Protein–RNA linkage and post-translational modifications of two sobemovirus VPgs




KDEL 的受体
KDEL 的受体主要定位在 高 尔 基 体 TGN 区 、 COPⅡ 和 COPⅠ 包 被 膜 泡的膜上,它们能识别并 结合KDEL 分选信号。如 果在内质网发 生错误包 装和转运,由于COPⅠ膜 泡上也有KDEL 受体,所 以也能保证逃逸蛋白被内 质网回收
四、网格蛋白/接头蛋白包被膜泡的 装配与运输
蛋白质分析和膜泡 转运
第一节 细胞内蛋白质的分选
细胞内合成的蛋白质之所以能够定向的转运到特定的细 胞器取决于蛋白质中包含的特殊信号序列和细胞器上特 定的信号识别装置。
• 蛋白质的分选(protein sorting) • 信号序列的发现和证实
– 1972年Milstein等发现骨髓瘤细胞中提取的免疫球蛋 白分子的N端要比分泌到细胞外的免疫球蛋白分子N 端的氨基酸序列多出一截。
(1)信号肽(signal peptide)
• 位于蛋白质的N 端,一般由16~26 个残基组成 • 包括疏水核心区、信号肽的C 端和N 端等3 部分 • 原核细胞某些分泌性蛋白的N 端也具有信号序列
• 由6 种不同的蛋白质和一个由300 个核苷酸组成 的 7S RNA 结合组成的一种核糖核蛋白复合体
分泌性蛋白的合成与其跨越内质网膜的共翻译转运图解 图示信号肽、SRP、DP 及移位子之间的相互作用
• 开始转移序列(start
transfer sequence)







结果一览:1. XRNAX从紫外交联细胞中提取蛋白交联RNA 2. RNA相互作用位点与结构域的鉴定3. 三种细胞系整合的人RNA结合蛋白质组 4.亚砷酸盐对蛋白质组的影响 5. 亚砷酸盐介导的翻译阻滞对总蛋白和RNA相互作用蛋白组的影响6. XRNAX与CLIP-Seq结合鉴定RNA结合蛋白结果:1. XRNAX从紫外交联细胞中提取蛋白交联RNA目前通用的RNA提取法为Trizol法,作者采用紫外交联的MCF7细胞,收集TRIZOL法中间相,去除游离蛋白质和RNA,以及DNA酶消化以消除DNA,产生了含高浓度RNA(>1000ng/mL)和蛋白质(>0.7mg/mL)的提取物。

(Fig1A)然后作者比较了传统TRIZOL法和XRNA法,发现经RNase和Protein K消化后,XRNAX琼脂糖凝胶有条带消失,提示存在RNA蛋白复合物。






细胞生物学名词及其释义α-actinin 辅肌动蛋白一种使肌动蛋白成束的蛋白,有两个相距较远的肌动蛋白结合位点,故形成的肌动蛋白纤维束较为松散。

A kinase (PKA)A激酶因细胞内cAMP浓度升高而被激活催化靶蛋白磷酸化的酶。

accessory cell 辅佐细胞在免疫应答过程中,能摄取、加工、处理并将抗原信息提呈给淋巴细胞的免疫细胞,又称抗原提呈细胞。

actin 肌动蛋白真核细胞中含量丰富,构成肌动蛋白丝的一种蛋白质。


actin-binding protein 肌动蛋白结合蛋白在细胞中与肌动蛋白单体或肌动蛋白纤维结合的、能改变其特性的蛋白质。

actinin 辅肌动蛋白一种肌动蛋白结合蛋白,集中分布在Z线和与质膜结合的应力纤维点状黏附端。

actin-related protein(ARP)肌动蛋白相关蛋白促进肌动蛋白丝集结的蛋白质复合物。

active transport 主动运输溶质通过细胞膜逆浓度梯度运输的现象,是一个耗能的生理过程。

actomere 肌动蛋白粒由未聚合的抑丝蛋白-肌动蛋白复合物和一小段肌动蛋白丝束组成的结构。


actomyosin 肌动球蛋白肌肉收缩时肌动蛋白与肌球蛋白瞬时接触形成的复合物。

adaptin 衔接蛋白参与成笼蛋白衣被形成的一类蛋白质,能同时与跨膜受体以及成笼蛋白结合,在两者间起衔接作用。

adaptor protein 衔接器蛋白在细胞内信号传递途径中,凡是在不同蛋白质间起连接作用的蛋白质的通称。

adducin 聚拢蛋白质膜骨架蛋白,为异二聚体。


adherens junction 黏合连接在质膜的胞质面附着有肌动蛋白纤维的细胞连接,包括连接相邻的上皮细胞的黏着带和体外培养的成纤维细胞底面的黏着斑(focal contact)。



① ER转运蛋白质合成的起始。通过ER转运的蛋白合成仍然起 始于胞质溶胶中的游离核糖体。核糖体是蛋白质合成的基本 装置,它并不决定合成蛋白质的去向,合成的蛋白质何去何 从,是由mRNA决定的,也就是说是由密码决定的。
②信号序列与SRP结合。SRP的信号识别位点识别新生肽的信号 序列并与之结合; 同时,SRP上的翻译暂停结构域同核糖体的 A位点作用, 暂时停止核糖体的蛋白质合成。
蛋白质氨基末端的信号序列除了作为信号被SRP识别外, 还具有起始穿膜转移的作用。
2.内部信号序列(internal signal sequence)
不位于N-末端,但具信号序列的作用,故称为内含信号序列 。
可作为蛋白质共翻译转移的信号被SRP识别,同时它也是起 始转移信号。
③SRP受体(SPR receptor),是膜的整合蛋白,为异二聚体蛋白, 存在于内质网上,可与SRP特异结合。
④停止转移序列(stop transfer sequence),肽链上的一段特 殊序列,与内质网膜的亲合力很高,能阻止肽链继续进入内质 网腔,使其成为跨膜蛋白质。
⑤转位因子(translocator),由3-4个Sec61蛋白复合体构成的 一个类似炸面圈的结构,每个Sec61蛋白由三条肽链组成。
在结构上只有一个停止转移信号序列,没有内含转移信号, 但在N-端有一个信号序列作为转移起始信号。
该蛋白在N-末端信号序列的作用下进行共翻译转运,当停止转移信号进入通道后,与 通道内的结合位点相互作用,使通道转运蛋白失活,从而停止蛋白质的转运。由于N末端的信号序列是可切除的,信号序列被切除后形成单次跨膜蛋白。





