英语押韵分类Different Types of RhymesHere are some of the types of rhymes with examples of each:Assonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of vowels in words but with different consonants. It is sometimes referred to as a slant rhyme. Examples include tip and limp, dank and bat, bowl and home.Consonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of consonants but not vowels. Examples include bell and ball, dump and damp, meter and miter, mile and mole.Dactylic - This rhymes the third syllable from the end. One example is Aristophanes and cacophonies.Eye rhyme - The rhyming in this type is based on spelling and not sound. Examples are: move and love, cough and bough, food and good, death and wreath.Feminine rhyme - Also referred to as double, triple, multiple, extra-syllable, extended, this has different beginnings of the words, but rhymes latter syllables. Examples include backing and hacking, tricky and picky, moaning and groaning, generate and venerate.Head rhyme - Also called alliteration or initial rhyme, this has the same initial consonant at the beginning of the words. Examples are blue and blow, sun and sand, merry and monkey.Identical rhyme - This is rhyming a word with itself, but often refers to a different meaning. An example is in Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could not Stop for Death.”We paused before a House that seemedA Swelling of the Ground—The Roof was scarcely visible—The Cornice—in the Ground.Internal rhyme - The rhyming happens within a line of poetry. This example is from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.”Once upon a midnight dreary,while I pondered, weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,Light rhyme - Rhyming of syllable where one is stressed and the other is not. Examples include frog and dialog, mat and combat.Macaronic rhyme - This rhymes words from different languages. Examples are villa and manilla, amore and favor, sure and kreatur, lay and lei, sitar and guitar.Masculine rhyme - In this rhyme, the stress in on the final syllable in both words. Examples include support and report, dime and sublime, divulge and bulge.Near rhyme - Also referred to as half, slant, approximate, off, and oblique, this rhymes the final consonants but not the vowels or initial consonants. Examples are bent and rant, quick and back.Oblique - This is an imperfect rhyme because the sounds do not quite match. Sometimes these are called half, approximate, near, off, or slant rhymes. Examples are lap and shape, fiend and mean, gun and thumb.Perfect rhyme - Sometimes called exact, full or true, this rhyme is the typical rhyme where the ending sounds match. Examples are cat and hat, egg and beg, ink and pink, boo and true, soap and dope.Rich rhyme - In this case, the words are pronounced the same but have different meanings, like homonyms. Examples include raise and raze, break and brake, vary and very, lessen and lesson.Scarce rhyme - This refers to words that have very few other words that rhyme with them. Examples are lips and whisp, oceanless and motionless.Semirhyme - In this rhyme, one word has and extra syllable. Examples are mend and ending, rye and buying, lick and pickle.Syllabic - Rhyming the last syllable, this is also called tail or end rhyme. Examples include beaver and silver, dancing and prancing.Wrenched rhyme - This is an imperfect rhyme which rhymes a stressed with an unstressed syllable. Examples are caring and wing, lady and a bee.。
押韵诗基本内容我们就谈完了,英诗中除了很多无韵诗(blank verse),而且我在这个专题刚开始就提及过,诗歌最重要的不是韵,就是节奏。
押单韵(single rime)这种押韵方式建议元音必须相同,后面的辅音也必须一样,比方说fan和ran。
