张菲茜, 武鹏 , 吴大 转 , 等 .微型 旋 涡 泵 水 力特 性 与 轴 向力 计 算 [ J ] . 排灌机械工程学报 , 2 0 1 4 , 3 2 ( 8) : 6 5 8—6 6 2 . Z h a n g F e i x i ,Wu P e n g , Wu Da z h u a n 。e t a i .Hy d r a u l i c c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d a x i a l f o r c e o f mi c r o v o r t e x p u mp s [ J ] .J o u r n a l o f Dr a i -
d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 6 7 4— 8 5 3 0 . 1 3 . 1 0 1 1
微 型旋 涡 泵 水 力特 性 与轴 向 力 计 算
张菲茜 , 武 鹏 ,吴 大转 , 王 乐勤 ,张辉 平
( 1 浙 江 大学 化 工机 械 研 究 所 ,浙 江 杭 州 3 1 0 0 2 7; 2 . 宁波 洛卡 特 汽 车 零 部 件 有 限公 司 , 浙江 宁波 3 1 5 3 1 8 )
Ab s t r a c t :Nu me r i c a l s i mu l a t i o n o f a n e w s h r o u d e d i mp e l l e r v o r t e x p ump wa s c a me d o u t . Th e me t h o d o f s o l v i n g s t e a d y t h r e e — - d i me n s i o n a l i n c o mp r e s s i b l e c o n t i n u i t y e q u a t i o n a n d RANS e q u a t i o n s we r e e m— . p l o y e d t o c a l c u l a t e t h e h y d r a u l i c p e fo r r ma n c e o f t h e v o te r x p u mp. Th e a x i a l be a r i n g me c h a ni s m o f t h e o i l il f m t o wa r d t h e i mp e l l e r wa s a n a l y z e d, a n d f u r t h e r d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t t h e i n lu f e n e e o f t h e we d g e s h a p e d g r o o v e o n b o t h s i d e s o f t h e i mp e l l e r o n t h e b e a in t g c a p a c i t y o f t h e o i l il f m wa s ma d e .I t wa s
漩涡气泵方法1. 引言漩涡气泵方法是一种用于增加空气流动的新颖技术,其原理基于流体的旋涡效应。
2. 基本原理漩涡气泵方法的基本原理是通过产生旋涡来增加气体流动的动能。
3. 漩涡气泵方法的优势与传统的气泵方法相比,漩涡气泵方法具有以下几个优势:•提高气体流动效率:通过产生旋涡,漩涡气泵能够将气体流动路径变长,流速增加,从而提高气体的输送能力。
4. 漩涡气泵方法的应用漩涡气泵方法在各种领域都有广泛的应用,以下是其中几个典型的应用领域:4.1 空调系统漩涡气泵方法可以被应用于空调系统中的气体传输环节。
4.2 医疗设备漩涡气泵方法还可以应用于医疗设备中,如氧气输送系统。
4.3 工业领域在工业领域,漩涡气泵方法可以应用于气体输送、气体分离和气体混合等方面。
船舶辅机第4章 喷射泵 [Injection Pump]
结构:喷嘴、吸入室、混合室、扩压室、吸排口 工作原理:引射流体射流→吸入室低压,吸入;混 合室混合换能,调整液流;扩压室减速扩压排出。 喷嘴:渐缩型+圆柱形,圆柱段长度为孔径的一半。使引 射流体增速减压。 高压气体喷射泵采用缩放形。 吸入室:吸入被引射流体,掺混,换能。 混合室:以圆柱段为主。换能、将液流整理均匀。长 度为其喉部直径的6-10倍。 扩压室:渐扩管,扩张角8-10°。减速升压。
船舶辅机第4章 漩涡泵 [Turbine Pump]
第一节 旋涡泵 一、构造和工作原理 二、性能和特点
船舶辅机第4章 漩涡泵 [Turbine Pump]
种类: 开式:开式叶轮
1. 闭式漩涡泵:采用闭式叶轮和开式流道
基本结构:叶轮、泵体 (流道和吸排口)、泵盖
临界状态:h ↓, μ不再 ↑时的状态。
临界引射系数:临界状态的引射系数。 μcr 临界扬程比:临界状态扬程比。 r 可在临界状态长期工作。超过则效率急剧下降。
船舶辅机第4章 喷射泵 [Injection Pump]
喉嘴面积比 :m = d3 / d1 m 小,μ小,h大。 中扬程水射水泵, m = 3~7 。 喉嘴距:喷嘴出口至混合室进口的距离。 lc
表4-1 各类泵性能比较(自学)
配向心开式流道 能自吸
开式流道:流道不经叶片间直接与吸排口相通。 闭式流道:流道需经过叶片间才能与吸排口相通。
漩涡式气泵的工作原理和使用用途 漩涡式气泵工作原理
JIANGSU UNIVERSITY本科毕业设计毕业设计说明书学院名称:能源与动力工程学院专业班级:J动力流体0901学生姓名:杨锡平学号:3091104028指导老师:杨敏官高波李忠2013年6月毕业设计题目旋流泵设计(ns=63)目录第一章摘要----—————————————4 第二章叶轮水利设计———————————6 第一节概述—————————————6第二节参数计算———————————7 第三章压出室水利设计—————————— 26 第四章标准件的选用——————————— 31 第五章强度计算————————————— 32 附毕业小结——————————————39 参考文献——————————————40第一章摘要内容摘要泵可能是世界上除了发动机外运用最广泛的机械了,凡是有水流动的地方就会有泵在工作。
AbstractPump may be the most universal machine in the world except for electric motor. where there is flowing water,there is a pump.It’s applied in many fields,such as industragriculture, military etc.Pump is essencial in people’s daily life.酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。
第五章 漩涡泵 叶片形状有径向直叶、前倾直叶、后倾直叶、后转角、前转角。
环形流道中液体的圆周速度小于叶轮的圆周速度,使得流道中液体产生的离心力小于叶轮中液体的离心力,液体就会从叶片间甩出,迫使流道中的液体产生向心流动,再次从叶片根部进入叶片之间形成了纵向旋涡(螺旋线)适用于低比转数 适用于高比转数效率最高特性曲线平坦 特性曲线陡 撞击小、压头高特性曲线陡特性曲线平坦高(3)开式旋涡泵特点:1)液流进入叶轮处叶片的圆周速度较小,汽蚀性能比闭式旋涡泵好。
3)采用闭式流道虽然能够排送气体和提高泵的自吸能力,一﹑单选题:1. 开式旋涡泵是指。
A.泵与电机不在同一壳体内B.流道两端直通吸口或排口C.叶轮无中间隔板或端盖板D.流道有一端有直通吸口或排口2. 闭式旋涡泵是指。
A.流道不直通吸排口B.叶轮无中间隔板或端盖板C.电机与泵封闭在同一壳体内D.与B相反3. 旋涡泵情况可能存在。
A.闭式叶轮配闭式流道B.开式叶轮配闭式流道C.开式叶轮配开式流道D.B或C4. 旋涡泵叶片采用。
A.前弯B.后弯C.径向D.三种都有5. 旋涡泵属叶轮式泵。
A.低比转速B.中比转速C.高经转速D.不用比转速概念6. 刻涡漏泄一般主要发生于。
一﹑单选题:1. 采用开式流道的开式旋涡泵加辅助闭式流道是为了。
A.提高效率B.具备自吸能力C.降低必需汽蚀余量D.A+B+C2. 三级以上的多级旋涡泵。
A.采用开式B.采用闭式C.A或BD.不可能有3. 旋涡泵初次使用时向泵内灌水主要是为了。
