②适合大范围的开采(mine on a large scale),且矿产资源的综合利用率高(high rate of multipurpose use)2.请简介铅山县的祈雨(praying for rain)习俗。
①每年六月,持续性的干旱(prolonged drought)会驱使农民披戴着柳条环和鼓(wicker ring and drums)去祈雨②在祈雨的路上有棚子(pavilion),这些棚子直到三伏天(dog days)都会有免费的茶提供给路上祈雨的人(beggars)。
③当祈雨的人停在衙门(county administration)门口前的时候,县令(county magistrate)就必须带着他的家人出来,给祈雨的人鞠躬,同时感谢神龙(divine dragon),祈祷降雨并护佑大家。
市树:香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)市花:猴面杜鹃(Hericium cuckoo)市鸟:鸳鸯(mandarin duck)2.为什么三清山被称为“中国南部的仙女峰,世界唯一的财富之地”?①作为道教福地(a blessed spot as Taoist paradise),三清山景色秀丽雄伟,且拥有着深厚的文化。
②三清山拥有着众多奇石怪峰(exotic rocks and peaks),令人称奇的云彩和神圣的光芒(amazing clouds and divine light),以及稀有的树木和花卉,就像仙境(fairyland)一般。
2.请简介上饶集中营(Shangrao Concentration Camp)。
①上饶集中营分为五个部分,这五个集中营都是当年国民党在1941年皖南事变(Event of Wannan)后建立的法西斯监狱(Fascist prison)。
英国游客江西四日游导游英语设计Z: Zhou Dao J: James T: Tourists①场景1:某全陪周道抵达昌北国际机场迎接刚从某客源国飞抵上海又转飞南昌的海外旅游团,设计一出关于全陪与旅游团领队James在机场衔接的对话;Meeting Guests at the Airport(Seene)ln the international airport lobby, Zhou Dao, a youngescort-service guide from the Jia ngXi Travel Service, is greeti ng a touristgroup from the Un ited Kin gdom headed by JamesZ: Excuse me, are you Mr. Swift from London?J: Yes」am James Swift.Z: How charm ing of meeti ng you !I am Zhou Dao ,your tourist guide fromthe JiangXi Travel Service .Just call me Xiao Zhou or Dao as you like .I 'e come to meet you .J: Charming to meet you, too.Z: Welcome to Chi na! (Zhou Dao shakes hands with Mr. Swift and others)So, how was your flight? Did your have a good trip?J: Nice food and good service .Actually, quite pleasant.Z: You must feel quite tired after the long flight .You all need a good rest first.J: Hon estly, we are so excited that we 'e fin ally arrived at the country which we have bee n wish ing to visit for years.Z: you will have plenty of time to see all the famous scenic spots in our provin ce. Is every one in the group here?J: Yes, a party of ten, in clud ing 5 ladies and 5 gen tleme n.Z: Perfect .Shall we go now? May I help you with your luggage, Mr. Swift?J: No, tha nks」can man age.Z: Please follow me .The shuttle bus is just waiting in the parking lot.J: Hurry up, guys!②场景2:全陪周道在旅游大巴上问候团员,介绍司机裘安全,并致以热情洋溢的欢迎词;A Welcome SpeechLadies and gen tleme n, welcome to jia ngxi province of Chi na A llow me toin troduce myself first. My n ame is Zhou Dao, your tourist guide from theJia ngXi Travel Service, which in Chin ese mea ns con siderate and thoughtful」Hope I can prese nt you a con siderate and reward ing trip. Just call me XiaoZhou or Dao as you like. And this is Mr. Qiu, our driver, who has had 15years of driv ing experie nce .Mea nwhile, his full n ame is Qiu An Qua n, which in Chin esemeans safety first .He will guara ntee your safety and security. We take great pleasure to have all of you here.I will be with you during your one -veek tour in our province and we will be at your service at any time. We will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasa nt experie nce. If you have any problems or suggesti on, please don ' hesitate to let us know.The hotel which we are headi ng for is jia ngxi Hotel, one of the five-star hotels in this city .There is warm and efficient service with extensive leisure facilities. We will do our best to make your trip enjo yable and memorable .Hope you enjoy your stay here.③场景3:全陪周道在前往江西宾馆的路上作沿途风光介绍,包括江西和南昌概况、昌九高速、八一大桥两端桥头的吉祥物、赣江、红谷滩新区;同时简要介绍四日游中的行程以及第二天叫早、用餐和集中的时间;On the Way to the HotelZ: Now, I 'like to in troduce somethi ng about this city .Na nCha ng, the capital of JiangXi Province, has a written history of civilization and boasts rich cultural relics and historical sites. It attracts a large nu mber of domestic and foreign tourists everyyear. It is the ChangJiu Highway that connectsNanChang and the other parts of China together.T: Oh, look, what a magnificent river!Z: That is the Ganjiang River, the biggest river of JiangXi Province and one of the main branch of the Yangtze River.T: That is rather impressive .And what about that - at both ends of the bridge?J: You really have a sharp eye .That bridge is one of the famous scenic spots in NanChang-the BaYi Bridge. And at both ends of the bridge are the symbolic mascots. In the south are the marble black cat with granite white cat while in the north are two powerful cast-bronze lions.T: Those cats mascots are really special. And how about those magnificent buildings ?J: Honggu District, the dreamy garden town in our city.T: I see. It must be quite prosperous.J: Well, here we are. Let 'sgo off and go to the reception desk.T: OK.④场景4:全陪周道与司机到江西宾馆接游客上车,启程后进行问候、清点人数、播报新闻和天气、简要介绍当日行程(以鄱阳湖自然保护区越冬候鸟观赏及湿地观光为活动内容)、提醒注意事项、提示暂时休息等;Z:Mori ng ,everybody.Did you have a nice sleep last ni ght?T: Yes,quite a sound sleep .we were all exhausted after suah a long flight .Z:Today ,we are going to start our special journey .And is everybody here in thegroup ?T:Yes,te n of us.Z:Tell you a good n ews.Accordi ng to the weather forecast, today is a fairly nice day with ple nty of sun shi ne .We are so lucky and fortun ate.T:Terrific!God bless us .Z:Now ,let me introduce the most important part of today 'itinerary -he observati on of win teri ng migratory birds and wetla nd tourism in the n ature reserve of PoYa ng Lake .T:That 'in teresti ng .We love to get close to n ature.Z:What you should remember is that duri ng the visit ,you shuo pay special atte nti on to the protectio n of the n atural en vir onmen t.Besides,you should keep your safety and security in mind .T:Sure.Tha nks for you remi ndi ng .Z:Now,after the long trip ,let 'take a short rest first.T:AII right .⑤场景5:全陪周道在当日游程结束后召集团员回程,在车上对行程进行简略回顾,请游客谈观鸟和湿地观光后的感受,感谢大家的支持和理解,简要介绍第二天的行程;We have finished our today ' juorney .Though we are unwilling to finish such a unique trip in suan a short time ,however ,time is limited. PoYang county,which covers vast water wetla nd and boasts beautiful sce nery and rich fish resources, is the world's most shellfish overwintering migratory birds "terminal", also is curre nt ecological best preserved wetla nd and intern ati onal importa nt wetla nds reserve. Now it has become one of the ideal win teri ng habitat of migratory birds .1 think all of us should be deep in pressed by the beauty of nature .And most impoatantly ,we should learn the significance of the natural en vir onment. Lastly ,I appreciate you support ing ,your un dersta nding and your cooperati on .Let 's keep our eyes on our n ext stati on ——Jin gDeZhe n.⑥场景6:全陪周道在景德镇某陶瓷商店向游客介绍景德镇陶瓷的特色并得体地推介陶瓷产品;Z:Do you know what it isT:lt is amaz ing」have n ever see n such a delicate thi ng likethis .What is its n ame?Z: Ceramics of Jin gDeZhe n, which is famous thoughtout the world .T:Could you give us a more specific introduction of it .Z:Certainly .The Ceramics of JingDeZhen are elegant in design,various in kin ds,exubera nt in ador nment and unique in style . Porcela in, and exquisite, pastels,a nd colored glaze,are among the Jin gDZhe n four traditi onalCeramics .And all of their ways of making can be dated back to FeudalD yn asties .T:That 'really out of our imagi nati on .It must plays an importa nt role in theCh in ese culture.Z:You can say that again ! JingDeZhen ceramic art is one of the most important treasure of Chinese culture and civilization .It is really rewarding and memorable to bring one to show chinese civilization to your friends and relatives.T:That sounds quite reas on able.⑦场景7:全陪周道在某餐厅接收游客对食品的投诉(抱怨)并妥善地处理,设计出游客Jack与周道的对话;Z:ZhouDao J:JackComplaining about the FoodJ:Look , the food in this restaura nt is so awful!Z:What 'up ?J:I hate to say,but this beef is in edible ,too fatty.A nd the roast duck is too oily」t makes me sick .Z:It did like what you say.I will call the waiter to deal with it .Z:Okay,l 'e told them to make a change for you .J:Will I have to wait for a long time ?Z:No.They promised to serve you in less than 5 minutes.J:l also want to order a soup,what ' your recommemdati on?Z:l heard about the egg and vegetable soup here is quite delicious.J:Really?Could you please order one for me ?Z:No problem.J:Can we make a discount for this ?Z:Of course.They offer us a 15% disco unt.J:You are so nice !Z:You are welcome !⑧场景8:全陪周道在前往昌北机场的旅游巴士上向游客致欢送词。
新余Group11.请简要介绍新余的行政区划(administrative divisions)一县(分宜县)和一区(渝水区)2.请简要介绍新余万年桥。
是省级重点保护文物(a key heritage site under provincial protection),由严嵩修建,历时近一年,耗费巨资。
但是现在沉睡在湖中,只有枯水期(dry season)才能看到。
Group21.在江西精品旅游线路中,仅有一条与新余相关,请问这是哪一条?赣西绿色精粹之游(Tour of Green Essentials in West Jiangxi)2.新余获得过哪些荣誉?国家园林城市(Garden City)、森林城市、卫生城市(Sanitation City)。
这里有道教文化之地,同时也是历代文人遗留诗篇之处的洪阳洞;也有下马陵(Xia Malin),是一座古窑,同时,也有钤(qián)麓书院和钤山堂(Hall)。
Group41.新余城区的主要湖泊有哪些?北湖(North Lake)、南湖、仙来湖(Xianlai Lake)、长林湖、晚晴湖。
王钦若(北宋江南第一宰相)、严嵩(明代奸相)、傅抱石(现代国画大师)、何大一博士(科学家)Group51.毛泽东在新余主持召开了哪两场会议?罗坊会议、兴国调查(Xingguo Survey)会议2.新余为什么被称为钢城(Steel City)?因为这里是一个新工业城市,最初因为它的铁而设立该市,后来钢业成为了它的重要产业。
Group61.请列举仙女湖景区景区已经开发完毕的主要岛屿(main developed islands)。
会仙(Meeting Fairy)岛、龙王(Dragon King)岛、白鹭(Egret)岛、猴岛、花岛。
课程中文名称课程英文名称“三个代表”重要思想概论Introduction to the Great Thoughts of "Three R eprensents"《资本论》选读Selected Readings in Marx s Capitalism3dsmax造型设计3dsmax DesignAuto CAD设计绘图Graphics and Design Based on Auto CADB to B营销学(芬兰留学) B to B MarketingC++语言程序设计C++ Language ProgrammingC++语言程序设计课程设计Course Design for C++ Language ProgrammingCAD/CAE CAD/CAE (Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Engineering) CAD/CAM CAD/CAM(Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture)CAD/CAM基础Basics of CAD/CAM(Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture)CAD/CAM课程设计Course Design of CAD/CAM(Computer Aided Design and Comp uter Aided Manufacture)CAD/CAM原理Principles of CAD/CAM(Computer Aided Design and Computer Ai ded Manufacture)CI策划与设计CI(Corporate Identit) Planning and DesignCMM/ISO9000 CMM/ISO9000CS理论与实务Theories and Practice of CSC语言 C LanguageC语言程序设计 C Language ProgrammingC语言程序设计课程设计Course Design for C Language ProgrammingDSP技术及应用DSP Techniques and ApplicationDSP开发系统及应用DSP Development System and Its ApplicationDSP原理及应用Principles and Application of DSPExcel与会计信息处理Excel and Accounting Information ProcessingInternet 应用Application of InternetInternet概论Introduction to InternetInternet与电子政务Internet and E-GovernmentIT项目管理IT Project ManagementJava程序设计及应用Java Programming and Its ApplicationJava语言Java languageJava语言程序设计Java language ProgrammingJava语言程序设计课程设计Course Design for Java Language Programming LATEX论文排版系统入门Introduction to LATEX Thesis Processing SystemLinux操作系统Linux Operating SystemMathematica工学解析Engineering Analysis with Mathematica (Engineering Analysis and Mathematica)MATLAB及工程分析MATLAB and Engineering AnalysisMIS开发工具与案例MIS Development Tools and CasesPB程序设计PB ProgrammingPLC原理及应用Principles and Application of PLCPOP广告设计POP Advertising DesignPro/ENGINEER Pro/Engineer softwarePro-E三维造型设计Three-Damensional Design with Pro/Engineer softwareSPSS统计分析"StatisticalProduct and Service Solutions Software"VB程序设计VB ProgrammingVB设计基础Basics of VB ProgrammingVisual Foxpro程序设计Visual Foxpro ProgrammingWeb技术Web TechniquesWeb数据库Web DatabaseWeb应用技术Web TechniquesWeb应用技术课程设计Course Design for Web TechniquesWindows程序设计(VB)Windows Programming (VB)WTO案例分析Analysis of WTO CasesWTO法律制度Law and Regulations of WTOWTO规则(英文讲授)Rules of WTO(in English)XML技术XML (Extensible Stylesheet Language) Techniques安保与消防系统Safety and Fire-control System办公自动化Office Automation包装CAD CAD(Computer Aided Design ) for Packaging包装测试技术Package-testing Techniques包装工艺学Packaging Technology包装管理与法规Management and Statute of Packaging包装过程自动化Automation of Packaging Process包装结构课程设计Course Design for Package Structure包装结构设计Package Structure Design包装设计Package Design包装印刷及后序加工Package Printing and Follow-up Processing包装装潢课程设计Course Design for Packaging Decoration包装装潢设计Packaging Decoration Design包装装潢设计基础Fundamentals of Packaging Decoration Design保险电算化Electronic Insurance保险法Insurance Law保险概论Introduction to Insurance保险会计学Insurance Accounting保险经营管理学Insurance Operation and Management保险精算学Actuarial Science of Insurance保险市场Insurance Market保险统计学Insurance Statistics保险学Insurance保险学原理Principles of Insurance保险制度比较Comparative Studies on Insurance Systems保险专题讲座Lectures on Insurance比较税制Comparative Taxation System笔译(汉-英)Translation (Chinese to English)笔译(汉-英二)Translation (Chinese to EnglishⅡ)笔译(汉-英一)Translation (Chinese to EnglishⅠ)笔译(英-汉)Translation (English to Chinese)笔译(英-汉二)Translation (English to Chinese Ⅱ)笔译(英-汉一)Translation (English to Chinese Ⅰ)笔译实习Translation Practice毕业论文Diploma Thesis毕业论文(设计)Diploma Project and Thesis毕业论文与设计Diploma Project and Thesis毕业设计Diploma Project毕业设计(论文)Diploma Project and Thesis毕业设计经济分析报告Diploma Project—Report of Economic Analysis毕业实习Practice on Diploma Project (Thesis)毕业实习(1)Practice on Diploma Project (Thesis)Ⅰ毕业实习(1)(01)(假期)Practice on Diploma Project (Thesis)Ⅰ毕业实习(1)(假期)Practice on Diploma Project (Thesis)Ⅰ毕业实习(2)Practice on Diploma Project (Thesis)Ⅱ毕业实习(2)(01)Practice on Diploma Project (Thesis)Ⅱ毕业实习(3)Practice on Diploma Project (Thesis)Ⅲ毕业实习、毕业论文Diploma Thesis and Practice毕业实习、毕业设计Diploma Project and Practice on It毕业实习、毕业设计(论文)Diploma Project (Thesis) and Practice 毕业实习、毕业设计(论文)Diploma Project (Thesis) and Practice毕业实习、设计(论文)Diploma Project (Thesis) and Practice编排设计Layout Design of Publication编译原理Principles of Compiling表面活性剂化学Surfactant Chemistry表现技法Presentation Techniques播音学概论Introduction to Broadcasting播音与主持作品鉴赏Appreciation of Broadcasting and Hosting Art博览会考察周Exhibition Investigation Seminar博物馆考察周Museum Investigation Seminar博物馆展示设计Design of Museum Exhibition材料科学导论Introduction to Material Science材料力学Material Mechanics材料市场调研Survey of Material Market材料性能测试技术Techniques of Material Performance Measurement材料与工艺Materials and Material Processing Technology财产保险学Property Insurance财务报表分析Business Analysis with Finacial Statements财务管理学Financial Management财务会计学Financial Accounting财政学Public Finance财政与税收Public Finance and Taxation采购学Purchasing餐饮管理Catering Management操作系统Disk Operating System测绘Measurement and Drafting测控技术Measurement and Control Technology测试技术Testing Technology测试技术课程设计Course Design for Testing Technology产品结构设计Product Structure Design产品界面设计Product Interface Design产品开发设计Product Development Design产品设计Product Design产品设计(1)Product Design Ⅰ产品设计(2)Product Design Ⅱ产品设计(二)Product Design Ⅱ产品设计(三)Product Design Ⅲ产品设计(四)Product Design Ⅳ产品设计(一)Product Design Ⅰ产品设计程序与方法Procedure and Methodology of Product Design产品设计课程设计Course Exercises of Product Design产品设计与策划Product Design and Planning产品摄影Product Photography产品摄影实践Practice of Product Photography产品数字化设计技术Technology of Product Digital Design产品系统设计Product System Design产业经济学Industrial Economics车辆空调Vehicle Air-condition车辆人机环境工程学Vehicle Man-machine-evironment Engineering 车用动力概论Introduction to Vehicular Internal Combustion Engine成本管理会计Cost and Managerial Accounting成本会计学Cost Accounting城市经济学Urban Economics抽样调查Sampling Survey出版概论Introduction to Publishing橱窗展示设计Window-exhibition Design传播心理学Communication Psychology传递过程原理Principles of Transfer Course传统工艺品鉴赏与收藏Appreciation and Collection of Traditional Crafts传统装饰工艺设计Traditional Decorative Craft Design创新设计Innovative Design创新设计概论Introduction to Innovative Design创造工程学Creative Engineering Mechanism Design创造思维与技法Creative Thinking and Techniques创造学Creatology大气污染控制工程Air Pollution Control Engineering大气污染气象学基础Fundamentals of Air Pollution Meteorology大学俄语(二)College Russian Ⅱ大学俄语(三)College Russian Ⅲ大学俄语(四)College Russian Ⅳ大学俄语(一)College Russian Ⅰ大学化学College Chemistry大学美育"College AestheticEducation"大学日语(二)College JapaneseⅡ大学日语(三)College Japanese Ⅲ大学日语(四)College Japanese Ⅳ大学日语(一)College Japanese Ⅰ大学生思想修养Moral Cultivation for College Students大学生心理健康与咨询Psychological Health and Counseling大学数学College Mathematics大学物理(一) College Physics Ⅰ大学英语(二) College English Ⅱ大学语文College Chinese大众传播学Mass Communication代谢调控Metabolism Control单片机及接口技术Mono-Chip Computer and Interface T echniques单片机及接口技术课程设计Course Design for Mono-Chip Computer and Inter face Techniques单片机原理Principles of Mono-Chip Computer单片机原理及接口技术Principles of Mono-Chip Computer and Interface Tec hniques单片机原理及应用Principles and Application of Mono-Chip Computer单片机原理课程设计Course Design for Principles and Application of Mono-Chip Computer当代世界经济与政治Contemporary International Economy and Politics当代台湾Studies on Modern Taiwan当代中国马克思主义Contemporary Marxism in China当代中国外交Contemporary Diplomacy in China当代中国哲学Contemporary Philosophy in China导游基础与业务Principles and Practice of Tourguiding邓小平理论概论Introduction to Deng Xiaoping s Theory地球科学导论Introduction to Earth Science第二外语(二)The Second Foreign Language Ⅱ电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Field and Electromagnetic Wave电工电子技术Electrical and Electronic Engineering电工电子课程设计Course Design for Electrical and Electronic Engineering电工电子学Electronics in Electrical Engineering电工技术Electrical Engineering电机及电力拖动基础Fundamentals of Electrical Machinery and ElectricalDrive电机与电力拖动基础Fundamentals of Electrical Machinery and ElectricalDrive电力电子技术Power Electronic Technology电路CAA CAA(Computer Aided Analysis) for Circuit电路计算机辅助分析与设计Computer Aided Analysis and Design for Circuit电路理论分析Theoretical Analysis for Circuit电路原理Principles of Circuit电脑美术设计Computer-based Art Design电脑平面设计Computer-based Graphic Design电气控制技术Electrical Control Technology电气控制技术课程设计Course Design for Electrical Control Technology电气控制与PLC Electrical Control and PLC(Programmable Logic Controller)电气控制与PLC课程设计Course Design for Electrical Control and PLC(Prog rammable Logic Controller )电气与PLC 控制Electrical and Programmable Logic Control电器及PLC控制技术Electrical Appliances and PLC(Programmable Logic Controller ) Technology电视播音与主持TV Broadcasting and Hosting电视画面研究TV Tableau Studies电视节目采编TV Programme Gathering and Editing电视节目策划与编导TV Programme Planning and Editing电视节目形态研究TV Programme Pattern Studies电视美学TV Aesthetics电视新闻TV News电影艺术欣赏Appreciation of Film Art电子工艺实习Practice on Electronic Working Technics电子技能训练(二)Electronic Technical Training电子技术Electronic Techniques电子技术CAD Electronic Techniques Based on CAD(Computer Aided Design)电子商务E-Commerce电子商务安全E-Commerce Security电子商务案例分析Case Analysis of E-Commerce电子商务法规与安全E-Commerce Regulations and Security电子商务概论Introduction to E-Commerce电子商务技术E-Commerce Technology电子商务技术课程设计Course Design for E-Commerce Technology电子商务模拟E-Commerce Modeling Operation电子商务系统规划与设计Systematic Planning and Scheming of E-Commerce电子商务系统规划与设计课程设计Course Design for Systematic Planning an d Scheming of E-Commerce电子设计自动化Automation of Electronical Design电子实习Practice on Electronic Technology雕塑Sculpture调查研究方法Methodology of Investigation and Research调香术Technology of Artificial Flavor Production东西方哲学比较Comparative Studies on Oriental and Western Philosophy动画设计Animation Design多媒体光盘课件Multimedia Disk Courseware多媒体计算机技术Multimedia Computer Technology多媒体技术基础Fundamentals of Multimedia Technology多媒体技术与应用Multimedia Technology and its Application多媒体设计Multimedia Design多媒体艺术设计Multimedia Art Design二十世纪英美文学选读Selected Readings from the 20th Century English and American Literature二外俄语(二)Russian as the Second Foreign Language Ⅱ二外法语(二)French as the Second Foreign Language Ⅱ二外日语Japanese as the Second Foreign Language发酵工程及产品"Fermentation Engineering and its Product"发酵工艺实验(分散进行)Experiments of Fermentation Technics()发酵食品技术Food Fermentation Technology发型Hairstyle发展经济学Economics on Development法理学Nomology法律基础Fundamentals of Law法律逻辑Legal Logics法律职业形象设计Image Design of Legistration-related Profession法学基础理论Fundamentals of Science of Law翻译理论Translation Theories犯罪心理学Criminological Psychology犯罪学Criminology饭店布局与设计Hotel Layout and Design饭店财务管理Hotel Financial Management饭店服务Hotel Service饭店工程与设备管理Hotel Project and Facility Management饭店经营与管理Hotel Operation and Management饭店前厅与客房管理Hotel Front Office and Room Department Management饭店人力资源管理Hotel Personnel Management饭店设备管理Hotel Facility Management饭店营销学Hotel Marketing房地产法Real Property Law房地产法律制度Real Property Legislation房地产经营与管理RealEstate Operation and Management仿生学Bionics分析化学Analytical Chemistry分析检测专题实验Experiments for Analytical Measurement分子生物学Molecular Biology芬兰语言和文化(芬兰留学)Finnish Language and Culture风险管理Risk Management风险理论与非寿险精算Risk Theories and Actuarial Mathematics of Non-life Insurance风险投资Risk Investment服务管理学Service Management服务连锁经营Service Chains Operation服装设计Fashion Design辅助管理决策系统Assistant System for Decision Making in Management复变函数Complex Function复变函数论Introduction to Complex Function复合材料Composite Materials概率论Probability概率论与数理统计Probability and Statistics高等代数与空间解析几何(二)"Advanced Algebra and SpaceAnalytic Geometry Ⅱ"高等数学(上)Advanced Mathematics Ⅰ高等数学(微积分)精讲Advanced Mathematics(Calculus)高分子材料加工工程设计Engineering Design of Polymer Material Processin g高分子材料进展Development of Polymer Materials高分子材料学Studies on Polymer Materials高分子材料研究方法Methodology in Polymer Material Studies高分子分子设计Polymer Design高分子工程设计概论Introduction to Polymer Engineering Design高分子化学Polymer Chemistry高分子化学及物理Polymer Chemistry and Physics高分子涂料Polymer Coating高分子物理Polymer Physics高分子物理实验Experiments for Polymer Physics高分子原料与助剂Polymer Materials and Aids高分子粘合剂Polymer Adhensive高级财务会计学Advanced Financial Accounting高级听力Advanced Listening高级写作Advanced Writing高级英语Advanced English高级英语口语Advanced Speaking高级语言程序设计Programming of Advanced Computer Languages高级运筹学Advanced Operation Research高技术产品营销High-tech Manufacture Marketing高聚物共混改性原理Principles of Polymer Blending Modification高聚物现代仪器分析方法Methodology of Modern Instrumental Analysis for Polymer高频电子线路High-frenquency Electronic Technology歌剧赏析Appreciation of Operas工厂供电Power Supplying for Factory工厂供电课程设计Course Design for Power Supplying for Factory工程材料Engineering Materials工程化学Engineering Chemistry工程环境Engineering Environment工程经济学Engineering Economics工程力学Engineering Mechanics工程设计概论Introduction to Engineering Design工程设计软件Software for Engineering Design工程塑料Engineering Plastics工程制图Engineering Drawing工程制图实践Practice on Engineering Drawing工商管理专题研究Research on Business Management工业产品造型设计Modeling Design of Industrial Products工业产权法Industrial Property Law工业分析Industrial Analysis工业机器人Industrial Robot工业技术创新Industrial Technology Innovation工业技术创新概论Introduction to Industrial Technology Innovation工业美术基础Fundamentals of Industrial Art工业设计导论Introduction to Industrial Design工业设计史History of Industrial Design工业造型设计Industrial Modeling Design公差与技术测量Technical Measurement and Common Difference公共关系学Public Relations公共行政Public Administration公共艺术设计Commonality Art Design公司财务2(芬兰留学)Corporate Finance Ⅱ公司法Company Law公司证券法Company and Securities Law公司治理与运作Corporation Administration and Operation公益劳动(分散进行)Social Work公众、商务、学术、英语演说Public/Business/Academic/English Speech功能高分子Functional Polymer功能高分子材料Functional Polymer Materials功能性食品Functional Food供应链管理Supply Chains Management沟通理论与方法Theories and Methodology of Communication沟通原理与方法Principles and Methodology of Communication购买者行为分析Phachasing Behavior Analysis古诗词鉴赏Appreciation of Classic Poetry固定收益债券Fixed-income Securities固体废弃物处理与处置Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal管理博弈论Game Theory in Management管理会计学Management Accounting管理经济学Management Economics管理决策模型与方法Methodology and Modeling in Management Decision Making管理科学专题Topics on Science of Management管理模拟Management Simulation管理认识实习Perceptual Practice on Managenment管理软件应用Management Software Application管理思想发展史History of Management Thoughts管理信息系统Management Information System管理学Management管理学基础与应用Fundamentals and Application of Management管理英语Management English管理咨询Management Conselling管理综合模拟Comprehensive Simulation of Management光电检测及信息系统课程设计Course Design for Optoelectronic Detection a nd Information System光电检测原理与技术Principles and Technology of Optoelectronic Detection光电检测原理与技术课程设计Course Design for Principles and Technology of Optoelectronic Detection光电探测与信号处理Optoelectronic Detection and Signal Processing光电显示与接口技术Optoelectronic Displaying and Interface Technology光电子技术基础Fundamentals of Optoelectronic Technology光电子器件原理与应用Principles and Application of Optoelectronic Devices光纤器件及通信技术Optical Fibre Devices and Communication Technology 光纤通信系统课程设计Course Design for Fibre Optical Communication广播播音与主持Radio Broadcasting and Hosting广播电视概论Introduction to Radio and Television广告策划Advertising Planning广告传播Advertising Communication广告经营管理Advertising Operation and Management广告媒体研究Studies on Advertising Media广告美学Advertising Aesthetics广告设计Advertising Design广告设计(1)Advertising Design Ⅰ广告设计(2)Advertising Design Ⅱ广告摄影Advertising Photography广告文案Advertising Copywriting广告心理Advertising Psychology广告心理学Advertising Psychology广告学概论Introduction to Advertising广告英语Advertising English广告专题研究Research on Advertising国画Chinese Traditional Painting国际法International Law国际饭店业International Hospitality国际服务贸易International Service Trade国际关系International Relations国际广告及伦理International Advertising Ethics国际货物运输International Freight Transfer国际技术贸易International Technology Trade国际结算International Settlement国际金融International Finance国际金融与结算International Finance and Settlement国际经济法International Economic Law国际经济合作International Economic Cooperation国际经济学International Economics国际经贸英语English for International Trade国际经贸英语口语Oral English for International Trade国际礼仪与民俗International Rites and Folk Customs国际旅游概况General Survey of International Tourism国际贸易International Trade国际贸易地理International Trade Geography国际贸易法International Trade Law国际贸易法(英文讲授)International Trade Law (in English)国际贸易惯例International Trade Practice国际贸易理论评价Comments on International Trade Theories国际贸易理论与实务International Trade Theories and Practice国际贸易模拟实习Practice on Modeling International Trade国际贸易实务International Trade Affairs国际贸易实务模拟实验Experiments for Modeling International Trade Affai rs国际贸易史History of International Trade国际民事诉讼法与国际商事仲裁(英文讲授)International Law of Civil Pro cedures and Business Arbitration (in English)国际企业经营管理International Enterprise Operation and Management国际商法International Business Law国际商法(上)International Business Law Ⅰ国际商务(芬兰留学)International Business国际商务管理(芬兰留学)International Business Management国际商务函电Correspondence in International Business国际市场营销学International Marketing国际税收International Taxation国际私法Private International Law国际投资法(英文讲授)International Investment Law (in English)国际投资学International Investment国际物流实务International Logistic Affairs国际物流学International Logistics国际营销与管理(芬兰留学)International Marketing and Management国际运输与保险International Transportation and Insurance国家俄语四级Russian Test,Band 4国家日语四级Japanese Test, Band 4国家税收National Taxation国家英语六级CET-6(College English Test, Band 6)国家英语四级CET-4(College English Test, Band4)国家预算Government Budget国民经济核算体系National Economic Accounting System过程控制系统Process Control System海商法Maritime Law海商法(英语教学)Maritime Law( in English)海上保险学Marine Insurance海外证券市场Overseas Securities Market合唱艺术Art of Choral Music合同法Contract Law宏观经济学Macroeconomics互联网广告Advertising on Internet互溶双液系相图的绘制"Drawing of Intersoluble BinaryLiquid Diagram"化工CAD CAD(Computer Aided Design) in Chemical Engineering化工单元操作Unit Operation in Chemical Engineering化工分离过程Chemical Seperation Process化工工艺计算Calculations in Chemical Engineering Technology化工工艺设计CAD基础CAD(Computer Aided Design) Fundamentals for Techni cal Design of Chemical Engineering化工工艺设计概论Introduction to Technical Design of Chemical Engineering化工工艺设计概论课程设计Course Design for Introduction to Technical Design of Chemical Engineering化工工艺学Chemical Engineering Technology化工过程仿真Process Simulation of ChemicalEngineering化工过程分析与模拟Process Analysis and Simulation of Chemical Engineering化工过程基础Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Process化工过程开发Process Exploitation in Chemical Engineering化工过程控制Process Control in Chemical Engineering化工过程设计Process Design in Chemical Engineering化工计算机辅助计算Computer Aided Calculation in Chemical Engineering化工计算机辅助设计CAD(Computer Aided Design) in Chemical Engineering化工热力学Thermodynamics of Chemical Engineering化工软件编程基础Fundamentals of Software Programming in Chemical Engin eering化工设备基础Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Equipment化工设计Chemical Engineering Design化工污染控制Pollution Control in Chemical Engineering化工仪表及自动化Chemical Meters and Automation化工优化方法Optimize Methods in Chemistry Engineering化工原理(上)Principles of Chemical Engineering Ⅰ化工原理单元操作Unit Operation in Principles of Chemical Engineering化工原理课程设计Course Design for Principles of Chemical Engineering化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering化学分离理论与方法Separation Theories and Methodology in Chemistry化学分析Chemical Analysis化学工程基础Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering化学工程基础实验Experiments for Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering化学工程与工艺实验Experiments for Chemical Engineering and Technology化学史History of Chemistry化学信息学导论"Introduction to ChemicalInformatics"化学综合设计性实践操作Comprehensive Designing Experiments in Chemistry化妆Make-up Course化妆Ⅰ(化妆基础)Make-up Course Ⅰ(Basics )化妆Ⅱ(生活妆/影视妆)Make-up Course Ⅱ(Daily life Make-up / TV and F ilm Make-up)化妆Ⅲ(古妆)Make-up Course Ⅲ(Ancient Style Make-up)化妆Ⅳ(种族妆/老年妆)Make-up Course Ⅳ(Ethnic Make-up / Aging Make-u p )化妆品技术与应用Technology and Application of Cosmetics化妆品学Cosmetic Studies化妆设计Make-up Design画法几何与工程制图Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphing画法几何与工程制图(上)Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphing Ⅰ画法几何与工程制图(下)Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphing Ⅱ画法几何与机械制图(下)Descriptive Geometry and Mechanical GraphingⅡ环境、化学与人类健康Evironment, Chemistry and Human Being Health环境保护与可持续发展Environmental Protection and Sustainable Developm ent环境法Environmental Law环境工程实验Experiments for Environmental Engineering环境工程学Environmental Engineering环境管理与环境法Environmental Management and Environmental Law环境规划Environmental Planning环境化学Environmental Chemistry环境监测Environmental Monitoring环境经济学Environmental Economics环境生态学Environmental Ecology环境生物技术Environmental Biotechnology环境生物学Environmental Biology环境视觉设计Environmental Visual-design环境微生物学基础Fundamentals of Environmental Microbiology环境信息系统Environmental Information System环境学Environmental Science环境学导论Introduction to Environmental Science环境艺术设计基础Fundamentals of Environmental Art Design环境与展示设计Environmental and Exhibition Design环境质量评价Environmental Quality Assessment汇编语言程序设计Assembly Language Programming汇编语言程序设计课程设计Course Design for Assembly Language Programmin g会计报表分析Accounting Report Analysis会计实验Experiments for Accounting会计学Accounting会计学概论Introduction to Accounting会计学原理Principles of Accounting会计制度设计Accounting System Design婚姻法Marriage Law婚姻与继承法Marriage and Heritage Law货币银行学Money and Banking货币与金融统计学Money and Financial Statistics货物运输保险Cargo Transportation Insurance机电基础Fundamentals of Mechanical-Electrical Technology机电基础(二)Fundamentals of Mechanical-Electrical Technology Ⅱ机电基础(一)Fundamentals of Mechanical-Electrical Technology Ⅰ机电接口技术Mechanical-Electrical Interface Technology机电控制课程设计Course Design for Mechanical-Electrical Control机电系统设计Mechanical-Electrical System Design机电系统设计课程设计Course Design for Mechanical-Electrical System De sign机电一体化系统设计"Mechanical and Electrical Integration System Design"机电综合实训Comprehensive Practice on Mechanical-Electrical Technology机构设计学Mechanism Design机器人学Studies on Robot机械工程基础(二)Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Ⅱ机械工程基础(一)Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Ⅰ机械可靠性设计Mechanical Reliability Design机械控制工程Mechanical Control Engineering机械设计Machanical Design机械设计基础Fundamentals of Machanical Design机械设计基础课程设计Course Design for Fundamentals of Machanical Desi gn机械设计课程设计Course Design for Machanical Design机械设计学Studies on Machanical Design机械设计学课程设计Course Design for Studies on Machanical Design机械优化设计Optimum Design of Machinery机械原理Mechanical Principles机械原理课程设计Course Design for Mechanical Principles机械振动Machine Vibration机械制造工程基础(Ⅰ、Ⅱ)Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacture Ⅰ/Ⅱ机械制造工艺学Mechanical Manufacture Technology机械制造工艺学课程设计Course Design for Mechanical Manufacture Techno logy积分变换Integral Transformation基础英语(二)Essential English Ⅱ基因工程原理Principles of Genetic Engineering激光应用Laser Application集散控制系统DCS (Distributed Control System)计量经济学Econometrics计算方法Numerical Analysis计算机CI设计Computer-based Corporate Identity Design计算机Pro/E Computer Software——Pro/E (Professional Engineer)计算机包装装潢设计Computer-based Packaging Decoration Design计算机操作Computer Operation601-900计算机动画设计"Computer-based AnimationDesign"计算机多媒体制作Computer-based Multimedia Making计算机犯罪Computer Crime计算机仿真与MATLAB Computer Simulation and MATLAB (Numerical Computing Software)计算机辅助机械设计Computer Aided Machine Design计算机辅助模具设计Computer Aided Molding Design计算机辅助平面设计Computer Aided Graphic Design计算机辅助设计基础Fundamentals of CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助造型设计CAS(Computer Aided Styling)计算机辅助展示设计Computer Aided Exhibition Design计算机广告设计Computer Aided Advertising Design计算机会计Computer Accounting计算机会计基础Fundamentals of Computer Accounting计算机会计实务Computer Accounting Practice计算机会计与审计Computer Accounting and Auditing计算机绘图Computer Graphing计算机基础训练Fundamental Trainings on Computer Application计算机基础英语Essential English for Computer计算机基础与操作(上)Computer Basis and Application Ⅰ计算机基础与操作(下)Computer Basis and Application Ⅱ计算机科学导论Introduction to Computer Science计算机科学引论Introduction to Computer Science计算机控制课程设计Course Design for Computer Control计算机控制系统Computer Control System计算机控制系统课程设计Course Design for Computer Control System计算机平面设计Computer Graphic Design计算机软件技术基础Fundamentals of Computer Software Technology计算机色彩学Computer Chromatics计算机实用软件Computer Application Software计算机数字图像处理Computer Digital Image Processing计算机图像处理Computer Image Processing计算机图像处理课程设计Course Design for Computer Image Processing计算机图形学Computer Graphics计算机图形学课程设计Course Design for Computer Graphics计算机网络安全Computer Network Security计算机网络技术Computer Network Technology计算机网络技术课程设计Course Design for Computer Network Technology计算机网络应用Computer Network Application计算机网络与通讯Computer Network and Communication计算机网络与应用Computer Network and Its Application计算机网页设计Computer Homepage Design计算机文化基础Fundamentals of Computer Literacy计算机文字处理与排版Computer Word Processing and Composition计算机系统安全Computer System Security计算机硬件基础Fundamentals of Computer Hardware计算机硬件技术基础Fundamentals of Computer Hardware Technology计算机硬件技术基础课程设计Course Design for Fundamentals of Computer H ardware Technology计算机在物流管理中的应用Computer Application in Logistic Management计算机综合应用Comprehensive Application of Computer计算机组成原理Principles of Computer Organization计算机组成原理课程设计Course Design for Principles of Computer Organiz ation技术经济与企业管理Techno-economics and Enterprise Management价值工程Value Engineering价值链管理Value Chain Management价值评估Value Assessment检测技术Testing Technology建筑初步Introduction to Architecture建筑环境与可持续发展Architecture Evironment and Sustainable Developmen t建筑形式美的法则Principles of Architectural Formalist Aesthetics健康街舞Body-building Hip-Hop Dance交换原理Principles of Exchange交流调速"AlternatingCurrent Governor "交谊舞Social Dance胶体化学与表面化学Colloid Chemistry and Surface Chemistry 接口与通信技术Interface and Communication Technology结构化学Structural Chemistry金工实习Metal Craft Practice金工实习(含上课20)Metal Craft Practice (Lectures Included)金工实习(假期)Metal Craft Practice (during Holiday)金工实习(假期2周)Metal Craft Practice (during Holiday)金融法Financial Law金融工程Financial Engineering金融经济学Financial Economics金融期货与期权Financial Futures And Options金融时间序列分析"Financial TimeSeries Analysis"金融市场Financial Market金融统计学Financial Statistics金融信托与租赁Financial Trust and Lease金融学Finance金融证券概论Introduction to Financial Securities金融专题讲座Lectures on Finance金属材料概论Introduction to Metallic Materials经纪人理论与实务Brokerage Theories and Affairs经纪业务运营与管理Brokerage Operation and Management经纪运营与管理Brokerage Operation and Management经济案例法律分析Legal Analysis of Economic Cases经济报道Economic Reporting经济地理Economic Geogrophy经济法Economic Law经济法概论Introduction to Economics Law经济管理实践Practice of Economic Management经济新闻Economic News经济新闻概论Introduction to Economic News经济新闻英语视听说Multimedia Economic English经济学基础Fundamentals of Economics经济学说史History of Economics经营谋略Strategic Management精细化工概论Introduction to Fine Chemicals Engineering景观设计Landscape Planning and Design酒吧经营Management of Bars就业指导Instruction for Employment居民考察写生实践Practice on Resident Living Sketch聚合物改性Polymer Modification聚合物工程原理(二)Principles of Polymer Engineering Ⅱ。
2.抚州的主要旅游和历史景点有哪些?汤显祖/王安石纪念馆(Memorial Hall)、道教名山麻姑山、流坑村和竹桥村Group21.临川四梦是指哪四梦?《牡丹亭》(Peony Pavilion)、《紫钗记》(The Legend of Purple Hair Pin)、《南柯记》(A Dream under the Southern Bough)和《邯郸记》(Handan Dream)。
2.有言“邺水朱华,光照临川之笔”(the talent of Caozhi in chanting the lotus flower by the Yeshui River went beyond Xielingyun,the prefectural governor of Linchuan in the Southern Dynasty),源自哪里?并加以简介。
①出自《滕王阁序》②这句话把临川的学者和文人(scholars and men of letters)比作曹植和谢灵运,能够写出像他们一样优美的诗句。
Group31.在江西一流旅游路线中,与抚州有关的,有哪几条?三条,它们分别是:①赣中南红色经典游(Tour of Red Classic Scenic Spots in South-Central Jiangxi)②赣东的丹山碧溪之旅(Tour of Red Mountain and Green Streams in East Jiangxi)③赣中的名人故乡之行(Tour of Celebrities’ Hometo in Central Jiangxi)2.临川文化是什么?一种特殊的文化观念(cultural concept),秦汉创立,在现今依旧影响深远。
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d)Some of the famous dishes: diced chicken with hot pepper(宫保鸡丁), spicy beancurd ( 麻辣豆腐),twice-cooked pork sl( 锅巴肉片),smoked duck flavored with tea leaves( 樟茶鸭),braised snakehead with eggs (烩乌鱼蛋),Dezhou braised chicken (德州扒鸡),whole winter melon soup(冬瓜盅),roast suckling pig(烤 卤猪),blanched chicken ( 白切鸡),meat balls braised in brown sauce(红烧狮子头), bagger's chicken(叫化鸡),sauted shrimps and crabmeat (虾蟹两鲜), etc.
