Abstract Time-Varying Surface Appearance Acquisition, Modeling and Rendering




2024年第48卷第3期Journal of Mechanical TransmissionTBM减速器两级行星齿轮传动系统动力学特性研究徐尤南1李明钦1刘汕娟1刘志强1,2(1 华东交通大学机电与车辆工程学院,江西南昌330013)(2 江西水利职业学院机电工程系,江西南昌330013)摘要隧道掘进机(Tunnel Boring Machine,TBM)减速器为TBM刀盘驱动系统重要部件。





关键词TBM 两级行星轮系动力学动态响应固有特性Research on Dynamic Characteristics of the Two-stage Planetary GearTransmission System of TBM ReducersXu Younan1Li Mingqin1Liu Shanjuan1Liu Zhiqiang1,2(1 School of Mechatronics and Vehicle Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China)(2 Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jiangxi Water Resources Institute, Nanchang 330013, China)Abstract Tunnel boring machine (TBM) reducers are important components of TBM's cutter-head drive system. In order to reveal the dynamic characteristics of the two-stage planetary gear transmission system of the TBM reducer, the influence factors such as tooth surface friction, the time-varying meshing stiffness, the back‑lash and meshing error of the two-stage planetary gear transmission system of the TBM reducer are considered. The torsional dynamics model of the two-stage planetary gear transmission system of the TBM reducer is estab‑lished by the lumped parameter method, and its dynamic characteristics are solved and analyzed. The inherent characteristic analysis results show three vibration modes of the planetary gear train: rigid body vibration mode, torsional vibration mode and the planetary gear vibration mode; the vibration displacement of each gear and the dynamic meshing force between the gear pairs are obtained from the dynamic response analysis. The result lays the foundation for the dynamic optimization design of planetary gear trains.Key words TBM Two-stage planetary gear train Dynamics Dynamic response Inherent character‑istic0 引言全断面硬岩隧道掘进机(Tunnel Boring Machine,TBM)[1]是集机、电、液及传感与信息技术于一体的国家重点工程建设、军事与国防工程所急需的重大技术装备。

Ying-Qing Xu,

Ying-Qing Xu,

A Hybrid Approach to Rendering Handwritten CharactersSara L. SuMassachusetts Institute ofTechnology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory200 Technology SquareCambridge, MA, 02139, USAsarasu@Chenyu WuCarnegie Mellon UniversityRobotics Institute5000 Forbes AvenuePittsburgh, PA 15213, USAchenyuwu@Ying-Qing Xu,Heung-Yeung ShumMicrosoft Research Asia5/F, Beijing Sigma CenterNo.49 Zhichun Road, Hai DianBeijing, China 100080{yqxu,hshum}@ ABSTRACTWith the growing popularity of pen-based computers comes the need to display clear handwritten characters at small sizes on low-resolution displays. This paper describes a method for automatically constructing hinted TrueType fonts from on-line handwriting data. Hints add extra information to glyph outlines in the form of imperative constraints overriding side effects of the rasterization process. We use an aggressive matching strategy to find correspondences between an input glyph and a previously-hinted template, considering both global and local features to allow hinting even when they differ in shape and topology. Recognizing that stroke width statistics are among features that characterize a person’s handwriting, we recalculate global values in the control value table (CVT) before transfer to preserve the characteristics of the original handwriting. KeywordsHandwriting, automatic hinting, digital typography, shape matching, pen-based interaction.1. INTRODUCTIONHandwriting plays an integral role in our thought processes, functional tasks, and communication with peers, and perhaps even offers some insight into personality traits [Bra91]. How we write, along with what we write, defines who we are.With all that we rely on handwriting for, it is perhaps unsurprising that pen-based computers are growing in popularity. Appearing as small handheld devices, personal tablet computers, and large whiteboard displays, numerous systems since Sketchpad [Sut63] have demonstrated stylus-based interaction to be a concise, effective means of user input.While many handhelds accept character-by-character input as stylized “graffiti” [Mac97], as the popularity of pen-based computing continues to grow, an increasing number of people will rely on applications with freehand input. Advertisements for tablet computers, targeting users who work away from the desk, tout them as being as natural to write on as a pad of paper.Much work has been done in the areas of recognition [Mac94], simulation [Dev95], and learning-based synthesis of handwriting [Guy96, Wan02], but less attention has been paid to the problem of rendering the resulting characters on screen. Whether they were synthesized, scanned, or written directly onto a tablet screen, digital handwriting must at some point be rendered legibly and without loss of quality. Recognizing the demand for onscreen text that is both readable and unique to the user, digital type foundries have begun offering “personal handwriting fonts”, typefaces designed based on a customer’s signature or writing samples. Like other typefaces, some of these fonts contain essential gridfitting instructions, hints, that specify the appearance of characters at varying point sizes and display resolutions. While some handwriting fonts are manually hinted (an extremely time-consuming task), most are either hinted automatically by a typeface authoring system such as Macromedia Inc.’s Fontographer or contain no hints at all. While Fontographer’s auto-hinting system is effective for traditional typefaces of size 24 pt or larger, handwritten glyphs are a special case that most existing auto-hinters do not handle well.Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Journal of WSCG, Vol.12, No.1-3, ISSN 1213-6972 WSCG’2004, February 2-6, 2003, Plzen, Czech Republic. Copyright UNION Agency – Science PressWe propose a hybrid method for automatically hinting handwriting by considering global and local features of each glyph against knowledge of already-hinted templates. Though in this paper we discuss these techniques in the terms of TrueType template fonts and hint instructions, we see them as applicable in the more general context of intelligent rendering of handwriting. Here we implement the specific case of converting handwritten characters from a polylines on a tablet device to TrueType glyphs. The results are encouraging and suggest an application scenario in which the user can create a more legible form of his or her own handwriting directly on a tablet without having to wait for a company to digitize and hint writing samples as a typeface.2. BACKGROUNDAlthough many alternative representations have been proposed [Knu86, Kla93, McG95], outline fonts are still the format most widely used today. Outlines avoid many of the problems that plagued earlier bitmap fonts (every required size must be hand designed, they are tuned to a specific printer, and the footprint of a font grows quickly with the size of the characters), but to be displayed on screen, they must eventually be converted to bitmaps [Rub88].Hinting gives a typographic engineer fine control over the appearance of glyphs when rasterized. With these gridfitting instructions, the typographer specifies constraints between knots of a glyph or between a knot and a gridline. Though it is a laborious task, hinting is essential for legible rendering of glyphs. Stroke width uniformity, stroke continuity, glyph spacing: all are controlled by hinting. The difference in quality between hinted and unhinted glyphs is most apparent for small point sizes displayed at typical screen resolutions of 72-120 dpi. Hinting also improves the appearance of small text faxed at 200 dpi or printed at 300-600 dpi [Sta97].The two major font standards, TrueType and Postscript (or Type 1), though both using outline representations of characters, incorporate two very different hinting philosophies. While Postscript fonts leave control of a character’s final appearance to the rasterizer [Ado90], a typographer embeds explicit gridfitting instructions in the outline description when designing a TrueType font [App96, Con97, Typ96].2.1 Postscript hintingIn the description of a Postscript font, semantic features of each glyph are marked, and hints contain information about vertical and horizontal bands across these features. It is up to the rasterizer to use this information to optimize the distribution of pixels by stretching or compressing glyph outlines within the defined bands. Because control of the character’s final appearance falls to the rasterizer, the typographer cannot specify exactly what it will look like when rendered. However, the relative simplicity of Postscript hints makes it more straightforward to develop automatic hinting systems based on recognition of semantic features.2.2 TrueType hintingIn TrueType, there is no concept of bowls, stems, or other semantic features of a character; there are only knots and splines. The designer of a TrueType font can control the precise layout of a glyph’s pixels at a particular size by programming explicit gridfitting instructions into the description of the font. Tools such as Fontographer and Visual True-Type [Sta98] generate hint instructions in high-level, declarative languages that are then compiled to the TrueType assembly language. Like Zongker et al. [Zon00], we discuss hint translation in terms of the VTT Talk language provided by Visual TrueType [Mic97].A single VTT Talk instruction specifies a constraint between two knots in a glyph, between a knot and a gridline, or on a group of knots in a contour. The following types of VTT Talk hints are defined: An anchor rounds a parent-less knot to the grid or to a gridline specified by a CVT entry. A child knot’s position is maintained relative to its anchored parent with the use of distance and link constraints. A distance constraint specifies the absolute distance to maintain while a link refers to a CVT entry. Both parent and child are rounded to gridlines such that there is a minimum distance of 1 pixel between the two. A child knot’s position is maintained relative to two parents with an interpolate instruction. A shift maintains a child’s distance to its parent even if hinting has moved the parent. Unlike with a link, the child’s position is not rounded to the grid, thereby allowing movements of less than a full pixel. Deltas and moves, known as exceptions, are used to specify the exact number of pixels at a point at a particular glyph size. A delta affects a single size while a move applies to all sizes of a glyph.There has been significant earlier work on automatic “tuning” of typefaces including [Her91, Hob93, Her94, Zon00, Sha03].Hersch and Bétrisey [Her91] developed model-based methods for automatic hinting, transferring gridfitting instructions from specially constructed intermediate models. The model for each glyph includes both an outline description of shape as well as a listing of its semantic parts. After matching the outlines of the glyph to be hinted to those of themodel, the semantic features of the target glyph can be labeled and hints generated.Zongker et al. [Zon00] adapted this work to create a production tool for hinting TrueType fonts. Rather than using a manually constructed model as a bridge between knots on the outline character and the semantic features needed for hinting, their method uses an already-hinted TrueType font as the template. The template can be cleverly chosen to be a good match to the target font, resulting in good quality hints. The instructions transferred using this method retained the hinting techniques particular to the individual typographer.3. METHODOur hinting method is motivated by earlier work on model-based shape matching [Her91] and example-based hinting of TrueType fonts [Zon00]. These automated hinting systems transferred instructions from a manually-hinted template to a new input glyph. We build on techniques introduced in these systems to automatically hint handwritten glyphs that often differ from the predefined templates.The first step is to determine correspondences between template and input knots. We first calculate global correspondences between a glyph and the same glyph from the template set and then calculating local correspondences through comparisons to analogous curves of other template glyphs. This hybrid approach allows us to find matches even for input/template glyph pairs that are topologically very different.After knot correspondences have been found, hint instructions are translated from template to input in a relatively straightforward process. In addition to glyph-specific hints, global data in the control value table (CVT) used to unify structural elements across glyphs are also translated. One could argue that the CVT is not useful when dealing with the irregularities of handwriting. However, though the constraints are hardly as rigid as those of traditional typefaces, there still exists a degree of uniformity across characters in most handwriting. Indeed, it is these patterns and shared features that aid a reader in identifying the familiar handwriting of a friend. We recompute values in the CVT based on measurements at input glyph knots, creating new CVT entries for features not sufficiently captured in the template.3.1 From strokes to points and curvesMany fonts originating from brushed or penned strokes take their glyph shapes from the physical actsof creating them. Unlike many traditional typefaces, the appearance of script, calligraphic, or “handwriting-like” glyphs has more to do with letter formation patterns than with intentional typographic form.Our goal is to preserve the characteristic stroke widths of handwritten characters using hints. In this section, we describe the process of extracting outline knots of a variable-width handwritten stroke.3.1.1 Reconstructing variable-width strokes Input strokes could come from a variety of sources: scanned from paper, created in a digital painting program, or input directly from a tablet device. Currently, most pen-input devices render handwriting as fixed-width polylines. However, most do record physical information, such as direction and speed of pen movement, that can be used to reconstruct the variable-width stroke as it might appear on paper.To simulate pen movement, we use a straightforward physical model for rendering the pen strokes with variable width. We assume that the pen's movement involves only translation and regard the pen tip as a perfect circle at the point of initial contact. As the pen moves, extrusion forces in the x- and y-directions cause the circle to deform into an ellipse of constant area as illustrated in Figure 1.In addition to the direction and speed of pen movement, pen pressure is taken into account in calculating the deformation of the virtual pen tip. Rendering the changing position and shape of the ellipse through time produces the variable-width stroke from whose outline knots can be extracted to create a TrueType glyph.This deformation method works well for reconstructing a variable-width, brush-like stroke. Arabic language fonts, as well as some Latin calligraphic fonts, require a different model. In these cases, the pen tip is rigid, and it is the nib angle and direction of pen movement that determine the strokethickness.Figure 1. Extrusion forces deform the pen tip into an ellipse as the pen moves. f(t m) indicates the extrusion force at t m.3.1.2 Curve-fittingBy sub-sampling the outline of a variable-width input stroke, we can extract all control points to form the point-and-curve description of the TrueType glyph. TrueType outlines are defined by on-curve and off-curve points. Adjacent on-curve points are connected with straight line segments while off-curve points, along with neighboring on-curve points, define Bézier curve segments. In this case, we only use on-curve points. Though their use results in a larger-footprint outline description, this larger set of on-curve points preserves more of the topology of the input character. In the future, we may pursue alternative curve-fitting techniques capable of also approximating off-curve points, resulting in a smaller-footprint outline description. The points arerenumbered according to their location on glyph contours before being written to the final font file. These points will be used in the outline glyph definition in the TrueType font file to be manipulated by the auto-hinting processes.3.2 Correspondence searchIn order to transfer hints from a template character set (an already-hinted font), we must determine the correspondence between the template font and input glyphs, or more specifically, between the template and input knots.We first attempt to match the overall topology of an input glyph with the corresponding template glyph. For reasonably similar template and input character sets, this global correspondence search is sufficient. However, for glyphs whose shapes differ significantly from their templates, more than a global topological search is required. In this case, we also perform a local search for correspondences in similar curves of different template glyphs.3.2.1 Global searchSuppose we wish to hint an input glyph G i based on its corresponding template glyph G t. For each knot of G t, we attempt to find an analogous knot in G i.We first attempt to balance the number of strokes with a strategy similar to that employed by [Arv00]. We join strokes of G i that are nearly collinear and split those containing sharp corners. Note that this step does not physically split or join strokes; rather the strokes are merely hinted as though these operations have been applied. The rendered appearance of the character is not altered.In order to maximize the number of hints transferred, we find a matching input knot for each on-curve template knot. If later a match is deemed inappropriate, the related hints can be ignored in the translation step. We consider all permutations of correspondences between knots. While earlier attempts to find the best correspondence have been primarily heuristic-based, our algorithm calculates the optimal correspondence based on the “energy” required for morphing the input character to the template, calculated as the sum of the squared distances between template and input knots. Though simple, this measure of cost is quite effective. In the future, it would be worthwhile to consider including other factors in the cost such as the energy required to distort glyph features during morphing. Alternatively, we could apply a physically-based shape-blending such as that described in [Sed92]. Information about the approximate location of each knot is used reduce running time. As a pre-proc FindCorrespondences(Glyph G i, Glyph G t)while( |G i| > |G t| and G i.hasCollinearStrokes( ) ) {//join the most collinear strokes of G i}while( |G i| > |G t| and G i.hasCorners( ) ) {//splitG i at the sharpest corner}CorrespondenceSet C minC min.numKnots ←G i.numKnotsforeachknot i in G i {C min.knots[0][i] ←G i.knots[i]}C min.energy ←∞//consider all permutations of correspondencesforeachCorrespondenceSet C {C.energy ← 0foreach(knot J, knot K) in C {C.energy ←C.energy+(J.x-K.x)2+(J.y-K.y)2 }if ( C.energy < C min.energy ) {C min←C}returnC minFigure 2. Global search algorithm. Figure 3. The global correspondence search attempts to match each knot on an input glyph with one on the corresponding template.processing step, each glyph is segmented into four geographic regions, each knot being tagged with this information. Local energy is only calculated for pairs of template and input knots located in the same region.With fairly uniform handwriting, a single template font is usually sufficient. However, as mentioned above, handwriting exhibiting a high degree of variance across glyphs cannot be accurately matched with a single template. Given a number of possible templates, we must choose the one most closely matching the input. Comparing each possible template against our input, we determine the best match to be the one with the least total energy.3.2.2 Local searchFigure 3 shows the results of the global correspondence search for two pairs of glyphs. A complete set of correspondences can be found for the ‘e’ glyphs, with each template knot paired with an input knot. The match for the ‘m’ glyphs is less successful. A successful global correspondence search requires a high degree of similarity between two glyphs. When this is not the case, the global search will fail to find a complete match. In addition, a number of letters appear in multiple topological forms, for example lowercase ‘a’, ‘g’, and ‘r’, and uppercase ‘I’ and ‘Q’. Such cases motivate the need for a local correspondence search that considers matches with other glyphs of the character set.As a pre-processing step, template and input glyphs are split into component strokes based on the degree of curvature at each on-curve point. To approximate letter formation patterns, we determine stroke splits at knots with a high degree of curvature.Each template we initially consider contains a component stroke that could possibly fit a section in the input glyph well. By analyzing the number of contours, start and end points, variation in the skeleton direction, and glyph region, we determine the template most closely matching the input.Next, we calculate the feature points of the given contour in a three-step process. Using curvature to determine feature points results in many redundant points due to the large number of on-curve points in the input. Therefore, we consider only the most prominent feature points (maxima and minima) and map each of these to feature points in the input. Next,we map the pairs of feature points (manually labeled in the template) that we have found in the first step, with pairs extracted from the input. Finally, we map the remaining feature points in the template with the translated points in the input. Note that these translated points are selected from several candidate points by preserving most of the topological structure among feature points in the template. In this way, we maintain the original hinting style and accuracy.This algorithm is perhaps most easily discussed in the context of an example. Figure 4 illustrates the steps to finding the local correspondence between atemplate and input glyph.Figure 4. Steps in finding a local correspondence. (1) Feature points are identified in the x- and y-directions.(2) The analogous point to the feature point of interest is identified. (3) After matching B’ with B and F’ with F, we get the triangle B’C’F’. The sets of points B, C, F, and B’, C’, F’, define a unique affine transformation leading to a new triangle B”C”F” with side B”F” overlapping BF. By selecting a feature point from C, p1, p2, p3 and p4, with minimal distance from C”, a translated triangle BCF can be found that most closely matches the original triangle B’C’F’.3.3 Hint translationAfter correspondences between input and template knots have been found, hint translation is relatively straightforward. Hint programs are copied from the templates and attached to the input glyphs, substituting corresponding knot numbers in the VTT Talk instructions. Hints involving a knot for which only a weak final correspondence was found are discarded.We translate hint instructions that preserve location, distance, and proportions: Distances, links, and shifts maintain the width of a stroke and the relationships between structural elements of the glyph. Interpolates maintain alignment of and proportions between structural elements. While slight deviations of a glyph's knots from the grid are acceptable to the human eye, anchors help maintain the consistency across a string of glyphs. Delta and move exceptions are not translated as they are typically applied by the typographer on a case-by-case basis. Global-scope instructions (Smooth(), for example) are also not translated for individual glyphs. As such instructions typically apply to all glyphs, they can be applied separately in post-processing.3.4 Stroke width regularizationBecause each instruction is a local operation, hints alone cannot provide a typographer with complete control over consistency among glyphs. This additional expressive power is provided by the control value table (CVT), a shared table of distances referenced by hint instructions. References to entries in the CVT regularize the appearance of structural elements within a single glyph (e.g. when referenced by a distance instruction) or across glyphs (e.g. in the case of the link instruction) [Ado01]. Use of the CVT guarantees that values the typographer intended to be equal at design time are rendered as such.It could be argued that the CVT is not appropriate foruse with handwriting fonts because it introduces too much uniformity. We limit the restrictiveness of the CVT by tailoring it to the features of the input. As discussed in [Zon00], the CVT entry numbers of template can certainly still be used for our input. However, the values in these entries, designed for the particular features of the template, are no longer appropriate. We must calculate new values for the entries based on measured features of the input. We consider every instance where a specific CVT entry is referenced by template glyphs. We then average the actual values at analogous knots in the input glyphs to calculate the new CVT entry. Zongker et al. discarded as outliers those cases in which the measured value was too different from the average value. The reasoning is that the difference suggests that it is not appropriate to apply this CVT constraint in this case. While for uniform typefaces this approach results in relatively little loss of hint data, when considering handwriting, the wide variations found in measured values for a single CVT entry preclude use of this method.We note that, due to the cross-letter patterns in a person's handwriting, these outliers often appear in clusters. While differing greatly from the average values stored in the CVT, these outliers are often close enough to each other to be considered a separate class of reference. An example is shown in Figure 5. Rather than discarding outliers, we partition references to a particular CVT entry into clusters of references. Sufficiently different references are branched into a new CVT entry. The averaging and branching continues until all entries have been categorized. An entry referenced by a single link instruction can safely be discarded and the link replaced with a distance instruction.This clustering and branching approach allows us to identify patterns in the input set, retaining as much hint data as possible.4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONFigure 6 shows a number of handwritten charactersautomatically hinted with our method. The input characters were manually segmented from complete words written on a tablet computer. A manually-hinted Roman font was used as the template for the global correspondence search; the local search used a hinted, stroke-like font as the template. We tested the results of autohinting glyphs displayed at a typical screen resolution of 96 dpi using Visual TrueType's internal rasterizer.4.1 Hints and dropout controlA topic of ongoing discussion among typographers is whether italic fonts, fancy fonts and handwrittenfonts need to be hinted or if for these fonts, onlyFigure 5. Identifying clusters of CVT references. Red lines indicate the templates’ link references to the same CVT entry. After the hints are translated to the input glyphs, it becomes apparent that a new entry should be created for the cluster of green links.basic hints and a dropout control mechanism are needed. When part of a stroke is thinner than one pixel, the resulting hole or “drop” in the raster image can be disruptive to perception of the character. To prevent these artifacts, a simple dropout control mechanism can be applied at time of rasterization to detect the location of drops and to insert an extra pixel at the site of the drop. (For an in depth discussion of dropout control, please see [Her93].)In Figure 6, we compare glyphs with hints automatically applied, those with only dropout control applied, and those with both hints and dropout control applied.As noted in Section 3.1, the handwritten glyphs contain no off-curve control points and a much larger number of on-curve control points. Because of this, the effect of the dropout control mechanism is to simply “connect the dots”, resulting in a single-width polyline in many cases. (See, for example, the second ‘c’ at 18 pt in Figure 6.)The automatically hinted glyphs show improvement in certain features at the cost of slight distortion of other features. (The ‘m’s in the figure are good examples of this.)Combining auto-hinting and dropout control produces characters that are more legible that those using either mechanism alone and that are clearly a great improvement over unhinted characters.Still, the matching algorithm is far from perfect; in some of the glyphs (e.g. the first ‘b’ at 18 pt, the first ‘e’ at 24 pt), the translation of inappropriate hints actually degraded the appearance. But while this and other automatic hinting systems still have a ways to go to come close to the hinting accuracy of expert typographers, these early results are encouraging.4.2 Choosing templatesThe choice of template, as well as the choice of whether to hint both globally and locally, depends on the purpose the hinted handwriting will serve. If the goal is to have consistently readable text, the best choice may be a professionally-hinted highly-uniform font template for global hinting only. If the goal is to provide the user with a “typographically nice” form of their writing, use of a large database of local templates will increase the likelihood of a close match. One could imagine using one automatically-hinted font as a template for another, but this would degrade the results.4.3 ApplicationsContextual handwriting fonts. The new OpenType standard, developed jointly by Adobe and Microsoft [Ado01], provides support for contextual fonts which can store multiple definitions of each glyph. Several typeface companies have already taken advantage of this technology in the handwriting fonts they produce. Typographers at Signature Software, Inc. use a semi-automatic system to design multiple forms for each cursive character so that each can connect naturally to one preceding. While the resulting fonts are more regularized than a person's actual handwriting, the contextually changing character connection locations help give the appearance that the person might have written the text. The techniques described in this paper make it feasible to automatically hint a large number of variations of each glyph for very realistic handwriting.Hinting of arbitrary curves. Our hybrid correspondence search could be applied to discover structure in an arbitrary curve. We are interested in pursuing the extension to hinting of logos and vector graphics for optimal display on low resolution devices.General rendering of handwriting. In this paper, we discussed example-based methods of improving rendering of handwriting in the context of TrueType font hinting. It would be worthwhile to consider the application of these techniques in a more general context, replacing the font templates and TrueType hints with a more general template and additional rendering information. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis project was initiated while S. Su and C. Wu were interns at Microsoft Research Asia, and we acknowledge our colleagues there, at the Microsoft Redmond campus, and in the MIT Computer Graphics Group for insightful discussions about this work. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their feedback.REFERENCES[Ado01] Adobe Systems Inc., and Microsoft Corp.OpenType Specification, 1.3 ed., April 2001.[Ado90] Adobe Systems Inc.. Adobe Type 1 Font Format.Addison-Wesley, 1990.[App96] Apple Computer Inc. The TrueType Reference Manual. October 1996.[Arv00] Arvo., J., and Novins, K. Smart Text: Asynthesis of recognition and morphing. In Proc. ofAAAI Spring Symposium on Smart Graphics, pp. 140-147, 2000.[Bra91] Branston, B. Graphology Explained. Samuel Weiser Inc., 1991.[Con97] Connare, V. Basic Hinting Philosophies and TrueType Instructions, Microsoft Corporation, 1997. [Dev95] Devroye, L., and McDougall, M. Random fonts for the simulation of handwriting. ElectronicPublishing, Vol. 8, pp. 281-294, 1995.[Guy96] Guyon, I. Handwriting synthesis fromhandwritten glyphs. In Proc. of the 5th International。



第21卷第1期2021年2月泰州职业技术学院学报Journal of Taizhou Polytechnic College V ol.21No.1 Feb.2021新型冠状病毒肺炎患者血液中红细胞体积参数的变化李安明,高灵宝#,韩俊岭,夏婷婷,韩静(泰州市人民医院,江苏泰州225300)摘要:目的观察新型冠状病毒肺炎患者血液中RDW-SD、RDW-CV和MCV三种红细胞体积参数的变化。