多级旋涡泵内部流动特性与压力脉动的数值分析毕祯1 李仁年1,2 黎义斌1,2 肖丽倩11兰州理工大学能源与动力工程学院甘肃兰州7300502甘肃省流体机械及系统重点实验室甘肃兰州730050摘要:为了揭示旋涡泵内部流场结构和非定常压力脉动特性,研制具有开式叶轮和闭式流道结构的多级旋涡泵,基于RNG k-ω湍流模型、SIMPLEC算法与块结构化网格,对旋涡泵内部流场进行数值模拟和试验验证。
关键词:旋涡泵;开式叶轮;闭式流道;压力脉动;数值分析Numerical analysis of internal flow characteristic and pressure fluctuation of multistage vortex pumpBI Zhen1, LI Rennian1,2, LI Yibin1,2, XIAO Liqian1(1 School of Energy and Power Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050,China;2 KeyLaboratory of Fluid Machinery and Systems of Gansu Province,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050,China)Abstract: In order to reveal pressure fluctuation characteristics of internal fluid field’s structures in vortex pump, a multistage side pump with unshrouded impellers and closed runners was developed. Based on RNG k-ω turbulence model, SIMPLEC algorit hm and structural grid, numerical simulations and experimental tests of the vortex pump were conducted. The external characteristic predictions indicated that the pump performance meet design requirements. Based on numerical simulationtechniques, the internal flow field in the vortex pump was simulated. The results show that the vortex pump’s head has the tendency of plunge and at the same time blade power capacity becomes worse, blade pressurizing ability to liquid decreases gradually. Inside the blade runner of impeller inlet and outlet, degrees of velocity and turbulence energy distribution change sharply, velocity and turbulence energy distributions in other blade runners are very much alike. Inside the middle of impeller blade tip flow channel exists a low velocity region and the region becomes smaller and smaller with the flow rate increasing gradually. Inside the middle of impeller blade root flow channel exists a concentration zone of velocity gradient, in which the turbulence kinetic energy is larger, namely there exists a larger dissipation loss area in impeller blade root flow channel, and it is becoming smaller with the increasing of flow rate. Analysis of pressure fluctuation characteristics in vortex pump′s characteristic locations found that a t different monitoring locations of impeller blades and closed runners, pressure fluctuation frequency characteristics are more obvious, where obvious hydraulic vibration and noise can be induced. The results reveal the impact mechanism of internal fields and performance of vortex pump, which pro-vides a theoretical basis for vortex pump’s design.Keywords:vortex pump;unshrouded impeller;closed runner;pressure fluctuation;numerical simulation旋涡泵是一种小流量、高扬程的叶片泵,在工业、农业以及航空航天领域有广泛应用[1-3]。
Variable Flow Vane PumpThe Hydraulic Solution for the Evolution of Electric DrivesVariable Flow Vane PumpThe Hydraulic Solution for the Evolution of Electric DrivesDr.-Ing. Gerd Scheffel is1991 to 2014.Dr.-Ing. Roland Bublitz is industrial applications engineer-ing manager for Parker in Kaarst, Germany. He holds a diploma and a PhD in mechanical engineer-Th e variable-speed hydraulicpump, with its potential for energy savings, power density and tempo-rary noise reduction, is currently the dominant pressure supply system in the media. It provides a clear example of how hydraulics can successfully participate in the evolution of electric drives. Promotions for the variable-speed pump like to suggest that stand-alone individual drives are the future for hydraulics. Electrohy-draulic actuators have their uses, of course, but it is important to re-member that electric motors, and their converters, are what make electromechanical drives so costly. Each drive needs a fi xed mo-tor, which makes the drive large and expensive. If this principle is applied to hydraulics, it restricts the choice of appropriate pumps to those variants that are suitable