这种韵也被称作男韵(masculine rime/male rime,据传是因为韵脚健而有力,我感觉这个理由有点gender stereotype啊!)如果只押元音,而不顾及后面的辅音,这种押韵方式被称为半谐韵(assonance),例如lake和fate。
采用这种韵的典型诗人存有亚历山大·蒲柏(alexander pope)和阿尔加侬·查尔斯·斯温伯恩(algernon charles swinburne)。
我们暂时不看例子了,等讲完基础知识之后,我们会用典型诗歌来做分析哦!枭首双韵 (double rime)这种押韵方式又被称为长短二音韵,重音多在前一个音节上。
因为韵律轻快,优美,所以又被称为女韵(feminine rime/female rime)。
三重韵 (triple rime)句末三个音节同时押韵,例如glorious和victorious。
1. change, chance and challe nge (c变革机遇和挑战)
2.cautio n and courag e (谨慎与勇气)consci enceand courag e
cautio n and courag e consci ence
3. throug h foul and fair (=throug h fair and foul)
在任何情况下, 不管顺利或困难
4. fairness and forgiv eness(公平与宽容)
5. flouri sh and fail(兴衰)
6. wane and wax(人生当中的悲喜交加,代替了ris e and fall)
7. fame and fortun e(issue当中有很多涉及到功利主义的题目,功利主义的本质就是追求 fame and fortun e)于此类似的还有powe r and privil ege
8.persua sive,practi cal and profes siona l(我很喜欢ar gumen t 里面的结尾段用上这个短语)
9. cons and pros7
intens ely intrig uingillust ratio n inspir es that。
murdered and maimed。
英语押韵分类Different Types of RhymesHere are some of the types of rhymes with examples of each:Assonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of vowels in words but with different consonants. It is sometimes referred to as a slant rhyme. Examples include tip and limp, dank and bat, bowl and home.Consonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of consonants but not vowels. Examples include bell and ball, dump and damp, meter and miter, mile and mole.Dactylic - This rhymes the third syllable from the end. One example is Aristophanes and cacophonies.Eye rhyme - The rhyming in this type is based on spelling and not sound. Examples are: move and love, cough and bough, food and good, death and wreath.Feminine rhyme - Also referred to as double, triple, multiple, extra-syllable, extended, this has different beginnings of the words, but rhymes latter syllables. Examples include backing and hacking, tricky and picky, moaning and groaning, generate and venerate.Head rhyme - Also called alliteration or initial rhyme, this has the same initial consonant at the beginning of the words. Examples are blue and blow, sun and sand, merry and monkey.Identical rhyme - This is rhyming a word with itself, but often refers to a different meaning. An example is in Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could not Stop for Death.” We paused before a House that seemedA Swelling of the Ground—The Roof was scarcely visible—The Cornice—in the Ground.Internal rhyme - The rhyming happens within a line of poetry. This example is from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.”Once upon a midnight dreary,while I pondered, weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,Light rhyme - Rhyming of syllable where one is stressed and the other is not. Examples include frog and dialog, mat and combat.Macaronic rhyme - This rhymes words from different languages. Examples are villa and manilla, amore and favor, sure and kreatur, lay and lei, sitar and guitar.Masculine rhyme - In this rhyme, the stress in on the final syllable in both words. Examples include support and report, dime and sublime, divulge and bulge.Near rhyme - Also referred to as half, slant, approximate, off, and oblique, this rhymes the final consonants but not the vowels or initial consonants. Examples are bent and rant, quick and back.Oblique - This is an imperfect rhyme because the sounds do not quite match. Sometimes these are called half, approximate, near, off, or slant rhymes. Examples are lap and shape, fiend and mean, gun and thumb.Perfect rhyme - Sometimes called exact, full or true, this rhyme is the typical