Roadmap for QTR_Mar_2007
4.2 命令行分析 ........................................................................................................................... 11 4.3 KMC 分析步骤.......................................................................................................................12 4.4 TORNADO 程序分析 .................................................................................................................14
车道线识别系统算法设计及其FPGA实现靖固;宋振伟;王铮【摘要】针对车道线识别算法复杂、计算量大、软件处理慢等问题,将FPGA并行处理技术与数字图像处理技术相结合,完成车道线识别系统设计.整个系统分为中值滤波、二值化、骨架化、二次滤波拟合四大模块.创新性提出了“双对分最大类间方差滤波迭代算法”实现图像二值化阈值选取;另提出“基于行逼近的最小二乘曲线拟合算法”以完成次近景的车道线提取;并对直线识别算法进行改进以完成近景的车道线提取.仿真结果表明本算法识别准确,符合实际路况,且可满足系统实时性要求.【期刊名称】《哈尔滨理工大学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(018)006【总页数】6页(P74-79)【关键词】FPGA;车道线识别;并行阈值选取算法;曲线拟合算法【作者】靖固;宋振伟;王铮【作者单位】哈尔滨理工大学计算机科学与技术学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150080;哈尔滨理工大学计算机科学与技术学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150080;北京市呼家楼中学计算机教研室,北京 100026【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41随着汽车电子技术的不断创新,智能车已成为汽车行业新的发展方向.智能车具有自动识别道路、自动变速、自动驾驶等功能,然而其一切功能的支持点就是路径的识别,车道线识别是最简单有效的方法.因车道线具有符合真实路况信息,且与道路对比度高,易识别的特点,成为人们研究的重点[1].现场可编程阵列(field programmable gate array),即FPGA,是一种现场可编程逻辑阵列,用户可以改变配置信息定义其功能,以满足设计需求.FPGA技术因其具有集成度高、设计灵活、运行速度快、低功耗、可并行处理等特点,被广泛应用在航空航天、汽车电子等行业[2].车辆在行进过程中具有很高的行驶速度,为达到准确控制车辆的目的,对车道线识别系统的可靠性和实时性要求很高.然而车道线识别算法复杂,软件实现慢;传统电子器件由于其处理速度和本身功能特点的限制,处理速度并不理想[3].针对这些问题,本文选用FPGA技术,采用硬件算法实现,并结合数字图像处理技术,充分利用FPGA并行处理特点进行系统设计.设计过程中,在原有成熟图像二值化算法的基础上进行改进创新,提高系统识别精确度,并采用新型除法器进一步提高处理速度.在对车道线进行提取、处理过程时,将摄像原理与实际路况相结合,应用高质量的并行算法、数据压缩技术获取实时、准确的车道线信息.在实际路况中,由于光线、天气、道路本身及周围环境等种种因素的影响,使得摄像头取得的图像除我们所需要的车道线之外,还含有光斑、坑斑等很多噪声信息,使后面的图像处理变得复杂.本文在车道线识别过程中应用FPGA技术创新性地提出了双对分最大类间方差滤波迭代的并行阈值选取算法;在车道线拟合时创新性地提出了“基于行逼近的最小二乘直线拟合算法”,以满足系统准确性和实时性要求.通过中值滤波进行噪声过滤后,图像二值化是把灰度图像转化为仅具有黑白(0或1)图像,图像二值化后使图像的信息量大大降低,同时也使有用信息凸显出来.1.1.1 并行阈值选取算法的设计二值化阈值选取方法可分为固定阈值选取和自适应阈值选取,自适应阈值选取效果较好但算法复杂,时间消耗长.本文采用对传统最大类间方差法改进并与传统均值算法相结合进行阈值选取;为了满足系统实时性的要求,根据实际摄像头拍摄角度及采景范围,将采景图像分为3个部分(远景、次近景、近景)应用FPGA技术并行处理,以缩短处理时间,图像分割如图1所示.图1中远景部分多为景物特征,无关车道线信息,直接置为黑色.这样主要处理对象为次近景与近景部分.根据近景与次近景图像的复杂程度不同,近景部分干扰小,一般只包括路面信息,采用传统中值二值方法可以达到滤波效果且计算量小;次近景部分信息复杂,采用本文改进算法.