Aabattage 屠宰abiosis 营养性衰竭abnormal exposure 异常照射abnormal odor 异常气味abridged life table 简略寿命表abscopal effect 远隔效应absolute activity 绝对活性absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute lethal concentration 绝对致死浓度absorbed dose 吸收剂量absorbed dose index 吸收剂量指数absorbed dose index rate 吸收剂量指数率absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量率absorbed nitrogen 吸收氮absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收管absorption 吸收(作用)absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption of radionuclide in the body 放射性核素在体内的吸收absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption rate 吸收率absorption spectrophotometry 吸收分光光度法abstract 摘要,概括abundance ratio 丰度比acalcicosis (acalcerosis) 缺钙症accelerated excretion of radionuclide from the body 放射性核素由体内的促排accelerator 加速器accelerator-based activation analysis 使用加速器的活化分析accelerator-type neutron generator 加速器型中子发生器acceptable dose 可接受的剂量,容许剂量acceptable concentration 容许浓度acceptable daily intake 每日容许摄入量acceptor 受体access time 存取时间accident 事故,意外事件accident condition 事故状态accidental exposure 事故照射accidental exposure 事故性接触accumulated dose 累积剂量accumulation 蓄积accuracy 准确度accurate diagnosis 确诊acentric fragment (terminal deleton) 无着丝点断片(末端缺失)acentric ring 无着丝点环acephalus 无头畸胎acetaldehyde 乙醛acetic aldehyde 乙醛acetic ester 醋酸酯acetone 丙酮acetyl Co-A乙酰辅酶-Aacetylcholine 乙酰胆碱acid fume 酸雾acid rain 酸雨acidosis 酸中毒acoustics 声学acrolein 丙烯醛acrylic acid 丙烯酸acrylonitrile 丙烯acta 学报,通报actinium emanation (actinon) 锕射气(An)actinium family 锕系actino-uranium family 锕铀系activable tracer 可活化示踪物activated carbon 活性炭activation 活化activation analysis 活化分析active zone 活性区activity 活性activity concentration 放射性浓度actual frequency 实际频数acute radium poisoning 急性镭中毒acute radiation injury 急性放射损伤acute radiation injury of skin 急性皮肤放射损伤acute radiation pneumonitis 急性放射型肺炎acute radiation sickness 急性放射病acute uranium poisoning 急性铀中毒acute intoxication 急性中毒acute pernicious beriberi 急性恶性脚气病adaptation 适应adaptive response 适应性反应addict 嗜好,吸毒成瘾addition reaction 加成反应additional chlorine 加氯量additive 添加物(剂)additive action 相加作用adenine 腺嘌呤adenosine 腺甙adenosine triphosphate, A TP 三磷酸腺苷adenovirus 腺病毒adenylatecyclase 腺甙酸环化酶adenylic acid 腺甙酸adequate nutrition 合理营养adjusted rate 调整率adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年adrenal gland 肾上腺adrenal gland imaging 肾上腺显影adrenalin 肾上腺素adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH 促肾上腺皮质激素adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附作用adsorption coprecipitation 吸附共沉淀adulthood 成年时期aeration process 曝气法aerobic bacteria 需氧细菌aerosol 气溶胶aerosphere 大气圈aether (ether) 乙醚aetiology (etiology) 病因学affair 事件affinity 亲和力(性)affinity chromatography 亲和层析法aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素aflatoxin poisoning 黄曲霉毒素中毒agar 琼脂age-specific probability of dying 年龄组死亡概率agency 经办,代理(处),机构age-specific death rate (ASDR) 年龄别(组)死亡率age-specific fertility rate 年龄别生育率age-specific mortality rate 年龄别死亡率air filter 空气过滤器air kerma rate constant 空气比释动能率常数air sampling 空气取样air cleaning 空气净化air conditioning 空气调节(空调)air mass 气团air quality 大气质量Air Quality Act 大气质量法(法令,法规)air sampler 大气采样器air shower 空气淋浴air-borne transmission 空气传播aircraft disease 航空病air-dry weight 风干重量alarm 警报albedo neutron dosimeter 反照率中子剂量计albumen (albumin) 白蛋白albuminuria 蛋白尿症aldehyde 醛alimentary toxicosis 食物中毒aliquot 等份试样,可分量alkali-earths elements 硷土族元素alkali-metals elements 硷金属元素alkaline phosphatase 硷性磷酸酶alkane 烷烃,链烷alkene 烯烃,链烯allele 等位基因allergen 致敏原,变态反应原allergic reaction 变态反应allergy 变态反应allowable error 允许误差allowed transition 容许跃迁alpha decay α衰变alpha disintegration α衰变alpha fetoprotein, AFP 甲胎蛋白alpha particle α粒子alpha ray α射线alpha track α径迹alternative hypothesis 备择假设Ames test 艾姆斯试验(鼠伤寒沙门氏菌/哺乳动物肝微粒体试验)amine 胺amino acid 氨基酸amino acid pattern 氨基酸模式amino acid score 氨基酸评分amino-carboxyl complexing agent 氨羧络合剂aminoethylisothiourea, AET 氨基乙基异硫脲aminopherase 转氨酶ammonia nitrogen 氨氮ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵ammonium nitrite 亚硝酸铵anaerobe (anaerobic bacteria) 厌氧菌analysis of data 分析资料analysis of variance (ANOV A) 方差分析analysis instrumentation 仪器分析analytical chemistry of uranium 铀的分析化学anaphase 末期Anerican Board of Nuclear Medicine, ABNM 美国核医学董事会β-aminoisobutyric β氨基异丁酸aneroid (barometer) 空盆气分析aneurin 维生素B1,硫胺素aniline 苯胺animal experiment 动物实验animal foodstuff 动物性食品anion 阴离子anion exchange resin 阴离子交换树脂anion exchanger 阴离子交换剂annihilation 湮没annihilation radiation 湮没辐射annotation 注解,注释annual dose 年剂量annual limit of intake, ALI 年摄入量限值anode 阳极anode stripping voltammetry 阳极溶出伏安法anoxia 缺氧症antagonism 拮抗作用antagonistic action 拮抗作用anthracene 蒽anthraco-slicosis 煤矽肺anthrax bacillus 炭疽杆菌anthrcosis 煤肺antibody 抗体antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, ADCC 抗体依赖性细胞介导的细胞毒性anticancer agent 抗癌剂anti-corrosion 防腐antidiuretic hormone, ADH 抗利尿激素antidote 解毒剂antigen 抗原antilymphocyte serum, ALS 抗淋巴细胞血清antimony 锑antineutrino 反中微子antineutron 反中子anti-pollution measure 环境污染对策antiproton 反质子antiseptic agent 防腐剂antitoxin 抗毒素aplastic anemia 再生障碍性贫血apparent clinical well being 假愈期apparent digestibility 表观消化率appearance 外观appetite 食欲applicator 敷贴器apurinic/apyrimidinic site 无嘌呤/无嘧啶位点aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic plant 水生植物arachidonic acid 花生四烯酸archives 档案,文献arcsine transformation 反正弦变换area monitoring (工作)场所监测area of radiation 照射面积area scanner 面(积)扫描机argon 氩ariboflavinosis 核黄素缺乏症arithmetic mean 算术平均数,均数arm counter 手腕计数器aromatic ring 芳香环aromatics 芳香族化合物arrhythmia 心律失常arsenic poisoning 砷中毒arsenide food poisoning 砷化物食物中毒artificial radioactive source 人工辐射源artificial radioactivity 人造放射性artificial radioisotope 人工放射性同位素artificial radionuclide 人造放射性核素artificial illumination (artificial lighting) 人工照明asbestos (asbestos) 石棉asbestosis 石棉沉着病,石棉肺ascariasis 蛔虫病ascending chromatography 上行层析法ascending paper chromatography 上行纸层析法ascorbic acid 抗坏血酸ascorbic acid oxidase 抗坏血酸氧化酶asepsis 无菌法,防腐asphalt 沥青,柏油assay 测定,化验,检验assessment 评价assessment of exposure 照射评价assessment of radiation protection 辐射防护评价associate 同事,伙伴assumption 假想,设想asymmetrical interchange 不对称间互换atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric dilution 大气稀释atmospheric particulates 大气微粒atmospheric pollution 大气污染atmospheric pollution index 大气污染指数atom 原子atomic bomb 原子弹Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, ABCC 原子弹爆炸损伤调查委员会Atomic Energy Commission, AEC (美国)原子能委员会(现已取消)atomic mass number 原子质量数atomic mass unit 原子质量单位atomic medicine 原子医学,核医学atomic nuclear reaction 原子核反应atomic nucleus 原子核atomic reactor 原子反应堆atomic weapon 原子武器atomic absorption spectrophotometer 原子吸收分光光度计atomosphere 大气圈,大气,气氛atrophy 萎缩attenuation coefficient 减弱系数,衰减系数attenuator 衰减器attributable risk 归因危险度audiometry 听力测定auditory fatigue 听觉疲劳auger electron 俄歇电子authorized limit 管理限值autoclave 高压锅autocorralation function 自相关函数autocorrelation coefficient 自相关系数autoinfection 自身感染automat 自动装置automatic control自动控制automatic data processing system 自动处理数据系统automatic pipettor 自动移液器automatic sample changer 自动换样器automatic sampler-counter 自动取样计数器automatic scintillation scanner 自动闪烁扫描机automatic well counter 自动井型计数器autonomous thyroid nodule 自主性甲状腺结节autoradiogram, ARGM 放射自显影图autoradiograph 放射自显影autoradiographic lacalization of receptor 放射自显影受体显示术autoradiographic neuroanatomical tracing 放射自显影神经解剖示踪术autoradiography 放射自显影术autoradiolysis 放射自溶解availability 有效性,效力available chlorine 有效氯avalanche detector 雪崩检测器average 平均数average life time 平均寿命average life 平均寿命avidin 抗生素蛋白,抗生朊avitaminosis 维生素缺乏症avogadro number 阿伏伽德罗常数azimuthally-varying-field cyclotron 磁场按方位角度变的回旋加速器azo-reagent 偶氯试剂Bbaby cyclotron 小型回旋加速器bacillus-coli (colon-bacillus) 大肠杆菌back scattering 反向散射back-extract 反萃取background 本底,背景background count 本底(计数)background survey 本底调查bacteria-carrier 带菌者bacterial food poisoning 细菌性食物中毒bactericide 杀菌剂bag filter 布袋除尘器bar 巴(压强单位)bar graph 条图bariun poisoning 钡中毒barn 巴恩barometer 气压计barometric high 高气压barometric low 低气压barrieer effect 屏障作用barrier function of organism 机体屏障功能base excision repair 硷基切除修复basic limit 基本限值basic nuclear medicine 基础核医学basicity 碱性,碱度basophil granulocyte 嗜硷粒细胞batch processing 成批处理,批量处理battery 电池beam hardening(射线)束硬化现象beam therapy射束治疗becquerel, Bq贝可(勒尔)behaviour-metabolic law行径代谢规律benzahex 六六六(农药)benzene poisoning苯中毒benzene hexachloride (BHC) 六六六,六氯化苯benzene poisoning 苯中毒benzidine 联苯胺benzol 工业苯benzopyrene 苯并芘beriberi 脚气病berylliosis 铍中毒beta decayβ衰变beta disintigrationβ衰变beta particleβ粒子beta rayβ射线(粒子)beta ray applicatorβ线敷贴器beta spectrometerβ谱仪beta trackβ径迹betatron电子感应加速器between assay测定间(批间)分析between assay error测定间(批间)分析误差bias 偏性bibliography 文献目录,目录学biliary tract imaging胆道显影binding energy结合能binomial distribution 二项分布binucleate lymphocyte双核淋巴细胞bioaccumulation 生物蓄积,生物积累bioassay生物学检验,生物测定biochemical conversion 生物转化biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 生物需氧量biocondensation 生物富集,生物缩合biodegradation 生物降解biodosimeter生物剂量计bioelectrical activity 生物电活动bio-enrichment 生物富集biofeed-back机体(自身)反馈,生物反馈biological half-life period 生物半衰期,生物半减期biological decay生物衰变,生物排出biological decay constant生物衰变常数biological dosimeter生物剂量指示计biological effect生物效应biological half-life生物半衰期biological macromolecule生物大分子biological oxidation生物氧化biological comcentration 生物浓缩biological methylation 生物甲基化biological monitoring 生物监测biological oxidation 生物氧化biological purification 生物净化biological specimen 生物样品biological treatment 生物处理法biological value of protein 蛋白质生物学价值biomechanics生物力学biopsy 活组织检查biosphere 生物圈biotic index 生物指数biotic pollution 生物性污染biotransformation 生物转化bio-transport 生物运转birth control rate 节育率birth rate 出生率bivariate normal distribution 双变量正态分布bleaching powder 漂白粉blind method 盲法blood reaction血液反应blood brain barrier血脑屏障blood change血液变化blood lipid血脂blood pool imaging血池显影body surface radioactivity体表放射性bolus injection弹丸注射bombardment轰击,照射bone imaging骨显象bone marrow骨髓bone marrow form of acute radiation sickness骨髓型急性放射病bone marrow imaging骨髓显象bone marrow necrosis骨髓坏死bone marrow syndrome骨髓综合症bone marrow transfusion骨髓输注bone marrow transplantation骨髓移植bone necrosis骨坏死bone scanning骨扫描bone seeking nuclide亲骨性核素bone tumor骨肿瘤bone deposition 骨中沉积boron 硼botulinum toxin 肉毒毒素botulism (bolulismus) 肉毒中毒box plot 箱式图brachytherapy近距离放射治疗brain scanning 脑扫描branching decay分支衰变branching fraction分支份额break断裂breathing zone呼吸带breathing zone sampling呼吸带取样breathing zone 呼吸带bremsstrahlung韧致辐射broad beam attenuation宽束衰减broad-beam condition宽束条件broad-beam irradiation宽束辐照bromine poisoning 溴中毒bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘bronchitis 支气管炎buffer 缓冲剂build-up factor积累因子bullosa dermatitis水泡性皮炎bureau 局,司,处,署burn-shock combined injury烧冲复合伤burst-forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E)暴发性红系祖细胞butadiene 丁二烯butyl alcohol 丁醇byssinosis 棉尘肺Ccadmium telleride radiaion detector碲化镉(辐射)探测器cadmium disease 镉病cadmium poisoning 镉中毒cadmium pollution 镉污染caisson disease 潜函病calcification 钙化作用,骨化作用calcium 钙calcium binding protein 钙结合蛋白calculation of dose 剂量估算calibration 刻度,标定,校准calibration curve 校准曲线calibration source 校标(用)源,刻度源calibration curve 校准曲线caloric requirement 热量需要量calorie (calory) 卡(热量单位)cancer 癌症cancer due to occupation (occupational cancer) 职业性癌症capping 帽形成capture 俘获capture gamma ray 俘获γ射线carbinol 甲醇carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类carbohydrate metabolism 糖代谢carbolic acid (phenol) 石炭酸,苯酚carbon disulfide 二硫化碳carbon tracer 示踪碳carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon disulfide poisoning 二硫化碳中毒carbon monoxide poisoning 一氧化碳中毒carbon oxide pollution 碳氧化物污染carcinogen 致癌原,致癌物carcinogenesis 致癌作用carcinogenic dose 致癌剂量carcinogenic effect 致癌效应carcinogenic action 致癌作用carcinogenic agent 促癌因子carcinogenicity 致癌性carcinogensis 致癌作用carcinoma 癌,恶性肿瘤cardiac phase analysis 心脏相位分析法cardiac scanning 心脏扫描cardiovascular form of acute radiation sickness 心血管型急性放射病cardiovascular form of death 心血管型死亡cardiovascular nuclear medicine 心血管核医学carnitine 肉毒碱carotene (carotin) 胡萝卜素carotenoid 类胡萝卜素carrier 病原体携带者,载体case fatality rate 某病病死率case-control study 病例对照研究case-fatality 病死率case-study 个案病例调查catalase 过氧化氢酶catalysis 催化作用catalyst (catalyzer) 催化剂cataract 白内障categorical variable 分类变量category 种类,类别cathepsin 组织蛋白酶catheter semiconducter radiation detector 导管型半导体辐射探测器cathode (catelectrode) 阴极,负极cation 正离子,阳离子cation exchange resin 阳离子交换树脂cause eliminated life table 去死因寿命表cause specific mortality rate 病因别死亡率cause-effect relationship 因果关系cause-specific death rate 死因别死亡率ceiling value 上限值cell division 细胞分裂cell kinetics 细胞动力学cell loss factor 细胞丢失系数cell population 细胞群体cell proliferation 细胞增殖cell renewal system 细胞更新系统cellular effect 细胞效应censored value 截尾值census 普查,人口调查census statistics 静态人口统计centigrade thermometer 摄氏温度计central tendency 集中趋势central limit theorem 中心极限定理central nervous system syndrome 中枢神经系统综合征centrifugal dust remover 离心式除尘器centrifugal analysis 离心分析centrifugal machine 离心机cereals 谷类,谷类植物cerebral form acute radiation sickness 脑型急性放射病cerebral radionuclide angiography 放射性核素脑血管显象术cerebral scintigraphy 脑闪烁显像术ceric-sulphate dosimeter 硫酸铈剂量计chain reaction 链式反应chalone 抑素changes of blood and hemopoietic system 血液造血变化character 性能,特征character density 字符密度characteristic 特征,特性characteristic x-ray spectrum 标准伦琴射线光谱charcoal dextran 活性炭葡聚糖charged ionizing particle 带电电离粒子charged particle accelerator 带电粒子加速器charged particle activation analysis 带电粒子活化分析charged particle excited x-ray fluorescence analysis 带电粒子激发的X线荧光分析charged reader 充电读数装置check sample 对照样品check test 对照检验chemical 化学药品,化学制品chemical carcinogens 化学致癌剂chemical dosimeter 化学剂量计chemical food poisoning 化学性食物中毒chemical oxygen demand (COD) 化学需氧量chemically pure 化学纯chemotherapy 化学疗法child-women ratio 儿童妇女比chimera (辐射)嵌合体chinese hamster ovary (CHO) 中国仓鼠卵巢Chinese Society of Environmental Science 中国环境科学学会Chi-square test 卡方检验,χ2检验chloride 氯化物chloride of lime 漂白粉chlorination 加氯消毒chlorine 氯chlorletnylene 氯乙烯chloroform 氯仿,三氯甲烷chloromethyl methyl ether 氯甲甲醚chlorophenotone 滴滴涕,双对氯苯基三氯乙烷cholecalciferol 维生素D3,胆钙化醇cholesterol 胆固醇cholesterol ester 胆固醇酯choline 胆碱cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶cholinesterase activity 胆碱酯酶活性chromatid 染色单体chromatid break 染色单体断裂chromatid gap 染色单体裂隙chromatid interchange 染色单体互换chromatograph 色谱仪chromatographic column 色谱吸附柱,色谱柱chromatography 色谱法,层析chromium poisoning 铬中毒chromosomal aberration 染色体畸变chromosomal abnormality 染色体异常chromosome 染色体chronic radiation dermatitis 慢性放射性皮炎chronic radiation injury 慢性放射损伤chronic radiation injury of skin 慢性皮肤放射性损伤chronic radiation pneumonitis 慢性放射性肺炎chronic radiation sickness 慢性放射病chronic effect 慢性作用chronic intoxication 慢性中毒chronic poisoning 慢性中毒chronic toxicity 慢性毒性cigarette 香烟,纸烟ciguateva toxin 雪卡毒素circle graph 圆图circular accelerator 圆形加速器circulatory disorder 循环障碍circumstance 环境,情况,细节city dweller 城市居民city planning 城市规划city sanitation 城市卫生class interval 组距class of pollution 污染等级classification 分组classification of death causes 死因分类classification of diseases 疾病分类classification of pollutant 污染物分类classified nomenclature of diseases 分类的疾病名称clean-up 去污clearance rate 清除率climate 气候clinical nuclear medic ine 临床核医学clinical trial 临床试验clostridium botulinum 肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌clothing monitor 衣服检测仪cluster sampling 整群抽样coagulant 凝聚剂coagulant sedimentation 混凝沉淀coagulation 混凝(作用)coagulation facteer 凝血因子coal pneumoconiosis 煤肺coal dust 煤尘coal-tar 煤焦油coating agent 敷贴剂coating method (放射自显影)涂膜法coaxial detectr 同轴探测器cobalt poisoning 钴中毒cobalt-60 therapeutic installation 钴60治疗机co-carcinogen 辅致癌物Cockcroft-Walton accelerator 高压倍加器,考-瓦二氏加速器co-crystallization and co-precipitation 共结晶共沉淀code 代码,密码coefficient 系数coefficient of dispersion 离散系数coefficient of kurtosis 峰度系数coefficient of skewness 偏度系数coefficient of variation 变异系数coefficient of product-moment correlation 积差相关系数coefficient of variation 变异系数coefficient of correlation 相关系数coefficient of lighting 采光系数coefficient of natural illumination 自然照度系数coenzyme A(C O A)辅酶Acofactor 辅助因素coherent interference 相干干涉cohort study 定群研究,队列研究cohort labelling 同类标记,同群标记cohort life table 定群寿命表,队列受命表cohort study 队列研究coincidence scanning 符合扫描coincidence technique 符合技术60Co irradiation facility 60Co辐照装置cold area 低活性区cold laboratory “冷”实验室,非放射性实验室cold lesion 冷区,冷病灶cold spot imaging 冷区显像cold sterilization 冷消毒,辐射消毒cold sterilization 冷灭菌colibacillus 大肠杆菌,大肠菌coliform group 大肠杆菌群coli-group bacteria 大肠菌群coli-group index 大肠菌指数coli-group test 大肠菌群检验coli-group titre(titer)大肠菌群值collection of data 搜集资料collective dose epuivalent 集体剂量当量collimate 准直collimator 准直器colloidal radio (active )gold 放射性胶体金colloidal suspension 胶体悬浮液coloboma 缺损colon bacillus 大肠杆菌colony 集落colony forming unit basophil, CFU-Ba 嗜碱性粒系祖细胞colony forming unit B-lymphocyte, CFU-BL B淋巴系祖细胞colony forming unit erythroid, CFU-E 红系祖细胞colony stimulating factor basophil, CSF-Ba 嗜碱粒系集落刺激因子colony stimulating factor eosinophil, CSF-Eo 嗜酸粒系集落刺激因子colony stimulating factor granulo-macrophage, CSF-GM 粒巨噬系集落刺激因子colony stimulating factor, CSF 集落刺激因子colony forming unit eosinophil, CFU-Eo 嗜酸性粒系祖细胞colony forming unit megakaryocyte, CFU-M 巨核系祖细胞colony forming unit granulomacrophage, CFU-GM 粒系巨噬系祖细胞colony forming unit T-lymphocyte, CFU-TL T淋巴系祖细胞colour autoradiography 彩色放射自显影术colour scanning 彩色扫描combinative table 组和表combined effect of poisons 毒物的联合作用combined-injury following burn-radio-shock 烧放冲复合伤combined-injury following radio-burn-shock 放烧冲复合伤combined-injury following nuclear explosion 核爆炸复合伤commentary 评论,注释commission (授权某人)代办,委托,委员会committed dose equivalent 待积剂量当量committee 委员会(较大团体)Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, BEIR 电离辐射生物效应委员会committee of patriotic health movement 爱国卫生运动委员会community 社会,团体community health 公共卫生Comoton-Wu (Y ouxun) Effect 康普顿-吴有训效应compact accelerator 小型加速器compact cyclotron 小型回旋加速器compartmental analysis 区域分析compensation 代偿机能,赔偿(损失)compensation phase 代偿期competitive assay 竞争分析(法)competitive radioassay 竞争放射分析compiler 编辑者,汇编者complete life table 完全寿命表complete survey 全面调查,普查complete correlation 完全相关completely random design 完全随机设计complex compound 络合物complex reaction 复杂反应complexing agent 络合剂complication of radiation therapy 放射治疗并发症component 成分,组分compost 堆肥comprehensive pollution index 综合污染指数comunity intervention trial 社区干预试验concentration 浓度concrete equivalent 混凝土当量conditioned reflex 条件反射confidence interval 可信区间confidence limit 可信限confirmatory research 证实性研究confounding factor 混杂因素,干扰因素,混杂因子confounding bias 混杂偏倚congenital malformation 先天畸形constant voltage accelerator 恒定压型加速器constituent of causes of death 死因构成constituent ratio 构成比constriction 缢痕consumption 消费,消耗contact poison 触杀剂,接触毒contaminant(pollutant)污染物contamination monitoring 污染监测contamination(pollution)污染contingency table 列联表continuous labelling method 连续标记法continuous neutron activation analysis 连续中子活化分析contraceptive failure rate 避孕失败率contraceptive prevalence 避孕现用率contrast enhancement 对比度增强,造影增强contrast medium 造影剂control 对照物,控制control levels of surface contamination 污染表面的控制水平control group 对照组control of pest and disease 除害灭病controlled area 控制区convergent-beam therapy 汇聚束疗法converter 变换器,转换器coordination number 配位数(加合体)copper 铜copper plating 镀铜co-precipitation 共沉淀correction for continuity 连续性校正correction formula 校正公式correlation 相关关系correlation coefficient 相关系数corrosivity 腐蚀性corticosteroid 皮质类固醇corticosterone 皮质酮cortisol 皮质醇cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic ray 宇宙射线cost benefit analysis 代价利益分析cougulant aids 助凝剂council 政务会,议会,理事会,委员会Council on Environmental Quality(CEQ)环境质量委员会(美)councilor 理事,参赞,参议员,顾问cretinism 克汀病(先天性缺碘所致),亦称地方性呆小症criterion, criteria(pl)标准,准则critical dose rate 临界剂量率critical exposure pathway 关键照射途径critical group 关键人群组critical nuclide 关键核素critical organ 关键器官critical point 临界点critical tissue 关键组织critical transfer pathway 关键转移途径criticality accident 临界事故criticality alarm system 临界报警系统cross section 截面cross infection 交叉感染cross-linking 交联crude birth rate (CBR) 粗出生率crude death rate (CDR) 粗死亡率crude mortality rate 总死亡率crude petroleum 原油crude protein 粗蛋白crystal opacity 晶体混浊cummulative failure rate 累计失败率cumulation coefficient 蓄积系数cumulation of poisons 毒物蓄积cumulative dose 累积剂量cumulative probability 累计概率cure rate 治愈率curie 居里Curie M. S. 居里夫人current life table 现时寿命表curve fitting 曲线拟合cyanide elimination method 氰化物消除法cyanide poisoning 氰化物中毒cyano-ethylene 乙烯氰cyanosis 发绀cyclic AMP (cAMP) assay kit 环—磷酸腺苷测定试剂盒cyclobutane dimer 环丁烷二聚体cyclotron 回旋加速器cyclotron nuclear medicine 回旋加速器核医学cyclotron-produced 回旋加速器产物cyclotron-produced radiopharmaceutical 回旋加速器生产的放射性药物cysteine 半胱氨酸cystine 胱氨酸cystogram 膀胱X线象cytochrome C 细胞色素Ccytochrome oxidase 细胞色素氧化酶cytogenetics 细胞遗传学cytosine 胞核嘧啶cytotoxic injury 细胞毒性损害DD0 value D0值dacryoscintigraphy 泪道闪烁显像术daily average 一日平均daily dietary allowance 每日膳食供给量daily nutrient allowance 每日营养素供给量data cleaning 资料清理data accumulation 数据积累data processing 数据处理daughter 子体,子核,子系daughter nuclide 子体核素daughter product 子体产物day lighting 自然采光de facto 实际制de jure 法定制deacetylmethylcolchicing 去乙酰甲基秋水仙素dead time 死时间decalcification therpy 脱钙疗法decay 衰变,蜕变decay constant 衰变常数decay scheme 衰变图,衰变方式decibel(db)分贝decimal reduction time 递减时间decomposition 分解作用decompression sickness 减压病decontaminating agent 除沾染剂decontamination 除污染作用decontamination 去污decontamination factor 去污因子defibrination syndrome 脱纤维综合征deficiency disease (营养)缺乏病degeneration 变性degree of dispersion 分散度degree of freedom 自由度degree of relationship 相关程度degree of dispersion 离散程度,分散度degree of freedom 自由度degree of saturation 饱和度degree of variation 变异程度deionization 去离子作用,去电离delayed neutron 缓发中子delayed scan 延迟扫描delayed type hypersensitivity 迟发型超敏感性delayed neurotoxicity 迟发性神经毒性deletion 缺失demeton-methyl(metasystox)甲基内吸磷demography 人口统计density resolution 密度(浓度)分辨能力density-inhibited stationary phase cell culture 密集抑制的稳相细胞培养deoxypyrimidine nucleoside 脱氧嘧啶核苷deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase 脱氧核糖核酸聚合酶dependency ratio 抚养比dependent variable 应变量,因变量deposited fraction 沉积分数depth dose equivalent index 深部剂量当量指数deradiocontamination 消除放射性沾染derivative activation analysis 衍生物活化分析derived air concentration, DAC 推定空气浓度derived limit 推定限值descriptive statistics 统计描述desertification 沙漠化design 设计design of experiment 实验设计desmosome-like junction 胞桥小体样联合detection efficiency 探测效率detection limit 探测极限detector 探测器,探头detergent 去污剂determination 测定detoxification 解毒作用detriment 危害developer 显影剂developing agent 显影剂developmental standard 发育标准deviation from the mean 离均差dextran coated charcoal 葡聚糖包被活性炭diagnostic radiography X线诊断摄影术diagnostic radiology 诊断放射学diagnostic radiology specialist 放射诊断专业医师,放射诊断专家diasonograph 超声诊断仪dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane DDTdiet 膳食dietary survey (dietetic survey) 膳食调查dietetics 营养学,饮食学dietitian (dietician) 饮食学家,营养师difference with significance 差别有显著性diffuse distribution 弥散分布diffusion 扩散digital radiography 数控X线摄影术digital radiology 数控放射学digital scanner 数字扫描机digital scintigram 数字闪烁显像图digital subtraction angiography 减数血管造影术dilution 稀释dilution effect 稀释效应2,3-dimercaptopropanol 2,3-二巯基丙醇dimethylsulfate 硫酸二甲酯direct action 直接作用direct isotope dilution analysis 直接同位素稀释分析法,同位素正稀释法direct isotope dilution method 直接同位素稀释法,同位素正稀释法direct nuclide dilution analysis 直接核素稀释分析法,核素正稀释法direct radiation 直接辐射direct saturation analysis 直接饱和分析法direct carcinogen 直接致癌物directly ionizing particle 直接电离粒子disability 丧失功能残疾disc 圆盘,磁盘,圆盘法disc solid-phase radioimmunoassay 圆盘固相放射免疫分析法disease of natural infection focus 自然疫源性疾病disinfection of drinking water 饮水消毒disintegration 衰变disintegration constant 衰变常数disintegration curve 衰变曲线disintegration product 衰变产物disintegrations per minute 每分(钟)衰变数,衰变/分display 显示,显示器,显像disposal 处理,控制disposal of radioactive waste 放射性废物处理dissolved oxygen (DO) 溶解氧distance protection 距离防护distillate 馏出物distillation 蒸馏作用distribution 分布distribution of radionuclide within the body 放射性核素在体内的分布diuresis renogram 利尿肾图division delay 分裂延迟DNA repair DNA修复domestic sewage 生活污水,生活污物Donora smog incident 多诺拉烟雾事件dose build-up factor 剂量累积因子dose detector 剂量计dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent index 剂量当量指数dose equivalent limit 剂量当量限值dose equivalent rate 剂量当量率dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担dose equivalent index rate 剂量当量指数率dose equivalent instrument 剂量当量仪dose limit 剂量限值dose meter 剂量计dose modifying factor 剂量修正系数dose rate 剂量率dose reduction fraction 剂量降低分数dose-effect 剂量-效应dose-effect curve 剂量-效应曲线dose-ratemeter 剂量率计,剂量率仪dose-reaction 剂量-反应dose-response 剂量-反应dose-response curve 剂量效应曲线dosimeter 剂量计double antibody radioimmunoassay 双抗体放射免疫分析法double blind test 双盲试验法double derivative isotope dilution analysis 双衍生物同位素稀释分析法double detecting scanning 双探头扫描double headed scintillation counter 双探头闪烁计数器double isotope derivative analysis 双同位素衍生物分析法double labelling 双标记double labelling tracer experiment 双标记示踪试验double nuclide (isotope) derivative analysis 双标记核素(同位素)衍生物法double strand break 双链断裂double tracer technique 双示踪法doubling dose 加倍计量doughnut sign 月晕征,轮圈征drinking water treatment 饮水处理drinking wter testing method 饮水检查法drive lead treatment 驱铅疗法drive mercury treatment 驱汞疗法dry dedusting 干式除尘dry epidermitis 干性表皮炎dual channel detection system 双道探测系统dual head scanner 双探头扫描机dual-photomultiplier scintillation counter 双光电倍增管闪烁计数器dummy source 假放射源Duncan`s new multiple range method 新复极差法,Duncan新法dust cell 尘细胞dust concentration 粉尘浓度dust dispersity 粉尘分散度dust separator 除尘器dynamic series 动态数列dynamic study 动态检查(分析)dynamics 动力学,动态dynamics of precursor-intermediate-product relationship 前身物-中间物-产物关系动力学dystrophic change 营养不良性变化dystrophy 营养不良,营养障碍Eearly nuclear radiation 早期核辐射earmuffs 耳罩,耳套earplug 耳塞echocardiogram 超声心动图echocardiography 超声心动扫描术echography 回波描记术ecological approach 生态方法ecological balance 生态平衡ecological equilibrium 生态平衡ecological system 生态系统ecology 生态学ecotoxicology 生态毒理学ectopic focus 异位(兴奋)灶edema 水肿edition 版,版本,版次editor 编者,编辑。