大多数限制性内切酶(即II型酶)只能识别短的DNA序列(48个碱基对),这极大地限制了它们在重组DNA 技术中的应用。


另外,人工限制性内切酶(AREs)是通过将DNA结合域融合到核酸酶结构域(例如,锌指核酸酶(ZFNs)和转录激活物样效应核酸酶(TALENs))或使用簇状规则间隔短回语重复(CRISPR)相关酶9 (Cas9)在体外产生的。








与真核Argonautes不同,一些原核Argonautes有能力使用小的DNA分子而不是RNA作为向导来切割ssRNA或11c ssDNA靶标。

PfAgo是一种原核生物Pyrococcus furiosus的Argonaute蛋白,它被用作可编程的核酸内切酶,可以基于gDNA的引导来切割底物。

Section N Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes

Section N Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes

Homeodomain bound to its specific DNA sequence
2. Bacteriophage DNA-binding proteins such as the phage λ cro repressor, lac and trp repressors, and cAMP receptor protein, CRP.
• The leucine zipper is also used as a dimerization domain in proteins containing DNA-binding domains other than the basic domain, including some homeodomain proteins.
Transcription of a single gene may be regulated by many different factors interacting with regulatory elements upstream or downstream of the transcribed sequence.
- The
activity of a transcription factor can be assigned to separate protein domains
domains. (activity) domains. (activity)
Dimerization domains. Many transcription factors occur as homo- or heterodimers, held together by dimerization domains. (regulation)

生物化学(简单清晰)第12章 翻译

生物化学(简单清晰)第12章 翻译
IF-3:促进大小亚基分离,提高P位 对结合起始tRNA敏感性。
• 核蛋白体大小亚基分离; • mRNA在小亚基定位结合; • 起始氨基酰-tRNA的结合; • 核蛋白体大亚基结合。
1. 核蛋白体大小亚基分离
tRNA在翻译过程 中起接合体(adaptor) 作用,又是氨基酸的运 载体。
l 氨基酸的活化
(一)氨基酰-tRNA合成酶 (aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase)
氨基酸 + tRNA
氨基酰- tRNA
氨基酸+ATP+E —→氨基酰-AMP-E+AMP + PPi
50S大亚基: E位:排出位(Exit site)
A位:氨基酰位 (aminoacyl site) P位:肽酰位 (peptidyl site)
原 核 肽 链 合 成 终 止 过 程
起始: 1个
延长: 2个
终止: 1个
(polysome) 一个mRNA分子可
同时有多个核蛋白体在 进行同一种蛋白质的合 成,这种mRNA和多个 核蛋白体的聚合物称为 多聚核蛋mRNA在小亚基定位结合



• Cap binding protein, eIF4E, binds to cap
• The N-terminus of eIF4G binds eIF4E and the Cterminus binds eIF4A
• Th20e21/44/40S subunit binds to eIF4G via eIF3
A “Simple” Eukaryotic Gene
Transcription Start Site
5’ UTR
3’ UTR
Exon 1 Int. 1 Exon 2 Int. 2 Exon 3
Promoter/ Control Region
• 70-80 nt long
• 3’ end has the 5’- CCA sequence to which aa are linked
• The opposite end contains the anticodon loop
• Contains modified
Model of eukaryotic ribosome
• rRNAs are believed to play a catalytic role in protein synthesis.
• After removal of 95% of the ribosomal proteins, the 60S subunit can catalyze formation of peptide bonds.



国际老年医学杂志 2023年11月 第44卷第6期 IntJGeriatr,November2023,Vol.44No.6 2023国际老年医学杂志编辑部 2023bytheEditorialOfficeofInternationalJournalofGeriatrics甘肃省自然科学基金项目(22JR5RA007) 通讯作者:张百红,电子邮箱bhzhang1999@126 comRNA结合基序蛋白15的功能及其在肿瘤中的研究进展谈元郡1 王 霞1 张百红2 岳红云31甘肃中医药大学第一临床医学院,兰州 730000;2中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九四 医院肿瘤科,兰州 730050;3中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九四 医院眼科,兰州 730050 [摘 要] RNA结合基序蛋白15(RBM15)是一类有N端RNA识别基序(RRM)和C端Spen旁系/直系同源物(SPOC)结构的蛋白质。




[关键词] RNA结合基序蛋白15;肿瘤;mRNA;N6-甲基腺苷 doi:10 3969/j issn 1674-7593 2023 06 022RecentAdvancesinUnravelingtheFunctionsofRBM15andItsSignificanceinTumorigenesisTanYuanjun1,WangXia1,ZhangBaihong2,YueHongyun31theFirstClinicalMedicineCollegeofGansuUniversityofChineseMedicine,Lanzhou 730000;2DepartmentofOncology,the940thHospitalofJointLogisticsSupportForceofPeople′sLiberationArmy,Lanzhou 730050;3DepartmentofOphthalmology,the940thHospitalofJointLogisticsSupportForceofPeople′sLiberationArmy,Lanzhou 730050Correspondingauthor:ZhangBaihong,email:bhzhang1999@163 com [Abstract] RNAbindingmotifprotein15(RBM15)belongstoaclassofproteinscharacterizedbyanN-terminalRNArecognitionmotif(RRM)andaC-terminalSpenparalogandorthologC-terminal(SPOC)structure.RBM15playspivotalrolesinmodulatingmRNAexpression,guidingneuralstemcelldifferentiation,regulatingnutrientmetabolism,andmaintaininggenetichome ostasis.ItsinfluenceonthesecellularprocessescaneitherbedependentonN6-methyladenosine(m6A)modificationsoroccurin dependentlyofm6A.Inrecentyears,RBM15hasemergedasakeyplayercloselyassociatedwithtumorigenesisanddevelopmentalprocesses.ThispaperdelvesintointricatedetailsregardingthemultifacetedfunctionsofRBM15anditsintricateinterplaywiththede velopmentofvarioustumors.ThesefindingsofferarobustfoundationforthepotentialclinicalexploitationofRBM15asanovelthera peutictargetinthefightagainstcancer. [Keywords] RNAbindingmotifprotein15;Tumor;mRNA;N6-methyladenosine RNA结合基序蛋白15(RNAbindingmotifpro tein15,RBM15)的编码基因位于人类染色体1p13 3区域,最早在t(1;22)(p13;q13)易位的急性巨核细胞白血病婴儿体内发现[1]。



