CLF140-65 压机安装、使用、维护说明书版本号:E编写人:尹红、陈雷、刘忠安审核人:徐智平中国成都市利君实业有限责任公司1・前言该说明书将使用户熟悉银压机及其辅助设备的安装、操作和维护。
联系方式:地址:中华人民共和国四川省成都市武科东二路5号邮政编码:610045国际工程部:(国外用户联系)电话(传真):电子邮箱:技术服务部:(国内用户联系)电子邮箱:1. 1主要用途CLF系列規压机是在二十世纪末研制、开发的最新一代水泥工业专用粉磨设备,它能在极低能源消耗和运行成本下,实现水泥生料和水泥成品产量的大幅度提高。
在传统水泥生产过程中,粉磨电耗占总电耗的6 0 — 7 0 %,粉磨高能耗是水泥工业的老大难问题,严重阻碍着水泥企业经济效益的提升和水泥生产规模的大型化。
由于粉磨机理的改变, 车昆压机及其系统工艺技术可使粉磨系统电耗降低20 — 100%,产量提高25-200%;适用于新建厂或老厂改造中的水泥生料或熟料的粉磨系统。
1. 2工作原理CLF系列辘压机主要由电动机、行星减速器、耗系、机架、扭矩支承、液压加压装置、润滑装置、喂料装置、车昆罩、控制系统等组成,眾压机的两个辘轴分别由电动机经万向联轴器、行星减速机带动。
车昆系分为活动车昆系和固定辘系,两个辘系都安装在机架上, 活动车昆系可在机架导轨上作水平运动,活动车昆系两端共有两个(或四个)平行油缸对辘系的轴承座施加压力,该压力通过车昆系作用在通过两车昆轴间的物料上,使物料被破碎、粉磨,并最终被压成料饼。
辊压机运行过程中,当活动辊两端间隙发生变化,需要调节时,根据控制程序发 出的信号,液压站及组合控制阀块相关控制阀门动作,对液压缸压力进行加压或减压 调节,从而调整活动辊的位置,对活动辊辊隙进行纠偏调整。当活动辊纠偏完成后, 恢复保压运行工况。
组合控制阀块上设置有安全溢流阀,可对液压缸的工作压力进行限制。当液压缸 内压力达到设计最高压力时,组合控制阀块上的多功能阀组动作,可在极短时间内, 将液压缸的工作压力卸压。
CLF14065 辊压机液压系统使用说明书
1. 液压站型号: 2. 液压站额定压力: 3. 液压泵额定流量: 4. 电机功率: 5. 过滤精度: 6. 液压缸活塞直径: 7. 液压缸活塞杆直径: 8. 工作行程: 9. 使用介质: 10. 油箱容积: 11. 重量:
CLF14065 辊压机液压系统使用说明书
辊压机在运行过程中,物料通过固定辊与活动辊之间时,在两辊的压力作用下而 被挤碎。在物料被压辊挤压的过程中,物料对压辊的反作用力将会使辊压机活动辊产 生回退力,向活动辊上施压并维持固定辊与活动辊之间的辊隙稳定是由液压控制系统 完成的。
对活动辊两端施压,由配置于辊压机本体上的四个液压缸进行,每两个液压缸为 一组,两组液压缸分别置于活动辊两侧,对称装配在端部件上。液压缸施压于活动辊 两侧轴承座上,从而传递到两辊之间的物料上。每组液压缸的压力控制各由一个组合 控制阀块控制,组合控制阀块安装在辊压机活动辊侧端部件上。组合控制阀块主要由 集成块、蓄能器、电磁换向阀、节流阀、单向阀、溢流阀、压力传感器、快速卸荷阀 组及测压接头组成。液压缸内液压油的补充及排泄,均由组合控制阀块上相关液压元 器件进行控制。
CRIMPX D160-T420 D165-T420系列液压软管压接机操作手册说明书
![CRIMPX D160-T420 D165-T420系列液压软管压接机操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b32335ae162ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc67d947b.png)
CRIMPXDie Lubricant D160-T420 / D165-T420 SERIES HYDRAULIC HOSE CRIMPER OPERATORS MANUAL•READ INSTRUCTIONS AND IDENTIFY ALL COMPONENT PARTS BEFOREUSING CRIMPER• CRIMPER CAN PRODUCE 60 TONS OF FORCE. KEEP BOTH HANDS AWAYFROM PINCH POINTS• CONSULT HOSE AND FITTING MANUFACTURER FOR CORRECT MACHINESETTINGS AND CRIMP MEASUREMENTS• ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTIONSAFETY PRECAUTIONSMODELS COVEREDThis manual is applicable to different variations of the D160-T420 Series and D165-T420 Series Crimpers.Crimping, calibration and repair procedures are similar for all models.For Parts and Service, Contact:Custom Machining Services, Inc.Valparaiso, In 46383(219) 462-6128Small Footprint forminimum use of spacePowerful 62 TonHydraulic CylinderAdjustable Retraction StopT420 Rubber CagedDie SeriesRemovable PusherEasy AdjustableT420 Micrometer10-¼"17"18-½"Technical Data62 Ton1-¼" - 1 - 2 Wire1-¼" - 4SPL: 17" x W: 10-¼" x H: 18-½"Weight: 85 lbsMicrometer Style Adjustment: T420Die Series: T420 Rubber CagedHand PumpPneumatic PumpMulti-Electric PumpAvailablePumps:Adjustable Calibration ScrewCustomCrimp® QR CodeHigh strength frame for betterstability and performanceDie Orientation DecalT420 Pressure PlateT420 Pressure PlatePowerful 62 TonHydraulic Cylinder1HP/110V/Single Phasepump for fast crimpsMain Power SwitchElectrical EnclosureReservoirPneumatic Pendent SwitchRemovable PusherT420 Rubber CagedDie Series13"22-½"22-½"AdjustableRetraction StopT420 MicrometerFully AdjustableElectronic Shut OffD165-T42062 Ton1-¼" - 1 - 2 Wire1-¼" - 4SPL: 22-½" x W: 13" x H: 22-½"Weight: 154 lbsPower: 1HP/110V/1Phase (Standard)2HP/220V/1Phase (Optional)Micrometer Style Adjustment: T420Die series: D160-T420 Rubber CagedReservoir capacity: 1 US GallonOil type: ISO 46 Hydraulic OilSmall Footprint forminimum use of spaceCustomCrimp® QR CodeDie Orientation DecalFlexible 24" Work Lamp (Optional) P/N:1668-02For D165-T420 SeriesD165 Coupling Stop(Included) P/N:100954Die Storage Drawer (Optional) P/N:104650Dies sold separatelyCrimper shown mounted onthe Die Storage DrawerPneumatic Pendent Switch(Included) P/N:101349ValPower ® Hand Pump 10,000 psi (Optional)P/N:VHP-10-43ValPower ® Pneumatic Pump10,000 psi (Optional)P/N:VAP-10-100T420 Micrometer (Included)P/N:103085ValPower ® Multi-Electric Pump(Optional)CRIMPX Die Lubricant: Grease 4 oz can with brush(Available) P/N:104162T420/D Series Die Removal Magnet(Included) P/N:104679Die Storage Shelf(Optional) P/N:101431CRIMPX Die Lubricant: Oil 4 oz bottle with dauber cap(Included) P/N:103886T420 MICROMETER• Plug the D165-T420 crimper directly into a 110 volt wall outlet. CAUTION: DO NOT RUN THE CRIMPER ON AN EXTENSIONCORD AS LOW VOLTAGE CAN DAMAGE THE MOTOR.• Oil level in the D165-T420 pump should be 1-1/2 to 2 inches below the fi ll plug and should be visible in the sight glass window of the pump reservoir• Check to be certain that the shipping plug in the pump reservoir has been replaced with the Oil Fill and Vent Plug shipped with the crimper.• Place any Die Set and the Pressure Plate in the crimper bottom fl ange in the order shown. (A hose and fi tting are not required for a calibration check)• Lubricate the die set as shown in Crimping Instructions.NOTE: FAILURE TO LUBRICATE THE DIE SET AND COMPRESSIONCONE COULD RESULT IN THE DIE SET SEIZING IN THE COMPRESSION CONE .• Slide the Pusher onto the stud on the hydraulic cylinder.• Set the Micrometer at “0”.• Depress and hold the Start/Stop switch on the D165-T420 Series or continue to apply pressure to the D160-T420 Series until the Die set is completely closed and oil pressure has built up in the hydrau-lic cylinder.• For the D165-T420 Series: If the ram extends and shuts off the motor approximately 1 second after the die fi ngers are completely closed and the pump builds pressure (The sound of the pump will change) the crimper is correctly calibrated.• For the D160-T420 Series: If the micro site indicator (white line) is just visible as shown in the il-lustration after the dies are completely closed and pressure has built up in the hydraulic cylinder the crimper is correctly calibrated.