英语语言文化研究主题Here is an essay on the topic of "Research on English Language and Culture" with more than 1000 words, written in English without any additional title or punctuation marks in the body of the text.The English language has long been recognized as a global lingua franca, serving as a means of communication and cultural exchange across diverse regions and communities. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the study of English language and culture has become a crucial field of research, offering invaluable insights into the nuances of linguistic and cultural dynamics. This essay will delve into the multifaceted aspects of English language and culture research, exploring its significance, key areas of focus, and the potential implications for our understanding of the global landscape.One of the primary areas of focus in English language and culture research is the examination of the historical development and evolution of the English language. Scholars in this field often trace the origins of English, analyzing the various influences and transformations that have shaped the language over time. From the Germanic roots of Old English to the influx of French and Latinduring the Norman Conquest, the study of the language's diachronic progression provides valuable insights into the social, political, and cultural forces that have molded its development. This knowledge not only enhances our appreciation of the richness and complexity of the English language but also sheds light on the intricate interplay between language and the broader societal context.Another crucial aspect of English language and culture research is the investigation of the diverse varieties and dialects of English around the world. As the language has spread globally, it has taken on unique regional and cultural characteristics, giving rise to a multitude of English variants. Researchers in this field explore the linguistic features, grammatical structures, and idiomatic expressions that distinguish these varieties, such as American English, British English, Australian English, and the numerous forms of English used in postcolonial contexts. By understanding the sociolinguistic factors that shape these variations, scholars can gain valuable insights into the complex interplay between language, identity, and cultural heritage.In addition to the historical and dialectal dimensions of English, the field of English language and culture research also delves into the pragmatic and communicative aspects of the language. Scholars in this area examine how English is used in various social, professional, and intercultural contexts, analyzing the nuances of linguisticetiquette, discourse patterns, and communicative strategies. This research is particularly relevant in an increasingly globalized world, where effective cross-cultural communication has become essential for successful personal and professional interactions. By understanding the cultural underpinnings of language use, researchers can develop frameworks and strategies to enhance intercultural understanding and mitigate potential communication breakdowns.The study of English language and culture also encompasses the exploration of the language's role in shaping and reflecting societal values, beliefs, and power dynamics. Researchers in this field investigate how the use of English can both perpetuate and challenge existing power structures, as well as how language can be employed as a tool for social and political change. This includes the analysis of the representation of gender, race, and other social identities in English discourse, as well as the examination of the language's influence on the dissemination of ideas, the construction of narratives, and the negotiation of cultural hegemony.Furthermore, the field of English language and culture research extends to the realm of language education and pedagogy. Scholars in this area explore effective approaches to teaching English as a second or foreign language, taking into account the diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds of learners. This research informs thedevelopment of curriculum, instructional methods, and assessment strategies that cater to the unique needs and challenges faced by language learners. By fostering a deeper understanding of the cultural nuances embedded in the English language, language educators can better equip their students to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural communication and develop a more holistic appreciation for the language.The significance of English language and culture research extends far beyond the academic realm, as its findings and insights have the potential to impact a wide range of domains. In the realm of business and international relations, a comprehensive understanding of the cultural underpinnings of English communication can facilitate more effective and culturally sensitive negotiations, collaborations, and diplomacy. In the field of media and popular culture, the analysis of the representation and portrayal of English language and culture can shed light on broader societal trends and power dynamics, informing more inclusive and socially responsible content creation.Moreover, the research in this field can contribute to the preservation and revitalization of endangered languages and minority linguistic communities. By examining the complex interplay between English and other languages, scholars can develop strategies to support linguistic diversity and empower marginalized communities to maintain and celebrate their cultural and linguisticheritage.In conclusion, the field of English language and culture research is a multifaceted and dynamic area of study that holds immense significance in our increasingly globalized world. From the historical development of the language to the exploration of its diverse varieties and communicative practices, this research offers a rich tapestry of insights that can inform our understanding of language, culture, and their intricate interconnections. As the world continues to evolve, the importance of this field of study will only grow, providing crucial knowledge and tools to navigate the linguistic and cultural complexities of the 21st century.。
Language and Culture---语言与文化的关系
Language and Culture●IntroductionSince human being appeared ,all kinds of languages came into being bir by bit .And with the development of languages ,cultures, varieties of cultures grew ,too .What we can not deny is that there is a intimate relationship between language and culture . There are many ways in which the phenomena of language and culture are intimately related. Both phenomena are unique to humans and have therefore been the subject of a great deal of anthropological, sociological, and even memetic study. Language, of course, is determined by culture, though the extent to which this is true is now under debate. The converse is also true to some degree: culture is determined by language - or rather, by the replicators that created both, memes.●Language as Determined by CultureEarly anthropologists, following the theory that words determine thought, believed that language and its structure were entirely dependent on the cultural context in which they existed. This was a logical extension of what is termed the Standard Social Science Model, which views the human mind as an indefinitely malleable structure capable of absorbing any sort of culture without constraints from genetic or neurological factors.In this vein, anthropologist Verne Ray conducted a study in the 1950's, giving color samples to different American Indian tribes and asking them to give the names of the colors. He concluded that the spectrum we see as "green", "yellow", etc. was an entirely arbitrary division, and each culture divided the spectrum separately. According to this hypothesis, the divisions seen between colors are a consequence of the language we learn, and do not correspond to divisions in the natural world. A similar hypothesis is upheld in the extremely popular meme of Eskimo words for snow - common stories vary from fifty to upwards of two hundred.Extreme cultural relativism of this type has now been clearly refuted. Eskimos use at most twelve different words for snow, which is not many more than English speakers and should be expected since they exist in a cold climate. The color-relativity hypothesis has now been completely debunked by more careful, thorough, and systematic studies which show a remarkable similarity between the ways in which different cultures divide the spectrum.Of course, there are ways in which culture really does determine language, or at least certain facets thereof. Obviously, the ancient Romans did not have words for radios, televisions, or computers because these items were simply not part of their cultural context. In the same vein, uncivilized tribes living in Europe in the time of the Romans did not have words for tribunes, praetors, or any other trapping of Roman government because Roman law was not part of their culture.Our culture does, sometimes, restrict what we can think about efficiently in our own language. For example, some languages have only three color terms equivalent to black, white, and red; a native speaker of this language would have a difficult time expressing the concept of "purple" efficiently. Some languages are also moreexpressive about certain topics. For example, it is commonly acknowledged that Yiddish is a linguistic champion, with an amazing number of words referring to the simpleminded.Language is never the entity which has been invented or scripted in isolation. It certainly has evolved gradually with the continuous development of a culture. A culture being a building made of social behaviors, human emotions, or way of expressing feelings, the language has continually adapted accordingly to accommodate these identified notion and gesture of human activity. Finding a symbolism every time to register it in the language, thus contributing to its growth. A language has always been a weapon to express one's ideas and feelings. And the reason enough to make this weapon more efficient to handle one's need of expressing things with intended accuracy. It has been tuned-up with each new finding, getting honed up continually to get its flawless shape with developing culture.