在进行车道线二值化处理时三部分并行处理以降低处理时间,联合构成二值化图像.1.1.2 双对分最大类间方差滤波迭代算法最大类间方差法(大津算法)适合含有两个层次的图像,即背景和前景.然而实际路况图像中不仅仅含有两个层次,可能三个甚至更多.这种情况下,大津算法确定的阈值二值化后的处理结果可能将部分车道线以外的图像置为白色,淹没车道线[4].针对这种情况,本文提出一种双对分最大类间方差滤波迭代算法,其流程如图2所示.传统最大类间方差法是从1到255遍历灰度级,但实际中多数情况下要遍历多次不必要的灰度级.采用本文方法可缩小遍历范围,大大缩短每次大津算法的消耗时间、提高准确度,以保证在次近景复杂的层次中提取车道线.本方法虽局部略显繁琐,但准确率高;由于此算法仅限于处理的是次近景部分,数据量较小;整体图像并行数据处理速度及准确度都高于传统最大类间方差法.1.1.3 效果比较实验图像选取次近景部分的图像作为对比图像,效果图如图3所示.图3(b)为文[3]中处理效果[5],图3(c)为本文改进大津算法处理效果.在原图像中车道线分别在阳光下和阴影中,即图像分为三个层次,而前景分别淹没在两个相差较大的层次中.如果按照经典的最大类间方差法处理则会出现第二幅图的情况,即左侧一条车道线淹没在白色区域中;而按照本文改进的算法进行处理,则可以避免这种情况.由于本算法对分二值化阈值来综合实际路况的环境因素,在本实验中二值化阈值较传统算法计算的阈值有所提高,所以过滤掉了部分右侧车道线像素点,使车道线虚化,但并不影响车道线总体轮廓.1.1.4 双对分最大类间算法的FPGA实现将图2算法流程利用FPGA技术实现,如图4所示.设计分为3个主要模块,分别为总体均值确定模块、部分均值确定模块、方差遍历确定模块.其中将方差比较融合到方差遍历及确定模块中去,以减少占用空间.1)方差遍历及确定模块.为节省片内空间,本文利用类似冒泡法的思想,添加比较器比较每次计算出的方差与上一次的结果比较,取其中较大值放在一个寄存器名为FC-reg中,并将下一次结果赋值给次寄存器,依次类推最后寄存器中的值为最大类间方差.2)除法器设计.FPGA系统中自带除法器,速度慢、占用资源大[6],不能达到系统要求.本文采用一种基于位操作的循环除法器.原理如下:假设被除数A、除数B均为4位位宽.操作空间Temp位宽为2*Width=8.除数B的负值补码形式.把移位操作和除法运算压缩在同一个步骤里面.Diff是临时操作空间(求得即时结果),s是用来寄存除数B的负值(补码形式).首先初始化Temp空间和s空间.Temp空间的[Width-1:0]填入被除数A,然而s空间用于寄存除数B负值的补码形式.最后清零Diff空间.具体执行步骤如下:步骤1:在Diff空间先Temp[Width*2-1:Width-1]-B 或者 Temp[7:3]+s的即时结果.步骤2:然后判断Diff空间的“最高位”,亦即符号位,是逻辑1还是逻辑0.步骤3:如果是逻辑1,Temp空间左移一位,最低位补0.反之如果是逻辑0,Temp空间被赋予Diff的即时结果,并且左移一位,最低位补1.当经过Width次的循环操作后.Temp空间的[Width-1:0]是商,[Width*2-1:Width]是余数.除法器Modelsim仿真波形如图5所示.仿真结果显示了3次的除法操作,均消耗8个周期为500 ps的时钟,由此可以看出,运算时消耗时钟仅与数字的位宽有关,在运算较大数字时可大大提高速率.在此创新算法设计下对次近景处理时间即为系统二值化时间,为2.1 ms,比文[3]节省了近1 ms.图像骨架化指的是将原本“臃肿”的像素简化为单像素相连接的二值图像.本文将骨架化的方法运用到车道线识别系统中,除去大量的不必要的像素,而不会丢失图像原有的边缘信息.由于骨架化算法较为简单,本部分不在叙述.在其FPGA实现阶段需要同时对8个临近点进行判别,所以此处采用模板生成模块,把像素p(i-1,j-1)到p(i+1,j+1)(其中:i=2,…,319,j=2,…,239)同时输入进行条件判别.表1是对图3中图像二值化后次近景图像骨架化前后数据量的比较,效果显著.车道线识别系统的目的是识别车道线,根据车道线及车辆的位置关系确定车辆的控制策略.车导线识别的前提是确定车道线位置,从而进行准确拟合;而车道线位置必须经过感兴趣区域的提取.1.3.1 近景车道线提取算法设计近景部分距离车辆最近,其中的车道线可以视为直线.Gabor[7]滤波器具有很好的方向选择特性,通常用于直线识别,然而Gabor滤波器利用FPGA技术实现,占用资源过大,且实现较难.本文采用直线提取的经典算法Hough变换[8],然后再根据参数变换后的图像提取其中交集最多的点对应的直线.但此算法在图像中有文字或限速数字干扰时,会发生错误提取.1)改进的直线识别算法.在存在文字或限速数字干扰的图像中,传统Hough算法将会在参数坐标中显示出多个峰值点,很难确定哪一个峰值点对应的直线是车道线.将图2中a、b区域分别分为3×2的6个小矩形区域,确定合适的矩形大小以保证每个矩形区域内只含有车道线或文字、数字.本文矩形为50×50 cm,如图6所示,然后运用Hough变换识别每个小区域内图像.当其中之有一个峰值点的方格应为车道线所在区域;反之有多个峰值点的方格,则为文字或限速数字等干扰将被滤除,如图7所示.