Rab:60个,引导至靶膜 SNARE:20个, 融合
Figure 15-21 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
Figure 15-23 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
Example: ATP Synthase subunit on inner membrane
Independent sorting signals are required for every transport step!
Hale Waihona Puke 核糖体有两种存在方式: 自由型
Figure 15-10 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
Mitochondrial uptake signal is an amphipathic helix
N terminus
hydrophobic residues
三种运输方式: 核孔门控运输 跨膜运输
Figure 15-8 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)
核定位信号 (positive charge)
Figure 15-9 Essential Cell Biology (© Garland Science 2010)

第6章 翻译后过程

第6章 翻译后过程

PrP有两种形式;细胞型PrPc和异常型PrPsc。正常细胞中PrPc的序列以α螺旋结构为主, β折叠仅占11.9% 若PrPc中的α螺旋发生结构转换成β折叠, 则变成为异常型的PrPsc, 其
结构中β折叠占43%。 PrPsc蛋白聚集沉积,引起病状并有传染性。
牛海绵状脑病(俗称疯牛病)、羊瘙痒病、 人克雅氏病、震颤病和吉斯综合症,老年 性痴呆症、囊性纤维病变、家族性高胆固 醇症、家族性淀粉样蛋白症、某些肿瘤、 白内障等等
蛋白质一级结构 三级结构
细胞内的蛋白质折叠与组装:在胞浆、线粒体或内质网( endoplasmic retinum , ER )
• 内质网(endoplasmic reticulum;ER ): 真核细胞细胞质内广泛分布的由膜构成的扁囊、小管或小泡连接形成的连续 的三维网状膜系统。分为糙面内质网和光面内质网两种。 粗糙型内质网: 膜上附着核糖体颗粒 功能是合成蛋白质大分子,并把它从细胞输送出去或在细胞内转运到其 他部 位。 光滑型内质网:没有核糖体附在上面 功能与糖类和脂类的合成、解毒有关,并且还具有运输蛋白质的功能。
组蛋白乙酰化与癌症(Histone Acetylation and Cancer) • • 负责组蛋白乙酰化和去乙酰化的是一对功能相互拮抗的蛋白酶———组 蛋白乙酰化转移酶(histone acetylases, HATs) 和组蛋白去乙酰化酶( Histone deacetylases, HDACs )
分子伴侣的发现: • Laskey等(1987) 研究非洲爪蟾核小体形成时发现一种酸性核蛋白— —nucleoplasmin。 • 实验:在生理离子强度 下,体外把DNA与组蛋白混合在一起,不能自 我组装,而是形成沉淀。如果把组蛋白与过量nucleoplasmin混合,再 加入DNA,则可形成核小体结 构,而且最终形成的核小体中没有 nucleoplasmin。 • 结论:它在DNA与组蛋白装配成核小体时是必需的。 • 据此Laskey 称它为“分子伴侣”。 • 分子伴侣(Molecular chaperone)的发现,说明细胞内新生肽段的折 叠一般意义上说是需要帮助的,而不是自发进行的。



RIP (RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitaiton)-A Tool to Explore Post-Transcriptional Regulation of RNAsGene expression plays an important role in complex cellular processes such as development, differentiation, and cellular response to environmental changes and is continuously modulated through a series of finely tuned post-transcriptional processes. Many of these processes utilize messengerRNA binding proteins (RBPs)to regulate the translation of functionally related gene products by binding subsets of mRNAs in a manner similar to how transcription factors regulate gene expression. While the regulation of gene expression by transcription factors has been well documented over time the regulation of gene products by RBPs is still new and has yet to be fully understood.RNA-Binding protein immunoprecipitaiton (RIP)is the RNA analog of the more well-known ChIP application (chromatin immunoprecipitation),which identifies DNA targets of DNA-binding proteins in an in-vivo cellular context. RIP can be used to identify specific RNA molecules (of many types)associated with specific nuclear or cytoplasmic proteins. These experiments involve immunoprecipitation of endogenously formed complexes of RNA binding proteins and co-isolation of any RNA species associated with that RNA binding protein. Purification of these RNA species allows interrogation and identification of mRNAs (and potentially non-coding RNAs associated with them)and can be directly subjected to a variety of applications including quantitative RT-PCR, microarray analysis (RIP-chip)and “deep-sequencing” or 2nd-generation sequencing based platform (RIP-Seq).To enable the adoption of these complex RIP methods we have focused on optimizing the methods and developing a variety of RIP validated reagents. Through this optimization process we have identified a number of key lessons that are critical for success and hope to share that in this discussion. By combining this learning with validated reagents we aim to provide researchers with a means of comparing their own results with the publicly available RNA profiles deposited by the ENCODE consortium.。


1 PTMScan
PTMScan技术的基本操作方法包括利用9M尿 素裂解液,对疾病细胞系或患者组织块(足够提取 10 mg蛋白)进行裂解获取蛋白裂解物,经过蛋白内 切酶(通常使用胰酶)消化后获得蛋白肽段混合物, 利用C 18纯化柱对肽段混合物进行纯化,然后利用 CST 公司独有的蛋白质翻译后修饰 motif 抗体分别 对含有不同蛋白后修饰的肽段进行亲和富集并纯 化,利用液相色谱-串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)进行半定 量分析(图1)。
Байду номын сангаас
可根据各种磷酸激酶识别底物的序列特异性提供 16 种不同的单克隆基序抗体 (motif antibody) 供选 择。例如:蛋白激酶A (PKA)在其底物的(K/R)(K/ R)X(S/T)序列进行特异性磷酸化,即在磷酸化位点 的 -2 和 -3 位须为赖氨酸或者精氨酸。我们设计的 PKA底物基序抗体(PKA substrate motif antibody)识 别含有(K/R)(K/R)X(pS/T)的肽段,这些肽段有很 大可能来自 PKA 的底物。相比于 TiO2 或者 IMAC 亲和富集磷酸化肽段等方法,使用基序抗体可以 快速特异地富集该激酶底物。 通过大量的实验我们认为:利用识别磷酸化 的基序抗体可以更加专一、有的放矢地研究磷酸 组的某一个亚群。越来越多的研究者认为,磷酸 组的复杂性大大超过了现有仪器设备的分析能力 上限,而且没有一种分析方法可以富集到磷酸组 的全部位点。通用的IMAC或者TiO2富集磷酸化肽 段的方法虽然可以鉴定出客观数量的磷酸化位 点,同时却也给后续定性定量分析和手动验证带 来了极大的困难。使用磷酸化基序抗体的好处在 于,可以在富集前利用这些抗体进行 western blot 对样品进行检测,这样可以直观地判断出在某种 实验条件下,哪些磷酸化基序抗体可以检测出最 显著的变化。如图2所示:利用PKA底物基序抗体 作为一抗的western blot, 表示两种细胞在不同实验 条件下的反馈。我们可以直观地看到 : 与细胞 A 的 带谱相比,细胞B明显对于实验条件更加敏感(对比 第7和第11号样品的条带变化)。因此我们可以选择

