tensile lab design2-Keyan Wang
现代电子技术Modern Electronics TechniqueJul.2023Vol.46No.142023年7月15日第46卷第14期0引言阵列化是当前电子信息装备的重要发展趋势,无论从作战需求还是从装备升级换代方面考虑,陆海空天各类平台均在向阵列化发展。
为解决这一系列瓶颈问题,系统级封装(System in Package,SiP )设计理念被提出。
SiP 是一种新型的封装技术,在ITRS2005中对SiP 的定义是:系统级封装是采用任何组合,将多个具有不同功能的有源电子器件与可选择的无源组件,以及诸如微机电或者光学器件等其他器件,组装成为可以提供多种功能的单个标准封装件,形成一个系统或者子系统[2]。
SiP 可以在一个衬底上集成多种芯片以及无源器件,极大地提高了电路和系统的集成度。
SiP 封装能够实现不同的工艺、异质材料的系统集成,如可实现表面贴装、有源(射频、数字、模拟等)/无源器件埋入的灵活组合。
由于可以使用多种工艺,使得在每一个应用领域都可以采用最合适的技术,如无源滤波器可以采用声表或者体声波滤波器,功率放大器可以使用GaAs 工艺,逻辑电路可以采用硅工艺等等。
由于SiP 采用“集百家之所长”的方式来进行电路系统搭建,使得研发成本大大降低,研发周期大大缩短,极大地增加了SiP 产品的竞争力。
SiP 封装技术与现有封装工艺兼容或具有继承DOI :10.16652/j.issn.1004‐373x.2023.14.024引用格式:徐晓瑶,黄晓国,张琦,等.基于数字化设计仿真的射频干扰抵消SiP 设计[J].现代电子技术,2023,46(14):141‐146.基于数字化设计仿真的射频干扰抵消SiP 设计徐晓瑶,黄晓国,张琦,姜建军(中国电子科技集团公司第三十六研究所,浙江嘉兴314033)摘要:随着无线电子系统朝着阵列化、微系统化、高频化等方向发展,系统调试难、失效、故障难以排除等问题逐渐凸显,基于“经验设计+后续调试”的传统设计方法已难以满足实际需求。
Ingenia MotionLab安装与配置指南说明书
DEVELOPER’S KIT PROGRAMMINGCopyright © 2019 Sensata Technologies, Inc. Rev. 04/11/2023 Installing & Configuring MotionLab1.Head to Ingenia MotionLab and click on the ‘Download ’ button in the software section.2.Run the prompted download and complete the setup as you would any other program.3.While downloading, connect the provided Flash drive to your computer 4.Run MotionLab.5.If your drive has an update, click on ‘New FW Available ’ then click on automatic update in thebox that pops up.6.Select your drive by clicking near the green box above. This will take you to a new screen. If youdo not see your drive:a.Ensure that your drive is connected to the computer.b.Click on scan again.7.Click on ‘Load’ and use the directory to pull up the contents of the flash drive. Load the .xdc filenamed after the actuators part number. If you don’t know the part number, check the engravings on the actuator itself.8.Once loaded, click on ‘Write’ to load the parameters to the drive. At this point your drive is fullyconfigured and ready to use.Move OverviewThis section will discuss the different functions and parameters found within the ‘Move’ window. Entering this window is done by clicking on the top of the main Motionlab window. This action will bring up a new window.Homing: Sets the read value of the shaft location1.Homing method - Chooses the type of homing procedure. I suggest using either NegativeMechanical Limit or Positive Mechanical limit for initial calibration. These methods will push the shaft all the way in, or all the way out respectively.2.Homing offset - This is the value that will be written to the corresponding homing position. In theabove picture, the current position of the shaft will be set to -500 counts.Position: Moves shaft to a designated positionTARGET:1.Target position – sets the shaft to the specified position.a.You can set an accurate desired position with the box to the right of the bar.2.Step size – sets a wanted step size for use with the ‘- step’ and the -+ Step’ buttons. PROFILE:1.Profile velocity – controls speed that shaft attains wanted position.2.Profile acceleration – controls acceleration of shaft towards wanted position.3.Profile deceleration – controls stop speed of shaft when reaching wanted position. LIMITS:1.Minimum absolute position – sets lower limit of shaft position2.Maximum absolute position – sets upper limit of shaft position.THRESHOLDS:1.Position window – sets accepted range of position values relative to target value in which thecontroller will stop trying to correct the shafts current position.2.Position window time – sets the measuring time for the controller to check if position is correct3.Following error window – has a similar concept as the position window. I suggest making thisvalue the same as the position window.4.Following error timeout – sets a measurement time for the shaft position. If the shaft is not in thespecified position for this time an error will be produced.*CONTROL LOOP:1.Proportional gain – sets proportional constant (Kp’) for PID loop.2.Integral gain – sets integral constant (Ki’) for PID loop3.Derivative gain – sets derivative constant (Kd’) for PID loop.4.Integral AW gain – sets integral anti-windup (kii’) constant5.Velocity FF gain – Sets velocity feedforward (Kffv’) constant6.Acceleration FF gain – sets acceleration feedforward (kffa’) constant.7.Integral Limit – puts a limit on the integral gain’s contribution.*This window only controls the position PID loop. It does not affect the force and velocity PID.Velocity: Increases speed that shaft moves toward end of stroke.TARGET:1.Target Velocity – sets desired instantaneous velocity value2.Manual increments – sets a wanted step size for use with the ‘- Target velocity’ and the ‘+ Targetvelocity’ buttons.PROFILER:1.Profile acceleration - Defines the maximum allowed acceleration.2.Profile deceleration - Defines the maximum allowed deceleration.LIMITS:1.Maximum profile velocity - Define the maximal allowed velocity in each direction during a profiledmotion.THRESHOLDS:1.Velocity window – Defines the acceptable window for error. A higher window means a lowertolerance for reaching a specific target velocity.2.Velocity window time- Indicates the configured time (in ms), during which the actual velocitywithin the velocity window is measured. If the actual velocity is within the velocity window for a velocity window time, the target is reached3.Velocity threshold- Indicates the configured zero velocity threshold time. If the actual velocity isabove the velocity threshold longer than velocity threshold time, the motor is seen as moving.4.Velocity threshold time- Indicates the configured zero velocity threshold time. If the actualvelocity is above the velocity threshold longer than velocity threshold time, the motor is moving. **CONTROL LOOP:1.Proportional gain – sets proportional constant (Kp’) for PID loop.2.Integral gain – sets integral constant (Ki’) for PID loop3.Derivative gain – sets derivative constant (Kd’) for PID loop.4.Integral AW gain – sets integral anti-windup (kii’) constant5.Acceleration FF gain – sets acceleration feedforward (kffa’) constant.6.Integral Limit – puts a limit on the integral gain’s contribution.**This only controls the velocity PID loop. The force/position PID is unaffected.Force: Increases Push/Pull force on shaftTARGET:1.Target force – Sets the desired instantaneous torque value.2.Manual increment – Sets incremental torque value for use with ‘- Target force’ and ‘+ Targetforce’ buttons.PROFILER:1.Force Slope – defines slope of force increase towards target force.LIMITS:1.Negative force limit – indicates maximum pulling force2.Positive force limit – indicates maximum pushing forceTHRESHOLDS:1.Force window – Defines the acceptable window for torque/force error. A higher window means alower tolerance for reaching a specific target torque/force.2.Force window time - Indicates the configured time (in ms), during which the actual torque withinthe torque window is measured. If the actual torque is within the torque window for a torquewindow time, the target torque is set as reached.***CONTROL LOOP:1.Proportional gain – defines proportional constant (Kp’) value.2.Integral gain – defines integral constant (Ki’) value3.Cutoff frequency – sets desired cutoff frequency of lowpass filter.***This only controls the force PID loop.Multi-Point: Moves shaft to multiple locations in successionPosition:1.Position box – Sets the desired position2.Capture – Captures the desired position3.Repeat Sequence – Toggles repeat actions after the entire list of positions is reached.4.Pause before repeating – Sets delay before repeat sequence is performedAdditional Position Parameters:1.Profile Parametersa.Profile velocity – controls speed that shaft attains wanted position.b.Profile acceleration – controls acceleration of shaft towards wanted position.c.Profile deceleration – controls stop speed of shaft when reaching wanted position.2.Limit Parametersa.Minimum absolute position – sets lower limit of shaft positionb.Maximum absolute position – sets upper limit of shaft position.3.Threshold Parametersa.Position window – sets accepted range of position values relative to target value in whichthe controller will stop trying to correct the shafts current position.b.Position window time – sets the measuring time for the controller to check if position iscorrectc.Following error window – has a similar concept as the position window. I suggest makingthis value the same as the position window.d.Following error timeout – sets a measurement time for the shaft position. If the shaft isnot in the specified position for this time an error will be produced.Advanced Motion Control:1.Position Loop Parametersa.Proportional gain – sets proportional constant (Kp’) for PID loop.b.Integral gain – sets integral constant (Ki’) for PID loopc.Derivative gain – sets derivative constant (Kd’) for PID loop.d.Integral AW gain – sets integral anti-windup (kii’) constante.Velocity FF gain – Sets velocity feedforward (Kffv’) constantf.Acceleration FF gain – sets acceleration feedforward (kffa’) constant.g.Integral Limit – puts a limit on the integral gain’s contribution. Oscillation: Moves the shaft back and forth between specified boundsInitial Positioning:1.Oscillate around: defines the initial position that the shaft will oscillate around.Oscillation:1.Mode: allows you to choose between a sinusoidal or square oscillation profile.2.Amplitude: defines zero to peak oscillation height. The actual oscillation travel distance will betwice this value3.Frequency: defines the frequency of oscillation.4.Interpolation Period:Additional Position Parameters:1.Profile Parametersa.Profile velocity – controls speed that shaft attains wanted position.b.Profile acceleration – controls acceleration of shaft towards wanted position.c.Profile deceleration – controls stop speed of shaft when reaching wanted position.2.Threshold Parametersa.Position window – sets accepted range of position values relative to target value in whichthe controller will stop trying to correct the shafts current position.b.Position window time – sets the measuring time for the controller to check if position isCorrectAdditional Oscillation Parameters:1.Limit Parametera.Minimum absolute position – sets lower limit of shaft positionb.Maximum absolute position – sets upper limit of shaft position.2.Threshold Parametersa.Following error window – has a similar concept as the position window. I suggest makingthis value the same as the position window.b.Following error timeout – sets a measurement time for the shaft position. If the shaft isnot in the specified position for this time an error will be produced.Advanced Motion Control:1.Position Loop Parametersa.Proportional gain – sets proportional constant (Kp’) for PID loop.b.Integral gain – sets integral constant (Ki’) for PID loopc.Derivative gain – sets derivative constant (Kd’) for PID loop.d.Integral AW gain – sets integral anti-windup (kii’) constante.Velocity FF gain – Sets velocity feedforward (Kffv’) constantf.Acceleration FF gain – sets acceleration feedforward (kffa’) constant.g.Integral Limit – puts a limit on the integral gain’s contribution.Program:This section will display the controller’s ability to run and create macros. Entering this window is done by clicking ‘Program’ on the top of the main Motionlab window. This action will bring up a new window. The image below shows an example of an oscillate function. See Ingenia Knowledge Base for examples of how to execute most move functions. Any other inquiries can be sent to *******************Program Control:1.Write reserved memory2.Load – Brings up explorer to choose a preexisting file.3.Save All – Saves the current macro set up.4.Write All – Writes all macros to the controller5.Set Interruption – Writes interruptions to the controller. Used with Interrupt Designation.6.Run – Runs the selected macro.7.Stop – Force stops all programs.Copyright © 2023 Sensata Technologies, Inc. Rev. 04/11/2023 Sensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems thatincorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsiblefor using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have beencreated using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than thatspecifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements,improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice. Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER,NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUALPROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, ISGRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES ORREPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED ORSTATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIETPOSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NOLIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES ANDAGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATEDREQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS,NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION OR SUPPORT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SENSATA. Mailing Address: Sensata Technologies, Inc., 529 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA 02703, USA.CONTACT US Americas +1 (760) 597 7042**************************Europe, Middle East & Africa +1 (760) 597 7042support @se Asia Pacific *************************.com China +86 (21) 2306 1500Japan +81 (45) 277 7117Korea +82 (31) 601 2004India +91 (80) 67920890Rest of Asia +603-5566 6001Macro Access:-Lets you choose which macro to edit.-Macro 0 will work on controller startup.Macro Programming:1.Add – Adds the selected item from the dropdown box to the current macro.2.Dropdown – Selects the program function that you want to add to the macro. Requires the ‘Add’button to place.3.Remove All – Deletes all functions from the current macro.4.Save – Saves the current macro.5.Write – Writes the selected macro to the controller6.Copy/Move – Copies or moves the current macro to a macro number of your choosing.7.Current Function Properties – Allows you to edit the highlightedInterrupt Designation:1.Active – Checking the box will allow the interrupt to be written to the controller. You need topress ‘Set Interruptions’ in the Program Control section.2.Source – Selects the type of interrupt you want to use.3.Macro – Designates the macro that will be called when the interrupt is triggered.。
系统配置要求处理器硬盘空间Intel或AMD多核处理器,主频2.0 GHz 以上。
操作系统内存显卡Windows 7/8/10(64位)或Linux。
至少4GB RAM,推荐8GB或更多。
支持OpenGL 2.0以上的独立显卡。
PART02界面操作与基础功能启动界面当启动ProII 软件时,首先会展示启动界面,其中包含软件名称、版本号及开发商信息。
01视图切换ProII 提供了多种视图模式,如流程图视图、数据表视图等,用户可以根据需要自由切换。
在完成本次实验之后,你需要完成下列任务:• 连接到网络中所有的设备,并且对使用RIPV2布署完整的网络明确的概念。
• 理解RIPV2的一些特性,如支持缺省路由,可变长度的子网掩码(VLSM )和路由聚合。
•理解VLSM 怎么使网络更有效。
【实验拓扑】:BBR2BBR1PxR1PxR2PxR4F0/0 . 2.1 F0/0F0/0 .2.1 F0/0.3 F0/0F0/0 .4S1/0 .3S1/0 .4S1/1 .1.2 S1/110.x.0.y10.x.2.y10.x.1.y10.254.0.254S1/0 S1/0S1/0S1/0172.31.x.1172.31.xx.1172.31.x.2 172.31.xx.2172.31.x.3172.31.xx.4FR12341 102 – 201 1 103 – 301 1 104 – 401 2 201 – 102 2 203 – 302 2 204 – 402 3 301 – 103 3 302 – 203 3 304 – 403 4 401 – 104 4 402 – 204 4 403 - 30410.x.0.0 /16注意:图中x为所在机架编号,y为路由器编号。
实验过程:第一步:在所有的路由器上配置使用RIP 版本1,并发布网络(和,在帧中继边界路由器上,同时发布B类网络172.31.0.0。
第二步:使用命令version 1明确的指定使用RIPv1。
响应面优化法,考虑了试验随机误差;同 时,响应面法将复杂的未知的函数关系在 小区域内用简单的一次或二次多项式模型 来拟合,计算比较简便,是解决实际问题 的有效手段。
所获得的预测模型是连续的,与正交实验 相比,其优势是:在实验条件寻优过程中, 可以连续的对实验的各个水平进行分析, 而正交实验只能对第一2页/共个22页个孤立的实验点进 行分析。
通过RAS软件程序进行二次回归响应分析, 建立多元二次响应面回归模型。
回归模型的决定系数为B、C、BC、AC,它 们的Pr ob>F对 总黄酮 提取率 影响显 著,说 明该模 型拟合 度好。
根据Box-Benhnkende的中心组合设计原理选取乙醇 浓度、提取时间、液料比对槐米总黄酮影响显著的3个 因素,采取3因素3水平响应面分析法。
以提取时间A、乙醇浓度B、液料比C为自变量, 以槐米总黄酮提取率为响应值(Y)进行响应面分 析实验,
, 其中 k为因素数,
Silicon Labs CP210x USB-to-UART Bridge 产品更换指南说明书
AN976: CP2101/2/3/4/9 to CP2102N Porting GuideThe CP2102N USB-to-UART bridge device has been designed tobe a replacement and upgrade for existing single-interface CP210x USB-to-UART devices.For some devices, such as the CP2102 and CP2104, the CP2102N is virtually a drop-in replacement. Apart from the addition of two resistors, no other hardware or software changes are required to use the CP2102N in existing designs. For other devices, slight package or feature differences may require minor changes to hardware or host soft-ware.This application note describes in detail the steps required to integrate a CP2102N de-vice into a design in place of a previous CP210x device. Devices covered by this appli-cation note are: CP2101, CP2102/9, CP2103, and CP2104. Multiple-interface devices, such as the CP2105 and CP2108, are not discussed.KEY POINTS •The CP2102N maintains a high degree of pin and feature compatibility with most existing CP210x devices.•Designs will require minimal hardware or software changes when migrating to theCP2102N.•The CP2102N provides a migration path for:•CP2101•CP2102/9•CP2103•CP21041. Device Comparison1.1 Feature CompatibilityA full feature comparison table for all CP210x devices, including the CP2102N, is given below. In general, the CP2102N meets or ex-ceeds the feature set of all previous CP210x devices.Table 1.1. CP210x Family FeaturesNote: The CP2102N cannot directly generate Line Break Conditions. The use of this feature is generally considered uncommon, al-though it was previously supported on CP2102/9 devices. A Line Break Condition occurs when the receiver input is held to logic low (i.e. zero) for some period of time, generally for more than one character time. This condition is seen by the receiver as a character with all zero bits with a framing error. A user can potentially emulate this on a CP2102N, however, by changing the baud rate to be slower than expected, then transmitting a null character. The CP2102N does have the capability to receive Line Breaks.1.2 Pin CompatibilityWith the exception of its VBUS pin, which must be connected to a voltage divider for proper operation, the CP2102N is largely pin-compatible with most CP210x devices. Below is a table of variants of the CP2102N that can be used to replace previous CP210x devi-ces.Table 1.2. CP2102N Replacements for CP210x DevicesAs the CP2102N datasheet notes, there are two relevant restrictions on the VBUS pin voltage in self-powered and bus-powered config-urations. The first is the absolute maximum voltage allowed on the VBUS pin, which is defined as VIO + 2.5 V in Absolute Maximum Ratings table. The second is the input high voltage (VIH) that is applied to VBUS when the device is connected to a bus, which is de-fined as VIO – 0.6 V in the table of GPIO specifications.A resistor divider (or functionally-equivalent circuit) on VBUS, as shown in Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 3and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 4for bus- and self-powered operation, re-spectively, is required to meet these specifications and ensure reliable device operation. In this case, the current limitation of the resis-tor divider prevents high VBUS pin leakage current, even though the VIO + 2.5 V specification is not strictly met while the device is not powered.Figure 1.1. Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB PinsFigure 1.2. Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins1.3 Configuration CompatibilityWhile the CP2102N supports the same configuration parameters as the CP210x, the means of programming these into the device are different. Of particular note is the fact that the configuration data structure for the CP2102N has an entirely different format than that used for the CP210x. In short, it is not possible to write the configuration data for a legacy CP210x device to the CP2102N and vice versa.Furthermore, if the CP210x manufacturing DLL is incorporated into custom software as part of a production or test flow, the API calls used to read and write the individual parameters on a CP210x device cannot be used with the CP2102N. Thus, calls to any of the functions listed in Table 1.3 CP210x Configuration APIs on page 5and documented in AN721: USBXpress™ Device Configuration and Programming Guide must be replaced wholesale with calls to the new CP210x_GetConfig and CP210x_SetConfig functions that are specific to the CP2102N.Table 1.3. CP210x Configuration APIs2. Device MigrationThe following sections describe the migration considerations when transitioning from an existing CP210x device to a CP2102N device.2.1 CP2101 to CP2102NHardware CompatibilityThe CP2102N-A02-GQFN28 is pin compatible with the CP2101 with the addition of the voltage divider circuit shown in Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 3 and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 4.The CP2102N does, however, have extra functionality on pins 13 through 22. A new design may want to take advantage of these extra pins, but they can be safely left unconnected.Software CompatibilityThe CP2102N is fully feature compatible with the CP2101. No software changes will be required when transitioning a CP2101 design to the CP2012N.The CP2102N does have several common features that the CP2101 lacks. For example, the CP2101 only allows for 8 data bits per frame, where the CP2102N has the ability for 5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits. If desired, the CP2102N can be customized to disable these addi-tional features.2.2 CP2102/9 to CP2102NHardware CompatibilityThe CP2102N-A02-GQFN28 is pin compatible with the CP2102/9 with the addition of the voltage divider circuit shown in Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 3and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 4.The CP2102N does, however, have extra functionality on pins 13 through 22. A new design may want to take advantage of these extra pins, but they can be safely left unconnected.The CP2109 has an additional hardware requirement that the VPP pin (pin 18) should be connected to a capacitor to ground for in-system programming. This capacitor is not required on the CP2102N and can be safely omitted.Software CompatibilityThe CP2102N is feature compatible with the CP2102/9, with two exceptions:•Baud Rate Aliasing•Line Breaks / Break ConditionsBaud Rate Aliasing is a feature that allows a device to use a pre-defined baud rate in place of a baud rate that is requested by the user. For example, a device using Baud Rate Aliasing can be programmed to use a baud rate of 45 bps whenever 300 bps is requested. Baud Rate Aliasing is not supported on the CP2102N.If Baud Rate Aliasing is used in a CP2102/9 design, the CP2102N is incompatible as a replacement.Line Breaks (also called a Break Condition) occur when the transmission line to logic low for more than one character time. The CP2102/9 devices have the ability to transmit a Line Break or Break Condition by directly setting the device's break state property. This forces the transmission line to logic low until the break state property is cleared. This feature is not directly supported on the CP2102N. However, a break condition can be emulated by temporarily lowering the baud rate, then transmitting a null character. The duration of this emulated break condition can be controlled by adjusting the baud rate, but it cannot exceed 27ms (8 bits at the lowest available baud rate, 300bps).If Break Conditions are used in a CP2102/9 design, care must be taken to assure that the CP2102N can emulate these conditions cor-rectly.2.3 CP2103 to CP2102NHardware CompatibilityThe CP2102N does not have a pin-compatible variant that can replace the CP2103. The CP2103 QFN28 package has an additional VIO pin at pin 5 which shifts the function of previous pins on the package clock-wise around the package by one pin compared to the CP2102N QFN28 package. This affects pins 1-4 and 22-28. All other pins remain in the same configuration.If a separate VIO rail is required for a design, the smaller CP2102N QFN24 variant can be used. This variant has an identical function-ality set as the CP2103, but in the smaller QFN24 package.Beside this difference in pin-outs, no other hardware changes are required to migrate from the CP2103 to the CP2102N.Software CompatibilityThe CP2102N is fully feature compatible with the CP2103 with one exception: Baud Rate Aliasing.Baud Rate Aliasing is a feature that allows a device to use a pre-defined baud rate in place of a baud rate that is requested by the user. For example, a device using Baud Rate Aliasing can be programmed to use a baud rate of 45 bps whenever 300 bps is requested. Baud Rate Aliasing is not supported on the CP2102N.If Baud Rate Aliasing is used in a CP2103 design, the CP2102N is incompatible as a replacement.2.4 CP2104 to CP2102NHardware CompatibilityThe CP2102N-A02-GQFN24 is pin compatible with the CP2104 with the addition of the voltage divider circuit shown in Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 3 and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 4. No other hardware changes are required when transitioning a CP2104 design to the CP2102N. The CP2104 does require a capacitor be-tween VPP (pin 16) and ground for in-system programming, but this pin is not connected on the CP2102N. Whether or not this capaci-tor is attached to this pin will have no effect on the CP2102N.Software CompatibilityThe CP2102N is fully feature compatible with the CP2104. No software changes will be required when transitioning a CP2104 design to the CP2012N.Revision History 3. Revision HistoryRevision 1.3Mar, 2022•Added X to CP2104 Line Break Transmission in Table 1.1 CP210x Family Features on page 2.•Updated CP2102-A01-GQFN28 with CP2102-A02-GQFN28 in Table 1.2 CP2102N Replacements for CP210x Device on page 3 and Chapter 2. Device Migration.•Updated Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pin on page 3 and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pin on page 4 to reflect new SP0503BAHTG protection device RoHS-compliant part number.•Corrected typo in Configuration Compatibility section names.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USAIoT Portfolio/IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport & Community/communityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software imple-menters using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. 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The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A “Life Support System” is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications. Note: This content may contain offensive terminology that is now obsolete. Silicon Labs is replacing these terms with inclusive language wherever possible. For more information, visit /about-us/inclusive-lexicon-projectTrademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories ®, Silicon Labs ®, SiLabs ® and the Silicon Labs logo ®, Bluegiga ®, Bluegiga Logo ®, EFM ®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember ®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, “the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers”, Redpine Signals ®, WiSeConnect , n-Link, ThreadArch ®, EZLink ®, EZRadio ®, EZRadioPRO ®, Gecko ®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, Precision32®, Simplicity Studio ®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo ®, USBXpress ® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave ®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. 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Thermo Scientific
DATA SHEET 2D Labtainer BioProcess Containers2D Labtainer BioProcess Container (BPC) systemsWhether in standard or customized configurations, Labtainer BPCs are ideal for:• Dispensing, packaging, and storing cell culture media, buffers, and process liquids• Delivery of cell culture media or process liquids to small-scale bioprocess systems• Bioreactor and fermentation feed, sampling, and harvest • Chromatography feed and fraction collection• Storage and transport of bulk intermediate products, process intermediates, vaccine conjugates, and other biological productsSmall-volume liquid handling systems for cell culture and bioprocessingThermo Scientific ™ Labtainer ™ BioProcess Containers (BPCs) effectively address small-volume liquid handling needs. They range in size from 50 mL to 50 L, with avariety of standard configurations to meet most application needs. These Labtainer BPCs are space efficient, ergonomic, and constructed of Thermo Scientific ™Aegis ™ 5-14 and CX5-14 films. Product configurations cover a range of industry-standard connection systems, and handling systems are available for transport and storage.Standard productsStandard Labtainer BPCs are stocked for immediate delivery and are fully supported by our process and product validation program. For more information on our validation program, please refer to our validation guides for Aegis5-14 and CX5-14 films. Additionally, standard Labtainer BPCs have validated liquid shipping configurations.Standard configurations can be customized for optimal fit, form, and function to address process-specific applications using one of the industry’s largest libraries of qualified components.2D Labtainer BPCs are available with the Thermo Scientific ™ BioTitan ™ Retention Device. This universaltubing retention solution was designed to provide the best method for retaining flexible tubing on a barbed fitting and helps eliminate the risk of leaks and failure of the tubingconnection point.Table 1. Chamber information.50 mL–2 L, 2-port Labtainer BPC 2 L–50 L, 3-port Labtainer BPC2 L–50 L: Polyethylene ports are welded into the BPC seam: one 1/4 in. ID and two 3/8 in. ID ports on standard chamber.Table 2. Custom BPC options.Tubing type C-Flex™ (animal origin–free), silicone, PharMed™, or AdvantaFlex™Tubing size Specific lengths of 3.18–25.4 mm ID (1/8–1 in.); specific length depends on type of tubing chosenConnectors • Luer: 3.18–6.35 mm (1/8–1/4 in.) ID• CPC quick-connect: 6.35–19 mm (1/4–3/4 in.) ID• Steam-in-place connector: 6.35–19 mm (1/4–3/4 in.) ID• Tri-clamp: 3.18–25.4 mm (1/8–1 in.) ID• Mini tri-clamp: 3.18–12.7 mm (1/8–1/2 in.) ID• Aseptic connection and aseptic disconnection devices: all available sizes of Colder AseptiQuik™, Pall™ Kleenpak™, Cytiva ReadyMate™ DACOthers • Needle-free sample port (SmartSite™ or Clave™ products)• Filter capsule (Millipore™, Pall™, Sartorius™, Parker Bioscience™, Meissner™ products)Table 3. Presentation (as dry BPC systems).Outer packaging Supplied “flat-packed”—two polyethylene outer layersLabel • Description• Product code• Lot number• Expiration date on outer packaging and shipping containerSterilization Irradiation (25–40 kGy) inner side of outer packaging Shipping container Durable cardboard cartonDocumentation • Certificate of Analysis provided with each batch for each delivery • Certificate of Irradiation2 portsPack of 10Line 1Luer lock body connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 2Luer lock insert connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.) Line 1Luer lock body connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 6.35 x 10.92 mm (0.25 x 0.43 in.)Line 2Luer lock insert connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 6.35 x 10.92 mm (0.25 x 0.43 in.)Line 1Luer lock body connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 2MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)2 portsPack of 10Pack of 10Line 1Luer lock insert connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) length ID x OD: 6.35 x 9.7 mm (0.25 x 0.38 in.)Line 2Luer lock body connection, polypropylene Tubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) length ID x OD: 6.35 x 9.7 mm (0.25 x 0.38 in.)Line 3Luer lock body connection, polypropylene Tubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 1MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) length ID x OD: 9.7 x 15.9 mm (0.38 x 0.63 in.)Line 2MPC body, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) length ID x OD: 9.7 x 15.9 mm (0.38 x 0.63 in.)Line 3Luer lock body connection, polypropylene Tubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) length ID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 1MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) length ID x OD: 9.7 x 12.7 mm (0.38 x 0.5 in.)Line 2MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 30 cm (12 in.) length ID x OD: 9.7 x 12.7 mm (0.38 x 0.5 in.)Line 3End plug, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 6.35 x 10.92 mm (0.25 x 0.43 in.)3 portsSingle pack3 portsSingle packSingle pack—edge portsLine 1MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 9.6 x 12.7 mm (0.378 x 0.50 in.)Line 2MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 9.6 x 12.7 mm (0.378 x 0.50 in.)Line 3Injection portTubing: C-Flex; 8 cm (3 in.) lengthID x OD: 6.35 x 9.53 mm (0.25 x 0.375 in.)Note: Aegis5-14 film equivalents for this product areavailable as custom configurations.Line 1MPC insert, polycarbonateTubing: C-Flex; 46 cm (18 in.) lengthID x OD: 3.18 x 6.35 mm (0.125 x 0.25 in.)Line 2MPC body, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) lengthID x OD: 9.53 x 15.875 mm (0.375 x 0.625 in.)Line 3Luer lock body connection, polypropyleneTubing: C-Flex; 61 cm (24 in.) lengthID x OD: 9.53 x 15.875 mm (0.375 x 0.625 in.)3 portsSingle pack—pillow design withpanel portsFind out more at /bpcFor Research Use or Further Manufacturing. Not for diagnostic use or direct administration into humans or animals.© 2021 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unlessotherwise specified. C-Flex and PharMed are trademarks of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics. AdvantaFlex is a trademark of NewAge Industries, Inc. AseptiQuik is a trademark of Colder Products Company. Pall and Kleenpak are trademarks of Pall Corporation. ReadyMate is a trademark of Cytiva. SmartSite is a trademark of Becton, Dickinson and Company. Clave is a trademark of Victus Inc. Millipore is a trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. Meissner is a trademark of Meissner Filtration Products. Parker Bioscience is a trademark of Parker Hannifin Corp. Rubbermaid is a trademark of Rubbermaid Incorporated. Sartorius is a trademark of Sartorius AG. Specifications, terms, and pricing are subject toIndustry-standard Rubbermaid ™ totes with corresponding lids are available. They can be used to protect Labtainer BPCs up to 20 L in size during use, transport, and storage. Use standard 50 L drums for 50 L Labtainer BPCs.Tray with lidFlat-bottom, linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) drum with lid。
This article was downloaded by: [Lanzhou University]On: 16 March 2015, At: 07:10Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registeredoffice: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKClick for updatesJournal of Coordination ChemistryPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:/loi/gcoo20Design, synthesis and structure ofuranyl coordination polymers from 2-D layer to 3-D network structureSi Yue Wei a, Feng Ying Bai b, Ya Nan Hou a, Xiao Xi Zhang a, Xue Ting Xu a, Ji Xiao Wang a, Huan Zhi Zhang c& Yong Heng XingaaCollege of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Liaoning Normal University , Dalian, PR ChinabCollege of Life Sciences, Liaoning Normal University , Dalian, PR ChinacGuangxi Key Laboratory of Information Materials, Guilin University of Electronic T echnology , Guilin, PR ChinaAccepted author version posted online: 27 Nov 2014.Published online: 02 Jan 2015.PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLETaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However , Taylor & Francis,our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors,and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims,proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content.This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing,D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015Design,synthesis and structure of uranyl coordination polymers from 2-D layer to 3-D network structureSI YUE WEI †,FENG YING BAI ‡,YA NAN HOU †,XIAO XI ZHANG †,XUE TING XU †,JI XIAO WANG †,HUAN ZHI ZHANG §and YONG HENG XING *††College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian,PR China‡College of Life Sciences,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian,PR China§Guangxi Key Laboratory of Information Materials,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin,PR China(Received 7January 2014;accepted 8October 2014)Solvothermal reaction of uranyl acetate and succinic acid in DMF resulted in formation of three uranyl coordination polymers,[(UO 2)4(μ2-OH)7(OH)6]·2(H 2O)·(H 3O)·4NH 2(CH 3)2(1),[(UO 2)(μ2-OH)(OH)3]·2NH 2(CH 3)2](2),and [(DMF)2(UO 2)(μ2-OH)4(UO 2))](3).The products were characterized by elemental analysis,IR spectroscopy,X-ray single crystal,and powder diffraction.Structural analysis shows that 1is a layer,2and 3are 3-D network structures.Keywords :Coordination polymer;Solvothermal reaction;Crystal structure;DMF hydrolysis1.IntroductionUranyl compounds have attracted attention for potential applications in ion exchange [1,2],proton conductivity [3],photochemistry [4,5],nonlinear optical materials [6,7],catalysis [8],and especially in energy and the military.The directed assembly of discrete molecules to build polymeric arrays is a topic of interest,and crystal engineering provides a tool for realization of such targets.The predictable self-assembly of low-dimensional molecules into high-dimensional frameworks through weak intermolecular interactions such as hydrogen bonds,weak van der Waals interactions,and π–πstacking is an important strategy in crystal*Corresponding author.Email:xingyongheng@ ©2014Taylor &FrancisJournal of Coordination Chemistry ,2015V ol.68,No.3,507–519,/10.1080/00958972.2014.992341D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015engineering [9].Oxygen and nitrogen-containing organic compounds are often used to construct diverse structures and functional uranyl compounds,providing the possibility of forming hydrogen-bonded network structures.In some cases,hydrogen bonds link uranyl discrete clusters to form chains,layers,or even 3-D network structures.Design,synthesis,and structures of uranyl compounds composed of uranyl carboxylates such as [UO 2)3(Hcit)2(H 2O)3]·2H 2O [10],uranyl phosphonates and carboxyphosphonates such as Co 2[(UO 2)6(PO 3CH 2CO 2)6(H 2O)13]·6H 2O [11],and uranyl curbit[n]urils such as [UO 2(CB 5)](ReO 4)2·2H 2O and [s 2(CB 5)(H 2O)2][(UO 2)2(HCOO)(OH)4]2·3H 2O [12]have been described.However,studies of uranyl coordination polymers with solvents as ligands are rare.The UO 22þspecies with inactive U=O double bonds generally is coordinated only through equatorial ligands,yielding in finite chains or sheets,while 3-D framework struc-tures are formed occasionally .In this work,three uranyl coordination polymers have beensynthesized.We employ a common ligand (DMF)to connect UO 2þ2to form uranyl poly-mers from 2-D layer to 3-D network structures.DMF can be used as a solvent and a coordi-nated ligand.DMF is easily hydrolyzed,producing NH 2(CH 3)2+in strong acid,strong base,or high temperature [13].In this paper,we use these properties of DMF hydrolysis and coordination to construct three uranyl coordination polymers,[(UO 2)4(μ2-OH)7(OH)6]·2(H 2O)·(H 3O)·4NH 2(CH 3)2(1),[(UO 2)(μ2-OH)(OH)3]·2NH 2(CH 3)2](2),and [(DMF)2(UO 2)(μ2-OH)4(UO 2))](3).2.Experimental2.1.Materials and methodsIR spectra were recorded on a JASCO FT/IR-480PLUS Fourier transform spectrometer with pressed KBr pellets from 200to 4000cm –1and a Bruker AXS TENSOR −27FTIR spectrometer with KBr pellets from 4000to 400cm −1.Elemental analyses for C,H,and N were carried out on a PerkinElmer 240C automatic analyzer.X-ray powder diffraction (PXRD)patterns were obtained on a Bruker Avance-D8equipped with Cu K αradiation (λ=1.54183Å),in the range 5°<2θ<50°,with a stepsize of 0.02°(2θ)and a count time of 2s per step.2.2.SynthesisAll chemicals purchased were of reagent grade or better and used without puri fication.Caution !While the uranium compound used in these studies contained depleted uranium,precautions are needed for handling radioactive materials,and all studies should be conducted in a laboratory dedicated to studies of radioactive materials.2.2.1.Synthesis of [(UO 2)4(μ2-OH)7(OH)6]·2(H 2O)·(H 3O)·4NH 2(CH 3)2(1).A mixture of UO 2(CH 3COO)2·2H 2O (0.0326g,0.0769mM)and succinic acid (0.0290g,0.25mM)in DMF (4mL)was stirred for 1h at room temperature,then the pH adjusted to 7by solu-tion of sodium hydroxide (1M).The mixture was introduced into a reaction kettle and heated statically at 160°C for three days.Resulting light yellow product was then filtered508S.Y.Wei et al.D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015off,washed with water,and dried in air.Anal.Calcd for C 8H 52N 4O 24U 4(%):C,6.23;H,3.36;and N,3.64.Found (%):C,6.20;H,3.29;and N, of [(UO 2)(μ2-OH)(OH)3]·2NH 2(CH 3)2](2).The preparation is similar to that of 1except that the temperature was changed to 100°C and pH adjusted to 2by solution of nitric acid (1M).Yellow crystals of 2were obtained after washing by water several times.Anal.Calcd for C 4H 20N 2O 6U (%):C,11.2;H,4.65;and N,6.51.Found (%):C,11.0;H,4.61;and N, of [(DMF)2(UO 2)(μ2-OH)4(UO 2))](3).The preparation is similar to that of 1except that the temperature was changed to 80°C.Yellow crystals of 3were obtained after washing by water several times.Anal.Calcd for C 6H 18N 2O 10U 2(%):C,9.55;H,2.39;and N,3.71.Found (%):C,9.44;H,1.94;and N, crystallographic determinationA single crystal with dimensions 0.58mm ×0.34mm ×0.18mm for 1was selected for structure determination.Re flection data were collected at room temperature on a Bruker AXS SMART APEX II CCD diffractometer with graphite monochromated Mo-K αradiation (λ=0.71073Å)from 1.87<θ<25.00°.A total of 20,048(4303unique,R int =0.0456)re flections were measured.The structure of 2was determined by single crystal X-ray dif-fraction.A yellow single crystal of 2with dimensions 0.50mm ×0.34mm ×0.18mm was mounted on a glass fiber.Re flection data were collected at room temperature on a Bruker AXS SMART APEX II CCD diffractometer with graphite monochromated Mo-K αradiation (λ=0.71073Å)from 2.17<θ<25.00°.A total of 4612(1941unique,R int =0.0575)re flec-tions were measured.In 2,the largest diff.peak and hole are 7.418and −4.975e Å–3and the major residual peaks appear around U (U1–Q1and U1–Q2bond lengths are 0.883and 0.902Å).The structure of 3was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction.A yellow single crystal of 3with dimensions 0.44mm ×0.38mm ×0.13mm was mounted on a glass fiber.Re flection data were collected at room temperature on a Bruker AXS SMART APEX II CCD diffractometer with graphite monochromated Mo-K αradiation (λ=0.71073Å)from 2.17<θ<25.00°.A total of 9043(3637unique,R int =0.0362)re flections were measured.In 3,the largest diff.peak and hole are 7.133and −1.398e Å–3and the major peaks appear around U (U1–Q1and U2–Q2bond lengths are 0.829and 0.811Å).Empirical absorption corrections were applied using multi-scan technique.All absorption corrections were per-formed using SADABS [14].Crystal structures were solved by direct methods.All nonhy-drogen atoms were re fined with anisotropic thermal parameters by full-matrix least-squares calculations on F 2using SHELXL-97[15].Hydrogens on carbon and nitrogen were fixed at calculated positions and re fined using a riding model,but the hydrogens of lattice water molecule in 1were found in the difference Fourier map.The hydrogens of the μ2-O (O3,O5,O6,O10for 1;O3for 2;O3,O4,O5,O8for 3)and the U –Ot from terminal hydroxo ions (O4,O9,O14for 1;O4,O5,O6for 2)were not located.Crystal data and details of the data collection and the structure re finement are given in table 1.Selected bond distances and angles are given in table 2.Figures and drawings were made with Diamond 3.2.Uranyl coordination polymers 509D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 20153.Results and discussion 3.1.SynthesisUO 2(CH 3COO)2·2H 2O and succinic acid were used as starting materials while a solvother-mal synthesis assisted by DMF was adopted to prepare the uranyl complexes.Originally,we added succinic acid to the system to obtain a uranium coordination polymer with car-boxylic acids [16],unfortunately,reaction results show that the succinic acid is not coordi-nated with uranyl,and protonated NH 2(CH 3)2+cation,which is produced by DMF hydrolysis that connects with uranyl by hydrogen bonds or DMF directly coordinated with uranyl.When succinic acid was not added in the synthetic system,we do not obtain 1–3.Thus,the addition of the succinic acid is necessary in the reaction.In the reactions,simi-larly,pH is also essential to the polymerization of uranyl.Isolated UO 22þcations exist in aqueous solution (pH <2.5).However,in less acidic media,the identity of uranyl species varies with the concentration of OH −(aq)ions [17].When pH >2.5,UO 22þtends to hydro-lyze and polymerize,forming a number of polynuclear uranyl species,and then generate complex precipitates,such as U 2O 52þand U 3O 82þ[17].The main factors which in fluencethe hydrolysis are temperature and the concentration of UO 22þ.The process of UO 2þ2hydrolysis is shown below:Table 1.Crystal data of 1–3.Complexes123FormulaC 8H 52N 4O 24U 4C 4H 20N 2O 6U C 6H 18N 2O 10U 2Formula weight 1540.66430.25754.28Crystal system Orthorhombic Monoclinic Monoclinic Space group PnmaC2/cC2/ca (Å)17.0296(13)13.620(4)23.848(2)b (Å)22.1116(17)8.709(2)7.3947(7)c (Å)9.0134(7)19.604(5)17.0358(16)α(°)909090β(°)90100.957(4)97.690(2)γ(°)909090V (Å3)3394.0(5)2283.0(10)2977.3(5)Z488D Calcd (g cm −3) 3.0152.5033.366Crystal size/mm 0.58×0.34×0.180.50×0.34×0.180.44×0.38×0.13F (000)275215842656μ(Mo-K α)/mm −119.11414.22421.777θ(°)1.84–28.342.79–24.99 1.72–28.37Re flections collected20,04846129043Independent re flections [I >2σ(I )]4303(3615)1941(1687)3637(2856)Parameters 198123185Goodness of fit 1.0301.11.045R a 0.0427(0.0535)b 0.0877(0.0950)b 0.0390(0.0565)b wR 2a0.1079(0.1134)b0.2461(0.2546)b0.0948(0.1021)ba R =ΣêêF o ê−êF c êê/ΣêF o ê,wR 2={Σ[w (F o 2−F c 2)2]/Σ[w (F o 2)2]}1/2;[F o >4σ(F o )].bBased on all data.510S.Y.Wei et al.D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015Under highly acidic conditions,the monomeric UO 22þcation directly takes part in crystal growth (such as 2).A binuclear model of uranyl complex was composed under pH 7and solvothermal conditions,and the binuclear species with uranium coordination to DMF (such as 3).For trinuclear (UO 2)3(μ2-OH)5+,the species may lose a water to form a oxo-hydroxo-uranium polyhedral cation,(UO 2)3O(μ2-OH)3+[18].In the relatively high pH values,oligomeric uranyl species are formed and subsequently involved in crystallization of uranyl complex.3.2.Crystal structure analysis3.2.1.Crystal structure of plex 1crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with Pnma space group.Selected bond distances and angles of 1are given in table 2.X-ray single crystal analysis indicates that the asymmetric unit of 1is made up of two UO 22þTable 2.Selected bond distances (Ǻ)and angles (°)for 1–3.*Complex 1O(1)–U(1) 1.774(7)O(2)–U(1) 1.767(7)O(3)–U(1) 2.298(5)O(4)–U(1) 2.251(5)O(6)–U(1) 2.289(5)O(7)–U(2) 1.767(9)O(8)–U(2) 1.772(9)O(9)–U(2) 2.258(5)O(10)–U(2) 2.296(7)O(11)–U(3) 1.774(9)O(12)–U(3) 1.769(9)O(10)–U(3) 2.313(7)O(13)–U(3) 2.256(5)U(1)–O(3)–U(2)157.1(2)U(1)–O(6)–U(3)161.4(3)U(2)–O(10)–U(3)146.9(4)O(2)–U(1)–O(1)178.3(4)O(1)–U(1)–O(6)90.3(3)O(4)–U(1)–O(3)76.17(19)O(2)–U(1)–O(4)91.1(3)O(2)–U(1)–O(6)90.3(3)O(4)–U(1)–O(6)154.87(19)O(2)–U(1)–O(5)89.7(3)O(7)–U(2)–O(9)#290.8(3)O(7)–U(2)–O(8)178.7(4)O(8)–U(2)–O(9)90.3(3)O(8)–U(2)–O(10)89.8(4)O(9)–U(2)–O(10)143.38(14)O(12)–U(3)–O(11)179.1(4)O(11)–U(3)–O(13)#291.2(3)O(13)–U(3)–O(10)141.76(14)O(11)–U(3)–O(13)91.2(3)O(12)–U(3)–O(10)88.1(4)O(10)–U(3)–O(6)68.98(13)Complex 2U(1)–O(1) 1.793(13)U(1)–O(2) 1.792(12)U(1)–O(4) 2.235(12)U(1)–O(3)2.364(11)U(1)–O(5)2.244(11)U(1)–O(6)2.323(10)O(1)–U(1)–O(2)177.3(7)O(2)–U(1)–O(4)92.4(6)O(4)–U(1)–O(5)77.7(5)O(4)–U(1)–O(6)151.5(5)O(1)–U(1)–O(3)90.5(6)U(1)–O(3)–U(1)#1115.5(4)O(5)–U(1)–U(1)#1178.2(4)O(6)–U(1)–O(3)#1136.8(4)O(1)–U(1)–O(4)92.4(6)O(2)–U(1)–O(5)89.7(7)O(5)–U(1)–O(6)73.9(4)O(4)–U(1)–O(3)136.1(5)O(5)–U(1)–O(3)146.1(4)O(6)–U(1)–O(3)72.3(4)O(5)–U(1)–U(1)#1178.2(4)Complex 3U(1)–O(1) 1.747(7)U(1)–O(2) 1.755(8)U(1)–O(4) 2.290(6)U(1)–O(3) 2.324(6)U(1)–O(5)#1 2.325(5)U(1)–O(5) 2.327(5)U(1)–O(3)#2 2.332(5)U(1)–U(1)#1 3.9199(4)U(1)–U(1)#2 3.9199(4)U(2)–O(6) 1.746(7)U(2)–O(7) 1.752(7)U(2)–O(4) 2.291(6)U(2)–O(8) 2.323(6)U(2)–O(8)#3 2.331(6)U(2)–O(10) 2.377(7)U(2)–O(9)2.382(8)U(1)–U(1)#23.9199(4)U(2)–U(2)#33.8961(8)O(1)–U(1)–O(2)179.2(4)O(1)–U(1)–O(4)87.8(3)O(2)–U(1)–O(4)91.5(3)O(1)–U(1)–O(3)92.6(3)O(1)–U(1)–O(5)#189.1(3)O(4)–U(1)–O(5)#1140.9(2)O(1)–U(1)–O(5)90.4(3)O(4)–U(1)–O(5)77.7(2)O(2)–U(1)–O(3)#290.7(3)O(3)–U(1)–O(3)#2141.33(15)O(4)–U(1)–U(1)#2109.96(16)O(3)–U(1)–U(1)#2173.89(13)O(8)–U(2)–U(2)#333.24(15)O(10)–U(2)–U(2)#3104.07(19)O(6)–U(2)–O(7)178.7(4)O(6)–U(2)–O(4)91.2(3)O(7)–U(2)–O(4)89.7(3)O(6)–U(2)–O(8)90.4(3)O(7)–U(2)–O(8)88.3(3)O(4)–U(2)–O(8)138.6(2)O(6)–U(2)–O(10)88.2(3)O(7)–U(2)–O(10)91.5(3)O(4)–U(2)–O(10)150.5(2)O(8)–U(2)–O(10)70.9(2)O(6)–U(2)–O(9)91.5(3)O(7)–U(2)–O(9)89.6(3)O(8)–U(2)–O(9)145.7(3)*Symmetry codes:#1:−x ,1−y ,2−z ;#2:x ,1.5−y ,z for 1;#1:1.5−x ,0.5−y ,1−z for 2;#1:−x +y ,0.5−y ,1−z ;#2:0.5−x ,0.5+y ,0.5−z ;#3:0.5−x ,−0.5+y ,0.5−z for 3.Uranyl coordination polymers511D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015cations,three and a half hydroxo bridge groups,three terminal hydroxo ions,two free protonated NH 2(CH 3)2+cations,a free water,and a half protonated water (H 3O +).O1W is protonated water and O2W is water molecule.From the coordination environment of U (figure 1),the three uranium ions are all seven-coordinate.The U1center is coordinated with seven oxygens (O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O5#2,and O6;#2:−x ,1−y ,1−z )to form a pentagonal bipyramid geometry,O1and O2are terminal oxygens,O4is from terminal hydroxo ions,and O3,O5,O5#2(#2:−x ,1−y ,1−z ),and O6are hydroxo bridge atoms.Through hydroxo bridge atoms (O3and O6),U1is further connected with U2and U3,respectively.U2and U3are connected by hydroxo bridge (O10).U1,U2,U3,O3,O6,and O10are self-assembled to form a twisty six-member ring.U2is bonded with seven oxygens (O3,O7,O8,O9,O10,O3#1,O9#1,#1:x ,1.5−y ,z )with O7and O8terminal,O9and O9#1are from terminal hydroxo ions,and O3and O3#1(#1:x ,1.5−y ,z )are hydroxo bridges to generate a pentagonal bipyramid geometry.The coordination environments of U2and U3are quite similar,except that the pair of terminal hydroxo groups on each U center (adjacent in the pentagonal plane)is different.The O9⋯O9#1separation on U2is 2.69Å,whereas the corresponding separation between terminal hydroxo groups onU3Figure 1.The coordination environment of U in 1(hydrogens omitted for clarity).Symmetry codes:#1:−x ,1−y ,2−z ;#2:x ,1.5−y ,z.Figure 2.A 1-D chain network structure of 1.512S.Y.Wei et al.D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015(O13···O13#1)is 2.79Å.The U=O bond lengths range from 1.756(10)to 1.789(12)Å,the bond lengths of U –O t from terminal hydroxo ions vary from 2.251(5)to 2.258(5)Å,and the bond lengths of U –O b from hydroxo bridges vary from 2.248(5)to 2.385(5)Å.The average bond length of U –O b is 2.325(5)Åwhich matches that of 2.33(3)Åfrom the CSD,and is close to that reported [19](2.35(4)Å),but is much shorter than the corresponding bond length of U –O W from coordination water (2.406Å)[20].The bond angles of O=U=O range from 178.0(6)to 179.6(6)°and the bond angles of O –U –O vary from 63.9(3)to 157.0(4)°.In the packing of 1,four adjacent O=U=O are connected by hydroxo bridges to form a building block of (UO 2)4(μ2-OH)9(OH)4.These two adjacent building blocks further share two hydroxo bridges and expanded along the b axis to form a 1-D chain.There are strong H-bonds between the protons on nitrogen of the dimethylammonium cations and oxygen of the chain (figure 2).The hydrogen bonds are N2–H2D ⋯O13, 2.7244Å,167.00°;N2–H2E ⋯O4,2.8667Å,148.00°;N2–H2E ⋯O5,2.7943Å,133.00°,while H2E is the hydrogen of a bifurcated hydrogen bond.Furthermore,the chain is more stable in the pres-ence of these hydrogen bonds.Adjacent chains are further connected by C3–H3B ⋯O1(3.2531Å,140.00°)to form a 2-D layer structure (figure 3).3.2.2.Crystal structure of plex 2crystallizes in the monoclinic system with C2/c space group.Selected bond distances and angles of 2are given in table 2.X-ray single crystal analysis indicates that 2is made up of one crystallographically independent UO 22þ,one hydroxo bridge,three terminal hydroxo ions,and two protonated NH 2(CH 3)2+cations.Figure 3.A view of hydrogen-bonding interactions of 1.Uranyl coordination polymers 513D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015U(VI)is seven-coordinate (figure 4),O1and O2are terminal oxos,O4,O5,and O6originate from terminal hydroxo ions,and O3and O3#1(#1: 1.5−x ,0.5−y ,1−z )are hydroxo bridges in a pentagonal bipyramid.The U=O bond lengths range from 1.792(13)to 1.793(13)Å.The bond lengths of U –O t from terminal hydroxo ions vary from 2.235(12)to 2.323(10)Åand the bond lengths of U –O b from bridging hydroxo groups range from 2.235(12)to 2.383(11)Å.The average U –O b bond length is 2.374(11)Å,matching that of 2.33(3)Åfrom the CSD,and close to that reported [19](2.35(4)Å),but shorter than the bond length of U –O W (2.406Å)reported [20].The bond angle of O=U=O is 177.3(7)°and the bond angles of O –U –O vary from 64.5(4)to 151.5(5)°.In the molecular packing,a cluster unit [(UO 2)2(μ2-OH)2(OH)6]is connected by two types of hydrogen bonds,N –H ⋯O and C –H ⋯O.They are N1–H1NA ⋯O5,N1–H1NB ⋯O6,N2–H2NA ⋯O3,N2–H2NA ⋯O4,N2–H2NB ⋯O6,and C3–H3B ⋯O6.The hydrogen bond connecting mode is illustrated in figure 5.Two adjacent cluster units [(UO 2)2(μ2-OH)2(OH)6]are connected by hydrogen bonds (N2–H2NA ⋯O4, 2.9698Å,139.58°;N2–H2NB ⋯O6,2.7317Å,169.98°)and expanded to form an in finite chain along the b axis.Adjacent chains are further connected by the cluster units with intermolecular hydrogen bonds (N1–H1NA ⋯O5,2.5820Å,169.95°;N1–H1NB ⋯O6,2.7679Å,169.34°)to form a 3-D network structure (figure 6).3.2.3.Crystal structure of plex 3crystallizes in the monoclinic system with C2/c space group.Selected bond distances and angles of 3are given in table 2.X-ray single crystal analysis indicates that 3is made up of two UO 22þcations,four hydroxo bridges,and two DMF molecules.U1and U2are seven-coordinate.The two distinct uranyl ions,U1and U2,have nearly linear [O=U=O]2+bond angles of 179.3(4)and 178.7(4)°,respec-tively.U1(VI)is coordinated by O1and O2(U(1)–O(1),1.748(7)Å;U(1)–O(2),1.755(8)Å)from terminal oxo groups,O3,O3#3,O4,O5,and O5#2(#2:0.5−x ,0.5+y ,0.5−z ;#3:0.5−x ,−0.5+y ,0.5−z )from hydroxo bridges to form a pentagonal bipyramid.Similarly,U2(VI)is coordinated by O6and O7(U(2)–O(6),1.749(7)Å;U(2)–O(7),1.751(7)Å)from terminal oxos,O8and O8#1(#1:−x ,y ,0.5−z )from hydroxo bridges,and O9and O10from DMF (U(2)–O(9), 2.382(8)Å;U(2)–O(10), 2.377(7)Å)to form apentagonalFigure 4.The coordination environment of U in 2(hydrogens omitted for clarity).Symmetry codes:#1:1.5−x ,0.5−y ,1−z .514S.Y.Wei et al.D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015bipyramid (figure 7).The average bond length of U –O DMF is 2.380(8)Å,close to 2.401(4)Åreported [16].Bond lengths of U –O b from bridging hydroxo groups vary from 2.290(6)to 2.332(5)Åand bond angles O −U −O vary from 119.0(10)to121.4(10)°.Figure 5.Hydrogen bonds connecting of 2.Figure 6.A view of hydrogen-bonding interactions of 2.D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015There is a hydrogen bond based on C –H ⋯O in the framework structure,including C3–H3B ⋯O1,C6–H6A ⋯O3,and C6–H6C ⋯O7.Two adjacent units UO 2(μ2-OH))are con-nected by two hydroxo bridges and expanded along the b axis to form a 1-D chain.Parallel chains are further bridged by building blocks of [(OH)(DMF)2(UO 2)(OH)2(UO 2)(DMF)2(OH)]to form a 2-D network structure with the coordinated DMF oriented above and below the mean plane of the network (figure 8).The 2-D network structure is further connected by hydrogen bonds (C3–H3B ⋯O1,3.3869Å,170.86°;C6–H6A ⋯O3,3.2948Å,144.60°;C6–H6C ⋯O7,3.2677Å,138.78°)to form a 3-D network structure (figure 9).3.3.IR spectroscopyIn IR spectra [figure S1(a)–(c),see online supplemental material at /10.1080/00958972.2014.992341]of the complexes,the broad absorptions at 3456,3376,and 3442cm −1indicate the presence of N –H stretching of DMF.The bands at 2920,2912,and 2943cm −1are attributed to the presence of asymmetrical C –H (CH 3)stretches.The bands at 1642,1633,and 1655cm −1are attributed to bending of N –H.The bands at 1469–1363cm −1are assigned to C –H bending.Bands at 918,929,and 923cm −1are assigned to the U=O stretch.The FTIR spectra of the complexes are consistent with the structural analyses;detailed assignment of the IR spectra for 1–3is shown in table 3.3.4.X-ray powder diffraction studyThe simulated and experimental PXRD spectra of 1–3are shown in Supplementary material (figures S2–S4).The experimental PXRD spectra accord with the simulated PXRD spectrum,indicating that 1–3are pure phase,withoutimpurities.Figure 7.The coordination environment of U in 3(hydrogens omitted for clarity).Symmetry codes:#1:−x +y ,0.5−y ,1−z ;#2:0.5−x ,0.5+y ,0.5−z ;#3:0.5−x ,−0.5+y ,0.5−z .D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015Figure 8.A 2-D layer network structure of 3viewed from the a –bplane.Figure 9.A view of hydrogen-bonding interactions of 3.D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 20154.ConclusionWe have reported three uranyl complexes,[(UO 2)4(μ2-OH)7(OH)6]·2(H 2O)·(H 3O)·4NH 2(CH 3)2(1),[(UO 2)(μ2-OH)(OH)3]·2NH 2(CH 3)2](2),and [(DMF)2(UO 2)(μ2-OH)4(UO 2))](3).For 1,the building block ((UO 2)4(μ2-OH)9(OH)4)is shared by two hydroxo bridges and further expanded along the b axis to form a 1-D chain;adjacent chains are further connected by hydrogen bonds (N –H ⋯O and C –H ⋯O)to form a 2-D layer.For 2,[(UO 2)2(μ2-OH)2(OH)6]is connected by hydrogen bonds (N –H ⋯O and C –H ⋯O)to form a 3-D network structure.For 3,DMF is monodentate and connected by hydrogen bonds (C –H ⋯O)to form a 3-D network structure.Research is in progress with the aim of exploring the uranium coordination chemistry with different ligands and further study of their properties.Supplementary materialTables of atomic coordinates,isotropic thermal parameters,and complete bond distances and angles have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center.Copies of this information may be obtained free of charge by quoting the publication citation and deposition numbers CCDC for 1–3:979412,979413and 979414,respectively,from the Director,CCDC,12Union Road,Cambridge,CB21EZ,UK (Fax:+441223336033;Email:deposit@ or ).AcknowledgementsWe thank Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 21371086]and Guangxi Key Laboratory of Information Materials,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,PR China (Project No.1210908-06-K)for financial assistance.References[1]P.O.Adelani,T.E.Albrecht-Schmitt.