Alan L.Bean




aahing, aaliis, aarrgh, abacas, abacus, abakas, abamps, abased, abaser, abases, abasia, abated, abater, abates, abatis, abator, abayas, abbacy, abbess, abbeys, abbots, abduce, abduct, abeles, abhors, abided, abider, abides, abject, abjure, ablate, ablaut, ablaze, ablest, ablins, abloom, ablush, abmhos, aboard, aboded, abodes, abohms, abolla, abomas, aboral, aborts, abound, aboves, abrade, abroad, abrupt, abseil, absent, absorb, absurd, abulia, abulic, abused, abuser, abuses, abvolt, abwatt, abying, abysms, acacia, acajou, acarid, acarus, accede, accent, accept, access, accord, accost, accrue, accuse, acedia, acetal, acetic, acetin, acetum, acetyl, achene, achier, aching, acidic, acidly, acinar, acinic, acinus, ackees, acnode, acorns, acquit, across, acting, actins, action, active, actors, actual, acuate, acuity, aculei, acumen, acuter, acutes, adages, adagio, adapts, addend, adders, addict, adding, addled, addles, adduce, adduct, adeems, adenyl, adepts, adhere, adieus, adieux, adipic, adjoin, adjure, adjust, admass, admire, admits, admixt, adnate, adnexa, adnoun, adobes, adobos, adonis, adopts, adored, adorer, adores, adorns, adrift, adroit, adsorb, adults, advect, advent, adverb, advert, advice, advise, adytum, adzing, aecial, aecium, aedile, aedine, aeneus, aeonic, aerate, aerial, aeried, aerier, aeries, aerify, aerily, aerobe, aerugo, aether, afeard, affair, affect, affine, affirm, afflux, afford, affray, afghan, afield, aflame, afloat, afraid, afreet, afresh, afrits, afters, aftosa, agamas, agamic, agamid, agapae, agapai, agapes, agaric, agates, agaves, agedly, ageing, ageism, ageist, agency, agenda, agenes, agents, aggada, aggers, aggies, aggros, aghast, agings, agisms, agists, agitas, aglare, agleam, aglets, agnail, agnate, agnize, agonal, agones, agonic, agorae, agoras, agorot, agouti, agouty, agrafe, agreed, agrees, agrias, aguish, ahchoo, ahimsa, aholds, ahorse, aiders, aidful, aiding, aidman, aidmen, aiglet, aigret, aikido, ailing, aimers, aimful, aiming, aiolis, airbag, airbus, airers, airest, airier, airily, airing, airman, airmen, airted, airths, airway, aisled, aisles, aivers, ajivas, ajowan, ajugas, akelas, akenes, akimbo, alamos, alands, alanin, alants, alanyl, alarms, alarum, alaska, alated, alates, albata, albedo, albeit, albino, albite, albums, alcade, alcaic, alcids, alcove, alders, aldols, aldose, aldrin, alegar, alephs, alerts, alevin, alexia, alexin, alfaki, algins, algoid, algors, algums, alibis, alible, alidad, aliens, alight, aligns, alined, aliner, alines, aliped, aliyah, aliyas, aliyos, aliyot, alkali, alkane, alkene, alkies, alkine, alkoxy, alkyds, alkyls, alkyne, allays, allege, allele, alleys, allied, allies, allium, allods, allots, allows, alloys, allude, allure, allyls, almahs, almehs, almner, almond, almost, almuce, almude, almuds, almugs, alnico, alodia, alohas, aloins, alpaca, alphas, alphyl, alpine, alsike, altars, alters, althea, aludel, alulae, alular, alumin, alumna, alumni, alvine, always, amadou, amarna, amatol, amazed, amazes, amazon, ambage, ambari, ambary, ambeer, ambers, ambery, ambits, ambled, ambler, ambles, ambush, amebae, ameban, amebas, amebic, ameers, amends,aments, amerce, amices, amides, amidic, amidin, amidol, amidst, amigas, amigos, amines, aminic, ammine, ammino, ammono, amnion, amnios, amoeba, amoles, amoral, amount, amours, ampere, amping, ampler, ampule, ampuls, amrita, amtrac, amucks, amulet, amused, amuser, amuses, amusia, amylic, amylum, anabas, anadem, anally, analog, ananke, anarch, anatto, anchor, anchos, ancone, andros, anears, aneled, aneles, anemia, anemic, anenst, anergy, angary, angels, angers, angina, angled, angler, angles, anglos, angora, angsts, anilin, animal, animas, animes, animis, animus, anions, anises, anisic, ankled, ankles, anklet, ankush, anlace, anlage, annals, anneal, annexe, annona, annoys, annual, annuli, annuls, anodal, anodes, anodic, anoint, anoles, anomic, anomie, anonym, anopia, anorak, anoxia, anoxic, ansate, answer, anteed, anthem, anther, antiar, antick, antics, anting, antler, antral, antres, antrum, anural, anuran, anuria, anuric, anuses, anvils, anyhow, anyone, anyons, anyway, aorist, aortae, aortal, aortas, aortic, aoudad, apache, apathy, apercu, apexes, aphids, aphtha, apiary, apical, apices, apiece, aplite, aplomb, apneal, apneas, apneic, apnoea, apodal, apogee, apollo, apolog, aporia, appall, appals, appeal, appear, appels, append, apples, applet, appose, aprons, aptest, arabic, arable, arames, aramid, arbors, arbour, arbute, arcade, arcana, arcane, arched, archer, arches, archil, archly, archon, arcing, arcked, arctic, ardebs, ardent, ardors, ardour, arecas, arenas, arenes, areola, areole, arepas, aretes, argala, argali, argals, argent, argils, argled, argles, argols, argons, argosy, argots, argued, arguer, argues, argufy, argyle, argyll, arhats, ariary, arider, aridly, ariels, aright, ariled, ariose, ariosi, arioso, arisen, arises, arista, aristo, arkose, armada, armers, armets, armful, armies, arming, armlet, armors, armory, armour, armpit, armure, arnica, aroids, aroint, aromas, around, arouse, aroynt, arpens, arpent, arrack, arrant, arrays, arrear, arrest, arriba, arrive, arroba, arrows, arrowy, arroyo, arseno, arshin, arsine, arsino, arsons, artels, artery, artful, artier, artily, artist, asarum, ascend, ascent, ascots, asdics, ashcan, ashier, ashing, ashlar, ashler, ashman, ashmen, ashore, ashram, asides, askant, askers, asking, aslant, asleep, aslope, aslosh, aspect, aspens, aspers, aspics, aspire, aspish, asrama, assail, assais, assays, assent, assert, assess, assets, assign, assist, assize, assoil, assort, assume, assure, astern, asters, asthma, astony, astral, astray, astute, aswarm, aswirl, aswoon, asylum, atabal, ataman, atavic, ataxia, ataxic, atelic, atlatl, atmans, atolls, atomic, atonal, atoned, atoner, atones, atonia, atonic, atopic, atrial, atrium, attach, attack, attain, attars, attend, attent, attest, attics, attire, attorn, attrit, attune, atwain, atween, atypic, aubade, auburn, aucuba, audads, audile, auding, audios, audits, augend, augers, aughts, augite, augurs, augury, august, auklet, aulder, auntie, auntly, aurate, aureus, aurist, aurora, aurous, aurums, auspex, ausubo, auteur, author, autism, autist, autoed, autumn, auxins, avails, avatar, avaunt, avenge, avenue, averse, averts, avians,aviary, aviate, avidin, avidly, avions, avisos, avocet, avoids, avoset, avouch, avowal, avowed, avower, avulse, awaits, awaked, awaken, awakes, awards, aweary, aweigh, aweing, awhile, awhirl, awless, awmous, awning, awoken, axeman, axemen, axenic, axilla, axioms, axised, axises, axites, axlike, axonal, axones, axonic, axseed, azalea, azides, azines, azlons, azoles, azonal, azonic, azoted, azotes, azoths, azotic, azukis, azures, azygos, baaing, baalim, baases, babble, babels, babied, babier, babies, babkas, babool, baboon, baboos, babuls, baccae, bached, baches, backed, backer, backup, bacons, bacula, badder, baddie, badged, badger, badges, badman, badmen, baffed, baffle, bagass, bagels, bagful, bagged, bagger, baggie, bagman, bagmen, bagnio, baguet, bagwig, bailed, bailee, bailer, bailey, bailie, bailor, bairns, baited, baiter, baizas, baizes, bakers, bakery, baking, balata, balboa, balded, balder, baldly, baleen, balers, baling, balked, balker, ballad, balled, baller, ballet, ballon, ballot, balsam, balsas, bamboo, bammed, banana, bancos, bandas, banded, bander, bandit, bandog, banged, banger, bangle, banian, baning, banish, banjos, banked, banker, bankit, banned, banner, bannet, bantam, banter, banyan, banzai, baobab, barbal, barbed, barbel, barber, barbes, barbet, barbie, barbut, barcas, barded, bardes, bardic, barege, barely, barest, barfed, barfly, barged, bargee, barges, barhop, baring, barite, barium, barked, barker, barley, barlow, barman, barmen, barmie, barned, barney, barong, barons, barony, barque, barred, barrel, barren, barres, barret, barrio, barrow, barter, baryes, baryon, baryta, baryte, basalt, basely, basest, bashaw, bashed, basher, bashes, basics, basify, basils, basing, basins, basion, basked, basket, basque, basses, basset, bassly, bassos, basted, baster, bastes, batboy, bateau, bathed, bather, bathes, bathos, batiks, bating, batman, batmen, batons, batted, batten, batter, battik, battle, battue, baubee, bauble, baulks, baulky, bawbee, bawdry, bawled, bawler, bawtie, bayamo, bayard, baying, bayous, bazaar, bazars, bazoos, beachy, beacon, beaded, beader, beadle, beagle, beaked, beaker, beamed, beaned, beanie, beanos, beards, bearer, beasts, beaten, beater, beauts, beauty, beaver, bebops, becalm, became, becaps, becked, becket, beckon, beclog, become, bedamn, bedaub, bedbug, bedded, bedder, bedeck, bedell, bedels, bedews, bedims, bedlam, bedpan, bedrid, bedrug, beduin, bedumb, beebee, beechy, beefed, beeped, beeper, beetle, beeves, beezer, befall, befell, befits, beflag, beflea, befogs, befool, before, befoul, befret, begall, begaze, begets, beggar, begged, begins, begird, begirt, beglad, begone, begrim, begulf, begums, behalf, behave, behead, beheld, behest, behind, behold, behoof, behove, behowl, beiges, beigne, beings, bekiss, beknot, belady, belaud, belays, beldam, beleap, belfry, belgas, belied, belief, belier, belies, belike, belive, belled, belles, bellow, belong, belons, belows, belted, beluga, bemata, bemean, bemire, bemist, bemixt, bemoan, bemock, bemuse, bename, benday, bended, bendee, bender, bendys, benign, bennes, bennet, bennis, bentos, benumb, benzal, benzin, benzol, benzyl,berake, berate, bereft, berets, berime, berlin, bermed, bermes, bertha, berths, beryls, beseem, besets, beside, besmut, besnow, besoms, besots, bested, bestir, bestow, bestud, betake, betels, bethel, betide, betime, betise, betons, betony, betook, betray, bettas, betted, better, bettor, bevels, bevies, bevors, bewail, beware, beweep, bewept, bewigs, beworm, bewrap, bewray, beylic, beylik, beyond, bezant, bezazz, bezels, bezils, bezoar, bhakta, bhakti, bhangs, bhoots, bialis, bialys, biased, biases, biaxal, bibbed, bibber, bibles, bicarb, biceps, bicker, bicorn, bicron, bidden, bidder, biders, bidets, biding, bields, biface, biffed, biffin, biflex, bifold, biform, bigamy, bigeye, bigger, biggie, biggin, bights, bigots, bigwig, bijous, bijoux, bikers, bikies, biking, bikini, bilboa, bilbos, bilged, bilges, bilked, bilker, billed, biller, billet, billie, billon, billow, bimahs, bimbos, binary, binate, binder, bindis, bindle, biners, binged, binges, bingos, binits, binned, binocs, biogas, biogen, biomes, bionic, bionts, biopsy, biotas, biotic, biotin, bipack, bipeds, bipods, birded, birder, birdie, bireme, birkie, birled, birler, birles, birred, birses, births, bisect, bishop, bisons, bisque, bister, bistre, bistro, bitchy, biters, biting, bitmap, bitted, bitten, bitter, bizone, blabby, blacks, bladed, blader, blades, blaffs, blains, blamed, blamer, blames, blanch, blanks, blared, blares, blasts, blasty, blawed, blazed, blazer, blazes, blazon, bleach, bleaks, blears, bleary, bleats, blebby, bleeds, bleeps, blench, blende, blends, blenny, blight, blimey, blimps, blinds, blinis, blinks, blintz, blites, blithe, bloats, blocks, blocky, blokes, blonde, blonds, bloods, bloody, blooey, blooie, blooms, bloomy, bloops, blotch, blotto, blotty, blouse, blousy, blowby, blowed, blower, blowsy, blowup, blowzy, bludge, bluely, bluest, bluesy, bluets, blueys, bluffs, bluing, bluish, blumed, blumes, blunge, blunts, blurbs, blurry, blurts, blypes, boards, boarts, boasts, boated, boatel, boater, bobbed, bobber, bobbin, bobble, bobcat, bocces, boccia, boccie, boccis, bodega, bodice, bodied, bodies, bodily, boding, bodkin, boffin, boffos, bogans, bogart, bogeys, bogged, boggle, bogies, bogles, boheas, bohunk, boiled, boiler, boings, boites, bolder, boldly, bolero, bolete, boleti, bolide, bolled, bollix, bollox, bolshy, bolson, bolted, bolter, bombax, bombed, bomber, bombes, bombyx, bonaci, bonbon, bonded, bonder, bonduc, boners, bonged, bongos, bonier, boning, bonita, bonito, bonked, bonnes, bonnet, bonnie, bonobo, bonsai, bonzer, bonzes, boobed, booboo, boocoo, boodle, booger, boogie, boohoo, booing, boojum, booked, booker, bookie, bookoo, boomed, boomer, boosts, booted, bootee, booths, bootie, boozed, boozer, boozes, bopped, bopper, borage, borals, borane, borate, bordel, border, boreal, boreas, boreen, borers, boride, boring, borked, borons, borrow, borsch, borsht, borzoi, boshes, bosker, bosket, bosoms, bosomy, bosons, bosque, bossed, bosses, boston, bosuns, botany, botchy, botels, botfly, bother, bottle, bottom, boubou, boucle, boudin, bouffe, boughs, bought, bougie, boules, boulle, bounce, bouncy, bounds, bounty, bourgs, bourne,bourns, bourse, boused, bouses, bouton, bovids, bovine, bowels, bowers, bowery, bowfin, bowing, bowled, bowleg, bowler, bowman, bowmen, bowpot, bowsed, bowses, bowwow, bowyer, boxcar, boxers, boxful, boxier, boxily, boxing, boyard, boyars, boyish, boylas, braced, bracer, braces, brachs, bracts, braggy, brahma, braids, brails, brains, brainy, braise, braize, braked, brakes, branch, brands, brandy, branks, branny, brants, brashy, brasil, brassy, bratty, bravas, braved, braver, braves, bravos, brawer, brawls, brawly, brawns, brawny, brayed, brayer, brazas, brazed, brazen, brazer, brazes, brazil, breach, breads, breaks, breams, breast, breath, bredes, breech, breeds, breeks, breeze, breezy, bregma, brents, breves, brevet, brewed, brewer, brewis, briard, briars, briary, bribed, bribee, briber, bribes, bricks, bricky, bridal, brides, bridge, bridle, briefs, briers, briery, bright, brillo, brills, brined, briner, brines, brings, brinks, briony, brises, brisks, briths, britts, broach, broads, broche, brocks, brogan, brogue, broils, broken, broker, brolly, bromal, bromes, bromic, bromid, bromin, bromos, bronco, broncs, bronze, bronzy, brooch, broods, broody, brooks, brooms, broomy, broses, broths, brothy, browns, browny, browse, brucin, brughs, bruins, bruise, bruits, brulot, brumal, brumby, brumes, brunch, brunet, brunts, brushy, brutal, bruted, brutes, bruxed, bruxes, bryony, bubale, bubals, bubble, bubbly, bubkes, buboed, buboes, buccal, bucked, bucker, bucket, buckle, buckos, budded, budder, buddha, buddle, budged, budger, budges, budget, budgie, buffed, buffer, buffet, buffos, bugeye, bugged, bugger, bugled, bugler, bugles, bugout, bugsha, builds, bulbar, bulbed, bulbel, bulbil, bulbul, bulged, bulger, bulges, bulgur, bulked, bullae, bulled, bullet, bumble, bumkin, bummed, bummer, bumped, bumper, bumphs, bunchy, buncos, bundle, bundts, bunged, bungle, bunion, bunked, bunker, bunkos, bunkum, bunted, bunter, bunyas, buoyed, bupkes, bupkus, buqsha, burans, burble, burbly, burbot, burden, burdie, bureau, burets, burgee, burger, burghs, burgle, burgoo, burial, buried, burier, buries, burins, burkas, burked, burker, burkes, burlap, burled, burler, burley, burned, burner, burnet, burnie, burped, burqas, burred, burrer, burros, burrow, bursae, bursal, bursar, bursas, burses, bursts, burton, busbar, busboy, bushed, bushel, busher, bushes, bushwa, busied, busier, busies, busily, busing, busked, busker, buskin, busman, busmen, bussed, busses, busted, buster, bustic, bustle, butane, butene, buteos, butled, butler, butles, butted, butter, buttes, button, bututs, butyls, buyers, buying, buyoff, buyout, buzuki, buzzed, buzzer, buzzes, bwanas, byelaw, bygone, bylaws, byline, byname, bypass, bypast, bypath, byplay, byrled, byrnie, byroad, byssal, byssus, bytalk, byways, byword, bywork, byzant, cabala, cabals, cabana, cabbed, cabbie, cabers, cabins, cabled, cabler, cables, cablet, cabman, cabmen, cabobs, cacaos, cached, caches, cachet, cachou, cackle, cactus, caddie, caddis, cadent, cadets, cadged, cadger, cadges, cadmic, cadres, caecal, caecum, caeoma, caesar, caftan, cagers, cagier, cagily, caging, cahier, cahoot, cahows, caiman,caique, cairds, cairns, cairny, cajole, cakier, caking, calami, calash, calcar, calces, calcic, calesa, calico, califs, caliph, calked, calker, calkin, callan, callas, called, callee, caller, callet, callow, callus, calmed, calmer, calmly, calory, calpac, calque, calved, calves, calxes, camail, camass, camber, cambia, camels, cameos, camera, camion, camisa, camise, camlet, cammie, camped, camper, campos, campus, canals, canape, canard, canary, cancan, cancel, cancer, cancha, candid, candle, candor, caners, canful, cangue, canids, canine, caning, canker, cannas, canned, cannel, canner, cannie, cannon, cannot, canoed, canoer, canoes, canons, canopy, cansos, cantal, canted, canter, canthi, cantic, cantle, canton, cantor, cantos, cantus, canula, canvas, canyon, capers, capful, capias, capita, caplet, caplin, capons, capote, capped, capper, capric, capris, capsid, captan, captor, carack, carafe, carate, carats, carbon, carboy, carcel, carded, carder, cardia, cardio, cardon, careen, career, carers, caress, carets, carful, cargos, carhop, caribe, caried, caries, carina, caring, carked, carles, carlin, carman, carmen, carnal, carnet, carney, carnie, carobs, caroch, caroli, carols, caroms, carpal, carped, carpel, carper, carpet, carpus, carrel, carrom, carrot, carses, carted, cartel, carter, cartes, carton, cartop, carved, carvel, carven, carver, carves, casaba, casava, casbah, casefy, caseic, casein, casern, cashaw, cashed, cashes, cashew, cashoo, casing, casini, casino, casita, casked, casket, casque, cassia, cassis, caster, castes, castle, castor, casual, catalo, catchy, catena, caters, catgut, cation, catkin, catlin, catnap, catnip, catsup, catted, cattie, cattle, caucus, caudad, caudal, caudex, caudle, caught, caulds, caules, caulis, caulks, causal, caused, causer, causes, causey, caveat, cavern, cavers, caviar, cavies, cavils, caving, cavity, cavort, cawing, cayman, cayuse, ceased, ceases, cebids, ceboid, cecity, cedarn, cedars, cedary, ceders, ceding, cedula, ceibas, ceiled, ceiler, ceilis, celebs, celery, celiac, cellae, cellar, celled, cellos, celoms, cement, cenote, censed, censer, censes, censor, census, centai, cental, centas, center, centos, centra, centre, centum, ceorls, cerate, cercal, cercis, cercus, cereal, cereus, cerias, cering, ceriph, cerise, cerite, cerium, cermet, cerous, certes, ceruse, cervid, cervix, cesium, cessed, cesses, cestas, cestoi, cestos, cestus, cesura, cetane, chabuk, chacma, chadar, chador, chadri, chaeta, chafed, chafer, chafes, chaffs, chaffy, chaine, chains, chairs, chaise, chakra, chalah, chaleh, chalet, chalks, chalky, challa, chally, chalot, chammy, champs, champy, chance, chancy, change, changs, chants, chanty, chapel, chapes, charas, chards, chared, chares, charge, charka, charks, charms, charro, charrs, charry, charts, chased, chaser, chases, chasms, chasmy, chasse, chaste, chatty, chaunt, chawed, chawer, chazan, cheapo, cheaps, cheats, chebec, checks, cheder, cheeks, cheeky, cheeps, cheero, cheers, cheery, cheese, cheesy, chefed, chegoe, chelae, chelas, chemic, cheque, cherry, cherts, cherty, cherub, chests, chesty, chetah, cheths, chevre, chewed, chewer, chiasm, chiaus,chicas, chicer, chichi, chicks, chicle, chicly, chicos, chided, chider, chides, chiefs, chield, chiels, chigoe, childe, chiles, chilis, chilli, chills, chilly, chimar, chimbs, chimed, chimer, chimes, chimla, chimps, chinas, chinch, chined, chines, chinks, chinky, chinos, chints, chintz, chippy, chiral, chirks, chirms, chiros, chirps, chirpy, chirre, chirrs, chirus, chisel, chital, chitin, chiton, chitty, chives, chivvy, choana, chocks, choice, choirs, choked, choker, chokes, chokey, cholas, choler, cholla, cholos, chomps, choose, choosy, chopin, choppy, choral, chords, chorea, chored, chores, choric, chorus, chosen, choses, chotts, chough, chouse, choush, chowed, chowse, chrism, chroma, chrome, chromo, chromy, chubby, chucks, chucky, chufas, chuffs, chuffy, chukar, chukka, chummy, chumps, chunks, chunky, chuppa, church, churls, churns, churro, churrs, chuted, chutes, chyles, chymes, chymic, cibols, cicada, cicala