由图6、图7可以明显看出在进行直线识别时方格划分能明显减少无用峰值点存在,减少识别复杂度.另外由文[7]本文可以将变换中角度设为45°~135°.2)算法的FPGA实现.在每一方格图像进入算法模块前,对信息进行缓冲,以求高速数据输入和处理.本文数据输入时采用乒乓结构缓冲[9],Hough变换后,通过峰值检测电路对每一方格图像处理,找出存在一个峰值点的方格.峰值检测电路的思路是采用类似移位寄存器结构建立1个峰值队列.同时,输入值可以直接插入任意1个峰值寄存器,具体电路如图8所示.1.3.2 次近景识别算法次近景部分采用本文提出的基于行逼近的滤波算法与最小二乘二次曲线算法相结合进行拟合,以近景与次近景部分交界处白色点纵坐标为基础,依次向上滤波拟合.算法流程图如图9所示.其中:i代表像素横坐标;j代表像素纵坐标;data代表像素灰度值;j-l交界处左侧横坐标;j-r交界处右侧横坐标;0:黑色;1:白色.次近景部分拟合,首先要区分像素点所属车道线,分左右两条分别处理并将处理得到的像素坐标记录到两个FIFO中.在缓存完之后,再取出送入到次近景拟合模块,输出曲线系数.上述二值化模块、骨架化模块、车道线提取模块与地址行列转换、控制信号输出模块等构成车道线识别系统.将初始图像分为远、次近、近景3个部分,并行输入到系统中最终输出车道线拟合曲线.车道线识别系统是基于FPGA技术,与文[3]设计相比,各模块中图像分块进行并行处理,减少每一模块的数据处理量,并通过二值算法的改进提高二值滤波准确性同时减少时间开销.车道线识别系统顶层结构如图10所示.FPGA系统仿真阶段,运用modelsim软件,进行系统级仿真.为解决无实际输入信号问题,本文采用将图像信息转化为.mif文件,初始化到rom中去用以模拟摄像头输入信号输入系统,处理后输出波形.仿真结束后,得到图11的仿真波形:从图11可以看到仿真结果输出时间为9.3 ms,比文[3]方法所耗时间节省60%;将得到的拟合曲线及直线系数还原到原图像中去,得图12的仿真结果.从图12可以明显看出拟合曲线与实际车道线重合程度良好,拟合曲线全部包含在实际车道线当中,达到车辆行驶准确性要求.用FPGA实现过程中采用verilog和原理图相结合,自顶向下分块设计;应用中值滤波去噪后,将图像分为3部分分别采用不同的算法并行处理,确定二值化阈值,进而进行二值化、骨架化、二次曲线拟合形成车道线.实验表明,本方法可以去除较强光线下的背景部分,保留前景;利用FPGA分块设计、并行处理的特点可以将复杂问题简单化,用简单的算法处理复杂问题;由于本系统采用FPGA技术、并行处理算法,最大程度地节省了时间,具有省时、高效、处理效果好的优点,能满足实时性和准确性要求.宋振伟(1987—),男,硕士研究生;王铮(1973—),女,讲师.【相关文献】[1]王洋,曾雪琴,范剑英.汽车牌照识别系统设计[J].哈尔滨理工大学学报,2012,17(1):90 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I T 技术科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald42公路施工建设中,测量发挥着重要的作用,尤其对高级公路和复杂公路进行建设的时候,测量显得尤为重要。
1 系统模型建设与数据的设计施工的物体在物理学角度来说就是一个三维物体,对这种物体进行设计施工,就是要在一定的空间中将它分解,分析其任意一点的平、纵、横和路程的距离以及其到中桩的距离的关系。
如果说在一点的横断面的里程为K 14+320.4,在左侧6.7m 处,这时这一点的路线坐标为(14 320.4,-6.7)。
对施工时测量来说,将这一点的数据转换到控制点坐标系中,用X-Y-H 表示,得任意点P (l,d)=P (X,Y,H)。
2 系统功能设计在对系统功能设计时,要对公路测量的现状与测量的需求结合起来,并且要满足方便性,应用现代的施工技术。
2.1 输入设计文件资料系统中数据的输入十分重要,通过结合设计的系统和施工内容,对于一段需要施工的路线,所设计的文件资料应该包括平面中线、断链、加宽、纵坡、横断面和控制点六项。
作者:徐占过学迅汪斌XU Zhan GUO Xue-xun WANG Bin 作者单位:武汉理工大学汽车工程学院,武汉,430070 刊名:汽车科技英文刊名: AUTOMOBILE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 年,卷(期):2009 ""(3) 分类号:U461.1 关键词:路面不平度重构软件开发。
> Discourages traffic that does not conform with the subscriber agreement by applying differential QoS and charging rules to such traffic, or block it outright. • E.g. Use my VoIP app and I’ll charge you $/min; use Skype and I’ll charge you $/Kb.