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.,49,8909(2010).[2]P.O.Adelani,T.E.Albrecht-Schmitt.Inorg.Chem.,50,12184(2011).[3]D.Grohol,M.A.Subramania,D.M.Poojary,A.Clear field.Inorg.Chem.,35,5264(1996).[4]K.E.Knope,C.L.Cahill.Inorg.Chem.,48,6845(2009).[5]Y .S.Jiang,Z.T.Yu,Z.L.Liao,G.H.Li,J.S.Chen.Polyhedron ,25,1359(2006).[6]K.M.Ok,J.Baek,P.S.Halasyamani,D.O ’Hare.Inorg.Chem.,45,10207(2006).[7]S.Wang,E.V .Alekseev,J.Ling,G.Liu,W.Depmeier,T.E.Albrecht-Schmitt.Chem.Mater.,22,2155(2010).[8]Z.L.Liao,G.D.Li,M.H.Bi,J.S.Chen.Inorg.Chem.,47,4844(2008).Table 3.IR spectra of 1–3.Complexes 123νNH 345633763442ν(CH3)292029122943δNH 164216331655δC –H 1469,139614011435,1363νU=O918929923D o w n l o a d e d b y [L a n z h o u U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 07:10 16 M a r c h 2015。
Panduit 28 AWG Patch Cords 安装指南说明书
Panduit 28 AWG Patch CordsInstallation GuidelineIntroductionPanduit is a leading supplier of Structured Cabling Systems. Panduit solutions enable the physical infrastructure to be scalable, flexible, and easily manageable, while supporting Ethernet communications at ever-increasing data rates.Panduit is aware of the many challenges presented by today’s commonly used patch cords. These challenges include the amount of space required for cable management, restricted airflow, inconsistent performance characteristics between vendors, and the increasing pressure to find cost-effective solutions.In 2011, Panduit introduced the first small diameter patch cords using 28 AWG conductors. These reduced diameter cords can be used in Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e installations to facilitate deployments with improved wire management and airflow.BackgroundPanduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords use the standard RJ45 plug interface and a significantly smaller cable with 28 AWG conductors. Typical Category 6A, 6, and 5e patch cords use 24 AWG conductors. While 24 AWG patch cabling is sufficient for many applications, it can present challenges with cable management. For example, cabinets populated with hundreds of patch cords may have issues with airflow, difficulty accessing certain ports, and trouble finding space for clean cable management.This can make simple moves, adds, and changes a challenge. Panduit 28 AWG patch cords alleviate many of these concerns by offering Category 6A, 6, and 5e performance using significantly smaller cable.The main advantages of these patch cords are:•Smaller diameter cords occupy less than half the space of traditional patch cords. This enables simplified wire management and improved airflow, reducing pathway fill and operating costs.•Smaller wire gauge offers improved flexibility for easier moves, adds, and changes.•Tighter bend radius provides ultimate flexibility in patch cable routing, dressing, and management.While providing these benefits, the user should be aware of the following limitations:•Higher attenuation, which means a higher de-rating factor must be used when designing channels.•If running PoE, PoE+, or proposed PoE++ Type 3 and 4 applications, bundle size is limited due to heat dissipation.Relationship to StandardsPerformance StandardsANSI/TIA-568.2-D and ISO 11801 define performance standards for Ethernet communication systems and their sub-components. Panduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords exceed all patch cord electrical performance requirements and are 100% tested to patch cord limits.With ANSI/TIA-568.2-D (replaces ANSI/TIA-568-C.2), 28 AWG wire size has been added to the standard, making all Panduit 28 AWG patch cords standard compliant. The revised standard spells out that the smaller 28 AWG conductors require an increased attenuation de-rating value of 1.95. Panduit patch cords exceed the standard with a de-rating value of only 1.9. As a result, when used with 90-meter permanent links, Panduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords support 96-meter channels.Connector StandardsIEC 60603-7 specifications include common dimensions, mechanical, electrical, and environmental characteristics (and applicable tests) for the plug and jack. These specifications ensure all plugs and jacks that are in compliance to this standard are intermateable. Panduit 28 AWG patch cord plugs meet all IEC 60603-7 requirements.IEC 60352-3 governs solderless connections for insulation displacement contacts (IDCs). These tests ensure the jack contact / cable conductor interface maintains adequate performance for the life of the connector. Panduit developed Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e jack modules (CJT6X88TG**, CJT688TG**, and CJT5E88TG**) specifically designed to terminate 28AWG conductors and meet all requirements of IEC 60352- 3. Jacks designed for 22-26AWG cable are not recommended for use with 28AWG stranded conductors.IEC 60352-6 governs solderless connections for insulation piercing contacts (IPCs). While it may be a lesser- known specification, it is extremely relevant for plugs. These tests ensure the plug contact / cable conductor interface maintain acceptable performance for the life of the connection. Panduit 28 AWG patch cord plugs meet all IEC 60352-6 requirements.Power over EthernetTSB-184-A, “Guidelines for Supporting Power Delivery Over Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling” is a technical service bulletin published by TIA. TSB-184-A recommends a maximum temperature increase of 15 degrees Celsius over the ambient temperature for the center cable in a cable bundle operating at full PoE, PoE+ orPoE++ power. All Panduit cables are designed to properly deliver PoE, PoE+ or PoE++ power, including all28AWG patch cords. Panduit 28 AWG patch cords will meet the temperature rise recommendation of PoE and PoE+ in bundles up to 48 cables, and PoE++ in bundles up to 24 cables. TIA is currently writing an addendum to TSB-184-A that focuses on 28AWG patch cords, which is expected to publish in 2019..Value PropositionThe table below provides a comparison of several important parameters for Panduit 28 AWG and Panduit24 AWG patch cords.Table 1 - Comparison of Panduit 28 AWG and 24 AWG Patch CordsCable diameter 0.185 in (4.7mm) 0.15 in (3.8mm) 0.215-0.275 in (5.5-7.0mm)Cable cross sectional area 0.027 in2 (17.3 mm2) 0.017 in2 (11.3 mm2)0.036-0.59 in2 (23.8-38.5 mm2)Cable capacity of PR2VFD06vertical manager – 30% fill503 765 227-372Recommended bend radius 0.74 in (19mm) 0.60 in (15mm) 1.00 in (25mm) Attenuation de-rating factor 1.9 1.9 1.2 Maximum channel length with10 meters of patch cords93 meters 93 meters 100 metersMaximum patch cord lengthused with 90m PL6 meters 6 meters 10 metersPoE/PoE+ useYes.Up to 48 cables per bundleYes.Up to 48 cables per bundleYes.Up to 100 cables per bundleProposed PoE++ Type 3 and 4 UseYes.Up to 24 cables per bundleYes.Up to 24 cables per bundleYes. Up to 72 (for 6 and 6A)or 48 (5e) cables per bundleExceeds applicable ANSI/TIA-568.2-D and ISO 11801 patchcord performance requirementsYes Yes Yes100% tested to patch cordperformance requirementsYes Yes Yes Plug exceeds IEC 60603-7 andIEC 60352-6 specifications.Yes Yes Yes The plug is centered within theANSI/TIA-568.2-D range.Yes Yes YesPlug contacts plated with 50micro inches of gold and ratedfor 2500 cyclesYes Yes YesMeets IEC 60352-3 specification when terminated to a jackYesCategory 6A UTP –CJT6X88TG**Category 6A Shielded –CJST6X88TGYYesCategory 6 – CJT688TG**Category 5e – CJT5E88TG**YesCategory 6A – CJ6X88TG**Category 6 – CJ688TG**Category 5e – CJ5E88TG**Part of Panduit Certification pluswarrantyYes Yes YesSpace SavingPanduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords offer a significant space saving benefit over traditional 24 AWG patch cords. Figure 1 illustrates the difference in bundle size between Panduit 24 AWG and Panduit 28 AWG Category 6 performance patch cords. Figure 2 illustrates the physical differences between a Panduit 28 AWG and traditional 24 AWG patch cords of equal length (7-feet).Figure 1Figure 228 AWGPatch Cord24 AWGPatch CordLength GuidelinesThe maximum length of a channel depends on the de-rating factor of the cabling components within the channel (patch cords, equipment cords, and horizontal cabling). Panduit horizontal cable has a de-rating factor of 1. Panduit 24 AWG patch cords have a de-rating factor of 1.2. All Panduit 28 AWG patch cords have a de-rating factor of 1.9.The maximum length of a channel (in meters) is calculated by:(De-rating of patch * Patch Length) + (De-rating of horizontal * Horizontal Length) < 102 m.This equation supports the following example channel lengths and configurations using Panduit 28 AWG patch cords:Channel length with a 90-meter permanent link• 6 meters of total 28 AWG patch cord length•90 meters of total horizontal cable length•96-meter channel lengthChannel length with 10 meters of 28 AWG patch cords•10 meters of total 28 AWG patch cord length•83 meters of total horizontal cable length•93-meter channel lengthChannel length of 100 meters• 2 meters of total 28 AWG patch cord length•98 meters of total horizontal cable length*•100-meter channel length* Note: 98 meters will not pass Permanent Link testing with a field tester; however, the totalchannel will pass channel testing and Ethernet traffic.These channel configurations employing Panduit 28 AWG patch cords will exceed all Category 6A,Category 6, and Category 5e performance requirements defined in ANSI/TIA-568.2-D and ISO11801.Table 2 - Summary of total 28 AWG patch cord length vs. maximum channel length.2798* 321 100 328310 96* 314 99 324413 94* 308 98 321516 92* 301 97 317620 90 295 96 315723 88.5 290 95.5 313826 86.5 283 94.5 309930 84.5 277 93.5 30710 33 83 272 93 30511 36 81 265 92 30112 39 79 259 91 29813 43 77 252 90 29514 46 75 246 89 29215 49 73.5 241 88.5 29016 52 71.5 234 87.5 28617 56 69.5 228 86.5 28418 59 67.5 221 85.5 28019 62 65.5 214 84.5 27620 66 64 209 84 275* Horizontal cable lengths over 90 meters will not pass Permanent Link testing with a field tester, however the total channel will pass Channel testing and Ethernet traffic.Note: Beyond 20 meters the maximum length of 28 AWG patch cords may be limited by DC Loop Resistance specifications. Panduit’s 28 AWG Category 6A performance patch cords are limited to a maximum length of 40 meters in point-to-point applications (using only patch, with no horizontal cable).SummaryPanduit 28 AWG Category 6A, Category 6, and Category 5e performance patch cords offer a variety of benefits to the end user such as utilizing less space, improving airflow and the potential for reduced operating costs. The improved flexibility saves time on moves, adds, and changes, while the tight bend radius enables improved cable routing and management in high density applications. Panduit 28 AWG patch cords provide a unique and useful cable management solution for today’s enterprise & data center environments.Panduit 28 AWG Patch Cord Ordering GuideCategory Part Number SuffixCategory 6A Unshielded: UTP28X**xxShielded: STP28X**xx ** = lengthxx = color code^Category 6 Unshielded: UTP28SP**xxCategory 5e Unshielded: UTP28CH**xx^ blank = off white, BU = blue, BL = black, GR = green, GY = gray, OR = orange, RD = red, VL = violet, YL = yellowUTP28X10BU = Category 6A Unshielded, 10-ft, blueSTP28X3MGR = Category 6A Shielded, 3 meters, green UTP28SP7 = Category 6 Unshielded, 7-ft, off-white UTP28CH3MYL = Category 5e Unshielded, 3-meter, yellow。
WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit 用户指南说明书
UG407: WFM200S Wi-Fi® Expansion Kit User's GuideThe WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is an excellent way to ex-plore and evaluate the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module with a Raspberry Pi or an EFM32 MCU for your embedded applica-tion.The WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module is an easy to use and easy to interface Wi-Fi Network Co-Processor (NCP). Most of the associated complexity of Wi-Fi and the pro-tocol stack is offloaded to the NCP and allows for easy Wi-Fi integration into any em-bedded system.The kit easily integrates and brings Wi-Fi connectivity to a compatible Silicon Labs MCU Starter Kit through the EXP header. The WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit has also been designed after the Raspberry Pi Hardware Attached on Top (HAT) board specifi-cation, allowing the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit to connect to a Raspberry Pi.WFM200S EXPANSION BOARD FEATURES•Selectable SPI or SDIO host interface •EXP connector for interfacing Silicon Labs Starter Kits•Allows board detection andidentification•Raspberry Pi compatible HAT•40-pin header•HAT EEPROM for identificationTable of Contents1. Introduction (3)1.1 Kit Contents (4)2. Hardware Overview (5)2.1 Hardware Layout (5)3. WFM200S Wi-Fi NCP Expansion Kit (6)3.1 Host Interfaces (6)3.2 Power-on and Manual Reset Circuit (7)4. Connectors (8)4.1 EXP Header (9)4.1.1 Pass-through EXP Header (9)4.1.2 EXP Header Pinout (10)4.2 Raspberry Pi Connector (11)4.2.1 Raspberry Pi Connector Pinout (12)4.3 External FEM Connector (13)4.3.1 External FEM Connector Pinout (13)4.4 PTA Connector (14)4.4.1 PTA Connector Pinout (14)4.5 Secondary RF Connector (14)4.6 Power Supply (15)5. Schematics, Assembly Drawings, and BOM (16)6. Kit Revision History (17)6.1 SLEXP8023A Revision History (17)6.2 SLEXP8023C Revision History (17)7. Document Revision History (18)1. IntroductionThis user guide describes the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit. The kit connects to either a Silicon Labs EFM32 MCU starter kit (STK), a Silicon Labs EFR32 wireless starter kit (WSTK) or a Raspberry Pi equipped with the 40-pin Raspberry Pi hardware-attached-on-top (HAT) connector. SDIO support is available only with selected hosts.Figures 1.1 and 1.2 shows the kit connected to a Silicon Labs MCU STK through the Expansion Header and a Raspberry Pi, respec-tively.Figure 1.1. WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Connected to a Silicon Labs EFM32GG11 MCU STKFigure 1.2. WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Connected to a Raspberry Pi Note: Do not connect the kit to both a Silicon Labs MCU STK and a Raspberry Pi at the same time.1.1 Kit ContentsThe WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit comes in two versions, which differs in what's included in the box:•SLEXP8023A:•BRD8023A WFM200S Wi-Fi EXP Board•8 GB Micro-SD card with software image for Raspberry Pi 2•SLEXP8023C:•BRD8023A WFM200S Wi-Fi EXP Board•8 GB Micro-SD card with software image for Raspberry Pi 2•Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Single-Board Computer•Raspberry Pi Power Supply 5.1 V, 2.5 A2. Hardware Overview2.1 Hardware LayoutThe layout of the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is shown in the figure below.EXP-header for Starter Kits Power source select switchPass-through EXP-header Not mountedRaspberry Pi connectorOn bottom sideCurrent consumptionmeasurement headerNot mountedWFM200S Wi-FiExpansion BoardHost interfaceselect switchSecondary RF outputcoaxial connectorExternal FEM headerNot mountedPTA headerNot mountedReset buttonFigure 2.1. WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Hardware LayoutHardware Overview3. WFM200S Wi-Fi NCP Expansion KitThe WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module is a Wi-Fi Network Co-Processor (NCP) transceiver from Silicon Labs.3.1 Host InterfacesSPI and SDIO are the two available host interfaces (HIF) on the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit. A slide switch, whose state is sampled during power-on reset or manually issued reset is used to select the interface. The slide switch must remain in the same position throughout the duration of the session since it also controls HIF selection multiplexer circuits.When the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is connected to an EFM32/EFR32 starter kit through the EXP header, the state of the HIF selection switch can be read (but not controlled) by the kit mcu through a GPIO pin.The WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit incorporates a set of multiplexer circuits which allows the user to use the same kit for evaluating the WFM200S in both applications requiring SPI or SDIO connectivity to the host. These circuits will normally not be needed in an end-user application since in most cases the interface to use will be fixed.A simplified circuit diagram showing the host interface multiplexer circuits is shown below. The EXP_HEADER9 signal is connected to pin 9 on the EXP header, while the HIF_OEn output enable signal is controlled by the power-on reset circuit (explained later).Figure 3.1. Host Interface Multiplexer Circuit3.2 Power-on and Manual Reset CircuitTo ensure that the state of the host interface selection signal is sampled correctly at the rising edge of the WFM200S RESETn signal, a power-on reset circuit has been added to the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit. This circuit achieves this by•Adding a delay of 1ms to the rising edge of the RESETn signal with respect to the rising edge of the power supply•Isolating the host from the WFM200S DAT2/HIF_SEL pin during the rising edge of the RESETn signalThe figure below shows the circuit diagram for the power-on and manual reset circuit. Its functionality is as follows:•NCP_RESETn is the active-low reset signal of the WFM200S. The WFM200S RESETn pin has an internal pull-up of approximately43 kOhms. The on-board reset button is connected to this signal.