, cicale, cicely, cicero, ciders, cigars, cilice, cilium, cinder, cinema, cineol, cinque, cipher, circle, circus, cirque, cirrus, ciscos, cisted, cistus, citers, cither, citied, cities, citify, citing, citola, citole, citral, citric, citrin, citron, citrus, civets, civics, civies, civism, clachs, clacks, claims, clammy, clamor, clamps, clangs, clanks, clanky, claque, claret, claros, clasps, claspt, classy, clasts, clause, claver, claves, clavus, clawed, clawer, claxon, clayed, clayey, cleans, clears, cleats, cleave, cleeks, clefts, clench, cleome, cleped, clepes, clergy, cleric, clerid, clerks, clever, clevis, clewed, cliche, clicks, client, cliffs, cliffy, clifts, climax, climbs, climes, clinal, clinch, clines, clings, clingy, clinic, clinks, clique, cliquy, clivia, cloaca, cloaks, cloche, clocks, cloddy, cloggy, clomps, clonal, cloned, cloner, clones, clonic, clonks, clonus, cloots, cloque, closed, closer, closes, closet, clothe, cloths, clotty, clouds, cloudy, clough, clours, clouts, cloven, clover, cloves, clowns, cloyed, clozes, clubby, clucks, cluing, clumps, clumpy, clumsy, clunks, clunky, clutch, clypei, cnidae, coacts, coalas, coaled, coaler, coapts, coarse, coasts, coated, coatee, coater, coatis, coaxal, coaxed, coaxer, coaxes, cobalt, cobber, cobble, cobias, cobles, cobnut, cobras, cobweb, cocain, coccal, coccic, coccid, coccus, coccyx, cochin, cocked, cocker, cockle, cockup, cocoas, cocoon, codded, codder, coddle, codecs, codeia, codein, codens, coders, codger, codify, coding, codlin, codons, coedit, coelom, coempt, coerce, coeval, coffee, coffer, coffin, coffle, cogent, cogged, cogito, cognac, cogons, cogway, cohead, coheir, cohere, cohogs, cohort, cohosh, cohost, cohune, coifed, coiffe, coigne, coigns, coiled, coiler, coined, coiner, coital, coitus, cojoin, coking, colbys, colder, coldly, colead, coleus, colics, colies, colins, collar, collet, collie, collop, colobi, cologs, colone, coloni, colons, colony, colors, colour, colter, colugo, column, colure, colzas, comade, comake, comate, combat, combed, comber, combes, combos, comedo, comedy, comely, comers, cometh, comets, comfit, comics, coming, comity, commas, commie, commit, commix, common, comose, comous, compas, comped, compel, comply,compos, compts, comtes, concha, concho, conchs, conchy, concur, condom, condor, condos, coneys, confab, confer, congas, congee, conger, conges, congii, congos, congou, conics, conies, conine, coning, conins, conium, conked, conker, conned, conner, conoid, consol, consul, contes, contos, contra, convex, convey, convoy, coocoo, cooeed, cooees, cooers, cooeys, cooing, cooked, cooker, cookey, cookie, cooled, cooler, coolie, coolly, coolth, coombe, coombs, cooped, cooper, coopts, cootie, copalm, copals, copays, copeck, copens, copers, copied, copier, copies, coping, coplot, copout, copped, copper, coppra, coprah, copras, copses, copter, copula, coquet, corals, corban, corbel, corbie, corded, corder, cordon, corers, corgis, coring, corium, corked, corker, cormel, cornea, corned, cornel, corner, cornet, cornua, cornus, corody, corona, corpse, corpus, corral, corrie, corsac, corses, corset, cortex, cortin, corvee, corves, corvet, corvid, corymb, coryza, cosecs, cosets, coseys, coshed, cosher, coshes, cosied, cosier, cosies, cosign, cosily, cosine, cosmic, cosmid, cosmos, cosset, costae, costal, costar, costed, coster, costly, cotans, coteau, coting, cottae, cottar, cottas, cotter, cotton, cotype, cougar, coughs, coulee, counts, county, couped, coupes, couple, coupon, course, courts, cousin, couter, couths, covary, covens, covers, covert, covets, coveys, coving, covins, cowage, coward, cowboy, cowers, cowier, cowing, cowled, cowman, cowmen, cowpat, cowpea, cowpie, cowpox, cowrie, coxing, coydog, coyest, coying, coyish, coyote, coypou, coypus, cozens, cozeys, cozied, cozier, cozies, cozily, cozzes, craals, crabby, cracks, cracky, cradle, crafts, crafty, craggy, crakes, crambe, crambo, cramps, crampy, cranch, craned, cranes, crania, cranks, cranky, cranny, craped, crapes, crappy, crases, crasis, cratch, crated, crater, crates, craton, cravat, craved, craven, craver, craves, crawls, crawly, crayon, crazed, crazes, creaks, creaky, creams, creamy, crease, creasy, create, creche, credal, credit, credos, creeds, creeks, creels, creeps, creepy, creese, creesh, cremes, crenel, creole, creped, crepes, crepey, crepon, cresol, cressy, crests, cresyl, cretic, cretin, crewed, crewel, cricks, criers, crikey, crimes, crimps, crimpy, cringe, crinum, cripes, crises, crisic, crisis, crisps, crispy, crissa, crista, critic, croaks, croaky, crocks, crocus, crofts, crojik, crones, crooks, croons, crores, crosse, crotch, croton, crouch, croupe, croups, croupy, crouse, croute, crowds, crowdy, crowed, crower, crowns, crozer, crozes, cruces, crucks, cruddy, cruder, crudes, cruets, cruise, crumbs, crumby, crummy, crumps, crunch, cruors, crural, cruses, cruset, crusts, crusty, crutch, cruxes, crwths, crying, crypto, crypts, cuatro, cubage, cubebs, cubers, cubics, cubing, cubism, cubist, cubiti, cubits, cuboid, cuckoo, cuddie, cuddle, cuddly, cudgel, cueing, cuesta, cuffed, cuisse, culets, cullay, culled, culler, cullet, cullis, culmed, culpae, cultch, cultic, cultus, culver, cumber, cumbia, cumins, cummer, cummin, cumuli, cundum, cuneal, cunner, cupels, cupful, cupids, cupola, cuppas, cupped, cupper, cupric, cuprum, cupula, cupule, curacy, curagh,curara, curare, curari, curate, curbed, curber, curded, curdle, curers, curets, curfew, curiae, curial, curies, curing, curios, curite, curium, curled, curler, curlew, curran, curred, currie, cursed, curser, curses, cursor, curtal, curter, curtly, curtsy, curule, curved, curves, curvet, curvey, cuscus, cusecs, cushat, cushaw, cuspal, cusped, cuspid, cuspis, cussed, cusser, cusses, cussos, custom, custos, cutely, cutest, cutesy, cuteys, cuties, cutins, cutlas, cutler, cutlet, cutoff, cutout, cutter, cuttle, cutups, cuvees, cyanic, cyanid, cyanin, cyborg, cycads, cycled, cycler, cycles, cyclic, cyclin, cyclos, cyders, cyeses, cyesis, cygnet, cymars, cymbal, cymene, cymlin, cymoid, cymols, cymose, cymous, cynics, cypher, cypres, cyprus, cystic, cytons, dabbed, dabber, dabble, dachas, dacite, dacker, dacoit, dacron, dactyl, daddle, dadgum, dadoed, dadoes, daedal, daemon, daffed, dafter, daftly, daggas, dagger, daggle, dagoba, dahlia, dahoon, daiker, daikon, daimen, daimio, daimon, daimyo, dainty, daises, dakoit, dalasi, daledh, daleth, dalles, dalton, damage, damans, damars, damask, dammar, dammed, dammer, dammit, damned, damner, damped, dampen, damper, damply, damsel, damson, danced, dancer, dances, dander, dandle, danged, danger, dangle, dangly, danios, danish, danker, dankly, daphne, dapped, dapper, dapple, darbar, darers, darics, daring, darked, darken, darker, darkle, darkly, darned, darnel, darner, darted, darter, dartle, dashed, dasher, dashes, dashis, dassie, datary, datcha, daters, dating, dative, dattos, datums, datura, daubed, dauber, daubes, daubry, daunts, dauted, dautie, davens, davies, davits, dawdle, dawing, dawned, dawted, dawtie, daybed, dayfly, daylit, dazing, dazzle, deacon, deaden, deader, deadly, deafen, deafer, deafly, deairs, dealer, deaned, dearer, dearie, dearly, dearth, deasil, deaths, deathy, deaved, deaves, debags, debark, debars, debase, debate, debits, debone, debris, debtor, debugs, debunk, debuts, debyes, decade, decafs, decals, decamp, decane, decant, decare, decays, deceit, decent, decern, decide, decile, decked, deckel, decker, deckle, decoct, decode, decors, decoys, decree, decury, dedans, deduce, deduct, deeded, deejay, deemed, deepen, deeper, deeply, deewan, deface, defame, defang, defats, defeat, defect, defend, defers, deffer, defied, defier, defies, defile, define, deflea, defoam, defogs, deform, defrag, defray, defter, deftly, defuel, defuse, defuze, degage, degame, degami, degerm, degree, degums, degust, dehorn, dehort, deiced, deicer, deices, deific, deigns, deisms, deists, deject, dekare, deking, dekkos, delate, delays, delead, delete, delfts, delict, delime, delish, delist, deltas, deltic, delude, deluge, deluxe, delved, delver, delves, demand, demark, demast, demean, dement, demies, demise, demits, demobs, demode, demoed, demons, demote, demure, demurs, denari, denars, denary, dengue, denial, denied, denier, denies, denims, denned, denote, denser, dental, dented, dentil, dentin, denude, deodar, depart, depend, deperm, depict, deploy, depone, deport, depose, depots, depths, depute, deputy, derail, derats, derays, deride, derive, dermal, dermas, dermic, dermis, derris,。


照片一、Apollo-11 Neil Armstrong和Buzz Aldrin在月球表面的照片,相机的位置是在登月舱的顶部。Aldrin的 身体投影A比Armstrong的过长,而月球上的光只有来源于太阳,不可能出现这种不和谐 的身体投影。
日光照在Buzz Aldrin的左肩。虽 然他的右侧在阴影切觠但人们可 以清楚地看到他的宇航服的右侧 B,这个部位应该非常暗的,因 为在月球上光的明暗度比较是非 常强的。
理查德·戈尔登(阿波罗十二号,原定在阿波罗十八 号再次 执行任务,但被取消)
弗兰德·海斯(阿波罗十三号,原定在阿波罗十九号 再次执行任务,但被取消)
斯图尔特·罗萨(阿波罗十四号,原定在阿波罗二十 号再次执行任务,但被取消)
1969年7月20日,阿波罗11号飞船的月球着陆舱完 成了所有检测程序,正在接近月球表面。在这短暂 的等待中,休斯敦的地面指挥中心开始向宇航员柯 斯林介绍媒体对人类历史上首次登月的报道。
“在今天各大媒体有关阿波罗登月的头条报道 中,有一条要求你注意寻找一位美丽女士和她的宠 物,一只可爱的兔子,中国一则古老传说中,一位 叫嫦娥的姑娘在4000年前就已经从地球飞向了月球, 从那以后就一直生活在那里--她唯一的伴侣是兔子, 这只兔子的名字还不得而知,不过应该不难发现, 这只兔子很大,而且一直生活在一棵月桂树下。”
阿波罗1号飞船的任务是测试“发射操作、地面追踪及控制设施, 及阿波罗-土星的表现”——但任务未能进行,三名宇航员没能进入 太空,在地面试验就因为火灾丧失了生命。 此次事故让NASA信心遭 受了打击,并最终决定放缓登月计划,先进行无人试验。

2018年秋七年级英语上册 第七套综合测试卷(Unit 5)习题

2018年秋七年级英语上册 第七套综合测试卷(Unit 5)习题

A.tennCis aonpd byarskigetbhaltl 20B0.4t-en2n0is 1an1d sAocscepr ose Pty Ltd. and volleyball
( B )24.________ doesn’t like basketball.
A.haveCopyright 2004-20B1.1plaAy spose Pty Ltd.
( C )44.—Let’s go to the park (公园).

A.Thank you
B.Have a good day
C.That sounds good
D.I come to the library
C.the Copyright 2004-20D1.1/ Aspose Pty Ltd.
( C )32.I watch sports
( B )33.Let’s go. We are A.interesting
. B.late
EvBa.lTuwao.tion only.C.Three.
ted( wCit)h13.AWhsepre’os stheej.aSckelit?des for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2
A.On JCimo’spbeydr. ight 20B0.4O-n2J0im1’s1chAairs. poCs.eOnPJitmy’s Ldetsdk..