3GPP2 • SBBC rev B complete, SBBC rev C under development
Packet Cable • Packet Cable 2.0 standards complete, key requirements included to PCC Release 7 Rx interface.
The quality of experience of new ‘Multi-media’ services must be in line with (or exceed) users expectations.
Expectations for the near term
> The near term focus of the industry is likely to be an increase in the deployment of a standardized (interoperable) policy framework in the access and core network, coupled with proprietary ‘value add’ functionality.
次要发布 性能 性能 性能
次要发布 性能 性能 性能
次要发布 性能 性能 性能
Q4Байду номын сангаас
路线图格式 (内部使用)
增强 特性/性能
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
路线图 7 下一个发布
特性 特性 特性 特性 特性
增强 特性/性能
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
主题 •性能 •性能 •性能
主题 性能 性能 性能
主题 • 性能 •性能 •性能
主题 •性能 •性能 •性能
主题 性能 性能 性能
主题 主题 主题 主题
路线图 4 各主题详细说明,3年
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
增强 特性/性能
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
路线图8 开发计划, 12 个月
质量保证/测试 试用
总代理 商
质量保证/测试 试用
总代理 商
质量保证/测试 试用
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
路线图 5 特性详细说明与单一发布
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
•特性 •特性 •特性 •特性
________________________________________________ Session S3C MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAM C
________________________________________________ 1Joseph E. Urban, Arizona State University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P.O. Box 875406, Tempe, Arizona, 85287-5406, joseph.urban@ 2Maria A. Reyes, Arizona State University, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Po Box 874521, Tempe, Arizona 852189-955, maria@ 3Mary R. Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 875506, Tempe, Arizona 85287-5506, mary.Anderson@MINORITY ENGINEERING PROGRAM COMPUTER BASICS WITH AVISIONJoseph E. Urban 1, Maria A. Reyes 2, and Mary R. Anderson-Rowland 3Abstract - Basic computer skills are necessary for success in an undergraduate engineering degree program. Students who lack basic computer skills are immediately at risk when entering the university campus. This paper describes a one semester, one unit course that provided basic computer skills to minority engineering students during the Fall semester of 2001. Computer applications and software development were the primary topics covered in the course that are discussed in this paper. In addition, there is a description of the manner in which the course was conducted. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the effort and future directions.Index Terms - Minority, Freshmen, Computer SkillsI NTRODUCTIONEntering engineering freshmen are assumed to have basic computer skills. These skills include, at a minimum, word processing, sending and receiving emails, using spreadsheets, and accessing and searching the Internet. Some entering freshmen, however, have had little or no experience with computers. Their home did not have a computer and access to a computer at their school may have been very limited. Many of these students are underrepresented minority students. This situation provided the basis for the development of a unique course for minority engineering students. The pilot course described here represents a work in progress that helped enough of the students that there is a basis to continue to improve the course.It is well known that, in general, enrollment, retention, and graduation rates for underrepresented minority engineering students are lower than for others in engineering, computer science, and construction management. For this reason the Office of Minority Engineering Programs (OMEP, which includes the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) and the outreach program Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)) in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) at Arizona State University (ASU) was reestablished in 1993to increase the enrollment, retention, and graduation of these underrepresented minority students. Undergraduate underrepresented minority enrollment has increased from 400 students in Fall 1992 to 752 students in Fall 2001 [1]. Retention has also increased during this time, largely due to a highly successful Minority Engineering Bridge Program conducted for two weeks during the summer before matriculation to the college [2] - [4]. These Bridge students were further supported with a two-unit Academic Success class during their first semester. This class included study skills, time management, and concept building for their mathematics class [5]. The underrepresented minority students in the CEAS were also supported through student chapters of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). The students received additional support from a model collaboration within the minority engineering student societies (CEMS) and later expanded to CEMS/SWE with the addition of the student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) [6]. However, one problem still persisted: many of these same students found that they were lacking in the basic computer skills expected of them in the Introduction to Engineering course, as well as introductory computer science courses.Therefore, during the Fall 2001 Semester an MEP Computer Basics pilot course was offered. Nineteen underrepresented students took this one-unit course conducted weekly. Most of the students were also in the two-unit Academic Success class. The students, taught by a Computer Science professor, learned computer basics, including the sending and receiving of email, word processing, spreadsheets, sending files, algorithm development, design reviews, group communication, and web page development. The students were also given a vision of advanced computer science courses and engineering and of computing careers.An evaluation of the course was conducted through a short evaluation done by each of five teams at the end of each class, as well as the end of semester student evaluations of the course and the instructor. This paper describes theclass, the students, the course activities, and an assessment of the short-term overall success of the effort.M INORITY E NGINEERING P ROGRAMSThe OMEP works actively to recruit, to retain, and