翻译论文题目Title: An Investigation into the Impact of Social Media Use on Mental HealthAbstract:This paper aims to explore the relationship between social media use and mental health. With the rapid development and widespread adoption of social media platforms, it is important to examine how these platforms affect individuals' emotional and psychological well-being. The paper begins by providing an overview of the current body of literature on social media use and mental health, highlighting the various effects that have been observed. The potential benefits and drawbacks of social media are discussed, and the paper examines how factors such as online social comparisons, cyberbullying, and addictive behaviors can contribute to negative mental health outcomes. Additionally, the paper considers the role of social media in shaping individuals' self-esteem, body image, and overall psychological functioning. The factors that influence the impact of social media on mental health are also investigated, including gender, age, and cultural differences. The paper concludes by suggesting possible interventions and strategies to mitigate the negative effects of social media on mental health, highlighting the need for further research in this area. Introduction:Social media has become an integral part of many people's daily lives, with millions of users actively engaging in various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. While social media has the potential to enhance social connections and facilitate communication, concerns have been raised regarding its impact onmental health. This paper seeks to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health, examining the various factors that contribute to positive or negative outcomes. Literature Review:Numerous studies have explored the effects of social media use on mental health. Some research suggests that excessive social media use can lead to negative mental health outcomes, such as increased anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Online social comparisons have been identified as a significant factor, with individuals often comparing themselves unfavorably to others on social media platforms. Cyberbullying is another issue of concern, as it can have detrimental effects on victims' mental well-being. Moreover, addictive behaviors related to social media use, such as excessive scrolling and constant checking of notifications, can contribute to negative mental health outcomes.Impact on Self-esteem and Body Image:The paper also investigates the impact of social media on individuals' self-esteem and body image. Research suggests that exposure to highly curated and idealized images on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction with one's own appearance. The constant pressure to meet unrealistic beauty standards portrayed on these platforms can significantly impact individuals' self-esteem and body image.Factors Influencing the Impact:Several factors can influence the impact of social media on mental health. Gender differences have been observed, with females generally reporting more negative effects on mental health thanmales. Age is another significant factor, with adolescents and young adults being particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of social media use. Cultural differences also play a role, with studies highlighting varying perceptions and responses to social media across different cultural contexts.Conclusion:Given the widespread usage of social media and its potential impact on mental health, it is crucial to further investigate this relationship. Efforts should be made to raise awareness about the potential risks associated with excessive social media use and develop interventions to mitigate these negative effects. Strategies such as promoting digital literacy, fostering healthy online behaviors, and encouraging offline social connections can help individuals maintain positive mental well-being in the digital age. Further research is needed to deepen our understanding of the complexities surrounding social media use and mental health, and to develop evidence-based interventions to promote psychological well-being in the digital era.。



Vol.33,No.1ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA January,2007 A Low-dimensional Illumination Space Representation ofHuman Faces for Arbitrary Lighting ConditionsHU Yuan-Kui1WANG Zeng-Fu1Abstract The proposed method for low-dimensional illumination space representation(LDISR)of human faces can not only synthesize a virtual face image when given lighting conditions but also estimate lighting conditions when given a face image.The LDISR is based on the observation that9basis point light sources can represent almost arbitrary lighting conditions for face recognition application and different human faces have a similar LDISR.The principal component analysis(PCA)and the nearest neighbor clustering method are adopted to obtain the9basis point light sources.The9basis images under the9basis point light sources are then used to construct an LDISR which can represent almost all face images under arbitrary lighting conditions. Illumination ratio image(IRI)is employed to generate virtual face images under different illuminations.The LDISR obtained from face images of one person can be used for other people.Experimental results on image reconstruction and face recognition indicate the efficiency of LDISR.Key words LDISR,basis image,illumination ratio image,face recognition1IntroductionIllumination variation is one of the most important fac-tors which reduce significantly the performance of face recognition system.It has been proved that the variations between images of the same face due to illumination are almost always larger than image variations due to change in face identity[1].So eliminating the effects due to illumi-nation variations relates directly to the performance and practicality of face recognition system.To handle face image variations due to changes in ligh-ting conditions,many methods have been proposed thus far.Generally,the approaches to cope with variation in appearance due to illumination fall into three kinds[2]: invariant features,such as edge maps,imagesfiltered with2D Gabor-like functions,derivatives of the gray-level image,images with Log transformations and the re-cently reported quotient image[3]and self-quotient image[4]; variation-modeling,such as subspace methods[5∼7],illumi-nation cone[8∼10];and canonical forms,such as methods in [11,12].This paper investigates the subspace methods for illumi-nation representation.Hallinan et al.[5,6]proposed an eigen subspace method for face representation.This method firstly collected frontal face images of the same person un-der different illuminations as training set,and then used principal component analysis(PCA)method to get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the training set.They concluded that5±2eigenvectors would suffice to model frontal face images under arbitrary illuminations.The ex-perimental results indicated that this method can recon-struct frontal face images with variant lightings using a few eigenvectors.Different from Hallinan,Shashua[7]pro-posed that under the assumption of Lambertian surface, three basis images shot under three linearly independent light sources could reconstruct frontal face images under arbitrary lightings.This method was proposed to discount the lighting effects but not to explain lighting conditions. Belhumeur et al.[8,9]proved that face images with the same pose under different illumination conditions form a convex cone,called illumination cone,and the cone can be repre-sented in a9dimensional space[10].This method performs well but it needs no less than seven face images for each Received January11,2006;in revised form March28,2006 Supported by Open Foundation of National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition,P.R.China.1.Department of Automation,University of Science and Technol-ogy of China,Hefei230027,P.R.ChinaDOI:10.1360/aas-007-0009person to estimate the3D face shape and the irradiance map.Basri&Jacobs[13]and Ramamoorthi[14,15]indepen-dently applied the spherical harmonic representation and explained the low dimensionality of differently illuminated face images.They theoretically proved that the images of a convex Lambertian object obtained under a wide variety of lighting conditions can be approximated accurately with a 9D linear subspace,explaining prior empirical results[5∼7]. However,both of them assumed that the3D surface normal and albedo(or unit albedo)were known.This assumption limits the application of this algorithm.The above research results theoretically and empirically indicate that frontal face images obtained under a wide variety of lighting conditions can be approximated accu-rately with a low-dimensional linear subspace.However, all the above subspace methods construct a subspace from training images for each human face,which is not only cor-responding to the illumination conditions but also to the face identity.The subspaces,in which the intrinsic infor-mation(shape and albedo)and the extrinsic information (lightings)are mixed,are not corresponding to the lighting conditions distinctly.Otherwise,a large training image set would be needed in the learning stage and3d face model might be needed.In this paper,a low-dimensional illumination space rep-resentation(LDISR)of human faces for arbitrary lighting conditions is proposed,which can handle the problems that can not be solved well in the existing methods to a certain extent.The key idea underlying our model is that any lighting condition can be represented by9basis point light sources.The9basis images under the9basis point light sources construct an LDISR,which separates the intrinsic and the extrinsic information and can both estimate ligh-ting conditions when given a face image and synthesize a virtual face image when given lighting condition combin-ing with the illumination ratio image(IRI)method.The method in[10]and the proposed method in this paper have some similarities,but they have some essential differences also.The former needs to build one subspace for each per-son,and the latter only needs to build one subspace for one selected person.Furthermore,the9D illumination space built in the former case is not corresponding to the lighting conditions distinctly,and in our case once the correspon-ding illumination space is built,it can be used to generate virtual frontal face images of anybody under arbitrary illu-minations by using the warping technology and IRI method developed.These virtual images are then used for the pur-pose of both training and recognition.The experiments onc 2007by Acta Automatica Sinica.All rights reserved.10ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA Vol.33 Fig.1The positions corresponding to the dominant pointlight sourcesYale Face Database B indicate that the proposed methodcan improve the performance of face recognition efficiently.2Constructing the LDISRSince any given set of lighting conditions can be exactlyexpressed as a sum of point light sources,a surface patch sradiance illuminated by two light sources is the sum of thecorresponding radiances when the two light sources are ap-plied separately.More detail was discussed in[5].In thissection,PCA and clustering based method are adopted tofind the basis point light sources,which are able to repre-sent arbitrary lighting conditions.The needed3D face model was obtained using a3D ima-ging machine3DMetrics TM.Then the3D face model ob-tained was used to generate the training images.Moveafloodlight by increments of10degrees to each position(θi,ϕj)to generate image p(θi,ϕj),whereθis the eleva-tion andϕis the azimuth.Typicallyϕ∈[−120◦,120◦]andθ∈[−90◦,90◦].Totally,427images were generated,denoted as{pk ,k=1,···,427}.We use PCA tofind the dominant components for the finite set of images.Since the PCA is used on the images of the same human face with different lighting conditions, the dominant eigenvectors do not reflect the facial shape but the lighting conditions.So the above eigenvectors can be used to represent lighting conditions.In this paper,the lighting subspace is constructed not using the eigenvectors directly but the light sources corresponding to the eigen-vectors.According to the ratio of the corresponding eigen-value to the sum of all the eigenvalues,thefirst60 eigenvalues containing the99.9%energy were selected. And the60corresponding eigenvectors were selected as the principal components.Denote thefirst60eigenvectors as{u i,i=1,···,60}.For the i th eigenvector u i,thecorresponding training image is pj ,where u i and pjsatisfyu T i pj =maxk∈{1, (427){u T i pk}(1)The positions of the60dominant point light sources are shown in Fig.1.By investigating the positions of the dominant point light sources,it can be found that the dominant point light sources are distributed by certain rules.They are distributed almost symmetrically and cluster together in regions such as the frontal,the side,the below,and the above of head.The nearest neighbor clustering method is adopted here to get the basis light positions.Considering the effects of point light sources in different elevation and azimuth,some rules are employed for clustering:1.When the elevation is below−60◦or above60◦,clus-tering is done based on the differences of values in elevation.2.When the elevation is in range[−60◦,60◦],clusteringis donebased on the Euclidian distances in space.Fig.2The clustering result of thefirst60eigenvectors.By adopting the nearest nerghbor clustering method,the 60dominant light sources can be classified into9classes. The clustering result is shown in Fig.2.When the geometric center of each class is regarded as the basis position,the9 basis light positions are shown in Table1.From the above procedure,it is known that point light sources in the9basis positions are dominant and princi-pal components in the lighting space,and they can express arbitrary lighting conditions.The9basis images obtained under the9basis point light sources respectively construct a low-dimensional illumination space representation(LD-ISR)of human face,which can express frontal face images under arbitrary illuminations.Because different human faces have similar3D shapes[3,16],the LDISR of different faces is also similar.As an approximation,it can be as-sumed that different persons have the same LDISR,which has been discussed in[17].Denote the9basis images obtained under9basis lights are I i,i=1,···,9,the LDISR of human face can be de-noted as A=[I1,I2,···,I9].The face image under lighting s x can be expressed asI x=Aλλ(2) whereλ=[λ1,λ2,···,λ9]T,0≤λi≤1is the lighting pa-rameters of image I x and can be calculated by minimizing the energy function E(λ):E(λ)= Aλλ−I x 2(3) So we can getλ=A+I x(4) whereA+=(A T A)−1A T(5)No.1Hu Yuan-Kui and WANG Zeng-Fu:A Low-dimensional Illumination Space Representation of (11)Table1Positions of the9basis light sourceslight123456789Elevationθ(degree)017.525.7364468.6-33.3-35-70Elevationϕ(degree)0-47.544.4-10888-385-9522.5(a)Input image(b)ASM alignment(c)Warped mean shape(d)The virtual images generated under different lightingsFig.3Generating virtual images using the9D illuminationspace and the IRIGiven an image of human face for learning images,thelighting parametersλcan be calculated by(4),and thevirtual face images can be generated by(2)by using thelighting conditionλ.In order to use the LDISR learnedfrom one human face to generate virtual images of other hu-man faces,the illumination ratio image(IRI)based methodis adopted in next section.3Generating virtual images u-sing illumination ratio-image(IRI)Denote the light sources as s i,i=0,1,2,···,respec-tively,where s0is the normal light source,and I ji the imageunder light source s i for the person with index j.The IRIis based on the assumption that a face is a convex surfacewith a Lambertian function.A face image can be describedasI(u,v)=ρ(u,v)n(u,v)·l(6)where,ρ(u,v)is the albedo of point(u,v),n(u,v)is thesurface normal at(u,v),and l is the direction of light.Different from the quotient image[3],illumination ratioimage is defined as follows[11,18,19,20].R i(u,v)=I ij(u,v)I0j(u,v)(7)From(6)and(7),we haveR i(u,v)=ρj(u,v)n T(u,v)·s iρj(u,v)n T(u,v)·s0=n T(u,v)·s in T(u,v)·s0(8)Equation(8)shows that the IRI can be determined only by the surface normal of a face and the light sources,which is independent of specific albedo.Since different human faces have the similar surface normal[3,16],the IRIs of dif-ferent people under the same lighting condition can be con-sidered to be the same.In order to eliminate the effect due to shapes of different faces,the following procedure should be done.Firstly,all faces can be warped to the same shape, and then the IRI is computed.In this paper,an ASM based method is used to perform the face alignment and all faces will then be warped to the predefined mean shape.After the procedure,all faces will have a quite similar3D shape. That is to say,with the same illumination,IRI is the same for different people.The corresponding face image under arbitrary lighting condition can be generated from the IRI. Finally the face image is warped back to its original shape.From(7),we haveI ij(u,v)=I0j(u,v)R i(u,v)(9)Equation(9)means that,given the IRI under s i and the face image under the normal lighting,we can relight the face under s i.The face relighting problem can be defined as follows. Given one image,I a0,of people A under the normal ligh-ting s0,and one image,I bx,of another people B under some specific lighting s x,how to generate the image,I ax, of people A under lighting S x.Unlike[11,18],the IRI under each lighting is unknown in this paper.Given image I bx,the IRI under lighting s x can be calcu-lated using the LDISR described in Section2.Assume the LDISR,A,is learned from images of people M.The ligh-ting parameter,λx,of image I bx is solved by the least-square methodA T Aλλx=A T I bx(10) Aλλx is the image of people M under lighting s x,denoted as I mx.The IRI under lighting s x can be calculated byR x(u,v)=I xm(u,v)/I0m(u,v)(11)where I0m is the image of people M under normal lighting. After the IRI under lighting s x is calculated,the face image of people A can be relit under lighting s x by I xa(u,v)= I0a(u,v)R x(u,v).In general,given face image I0y of arbitrary face Y under lighting s0,face image of Y under arbitrary lighting can be generated by the following procedure:1.Detect face region I0y and align it using ASM;2.Warp I0y to the mean shape T0;3.Relight T0using the IRI under lighting s k:T k(u,v)=T0(u,v)R k(u,v);4.Reverse-warp the texture T k to its original shape toget the relit image I kyFig.3shows some relighting results on Yale Face Database B.In the experiments,the LDISR was con-structed by the nine basis images of people DZF(not in-cluded in Yale Face Database B).For each image under12ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA Vol.33abec fd gFig.4Results of image reconstruction.a)Original images.b)Images reconstructed by 5-eigenimages.c)Images reconstructed by 3-basis images.d)Images reconstructed by the LDISR.e)The differences corresponding to the images in b).f)The differences corresponding to the images in c).g)The differences corresponding to the images in d).normal lighting in Yale Face Database B,the virtual im-ages under other 63lightings were generated.It should be highlighted that in the original IRI method [11,18],to calculate the IRI,the image under nor-mal lighting and the image under specific lighting must be of the same people.The LDISR based method proposed in this paper breaks this limitation and the face image used in the algorithm can be of different people.In addition,when no face image under normal lighting is available,the virtual image can be generated by using the given λx from (2).And the IRI will then be calculated according to the virtual image.4Experimental results4.12D image reconstructionThe experiment was based on the 427frontal face images under different lightings described in Section 2.In this experiment,three image reconstruction methods were im-plemented:5-eigenimages representation method proposed by Hallinan [5],a linear combination of 3-basis images pro-posed by Shashua [7],and the LDISR based method.The face images under different lightings were reconstructed and the performances were evaluated by the differences between the original and the reconstructed images.According to [5],PCA was adopted to train the 427images and the eigenvectors corresponding to the first 5eigenvalues were selected to construct face illumination sub-space I.According to [7],the selected 3basis images under three point light sources respectively were used to construct face illumination subspace II.The LDISR constructed by the nine basis images was the face illumination subspace III.The total 427face images were reconstructed by the three face illumination subspace,respectively.Some original images are shown in Fig.4a),and the images reconstructed using face illumination I,II,III are shown in Fig.4b),c),and d),respectively.The corre-sponding differences are shown in Fig.4e),f),and g),respectively.It can be concluded from Fig.4that the performances of the 5-eigenimages representation method and the LDISR are comparative,and they are both better than that of the 3-basis images representation method.When the variation due to lighting condition is large (Fig.4c),columns 2,3,and 4),the differences between the original and the recon-structed images are very large (Fig.4f),columns 2,3,and 4),especially when there are shadows in face images.To evaluate more rigorously,the fit function defined in [5]was adopted.The quality of the reconstruction can be measured by the goodness of the fit function:ε=1−I rec −I in 2I in 2(12)where I rec is the reconstructed image,and I in is the original image.The values of the fit function corresponding to all the 427reconstructions by three methods are shown in Fig.5.From Fig.5,it can be seen that the fitness of images reconstructed by the 5-eigenimages representation method and the LDISR to the original image is very good,while the 3-basis images representation method is not so good.When the variation in lighting is larger (corresponding to the abscissas are 50and 280in Fig.5)the performance of the LDISR is better than that of the 5-eigenimages repre-sentation method.Besides,the 5-eigenimages and the 3-basis images rep-resentation methods need multiple images of each person,and train one model for each person.However,the LDISR trains one model using 9basis images of one person,and can be used for other person by warping technique.4.2Face recognition with variant lightings based on virtual imagesIn this experiment,the LDISR and the IRI method were combined to generate virtual face images,which were used for face recognition with variant lightings.The experiments were based on the Yale Face Database B [10].64frontal face images of each person under 64different lightings were selected,and there were 640images of 10persons.TheNo.1Hu Yuan-Kui and WANG Zeng-Fu:A Low-dimensional Illumination Space Representation of ···13Fig.5The values of fit function corresponding to thereconstruction by three methods.images have been divided into five subsets according to the angles the light source direction makes with the camera axis [10]:Subset 1(up to 12◦),subset 2(up to 25◦),subset 3(up to 50◦),subset 4(up to 77◦),and subset 5(others).Correlation,PCA,and LDA methods were adopted for face recognition.For correlation method,the image under normal lighting of each person was the template image and the rest 63images of each person were test images.For PCA and LDA methods,three images of each person (of which the angles the light source direction makes with the camera axis are the smallest)were training images,and the rest were test images.The LDISR was constructed by the nine basis images of people DZF (not included in Yale Face Database B).For each frontal face image in Yale Face Database B,the virtual images corresponding to the other 63lightings were gener-ated using the LDISR and IRI.In order to decrease the effect of illumination,we used gamma intensity correction (GIC).Here γ=4.The three recognition methods were performed on the original images,images with GIC and virtual images with GIC.The results are shown in Fig.6,where correlation,PCA and LDA correspond to the results for the original images,GIC correlation,GIC PCA,and GIC LDA correspond to the results for the images with GIC,and GIC virtual correlation,GIC virtual PCA,and GIC virtual LDA correspond to the results for the virtual images with GIC.Fig.6illustrates that the recognition accuracy for the virtual images is improved greatly.When the variations due to illumination are larger,the improvement is greater.The recognition rates of correlation,PCA,and LDA on the virtual images are 87.24%,87.99%,and 90.5%,respec-tively.For subset 1,subset 2,and subset 3,in which the variations due to illumination are small,the performance of three recognition methods are comparable,while in sub-set 4and subset 5,LDA performs better.This indicates that the classifying ability of LDA is better than others.In the future,we will validate the proposed method on larger face database.5ConclusionThis paper proposes a method to construct an LDISR u-sing the 9basis images under the 9basis point light sources.The LDISR can represent almost all face images underar-Fig.6The results of Face recognition on Yale face Database Bbitrary lighting conditions.The LDISR combined with the IRI is corresponding to the lighting conditions distinctly,and can estimate lighting conditions when given a face im-age and synthesize a virtual face image when given lighting conditions.The experiments of reconstruction illustrate that the representation ability of LDISR is better than the 5-eigenimages and 3-basis images representation methods.The experiments on Yale Face Database B confirm the abi-lity of LDISR in synthesizing a virtual face image and in-dicate that the virtual face images can improve greatly the accuracy of face recognition under variant lightings.The main advantage of the proposed model is that it can be used to generate virtual images of anybody only from 9basis face images of one person.And at the same time,the method need not know the lighting conditions or pre-calculate the IRI.References1Moses Y,Adini Y,Ullman S.Face recognition:the problem of compensating for changes in illumination direction.In:Pro-ceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer Vision.Stockholm,Sweden.Springer-Verlag,1994,286∼2962Sim T,Kanade T,Combining models and exemplars for face recognition:An illuminating example,In:Proceedings of CVPR 2001Workshop on Models versus Exemplars in Computer Vi-sion,Hawaii,USA.IEEE,2001,1∼103Shashua A,Riklin-Raviv T,The quotient image:Class-based re-rendering and recognition with varying illuminations.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ,2001,23(2):129∼1394Wang H,Li Stan Z,Wang Y.Face recognition under varying lighting conditions using self quotient image.In:Proceedings of the 6th International 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51 卷 11 期 王会鱼等 不同产地灰枣中主要活性成分比较分析
上海菁海仪器有限公司);电热鼓风干燥箱( DHG- 9140 型,
收稿日期 2022-11-04
枣园乡(105°36′30. 57″E、37°04′29. 59″N,以下简称宁夏)、新
疆且末县阿热勒镇(85°31′38. 59″E、38°08′43. 38″N,以下简称
新疆)这 3 个有代表性的产区。 取样时选择色泽相近、大小
different producing areas. [ Method] This experiment had analyzed the difference in the main active ingredient content of gray jujube fruits from
three producing areas of Mengzhuang Town,Xinzheng City,Henan Province,Zaoyuan Township,Zhongning County,Ningxia Province and Arele
WANG Hui-yu,WANG Guo-xia,LI Chun-ge et al (School of Life Science,Zhengzhou Normal University,Zhengzhou,Henan 450044)
Abstract [ Objective] To compare the differences in the main active components of grey jujube fruit under natural environmental conditions in