The Culinary Arts of China Cooking in China has an age-long history. It specializes in its own ways of processing various kinds of dishes of local tastes and characteristics. According to books on cooking, the total number of ancient and modern Chinese dishes is about 8000, taking only the famous dishes! The ingredients may be classified into some 600 broad categories. There are 48 basic ways of cooking, including roasting, frying and boiling, all of which bringing out the best ingredients. Chinese cooking is subdivided into a great many schools notable for their local flavors. Among them are the more popular and well known eight schools- Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hunan, Fujian and Anhui. There are also more than twenty other outstanding local dishes like Beijing dishes and Shanghai dishes.
TranslationUnit11.The Temple of Heaven (天坛) is the largest intact alter temple(坛庙) of China. The Temple of Heaven used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped and offered sacrifices to Heaven(祭天)to pray for good harvests and fine rain(五谷丰登、风调雨顺).译:天坛是中国现存最大、保存最完好的坛庙。
2.The Fragrant Hill(香山)looks very much like a censer(香炉), often girdled (环绕) by wisps of spiraling (缭绕) mist as if it were giving out incense-smoke hence it was called the “Censer Hill”(“香炉山”). Later, it was shortened as the “Fragrant Hill”.译:香山因其形状似香炉,周围常常云雾缭绕,看起来犹如香烟弥漫。
3.The Beihai Park (北海公园) is located to the west of the Jingshan Park (景山公园) . The existence of the park can be traced back to the mid-eleventh cent ury when a temporary royal residence named “Yaoyu”(瑶屿) was built here during the Liao Dynasty.译:北海公园位于景山公园的西面,早在11世纪中叶,辽代就在这里建立瑶屿行宫。
第一题导游人员的定义?导游员应该具备的基本素质有哪些?What is the definition of a tour guide and what basic qualities should a tour guide have?(1)A tour guide is a person who has acquired a tour guide certificate(证书)and is assigned by a travel agency to escort tourists on their travels, providing them with commentary and guiding service as well as other travel services.(2)a. moral character 良好的品质b. profound knowledge 渊博的知识c. sound ability 较强的能力d. proficient skills 较高的技能e. healthy body 健康的身体f. decent appearance 端庄的仪表第二题导游人员的基本职责是什么?List the basic tasks of a tour guide.(1)Arrange the itinerary(路线)of visits and sightseeing according to the contract(合同)signed between the travel agency and the tourists.(2)Guide the tourists to and around the sites and introduce them Chinese culture andthe local tourism resources.(3)Arrange for meals, accommodation, transportation, shopping and entertainment,and ensure the personal safety of tourists and the security of their property.(4)Answer tourists’ questions patiently and help them solve their problems during thejourney.(5)Report tourists’opinions and suggestions to the travel agency and, if necessary,help to arrange meetings for on-tour feedback.第三题导游员应该怎样熟悉接待计划?How does a tour guide get to know a reception plan?(1)The tourist group survey(旅游团概况): 1.客源地the name of the travel agencythat organizes the group in its source origin, nationalities, languages, name of the tour leader;2.组团社name of the travel agency, name and cell-phone number of national guides;3.旅游团name, number and standard of fees of the tourist group.(2)Members’ situation of the tourist group(旅游团成员情况): the total number人数, names, sex性别, occupations职业and religions宗教信仰.(3)Traveling route and the transportation(旅游路线和交通工具): the wholeroute of this group全程路线, places of departing and entering出入境地点, transportation交通工具and so on. The number, time and place of the vehicles they use while the tourists are arriving and leaving.抵离本地时所乘交通工具的班次、时间和地点。
As a tour guide, it is essential to possess a strong command of English language proficiency to effectively communicate with tourists from diverse backgrounds. This essay presents a comprehensive template for tour guides to enhance their English language skills and provide exceptional visitor experiences.Speaking Skills。
1. Clarity and Pronunciation:Clear and precise speech is crucial for tour guides. Practice enunciation and pronunciation to ensure tourists can effortlessly understand your commentary.2. Fluency and Pacing:Speak at an appropriate pace that allows tourists to absorb information. Maintain a smooth and natural flow of speech, avoiding hesitations or rapid delivery.3. Use of Vocabulary:Use a wide range of vocabulary to engage tourists. Incorporate synonyms, antonyms, and descriptive language to enhance the tour's appeal.4. Storytelling and Anecdotes:Engage tourists by incorporating storytelling and anecdotes. Use vivid descriptions, personal experiences, and historical accounts to captivate their attention.5. Cultural Sensitivity:Be mindful of cultural differences when communicating with tourists. Use respectful language, avoid offensivejokes, and demonstrate an understanding of their cultural perspectives.Listening Skills。
江西英语导游词2江西英语导游词3江西英语导游词4Dear passengers,Hello!Taohuayuan, also known as Taoyuan mountain, is also known as "paradise"ng the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the areafirst belonged to the state of Chu and then to the state of Qin. According tothe book of the later Han Dynasty, Qianzhong county was renamed Wuling County inthe fifth year of emperor Gaodi of the Han Dynasty (202 BC), "two thousand andone hundred Li south of Luoyang". Tao Yuanming's "Tukou" poem said: "far away toNanjing", that is. According to Du Guangting's Dongtianfudi Ji of Tang Dynasty,Taoyuan mountain is located in Wuling County, Langzhou. Song Dynasty's Yu DiGuang Ji says: "in the first year of Qiande (963), Wuling county was establishedas Taoyuan County. There is Taoyuan mountain. According to Yi Tong Zhi of theMing Dynasty, Taoyuan mountain is 30 Li southwest of Taoyuan County in ChangdePrefecture, where there is Taoyuan cave. It is also called Qinren cave. NearShuixi, Changde City, Hunan Province, facing Yuanshui River and leaning againstmountains, the scenery is beautiful. Taohuayuan is a part of Hunan Jiangxi hillyregion, located in the northeast of Xuefeng mountain and Wuling mountain upliftbelt, and the southwest corner of the Mesozoic West Dongting lake rding to the report on the investigation and evaluation of Taohuayuan scenicresources in Hunan Province, the geographical location of the main scenic spotsin Taohuayuan is 110 ° 25 '- 27'e and 28 ° 47' - 49'n.Taoyuan County is the natural medium area of Taohuayuan. It bordersYuanling County of Huaihua City, Cili County and Yongding District ofZhangjiajie City in the west, linli County and Dingcheng District of ChangdeCity in the East, Shimen County of Changde City in the north and Anhua County ofYiyang City in the south. Taohuayuan landscape is hammer shaped, inclined to thesouthwest of Taoyuan County. The scenic area is 157.55 square kilometers. Amongthem, Taohuayuan main scenic area is 15.8 square kilometers, Taohuayuan Yuanshuiscenic area is 44.85 square kilometers, and the peripheral protection area is96.9 square kilometers. The landscape boundary generally exceeds the districtboundary. The main scenic spot of Taohuayuan is located in the east of Chongqiuand yaotianping township of Dingcheng District, the west of Yuanshui and Jianshitown of Taoyuan County, Zhangjiang Town of Taoyuan County in the north andTaohuayuan town of Taoyuan County in the south. It includes state-owned HunanTaoyuan Taohuayuan Linyang, Taohuayuan town Taohuayuan village, Sanhe Village,Chazhuang village, Shuangfeng Village, Qingshan village and Taohuayuan residentscommittee. Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic area, along the way, you can see theindependent scenic spots of Taoyuan County, such as Zou city, mutangyuan, maple,chehuyuan, Qinglin, Zhangjiang River, Taohuayuan, zhengjiayi, Siping, Jianshi,Lingjintan, Xinglong Street, yanjiaping, etc.According to the landscape trend and geomorphic characteristics, the mainscenic area of Taohuayuan is divided into five natural areas: the place ofavoiding Qin (Qinren Village), Lingjing lake, Taohua mountain, Taoyuan mountainand Taoxian mountain; the water area of Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic belt isroughly divided into four natural sections: the first line of sky scenicsection,yiwangxi scenic section, Lingjintan scenic section and wulingchuanscenic section. It is located in the southwest of Zhangshan mountain, includingshijiachong natural village. Lingjing Lake scenic area is located in thesoutheast of Zhangshan mountain, including jiangjiachong and aijiachong naturalvillages.Taohua mountain scenic area is located in the west of Guihe peak inZhangshan mountain, including tianzunya and yejiawan natural villages. Taoyuanmountain scenic area is located in Huangwen mountain, including the main body ofthe mountain and the remaining parts of badaipo, Baimadu mountain, qinglongzui,baihuzui, etc. Taoxianling scenic area, including Hongyan mountain valley in theupper part of wangjiachong natural village. Yixiantian scenery section islocated in Gaodu post of yanjiaping Township, including yixiantian andshangtianlong. Yiwangxi scenic section, located in the lower reaches ofyiwangxi, contains stone landscapes such as liyutiaolong and shuixinyan. LingjinBeach Scenic section is located in the North Bank of Lingjin beach and wengzibeach, including rock landscape such as CHUANSHI and Qinshan. Wulingchuan scenicsection is located from baipingzhou to Yangzhou of Zou city. It contains famouscultural and natural landscapes such as sanri Tonghui, Baima Xuetao, lvluoqing,Meixi Yanyu, Chushan Spring Festival Gala, Zhangjiang Yeyue, Xunyang ancienttemple, Fufang Wandu and "three pavilions" (Baifo pavilions, Wenchang pavilions,Zhangjiang pavilions), "three pagodas" (Huifeng pagoda, Chuwang pagoda, Wenxingpagoda)。
萍乡Group11.请简介萍乡的行政区划(administrative districts)。
三县(芦溪县、上栗县、莲花县)二区(安源区、湘东区)2.义龙洞被称为什么?地下艺术长廊(the Artistic Corridor under the ground)和天下第一洞。
这个地方是春秋战国时期(Spring-Autumn and War period)楚昭王得到萍实(Pingshi)的地方,萍实意味着国家会繁荣和强大,因此此地被称为萍乡,意为“萍实之地”。
Group31.萍乡的旅游产业主打什么?(How should Pingxiang brand its tourism industry)安源、武功山。
2.萍乡的主要民俗文化有哪些?祭祀文化(Exorcising culture)、采茶戏、农民铜管乐(brass bands consisting of peasants)。
Group51.武功山坐落在哪里?芦溪、安福、袁州的边际(at the boder of Luxi……)2.请简介萍乡的食物特点。
充满本地自然风味,多用山珍河鲜(treasures of mountain and river),重视做汤,口味偏咸、烫、鲜美。
Group61.在江西的精品旅游线路中,与萍乡有关的路线有哪两条?①赣西绿色精粹旅游线(Tour of Green Essentials in West Jiangxi)②赣西南革命摇篮之旅(Tour of Revolutionary Cradle in South-West Jiangxi)2.请简要介绍吴希奭(shì)萍乡人,招募过众人组成千人大军,著名抗元军的将领。
我国10大风景名胜:(thepalacemuseum)**园林(suzhouc**sicalgardens)**山水(untainandwateringuilin)**西湖(westlake)****(huangshanuntain)(emperorinshihuang’smausoleumandterra-cottawarriorsandhorses)长江三峡(three日月潭(sunandonolintai)避暑山庄(chengdesummerresortandsurroundingtemples)万里长城(great wall)5.**珍稀动植物(rare wildandplants):猕猴(rhesus)穿山甲(pangolin)大鲵(giant salamander)龙虾花(lobsterflower)珙桐(doretree)银杏(ginkgo)云杉(spruce)杜鹃花(azalea)6。
湘绣的基本画稿(basicpicture)是国画(chinesepainting)9.magduithefemalecorpsebeenkeptverywell,why? key:burriedverydeeply/sealedup/constant tempertureandconstanthumidity/shortofoxygenundertheconditionofnobacferia10.thefivec**sicsandthefourbooks:c**sicofnges(易经),c**sicofhistory(书经),c**sicofetry(诗经),c**sicofrites(礼)springandautumnannals(春秋)analects ofconfucious(孔子)the greatlearng(大学)thedoctrineofthemean(中庸)bookofmencius(孟子)11.majorreligionsinchina:buddhi/daoi/islami/christinaty12。
2.请简要介绍赣州围屋(enclosed houses)的分布情况(distribution)。
Group21.江西的“五朵金花”里,哪四种矿产资源分布于赣州?铀(uranium)、钨(tungsten)、稀土(rare earth)、钽(tǎn)铌(ní)(tantalum)。
Group31.赣州主要的农产品有哪些?(最少五个)白莲子(white lotus seed)、竹子、甜柚(honey orange)、兔肉(rabbit)、蜜桔(tangerine)。
写作背景:第五次反围剿(the fifth campaign against“encirclement and suppression”)即将失败,毛泽东站在山头,看到士兵们坚守此地,心中感慨,遂写下该诗篇。
2.瑞金沙洲坝的主要革命遗址有哪些?红井(Red well)、中央政府大礼堂(the grand hall of central government)、中央政治局旧址(the site of the Central Political Bureau)Group51.赣州哪两个县,被称为脐橙(navel orange)之乡和金边瑞香(Daphne odora)之乡?信丰和大余。
2.请简介“长征(Long March)第一山”云石山。
