly to put the readers into action or gives them a feeling of participation.21.First, most newspaper leads are summary leads, which include all the 5Ws of the news.22. The disadvantages of the news just with objectivity客观性only?First, it pays too much attention to the clarity简明without considering the readers’ comprehension ability. Second, it neglects the journalists’ initiative.So, reporters often use interpretative way of writing which will make up all those disadvantages.。



1.News:is the reporting of events.2. Categories:○1important of content: hard news: flash, urgent, brief, breaking news Soft news: features, personal profile, anecdote Hard news: stories of a timely nature about events or conflicts that have just happened or are about to happen, such as crimes, fires, meeting., protest, rallies, speeches and testimony in court cases.Breaking news: if the action or event occurred the same day as or the day before publication of the newspaper.○2different media: newspaper coverage, magazine coverage, radio news, TV news, cable news, news agency dispatches.○3 regions: world news, home news, local news○4 fields: political, economic, technology, cultural, sports, violence and crime, disaster, weather, obituary, entertainment3. Structure of news report: who, what, when, where, why, how4. basic news story: headline, lead, body, ending○1 headline: (包括dateline and byline) is the line on the top of story, tells reader what the story is about, the beginning of story, the hook tells reader what the story about.○2in hard-news story, the lead usually is written in one sentence—the first sentence of story.○3dateline: which tells reader when and where story is written is important.○4byline: which gives credit to the writer is also important.○5an event that happened the day of or day before publication, or an event that is due to happen in the immediate future is considered timely.5. Qualities:Timeliness, proximity, unusual nature(the uniqueness of an event)新奇, celebrities, human interest, conflict or impact ,anniversary Additional qualities: helpfulness, entertainment, inspiration, special interest.Chapter 21.Newspaper: are publication usually issued on a daily or weekly basic,the main function of which is the report of news. Newspaper also provides commentary on the news, advocate various public policies, and furnish special information and advice to readers.2.A brief history of newspaper: where and when was the first newspaper.○1German language: 1605 by Johann carols in Strasbourg(第一份报纸)○2中外新报was the first newspaper in china in 1858○3France: 1631 La Gazette(第一份出版在法国)○4England: 1621 Gorante or weekly news○5American: 1690, Boston, Benjamin Harris public occurrence 3.Contents of newspapers: news, information and advertising4.Structure of newspaper: the first page, international, national, themetro, business/finance, sport, arts, travel, obituaryChapter 3 american newspaper一.Brief introduction:1. Private2.thicker (more than 40 pages)3. Content: local, national, foreign4.2/3—advertising 1/3—sales二. Kinds:1. Time: daily, Sunday, weekly, semi-weekly, biweekly, triweekly2. Popularity: ○1 the most influential○2 more influential○3 popular3. Region: local, national三.American newspapers:1. The New York Times:American daily newspaper, 1851 published in New York. The largest metropolitan(都市日报). The gray lady national Paper motto“all the news that is fit to print”.Win 101 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any news organization.2. the Washington Post(华盛顿邮报): largest circulation in WashingtonD.C. Oldest paper in 1877. Focus on national politics and international affairs. Win 25 Pulitzer Prizes.3.Los Angeles Times(洛杉矶时报):daily newspaper published in Los Angeles , california since 1881 western united states. second largest metropolitan in US and the forth widely distributed newspaper in the US 39Pulitzer prizes4.U.S.A Today(今日美国报): national daily newspaper founded in 1982 Colorful and bold national polls on public sentiment 美国唯一的全国性报纸5.The Wall Street Journal: 1889.7.8 international largest circulation(发行量)newspaper. Win 33 Pulitzer Prize. Business newspaper.Chapter 4 British Newspaper一.Kinds:1. Qualisty: mainly founded before 1896 follow the tradition of the journals of the 18th century and early 19th ,have an undramatic design2. Popular: founded after the launching of the Daily Mail in 1896 二.Famous newspaper:1.The Times(泰晤士报): daily national, published in the unitedkingdom since 1785 when it was known as “the daily universal Register” its sister paper “the Sunday times”2.The Financial times(金融时报): 1988, international businessnewspaper, morning daily newspaper3.The Guardian(卫报): 1821, until 1959, it called the Manchesterguardian. It is unique is owned by a foundation.4.The Daily Telegraph(每日邮电报):daily morning broadsheet,June 1855Chapter 5: Pulitzer prizeIt is a US award for achievement in newspaper and online journalism, literature and musical composition. Established by Hungarian-American publisher Joseph Pulitzer is administered by Columbia University.有21个奖项。