to graduate historically underrepresented students in the college. This is done through targeted programs in the K-12 system and at the university level [7], [8]. The retention aspects of the program are delivered through the Minority Engineering Program (MEP), which has a dedicated program coordinator. Although the focus of the retention initiatives is centered on the disciplines in engineering, the MEP works with retention initiatives and programs campus wide.The student’s efforts to work across disciplines and collaborate with other culturally based organizations give them the opportunity to work with their peers. At ASU the result was the creation of culturally based coalitions. Some of these coalitions include the American Indian Council, El Concilio – a coalition of Hispanic student organizations, and the Black & African Coalition. The students’ efforts are significant because they are mirrored at the program/staff level. As a result, significant collaboration of programs that serve minority students occurs bringing continuity to the students.It is through a collaboration effort that the MEP works closely with other campus programs that serve minority students such as: Math/Science Honors Program, Hispanic Mother/Daughter Program, Native American Achievement Program, Phoenix Union High School District Partnership Program, and the American Indian Institute. In particular, the MEP office had a focus on the retention and success of the Native American students in the College. This was due in large part to the outreach efforts of the OMEP, which are channeled through the MESA Program. The ASU MESA Program works very closely with constituents on the Navajo Nation and the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. It was through the MESA Program and working with the other campus support programs that the CEAS began investigating the success of the Native American students in the College. It was a discovery process that was not very positive. Through a cohort investigation that was initiated by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, it was found that the retention rate of the Native American students in the CEAS was significantly lower than the rate of other minority populations within the College.In the spring of 2000, the OMEP and the CEAS Associate Dean of Student Affairs called a meeting with other Native American support programs from across the campus. In attendance were representatives from the American Indian Institute, the Native American Achievement Program, the Math/Science Honors Program, the Assistant Dean of Student Life, who works with the student coalitions, and the Counselor to the ASU President on American Indian Affairs, Peterson Zah. It was throughthis dialogue that many issues surrounding student success and retention were discussed. Although the issues andconcerns of each participant were very serious, the positiveeffect of the collaboration should be mentioned and noted. One of the many issues discussed was a general reality that ahigh number of Native American students were c oming to the university with minimal exposure to technology. Even through the efforts in the MESA program to expose studentsto technology and related careers, in most cases the schoolsin their local areas either lacked connectivity or basic hardware. In other cases, where students had availability to technology, they lacked teachers with the skills to help them in their endeavors to learn about it. Some students were entering the university with the intention to purse degrees in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, but were ill prepared in the skills to utilize technology as a tool. This was particularly disturbing in the areas of Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering where the basic entry-level course expected students to have a general knowledge of computers and applications. The result was evident in the cohort study. Students were failing the entry-level courses of CSE 100 (Principals of Programming with C++) or CSE 110 (Principals of Programming with Java) and CSE 200 (Concepts of Computer Science) that has the equivalent of CSE 100 or CSE 110 as a prerequisite. The students were also reporting difficulty with ECE 100, (Introduction to Engineering Design) due to a lack of assumed computer skills. During the discussion, it became evident that assistance in the area of technology skill development would be of significance to some students in CEAS.The MEP had been offering a seminar course inAcademic Success – ASE 194. This two-credit coursecovered topics in study skills, personal development, academic culture issues and professional development. The course was targeted to historically underrepresented minority students who were in the CEAS [3]. It was proposed by the MEP and the Associate Dean of Student Affairs to add a one-credit option to the ASE 194 course that would focus entirely on preparing students in the use of technology.A C OMPUTERB ASICSC OURSEThe course, ASE 194 – MEP Computer Basics, was offered during the Fall 2001 semester as a one-unit class that met on Friday afternoons from 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm. The course was originally intended for entering computer science students who had little or no background using computer applications or developing computer programs. However, enrollment was open to non-computer science students who subsequently took advantage of the opportunity. The course was offered in a computer-mediated classroom, which meantthat lectures, in- class activities, and examinations could all be administered on comp uters.During course development prior to the start of the semester, the faculty member did some analysis of existing courses at other universities that are used by students to assimilate computing technology. In addition, he did a review of the comp uter applications that were expected of the students in the courses found in most freshman engineering programs.The weekly class meetings consisted of lectures, group quizzes, accessing computer applications, and group activities. The lectures covered hardware, software, and system topics with an emphasis on software