rhyme where the ending sounds match. Examples are cat and hat, egg and beg, ink and pink, boo and true, soap and dope.Rich rhyme - In this case, the words are pronounced the same but have different meanings, like homonyms. Examples include raise and raze, break and brake, vary and very, lessen and lesson.Scarce rhyme - This refers to words that have very few other words that rhyme with them. Examples are lips and whisp, oceanless and motionless.Semirhyme - In this rhyme, one word has and extra syllable. Examples are mend and ending, rye and buying, lick and pickle.Syllabic - Rhyming the last syllable, this is also called tail or end rhyme. Examples include beaver and silver, dancing and prancing.Wrenched rhyme - This is an imperfect rhyme which rhymes a stressed with an unstressed syllable. Examples are caring and wing, lady and a bee.(素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
英文诗 押韵
![英文诗 押韵](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fde781e15122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff7055dc5.png)
英文诗押韵一. 什么是英文诗英文诗是一种使用英语语言进行创作的诗歌形式。
二. 押韵的定义与作用1. 定义押韵指的是在诗句的末尾使用相同的音韵来营造出一种韵律美感。
2. 作用押韵在英文诗中起到了以下几个作用:•增加韵律美感:押韵使得诗句具有律动感和音乐感,增强了诗歌的美感。
三. 英文诗中的押韵形式1. 纯净押韵纯净押韵指的是诗句末尾的元音和辅音完全相同,包括元音和辅音的音调也相同。
例如:•正确示例:The cat sat on the mat.•错误示例:The cat sat on the map.2. 终韵押韵终韵押韵指的是诗句末尾的辅音相同,元音可能不同,但音调相同。
例如:•正确示例:He ate eight plates.•错误示例:He ate eight flats.3. 零韵押韵零韵押韵指的是诗句末尾没有押韵。
例如:•正确示例:The sun shines bright.•错误示例:The sun shines light.四. 英文诗中的押韵技巧1. 选择合适的词汇在进行押韵时,需要选择合适的词汇。
2. 引入半韵为了使诗句更加流畅和自然,可以引入半韵。
3. 利用节奏和音调除了押韵,还可以利用诗歌的节奏和音调来增加诗句的美感。
2.1 完全押韵完全押韵指的是两个或多个单词的尾部音素完全相同,例如:“moon”和”soon”。
2.2 半押韵半押韵是指两个或多个单词的音素虽然不完全相同,但具有相似的音近特征。
三、使用英文押韵器的好处使用英文押韵器有以下几点好处:3.1 节省时间和精力传统的押韵过程需要花费大量的时间和精力来查找押韵单词。
3.2 提高押韵的准确性对于那些不太熟悉英语押韵规则的人来说,使用英文押韵器可以确保押韵的准确性。
3.3 拓宽创作思路有时候,我们可能会陷入创作的困境,无法找到合适的押韵单词。
四、英文押韵器的应用场景英文押韵器广泛应用于以下领域:4.1 歌曲创作在创作流行歌曲时,押韵是非常重要的。
4.2 诗歌写作诗歌需要具备鲜明的节奏感和韵律。
4.3 广告文案在广告文案中,押韵可以起到吸引读者注意力的作用。
4.4 教育教学在英语教育教学中,通过使用英文押韵器,可以帮助学生更好地理解韵律和音韵,提高英语语音的准确性。
英语押韵分类Different Types of RhymesHere are some of the types of rhymes with examples of each:Assonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of vowels in words but with different consonants. It is sometimes referred to as a slant rhyme. Examples include tip and limp, dank and bat, bowl and home.Consonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of consonants but not vowels. Examples include bell and ball, dump and damp, meter and miter, mile and mole.Dactylic - This rhymes the third syllable from the end. One example is Aristophanes and cacophonies.Eye rhyme - The rhyming in this type is based on spelling and not sound. Examples are: move and love, cough and bough, food and good, death and wreath.Feminine rhyme - Also referred to as double, triple, multiple, extra-syllable, extended, this has different beginnings of the words, but rhymes latter syllables. Examples include backing and hacking, tricky and picky, moaning and groaning, generate and venerate.Head rhyme - Also called alliteration or initial rhyme, this has the same initial consonant at the beginning of the words. Examples are blue and blow, sun and sand, merry and monkey.Identical rhyme - This is rhyming a word with itself, but often refers to a different meaning. An example is in Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could not Stop for Death.” We paused before a House that seemedA Swelling of the Ground—The Roof was scarcely visible—The Cornice—in the Ground.Internal rhyme - The rhyming happens within a line of poetry. This example is from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.”Once