for four-quadrant operation. Th is limits options and increases costs as well.Th e multiple use of the electric motor in the central supply, to-gether with the large range of suit-able two-quadrant pumps (pumps in which the P- and T-attachments on the pump remain in place un-changed, regardless of the direc-tion of fl ow; that is, the high pres-sure is always on P , and T is always connected to the tank), provide good economic arguments in favorof hydraulics as opposed to elec-tromechanical systems. Because the central supply is connected to the drive with pipes and hoses – this is why hydraulic drives are often so compact – the power can be fed around any corner. When marrying hydraulic pumps with electric motors, one has to take into account the behavior of each system, as determined by its construction type, with respect to its hydraulic, electrical and me-chanical characteristics.A variable hydraulic fl ow can be created with an adjustable-fl ow pump, a fi xed-displacement pump on a variable-speed electric mo-tor, or a combination of both: a variable-fl ow pump on a variable-speed electric motor (Figure 1). Studies so far suggest that the last of these is the most energy-effi cient combination, but also the most expensive. With smaller fl ow rates in particular, this expense cannot be justifi ed, and it is prefer-able to adopt more economical solutions involving fi xed-displace-ment pumps. Th e lon g-established option of a variable-fl ow pump on a constant-speed asynchronous motor is almost unanimously considered to be the benchmark solution.Figure 1: Options for varying fl ow rateCharacteristics ofelectric machinesAmong electric motors, the asyn-chronous motor was essentially designed to permit an automatic start without electronics on a three-phase supply. As a resultof the motor’s construction, it couples relatively loosely with the rotating fi eld (slow speed-change), and rotates at a speed determined by the number of poles in the sta-tor and the mains frequency; e.g., at 3,000 rpm with a 50 Hz 2-pole supply, at 1,500 rpm with a 4-pole supply, and at 1,000 rpm witha 6-pole supply. If a frequency converter is installed, the rota-tion speed of the asynchronousmotor can be adjusted from zeroto almost double the rated speedattainable on the grid withouta converter. Above the ratedspeed, however, in the so-calledfi eld-weakening range, motortorque decreases quadratic withthe rotation speed. Whether thelower rotation speed can be useddepends on the type of enginecooling. In self-cooled engines,cooling capacity decreases withrotation speed (the fan turns at thespeed of the motor). To achievea very low rotation speed over alonger period of time, therefore,external cooling (a self-propelledfan) is necessary.For cost reasons,asynchronousmotors gener-ally come withoutsensors; that is,they operate with-out speed feed-back. If the motoris to be operatedat rotation speedsunder 50 rpm,however, the useof speed feedbackis recommended.Th ere are alsoasynchronousmotors that aredesigned diff er-ently from IEC or‘standard’ motorsin order to achievebetter dynamicswith a smallerrotor diameter(the ‘main spindledrive’ design).Th ese motorshave a rectangularfl ange and arelonger at the samepower rating.Many of these mo-tors are fi tted withencoder feedback,and are thereforealso known as asynchronous servomotors.Th e synchronous motor cannotrun by itself on a three-phasesupply, and needs a frequencyconverter to do so. Th e rotor is fi t-ted with permanent magnets, andis therefore coupled very fi rmlywith the rotating fi eld of the stator.Th e speed range is often greaterthan with standard asynchronousmotors, and the dynamics areconsiderably better. Because noinduction