• If the above conditions are not met, the crimper must be recalibrated. See calibration instructions on P 10.FOLLOW THESE STEPS BEFORE USING THE CRIMPER FOR THE FIRST TIMEMicro site IndicatorPhoto # 1Photo # 2Grease Point # 1Place a thin layer of CrimpX oil (supplied with crimper) or a high pressure molybdenum high pressure grease on the surface of the bottom fl ange (as shown in photo # 1).Grease Point # 2Before sliding the pressure plate or the notched pressure plate over the correct dies, place a thin layer of CrimpX oil (supplied with crimper) or a high pressure molybdenum high pressure grease on the entire area that dies come in contact with (as shown in photo # 2).If Dies are sticking in the surface of the bottom fl ange: Continue to lubricate / grease as explained above in addition to lubricating each die fi nger individually (as shown in photo # 3).Note: The die fi ngers must be lubricated at both positions that come in contact with the pressure plate and the bottom flange.Make certain that the cone base is clean and lubricated prior to inserting the die set.Select the correct die set for the hose-fi tting combination from the manufacturers speci fication sheet. Lubricate the die fi ngers withCrimpX Oil furnished with the crimper.Place the lubricated die set squarely in the cone base as shown.Align the fi tting in the die set according to the hose and fi tting manufacturers recommendation.Place the Compression Plate over the die set and compress the die set by hand to hold the hose and fi tting in place. See micrometer setting example .Slide the Pusher onto the stud on the ram and press the start stop switch or apply pressure to the D160-T420 series. The crimper will shut off when the crimp cycle is complete.When the crimp is complete in the D160-T420 series, a white indicator line will be visible.Check the fi nal crimp diameter to con fi rm that it is within manufacturers speci fications.Micrometer Setting Example: With a 30mm die and the micrometer set at 3.0mm, the fi nal crimpdiameter will be 33mm (30mm + 3mm)Make certain that the cone base is clean and lubricated prior to inserting the die set.Select the correct die set for the hose-fi tting combination from the manufacturers speci fi cation sheetLubricate the die fi ngers withCrimpX Oil furnished withthe crimper.Check the fi nal crimp diameter to con fi rm that it is withinAlign the fi tting in the die set according to the hose and fi ttingmanufacturers recommendation.Place the Notched Pressure Plate over the dies so that the notched compression plate is covering all 8 die fi ngers (as shown).Place the pusher onto the retaining ringas shown. Once the correct micrometer setting is set press the start/stop switch. (Apply pressure on D160-T420 series).Place the lubricated die set squarely in the cone base as shown. Make sure the split of the die cages is facing the operator (as shown).1. Die split must face operator.2. Notched Pressure Plate needs to cover all 8 die fi ngers.3. Damage can occur to die fi ngers if parts aren’t aligned properly.Wrong AlignmentBroken Die Finger• Insert any die set and the Compression Plate in the cone base as shown. Note: There should not be a fi tting in the die set when checking calibration.• Set the Micro Crimp Adjuster as follows at “0”.• Slide the Pusher onto the stud of the hydraulic ram.• Press and hold the start/stop switch until the crimper shuts off for theD165-T420 or apply pressure to the D160-T420 Series until the die set is completely closed and the white indicator on the Micro Sight button is just visible.• If the D165-T420 motor shuts off in approximately 1 second after the dieset is fully closed or the white line on the Micro Sight button is just visible,the crimper is correctly calibrated.• If the crimper requires recalibration, hold the micrometer barrel with a 5/16 inch open end wrench and rotate the stem either in or out with a 5/32 inch hex key wrench.• Rotating the stem out of the barrel decrease the time required for the pump to shut off.• Recheck calibration.Install (2) 3/8-16 x 1" carriage bolts in front twoholes (as shown in picture # 1). Use 3/8" plasticretaining washer to hold bolt into place.Slide the drawer slightly out to access two rear holes(as shown in picture # 2). Install (2) 3/8-16 x 1" carriagebolts in rear two holes (as shown in picture # 2). Use3/8" plastic retaining washer to hold bolt into place.Place the D105/D165 base plate over the 4screws as shown in picture # 3.Place 3/8" fl at washer, 3/8" locking washer, andthen the 3/8"- 16 nut over the bolt as shown. Tighten each nut with a 9/16" wrench or socket until the nuts are tight as shown in picture # 4.Note: Bolt the D105/D165 crimper drawer assembly /# 1# 3# 4# 2PROBLEM: CRIMPER WILL NOT RUN AT ALL• The white rocker switch is also a circuit breaker. Check to see that the circuit breaker has not been tripped• Check the wall outlet. The crimper comes from the factory wired for a 115 volt single phase circuit. Use of extension cords or outlets with inadequate power can damage the motor . Do not run the crimper from a portable power source.• Check the stop switch mounted to the switch bracket under the Micro-Crimp Adjuster. This is a normally closed switch and if it does not close the crimper will not operate.CAUTION: Do not operate the crimper with this switch jumpered as the pump will not shut off and the bracketscan be damaged.• Check the pneumatically actuated switch in the electrical box mounted on the motor. This switch controls power to the mo-tor and is actuated with air pressure from the pendant switch bulb.PROBLEM: CRIMP DIAMETER TOO LARGE• Incorrect setting of the Micro-Crimp Adjuster. Check crimp specifi cations.(NOTE: All published machine settings are approximate. To correct for slight variances, the gauge settings may need to be adjusted for the specifi c hose, fi tting and size combination.)• Incorrect die being used. Each die has a useable range of approximately 3mm (.120 in) above the closed diameter of the die.The closed diameter is the die size stamped on the die ring.• Check crimper calibration and re-calibrate if required.• Inadequate pump pressure. Check oil level in the pump. It should be 1-1/2 to 2 inches below the fi ll plug and should be showing in the sight glass window. Fill with ISO 46 weight hydraulic oil if required.• Inadequate lubrication of the dies and compression ring causing the pump to work harder than normal to reach the required diameter. Use only the grease shipped with the machine or equivalent.• Inadequate pressure being generated by the pump. This is most likely if the crimper can crimp the smaller size hoses and not the larger hoses. When correctly adjusted, the pump should generate approximately 10,000 psi.Do Not adjust pump to produce in excess of 10,000 psi as damage to components or personal injury may result.• No pressure being generated by the pump. There should be a defi nite change in pitch of the pump as it cycles into high pres-sure mode and begins to “work” harder.PROBLEM: CRIMP DIAMETER TOO SMALL• Incorrect setting of the Micro-Crimp Adjuster. Check crimp specifi cations.