upon a midnight dreary,while I pondered, weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,Light rhyme - Rhyming of syllable where one is stressed and the other is not. Examples include frog and dialog, mat and combat.Macaronic rhyme - This rhymes words from different languages. Examples are villa and manilla, amore and favor, sure and kreatur, lay and lei, sitar and guitar.Masculine rhyme - In this rhyme, the stress in on the final syllable in both words. Examples include support and report, dime and sublime, divulge and bulge.Near rhyme - Also referred to as half, slant, approximate, off, and oblique, this rhymes the final consonants but not the vowels or initial consonants. Examples are bent and rant, quick and back.Oblique - This is an imperfect rhyme because the sounds do not quite match. Sometimes these are called half, approximate, near, off, or slant rhymes. Examples are lap and shape, fiend and mean, gun and thumb.Perfect rhyme - Sometimes called exact, full or true, this rhyme is the typical rhyme where the ending sounds match. Examples are cat and hat, egg and beg, ink and pink, boo and true, soap and dope.Rich rhyme - In this case, the words are pronounced the same but have different meanings, like homonyms. Examples include raise and raze, break and brake, vary and very, lessen and lesson.Scarce rhyme - This refers to words that have very few other words that rhyme with them. Examples are lips and whisp, oceanless and motionless.Semirhyme - In this rhyme, one word has and extra syllable. Examples are mend and ending, rye and buying, lick and pickle.Syllabic - Rhyming the last syllable, this is also called tail or end rhyme. Examples include beaver and silver, dancing and prancing.Wrenched rhyme - This is an imperfect rhyme which rhymes a stressed with an unstressed syllable. Examples are caring and wing, lady and a bee.。
从押韵的位置看,押韵主要有头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(end rhyme)和中间韵或腹韵(internal rhyme)。
尾韵又分全韵(perfect rhyme)和非全韵(imperfect rhyme)两种。
全韵要求押韵的辅音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同但辅音不押韵的元韵(assonance)和只押辅音不押元音的和韵(consonance),另外,还有从拼写上看起来似乎押韵但实际读音并不押韵的目韵(eye rhyme, visual rhyme or sight rhyme)等。
如克里斯蒂娜•罗塞蒂的《歌》前两诗节:When I am dead, my dearest,Sing no sad songs for me;Plant thou no rose at my head,Nor shady cypress tree:Be the green grass above meWith showers and dewdrops wet;And if thou wilt, remember,And if thou wilt, forget. 1(Christina Rossetti: Song)第一行的dead / dearest,第二行的sing / sad / songs,第五行的green / grass,第六行的with / wet押头韵。
又如柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》第103~第106行:The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,The furrow followed free,We were the first that ever burstInto that silent sea. 2(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)1当我离开人间,最亲爱的,/ 别为我哀歌悲切;/ 我的墓前不要栽玫瑰,/ 也不要柏树茂密;// 愿绿草覆盖我的身躯,/ 沾着湿润的灵珠雨水;/ 假如你愿意,就把我怀念,/ 假如你愿意,就把我忘却。
四、学生英文自创押韵诗的实践案例以下是一首学生创作的英文押韵诗:In the quiet night,The stars shine bright,A gentle breeze blows,Bringing dreams to you.This poem, though simple,Reflects the student"s feeling,About the night and its charm,In a unique way.五、结论学生英文自创押韵诗,不仅有助于提高学生的英语水平,还能锻炼他们的思维能力和创新精神。