有关江西婺源的英语导游词(精选4篇)有关江西婺源的英语篇1Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to travel from Jingdezhen to Wuyuan, themost beautiful village in China, the last Shangri La in China. The driving timeis about 1 or 5 hours. Xiao Hua would like to ask you a question? Did you oftensee Wuyuan in newspapers or on the Internet five years ago? (smile) it should berare to see it? Yes, Wuyuan has been on the rise in recent years One day in20__, when our jiangshuji came to Wuyuan one day, he inadvertently told theentourage that I finally came to my hometown. At that time, the entourage wassurprised and said: "Chairman, your hometown is not from Jiangsu? How can itbecome a la from Jiangxi?" At that time, our General Secretary Jiang Mimi saidwith a smile: "you don't know, my grandfather came out of Jiangwan T own here,and I am also this person.". At that time, the general secretary wrote down: themost beautiful countryside in China! Then, Wuyuan officially vigorouslydeveloped the tourism industry in 20__, and the slogan at that time was the mostbeautiful countryside in China, the last Shangri La in China. Many photographershave come here to discover the beauty of this place. Especially in March everyyear, the golden rape flowers, the unique white wall, the Horsehead wall ofDaiwa and the Hui style buildings with flying eaves become the paradise forthose tourists who love photography, making them forget to return!Now that we have entered Wuyuan, you can see that the buildings outside thewindow are all Huizhou style buildings. You may wonder why there are still Anhuistyle buildings in Jiangxi. In fact, before that, it was one of the sixprefectures and one countyin Huizhou. During the period of the Republic ofChina, Mr. Jiang assigned it to Jiangxi in 1937 to suppress bandits, Beforeliberation, it returned to Jiangxi. 99% of the water in Wuyuan converged toPoyang Lake. It only took us two hours to drive from Tunxi in Anhui, and two tothree hours to drive from Quzhou in Zhejiang. Transportation is very convenient,but in ancient Wuyuan, because there are many mountains, transportation is veryinconvenient. T o sum up with a sentence by Xiaohua, Wuyuan is "divided into halfmountains, half fields, half waterways and manors". This kind of environmentcaused people in ancient Wuyuan to understand that when they were poor, theywould think of change. Here is a sentence about the fate of the men here: "theywere born in Huizhou in the past, From this nursery rhyme, we can see that themen here were very bitter before. Because of the large mountains, small land andlarge population, they had to go out to do business. Many people in ancientWuyuan were engaged in tea business and timber business, and gradually formed agroup of Hui merchants. Speaking of merchants, we all know that there have beenthree very famous business schools in China since ancient times. The first oneis just Shanxi merchants, when it comes to Shanxi merchants, you should think ofthe scene of "Qiao's courtyard", which reflects the brilliant image of ageneration of Shanxi Merchants Qiao Zhiyong. The second business school is ourHui merchants, and the Hui merchants must think that Xiang Yang, the author ofChinese Taiwan, wrote a book "red top businessman Hu Xueyan". Hu Xueyan can be said tobe a model of businessmen at all times and in all over the world. He is a modelin both business and conduct. Therefore, if you often go to bookstores, you willfind books about him. For example, in the recent 100forums, a famous professorin Taipei, Zeng Zhiqiang, wrote a book "Hu Xueyan's Enlightenment". It can beseen that Hu Xueyan knew the talents, made great efforts to relieve WangYouling, a poor scholar, and finally became a famous businessman in the worldfrom a primary school apprentice to a rich one. It can be said that he was amodel in the business world! The third business road was the Jiangyou gang inJiangxi Province! Although the businessmen were very rich, they had a lot ofmoney There are three wives and six concubines in the house, but in fact, howhumble the status of merchants in ancient times is? In ancient times, theranking is officials, peasants, workers and merchants. The highest status isscholars, and everything is inferior. Only scholars are high, officials andscholars are the highest, followed by farmers, because they have land, thencraftsmen, and finally merchants. What is the status of merchants at that timeThey are humble, so they try to earn money, go back to their hometown to marry awife, build a big house, donate money to build ancestral temples, bridges androads, so as to improve their status and identity in their hometown. So you cantake a look at the house in Wuyuan, which is made into a horse head wall. From adistance, it looks like an ancient woman looking forward to her own man's earlyreturn!When it comes to Wuyuan, this place is just like a woman's Jasper, brightand elegant. You can see from his name that this place has something to do withwomen. Take a look at the word "Wu" in "Wuyuan". There is a girl's "woman"below. This thin woman has a "spear" on her left shoulder. In ancient times,"spear" was a very sharp weapon, and his right shoulder is beside a palindrome,which means that you can't offend the women here? (laughter), although she isweak and small Thewomen in Wuyuan are typical: they can get into the hall, getout of the kitchen, raise a son, and meet their parents' daughter-in-law. Justnow we said that Wuyuan men have a hard life and will go out to do business atthe age of thirteen or fourteen. But who knows that Wuyuan women are also veryhard. To marry here or a businessman, we not only have to suffer from Acacia,but also learn to fight by ourselves When it comes to the relationship betweenmother-in-law and daughter-in-law, it's a science, a great knowledge. As thesaying goes: "three women in a play, five women top five thousand ducks.". Sothis is also a compulsory course for women in Wuyuan. When women in Wuyuan getmarried, they have some interesting customs. For example, they have to cry ontheir wedding day. You must think it's strange that they are very happy and it'snot lucky to cry. But people in Wuyuan must cry. The more you cry, the betteryou'll get married! If you don't cry, the neighbors will joke that this woman'shusband doesn't love her in the future! (smile) after Wuyuan's woman's crying,her husband will carry her from the lady's building to the sedan chair, andbring her wedding makeup to her husband's house. When we get to the door of myhusband's house, the new lady will get off the sedan chair and knock on the doorof my husband's house. This is that the future mother-in-law will open the doorto "greet", and this greeting will also give a big gift! What do you guess?First of all, Wuyuan's mother-in-law is very fierce. As the saying goes: tenyears later, when her daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law, she must beruthless, or how to discipline her daughter-in-law in the future? (laughter)guess! Well, when her mother-in-law opens the door, she slaps her face loudly!Hehe, Wuyuan's daughter-in-law doesn't cry or make noise, and her mother-in-lawbeats her What should she do?Wuyuan has been a "book town" since ancient times.Everything is very implicit. For example, Wuyuan people's restroom is not calledrestroom, but called "Shuyuan". In ancient times, there were couplets inShuyuan, which said: "common people's families often come here, and the emperoralso comes here!" let's say that the daughter-in-law was beaten, but at thistime, she waved calmly and asked people to carry the dowry into the house Let'ssee what the dowry is. First, a rice sieve, second, a pair of scissors, third,five well diggers, fourth, a contract to divide the land, fifth, a coffin,sixth, a secret weapon and two tea bags.You may be surprised, what are these used for? Guess again? (the answers ofordinary guests make me faint) Hey hey! Tell you! First of all, rice sieve tellsmy mother-in-law that you don't have to beat me or scold me. I may have manyshortcomings before marriage, and I also have many advantages. Today I bringrice sieve, and I will screen my disadvantages and advantages every day I'llcorrect the bad points by myself, and I'll keep the good ones, so you don't haveto beat me or scold me!Secondly, a pair of scissors is to tell mother-in-law that if your sonchanges his heart one day, or our relationship is bad, we will deal with ouremotional problems by ourselves, and you don't have to talk about it. Son, yourdaughter-in-law can't do it. Repair her, right? We will deal with our feelings,just like taking this pair of scissors, and it will never be broken. Please restassured!Third, five well diggers. People in Wuyuan used to drink well water, so mymother's family helped dig well. A field, and a coffin together means to tell mymother-in-law that although I married into your house today, the water I drankwas dug by my mother-in-law's family, and the rice I ate was planted in my ownfield, including that I didn't need your coffin when I died! So you beatme andscolded me, I didn't have to fight back! Haha! As for tea bags? (to know theanswer, please listen to the next analysis)!有关江西婺源的英语导游词篇2Hello, everyone!Today, we are going to Wuyuan, the hometown of Zhu, a famous NeoConfucianist in the Southern Song Dynasty. I'll be your guide. I hope that youwill have a good memory through the tour. In order to give you a generalunderstanding of Wuyuan, let me first introduce the situation of Wuyuan CountyWuyuan County is located in the northeast corner of Jiangxi Province. T o theeast of Wuyuan County is Quzhou, a famous historical and cultural city of China.To the west of Wuyuan County is Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital. To the northof Wuyuan County is Huangshan, a tourist attraction in southern Anhui Province.To the south of Wuyuan County is Sanqing mountain, a national scenic spot.Wuyuan County is a green pearl inlaid at the junction of Jiangxi, Zhejiang andAnhui provinces. With a total area of 3900 square kilometers, the county governs11 towns and 15 townships, with a population of 330000. The county seat islocated in Ziyang town. Wuyuan County was founded in the 28th year of Kaiyuan inTang Dynasty (740 A.D.), which has a history of 1200 years. Wuyuan, the name ofthe county, got its name because "land is the source of water". There is a riverin the county called Wushui, which means "the source of Wushui". There are manymountains in the county. It is known as "eight parts of the mountain, one partof the field, half of the waterway and Manor". It is a typical mountainouscounty in the south of the Yangtze River.When it comes to Wuyuan, we must introduce its four famous specialties athome and abroad. These four specialties are represented by four colors, namely"red, green, black and white":Red refers to the "treasure in the water" redpurse fish. It is tender and delicious. It is a good variety of freshwater fishin China and is selected as a state banquet. When American President Nixon andJapanese Prime Minister Tanaka visited China, they all tasted the red fish fromWuyuan. You can enjoy this delicious local specialty when you have dinner today;Green refers to "Wuyuan green tea", which was recorded in the tea classic in theTang Dynasty and called "top quality" in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it was awarded Silver Medal by Jiajing emperor and gold medal byPanama International Exposition for its "Tangbi, high fragrance, thick juice andmellow taste"; Black is the "Pearl of inkstone country" - Longwei inkstone. Asearly as in the Tang Dynasty, it was famous for its "sound like copper, colorlike iron, strong and smooth nature, and good at solidifying ink". Later in theSouthern Tang Dynasty, Li Yu praised it as the "crown of the world"; white isJiangwan Sydney, with large fruit body, thick flesh, crisp and sweet, whichbelongs to the top grade of the fruit.In ancient times, Wuyuan belonged to the boundary between Wu and Chu. Sincethe establishment of the county in the Tang Dynasty, Wen Fen has flourished,bringing up a generation of celebrities such as Zhu Xi, a master of NeoConfucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, Jiang Yong, a Confucian scholar inthe Qing Dynasty, and Zhan Tianyou, a master of modern railway engineering. Fromthe Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, 550 Jinshi were admitted to the county. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was said that there were nine Jinshi in oneschool and six four Shangshu.Today, we are going to visit the famous ancient villages and Hui stylebuildings in Wuyuan. Speaking of this, our groupmembers may have a question,that is, why we use the word "Hui" in Anhui to name Wuyuan. This is becauseWuyuan was originally owned by Jiangxi Province when the county was built in theTang Dynasty, but later it was assigned to Anhui in the change of Dynasty, butit was re assigned to Jiang River in modern times West. Although the place iszoned back, whether it is Wuyuan natives or tourists from other provinces, theyhabitually call these buildings and living habits Hui Style Architecture and Huistyle culture. There are many features of these Hui style buildings we are goingto visit, which can not be explained clearly in a few words. However, any houseabides by the basic style of "white walls, dark tiles, cornices and berms".White wall, black tile, both sides are high seal fire wall, also known as "horsehead wall". And the owners of these houses are generally two kinds of people:one is "official", Huizhou has many scholars since ancient times, so it isnecessary to study when the place is poor. After ten years of hard work, mostofficials will build official residences in their hometown to honor theirancestors. The other is businessmen. Because there are too many mountains andtoo few fields in this area to support so many people. When men are 12 or 3years old, many of them go out to make a living and do business. Because of thepopularity of the ceremony of Zhu Zi in Wuyuan, many celebrities have beenfamous since ancient times. They have been influenced by culture and moralitysince childhood. They pay great attention to honesty and diligence when doingbusiness abroad. Many of them have become rich. After they get rich, they willgo back to their hometown to build houses and integrate their dreams into theconstruction of houses. But in ancient times, the status of businessmen was verylow. As the saying goes, "people are divided into three schools and nineschools".Businessmen are not even nine schools. Therefore, their houses werebuilt with luxurious style, which is quite different from those of officials.These differences can make people distinguish the identity and status of thedirector at a glance from the gate. We'll leave these to the scenic spots toexplain one by one. Having said that, I have a question for all of us. As I saidbefore, Wuyuan has had many officials since ancient times, so who is the biggestofficial? This person is Jiang Zemin, who is very familiar with our leaguemembers and who we often see on TV - the third generation leader of our country.You must think strangely: isn't Jiang Zemin from Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province?This topic has to start with Jiang Zemin's grandfather's grandfather. At thattime, after his ancestor got the title, he took office in Yangzhou and stayed inYangzhou without coming back. However, on May 29, 20__, Jiang Zemin went all theway back to his hometown, Wuyuan, where he inspected the ecological and culturalenvironment, and went to Jiangwan to visit many of Jiang's relatives.