( NOTE: All published machine settings are approximate. To correct for slight variances, the gauge settings may be adjusted for the specifi c hose, fi tting and size combination.)• Incorrect die being used (See die range under Crimp Diameter too Large)• Check crimp diameter and re-calibrate if necessaryPROBLEM: DIES STICKING IN COMPRESSION CONE• Inadequate lubrication of the compression cone and die surfaces. Use only the grease shipped with the machine or equivalent.CustomCrimp® “No-Nonsense” Warranty StatementAll CustomCrimp® Products are warranted to be free of defects in workmanship and materials for one year from the date of installation. This warranty ends when the product becomes unusable for reasons other than defects in workmanship or material.Any CustomCrimp® Product proven to be defective in workmanship or material will be repaired or replaced at no charge. To obtain benefi ts of this warranty, fi rst, contact Warranty Repair Department at Custom Machining Services at (219) 462-6128 and then deliver via prepaid transportation the complete hydraulic product to:ATTN: WARRANTY REPAIR DEPT.Custom Machining Services, Inc.326 North Co. Rd 400 EastValparaiso IN 46383If any product or part manufactured by CustomCrimp® is found to be defective by CustomCrimp®, at its option, CustomCrimp® will either repair or replace the defective part or product and return via ground transportation, freight prepaid.CustomCrimp® will not cover any incoming or outgoing freight charges for machines sold outside The United States.This warranty does not cover any product or part which is worn out, abused, altered, used for a purpose other than for which it was intended, or used in a manner which was inconsistent with any instructions regarding its use.Electric motors are separately warranted by their manufacturer under the conditions stated in their separate warranty.See the complete line of CustomCrimp ® Crimpers and Accessories at:(219) 462-6128CustomCrimp ® Custom Crimp ®Custom Machining Services, Inc.326 N. County Rd. 400 EastValparaiso, IN 46383Ph: (219) 462-6128Fax: (219) 464-2773。
2、技术数据2.1、旋转回路2.1.1、最高工作压力:Pe =10MPa2.1.2、最大流量:Qe =9.9L/min2.1.3、马达排量:49.5ml/r;转速:10~200rpm、波动在±2.5%以内2.1.4、电动机参数:变频电机1.5KW/1440rpm/380V/50Hz2.2、升降回路2.2.1、最高工作压力:Pe =4MPa2.2.2、最大流量:Qe =5.8L/min2.2.3、油缸活塞杆运行速度:0.3~1.5m/min(一次调定),两个双作用油缸:油缸活塞直径:φ40mm,活塞杆直径φ25,油缸活塞行程:800mm2.2.4 电动机参数:1.1KW/960rpm/380V/50Hz2.3 油箱容积: V=150L2.4 液压油:N32(冬)/N46(夏),清洁度:ISO标准18/132.5冷却器:冷却水≤28℃、0.15~0.2MPa、20L/min3、系统结构该系统由四部分组成:旋转回路、升降回路、油箱总成及管路系统。
FSH01液压伺服模件用户手册版本号:V01中国华能集团公司技术中心第一章模件介绍综述FSH01 液压伺服模件是用于阀门位置控制的I/O 模件。
模件简述FSH01 液压伺服模件是带嵌入式数字信号处理器的智能I/O 模件,它由四层印刷线路板和面板组成。
面板上有一个双色LED 、两个单色LED 模件状态指示灯。
它占用FCS165 系统模件安装单元的一个标准槽位。
模件应用FSH01 液压伺服模件为处理器模件提供对液压执行机构的电液伺服阀的驱动。
通过I/O总线接受处理器模件的阀门开度指令,输出相应电流驱动电液伺服阀、通过LVDT 自动检测阀门开度、实现汽轮机阀门开度的线型闭环控制,同时向处理器模件反馈阀门开度及状态信号。
模件主要功能及特点电液伺服阀驱动部分:双路±100mA伺服阀电流驱动输出,可驱动MOOG阀、I/H 转换器;驱动输出可设定为平衡位置输出微负电流,负电流为开阀门信号,正电流为关阀门信号。
调整过程中,若压力表2的压力降到120bar 以下油泵电机将自动启动补压力,最后压力表3的压力调整在100bar(链条的张紧压力)。
使用说明书目录1、主要技术规范--------------------------------22、汽轮机的结构与性能--------------------------43、主要安装数据--------------------------------94、螺栓热紧说明--------------------------------195、汽轮机启动、运行与维护----------------------226、标志、包装、保管、运输----------------------327、汽轮机用油规范-------------------------------33使用说明书1、主要技术规范1.1 汽轮机型号C140-8.83/0.8831.2 汽轮机型式高压双缸、冲动、单抽汽凝汽式1.3 调节方式喷嘴调节1.4 额定功率140000KW1.5 最大功率155000KW1.6 纯冷凝额定功率140237KW1.7 转速3000r/min1.8转子旋转方向从机头看为顺时针1.8 工作电网频率50HZ1.10 蒸汽初压8.83MPa1.11 蒸汽初温535℃1.12 抽汽压力(额定工况) 0.883MPa1.13 抽汽压力调整范围0.686~1.176MPa1.14 额定工况排汽压力0.0051MPa1.15 纯凝汽工况排汽压力0.0053MPa1.16 冷却水温20℃(最高33℃)冷却水量22000t/h1.17 额定工况给水温度220℃1.18 纯冷凝工况给水温度219.5℃使用说明书1.19 额定工况进汽量578t/h1.20 最大工况进汽量660t/h1.21 纯凝汽工况进汽量505t/h1.22 额定工况抽汽量80t/h1.23 最大抽汽量200t/h1.24 汽缸数21.25 高压部分级数1单列调节级+15压力级1.26 低压部分级数2×5压力级1.27额定工况汽耗 4.128kg/kw.h1.28额定工况热耗8637.7kJ/kw.h1.29纯凝汽工况汽耗 3.601kg/kw.h1.30凝汽工况热耗9104.7kJ/kw.h1.31汽轮机总长14.848m1.32汽轮机外形尺寸(长×宽×高)14.848×6.72×3.775m 1.33回热抽汽数7级1.34高压加热器2台1.35高压除氧器1台1.36低压加热器4台1.37凝汽器数(双排汽) 2台使用说明书2、汽轮机的结构与性能2.1 C140-8.83/0.883型汽轮机为高压、冲动、抽汽凝汽式汽轮机,双缸、单轴、两排汽,具有一级调整抽汽。
液压保护模块北京瑞赛长城航空测控技术有限公司目录1. 液压保护装置简介................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1.概述................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2.外形及安装尺寸............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.3.主要技术参数和性能指标............................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.4.主要配置........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.5.液压保护模块的主要功能............................... 错误!未定义书签。
锁位功能........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
点动功能........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
在线更换系统其它设备................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.6.型号分类........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.系统组成及工作原理............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1.系统组成........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
随着油压的不断升高,当压力升到KP3,给程控发出压力正常信号(线号46、47),同时控制箱压力正常指示灯亮;当压力升到KP1(运行上限)时,电磁阀Y1开始得电切断W13,这时系统压力由W3作安全保护,同时 (变送器时是打压到F启动张力停止打压时)给程控发出允许启动(输送机)信号(线号84、85),允许启动信号保持30秒之后消失,同时电磁阀失电和停止打压。
NORAC UC5喷洒高度控制系统安装手册说明书
![NORAC UC5喷洒高度控制系统安装手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/979d4d5ab6360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a561226ff.png)
Printed in CanadaCopyright 2009 by NORAC Systems International Inc. Reorder P/N: UC5-BC-GN01-INST Rev H (Generic Unit)Contents1Introduction (1)2General UC5 System Layout (2)3Kit Parts (3)4Pre-Install Checklist (8)5Ultrasonic Sensor Installation (9)6Roll Sensor Installation (14)7Module Installation (20)8Connecting the Sensors to the CANbus (25)9Hydraulic Installation (26)10Software Setup (31)11Cable Drawings (32)1IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of the NORAC UC5 Spray Height Control System. Thissystem is manufactured with top quality components and is engineered using the latesttechnology to provide operating reliability unmatched for years to come.When properly used the system can provide protection from sprayer boom damage, improvesprayer efficiency, and ensure chemicals are applied correctly.Please take the time to read this manual completely before attempting to install the system. Athorough understanding of this manual will ensure that you receive the maximum benefit fromthe system.Your input can help make us better! If you find issues or have suggestions regarding the partslist or the installation procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact us.