•HIF_SEL_CTRL is the signal from the HIF selection switch•HIF_OEn is the active-low output enable signal of the HIF multiplexer circuits•WF_DAT2_HIF_SEL is the combined SDIO DAT2 signal and HIF selection signal of the WFM200S•U114 is an open-drain active low output reset monitor which with the installed capacitor connected to the CD pin keeps NCP_RE-SETn tied to ground for about 1 ms after VMCU_NCP has exceeded the threshold voltage of 0.9 V•U115 is a tri-state output buffer with an active low output enable signal connected to NCP_RESETn which pulls the CD pin of U116 low while NCP_RESETn is low•U116 is a push-pull active high output reset monitor which drives HIF_OEn high for 1 ms after the output of U115 is disabled•U109 is a tri-state output buffer with an active high output enable signal which connects the HIF_SEL_CTRL signal to the WF_DAT2_HIF_SEL signal as long as HIF_OEn is highThe NCP_RESETn signal is available on both the EXP header and the Raspberry Pi connector and can be used for issuing a manual reset sequence by pulling it low for at least 1 ms.Note: Reset button is effective when board is not connected to MCU or Raspberry Pi boards. When connected, change of host inter-face is effective after reboot.Figure 3.2. Power-on and Manual Reset Circuit Diagram4. ConnectorsThis chapter gives an overview of the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit connectivity and power connections.Pass-through EXP Header(Bottom side)External FEM connector Figure 4.1. WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Connector Layout4.1 EXP HeaderOn the left-hand side of the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit, a right-angle female 20-pin EXP header is provided to connect to one of Silicon Labs’ supported Starter Kits. The EXP header on the Starter Kits follows a standard which ensures that commonly used periph-erals such as an SPI, a UART, and an I 2C bus, are available on fixed locations on the connector. Additionally, the VMCU, 3V3 and 5 V power rails are also available on the expansion header. For detailed information regarding the pinout to the expansion header on a specific Starter Kit, consult the accompanying user’s guide.The figure below shows how the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module is connected to the connector and the peripheral functions that are available.VMCUSPI_MOSI / SDIO_DAT1SPI_MISO / SDIO_DAT0SPI_SCLK / SDIO_CMD SPI_CS / SDIO_CLK SPI_WIRQ / SDIO_DAT3SDIO_DAT2Not Connected (NC)5V3V3GNDGPIO_WUP Not Connected (NC)RESETnHIF_SEL_CTRL Not Connected (NC)Not Connected (NC)Not Connected (NC)BOARD_ID_SDA BOARD_ID_SCL Reserved (Board Identification)WFM200S I/O PinFigure 4.2. Expansion Header4.1.1 Pass-through EXP HeaderThe WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit features a footprint for a secondary EXP header. All signals from the EXP header, including those that are not connected to any features on the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit, are directly tied to the corresponding pins in the footprint,allowing daisy-chaining of additional expansion boards if a connector is soldered in.4.1.2 EXP Header PinoutThe table below shows the pin assignments of the EXP header.Table 4.1. EXP Header Pinout4.2 Raspberry Pi ConnectorOn the bottom side of the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit, a dual row, female socket, 0.1" pitch connector is installed to allow the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit to act as a Raspberry Pi Hardware Attached on Top (HAT) board.The figure below shows how the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module is connected to the connector and the peripheral functions that are available.Reserved (Board Identification)WFM200S I/O PinGNDSDIO_DAT2Not Connected (NC)RESETnGPIO_WIRQNot Connected (NC)RPI_ID_SDGND SPI_SCLKSPI_MISO Not Connected (NC)Not Connected (NC)SPI_WIRQGNDGPIO_WUP GNDRPI_ID_SC Not Connected (NC)SDIO_DAT1SPI_CSSPI_MOSI 3V3SDIO_CLKSDIO_DAT3 Not Connected (NC)GNDNot Connected (NC)Not Connected (NC) Not Connected (NC)3V3GNDSDIO_DAT0SDIO_CMD GNDNot Connected (NC)GPIO_FEM_5GPIO_FEM_6GND5V 5VFigure 4.3. Raspberry Pi Connector4.2.1 Raspberry Pi Connector PinoutThe table below shows the pin assignments of the Raspberry Pi connector, and the port pins and peripheral functions that are available on the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit.Table 4.2. Raspberry Pi Connector Pinout4.3 External FEM ConnectorThe WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit features a 2x5-pin 0.1" pitch connector exposing the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module's exter-nal front-end module (FEM) interface, which allows the connection of an external FEM board using a ribbon cable.The WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit also features a TX/RX activity indicator LED which is connected to the FEM_5 signal. By default, to optimize power consumption, TX/RX activity LED is not enabled. PDS sections PROG_PINS_CFG and FEM_CFG should be updated to enable this functionality.The pinout of the connector is illustrated in the figure below.GNDFEM_PDETFEM_6FEM_5VMCU_NCPFEM_4FEM_3VMCU_NCPFEM_2FEM_1Figure 4.4. External FEM Connector4.3.1 External FEM Connector PinoutThe pin assignment of the external FEM connector on the board is given in the table below.Table 4.3. External FEM Connector Pin Descriptions4.4 PTA ConnectorThe WFM200S' packet transfer arbitration (PTA) interface for managing coexistence in a multi-transceiver application is exposed on a 1x5-pin 0.1" pitch header on the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit.The pinout of the connector is illustrated in the figure below.PTA_STATUS / PRIORITY PTA_RF_ACT / REQUESTPTA_FREQ / RHOPTA_TX_CONF / GRANT GNDFigure 4.5. PTA Connector4.4.1 PTA Connector PinoutThe pin assignment of the PTA connector on the board is given in the table below.Table 4.4. PTA Connector Pin Descriptions4.5 Secondary RF ConnectorThe WFM200S' secondary RF output is exposed on the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit through a Hirose u.FL coaxial connector.For connecting the secondary RF output to an RF measurement instrument, 50 ohms resistor R641 shall be removed and a u.FL to SMA adapter cable (not included with the kit) can be used. Examples of such adapter cables are the Taoglas CAB.721 (100 mm) or CAB.720 (200 mm) cable assemblies.4.6 Power SupplyThere are two ways to provide power to the kit:•The kit can be connected to, and powered by, a Silicon Labs MCU STK •The kit can be connected to, and powered by, a Raspberry PiNote: Connecting the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit to both an EFM32/EFR32 STK and a Raspberry Pi at the same time is not a valid option.When connected to a Silicon Labs MCU STK, the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module can either be powered by the VMCU rail present on the EXP header or through an LDO regulator on board the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit. If connected to the VMCU rail of the starter kit, the current consumption of the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module will be included in the starter kit's on-board Ad-vanced Energy Monitor (AEM) measurements. The LDO regulator draws power from the 5V net, and, hence, the power consumption of the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module will not be included in any AEM measurements performed by the MCU STK.A mechanical power switch on the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is used to select between Low Power (AEM) mode and High Power (LDO) mode. When the switch is set to Low Power (AEM) mode, the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module is connected to the VMCU net on the Expansion Header. When the switch is set to High Power (LDO) mode, the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module is connec-ted to the output of the LDO. For applications requiring high power consumption or when the WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is connec-ted to a Raspberry Pi, the power switch must be set to High Power (LDO) mode.A 0.1 ohm current sense resistor accompanied by a 2x2-pin 0.1" unpopulated header is provided to measure the current consumption of the WFM200S Wi-Fi Transceiver Module whenever AEM is not available or when the current consumption exceeds the measure-ment range of AEM.The power topology is illustrated in the figure below.Expansion HeaderRaspberry Pi ConnectorFigure 4.6. WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit Power TopologySchematics, Assembly Drawings, and BOM 5. Schematics, Assembly Drawings, and BOMSchematics, assembly drawings, and bill of materials (BOM) are available through Simplicity Studio when the kit documentation pack-age has been installed. They are also available from the Silicon Labs website and kit page.6. Kit Revision HistoryThe kit revision can be found printed on the kit packaging label, as outlined in the figure below.SLEXP8023A WFM200S Wi-Fi Expansion Kit194000022401-11-19A01Figure 6.1. Kit Label6.1 SLEXP8023A Revision History6.2 SLEXP8023C Revision History Kit Revision HistoryDocument Revision History 7. Document Revision HistoryRevision 1.02019-11-01•Initial document revision.Simplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU and wireless tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!IoT Portfolio /IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality/qualitySupport and CommunitySilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar ChavezAustin, TX 78701USADisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clock B uilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective。
Polycom SoundStation2 分析型会议电话说明书
DATA SHEETPolycom® SoundStation2™Analog conference phoneThe standard for everyday conferencing in small to midsize conference roomsSoundStation2 is the ideal conference phone for small to midsize conferencerooms that seat up to 10 participants. Polycom Acoustic Clarity™ technology delivers exceptional performance and voice quality, making your conference calls clearer and more productive. Industry-leading full duplex technology provides natural, simultaneous two-way conversation without clipping or drop-outs that are common in traditional speakerphones. Users can speak in a normal voice and be heard clearly up to ten feet away – making every call a more productive call. Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR) actively removes background noise such as projectors and ventilation systems, while 360-degree microphone coverage with intelligent mixing highlights the person speaking, not the distracting ambient sounds, for crystal clear conferencing. It also features technology that resists interference from mobile phones and other wireless devices, delivering clear communications with no distractions. SoundStation2 provides users with advanced features, enabling conference calls that are more flexible and productive than ever before. The “EX” model supports up to two Expansion Microphones, ensuring that the microphone pickup reaches to all corners of a medium-sized conference room. The 2.5mm Applications Port allows you to connect the SoundStation2 to a mobile phone for conference calls from locations without analog phone lines, or to a computer for Internet calling*. A large backlit display offers easily visible call information and telephone functions. It connects to any standard analog telephone line, making it very easy to set up. With traditional telephone features like redial, mute, transfer, and hold, you have a conference phone that’s also familiar and easy to use.* Some features not available on all models – refer to chart on back for more details.Benefits• More productive calls – Patented Polycom Acoustic Clarity technology delivers crystal-clear conversations, making conference calls more productive• Hear and be heard clearly – Intelligent microphones and Dynamic Noise Reduction technology ensures everyone can be heard• Resists interference frommobile phones – Clearer calls with no distracting noise from wireless devices• Backlit display provides important information – Displays console phone number, number called, duration/progress of call and supports worldwide Caller ID*• Ability to increase microphone pickup – Optional extension microphones expand coverage for larger conference rooms• Connect to mobile phones and PCs – Applications Port offers unmatched flexibility for mobile phone and Internet calling*• Easy to use and install – Connects into any analog phone jack and can be connect to a PBX with ananalog extensionArchitecture• Tabletop console contains audio processing functions and keypad. Wall module contains power and telephone line interfaces.• Cables consist of 21 ft (6.4 m) single-cord connection to tabletop console and 7 ft (2.1 m) connection to RJ-11 telephone jack. Optional Extended microphone modules connect to console via 8 ft. (2.4 m) cables Console SpecificationsSize (L x W x H)• 14.5 x 12.25 x 2.5 in• (36.8 x 31.1 x 6.4 cm)Weight• 1.75 lb. (0.8 kg)Power• 110V 60Hz AC / 220V 50 Hz AC (depending on country-specific SKU) Network interface• Two-wire RJ-11 analog PBX or public switched telephone network interface Display*• 132x65 pixel backlit graphical LCDUser interface*• User selectable ring tones• Configurable soft keys for easy dialing of voice conferencing services• Multi-lingual support: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian• Password protected configuration settings for administratorsCaller ID and phone book*• Support for multiple Caller ID standards**: -Bellcore Type 1 (requires a telephonecompany subscription for activation)-ETSI-DTMF-British Telecom• Phone book/speed dial list – up to25 entries*Keypad• 12-key telephone keypad• On-hook/off-hook, conference,mute, volume up/down keys, menu,navigation keys*• 3 context sensitive soft keys*including redial, hold, programmableconference keyConsole loudspeaker• Frequency response: 300 to 3300 Hz• Volume: adjustable to 94 dBA SPL (peak)volume at 0.5 metersConsole microphones• 3 cardioid microphones 300 to 3500 HzAudio• Polycom Acoustic Clarity full duplex –IEEE 1329• Type 1• Up to 10 ft. microphone pick-up range• Gated microphones with intelligentmicrophone mixing• Dynamic noise reductionInterfaces• 2 EX microphone connections*• Applications Port* for connection to othercommunication devices such as mobilephones† and computers• RCA Auxiliary audio jackAccessories• 2 cardioid extension microphones 300 –3500 Hz (for EX model only)Regulatory compliance• NA Cl/C-UL• FCC Part 68• FCC Part 15 Class B• Canadian ICES-003• CE Mark (R & TTE Directive)• VCCI Class B (Japan)Environmental requirements• Operating temperature: 40° - 104°F(5° - 40°C)• Relative humidity: 20% - 85%(noncondensing)• Storage temperature: -22° - 131°F(-30° - 55°C)Recommended room conditions• Reverberation time: <0.5 seconds• Noise level: <48 dBaSoundStation2 ships with:• Tabletop phone console• 21 ft. (6.4 m) cord to console• 7 ft. (2.1 m) telco cable to RJ-11telephone jack• User documentation (user guide CD,quick installation guide, registration card)Warranty• 1 yearPart Numbers (North America)• 2200-15100-001: SoundStation2,non-expandable• 2200-16000-001: SoundStation2,non-expandable, with display• 2200-16200-001: SoundStation2,expandable, with display• 2200-16155-001: Extensionmicrophone kit* Not available on all models** D ue to the diversity of Caller ID standards,some features may not be available in all areas.In addition, the quality of the telephone lineconnection may affect Caller ID functionality.Caller ID service may require a subscription froma service provider in your area.† S oundStation2 uses a cable that connects toa standard 2.5mm headset connector. If yourmobile phone model does not support thistype of connection you will need an adapter(not included).Connecting the SoundStation2 to a mobile phoneis analogous to connecting a headset to a mobilephone. Not all mobile phone models recognize theSoundStation2 as a headset. For a list of mobilephones that are known to work with SoundStation2,please consult .Polycom, Inc.1.800.POLYCOM 3972_1212© 2012 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom ®, the names and marks associated with Polycom’s products are trademarks and/or service marks of Polycom, Inc. And are registered and/or common law marks in the United States and various other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the recipient’s personal use, without the express written permission of Polycom.About PolycomPolycom is the global leader in standards-based unified communications (UC) solutions for telepresence, video, and voicepowered by the Polycom® RealPresence® Platform. The RealPresence Platform interoperates with the broadest range of business, mobile, and social applications and devices. More than 400,000 organizations trust Polycom solutions to collaborate and meet face-to-face from any location for more productive and effective engagement with colleagues, partners, customers, specialists, and prospects. Polycom, together with its broad partner ecosystem, provides customers with the best TCO, scalability, and security for video collaboration, whether on-premises, hosted, or cloud-delivered. Visit or connect withPolycom on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.。
ANSI Class 300 气体控制阀门说明书