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期末考试题型:1.Re-organizing sentences for a news report (10%)2.Matching headlines to lead paragraphs (10%)3.True or False questions about English journalism (cf. Appendix I below) (10%)4.Reading Comprehension (3 passages with 15 multiple-choice questions) (30%)5.Abbreviations in News reports (complete forms +Chinese translation) (10%)6.News Headline Analysis (10%) (Analyzing the stylistic features of 3 news headlines)7.News comment writing (20%) (about 200 words)1.Definition of journalism, medium, news报刊(p1)、媒介(p2)、新闻(p4)的定义2.Functions of mass communication vs functions of newspaper大众传播工具(p2)与报纸(p1)的功能3.News value; public interest; principles of newsworthiness新闻价值;公众兴趣;衡量新闻价值的原则(p4)4.Classification of news新闻的分类(p6)5.Five basic elements of news新闻的五个基本要素(p6)6.Legal concerns; codes of ethics法律关系;道德规范(p7)(General knowledge is enough. No need for word by word memorization.)(一般知识就够了。


)7.Tabloid and broadsheet小报和报纸(p21)(the distinctions between tabloid and broadsheet)(区分小报和大报)8.Major newspapers in the UK and US英国和美国的主流报纸(p13-34)9.Major magazines in the UK and US英国和美国的主流杂志(p13-34)同上10.Lexical features in headlines:small words; abbreviations; etc.在标题的词汇特点:小词;缩略语;等。

(p37)11.Grammatical features in headlines: omission of articles, personal pronouns, etc.; present tense for past events, infinitive for future events, etc在标题的语法特点:省略的文章,人称代词等;现在时表示过去的时间,不定式表示未来事件等(p42)12.Rhetorical features used in headlines :alliteration; parody; metaphor; pun; euphemism用于标题的修辞特点:头韵;戏仿;隐喻;双关语;委婉语(p44)13.News leads , direct vs. delayed lead新闻导语,直接与延迟导语(p48)14.News agenciesOrganizations that collect, transmit, and distribute news to newspapers, periodicals, television, radio, and other journalistic and mass communications media are called news agencies.15.Major news agencies in the world在世界各大通讯社Major news agencies in the UK and USUKReuters(路透社)—one of the largest European press agenciesPA—Press AssociatedUSAP(美联社)—the Associated Press—The oldest press association in the United StatesUPI(合众国际社)—United Press International16.General understanding of the inverted pyramid structure of journalistic writing新闻写作的倒金字塔结构的一般认识(p63)17.Types of news features新闻特写的类型(p75)18.Differences between feature and news report特写和新闻报道之间的差异(p76)19.Basic structure of news comment新闻评论的基本结构(p83)Common abbreviations1. ABC:American Broadcasting Company美国广播公司2. BBC:British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司3. NBC:National Broadcasting Company (美国)全国广播公司4. CNN:Cable News Network(美国)有线新闻电视网5. CBS:Columbia Broadcasting System 美国哥伦比亚广播公司6. MPAA:Motion Picture Association of America 美国电影协会7. ITN:Independent Television News(英国)独立电视新闻公司8. APEC:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织9. ASEAN:Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟10. NATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织11. OPEC:Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织12. UNSC:= United Nations Security Council 联合国安全理事会13. WHO:World Health Organization世界卫生组织14. FAO:Food and Agriculture Organization世界粮农组织15. UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织16. WIPO:World Intellectual Property Organization(联合国)世界知识产权组织17. IMO:International Maritime Organization国际海事组织18.Interpol/TERPOL: International Criminal Police Organization国际刑警组织19.FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation美国联邦调查局20. USDHS: United States Department of Homeland Security美国国土安全部21. CIA:Central Intelligence Agency (美国)中央情报局22. NYSE:New York Stock Exchange(美国)纽约证券交易所23. NASDAQ:National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (美国)全国证券交易商协会自动报价表;纳斯达克24.IMF:International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织25.NDRC National Development and Reform Commission 国家发改委26. CPC:Communist Party of China27. CPPCC:Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议28. HKSAR:Hong Kong Special Administrative Region香港特别行政区29. NPC:National People's Congress(中国)全国人民代表大会30. GNP:gross National Product国民生产总值31. GDP:Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值32. EEC:European Economic Community欧(洲经济)共(同)体33. ASPAC---Asian and Pacific Council 亚(洲)太(平洋)理事会34. EU:European Union 欧洲联盟35. NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美)国家航空和航天局36.WWF:World Wildlife Fund 世界野生动物基金会37.UNDP:United Nations Development Programme 联合国开发计划署38.UNGA:United Nations General Assembly 联(合国)大(会)#39.ICRC:International Committee of the Red Cross 红十字国际委员会40. UNPKF:United Nations Peace-keeping Force联合国维持和平部队41. ICJ:International Court of Justice 国际法院42.DJI:Dow Jones Index 道·琼斯(股票)平均指数43.FM:foreign minister 外交部长44. MP:Member of Parliament议员45. PM:Prime Minister 首相; 总理46. BBS:Bulletin Board System 电子公告板47. EMS:Emergency Medical Service急救医疗48. IOC:International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会49. WHC: World Heritage Committee世界遗产委员会50. CISAR:China international Search and Rescue Team中国国际救援队51. CPI:Consumer Price Index 