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained inthis manual. All parts supplied are selected to specially fit the sprayer to facilitate a complete installation. However, NORAC cannot guarantee all parts fit asintended due to the variations of the sprayer by the manufacturer.Please read this manual in its entirety before attempting installation.2General UC5 System LayoutFigure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate the general layout of the UC5 system components:Figure 1: General UC5 System Layout (Self Propel Type)Figure 2: General UC5 System Layout (Pull Type)3Kit PartsThe following diagrams illustrate the GN01 kit specific parts of the NORAC UC5 system. Interface cables, power cables, hoses and fittings are shown in this manual and may not be included. Cables are available separately from NORAC. Please refer to the UC5 Generic Cable Ordering Guide (P/N: UC5-BC-CABLE-GUIDE) for cable ordering information (available at www.norac.ca).Figure 3: GN01 System Parts* Interface and Power cables must be ordered separately.Figure 4: GN01 Hydraulic Plumbing: Single Acting* Hydraulic hoses and some fittings must be ordered separately.Figure 5: GN01 Hydraulic Plumbing: Double Acting* Hydraulic hoses and some fittings must be ordered separately.3.4List of Parts* For systems purchased BEFORE October 1, 2011, the roll sensor part number is 43740.3.5 Hydraulic Fitting Kit Details (P/N: 44865-34)This fittings kit is designed for either single acting or double acting hydraulics. NotThe use of dielectric grease is not recommended on any NORAC electrical connections.To ensure all stainless steel hardware does not gall or seize apply a light coating of the supplied Permatex Anti-seize grease to all threaded parts upon installation. Permatex Anti-seize lubricant is preferred, but other similar anti-seize products may be used.4Pre-Install ChecklistThe pre-install checklist is necessary to check the existing sprayer functionality before the installation.1.Unfold the sprayer over a flat, unobstructed area (i.e. no power lines…etc.).2.Ensure all boom-fold operations are functional (place a check mark in boxes below).3.Bring engine to field-operational RPM and record below.4.Record the time (seconds) it takes for a full stroke for all boom functions. To ensurerepeatable measurements, take the average of 3 trials.5.Not all sprayers will have the functions listed below in Figure6.Ensure the boom has sufficient travel so it does not contact the ground during these tests.Figure 6: Pre-Install Boom SpeedsFigure 7: Breakaway Bracket Assemblypress the spring and insert it together with the collar into the base.2.Slide the tube through the assembled part.ing the bolt and nut, tighten the collar to the tube with the sensor tube centered.4.Apply a small amount of grease to the rotating surfaces of the bracket.5.2Ultrasonic Sensor Serial Number ArrangementWhen installing the UC5 sensors, start with the smallest serial number on the left-hand side, and proceed to the largest serial number on the right hand side. Each UC5 sensor has a serial number stamped on the sensor housing.Apply a light coating of the supplied Permatex Anti-seize grease to all threaded parts upon installation.Figure 8: Sensor Serial Number Arrangement5.3Ultrasonic Sensor Mounting GuidelinesThe following guidelines will ensure optimal sensor performance and prevent sensor measurement error. These rules should be followed for both the wing sensors and the main lift (middle) sensor.1.In its lowest position, the sensor must be 9 inches (23 cm) or more from the ground (A).2.The centerline of the acoustic cone should be approximately vertical at normal operatingheights (A).3.The bottom of the sensor must be at least 9 inches in front of the spray nozzles and boomstructure (B). (This does not apply for the main lift sensor)4.The bottom of the sensor must be at least 9 inches above the spray nozzles (C).5.Ensure there are no other obstructions with a 12 inch (23 cm) diameter circle projecteddirectly below the sensor (D).Figure 9: Sensor Mounting Guidelines5.4Wing Sensor Installation1.The sensor bracket should be oriented forward (ahead of the boom).2.Typically the best mounting location for the wing sensor brackets will be near the end ofthe boom tips, approximately two feet (60cm) from the end.3.Depending on the boom design, some breakaway sections will lift upwards as they breakback. If the sensor is mounted to this portion of the boom, the system will force the boom downwards towards the ground as the boom folds backwards.4.Mount the NORAC UC5 ultrasonic sensor into the sensor bracket and run the sensorcable through the sensor tube.A problem can arise if a sensor is not mounted correctly. It is possible for the sensor to read off of the boom instead of the ground. This may only become apparent once the control system is switched from soil to crop mode.Also be careful that the sensor bracket does not collide with any other part of the boom when the boom is folded to transport position. If possible, mount the sensor brackets while the booms are folded to ensure they will not cause interference.Figure 10: Sensor Reading Off Boom5.51.should position the sensor approximately in the center of the sprayer, forward of the boom. An example of this mounting is illustrated in Figure 12.2.Mount the ultrasonic sensor to the main lift bracket. Run the sensor cable down the centerof the main lift bracket tube.Figure 12: Example Mounting of the Main Lift BracketAvoid mounting the main lift sensor over or near a wheel-track. Measurements from the wheel-track do not provide an accurate crop height and will cause measurement and control error.Ensure the bracket does not collide with any other part of the sprayer throughout the full range of main lift motion.6Roll Sensor InstallationBefore installing the roll sensors you must determine if your sprayer has a trapeze style, center pivot style or high pendulum style boom. For installation on a trapeze style boom refer to Section 6.2. For installation on a center pivot boom refer to Section 6.3. For installation on a high pendulum boom refer to Section 6.4Figure 13: Trapeze Style BoomFigure 14: Center Pivot BoomFigure 15: High Pendulum Boom6.1Bracket Assembly1.Securely