英语押韵分类Different Types of RhymesHere are some of the types of rhymes with examples of each:Assonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of vowels in words but with different consonants. It is sometimes referred to as a slant rhyme. Examples include tip and limp, dank and bat, bowl and home.Consonant rhyme - This is the rhyming of consonants but not vowels. Examples include bell and ball, dump and damp, meter and miter, mile and mole.Dactylic - This rhymes the third syllable from the end. One example is Aristophanes and cacophonies.Eye rhyme - The rhyming in this type is based on spelling and not sound. Examples are: move and love, cough and bough, food and good, death and wreath.Feminine rhyme - Also referred to as double, triple, multiple, extra-syllable, extended, this has different beginnings of the words, but rhymes latter syllables. Examples include backing and hacking, tricky and picky, moaning and groaning, generate and venerate.Head rhyme - Also called alliteration or initial rhyme, this has the same initial consonant at the beginning of the words. Examples are blue and blow, sun and sand, merry and monkey.Identical rhyme - This is rhyming a word with itself, but often refers to a different meaning. An example is in Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could not Stop for Death.”We paused before a House that seemedA Swelling of the Ground—The Roof was scarcely visible—The Cornice—in the Ground.Internal rhyme - The rhyming happens within a line of poetry. This example is from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.”Once upon a midnight dreary,while I pondered, weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,Light rhyme - Rhyming of syllable where one is stressed and the other is not. Examples include frog and dialog, mat and combat.Macaronic rhyme - This rhymes words from different languages. Examples are villa and manilla, amore and favor, sure and kreatur, lay and lei, sitar and guitar.Masculine rhyme - In this rhyme, the stress in on the final syllable in both words. Examples include support and report, dime and sublime, divulge and bulge.Near rhyme - Also referred to as half, slant, approximate, off, and oblique, this rhymes the final consonants but not the vowels or initial consonants. Examples are bent and rant, quick and back.Oblique - This is an imperfect rhyme because the sounds do not quite match. Sometimes these are called half, approximate, near, off, or slant rhymes. Examples are lap and shape, fiend and mean, gun and thumb.Perfect rhyme - Sometimes called exact, full or true, this rhyme is the typical rhyme where the ending sounds match. Examples are cat and hat, egg and beg, ink and pink, boo and true, soap and dope.Rich rhyme - In this case, the words are pronounced the same but have different meanings, like homonyms. Examples include raise and raze, break and brake, vary and very, lessen and lesson.Scarce rhyme - This refers to words that have very few other words that rhyme with them. Examples are lips and whisp, oceanless and motionless.Semirhyme - In this rhyme, one word has and extra syllable. Examples are mend and ending, rye and buying, lick and pickle.Syllabic - Rhyming the last syllable, this is also called tail or end rhyme. Examples include beaver and silver, dancing and prancing.Wrenched rhyme - This is an imperfect rhyme which rhymes a stressed with an unstressed syllable. Examples are caring and wing, lady and a bee.。
常用韵脚大全a篇:Ba:八,把,吧,爸,罢,巴,扒,坝,霸,靶,笆,疤Ca:擦,Cha:查,插,叉,茶,差,杈Da:大,答,达,打,搭Fa:发,法,罚,伐,乏Ga:尬Ha:哈Ka:卡La:拉,啦,辣,蜡,腊(希腊)Ma:吗,妈,马,嘛,麻,骂,码(几码)Na:那,拿,哪,衲Pa:怕,爬,趴,琶,葩Sa:撒,洒,仨Sha:杀,沙,啥,纱,傻,砂,煞Ta:他,她,它,踏,塔,塌,蹋,榻(床榻)Wa:挖,瓦,蛙,哇,娃,洼,袜Ya:呀,压,牙,芽,鸭,崖,哑,涯,亚,丫,雅,讶,鸦Za:杂,砸,咋,扎Zha:扎,炸,渣,闸,眨,榨,乍,诈,札,ia篇:Dia:嗲Jia:家,加,假,价,架,甲(路人甲),佳,嘉,夹,驾,嫁,葭(兼葭--芦苇,兼葭苍苍)Lia:俩Qia:恰,卡(发卡),掐Xia:下,吓,夏,峡,虾,瞎,霞,匣,狭,侠,辖ua篇:Gua:挂,刮,瓜,寡,卦,褂Hua:话,花,化,画,划,华,滑,猾,哗Kua:跨,夸,垮Shua:刷,耍Zhua:抓,爪e篇:Ce:册,侧,策,厕,测Che:车,撤,扯,澈De:的,德Ge:个,歌,割,哥,搁,格,隔,阁,革(牛皮革),鸽He:和,喝,合,河,禾,核(杏核),何,荷,贺,赫,褐,盒,鹤,菏,阂,涸,吓Ke:可,克,棵,科,颗,刻,课,客,