Aabattage 屠宰abiosis 营养性衰竭abnormal exposure 异常照射abnormal odor 异常气味abridged life table 简略寿命表abscopal effect 远隔效应absolute activity 绝对活性absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute lethal concentration 绝对致死浓度absorbed dose 吸收剂量absorbed dose index 吸收剂量指数absorbed dose index rate 吸收剂量指数率absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量率absorbed nitrogen 吸收氮absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收管absorption 吸收(作用)absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption of radionuclide in the body 放射性核素在体内的吸收absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption rate 吸收率absorption spectrophotometry 吸收分光光度法abstract 摘要,概括abundance ratio 丰度比acalcicosis (acalcerosis) 缺钙症accelerated excretion of radionuclide from the body 放射性核素由体内的促排accelerator 加速器accelerator-based activation analysis 使用加速器的活化分析accelerator-type neutron generator 加速器型中子发生器acceptable dose 可接受的剂量,容许剂量acceptable concentration 容许浓度acceptable daily intake 每日容许摄入量acceptor 受体access time 存取时间accident 事故,意外事件accident condition 事故状态accidental exposure 事故照射accidental exposure 事故性接触accumulated dose 累积剂量accumulation 蓄积accuracy 准确度accurate diagnosis 确诊acentric fragment (terminal deleton) 无着丝点断片(末端缺失)acentric ring 无着丝点环acephalus 无头畸胎acetaldehyde 乙醛acetic aldehyde 乙醛acetic ester 醋酸酯acetone 丙酮acetyl Co-A 乙酰辅酶-Aacetylcholine 乙酰胆碱acid fume 酸雾acid rain 酸雨acidosis 酸中毒acoustics 声学acrolein 丙烯醛acrylic acid 丙烯酸acrylonitrile 丙烯acta 学报,通报actinium emanation (actinon) 锕射气(An)actinium family 锕系actino-uranium family 锕铀系activable tracer 可活化示踪物activated carbon 活性炭activation 活化activation analysis 活化分析active zone 活性区activity 活性activity concentration 放射性浓度actual frequency 实际频数acute radium poisoning 急性镭中毒acute radiation injury 急性放射损伤acute radiation injury of skin 急性皮肤放射损伤acute radiation pneumonitis 急性放射型肺炎acute radiation sickness 急性放射病acute uranium poisoning 急性铀中毒acute intoxication 急性中毒acute pernicious beriberi 急性恶性脚气病adaptation 适应adaptive response 适应性反应addict 嗜好,吸毒成瘾addition reaction 加成反应additional chlorine 加氯量additive 添加物(剂)additive action 相加作用adenine 腺嘌呤adenosine 腺甙adenosine triphosphate, A TP 三磷酸腺苷adenovirus 腺病毒adenylatecyclase 腺甙酸环化酶adenylic acid 腺甙酸adequate nutrition 合理营养adjusted rate 调整率adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年adrenal gland 肾上腺adrenal gland imaging 肾上腺显影adrenalin 肾上腺素adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH 促肾上腺皮质激素adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附作用adsorption coprecipitation 吸附共沉淀adulthood 成年时期aeration process 曝气法aerobic bacteria 需氧细菌aerosol 气溶胶aerosphere 大气圈aether (ether) 乙醚aetiology (etiology) 病因学affair 事件affinity 亲和力(性)affinity chromatography 亲和层析法aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素aflatoxin poisoning 黄曲霉毒素中毒agar 琼脂age-specific probability of dying 年龄组死亡概率agency 经办,代理(处),机构age-specific death rate (ASDR) 年龄别(组)死亡率age-specific fertility rate 年龄别生育率age-specific mortality rate 年龄别死亡率air filter 空气过滤器air kerma rate constant 空气比释动能率常数air sampling 空气取样air cleaning 空气净化air conditioning 空气调节(空调)air mass 气团air quality 大气质量Air Quality Act 大气质量法(法令,法规)air sampler 大气采样器air shower 空气淋浴air-borne transmission 空气传播aircraft disease 航空病air-dry weight 风干重量alarm 警报albedo neutron dosimeter 反照率中子剂量计albumen (albumin) 白蛋白albuminuria 蛋白尿症aldehyde 醛alimentary toxicosis 食物中毒aliquot 等份试样,可分量alkali-earths elements 硷土族元素alkali-metals elements 硷金属元素alkaline phosphatase 硷性磷酸酶alkane 烷烃,链烷alkene 烯烃,链烯allele 等位基因allergen 致敏原,变态反应原allergic reaction 变态反应allergy 变态反应allowable error 允许误差allowed transition 容许跃迁alpha decay α衰变alpha disintegration α衰变alpha fetoprotein, AFP 甲胎蛋白alpha particle α粒子alpha ray α射线alpha track α径迹alternative hypothesis 备择假设Ames test 艾姆斯试验(鼠伤寒沙门氏菌/哺乳动物肝微粒体试验)amine 胺amino acid 氨基酸amino acid pattern 氨基酸模式amino acid score 氨基酸评分amino-carboxyl complexing agent 氨羧络合剂aminoethylisothiourea, AET 氨基乙基异硫脲aminopherase 转氨酶ammonia nitrogen 氨氮ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵ammonium nitrite 亚硝酸铵anaerobe (anaerobic bacteria) 厌氧菌analysis of data 分析资料analysis of variance (ANOV A) 方差分析analysis instrumentation 仪器分析analytical chemistry of uranium 铀的分析化学anaphase 末期Anerican Board of Nuclear Medicine, ABNM 美国核医学董事会β-aminoisobutyric β氨基异丁酸aneroid (barometer) 空盆气分析aneurin 维生素B1,硫胺素aniline 苯胺animal experiment 动物实验animal foodstuff 动物性食品anion 阴离子anion exchange resin 阴离子交换树脂anion exchanger 阴离子交换剂annihilation 湮没annihilation radiation 湮没辐射annotation 注解,注释annual dose 年剂量annual limit of intake, ALI 年摄入量限值anode 阳极anode stripping voltammetry 阳极溶出伏安法anoxia 缺氧症antagonism 拮抗作用antagonistic action 拮抗作用anthracene 蒽anthraco-slicosis 煤矽肺anthrax bacillus 炭疽杆菌anthrcosis 煤肺antibody 抗体antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, ADCC 抗体依赖性细胞介导的细胞毒性anticancer agent 抗癌剂anti-corrosion 防腐antidiuretic hormone, ADH 抗利尿激素antidote 解毒剂antigen 抗原antilymphocyte serum, ALS 抗淋巴细胞血清antimony 锑antineutrino 反中微子antineutron 反中子anti-pollution measure 环境污染对策antiproton 反质子antiseptic agent 防腐剂antitoxin 抗毒素aplastic anemia 再生障碍性贫血apparent clinical well being 假愈期apparent digestibility 表观消化率appearance 外观appetite 食欲applicator 敷贴器apurinic/apyrimidinic site 无嘌呤/无嘧啶位点aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic plant 水生植物arachidonic acid 花生四烯酸archives 档案,文献arcsine transformation 反正弦变换area monitoring (工作)场所监测area of radiation 照射面积area scanner 面(积)扫描机argon 氩ariboflavinosis 核黄素缺乏症arithmetic mean 算术平均数,均数arm counter 手腕计数器aromatic ring 芳香环aromatics 芳香族化合物arrhythmia 心律失常arsenic poisoning 砷中毒arsenide food poisoning 砷化物食物中毒artificial radioactive source 人工辐射源artificial radioactivity 人造放射性artificial radioisotope 人工放射性同位素artificial radionuclide 人造放射性核素artificial illumination (artificial lighting) 人工照明asbestos (asbestos) 石棉asbestosis 石棉沉着病,石棉肺ascariasis 蛔虫病ascending chromatography 上行层析法ascending paper chromatography 上行纸层析法ascorbic acid 抗坏血酸ascorbic acid oxidase 抗坏血酸氧化酶asepsis 无菌法,防腐asphalt 沥青,柏油assay 测定,化验,检验assessment 评价assessment of exposure 照射评价assessment of radiation protection 辐射防护评价associate 同事,伙伴assumption 假想,设想asymmetrical interchange 不对称间互换atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric dilution 大气稀释atmospheric particulates 大气微粒atmospheric pollution 大气污染atmospheric pollution index 大气污染指数atom 原子atomic bomb 原子弹Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, ABCC 原子弹爆炸损伤调查委员会Atomic Energy Commission, AEC (美国)原子能委员会(现已取消)atomic mass number 原子质量数atomic mass unit 原子质量单位atomic medicine 原子医学,核医学atomic nuclear reaction 原子核反应atomic nucleus 原子核atomic reactor 原子反应堆atomic weapon 原子武器atomic absorption spectrophotometer 原子吸收分光光度计atomosphere 大气圈,大气,气氛atrophy 萎缩attenuation coefficient 减弱系数,衰减系数attenuator 衰减器attributable risk 归因危险度audiometry 听力测定auditory fatigue 听觉疲劳auger electron 俄歇电子authorized limit 管理限值autoclave 高压锅autocorralation function 自相关函数autocorrelation coefficient 自相关系数autoinfection 自身感染automat 自动装置automatic control 自动控制automatic data processing system 自动处理数据系统automatic pipettor 自动移液器automatic sample changer 自动换样器automatic sampler-counter 自动取样计数器automatic scintillation scanner 自动闪烁扫描机automatic well counter 自动井型计数器autonomous thyroid nodule 自主性甲状腺结节autoradiogram, ARGM 放射自显影图autoradiograph 放射自显影autoradiographic lacalization of receptor 放射自显影受体显示术autoradiographic neuroanatomical tracing 放射自显影神经解剖示踪术autoradiography 放射自显影术autoradiolysis 放射自溶解availability 有效性,效力available chlorine 有效氯avalanche detector 雪崩检测器average 平均数average life time 平均寿命average life 平均寿命avidin 抗生素蛋白,抗生朊avitaminosis 维生素缺乏症avogadro number 阿伏伽德罗常数azimuthally-varying-field cyclotron 磁场按方位角度变的回旋加速器azo-reagent 偶氯试剂Bbaby cyclotron 小型回旋加速器bacillus-coli (colon-bacillus) 大肠杆菌back scattering 反向散射back-extract 反萃取background 本底,背景background count 本底(计数)background survey 本底调查bacteria-carrier 带菌者bacterial food poisoning 细菌性食物中毒bactericide 杀菌剂bag filter 布袋除尘器bar 巴(压强单位)bar graph 条图bariun poisoning 钡中毒barn 巴恩barometer 气压计barometric high 高气压barometric low 低气压barrieer effect 屏障作用barrier function of organism 机体屏障功能base excision repair 硷基切除修复basic limit 基本限值basic nuclear medicine 基础核医学basicity 碱性,碱度basophil granulocyte 嗜硷粒细胞batch processing 成批处理,批量处理battery 电池beam hardening(射线)束硬化现象beam therapy射束治疗becquerel, Bq贝可(勒尔)behaviour-metabolic law行径代谢规律benzahex 六六六(农药)benzene poisoning苯中毒benzene hexachloride (BHC) 六六六,六氯化苯benzene poisoning 苯中毒benzidine 联苯胺benzol 工业苯benzopyrene 苯并芘beriberi 脚气病berylliosis 铍中毒beta decayβ衰变beta disintigrationβ衰变beta particleβ粒子beta rayβ射线(粒子)beta ray applicatorβ线敷贴器beta spectrometerβ谱仪beta trackβ径迹betatron电子感应加速器between assay测定间(批间)分析between assay error测定间(批间)分析误差bias 偏性bibliography 文献目录,目录学biliary tract imaging胆道显影binding energy结合能binomial distribution 二项分布binucleate lymphocyte双核淋巴细胞bioaccumulation 生物蓄积,生物积累bioassay生物学检验,生物测定biochemical conversion 生物转化biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 生物需氧量biocondensation 生物富集,生物缩合biodegradation 生物降解biodosimeter生物剂量计bioelectrical activity 生物电活动bio-enrichment 生物富集biofeed-back机体(自身)反馈,生物反馈biological half-life period 生物半衰期,生物半减期biological decay生物衰变,生物排出biological decay constant生物衰变常数biological dosimeter生物剂量指示计biological effect生物效应biological half-life生物半衰期biological macromolecule生物大分子biological oxidation生物氧化biological comcentration 生物浓缩biological methylation 生物甲基化biological monitoring 生物监测biological oxidation 生物氧化biological purification 生物净化biological specimen 生物样品biological treatment 生物处理法biological value of protein 蛋白质生物学价值biomechanics生物力学biopsy 活组织检查biosphere 生物圈biotic index 生物指数biotic pollution 生物性污染biotransformation 生物转化bio-transport 生物运转birth control rate 节育率birth rate 出生率bivariate normal distribution 双变量正态分布bleaching powder 漂白粉blind method 盲法blood reaction血液反应blood brain barrier血脑屏障blood change血液变化blood lipid血脂blood pool imaging血池显影body surface radioactivity体表放射性bolus injection弹丸注射bombardment轰击,照射bone imaging骨显象bone marrow骨髓bone marrow form of acute radiation sickness骨髓型急性放射病bone marrow imaging骨髓显象bone marrow necrosis骨髓坏死bone marrow syndrome骨髓综合症bone marrow transfusion骨髓输注bone marrow transplantation骨髓移植bone necrosis骨坏死bone scanning骨扫描bone seeking nuclide亲骨性核素bone tumor骨肿瘤bone deposition 骨中沉积boron 硼botulinum toxin 肉毒毒素botulism (bolulismus) 肉毒中毒box plot 箱式图brachytherapy近距离放射治疗brain scanning 脑扫描branching decay分支衰变branching fraction分支份额break断裂breathing zone呼吸带breathing zone sampling呼吸带取样breathing zone 呼吸带bremsstrahlung韧致辐射broad beam attenuation宽束衰减broad-beam condition宽束条件broad-beam irradiation宽束辐照bromine poisoning 溴中毒bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘bronchitis 支气管炎buffer 缓冲剂build-up factor积累因子bullosa dermatitis水泡性皮炎bureau 局,司,处,署burn-shock combined injury烧冲复合伤burst-forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E)暴发性红系祖细胞butadiene 丁二烯butyl alcohol 丁醇byssinosis 棉尘肺Ccadmium telleride radiaion detector碲化镉(辐射)探测器cadmium disease 镉病cadmium poisoning 镉中毒cadmium pollution 镉污染caisson disease 潜函病calcification 钙化作用,骨化作用calcium 钙calcium binding protein 钙结合蛋白calculation of dose 剂量估算calibration 刻度,标定,校准calibration curve 校准曲线calibration source 校标(用)源,刻度源calibration curve 校准曲线caloric requirement 热量需要量calorie (calory) 卡(热量单位)cancer 癌症cancer due to occupation (occupational cancer) 职业性癌症capping 帽形成capture 俘获capture gamma ray 俘获γ射线carbinol 甲醇carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类carbohydrate metabolism 糖代谢carbolic acid (phenol) 石炭酸,苯酚carbon disulfide 二硫化碳carbon tracer 示踪碳carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon disulfide poisoning 二硫化碳中毒carbon monoxide poisoning 一氧化碳中毒carbon oxide pollution 碳氧化物污染carcinogen 致癌原,致癌物carcinogenesis 致癌作用carcinogenic dose 致癌剂量carcinogenic effect 致癌效应carcinogenic action 致癌作用carcinogenic agent 促癌因子carcinogenicity 致癌性carcinogensis 致癌作用carcinoma 癌,恶性肿瘤cardiac phase analysis 心脏相位分析法cardiac scanning 心脏扫描cardiovascular form of acute radiation sickness 心血管型急性放射病cardiovascular form of death 心血管型死亡cardiovascular nuclear medicine 心血管核医学carnitine 肉毒碱carotene (carotin) 胡萝卜素carotenoid 类胡萝卜素carrier 病原体携带者,载体case fatality rate 某病病死率case-control study 病例对照研究case-fatality 病死率case-study 个案病例调查catalase 过氧化氢酶catalysis 催化作用catalyst (catalyzer) 催化剂cataract 白内障categorical variable 分类变量category 种类,类别cathepsin 组织蛋白酶catheter semiconducter radiation detector 导管型半导体辐射探测器cathode (catelectrode) 阴极,负极cation 正离子,阳离子cation exchange resin 阳离子交换树脂cause eliminated life table 去死因寿命表cause specific mortality rate 病因别死亡率cause-effect relationship 因果关系cause-specific death rate 死因别死亡率ceiling value 上限值cell division 细胞分裂cell kinetics 细胞动力学cell loss factor 细胞丢失系数cell population 细胞群体cell proliferation 细胞增殖cell renewal system 细胞更新系统cellular effect 细胞效应censored value 截尾值census 普查,人口调查census statistics 静态人口统计centigrade thermometer 摄氏温度计central tendency 集中趋势central limit theorem 中心极限定理central nervous system syndrome 中枢神经系统综合征centrifugal dust remover 离心式除尘器centrifugal analysis 离心分析centrifugal machine 离心机cereals 谷类,谷类植物cerebral form acute radiation sickness 脑型急性放射病cerebral radionuclide angiography 放射性核素脑血管显象术cerebral scintigraphy 脑闪烁显像术ceric-sulphate dosimeter 硫酸铈剂量计chain reaction 链式反应chalone 抑素changes of blood and hemopoietic system 血液造血变化character 性能,特征character density 字符密度characteristic 特征,特性characteristic x-ray spectrum 标准伦琴射线光谱charcoal dextran 活性炭葡聚糖charged ionizing particle 带电电离粒子charged particle accelerator 带电粒子加速器charged particle activation analysis 带电粒子活化分析charged particle excited x-ray fluorescence analysis 带电粒子激发的X线荧光分析charged reader 充电读数装置check sample 对照样品check test 对照检验chemical 化学药品,化学制品chemical carcinogens 化学致癌剂chemical dosimeter 化学剂量计chemical food poisoning 化学性食物中毒chemical oxygen demand (COD) 化学需氧量chemically pure 化学纯chemotherapy 化学疗法child-women ratio 儿童妇女比chimera (辐射)嵌合体chinese hamster ovary (CHO) 中国仓鼠卵巢Chinese Society of Environmental Science 中国环境科学学会Chi-square test 卡方检验,χ2检验chloride 氯化物chloride of lime 漂白粉chlorination 加氯消毒chlorine 氯chlorletnylene 氯乙烯chloroform 氯仿,三氯甲烷chloromethyl methyl ether 氯甲甲醚chlorophenotone 滴滴涕,双对氯苯基三氯乙烷cholecalciferol 维生素D3,胆钙化醇cholesterol 胆固醇cholesterol ester 胆固醇酯choline 胆碱cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶cholinesterase activity 胆碱酯酶活性chromatid 染色单体chromatid break 染色单体断裂chromatid gap 染色单体裂隙chromatid interchange 染色单体互换chromatograph 色谱仪chromatographic column 色谱吸附柱,色谱柱chromatography 色谱法,层析chromium poisoning 铬中毒chromosomal aberration 染色体畸变chromosomal abnormality 染色体异常chromosome 染色体chronic radiation dermatitis 慢性放射性皮炎chronic radiation injury 慢性放射损伤chronic radiation injury of skin 慢性皮肤放射性损伤chronic radiation pneumonitis 慢性放射性肺炎chronic radiation sickness 慢性放射病chronic effect 慢性作用chronic intoxication 慢性中毒chronic poisoning 慢性中毒chronic toxicity 慢性毒性cigarette 香烟,纸烟ciguateva toxin 雪卡毒素circle graph 圆图circular accelerator 圆形加速器circulatory disorder 循环障碍circumstance 环境,情况,细节city dweller 城市居民city planning 城市规划city sanitation 城市卫生class interval 组距class of pollution 污染等级classification 分组classification of death causes 死因分类classification of diseases 疾病分类classification of pollutant 污染物分类classified nomenclature of diseases 分类的疾病名称clean-up 去污clearance rate 清除率climate 气候clinical nuclear medicine 临床核医学clinical trial 临床试验clostridium botulinum 肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌clothing monitor 衣服检测仪cluster sampling 整群抽样coagulant 凝聚剂coagulant sedimentation 混凝沉淀coagulation 混凝(作用)coagulation facteer 凝血因子coal pneumoconiosis 煤肺coal dust 煤尘coal-tar 煤焦油coating agent 敷贴剂coating method (放射自显影)涂膜法coaxial detectr 同轴探测器cobalt poisoning 钴中毒cobalt-60 therapeutic installation 钴60治疗机co-carcinogen 辅致癌物Cockcroft-Walton accelerator 高压倍加器,考-瓦二氏加速器co-crystallization and co-precipitation 共结晶共沉淀code 代码,密码coefficient 系数coefficient of dispersion 离散系数coefficient of kurtosis 峰度系数coefficient of skewness 偏度系数coefficient of variation 变异系数coefficient of product-moment correlation 积差相关系数coefficient of variation 变异系数coefficient of correlation 相关系数coefficient of lighting 采光系数coefficient of natural illumination 自然照度系数coenzyme A (C O A)辅酶Acofactor 辅助因素coherent interference 相干干涉cohort study 定群研究,队列研究cohort labelling 同类标记,同群标记cohort life table 定群寿命表,队列受命表cohort study 队列研究coincidence scanning 符合扫描coincidence technique 符合技术60Co irradiation facility 60Co辐照装置cold area 低活性区cold laboratory “冷”实验室,非放射性实验室cold lesion 冷区,冷病灶cold spot imaging 冷区显像cold sterilization 冷消毒,辐射消毒cold sterilization 冷灭菌colibacillus 大肠杆菌,大肠菌coliform group 大肠杆菌群coli-group bacteria 大肠菌群coli-group index 大肠菌指数coli-group test 大肠菌群检验coli-group titre(titer)大肠菌群值collection of data 搜集资料collective dose epuivalent 集体剂量当量collimate 准直collimator 准直器colloidal radio (active )gold 放射性胶体金colloidal suspension 胶体悬浮液coloboma 缺损colon bacillus 大肠杆菌colony 集落colony forming unit basophil, CFU-Ba 嗜碱性粒系祖细胞colony forming unit B-lymphocyte, CFU-BL B淋巴系祖细胞colony forming unit erythroid, CFU-E 红系祖细胞colony stimulating factor basophil, CSF-Ba 嗜碱粒系集落刺激因子colony stimulating factor eosinophil, CSF-Eo 嗜酸粒系集落刺激因子colony stimulating factor granulo-macrophage, CSF-GM 粒巨噬系集落刺激因子colony stimulating factor, CSF 集落刺激因子colony forming unit eosinophil, CFU-Eo 嗜酸性粒系祖细胞colony forming unit megakaryocyte, CFU-M 巨核系祖细胞colony forming unit granulomacrophage, CFU-GM 粒系巨噬系祖细胞colony forming unit T-lymphocyte, CFU-TL T淋巴系祖细胞colour autoradiography 彩色放射自显影术colour scanning 彩色扫描combinative table 组和表combined effect of poisons 毒物的联合作用combined-injury following burn-radio-shock 烧放冲复合伤combined-injury following radio-burn-shock 放烧冲复合伤combined-injury following nuclear explosion 核爆炸复合伤commentary 评论,注释commission (授权某人)代办,委托,委员会committed dose equivalent 待积剂量当量committee 委员会(较大团体)Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, BEIR 电离辐射生物效应委员会committee of patriotic health movement 爱国卫生运动委员会community 社会,团体community health 公共卫生Comoton-Wu (Youxun) Effect 康普顿-吴有训效应compact accelerator 小型加速器compact cyclotron 小型回旋加速器compartmental analysis 区域分析compensation 代偿机能,赔偿(损失)compensation phase 代偿期competitive assay 竞争分析(法)competitive radioassay 竞争放射分析compiler 编辑者,汇编者complete life table 完全寿命表complete survey 全面调查,普查complete correlation 完全相关completely random design 完全随机设计complex compound 络合物complex reaction 复杂反应complexing agent 络合剂complication of radiation therapy 放射治疗并发症component 成分,组分compost 堆肥comprehensive pollution index 综合污染指数comunity intervention trial 社区干预试验concentration 浓度concrete equivalent 混凝土当量conditioned reflex 条件反射confidence interval 可信区间confidence limit 可信限confirmatory research 证实性研究confounding factor 混杂因素,干扰因素,混杂因子confounding bias 混杂偏倚congenital malformation 先天畸形constant voltage accelerator 恒定压型加速器constituent of causes of death 死因构成constituent ratio 构成比constriction 缢痕consumption 消费,消耗contact poison 触杀剂,接触毒contaminant(pollutant)污染物contamination monitoring 污染监测contamination(pollution)污染contingency table 列联表continuous labelling method 连续标记法continuous neutron activation analysis 连续中子活化分析contraceptive failure rate 避孕失败率contraceptive prevalence 避孕现用率contrast enhancement 对比度增强,造影增强contrast medium 造影剂control 对照物,控制control levels of surface contamination 污染表面的控制水平control group 对照组control of pest and disease 除害灭病controlled area 控制区convergent-beam therapy 汇聚束疗法converter 变换器,转换器coordination number 配位数(加合体)copper 铜copper plating 镀铜co-precipitation 共沉淀correction for continuity 连续性校正correction formula 校正公式correlation 相关关系correlation coefficient 相关系数corrosivity 腐蚀性corticosteroid 皮质类固醇corticosterone 皮质酮cortisol 皮质醇cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic ray 宇宙射线cost benefit analysis 代价利益分析cougulant aids 助凝剂council 政务会,议会,理事会,委员会Council on Environmental Quality(CEQ)环境质量委员会(美)councilor 理事,参赞,参议员,顾问cretinism 克汀病(先天性缺碘所致),亦称地方性呆小症criterion, criteria(pl)标准,准则critical dose rate 临界剂量率critical exposure pathway 关键照射途径critical group 关键人群组critical nuclide 关键核素critical organ 关键器官critical point 临界点critical tissue 关键组织critical transfer pathway 关键转移途径criticality accident 临界事故criticality alarm system 临界报警系统cross section 截面cross infection 交叉感染cross-linking 交联crude birth rate (CBR) 粗出生率crude death rate (CDR) 粗死亡率crude mortality rate 总死亡率crude petroleum 原油crude protein 粗蛋白crystal opacity 晶体混浊cummulative failure rate 累计失败率cumulation coefficient 蓄积系数cumulation of poisons 毒物蓄积cumulative dose 累积剂量cumulative probability 累计概率cure rate 治愈率curie 居里Curie M. S. 居里夫人current life table 现时寿命表curve fitting 曲线拟合cyanide elimination method 氰化物消除法cyanide poisoning 氰化物中毒cyano-ethylene 乙烯氰cyanosis 发绀cyclic AMP (cAMP) assay kit 环—磷酸腺苷测定试剂盒cyclobutane dimer 环丁烷二聚体cyclotron 回旋加速器cyclotron nuclear medicine 回旋加速器核医学cyclotron-produced 回旋加速器产物cyclotron-produced radiopharmaceutical 回旋加速器生产的放射性药物cysteine 半胱氨酸cystine 胱氨酸cystogram 膀胱X线象cytochrome C 细胞色素Ccytochrome oxidase 细胞色素氧化酶cytogenetics 细胞遗传学cytosine 胞核嘧啶cytotoxic injury 细胞毒性损害DD0 value D0值dacryoscintigraphy 泪道闪烁显像术daily average 一日平均daily dietary allowance 每日膳食供给量daily nutrient allowance 每日营养素供给量data cleaning 资料清理data accumulation 数据积累data processing 数据处理daughter 子体,子核,子系daughter nuclide 子体核素daughter product 子体产物day lighting 自然采光de facto 实际制de jure 法定制deacetylmethylcolchicing 去乙酰甲基秋水仙素dead time 死时间decalcification therpy 脱钙疗法decay 衰变,蜕变decay constant 衰变常数decay scheme 衰变图,衰变方式decibel(db)分贝decimal reduction time 递减时间decomposition 分解作用decompression sickness 减压病decontaminating agent 除沾染剂decontamination 除污染作用decontamination 去污decontamination factor 去污因子defibrination syndrome 脱纤维综合征deficiency disease (营养)缺乏病degeneration 变性degree of dispersion 分散度degree of freedom 自由度degree of relationship 相关程度degree of dispersion 离散程度,分散度degree of freedom 自由度degree of saturation 饱和度degree of variation 变异程度deionization 去离子作用,去电离delayed neutron 缓发中子delayed scan 延迟扫描delayed type hypersensitivity 迟发型超敏感性delayed neurotoxicity 迟发性神经毒性deletion 缺失demeton-methyl(metasystox)甲基内吸磷demography 人口统计density resolution 密度(浓度)分辨能力density-inhibited stationary phase cell culture 密集抑制的稳相细胞培养deoxypyrimidine nucleoside 脱氧嘧啶核苷deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA 脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase 脱氧核糖核酸聚合酶dependency ratio 抚养比dependent variable 应变量,因变量deposited fraction 沉积分数depth dose equivalent index 深部剂量当量指数deradiocontamination 消除放射性沾染derivative activation analysis 衍生物活化分析derived air concentration, DAC 推定空气浓度derived limit 推定限值descriptive statistics 统计描述desertification 沙漠化design 设计design of experiment 实验设计desmosome-like junction 胞桥小体样联合detection efficiency 探测效率detection limit 探测极限detector 探测器,探头detergent 去污剂determination 测定detoxification 解毒作用detriment 危害developer 显影剂developing agent 显影剂developmental standard 发育标准deviation from the mean 离均差dextran coated charcoal 葡聚糖包被活性炭diagnostic radiography X线诊断摄影术diagnostic radiology 诊断放射学diagnostic radiology specialist 放射诊断专业医师,放射诊断专家diasonograph 超声诊断仪dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane DDTdiet 膳食dietary survey (dietetic survey) 膳食调查dietetics 营养学,饮食学dietitian (dietician) 饮食学家,营养师difference with significance 差别有显著性diffuse distribution 弥散分布diffusion 扩散digital radiography 数控X线摄影术digital radiology 数控放射学digital scanner 数字扫描机digital scintigram 数字闪烁显像图digital subtraction angiography 减数血管造影术dilution 稀释dilution effect 稀释效应2,3-dimercaptopropanol 2,3-二巯基丙醇dimethylsulfate 硫酸二甲酯direct action 直接作用direct isotope dilution analysis 直接同位素稀释分析法,同位素正稀释法direct isotope dilution method 直接同位素稀释法,同位素正稀释法direct nuclide dilution analysis 直接核素稀释分析法,核素正稀释法direct radiation 直接辐射direct saturation analysis 直接饱和分析法direct carcinogen 直接致癌物directly ionizing particle 直接电离粒子disability 丧失功能残疾disc 圆盘,磁盘,圆盘法disc solid-phase radioimmunoassay 圆盘固相放射免疫分析法disease of natural infection focus 自然疫源性疾病disinfection of drinking water 饮水消毒disintegration 衰变disintegration constant 衰变常数disintegration curve 衰变曲线disintegration product 衰变产物disintegrations per minute 每分(钟)衰变数,衰变/分display 显示,显示器,显像disposal 处理,控制disposal of radioactive waste 放射性废物处理dissolved oxygen (DO) 溶解氧distance protection 距离防护distillate 馏出物distillation 蒸馏作用distribution 分布distribution of radionuclide within the body 放射性核素在体内的分布diuresis renogram 利尿肾图division delay 分裂延迟DNA repair DNA 修复domestic sewage 生活污水,生活污物Donora smog incident 多诺拉烟雾事件dose build-up factor 剂量累积因子dose detector 剂量计dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent index 剂量当量指数dose equivalent limit 剂量当量限值dose equivalent rate 剂量当量率dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担dose equivalent index rate 剂量当量指数率dose equivalent instrument 剂量当量仪dose limit 剂量限值dose meter 剂量计dose modifying factor 剂量修正系数dose rate 剂量率dose reduction fraction 剂量降低分数dose-effect 剂量-效应dose-effect curve 剂量-效应曲线dose-ratemeter 剂量率计,剂量率仪dose-reaction 剂量-反应dose-response 剂量-反应dose-response curve 剂量效应曲线dosimeter 剂量计double antibody radioimmunoassay 双抗体放射免疫分析法double blind test 双盲试验法double derivative isotope dilution analysis 双衍生物同位素稀释分析法double detecting scanning 双探头扫描double headed scintillation counter 双探头闪烁计数器double isotope derivative analysis 双同位素衍生物分析法double labelling 双标记double labelling tracer experiment 双标记示踪试验double nuclide (isotope) derivative analysis 双标记核素(同位素)衍生物法double strand break 双链断裂double tracer technique 双示踪法doubling dose 加倍计量doughnut sign 月晕征,轮圈征drinking water treatment 饮水处理drinking wter testing method 饮水检查法drive lead treatment 驱铅疗法drive mercury treatment 驱汞疗法dry dedusting 干式除尘dry epidermitis 干性表皮炎dual channel detection system 双道探测系统dual head scanner 双探头扫描机dual-photomultiplier scintillation counter 双光电倍增管闪烁计数器dummy source 假放射源Duncan`s new multiple range method 新复极差法,Duncan新法dust cell 尘细胞dust concentration 粉尘浓度dust dispersity 粉尘分散度dust separator 除尘器dynamic series 动态数列dynamic study 动态检查(分析)dynamics 动力学,动态dynamics of precursor-intermediate-product relationship 前身物-中间物-产物关系动力学dystrophic change 营养不良性变化dystrophy 营养不良,营养障碍Eearly nuclear radiation 早期核辐射earmuffs 耳罩,耳套earplug 耳塞echocardiogram 超声心动图echocardiography 超声心动扫描术echography 回波描记术ecological approach 生态方法ecological balance 生态平衡ecological equilibrium 生态平衡ecological system 生态系统ecology 生态学ecotoxicology 生态毒理学ectopic focus 异位(兴奋)灶edema 水肿edition 版,版本,版次editor 编者,编辑。



第15卷 第12期强激光与粒子束Vol.15,No.12 2003年12月HIGH POWER LASER AND PAR TICL E B EAMS Dec.,2003 Article ID: 100124322(2003)1221155204Evaluating refractive index structure constant and characterizing spectrum of atmospheric turbulenceΞMEI Hai2ping, RAO Rui2zhong, WU Xiao2qing, ZHU Wen2yue(A nhui Instit ute of Optics and Fi ne Mechanics,the Chi nese Academy of Sciences,P.O.Box1125,Hef ei230031,Chi na) Abstract: Characteristics of temperature’s fluctuation measured at the maritime atmos pheric surface layer isanalyzed.The result is that the power spectrum of virtual temperature varies with time.Then refractive index struc2ture constant evaluated with different average times are compared.In the end,an algorithm according to the inherentstate’s changing of the atmosphere is built to estimate refrective index structure constant. K ey w ords: Probability distribution; Power spectrum; Refractive2index structure constant; Varying in2terval time average C LC number: TN247 Document code: A Stochastic fluctuations of the atmospheric refractive index degrade the propagation of electromagnetic wave through introducing several effects such as beam spread,beam wander and scintillation of the intensity[1].These effects can easily be seen over the ground in clear sunshine days.The measurement of the strength of the fluctua2 tion is the refractive index structure constant C n2[2].The convenient alternative is to measure the temperature structure constant C2t,for when ignoring wavelength and humidity there is a relationship between them[1,2].C2t can be measured with two special temperature sensors with a separationΔr of about1m[3]or with one sensor only with the hypothesis of“frozen turbulence”.Because theory of optical turbulence is constructed under the hypothe2 sis of local isotropic and homogenous[4],when the energy spectrum E(k)follows k-5/3law[5],we should have an investigation of the power law to get some information of difference of theory and reality,especially at surface lay2 er. For both of the two methods,we can only get one2dimension time serials and we must invoke the assumption of ergodicity to obtain estimation of ensemble averages.We can’t average forever as required in ergodic hypothesis, such as D.L.Walters,who always performs fixed15min average,and Wu Xiao2qing10min,Zeng Zeng2yong 5min[6,7].But,none of them have given a satisfied explanation of his work.So,the problem of what’s the differ2 ence of different time interval average and how long is the reasonable average time should be researched. In this paper,we are trying to investigate the characteristics of temperature’s fluctuation and the spectrum exponent of temperature at maritime atmospheric surface layer,and then having a comparing of different time av2 erage in estimating C2n,intending to build a varying interval time average(V ITA)algorithm to estimate C2n with a satisfying explanation. The data we used is detected offshore between9Nov.and27Nov.2002,when we fitted series of tem pera2 ture sensors on a pole of15m at different altitudes about1.5,3.5,5.5,9and15m on the coast.In this paper, we only use the data of the first layer of about1~2m above the shore,where the turbulence is obviously inhomo2 geneous and influenced sharply by the ground,and,will expected to have special properties.1 Statistical theories of atmospheric surface turbulence In Tatarskii’s theory,analogy with the velocity field,the temperature field in a fluid with homogeneousΞR eceived d ate:2003209212; R evised d ate:2003210212Found ation item:Supported by National863Program itemBiography:Mei Hai2ping(19802),male,student for master’s degree,study atmospheric turbulence and optics;E2mail:hpmei@。