mount the roll sensors to the included roll sensor brackets using the #6 machinescrew and nylon lock-nuts.2.The orientation of the mounted roll sensor to the roll sensor bracket will depend on thebracket mounting. The roll sensor CANbus connector must be pointing towards the right side of the sprayer (when looking from the rear of the sprayer).Figure 16: Mounting Roll Sensor to BracketFigure 17: Roll Sensor Orientation - Connector Facing Right Wing6.2Roll Sensor Mounting Guidelines: Trapeze-Suspended Booms1.When mounting the roll sensors, mount the lowest serial number on the trapeze link(boom frame) and the highest serial number on the trapeze support (chassis). For optimal performance, minimize the distance from the boom frame roll sensor to the pivot point (A) and minimize the vertical distance between the chassis roll sensor and the pivot point (B).Figure 18: Roll Sensor Mounting on a Trapeze Suspended Boom2.Ensure the roll sensors are relatively level when the sprayer boom and chassis are level.3.Both roll sensor cables should be pointing towards the right hand wing of the sprayer.4.Ensure both roll sensors are mounted adequately and that the cables provide enough slackto allow sufficient boom roll.1.When mounting the roll sensors, mount the lowest serial number on the boom frame andthe highest serial number on the chassis (non-pivoting portion of the sprayer). For optimal performance, minimize the distance between the roll sensors (A) and minimize the height from each roll sensor to the pivot point (B).Figure 19: Roll Sensor Mounting on a Center Pivot Suspended Boom2.Ensure the roll sensors are relatively level when the sprayer boom and chassis are level.3.Both roll sensor cables should be pointing towards the right hand wing of the sprayer.4.Ensure both roll sensors are mounted adequately and that the cables provide enough slackto allow sufficient boom roll.5.The chassis roll sensor can also be mounted inverted to minimize the distance between theroll sensors (Figure 20).Figure 20: Inverted Chassis Roll Sensor Mounting on a Center Pivot Suspended Boom1.When mounting the roll sensors, mount the lowest serial number on the boom frame andthe highest serial number on the chassis (non-pivoting portion of the sprayer).Figure 21: Roll Sensor Mounting on a High Pendulum Boom2.Ensure the roll sensors are relatively level when the sprayer boom and chassis are level.3.Both roll sensor cables should be pointing towards the right hand wing of the sprayer.4.Ensure both roll sensors are mounted adequately and that the cables provide enough slackto allow sufficient boom roll.7 Module InstallationAn optional module mounting bracket kit is available for purchase from NORAC. The mounting brackets are compatible with control modules and input modules. One kit is needed per module.7.1Control Module: Self Propel Sprayer1.Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 22.2.Securely mount the control module (E01) inside the sprayer cab using screws, cable ties oroptional brackets.3.Connect the display terminal to the control module using the existing display cable. Thiscable must be connected to the end of the control module with only one Deutsch connector.4.Connect the power cable (C30) to one of the two CANbus connectors on the controlmodule. Connect the other end of the power cable to an appropriate power source.5.Route cable C01 from the other CANbus connector towards the rear of the sprayer.Cable C30 is shown in Figure 22 for informational purposes only. The battery cable is ordered separately from this kit and may differ from the diagram above.7.2Control Module: Pull Type Sprayer1.Refer to Figure 2 and Figure 23.2.Refer to the display kit installation manual to determine the best mounting location for thecontrol module (E01).3.Connect the display terminal to the control module using the display CANbus cable. Thiscable must be connected to the end of the control module with only one Deutsch connector.4.Connect the existing power cable to one of the two CANbus connectors on the other endof the control module.5.Route cable C01 from the other CANbus connector towards the rear of the sprayer.Figure 23: Control Module Mounting (Pull Type Sprayer)7.3 Valve Module1. Install the valve module (E02) to the top of the NORAC valve block. Orient the 6-pinFigure 24: Valve Module2. Verify the valve coil connectors are oriented vertically (Figure 25).Figure 25: Align Coils3. Place the valve module between the valve coils. Slide a valve mounting bracket over theconnectors of the valve module and the valve coil connectors. This may require flexing the plastic bracket slightly (Figure 26). 4. Ensure the bracket is pushed over the connectors far enough to allow the clips to engage behind the valve connectors.Figure 26: Valve Module Bracket Installation5. Connect the valve module CANbus to cable C01 from the control module. Route cable C02 from the other CANbus connector to the input module.6. With the valve module securely mounted to the valve block, connect the valve cables (C10),to the valve coils as illustrated in Figure 27. Insert the 2-pin plugs (P01) into the unused 2-pin connectors on the valve module. 7. Connect the temperature probe to the valve block using the supplied 3/8” x 1/2” hex bolt.Figure 27: Valve Module - Valve Coil ConnectionsTank PortLeft Tilt PortsRight Tilt Ports7.4Input ModuleCables C20 and C21 are shown in Figure 28 for informational purposes only. The interface cables are ordered separately from this kit and may differ from the diagram below.1.Install the input module (E03) on the boom near the sprayer valve block. Secure it to theboom using cable ties or optional brackets.2.Connect the free end of the CANbus cable (C02) from the valve module to the inputmodule.3.Insert the 12 pin plug (P02) into the OEM 3 connector on the end of the input module.4.Connect the 12 pin connector on the tilt interface cable (C20) to the Thru 2 connector onthe side of the input module and insert the other connectors on C20 into the tiltFigure 28: Input Module Connections5.Connect the 12 pin connector on the main lift interface cable (C21) to the Thru 1connector on the side of the input module and insert the other connectors on C21 into the main lift connectors on the sprayer valve block.6.If your sprayer has a bypass valve, insert the 2-pin tee connector marked “AUX 1” into thebypass valve connection.7.If