development [9]. The primary goals of the course were twofold. Firstly, the students needed to achieve a familiarity with using the computer applications that would be expected in the freshman engineering courses. Secondly, the students were to get a vision of the type of activities that would be expected during the upper division courses in computer science and computer systems engineering and later in the computer industry.Initially, there were twenty-two students in the course, which consisted of sixteen freshmen, five sophomores, and one junior. One student, a nursing freshman, withdrew early on and never attended the course. Of the remaining twenty-one students, there were seven students who had no degree program preference; of which six students now are declared in engineering degree programs and the seventh student remains undecided. The degree programs of the twenty-one students after completion of the course are ten in the computing degree programs with four in computer science and six in computer systems engineering. The remaining nine students includes one student in social work, one student is not decided, and the rest are widely distributed over the College with two students in the civil engineering program and one student each in bioengineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, material science & engineering, and mechanical engineering.These student degree program demographics presented a challenge to maintain interest for the non-computing degree program students when covering the software development topics. Conversely, the computer science and computer systems engineering students needed motivation when covering applications. This balance was maintained for the most part by developing an understanding that each could help the other in the long run by working together.The computer applications covered during the semester included e-mail, word processing, web searching, and spreadsheets. The original plan included the use of databases, but that was not possible due to the time limitation of one hour per week. The software development aspects included discussion of software requirements through specification, design, coding, and testing. The emphasis was on algorithm development and design review. The course grade was composed of twenty-five percent each for homework, class participation, midterm examination, and final examination. An example of a homework assignment involved searching the web in a manner that was more complex than a simple search. In order to submit the assignment, each student just had to send an email message to the faculty member with the information requested below. The email message must be sent from a student email address so that a reply can be sent by email. Included in the body of the email message was to be an answer for each item below and the URLs that were used for determining each answer: expected high temperature in Centigrade on September 6, 2001 for Lafayette, LA; conversion of one US Dollar to Peruvian Nuevo Sols and then those converted Peruvian Nuevo Sols to Polish Zlotys and then those converted Polish Zlotys to US Dollars; birth date and birth place of the current US Secretary of State; between now and Thursday, September 6, 2001 at 5:00 pm the expected and actual arrival times for any US domestic flight that is not departing or arriving to Phoenix, AZ; and your favorite web site and why the web site is your favorite. With the exception of the favorite web site, each item required either multiple sites or multiple levels to search. The identification of the favorite web site was introduced for comparison purposes later in the semester.The midterm and final examinations were composed of problems that built on the in-class and homework activities. Both examinations required the use of computers in the classroom. The submission of a completed examination was much like the homework assignments as an e-mail message with attachments. This approach of electronic submission worked well for reinforcing the use of computers for course deliverables, date / time stamping of completed activities, and a means for delivering graded results. The current technology leaves much to be desired for marking up a document in the traditional sense of hand grading an assignment or examination. However, the students and faculty member worked well with this form of response. More importantly, a major problem occurred after the completion of the final examination. One of the students, through an accident, submitted the executable part of a browser as an attachment, which brought the e-mail system to such a degraded state that grading was impossible until the problem was corrected. An ftp drop box would be simple solution in order to avoid this type of accident in the future until another solution is found for the e-mail system.In order to get students to work together on various aspects of the course, there was a group quiz and assignment component that was added about midway through the course. The group activities did not count towards the final grade, however the students were promised an award for the group that scored the highest number of points.There were two group quizzes on algorithm development and one out-of-class group assignment. The assignment was a group effort in website development. This assignment involved the development of a website that instructs. The conceptual functionality the group selected for theassignment was to be described in a one-page typed double spaced written report by November 9, 2001. During the November 30, 2001 class, each group presented to the rest of the class a prototype of what the website would look like to the end user. The reports and prototypes were subject to approval and/or refinement. Group members were expected to perform at approximately an equal amount of effort. There were five groups with four members in four groups and three members in one group that were randomly determined in class. Each group had one or more students in the computer science or computer systems engineering degree programs.The three group activities were graded on a basis of one million points. This amount of points was interesting