摘要维生素 D3(Vitamin D3,VD3)是一种脂溶性的维生素,属于一种作用于钙磷代谢的激素前体,又叫做“阳光维生素”。







建立了VD3 的体外分析方法-高效液相色谱法(HPLC),使用此方法得到的 VD3 的精密度和回收率均符合体外分析测定要求。

HPLC测定 L-VD3 中的药物含量,并且该方法测定的 L-VD3 中药物的回收率符合体外分析要求。

建立了用超滤离心法来分离游离VD3,进而测定 L-VD3的包封率的方法。

此方法可以很好的使游离药物分离,并且方便有效,且该法测定的 VD3 的精密度和回收率也均符合体外分析测定的要求。



筛选出来磷脂含量、磷脂与胆固醇的比例、脂药比作为主要的考察对象进行响应面优化实验,得到最优工艺配方为:磷脂含量为 25mg,磷脂与胆固醇的比例为 4.5:1,脂药比为 2.5:l。

以最优配方条件下得到VD3常规脂质体的包封率的理论值为 87.83%,实际值为 86.79%。



2023年第47卷第10期Journal of Mechanical Transmission轮齿表面剥落故障劣化机制动力学模型研究彭毅1吴胜利1邢文婷2王崇昊1(1 重庆交通大学交通运输学院,重庆400074)(2 重庆工商大学管理科学与工程学院,重庆400067)摘要在交变载荷作用下,轮齿表面不可避免地会萌生初始裂纹并逐步演化为剥落等故障,严重影响传动系统精度。





关键词齿面裂纹剥落边缘接触效应时变啮合刚度Study on the Spalling Fault Degradation Mechanism and Dynamic Model ofGear Tooth SurfacesPeng Yi1Wu Shengli1Xing Wenting2Wang Chonghao1(1 College of Traffic and Transportation, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China)(2 School of Management Science and Engineering, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China)Abstract Under the action of alternating load, the initial crack on the gear tooth surface would inevitably initiate and gradually evolve into spalling and other faults. It has a serious impact on the transmission system. More attention is paid to the research when there are apparent faults on the gear tooth surface, and it is difficult to monitor the early faults on the gear tooth surface in real time. Therefore, it is essential to make systematic re⁃search on the evolution mechanism of early fault on the gear tooth surface and identify the early fault characteris⁃tics of the gear tooth surface in time. According to the improved energy method, a time-varying meshing stiffness model of tooth surface crack initiation and degradation into spalling fault is constructed. Considering the trans⁃verse propagation path of the cracks and edge contact effect, the impact of the model on the time-varying mesh⁃ing stiffness is studied. The results indicate that the impact of surface crack and spalling on the time-varying meshing stiffness is only in a specific area, and the impact of crack length would accelerate the decrease of the meshing stiffness. The spalling width has an impact on the time-varying meshing stiffness, and the spalling length has an impact on the beginning and end of the time-varying meshing stiffness reduction. The spalling edge meshing stiffness would suddenly increase due to the influence of the edge contact.Key words Tooth surface crack Spalling Edge contact effect Time-varying meshing stiffness0 引言在工程实践中,齿轮会出现点蚀、剥落和轮齿断裂等接触疲劳失效故障,这些故障是由首次疲劳裂纹萌生的临界位置决定的[1]1181-1190。


摘要:为了研究齿轮啮合过程中齿面接触温度对系统动力学的影响,基于 Block 闪温理论,计算主、从动轮的齿面闪温,推 导齿面接触温度随时间变化的表达式,计算由齿面接触温度变化导致的齿廓形变;通过 Hertz 接触理论,推导随齿面接触温 度变化的啮合刚度的表达式。建立综合考虑齿面接触温度、时变啮合刚度、齿面摩擦、齿侧间隙、综合啮合误差等因素的单 级直齿圆柱齿轮系统非线性动力学模型。对该模型进行研究,分析摩擦因数、载荷对齿面闪温的影响及系统的动力学特性。 计算结果显示,齿面闪温在齿根和齿顶啮合时达到最大,而在节点附近接近于零。这表明所建立的齿面闪温计算方法能在一 定程度上反映齿轮啮合时的温度变化和滑动情况,该方法在计算齿面温度变化时其基本规律是正确的。对比考虑齿面接触温 度与否的分岔图发现,齿面接触温度对系统动力学行为有明显的影响。 关键词:齿轮 齿面接触温度 建模 中图分类号:TH132.41 O322 非线性动力学

齿轮是应用广泛的动力与运动传递装置之一。 齿轮系统实际啮合中齿面摩擦消耗的能量大部分转
国家自然科学基金(51365025, 11462012)、 教育部博士点基金 (2012620
4110001)和甘肃省创新研究群体计划(1308RJIA006) 资助项目。 20131107 收到初稿,20150228 收到修改稿
主、从动轮齿数。 rci (t)(i 1,2) 可由下式计算得到:
rc1(t) ((rb1 rb2 )sin ra22 rb22 cos2 rb11t)2 rb2 1
rc2 (t) ( ra22 rb22 cos2 rb11t cos)2 rb22 cos2
换为热量,导致齿面接触温度升高。在高速重载工 况下,摩擦引起的齿面接触温度升高极易导致齿面 胶合。TABURDAGITAN 等[1]建立了研究由摩擦引 起齿面温度变化的有限元模型。MAO[2]使用有限差 分法研究了一种复合材料齿轮的齿面接触温度,提 出了一种更接近实际的齿面闪温计算方法。龙慧等 [3] 提出了一种齿面摩擦因数和热流量的计算方法, 建立了高速齿轮传动瞬时接触温度分析模型。齿面 接触温度变化将使轮齿齿廓发生形变,进而使轮齿 啮合刚度发生变化,对齿轮系统的动力学性能产生 较大影响,这使得齿面接触温度成为不可忽视的因 素之一。近年来,以 KAHRAMAN [4]建立的单自由 度齿轮系统动力学模型为基础,学者们提出了各种 新的改进模型[5,6], 研究了更多复杂因素对齿轮副动 态传递性能的影响。VAISHYA 等[7-8]研究了齿轮系 统的摩擦力,建立了计及摩擦力的齿轮系统动力学 模型。王三民等[9]建立了考虑摩擦、时变刚度、齿 侧间隙的单自由度齿轮系统非线性动力学模型。唐 , 进元等[6 10]等建立了一种考虑齿面摩擦、时变刚度 和齿侧间隙的改进的动力学模型。在目前有关齿轮 系统的非线性动力学研究文献中,尚未见到考虑齿 面接触温度对动力学性能影响的报道。本文在考虑 齿面摩擦、时变啮合刚度、齿侧间隙等非线性因素 的基础上,根据 Block 闪温理论及 Hertz 接触理论 建立考虑齿面接触温度的单级直齿圆柱齿轮系统的 非线性动力学模型,并通过对该模型的研究,分析 摩擦因数、载荷对齿面闪温的影响以及齿面接触温 度对系统动力学的影响。



Method of Face Recognition Based on Red-BlackWavelet Transform and PCAYuqing He, Huan He, and Hongying YangDepartment of Opto-Electronic Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, P.R. China, 10008120701170@。


With the development of the man—machine interface and the recogni—tion technology, face recognition has became one of the most important research aspects in the biological features recognition domain. Nowadays, PCA(Principal Components Analysis) has applied in recognition based on many face database and achieved good results. However, PCA has its limitations: the large volume of computing and the low distinction ability。

In view of these limitations, this paper puts forward a face recognition method based on red—black wavelet transform and PCA. The improved histogram equalization is used to realize image pre-processing in order to compensate the illumination. Then, appling the red—black wavelet sub—band which contains the information of the original image to extract the feature and do matching。



Geoframe软件基本知识Greoframe 软件基本知识一,Greoframe 4.03 模块简介(2002.8 )P 包——测井包G 包——地质包可视化 seismic 数据管理:工区管理 project 过程 process 数据管理 Data Reservion——油藏包工具包 G 包中——Greology office 地质办公室 well composite 单井综合柱状图well pix 测井曲线名井地层对比储层参数集总 (储层统计) Ressum Cross section 油藏剖面的绘制井校正,测井数据.岩芯数据等编辑及函数运算 P 包中-------well edit ELANplus 测井解释 Rockcell 岩性分类多井岩性/岩相判别 Petrostat Geoplot 多井交会图显示,数据标准化与曲线关系拟合LithoQuick Look.二.Geoframe 4.03 工区管理(一).建工区及工区备份工区建立有两种方式:1.产生新工区,2.恢复工区(从本机或其他机备份数据工区的概念:小(20 兆). 中. 大(120 兆) 工区放井与 2D 导航数据在 oracle 数据库中,如果工区选择小的话,当井与 2D 导航数据增大时,它会自动扩容,建立表空间,作分散管理,这样工区的运行速度将变慢. 工区的内容: ----stand lone 多用户 ----share project(只放井的工区,只能读井的数据)不能完成井的解释任务 ----subproject(Geofame project)工区工区管理 Storage Edit Delete Merge Backup Recover 系统设置数据放在何处改变工区参数不合理的地方删除工区合并工区,通常情况不用,拷贝其他版本.不用的代码备份工区恢复工区 Accessrights Rebuild zndexes 自动做整个工区,提高速度,一般先要作备份工区备份 Backup-----Acrchive*.gfa 完全备份产生的*log 文件有些有用的信息Fast-backup*.gfb 增量备份 recover 恢复增量备份恢复完全备份选择性备份 1 解释输出(在 Seismic 中 Data manage) 2 Data Save(well Data)将整个油田井数据备份 3 2D Seismic 校正好的 Class 包括加载定义一起备份 4 在CP 备份整个 CP 目录,作一个 tar 文件(包括网格文件)从工区输入 (CP 是个单独模块,可以放在任何一个工区下运行) 使用命令备份remoto—gen---save.csh 选择性备份 restore:remite—recover.csh 关于基准面的问题: (Data Manager Users Guide---AppendixA) ER (elevation Reference) EIT (elebation at Time zere) 建工区给工区名——确认口令——从 DBA 选工区的大小. 类型——DBA 注册——连接数据库分配空间分开管理(解释地震速度 CPS 缺省)——创建工区的参数(米制) 地震基准面 North American 27 clake1866 zone 代理很重要 OTM zone number——19(二)地震数据的加载与备份 1 SEGX Dump: 带是否可读测线名字道头位置shotpoint 的数及在道头位置,增量是正是负采样率是否正确(必须是用微秒) 样点数是否正确有无坐标及在道头位置 EBCDIC (Extended Binary coded Decimal znterchange code)计算机对符号的代码 3200bytes reel header 卷头400bytes 240 240…… line 头 trace1 trace2 二进制二进制道头 one at the end of each file two EOT's mark on the end of tape End of File mark End of Tape mark (EOT) 2 SEGY formate line header 1 Sample rate 4000 microseconds=4ms 2 Number of Sample pertrace 3 Data Sample formate code 1—IBM32—bit 浮点 (4byte per sample) 2—IBM32—bit 整数 (4byte persample) 3—IBM16—bit 整数 (2byte per sample) 4—32bit point with gain(4byte per sample) Sample rate(ms) *(number of Sample)=length of the trace 4 1000 4000 Full Dump (完全 Dump) 2D 定义 * loc line CDP x y 3D 定义 3 个点面元大小 3 在 seismic 中 Data Manager (详细见中的数据管理) 1 地震 seY 输入输出 2 删除.拷贝.层位.断层输入输出 (缺省格式) 3 产生.改变 class,重新命名测线,产生 Time.Slice 切片 4 二维测站,删除等5 surface 管理可以转换为层位提供 IESX—UTIL 恢复工区 cd IESXPROG 定义格式 line read 表达式 expression trace read6 2D 测线加入中带桩号(找到对应关系) (三)数据加载及备份井数据 name checkshots OWI marker API log dat bottom location hole condition index elevation information flow direction deviation surrey 3 井数据加载井数据备份 ASCII 加载 Data Load 在井的各数管理中备份(打印输出) Data Save 1 关于 KB 的问题 KB 不是补正高,它是井到 project reference 之间 SCB Checkshot depth datumn USP 处理针对哪一个面做的加井时 well—Borehol—加 elevation—Reference ASCII 加载 (控制文件 Data——ASCII Load 批加载) Wu-asciiWu-galoaden*.ctl(放在缺省目录下) 2 (1) 井位加载文件: 井名 x ywell.ctl g25 Name well 1 OWI Borehole 1 Location x 2 Location y 3 (单井加入) (2) 井曲线 (log data) 原文件: 井深 las1 las2 控制文件 log.ctl DT us/m 2 RHOB g/cm3 3 GR gAPI 4 (3) 井分层 (well marker data ) (多井加入) 原文件 : 井名分层测深 g23 23 ^^^^^ g23 32 ^^^^^ g24 23 ^^^^^ g32 32 ^^^^^ 控制文件: (marker.ctl): Borhole-name start-wam Depth/Time Name (4) 井斜 (well deviation survey) 原文件: 井名 MD 垂深东分北分控制文件 MD m1 MD m2 DX m3 (单井加入) DY m4 1 2 3 (marker ram) MD TVD DX DY m1 m2 m3 m4 在 Borehole UIM (1)多井装入 (5) 井的 Checkshot (well checkshot survey) 原文件 TVD Time(s) 控制文件 TVD m (checkshot.ctl) TWOTIM s 装入给出是给出井名 (一个工区允许有多个 checkshot,也可把速度按这种方式装入) (6) 离散文件装入 (Scatter set Data) 原文件 X Y Z (如平均速度) 控制文件 X 1 Y 2 Property 3 UWI (Unique well Identifier) 井名(最长 40) API (the American Petroleum Institute) Well name 属性用于区分多个版本,别各针对井,也用于家载 DLIS 数据 DLIS (Digital Log Interchange Standard) LAS (Log Interchange Standard) Well composed of Multiple Boreholes Elevation 是到参考面 datumis 垂直距离 MD (Measured Depth) True Vertical Depth (TVD) Two way Time (TWT) (需要做校正) Borehole working Datum Wellcheckshot Datum Well Deviation Datum Well Marker Datum Depth Grid 工区工作 datum 3.井数据 Data Load 加载 Data Load *.gf66 *.Lis *.Dlis 对油田井打包后加入,加的是二进制的文件,只看到文件的头, (preview 可以查看) 如果想选择性加入一些曲线,则——Library Filter option 1 不过滤. 单个文件 DLIS 4. 井数据备份 (井的数据直接在数据库) 1 将井的各种数据在各数据相应的管理窗口备份选择所要输出内容 (小打印机)输出选上 well symbol (SPACE)空格 5 2 Data save——打包 Archive *.gf66 所有井数据二进制测井曲线 DLIS ASCII x . y . marker 在 Data—general—右键—弹出油田—弹出油田有关井信息打开 TTC 转输在 Data save 下井数据会自动显示如果选 ASCII—no Depth index muti borehole and producer 在LIS 格式下 File number 1 代表每口井的数 2 3 每口井输出后需要 Apply 单口井输出 marker—ASCII 中—well marker 3 在 CPS 中——井数据可以打包(四)常用一些命令 (gf-db-admin.fm) 1. 在 Geoframe xterm window 启动proman Q 2. $CL-f 1 $CL-f-project name 查看谁在用计算机解锁 2 $CL-f project project password 3. gf-users 查看本机工区运行情况 client___ID process 4. gf__accounts 查看机本机名字,分配的 oracle gf__accounts-o (每个工区的所有元) gf__project-users free space project__passproj-changepasswd 允许 DBA 或用户来改变它们工区的口令 proj__delete工区工区口令 __update 三合成记录制作,时深关系建立 (synthetrcs) seismic---IESX---Application Synthetics seismic---synthetic sonic logs 选井---post---Time/Depth check shots 声波慢度两者任选其一 velocity 给初始速度值 coefficient 1 不用 checkshot,时深关系从声波中提取,可用correction 2 用 checkshot. (校正声波用 checkshot)选 checkshotpost---sonic scale marker Reflection 曲线刻度分层 wavelet seismic correlation Auxiliary log 子波地震(井旁道) 其中子波可以在 Tools---通过井旁道提,对子波编辑,分析,输入输出 Tools---漂移及局部拉伸在子波分析---Time varying 在面版 seismic 右键弹出选 borehole---在井柱上选---appearance---出现窗口 borehole appearance 可贴上合成记录(直接在合成记录的窗口) Tools—Backshif 在声波,marker 上漂.虽在时域工作互校正了时深关系 (整体漂移) stretch-sqeeze 局部拉伸选停泊点 anchor 停泊 2 键选点 1 键拉伸 relocity surey 编辑 checkshot 后校正声波曲线 wavelet Extract Analytical Edit Time varying 产生时变子波 Import/export 合成记录完成后三键---Save 存在合成记录---在地震解释在 Boreholeappearance 中完成合成记录定义---update well (更新井集)再贴在剖面上(表现一道或多道) 在 Tools---Synthetic---上下键记住时间值,回到合成记录中,重新做合成记录四 .地震资料综合解释 Interpretation: 2D/3D 综合解释,底图 Basemap Data Manager: 数据管理 Computation Manager 属性计算,方差体 Mistie Analysis 自动追踪 Automatic Picking IESX Surface Slice Synthetics 合成记录制作 Geoviz 可视化 Geoviz expore Basic TD 时深转换Interpetation Model Manager 解释模型管理 (一) 解释模型管理启动Interpretation ----选 Model 创建 Model Model Manager ----Populate 合并 7 ----两种方式 1 Assign 全拷(会覆盖相同的层位) 2 Clone 拷贝(选择性拷贝,不会覆盖相同的层位) 选 Source Model 对要拷贝层位,断层选择 (二)自动追踪 Automatic Picking---ASAP AutoPix 算法不一样 ASAP(Automatic Seismic Area Picken) ----在 Edit 定义一个 Seismic Area Path 多边形 ----数据种子类 Tracking option Area 断层边界追踪方法----先作 Advanced 追踪的数据在 Horizon Function----Attrebute Erase 删除最好先备份在解释窗口 Areal----Horizon Copy 备份下换成另一个名字,再做自动追踪或删除(三)数据管理 Data Manage 在 IESX 放的数据 3D/2D 测线工线 Surface(层位,断层) 解释(属性,断层 Cuts, Contacts) 网格文件在 Geoframe 中所有的3D 层位属性存在数据库以网格形式 2D 层位属性以线数据存在 Geoframe 下列属性自动产生:Time Snap-Criteria Interpretation-origin Pick-Quality (地震解释,ASAP,AutoPix) 逆断层由 Horizon Patches 进行管理(1,2,3)LCS( Local Coordinate System) IESX ing-f/dev/rmt/on fsf/ 绕过另一个文件解锁 $CL 大写 $IESXPROG/Da-clear 全称作切割线输出,先产生2D,后输出工具 IESX cd $IESXPROG ies_Util 1 12 22 42 44 2 终止退出其中有的恢复工区 Path----定义多边形----输出层位(控制范围) 收敛 (四)属性,方差体产生选测站,选要运行的程序----输出文件放在 DataManangers----Interpretation Data 找到可以删除删除 (五)常见问题 1. 优先级管理 ---Baspman---user---preferme---presence1,2,3---3—2—1切 ----surveys 2. 手工加的 marker 显示不出来.在 Source 中加入GF-Loader 3. 输入层位必须是缺省 5 项记录 X Y line CDP Time 4. 将 IESX 中的层位按 X,Y,Z 输出,作为离散文件加入,将离散文件网格 Gridding,再将网格文件还原成 Surface (Data Manage---解释---Surface 完成 5. 属性产生与删除, 在数据管理下解释数据中删除 6. 移动底图上粘贴顺序 7. 斜线的切割 8. 数据加载中 Raviable fix 9. 计算井斜-----倾角问题 10. 加入深度域的地震数据,在剖面显示中 User—改变显示状态 Metric 缺省的是 11.User----refrenence----Fault(从 Segment---(变成) Symbol)能把断层的闭合点显示大一些五.Geoviz. 可视化 (相干数据体) Geoviz explore Data Manage—Geoviz—只有显示功能 Visualization File—Volume Load (三维数据体加载) 看有没有空洞,颜色是否均匀去掉不要的东西—点黑如 Box Map 等对地震 ----在 Tools—Modify 下修改颜色网格层位/断层体Tools—Volume—Pan—解释(如加断层)必须在+状态解释右键退出解释状态Fault Surface/Volume (产生断层面) 解释完后可以可以产生断层面,以后的断层解释可用 XN GT R O 外推限制不限制 Shift+P 去掉立体框 Voxel Picking—种子体检测 Shift+1 键点种子点 Covert Detected Volume—产生层位体—输出层面存顶,底 1.井为空井 (0,0) 2.空 2D,3D Surface 3.2D 导航数据出错出现故障而不能找到数据 4.速度异常 Tool—Modif—修改层位—Coloning—Chang Attribute—选 Grid ( 产生各种属性数据体的时间网)--Modify Object—Modify Surface—Coloning Grid—改变颜色 9 Geofram 4.0 版本软件使用手册第一部分基础知识一,系统介绍 Geofram 4.0 系统是schlumber 公司针对解决测井,地震,油藏, 公司针对解决测井,地震,油藏, 地质以及综合研究等问题开发的较为完整的集成软件. 所示, 地质以及综合研究等问题开发的较为完整的集成软件.如图 1-1 所示,本等问题开发的较为完整的集成软件软件共划分井眼地质 ( geolog ) 岩石物理 ,油藏描述(reservoir) (petrophysics) 油藏描述(reservoir),地震 petrophysics)油藏描述(reservoir), , seismic) 可视化地震(visualization) ,可视化地震(visualization)和工 ( seismic ) 可视化地震 (visualization) 和工 , 具(utility)等六个部分.系统管理配备 3 个基 (utility)等六个部分. 等六个部分本管理工具:项目管理工具( mandge) 本管理工具:项目管理工具(project mandge) , 工作流程管理器( manage) 工作流程管理器(process manage)及数据管理 manage) 该系统具有如下特色: .该系统具有如下特色器(data manage) 该系统具有如下特色: . 关系型数据库管理: *基于 Oracle 关系型数据库管理:使得解释参数,描述信息及离散,连续采样的信息数据, 参数,描述信息及离散,连续采样的信息数据, 样的信息数据均以数据指针信息存放在项目数据库的目录中. 均以数据指针信息存放在项目数据库的目录中. 数据入库后不需知道数据以什么样格式存放再什么地方,只进行聚焦即可得到快速查询. 什么地方,只进行聚焦即可得到快速查询. 可靠的安全性:设置了用户存储权限, *可靠的安全性:设置了用户存储权限,使得数据管理更为方便; 得数据管理更为方便;图 1-1 *极大提高工作效率:合理的项目配置,减少不必要的数据重复,使数极大提高工作效率:合理的项目配置,减少不必要的数据重复, 据深度,单位,坐标系统等转换更为方便,省时; 据深度,单位,坐标系统等转换更为方便,省时; *强大的可操作性:所有程序军采用窗口,菜单选项交互运行,加大可强大的可操作性:所有程序军采用窗口,菜单选项交互运行, 视化程序. 视化程序. 二,系统登陆当在界面敲入用户名和密码之后, 所视界面, 当在界面敲入用户名和密码之后 , 出现如图 1-2 所视界面 , 选择版本系统, 所示界面, GeoFram 4.0.3 进入 GeoFram4.0 版本系统,出现图 1-3 所示界面,选择其中一个用户,敲入密码 ( pas sword 图 1-2 图 1-3 ),当系统确认后在单击Application manager 即可完成系统的完全登陆. 即可完成系统的完全登陆. 所示界面.可选择进行下一步工作. 出现如图 1-4 所示界面.可选择进行下一步工作. 11 三,数据加载进入系统后, 管理器, 进入系统后,单击系统界面中的 Data manager 管理器,出现数据管图 1-4 图 1-5 理主窗口(如图 1-4) 理主窗口( . 窗口, 选择 loaders and unloaders 出现如图 1-5 窗口, 其中ASCIL Load 表数据加载; 数据加载; 表示数据存示 ASCIL 数据加载;data load 为 Dlis 数据加载;data save 表示数据存储.其具体操作方法如下: 其具体操作方法如下: a,ASCII LOAD ASCII load 模块主要用来加载文本数据,具体步骤如下: 具体步骤如下: 将 ASCII LOAD 模块调入工作流程管理器中,单击鼠标左键,则可掉入主窗口( 器中,单击鼠标左键,则可掉入主窗口(如图1-6) : 图 1-6 1) 2) 3) 中选择所加数据文件名称; 在 input file 中选择所加数据文件名称; 中填入控制文件名; 在 control file 中填入控制文件名; 在 create file 中可编写所加载的数据.选择所需要的曲线; 载的数据.选择所需要的曲线; 4) 按 run 键即可完成 ascii 数据的加载. 的加载. 模块. b , data load 模块 . 本模块主要用 LIS,DLIS,BIT, 等格式的途是将LIS,DLIS,BIT,LA716 等格式的数据加入数据库中.具体步骤如下: 数据加入数据库中.具体步骤如下: 在 Geofram 的 P 包中,将 Data load 包中, 图 1-7 模块调入工作流程管理器,并用鼠标左键双击, 模块调入工作流程管理器,并用鼠标左键双击,则可调入 Data load 主窗口(如图 1-5) : ,在对话框中假如你想要加入的数据文件名称(LIS, 1) 在 input file 对话框中假如你想要加入的数据文件名称(LIS, , DLIS,BIT, 等格式) DLIS,BIT,LA716 等格式) ; 2) 在targetr field 中假如油田名称; ,在 , 中假如油田名称; ,在中输入井名; 3) 在 target well 中输入井名; , ,在中输入井眼名称; 4) 在 target borehole 中输入井眼名称; , ,在中输入公司名(可选) 5) 在 producer 中输入公司名(可选) , ; ,点击按纽,即可将所要数据加入数据库中. 6) 点击 run 按纽,即可将所要数据加入数据库中. , 13 资料预处理( edit) 第二部分资料预处理(well edit) 因为各种井况,仪器,人为等因素造成测井原始资料深度不统一,因为各种井况,仪器,人为等因素造成测井原始资料深度不统一, 局部出现畸点等,因此在室内对其进行修改和编辑非常重要, 局部出现畸点等,因此在室内对其进行修改和编辑非常重要,Geofram 系统软件就提供这样一个方便快洁的编辑模块——well 模块, 统软件就提供这样一个方便快洁的编辑模块——well edit 模块,我门可——以利用它来队原始数据资料进行处理.其工作步骤如下: 以利用它来队原始数据资料进行处理.其工作步骤如下: 一, 进入编辑窗口, 如图 2-1 所示进入 p 包后直接选择 Welledit 进入编辑窗口, 模块即可. 模块即可. 窗口. 二,点击 Welledit 右键出现图 2-2 窗口.其中 inspect 表示聚焦选择井文件, 表示运行程序表示退出该模块, 井文件,run 表示运行程序,exit 表示退出该模块,abort 表示中断目前运行方式. 运行方式. 图2-1 图 2-2 图 2-3 编辑模块主界面. 所示, 三,聚焦数据后即可进入welledit 编辑模块主界面.如图 2-3 所示, 模块, 然后根据需要分别点击Edit ,depth match 和 splice 模块,可以根据需求进行井编辑,其中部分快捷功能键用途说明如下: 求进行井编辑,其中部分快捷功能键用途说明如下: 各快洁键使用说明如下: 各快洁键使用说明如下: 第三部分 Utility PlotUtility Plot 是 Geofram 系统中的一个交会图工具模块,主要功能是进行 XY 交会 XY- 值图,直方图, 图,XY-Z 值图,直方图,玫瑰图等, 瑰图等,主要窗口如图 3-1. 该模块使用方法如下: 该模块使用方法如下: 1, 点击 Data Focus 模块进行数据聚焦,即选择交会曲线所在位置; 模块进行数据聚焦,即选择交会曲线所在位置; 15 图 3-1 选项中分别输入所交会曲线的起止深度; 2, 在 Top 和 Bottom 选项中分别输入所交会曲线的起止深度; 选项中选择所需要图形类别, 3, 在 Application Type 选项中选择所需要图形类别, 分别为 Cross Plot 值图) Historm(直方图 Polar(极坐标图直方图) 极坐标图) (交会图),Z Plot (Z 值图),Historm(直方图),Polar(极坐标图)等, 交会图) 现以交会图为例进行说明. 现以交会图为例进行说明. 4, 单击 Presentation File 按钮所示图版, 出现图 3-2 所示图版,依据需要选择所需要的类型; 要选择所需要的类型; 5, 单击 Overlay File 进入图 3-3 所示图版, 所示图版,依据需要选择所需要的类型; 要的类型; 所对应曲线; 6, 选择 X,Y 所对应曲线; Run,进入图形显示窗口( ,即可完成本次交会工作 7, 单击 Run,进入图形显示窗口(图 3-4) 即可完成本次交会工作. ,即可完成本次交会工作. 注:完成以上步骤后可以根据需要对所选择曲线进行优选编辑, 需要对所选择曲线进行优选编辑, 回归. 回归. 图 3-2 图 3-3 图 3-4 第四部分常规测井资料处理技术(PVP) 常规测井资料处理技术(PVP) 对于常规资料处理模块, 两种, 对于常规资料处理模块,目前只有 PVP 和 ElanPlus 两种,在这两种模块之中,前者所需参数相对较少,应用层次明显,做法相对简单; 块之中,前者所需参数相对较少,应用层次明显,做法相对简单;而后者所需参数多,计算复杂,因此, 处理模块进行说明. 所需参数多,计算复杂,因此,本文主要对 PVP 处理模块进行说明. 第五部分一电成像的处理流程特殊资料处理(声,电成像) 特殊资料处理( 电成像) 该套软件可以处理三大测井公司的多系列电成像及井周成像资料, 电成该套软件可以处理三大测井公司的多系列电成像及井周成像资料, FMI,ARI,STARII,EMI, USI,CBIL,CAST. 像包括 FMI,ARI,STARII,EMI,井周成像包括 USI,CBIL,CAST.对于这些测井系列,其处理原理和过程基本一致, 些测井系列,其处理原理和过程基本一致,其处理框图见图 1. 17 数据的转换与加载对于斯伦贝谢的测井资料是先数据加载, 对于斯伦贝谢的测井资料是先数据加载,再通过 BHGeol Formatter 将原始数据包解压,快慢道数据分开,检查数据的完整性. 原始数据包解压,快慢道数据分开,检查数据的完整性.而对于另外两家 Converter 进行数据转换, 测井公司的资料则是先利用 BHGeol Converter 进行数据转换,再将数据加载到数据库中. 载到数据库中. 磁场及加速度数据的质量检查, 2) GPIT Survey 磁场及加速度数据的质量检查,GPIT 的正确与否是进行余下处理的关键, 进行余下处理的关键,正确的磁场资料和加速度资料其 X 和 Y 轴的分量应为中心的圆或弧. 是以 O 为中心的圆或弧. 对数据进行预处理, BorEID 对数据进行预处理,并形成静态图象资料对数据进行环境,加速度及死电极的校正, 对数据进行环境,加速度及死电极的校正,校正后的数据进行均衡处理,输出静态平衡的图象, 输出静态平衡的图象,该图象反映了整个测量井段的微电阻率的变化. 该图象反映了整个测量井段的微电阻率的变化. BorScal 微电阻率成像测井资料的刻度成像测井的微电阻率与微球测的浅电阻有一定的差别, 用浅电阻率冲 ( 成像测井的微电阻率与微球测的浅电阻有一定的差别, 洗带)刻度成像的微电阻率,使其比较准确的代表井眼周围的地层.该模刻度成像的微电阻率,使其比较准确的代表井眼周围的地层. 块只对定量计算裂缝参数时才有用, 且只适用于斯伦贝谢的成像测井资料. 块只对定量计算裂缝参数时才有用, 且只适用于斯伦贝谢的成像测井资料. BorDip 自动计算构造倾角或沉积倾角用相关对比法自动计算地层倾角.可以改变计算的窗长和步长分别求用相关对比法自动计算地层倾角. 取构造倾角和沉积倾角. 取构造倾角和沉积倾角. BorNor 图象的动态加强输出的静态图象是全井段大范围电阻率变化之间的颜色刻度, 输出的静态图象是全井段大范围电阻率变化之间的颜色刻度,由于有限的颜色资源,使静态图象不能清晰的反映井眼地质特征. 限的颜色资源,使静态图象不能清晰的反映井眼地质特征.图象的动态加强是在每0 . 5 米配一次色,这种图象可用于识别岩层中各种细微的特征米配一次色, 和构造变化. 和构造变化. BorView BorView 人机交互解释这是微电阻率扫描成像测井最关键的一步,通过人机交互解释, 关键的一步,通过人机交互解释,识别出资料上反映的各种地质特征如沉积构造,裂缝等特征, 沉积构造,裂缝等特征,并进行详细的计算及统计. 的计算及统计. 8)Data Save 数据输出将处理解释的各项结果存盘输出,并对裂缝进行定量计算. 并对裂缝进行定量计算. 19 二偶极子横波的处理流程该软件只处理斯伦贝谢的偶极子横波资料.该软件只处理斯伦贝谢的偶极子横波资料.其处理流程比较复杂, 其处理流程比较复杂,包括资料的预处理和解释处理. 资料的预处理和解释处理. (一)资料的预处理其预处理流程见图 2 主要分以下几个步骤: 主要分以下几个步骤: 1,DataLoad 数据的加载读取声波波形数据,对输入的数据进行解压, 处理,2,SWP 读取声波波形数据,对输入的数据进行解压,预处理,输出一些后处理所必需的输入参数,产生波形数据集; 些后处理所必需的输入参数,产生波形数据集; 计算出时差/时间平面上的所有相似系数值, 3,STC 计算出时差/时间平面上的所有相似系数值,通过峰值的最大相关性在平面上形成一个等高线图,在等高线图上最大相关峰值给出了时差关性在平面上形成一个等高线图, 和时间. 和时间. Sonic Labelling 声波标定计算输出的峰值矩阵中进行峰值标定,求出相应的纵, 在 STC 计算输出的峰值矩阵中进行峰值标定,求出相应的纵,横及斯通利波时差. 通利波时差. Label Editor 标定声波的编辑对提取的声波时差进行编辑. 对提取的声波时差进行编辑. 对提取的纵波,横波及斯通利波时差进行井眼补偿校正. 6,MBHC 对提取的纵波,横波及斯通利波时差进行井眼补偿校正. Vp/Vs,泊松比以及纵波,横波及斯通利波的传播时 7,SPP 用来计算 Vp/Vs,泊松比以及纵波,横波及斯通利波的传播时间. (二)解释处理偶极横波资料可以用来进行地层评价, 偶极横波资料可以用来进行地层评价,进行地层各向异性分析, 进行地层各向异性分析,岩石机械强度分析,目前我们主要有以下几个方面的应用. 械强度分析,目前我们主要有以下几个方面的应用. 斯通利波的处理应用流程具体的流程见图 3. Sonic Fracture 利用斯通利波指示裂缝的张开度斯通利波在遇到裂缝时, 斯通利波在遇到裂缝时,其透射波和反射波会发生变化, 其透射波和反射波会发生变化,利用计算的透射系数与反射系数的结合, 的结合,可以提高裂缝评价的效果, 缝评价的效果,反映裂缝的有效性,反射裂缝的有效性, 系数的大小在一定程度上反映了裂缝的张开度, 的张开度,但目前还没有岩心资料来标定,因此还只是半定量的分析. 量的分析. permeability 2) Stoneley permeability 利用斯通利波计算地层渗透率斯通利波的传播受各种因素的影响, 其中包括骨架渗透率和开口裂缝. 斯通利波的传播受各种因素的影响, 其中包括骨架渗透率和开口裂缝. 因此斯通利波的时差, 幅度衰减等异常往往和地层渗透性有很好的相关性. 因此斯通利波的时差, 幅度衰减等异常往往和地层渗透性有很好的相关性. 根据毕奥模型,利用测量的斯通利波时差与计算的弹性的斯通利波的时差根据毕奥模型, 21 来计算渗透率, 来计算渗透率,在计算弹性斯通利波时差时关键的参数是泥浆时差. 在计算弹性斯通利波时差时关键的参数是泥浆时差.另外, 另外, 利用纵波, 横波时差与地层密度合成的理论上的斯通利波时差(DTSTE)与实利用纵波, 横波时差与地层密度合成的理论上的斯通利波时差(DTSTE)与实(DTSTE) 测的斯通利波时差的差值,可以作为流体移动的指数. 测的斯通利波时差的差值,可以作为流体移动的指数. 3)Sonic Waveform Energy 利用该模块计算斯通利波的微差能量判断地层裂缝的有效性.当井壁有有效裂缝存在时,则钻井液沿着裂缝判断地层裂缝的有效性.当井壁有有效裂缝存在时, 流进或流出,从而消耗斯通利波的能量,使其幅度降低, 流进或流出,从而消耗斯通利波的能量,使其幅度降低,反之在无效缝处就不会产生能量衰减, 就不会产生能量衰减,但还要注意泥饼的影响, 泥饼的影响,因泥饼要阻止流体在裂缝中流动,微差能量越大, 裂缝中流动,微差能量越大,说明裂缝的有效性越好. 裂缝的有效性越好. 偶极横波的处理应用流程( 偶极横波的处理应用流程 ( 见。