is needed in the rotor,power dissipation is lower, thusreducing heating of the motor.Electric motors can achieve con-siderably higher rotation speedsFigure 2: Combinations of electric motors and hydraulic pumpsthan most hydraulic pumps. When choosing a motor, therefore, it is important to consider the usability of the rotation speed. Th e rota-tion speed of hydraulic pumps is restricted by noise characteristics, centrifugal forces and suction capacity. Th ese restrictions are particularly clear with electric drives on a 60 Hz grid and with diesel drives. Small pumps reach their limits at around 3,000 rpm, and large pumps at around 2,000 rpm, if they are self-primed. Pumps with adjustable rotation speedAn adjustable pump can varythe fl ow rate very quickly; e.g., by adjusting the pivoting angle at afi xed rotation speed. With a fi xed-displacement pump on a variable-speed electric motor, the rotationspeed of the electric motor unit as a whole must be adjusted with a hydraulic pump coupled with the motor. Th e torque, which will change very quickly as a result of this adjustment, must be transmit-ted through all hydraulic compo-nents of the pump that lie in the power fl ux (Figure 2).Pumps with an adjustable rota-tion speed must satisfy require-ments and operating conditions that do not arise under operat-ing conditions with a fi xed drive speed. An axial piston pump of the swashplate type is ill-equipped for a rapid change in speed: the torque is transferred in the motor via the oscillating pistons through short contact lines to the piston barrel. Th is restricts the rotation adjustment speed, and hence the dynamics. Th us, the high dynam-ics of a synchronous motor cannot be used, because the mechani-cal components of the hydraulic pump cannot transfer them. For this reason, pivot-adjustable piston pumps, both with fi xed and with variable rotation, mostly runon a cheaper asynchronous motor,and the dynamics are created byadjusting the pump.Th e alternative to the swashplatepiston motor is the fi xed-displace-ment bent-axis piston motor. Th eshaft torque in some designs istransferred to the piston barrelthrough mechanical coupling;e.g., through two gears in mesh.Th e pistons move without beingsubject to shear forces, and thisdesign is therefore very suitable forrapid speed change. Th is machin eshows particular mechanicalrobustness when the motor is inoperation, as it operates with rota-tion speeds of up to 14,000 rpm.Th e internal gear pump, whichcurrently dominates the fi eld invariable-speed pumps, has twointerlocking gears in mesh. Th isis useful for transferring a rapidspeed change, such as the kindthat occurs in pressure control,between the rotating/moving partsFigure 3: Integrated vane pump on a synchronous motorin a mechanically sound way.Just like the internal gear pump,the external gear pump is verywell-suited to rapid speed changeson a synchronous motor. Becauseof its larger pressurized surfaces,however, it is less favorable in theresulting bearing forces it cre-ates, which reduce the maximumpressure and create a higher levelof friction, particularly at low rota-tion speeds. Th ere are numerouspumps on the market that havehelical gears for noise-relatedreasons.Advantages of vane pumpsAnother pump that is very suit-able for internally transferring thevarying levels of torque is the vanepump. In this pump, large-surfacevanes occupy slots in the rotor. Th etorque is transferred not throughlinear contact, but through full-area contact of the vane with therotor, which makes this designparticularly robust. Th e hydrauli-cally balanced vanes, which arepressed onto the external curved path by centrifugal force, are also spring-loaded, which ensures