from the standpoint of understanding relative value. There was one group elated over earning 600,000 points on the first quiz until the group found out that was the lowest score. In searching for the group award, the faculty member sought a computer circuit board in order to retrieve chips for each member of the best group. During the search, a staff member pointed out another staff member who salvages computers for the College. This second staff member obtained defective parts for each student in the class. The result was that each m ember of the highest scoring group received a motherboard, in other words, most of the internals that form a complete PC. All the other students received central processing units. Although these “awards” were defective parts, the students viewed these items as display artifacts that could be kept throughout their careers.C OURSE E VALUATIONOn a weekly basis, there were small assessments that were made about the progress of the course. One student was selected from each team to answer three questions about the activities of the day: “What was the most important topic covered today?”, “What topic covered was the ‘muddiest’?”, and “About what topic would you like to know more?”, as well as the opportunity to provide “Other comments.” Typically, the muddiest topic was the one introduced at the end of a class period and to be later elaborated on in the next class. By collecting these evaluation each class period, the instructor was able to keep a pulse on the class, to answer questions, to elaborate on areas considered “muddy” by the students, and to discuss, as time allowed, topics about which the students wished to know more.The overall course evaluation was quite good. Nineteen of the 21 students completed a course evaluation. A five-point scale w as used to evaluate aspects of the course and the instructor. An A was “very good,” a B was “good,” a C was “fair,” a D was “poor,” and an E was “not applicable.” The mean ranking was 4.35 on the course. An average ranking of 4.57, the highest for the s even criteria on the course in general, was for “Testbook/ supplementary material in support of the course.” The “Definition and application of criteria for grading” received the next highest marks in the course category with an average of 4.44. The lowest evaluation of the seven criteria for the course was a 4.17 for “Value of assigned homework in support of the course topics.”The mean student ranking of the instructor was 4.47. Of the nine criteria for the instructor, the highest ranking of 4.89 was “The instructor exhibited enthusiasm for and interest in the subject.” Given the nature and purpose of this course, this is a very meaningful measure of the success of the course. “The instructor was well prepared” was also judged high with a mean rank of 4.67. Two other important aspects of this course, “The instructor’s approach stimulated student thinking” and “The instructor related course material to its application” were ranked at 4.56 and 4.50, respectively. The lowest average rank of 4.11 was for “The instructor or assistants were available for outside assistance.” The instructor keep posted office hours, but there was not an assistant for the course.The “Overall quality of the course and instruction” received an average rank of 4.39 and “How do you rate yourself as a student in this course?” received an average rank of 4.35. Only a few of the students responded to the number of hours per week that they studies for the course. All of the students reported attending at least 70% of the time and 75% of the students said that they attended over 90% of the time. The students’ estimate seemed to be accurate.A common comment from the student evaluations was that “the professor was a fun teacher, made class fun, and explained everything well.” A common complaint was that the class was taught late (3:40 to 4:30) on a Friday. Some students judged the class to be an easy class that taught some basics about computers; other students did not think that there was enough time to cover all o f the topics. These opposite reactions make sense when we recall that the students were a broad mix of degree programs and of basic computer abilities. Similarly, some students liked that the class projects “were not overwhelming,” while other students thought that there was too little time to learn too much and too much work was required for a one credit class. Several students expressed that they wished the course could have been longer because they wanted to learn more about the general topics in the course. The instructor was judged to be a good role model by the students. This matched the pleasure that the instructor had with this class. He thoroughly enjoyed working with the students.A SSESSMENTS A ND C ONCLUSIONSNear the end of the Spring 2002 semester, a follow-up survey that consisted of three questions was sent to the students from the Fall 2001 semester computer basics course. These questions were: “Which CSE course(s) wereyou enrolled in this semester?; How did ASE 194 - Computer Basi cs help you in your coursework this semester?; and What else should be covered that we did not cover in the course?”. There were eight students who responded to the follow-up survey. Only one of these eight students had enrolled in a CSE course. There was consistency that the computer basics course helped in terms of being able to use computer applications in courses, as well as understanding concepts of computing. Many of the students asked for shortcuts in using the word processing and spreadsheet applications. A more detailed analysis of the survey results will be used for enhancements to the next offering of the computer basics course. During the Spring 2002 semester, there was another set of eight students from the Fall 2001 semester computer basi cs course who enrolled in one on the next possible computer science courses mentioned earlier, CSE 110 or CSE 200. The grade distribution among these students was one grade of A, four grades of B, two withdrawals, and one grade of D. The two withdrawals appear to be consistent with concerns in the other courses. The one grade of D was unique in that