267个印尼语词汇短语1 我I Saya 杀鸭2 你You Kamu 嘎母3 她、他she、he Dia 抵押4 我们We Kita / kami 嘎米5 你们You Kalian 嘎里安6 他们They Mereka 么瑞嘎7 早上好Good morning Selamat Pagi 色喇嘛巴ki8 下午好Good afternoon Selamat Siang 色喇嘛餮Selamat Sore 色拉嘛说瑞(下午3点后)9 借光Excuse me permisi ber 米西10 晚上好Good evening Selamat MALAM 色喇嘛马拉m11 请Please Silakan 西拉干12 请坐Please set down Silakan Duduk 西拉干土土13 请(让人干事)Please Tolong 多龙14 请分开每人一份(餐馆用语)Tolong Dibagi 多龙第八给15 请给我Please give me Kasih 嘎西16 来Come / to arrive Datang 搭当17 欢迎welcome Selamat datang 色拉嘛搭档18 再见(对离开的人说)Good bye Selamat Jalan 色拉嘛加兰19 再见(对留下的人说)Good bye Selamat Tinggal 色拉嘛丁嘎(儿)20 好Fine baik 巴一克21 很好Good Bagus 巴故事22 谢谢Thank you Terima kasih 德勒马嘎西23 不用谢you’re welcome Sama-sama 杀马杀马24 对不起I’m sorry Ma af / Sorry 马阿夫25 没关系It don’t matter Tidak Masalah 抵达麻纱啦No problem26 有问题Have problem Ada Masalah 阿达麻纱拉27 是yes, right Ya 呀28 不/ 没有no, not Tidak 抵达29 小汽车Car Mobil 模比尔30 司机driver supir 苏比尔31 火三轮one type of 3 wheels vehicle Bajaj 八戒32 自行车Bicycle Sepeda 色白搭33 交通堵塞Traffic Macet 马册特34 商店Shop Toko 多果35 准备好了吗Are you ready Kamu siap 嘎母西呀(P)36 饱Full kenyang 跟娘37 饿hungry lapar 腊八38 能Can Bisa 比萨39 有Have / there is Ada 阿打40 已经Already Sudah 苏打41 今天today Hari ini 哈里一尼42 明天tomorrow Besok 白说43 昨天Yesterday Kemarin 克马ring44 后天The day after tomorrow Lusa 路撒45 前天The day before yesterday Kemarin 克马ring46 本月This month Bulan ini 不蓝一尼47 上个月Last month Bulan lalu 不蓝拉鲁48 下个月Next month Bulan Depan 不蓝的班49 今年This year Tahun ini 打混一尼50 明年Next year Tahun depan 打混德办51 去年Last year Tahun lalu 打混拉鲁52 星期一Monday Senin 色您53 星期二Tuesday Selasa 色拉沙54 星期三Wednesday Rabu Ra 布55 星期四Thursday Kamis 卡米S56 星期五Friday Jumat 舅妈t57 星期六Saturday Sabtu 纱布毒58 星期天Sunday Minggu 鸣鼓59 上星期Last week Minggu Lalu 鸣鼓拉鲁60 下星期Next week Minggu Depan 鸣鼓德办61 热/ 发烧Hot / Fever Panas 巴拿S62 非常热Very hot Sangat panas 洒安(ga)巴拿S63 冷Cold Dingin 钉音64 凉快Cool Sejuk 色就65 它, 那个it Itu 一睹66 这个This Ini 一尼67 回家go home Pulang 布朗68 我要回去I want to go home Saya mau pulang 杀鸭马武布朗69 来Come / to arrive Datang 搭当70 到达To reach Sampai 扇摆71 去To go,to leave Pergi 布(儿)给72 等一会Wait Tunggu 冬菇73 开门Open the door Buka pintu 不嘎病毒74 关门Close the door Tutup pintu 嘟嘟病毒75 为什么Why Menapa 么拿爸76 谁Who Siapa 西哑巴77 几点了What time Jam berapa 姜(母)不喇叭78 桌子table Meja 每家79 抽屉Drawer Laci 垃圾80 睡觉Sleep Tidur 低度81 钱money uang 王82 多少(钱)How much money Berapa 不拉巴83 我不知道I don’t know Saya tidak tahu 杀鸭抵达大户84 马上Soon / Immediately Sebentar lagi 舍本打拉G85 立即Soon Segera 色各ra86 等一会儿Waite a monent Tunggu sebentar 冬菇色本大87 厨房kitchen Dapur 大步(儿)88 现在Now Sekarang 色嘎狼89 多Much / many Banyak 搬娘芳思·小语种90 少Little Sedikik 色地k91 大big Besar 贝(儿)撒(儿)92 小small Kecil 客气(儿)93 先生Sir / Mr Pak 巴94 女士/ 母亲Miss Ibu 一步95 完成(verb)finish Ser lesai 色了赛96 没有了no anymore habis 哈逼死97 方便面instant noodle Indomi In tommy98 地址Address Alamat / Domisili 啊拉嘛/多米西里99 近Near Dekat 德嘎(t)100 前面Front Depan 德办101 直走/ 往前Straight Lurus / Terus 露露斯/德努S 102 后back Belakang / mundur 白拉钢/ 蒙都103 左left Kiri 给瑞104 左转Turn left Belok kiri 白落给瑞105 右right Kanan 卡难106 右转Turn right Belok kanan 白落卡难107 买buy Beli 不(儿)理108 付钱Pay Bayar 摆呀109 价格Price Harga 哈儿嘎110 不变价Fixed price Harga pas 哈儿嘎怕死111 贵Expensive Mahal 马哈(儿)112 便宜Cheap Murah 目ra113 男Man Pria 布瑞呀114 女Woman Wanita 往尼她115 水果Fruit Buah 布娃116 桥Bridge Jembatan 将巴丹117 纸Paper Kertas 哥(儿)打死118 我不会说印尼语I can’t speak Indonesian Saya tidak Bisa bahasa Indonesia 杀鸭抵达必杀巴哈杀印度尼西亚119 生病Sick Sakid 杀给(t)120 医院Hospital Rumah sakit 若吗沙给121 病人Patient Pasien 八(十)仙122 登革热Dengue Demam berdarah 得妈(目) ber打ra 123 打针Injection Suntik 送地K124 妻子Wife Istri 意思德(瑞)125 丈夫Husband Suami 酸米126 空调Air condition Ac 阿色127 还要吗?want more? Tambah lagi 党把(哈)拉给128 再来一个Once more Satu lagi 杀毒拉给129 飞机Plane Pesawat terbang 白沙瓦得儿旁130 机场Air port b andara 棒打ra131 头痛headache Pusing 不行132 哪一个Which one Yang Mana?