●Cultu Culture and Language - United by MemesAccording to the memetic theorist Susan Blackmore, language developed as a result of memetic evolution and is an example of memes providing a selection pressure on genes themselves. The definition of a culture in memetic theory is an aggregate of many different meme sets or memeplexes shared by the majority of a population. Using memetic reasoning, it can be seen that language - itself created by memes and for memes - is the principal medium used for spreading memes from one person to another.As Blackmore states in The Meme Machine, memes were born when humans began to imitate each other. According to her theory, this event preceded - indeed, had to precede - the development of language. When imitation became widespread, producing selection pressure on genes for successful imitation, memes began to exploit verbalizations for better and more frequent transmission. The end result of this complex process was language, and the anatomical alterations needed for its successful use.Language, created by memes as a mechanism for ensuring better memetic propagation, has certainly been a success. Today, the vast majority of memes are transmitted via language, through direct speech, written communication, radio or television, and the internet. Relatively few memes are transmitted in a non-linguistic way, and those that are have very specific, localized purposes, such as artwork and photography. Even these media, though nonlinguistic in themselves, assume language and very rarely appear without some sort of linguistic commentary. This might take the form of a critical analysis of an artwork, a caption for a photograph, a voice-over for a video, etc.●Language as Part of CultureFor many people, language is not just the medium of culture but also is a part of culture. It is quite common for immigrants to a new country to retain their old customs and to speak their first language amid fellow immigrants, even if all present are comfortable in their new language. This occurs because the immigrants are eager to preserve their own heritage, which includes not only customs and traditions but also language. This is also seen in many Jewish communities, especially in oldermembers: Yiddish is commonly spoken because it is seen as a part of Jewish culture. Linguistic differences are also often seen as the mark of another culture, and they very commonly create divisiveness among neighboring peoples or even among different groups of the same nation. A good example of this is in Canada, where French-speaking natives of Quebec clash with the English-speaking majority. This sort of conflict is also common in areas with a great deal of tribal warfare. It is even becoming an issue in America as speakers of standard American English - mainly whites and educated minorities - observe the growing number of speakers of black English vernacular. Debates are common over whether it is proper to use "Ebonics" in schools, while its speakers continue to assert that the dialect is a fundamental part of the "black culture".English is far more world wide in its distribution than all other spoken languages. It is an official language in 52 countries as well as many small colonies and territories. In addition, 1/4 to 1/3 of the people in the world understand and speak English to some degree. It has become the most useful language to learn for international travel and is now the de facto language of diplomacy. In 2001, the 189 member countries in the United Nations were asked what language they wish to use for communication with embassies from other countries. More than 120 chose English, 40 selected French, and 20 wanted to use Spanish. Those who wanted English to be the common language included all of the former Soviet republics, Viet Nam, and most of the Arab world. English is also the dominant language in electronic communication, particularly on the Internet. However, the percentage of Internet users who are not native English speakers is increasing rapidly, especially in Asia. In fact, China estimated in 2008 that there are now more people who have online access in their country than in the U.S., which had been the global leader in Internet access.In reality, the distribution of languages globally is very complex and difficult to easily describe. Numerous migrations of people over the last several centuries have resulted in most large nations now having many different languages. There are at least 165 languages spoken in the United States today. Consequently, it is somewhat misleading to describe the U.S. as being an English speaking country. The same caution applies to other multicultural nations as well.Some parts of the world have unusually high concentrations of different languages. There are around 900 native languages spoken by the 5-10 million people of New Guinea and its neighboring islands. That is roughly 1/6 of all languages being spoken by far less than 1% of the world's people. Other language high density areas have been native California and the Caucasus Mountains north of Turkey and Iran.The majority of the languages in the world are unwritten and many of them are disappearing. About 1/2 of the world's languages are no longer spoken by children. This is the first step in the extinction of a language. About 2,000 languages now have less than 1,000 speakers. The most threatened are the indigenous languages of Australia and the Americas. By the end of the 20th century, about 200 Australian languages survived, but more than 1/2 had less than 10speakers. Two dozen had a single elderly speaker. Young Aborigines now predominantly speak English, especially in urban areas. There has been a similar pattern in California where Indian languages disappeared at the rate of nearly one a year during the late 20th century. Globally, the rate of language loss now is one every two weeks. The areas where indigenous languages are being lost the most rapidly are central South America, Oklahoma and the American Southwest, the Northwest coastal region of the U.S. and Canada, eastern Siberia, and northern Australia.There are no "primitive" languages. All languages have a system of sounds, words, and sentences that can adequately communicate the content of culture. The languages of the so-called "primitive" peoples are often very complex in their grammatical structures. There seems to be no correlation between a language's grammatical complexity and the technological level of a society or other aspects of culture. However, cultures that have more complex, diverse economies and advanced technologies have larger vocabularies. For instance, English has roughly 615,000 non-technical words. If slang and specialized technical words are added, English has more than 2,000,000 words and is growing at a rate of hundreds to thousands every year. By comparison, German has about 185,000 non-technical words, French may have less than 100,000, and Spanish even fewer. The major reason that English has so many more non-technical words is the fact that as it evolved from its Germanic roots, it acquired words from more than 240 other languages. However, it is unlikely that any one individual knows the meaning of all English words. Most Americans only use 800-1,000 words in everyday conversation. A typical American college student knows 20,000-30,000 words by the time he or she graduates. While this is 20-37 times more than the average person who has not gone to college, it is still less than 2% of all English words.Every language can create new words to describe new situations and objects. Therefore, it is not surprising that all languages change through time. None is static. However, they change at different rates at different times in response to new social, cultural, and environmental situations. Some nations strongly resist the acquisition of new words from other languages. This has been the case with the French government's response to the relentless invasion of English words in recent decades, especially in pop culture and technology. However, young people in most developed nations eagerly embrace new words regardless of attempts by their governments to retain "language purity."From hat has been discussed above ,we may safely draw the conclusion that the word men use not only express but shape their ideas .Language is an instrument ;it is even more an environment .It has as much to do with the philosophical and political conditioning of a society as geography or climate .Just as Ludwing Wittgenstein said “the limits of my language are the limits of my world”.References:⏹The Language Instinct⏹How the Mind Works⏹Words and Rules⏹The Meme Machine⏹The Environment of Language。
Contrastive studies of English and Chinese Language and Culture
1. 理论研究:英汉文化语言学的体系、性质、任务、目标、原则、 方法;英汉语言与中西文化的关系、与相关学科的关系等。 2. 实用研究:中西文化差异的英汉词语涵义。例如:成语、谚语、 俚语、敬语、谦语、俗语、熟语、委婉语、禁忌语、交际语、问 候语、礼貌语、祝福语、致谢语、吉祥语、恭维语、称谓语、歇 后语、双关语、体态语、拟声词、重叠词、颜色词、数量词、动 物词、植物词、食物词、味觉词、季节词、方位词、服饰词、人 体器官词、自然气象词、政治词语、宗教词语、角色用语、民间 信仰词语、典故神话词语、民族或国情惯用语、新生事物词语等。 3.应用研究:跨文化交际学;文化翻译学;语言教学。
Substitutive vs. Repetitive
10. 替换与重复 英语总的倾向是尽量避免重复,讲英语的人对于随意 重复相同的音节、词语或句式往往感到厌烦。英语用 替代的形式来代替上文或句中已出现的词语或内容, 以避免重复并连接上下文。这是写作的一项重要原则。 名词、动词、分句性替代,省略、变换替代(同义词、 近义词、上义词等)。 汉语的重复无论在使用范围、出现频率或表现方式的 多样性等方面都远远超过英语。汉语的重叠、重复、 对偶与排比。
Hypotactic vs. Paratactic
二、汉语的意合法 汉语造句少用甚至不用形式连接手段,注重隐性连贯, 注重时间和事理顺序,注重功能、意义,注重以意役 形。reader-responsible, high-context language. 语序:汉语少用或不用关联词语,语义与语序密切相 关。汉语中三分之二的因果句不到必要时,不用关联 词。 反复、排比、对偶、对照等,句式整齐、结构匀称, 互文见义,往往不用关联词。 紧缩句、四字格。意合法在汉语属常态,在英语属变 态。
登幽州台歌 (陈子昂)
前不见古人, 后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠, 独怆然而涕下。
Looking back, I do not see the ancients, Looking ahead, I can’t see the wise ones to come. Brooding on the endless universe, Alone, in my sorrow, tears stream down.
On Climbing Youzhou Tower
Where are the sages of the past And those of future years? Sky and earth forever last, Lonely, I shed sad tears. Tr. X.Y.Z
槁木死灰 骨瘦如柴 对牛弹琴 滚石不生苔 众人拾柴火焰高 竹篮打水一场空 挥金如土
海阔天空、海市蜃楼、海角天涯、海外奇谈、 海底捞针
语言是文化的一部分,文化又无时无刻影响 着语言 语言是文化的载体,又是文化的写照 语言文字当中,处处都打有文化的烙印,语 言活动过程中,时时可觅见文化的踪迹
第三节 文化与翻译
词义相符(semantic correspondence):指称 意义和蕴涵意义相符; 词义相异(semantic non-correspondence): (semantic non-correspondence) 指称意义相符但蕴涵意义相异,或者指指 称意义与蕴涵意义均相异; 词义空缺(semantic zero):汉语词语的指称 意义或蕴涵意义在英语中不存在,造成零 指称意义或零蕴涵意义。
“东西方文明有根本不同之点,即东洋文化主静,西 方文明主动是也。……一为自然的,一为人为的; 一为安息的,一为战争的;一为消极的,一为积极 的;一为依赖的,一为独立的;一为苟安的,一为 实进的;一为因袭的,一为创造的;一为保守的, 一为进步的;一为直觉的,一为理智的;一为空想 的,一为体验的;一为艺术的,一为科学的;一为 精神的,一为物质的;一为灵的,一为肉的;一为 向天的,一为立地的;一为自然支配的,一为人间 征服自然……”
language, culture and curriculum分区 -回复
language, culture and curriculum分区-回复[language, culture, and curriculum分区]之间的关系是如何的?引言:语言、文化和课程是教育领域中不可忽视的三个重要因素。
例如,英语中的“tea time”和法语中的“l'heure du thé”虽然都是表示下午茶的词汇,但反映了不同文化中对待茶文化的不同态度。
Chapter Seven Language_ Culture___ and Society
A lively controversy about the hypothesis: Two examples to show the complexity and controversy of the theory: Hopi, an American native language spoken in Arizona; Jaya a language spoken in the central highlands of Irian (伊里安岛,太平洋). The first example serves to show how languages may differ from each other. The second example serves to challenge the hypothesis.
The heritage studies
Malinowski’s study马林诺夫斯基的研究 ♥ Form the study of the Trobriand Islands off eastern New Guinea, he found: “in this primitive uses, language functions as a link in concerned human activity… It is a mode of action and not an instrument of reflection.”语言是一种行为方式,而 不是思维的工具 ♥ put out the idea of “Speech community” 言语社区
a group of people related to each other through persistent relations such as social status, roles and social networks. A large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations expectations.