the student was enrolled in a CSE course concurrently with the computer basics course, contrary to the advice of the MEP program. Those students who were not enrolled in a computer science course during the Spring 2002 semester will be tracked through the future semesters. The results of the follow-up survey and computer science course grade analysis will provide a foundation for enhancements to the computer basics course that is planned to be offered again during the Fall 2002 semester.S UMMARY A ND F UTURE D IRECTIONSThis paper described a computer basics course. In general, the course was considered to be a success. The true evaluation of this course will be measured as we do follow-up studies of these students to determine how they fare in subsequent courses that require basic computer skills. Future offerings of the course are expected to address non-standard computing devices, such as robots as a means to inspire the students to excel in the computing field.R EFERENCES[1] Office of Institutional Analysis, Arizona State UniversityEnro llment Summary, Fall Semester , 1992-2001, Tempe,Arizona.[2] Reyes, Maria A., Gotes, Maria Amparo, McNeill, Barry,Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., “MEP Summer Bridge Program: A Model Curriculum Project,” 1999 Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 1999, CD-ROM, 8 pages.[3] Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., andMcCartney, Mary Ann, “Learning from our MinorityEngineering Students: Improving Retention,” 2000Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education,St. Louis, Missouri, June 2000, Session 2470, CD-ROM, 10pages.[4] Adair, Jennifer K,, Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland,Mary R., McNeill, Barry W., “An Education/BusinessPartnership: ASU’s Minority Engineering Program and theTempe Chamber of Commerce,” 2001 Proceeding, AmericanSociety for Engineering Education, Albuquerque, NewMexico, June 2001, CD-ROM, 9 pages.[5] Adair, Jennifer K., Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland,Mary R., Kouris, Demitris A., “Workshops vs. Tutoring:How ASU’s Minority Engineering Program is Changing theWay Engineering Students Learn, “ Frontiers in Education’01 Conference Proceedings, Reno, Nevada, October 2001,CD-ROM, pp. T4G-7 – T4G-11.[6] Reyes, Maria A., Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Fletcher,Shawna L., and McCartney, Mary Ann, “ModelCollaboration within Minority Engineering StudentSocieties,” 2000 Proceedings, American Society forEngineering Education, St. Louis, Missouri, June 2000, CD-ROM, 8 pages.[7] Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Blaisdell, Stephanie L.,Fletcher, Shawna, Fussell, Peggy A., Jordan, Cathryne,McCartney, Mary Ann, Reyes, Maria A., and White, Mary,“A Comprehensive Programmatic Approach to Recruitmentand Retention in the College of Engineering and AppliedSciences,” Frontiers in Education ’99 ConferenceProceedings, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 1999, CD-ROM, pp. 12a7-6 – 12a7-13.[8] Anderson-Rowland, Mary R., Blaisdell, Stephanie L.,Fletcher, Shawna L., Fussell, Peggy A., McCartney, MaryAnn, Reyes, Maria A., and White, Mary Aleta, “ACollaborative Effort to Recruit and Retain UnderrepresentedEngineering Students,” Journal of Women and Minorities inScience and Engineering, vol.5, pp. 323-349, 1999.[9] Pfleeger, S. L., Software Engineering: Theory and Practice,Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998.。
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Tools Plant operates with little focus on customer demand, is only MRP/forecast driven. Linkage between Plant operation planning and Demand planning exists Most Value Stream Lead Times and On Time Delivery are being tracked Bottleneck processes are identified, are being monitored and improved Visual controls are established on the shop floor to communicate throughput Plant compares historical capacity to fut Value Stream improvement plans focus on reducing lead times (increasing speed through the value stream) Throughput by value stream is being reviewed daily and issues, both under and over production, are being addressed Raw material & purchased parts are b Value Stream improvements focus on production flexibility (decreasing lot sizes) Plant starting to implement a replenishment system on high volume SKUs based on customer pull from their main Distribution Center(s) Plant has taken responsibility to plan bo Run-rate volume of high running SKUs is being replenished based on customer pull from the main Distribution Centers Planning team is focused more on forecasting promotional and other abnormal demand rather than on run-rate business Key suppliers have visi S&OP Guidelines GDP Lean Path of Work VSM Throughput boards Capacity Planning Lean Path of Work VSM Huddle boards Supplier Certification Point of Use Inventory S&OP Guidelines Lean Path of Work SMED Lean Path of Work VMI Tools No action taken at this time. Manufacturing process technologies are not considered for new or existing products Productivity is owned by Plant, with little or no cross-functional participation. Projects are loaded into Pro-Trak. Existing manufacturing technologies & core processes are identified by Value Stream Productivity is co-owned by Operations and Engineering, with little or no participation by other functional groups. Project validity is maintained monthly. Continuous Improvement events are scheduled annually to supplement Funnel Deck and Green Projects. Productivity is jointly owned by all functional groups, with participation and contribution entrenched in GDP and OPR goals. Monthly rhythm exists for a cross-functional team to review existing & generate new projects. Rolling QTR goals are met. The facility is starting to move away from yearly targets and starting to focus on the four rolling quarters, evenly spilt Weekly rhythm of cross-functional team to review existing & generate new projects. Weekly rhythm of cross-functional team (such as PLMT) to review & generate new projects with focus on continuous 4 rolling quarters, resulting in a self sustaining, perpetual cost savings GDP
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