800-543-9038 866-805-7089 203-791-8396 •Bubble tight shut-off to ANSI Class 300 Standards • Long stem design allows for 2” insulation minimum• Valve Face-to-face dimensions comply with API 609 & MSS-SP-68•Designed to be installed between ASME/ANSI B16.5 Flanges •Completely assembled and tested, ready for installationApplicationThese valves are designed to meet the needs of HVAC and Commercial applications requiring positive shut-off for liquids at higher pressures and temperatures. Typical applications include chiller isolation, cooling tower isolation, change-over systems, large air handler coil control, bypass and process control applications. The large C v values provide for an economical control valve solution for larger fl ow applications.Dead End ServiceUtilizes larger retainer ring set screws to allow the valve to be placed at the end of the line without a down stream fl ange in either fl ow direction while still holding full pressure.MOD ON/OFF ValveSize C v 10°20°30°40°50°60°70°80°90°F650-300SHP 2”F665-300SHP 2½”F680-300SHP 3”F6100-300SHP 4”F6125-300SHP 5”F6150-300SHP 6”F6200-300SHP 8”F6250-300SHP 10”F6300-300SHP 12”F6350-300SHP 14”F6400-300SHP 16”F6 Series 2-Way, ANSI Class 300 Butterfl y Valve Reinforced Tefl on Seat, 316 Stainless DiscTechnical Data Servicechilled, hot water, 60% glycol,steam to 50 psi Flow characteristic modifi ed equal percentage, unidirectional Controllable fl ow range 82°Sizes2" to 24"Type of end fi tting ANSI 300 fl anges Materials Body Disc Seat ShaftGland seal Bushingscarbon steel full lug 316 stainless steel RPTFE17-4 PH stainless PTFEglass backed PTFEMedia temperature range -20°F to 400°F [-30°C to 204°C]Body pressure rating ANSI Class 300Close-off pressure 740 psiRangeability100:1 (for 30 deg to 70 deg range)Maximum velocity 32 FPS Leakagebubble tight2-way ValvesSuitable ActuatorsValve Nominal SizeNon Fail-SafeFail-SafeSpring ReturnElectronicC v90°C v 60°Inches ANSI 300 2-way 300300300102562F650-300SHP G M S e r i e sP R S e r i e sA F S e r i e sG K S e r i e s146802½F665-300SHP2281253F680-300SHP 4512484F6100-300SHP 7143925F6125-300SHP P K R11036076F6150-300SHP 206411358F6200-300SHPS Y (2 Y e a r W a r r a n t y )3517193410F6250-300SHP 4837266012F6300-300SHP 6857359214*F6350-300SHP102 1.50 6.10142639567799102146 2.208.8020375580110142146228 3.4014325787125171221228451 6.8027631141712483384374517141143100180271393536693714110317661542784196078271070110320643112428952078411351548200220643517532114928861336193426383411351748377329067712191838266036284692483768579039291416462481359248986530685792871325311230222933614865663488459287203-791-8396 F6 Series 2-Way, ANSI Class 300 Butterfl y ValveReinforced Tefl on Seat, 316 Stainless DiscDimension “A” does not include fl ange gaskets. (2 required per valve)Application Notes 1. V alves are rated at 725 psi differential pressure in the closed position @ 100°F media temperature.2. Valves are furnished with lugs tapped for use between ANSI Class 250/300 fl anges conforming to ANSI B16.5 Standards.3. 2-way assemblies are furnished assembled, calibrated and tested, ready for installation.4. Dimension “D” allows for actuator(s) removal without the need to remove the valve from the pipe.5. Weather shields are available, dimensional data furnished upon request.6. Dual actuated valves have actuators mounted on a single common shaft.7. Flange gaskets (2 required, not provided with valve) MUST be used between valve and ANSI fl ange.8. F lange bolts are not included with the valve. These are furnished by others.Maximum Dimensions (Inches)F650-300SHP 2”102 1.759.009.0019.50 5.0085/8-11 UNC 2*AF150Spring Return F665-300SHP 2½”146 1.889.009.0020.00 5.8883/4-10 UNC 150F680-300SHP 3”228 1.929.009.0020.50 6.6383/4-10 UNC 150F6100-300SHP 4”451 UNC 150F650-300SHP 2”1.759.009.0019.50 5.0085/8-11 UNC GK150Electronic Fail-Safe F665-300SHP 2½”1.889.009.0020.00 5.8883/4-10 UNC 150F680-300SHP 3”1.929.009.0020.50 6.6383/4-10 UNC 150F6100-300SHP 4” UNC 150F650-300SHP 2” 1.759.009.0019.50 5.0085/8-11 UNC 2*GK400F665-300SHP 2½” 1.889.009.0020.00 5.8883/4-10 UNC 400F680-300SHP 3” 1.929.009.0020.50 6.6383/4-10 UNC 400F650-300SHP 2”1.759.009.0019.50 5.0085/8-11 UNC GM285Non-Spring Return Electronic Fail-Safe (K)F665-300SHP 2½”1.889.009.0020.00 5.8883/4-10 UNC 285F680-300SHP 3”1.929.009.0020.50 6.6383/4-10 UNC 285F6100-300SHP 4” UNC 150F650-300SHP 2” 1.758.008.0022.25 4.7585/8-11 UNC PR/PKR 600F665-300SHP 2½” 1.888.008.0022.75 5.5083/4-10 UNC 600F680-300SHP 3” 1.928.008.0023.00 6.0083/4-10 UNC 600F6100-300SHP 4” UNC 600F6125-300SHP 5”714 UNC PR/PK 400F6150-300SHP 6”1103 UNC PR/PK 285F6200-300SHP 8”2064 2.8812.0012.0032.0013.00127/8-9 UNC SY4…600F6250-300SHP 10”3517 3.2512.0012.0033.0015.25161-8 UNC SY5…400SY7…600F6300-300SHP 12”4837 3.6212.0012.0035.0017.7516 1 1/8-8 UNC SY5…285SY7…600F6350-300SHP14”68574.6214.0014.0036.0020.25201 1/8-8 UNCSY7…400SY8…600ACBD102146228451102146228102146228451102146228451PRXUP-MFT-T Modulating, Non Fail-Safe, 24...240 V, NEMA4X with BACnetTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 24...240 V / DC 24...125 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzPower consumption in operation20 WPower consumption in rest position 6 WTransformer sizing20 VA @ AC/DC 24 V (class 2 power source), 23VA @ AC/DC 120 V, 52 VA @ AC 230 VAuxiliary switch 2 x SPDT, 3 A resistive (0.5 A inductive) @ AC250 V, 1 x 10° / 1 x 0...90° (default setting 85°)Switching capacity auxiliary switch 3 A resistive (0.5 A inductive) @ AC 250 VElectrical Connection Terminal blocks, (PE) Ground-ScrewOverload Protection electronic thoughout 0...90° rotationFunctional data Communicative control BACnet MS/TPModbus RTUMP-BusOperating range Y 2...10 VOperating range Y note 4...20 mAInput Impedance100 kΩ for 2...10 V (0.1 mA), 500 Ω for 4 (20)mA, 1500 Ω for On/OffOperating range Y variable Start point 0.5...30 VEnd point 2.5...32 VOptions positioning signal variable (VDC, on/off, floating point)Position feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mAPosition feedback U variable VDC variableDirection of motion motor reversible with appManual override7 mm hex crank, suppliedAngle of rotation90°Running Time (Motor)default 35 s, variable 30...120 sRunning time motor variable30...120 sNoise level, motor68 dB(A)Position indication integral pointerPassive sensor inputs2x (Pt1000, Ni1000, NTC10k2)Safety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP66/67Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4XEnclosure UL Enclosure Type 4XAgency Listing cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSAE60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and2014/35/EU-22...122°F [-30...50°C]PRXUP-MFT-TApplicationOperationSafety dataStorage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Ambient humidity Max. 100% RH Servicingmaintenance-free Weight Weight13 lb [5.9 kg]MaterialsHousing materialDie cast aluminium and plastic casingProduct featuresPR Series valve actuators are designed with an integrated linkage and visual position indicators. For outdoor applications, the installed valve must be mounted with the actuator at or above horizontal. For indoor applications the actuator can be in any location including directly under the valve.The PR series actuator provides 90° of rotation and a visual indicator shows the position of the valve. The PR Series actuator uses a low power consumption brushless DC motor and is electronically protected against overload. A universal power supply is furnished to connect supply voltage in the range of AC 24...240 V and DC 24...125 V. Included is a smart heater with thermostat to eliminate condensation. Two auxiliary switches are provided; one set at 10° open and the other is field adjustable. Running time is field adjustable from 30...120 seconds by using the Near Field Communication (NFC) app and a smart phone.†Use 60°C/75°C copper wire size range 12...28 AWG, stranded or solid. Use flexible metal conduit. Push the listed conduit fitting device over the actuator’s cable to butt against the enclosure. Screw in conduit connector. Jacket the actuators input wiring with listed flexible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box. Rated impulse Voltage 4000 V. Type of action 1. Control pollution degree 3.AccessoriesGatewaysDescriptionType Gateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BAC Gateway MP to LonWorks UK24LON Gateway MP to Modbus RTUUK24MOD Electrical accessoriesDescriptionType Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USMechanical accessoriesDescriptionType Hand crank for PR, PKR, PM ZG-HND PR Service toolsDescriptionTypeConnection cable 10 ft [3 m], A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 3-pin Weidmüller and supply connectionZK4-GEN Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable and communicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USElectrical installationMeets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Universal Power Supply (UP) models can be supplied with 24 V up to 240 V.Disconnect power.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Two built-in auxiliary switches (2x SPDT), for end position indication, interlock control, fanstartup, etc.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.Actuators may be controlled in parallel. Current draw and input impedance must be observed.PRXUP-MFT-TDuring installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessaryto work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individualwho has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks.Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical componentscould result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagramsOn/OffOn/OffBACnetModulatingPRXUP-MFT-T Floating PointTemperature Sensors Auxiliary SwitchesDimensionsDimensional drawings。
KEYLAB 系列 MIDI 控制器 中文用户手册说明书
中文用户手册目录1产品简介 (7)2KEYLAB概览 (8)2.1第一步:连接设备 (8)2.2前面板概览 (9)2.2.1键盘 (11)2.2.2弯音轮和调制轮 (11)2.2.3Octave(八度)按钮 (11)2.2.4音量旋钮 (12)2.2.5Sound(声音)/Multi(多层声音)/Edit(编辑)板块 (12)按钮 (12)按钮 (12)旋钮 (12)预置/Value旋钮 (13)2.2.6Snapshots(快照)按钮 (13)2.2.7走带控制器 (15)2.2.8Synthesis(合成)板块 (16)滤波器) (16)低频滤波振荡器) (16) mix(效果混合度) (16) parameters(关键参数) (16)包络) (17)2.2.9Pads(打击垫)(仅KeyLab49和Keylab61) (17)2.3后面板概览 (18)2.3.1MIDI连接 (18)2.3.2电源供应 (18)2.4基本的MIDI控制 (18)3将KEYLAB和ANALOG LAB一起使用 (19)3.1A UDIO&MIDI设置 (19)3.1.1Audio设置 (19)3.1.2MIDI设置 (20)3.2选择预置 (20)3.2.1Analog Lab的“预置” (20)选择 (20)3.2.2KeyLab预置1-11 (20)3.3设置 (21)3.4使用旋钮和推子 (21)3.5使用打击垫(仅K EY L AB49和K EY L AB61) (22)3.6使用快照 (22)4MIDI控制中心 (23)4.1系统要求:MIDI控制中心 (23)4.1.1最低要求: (23)4.1.2操作系统: (23)4.2安装K EY L AB MIDI控制中心软件 (23)4.3启动MIDI控制中心 (24)4.3.1虚拟键盘和它的控制 (24)4.3.2全局和单个控制参数板块 (24)4.4更改MIDI设定 (24)4.4.1全局参数 (24)4.4.2单个控制参数 (24)旋钮编码器的设置 (26)推子的设置 (27)打击垫的设置(Keylab49和Keylab61) (28)按钮的设置 (29)调制轮的设置 (30)踏板的设置 (30)4.4.3把你的设定发送给键盘 (31)4.4.4恢复默认数值 (31)4.4.5将设定保存到电脑 (31)4.4.6从电脑里加载设定 (32)5将KEYLAB和其他软件一起使用 (33)5.1在MIDI控制中心创建MIDI预置 (33)5.1.1概述:什么是Keylab预置? (33)5.1.2设定打击垫在任何MIDI CC编号的两个数值之间切换 (33)5.1.3设置旋钮来控制MIDI CC编号的两个数值之间 (34)5.1.4将变更保存为预置 (35)5.1.5调用预置/切换预置 (35)5.2设置全局MIDI通道 (36)ARTURIA–KeyLab–中文用户手册Keylab是Arturia最新系列的USB MIDI键盘。
Autodesk Factory Design Utilities 工作流教程:从零开始到英雄说明书
IM322819-LFactory Design Utilities Workflow-from Zero to Hero Peter De StrijkerAutodeskCo-presenters:Daniel Lutz Paul MunfordAutodesk AutodeskDescriptionThis introductory hands-on lab will guide you through all the steps of setting up a production facility with Factory Design Utilities, from ideation to imagery, based on a step-by-step guided data set.Speaker(s)Peter De Strijker is an application engineer / industrial manufacturing for Autodesk, Inc. He is responsible for driving the Autodesk manufacturing sales channel in the Benelux region in Europe. Before joining Autodesk, Peter worked as mechanical design engineer at a Belgian marine engine and gearbox manufacturer. He is a graduated engineer with a degree in electro mechanics.User Assets LibraryIt’s important to be able to populate the library with user specific assets. Let’s create one!1.Open the Import Asset function in Inventor Factory Ribbon.Ribbon: Get Started >Factory Launch > Create Asset > Import AssetSelect ...\ AU2019FDUDataset\Design\05-Asset Creation\Robot Controller.ipt and click Open.The model is now loading into the Asset Builder environnement.2.Open the Landing Surface function.Ribbon: Asset Builder > Author > Landing SurfaceSelect the bottom surface of the machine enclosure to define it as the landing surface.In the Landing Surface dialog, click Select Insertion Point and select the two points marked. Click OK to confirm the changes.3.Open the Define Connector function.Ribbon: Asset Builder > Author > Define ConnectorSelect the center of the left-hand edge as the insertion point.Select the red direction arrow and click the left-hand vertical edge of the box to define alignment.Select the blue arrow and select a vertical edge on the model. The blue arrow now points upwards.Press [ENTER] to close the command.4.Create a second connector in the same way.5.Open the Asset Variants function.Ribbon: Asset Builder> Author > Asset VariantsSelect the Width parameters and click the >> button.Using the + button, create three variants with the following values and click OK to close the dialog.6.Open the Asset Properties function.Ribbon: Asset Builder > Author > Asset PropertiesOn the Summary tab, enter Title Robot Controller and Company Autodesk and click OK to confirm your entry.7.Save the design.8.Open the Publish Asset function.Ribbon: Asset Builder > Publish > Publish AssetEnter asset name Robot Controller and select a destination directory. Click OK to confirm your entry.9.Close the part.10.Open file ...\ AU2019FDUDataset\Design\04-Packaging machine\ _0012009310.iamAs you can see, there are over 2.800 parts, too much for an asset so let’s simplify this11.First make sure to fully load the file.12.Open Shrinkwrap functionRibbon: Assemble > Simplification13.Enable “Remove parts by size” and select footplate as reference.14.With this operation, almost 2/3 of the parts are already excluded from simplification15.If you want to include hidden parts again, click Excluded option and select e.g. footplates againin graphical interface.16.Go to the Features tab to remove unnecessary features like holes, filets and chamfers items thesame style.17.Go to the Create tab to convert the simplified model into one single object18.Enable Break link to improve performance19.Open Asset Builder functionRibbon: Factory > Factory Launch20.Define the landings Surface21.Open the Publish asset function.22.Close the assembly.Production Process Analysis – Process Flowchart OPTIONAL23.Make sure the Layout Browser is loaded24.Create a New Layout25.Start Process Analysis in the factory ribbonRibbon: Factory > ToolsOpen ...\ AU2019FDUDataset\Design \06-Process Analysis \ Mannheim_Process - Start.adskfpa26.Activate “View Line Balancing Chart” in View Settings27.Run Simulation28.Note that for example the Rivet Press is most of the time in “Idle” state because it’s waiting formaterials and the Form Press is blocked because the next machine is still processing.29.Note that the total process time to produce 20 shovels is 78 h30.Run a html report to document the current state.31.Select …Rivet Press“ and modify the production parameters from 6 connection elements to 132.In the Process layout, add a buffer with 500 pieces capacity between …Form Press“ and …BeltGrinder“ and reconnect the process33.Run the simulation again and analyse the process impact of the modified machines34.Run a html report to document this process state.35.Open both html reports and compare the results36.Export the Process layout to a DWG fileCreate a New Sub Layout Area37.In Autocad Arch, create a new drawing.38.Make sure the Layout Browser is loaded39.Open in Layout Browser this file ...\ AU2019FDUDataset\Design\01-Data\Mannheim_youtData40.Type XREF in the command line to launch External References Manager41.Attach new XREF “Mannheim_G .dwg” to the drawinge Xref import settings as shown43.The xref will be automatically positioned as shown below44.Select the outline of the xref(1).45.Click the Open Reference command on the Context Ribbon (2).46.Activate the Factory Asset Browser by selecting the Palettes flyout on the Factory Ribbon andClick Asset Browser.47.Open this library folder in the Asset Browser48.Drag and drop Assets from the Asset Library into the layout as shown below49.Click on icon and draw a line as shown below50.Click Open in Inventor Command.51.Click OK on the dialog that displays.52.Click Yes on the Save Notification is necessary.53.The Inventor application will launch and create a 3D version of your 2D layout.54.Let’s wait a few seconds ….this is what you’ll get55.Select Y-merge roller conveyor and place them as shown below, connect with strait conveyors57.Connect the Robot positioning table to the frame connector as shown below58.…and let it snap like this…..plete the layout as shown below61.Finish the sub-layout by adding the below packaging machine and pallet conveyor assets asshown below.62. Open Layer Manager63. Open Import Layers64. ….. and load “Layer_Template_FDU.dwg” from the Documentation folder65. Import should look like this66. Select all conveyors in the layout and assign them to the “Conveyors” layer and continue withother assets Don’t forget to ENTER after each layer assignment67. On the Factory Ribbon, Click the Open in AutoCAD command.68. If prompted to Save the file, Select Yes and Ok to any dialog prompts.69. Click Yes when prompted to open the File in AutoCAD.70.Autocad Xref will be updated with all 3D changed made71.Save this file72.Switch to the o verall.dwg file and update all Xref’s73. Overall Layout is updated with new Xref content.Material Flow74.Open Production A-New xRef75.Open the Material Flow Browser.Ribbon: Factory > Tools > Palettes Flyout > Material Flow76.Click on the Routings ribbon tab.77.Move “Grinder 2” to location closer to powder coating machine and see the impact on time anddistance of the process.78.Close Optimization environment by selecting button below79.Click Open in Inventor Command.80.Open ...\ AU2019FDUDataset\Design\01-Data\Office_01.iam81.In the asset browser, select “Insert Asset Group” and select ...\ AU2019FDUDataset\Design\01-Data\Finished_Layout\ Office_01_Fin.iam82.Position the asset group inside the empty rectangle and confirm83.The main Layout will now contain an office space equipped with a standard set of furniture.84.OPTIONAL85.Insert solid building86.Select file ACAD_A_BUILDING_1.ipt in the 02-Buildings folder87.RMB and select “Insert Grounded at Originyout should look like thisPoint cloud project integration with Recap89.In Factory>Point Cloud tab, select Autodesk Recap90.Create a new project and give it a name and destination91.Import point cloud92.Select Files to Import button93.Browse for file Bestand_3.rcs and openunch project95.Screen should look like this96.Let’s make a discovery flight through the point cloud data97.After the fly through, select Front in the View Cube.98.Change to Orthographic view by selecting99.Box select the top of the point cloud data100.Create a new region101.Hide new region102.Go to Top view, model should look like this103.Clean out the point cloud data like image below104.Make hidden region visible again105.point cloud data should look like image below106.Save the project and switch back to Inventor107.In Factory ribbon, select Attach108.Select the new saved *.rcp project and click anywhere in the layout 109.In the dialog box, insert point cloud project at origin110.Inventor Layout should look like this111.In the point cloud navigator, switch on/off the region.Project Overview Navisworks112.Open the application NavisWorks Manage113.Open the file...\ AU2019FDUDataset\Design\01Data\Finished_Layout\Finished_Layoutv2.nwd114.In the viewpoint ribbon, select “Inside” viewpoint115.Walk around and look around in the facility.116.Let’s check for collisions, select this button117.Add a new test118.Scroll down and Expand the selection boxes and select models as shown119.Run the test120.You will detect a collision121.Let’s markup this error for engineering and save the viewpoint.122.Create a markup123. Add some comment124.Go back to “start” viewpoint125.Access Ribbon command in Animation ribbon126.Record animation while walking through facilityPanorama Shaded visual127.Walk nearby the robot area as shown below.128.In “Render” ribbon pick Render in Cloud option 129.In the option box, pick the following options130.After a short waiting time, this is the result you will see.I hope you liked it?Thank you!。