contact with the external curved path even at lowest rotation speeds. Two opposing pump chambers balance the hydraulic load fully, so bearings are not needed to carry the load, but only to guide the shaft. As a result, the pump rotor can also be operated directly from the extended shaft end of an electric motor. Th is means that the shaft bearing, the bell housing and the coupling are not required, which results in afi rmer coupling of the pump with the electric motor. Th is not only shortens the overall length of the unit as a whole, but also reduces its inertia and prevents torsional vibrations as a result of the elastic-ity of the coupling, which permits a high level of dynamics. Th e van e pump is suitable for various fl uids, as it has no roller- or ball-bearings in the liquid. Because of the bear-ing-free installation of the pumpcartridge, in cases of repair it caneasily be replaced with a built-inpump by loosening the four screwson the cover (Figure 3).Th e use of variable-speed pumpsenables control of fl ow rate andpressure directly through thepump rotation speed. Pressurecontrol, in particular, imposesdiff erent requirements on thepumps. Th us, depending on theapplication, it may be necessary toset the working pressure betweenlow and no initial fl ow volume fora period of time. In this state, thepumps heat up because of internalleakage. Th e smaller the internalleakage of the pump, the longerthe dwell time of the pump beforea critical temperature is reached inthe pump. Once this temperatureis reached, the lubrication proper-ties of the hydraulic medium areno longer suffi cient to separate themoving parts of the pump, and thisresults in a mechanical failure. Th etwo most important requirementsfor variable-speed pumps are theability to transfer high torques,and low internal leakage.Internal leakage includes not justleakage in the displacement space,but also all other oil fl ows insidethe pump, because such fl owsalso cause losses and, in the caseof pressure control, heating of thepump.Adjustable swashplate pistonpumps must feed the hydrostaticbearings of the piston shoe andsupply the control unit for adjust-ing the swashplate with pilot oil.Th ese additional oil fl ows lead toa reduction in the effi ciency ofthe machine, which operates withsuch low losses in the displace-ment space.Figure 4: Overall effi ciency of the T7B vane pump and internal gear pump of 32 ccm and 50 ccmTh e fi xed-displacement bent-axis machine has the advantage over the swashplate machine, in variable-speed operation, thatthe pistons are supported on the bearing by spherical balls. Th is re-duces the supply to the hydrostatic bearings, and because it operates constantly, it has no control unit that needs to be supplied. Th is machine has very high effi ciency. On the other hand, its construc-tion costs are high.Internal leakage mainly depends on the length and height of the sealing gaps of the displace-ment spaces. In this sense, piston machines have a clear advantage, because a round piston in a round hole can be manufactured with very narrow tolerances. Pistons with a larger diameter and a longer piston stroke create larger displacement volumes. Th ere is a proportional relation between leakage and displacement. Toothed fl anks or vanes vary in their suitability for sealing the cross-sectional displacement space, and the side fl anks of the gears or vane rotors are also dif-fi cult to seal without creating large frictional forces. Th ere is more leakage at these points than with piston machines. Gear pumps, both with external and internal gear teeth, are manufacturedwith diff erent gear sizes, and the displacement volumes within a construction size are defi ned by diff