居民消费价格指数52. NGO:Non-governmental Organization非政府组织53. WTO:World Trade Organization世界贸易组织网络版重点第一章英语新闻学的基本概念:一、今天的传播媒介(the mass media today):1. Communication: the process of sharing ideas, information, and messages with others ina particular time and place.2. Communication includes writing and talking, as well as nonverbal communication, visual communication, and electronic communication.3. Communication is a vital part of personal life and is also important in business, education, and any other situation where people encounter each other.4. Mass communication media: the means of communication that can reach many people at a time either by printed materials or electronic waves are called mass media. These include newspaper, magazines, books, radio, television, public relation and advertising.5. TV and newspaper are the two major kinds of mass media in the present world.二、新闻学的定义(the definition of journalism):1. Journalism is the collection and periodical publishing of news. It includes writing for, editing, and managing such media as the newspaper and the periodical. In other words, it means gathering, evaluating, and disseminating facts of current interest.三、新闻及新闻要素(news and elements of news)1. News is information that is published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television about recent events in the country or world or in a particular area of activity.2. There are usually five basic elements in news: who, what, why, when, and where. An additional element may be “how”.四、新闻价值和公众兴趣(news value and public interest)1.软新闻soft news 硬新闻hard news①Hard news generally refers to up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately.Soft news is background information or human-interest stories, which appeal to people`s curiosity, sympathy, skepticism, or amazement.②Subject matter:Politics, war, economics, and crime used to be considered hard news, which arts entertainment and lifestyles were considered soft news.The tone of presentation:A hard news story takes a factual approach: what happened? Who was involved? Where and when did it happen? Why?A soft news story tries instead to entertain or advise the reader2. News value refers to the importance of the facts and details in the news that can satisfy the public`s interest in news.3. Public interest means the degree of attention the readers pay to the news reports.4.News-worthiness of a report: timeliness, proximity, conflict, eminence or prominence, consequence or impact, human interest……五、新闻来源和新闻社(sources of news and news agencies)1. Organizations that collect, transmit, and distribute news to newspapers, periodicals, television, radio, and other journalistic and mass communications media are called news agencies.六、新闻的法律与道德问题(legal and ethical issues of journalism)1. Areas of particular concern to reporters are libel, newsroom searches, protection of sources, invasion of privacy suits and the free press controversy.2. The code of ethics: responsibility, freedom of the press, accuracy and objectivity.第二章报纸报纸的主要功能To inform , to influence, to entertain, to advertise.◇Newspapers are publications usually issued on a daily or weekly basis, the main function of which is to report the news. Newspapers also provide commentary on the news, advocate various public policies, furnish special information and advice to readers, and sometimes include features such as comic strips(连环漫画), cartoons, and serialized(连载) books.小报(tabloid),大报(broadsheet)第三章新闻杂志Publications released at regular intervals are often called journals, or periodicals.第四章新闻结构1.Grammatical Features of News Headlines:1. Omission of link verbs such as BE and determiners such as articles and pronouns2. Infinitives for future events3. Present tense for past events4. Phrases as headlines5. Pre-modificationExample 1. U.S. plans more Taiwan sales2. The lexical features of headlines:Small words and abbreviations instead of big, complete ones (Why?)aid→assistbid→attemptopt→choosevie→competeraid→attackcurb→controllaud→praiseslam→criticizeback→support,approveofblast→explode,explosionquiz→question,interrogateprobe→enquire,investigateban,bar→prohibit(ion),prevent(ion)nuke→nuclearGov’t→GovernmentPM→Prime Minister3.Basic sentence types of news headlines1. Narrative headline2.Quotation headline3.Interrogative headline4.story headline4. Rhetorical devices used in headlines for tabloidsAlliteration, Parody, Metaphor, Pre-modifier, Inventive lexis, etc.5.leadA direct lead tells readers the most important aspect of the story in a direct and straightforward way, and is often used in hard news.A delayed lead interests readers by hinting the content of the story. It is usually found in features and other soft stories that put more emphasis on human interest rather than timeliness of an event.附表一Major news agencies in the UK and USUKReuters(路透社)—one of the largest European press agenciesPA—Press AssociatedUSAP(美联社)—the Associated Press—The oldest press association in the United StatesUPI(合众国际社)—United Press International。