蛋白质的生物合成(翻译)Protein Biosynthesis,Translation《生物化学》复习提要

蛋白质的生物合成(翻译)Protein Biosynthesis,Translation《生物化学》复习提要

蛋白质的生物合成(翻译)Protein Biosynthesis,Translation概述蛋白质的生物合成,即翻译,就是将核酸中由4 种核苷酸序列编码的遗传信息,通过遗传密码破译的方式解读为蛋白质一级结构中20种氨基酸的排列顺序。

第一节蛋白质合成体系Protein Biosynthesis System参与蛋白质生物合成的物质包括:●三种RNA–mRNA(messenger RNA, 信使RNA)–rRNA(ribosomal RNA, 核蛋白体RNA)–tRNA(transfer RNA, 转移RNA)●20种氨基酸(AA)作为原料●酶及众多蛋白因子,如IF、eIF●ATP、GTP、无机离子一、翻译模板mRNA及遗传密码——mRNA是遗传信息的携带者•遗传学将编码一个多肽的遗传单位称为顺反子(cistron)。

•原核细胞中数个结构基因常串联为一个转录单位,转录生成的mRNA可编码几种功能相关的蛋白质,为多顺反子(polycistron) 。

•真核mRNA只编码一种蛋白质,为单顺反子(single cistron) 。

•遗传密码:mRNA分子上从5'至3'方向,由AUG开始,每3个核苷酸为一组,决定肽链上某一个氨基酸或蛋白质合成的起始、终止信号,称为三联体密码(triple t codon)。

起始密码(initiation codon): AUG ;终止密码(termination codon): UAA,UAG,UGA•从mRNA 5'端起始密码子AUG到3'端终止密码子之间的核苷酸序列,各个三联体密码连续排列编码一个蛋白质多肽链,称为开放阅读框架(open reading frame, ORF)。

•遗传密码的特点:• 1. 连续性(com maless):编码蛋白质氨基酸序列的各个三联体密码连续阅读,密码•间既无间断也无交叉。

• 2. 简并性(deg eneracy):遗传密码中,除色氨酸和甲硫氨酸仅有一个密码子外,其•余氨基酸有2、3、4个或多至6个三联体为其编码。


真核细胞中除线粒体和植物细胞叶绿体中能合成少量蛋白质外,绝大多数蛋 白质都是由核基因编码起始合成均发生在游离核糖体上,然后或在细胞质基质 (游离核糖体)中完成翻译过程,或在粗面内质网膜结合核糖体上完成合成。然 而,蛋白质发挥结构或功能作用的部位几乎遍布细胞的各种区间或组分。因此必 然存在不同的机制以确保蛋白质分选,转运至细胞的特定部位,也只有蛋白质各 就各位并组装成结构与功能的复合体,才能参与实现细胞的各种生命活动。这一 过程称蛋白质分选(proteinsorting)或蛋白质寻靶(proteintargeting)。蛋白质 分选不仅保证了蛋白质的正确定位,也保证了蛋白质的生物学活性。
6.胆固醇主要由肝细胞合成并被运往其他细胞发挥作用,它在血液中的运输主 要是以低密度脂蛋白(简称LDL,由胆固醇与磷脂、蛋白质结合形成)的形式 进行。LDL进入细胞的过程如下图所示,下列说法错误的是()
A.内质网和高尔基体本身的蛋白成分的分选也属于共翻译转运途径 B.线粒体、叶绿体以及细胞核中的蛋白质均来自翻译后转运途径 C.用3H标记亮氨酸的羧基可确定某种蛋白质的分选是何种途径 D.蛋白质可通过核孔选择性的完成核输入,但不能从细胞核返回细胞质
2.蛋白质在细胞内合成后,依靠自身信号序列,从初始合成部位转运到发挥功能部位, 这一过程叫蛋白质分选。下图表示蛋白质分选的两条基本途径:一是在游离核糖体上 完成肽链合成,不经加工直接转运至相应位置,称为翻译后转运;二是蛋白质合成在 游离核糖体上起始之后由信号肽引导,边合成边转入内质网中,再经一系列加工运至 相应位置,称为共翻译转运。据图分析,下列有关说法不合理的是( )



1、内质网驻留蛋白(ER resident protein) (1)特点:C端有由4个氨基酸组成的驻留信号序列,
动 物 KDEL(Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu), 酵 母 HDEL, 植 物 不确定。 (2)驻留蛋白的功能:催化剂的作用和分子伴侣的作 用。协助进入ER腔的蛋白质正确折叠和组装。 2、途径ER腔,经修饰加工后被运到其它部位的蛋白质
• 使两膜靠近的物质:ATP,GTP,乙酰CoA和 几种蛋白质,其中两种主要的蛋白—NSF和 SNAP,Rab蛋白。NSF是可溶性的ATP酶, SNAP与v-SNARE和t-SNARE均能结合, Rab蛋白是GTP结合蛋白,水解GTP后将CO 泡锁定在靶膜上。
(三)细胞骨架与摩托蛋白在膜泡运 输中的作用(前已述)
Hsp90 等(heat shock protein),为主要的分子伴侣 类的蛋白;热休克蛋白的功能。p474 2、钙连接蛋白:即钙结合蛋白。
1.Hsp70分子伴侣系统: 功能结构域:2个 N端:ATPase功能域
C端:底物结合域、可变动功能域 Hsp70的两种状态:ATP结合态,能与底物结合
• 1971年Blobel等提出有关分泌蛋白合成机制的信号假 说
• 1975年破译了第一个信号肽序列 • 20世纪80年代初发现了信号识别颗粒及其受体
• 信号学说的主要内容:
(1)信号序列、信号肽(signal peptide),10-30个疏水 氨基酸(mRNA带信号序列);
3. 分子伴侣在蛋白质跨膜运转中的作用