有关江西婺源的英语导游词篇3"As soon as the half acre square pond is opened, the sky is full of light,clouds and shadows. I ask where the canal is so clear, because there is a sourceof fresh water." Zhu Xi, a famous Neo Confucianist in the Southern Song Dynasty,praised his hometown Wuyuan.Wuyuan is an ancient county with a long history in Jiangxi Province, whichis under the jurisdiction of Anhui Province in history. It is one of the sixcounties in ancient Huizhou, the hometown of Zhu Xi and Zhan Tianyou, the fatherof Chinese railway. The folk customs here are simple, the style of writing isprosperous, and the places of interest are all over the county.There areperfect Ming and Qing ancient buildings, pastoral atmosphere and scenery.The ancient dwellings with beautiful mountains and clear waters, continuouspine and bamboo, and cornices winding between the green mountains and rivers, orclose to the mountains, looming between the ancient trees and forests, or nearthe water, reflecting on the clear springs of the streams, pools, and layers ofterraces and clouds, are picturesque. The scenery of the four seasons isdifferent, especially in spring and autumn. The red maple leaves all over themountains and the red maple leaves all over the mountains are like clusters offlames. Being in this kind of scenery makes you feel relaxed and happy.Wuyuan is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers, fertile land, richproducts, and wide popularity.In the county, the rivers, streams and streams are densely distributed,blue and clear, and the grotesque rocks and peaks, the tea pavilion of ancienttrees, the corridor bridges and post roads are magnificent, open-minded anddelicate. Famous scenic spots include Dazhang mountain and Lingyan cave group inthe northwest, Zheling mountain and Shier mountain in the northeast, Fushanmountain in the middle and Dayou mountain in the West. They have been touristattractions since Tang and Song dynasties. Su Dongpo, Huang Tingjian, Zongze,Yue Fei and Zhu Xi left many praising poems here.Rainbow bridge, an ancient bridge in Song Dynasty, is a masterpiece ofWuyuan corridor bridge. There are green hills and green water under the bridge.There are pavilions on both sides of the bridge. There are stone tables andbenches on both sides of the pavilions. You can enjoy tea, play chess or browsethe scenery here to feel the leisure and tranquility of the world.In Wengong mountain, about 30 kilometers southwest of the county seat,there are 24 ancient Chinese fir trees planted by Zhu Xi himself when he wentback to his hometown to sweep his tomb. Up to now, they have been growingvigorously for more than 800 years. The giant ancient Chinese fir trees are rarein China.Yuanyang Lake with beautiful ecological environment, groups of pairs ofYuanyang, such as flowers blooming in the lake, inseparable.Wuyuan not only has beautiful scenery, but also has profound culturalconnotation. It has always enjoyed the reputation of the hometown of books.There are outstanding people, many celebrities, nine scholars and six fourbooks, which shows the flourishing style of writing. Wuyuan is rich in naturalresources. It has the famous tea "Wulu" at home and abroad, which can be calledthe top grade of Chinese green tea; the delicious red fish in the purse is knownas "the natural things in the world"; the "dragon tail inkstone" (She inkstone)in Shiguan mountains is one of the four famous inkstones in China.Wuyuan's natural landscape is composed of mountains, water, bamboo, stone,trees, trees, bridges, pavilions, streams, beaches, caves, waterfalls, boatferry and ancient dwellings. It has the artistic conception of a peach garden,just like a landscape painting with endless charm. It forms a unique andbeautiful rural scenic spot, giving people a feeling of returning to nature andtranscendence. For those people who have experienced the noise of the city for along time and those art workers who love tourism, fine arts and photography, itis not a kind of beautiful enjoyment and wise choice to visit Wuyuan or collectcreative materials.有关江西婺源的英语导游词篇4Hello friends, where are we going to visit today? (Wuyuan) Yes, Wuyuan isknown as "the most beautiful village in China". There is a rich historical andcultural background and beautiful natural scenery, which is a perfectcombination of natural landscape and cultural landscape.In Wuyuan, traditional culture and green ecology get the most naturalintegration. Now I'd like to introduce the general situation of Wuyuan. Wuyuanis located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, at the junction of Jiangxi,Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. She is like a "green pearl" inlaid in the goldentriangle of Huangshan, Sanqingshan and Jingdezhen tourism. The county covers anarea of 2947 square kilometers, including 11 towns and 15 townships, with apopulation of 325600. The county is located in Ziyang town. Wuyuan has a longhistory.Now, tourists, do you have a question: isn't this a paradise for birds? Whydon't you have a bird? If so, let's have a hand now. As long as you clap yourhand, the birds will swarm out. Look! Big, small, flowery, black, some areflapping their wings, some are feeding the birds, some are combing theirfeathers. Listen! That thrush sings a beautiful song!Although there are thousands of birds on the trees, the most striking onesare white crane and grey Mahe. White crane flies out to forage in the morningand returns to nest in the evening, while grey crane flies out to forage in theevening and returns to nest at daybreak. They go in and out in the morning andevening every day, alternating, and the scene is quite spectacular.In late May 1935, Liu Bocheng's advance troops of the first red armyquickly marched into Anshun square and prepared to cross the Dadu River byforce. On the evening of May 24, 1935, the first regiment of the first divisionof the first Red Army Corps,led by Liu Bocheng and Nie Rongzhen, arrived inMa'anshan. As they were preparing to rest, they suddenly received an order fromthe headquarters to attack the Anshun ferry not far away and cross the DaduRiver by force. So Liu Bocheng and others decided to let the first battalion setout immediately, seize Anshun square first, and then carry out forcedcrossing.As early as in ancient times, there were three Miao tribes living here.During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, it belongedto the state of Wu. After the unification of Qin Shihuang, it belonged toZhangjun. The county was first established in the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740A.D.) of Tang Dynasty, with a history of more than 1200 years. After theestablishment of Wuyuan County, it belonged to Shezhou from the Tang Dynasty tothe Five Dynasties, Xin'an County of Huizhou in the Song Dynasty, Huizhou roadin the Yuan Dynasty, Huizhou government in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, AnhuiProvince until September 1934, and then Jiangxi Province. In August 1947, it wasagain designated as Anhui Province. On May 1, 1949, Wuyuan was liberated andclassified as Jiangxi Province. Although the subordinate relationship haschanged several times, it is still an integral part of Huizhou culture.Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty praised Nanchang for its "natural treasures andoutstanding people". As a matter of fact, Wuyuan, where Zhong lingyuxiu lived,is not like this. The literary style of Wuyuan has flourished in the pastdynasties, the scholars have gathered together, the famous doctors and craftsmenhave many talents. Zhu Xi, a famous Neo Confucianist and educator in theSouthern Song Dynasty, whose hometown is here, left an extremely valuablecultural heritage for the world's future generations through his lifetime ofhard work; Zhu Bian, a famousdoctor and writer in the Southern Song Dynasty,lived up to his mission in Jijin for 16 years; Jiang Zhe, a famous doctor in theSong Dynasty, was called to Beijing many times to treat the emperor's diseases;Zhu Bian, a famous doctor and writer in the Southern Song Dynasty, lived up tohis mission; There are Wang Wei, the Minister of the Ministry of official andthe Minister of the Ministry of military affairs, he Zhen, the seal cutter ofthe WAN school in the Ming Dynasty, Yu Maoxue and Yu maoheng, the official andupright ministers, Jiang Yong, the famous Confucian classics and phonologist inthe Qing Dynasty, and Qi Yanhuai, the astronomer who created the astronomicalclock and astrometer.There are many celebrities in modern times, such as railway engineer ZhanTianyou, who is known as "the glory of Chinese people", designed and builtChina's first railway; famous educator and Buddhist Jiang Qian; modern medicalexpert Cheng menxue, etc. According to historical records: from the Song Dynastyto the late Qing Dynasty, 550 Jinshi were admitted to the county, and 2665 wereappointed as officials at all levels. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there wasa saying of "nine Jinshi in one school and four Shangshu in six departments";today's "four professors in one school" and "three Kunzhong scientists" are alsowell-known. There are more than 3100 handed down works left by scholars of alldynasties, among which 172, with a total of 1487 volumes, have been selectedinto Sikuquanshu. Therefore, Wuyuan is well-known as the "hometown ofbooks".Dear friends, why is today's Wuyuan known as the most beautiful village? Inaddition to her rich and profound history and culture, it also benefits from herbeautiful natural environment. Wuyuan is a mountainous county, known as "eighthalf mountain, one field, half waterway and Manor", is a typicalmountainouscounty in the south of the Yangtze River. It belongs to the humid climate zonein the middle subtropical zone, with an annual average temperature of 16.7 ℃.The highest peak in the county is Dazhang mountain in the north, and the mainpeak, Leigu peak, is 1630 meters above sea level. The ancients said that Dazhangmountain was the place where Zhong Ling was born. Wuyi had a prosperous cultureand a large number of talented people, which was related to the Yuxiu Zhong Lingmountain.Zheling in the northeast is the boundary between Wu and Chu in the springand autumn and Warring States period. The unique geographical environment andgood sense of ecological protection make the green hills and streams here green.The forest coverage rate of the county is as high as 81.5%, and it is one of theadvanced ecological agriculture counties in China, and has won the title of"national top 100 greening counties". Wuyuan, also known as "tea town", is a keyproduction area and export base of green tea in China. "Wuyuan green tea" isrecorded in the tea classic of Tang Dynasty, which is called "top quality" inSong Dynasty. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, he won silver medal from emperorJiajing and gold medal from Panama International Exposition. The teaEncyclopedia of the United States praised "Wulu" tea as "the best quality ofChinese green tea". "Dazhangshan tea" is the first AA grade green food in China,and has been certified by many EU organic food supervision agencies.Wuyuan is a famous eco-tourism area in Jiangxi Province and a nationalcultural and eco-tourism demonstration area approved by the National T ourismAdministration. What special products does Wuyuan have? Her four-color specialproducts are well-known. The green tea just mentioned is the "green" of the fourcolors, and the other three colors are "red, black and white".Red is thetreasure in the water. It is tender and delicious. When American President Nixonand Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka visited China, they all tasted Wuyuan redcarp. Black is one of the four Ming inkstones in China. It has thecharacteristics of "sound like copper, color like iron, firm and smooth nature,and good at solidifying ink". Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty,praised him as the "world champion". White is Jiangwan Sydney. It ripens in Juneevery year. The pear has big fruit body, thick flesh, crisp fragrance and sweettaste.Wuyuan has many scenic spots and historic sites. As early as the Tang andSong Dynasties, it was a famous tourist attraction. Li Bai, Su Dongpo, HuangTingjian, Zhang Dazhi, Zongze, Yue Fei and so on all visited here, and left manypraise poems. There are many famous ancient trees with a long history, a widevariety and a large number of trees; Yuanyang Lake, a paradise for migratorybirds with beautiful scenery; the well preserved Ming and Qing ancient buildingswith stone, brick and wood carvings; rainbow bridge, a simple and magnificentcorridor bridge; Yu's ancestral hall, the largest ancestral hall in the south ofthe Yangtze River; and Jiangwan, the ancestral home of President JiangZemin.Hello everyone! I'm your tour guide today. You can call me director Zhang.Our destination today is a paradise for birds. OK, now please get on board.Let's go to bird's paradise. While you are on the boat, I'd like to introduceyou to bird's Paradise: Bird's paradise refers to an ancient banyan tree morethan 500 years old, which is located on an island in Tianma River, Tianmavillage, Xinhui City, Guangdong Province. The crown of banyan is surprisinglylarge, covering about 18 mu of the river, with a single tree into a forest.It was also the location of "shining red star" and "Liaozhai".。