erent gear widths. Th ere is a proportional relation between leakage and displacement. In pressure-compensated designs for internal gear pumps, the sealing gap at the tooth tip reduces as pressure increases. Th is in creases volumetric effi ciency, but also increases mechanical losses. Vane pumps are manufactured with diff erent rotor diameters, and within a construction size thedisplacement volumes are defi nedby the profi le of the stroke ring. Inthis construction type, the lengthsof sealing gaps remain almostconstant. Internal leakage onlyvaries slightly as a result of the dif-ferences in vane stroke size. Th us,the pump with the largest dis-placement volumes, which has thelargest vane stroke, has almost thesame internal leakage as the pumpwith the smallest. Th ere is a pro-portional relation between leakageand displacement volumes acrossthe range, but this declines withina given construction size, thusincreasing the effi ciency. Th e mosteff ective combinations are almostas good as the most eff ective inter-nal gear pumps (Figure 4).Th e lengths of sealing gaps areroughly the same in internalgear and vane pumps, and thusboth types of pumps exhibit verysimilar leakage rates up to me-dium pressures. In terms of energyeffi ciency of the system, effi ciencyis crucial at high rotation speedsand pressures, because this iswhere the most energy is used. Atsmall rotation speeds, effi ciencyis important for the pump itself,because in pressure-holdingoperation the pump is barely ableto dissipate heat. In the absenceof fl ow, only internal leaking ispumped. Th e T7E15 pump is ofthe same construction size as theT7E10, but has the largest vanestroke and hence is better in termsof effi ciency. At identical displace-ment volumes, the pump has toturn faster the greater the leakageis. Internal gear and vane pumpsare equivalent; at higher pres-sures, the vane pump has to turnsomewhat faster (Table 1).Because this heat cannot bedissipated without a drain port(which is normally dispreferredwith fi xed-displacement pumpsin order to simplify installation),the maximum pressure-holdingtime up to the heating limit isa function of leakage. A higherlevel of leakage means a shorterpressure-holding time in the ab-Table 1: Comparison of rotation speeds in pressure-holding operation depending on volume of effi ciency of a vane pump and an internal gear pump of 31.8 ccmsence of fl ow. However, a higher level of leakage also entails a higher rotation speed and thus a lower pressure pulsation. If the pressure-holding time that can be achieved is not suffi cient for the application, a small amount of fl ow to eliminate the dissipa-tion loss of the pump will extend this time considerably. For the most part, leakage will provide suffi cient fl ow for the connected device to achieve suffi ciently long pressure-holding times for the application (Table 2). Compact and robustTh e trend towards variable fl ow rates is forcing manufacturersof fi xed-displacement pumpsto adapt their products for variable-speed operation. In the future, a wider range of designsis to be expected on the market.A variable-fl ow vane pump is already available as an additional option alongside more estab-lished products. Th is pump is quieter than a piston machine and has a considerably simpler design. The vane pump is com-Table 2: Pressure-holding time (T ≤ 90 °C, HLP32) of a vane pump of 50 ccm depending on volume of effi ciencyparable in terms of hydrauliceffi ciency and noise characteris-tics, and, at medium pressure atno fl ow condition, it has almostthe same pressure-holding timesas an internal gear pump. Withrespect to the pressure-holdingtimes of fi xed-displacementpumps in general, it should benoted that, in practice, the needBibliography[1] H. Murrenhoff, Grundlagen der Fluidtechnik, Band 1: Hydraulik, 6. Aufl age, 2011[2] R. Bublitz, K. Roosen, Energetic optimization of variable speed pump systems, 9. Internationales Fluidtechnisches Kolloquium, Aachen, 2014for pilot oil and the leakages of thecomponents of the total hydraulicsystem, impose no restrictions.Th e vane pump is the only pumpthat can run on the extended shaftof the electric motor, which makesthis integrated solution uniquelycompact and robust.