第一课Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。




The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。

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Protein–RNA linkage and post-translational modifications of two sobemovirus VPgs Allan Olspert,1Lauri Peil,2Euge´nie He´brard,3Denis Fargette3 and Erkki Truve1CorrespondenceErkki Truveerkki.truve@ttu.eeReceived16August2010 Accepted8November20101Department of Gene Technology,Tallinn University of Technology,Akadeemia tee15,12618 Tallinn,Estonia2Institute of Technology,University of Tartu,Nooruse1,50411Tartu,Estonia3UMR,Institut de Recherche pour le De´veloppement(IRD),BP64501,34394Montpellier cedex5, FranceSobemoviruses possess a viral genome-linked protein(VPg)attached to the59end of viral RNA. VPg is processed from the viral polyprotein.In the current study,Cocksfoot mottle virus(CfMV) and Rice yellow mottle virus(RYMV)VPgs were purified from virions and analysed by mass spectrometry.The cleavage sites in the polyprotein and thereof the termini of VPg were experimentally proven.The lengths of the mature VPgs were determined to be78and79aa residues,respectively.The amino acid residues covalently linked to RNA in the two VPgs were, surprisingly,not conserved;it is a tyrosine at position5of CfMV VPg and serine at position1of RYMV VPg.Phosphorylations were identified in CfMV and RYMV VPgs with two positionally similar locations T20/S14and S71/S72,respectively.RYMV VPg contains an additional phosphorylation site at S41.INTRODUCTIONCocksfoot mottle virus(CfMV)and Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV)are members of the genus Sobemovirus,a group of viruses with small icosahedral virions and a positive-sense ssRNA genome of approximately4.0–4.5kb.Like many other genera with an RNA genome,sobemoviruses have a viral genome-linked protein(VPg)attached to the59end of the genomic and subgenomic RNAs(Ghosh et al.,1981; Mang et al.,1982).The VPgs of sobemoviruses are translated as part of the polyprotein and cleaved by the viral protease(Nair& Savithri,2010;van der Wilk et al.,1998).In contrast to potyviruses,the polyprotein processing and VPg matura-tion of sobemoviruses is poorly described.The specificity of the sobemoviral protease has been proposed as Q,E/T, S,N(Gorbalenya et al.,1988;Ma¨kinen et al.,2000;Nair& Savithri,2010;van der Wilk et al.,1998),based on the fact that many different cleavage sites can be predicted for the N and C termini of sobemovirus VPgs.For several sobemoviruses–CfMV,RYMV,Southern bean mosaic virus(SBMV)and Sesbania mosaic virus(SeMV)–the N terminus of VPg has been mapped(He´brard et al.,2008; Ma¨kinen et al.,2000;Nair&Savithri,2010;van der Wilk et al.,1998),while the C terminus of VPg has so far been experimentally proven for only SeMV(Nair&Savithri, 2010).The determined SeMV VPg processing sites corroborate the predicted consensus cleavage sequence. However,sobemoviruses deploy21programmed ribo-somal frameshifting(21PRF)for the expression of polyprotein and VPg occupies a position in the polyprotein close to the21PRF signal.Therefore,it has been proposed that at least CfMV might express its VPg through the21 PRF mechanism and as a result even encode VPgs with different C termini(Ma¨kinen et al.,2000).The VPgs are covalently linked to the59end of viral RNA (Ambros&Baltimore,1978;Rothberg et al.,1978).The VPg is attached to the RNA over a phosphodiester bond formed between the hydroxyl group of the amino acid residue and59phosphate group of RNA(Ambros& Baltimore,1978;Rothberg et al.,1978).The amino acid residue involved in the linkage has been reported to be a tyrosine or a serine(Ambros&Baltimore,1978;Jaegle et al.,1987).Threonine also contains a hydroxyl group,but there is no evidence that it is used for linking with RNA. Picornaviruses use a conserved tyrosine residue situated near the N terminus of VPg for the linkage of RNA (Ambros&Baltimore,1978;Rothberg et al.,1978;Schein et al.,2006).Also for potyviruses and caliciviruses the use of tyrosine has been reported(Anindya et al.,2005;Belliot et al.,2008;Murphy et al.,1991),while nepoviruses and comoviruses are reported to exploit a serine residue(Jaegle et al.,1987;Zalloua et al.,1996).Like most viral proteins,VPgs are multifunctional.They have been shown to play a role in key steps of the viralA supplementary table is available with the online version of this paper.Journal of General Virology(2011),92,445–452DOI10.1099/vir.0.026476-0 026476G2011SGM Printed in Great Britain445cycle:replication,translation and cell-to-cell movement. These functions can be performed by mature VPgs and/or their precursors.Processing of the VPg precursors is one of the possibilities by which to regulate VPg multifunction-ality.Moreover,it has been shown that VPgs can directly regulate the protease activity as SeMV protease is active in trans only in fusion with VPg(Satheshkumar et al.,2005). To perform their various functions,VPgs establish interac-tions with several viral or host partners such as VPg itself, nuclear inclusion protein b,helper component protease, cylindrical inclusion protein,coat protein or eukaryotic translation initiation factors:eIF4E,eIF4G,eIF4A,eIF3and the poly(A)-binding protein(Daughenbaugh et al.,2003, 2006;Goodfellow et al.,2005;He´brard et al.,2010;Khan et al.,2008;Lin et al.,2009;Michon et al.,2006;Miyoshi et al.,2006).For RYMV,an interaction of VPg with eIF(iso)4G is known to be crucial for virus infection(Albar et al.,2006;He´brard et al.,2006,2010).Recently,it was demonstrated that the VPg of another sobemovirus SeMV is not required for the negative-strand synthesis in vitro (Govind&Savithri,2010).Structural features of VPgs are also involved in their abilities to interact with several partners.For Potato virus A(PVA), Potato virus Y,Lettuce mosaic virus,SeMV and RYMV an unfolded/disordered structure of VPg has been described previously(Grzela et al.,2008;He´brard et al.,2009; Rantalainen et al.,2008;Satheshkumar et al.,2005).VPg proteins lack a unique3D-structure and exist as a dynamic ensemble of conformations.High-resolution structural data are limited to small VPgs of about20residues.The3D structures of synthetic peptides corresponding to VPgs in complex with viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from members of the family Picornaviridae are the only ones available to date(Gruez et al.,2008;Schein et al.,2006). Although RYMV VPg contains disordered domains in its C-terminal half,a folding into an a-helical conformation can be induced in experimental conditions(He´brard et al., 2009).The