壳,渴,磕,咳,坷Le:了,乐,勒,肋Me:么Ne:呢Re:热,惹Se:色,涩,塞,瑟,啬She:社(琵琶社),射,蛇,设,舌,舍,折,涉,奢Te:忑,特Ye:也,夜,业,野,叶,爷,页,液,冶,噎(一个人噎),咽,靥Ze:则,责,择,泽,咋Zhe:着,这,者,折,遮,蛰(被蛰),辙,蔗o篇:Bo:波,拨,播,泊,博,驳,剥,伯,薄,柏,铂,箔Fo:佛Mo:磨,摸,末,墨,没,莫,沫,默,抹,魔,摹,摩,脉,寞Po:破,坡,婆,颇,泼,迫,魄,泊,Wo:我,握,窝,卧Yo:哟uo篇:Cuo:错,撮Chuo:戳,龊Duo:多,朵,夺,舵,堕,惰,躲,踱(来回走)Guo:过,国,果,裹,锅,郭Huo:或,活,火,伙,货,获,祸,惑,霍(挥霍)Kuo:阔,扩,括,廓Luo:落,罗,裸,骡,螺,萝,箩,烙,络,逻,洛Nuo:挪,诺,娜Ruo:若,弱,箬(竹,或竹叶)Suo:所,缩,锁,索,蓑,娑Shuo:说,硕,烁,朔Tuo:拖,脱,托,妥,拓,唾,佗Zuo:做,作,坐,左,座,凿Zhuo:捉,桌,啄,着,拙,灼,浊,酌,ie篇:Bie:别,憋Die:跌,叠,爹,碟,蝶,迭Jie:解,节,接,借,皆,截,界,结,街,届,姐,揭,戒,阶,劫,竭,洁,杰,秸,睫,颉(仓颉)Lie:列,裂,烈,劣,猎Mie:灭,蔑Nie:捏,孽,涅Pie:瞥,撇Qie:切,且,怯,窃,茄,砌,妾,Tie:帖,贴Xie:写,些,鞋,斜,血,卸,挟,屑,懈,泻,泄,邪,谢ue篇:Jue:决,绝,觉,角,爵,诀,撅,嚼,厥,獗Nue:虐Lue:略,掠Que:却,缺,确,雀,瘸,鹊,阕,阙Xue:学,雪,血,靴,穴,削Yue:月,越,约,跃,阅,乐,岳,悦,曰u篇:Bu:不,步,补,布,部(情字部),簿,捕,怖Cu:粗,醋,簇,蹙(蹙眉)Chu:出,处,初,锄,触,除,橱,楚,础,储,厨,畜,躇(踟躇)Du:读,度,毒,渡,独,堵,肚,赌,镀,睹,督,杜,妒Fu:幅,浮,扶,福,富,负,伏,服,复,附,斧,夫,父,符,府,腐,腹,妇,抚,赋,赴,覆,肤,袱,芙Gu:古,谷,鼓,故,孤,箍,姑,顾,固,雇,骨,辜,菇Hu:湖,户,呼,虎,壶,胡,护,糊,弧,忽,狐,蝴,葫,乎,瑚Ju:句,举,巨,局,居,剧,拘,聚,菊,掬,裾(敛裾:裙)Ku:哭,苦,枯,裤,酷,窟Lu:路,鹿,陆,炉,录Mu:木,母,幕,目,墓,牧,慕,暮Nu:怒,奴Pu:扑,谱Qu:去,取,区,娶,曲,趣,污,驱,躯,蛆,觑(相觑)Ru:如,入,汝,儒,乳,辱,褥Su:素,速,诉,塑,宿,俗,苏,肃,酥,簌(簌簌)Shu:书,树,数,熟,输,梳,叔,属,束,术,述,殊,抒,舒Tu:土,图,兔,涂,吐,徒Wu:无,屋,五,物,舞,雾,误,污,悟,勿,武,吴,午,吾,恶,芜,坞Xu:许,须,需,虚,序,叙,婿,绪,墟Yu:与,于,欲,鱼,雨,余,遇,语,玉,愚,羽,喻,域,郁,娱Zu:组,族,足,祖,租Zhu:主,住,猪,竹,煮,筑,珠,朱,烛,柱,祝,铸i篇:Bi:比,笔,闭(红颜闭),鼻,碧,逼,壁,币,蔽,弊,痹Ci:次,此,词,瓷,慈,雌,刺,疵,赐Chi:吃,尺,迟,池,痴,赤,齿,耻,持,斥,侈Di:地,第,底,低,敌,滴,帝,递,弟,笛Li:里,离,力,立,李,例,理,利,梨,厘(几厘),礼,历,丽,篱,荔,厉,砾,励,粒,隶,璃,黧(意:黑词:面目黧)Mi:米,密,迷,蜜,谜,觅,秘Ni:你,泥,腻,逆,睨(眼睨)Pi:皮,批,匹,披,劈Qi:起,七,气,期,齐,器,妻,骑,棋,奇,欺,漆,启,岂,砌,弃,泣,凄,乞,旗Ri:日Si:四,死,丝,撕,似,私,思,寺,肆Shi:是,使,十,时,事,室,市,师,石,史,试,失,式,尸,诗,湿,施,拾,实,屎,始,示,虱,蚀,实,士,世,誓,噬,释,饰,侍,视,食,似,氏,适,匙,识Ti:体,替,提,题,踢,蹄,梯,啼,涕,屉Xi:西,洗,细,吸,戏,系,喜,席,稀,溪,熄,膝,袭,息,惜习,夕,悉,昔,媳,兮,析,隙,栖,皙,玺Yi:一,以,已,衣,亿,移,依,易,医,乙,仪,亦,椅,益,倚,姨,翼,译,伊,疑,意,怡,弈,异,役,矣,艺,忆,溢,义Zi:字,自,子,紫,籽,姿Zhi:只,之,直,知,制,指,纸,支,枝,脂,汁,织,址,止,值,旨,志,至,致,置,智,值,质,滞,治,痣ai篇:Bai:百,百,败,柏,拜,摆Cai:才,菜,采,材,裁,裁,猜,踩,睬,彩Chai:差,柴,拆,钗Gai:改,该,丐,概,盖Hai:还,害,海,骸,孩Kai:开,铠Lai:来,赖,睐Mai:买,卖,埋,麦,脉,霾,迈Nai:乃,奶,耐,奈Pai:派,排,拍(慢了一拍),牌,徘,湃Sai:腮,赛Tai:台,太,汰,胎,苔Wai:外,歪Zai:再,在,灾,载,栽,宰,仔,哉Zhai:摘,窄,债,斋,宅ai:爱,哀,碍,埃uai篇:Guai:怪,拐,乖Huai:坏,怀,淮,槐,徊,踝Kuai:快,块,筷,Shuai:帅,摔,甩,衰ei篇:Bei:北,杯,背,碑,悲,惫Fei:非,飞,费,肥,妃,扉Gei:给Hei:黑Lei:类,泪,累,雷,磊,儡Mei:没,每,美,妹,眉,枚,霉,梅,媚,昧,媒,煤,酶Nei:内Wei:味,位,帏,微,卫,危,违,苇,尾,慰,偎,伪Pei:配,陪,赔,佩Zei:贼Zhei:这Shei:谁Ei:诶uei(ui)篇:Cui:脆,催,摧,翠,悴,啐Chui:吹,垂,炊,陲,槌,椎Dui:对,队,堆,怼(意:怨恨词:针针怨怼)Gui:归,贵,鬼,跪,轨,规,桂,柜,龟,诡,闺,瑰Hui:会,回,汇,灰,绘,挥,毁,悔,辉,晦,惠,秽,慧,讳,徊kui:亏,愧,窥,盔,葵,傀,溃Rui:蕊,瑞,睿,蕊Sui:岁,虽,随,碎,髓Shui:水,谁,睡,税Tui:推,腿,退,颓,蜕Zui:最,罪,醉,嘴,Zhui:追,坠,缀,锥ao篇:Bao:包,保,报,宝,抱,暴,苞,褓,剥,雹,褒,堡,爆Chao:朝,抄,超,吵,巢,潮,炒,嘲,Dao:到,道,倒,刀,岛,盗,稻,悼,导,蹈,祷,捣Gao:高,搞,告,稿,膏,篙,羔,糕Hao:好,号,豪,毫,嚎Kao:靠,考,烤,拷Lao:老,捞,牢,劳Mao:毛,冒,帽,猫,貌,矛,锚Nao:闹,脑,恼,瑙Pao:跑,抛,炮,泡,袍Rao:饶,绕,扰,娆Sao:扫,嫂,骚(离骚)Shao:少,烧,梢,勺Tao:套,掏,逃,桃,讨,淘,涛,滔,陶,萄Yao:要,摇,药,咬,眺,妖,邀,窑,谣,遥,瑶(美,美玉),腰,耀Zao:早,造,灶,凿,遭,澡,藻,蚤,枣Zhao:着,找,照,招,朝,爪,兆,赵Ao:袄,凹,傲,奥,熬,懊,翱,iao篇:Biao:表,标,镖,婊,膘Diao:掉,调,钓,吊,雕,貂,Jiao:叫,脚,交,角,教,较,缴,觉,焦(聚焦),胶,娇,绞,校,搅,骄,狡,嚼,蕉,椒,礁,酵,饺,窖Liao:了料,聊,疗,寥Miao:秒,描,秒,庙Niao:鸟,袅Piao:票,飘,漂,瓢Qiao:桥,瞧,敲,巧,翘,壳,悄,俏,窍,乔,憔Xiao:小,笑,消,削,萧,宵,晓,孝,啸,霄,哮,潇,箫ou篇:Cou:凑Chou:抽,愁,臭,仇,丑,绸,筹,踌Dou:都,斗,豆,陡,兜,抖Fou:否Gou:够,沟,狗,钩,勾,购,垢,构Hou:后,厚,吼,喉,候,逅Kou:口,扣Lou:楼,搂,漏,陋,露,篓,髅Mou:某,谋,眸Pou:剖Shou:手,受,收,首,瘦,守,兽,售,熟,寿Tou:头,偷,透,投You:有,又,友,右,油,游,幼,优,忧,犹,诱,悠,邮,幽,佑,由Zou:走,奏,揍Zhou:周,洲,皱,粥,州,轴,舟,昼,咒,宙,骤Ou:偶,欧,藕iu篇:Diu:丢Jiu:就,九,酒,旧,久,揪,救,纠,究,疚Liu:六,流,留,柳,溜,榴,琉Miu:谬Niu:牛,妞Qiu:求,球,秋,丘,囚Xiu:修,锈,绣,休,羞,宿,嗅,袖,秀,朽an篇:Ban:办,半,般,班,拌,搬,板,伴,瓣Can:蚕,残,参,惨,惭,餐,灿Chan:产,颤,蝉,馋,潺,婵,禅,忏Dan:但,单,蛋,担,弹,掸,胆,丹,诞,郸,淡,旦Fan:反,饭,翻,犯,番,凡,帆,返,泛,繁,烦,范,泛,梵Gan:感,干,敢,赶,竿,甘,肝,杆Han:喊,含,汗,寒,汉,旱,酣,涵,函,憨,翰,悍,罕,鼾Kan:看,坎,槛,侃Lan:兰,蓝,烂,拦,篮,栏,揽,懒,滥,婪,澜,榄,览,褴Man:满,慢,蛮,埋,漫Nan:难,南,男Pan:盘,盼,攀,判,畔Ran:染,燃,然,冉San:三,伞,散Shan:山,闪,衫,善,杉,扇Tan:谈,叹,探,滩,弹,