[3] T. Neubert, J. Wolff, S.Helduser, H. Spath, Untersuchungelektrischer Antriebssysteme amBeispiel von Hydraulikpumpen;Antriebstechnik 43 Nr. 1, 2004[4] I. Rühlicke, Elektrohy-draulische Antriebssysteme mitdrehzahlveränderbarer Pumpe,Dissertation, Technische Univer-sität Dresden, 1997© 2016 Parker Hannifi n Corporation Parker Hannifi n ManufacturingGermany GmbH & Co. KGHydraulics Group Europephone + 49 (0)2131 513-0。
Efficiency analysis and hydraulic design of miniature
self-priming vortex pump
作者: 唐涛;沙毅
作者机构: 浙江科技学院机械与汽车工程学院,杭州310023
出版物刊名: 浙江科技学院学报
页码: 339-345页
年卷期: 2017年 第5期
主题词: 旋涡泵 摩擦驱动原理 圆周速度 效率 水力设计
船舶辅机−第5章 漩涡泵
3.径向力和轴向力 . 径向力: 径向力:旋涡泵中从吸口至排口液体压力沿圆周 近似呈线性增加,任何工况都会产生不平衡径向 力,其作用方向大致垂直于通过隔舌中间位置的 轴截面,指向低压侧。径向力由轴承承受。 轴向力: 轴向力:流道截面左右对称的旋涡泵理论上不产 生轴向力,但若叶轮两端面间隙不等,会引起压 力不等,产生轴向力。通常在叶轮上开平衡孔消 除。单侧流道的旋涡泵因叶轮两端面液压力不同, 引起指向流道方向的轴向力,小型泵用止推轴承 承受。 泵
纵向旋涡越强, 纵向旋涡越强,液体质点进入叶轮的次数就越 泵产生的扬程就越高。 多,泵产生的扬程就越高。纵向旋涡的强弱取 决于:a.叶轮内液体和流道内液体的离心力之 决于 叶轮内液体和流道内液体的离心力之 纵向旋涡的流动阻力, 差;b. 纵向旋涡的流动阻力,与叶片和流道的 形状及叶片的数目有关。 形状及叶片的数目有关。 闭式漩涡泵的特点: (1)效率较高 效率较高(35~45%); 效率较高 ; (2)汽蚀性差 液体径向进入 ,汽蚀余量较大; 汽蚀性差(液体径向进入 汽蚀性差 液体径向进入),汽蚀余量较大; 无自吸能力, (3)无自吸能力,不能抽送气液混合物。若要自 无自吸能力 不能抽送气液混合物。 排出端必须设气液分离室; 吸,排出端必须设气液分离室; (4)多为单级或二级。 多为单级或二级。 多为单级或二级 3
结论:旋涡泵适用于小流量、高扬程、 结论:旋涡泵适用于小流量、高扬程、功率较小 适用于小流量 和需要自吸的场合,适宜输送粘度较低、 和需要自吸的场合,适宜输送粘度较低、不含固 体杂质的液体或气液混输。 体杂质的液体或气液混输。如辅锅炉或压力水柜 的给水泵。 的给水泵。
船舶辅机−第5章 漩涡泵
二、优点漩涡气泵具有以下几个优点:1. 高效节能:漩涡气泵采用了先进的设计和工艺,能够实现高效的气体压缩和输送,从而节省能源消耗。
2. 无油运行:漩涡气泵采用无油设计,避免了传统润滑油对气体的污染,保证了气体的纯净性。
3. 结构简单:漩涡气泵的结构相对简单,维护方便,减少了维修和更换部件的成本。
4. 体积小巧:漩涡气泵的体积相对较小,适用于空间有限的场合。
三、应用领域漩涡气泵广泛应用于各个工业领域,主要用于以下方面:1. 环保设备:漩涡气泵可用于废气处理系统中,将废气进行压缩和输送,减少对环境的污染。
2. 化工工艺:漩涡气泵可用于化工工艺中的气体输送,如压缩空气、氮气等。
3. 精密仪器:漩涡气泵可以提供稳定的气体压力,适用于精密仪器的气体供应。
4. 制药行业:漩涡气泵可用于制药行业中的气体输送和压缩,如药品包装机械等。
5. 医疗设备:漩涡气泵可用于医疗设备中的气体供应,如呼吸机、麻醉机等。
第四章 漩涡泵
武汉理工大学 轮机工程系
第一节 旋涡泵的结构和工作原理
1. 闭式漩涡泵
泵壳流道使吸入口与排出口直接连通,无自 吸能力。
叶片形状有径向直叶、前倾直叶、后倾直叶、 后转角、前转角。
2. 开式漩涡泵
泵壳流道使吸入口与排出口不直接连通,有 自吸能力。 叶片形状有径向直叶、径向弯叶。
武汉理工大学 轮机工程系
第四章 旋涡泵 peripheral pump
第一节 旋涡泵的结构和工作原理 第二节 旋涡泵的性能和特点 第三节 离心旋涡泵 复习思考题
武汉理工大学 轮机工程系
第一节 旋涡泵的结构和工作原理
又称:涡流泵、再生泵 船舶上作为锅炉给水泵、生活水泵、卫 生水泵、辅机淡水泵等使用。
旋涡泵是一种特殊的离心泵。 叶轮由一金属圆盘与四周铣出 凹槽而成。余下未铣去的部分 形成辐射状的叶片。泵壳内壁 亦是圆形。 在叶轮与泵壳内壁之间有一引 水道。其吸入口与排出口靠近, 二者间以“挡壁”相隔。挡壁 与叶轮间的缝隙很小以期阻止 压出口压强高的液体漏回吸入 口压强低的部位。
武汉理工大学 轮机工程系
武汉理工大学 轮机工程系
第一节 旋涡泵的结构和工作原理
一、工作原理 纵向旋涡
叶轮高速旋转,叶轮各叶片间的液体 在高速旋转中受到离心惯性力,于是, 叶片外缘的液体压强高于叶片内缘液 体的压强。 用能量交换假说解释---叶片间的液体 向泵壳流道作动量传递。
武汉理工大学 轮机工程系
4. 开式漩涡泵有自吸能力;
5. 气蚀能力较差;
6. 叶轮承受不平衡径向力和轴向力; 7. 不宜输送带固体颗粒的液体和粘度较大的液体;
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文章编号:1005 -0329(2016)12 -0029 -04旋涡泵内部流动分析及水力设计沙毅(浙江科技学院,浙江杭州310023)摘要:依据摩擦力和离心力双重做功效应原理,阐述了旋涡泵的工作过程及泵内能量损失的原因。
在分析5个代表 性旋涡泵优秀水力模型主要技术参数基础上,拟合出叶片数及叶轮外径D、叶片宽度6、流道面积4及直径系数^宽度系数和流速系数A经验计算公式。
25WZB1.5-25-0. 75自吸旋涡泵开发的案例验证了本文设计方法具有较高的准确性。