central a-helix is involved in the interaction with eIF(iso)4G(He´brard et al.,2008,2010).For CfMV,similar intrinsically disordered and helical domains have been predicted(He´brard et al.,2009).In the current study,a mass spectrometry(MS)-based approach was taken to determine the C-terminal proces-sing site of virion-purified VPgs.As a result we identified the C termini of CfMV and RYMV VPgs,determined the residues to which viral RNA was covalently linked to and discovered post-translational modifications(PTMs)of the sobemoviral VPgs.RESULTSIdentification of the VPg C terminiMature VPgs purified from CfMV and RYMV virions were trypsin-digested and studied with tandem MS analysis.The sequence coverage of CfMV and RYMV VPgs was100%,i.e.there was MS data for every tryptic peptide between the determined termini of the proteins(Supplementary Table S1,available in JGV Online).We confirmed that RYMV VPg is79residues in length,spanning from residue327to 405in polyprotein P2a(Fig.1).The CfMV VPg C terminus was determined to be at position396of P2a and the N terminus at position318,resulting in a mature VPg protein of78aa residues in length.The N termini of VPgs are cleaved between E/N for CfMV and E/S for RYMV residues,as described previously(He´brard et al.,2008; Ma¨kinen et al.,2000),and the C termini are cleaved between E/T residues.Description of the VPg–RNA linkageThe position to which the viral RNA is linked to was deduced from the de novo interpretation of previously unmatched MS2spectra.A peptide with molecular mass of1944.7081Da had a partially matching MS2spectrum with the theoretical CfMV VPg N-terminal peptide with a molecular mass of 1519.6903Da.Thus,the peptide contained a modification with the molecular mass of+425.0178Da,corresponding to pGp(monoisotopic mass of425.0138Da),a product of acidic RNA degradation.As G is also the first nucleotide of the CfMV genome,these possibilities were included in the analysis parameters and the modification was pinpointed to a tyrosine at position five(Fig.2a).For RYMV,a similar approach was taken.The theoretical mass of the N-terminal peptide of RYMV VPg is939.4702Da.The first nucleotide of RYMV genome is A;therefore,the corresponding modifica-tion would be pAp with monoisotopic mass of409.0189Da and the mass ofthe N-terminal peptide with the modification would be 1348.4890Da.A precursor peptide with that mass(within the instrument mass accuracy of5p.p.m.)was indeed detected,and from the fragmentation spectra the modifica-tion was assigned to the serine at position one(Fig.2b). Characterization of VPg phosphorylationThe MS/MS analysis provided evidence that CfMV and RYMV VPg contained a number of PTMs.At least two phosphorylation sites were found for each VPg.A threonine at position20and serine at position71(Fig. 2c,d)were found to be present in both phosphorylatedas Fig.1.Mass-spectrometric detection of CfMV and RYMV VPgs. Amino acid sequence and PTMs of mature VPgs.Numeration corresponds to P2a polyprotein and VPg.Modifications are indicated in superscript:RNA,link to59of viral RNA;PHOS, phosphorylation.A.Olspert and others446Journal of General Virology92Protein–RNA linkage and modifications of sobemovirus VPgs447well as non-phosphorylated forms in CfMV VPg.No phosphothreonines were found in RYMV VPg,at the same time serines at positions14,41and72(Fig.2e–g)were found to be phosphorylated.Precursor peptide ratios of unmodified and phosphorylated forms varied between samples and depended greatly on preparation and handling (data not shown),making any attempt to quantitatively assess the abundance of phosphorylation futile.The analysis of another isolate of RYMV(isolate CI4from Cote d’Ivoire)again confirmed the phosphorylation of serines at positions14,41and72(data not shown).With RYMV,we also detected phosphorylation of serines33and 59(data not shown),but with low confidence and/or from only one biological sample.Therefore,it is possible that these positions might also be phosphorylated.It is worthwhile to note that,depending on sample preparation,peptides were detected with a+28Da or the multiple of+28Da modification(s)which was assigned by MASCOT as one or several random aspartate and/or glutamate ethylation(s)(data not shown),a modification that can be introduced in vitro during sample preparation(Xing et al.,2008).The solutions used for RNA extraction with columns contained ethanol and these modifications indeed occurred only when RNA columns were used for RNA extraction.Furthermore,in some VPg batches tryptophan residues were found to be oxidized or di-oxidized(data not shown),which is also known to be an in vitro generated modification(Stadtman&Levine,2003). Estimation of the selection pressure on RYMV modification sitesThe variability and evolution of the phosphorylated codons of the VPg were assessed from a dataset representative of the genetic diversity and the geographical origin of RYMV (Pinel-Galzi et al.,2009).The selection pressure expressed on the sites of the phosphorylated amino acids and of the amino acid involved in protein–RNA linkage was estimated by three maximum-likelihood methods:Fixed Effect Likelihood(FEL),Internal Fixed Effect Likelihood(IFEL) and Single Likelihood Ancestor Counting(SLAC).The three methods gave similar results.Positions1,14,33and 41are under significant negative-selection pressure with the following P-values(obtained with the FEL method and not substantially different from the two other methods).Site1,P5461023;site14,P5261025;site33,P5 361022and site41,P5961027.It means that not only are these positions conserved at the amino acid level but that there is evidence of strong conservative selective pressure at codon1,14,33and41.Codon59is invariable at its three positions.Position72is the exception,being polymorphic at the amino acid level.Most RYMV isolates have a serine at position72of their VPg.However,one S6 strain,widely spread in Eastern Tanzania,had an aspartic acid instead of a serine at this position.The change from serine(AGU)to aspartic acid(GAU)at codon72involved mutations at the first and second positions of the codon, but there is no evidence that codon72is under diversifying selection.From the large sample examined,codon72was found to be under neutral evolution.DISCUSSIONDue to their vast repertoire of functions,VPg proteins have long been in the focus of interest.When the CfMV genome was completely sequenced(Ma¨kinen et al.,1995),several putative E/T processing sites within the polyprotein were proposed,based on previous analysis of sobemoviral proteases(Gorbalenya et