Language and Culture精品文档5页
Language and CultureAbstract As the carrier of culture, language is considered as the main expressional form of culture which develops with nation, country and society’s development. Language is a part of a nation’s culture. The different nations own their unique cultures, history, manners and customs and so on. However, various cultural characteristics can be displayed in the form of language. This article, by analyzing the influence and the difference of historical culture, regional culture and custom culture, mainly reveals the relationship between language and culture which is interdependent and interactive. What’s more, a better comprehension of this relationship prevents us from misunderstanding in cross-culture communication.1 IntroductionLanguage is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. However, the relationship between the two is more complex than the relationship between the part and the whole. On the one hand, language is the carrier and container of culture. All the components of culture, such as beliefs, customs, institutions, objects, arts and techniques, can be described and evaluated by language. People’s experience about them is transmitted by language as well. On the other hand, language is influenced andshaped by culture and it reflects culture. The two interact, and the understanding of one requires the learning of the other. In general, language is the symbolic image of a person, and it comprises his or her historical and religious backgrounds as well as the way of living and thinking. Culture emerged just at the moment language appeared and they developed at the same place in human history. Language brought about cultural advance and made record of its steps at the same time. In order to make sure how these two elements interact with each other, the following part tries to analyze the reasons of differences existing between them with adequate examples from three aspects: the difference of historical culture, the difference of regional culture and the difference of custom culture.2 Content2.1 Difference of historical cultureDue to the different historical development of each nation and country, culture is different from each other forming after a long historical period. It is well-known that Chinese belongs toSino-Tibetan Family and English belongs to Indo-European Family. The archaian Chinese was a kind of ideographic script which conveyed thought and ideas by images and symbols. This is the so-called pictograph which revealed the original picture of ancient people, object and natural phenomena. Because of the rapid development ofhuman civilization, the increasing emergence of indicative character, associative character and morpheme-phonetic character turns Chinese into ideographic-oriented syllabic script. Chinese is a figurative language and it reflects reflect the close relationship between Chinese people and the objective nature. However, the beauty and the association of this language can never be translated into any other foreign languages adequately. Not only the archaian characters are difficult to understand for people from other historical culture backgrounds, but many trendy characters are hard to recognize, especially those netspeaks we frequently use nowadays. For example: “顶” means supporting others, “汗” indicates veneration, “晕” indicates astonishment, “555” means the state of crying, “88” refers to saying goodbye to others and “ps” is the abbreviation of “photoshop”, If we seldom surf the Internet and are isolated from the current tendency, lacking of the popular language and the knowledge can only make a big influence on getting information and communication.Moreover, the word dragon is another ambiguous example. It is a kind of mystical animal with long body, squama and horn existing in ancient time which means power and good luck in China. However, the West cultures consider dragon as a large fierce animal with wings and a long tail, which can breathe out fire without any symbolicmeaning. It is clear that, knowing more about the diverse custom cultures avoids embarrassment in intercultural communication indeed.3 ConclusionThrough what has been analyzed from these three aspects, we may completely recognize original reasons for those differences existing between different cultures and how it is shown through daily languages. In a word, Language is the carrier of culture, the main expressional form of culture which develops along with society’s development. Language and culture are closely related to and depend on each other through their history, region and custom. The native language is acquired along with the ways, attitudes and patterns of behaving of the social group. And these ways, attitudes and patterns of behaving find their expression through language. From this point, we can know that language is an inseparable and integral part of culture, and the medium through which culture is acquired. The better people accept different culture, the better communication will be gained.References[1] 王春晖.英语课堂教学中东西方文化差异与跨文化非语言交际.[2] 乐黛云.跨文化之桥.[3] 彭晓蓉.从学习汉英习语中了解中西文化差异.[4] 陈宏?U,李亚丹.新编汉英翻译教程.[5] 何兆熊,梅德明.现代语言学.[6] http://docin/p-23117815.html.[7] http://clubsage/thread-947109-1-1.html.[8]希望以上资料对你有所帮助,附励志名言3条:1、常自认为是福薄的人,任何不好的事情发生都合情合理,有这样平常心态,将会战胜很多困难。
语言学 文化差异对语言的影响
The Influence of the Cultural Differences on LanguageABSTRACTCulture and language have mutual influences on each other. Language is an important part of culture and to a large degree, it is a carrier of culture. Language is a necessary way of culture development and dissemination. Moreover, culture to some degree constraints language. Language has a very recommitment influence in every activity of our daily life. With different cultural backgrounds, people with different languages might often meet different kinds of problems. This paper briefly discusses the influence of the cultural differences on language with the hope to accelerate the better learning of foreign language for the foreign learners under different cultural backgrounds.Key Words: Culture Language Difference EffectIntroductionCulture and language have mutual influences on each other. Language is an important carrier of culture. Just like a mirror, language could powerfully reflect the characteristics of a certain culture, and culture in some degree constraints language. Language has a very recommitment influence in every activity of our daily life. However, language is changeable under different kind of actors. Culture is one of these important actors. This paper, by analyzing the influence of cultural difference on language discusses how the culture affects the language in the three aspects as follows.I. The brief introduction about relationship betweenculture and languageIt has long been recognized that language is an essential and important part of a given culture and that the impact of culture upon a given language is something intrinsic and indispensable. Language is an indispensable carrier of culture. Culture finds a better representation through language use. [1] II. The necessaries of the learning of cultural differences.With different cultural backgrounds, people who have different languages often meet those kinds of problems: because of the cultural differences, sometimes even though the language you speak is right, there still seams to meet misunderstanding. To the different person, the same word might have different meanings. When we talk about something serious, the misunderstanding may causedispleasure, anger, or comic. These entire phenomenons are not difficult to see.Culture as well as language is various. Because of the differences of the culture and language, people of different culture and language background often very difficult to communicate and know each other. That is to say to learn a language is not only need to learn the pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, items and so on, but also need to know how the people treat things and the world.[2] It is also quite necessary to know how they reflect their thought, habits, behavior and opinion, which mean to understand their culture. Actually, to learn a language could not apart with the culture that the given language reflected.III. The differences of language caused by the differences of culture.Here, we briefly talk about the language differences between the people under different culture, especially the Chinese and English people. These differences could be reflected on many aspects. Here we generally talk about these several aspects of differences between English words and Chinese words as follows.3.1 The difference of vocabularyLanguage is the cornerstone of culture and has important effect on culture. Some famous masters think that language is the foundation of culture. Without language, there is no culture. Language reflects a nation’s characteristics. It not only contains the historical background and cultural background of its nation but also contains the value of life, way of life and also way of thinking. Meanwhile, it is under the effect of those differences that our languages become so various that affect our daily communication. [3]3.1.1 Some words might exist in one culture but they might not exist in another culture.For example, the piece of proverb “夏练三伏,冬练三九” encouraging people to take exercises. however, the meaning of “三伏” and “三九” do not exist in English.Another example is that the word “干部” in English should be cadre. however the meaning of “干部” in Chinese are quite different with it in English. Because cadre is not common used in English, many English speaker do not know the meaning of it.3.1.2 Some words exist both in Chinese and in English, but their meanings are different.The most common one is “知识分子”.“知识分子” and intellectual are quite different in Chinese and English. In china, often “知识分子” refers to those who accepted the college education, such as college teacher, college students, engineer and so on. However, in America and European, theintellectual often refers to those professors who have high academic state but not include the college students. Therefore, the “intellectual” has a relatively small area in America and Europe.Some Chinese who know a little English introduce their wife as lover. When the foreigners hear, they will think it was so strange or surprised.[4] In addition, another example is that the presidents’wife is called the first lady, however the Chinese could not understand, and they might think that since there is the first lady, there must have the second lady. So how could the president have several wives at the same times?Therefore, we could not just easily think that what we could always find the according words to express our thought, instead we need to think about its culture. Otherwise, we might make many mistakes.3.2 The difference of language structureCulture has vivid national characteristics. So the difference of culture could be reflected in various forms and language difference is just one of them. Because of our different culture and tradition, we have formed different types of way of thinking. Chinese takes highly of “meaning”. In our speaking, our concept is connected by meaning. Therefore, in the structure, Chinese is more free and brief but not seriously accord to the grammar. However, English is a kind of language that takes highly of “form”. Every sentence is arranged according to grammar and form.For example, “西湖如镜面,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽” ,its translation might be “The West lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep eaves of enchanting beauty”. So we could see Chinese is much more free and vivid however when the sentence is translated into English it greatly effected by the form and grammar of English.Chinese take highly of the concept of union or briefness. However, English people take highly of individual and specific. For example, in the terms of time, we Chinese would like to arrange it from hour to minutes; however, the English would like to arrange it from minute to hour. In addition, when introducing some places, Chinese often read from the large area to the small area. Nevertheless, on the country, the English people often read from the specific area to the large area.Westerners are great worship of individualism and they believe that everyone is created equal. They aspire to freedom and equality, independence and self-reliance. Therefore, you might easily see the English proverbs like “everyman is the architect of his own fortune” and “if you want a thing well done, do it yourself.”However, Chinese people think highly of the role of groups and collectivism.They insist that “unit” and “help” are traditional virtue. Therefore, you might see the Chinese proverbs like “一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮” and “众人拾柴火焰高.”ConclusionOverall, culture and language are closely related. Language is an indispensable carrier of culture; culture restricts language. In addition, on another aspect, culture would be better developed and disseminated by the use of language. They are mutually influenced and accelerated. Nowadays, the world become more and more small, the means of communication become more and more convenient and easy. The international communication becomes more and more frequent. Therefore, it becomes more and more necessary for each one to learn foreign language better, especially for our young generation. In order to accelerate the better learning of foreign language and communicate with foreigners successfully, we must know about their culture as well as many other aspects of their life. At the same time, it will be very helpful for us to disseminate our own long-history national culture to the whole world. Under the trend of globalization, people of different nations would break the boundary of states and language to achieve a great interfusion with each other constantly.。
language, thought and culture
Language and Thought
• Introduction • Classical theorists: Plato and Aristotle • ---the categories of thought determine the categories of language • ---language is the outward form or expression of thought • ---further expounded by Saussure • Language is a system of signs. • Each sign has two sides: • image-carrying form (signifier) • Concept or idea (signified)
Thought determines language
• Those who believe that thought determines language would say that cognitive development comes earlier in the life of children and that cognitive categories they develop determine the linguistic categories that they will acquire.