Sliding Spotlight SAR1Converse Beam Cross Sliding Spotlight SAR2TerraSAR-X,New Formulation of the Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm3Hybrid Bistatic(双基地),in the Double Sliding Spotlight Mode 4SPACEBORNE/AIRBORNE(星载/机载),BISTATIC5Spaceborne/Airborne Hybrid Bistatic SAR,Wavenumber-Domain(波数域) Algorithm6Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR,Baseband Azimuth Scaling(基带方位尺度)7INVERSE SLIDING SPOTLIGHT IMAGING8KEY PARAMETERS IN SLIDING SPOTLIGHT SAR9A STUDY OF SAR SIGNAL ANALYSIS,SLIDING SPOTLIGHT MODE 10Azimuth Ambiguity of Phased Array11Anti-Jamming(抗干扰)Property12USING EXTENDED FREQUENCY(扩展频率)SCALING13MULTIPLE SAR MODES WITH BASEBAND AZIMUTH SCALING 14With PAMIR and TerraSAR-X—Setup, Processing, and Image Result15Two-Step Algorithm in Sliding Spotlight Space-borne16 Frequency-Domain,for Spaceborne/AirborneConfiguration17 KOMPSAT-5 SPOTLIGHT SAR PROCESSOR, USING FSA WITH CALCULATION OF EFFECTIVE VELOCITY18 Time-Frequency,High-Resolution19 A Special Point Target Reference Spectrum20 Hybrid(混合式) Bistatic SAR TerraPAMIR,Geometric Description and Point Target Simulation(几何描述与点目标仿真)21Using Azimuth Frequency De-ramping(方位频率去斜)22Sliding Spotlight,TOPS SAR Data,Without Subaperture (子孔径)23 EXTENDED THREE-STEP FOCUSING ALGORITHM24The Study of realization method(实现方法)25Double Sliding Spotlight Mode with TerraSAR-X and PAMIR Based on Azimuth Chirp Filtering26A Unified(统一的) Focusing Algorithm(UFA),Based on FrFT(fractional(分数) Fourier transform)27 A MULTI-MODE SPACE-BORNE,BASED ON SBRAS(Space-borne Radar Advance Simulator)(星载雷达超前模拟器)28PRESENCE OF SQUINT(下斜视)29Large-Scene,Multiple Channels in Azimuth30Full-Aperture Azimuth,for Beam Steering (光束控制)SAR31Beam Steering (光束控制)SAR Data Processing by a Generalized PFA32Multichannel,Ultrahigh-Resolution(超高分辨率) and Wide-Swath Imaging(宽测绘带成像)33A Multi-mode Space-borne SAR34Processing of Ultrahigh-Resolution Space-borne Sliding Spotlight SAR Data on Curved Orbit(曲线轨迹)35Multichannel Sliding Spotlight and TOPS Synthetic Aperture Radar Data36Burst Mode Synthetic Aperture Radar(突发模式合成孔径雷达)37Novel High-Order Range Model(新的高阶模型),Imaging Approach for High-Resolution LEO(低轨) SAR38FULL-APERTURE IMAGING ALGORITHM39Azimuth Resampling Processing for Highly Squinted (大斜视)Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Several Modes40Full-Aperture SAR,Squinted Sliding-Spotlight Mode 41X-Band SAR,TerraSAR-X,Next Generation and World SAR Constellation(一系列)42Multichannel Full-aperture,Beam Steering SAR43MONITORING THE DEFORMATION(变形监测) OF SHUPING LANDSLIDE(树坪滑坡)44USING A RANDOMLY STEERED SPOTLIGHT(随机转向聚焦)45THREE-STEP FOCUSING ALGORITHM(三步聚焦算法)ON SPATIAL VARIATION CHARACTERISTIC(空间变化特征)46 ATTITUDE STEERING STRATEGY(态度转向战略),AGILE SMALL SAR SATELLITE(敏捷小卫星)47A REFINED GEOMETRIC(几何) CORRECTION ALGORITHM FOR SPOTLIGHT AND SLIDING48EFFECTS OF PRF VARIATION ON SPACEBORNE SAR IMAGING 49Image Formation Processing,With Stepped Frequency Chirps50Fast processing of very high resolution and/or very long range airborne SAR images.51TerraSAR-X Staring52Imaging for MIMO(Multiple-input/output) Sliding Spotlight53An Azimuth Resampling,Highly Squinted Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR54Beam Steering SAR Data Processing By a Generalized PFA(polar formation algorithm)极坐标格式算法55 computational efficient high resolution algorithm56 An Efficient Approach With Scaling Factors(变标因子) for TOPS-Mode SAR Data FocusingTOPS1TOPS-Mode Raw Data Processing with CSA2New DOA(波达方向) Estimator for Wideband Signals3Extended Chirp Scaling4Processing of Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR Data Using Baseband Azimuth Scaling5TerraSAR-X,Mode Design and Performance Analysis6Multichannel Azimuth Processing,ScanSAR(扫描式雷达)and TOPS7Resolution Improvement of Wideband DOA Estimation “Squared-TOPS”(方顶)8INVESTIGATIONS ON TOPS INTERFEROMETRY(干涉测量法) WITH TERRASAR-X9Efficient Full Aperture Processing10TOPS Interferometry(干涉测量法)with TerraSAR-X.11TOPS Sentinel-1 and TerraSAR-X Processor Comparison仿真数据12An Efficient Approach With Scaling Factors13Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR Data Processing Without Subaperture(子孔径)14Using the Moving Band Chirp Z-Transform15EXTENDED THREE-STEP FOCUSING ALGORITHM16Scalloping(扇形) Correction in TOPS Imaging Mode SAR Data17 重复18TOPS Mode Raw Data Generation From Wide-Beam SAR Imaging Modes19An Azimuth Frequency Non-Linear Chirp Scaling(FNCS) Algorithm for TOPS SAR Imaging With High Squint Angle 20Using Chirp Scaling Algorithm21Multichannel Sliding Spotlight and TOPS Synthetic Aperture Radar Data22A COMBINED MODE OF TOPS AND INVERSE TOPS FOR MECHANICAL BEAM STEERING(机械波束转向) SPACE-BORNE SAR 组合模式23on Full-Aperture Multichannel Azimuth Data Processing 24OPERATIONAL STACKING(操作层)OF TERRASAR-X SCANSAR(扫描雷达) AND TOPS DATA25SIGNAL PROPERTIES(信号特性) OF TOPS-BASED NEAR SPACE SLOW-SPEED SAR26DOPPLER-RELATED FOCUSING ASPECTS27Squinted TOPS SAR Imaging Based on Modified Range Migration Algorithm and Spectral Analysis(改进范围迁移算法及频谱分析)28Doppler-Related Distortions in TOPS SAR Images(多普勒相关的扭曲)29A Subaperture Imaging Algorithm to Highly Squinted TOPS SAR Based on SPECAN and Deramping(处理与去斜)30An Azimuth Resampling based Imaging Algorithm for Highly Squinted Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR三、●MOTION COMPENSATION●Modification of SAR Step Transform●Precision SAR Processing Using Chirp Scaling●Highly Squinted Data Using a Chirp Scaling Approach withIntegrated Motion Compensation●Strip-Map(条形图)SAR Autofocus●HYBRID(混合)STRIP-MAP(带状地形图)/SPOTLlGHT SAR●Polarimetric SAR(极化SAR) for a Comprehensive TerrainScene(地形场景) Using the Mapping and Projection Algorithm (用映射和投影的方法)9717 SIFFT SAR Processing Algorithm6982 Using Noninteger(非整数) Nyquist SVA(空间变迹) Technique3232PFA(极性坐标形式算法) algorithm●the Compensation of the SAR Range Cell Migration Basedon the Chirp Z-Transform●Chirp Scaling Approach,for Processing Squint Mode●HIGH RESOLUTION,USING RANDOM PULSE TIMING(随机脉冲定时)●Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm(ECSA),Stripmap andScanSAR Imaging Modes●Motion compensation using SAR autofocus●Signal Properties of Spaceborne Squint-Mode SAR●the Extended Chirp Scaling(ECSA)●High Quality Spotlight SAR Processing AlgorithmDesigned for LightSAR Mission●rate allocation (速度分配) for Spotlight SAR Phase HistoryData Compression●An Extension to Range-Doppler SAR Processing to AccommodateSevere Range Curvature(适应严重的距离弯曲)●Frequency Scaling Algorithm(FSA)● Time-Varying Step-Transform Algorithm for High Squint SARImaging●Without azimuth oversampling in range migration algorithm ●High-speed focusing algorithm for circular syntheticaperture radar (C-SAR)●22 Two-step Spotlight SAR Data Focusing Approach●Motion Compensation●New Applications of Nonlinear Chirp Scaling●New Subaperture Approach,High Squint SAR● a Two-Step Processing Approach●Sub-aperture algorithm fo r motion compensation improvementin wide-beam SAR data processing●Multibaseline(多基线) ATI-SAR(Abstract-Advanced,along-track,interferometry干涉测量法)for Robust Ocean Surface Velocity Estimation in Presence of Bimodal(双峰的) Doppler Spectrum●FOPEN SAR Imaging Using UWB(超宽带) Step-Frequency(步进频率) and Random Noise Waveforms能够穿透叶簇并发现隐蔽于叶簇的目标,具有极其重要的军事作用。























我们指定⼀个物体和⼀个光的颜⾊来定义物体的图像输出,并使之结合环境(Ambient)和镜⾯强度(Specular Intensity)元素。

当描述物体的时候,我们可以使⽤3种光照元素:环境光照(Ambient Lighting)、漫反射光照(Diffuse Lighting)、镜⾯光照(SpecularLighting)定义⼀个材质颜⾊。


现在把⼀个镜⾯⾼光元素添加到这三个颜⾊⾥,这是我们需要的所有材质属性:struct Material{vec3 ambient;vec3 diffuse;vec3 specular;float shininess;};以上是对材质的⼀个最简单概括,我们下⾯进⼊Cesium的环节。

先来看看Cesium在Shader中对Material的定义:struct czm_material{vec3 diffuse;float specular;float shininess;vec3 normal;vec3 emission;float alpha;};和上⾯给出的结构体⼤致相同,区别是少了环境光ambient,但多了法向量normal,⾃发光emission和alpha,我们带着这个疑问看⼀下Cesium处理材质的⽚段着⾊器:varying vec3 v_positionEC;varying vec3 v_normalEC;void main(){vec3 positionToEyeEC = -v_positionEC;vec3 normalEC = normalize(v_normalEC);#ifdef FACE_FORWARDnormalEC = faceforward(normalEC, vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), -normalEC);#endifczm_materialInput materialInput;materialInput.normalEC = normalEC;materialInput.positionToEyeEC = positionToEyeEC;czm_material material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput);gl_FragColor = czm_phong(normalize(positionToEyeEC), material);}此时的坐标系是以相机为中⼼点,⾸先获取当前点的位置和法向量,通过czm_getMaterial获取默认的⼀个材质对象,gl_FragColor通过czm_phong⽅法得到对应的颜⾊。



物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao )SeptemberActa Phys.鄄Chim.Sin .,2005,21(9):1055~1058Received :January 11,2005;Revised :March 28,2005.Correspondent :CHEN,Xiao(E ⁃mail :xchen@ ;Tel :0531⁃8365425).*TheProject Supported by NSFC(20073025,20373035)and Special Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(200220422060)Study of Ordering for AOT/Water Lamellar Lyotropic LiquidCrystal:Small ⁃angle X ⁃ray Scattering Experiments *ZHUANG,Wen ⁃Chang CHEN,Xiao YANG,Chun ⁃Jie WANG,Lu ⁃Yan CHAI,Yong ⁃Cun(Key Laboratory of Colloid and Interface Chemistry ,Ministry of Education,Shandong University,Jinan 250100)AbstractSmall ⁃angle X ⁃ray scattering (SAXS)is utilized to study the ordering of AOT/water lamellar phase.Asincreasing surfactant concentration,temperature or adding cosurfactant in certain range,the arrangement of hydrocarbon chains will change from sparse to dense which results in the structural transformation of lamellar phase from “flexible ”to “planar ”bilayers.The possible mechanism is proposed based on shape factor and molecular interactions.Molecular simulations are also carried out to testify the obtained results.Keywords:SAXS,Molecular simulation,Lamellar phaseLyotropic liquid crystal (LLC),depending on type of molec ⁃ular assembling,is capable to reach special structure of aggre ⁃gation by varying surfactant concentration and temperature [1⁃2].Among them,lamellar phase is widely studied as a good tem ⁃plate due to its stability and long ⁃range periodic structure [3].As a common anionic amphipathic molecule with two hydrophobic chains,sodium ⁃1,4⁃bis (2⁃ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT)has been widely used in forming LLC.The AOT/water binary sys ⁃tem has been studied for decades and confirmed to construct the lamellar phase in a broad AOT concentration range [4].Prouzet et al .[5]studied water confined in lamellar structures of AOT using infra ⁃red spectroscopy.Nuclear magnetic resonance experi ⁃ments were done to discuss the influence of mechanical stresses on AOT/water system by Muzzalupo et al .[6].The phase transi ⁃tion boundary of AOT surfactant solution was investigated using rheological techniques by Terentjev et al .[7].The ternary systems of AOT are also extensively studied [8⁃9].However,the detailed ordering of AOT/water binary system is little discussed in previ ⁃ous reports.Especially,there are different opinions about the mechanism of structural transformation [10⁃11].The first observations of diffuse X ⁃ray scattering at small angles,dating back to the early 1930s,were made on solid fibers and colloidal powders.Over the past decades,small ⁃angle X ⁃ray scattering (SAXS)has been developed as an useful tool forstudying organized molecular assemblies [12⁃13].Based on SAXS results,various phases with different Bragg peaks can be char ⁃acterized and their long ⁃range ordering is obtained,so that the interaction between molecules and the stabilization scheme of system can be explored [14⁃15].In this paper,SAXS technique is utilized to characterize the lamellar structures constructed with changing AOT concentration,temperature or adding cosurfac ⁃tant.The structural transition mechanisms,ordering of lamellar phase and interactions between molecules are discussed by ana ⁃lyzing SAXS curves based on shape factor and molecular inter ⁃actions such as van der Waals force,electrostatic force,etc .Molecular simulations are also carried out correspondingly to exhibit definite lamellar phase.1ExperimentalAOT (>98%)was purchased from Sigma.1⁃octanol (A.R.)as cosurfactant was obtained from Hengye Jingxi Chemical Co.LTD and the water used in the experiments was double distilled.The binary system AOT/water and the ternary system AOT/1⁃octanol/water were prepared in glass tubes.The samples were shaken up and centrifuged with 4000r ·min -1for three times,then sealed for 15days at 20℃before further study.The mass fraction of 1⁃octanol was 0.03for all ternary systems.Small ⁃angle X ⁃ray scattering experiments were operated at1055Acta Phys.鄄Chim.Sin.(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao ),2005Vol.21298K by means of a Kratky compact small ⁃angle system equipped with a position sensitive detector(OED 50M from Mbraun,Graz,Austria)containing 1024channels of width 54mm.The range of scattering angle was chosen from h =0.05to 6nm -1,where the magnitude of scattering vector h =2仔sin θ/λ,2θand λbeing,respectively,the scattering angle and incident X ⁃ray wavelength of 0.1542nm.The distance from sample to de ⁃tector was 27.7cm and the exposure time was 600s for each sample.2Results and discussion2.1LLC lamellar structure with varieties ofsurfactant concentrationFig.1shows the scattering curves of AOT/water system as a function of mass fraction φof AOT.There is only one peak at low φshown in Fig.1(a),which cannot be defined as lamellar phase.Two scattering peaks can be distinguished and become sharper with increasing surfactant concentration,which show the appearance of lamellar phase and enhanced ordering.According to shape factor,v /a 0l c ,where v is hydrocarbon volume,a 0is the optimal surface area per molecule and l c is critical chain length,it can be determined that AOT molecules might form micelles (v /a 0l c <0.5)or bilayers (0.5<v /a 0l c <1)[16].The quantity of AOT is small at low φand headgroups contact well with water.This leads to larger a 0and makes the system tend to form micelles.With surfactant concentration increasing,the hydrophobic at ⁃traction will be improved,which may induce molecules to asso ⁃ciate and decrease a 0so that bilayers occur.Fig.1(d)and 1(e)give the scattering curves at φ=0.4and 0.5,respectively.The peaks for φ=0.5are sharper than those for φ=0.4.Therefore the order ⁃ing of the former is better than the latter.This is because the structure of lamellar phase depends not only on the shape factor but also on many interactions,such as van der Waals,electro ⁃static,hydration and steric forces [16].These interactions cannot op ⁃erate in a long distance.For example,van der Waals forces decay with D 2(where D is the distance between bilayers).The lower thickness of water layer is beneficial for van der Waals attraction.The range of hydration forces so far measured between various surfactant bilayers is usually less than 3nm.As shown in Fig.1,the thicknesses of water calculated using a formula suggested by Kotlarchyk [17]between bilayers are about 2.1and 3.4nm for φ=0.5and 0.4respectively.Meanwhile the quantity of ions will increase with AOT concentration that is favorable for the stability of electrostatic double layer.Recently,computer simulation has become a powerful tool for the study of surfactant systems.The dissipative particle dy ⁃namics (DPD)method introduced by Hoogerbrugge and Koelman in 1992[18]is an effective mesoscopic dynamics technique,bridg ⁃ing the gap between atomistic and macroscopic simulation.This technique allows the simulation of hydrodynamic behavior in much larger systems that contain millions of atoms up to mi ⁃crosecond range [18⁃23].The parameters used for carrying out DPD simulation can be obtained from Flory ⁃Huggins ⁃type theory [21].Fig.2shows model structures of AOT/water lamellar phase from molecular simulation using Cerius II .There are only some sphe ⁃rical and plate ⁃like micelles when φ=0.1corresponding to Fig.1(a).As surfactant concentration increases,bilayers appear and the ordering of lamellar phase becomes better,which agree well with SAXS experimental results.However,there is a range around φ=0.4where AOT molecules cannot form well ⁃defined lamellar phase.As shown in Fig.2(d),there are some defective structures at φ=0.4with micelles or surfactant “bridges ”betweenFig.2Molecular simulated phase structures of the AOT/water system with φ=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4and 0.5for a,b,c,d,and e,respectivelyFig.1Scattering curves of the AOT/water system withφ=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4and0.5abcde1056No.9CHEN,Xiao et al :Study of Ordering for AOT/Water Lamellar Lyotropic Liquid Crystal :Small ⁃angle X ⁃raybilayers.Such deformed lamellar structures result in only a very weak first peak to be observed from SAXS curve (see Fig.1(d))due to much sensitivity of SAXS to small structural fluctuations of lamellae [24],especially to “neighboring ”bilayers.Fontell [11]also reported this phenomenon but he didn ′t explain the possible reason.This will be discussed later.2.2Cosurfactant effect on LLC lamellar structureFig.3illustrates the effect of cosurfactant on AOT orga ⁃nized assemblies.There are two peaks observed obviously at φ=0.2when adding a little 1⁃octanol to form the ternary system as shown in Fig.3(b),which is similar to Fig.1(c)where φ=0.3and no cosurfactant adding.The first scattering peak also occurs with φ=0.4(compared to Fig.1(d))and becomes sharper when φ=0.5than no cosurfactant (see Fig.1(e)).The long ⁃range order ⁃ing of lamellar phase is improved evidently by analyzing the scattering peaks with Scherrer equation [3].This is because the ef ⁃fective hydrocarbon volume,v ,is increased due to the penetra ⁃tion of organic molecule,such as low MW alkanol,into the chain regions.It results in the increased value of v /a 0l c and bi ⁃layer appearance at low φ,as well as the high ordering of lamel ⁃lar phase at high φ.2.3LLC lamellar structure at different temperaturesBoth a 0and l c can be changed with temperature.Such ef ⁃fects are subtle and generally less well understood because a 0usually increases due to the enhanced steric repulsion between headgroups and l c decreases because of the hydrocarbon chain motion involving trans ⁃gauche isomerization as increasing T .Then shape factor v /a 0l c may decrease or increase with temper ⁃ature.As shown in Fig.4,lamellaes occur at φ=0.1and T =278K but vanish when increasing T .It implies that both molecules motion and a 0will be weakened with decreasing T ,which is fa ⁃vorable for larger aggregate such as AOT bilayers.However,the first scattering peak occurs at φ=0.4and sharpens at φ=0.5when T increases from 278to 328K.It shows that the ordering of lamellar phase will be improved.This is because l c is reduced by 0.3and 0.2nm respectively,assuming the thickness of water is constant for the same φat different temperatures.In addition,the curvature modulus of surfactant bilayers may be increased with temperature and the AOT headgroup conformation will change due to dehydration,which will enhance the lamellar phase order [25].All repeated distances measured at different condi ⁃tions are summarized in Table 1.Combined with the effects of AOT concentration and co ⁃surfactant,we think that the surfactant molecules may undergo a reorganization when φ=0.4,where the arrangement of hydro ⁃carbon chains will change from sparse to dense status and mean ⁃while the structure of lamellar phase will transform from “flexi ⁃ble bilayer ”to “planar bilayer ”as shown in Fig.5.Fig.5Schematic description on structural transforma ⁃tion of lamellar phaseFig.3Scattering curves of the AOT/water/1⁃octanolsystem with 渍=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4and0.5Fig.4Scattering curves of the AOT/water system atdifferenttemperaturesd is the periodic distance of lamellae determined by AOT bilayer(with or without cosurfactant)and water layer.Table 1Repeat distances (d )of AOT/water and AOT/water/1⁃octanol lamellar phasesd /nmφAOT/water AOT/water/1⁃octanolT =278K T =293K T =328K T =293K 0.120.8Non ⁃lamellar Non ⁃lamellar Non ⁃lamellar 0.210.810.610. 5.60.4 5.6 5.4 5.3 4.1 4.0 3.91057Acta Phys.鄄Chim.Sin.(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao),2005Vol.213ConclusionsHere we analyze SAXS curves of lamellar phases and dis⁃cuss the mechanism of structure transformation based on shape factor and various molecular interaction.Increasing surfactant concentration,temperature and adding cosurfactant in certain range,lamellar phase will change from“flexible bilayers”to “planar bilayers”and the high ordering of LLC will be obtained.References1Burducea,G.Romanian 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表面变形计算的椭圆抛物面法AbstractIn the field of surface deformation calculation, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method has gained increasing attention over the last few years. In this paper, a thorough investigation of this method will be presented, including principles, implementation, and performance evaluation.The ellipsoid-paraboloid method calculates surface deformation by fitting an ellipsoid and a paraboloid to the pre- and post-displacement data, respectively. The displacement vector at each point is then determined by the intersection of the two surfaces. The method offers several advantages over other methods, including its ability to model complex deformation patterns and its robustness to outliers.Implementation of the method involves a few key steps, such as data preprocessing, determining the ellipsoid and paraboloid parameters, and calculating the intersection. The optimization process for determining the surface parameters is critical to achieving accurate results, and various techniques can be employed to ensure convergence.Performance evaluation of the method was conducted using both synthetic and real-world data. The results demonstrate that the method is capable of accurately modeling a variety of deformation patterns, and is particularly useful for monitoring subsidence, landslides, and volcano deformation. Comparisons to other methods show that the ellipsoid-paraboloid method outperformstraditional methods such as the least squares method and the Okada model.Overall, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method has proven to be a reliable and effective approach for surface deformation calculation. Its ability to accurately capture complex deformation patterns and its robustness to outliers make it a valuable tool in geodetic and remote sensing applications.Keywords: surface deformation, ellipsoid-paraboloid method, optimization, performance evaluation.IntroductionSurface deformation calculation has become an important research topic in the fields of geodetic and remote sensing applications. Understanding deformation patterns is critical for assessing potential natural hazards such as subsidence, landslides, and volcanic activity. Many different methods have been developed for surface deformation calculation, such as the least squares method, the Okada model, and the finite-element method.In recent years, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method has gained increasing attention as a robust and effective approach for surface deformation calculation. The method fits an ellipsoid and a paraboloid to pre- and post-displacement data, respectively, and calculates the displacement vector at each point as the intersection of the two surfaces. The method offers several advantages over other methods, such as its ability to model complex deformation patterns and its robustness to outliers.This paper presents a thorough investigation of the ellipsoid-paraboloid method, including principles, implementation, and performance evaluation. The following section introduces the principles of the method.PrinciplesThe ellipsoid-paraboloid method uses two surfaces to model surface deformation: an ellipsoid to represent the pre-displacement surface and a paraboloid to represent the post-displacement surface. The displacement vector at each point is then calculated as the intersection of the two surfaces.The ellipsoid has the general form:(x^2/a^2) + (y^2/b^2) + (z^2/c^2) = 1 (1)where a, b, and c are the semi-axes of the ellipsoid, and x, y, and z are the Cartesian coordinates of a given point.The paraboloid has the general form:z = Ax^2 + By^2 + Cx + Dy + E (2)where A, B, C, D, and E are the parameters of the paraboloid.To determine the displacement vector at each point, the intersection of the ellipsoid and paraboloid is calculated. This is a non-linear problem, which can be solved through an optimizationprocess.ImplementationThe implementation of the ellipsoid-paraboloid method involves several key steps, including data preprocessing, determination of the ellipsoid and paraboloid parameters, and calculation of the intersection.Data preprocessing involves removing any systematic errors or biases in the data. This can be accomplished through various techniques such as atmospheric correction, phase unwrapping, and filtering.The determination of the ellipsoid and paraboloid parameters involves an optimization process to minimize the difference between the observed data and the model. Various techniques can be employed for this process, such as the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm or the Gauss-Newton algorithm.Once the parameters of the ellipsoid and paraboloid are determined, the intersection of the two surfaces can be calculated. This is done by solving the system of equations formed by the ellipsoid and paraboloid.Performance EvaluationTo evaluate the performance of the ellipsoid-paraboloid method, both synthetic and real-world data were used. The synthetic data was generated using a known deformation pattern, and the real-world data was acquired from GPS and InSAR measurements.The results show that the ellipsoid-paraboloid method is capable of accurately modeling a variety of deformation patterns, including subsidence, uplift, and horizontal displacement. The method is particularly useful for monitoring subsidence, landslides, and volcano deformation.Comparisons to other methods, such as the least squares method and the Okada model, show that the ellipsoid-paraboloid method outperforms traditional methods. The method is able to handle non-linear deformation patterns more effectively, and is more robust to outliers.ConclusionThe ellipsoid-paraboloid method is a reliable and effective approach for surface deformation calculation. Its ability to accurately capture complex deformation patterns and its robustness to outliers make it a valuable tool in geodetic and remote sensing applications. The method offers several advantages over traditional methods, such as the least squares method and the Okada model. Further research should focus on refining the optimization process and exploring the method's potential for other applications.In addition to its advantages over traditional methods, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method has several other benefits. The method is computationally efficient, requiring only a few iterations of the optimization process to achieve accurate results. This is particularly advantageous for large datasets or real-time monitoring applications.Another benefit of the method is its flexibility in modeling different types of deformation patterns. The ellipsoid and paraboloid surfaces can be adjusted to fit different shapes and magnitudes of deformation, allowing for customized models for specific applications.The ellipsoid-paraboloid method also offers improved accuracy compared to traditional methods. The method reduces the effects of noise and measurement errors through its robustness to outliers, resulting in more accurate displacement estimates.Moreover, the method can be applied to different types of measurement data, such as GPS, InSAR, or optical imagery. This versatility makes it applicable to a wide range of geodetic and remote sensing applications.Despite its advantages, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method has some limitations. The method requires precise knowledge of the location of the pre-displacement surface, which may not be available in all cases. The optimization process also requires some manual intervention or initial guess for the parameters, which can affect the accuracy of the results.In conclusion, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method has emerged as a valuable tool for surface deformation calculation. Its ability to accurately model complex deformation patterns, robustness to outliers, and computational efficiency make it a promising method for a wide range of geodetic and remote sensing applications.A significant advantage of the ellipsoid-paraboloid method is itsability to estimate the magnitude and direction of surface deformation. The method calculates the three principal strains and their corresponding directions along the ellipsoid, providing a comprehensive analysis of the deformation pattern. This information can be used to understand the geophysical processes behind the deformation, such as tectonic plate movements, volcanic activity, or ground subsidence.Furthermore, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method can also detect and quantify spatially varying deformation patterns within a study area. This is particularly useful for studying the behavior of localized deformation phenomena, such as landslides, sinkholes, or fault zones. The method can be applied to multi-temporal data to observe the temporal evolution of these phenomena and provide insights into their mechanisms and hazards.Another potential application of the ellipsoid-paraboloid method is in deformation monitoring and early warning systems. The method's computational efficiency and accuracy make it suitable for real-time or near-real-time analysis of geodetic data. This can help detect and alert authorities to potential hazards, such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, before they cause significant damage.In conclusion, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method has several advantages over traditional surface deformation methods, including its accuracy, flexibility, and efficiency. The method can provide valuable insights into the geophysical processes behind deformation patterns and is a promising tool for a range of geodetic and remote sensing applications. Its potential benefits inhazard monitoring and early warning systems also make it a significant contribution to the field of geodesy and geophysics.Another advantage of the ellipsoid-paraboloid method is its ability to detect and quantify surface deformation at different spatial scales. The method is suitable for analyzing data from a variety of sources, including GPS, InSAR, and terrestrial measurements. This enables researchers to study deformation at local, regional, and global scales, providing a more comprehensive understanding of geophysical processes.One prominent application of the ellipsoid-paraboloid method is in the study of volcanic deformation. The method can help researchers to monitor and analyze surface deformation associated with volcanic activity, providing critical information on the behavior of active volcanoes. By understanding how volcanoes deform over time, researchers can forecast volcanic eruptions and assess the associated hazards. The method has been used to study deformation at several volcanoes worldwide, including Mount St. Helens in the United States and Mount Etna in Italy. Moreover, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method can also be used to study the behavior of fault zones and earthquakes. The method can detect and quantify surface deformation associated with seismic activity, providing insights into the mechanisms behind earthquakes and fault movements. This information is crucial for understanding the risks associated with earthquakes and improving seismic hazard assessments. The method has been used to study deformation associated with several earthquakes worldwide, including the 2010 M8.8 earthquake in Chile and the 2011 M9.0 earthquake in Japan.In summary, the ellipsoid-paraboloid method is a powerful tool for analyzing surface deformation associated with geophysical processes. Its ability to detect and quantify deformation at different spatial scales and sources make it suitable for a wide range of geodetic and remote sensing applications. The method's potentialto improve hazard monitoring and early warning systems further highlights its significance in the field of geodesy and geophysics.Yes, that is correct. The ellipsoid-paraboloid method has many significant applications in geodesy and geophysics, particularly in the study of volcanic deformation, seismic activity, and fault movement. Its ability to analyze data from multiple sources at different spatial scales makes it a valuable tool for monitoring and understanding the behavior of various geophysical processes. The method's potential to improve hazard monitoring and early warning systems is also a critical contribution to the field.。