al.,1988).However,when the sequence of the N terminus of the CfMV VPg was determined,an approximate mass for the protein was determined with SDS-PAGE to be12kDa(Ma¨kinen et al., 2000).Based on the mass observed,the C terminus of VPg was proposed to be situated downstream of the21PRF signal and previously predicted processing sites.Firstly,our current results confirm the previously described N terminus of CfMV VPg.The data determined the CfMV VPg C-terminal processing site E396/T397upstream of the 21PRF signal.The C terminus of the CfMV VPg is in accordance with the experimentally demonstrated C terminus of the VPg of SeMV(Nair&Savithri,2010). The previously described molecular mass of12kDa was more likely a result of shift in mobility in SDS-PAGE caused by the acidic nature of the VPg protein(pI~4). Such abnormal mobility during denaturing electrophoresis of intrinsically disordered and acidic proteins has been reported previously(Receveur-Bre´chot et al.,2006).Our data demonstrate that the21PRF mechanism is not involved in the synthesis of CfMV and RYMV VPgs and that both viruses encode a single VPg as part of P2a.Fig.2.Identification of PTMs of CfMV and RYMV VPg by MS/MS analysis.Co-purified VPg linked to RNA was trypsin-digested and RNA was degraded with acidic hydrolysis.The peptides were analysed by nano-LC/MS/MS and resulting data were searched against corresponding sequence databases by MASCOT.The b and y ions represent N-and C-terminal fragment ions produced by mass spectrometry.(a)Determination of the residue covalently linked to RNA.The N-terminal CfMV VPg peptide was determined to contain a Y5-linked pGp modification,a corresponding degradation product of viral RNA.The peptide with the modification is represented below fragmentation spectrum.(b,c)Determination of phosphorylation sites within CfMV VPg.Two peptides containing phosphorylations were detected,(b)a threonine in position20[ELDAE(T)YTER]and(c)a serine in position71[AWGD(S)DDEDTQE].(d)The N-terminal RYMV VPg peptide was determined to contain an S1-linked pAp modification.The peptide with the modification is represented below fragmentation spectrum.(e–g)Determination of phosphorylation sites within RYMV VPg.Three peptides containing phosphorylations were detected,serines in positions(e)14 [FREAN(S)EEYDESLR],(f)41[AS(S)NTWVR]and(g)72[SGQLSWADRFGDD(S)GEDVDIE].A.Olspert and others448Journal of General Virology92The theoretical molecular masses of CfMV and RYMV VPgs are8.6and9.2kDa,respectively.Their amino acid compositions are characterized by a low proportion of hydrophobic residues(22and24%)and a high proportion (32and39%)of charged residues compared with globular proteins(hydrophobic34%and charged23%),respectively. CfMV and RYMV VPgs contain17and20acidic amino acids distributed along the proteins.Such a compositional bias is a characteristic of intrinsically disordered proteins.We identified that the viral RNAs of CfMV and RYMV are attached to a tyrosine residue at position5and to a serine residue at position1,respectively.Our findings are supported by the fact that previously the identity of CfMV residue5and RYMV residue1could not be confirmed by Edman sequencing(He´brard et al.,2008; Ma¨kinen et al.,2000).This is the first characterization of VPg–RNA linkage for sobemoviruses and the first VPg–RNA linkage mapped by using the MS approach. Furthermore,to our knowledge this is also the first report about the use of a different amino acid residue for RNA linkage within one genus.CfMV and RYMV both infect monocotyledonous hosts and are genetically closely related (Fig.3).Usually the residue is conserved within the family and cannot be substituted by another residue(Carette et al.,2001;Murphy et al.,1996).It appears that within the sobemovirus genera the RNA linking is species-specific.For both viruses,the residue used for RNA linking is followed by a proline.Interestingly,there is a serine at position2in CfMV(vs position1for RYMV)and a tyrosine at position 6for RYMV(vs position5for CfMV).Imperata yellow mottle virus(IYMV)–which is the closest species to RYMV–also has a serine at position1(followed by a proline),but no tyrosine within the first15aa,suggesting that serine1is the IYMV protein–RNA linkage site.This is also supported by our preliminary results(data not shown).Due to high diversity between sobemovirus VPg sequences(Fig.3),it is impossible to predict the linkage site for other members of the genera.Out of11membersonly five contain tyrosines within the first16aa residues; however,several of them contain serines.For some members,the N-terminal residue of VPg is a threonine, which allows us to hypothesize that sobemoviruses might even link RNA to threonine.It is interesting to note that the threonine in position1of SBMV VPg was the only residue out of the first20that was not detected correctly by Edman sequencing(van der Wilk et al.,1998).Several phosphorylated residues were identified in CfMV and RYMV VPgs.For PVA,the phosphorylation of VPg has also been demonstrated(Puustinen et al.,2002)and it is believed to be involved in the regulation of host interactions. The mature VPgs of sobemoviruses contain PTMs with a certain degree of diversity.The sequence context of CfMV and RYMV phosphorylation sites T20/S14and S71/S72is not itself conserved,but the position they occupy in VPg is similar(Fig.3).Since the VPgs are disordered proteins it is possible that the position and/or distance between the phosphorylation sites is more important than primary sequence.In summary,it is possible that these positions and their phosphorylation bear similar roles for both viruses. Both detected phosphorylation sites of CfMV VPg and the S72of RYMV VPg correspond to the protein kinase CK2 (casein kinase II)consensus motif S/TXXD/E(reviewed by Meggio&Pinna,2003).VPg sequences of four CfMV isolates and150RYMV isolates are currently available.Except for S72of RYMV, there are no coding differences for both viruses between the isolates in the RNA linkage and in the phosphorylation sites at the amino acid level despite several synonymous nucleotide substitutions.A strong selection pressure is expressed on the site of the amino acid involved in protein–RNA linkage and on most sites of the phosphoryl-ated amino acids.In contrast,position72exhibits amino acid polymorphism and is neither under conservative or diversifying selection.One variant of S6strain with an aspartic acid at position72co-exists with another variant of S6strain with a serine in the same geographical regionof Protein–RNA linkage and modifications of sobemovirus