your sprayer has a slant (roll) function, insert the 2-pin tee connectors marked “AUX 2”into the slant clockwise connection and insert “AUX 3” into the slant counterclockwise.8Connecting the Sensors to the CANbus1.Route cable C03 from the input module to the 8-way coupler (E11).2.Connect both roll sensors to the 8-way coupler. Fasten the 8-way coupler to the boomwith cable ties.3.Connect the main lift sensor to the 8-way coupler using cable C04 and a 2-way coupler(E12). Cable C04 and item E12 may not be needed if the 8-way coupler is mounted close enough to the main lift sensor.4.Connect two cables (C05) to the 8-way coupler and route along the booms to the wingsensors. Follow existing cables and hoses to be sure the cable will not be pinched or stretched.Figure 29: UC5 Module Locations and Cable Connections5.At the sensor brackets, attach a 2-way coupler with terminator (E20) to the sprayer boom.The 2-way coupler with terminator is the white two way coupler. Plug the sensor and the CANbus cable into the 2-way coupler.9Hydraulic InstallationEnsure all pressure has been bled from the system before disconnecting any lines or fittings. Hydraulic pressure will exist on the wing tilt circuits unless the wings are being supported by other means. You may wish to perform the hydraulic installation with the wings in transport position, resting on the ground or with the tilt cylinders fully extended.Component failure due to oil contamination is not covered under the NORAC UC5 system warranty. It is recommended that a qualified technician perform the hydraulic installation.Before assembling the valve block you must identify if the sprayer tilt cylinders are single acting or double acting. A single acting cylinder will only have one hose running to it, while a double acting cylinder has two hoses routed to it.9.1Valve Assembly: Single Acting1.On a clean surface remove the plastic plugs from the block.2.Install the 6MB-6MJ (F07) fittings into the “P” and “T” ports. Tighten to 18 ft-lbs (24 Nm).3.Insert the two orifices (F08) into the “B” ports with the notch facing out.4.Install the 6MB-6MJ (F07) fittings into the “B” ports. Tighten to 18 ft-lbs (24 Nm).5.Install the 6MBP (F09) plugs into the “A” ports. Tighten to 18 ft-lbs (24 Nm).Fitting F07 is a special fitting; if an additional coupler is required, contact NORAC.Figure 30: NORAC Valve Block Details (Single Acting)9.2Valve Assembly: Double Acting1.On a clean surface remove the plastic plugs from the block.2.Install the 6MB-6MJ (F07) fittings into the “P” and “T” ports. Tighten to 18 ft-lbs (24 Nm).3.Insert the two orifices (F08) into the “B” ports with the notch facing out.4.Install the 6MB-6MJ (F07) fittings into the “B” ports. Tighten to 18 ft-lbs (24 Nm).5.Insert the two orifices (F08) into the “A” ports with the notch facing in.6.Install the 6MB-6MJ (F07) fittings into the “A” ports. Tighten to 18 ft-lbs (24 Nm). Fitting F07 is a special fitting; if an additional coupler is required, contact NORAC.Figure 31: NORAC Valve Block Details (Double Acting)9.3Valve Block Mounting1.Mount the valve block on the sprayer near the existing valve block.e the supplied valve bracket B10 to install the valve block.3.Insert the threaded rod into the block and use a hex nut to hold the rod. The block holesare 3/8” NC-1” deep. If bolts are used instead of the threaded rod, ensure the bolts thread in at least 3/8”.e the remaining hardware to secure the block to the sprayer.5.Cut off excess threaded rod, if necessary.Figure 32: Valve Block MountingFrom this point on in the installation the booms will be inoperative until the hydraulics are fully installed.1.After the NORAC valve is mounted, the hydraulic hoses and fittings can be plumbed. Theplumbing for the hydraulic circuit is shown schematically in Figure 4.2.Disconnect the tilt raise lines from the sprayer valve block and insert the two tees (F02)between the hoses and the valve block.3.Connect two hydraulic hoses (H02) from the free ends of the tees to the NORAC valveblock. The raise lines must be connected to the “B” ports.4.If there are any accumulators on the tilt hydraulic circuits, ensure there is a 2-way orifice inthe accumulator fitting.5.There must be no other orifices in the hydraulic circuit between the NORAC valve blockand the tilt cylinders.6.Disconnect the pressure and tank lines from the sprayer valve block and insert the two tees(F01) between the hoses and the valve block.7.Connect two hydraulic hoses (H01) from the free ends of the tees to the pressure and tankport on the NORAC valve block.From this point on in the installation the booms will be inoperative until the hydraulics are fully installed.1.After the NORAC valve is mounted, the hydraulic hoses and fittings can be plumbed. Theplumbing for the hydraulic circuit is shown schematically in Figure 5.2.Disconnect the tilt raise and lower lines from the sprayer valve block and insert the fourtees (F02) between the hoses and the valve block.3.Connect four hydraulic hoses (H02) from the free ends of the tees to the NORAC valveblock. The raise lines must be connected to the “B” ports and the lower lines must be connected to the “A” ports.4.If there are any accumulators on the tilt hydraulic circuits, ensure there is a 2-way orifice inthe accumulator fitting.5.There must be no other orifices in the hydraulic circuit between the NORAC valve blockand the tilt cylinders.6.Disconnect the pressure and tank lines from the sprayer valve block and insert the two tees(F01) between the hoses and the valve block.7.Connect two hydraulic hoses (H01) from the free ends of the tees to the pressure and tankport on the NORAC valve block.10Software Setup1.Start up your sprayer and test the sprayer’s functionality. The display terminal does notneed to be powered on for the original boom function switches to operate. Unfold the booms and raise/lower each boom and the main section.Confirm that the cabling and hoses are agreeable to the entire range of motion.2.If any functions do not work, review the hydraulic and electrical portions of this manual tocheck for proper installation.3.Turn on the power for the display terminal using the switch on the side.4.The procedure for the installation of the UC5 Spray Height Control system is nowcomplete. Begin the AUTOMATIC SYSTEM SETUP procedure as described in the UC5 Spray Height Control Operator’s Manual.5.For optimal performance of the UC5 system, there should be very little play at the hitchclevis. The addition of polymer washers can help tighten up this connection (Figure 33).Figure 33: Hitch Point11Cable DrawingsTollFree:180****3921TollFree:186****672255438。