• 一种关于语言与文化或语言与思维之间关 系的学说,美国语言学家萨皮尔和沃尔夫 提出,基本观点是语言决定思维,语言不 同,思维便不同,因此操不同语言的人对 世界的认识也就不同。此理论也被称为语 言决定论。说话者的语言通过语言系统中 可能存在的语法范畴和语义分类,决定着 说话者的世界观。这种语言系统是说话者 同他的本族文化一起继承下来的。
The relationship between language and culture (语言与文化的关系)
The relationship between language and cultureIntroductionLanguage is the important means of communication, and it is the carrier of culture and a part of culture, any language was born with formation of its culture, develops with the development of culture, and in most cases, perishes with death of its culture.1. Language, as a concrete system of signs, has its own significance in the culture communicationIt has long been recognized that language is an essential and important part of a given culture and that the importance of culture upon a given language is something indispensable.1.1 Language is a systemThe important of language to the study intercultural communication is clearly captured in the American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson’s simple sentence “Language is the archives of history.” His declaration takes on added significance when we realize that one of the major characteristics identifying us as human is our ability to use language –to make sounds and marks serve as substitutes for things and feelings.Over millions of years, we have evolved the anatomy necessary to produce and receive sounds have taken on meaning by representing things, feelings, and ideas. This combination of evolution and culture has led to the development of a four-part process that enables us share our internal states with other human beings. In short, we can receive, store, manipulate, and generate symbols to represent our personalized realities.1.2 The importance of languageLanguage is extremely important to human interaction because it is how we reach out to make contract with our surroundings. If we were to survey a normal day, we would soon see that we use words for a wide variety of purposes we may use language when we first awake: “Good morning!” We use words as a wa y to write with the outside world. Or we may use words to share an unpleasant experience and to get support from other: “Let me tell you about the horrible dream I had last night.” This example also demonstrates how we employ words to relate to the past, that is, to talk about something that has already happened.We use words so that we can experience some control over the present: “please pass me thesalt and pepper.” We each seek to affect our environment, to influence many lf the daily situations in which we find ourselves. Words, and how we manipulate them, permit us to make those alterations through symbolic transactions with others.We also use words to form images of the future: “I have meet with Jane at work today, but I dread seeing her, because I k now she’s going to be upset about the changes I’m making in her work schedule.” Our wording ability allows us to predict and describe the future .We use words to persuade to exchange ideas, to exchange ideas, to express views, to seek information, and to express feelings. When we study another language, we soon discover that the symbols, the sounds for those symbols, and the rules for using those symbols and sounds are different.2. Language, as a culture institution, is born with culture. It develops and interacts with the cultureTo preserve the language of a nation is to preserve its special culture and history. When people can not understand the old language, they will be less tightly connected to or even gradually lose their cultures and histories. Their enemies know much more clearly than themselves as to this point.We still remember that in the famous article The Last Lesson, the first thing Prussians did when they intruded France, was to replace French with Prussian in the school education. Japanese also took the same strategy in order to cut off the connection between people and their histories and cultures. This evil refused to only stay in people's memory and is still threatening certain cultures and nations. Thus both Jews and Tibetans are still fighting to preserve their languages for the sake of their cultures and histories at the edge of being extinguished.2.1 Explain the meaning of the cultureWhen delivering daily speech, the word "culture" refers to pursuits such as literature and music. More broadly, we can define "culture" as all the modes of thought, behavior, and production that are handed down from one generation to the next by means of communicative interaction── speech, gesture, epic, construction, and all other communication among hu mans── rather than by genetic transmission or heredity. "Culture" is an essential concept for it is what makes humans unique in the animal kingdom. All familiar forms of social organizations, ranging from the simplest family to the most sophisticated corporation depend upon "culture" for their existence. Nevertheless, "society" and "culture" might be confusing forone to distinguish. "Society" is population that is organized to carry out the major function of life.A society's "culture" consists of all the ways in which its members think about it among themselvesCulture, in a broad sense, means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. As culture is so inclusive, it permeates virtually every aspect of human life and influences predominantly people’s behavior, including linguistic behavior. In a narrow sense, culture may refer to local or specific practice, belief or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture etc.Generally speaking, there are two types of culture: material and spiritual. While material culture, as the term itself suggests, is concrete, substantial and observable, most of spiritual culture, the products of mind, is abstract, ambiguous, and hidden. In contrast with nature in the sense of what is born and grows, culture refers to what has been grown and brought up with, in other words, what can be nurtured. Culture, especially material culture, is reproduced and preserved through the maintaining of beliefs, traditions, education and other institution mechanisms, mean while, it changes slowly with the development of the society.2.2 The relationship between language and cultureWe begin our preview of language by noting that it is impossible to separate our use if language from our culture. In its most basic sense, language is a set of symbols and the rules for combining those symbols that are used and understood by a large community of people. When we study another language, we soon discover that not only are the symbol and sounds for those symbols different, but so are the rules (phonology, grammar, syntax, and intonation) for using those symbols and sounds.Word different are obvious in various language. In English, we live in a house. In Spanish, we live on a case. In Thai we live in a ban. Phonology also varies culturally. In English, we have 21 consonant sounds and 5 vowels that combine to from 38 various sounds. “Vie tnamese has 34 segmental phonemes consisting of vowels, semivowels and consonants.” The Filipino language has 16 consonants and 10 vowels forming 26 phonemes. Portuguese has 21 consonants and 13 vowels that form 34 basic phonemes. Grammatical structures are unique to each language as well. In English verb tenses express contrast between past, present, and future acts, but in Vietnamese, the same verb reflects all three and the time of action is inferred from the context. Syntax, or theword order and structure of sentences, also varies depending on the language. The normal woes order for simple sentences in Filipino is the reverse of the word order in English. That is, the predicate is followed by the subject. For example, the English sentence “The teacher died” would be “Namatay ang guro” or “died the teacher” in Filipino. In English, the subject is followed by a verb and then an object, but in Korean, the subject is followed by the object and then the verb. So in English we might say, “The cat ate the mouse,” but in Korean, “Cat mouse ate” would be correct.These examples indicate that if we want to communicate in another language, it is important for us to know not only the symbols of that language, but also the rules for using those symbols. As you know language is much more than a symbol and rule system that allows us to communicate with another person-language also shapes the process by which people became introduced to the order of the physical and social environment. As Nanda indicates, “language, therefore, would seem to have major impact on the way an individual perceives and conceptualizes the world.”2.2.1Language not only express a person’s meaning but also express a nation’s cultureWe can have different meanings for the same word. For instance, to one person, the woes grass might mean something in front of then house that is green, has to be watered, and must be mowed once a week: to another person, grass may mean something that is rolled in paper and smoked. All people, drawing on their backgrounds, decide what a word means. People have similar meanings only to the experience includes baseball, to us a rope is a line driver. If our background lies in the world of jazz music, the word ax does not indicate something used to chop wood but any horn or woodwind instrument. And it is likely that we and a physician respond differently to the woes cancer.If we include culture as a variable on the process of abstracting meaning, the problems became all the more acute, for culture teaches us both the symbol and what the symbol represents. When you are communicating with someone from your own culture, the process of using words to represent your experience is much easier because within a culture people share many similar experiences. But when communication is between people from distinct cultures, different experiences are involved and the process is more troublesome. Objects, events, experiences, and feelings have the labels or names they do because a community id people arbitrarily decided to so name them. If we extent this notion to the intercultural setting, we can see that diverse cultures can have both different symbols and different responses.There are even differences between British and American usage in word meanings. Although some words are spelled and pronounced the same, they have different meanings. For instance, the words boot, bonnet, lift, and biscuit in British English translate into American English as car trunk, car hood, elevator, and cookie. In the area of business, there are also some interesting differences. For example, the British term annual gunnel meeting translates in American English as annual meeting of shareholders; scheme translates as pension plan. From these examples, we see that culture exerts an enormous influence on language because culture teaches not rules for using those symbols and rules for using those symbols, but more important, the meaning associate with the symbols. Further, culture influences the way people use language.2.2.2 Language and its culture influence are exemplified in the theoretical formulations of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesisLanguage and its culture influence are exemplified in the theoretical formulations