英语导游词中英互译英语导游词中英互译(YongDing Hakka Earth Building Complex)Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Please allow me on behalf of XIXI travel Service to extend our sincere welcome to you! My name is LinXi,and I will be your guide during your stay in LongYan.This is the driver MR.Zhang,he is a veteran.His bus number is F-12345,If you have any question or special interests, please don’t hesitate to let us kown,We’ll try to do our very best to make your stay of LongYan pleasant and enjoyable .I’m sure most of you will be imperssed by LongYan .We really ask for your understanding and cooperation,and we hope your visit to our city will be a happy experience.各位游客朋友们,大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是F-12345。
江西英语导游词(精选5篇)江西英语篇1As "full, the talents", is located in the southern bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river in jiangxi province, the province's largest and longest rivers, the gan, from south to north across the province, and jiangxi jiangxi for short. "Yugong" into "the domain of yangzhou" in jiangxi province, in the spring and autumn and warring states period, jiangxi province, belong to wu, chu. Most of the qin dynasty unified China, jiangxi jiujiang county. Han yu zhang county, the three countries, the jiangxi grand subordinate yangzhou, south qi belongs to jiangzhou, tang dynasty Jiang Naxi way, in the name of "jiangxi". The two song dynasties, jiangxi large subordinates jiangnan west road, yuan set aampk book in the province, including their jurisdiction today the most areas of jiangxi and guangdong provinces. Chief secretary of jiangxi province, set up in the Ming jurisdictions rather today in jiangxi province, qing in jiangxi province, today. Now the province covers an area of 16.69 square kilometers.Jiangxi both splendid ancient civilization, and have a glorious revolutionary tradition, is the cradle of the Chinese revolution, MAO zedong and liu shaoqi in pingxiang AnYuan organization launched the first workers' movement in China, zhou enlai, zhu DE and other older generation proletariat revolutionaries in nanchang led much of the nation "bayi" uprising, jinggangshan is comrade MAO zedong founded the first rural revolutionary base areas, ruijin is the second revolutionary civil war central worker-peasant democratic government is located, which enjoys a reputation of "red", shock the world long march of twenty-five thousand li and the first step.Jiang Xidong yushan, wuyi, zhejiang and fujian border, south have big heptyl ridge, nine lianshan and guangdong, adjacent to the west nine ridge mountain, wugong mountain, mount Wan Yang with hunan, such as contingency, formed a east, south, west three sides surrounded by hills, open not closed basin, north of rain, from jiangxi, caresses, letter, repairing, chang five water system link in China's largest fresh water lake, after the men into the Yangtze river, north of the Yangtze river as the border with hunan, anhui provinces adjacent.Jiangxi a humid subtropical monsoon climate, annual average temperature 16-20 ℃, generally low for meteorological north, January 3-9 ℃, July 27-31 ℃. Rich resources of jiangxi province, is rich in rice, as one of the main commodity grain base in our country, the poyang lake, the gan river such as water is rich in fish, known as jiangnan land of fish and rice ". Scenic spot in jiangxi province is various, rich cultural resources, lushan mountain, jinggangshan, and six, fairy lake, three hundred mount longhu mountain national scenic area becomes famous. Nanchang, also, ganzhou city three state-level historical and cultural city, there are 26 state-level cultural relics protection units, the national nature reserve, 15, 2406 provincial tourism scenic spots.Jiangxi province is located in the southeast of the People's Republic of China, is located in north latitude 24 ° 29 '~ 30 ° 05', longitude 113 ° 34 '~ 118 ° 29', between north and south about 620 km long, about 490 km wide from east to west.In jiangxi province and east zhejiang, fujian, and guangdong to the south, west and hunan, hubei, and the north in anhui province. On the north of the Yangtze river, chongqing han, tong ning hu, south reliance mei guan, overlooking the lingnan,guangzhou and Hong Kong and Macao.In jiangxi province, belong to the east China area in our country, is located in the central China region, close to the east, south, and east to the west the forefront of the transition zone. Jiangxi province has 11 municipalities, counties in 76, nearly 90 counties.Jiangxi province (including the revolutionary base areas and guerrilla zones) in old area of 113211 square kilometers, accounting for 67.8% of the whole province area. Among them: old area accounts for 100% of full red county 27; Account for 90 to 96% of the county six; Accounts for 50 ~ 89% of the county 20;25 accounted for half of the following counties. The whole province distribution of old township, village of the county, the city a total of 78, distribution of old village of the township a total of 1064, among them: old revolutionary area accounted for more than half of the township, 834. The whole province distribution of old township, village of the county, the city a total of 78, distribution of old village of the township a total of 1064, among them: old revolutionary area accounted for more than half of the township, 834.In jiangxi province, belong to China east China region, in the southern bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, the province's land area of 166900 km2, accounting for 1.74% of the nation's total land area, the area of the top of the six provinces and one city in east China. Among them: mountain and hilly area of 78%, downland plain accounted for 12%, water 10%.ShengJing east, west, south surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the middle hilly, north China's largest fresh water lake - plain and lake area, the provincial terrain from east, south, west three sides is leaning to the poyang lake area,constitute an open not closed basin to the north. Kan throughout north and south, with caresses, letter, rao, the waters, from the east, south, and west sides poyang lake, formed in poyang lake as the center of the centripetal water system, water flow by the hukou flows into the Yangtze river.The entire province various types of landforms, land area in the hilly mountainous, plain arable land; Red soil area than major; In parts of the soil erosion is serious; Declining per capita arable land.The province's land area accounted for 1.70% of the national land area. 60101 l7km2 mountain 60101 km2, hilly, 20xx2 km2, downland and plain water 16667 km2. Have more appropriate development and utilization of land resources, suitable for the development of a variety of crops and vice, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industry, most of the land can be evergreen. The province red soil area of 158 million mu, 70.69% of the total area of the province soil. Of soil and water loss area of 51 million mu, accounting for about 20% of the total area of the land in the province. Without the development and utilization of barren hills, slope, land area of more than 5300, ten thousand mu, of which 33.5 million mu low mountain hills, can develop forest or pasture; At an altitude of 100 meters, 15 ° slope under the gentle slope land of 12.23 million mu, can be developed into farmland or tea fruit mulberry field; Agriculture and forestry fields, scattered land 7.51 million mu.Weeks including terrain in jiangxi province, east, south, west three sides by mountains and faces the heavy mountain overlapping bombs, guilin JunWei; The central hills, basins and white; The northern plains magnanimous, rivers intertwined. In the province's major rivers are originated in edge mountains, busin Yang muscle and then injected into the Yangtze river. Mountain area is 36% of the total area of the province, hilly accounted for 42%, plain downland accounted for 12%, water 10%.ShengJing around except temporal to penzer northern Yangtze river south bank of the ground, the rest are mountain, constitute of jiangxi province and neighboring watershed and natural boundaries.江西英语导游词篇2In jiangxi province in the near the tropic of cancer, earlier spring thaw, but the volatile weather, warm at cold, the rain, the more the until early summer; Summer to sunny hot dry before Mid-Autumn festival; The winter cold, but the frost period is short, especially in recent years, mild winter climate. Because the terrain is long and narrow in jiangxi, the north-south differences in climate, but overall is age season short and summer long. The province's climate is warm, sunny, plenty rainfall, frost-free period is long, is a subtropical humid climate, is very conducive to crop growth.In jiangxi province, the annual average temperature 18 ℃ or so. Jiangxi northeast, northwest of jiangxi and the annual average temperature slightly low along the river, about between 16 ℃ to 27 ℃; Lakeside, middle and lower reaches of ganjiang, caresses river water area, yuan and GanXiNa mountains around 17 ℃ between 18 ℃; Fuzhou, gian areas and southern xinjiang river middle reaches about between 18 ℃ to 19 ℃; Gannan is the highest temperature in the basin, which is about 19 ℃ and 20 ℃ between. Year entire province, north and south, extreme maximum temperature difference, or are slightly low phenomenon from north to south, but almost close to or more than 40 ℃, individual counties have been reached daily maximumtemperature 44.9 ℃. Most extreme minimum temperature is the north-south differences: jiujiang area between - 12 ℃ to - 14 ℃, individual counties also appeared, the lowest extreme minimum tempe rature of 18.9 ℃; While the jiangxi - 5 ℃ or so, other parts of the province general between - 7 ℃ to - 12 ℃.Annual average sunshine in jiangxi total radiation of 97 kcal/square centimeter to 114.5 kcal; The most duchang county, tonggu minimum. Annual average sunshine hours for 1473.3 hours to 2077.5 hours; In duchang county at most, least in yixian.Jiangxi rainy. Average annual rainfall of 1341 mm to 1940 mm, generally characterized by less south more north, east west, mountainous area more basin is less. Wuyi mountain, mt. Jade and nine ridge mountain area up to 1800 mm to 20xx mm, annual average rainfall along the Yangtze river to the north of poyang lake and jitai basin, annual average rainfall of about 1350 mm to 1400 mm, more than in other parts of between 1500 mm to 1700 mm. Annual rainfall season difference is very big. Qiu dong season generally sunny little rain, most parts of the whole is given priority to with wet weather in the fall and winter of 1977, is a rare phenomenon. In warm spring cold, drizzly, general in April after the province has entered the meiyu periods. Five, June for annual precipitation in most times, the average monthly precipitation over 200 mm to 350 mm, the highest can reach more than 700 mm. This period more heavy rain or heavy rain, heavy rain intensity for daily rainfall of 50 mm to 100 mm, maximum even can reach more than 300 mm to 500 mm. July rain belt moved to end of the rainy season, the temperature rise sharply, the province into a period of sunny hot, summer drought QiuHan is linked together, and from the southeast of landing typhoon will bring rain to jiangxi, alleviate drought, reduce theheat. Precipitation in addition to the seasonal distribution is very uneven, also quite wide, interannual last year can reach the other year more than double.In addition to the lushan mountain, annual average wind speed of 1 meter per second per second to 3.8 meters, the minimum of dexing city, xingzi county. Annual average wind day 0.5 days to 28.5 days, at least in yihuang county, xingzi county for at most. Poyang lake shore, the gan, caresses river downstream and high mountain and valley area of wind energy resources are rich, the annual average wind speed in 3 to 5 meters per second per second.The provincial major natural disasters are cold injury and floods, drought and cold, and relatively short duration of high temperature damage, etc.