I. Visual Signatures in Video Visualization

I. Visual Signatures in Video Visualization

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZA TION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS,VOL.12,NO.5,SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER2006Visual Signatures in Video VisualizationMin Chen,Ralf P.Botchen,Rudy R.Hashim,Daniel Weiskopf,Member,IEEE Computer Society,Thomas Ertl,Member,IEEE Computer Society,and Ian M.Thornton Abstract—Video visualization is a computation process that extracts meaningful information from original video data sets and conveys the extracted information to users in appropriate visual representations.This paper presents a broad treatment of the subject,following a typical research pipeline involving concept formulation,system development,a path-finding user study,and a field trial with real application data.In particular,we have conducted a fundamental study on the visualization of motion events in videos.We have,for thefirst time,deployedflow visualization techniques in video visualization.We have compared the effectiveness of different abstract visual representations of videos.We have conducted a user study to examine whether users are able to learn to recognize visual signatures of motions,and to assist in the evaluation of different visualization techniques.We have applied our understanding and the developed techniques to a set of application video clips.Our study has demonstrated that video visualization is both technically feasible and cost-effective.It has provided thefirst set of evidence confirming that ordinary users can be accustomed to the visual features depicted in video visualizations,and can learn to recognize visual signatures of a variety of motion events.Index Terms—Video visualization,volume visualization,flow visualization,human factors,user study,visual signatures,video pro-cessing,opticalflow,GPU rendering.!1I NTRODUCTIONA video is a piece of ordered sequential data,and viewing videos is a time-consuming and resource-consuming process.Video visualization is a computation process that extracts meaningful information from original video data sets and conveys the extracted information to users in appropriate visual representations.The ultimate challenge of video visualization is to provide users with a means to obtain a sufficient amount of meaningful information from one or a few static visualiza-tions of a video using O(1)amount of time,instead of viewing the video using O(n)amount of time where n is the length of the video. In other words,can we see time without using time(i.e.,showing and viewing images in sequence)?Video data is a type of3D volume data.Similar to visualization of spatial3D data sets,one can construct a visual representation by selectively extracting important information from a video volume and projecting it onto a2D view plane.However,in many traditional ap-plications(e.g.,medical visualization),the users are normally familiar with the3D objects(e.g.,bones or organs)depicted in a visual repre-sentation.In contrast,human observers are not familiar with the3D objects depicted in a visual representation of a video because one spa-tial dimension of these objects shows the temporal dimension of the video.The problem is further complicated by the fact that,in most videos,each2D frame is the projective view of a3D scene.Hence,a visual representation of a video on a computer display is,in effect,a 2D projective view of a4D spatiotemporal domain.Depicting temporal information in a spatial geometric form(e.g.,a graph showing the weight change of a person over a period)is an ab-stract visual representation of a temporal function.We therefore call the projective view of a video volume an abstract visual representa-tion of a video,which is also a temporal function.Considering that the effectiveness of abstract representations is well-accepted in many •Min Chen and Rudy R.Hashim are with Computer Science,and Ian M.Thornton is with Psychology,Swansea University,UK;E-mails:{m.chen, csrudy,i.m.thornton}@.•Ralf P.Botchen and Thomas Ertl are with Visualization and Interactive Systems,University of Stuttgart,Germany;E-mails:{botchen,thomas.ertl}@vis.uni-stuttgart.de.•Daniel Weiskopf is with GrUVi,Computing Science,Simon Fraser University,Canada;Email:weiskopf@cs.sfu.cs.Manuscript received31March2006;accepted1August2006;posted online6 November2006.For information on obtaining reprints of this article,please send e-mail to: tvcg@.applications,it is more than instinctively plausible to explore the use-fulness of video visualization,for which Daniel and Chen proposed the following three hypotheses[6]:1.Video visualization is an(i)intuitive and(ii)cost-effective meansof processing large volumes of video data.2.Well constructed visualizations of a video are able to show infor-mation that numerical and statistical indicators(and their con-ventional diagrammatic illustrations)cannot.ers can become accustomed to visual features depicted invideo visualizations,or be trained to recognize specific features. The main aim of this work is to evaluate these hypotheses,with a focus on visualizing motion events in videos.Our contributions include:•We have,for thefirst time,considered video visualization as a flow visualization problem,in addition to volume visualization.We have developed a technical framework for constructing scalar and vectorfields from a video,and for synthesizing abstract vi-sual representations using both volume andflow visualization techniques.•We have introduced the notion of visual signature for symbol-izing abstract visual features that depict individual objects and motion events.We have focused our algorithmic development and user study on the effectiveness of conveying and recogniz-ing visual signatures of motion events in videos.•We have compared the effectiveness of four different abstract vi-sual representations of motion events,including solid and bound-ary representations of extracted objects,difference volumes,and motionflows depicted using glyphs and streamlines.•We have conducted a user study,resulting in thefirst set of ev-idence for supporting hypothesis(3).In addition,the study has provided an interesting collection offindings that can help us un-derstand the process of visualizing motion events through their abstract visual representations.•We have applied our understanding and the developed techniques to a set of real videos collected as benchmarking problems in a recent computer vision project[10].This has provided further evidence to support hypotheses(1)and(2).2R ELATED W ORKAlthough video visualization wasfirst introduced as a new technique and application of volume visualization[6],it in fact reaches out toIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZA TION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS,VOL.12,NO.5,SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER2006a number of other disciplines.The work presented in this paper re-lates to video processing,volume visualization,flow visualization,and human factors in motion perception.Automatic video processing is a research area residing between two closely related disciplines,image processing and computer vision. Many researchers studied video processing in the context of video surveillance(e.g.,[4,5]),and video segmentation(e.g.,[18,24]). While such research and development is no doubt hugely important to many applications,the existing techniques for automatic video pro-cessing are normally application-specific,and are generally difficult to adapt themselves to different situations without costly calibration.The work presented in this paper takes a different approach from automatic video processing.As outlined in[25],it is intended to‘take advantage of the human eye’s broad bandwidth pathway into the mind to allow users to see,explore,and understand large amounts of infor-mation at once’,and to‘convert conflicting and dynamic data in ways that support visualization and analysis’.A number of researchers have noticed the structural similarity be-tween video data and volume data commonly seen in medical imaging and scientific computation,and have explored the avenue of applying volume rendering techniques to solid video volumes in the context of visual arts[9,12,15].Daniel and Chen[6]approached the problem from the perspective of scientific visualization,and demonstrated that video visualization is potentially an intuitive and cost-effective means of processing large volumes of video data.Bennett and McMillan[1] also demonstrated that a spatiotemporal video volume can be used to aid the process of video editing.Flow visualization is another important area in scientific visualiza-tion[16,20,26].There exist several different strategies to display the vectorfield associated with aflow.One approach used in this paper relies on glyphs to show the direction of a vectorfield at a collection of sample positions.Typically,arrows are employed to encode di-rection visually,leading to hedgehog visualizations[7,14].Another approach is based on the characteristic lines,such as streamlines,ob-tained by particle tracing.A major problem of3Dflow visualization is the potential loss of visual information due to mutual occlusion.This problem can be addressed by improving the perception of streamline structures[13]or by appropriate seeding[11].In humans,just as in machines,visual information is processed by capacity and resource limited systems.Limitations exist both in space (i.e.,the number of items to which we can attend)[21]and in time (i.e.,how quickly we can disengage from one item to process another) [19,22].Several recent lines of research have shown that in dealing with complex dynamic stimuli these limitations can be particularly problematic[3].For example,the phenomena of change blindness [23]and inattentional blindness[17]both show that relatively large visual events can go completely unreported if attention is misdirected or overloaded.In any application where multiple sources of informa-tion must be monitored or arrays of complex displays interpreted,the additional load associated with motion or change(i.e.the need to in-tegrate information over time)could greatly increase overall task dif-ficulty.Visualization techniques that can reduce temporal load clearly have important human factors implications.3C ONCEPTS AND D EFINITIONSA video V is an ordered set of2D image frames{I1,I2,...,I n}.It is a 3D spatiotemporal data set,usually resulting from a discrete sampling process such asfilming and animation.The main perceptual differ-ence between viewing a still image and a video is that we are able to observe objects in motion(and stationary objects)in a video.For the purpose of maintaining the generality of our formal definitions,we in-clude motionlessness as a type of motion in the following discussions.Let m be a spatiotemporal entity,which is an abstract structure of an object in motion and encompasses the changes of a variety of attributes of the object including its shape,intensity,color,texture,position in each image,and relationship with other objects.Hence the ideal ab-straction of a video is to transform it to a collection of representations of such entities{m1,m2,...,m k}.Video visualization is thereby a function,F:V→I,that maps a video V to an image I,where F is normally realized by a computa-tional process,and the mapping involves the extraction of meaning-ful information from V and the creation of a visualization image I as an abstract visual representation of V.The ultimate scientific aim of video visualization is tofind functions that can create effective visu-alization images,from which users can recognize different spatiotem-poral entities{m1,m2,...,m k}‘at once’.A visual signature V(m)is a group of abstract visual features re-lated to a spatiotemporal entity m in a visualization image I,such that users can identify the object,the motion,or both by recognizing V(m) in I.In many ways,it is notionally similar to a handwritten signature or a signature tune in music.It may not necessarily be unique and it may appear in different forms and different context.Its recognition depends on the quality of the signature as well as the user’s knowledge and experience.4T YPES OF V ISUAL S IGNATURESGiven a spatiotemporal entity m(i.e.,an object in motion),we can construct different visual signatures to highlight different attributes of m.As mentioned in Section3,m encompasses the changes of a variety of attributes of the object.In this work,we focus on the following time-varying attributes:(i)the shape of the object,(ii)the position of the object,(iii)the object appearance(e.g.,intensity and texture),(iv) the velocity of the motion.Consider an animation video of a simple object in a relatively sim-ple motion.As shown in Fig.1(a),the main spatiotemporal entity contained in the video is a textured sphere moving upwards and down-wards in a periodic manner.To obtain the time-varying attributes about the shape and position of the object concerned,we can extract the object silhouette in each frame from the background scene.We can also identify the boundary of the silhouette,which to a certain extent conveys the relationship between the object and its surroundings(in this simple case,only the background).Fig.1(b)and(c)show the solid and boundary repre-sentations of a silhouette.To characterize the changes of the object appearance,we can compute the difference between two consecutive frames,and Fig.1(d)gives an example difference image.We can also establish a2D motionfield to describe the movement of the object be-tween each pair of consecutive frames,as shown in Fig.1(e).There is a very large collection of algorithms for obtaining such attributes in the literature,and we will briefly describe our implementation in Section6.Compiling all silhouette images into a single volume results in a 3D scalarfield that we call an extracted object volume.Similarly, we obtain an object boundary volume and a difference volume,which are also in the form of3D scalarfields.The compilation of all2D motionfields in a single volumetric structure gives us a motionflow in the form of a3D vectorfield.Given these attributefields of the spatiotemporal entity m,we can now consider the creation ofdifferent(a)five frames(No.:0,5,10,15,20)selected from avideo(b)silhouette(c)boundary(d)difference(e)motionflow Fig.1.Selected frames of a simple up-and-down motion,depicting the first of thefive cycles of the motion,together with examples of its at-tributes associated with frame1.CHEN et al.:VISUAL SIGNA TURES IN VIDEO VISUALIZATION(a)Type A:silhouette hull(b)Type B:4-band difference volume(c)Type C:motionflow with glyphs(d)Type D:motionflow with streamlines Fig.2.Four types of visual signatures of an up-and-down periodic motion given in Fig.1.visual signatures for m.One canfind numerous ways to visualize such scalar and vec-torfields individually or in a combinational manner.Without over-complicating the user study to be discussed in Section5,we selectedfour types of visualization for representing visual signatures.Eachtype of visual signature highlights certain attributes of the object inmotion,and reflects the strength of a particular volume orflow visu-alization technique.All four types of visualization can be synthesizedin real time,for which we will outline the technical framework in Sec-tion6.For the following discussions,we chose the horseshoe view[6]as the primary view representation.In comparison with conventionalviewing angles,it places four faces of a volume,including the start-ing andfinishing frames,in a front view.It also facilitates relativelymore cost-effective use of a rectangular display area,and conveys thetemporal dimension differently from the two spatial dimensions.4.1Type A:Temporal Silhouette ExtrusionThis type of visual signature displays a projective view of the tempo-ral silhouette hull of the object in motion.Steady features,such asbackground,arefiltered away.Fig.2(a)shows a horseshoe view ofthe extracted object volume for the video mentioned in Fig.1.Thetemporal silhouette hull,which is displayed as an opaque object,canbe seen wiggling up and down in a periodic manner.4.2Type B:4-Band Difference VolumeDifference volumes played an important role in[6],where amorphousvisual features rendered using volume raycasting successfully depictedsome motion events in their application examples.However,their useof transfer functions encoded very limited semantic meaning.For thiswork,we designed a special transfer function that highlights the mo-tion and the temporal change of a silhouette,while using a relativelysmaller amount of bandwidth to convey the change of object appear-ance(i.e.,intensity and texture).Consider two example frames and their corresponding silhouettes,O a and O b in Fig.3(a)and(b).We classify pixels in the differencevolume into four groups as shown in3(c),namely(i)background(∈O a∧∈O b),(ii)new pixels(∈O a∧∈O b),(iii)disappearing pixels(∈O a∧∈O b),and(iv)overlapping pixels(∈O a∧∈O b).The actualdifference value of each pixel,which typically results from a changedetectionfilter,is mapped to one of the four bands according to thegroup that the pixel belongs to.This enables the design of a transferfunction that encodes some semantics in relation to the motion andgeometric change.For example,Fig.2(b)was rendered using the transfer function il-lustrated in Fig.3(d),which highlights new pixels in nearly-opaquered and disappearing pixels in nearly-opaque blue,while displayingoverlapping pixels in translucent gray and leaving background pixelstotally transparent.Such a visual signature gives a clear impressionthat the object is in motion,and to a certain degree,provides somevisual cues to velocity.4.3Type C:Motion Flow with GlyphsIn many video-related applications,the recognition of motion is moreimportant than that of an object.Hence it is beneficial to enhance theperception of motion by visualizing the motionflowfield associatedwith a video.This type of visual signature combines the boundary rep-resentation of a temporal silhouette hull with arrow glyphs showing thedirection of motion at individual volumetric positions.It isnecessary(a)frames I a and I b(b)silhouettes O a and Ob(c)4semantic bands(d)color mappingFig.3.Two example frames and their corresponding silhouettes.Foursemantic bands can be determined using O a and O b,and an appropriatetransfer function can encode semantic meaning according to the bands.to determine an appropriate density of arrows,as too many would clut-ter a visual signature,or too few would lead to substantial informationloss.We thereby use a combination of parameters to control the den-sity of arrows,which will be discussed in Section6.Fig.2(c)showsa Type C visual signature of a sphere in an up-and-down motion.Inthis particular visualization,colors of arrows are chosen randomly toenhance the depth cue of partially occluded arrows by improving theirvisual continuity.Note that there is a major difference between the motionflowfieldof a video and typical3D vectorfields considered inflow visualiza-tion.In a motionflowfield,each vector has two spatial componentsand one temporal component.The temporal component is normallyset to a constant for all vectors.We experimented with a range ofdifferent constants for the temporal component,and found that a non-zero constant would confuse the visual perception of the two spatialcomponents of the vector.We thereby chose to set the temporal com-ponents of all vectors to zero.4.4Type D:Motion Flow with StreamlinesThe visibility of arrow glyphs requires them to be displayed in a certainminimum size,which often leads to the problem of occlusion.Onealternative approach is to use streamlines to depict direction of motionflow.However,because all temporal components in the motionflowfield are equal to zero,each streamline can onlyflow within the x-yplane where the corresponding seed resides,and it seldomflows far.Hence there is often a dense cluster of short streamlines,making itdifficult to use color for direction indication.To improve the sense of motion and the perception of direction,wemapped a zebra-like dichromatic texture to the line geometry,whichmoves along the line in theflow direction.Although this can no longerbe considered strictly as a static visualization,it is not in any way try-ing to recreate an animation of the original video.The dynamics intro-duced is of afixed number of steps,which are independent from theIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZA TION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS,VOL.12,NO.5,SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER2006length of a video.The time requirement for viewing such a visualiza-tion remains to be O(1).Fig.2(d)shows a static view of such a visual signature.The perception of this type of visual signatures normally improves when the size and resolution of the visualization increases. 5A U SER S TUDY ON V ISUAL S IGNATURESThe discussions in the previous sections naturally lead to many scien-tific questions concerning visual signatures.The followings are just a few examples:•Can users distinguish different types of spatiotemporal entities(i.e.,types of objects and types of motion individually and incombination)from their visual signatures?•If the answer to the above is yes,how easy is it for an ordinary user to acquire such an ability?•What kind of attributes are suitable to be featured or highlighted in visual signatures?•What is the most effective design of a visual signature,and in what circumstances?•What kind of visualization techniques can be used for synthesiz-ing effective visual signatures?•How would the variations of camera attributes,such as position andfield of view,affect visual signatures?•How would the recognition of visual signatures scale in propor-tion to the number of spatiotemporal entities present?Almost all of these questions are related to the human factors in vi-sualization and motion perception.There is no doubt that user studies must play a part in our search for answers to these questions.As an integral part of this work,we conducted a user study on visual signa-tures.Because this is thefirst user study on visual signatures of objects in motion,we decided to focus our study on the recognition of types of motion.We therefore set the main objectives of this user study as: 1.to evaluate the hypothesis that users can learn to recognize mo-tions from their visual signatures.2.to obtain a set of data that measures the difficulties and time re-quirements of a learning process.3.to evaluate the effectiveness of the above-mentioned four typesof visual signatures.5.1Types of MotionAs mentioned before,an abstract visual representation of a video is es-sentially a2D projective view of our4D spatiotemporal world.Visual signatures of spatiotemporal entities in real life videos can be influ-enced by numerous factors and appear in various forms.In order to meet the key objectives of the user study,it was necessary to reduce the number of parameters to be examined in this scientific process.We used simulated motions with the following constraints:•All videos feature only one spherical object in motion.The use of a sphere minimizes the variations of visual signatures due to camera positions and perspective projection.•In each motion,the center of the sphere remains in the same x-y plane,which minimizes the ambiguity caused by the change of object size due to perspective projection.•Since the motion function is known,we computed most attribute fields analytically.This is similar to an assumption that the sphere is perfectly textured and lit,and without shadows,which minimizes the errors in extracting attributefields using change detection and motion estimation algorithms.We consider the following seven types of motion:1.Motion Case1:No motion—in which the sphere remains in thecenter of the image frame throughout the video.2.Motion Cases2-9:Scaling—in which the radius of the sphereincreases by100%,75%,50%and25%,and decreases by25%, 50%,75%and100%respectively.3.Motion Cases10-25:Translation—in which the spheremoves in a straight line in eight different directions(i.e., 0◦,45◦,90◦,...,315◦)and two different speeds.4.Motion Cases26-34:Spinning—in which the sphere rotatesabout the x-axis,y-axis and z-axis,without moving its center, with1,5and9revolutions respectively.5.Motion Cases35,38,41:Periodic up-and-down translation—in which the sphere moves upwards and downwards periodically in three different frequencies,namely1,5and9cycles.6.Motion Cases36,39,42:Periodic left-and-right translation—in which the sphere moves towards left and right periodically in three different frequencies,namely1,5and9cycles.7.Motion Cases37,40,43:Periodic rotation—in which thesphere rotates about the center of the image frame periodically in three different frequencies,namely1,5and9cycles.Thefirst four types are considered to be elementary motions.The last three are composite motions which can be decomposed into a se-ries of simple translation motions in smaller time windows.Five ex-amples motion cases and their visual signatures can be found in the accompanying materials.We did consider to include other composite motions,such as the periodic scaling,and combined scaling,translation and spinning,but decided to limit the total number of cases in order to obtain an adequate number of samples for each case while controlling the time spent by each observer in the study.We also made a conscious decision not to include complex motions such as deformation,shearing and fold-over in this user study.5.2The Main User StudyParticipants.69observers(23female,46male)from the student community of Swansea University took part in this study.All ob-servers had normal,or corrected to normal,vision and were given a £2book voucher each as a small thank-you gesture for their partic-ipation.Data from two participants were excluded from analysis as their response times were more than3standard deviations outside of the mean.Thus,data from67(22female,45male)observers were analyzed.Tasks.The user study was conducted in14sessions over a three week period.Each session,which involved4or5observers,started with a 25minutes oral presentation,given by one of the co-authors of this paper,with the aid of a set of pre-written slides.The presentation was followed by a test,typically taking about20minutes to complete.A piece of interactive software was specially written for structuring the test as well as collecting the results.The presentation provided an overview of the scientific background and objectives of this user study,and gave a brief introduction to the four types of visual signatures,largely in the terminology of a layper-son(see accompanying materials).It outlined the steps of the test,and highlighted some potential difficulties and misunderstandings.As part of a learning process,a total of10motions and11visual signatures were shown as examples in the slides.The test was composed of24trials.On each trial,the observer was presented with between1and4visual signatures of a motion. As shown in Fig.4(a),the task was to identify the underlying motion pattern by selecting from the4alternatives listed at the bottom of the screen.Both the speed and the accuracy of this response were mea-sured.As observers were allowed to correct initial responses,thefinal(a)identifying motion patterns(b)feedback and evaluation Fig.4.Example screenshots of the main two tasks for each trial.CHEN et al.:VISUAL SIGNA TURES IN VIDEO VISUALIZA TIONreaction time was taken from the point when they proceeded to the next part of the trial.The second part of the trial was designed to provide feedback and training for the observers to increase the likelihood of learning.It also provided a measure of subjective utility,that is,how useful observers found each type of visual signature.In this part,the underlying motion clip was shown in full together with all four types of visual signatures (Fig.4(b)).The task was to indicate which of the four visual signatures appeared to provide the most relevant information.No response time was measured in this part.At the end of the experiment,observers were also asked to provide an overall usefulness rating for each type of visual signature.A rating scale from1(least)to5(most)effective was used.Design.The24trials in each test were blocked into4equal learn-ing phases(6trials per phase)in which the amount of available in-formation was varied.In the initial phase all4visual signatures were presented,providing the full range of information.In each succes-sive phase,the number of available representations was reduced by one,so that in thefinal phase only one visual signature was provided. Thisfixed order was imposed so that observers would receive suffi-cient training before being presented with minimum information.For each observer a random sub-set of the43motion cases was selected and randomly assigned to the24experimental trials.For each case, the4possible options werefixed.The position of options was how-ever randomized on the screen on an observer by observer basis to minimize simple response strategies.5.3The Supplementary User StudySince the number of visual signatures available in the main user study decreased from one phase to another,it may be difficult to know whether changes in the overall accuracy and response times directly reflect learning.To address this issue,we conducted a supplementary user study,where two visual signatures,Types B and C,were made available throughout the24trials.It was organized in a same man-ner as the main study,and involved40observers(14female,26male). Among them,17also took part in the main user study,hence had some experience of video visualization,with a time lapse of4-5months. The other23werefirst-time observers,with no previous experience in video visualization.5.4Results and RemarksAnalysis of Variance(ANOV A)was used to explore differences be-tween three or more means,and t-tests were used to directly compare two means.By convention,F and t values indicate the ratio between effects of interest and random noise using specific probability distribu-tions.The probability p of obtaining F or t values,given the statistical degrees of freedom indicated in parentheses,is also provided,with values less than0.05considered unlikely to occur by chance alone. Motion Types.Table1gives the mean accuracy(in percentage)and response time(in second)in relation to motion types.There were clear differences between the types of motion,both in terms of accuracy (F(4,264)=34.5,MSE=5,p<0.001),and speed(F(4,264)=12.6, MSE=118,p<0.001).The scaling condition gave rise to the highest accuracy,clearly showing that positive identification of motion is possible from visual signatures.Post-hoc analysis showed that this condition did not lead to better performance than the trivial static case,but performance was reliably higher than the other three motion types(all have t>6.0, p<0.001).Accuracy levels for the translational motions,including the elemen-tary motion in one direction,and combinational motion with periodi-cal change of directions did not differ from each other,but were both significantly above those for spinning motion(t>2.8,p<0.01).The difficulty in recognizing spinning motion appears to arise be-cause the projection of the sphere in motion maintains the same out-line and position throughout the motion.For example,the temporal silhouette hull of Motion Case31,which is a spinning motion,is iden-tical to that of Motion Case1,which is motionless(see accompanying Table1.Mean accuracy and response time related to motion types. Numbers in parentheses are standard errors(se)of the means.Accuracy(%)Response time(second) Static81.2(4)19.8(2)Scaling90.3(2)13.6(1)Translation66.7(3)23.8(1)Spinning49.4(3)24.8(1)Periodic62.2(3)24.4(2)Table2.Mean accuracy and response time in each phase.The mean values are listed separately for the main user study,thefirst-and second-time groups in the supplementary user study.The standard er-rors(se)of the means listed are all between1and2.Accuracy(%)Response time(second)main sup-1sup-2main sup-1sup-2 Phase166.768.175.530.824.726.7 Phase270.074.676.522.218.919.4 Phase372.074.382.417.512.016.9 Phase463.071.778.413.411.210.8Fig.5.The decreasing trend of the mean response time of each trial in both user studies.materials).This renders Type A visual signature totally ineffective in differentiating any spinning motion from the motionless state.Response times,computed only for correct trials,followed a similar pattern.Here,however,scaling motion did give rise to significantly better performance than the static case(t(114)=3.1,p<0.001),in addition to the other three moving cases.No other comparisons were significant.Phases.Table2gives the mean accuracy(in percentage)and re-sponse time(in second)in each of the four phases.Although the sup-plementary study was not divided into specific phases,we grouped the data into4×6trials for comparison purposes.In the main user study,accuracy levels changed significantly across the four phases(F(3,198)=2.9,MSE=3.7,p<0.05).While there is a clearly increasing trend across thefirst3phases,this main effect ap-pears to be due more to thefinal drop between phases3and4,the only pair of means to differ significantly(t(132)=2.23,p<0.05).This drop may be due to the reduction of the number of visual signatures to only one in Phase4.A single visual signature is often ambiguous, for example,spinning and static cases share the same Type A visual signature in our user studies,so this could have inflated error rates. Another possibility is the lack of a confirmation process based on a second visual signature.We should note,however,that a similar trend can also be observed in the supplementary study,where Types B and C visual signatures were available throughout the session.Here,though,there was no main effect of phase.It seems possible that the generally high level of performance in both of the user studies may well be masking more subtle learning effects in terms of accuracy.Second time observers (mean=78%,se=2.6)performed slightly better thanfirst time ob-servers(mean=72%,se=2.8).Although this difference did not reach statistical significance,the trend towards higher performance is still。