教师将组织学员进行互动交流, 鼓励学员分享自己的经验和心得, 促进学员之间的相互学习和进步。
通过问题解答和互动交流环节, 学员可以更加全面地了解PROII 软件的应用技巧和注意事项,提
介绍模糊控制、神经网络控制、预测控制等先进控制策略的原理 和应用场景。
详细讲解在PROII软件中如何实现这些先进控制策略,包括模型建 立、参数设置、调试优化等步骤。
分享在实际生产中应用先进控制策略的成功案例,分析其效果和改 进空间。
培训过程中,老师详细 解答了我的疑问,让我 对PROII软件有了更深 入的了解,感谢老师的 耐心指导。
本次培训让我认识到自 己在工艺流程模拟方面 的不足,我会继续努力 学习,提升自己的专业 能力。
随着人工智能技术的不断发展,PROII软件有望实 现更智能化的模拟与优化功能。
1 2
控制系统架构设计原则 包括可靠性、可扩展性、可维护性等,确保系统 长期稳定运行。
选型依据 根据工艺流程、生产规模、自动化程度等因素, 选择适合的控制系统硬件和软件。
介绍典型的控制系统架构,如集散控制系统 (DCS)、可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)等,并分析其优 缺点。
介绍比例、积分、微分三个参数的调整方法和技巧,以及参数整定 的步骤和注意事项。
LabTech 10.5及以上版本:Webroot LabTech插件V2.5商业用户说明书
What’s New LabTech plugin V2.5 For LabTech Version 10.5 and aboveDocument Version 2.0.2Table of ContentsIntroduction (2)Installation & Compatibility (2)Relocated Webroot Settings Dashboard (2)New Enhanced Settings Dashboard (3)Default Webroot Keycode (3)Unique Identifier (3)Enable additional alerts when computers are in an “Attention Required” state (3)Enable reboot pop-ups when computers are in an “Attention Required” state (4)Enable additional alerts when computers stay infected for longer than xx hours (4)Enable alerts when endpoint is stale for longer than xx days (4)Enable expired license alerts (4)New Enhanced Interactive Home Dashboard (5)Webroot Client level changes (6)Client Settings (6)Detail View (7)My Webroot Anywhere (7)Webroot Computer level changes (8)Other Miscellaneous Changes (8)Help Content (8)LabTech Health Reports and AV Dashboard Integration (9)Additional Monitors (10)Additional Scripts (11)Omissions (11)IntroductionWith LabTech plugin version 2.5, customisability of the UI has been greatly enhanced to make day-to-day tasks easier. With new monitors to provide time saving out the box options for our customers and usability enhancements throughout. Each tab now features help content, accessible by the question mark symbol and pop-up tool tips have been added wherever it makes sense.Installation & CompatibilityVersion 2.5 of the plugin is designed for LabTech Control Centre 10.5 and above. When upgrading or installing for the first time, please use the installer provided (do not use the DLL). This ensures all the right additional components are loaded to support the enhanced user interface.Relocated Webroot Settings DashboardTo make navigation simpler, we have relocated the Settings Dashboard to a new location inside the Global System Integration Dashboard, easily accessible by clicking on the Webroot icon in the main LabTech navigation bar, located on the top of the main screen.New Enhanced Settings DashboardThe new home for the Settings tab! We have added a number of new alerts to help our customers manage and automate their environments right out the box.Default Webroot KeycodeThis keycode entry is only for Webroot customers who use the same Webroot Site key for all LabTech Clients. If you are creating new sites within the Webroot Global Site Manager, site keycodes must be entered at LabTech Client level.Unique IdentifierWhen enabled will add a unique string of characters after the computer name in the Webroot web console to help avoid duplicate computer names.Enable additional alerts when computers are in an “Attention Required” state When the Webroot agent detects a threat, it will block the threat. Most threats, such as real-time or inactive threats are removed in under 1 minute. Some threats require a clean scan before the endpoint is declared malware free. Sometimes, threats are too deeply embedded in the system to be removed immediately and WSA will require a reboot to clean the infection. After the usual daily scan and reboot, most infections are automatically and safely removed without any intervention.To keep the malware reporting noise down to a minimum, we have created a new “Attention Required” flag specifically designed for MSP environments. This flag is raised if an endpoint remains infected after 2 contiguous 12 hour checks. If the endpoint is rebooted or performs a scan at the point during any of the checks, the counter will be reset for another 12 hours. In practice, the “Attention Required” flag will be true (1) if the endpoint remains infected after about 36 hours. This ensures the endpoint has gone through at least 1 reboot/scan cycle before raising the Attention Required flag. The MSP can choose to take either manual or automatic action if they wish, such as initiating another scan or to inform the end user to reboot. Some actions such as running a cleaning scan, or user reboot request may be automated.Important Note: The Attention Required flag is distinctly different than the “Needs Attention” state in the Webroot Console, which is set as soon as an infection is detected. Each indicator works independently.Enable reboot pop-ups when computers are in an “Attention Required” stateIn some cases for the Webroot agent to fully remediate a persistent threat, or to declare an endpoint free of malware, one or more reboot cycles may be needed. If users do not shutdown their PCs overnight then it could remain infected. Enabling the “reboot pop-up alert” after the “Attention Required” flag is set will ensure a pop-up alert is sent to the end users device at midday, informing the user to reboot.Enable additional alerts when computers stay infected for longer than xx hours When a Webroot agent stays infected for longer than the amount of hours defined (2, 8, 12, 24) an additional alert will be triggered via the “Webroot - Active Infection” Internal Monitor. This alert is useful for customers who need to be informed of persistent infections as quickly as possible.Enable alerts when endpoint is stale for longer than xx daysIf a Webroot agent fails to successfully check-in to the Webroot cloud for longer than the days defined (7, 15, 30, 60, 90) an alert will be triggered via the “Webroot - Stale Agents” Internal Monitor.Enable expired license alertsWhen a Webroot agent’s license expires it will trigger an alert via the “Webroot - License Expired” Internal Monitor.New Enhanced Interactive Home Dashboard Have it the way you want! The new Home dashboard brings in customization of the main display. This is the first of a series of planned enhancements to ease everyday use of the plugin.If issues are detected, selected fields will change to red.Each cell is interactive and can take you to Client, Locationor PC level for ease of management.Columns are fully customizable and you can select justthe columns you need to run your day to dayoperations. Each change is saved and if the applicationor the window is closed all settings will remain as saved(except sorting).Additional columns can be added fromthe Column Chooser menu – right clickto activate.Webroot Client level changesAll client level tabs have been updated, these are listed below.Client SettingsThe Webroot Client setting have an updated layout, updated tooltips, new help screen and updated wording for clarity. The Optional Webroot Group setting has been moved off to the right.Detail ViewThe new detailed view site level dashboard brings in customization of the main display, allowing you to set all the data columns your own way.My Webroot AnywhereThe Webroot Console is now even easier to access then before. The email address of the logged-in LabTech user is automatically passed to the integrated Webroot Console viewer.Webroot Computer level changesWe have added a new command button and changed the layout and the wording of the display for ease of use. The new “Run Customer Support Diagnostics” button will run a script against the remote agent, which will download the wsablogs.exe file from Webroot and run it on the remote computer using the logged-in LabTech user’s email address as the ID.Other Miscellaneous ChangesHelp ContentWe have added help buttons at every tab that explains each function at every level. Just click on the question mark icon to open up the help content.LabTech Health Reports and AV Dashboard IntegrationWe have integrated the total number of scans performed in the LabTech Health reports.E ach of the scan scripts have had the script stat “VirusScanRunStat” record in each run.NOTE: Only the scans run by the LT based scripts are counted. Normal WSAB daily scans are not included.In addition, we have integrated “Last Threat Fo u nd” and “Action Taken” results in the LabTech AV Dashboard. S tats are recorded to the inherent “virus tables” in LabTech. This is additional to recording the stats on the Webroot custom plugin tables.We have added 5 new customizable monitors to ease day-to-day automation: 1-Attention Required2-Reboot Needed3-Active Infection4-Stale Agents5-License ExpiredWe have added 2 new customizable scripts to ease day-to-day automation: 1-Customer Support Diagnostics2-Reboot NeededNOTE: The new monitors are only designed to be used in conjunction with the “Run Customer Support Diagnostics” button and “Reboot Needed” monitor, and not on their own.OmissionsWhile we have taken every care to keep the information within this document as accurate as possible, omissions or inaccuracies could occur. If you spot any, please report it to your Webroot representative.。
第42卷第12期2023年12月硅㊀酸㊀盐㊀通㊀报BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol.42㊀No.12December,2023泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土性能的影响吕夏婷,谭洪波,张世轩,李懋高,王金堂,蹇守卫(武汉理工大学硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室,武汉㊀430070)摘要:硫氧镁水泥具有轻质㊁导热系数低㊁耐火等优点,将其制备成泡沫混凝土并应用于建筑外墙保温系统具有巨大的市场潜力㊂本文通过加入高稳定改性泡沫来调控超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的密度,并结合扫描电子显微镜(SEM)㊁光学显微镜(OM)等测试研究了气孔结构的变化,探究了密度和孔结构变化对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土抗压强度和导热系数的影响㊂结果表明:随着高稳定改性泡沫掺量的增加,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的气孔数量增多且平均孔径明显减小,密度逐渐减小,抗压强度逐渐降低;当泡沫掺量为250%(质量分数)时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的密度降低至88.33kg /m 3,导热系数降低至0.0382W /(m㊃K)㊂关键词:超轻质;改性硫氧镁水泥;泡沫混凝土;气孔结构;导热系数;抗压强度中图分类号:TU377.1㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1001-1625(2023)12-4262-09Effect of Foam Content on Performance of Ultra-Lightweight Magnesium Oxysulfate Foamed ConcreteLYU Xiating ,TAN Hongbo ,ZHANG Shixuan ,LI Maogao ,WANG Jintang ,JIAN Shouwei (State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)Abstract :Magnesium oxysulfate cement has the advantages of light weight,low thermal conductivity and fire resistance,so it has great market potential to be prepared as foamed concrete and applied in building exterior insulation system.The density of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concrete was regulated by incorporating high stability modified foam.The changes in pore structure were investigated through scanning electron microscope (SEM)and optical microscope (OM ).Additionally,the effects of density and pore structure variations on the compressive strength and thermal conductivity of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concrete were also studied.The results indicate that with the increase of content of high stability modified foam,the number of pores increases and the average pore size significantly decreases.The density of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concrete decreases gradually,and the compressive strength gradually decreases as well.When the foam content is 250%(mass fraction),the density of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concrete reduces to 88.33kg/m 3,and the thermal conductivity reduces to 0.0382W/(m㊃K).Key words :ultra-lightweight;modified magnesium oxysulfate cement;foamed concrete;pore structure;thermal conductivity;compressive strength 收稿日期:2023-07-26;修订日期:2023-09-15基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51978544);2021年湖北省技术创新重大专项(2021BAA060)作者简介:吕夏婷(1999 ),女,硕士研究生㊂主要从事硅酸盐材料的研究㊂E-mail:158****7652@通信作者:谭洪波,博士,教授㊂E-mail:thbwhut@ 0㊀引㊀言建筑节能是减少能源消耗㊁降低温室气体排放和促进我国绿色低碳发展的关键策略㊂据统计[1-3],2020年全国建筑运行阶段碳排放达21.6亿吨,占全国碳排放总量的21.7%㊂保温材料是实现超低能耗建筑,提高建筑节能水平,降低建筑运行阶段能耗和碳排放的重要物质基础㊂目前,我国的建筑外墙保温系统大多采用有机保温材料,如发泡聚苯乙烯㊁聚氨酯泡沫等,容易燃烧,难以达到A 级不燃标准,存在火灾隐患[4-5]㊂而新型无机高效保温材料,如气凝胶㊁真空绝热板等,存在成本高昂㊁施工复杂㊁性能易衰减等关键问题[6-9]㊂第12期吕夏婷等:泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土性能的影响4263㊀因此,研发一种具有超低导热系数的轻质水泥基高效保温材料十分必要㊂硫氧镁水泥具有轻质㊁防火㊁凝结时间短㊁体积稳定性高㊁与钢材兼容性好㊁制备工艺简单以及环保节能等优点,在建筑保温材料领域有很大的应用前景[10-13]㊂但是传统硫氧镁水泥存在强度低㊁体积稳定性差㊁返潮返卤和泛霜起白等缺点,这限制了其进一步应用,因此需要对其改性[14-16]㊂改性硫氧镁水泥是将一定配比的活性MgO㊁MgSO 4㊁H 2O 和改性剂混合后,经水化形成以碱式硫酸镁晶须为主要水化产物的新型镁质水泥[17-19],同样具备轻质㊁防火㊁凝结时间短等特点㊂Zhou 等[20]以改性硫氧镁水泥为基础胶凝材料,加入泡沫后制备了干密度为603kg /m 3㊁导热系数为0.14W /(m㊃K)的硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土㊂Qin 等[21]以改性硫氧镁水泥为基础胶凝材料,加入稻壳和泡沫后制备了干密度为450.9kg /m 3㊁导热系数为0.1255W /(m㊃K)的保温墙板㊂部分学者[22-24]对轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土做了相关研究,发现其密度和导热系数仍不及现有的有机㊁无机保温材料㊂因此,研究如何进一步降低硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的密度和导热系数对其在建筑保温材料领域中的应用具有重大意义㊂因此,本文以改性硫氧镁水泥为基础胶凝材料,通过掺入高稳定改性泡沫来制备超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土,研究不同泡沫掺量对其密度㊁力学性能㊁保温性能㊁孔结构和微观结构的影响规律㊂1㊀实㊀验1.1㊀原材料图1㊀轻质MgO 粒径分布曲线和累积粒径分布曲线Fig.1㊀Particle size distribution curve and cumulative particle size distribution curve of lightweight MgO 制备基础胶凝材料-改性硫氧镁水泥的主要原料为轻质氧化镁(MgO)㊁七水硫酸镁(MgSO 4㊃7H 2O)㊁柠檬酸(citric acid,CA)和水㊂制备高稳定改性泡沫复合发泡剂的主要原料为黄原胶㊁菱镁发泡剂GX-7#和水㊂其中,轻质氧化镁㊁七水硫酸镁和柠檬酸购自国药集团化学试剂有限公司,黄原胶购自山东景鑫生物科技有限公司,菱镁发泡剂GX-7#购自山东镁嘉图新型材料科技有限公司,水为实验室自来水㊂轻质MgO粒径分布曲线和累积粒径分布曲线如图1所示㊂1.2㊀试验方案通过混合泡沫和改性硫氧镁水泥制备了超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土,研究了不同泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土性能的影响㊂在保持氧硫比(MgO 和MgSO 4㊃7H 2O 的摩尔比,记为M )㊁水硫比(H 2O 和MgSO 4㊃7H 2O 的摩尔比,记为H )相同的条件下,通过改变泡沫的掺量来调节超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的密度,并研究泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土抗压强度㊁导热系数㊁孔结构和微观结构的影响㊂其中,泡沫稳定性更高,5h 泌水率为21.9%,与未改性前泡沫5h 泌水率(93.7%)相比降低了76.6%,其具体配合比设计如表1所示,泡沫改性前后气孔结构如图2所示㊂超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的配合比如表2所示,其中 F0㊁F30㊁F100㊁F200㊁F250 分别表示该组超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土中泡沫掺量为MgO 质量的0%㊁30%㊁100%㊁200%和250%㊂表1㊀泡沫配合比Table 1㊀Mix proportion of foamFoam Mass /g Foam stabilizerGX-7#H 2O 5h drainage /%Unmodified foam 00.6100.093.7High stability modified foam 0.50.6100.021.94264㊀水泥混凝土硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷图2㊀泡沫的气孔结构Fig.2㊀Pore structure of foam表2㊀超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的配合比Table2㊀Mix proportion of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concreteGroup Mass/gMgO MgSO4㊃7H2O CA H2O Foam F080.6123.0 1.0144.00F3080.6123.0 1.0144.026.9F10080.6123.0 1.0144.080.6F20080.6123.0 1.0144.0161.2F25080.6123.0 1.0144.0201.51.3㊀试验方法超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土制备方法:1)按照表1配合比称取水㊁稳泡剂黄原胶和发泡剂GX-7#,将稳泡剂黄原胶和发泡剂GX-7#依次加入水中,分别用磁力搅拌器分散30min,制得高稳定改性泡沫复合发泡剂,然后用高速搅拌机搅拌上述发泡剂制得高稳定改性泡沫;2)按照表2配合比称取MgO㊁MgSO4㊃7H2O㊁CA和水,将MgSO4㊃7H2O和CA依次加入水中溶解,待其完全溶解后与MgO混合并通过水泥胶砂搅拌机搅拌均匀,制得改性硫氧镁水泥;3)按照表2配合比称取高稳定改性泡沫与改性硫氧镁水泥,将二者混合均匀,制得硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土;4)将制备好的超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土装入40mmˑ40mmˑ40mm的模具中,并在温度20ħ㊁湿度65%的环境中养护7㊁14㊁28d㊂密度:1)干密度,参照标准‘泡沫混凝土“(JG/T266 2011)对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的干密度进行测试;2)湿密度,参照标准‘泡沫混凝土应用技术规程“(JGJ/T341 2014)对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的湿密度进行测试㊂抗压强度:依据轻质混凝土抗压强度测试标准ASTM C495,将40mmˑ40mmˑ40mm的试块放入鼓风干燥箱中,并在40ħ下烘干至恒重㊂采用电子式万能试验机(WDW-50)测试超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的抗压强度,加载速度为5mm/min㊂孔结构:通过光学显微镜(KH-7700)观察超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的孔结构,通过软件Nano Measurer1.2对其孔径进行表征㊂微观结构:通过SEM(Gemini SEM300)表征超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的表观形貌,测试使用的加速电压均为15kV㊂导热系数:依据标准‘绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定“(GB/T10294 2008),通过双平板导热系数测定仪(IMDRY3001-Ⅲ)测量超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的导热系数㊂试件尺寸为300mmˑ300mmˑ30mm,在测试前一天将试件置于鼓风干燥箱中,在40ħ下烘干至恒重,冷却至室温后开始测量㊂2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀容重调控容重调控是实现保温材料超轻质的重要手段㊂本试验中,固定M值为4,H值为16,通过改变泡沫的掺第12期吕夏婷等:泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土性能的影响4265㊀量来研究其对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土湿密度和干密度的影响,试验结果如图3所示㊂由图3可知,随着泡沫掺量的增加,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的湿密度和干密度均明显降低㊂与未掺泡沫时相比,掺加30%泡沫时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土干密度由1337.39kg /m 3下降至401.46kg /m 3,下降幅度为69.9%㊂当泡沫掺量为200%时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土干密度为99.43kg /m 3,相较于空白对照组下降了92.6%;而继续增加泡沫掺量至250%时,与空白对照组相比,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土干密度进一步降至88.33kg /m 3,下降了93.4%,下降幅度趋于平缓㊂这可能是因为,泡沫能在改性硫氧镁水泥中稳定存在,二者混合后,改性硫氧镁水泥浆体包裹在泡沫表面并在泡沫粗化破裂前快速凝结,使超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土结构中形成大量微小气孔,导致密度显著降低[13,23]㊂而当泡沫掺量超过250%时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土松软如膏状,无法硬化成型脱模㊂这可能是由于单位体积内的改性硫氧镁水泥含量过低,黏附在单个泡沫表面的改性硫氧镁水泥数量过少,不能继续形成新的气孔,致使超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的湿密度和干密度无明显变化㊂上述结果表明,当固定M 值和H 值时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的湿密度㊁干密度随着泡沫掺量的增加而降低,当泡沫掺量超过200%时,下降幅度趋于平缓;当泡沫掺量达到250%时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土干密度最低㊂2.2㊀抗压强度泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土不同龄期(7㊁14㊁28d)抗压强度的影响如图4所示㊂由图4可知,随着泡沫掺量的增加,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土在各龄期的强度均逐渐降低㊂未掺泡沫(F0)时,改性硫氧镁水泥7㊁14㊁28d 的抗压强度分别为23.1㊁24.5和27.6MPa㊂与之相比,当泡沫掺量为30%(F30)时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土7d 