关键词:旋涡泵;水力设计;效率;结构参数中图分类号:TH314 文献标志码:A d〇i:10.3969/j.issn.1005 -0329.2016.12.006Interior Flow Analysis and Hydraulic Design Method of Vortex PumpSHA Yi(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,Hangzhou 310023 ,China)Abstract :By the friction and centrifugal force acting principle, the flow process and the reasons for the energy loss in vortex pump were explained. With an analysis of the main technical specifications about hydraulic model for five typical vortex pump, those empirical formula like impeller vane number Z,impeller diameter Z),blade width 6,the flow channel area A,diameter coefficient £•,width coefficient fS and efflux coefficient A were deduced. By analyzing the mechanical,volume and flow loss,the calculation of mechanical efficiency 77^, volumetric efficiency r]v and hydraulic efficiency r]k were elaborated. The case of a self-priming vortex pump (25WZB1.5-25-0. 75) developed proved that such methods are effective.Key words:vortex pump;hydraulic design;efficiency;structure parameter1前言旋涡泵为低比转速叶片泵,主要用于化工、消 防、居民生活供水、汽车、飞机的加油及燃气热水 器和仪器设备等增压,部分车辆发动机油箱燃油 泵亦采用旋涡泵。
相对其他同等叶片泵其尺寸 小,结构简单、制造成本低,容易实现自吸,缺点是 泵效率等能量指标偏低。
由于研究工作的不足,目前旋涡泵理论还不完善,对其内部流动原理及 设计方法还应做进一步的研究。
叶轮转动时叶片表面与流道内液体之间产生紊乱 摩擦,受叶轮表面摩擦力的作用,使液体发生搅和 作用,即通过叶轮粗糙表面与流道内液体的相对 运动,产生摩擦力,该摩擦力带动液体转动,压力 增加,从而把原动机的能量传递给流道内的液体。
受旋转叶轮表面摩擦力的作用,泵进口呈负压 (真空度),液体在大气压作用下被携带入泵内,叶轮对液体做功使其动能和压能等提高,在流道 出口形成扬程排除泵体。
其中隔板的作用是将流 道进口和出口隔开。
同时叶轮内液体上所作用的 离心力要比流道中液体上所作用的离心力大,因为流道中液体的圆周速度比叶轮中的慢,由于离 心力不同,流道径向断面上会形成许多次圆环形收稿日期:2016 -07 -12修稿日期:2016 -09 -08基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51476145)回流运动。
离心功率与叶轮圆周速度三次方成正比,与 半径成反比。
每次回流运动都会造成回流与流道 压力流发生撞击,产生水力损失,为不限于单纯水 质,本文称其为流动损失,以流动效率%来考核。
从理论上讲,叶片数增加撞击次数增多,叶轮施加 给液体的摩擦力越大,泵扬程也应该越高,但流动 损失也相应增加。
旋涡泵内部流动主要由环流运 动的纵向旋涡和脱离叶片表面形成的径向旋涡组 成,紊乱程度相当高,这也是计算流动效率的出发 点[4~6]。
作者既往的研究表明旋涡泵叶片数过少 或过多均不利,选取一个恰当的值所表现的性能 为最优[7]。
因旋涡泵结构的原因会造成被作功的高压液 体通过与隔板的径向间隙、叶轮两面轴向间隙和 平衡孔向低压区域泄漏,产生容积损失,采用容积效率%对其进行考核。
旋涡泵容积效率一般为 0.70 %〜0.80 % [8’9]。
为提高摩擦力矩,叶轮外缘机械加工铣出齿 形叶片,且叶片数越多摩擦效应越强。
摩擦功率 与叶轮圆周速度二次方成正比,与摩擦面积成正 比。
这种类似圆盘摩擦损失属于机械损失,以机 械效率I来考核。
旋涡泵机械损失与离心泵等基本相同,虽然叶轮径向尺度相对较小,但叶轮外 端较多的叶片暴露在流道内,圆盘摩擦损失与离 心泵相当。
泵效率力= 本文在推导出容积效率%和机械效率^情况下,由旋涡泵效率w 反向导出流动效率m计算公式。
本文定义的流道面积4包括了叶轮流道面积火根据牛顿内摩擦定律可知流道内圆周速度 要低于叶轮内圆周速度,流道内平均速度与叶轮 圆周速度成正比。
为了表征这一特性,本文把流 道内平均速度〃与叶轮圆周速度^的比值A 定义 为流速系数。
为简单方便起见,定义泵流量& =〃 七作者既往的研究表明圆周速度即泵轴转速是影响旋涡泵的一个主要参数[1°]。
同一台泵圆周 速度提高,泵扬程和功率曲线呈线性递增,泵效率 提高,汽蚀余量曲线线性递减,抗汽蚀性能呈提高 趋势。
故旋涡泵适合高速运转,至于高速的上限 范围还有待于进一步研究。
3水力模型主要技术参数我国在20世纪70年代开展了大量旋涡泵的 研究工作,初步形成了设计方法。
举行了联合设 计,以样本出版的形式介绍了数十种旋涡泵性能 技术指标及特性曲线。
为了展开理论与实践相结 合的研究,本文从我国主要生产的旋涡泵产品筛选出有代表性的5个优秀水力模型作为统计源, 经过对技术图样和性能试验数据及曲线的分析和 反向计算等,列出其主要性能测试数据、主要水力 几何参数和主要统计计算参数,见表1〜3。
表1旋涡泵主要性能数据最优工况参数极限工况参数泵型号转数n( r/min)流量qv(m 3/h )扬程扒m)轴功率Pa(kW)泵效率)汽蚀余量N P S H (m )比转速〜最大流量心max ( m3/h)最局扬程H m aA m )25W-1052900 3.5089 1.6429 5.714. 1 4.915140W-902900 6.0575 3.7532 6.517.07.513932W-302900 2.88300.7434 3.823.4 3.95650W-4529009.0045 3.0636 5.830.511.46965W-50290014.40505.03386.335.618.088表2旋涡泵主要水力几何参数统计菜型号叶片外径D(mm)叶轮宽6( mm)叶片数z(片)叶轮面积S(mm2)叶片内径Dl(mm)流道外径D3(mm)流道内径D4(mm)流道面积A(mm2)泵出口径d2(mm)25W-1051359488411215612430525 40W-901251242821001409547625 32W-308510364065896520225 50W4510513.53298761227656040 65W-501121630140741207483850表3旋涡泵主要水力计算参数菜型号流速系数A面积比值A/S圆周速度u (m/s)流道速度v(m/s)直径系数£宽度系数P机械效率 )流动效率Vk(%)容积效率25W-1050.140 3.6322.777 3.188 2.07818.93158.971.269.2 40W-900.186 5.8118.981 3.528 2.04217.62464.169.571.8 32W-300.307 5.0512.907 3.960 1.76713.46372.162.175.9 50W450.280 5.7115.944 4.464 1.73712.59277.958.579.0 65W-500.286 5.9916.703 4.773 1.69612.43680.958.280.64设计计算方法4.1 叶片数Z对表3数据进行分析及结合以往研究,旋涡泵叶片数计算公式改进为:Z = 30.489 +485.048/ ns+4. 186\1 + 5.635)(1)式中----泵额定比转速4.2 叶轮外径D作者先前的研究表明旋涡泵转速变化满足相似理论比例定律,由此可以得出圆周速度变化泵内流动压力与惯性力相似,即欧拉数&恒定,则:式中P u2s(常数)P U2(2)H :Pi~Pl(3)PggK ==W常数)(4)U2=7:D2n(5) -直径系数,统计数据见表3叶轮外圆圆周速度,m/sg---重力加速度,m/s2由式(4)可见,泵扬程与^成正比,即与叶轮直径"成正比,得直径D计算式:D =^(g H\i/2TT/ll s I(6)式中D—泵叶轮直径,mH---泵额定扬程,mn---泵额定转速,r/min通过对表1〜3数据进行分析,运用数值分析 最小二乘法拟合得直径系数计算公式:e= 3.1540 -0. 0759' + 0.0005^ (7) 4.3 叶轮宽度6研究表明旋涡泵叶轮宽度主要与泵流量、扬 程及转速相关。
根据相似理论量纲和谐原理的瑞 利方法,叶轮宽度计算组合式应为:b =qv60nH(8)式中6---泵叶轮宽度,m13—宽度系数,统计数据见表3qv---泵额定流量,m3/h对表1〜3数据进行分析,拟合得:/3=12. 45619«s -0. 87242^ + 0.02473^-0.000247967^-42.6 (9) 4.4 流道面积4通过叶轮的流量为泵理论流量,与实际流量 还差个容积损失。