of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which in essence states that language is a guide to “social reality.” T his hypothesis implies that language is not simply a means of reporting experience but, more important, it is a way of defining experience. Sapir wrote:Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society …The real world is to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group. No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached. Nanda provides an excellent example if the Sapir-Whorf concept in practice: If my language has only one term-brother-in-law- that is applied to my sister’s husband, my husband’s brothers, and my husband’s sisters’ husbands, I am led by my language to perceive all of these relatives in a similar way. Vocabulary, through what it groups together under one label and what it differentiates with different labels, is one way in which language shapes our perception of the world.3. Linguistic evidence of cultural differenceAny linguistic may be simultaneously of a denotative, connotative, or iconic kind of meanings. To begin with, any sign has a meaning that can be found in a dictionary, this is the denotative meaning. For example, “rose” is a flower that has a pleasant smell and is usually red,pink, white, or yellow etc. On most occasions “rose” means more than a flower, it also triggers many associations mostly good ones such as love, fragrance, passion and beauty etc. These are its connotations or connotative meanings. Moreover, the word “rose” also invok es image to people. The famous line “my love is a red rose” stirs up vividly the imagination if a beautiful young lady. This is the iconic meanings.All these types of meanings are bound with culture encodings from their associations. Each language has its own metaphors that provide semantic cohesion within its boundaries. Motivated by the need and desire to influence others, people choose to use words which emphasize denotative meaning, connotative meaning or iconic meanings or all of them, during the same process its cultural meanings are created.The following are some illustrations of the cultural differences in language use which we may often come across in our daily life.3.1 A Comparison of Chinese and British Hospitality in Treating GuestsIn China, people’s hospitality is shown by the number of the dishes offered as well as by the eagerness to impress the guest with the most expensive and nutritious food.While in Britain, people value equality. Their hospitality is shown by treating the guest as an equal with the host. Believing in simplicity regarding food, they may offer their guest the same type of meal they usually eat. Part of the reason is their egalitarianism and other reason is that the host wants to introduce the foreign guest to British food and eating customs, and make the guest feed comfortable.The foreign guest might think of the saying. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”3.2Different Topics between China and West Common topics in China3.2.1Common topic in ChinaSince there is not much privacy that is found in China. People feel free to ask almost any question without being offensive. The most common topics are age, income, property, family life, especially children, politics and religion. Also, when a purchase, is made, Chinese people will often ask or voluntarily tell the item’s price in order to share the happiness of shopping. But most Westerns feel it very inappropriate to talk about the price of products they have purchased. That information is considered private, so question about price should not be asked.Elderly people are highly respected in China, of “old” means wisdom and experience, theolder the better. Males especially will often ask about each other’s age to show respect for the elder one. And the elder one feels very happy to be addressed as “lao” plus surname.Today, more and more Chinese women, who have been influence by the Western cultures, do not want to give their ages.However, it is very rude for person to address the senior or the elder only by their family names. Some topics concerning the death will always be avoided.3.2.2 Common topics in the westPeople in the West like to talk about the weather, sports, news, traveling, interests and hobbies. Do not ask personal questions about age, weight, illness, income, property, religion and politics. In general conversations asking about these political issues. Beware that politics is an “emotionally changed” topic because the people in the conversation may have differing viewpoints within the group.General question about family can be asked to start a conversation. You may ask if a person is single or married. Depending on how the conversation is going, you can either ask directly by saying, “Are you single?” or “Are you married?” or indirectly by saying, “Do yo u have a family?”3.3 Friendship3.3.1 Friendship in ChinaIn China most people expert their friends to do for then when they are in need. There is an obligation to a friendship. People feel obligated and a duty to do for their friends. We have a lot for Chinese sayings concerning friendship:“为朋友两肋插刀”(people can take any risks, even risk of their lives, especially among male friends, to do everything for their friends disregarding whether it’s right or wrong);“有难同当,有福同享” (people can not only share bitterness ,hardships but also happiness with their friends). Other proverb and sayings such as “一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮”(As one fence needs three stakes, a good guy needs three fellows.)“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”(It is your parents that you can rely on at home, but it is your friends that you can count in when out in the society ), show that friendship really counts or is very important to a person in the society.Having friends reflects having a good personality you have and more sociable you are. Your life will be better if you have more friends, and will be worse without friends. One needs a friend to help him or her out when difficulties occur, and one needs a friend to offer financial supportwhen there is a lack of money. So in other words, one cannot be without friends in his or her life. Actually, there is a lot to say about Chinese friendships, and I am sure you have more explanations you can add to this list because of a better understanding of your own personal friendships.3.3.2Friendship in the United StatesIn general, American has causal, friendly relationships with many people, but deeper, closer friendships with only a few. Friendship requires time and commitment (The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons) and depending on the American is commitment to family, which is a priority, and time require for work or school, various types of friendships will be developed.3.3.3 Different ways of Expressing FriendshipPeople in the west apologize to their friends over things like asking for help in some small matter or telephoning late at night. They tend to use polite forms such as “could you”, and “would you” even with their friends. They may sound cold and distant when they feel perfectly friendly.Chinese people tend to make more direct requests to their friends. They address those they know quite well in a very direct way. They may sound rude and demanding when they intend to sound friendly.3.4 Greetings and term of addressIt is estimated that in English there are at least a dozen different g reetings, from “Hi” and “Hello” to more specific and longer ones like “How are you getting on?” or “How is everything with you?” People choose the proper one to greet different people they meet on different occasions. For example, people greet a new acquai ntance with “How do you do?” and expect the same in answer, but they greet an old friend differently. When friends meet, you may find more than once they are uttering” How are you?” at the same time to each other, and they both answer “Fine, thank you.” Di fferently, a Chinese speaker may greet his friends or new acquaintance with “Nin hao” or “Nihao”, whether they meet for the first time or anytime in the day.Another noticeable difference between the two greeting systems is that most Chinese people tend to greet acquaintances with “have you eaten?” or “Where are you heading for?” Obviously, if we greet the native speakers of English in this way, it will certainly cause misunderstanding.Sometimes different terms of address can be equally misleading for Chinese learners ofEnglish or English learners of Chinese. While in China “Tongzhi” was once used for all people irrespective of sex, position or marital status, in English –speaking communities “Mr.” “Mrs.” “Miss.” “Ms.” would be appropriate in similar situa tions. It is also interesting to note that in recent years “Mr.” and “Miss.” Are picked up again to replace “Tongzhi” with the changes in society. Meanwhile “shifu” is frequently used to show respect for strangers. English speakers, on similar occasions, w ould use “Sir” or “Madam”.The extension of kinship term is another feature of Chinese culture . Term such as “uncle, aunt, grandpa, and granny” are used as honorific titles for senior people or strangers, as in “ Granny Li” and “Uncle “Zhang”. Native spea kers of English would be puzzled if they are addressed in this way by people outside the immediate family. Similarly, the use of respectful titles-Chair-man Jiang, Premier Zhou, Director Ma-to indicate people’s influential status is typical of Chinese culture. Such practice, however, is less common in English –speaking cultures.3.5 Natural environmentIn Chinese, "the east wind" makes one feel warm genial, the grass long hawk flies, mixed peanut tree, but "the west wind" then just right is opposite, some one kind the flavor which sends the human to the bone to inter the body or bones of a monk. Yan Shu had written that “last night the west wind withered the blue tree”, Ma Zhiyuan had written that “ancient road, the west wind and thin horse.” All these are illustrations. However English situation is actually different from Chinese. We can read to Samuel Butler’s poem that” biting east winds”. Charles Dickens had written that “How many winter days have I seen him. Standing blue nosed in the snow and east win d! “About the west wind, then has John Milton’s line from his poem” And west winds with musky wing”. John Masefield had written that “It is a want wind the west wind full of birds ' cries. “The meaning of the two kinds of wind association of summer is so d ifference in Chinese and English people’s mind. The reason is also the geographical position. China is located in the Asian mainland. Because of the continental climate in China, the four seasons are distinct. In summer the most obvious characteristic is a scorching sun and unendurable hot. But England is located in the North temperate zone. Because of the marine climate, the summer in England is so beautiful, temperate and satisfied.3.6 manners and customsIn English there is only a word “cousin” but in Chinese there male cousin, younger male cousin, younger female cousin to express the same meaning. We can find that, Chinese relates unexpectedly the cousin obtains so strictly. It must say the