江西英语导游词篇3My hometown is in jiangxi, where beautiful scenery, the scenery pleasant, specialty is rich, is a beautiful and rich place.In jiangxi jiujiang region, there is a danger yan stands of lushan mountain, where there is a sea of clouds five-old-man peak of sea fog, swallowing wave HanPoKou waves, steep steep dragon cliff, rapids rumble of shimen ravine waterfall, a new modified donglin temple, through the "fairy cave of yunfei, majestic Triassic springs. ... They are all with their own appearance beautiful condition attracts many tourists. As if to say: "come on, friends all over the world, we welcome you!"Home not only mountain the United States, water is more beautiful. The dragon is the national key scenic spot, has the mystery hanging coffins, past hanging coffins hanging on a steep cliff, puzzling, thought-provoking. But the most beautiful is the water there, hill carry water, water around the mountain, we saton a bamboo raft, enjoying the beautiful scenery, listening to the fish to play, as they say, the dragon of water bow can enjoy water, give ear to hear sound stream, stretched out his hand to touch the desire, in this, let a person find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind.Ah! I love my hometown mountain, love hometown more water. Advice I determined to study hard and make the home more beautiful, rich.江西英语导游词篇4Dear passengers, Hello!Taohuayuan, also known as Taoyuan mountain, is also known as "paradise".During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the areafirst belonged to the state of Chu and then to the state of Qin. According tothe book of the later Han Dynasty, Qianzhong county was renamed Wuling County inthe fifth year of emperor Gaodi of the Han Dynasty (202 BC), "two thousand andone hundred Li south of Luoyang". Tao Yuanming's "Tukou" poem said: "far away toNanjing", that is. According to Du Guangting's Dongtianfudi Ji of Tang Dynasty,Taoyuan mountain is located in Wuling County, Langzhou. Song Dynasty's Yu DiGuang Ji says: "in the first year of Qiande (963), Wuling county was establishedas Taoyuan County. There is Taoyuan mountain. According to Yi Tong Zhi of theMing Dynasty, Taoyuan mountain is 30 Li southwest of Taoyuan County in ChangdePrefecture, where there is Taoyuan cave. It is also called Qinren cave. NearShuixi, Changde City, Hunan Province, facing Yuanshui River and leaning againstmountains, the scenery is beautiful. Taohuayuan is a part of Hunan Jiangxi hillyregion, located in the northeast of Xuefeng mountain and Wuling mountain upliftbelt, and the southwest corner of the MesozoicWest Dongting lake depression.According to the report on the investigation and evaluation of Taohuayuan scenicresources in Hunan Province, the geographical location of the main scenic spotsin Taohuayuan is 110 ° 25 '- 27'e and 28 ° 47' - 49'n.Taoyuan County is the natural medium area of Taohuayuan. It bordersYuanling County of Huaihua City, Cili County and Yongding District ofZhangjiajie City in the west, linli County and Dingcheng District of ChangdeCity in the East, Shimen County of Changde City in the north and Anhua County ofYiyang City in the south. Taohuayuan landscape is hammer shaped, inclined to thesouthwest of Taoyuan County. The scenic area is 157.55 square kilometers. Amongthem, Taohuayuan main scenic area is 15.8 square kilometers, Taohuayuan Yuanshuiscenic area is 44.85 square kilometers, and the peripheral protection area is96.9 square kilometers. The landscape boundary generally exceeds the districtboundary. The main scenic spot of Taohuayuan is located in the east of Chongqiuand yaotianping township of Dingcheng District, the west of Yuanshui and Jianshitown of Taoyuan County, Zhangjiang Town of Taoyuan County in the north andTaohuayuan town of Taoyuan County in the south. It includes state-owned HunanTaoyuan Taohuayuan Linyang, Taohuayuan town Taohuayuan village, Sanhe Village,Chazhuang village, Shuangfeng Village, Qingshan village and Taohuayuan residentscommittee. Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic area, along the way, you can see theindependent scenic spots of Taoyuan County, such as Zou city, mutangyuan, maple,chehuyuan, Qinglin, Zhangjiang River, Taohuayuan, zhengjiayi, Siping, Jianshi,Lingjintan, Xinglong Street, yanjiaping, etc.According to the landscape trend and geomorphic characteristics, the mainscenic area of Taohuayuan is divided intofive natural areas: the place ofavoiding Qin (Qinren Village), Lingjing lake, Taohua mountain, Taoyuan mountainand Taoxian mountain; the water area of Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic belt isroughly divided into four natural sections: the first line of sky scenicsection, yiwangxi scenic section, Lingjintan scenic section and wulingchuanscenic section. It is located in the southwest of Zhangshan mountain, includingshijiachong natural village. Lingjing Lake scenic area is located in thesoutheast of Zhangshan mountain, including jiangjiachong and aijiachong naturalvillages.Taohua mountain scenic area is located in the west of Guihe peak inZhangshan mountain, including tianzunya and yejiawan natural villages. Taoyuanmountain scenic area is located in Huangwen mountain, including the main body ofthe mountain and the remaining parts of badaipo, Baimadu mountain, qinglongzui,baihuzui, etc. Taoxianling scenic area, including Hongyan mountain valley in theupper part of wangjiachong natural village. Yixiantian scenery section islocated in Gaodu post of yanjiaping Township, including yixiantian andshangtianlong. Yiwangxi scenic section, located in the lower reaches ofyiwangxi, contains stone landscapes such as liyutiaolong and shuixinyan. LingjinBeach Scenic section is located in the North Bank of Lingjin beach and wengzibeach, including rock landscape such as CHUANSHI and Qinshan. Wulingchuan scenicsection is located from baipingzhou to Yangzhou of Zou city. It contains famouscultural and natural landscapes such as sanri Tonghui, Baima Xuetao, lvluoqing,Meixi Yanyu, Chushan Spring Festival Gala, Zhangjiang Yeyue, Xunyang ancienttemple, Fufang Wandu and "three pavilions" (Baifo pavilions, Wenchang pavilions,Zhangjiang pavilions), "three pagodas" (Huifeng pagoda, Chuwang pagoda, Wenxingpagoda)江西英语导游词篇5St. laorenzo church, known as Fengshun church, is one of the three oldestchurches in Macao. It is located in fengshuntang street, just opposite to MacauCiyou middle school. The actual construction year is unpredictable, butaccording to historical records, it is estimated that the church was a woodenchapel founded by Jesuits around 1569. According to the inscriptions on one ofthe stone inscriptions in the church, it was first rebuilt in 1618. As for thescale of the church, it was rebuilt in 1844.When St. laorenzo church was built in the early years, because it was closeto the wharf, there was a flag pole in the church, which was an importantindicator for Portuguese to decide whether to go to sea or not. "A brief accountof Macao" states: "in the southwest, there is Fengxin temple. Since the Tibetanships came out, the family members came back every day and prayed for Fengxinhere." Therefore, this church is also commonly known as "fengxintang". Later,because of the homonym of "Xin" and "Shun" in Cantonese, perhaps to pray forgood weather, "Feng Xin" became "Feng Shun", and "Feng Shun Tang Street" and"Feng Shun Tang district" got their names. Different from the rose church andSt. Joseph's Chapel, St. laorenzo's building is towering and imposing. TheEuropean classical style has a baroque flavor. Because the whole building is notlocated in the square (front ground), or out of the position of a certainsection of scenery, in order to highlight the existence of the whole church andserve as the center of a residential area, a high platform with nearly one flooris added below the church to make it more upright and conspicuous. And theprocess of the faithful men and women climbing up the ladder has become a kindof ceremony before they enter the church to worship.Another difference from thefirst two churches is that St. laorenzo church covers a large area, so there isa large courtyard around the church. The courtyard is full of vibrant plants,and it is separated from the residential buildings nearby in space and vision.Therefore, the entrance to the church basically focuses on the building itself,the surrounding plants and the blue sky There is no earthly noise, quiet andpleasant.Many years ago, Fengshun hall was called Fengxin hall among Chinese people,which means Shunfeng Shunshui. Most of the Portuguese who lived in Australiamade a living by going to sea for business. Their families prayed for the safereturn of their relatives more than this church, hoping for the protection ofthe gods. The hyacinth flagpole set up in the church provided an important indexfor the Portuguese sailing boats which were mainly driven by wind at that time."Fengshun" is the Cantonese homonym of "Fengxin", which makes the church moreChinese.The Fengshun hall was established as early as 1569, during which it wasrebuilt several times, including one in 1618. The old church was decorated in1979, which added to its splendor. Church design, magnificent, left and rightbell tower and Qi, one is a clock, used to tell the time; one is a bronze bell,used for church mass shaking roar. The roof of the church is covered withChinese style golden tiles, and the interior decoration is full of Orientalcolor and elegant. The hall is spacious and magnificent, with huge beams andexquisite chandeliers, which is quite luxurious and grand.In the altar, there is a statue of Saint laorenzo, wearing gorgeous robes,holding the Bible in one hand and the staff in the other. It is solemn andsolemn. In the eyes of Portuguese who often sail, it is the God of peace andgood faith.The church is not far away from the temple of ma'ge. However, in the shortdistance, we can see the echo of Portuguese maritime patron and Chinese sea god,witness the collision and integration of Western and Chinese culture, andappreciate the tolerance of Macao people to different cultures.。
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②是季节性湖泊(seasonal lake)也是一个重要的水源地(huge capacity of holding water)③是候鸟(migratory birds)的越冬地(lodging place)④北回归线附近沙漠上的珍珠(a pearl in the desert near the tropic of cancer)Group21.江西以何得名?①公园733年(733 A.D.)唐玄宗在扬子江南部的西区设立该地(the west region in the southern part of the Yangtze River)②元设中书省(provinces called zhongshu),江西省因此得名2.简要介绍江西的四大名镇及其特点。
分别是景德镇、樟树、河口、吴城①景德镇:专营瓷器生产和贸易(porcelain production and trading)②樟树:药都(Medicine Center)③河口:交通要冲,连接福建、浙江、安徽和江西(transportation hub,connecting Fujian,Zhejiang,Jiangxi,and Anhui),同时也是茶和纸的产地(producing bases for tea and paper)④吴城:赣鄱接口(the entrance through which Gan River flows into Poyang Lake),众多商船(commercial boats)和商人汇聚于此。
③湖泊:鄱阳湖、仙女湖(Fairy Lake)。
其次还有庐山的谷帘泉、招隐泉,三叠泉(Three Step Waterfall),井冈山的五龙潭(Five Dragon Pond)Group41.简述鄱阳湖生态经济圈的范围。
2.江西四大主要代表性的旅游资源是哪些?①伟丽独特的山水(magnificent and unique mountains and rivers)②深厚的文化(profound culture)③富有深意(deep implication)的红色摇篮(red cradle)④古韵朴实的民俗(quaint and plain folk customs)Group51.江西的四大世界遗产(legacy)是什么?①世界文化遗产:庐山②世界自然遗产:三清山,部分丹霞地貌(Danxia Landform),龙虎山和龟峰2.在建设江西一流的旅游路线的计划大纲(the plan outline of constructing topping tour route in Jiangxi)设计中,最好的线路和三条黄金线路是什么?①最好的路线(surperb route):南昌-庐山-景德镇-三清山-龙虎山-井冈山-南昌②三条黄金线路:江西北部的缤纷鄱阳湖之旅(colorful Poyang Lake),中南部的红色经典之行(red classic tour),以及西部绿色之行(tour of green essentials)Group61.鄱阳湖生态经济区的这一理念是什么时候建立的?它标志着什么?①于2009年12月国务院(the State Council)正式批准。
②这是第一个江西地区性发展目标(regional developing project)被上升为国家级战略(national strategy)的体现。
②江西为革命(revolution)做出了很大贡献,土地被烈士(martyr)的鲜血染红(be dyed red)了Group71.鄱阳生态经济区的发展方向(general orientation)是什么。
①三区一平台(3 Areas and 1 Platform)②国家大型湖泊综合研究区(the sample area of comprehensive explorations of national large lakes),扬子江中下游生态保护区(the protecting area of eco-system in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River),中国中部地区经济提升区(the promoting area of stimulating the central part of China to become prosperous),国际生态经济研究合作平台(the important platform for cooperation of international eco-economy)2.位于江西的国家级公园(national park)有哪些。
①客家(Hakkas)文化:位于江西南部,具有先祖崇拜的传统(worship ancestors)和宗族居住(dwell in clans)的理念,拥有成熟的方言(dialect)、文化艺术和食品。
②畲族文化:仅仅只位于江西的一个少数民族(sole national minority),创建了多姿多彩的文化艺术,形成了具有特色(distinctive)的习俗,盘瓠神话广为流传(spread mythology of Panhu widely)③赣傩舞(Exorcise):文明发展的活化石(a live fossil for research of the civilization development of China),起源于古代的献祭(the ancient Exorcise Sacrifice),在乡间很流行。
④风水学:源远流长(can be traced back many years ago),对中国影响很深。
Group91.列举江西的特产(最少五个)景德镇的瓷器、庐山云雾茶、樟树的四特酒(Sitir Liquor)、南丰密橘(sweet orange)、信丰的橙子。
形成了众多文化,像学者(scholar)文化、佛学、道学、瓷器文化、学府文化(academy culture)、“三名”文化。
①九江能仁寺②九江东林寺③永修真如寺④吉安清原山的静居寺⑤龙虎山天主教堂(Celestial Master Temple)2.简介富有深意的红色摇篮。
①不仅是中共自主领导的反抗斗争发源地(the source of the armed struggle led independently by the CPC),也是土地革命战争的中心(the center of the Chinese Agrarian Revolutionary War)。
②众多革命地点(revolutionary sites)三大革命地点分别是南昌起义地点(Nanchang Uprising Sites),井冈山革命地和瑞金革命地。
①安源铁路和煤矿工人运动(the worker’s movement of Anyuan Railway and Coal Mines),南昌八一起义(”August 1” Uprising),秋收起义(the Autumn Harvest Uprising)②建立了众多革命根据地(revolutionary base),例如井冈山革命根据地、江西东北革命根据地等。
Group121.二十世纪一百个重大考古学发现(archaeological discoveries)中,在江西的有哪三个?①万年县仙人洞和吊桶环遗址(the site of Xianrendong and Diaotonghuan in Wannian County)②吴城商朝遗址③新干大洋洲的商墓(the tomb of the Shanghai Dynasty at Dayangzhou in Xingan County)2.江西水资源的特点有哪些。
①水系完整(complete water system),在江西有2400条河流,主要有1主流和五个支流。
③水能资源丰富(The total of water resources is huge with great potentials)Group131.江西四大著名的亭(Pavilion)是哪些?南昌孺子亭、九江烟水亭和琵琶亭、庐山的御碑亭。
①典型的亚热带植物王国(typical subtropical “Vegetable Kingdom”),2010年森里覆盖率(forest cover rate)达到了63.1%,位居中国第一。
②有5000多种高等植物(higher plants),多种珍贵(rare)的植物。
③为动物提供了良好的生存空间,例如华南虎(South China Tiger),鹤(crane),鹿。
Group141.江西六个五A级景区(5A National Tourist Attractions)分别是哪些?庐山、井冈山、三清山、龙虎山、婺源江湾景区(Jiangwan Secnic Spot)和景德镇古窑(Ancient Kiln)民俗博物馆2.简介赣戏。