1邵阳学院毕业设计,论文~1 液压传动概述1.1 课题提出的背景和意义我国液压工业发展历程,大致可分为三个阶段,即:20世纪50年代初到60年代初为起步阶段;60~70年代为专业化生产体系成长阶段;80~90年代为快速发展阶段。
脆性物料经过高压挤压(该机在压力区的压力约为150Mpa)使物料的粒度迅速减小,0.08mm 的细粉含量达到20~30%,小于2mm 的物料达到70%以上,并且在所有经挤压的物料中在在有大量的裂纹,使物料在下一个工序中粉磨时,所需的能耗大幅度降低。
液压系统说明书目录1.概述 (2)2.主要性能参数 (3)3.结构特点及原理功能介绍 (6)4.运转前检查和运转方法 (20)5.液压系统的维护保养 (21)6.常见故障与处理 (26)1.概述本液压系统是专为港陆160×1100mm两流板坯连铸机液压系统设计的,能满足所需液压传动机构的动作要求。
414001Y主机液压系统控制着整个连铸机的液压执行机构,包括大包事故回转、事故旋转离合、旋转插销、大包滑动水口;中包事故插板;结晶器振动装置中快台夹紧释放、移动及管离合;扇形段1~8#的夹紧和扇形段4~8# 的压下;脱引锭杆和切割机辊道移动。
22.1 414001Y主机液压系统2.1.1 循环冷却泵站工作压力··············································································0.7MPa 工作流量·········································································· 266L/min 螺杆泵装置(两台一备一用)型号·················································································· 3G50×2A 压力·························································································1MPa 流量·················································································· 266L/min 电机功率················································································ 11kW 电机转速·········································································2900 r/min2.1.2 冷却器(一台)型号································································B R0.23(1.6/100)-10B 换热面积·················································································10m2工作压力·······································································0.6~1.6MPa 2.1.3 高压泵站(三台二用一备)工作流量··········································································260 L/min 工作压力···········································································~21MPa 恒压变量柱塞泵型号····················································G Y-A7V117DR2.0RPF00 额定压力············································································· 35MPa 排量····················································································117ml/r 电动机型号·······································································Y280M-6(B35) 功率······················································································· 55kW 转速················································································· 980r/min 电压····················································································A C380V 2.1.4 系统工作压力P ························································································~21MPa P0 ······················································································~18MPa P1 ···················································································10~18MPa P2 ····················································································8~12MPa Pd ······················································································~21MPa 2.1.5 冷却水冷却水额定压力 ···························································0.4~0.8MPa 冷却水流量……………………………………………250L/min冷却水温度 (32)2.1.6 油箱容积······················································································4000L 材质····················································································不锈钢2.1.7 工作介质 ····································································水乙二醇2.1.8 工作介质污染度等级·················································· NAS9级2.2 41453Y升降辊道液压站工作流量··········································································210L /min 工作压力···········································································~16MPa 2.2.1 油泵电机组(三套两用一备)型号····················································G Y-A7V117DR2.0RPF00 额定压力············································································· 35MPa 排量·····················································································117ml/r 功率······················································································· 37kW 转速················································································· 980r/min 电压····················································································A C380V 2.2.2 油箱外形尺寸 (1000x1100x1900)容积························································································1800L 材质····················································································不锈钢2.2.4 工作介质 ····································································水乙二醇2.2.5 工作介质污染度等级·················································· NAS9级2.3 41472Y扇形段升降试验台液压站。
5、除铁器的运行情况:保证除铁器下料 畅通,正常运行,从而达到辊面的维护。 6、设备各检测点的温升情况,各轴承温 度情况,并每小时做好记录。 7、主电机的功率情况:主电机的运行功 率不能超过 450KW;功率差不大于 KW 。
1、辊压机运行中定期对设备进行检 查,如:润滑系统、液压系统及驱动 装置,各干油润滑部位。可根据报警 信息,查明原因并及时处理,并做好 相应记录。 2、定期坚固所有的零部件螺栓、连接 螺栓以及地脚螺栓。 3、侧挡板间隙:仔细检查夹板是否磨 损及调整侧挡板间隙( 1~5 mm) 4、氮气压力检查: 用充氮工具检查液 压系统蓄能器压力( 4.7~5.5 MPa)
进 料 装 置
锁紧盘:抱箍和抱环。作用:联接减速机 输出轴与辊轴,保障其同步运行。 � 减速机 :作用:机械减速传动。 � 万向联轴器 :传递扭矩。 � 电机 :500千瓦,设备动力。 � 润滑系统 : 一、干油润滑系统 :干油站、母分配器、子 分配器。 作用:对四个轴承、四个油封、 四个滑道提供润滑。 二、减速机强制冷却润滑系统 :油泵、Y型 阀、碟阀、安全阀、温度表、双筒片式滤 油器、压差发讯器、板式换热器、供油温 度表、油压表。作用:对减速机用油进行
CLF140/65辊压机演示 说明书
一、工作原理。 二、设备组成及各部分的作用。 三、操作程序。 四、使用维护。
CLF140/65辊压机是新型水泥粉磨中 的高效节能设备。整台设备集机械、液压 系统和电气自动化于一体。实现设备本身 各检测点运行情况的实时监控、运行中辊 缝自动纠偏调整、备妥与故障诊断、自动 记录运行操作情况。生产中,物料在通过 作相对运转的两辊之间时,在动辊侧液压 缸的作用力下物料被挤压碎裂或产生微裂 纹。
二、主要性能参数:1、系统压力额定工作压力12Mpa系统可设定最高压力16Mpa2、系统工作流量6L/min3、齿轮泵最高可连续使用压力/ 理论排量16Mpa/4mL/r4、电机三相异步电机功率/ 转速 2.2KW / 1430rpm5、油箱容量 40L6、环境环境温度20-40℃环境湿度<50%7、工作介质HM46或同等级抗磨液压油8、系统清洁度等级NAS9或同等级9、供电三相三线制AC380V 50Hz10、控制电压AC220V11、液压站外形尺寸(mm)800(长)×450(宽)×1100(高)12、设备防护等级IP54第二部分机构特点及各机构设定值该系统采用集成化设计,体积小巧,便于维护。
其机构特点及设定如下:注:压力单位1Mpa ≈ 10bar第三部分运转前的准备与调整运转前的准备和调整,主要包括液压站、油缸装置、电控箱的安装以及液压管路的连接和电气线路的连接。
第四部分调试方法及工作情况说明请专业或接受过培训的人员,严格按照以下步骤进行调试:一、电气和电机泵组测试:三、系统设定和运行:如果出厂设置与实际不符,请调整三压力继电器压力设定值(SP1、SP2、SP3)和溢流阀11压力设定值,具体操作如下:1. 将截至阀23(两个)旋转至截止位。
2. 将溢流阀11调至最低。
3. 按下涨紧按钮,将溢流阀11调至50bar(调节时要慢,并始终观察系统压力表的值)。
舞阳钢铁有限责任公司300×2500宽厚板坯连铸机机械设备使用维护说明书(液压部分)目录1. 大包滑动水口液压系统2. 连铸本体液压系统3. 出坯区设备液压系统4. 中间包倾翻液压系统5. 扇形段维修液压系统舞阳钢铁有限责任公司300×2500宽厚板坯连铸机机械设备使用维护说明书(大包滑动水口液压系统)大包滑动水口液压系统用于大包滑动水口液压缸的驱动和控制,主要由大包滑动水口液压站、大包滑动水口阀台、中间配管等组成。
大包滑动水口液压站和大包滑动水口阀台置于连铸机非传动侧的9 米平台上。
该液压系统使用水乙二醇作为液压工作介质,液压系统清洁度要求为NAS7 级。
1. 大包滑动水口液压站1.1 大包滑动水口液压站设备组成1.1.1 油箱装置油箱容积:1 m3油箱装置包括液位控制器、空气过滤器、电接点温度计、液位计等。
1.1.2 主泵装置主泵装置2 台,运转前吸油碟阀604.1、604.2 必须完全开启。
每台主泵装置上主泵的流量为40 L/min,主泵恒压变量阀的调整压力为18 MPa。