碳,潭,摊,贪,坛,痰,毯,坦,炭,瘫,檀,昙Wan:完,晚,万,弯,湾,丸,碗,挽,腕,宛,婉,娩Yan:眼,烟,沿,盐,言,演,严,咽,淹,掩,厌,岩,研,延,堰,验,焉,颜,艳,燕,砚,雁,焰,嫣,檐Zan:赞,攒,簪Zhan:站,占,战,盏,沾,粘,展,瞻,斩,辗,栈,绽An:安,岸,暗,案,庵,鞍,按ian篇:Bian:边,变,便,遍,编,辩,扁,鞭,辫,匾Dian:点,电,店,殿,淀,颠,奠,惦,典,巅Jian:见,件,减,尖,间,贱,肩,兼,建,箭,简,剪,剑,笺(意:信笺),茧,拣,鉴,谏Lian:连,联,练,莲,恋,脸,怜,廉,帘Mian:面,免,棉,绵,眠Nian:年,念,粘Pian:片,篇,骗,偏Qian:前,钱,千,牵,浅,签,欠,铅,纤,歉,倩Tian:天,田,添,填,甜,腆Xian:先,线,县,现,显,掀,闲,献,嫌,陷,险,鲜,弦,涎,羡,仙,贤,鲜u(ü)an篇:Cuan:窜Chuan:穿,船,传,串,川Duan:段,短,断,端Guan:关,观,惯,灌,冠,棺Huan:换,还,唤,环,患,缓,欢,幻Juan:卷,绢,娟Kuan:宽,款Luan:乱,卵,鸾Nuan:暖Quan:全,权,全,犬,泉,拳Ruan:软Suan:酸,算,蒜Shuan:栓,闩Tuan:团Yuan:远,员,元,院,圆,原,愿,园,怨,冤,缘,源Zuan:钻,纂,赚Zhuan:转,专,砖,传,篆,撰en篇:Ben:本,奔,笨Chen:臣,辰,称,晨,尘,沉,陈,嗔Fen:分,份,粉,坟,奋,愤,纷,忿(意:怨恨)Gen:跟,根,亘Hen:很,狠,恨,痕Ken:肯,垦Men:门,们,闷Nen:嫩,恁Pen:喷,盆Ren:人,忍,任,认,刃,仁,韧Sen:森Shen:身,深,伸,婶,审,什(迁就什)Wen:问,文,闻,温,稳,吻,蚊,纹,刎Zen:怎Zhen:真,阵,针,镇,枕,贞En:恩in篇:Bin:宾,鬓Jin:进,近,今,仅,紧,金,斤,尽,劲,禁,浸,锦,襟,巾,衿(青青子衿)Lin:林,临,邻,淋,鳞,粼Nin:您Pin:品,贫,拼,颦Qin:亲,琴,侵,寝,秦Xin:新,心,信,辛,衅Yin:因,引,印,银,音,阴,饮,隐,吟,姻un(ün)+ un篇:Cun:村,寸,存Chun:春,唇,纯,蠢,醇,淳Dun:吨,蹲,盾,遁Gun:滚,棍Hun:混,昏,荤,浑,婚,魂Jun:军,君,菌Kun:困,捆,坤Lun:论,轮Qun:群,裙Run:润Sun:孙,损,笋Shun:顺,吮,瞬Tun:吞Xun:寻,熏,讯,训,殉,巡,勋,醺,曛Yun:云,晕,运,,韵,匀,孕,陨,蕴,酝Zun:尊(一尊)Zhun:准ang篇:Bang:帮,棒,绑,邦Cang:藏,仓,舱Chang:长,唱,常,场,尝,肠,畅,敞,伥,怅Dang:当,党,挡,荡Fang:放,房,防,芳,纺,方,访,仿,坊(XX坊)Gang:纲,缸Hang:行,巷,航Kang:炕,抗,扛,康Lang:浪,狼,廊,朗,郎Mang:忙,盲,茫Nang:囊Pang:旁,胖Rang:让Sang:丧,桑Shang:上,伤,尚,商,裳,觞Tang:堂,躺,糖,汤,烫,淌,唐,棠,傥Wang:望,忘,王,往,网,亡,枉,惘Yang:样,养,羊,洋,氧,痒,杨,阳,漾,殃,央(夜未央),鸯Zang:葬,脏,奘Zhang:张,章,长,丈,掌,涨,杖,账,障iang篇:Jiang:将,讲,江,奖,降,匠Liang:两,亮,辆,凉,粮,梁,量,良,谅,靓Niang:娘,酿Qiang:强,抢,墙,腔Xiang:想,向,香,乡,像,相,响,箱,巷,厢,降,详,饷(半饷)uang篇:Chuang:窗,床,闯,创,疮Guang:光,广,逛Huang:黄,慌,晃,荒,凰,皇,谎,恍,徨Kuang:矿,筐,狂Shuang:双,霜,爽Zhuang:装,撞,庄,壮,状,妆eng篇:Beng:蹦,绷ceng:曾,层Cheng:成,乘,撑,称,程,城,诚,秤,丞Feng:风,封,逢,缝,枫,丰,疯,奉,讽,凤,峰,锋Geng:更(三更)Heng:横,恒,哼,行Keng:坑Leng:冷,棱,楞,愣Meng:梦,猛,蒙,孟,盟Neng:能Peng:碰,捧,砰,蓬,烹,棚,篷Reng:扔Seng:僧Sheng:声,省,生,剩,绳,升,绳,盛,胜,圣Teng:疼,藤Weng:翁,瓮Zeng:增,赠,憎,曾Zheng:正,整,睁,争,征,证,蒸,筝ing篇:Bing:并,病,兵,冰,丙,饼,柄Ding:顶,定,盯,鼎,订Jing:静,井,惊,经,镜,京,净,敬,精,景,警,境,径,颈,劲Ming:名,明,命,鸣,茗Ning:凝Ping:平,瓶,屏Qing:请,轻,清,青,情,晴,庆,亲Ting:听,停,亭,庭Xing:性,行,型,星,形,醒,姓,腥,刑,杏,兴,幸Ying:应,硬,影,映,英,颖,盈,樱,婴,嬴ong篇:Cong:从,丛,匆,聪Chong:冲,重,虫,宠Dong:动,东,懂,洞,冻,冬Gong:工,公,功,共,弓,攻,宫,贡Hong:红,虹,泓Kong:空,孔Long:龙,笼,聋,弄Nong:浓,农,侬Qiong:穷,琼,跫Rong:容,融,溶,熔,蓉Song:送,松,宋,颂,讼,怂(惊)Tong:同,通,痛,铜,桶,筒,捅,童,彤,桐,瞳Xiong:胸,雄,凶,兄Yong:用,涌,永,拥,勇,蛹,咏,俑Zong:总,纵,宗,踪,鬃,粽Zhong:中,重,种,钟,众,忠,终,冢。
【网络综合 - 英语口语】中国人和外国人有一点很像,就是许愿,在美国不论在何处看到大大小小的池子,里面多半有许愿人所丢的铜板。
(但是小气是一样的,都是面额最小的 1cent 居多),正确的许愿方式是: Throw coin over your shoulder. 也就是说,你要背对池子,把铜板从你的肩膀上丢到池子里,下次再去许愿时不要忘了喔。
1. I just had a super-duper meal in the resturant.我刚刚在餐厅吃了一顿超级大餐。
Super-duper 是一种加强语法的说法,程度上比 Super 还要再高一级。
比方说我要跟老美说我的网页有多棒,我就可以说, Welcome to my super-duper website!所以建议一下综艺节目 Super Suday 改名成 Super-duper sunday 可能会有助于收视率的提升。
2. I can't believe you said this is a tiny-little mistake.我不敢相信你说这是微不足道的错误。
跟 Super-duper 正好对等,当你要特别强调某件东西很小很小时,就可以用tiny-little 来形容。
比方说蚂蚁好了,你就可以用 tiny-little 来形容,例如: Hey!Look at those tiny-little creatures. 不过我最常听到的tiny-little 多半是跟mistake 连用。
一个人为了强调自己犯的错其实没什么大不了的,就可以说 It is just a tiny-little mistake.3. Stick and stone.我不认为你的话会伤了我。
浅析英语诗歌——结构韵律篇一、诗歌的结构结构主要是指诗的三个主要特点,一是语音组合模式二是口语重音模式三是一定的语体形式诗歌的语音组合模式是指英语诗歌的语音是如何被诗人运用,组合以形成一些常用的或固定的语音模式,如压韵(rhyme),头韵(alliteration),元音韵(assonance),辅音韵(consonance),倒压韵(reverse rhyme),行内韵(internal rhyme)等。
注意:音步指的是一行诗内的节奏,在划分英语诗歌音步的时候我们用这样的标识V \ 来分别标识非重读音节和重读音节,音节的划分主要通过朗读,根据诗的音节为单位划分,而不是整个单词,比如一个英文单词,literature,有四个音节。
(关于这部分的详细解释和例子请参见英诗解析一文)1. 抑扬格(iamb)由一个非重读音节和一个重读音节组成V \2. 扬抑格(trochee)由一个重读音节和一个非重读音节组成 \ V3. 扬抑抑格(dactyl)由一个重读音节和两个非重读音节组成 \ VV4. 抑抑扬格(anapest)由两个非重读音节和一个重读音节组成 V V \5. 扬扬格(spondee)由两个重读音节构成 \ \6. 抑抑格(pyrrhic)由两个非重读音节构成 V V按音步的多少又可分为:单音步(monometer), 双音步(diameter),三音步(trimeter),四音步(tetrameter),五音步(pentermeter),六音步(hexameter),七音步(heptameter),八音步(octameter)。