VPgs449Eastern Tanzania.This indicates that a change from a phosphorylated serine to an aspartic acid is not lethal,and apparently not even disadvantageous to this strain.This result is not at variance with the hypothesis of conserva-tion of phosphorylated amino acids as aspartic acid has physico-chemical properties close to a phosphorylated serine,which might explain the fitness of this strain.The analysis of another isolate of RYMV(isolate CI4)not only confirmed the phosphorylation of serines at positions14, 41and72,but suggests that phosphorylation is inde-pendent of the genetic context.The two isolates belong to quite different strains of West Africa,CIa to S3and CI4to S1.For instance,the diversity between the two isolates in their VPg(and their flanking regions;a total of540nt)is 7.5%.Due to the disordered nature and the propensity to form structures upon stabilization(He´brard et al.,2009),which can occur during an interaction,dynamics of VPg function dependent on phosphorylation can be proposed here.The regulation of folding/unfolding and interaction determina-tion of disordered proteins/disordered domains by phos-phorylation has been widely reported(Mittag et al.,2010; Stein et al.,2009;Wright&Dyson,2009).For example,VPg PTMs can be used to switch between the required func-tionality necessary at different stages of the viral replication cycle.Phosphorylations as reversible modifications are well known to regulate processes,including replication,in the viral multiplication cycle(Jakubiec&Jupin,2007).We conclude that the VPg is a multifunctional protein and the precise biological relevance and function(s)of each identified PTM remains to be determined in the future. METHODSFor the infection,2-week-old oat cv.Jaak and rice cv.IR64plants were mechanically inoculated with CfMV(Norwegian isolate)and RYMV (isolate CIa from Cote d’Ivoire,strain S3),plementary experiments were performed with the RYMV isolate CI4(strain S1). After4–5weeks,the leaves were harvested and virus particles were purified by ultracentrifugation as described by Tars et al.(2003).Virions were dissociated with1%SDS and the RNA was isolated with RNeasy Plant RNA kit(Qiagen)or standard phenol/chloroform extraction. VPg,covalently bound to the RNA,was trypsin-digested in50mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer and subsequently the RNA was hydrolyzed in10%trifluoroacetic acid for48h at room temperature. For some samples,phosphatase inhibitor cocktail(Roche)was included. The samples were then dried under vacuum,purified with C18 StageTips(Rappsilber et al.,2007)and analysed by LC-MS/MS using an Agilent1200series nanoflow system(Agilent Technologies)connected to a LTQ Orbitrap classic mass-spectrometer(Thermo Electron) equipped with a nanoelectrospray ion source(Proxeon).In short, purified peptides were dissolved in0.5%formic acid and loaded onto a fused silica emitter(150mm60.075mm;Proxeon)packed in-house with Repropur-Sil C18-AQ3m m particles(Dr Maisch,HPLC,GmbH) using a flow rate of700nl min21.Peptides were separated with a gradient from3to40%B(A:0.5%acetic acid,B:0.5%acetic acid/ 80%acetonitrile)using a flow-rate of200nl min21and sprayed directly into the LTQ Orbitrap mass-spectrometer(Thermo Electron) operated at180u C capillary temperature and2.4kV spray voltage.LTQ Orbitrap was operated in the data-dependent mode with a full scan in the Orbitrap followed by up to five MS/MS scans in the LTQ part of the instrument.Precursor ion spectra(m/z300–1900)were acquired in the Orbitrap(profile mode,resolution R560000,target value16106 ions);up to five data-dependent MS/MS spectra were acquired in the LTQ for each precursor ion scan(centroid mode,normalized collision energy35%,wideband activation enabled,target value5000ions). Fragment MS/MS spectra from raw files were extracted as MSM files and then merged to peak lists using Raw2MSM version1.11(Olsen et al.,2005)selecting the top six peaks for100Da.MSM files were searched with the MASCOT2.2(Perkins et al.,1999)search engine (Matrix Science)against the protein sequence database composed of VPg sequences and common contaminant proteins such as trypsin, keratins etc.To allow for the determination of VPg C termini,the VPg sequence spanning the hypothetical cleavage site was shortened by a single amino acid in its C terminus to create20entries of different lengths in the database.Search parameters were as follows:5p.p.m. precursor mass tolerance and0.6Da MS/MS mass tolerance,two missed trypsin cleavages plus a number of variable modifications such as oxidation(M),oxidation(HW),ethyl(DE),phospho(ST),phospho (Y),ADP(SY),GDP(SY).ADP(SY)and GDP(SY)modifications were custom-defined in MASCOT.In addition to a MASCOT search some.raw files were also de novo interpreted with PEAKS v4.5(Ma et al.,2003).For both viruses at least three independent biological samples were analysed. The selection pressure expressed on the RYMV sites of the phosphorylated amino acids and of the amino acid involved in protein–RNA linkage was estimated.The ratio of non-synonymous (d N)over synonymous(d S)substitutions in the VPg of RYMV was calculated on a corpus of RYMV isolates representative of the geographical distribution and the genetic diversity of the virus(150 isolates from16countries of Africa).Three maximum-likelihood methods,FEL,IFEL and SLAC implemented in DataMonkey(http:// /)were applied(Kosakovsky Pond&Frost, 2005a,2005b).On each codon,it determines whether the selection pressure is conservative(d N/d S,1),diversifying(d N/d S.1)or neutral(d N/d S51).The analyses were conducted with the VPg sequences(240nt),plus its flanking regions(nt1526–2065;540nt altogether)in order to increase the statistical significance of the tests. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe wish to thank Indrek Tammiste for his initial efforts involving MS,Jaanus Remme for consultations on determining a correct RNA degradation product attached to VPg,Lilian Ja¨rveku¨lg for consulta-tions on virus particle purification and Signe No˜u for excellent plant care.We also wish to thank Agnes Pinel-Galzi for providing us the VPg sequences of150RYMV isolates for the selection pressure analysis.This work was supported by Estonian Science Foundation grant no.7363and PHC Parrot programme grant no.20674ZG supporting Estonian–French scientific collaboration.Mass-spectro-metric analyses were in part supported by the European Regional Development Fund through the Center of Excellence in Chemical Biology(Institute of Technology,University of Tartu). 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