每台主泵装置上的电磁溢流阀231 用于该主泵装置的卸荷和安全保护,安全保护调整压力为18.5MPa。
1.1.3 循环泵装置循环泵装置1 台,运转前吸油碟阀604.3 必须完全开启。
循环过滤器780 的过滤精度均为5μm。
冷却器1 台,其冷却水由多功能电磁阀56 控制,对油液进行冷却。
1.1.4 过滤器高压过滤器770 的过滤精度均为5μm,回油过滤器790 的过滤精度均为20μm。
1.1.5 加热器电加热器2 kW×2 只对油液进行加热。
1.1.6 蓄能器装置皮囊式蓄能器(40L)2 台,用于液压系统故障时,大包滑动水口油缸的紧急关闭供油。
1.2 大包滑动水口液压动力站调试过程及方法1.2.1 准备过程(1)油箱注入工作油;(2)蓄能器充入氮气;(3)关闭出油球阀441-1、441-2,开启其它截止阀;(4)点动油泵确认转动方向,排净泵及系统中的空气。
365C 挖掘机液压系统操作与测试调整1—前泵压力测压点 2---后泵压力测压点3---负载感应管 4---Ps 压力测试点 5---负载感应测试点 6— Ps 压力管7---前泵调节阀 8---调节螺母 9---锁紧螺母9---先导安全阀36—前泵 37—后泵 38—先导泵 39—风扇泵 40—回转泵3—右回转马达 5—左回转马达 12—回转控制阀39—风扇泵 48—风扇泵比例减压电磁阀A, B, C, D 是挖掘机小臂油缸、铲斗油缸的放气口。
2---------堵头 3---------壳体排放滤芯过载报警装置的计算,过载报警装置的计算压力为系统安全压力 X 0.7挖掘机测试1-----行走的测试发动机油门置于 10档, AEC 开关关闭, 起重模式开关关闭 (挖掘模式 , 增益 /响应置于普通模式” CAT ” ,液压油温必须达到 55℃±5℃A----5米 B----20米 C----0.5米 ~1米发动机油门置于 10档, AEC 开关关闭, 起重开关关闭(挖掘模式 ,增益 /响应置于普通模式行走漂移距离回转速度的测试A----上部结构 B----底盘结构 C----记号在底盘上部结构和下部结构做一个记号, 当机器回转 180度时, 查看两个记号的漂移距离角度。
液压缸漂移的测试空斗, 将斗杆完全伸出, 将斗销与大臂销置于同一水平面上, 完全缩回斗杆液压缸,再伸出斗杆液压缸大约 70mm ,测量液压缸长度。
液压缸速度的测试1----最大值 2----V 族 3----W 族24----压力测试点 25-----先导油道先导安全阀的测试与调整发动机停机后,释放液压系统压力,压力测试点 24上接压力表,启动发动机,测试先导压力。
AEC 开关置于 OFF 状态,油门置于 10档,起重模式关闭(挖掘模式 ,增益 /响应置于正常模式打开液压锁,液压油温必须达到 55℃±5℃先导压力阀值设定于 4210±100KPa 。
(一) 由赫格隆液压系统提供给中控系统的信号:
1. 系统准备完毕(Ready to use)信号:1个,干点数字无源信号,常开;
2. 液压马达已启动信号(Drive started):1个,干点无源数字信号,常开;
3. 警告讯号(Warning),1个,干点无源数字信号,常开,当用户收到讯号时,操作 人员应立即到现场查找事故原因,判断是否需要停止皮带机;
瑞典赫格隆公司北京代表处 电话:010-84992066
010-84992046/84992959 传真:010-84992011
1. 用户必须使用专用的加油小车LUC-40-10(流量40L/min,过滤精度10μm,温
2. 液压油中的固体颗粒度必须不超过NAS7级;
3. 油液的含水量不超过0.05%;
4.我们推荐使用牌号为VG68 的抗磨液压油。
Rev 05 12 9
¾ 项目名称:河曲电厂斗轮堆取料机斗轮液压驱动系统 ¾ 订单号:040 0649 ¾ 购买方:大连重工·起重集团有限公司设计一院 ¾ 最终用户:河曲电厂 ¾ 应用领域:物料输送 (Material Handling) ¾ 客户提供的基本参数:
1) 单台马达正常输出扭矩102,000 Nm 2) 最大输出扭矩165,000 Nm 3) 正常转速 7 rpm ¾ 液压系统配置: 1) 液压马达 CB560-S-N(2套) 2) 液压动力站 PEC 0602-180-110-21-1000-11X-10-00-0-400V/50Hz
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1. 液压站油箱内液压油油位由一个液位控制器进行检测,设置为低位报警,延时 5 分 钟后,报警信号如未消除,将会发出辊压机停机报警信号。
2. 油箱内液压油温度由一个铂热电阻进行检测,当油温低于 25℃时,电加热器供电, 对油箱内液压油进行加热;当液压油温度达到 35℃时,电加热器断电。
组合控制阀块上设置有安全溢流阀,可对液压缸的工作压力进行限制。当液压缸 内压力达到设计最高压力时,组合控制阀块上的多功能阀组动作,可在极短时间内, 将液压缸的工作压力卸压。
CLF14065 辊压机液压系统使用说明书
1. 液压站型号: 2. 液压站额定压力: 3. 液压泵额定流量: 4. 电机功率: 5. 过滤精度: 6. 液压缸活塞直径: 7. 液压缸活塞杆直径: 8. 工作行程: 9. 使用介质: 10. 油箱容积: 11. 重量:
纸进行。 3. 液压油管的安装应符合相关标准。应注意管道、接头的清洁,不允许有脏物、油脂
或异物进入其中。仔细检查每根管道,必要时应在安装连接时吹拂干净。 4. 根据电气接线图,完成液压站电气组件的接线。当接线完毕、核查无误后,可根据
现场安装情况,向液压油站油箱内按要求加注液压油。液压油加注后,接通电加热 器及恒温控制装置的电源使油温在任何时间始终保持在工作温度范围内。 5. 液压系统的管道安装及检查,可参照《CLF14065 液压管道安装规范》进行。
辊压机液压系统是由本公司集成,液压站型号为 CLYYZ-8II,主要由油箱、液 压泵、电动机、高压过滤器、电加热器、冷却器、压力表、电磁换向阀、单向阀、溢 流阀等元器件组成,液压站提供液压缸工作压力。
辊压机运行过程中,当活动辊两端间隙发生变化,需要调节时,根据控制程序发 出的信号,液压站及组合控制阀块相关控制阀门动作,对液压缸压力进行加压或减压 调节,从而调整活动辊的位置,对活动辊辊隙进行纠偏调整。当活动辊纠偏完成后, 恢复保压运行工况。
CLF14065 辊压机液压系统使用说明书
辊压机在运行过程中,物料通过固定辊与活动辊之间时,在两辊的压力作用下而 被挤碎。在物料被压辊挤压的过程中,物料对压辊的反作用力将会使辊压机活动辊产 生回退力,向活动辊上施压并维持固定辊与活动辊之间的辊隙稳定是由液压控制系统 完成的。
对活动辊两端施压,由配置于辊压机本体上的四个液压缸进行,每两个液压缸为 一组,两组液压缸分别置于活动辊两侧,对称装配在端部件上。液压缸施压于活动辊 两侧轴承座上,从而传递到两辊之间的物料上。每组液压缸的压力控制各由一个组合 控制阀块控制,组合控制阀块安装在辊压机活动辊侧端部件上。组合控制阀块主要由 集成块、蓄能器、电磁换向阀、节流阀、单向阀、溢流阀、压力传感器、快速卸荷阀 组及测压接头组成。液压缸内液压油的补充及排泄,均由组合控制阀块上相关液压元 器件进行控制。
3. 液压泵在运行中,如液压站油箱内油温达到 40℃时,应将液压站冷却器供水管路上 冷却水阀门打开,向冷却器供水冷却液压油。
4. 液压站运行一段时间后,当高压过滤器滤芯脏污,滤油压差达到设定值时,安装在 过滤器上的压差发讯器发出报警电气讯号,同时压差发讯器红色栓顶出,应在停机 时更换滤芯。
5. 每组液压缸活塞端压力,由组合控制阀块上的压力传感器进行检测,与安装在辊压 机本体上的位移传感器检测的辊隙,共同实现压力、位移联合检测控制。
组合控制阀块上设置的溢流阀 A、溢流阀 B(见图 21),对液压缸的最高工作压力 进行了限制。当液压缸活塞端压力超过安全溢流阀的设定压力值时,溢流阀开启卸压, 降低液压缸活塞端的压力。
组合控制阀块设置有快速卸压阀(见图 21,电磁换向阀 C),当主控程序发出快速
CLF14065 辊压机液压系统使用说明书
CLYYZ-8II 16 MPa 8 L/min 5.5 KW 10 µm Ø360 mm Ø280 mm 50 mm VG 68(VG46)抗磨液压油 400 L ~585 Kg
注意:VG46 为冬季使用的液压油牌号。
当液压站油位、油温正常,发出液压站启动备妥信号。启动液压泵,液压站低负荷 运行。当辊压机主控程序发出辊压机启动预备信号后,液压站上电磁换向阀通电,液压 站处于溢流运行状态;设置在辊压机上的组合控制阀块上的电磁换向阀 A(见图 21) 通电换向,向液压缸活塞端内注入液压油,液压缸内压力开始上升,当压力达到设定值 时,向主控程序发出液压系统备妥信号,液压泵转入低负荷运行。
CLF14065 辊压机液压系统 使用说明书
版本号:C 版
CLF14065 辊压机液压系统使用说明书
目 录................................................................................................................................................1 一、概述:..............................................................................................................................................2 二、主要技术参数:..............................................................................................................................3 三、工作原理:......................................................................................................................................3 四、电气控制及联锁:..........................................................................................................................4 五、液压系统的安装:..........................................................................................................................4 六、操作说明:......................................................................................................................................5
1.概述:........................................................................................................................................5 2.液压系统初次运行: ................................................................................................................ 5 3.液压系统负荷运行操作说明: ................................................................................................ 6 七、液压系统维护、检修:..................................................................................................................7 1. 系统初期运行维护、检修:..................................................................................................7 2. 每周维护、检修:..................................................................................................................7 3. 液压站的检修..........................................................................................................................8 4. 组合控制阀块的检修............................................................................................................17 5. 阀件清洗注意事项................................................................................................................33
液压油温度,由本公司编制的自动控制程序进行检测、调控。 2.液压系统初次运行: 1) 确保液压站油箱内已按照要求加注适量液压油。向油箱内加注液压油时,电加热器
应确保处于断电状态。油箱内加注液压油时,必须通过空气滤清器向油箱内加注液 压油,液压油牌号为 VG68(冬季为 VG46)抗磨液压油。 2) 在依次启动液压系统运行前,必须确保辊子间间距已调整适当。两辊不能接触,且 两辊间或两辊上不允许有异物。辊压机上方进料口应盖严以防止异物进入压辊之 间。 3) 点动液压泵的电机,检查旋转方向是否正确。启动液压泵连续运转 10min,检查高 压过滤器滤油压差,如达到设定值,必须更换滤芯。完成上述步骤后,液压泵电机 断电停机。 警告:启动液压泵前,确认液压站高压球阀处于开启状态,关闭高压球阀会造成液 压泵损坏! 4) 检查所有压力连接管道是否安全可靠,是否有漏油的现象发生。 5) 蓄能器充氮: a) 蓄能器充氮气前,应放出蓄能器与压力管路连接处内残留的液压油。蓄能器充