sex and branch out the size. That is different from using only one word in English .The reason of this language phenomenon should attribute to the Chinese 23,000 years long time feudal rule. This kind of feudalism patriarchal society takes the blood relationship relations highly. It emphasized specially rank difference, and advocated the precedence and maintained between seniors and juniors. Westerner’s ideal is everybody pursues equality .They want to obtain the equal standing with the dialogue person. So westerners always directly shout the name of their sisters, brothers even their father and mother.3.7 Thanks and complimentsCulture differences are also evident in the ways gratitude and compliments are expressed. It is noted that people in the West tend to verbalize their gratitude and compliments more than Chinese speakers and that the westerners tend to accept thanks and compliments more directly and frankly than we Chinese do.When a native English speaker expresses to us his gratitude, a Chinese speaker may feel embarrassed and would sometimes say “no, no” t o decline whatever expressions of gratitude. However, English speakers, in a similar situation , would say something like “I am glad to hear it “ or “I am glad to be of help “ to acknowledge and accept the thanks. To native speakers of Chinese, expressions like “Not at all” or “It is nothing” which are sometimes used by Englishmen to turn down thanks may sometime lead to misunderstanding.Similarly, many native Chinese speakers will feel embarrassed when they hear compliments like “you speak excellence English” or “You have acquired a native English speaker accent.” To show their modesty and that they do not deserve a compliment, is sincere, they tend to use an emphatic “no”. English speaking people, unlike Chinese, will accept compliment. Therefore, they think it is inappropriate to show false humility, or pretended modesty.3.8 Privacy and taboosAlthough people of different culture have many common areas of privacy or taboos, there are also areas where our culture differs from western culture. As the sa ying goes “A man’s home is high value on privacy. It is not appropriate for us to ask questions about personal information like age, family background, salary, or questions on personal activities. It is advisable we shouldnot talk about such things, when conversing with English –speaking people unless they indicate clearly that they do not mind or they talk about them first themselves. Some of these questions are listed below:How old are you?What are your wages?How much do you earn?You make a lot of mo ney, don’t you?What’s you name?How much did that pair of shoes cost you?Moreover, we should be careful to avoid expressions related sexual intercourse, some organ of human body, four-letter words and racism etc.In China when two people first meet each other, they will ask many questions to each other. After three minutes, they will know each other very well. They have got much privacy information clearly from each other. Include family situation, individual condition. This also is the different cultural context which both sides locates is having an effect. The English beautiful women pay great attention to individual privacy specially. They thought individual matter shouldn’t let others know. And they wouldn’t others to intervene. Since 1100 years Chines e people live in a village near to each other and contact each other very often. So their privacy affair was difficult to let other persons know. Therefore they very are willing to understand others good and bad in life, others also want honestly to consider.3.9 Culture –relate idioms, proverbs and metaphorsDifferent languages may reflect different culture, different cultures entail different language expressions. Idioms, proverbs and saying and metaphors in different languages, derived from different origins, also demonstrate cultural differences. Different languages may have different idioms owing to different living environments, social conventions and literature tradition etc. A constellation of examples could be picked up from different levels of language analysis to illustrate the interplay of language and culture.When you get your hands dirty, it does not necessarily mean in the American culture that you have done some manual work and need to wash your hand.When you have enough dumbbells, it does not necessarily mean that you keep pair if this instrument for regular physical practices.Another example that since English people view dog as human being’s best friend, we can find more English people view dog as human being’s best friend, we can find more English expressions with dog than in Chinese.Luck dog: a luck personClever dog: a clever boy or smart ladDumb dog: silent person or a person who keeps secretsLead a dog’s life: to live an exhausted and unhappy lifePut on the dog: put in airAnd some proverbs and saying with dogs are listed as fellows.Every dog has his day.Dog does not eat dog.Give a dog an ill name and hang him.Barking dogs seldom bite.Beware of a silent dog and still water.Love me, love my dog.As to metaphor, we can easi ly find that in Chinese anger id compared with “liquid” or “qiti” as in “wo qi si le”(I am anger to death)while in English anger is more compared with “fire” as in “he is outraged.” “His face turned red with anger.” “She lost her temper.”, to mention just a few.3.10 Color wordThere are many color words in our language, such as red, white, black, yellow, purple and so forth, which are used frequently. In the first place, I’d like to introduce the common usages of the color words.English abounds with phrases containing color words. Colors may convey different messages to people of different cultures. Due to the respective cultural background and tradition, some phrases containing color words have far surpassed their original meanings, forming different connotations.What does see red mean? If he is in a blue mood, what kind of mood is he in? Is he happy, sad, or what? Obviously, red and blue do not mean just the color. Each has additional meanings-certain cultural associations-that are hidden behind the word. The following part will be devoted to the discussion of cultural differences of certain color words.In both Chinese and English, red is usually associated with happy occasions. On calendar,。
Language and culture.ppt社会语言学 2
Language and culture
• ★ Linguistic evidence of cultural differences • ★ Relationship between language and culture
Linguistic evidence of cultural differences 1.Speech acts in the form of routine formulas such as greeting; leave-taking, thanking, apologizing and so on also vary from culture to culture. For example: ①to respond to “thank you” ②to use “thank you”
A paragraph in Spanish or in some other Roman language, its line of thought is sometimes interrupted by rather complex digressions. A paragraph in Russian often contains digressions.
5.Literature as a part of culture, also plays a very important role in use of language. For example: Wen Yan and Bai Hua
1.孙炜 周士宏 中莉 社会语言学导论 世界知识出版社
2.The patterns of actual use of imperatives in different languages differ considerably.
Language, culture, society
Language, cultm their field work, a lot of language data had been documented, provding much first-hand evidence to show how the interpersonal relationship is related to lingusitic forms in their daily communication. This anthorpological approach to the study of language and culture laid a firm foundation in the history of linguistic development. The potential impact of this tradition can still be felt when we talk about the ethnography of communication.交际民族学 We should not miss some brilliant points made by Eugene Nida奈达, a well-known linguist and translation theorist, concerning the relationships between language and culture. For many years he has been involved in the Bible translation work across different languages. His rich experience in this respect leads him to claim that, as translators, if we want to do good job in cross-cultural cmmmunication, there are five types of sub-culture we should be fully aware of :
Chapter 9 Language and Culture1. What is culture?Culture2. relationship between language and cultureDiscourse community3. Sapir-Whorf hypothesisLinguistic relativityStrong version---weak version4. Linguistic evidence of cultural differencesP123-1285.Cultural teaching and learningAccultuation6. cultural overlap and diffusion7. Intercultual communicationChapter 10 Language Acquisition1. definitionLanguage acquisition—the child’s development of his mother tongue2. three theories of language acquisition1) Behaviorist viewStimulus-Response-Reinforcement2) Innatist viewALD3) Interactionist viewMotherese/caretaker talk3. Cognitive factorsTwo ways4. language environment and the critical period hypothesisCritical periodTwo versions5. Stages in child language developmentT/F1. In general, language acquisition refers to children’s development of their native language of the community in which they have been brought up.2. A certain amount of concious instruction on the part of parents may have no effect on the language of a child.3. Some languages are more challenging to acquire as a native language.4. A particular aspect of a language may appear to be more difficult to acquire than anequivalent part of another language.5. Many utterance types produced by children do not closely resemble structures found in adult speech.6. There is a three-word sentence stage in the first language acquisition.7. Utterances at the multiword stage are often referred to as telegraphic speech.8. Imitation and overt teachig play a major role in the child’s matery of language.9. Speakers of different languages are capable of distinguishing and recognizing experiences of the same objective world according to their respective different linguistc coding system.10. If a child is deprived of linguistic environment, he or she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on.11. Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, i.e. we are all born with the ability to acquire language and the details of a langauge system are genetically transmitted.12. In first language acquisition children’s grammar models exactly after the grammar of adult language.13. Instruction and correction are key factors in child language development.14. A child born to a Chinese or English speaking family takes about the same number of years to acquire their native tongue, regardless of their general intelligence.15. An innatist view of language acquisition holds that human beings are biologically programmed for language.16. A child who enters a foreign language speech community by the age of three or four can learn the new language without the trace of an accent.17. When a child acquires his mother tongue, he also acquires a langue-specific culture and becomes socialized in certain ways.1 Which of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition?A. Language acquisition is a process of habit formation.B. Language acquisition is the species-specific property of human beings.C. Children are born with an innate ability to acquire language.D. Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use.2. Which stage does the child belong to according to the stage of first language acquisition when we heard his saying like “Baby chair”,”Mummy sock” etc.A. babbling stageB. one-word stageC. two-word stageD. multi-word stage3. Language acquisition is primarily the acquisition of the ____ system of language.A. phonologicalB. semanticC. grammaticalD. communicative4. In general, the __________ stage begins roughly in the second half of thechild’s second year.A) babbling B) one-wordC)two-word D) multiword5. Basically all the following categories except ______ are always missing in the children’s telegraphic speech stage.A the copula verb “be” B. inflectional morphemesC. function wordsD. content words6. In first language acquisition children usually ______grammatical rules from the linguistic information they hear.A) use B) accept C) generalize D) reconstruct7. .Whcih of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition?_______.nguage acquisition is a process of habit formationnguage acquisition is the species-specific property of human beingsC.Children are born with an innate ability to acquire languageD.Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use8. At the age of four, children_____.A. can master the essentials of their mother tongueB. can only babble several soundsC..can name the things around them only D. can write out all the grammatical rules of their mother tongue.9. A child who knows the general plural form may apply the rule to irregular nouns and produce “foots”. This is called ______.A. assimilationB. transferC. overgeneralizationD. underextension10. It is estimated that the number of basic words known by English-speaking school children of age six is around ______.A. 7800B. 6800C. 5800D. 480011.Linguistic determination and linguistic relativity are also known as ____.A)linguistic universals B) functionalismB)Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis D) structuralism12.Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night” as “light”.This shows: .( )A.They cannot pronounce/n/B.Interlangue interference because there is notthe sound /n/in their mother tongueC.The teachers do not have a good teaching methodD.They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds13. ______ holds that human beings are biologically programmed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological function such as walking.A. The behaviorist viewB. The innatist viewC. The interactionist viewD. The cognitive theory14. Which of the following hypothesis is put forward by Bric Lenneberg?A. Critical Period HypothesisB. Input HypothesisC. Language Acquisition Device HypothesisD. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis1.The study of human languages as a whole is g_______ linguistics, while the study of a particularlanguage is called p_________ linguistics.2. A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is p______ if it tries to lay down rules for "correct" behaviours.3. The reason why an English speaker and a Chinese speaker are not mutually intelligible is because language is culturally t____________.4. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. This sentence means that language has the feature of a_________.5. In F. de Saussure's dichotomy, langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community; p______ is its realization in actual use.6. If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be d______ .7. Language exists in time and changes through time. The description of a language at some point of time is called a s______ study of language.8. Any language is composed of three main elements: speech sounds, grammatical structure, and m____ .9. Articulatory phonetics describes how s__________ sounds are made and provides aframe work.10. If a particular language has forty-eight meaningful sounds, it is said tohave forty-eight p__________ .11. Comsonant sounds can be either voiced or voiceless. For example, the sound"p" in "pin" is v______ and the sound "b" in "bin" is v______.12. If the back of the tongue is at the highest point near the soft palate, we have a b______ vowel.13. Articulatory phonetics studies the movement of the vocal organs in producing the sounds of speech; while a__________ phonetics studies the way the sounds of the speech are perceived by the human ear.14. An initial classification will divide the speech sounds into two broad categories: v________ and c__________.15. The allophone of the same phoneme are said to be in c___________ distribution.16. The basic unit in phonetics is p_______, while the basic unit in phonology is p_______.17. A phoneme is an abstract unit and it is realized by a certain ________ in a certain phonetic context.18. Comsonant sounds can be either voiced or voiceless. For example, the sound"p" in "pin" isv______ and the sound "b" in "bin" is v______.19.Clear [1]and dark[]are allophones of the same one phoneme /1/.They never take the same position in sound combinations, thus they are said to be in c________ distribution.20. An essential difference between consonants and vowels is whether the air coming from the lungs meets any o______ when a sound is produced.21. Phonological rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are called s______ rules.22. When pitch, stress and sound length are tired to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as i______.23. I______ morphemes are attached to words, but they never change their syntactic category24. A______ phonetics studies the perception of speech sounds.25. Any language is composed of three main elements: speech sounds,grammatical structure, and m____ .26. M______ is the study of word formation and the internal structure of words.27. The morphemes that cannot be used by themselves, but must be combined with other morphemes to form words car called b______ morphemes.28. Bound morphemes may be subdivided into derivational and i________ morphemes.29. M_______ is the smallest meaningful unit of language.30. An independent unit of meaning that can be used freely by itself is called a f______ morpheme.31. According to its position in the new word, a______ are divided into two kinds: prefixes and suffixes.32. According to the transformational-generative grammar, every sentence has two structures. One is the deep structure; the other is the surface structure. and the surface structure comes from the deep structure through t________.33. Any sentences that share the same deep structure are said to be ________of one another.34. XP may contain more than just X. For example, the NP “the boy who likes his puppy” consists of Det, N and S, with Det being the s______, N the head and S the complement.35. A c______ sentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word, such as “and”, “but”, “or”.36. A______ is the movement of an auxiliary verb to the sentence-initial position, such as “be”, “have”, “do” etc.37.A c________ sentence contains two or more clauses, one of which is incorporated in the other.38. The s____ function shows the relationship between a linguistic form and other parts of the linguistic pattern in which it is used.39.The combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new words is called c______.40. The study of linguistic meaning of words, phrases, and sentences is called s____ .41.S________ can be simply defined as the study of meaning.42. The conceptualist view holds that there is no d______ link between a linguistic form and what it refers to.43. The words "rich" and "wealthy" are similar in meaning and their semanticrelation is described as s________.44. Synonymy occurs when more than one form has the same meaning, but p________happens when the same form has more than one meaning.45. Componential analysis is a way to analyze the lexical meaning, which based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components called semantic f______.46. C ____ analysis is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be divided into meaning components.47.Whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is governed by rules called s________ restrictions, which are constraints on what lexical items can go with what others.48.R_________ opposites are pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items.49. When two words are identical in sound, but different in spelling and meaning, they are called h__________.50.That the denial of one member of two words implies the assertion of the other is the characteristic of c________ antonyms.51. The sense relation between " furniture " and " bed " is __________ .52. Hyponymy is the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items. The word that is more general in meaning is called s______.53. “Go” and “come” are pair of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items. They are called r______ antonyms.54. The basic assumption underlying the theory of semantic field is that words do not exist in i________.55.Absolute synonyms are rare and most English synonyms are different in atleast one semantic feature of a type of meaning, for example, " adult " and "grown-up " differ in s__________ meaning.56. R______ is what a linguistic form refers to in the real world; it is a matter of the relationship between form and the reality.57. Words that are close in meaning are called s________.58. H______ refers to a relation between two words, in which the meaning of one of the words includes the meaning of the other word.59. A word or sentence is a____ if it can be understood or interpreted in more than one way.60. Sentences with the same truth conditions are p____ .61. The sentence " She cannot bear children " is ambiguous. The ambiguity iscaused by the word " bear ", which is a h___________ .62. The words "pretty" and "handsome" have the same conceptual meaning but their c________ meaning are different.63.When the study of meaning is conducted, not in isolation, but in the context of use, it becomes another branch of linguistic study called ______64. Stating, commanding, warning, informing and the like are a____, because they are sentences uttered in certain contexts, under certain conditions and with certain intonations.65. Semantics studies linguistic meaning while Pragmatics studies s____ meaning.66. The c____ of an utterance determine its meaning.67. Language is one of the important means of communication. In communication, when people utter sentences they also perform a____ of various kinds, such as stating, asking, commanding and promising.68. Conversational i______ may arise as a result of a speaker's violation of the cooperational principle.69.While the meaning of a sentence is abstract and decontextualized, that of an u________ is concrete and context-dependent.70. Any sentences that share the same deep structure are said to be p________of one another.。
( Inner M ongolia University of T echno logy, Huhho t , Inner M ongolia, 010051 ) [ A bstract]
F or a very long ti me , the relationsh ip betw een language and cu lture is the focus o f linguists . T he arti
c le is based on the co m plicated relation betw een language and cu ltu re and expresses the de finitions o f culture and stratifica tion of language separa tely . T he a i m is to expla in tha t languag e and cu lture can not separate w ith each other .