从押韵的位置看,押韵主要有头韵(alliteration)、尾韵(end rhyme)和中间韵或腹韵(internal rhyme)。
尾韵又分全韵(perfect rhyme)和非全韵(imperfect rhyme)两种。
全韵要求押韵的辅音和元音都相同,非全韵又包括只是元音相同但辅音不押韵的元韵(assonance)和只押辅音不押元音的和韵(consonance),另外,还有从拼写上看起来似乎押韵但实际读音并不押韵的目韵(eye rhyme, visual rhyme or sight rhyme)等。
如克里斯蒂娜•罗塞蒂的《歌》前两诗节:When I am dead, my dearest,Sing no sad songs for me;Plant thou no rose at my head,Nor shady cypress tree:Be the green grass above meWith showers and dewdrops wet;And if thou wilt, remember,And if thou wilt, forget. 1(Christina Rossetti: Song)第一行的dead / dearest,第二行的sing / sad / songs,第五行的green / grass,第六行的with / wet押头韵。
又如柯尔律治的《古舟子咏》第103~第106行:The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,The furrow followed free,We were the first that ever burstInto that silent sea. 2(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)1当我离开人间,最亲爱的,/ 别为我哀歌悲切;/ 我的墓前不要栽玫瑰,/ 也不要柏树茂密;// 愿绿草覆盖我的身躯,/ 沾着湿润的灵珠雨水;/ 假如你愿意,就把我怀念,/ 假如你愿意,就把我忘却。
_________POETRY____比其他的作家更注重语言的音乐性,他们常常通过语 言的音乐性来烘托或加强他们所要表达的思想内容。诗歌 中语言的音乐性包括语音(sound)和节奏(rhythm)两 大要素,其中的韵属于语音因素。 • • • • • • 例: The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea, The ploughman homeward plods his weary way And leaves the world to darkness and to me. (from Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray)
• • • • • •
例2): 《静夜思》 床前明月光,a 疑是地上霜。a 举头望明月,b 低头思故乡。a
译文1: Quiet Night Thoughts Moonlight before my bed, a Could it be frost instead? a Head up, I watch the moon, b Head down, I think of home. c 译文2: Homesickness in a Silent Night Before my bed the silver moonbeams spread— a I wonder if it is the frost upon the ground. b I see the moon so bright when raising my head, a Withdrawing my eyes my nostalgia comes around. b
如:BM(bowel movement,大便)the Big C (癌症)(4)截短法(clipping):截短法是将一些词语斩头去尾以掩饰。
如:gents(Gentlement's Room)(男厕所)lav (lavatory,厕所)(5)曲读异拼法(phonetic distortion):曲读异拼法是有意将禁忌词语的发音略加变动,借以避讳。
如:god, gosh(god 上帝)(6)压韵替代法(rhyming slang):压韵替代法是利用一些词语与禁忌词语押韵的特点来取而代之。
如:sis, (piss 小便)(7)逆拼法(backslang):逆拼法是将一些禁忌或敏感的单词自后向前拼写,以便避讳。
如:elly-bay(belly肚子)(8)首字母异拼法(respelling of initials):首字母异拼法是将一些禁忌或敏感单词的首字母按照发音拼写出来,效果委婉。
如:dee(damn,该死)(9)标点符号法(punctuation):如:d--(damn该死的)son of a -- (son of a bitch,狗娘养的)(10)同义词替代法(synonyms)如:slim(苗条的,即skinny,皮包骨头)(11)借词法borrowing):一般认为,英语中的本族词-盎格鲁撒克逊词-多为平民百姓的口语词,不登大雅之堂。
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my by buy cry die dry fry fly high lie pie sigh shy spy why
bird heard third word
first burst thirst worst
boy joy toy
hole bowl coal foal goal pole roll sole soul stole stroll scroll mole whole
see bee key glee knee pea sea ski tree
beer cheer clear dear year deer fear gear hear here near rear spear tear we’re bare bear bare chair dare fare fair glare hair hare lair mare pear pair stare stair share spare square tear there their they’re wear where coin join turn burn earn fern learn stern soon dune june moon noon prune soon spoon tune go bow crow dough flow glow no row slow snow toe soil boil spoil oil coil foil toil for or oar bore chore core door drawer four floor more pour soar score store shore sore tore wore law claw flaw jaw paw raw thaw draw saw day bay clay grey hay neigh pray say stay spray sleigh stray tray way date ate eight crate fete freight gate grate great hate late plate skate weight wait street eat beat cheat feet fleet heat meat meet pleat seat sweet sleet sheet treat wheat to do blew brew queue glue drew few moo new stew screw shoe view zoo right bite bright kite fight flight fright height light might knight quite write sight alight tight white