强度下降至3.24MPa,14d 强度下降至3.99MPa,28d 强度下降至4.34MPa,分别下降了86.2%㊁84.1%与84.4%;当增加泡沫掺量至200%时,与空白对照组F0相比,F200组7d 强度下降了99.1%,至0.26MPa,14d 强度下降了98.8%,至0.31MPa,28d 强度下降了98.6%,至0.38MPa;而继续提升泡沫掺量至250%时,F250组抗压强度的下降幅度趋于平缓,相较于F0组,F250组7d 强度下降了99.2%,至0.19MPa,14d 强度下降了99.1%,至0.21MPa,28d 强度下降了99.1%,至0.26MPa㊂㊀图3㊀泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土密度的影响Fig.3㊀Influence of foam content on density of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamedconcrete 图4㊀泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土抗压强度的影响Fig.4㊀Influence of foam content on compressive strength of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concrete ㊀㊀出现这种现象可能有两方面原因:1)泡沫掺量低于200%时,随着泡沫掺量增加,改性硫氧镁水泥基体中的气孔数量大幅增加,这直接导致抗压强度持续显著降低㊂但随着泡沫掺量由200%继续增至250%,改性硫氧镁水泥基体中的气孔数量略有增加,故超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的抗压强度又有小幅度降低[25];2)随着泡沫掺量增多,改性硫氧镁水泥基体的体积也逐渐变大,这导致单位体积内改性硫氧镁水泥含量显著减少,不能充分黏附在每个泡沫表面起到骨架支撑作用,而改性硫氧镁水泥的水化产物如强度相5Mg(OH)2㊃MgSO 4㊃7H 2O(简称5㊃1㊃7相)的含量也显著减少,造成抗压强度明显降低,而当泡沫掺量由4266㊀水泥混凝土硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷200%增至250%时,单位体积内泡沫含量略有增多,改性硫氧镁水泥的含量略有减少,故抗压强度只有小幅度降低,并趋于平缓㊂因而,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的抗压强度随着泡沫掺量的增加先显著降低,之后趋于平缓㊂2.3㊀微观结构为了进一步研究泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土抗压强度的影响机理,通过SEM对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的微观形貌进行表征㊂超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的SEM照片如图5所示㊂观察图5(a) ~(d)左侧照片可知,从F30组到F200组,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土结构中气孔数量增加,孔径分布趋于均匀,而在F250组中,连通孔和不规则球形孔数量增加,气孔圆度变差㊂这是因为在泡沫掺量达到200%前,单个泡沫表面有足够的水泥包裹,能够形成独立闭口孔,结构中气孔数量增加;继续增加泡沫掺量至250%,单位体积内水泥含量过少,不能充分包裹在泡沫表面,泡沫合并,使泡沫混凝土结构中个别大气孔增多㊂观察图5(a)~(d)中部照片可知,F30组中气孔孔壁上存在大量针棒状的5㊃1㊃7相,F100组中对应位置上有大量针棒状和少量破碎状的5㊃1㊃7相,F200组中相应位置上含有大量破碎状和少量针棒状的5㊃1㊃7相,而F250组中相应位置上只有少量破碎状的5㊃1㊃7相和柱状的Mg(OH)2㊂观察图5(a)~(d)右侧照片可知,在气孔内部孔壁位置,F30组含有非常多的针棒状且相互搭接的5㊃1㊃7相,F100组含有较多的针棒状5㊃1㊃7相㊁未反应的MgO和少量柱状的Mg(OH)2,F200组含有少量的针棒状5㊃1㊃7相和大量凝胶状5㊃1㊃7相,而F250组含有微量的针棒状5㊃1㊃7相和大量的Mg(OH)2㊂出现这种现象的原因有:1)在反应加速期,由MgO水解产生的水合羟基镁离子([Mg(OH)(H2O)x]+)与CA发生螯合反应形成一个稳定的络合层,不断吸附浆体中游离的SO2-4和Mg2+形成5㊃1㊃7晶相,随着反应进行,5㊃1㊃7相成核并生长,而随着泡沫掺量增加,单位体积内泡沫混凝土结构中泡沫体积占比增大,水泥浆体体积占比减小,供5㊃1㊃7相等水化产物生长的空间缩小,5㊃1㊃7相晶核不能够沿针棒状充分生长,而在气孔表面形成大量凝胶状5㊃1㊃7相,使孔壁更加密实;2)泡沫掺量增加使泡沫混凝土浆体中的水分也相对增加,促进诱导期的水合羟基镁离子([Mg(OH)(H2O)x]+)与OH-反应生成Mg(OH)2[26]㊂由此说明,泡沫掺量改变对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的气孔结构和水化产物的生长均有影响㊂随着泡沫掺量增加,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土结构中气孔数量增加,5㊃1㊃7相在孔壁上的生长情况由针棒状逐渐转变为凝胶状,Mg(OH)2含量增多,导致超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的抗压强度降低㊂㊀第12期吕夏婷等:泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土性能的影响4267图5㊀超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的SEM照片Fig.5㊀SEM images of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concrete2.4㊀孔结构为了进一步研究泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土气孔结构的影响,通过光学显微镜(optical microscope,OM)观察超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土气孔分布情况㊂图6为超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土气孔结构的OM照片,图7为相对应的气孔孔径分布情况㊂由图6(a)~(c)可直观观察到,从F30组到F200组,大气孔数量减少,小气孔数量明显增多,孔径分布逐渐均匀㊂由图7可知,F30组的最大孔径为638.90μm,最小孔径为87.54μm,平均孔径为151.79μm,均大于另外三组㊂F200组的最大孔径㊁最小孔径和平均孔径分别为257.12㊁65.00和112.71μm,为四组最低,且相较于F30组,其最大孔径缩小了59.8%,最小孔径缩小了25.7%,平均孔径缩小了25.7%,而F250组的三种孔径均略高于F200组的孔径㊂超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的气孔孔径频率分布如图8所示㊂从图8中可知,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土结构中,孔径在60~120μm的气孔出现的频率从高到低依次为F200㊁F250㊁F100㊁F30组,其中F200组比F30组高了70.4%㊂在F30组结构中,孔径大于240μm的气孔出现的频率高于F100㊁F200和F250组㊂这是因为在泡沫掺量达到200%之前,每个泡沫表面都有足够的改性硫氧镁水泥包裹,能够形成规则且圆度较高的闭口孔,随着泡沫掺量增加,表面被水泥包裹的泡沫在泡沫混凝土浆体中受到的束缚力更复杂,不易合并,故超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土结构中总气孔数量增多,气孔平均孔径逐渐降低㊂当泡沫掺量超过200%后,随着泡沫掺量增加,单位体积内改性硫氧镁水泥的含量过少,不能充分黏附在单个泡沫表面,部分小泡沫合并为大泡沫,形成圆度较低且孔径较大的气孔,使F250组气孔平均孔径比着F200组略有增加,但仍小于F30组和F100组㊂4268㊀水泥混凝土硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第42卷图6㊀泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土气孔结构的影响Fig.6㊀Influence of foam content on pore structure of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamedconcrete 图7㊀超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的气孔孔径分布Fig.7㊀Pore diameter distribution in ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamedconcrete 图8㊀超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的气孔孔径频率分布Fig.8㊀Distribution frequency of pore diameter inultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concrete ㊀㊀因此,随着泡沫掺量增加,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土结构中气孔数量逐渐增多,平均气孔孔径逐渐减小,孔径分布更加均匀㊂2.5㊀导热系数图9㊀泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土导热系数的影响Fig.9㊀Influence of foam content on thermal conductivity of ultra-lightweight magnesium oxysulfate foamed concrete 在建筑保温系统中,导热系数是衡量建筑保温材料保温性能的重要指标,导热系数越低,建筑保温材料的隔热性能越好[7-8,27]㊂泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的导热系数的影响如图9所示㊂由图9可知,随着泡沫掺量的增加,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的导热系数逐渐降低㊂未掺加泡沫时,F0组导热系数为2W /(m㊃K)㊂与F0组相比,随着泡沫掺量的增加,F30组导热系数下降至0.2312W /(m㊃K),下降幅度为88.4%㊂当泡沫掺量增加至200%时,F200组导热系数为0.0465W /(m㊃K),相较于F0组下降了97.7%;继续增加泡沫掺量至250%时,F250组导热系数为0.0382W /(m㊃K),与F0组相比下降了98.1%㊂这是因为随着泡沫掺量的增多,硫氧镁水泥基体中被引入了大量气泡,这些气泡在水泥基体中形成了闭孔结构,使超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土结构中的气孔数量大幅增加,阻碍了热量在材料内部的传递,进而大幅降低材料的导热系数㊂由上述结果可知,随着泡沫掺量增加,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的导㊀第12期吕夏婷等:泡沫掺量对超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土性能的影响4269热系数逐渐降低㊂3㊀结㊀论1)高稳定改性泡沫的掺入能显著降低超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的密度㊂当泡沫掺量达到250%时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的干密度可降低至88.33kg/m3,与未掺泡沫时相比降低了93.4%㊂2)随着泡沫掺量逐渐增加,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土中气孔数量大幅增多,直接导致其抗压强度降低;此外,掺加泡沫后,单位体积内水泥含量减少以及供水泥水化产物生长的空间减小,由此导致单位体积内针棒状水化产物5Mg(OH)2㊃MgSO4㊃7H2O大幅减少,进而显著降低超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的抗压强度㊂3)当高稳定改性泡沫的掺量为200%时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土孔结构最优,其最大孔径㊁最小孔径和平均孔径均分别为257.12㊁65.00和112.71μm,与泡沫掺量为30%时相比,分别降低了59.8%㊁25.7%和25.7%㊂4)当泡沫掺量为250%时,超轻质硫氧镁基泡沫混凝土的导热系数可降低至0.0382W/(m㊃K),与未掺泡沫时的导热系数相比降低了98.1%㊂参考文献[1]㊀邓婷婷.建筑碳排放影响因素分析及系统仿真[D].武汉:华中科技大学,2022.DENG T T.Analysis of influencing factors of building carbon emission and system simulation[D].Wuhan:Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2022(in Chinese).[2]㊀陈进道.中国建筑行业碳排放测算及影响因素分解分析[D].重庆:重庆大学,2016.CHEN J D.Calculation of carbon emissions from construction industry in China and decomposition analysis of 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材料科学与工程MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING2000 Vol.18 No.2 P.110-115物理气相沉积TiN复合涂层研究进展胡树兵 李志章 梅志 【摘 要】 物理气相沉积(PVD)TiN涂层已获广泛应用。
【关键词】 TiN;复合涂层;过渡层;性能 中图分类号:TB43 文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-793x(2000)02-0110-06Research Development of the TiN PVD Composite CoatingsHU Shu-bing(Dept.of Mater.Sci.and Eng.,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027)(State Key Lab.of Die Tech.,Huazhong University of Scie.and Tech.,Wuhan 430074, China)LI Zhi-zhang(Dept.of Mater.Sci.and Eng.,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027)MEI Zhi(State Key Lab.of Die Tech.,Huazhong University of Scie.and Tech.,Wuhan 430074, China) 【Abstract】 The physical vapor deposited TiN coating has been widely used in many inductrial fields.In order to eliminate the defects and to optmige properties of TiN coating,composite coatings of TiN and different interlayers have been investigated in recent years.The processes,structures and properties of the composite coatings which consist of TiN and Ti,electroless Ni-P and nitriding interlayer, have been reviewed in this paper.In the mean time the effects of interlayer have been discussed.【Key words】 TiN;composite coating;interlayer;properties 作者简介:胡树兵(1963—),男,浙江大学材料系博士研究生,湖北汽车工业学院副教授.胡树兵(浙江大学材料工程系,杭州,310027)(华中理工大学模具技术国家重点实验室,武汉,430074)李志章(浙江大学材料工程系,杭州,310027)梅志(华中理工大学模具技术国家重点实验室,武汉,430074)参考文献[1] M.V.Stappen,L.M.Stals,M.Kerkhefs,C.Quaehaeyhagens.[J].Surface and Coatings Technology,1995,74-75:629~633[2] H.Randawa,P.C.Johnson,[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1987,31:303~318[3] 高桥夏木.[M].金属表面技术,1984,35:16~24[4] C.M.D.Starling,J.R.T.Branw,[J].Thin Solid Films,1997,308~309:436~442[5] O.Knotek,F.Loeffler,G.Kraemer,[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1992,54~55:241~248[6] H.Holleck,V.Schier.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1993,76~77:328~336[7] N.Dingremount,E.Bergmann,P.Collignon.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1993,72:157~162[8] J.E.Surdgren,H.T.G.Hentzell,[J].Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,1986,A4(5):2259 [9] Y.I.Chen,J.G.Duh.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1991,48:163[10] D.S.Rickerby,S.J.Bull,T.Robertson,A.Hendry[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1990,41:63[11] M.V.Stappen,B.Malliet,L.D.Schepper,L.M.Stals,et al.[J].Surface Engineering,1989,5(4):305 [12] rsson,Bromark,P.Hedengvist,S.Hogmark,[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1995,76-77:202[13] W.L.Pan,G.P.Yu,J.H.Huang,[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1998,110:111~119[14] B.F.Chen,W.L.Pan,G.P.Yu,J.Huang,J.H.Huang,[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1999,111:16~21[15] M.Flores,Blanco.,S.Muhl,C.Pina,J.Heiras.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1998,108-109:449~453[16] K.Reichel,W.Brandl,M.Mack,H.H.Urlberger H.Klenz[J].Galvanotechnik,1990,81(2):426[17] J.L.He,M.H.Hon.[J].Surf.Coat.Tehcnol.,1992,53:87~92[18] J.G.Duh,J.C.Doong[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1993,56:257~266[19] J.C.Doong.J.G.Dul,S.Y.Tsai.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1993,58:151~155[20] 陈秋龙,杨安静,唐树龙,林以佩.[J].第六届全国热处理大会论文集,1995,147~151 [21] 王亮,许晓磊,王天贵,黑祖昆.[J].金属热处理学报,1999,20(3):52~55[22] M.Bader,H.J.Spies,K.Hoeck,E.Broszeit,H.J.Schroeder.[J].Surf.Coat.Tehcnol.,1998,98:891~896 [23] A.S.Korhonen,E.H.Sirvio,M.S.Sulonen.[J].Thin Solid Films,1983,107:387~394[24] M.V.Stappen,et al.[J].Mater.Sci.Eng.,1991,A140:554~562[25] J.D.Haen,C.Quaeyhagens.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1993,60:468~473[26] C.Quaeyhagens,M.V.Stappen.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1992,54-55:279~286[27] J.D.Haen.C.Quaeyhagens.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1993,61:194~200[28] Y.Sun,T.Bell.[J].Mater.Sci.Eng.,1991,A140:419~434[29] N.Dingremount,A.Pianelli,et al.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1993,61:197~193[30] M.Zlatanovic.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1991,48:19~24[31] 许俊华,顾明元,李戈阳.[J].机械工程材料,1998,22(6):1~4[32] M.Zlatanovic,T.Gredic.,et al.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1994,63:35~41[33] T.Gredic.,M.Zlatanovic.,et al.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1992,54-55:502~507[34] M.Zlatanovic.,D.Kakas.,et al.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1994,64:173~181[35] B.J.Kim.,Y.C.Kim.,D.K.Lee.,J.J.Lee.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1999,111:56~61[36] 徐信夫,翟乐恒等.[J].真空科学与技术,1994,14(4):250~253[37] B.Skoric.,D.Kakas.,T.Gredic.[J].Thin Solid Films,1998,317:486~489[38] S.Rudenja.,P.Kulu.,E.Tallimets.,V.Mikli.,C.A.Straed.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1998,100-101:247~250 [39] V.Talyansky.,R.D.Vispute.,R.Ramesh.,R.P.Sharma.et al.[J].Thin Solid Films,1998,323:37~41 [40] K.L.LiN.,W.H.Chao.,C.D.Wu.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1997,89:279~284[41] 张书明,邓浩江,罗崇泰.[J].宇航材料工艺,1998,1:9~12[42] D.P.Monegham.,et al.[J].Surf.Coat.Technol.,1993,60:525收稿日期:1999-08-30;修订日期:1999-11-09。
Autodesk Fusion 360 T-Splines Module教程说明书
Product Surfacing with T-Splines and Parametric Modeling ToolsFACULTY INDUSTRIAL DESIGN – WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY****************.studioKuhnen.deClaas Eicke KuhnenA little bit about myself:Undergraduate degree in Color Design for Product and Graphic Design MFA in 3D Studio for Jewelry and Digital Animation I always have been very curious about 3D in general Faculty Industrial Design at Wayne State UniversityResearch Assistant in BioMedical Engineering studioKuhnen LLCFocus: Digital design tools and workflows for product development andrapid digital prototyping combining different programs into on cohesivedesign approach.BackgroundClass summaryDescription:This class will demonstrate a workflow that uses the T-Splines Module in Fusion 360 software to create NURBS-like surface patches based on existing sketches and sculpting the desired surface flows via CV direct modeling.The resulting boundary representations (BREPs) can be further manipulated with solid and surface modeling tools inside Fusion 360’s parametric timeline.The class will also focus on proper T-Spline mesh topology to improve resulting BREP patch layout quality.Key learning objectivesAt the end of this class, you will be able to:▪Create T-Splines surfaces via sketches and primitives▪Sculpting T-Spline surfaces and maintain proper topology layouts▪Use T-Splines with other modeling tools in the parametric timeline▪Understand best practices and parametric surfacing strategies▪Understand how to exchange data with other 3rd party applicationsNURBS vs T-Splines▪Precise▪Curvature graph▪Single 4 sided patch▪Poly surface for complex topology▪Insert isoprams or change degree while keeping the shape▪Cannot refine density locally (only on complete patch)▪To round edges fillet command has/ can to be used ▪Precise▪Curvature graph (with limitations)▪Single 4 sided patch and NGons▪Single surface for complex topology ▪Insert loop-cuts while keeping the exact shape▪Insert edge on a face where needed for local density change▪Fillets can be sculpted via edge loops and mesh topology on the fly▪Advantage:▪Clean light weight geometry▪Control over patch layout▪Disadvantage:▪Very labor intensive for smooth shapes▪Requires perfect profile layouts▪Design adjustments require manual sketch and surface re-alignments ▪Advantage:▪Incredible easy to sculpt▪Organic flows can be modeled with irregular topology layouts▪Disadvantage:▪Patch layout can get messy when T-Splines mesh count is high▪Achieving smooth curvature is harder than blending between NURBSsurfacesConclusionThink about T-Splines like NURBS:▪Think and treat T-Splines like NURBS that combines the best for NURBS andpolygon modeling together into one workflow▪Maintain slim mesh density like in a NURBS sculpting workflow▪But make use of mesh topology freedom from Sub-D modeling▪Then you have NURBS CV cage editing in Fusion 360Excited?So lets get started!▪Your class feedback is critical. Fill out a class survey now.▪Use the AU mobile app or fill out a class survey online.▪Give feedback after each session. ▪AU speakers will get feedback in real-time.▪Your feedback results in betterclasses and a better AU experience. How did I do?More Questions? Visit the AU Answer Bar ▪Seek answers to all of your technical productquestions by visiting the Answer Bar.Wednesday; 8am-4:30pm Thursday.▪Located outside Hall C, Level 2.▪Meet Autodesk developers, testers,& support engineers ready to helpwith your most challengingtechnical questions.Shape the future of Autodesk▪Connect one-on-one with product managers, designers, and researchers at the Idea Exchange.GoPro Sweepstakes.▪Open daily – Sessions average 20 minutes.No appointment necessary. Walk-ins welcome!▪Located outside Hall C, Level 2.▪View my contributor profile at AUonline for a list of all my classes.▪Learn more about me and see allmy contributions to Autodesklearning.▪Activate your own profile and startcontributing.▪Complete your profile while at AULas Vegas and Autodesk will makea donation on your behalf.See all my AU classes in one placeAutodesk is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and。
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∙Determine the material constants in Johnson-Cook equation from this lab.
∙Determine D1, D2 and D3 from the relationship between the strain at fracture єf and hydrostatic pressure p based on three kinds of specimens.
2.Experimental equipment
∙Tension machine
∙Materials: AISI 1008, AISI 1080, AISI 1045, AISI 1030, AISI 1060
∙Specimens sizes:unnotched, “B”notched and “E” notched specimens
∙Unnotched specimen size:
Figure 1.Unnotched specimen shape
∙‘B’ notched specimen size:
Figure 2.“B” notched specimen shape
∙‘E’ notched specimen size:
Figure 3.“E” notched specimen shape
Johnson-Cook fracture criterion:
, is the average of the three normal stresses
is the von Mises equivalent stress.
, Dimensionless plastic strain rate
This fracture criterion determines the effects of strain rate, temperature and pressure on the strain to fracture. The first set of brackets says that the strain to fracture
decreases as the hydrostatic tension increases. The expression in the second set of brackets represents the effect of strain rate, and that in the third set of brackets
represents the effect of temperature.
Johnson and Cook(1985) determine the constants related to the pressure-stress
ratio( D1, D2, D3) are those of Figure 4, adjusted from quasi-static conditions( ) to .
Experimental data in Figure 4 come from the quasi-static tensile tests as show in Figure
5.1Preparation of the Test Machine
Warm up the test machine to normal operating temperatures.
5.2Measurement of Dimensions of Test Specimens
To determine the cross-sectional area of a test specimen, measure the dimensions of the cross section at the center of the reduced section. For referee testing of specimens under
3/16 in. in their least dimension, measure the dimensions where the least cross-sectional area is found.
Figure 6. Calculation of the notched radius
5.3Gage Length Marking of Test specimens
Gage marks shall be stamped lightly with a punch, scribed lightly with dividers or drawn with ink as preferred.
For materials where the specified elongation is 3% or less, measure the original gage length to the nearest 0.002 in. prior to testing.
5.4Zeroing of the Testing Machine
5.5Gripping of the Test Specimen
5.6Speed of Testing
Speed of testing may be defined in terms of
(a)rate of straining of the specimen
(b)rate of stressing of the specimen
(c)rate of separation of the two heads of the testing machine during a test
(d)the elapsed time for completing part or all of the test
(e)free-running crosshead speed
5.7Determination of Elongation
5.8Rounding Reported Test Data
5.9Replacement of Specimens
b report
6.1 Original specimens sizes:
6.2 To determine D1, D2, D3:
The strain rate is :
The temperature is:
6.3 To determine D4:
The pressure and strain are: The temperature is:
6.4 To determine D5:
The pressure and strain are: The strain rate is:
7.Results and discussion
Unnotched specimen size:
Figure 1.Unnotched specimen shape
∙‘B’ notched specimen size:
Figure 2.“B” notched specimen shape
∙‘E’ notched specimen size:
Figure 3.“E” notched specimen shape
Tensile test for determining the paraments in Johnson-Cook fracture criterion
Keyan Wang