[ K ey words]
language ,
culture ,
re lationship
[ 中图分类号 ] H 0- 05
I . Introduction
[文献标识码 ] A
[ 文章编号 ] 1672 -8610( 2011) 04 -0066 -02
L ingu istic R elativ ity . A fter a ha lf century peop le still disputed intensively . Ho w ever , the comm on po int is tha t the relationship o f the language and culture is c lo se . O ur Chinese lingu ist L uo Changpe iw r ites L anguage and Cu lture wh ich m akes a deep research on the re la tionsh ip o f language and cu lture . O n one hand, language is an i m portant ele m ent o f cu lture , a syste m of se m io tics fo r recording culture , a m irror fo r reflec ting cu lture . O n the other hand , the correspond ing characteristics o f culture w ill defin itely affect and restrict languages characteristics and using w ays . Cu lture s cha racte ristics , types , evo lution and propagations m ake a big effect on language s onto logy and use . . S tratification of the W ord sM ean ing and th e D istance of Comprehen sion T he Sw ed ish fa m ous lingu ist Saussure sa id: the wo rd s m ean ing is the relationsh ip betw een the nam ed th ings o r concept and the na m e itse l. f N a tura lly , th is relationsh ip is realized by spec ific language syste m. Th is course de finite ly needs language s own m echan is m vocabu lary , intonation, g ra mm ar and contex t . But on soc ia l course , it is mo re i m portant to depend on so cial env ironm ent , accum ulating exper ience by engag ing in the so cial activ ities and fo r m ation o f consc iousness . T he w ords m eanings are h ie rarchy content that contr ibu tes to the w ord is no t on ly the ac tua l sy m bo lic code but i m p licates people s feeling s , concepts and op inion to the rea l wo rld. T he wo rd re flects objectiv e things and sti m u la te peop le s e m otions and attitudes tow ards things referred. T here is an examp le : vile bug o f a cowa rd sa id L ipiatle , W hy don t you de fend yourse lf like a m an. T he sen tence s cente r o f interest is no t to illustra te bug be long ing to w ha t k ind o f insect , but to m ake use o f the v iv id expression to conde m n listener s cow ard. W o rd m ean ing is a mu lti- lev eled m ixture . It includes denotationa l meaning , d ictiona ry meaning , g ramm atical m eaning , con tex tua lm ean ing , sty listic m ean ing and the assoc ia tion a -
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
different languages may probably express their unique ways of understanding the world. Following his argument, two important points could be captured in this theory. On the one hand, language may determine our thinking patterns; on the other, similarity between languages is relative. For two different speech communities, the greater their structural differentiations are, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be. For this reason, this hypothesis has alternatively been referred to as linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. 【考点:名词解释;指出该假说的两种版本】
②To help the students transcend their own culture and see things as the members of the
请用英语论述语言与文化的关系作文The Intricate Dance of Language and Culture Language and culture are engaged in an intricate dance, each shaping and influencing the other in profound ways. Language serves as the vessel for transmitting cultural values, beliefs, and customs across generations, while culture, in turn, molds the very structure and nuances of a language. This interplay results in a rich tapestry of human expression, where words become windows into the soul of a people. One of the most evident ways culture shapes language is through vocabulary. Each culture develops unique terms to describe its specific realities, from the tools they use to the foods they eat, to the rituals they practice. For example, the Inuit people have numerous words for snow, reflecting the central role this element plays in their lives, while Arabic boasts a diverse vocabulary for describing camels, reflecting their importance in Bedouin culture. These linguistic nuances reveal thepriorities and values of a culture, highlighting what they deem essential and worthy of specific attention. Beyond vocabulary, culture influences the very structure of language. The emphasis on hierarchy and respect in some Asian cultures, for example, is reflected in their languages through complex systems of honorifics and politeness markers. Conversely, languages like English, originating from more egalitarian societies, tend to have simpler systems of address. Grammar also reveals cultural perspectives. Languages with grammatical gender, like French and Spanish, often reflect societal views on gender roles, while languages with inclusive pronouns, like Swedish, signal a cultural shift towards greater inclusivity. Culture's influence extends beyond the spoken word. Nonverbal communication, such as gestures, facial expressions, and personal space, is deeply embedded in cultural norms. A simple thumbs-up, interpreted as positiveaffirmation in many Western cultures, could be seen as offensive in others. Understanding these subtle cues is essential for effective cross-cultural communication and fosters deeper understanding and empathy between people from different backgrounds. Language, in turn, acts as a powerful tool for shaping and transmitting culture. Storytelling, proverbs, and idioms are just a few ways cultural values and beliefs are passed down through generations. Proverbs like "the early bird gets the worm" (English) and "a rolling stone gathers no moss"(various origins) encapsulate cultural attitudes towards hard work and stability. Similarly, idioms like "kick the bucket" (English) and "spill the beans" (American) offer humorous glimpses into cultural attitudes towards death and secrecy. These linguistic tools help to reinforce cultural norms and maintain a sense of shared identity within a community. The dynamic relationship between language andculture is constantly evolving. Globalization, migration, and technological advancements have led to increased contact between cultures, resulting inlinguistic borrowing, code-switching, and the emergence of new dialects and languages. This ongoing evolution reflects the adaptability and dynamism of both language and culture, as they constantly negotiate and reshape each other in the face of changing circumstances. In conclusion, the interplay between language and culture is a fascinating and complex phenomenon. Language acts as a mirror reflecting the values and beliefs of a culture, while simultaneously shaping and transmitting that culture to future generations. Understanding this intricate dance is crucial not only for effective communication but also for fostering appreciation and respect for the rich tapestry of human diversity. As Nelson Mandela eloquently stated, "If you talk to a man in a language he understands,that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." (South African proverb)。
英语语言学 第九章 语言与文化
▪ How the Chinese and the Europeans state their age differently. I'm ten and a half years old. The baby girl will be thirteen months old next Friday. Chinese use a round number(整数) followed by the measure sui.
▪ 所有这些类型的意义都与文化编码或联想有关, 因为词语的意义与它们的联想是不可分割的,而 这些联想的解释是约定俗成的。每种语言都有自 己的隐喻,这些隐喻在其范围内提供语义上的理 解。
Some cultural differences in language use
▪ Greetings and terms of address ▪ Gratitude and compliments ▪ Color words ▪ Privacy and taboos ▪ Rounding off numbers ▪ Words and cultural-specific connotations ▪ Cultural-related idioms, proverbs and metaphor
▪ There are generally two types of culture: material and spiritual.
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
第 7 章 语言 文化 社会
1 复习笔记
本章要点: 1. Language and culture
语言不文化 2. Sapir-whorf Hypothesis
萨丕尔—沃尔夫假说 3. Language varieties
语言发体 4. Cross-culture communication
常考考点: 语言不文化的定义及关系;社会语言学的定义;萨丕尔-沃夫假说;语言发体;分析跨 文化交际中出现障碍的原因;中西文化的异同。
本章内容索引: I. Language and Culture
1. Interrelations between language and culture
members of the target culture; ③ To emphasize the inseparability of understanding language and
For example
• Britain Island is surrounded by sea . That’s the reason that words or terms about sea and boat are rich , such as smooth sailing , all at sea ; ship ,ferry ,canoe ,barge ,yawl .
Language and culture
For Lemon Grass
• What is language , what is culture and the relationship between them.
• Dialect 方言 in different culture. • Idioms 俗语 in different culture. • Chinese + English = Chinglish 中国式英语 • The significance of cultural learning in learning language • Conclusion
• Sociologists think that language is social behavior and language has a social function , both as a means of munication and also a way of identifying social groups.
• In a narrow way , culture may refer to local or specific practice , beliefs or customs , which can be mostly found in folk culture , enterprise culture of food culture and so on.
language and culture英语论文
The language and the social cultureIntroductionThe language and the culture belong to the social phenomenon, the language, one of social cultural essential factors, which is the cultural carrier. The culture is handed down through language, they have close relationship. The language is used in the certain cultural context, the language use receives cultural the restriction, the differences between languages have reflected the differences of national culture. Because each nationality's geographical position, the historical development, the thinking mode, the habits and customs, the value , the religious belief and so on are different, thus has formed the different cultural standard, namely so-called cultural difference. The culture teaches people how to use the language, but certain language forms only then in the specific cultural context, can have the related language human relations significance. Like the Chinese culture adopts frequently from censures or the denial form replied the commendation shows modestly, but English nationality then adopts the affirmation form, replies "Thank you”. The human relations ability both included four languages abilities (to listen, to say, to read, writes), and has included the social culture ability, namely could carry on the harmonious human relations with another kind of cultural person the ability. In in the Trans-Culture background language learning environment, the biggest barrier is the cultural difference brings the influence. Therefore, lacks the understanding of the culture, we can’t communicate easily and we may misunderstand each other语言和文化均属于社会现象,语言是社会文化的要素之一,是文化的载体,文化通过语言的存储与传播而时代相传,两者关系密切。
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Job Title: Language and Cultural Coordinator
Department: Planning & Community Development Location: Nett Lake
Supervisor:Planning & Community Development Director Work Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Or as needed
Opening Date: October 25, 2012
Closing Dates: October 31, 2012
FLSA Classification: Exempt
Salary Classification: E-4 (minimum $36,500 – maximum $54,700)
Supervisory Position: No
Driver’s License: Yes
Criminal History Required: Yes
Suitability Determination Required: Yes
Job Summary: Responsible for the overall development, initial start-up, direction, management, and ongoing operations of a language and cultural immersion program for the Bois Forte Reservation. Includes start-up of program, planning and administration of grants, budget responsibility, report writing, and working with various committees on language and cultural issues. Also includes responsibility to be the primary coordinator with the pow-wow committees, and the budgeting and coordination of pow-wows on the Reservation.
Educational/Experience Requirement: The applicant must possess a four-year college degree, with focus on Indian Studies, language and culture, education, or other related field. A minimum of four years teaching or closely related experience may substitute for the educational requirement. Also must have a minimum of five (5) years of work experience, with at least three years in a related field working with Tribal youth and elders. A Minnesota teaching license is preferred.
1.Extensive knowledge and experience with Ojibwe language and culture. Must have a minimum basic proficiency
in speaking the Ojibwe language.
2.Experience working with elders and youth.
3.Experience as a teacher, or similar experience working with youth.
4.Experience with managing programs and budgets.
5.Experience with language or cultural immersion camps or programs, or with other types of youth camps.
6.Strong grant writing skills and experience.
7.Experience in creating and managing budgets.
8.Ability to work with other professionals and to coordinate various development activities associated with the
development of an immersion camp.
9.Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills.
10.Possess strong organizational and problem solving skills, and the ability to work with diverse people on complex
11.Must be effective in handling multiple duties and responsibilities.
12.Possess a valid driver’s license, reliable vehicle and be insurable under the Tribal Government’s insurance policy.
Submit application to: Human Resources Director, Miranda Lilya, 5344 Lakeshore Drive, Nett Lake, 55772. Please visit our website at to download an application.。