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Time-Varying Surface Appearance:Acquisition,Modeling and RenderingJinwei Gu1∗Chien-I Tu1,2Ravi Ramamoorthi1Peter Belhumeur1Wojciech Matusik2Shree Nayar11Columbia University2MERLAbstractFor computer graphics rendering,we generally assume that the ap-pearance of surfaces remains static over time.Yet,there are a num-ber of natural processes that cause surface appearance to vary dra-matically,such as burning of wood,wetting and drying of rock and fabric,decay of fruit skins,and corrosion and rusting of steel and copper.In this paper,we take a significant step towards measuring, modeling,and rendering time-varying surface appearance.We de-scribe the acquisition of thefirst time-varying database of26sam-ples,encompassing a variety of natural processes including burn-ing,drying,decay,and corrosion.Our main technical contribution is a Space-Time Appearance Factorization(STAF).This model fac-tors space and time-varying effects.We derive an overall temporal appearance variation characteristic curve of the specific process,as well as space-dependent textures,rates,and offsets.This overall temporal curve controls different spatial locations evolve at the dif-ferent rates,causing spatial patterns on the surface over time.We show that the model accurately represents a variety of phenomena. Moreover,it enables a number of novel rendering applications,such as transfer of the time-varying effect to a new static surface,control to accelerate time evolution in certain areas,extrapolation beyond the acquired sequence,and texture synthesis of time-varying ap-pearance.1IntroductionMany interesting appearance properties of real-world surfaces are directly related to their evolution with time.Consider the charring of wood from heat or burning;the wetting and drying of marble, granite or fabric due to rain or spillage of water;the ripening and decay of fruit skins like apples or bananas;and the corrosion and rusting of steel or the formation of oxides on copper.Each of these natural processes forms a spatial pattern over time,often coupled with a change in reflectance,which gives rise to dramatic effects.These processes have been studied in biology,physics,and math-ematics[Meinhardt1992;Cross and Hohenberg1993].In com-puter graphics,Dorsey and collaborators have developed a num-ber of specific models forflows,patina formation,and weather-ing[Dorsey and Hanrahan1996;Dorsey et al.1996;Dorsey et al. 1999].However,the full generality of pattern formation remains beyond the reach of any particular mathematical model or physical simulation.In this paper,we avoid the difficulties of mathematical modeling by developing a data-driven approach,conceptually similar to re-cent work on data-driven static reflectance[Matusik et al.2003]or texture[Dana et al.1999].We present a complete pipeline from ac-quisition of thefirst dense database of Time and Spatially-Varying appearance offlat samples(the TSV-BRDF)to thefirst data-driven models and novel renderings of time-varying appearance: Database of Time-Varying Surface Appearance:A major con-tribution of our work is a database of time-varying appearance mea-surements that is released along with the publication.We have cap-∗e-mail:jwgu@ tured26samples listed in Figure2.Some examples are shown in Figures1and4.Because of the complexity in preparing the sam-ples and developing a suitable measurement system,this database is likely to be a very relevant resource for future efforts.Sample preparation requires careful control and significant effort—for example,we must apply a heat gun for some of the burning examples,and use special solutions to assist rusting and copper patination.Capturing the full TSV-BRDF also necessitates special measurement systems.We use a multi-light source multi-camera dome,shown in Figure3,to simultaneously acquire time-lapse images from a variety of lighting and view directions.We thenfit spatially-varying BRDF models at each time instance,cap-turing both spatial and temporal variation in a variety of real-world processes.Since we acquire the full TSV-BRDF,we can capture spatial patterns as well as changes in the BRDF,such as the sharp reduction in specularities over time when a surface dries.Space-Time Appearance Factorization(STAF):Time-varying appearance is an intricate combination of many factors,such as the static surface texture,temporal variation,and spatial patterns over time.The acquired data can be used directly for rendering,but is difficult to understand or modify for production applications(such as making wood dry faster in a wet footprint).Linear data-reduction techniques like Singular-Value Decomposition(SVD)do not easily capture the complex structures in time-varying appearance data.We introduce a simple Space-Time Appearance Factorization (STAF)that is general and data-driven.It separates temporally varying effects from spatial variation,estimating a“temporal char-acteristic curve”in appearance that depends only on the physical process,as well as static spatial textures that remain constant over time.In addition,we estimate a rate and an offset at every point, which control the speed of time evolution.Spatial patterns arise be-cause different points evolve at different rates.STAF is non-linear, with the temporal characteristic curve scaled and shifted by spatial rate and offset parameters.Our model is intuitive and accurate for the variety of time-varying phenomena in our database,and allows a user to separately modify space and time-varying effects. Rendering Time-Varying Effects:One of the chief benefits of our data-driven STAF model is the ease with which we can gener-alize beyond the acquired data to render a variety of time-varying effects.For example,we can transfer a time-varying process like rusting to a new static surface such as a steel plate.We can control the rate of time variation,such as having wet puddles or footprints on an otherwise dry woodenfloor,with drying happening more at the boundaries.We can extrapolate to some extent beyond the ac-quired data.Moreover,separation of spatial and temporal aspects allows one to use standard2D example-based texture synthesis.2Previous WorkPhysical simulation has been applied to specific weathering and corrosion effects[Dorsey et al.1996;Dorsey and Hanrahan1996; Dorsey et al.1999;Merillou et al.2001;Chen et al.2005]. Patina formation has also been modelled based on surface acces-sibility[Miller1994],while dust accumulation has been simu-lated based on surface geometry[Hsu and Wong1995].Jensen et al.[1999]render wet surfaces by combining a reflection model for surface water with subsurface scattering.Our data-driven approach generalizes and complements physical simulation of specific phe-nomena,much as static data-driven reflectance models complement and extend specific physically-based analytic BRDFs.Some recent work has made afirst attempt at measuring appear-ance changes.Koudelka[2004]considers time-varying textures im-aged withfixed lighting and a single view,and extends static tex-ture synthesis to time-varying texture synthesis.We generalize this method with images from multiple light sources and viewpoints,Copper PatinaRusting SteelC o r r o s i o nt=0.0 t=14.5 m t=25.9 m t=53.2 m t=67.3 m t=84.0 m t=97.2 m t=110.0 mt=0.0 t=1.0 h t=2.4 h t=4.4 h t=6.5 h t=8.9 h t=11.4 h t=13.7 htimeFigure 1:Some examples of the 26samples in our database,shown here with variation across time (in minutes m or hours h)for a single light source and view.We acquire images from 1,280light and view directions at each time step.Some of these images are shown for one of the samples in Figure 4.Appearance Time-Varying AppearanceTF(2D Texture Function)TTF(3D)BRDF(4D)TBRDF(5D)SV-BRDF(6D)TSV-BRDF(7D)BTF(6D)TBTF(7D)Table1:Extension of common appearance concepts to time-varying ap-pearance.We also indicate the dimensionality of the function for each cat-egory.In this paper,we focus on TSV-BRDFs.which allows us tofit a true TSV-BRDF model and enables com-puter graphics rendering with any lighting and view.More impor-tantly,we develop an intuitive data-driven STAF model to separate spatial and temporal effects,allowing a variety of rendering algo-rithms including transfer,control,extrapolation,and synthesis.For the specific case of drying on stone,[Lu et al.2005]measure the change in diffuse appearance and propose a sigmoid model with two spatial parameters.Similar equations can be deduced from the literature on drying[Jankowsky and Santos2004].We generalize this work significantly by acquiring a database of a variety of time-varying phenomena,including specular effects.Our STAF model is general and data-driven,capturing many types of time-varying processes,with intuitive rate and offset parameters at each spatial location.For specific drying scenarios we essentially reproduce the results of[Lu et al.2005],with our temporal characteristic curves being close to sigmoidal in those cases.The STAF model in this paper relates to work in the statis-tical and speech recognition literature known as dynamic time-warping[Sakoe and Chiba1978].Their goal is to align time-varying curves for different subjects in many applications such as speech signals and human growth curves.Their data vary not only in amplitude,but also with respect to the time axis—different subjects experience events sooner or later.Classical linear methods,e.g.,Principal Component Analysis(PCA),cannot han-dle this second type of variability well[Wang and Gasser1999]. Recently,[Kneip and Engel1995]proposed the“shape-invariant”model,with the overall time variation known as the“structural av-erage curve.”(Shape and structure are used rather differently from their traditional meaning in graphics.)In our application,we seek to align time-varying appearance curves(representing BRDF parameters like diffuse color and spec-ular intensity)for different pixels.We must relate this alignment to intuitive parameters,for example,the rates and offsets at different spatial locations,as well as the static initial andfinal appearance. Moreover,as discussed in Section5,we develop methods to esti-mate the time variation of the process across the full range seen by any pixel,allowing extrapolation beyond the observed sequence. 3Time-Varying AppearanceWefirst formalize the notion of time-varying appearance.One can imagine extending common appearance concepts,such as the BRDF or texture,to include an additional time dimension,as shown in Table1.In this paper,we extend spatially-varying BRDFs(SV-BRDFs)to time and space-varying BRDFs(TSV-BRDFs).A gen-eral TSV-BRDF is a function of7dimensions—2each for spatial location,incident angle,and outgoing direction,and1for time vari-ation.For surfaces that are rough,or have relief at a macroscopic scale,the term Bidirectional Texture Function or BTF[Dana et al. 1999]and its time-varying extension TBTF is more appropriate,al-though it has the same dimensionality.While a small number of the examples in our database do have some surface relief(and may therefore not be as well modelled by the approach presented here), we focus in this paper primarily onflat surfaces or TSV-BRDFs. 4Acquisition and DatabaseThefirst step in understanding time-varying surface appearance is to acquire datasets representing it—some examples are shown in Figure1.Figure2lists all of the26samples we have acquired and processed1.These samples cover5categories—burning and char-ring(wood,waffles),drying of smooth surfaces(wood,fabric),dry-1This entire database and our STAF modelfits will be made available online.To request a copy,send e-mail to staf@.Type Sample Time Frames Average Time IntervalCharred Wood111 2.1mCharred Wood2319.9m Burning Waffle Toasting30 6.3mBread Toasting30 5.9mLight Wood114 3.1mLight Wood234 2.3mDrying Orange Cloth33 4.9m (Smooth Surfaces)Cotton Cloth3011.3mPattern Cloth32 4.8mWhite Felt28 4.4mDark Wood32 3.8mPaper Towel327.0mBrick3222.1m Drying Rock11 2.0m (Rough Surfaces)Cardboard297.0mGranite27 2.6mTree Bark11 3.4mRusting Steel1227.3mRusting Steel23510.8m Corrosion Cast Iron Rusting3013.9mCopper with Patina3431.6mApple with Core339.6mApple Slice13 3.0m Decaying Banana3311.3mPotato318.3mLeaf under Humid Heat3012.6m Figure2:The26samples in our database,grouped into categories.For each sample,we list the number of time frames acquired and average time interval between frames(in minutes m).Figure3:A photograph of the multi-light source multi-camera dome used for acquisition of our database of time-varying measurements.ing of rough surfaces(rock,granite),corrosion and rusting(steel, copper),and decay and ripening(apples,banana).4.1AcquisitionAcquisition of time-varying appearance is challenging.While some natural processes such as drying occur over fairly short time scales (a few minutes),many others occur over a considerable duration under normal circumstances(several hours to days for decay of fruit skins,or a few months for corrosion of metals).In the case of burning and charring,we have used a heat gun to carefully control the process.At each time interval,we uniformly heat the sample for afixed duration of time(typically30seconds).For metal corrosion, we have decided to speed up the process using specially prepared solutions[Hughes and Rowe1991].We spray a chemical solution before each measurement and wait a few hours.Decay of organic samples takes several hours,and is fairly difficult to speed up—we have decided to measure these processes without alteration.A second difficulty is designing and building a measurement system that meets the following resolution requirements:1)Dy-namic range—many of the processes(e.g.,drying or rusting)in-volve significant changes in specularity.2)Light and view di-rection resolution—the sampling of the light and view directions should be sufficiently high to capture specular materials.3)Tempo-ral resolution—a complete acquisition at each time step,involving images with multiple lights,views,and exposure settings needs to be conducted in a few seconds to avoid the sample changing sig-nificantly over this time.This rules out gantry-based systems that typically take a few seconds to acquire even a single image.View 08(t = 0.0)View 10(t = 3.0m)Drying WoodFigure 4:Acquired images of wood drying.We show two separate views/time instances,and all of the useful lighting directions for those.We have decided to use a multi-light source multi-camera dome,shown in Figure 3.The dome skeleton is based on an icosahedron.We use 16Basler cameras (resolution 1300×1030pixels)placed on the icosahedron vertices and 150white LED light sources spaced evenly on the edges.(Approximately 80of these lights lie in the vis-ible hemisphere with respect to the flat sample,and therefore give useful images.)This design is similar to the light stage [Debevec et al.2002],but includes multiple cameras as well.The cameras and light sources are synchronized using a custom-built controller.The cameras are geometrically calibrated by moving a small LED diode in the working volume and detecting its 2D location in all cameras.A bundle adjustment is performed to obtain the precise geometric location and projection matrices for all cameras.Since we know the dome’s design specifications,this allows us to reg-ister all light and camera positions to a common coordinate frame.We also perform a photometric calibration by capturing images of a perfectly white diffuse standard (spectralon)from all camera view-points under all light combinations.To obtain normalized BRDF values for each surface point,measured values are divided by the corresponding observation of the white diffuse standard.For acquisition,we place a prepared sample in the center of the dome.At each time step,we capture a high dynamic range data set—we take images at two different exposures (typically 2and 82msec)for each light-camera pair.This results in 4,800photographs captured in 22seconds.It takes about 90seconds to save the data to the hard disk.(Therefore,the minimum time between two con-secutive measurements is about 2minutes.)We typically capture appearance data sets at 30time frames.Once a complete time-varying appearance data set is captured,we resample the data on a uniform grid (typically 400×400pixels)for each light and view direction.Some of our data,showing time variation for a single light source and view,has already been seen in Figure 1.Figure 4shows all of the 80useful images (lighting direc-tions in the visible hemisphere)for two time instances/viewpoints.4.2Time and Spatially-Varying Parametric Reflectance Initially we attempted to take a straightforward non-parametric ap-proach to represent the BRDF at every point directly by the ac-quired raw data.For rendering (i.e.,to create images under novel view and lighting),we used the algorithm in [Vlasic et al.2003]and performed barycentric interpolation twice,once over view and then over lighting.A similar algorithm is used in [Vasilescu and Terzopoulos 2004].However,as shown in Figure 5,since the light-view sampling of our samples is not dense enough,direct interpola-tion produces artifacts.In Figure 5,we have “texture-mapped”2the TSV-BRDF onto a 3D sphere to better make these comparisons.2Whenwe refer to “texture mapping”throughout this paper,wemeanmappingthecomplete TSV-BRDF,i.e.,all5BRDFparameters,including diffuse RGBcolor andspecular K s and σ,and including time variation.These BRDF parameters at each point in space and time can then be used with any lighting model and rendering computation.(b) Analytic Model(a) Barycentric Interpolation Sharp HighlightFigure 5:Comparison of (a)barycentric interpolation and (b)parametric spatially-varying reflectance fits,texture-mapped onto a sphere.The para-metric reflectance model is quite accurate,preserving the fine details of the wood grain,while eliminating artifacts in the highlights and boundaries.Fortunately,we have enough measurements to effectively fit parametric reflectance models,including specular lobes,to each spatial location.We use a simple combination of diffuse Lamber-tian and simplified Torrance-Sparrow reflectance,with the BRDF given byρ(x ,y , ωi , ωo ,t )=K d (x ,y ,t )+K s (x ,y ,t )4( ωi · n )( ωo · n )exp − ωh · nσ(x ,y ,t )2,(1)where ωi and ωo are incident and outgoing directions, n is the sur-face normal,and ωh is the half-angle vector.The BRDF parameters are the diffuse intensity K d ,the specular intensity K s ,and the sur-face roughness σ.Since K d is an RGB color,we have a total of 5parameters for each spatial location (x ,y )and time t .Note that the BRDF model used to fit the raw data is independent of the STAF model in the remaining sections.Other kinds of para-metric BRDF models(e.g.,Lafortune model)could also be used.The diffuse and specular parameters are estimated separately in two steps,since for some materials there are only a few samples in the specular lobe.To fit the diffuse color K d ,we consider a frontal view,which gives the highest-resolution image.At each spatial location,we optimize over only those light source directions where specular highlights are not present.(Conservatively,we require the light source and the reflected view direction to be separated by at least 30◦which works well for most of the samples in the database.)We consider each time instance separately for the fits.We fit the specular intensity K s and roughness σseparately for each spatial location.To do so,we consider all light source di-rections and views.Since σis the only non-linear parameter,we have found it most robust to do a linear exhaustive search to deter-mine it.For a given σ,we solve a linear system for K d and K s ,choosing the σ(and K s )that has minimum error.Although we do estimate the diffuse K d in this process again,we prefer to use the K d described earlier,which is determined from the highest-resolution frontal view,and with specularity completely absent.To make the two estimates of K d consistent,we scale the earlier estimate of K d by the average value of the latter estimate of K d over all spatial locations.As seen in Figures 5and 6,we capture the important qualitative aspects of the specularity,without artifacts.Quantitative analysis is difficult,since some spatial locations have only a sparse set of BRDF samples in the specular lobe.4.3Summary and ResultsFrom now on,we will use the notation p (x ,y ,t )for the paramet-ric fits to the TSV-BRDF.The function p can be thought of as a vector of 5space and time-varying parameters,the diffuse RGB color K d (x ,y ,t )and the specular K s (x ,y ,t )and σ(x ,y ,t ).The an-gular dependence is implicit in the form of the specular term con-trolled by K s and σ.Note that although the BRDF representation is parametric,the estimated parameters p (x ,y ,t )capture the space and time-variation of surface appearance in a non-parametric way (i.e.,directly from the acquired raw data).Even without the analysis and modeling in the rest of this paper,our database of TSV-BRDFs can be texture-mapped onto arbitrary 3D objects and used directly for rendering with general lighting direction,viewing angle,and time variation.Indeed,our use of()0L ϕ= ()120L ϕ=()340L ϕ= ()140L ϕ= ()100L ϕ= ()50L ϕ=t=0.0t=1.2 mt=3.0 mt=11.6 mt=18.5 m t=27.7 mFigure 6:Drying wood TSV-BRDF ,texture-mapped onto a sphere.This example demonstrates the power of our database,which enables us to render with simultaneous changes in lighting and evolution with time.Note the diffuse spatial drying patterns,and the early dimming and diffusing of specularities.The elevation angle of the light with respect to the center is fixed at θ(L )=30◦,while the azimuthal lighting angle varies as the sample dries.standard parametric models allows time-varying effects to be easily incorporated in almost any interactive or off-line rendering system.As one example,Figure 6shows drying wood texture-mapped onto a sphere.We show a sequence of frames,where we simultaneously change the lighting and evolve the sample over time.Note the spa-tial drying patterns,as well as BRDF changes,wherein the initial sharp specularity quickly diffuses and dims over time.5Modeling and Analysis of Time VariationWhile our TSV-BRDF database can often be used directly,there aremany rendering applications where the user desires more control.For example,he may want to control the spatial drying patterns on a wooden floor to dry slower near recent wet footprints.Or he may want to remove the spatial drying patterns altogether to allow the surface to dry uniformly.The user might also want to change the underlying spatial texture to create a different appearance for the wood grain.These effects are difficult to create because space and time variation are deeply coupled in the TSV-BRDF,while we seek to separately modify or edit intuitive spatial or temporal functions (like overall spatial texture or rate of variation).In this section,we propose the Space-Time Appearance Factor-ization (STAF)model,which separates effects because of space and time-variation and shows how they interact.We then show how to estimate the STAF model from the TSV-BRDF and present results indicating its accuracy for the large variety of time-varying phe-nomena in our database.In Section 6,we will show the power of the STAF model in creating novel rendering effects.5.1Space-Time Appearance Factorization (STAF)Our approach is based on the observation that most physical pro-cesses have an overall temporal behavior associated with them.For example,drying wood may get lighter over time.For a given pa-rameter of the BRDF,for example,the diffuse red channel,this time variation can be expressed by a curve p (x ,y ,t )for each spatial lo-cation.Different points can dry at different rates and with different offsets.For example,the points in a puddle start out wetter than others.Intuitively,we seek to align the time variation for differ-ent spatial locations by deforming a single “temporal characteris-tic curve”φ(t )according to spatially-varying parameters for “rate”R (x ,y )and “offset”O (x ,y ),p (x ,y ,t )=A (x ,y )φ(t )+D (x ,y )t=R (x ,y )t −O (x ,y ).(2)In this equation,we consider each of the 5parameters of the TSV-BRDF separately.For example,for the diffuse component,one can think of all quantities as being RGB colors.The model is data-driven,since the factors or terms A ,D ,R ,O ,and φare estimated directly from the acquired data,and are represented in a purely data-driven way.We now describe the meanings of the various terms.φ(t )–Temporal Characteristic Curve:The overall time varia-tion characteristic of the physical process is captured by the curve φ(t ).The form of φwill vary with the specific phenomenon.It can be exponential for some decays,sigmoidal for drying and burning,a more complex polynomial form for rusting,or any other type of curve.Since our representation is fully data-driven,we can handle a variety of effects.φis a function of t ,which we call the effective time ,as described below.R (x ,y )and O (x ,y )–Spatial Rate and Offset :Different spatial locations evolve differently.We capture these effects with spatially varying rate R (x ,y )and offset O (x ,y )parameters.If R is large,the rate of change will be rapid.If O is positive,the point will start from an earlier state.The effective time t for a given point is given by t =R (x ,y )t −O (x ,y ),where we refer to t as the global time .A (x ,y )and D (x ,y )–Static SV-BRDFs :A (x ,y )and D (x ,y )are static over time.The diffuse components correspond to standard spatial textures like wood grain that remain fixed throughout the time variation.Consider the special case when R (x ,y )=1and O (x ,y )=0.Thus,all points evolve the same way,and Equation 2becomes A (x ,y )φ(t )+D (x ,y ).In this case,we simply interpolate from one texture (or more generally,SV-BRDF)to another.The initial and final appearance are A φ(0)+D and A φ(1)+D .5.2DiscussionSeparating Spatial and Temporal Variation:The STAF model in Equation 2has factored spatial and temporal variation in a com-pact representation.We now have quantities (A ,D ,R ,O )that depend only on spatial location (x ,y ),and a temporal characteristic curve φ(t )that controls time variation.Unlike linear decompositions,the STAF model is non-linear because φ(t )is stretched and offset by the spatial rate and offset R (x ,y )and O (x ,y ).A similar separation of spatial and temporal effects could not be accurately achieved by linear methods such as PCA,nor would the terms in a linear model correspond to physically intuitive and editable factors.Extrapolation:Another interesting aspect of the model is its power to extrapolate beyond the acquired sequence.Let us nor-malize the global time t in the range of [0...1].Now,consider the effective time t =R (x ,y )t −O (x ,y ),which lies in the range J (x ,y )=[−O (x ,y ),R (x ,y )−O (x ,y )].If either R and/or O is large,this range can extend considerably beyond the global [0...1]time.The valid domain of effective times for the full curve φ(t )is nowJ = (x ,y )J (x ,y )= min (x ,y )(−O (x ,y )),max (x ,y )(R (x ,y )−O (x ,y )),(3)which considers the minimum and maximum effective time t over all points (x ,y ).By definition,the overall range of J is a superset of that for each point,enabling individual pixels to be backed up or extended beyond the sequence captured,and allowing time extrap-olation.This is reasonable because early starting points can provide information for other similar points that start later by some offset.5.3Estimating the STAF modelWe use a simple iterative optimization to estimate the factors in Equation 2.Each iteration consists of two steps.In the first step,we fix the spatial parameters A ,D ,R ,and O to update our estimate φ(t ).If the other terms are fixed,we can solve directly for φin Equation 2.The second step of the iteration fixes φ(t )and solves for the spatial parameters A ,D ,R ,and O .This requires non-linear optimization,but can be carried out separately for each spatial lo-cation (x ,y ).We have found that only 5iterations are needed to obtain accurate estimates of all parameters.This algorithm is very easy to implement,requiring fewer than 50lines of Matlab code,while being robust and effective for the entire variety of samples in our database.We describe the technical details below.。