杨麻那133 哪里Where is Di mana 弟麻那134 住哪儿?Where are you live?Tinggal di mana 定嘎弟麻那135 你在哪里?Where are you Kamu dimana 卡母弟麻那136 这里Here Disini 底细尼137 我在这里I am here Saya Disini 杀鸭体细尼138 你到哪里去?Where are you going?Anda pergi kemana 安大per给哥马那139 城市City Kota 扩大(↑)140 按时On time Tepat waktu 得把娃(K)毒141 迟了Late Telat / terlambat 得拉/ 得(儿)狼办142 身体好Good health Sehat 蛇哈(t)143 大岛Island Pulau 不老144 小岛Small island Pulau Kecil 不老个七(L)145 菜单Menu Manu 莫努(末路)146 买单Bill Minta bon 命大波(born)147 饭菜打包parcel, pack bungkus 崩古十148 进来/ 入口Come in / entry Masuk 马术(K)149 外面/ 出口Outside / exit Keluar 哥卤娃150 停电Power cut / blackout mati lampu 马地兰布151 事故Accident kecelakaan 哥责拉嘎安152 绳子Rope Tali Dalle153 会议Meeting Rapat Ra把154 灭蚊器Extinguishes the mosquito Basmi nyamuk 怕色米娘木155 报子Newspaper koran 过ran156 清真寺Mosque mesjid 马死切d 157 行李Luggage,baggage Bagasi 爸嘎西158 手提箱Suitcase kopor 口波(儿)159 包Bag Tas Wanita 打死160 盒子Case Kotak 柯达(短音)161 钱包Wallet Dompet 东配(T)162 洗澡To Bath Mandi 满地163 有时Sometimes Kadang-kadang 嘎党-嘎党164 一般So-so Lumayan 路马烟165 删除To Cancel Batal 爸打(儿)166 北部North Utara 吴他拉167 南部South selatan 蛇拉单168 防晒霜Sun block lotion Sun block lotion 山不落169 请讲Please say Bilang 多龙比浪170 可能Maybe / Possible Mungkin 蒙kin171 不可能Impossible Mustahil 目死打黑(儿)172 吃Eat makan 马竿173 喝Drink MINUM 米怒M174 要去工地Go to site Ke Lokasi 哥落卡西175 停车Parking PARKIR176 来吧,我们走Let’s go Ayo Pergi 阿有配给177 来吧,回家Let’s go home Ayo Pulang 马力布朗路嘛178 不要忘记Don’t forget Jangan Lupa 江安路巴179 上帝保佑God bless you Assalamualaikun 阿沙拉目阿来昆180 我爱你I love You Aku cinta kamu 阿姑今他卡目181 欢迎光临Welcome Selamat Datang 色喇嘛搭档182 开斋节快乐Festival of Fast Breaking Selamat Idul Fitri 色喇嘛一对了Vthree 183 禁斋Fasting Puasa 不阿沙184 电话亭Telephone Box Wartel 挖得了185 走let’s go Ayo 阿又186 这是我的名片This is my name care Ini nama saya 一尼那麻杀鸭187 你叫什么名字what your name Siapa Nama kamu 西阿把那麻卡目188 生日快乐Happy Birthday Hari ulang tahun 哈瑞屋郎大婚189 多少钱?How much Berapa harganya 背拉把哈卡娘190 等一会儿Wait a moment Tunggu sebentar 冬菇舍本打191 你好Hello Halo 哈LO192 你好吗?Are you fine ? Apa kabar? 阿巴卡巴儿193 很高兴认识你Nice to meet you Senang berkenalan denganmu 色囊被儿哥拿兰灯安母194 不用谢you’re welcome Sama-Sama 杀马杀马195 请原谅/对不起I’m sorry Maafkan saya 骂AF干杀鸭196 没关系it’s ok Tidak apa-apa 地打(K) 阿巴-阿巴197 好/行ok Baiklah 巴一克198 恭喜Congratulation Selamat 色拉嘛199 祝你一路平安Have a nice journey Semoga selamat dalam perjalanan 色模夹色拉嘛达M Per 架拉难200 葱onion Bawang merah/ daun 巴旺每辣201 白菜cabbage Kubis 股皮色202 青菜green vegetables Bayam/ sawi 杀鱼芳思·小语种203 虾shrimp Udang 乌当204 花菜cauliflower Kembang kol 坑帮口(L)205 萝卜radish Kangkung 康公206 胡萝卜carrot Wortel Wortel207 鱼fish Ikan 一干208 牛肉beef Daging sapi 达G因杀比209 鸡chicken Ayam 阿呀M210 羊肉lamb Daging kambing 达可因干冰211 洋葱onion Bawang bombay 巴旺泊M败212 鸡蛋egg Telur ayam 德路儿阿呀M213 鸡精cooking flavor Rasa ayam 拉杀阿呀M(鸡精,牛精,等的牌子) Masako 吗杀口214 蒜garlic Bawang putih/ Suing bawang 巴旺补滴215 螃蟹crab Kepiting 个比丁217 姜ginger Jahe 加黑218 茄子eggplant Terong 德溶219 番茄tomato Tomat To吗t220 土豆potato Kentang 跟汤221 四季豆string bean Kacang buncis 嘎脏盆第士222 菜油vegetable oil Minyak sayur 米亚撒油儿223 吃饭eat / have a meal Makan 马干224 米饭cooked rice Nasi 那西225 稀饭porridge Bubur beras 普普儿Pe 拉s 226 米rice Beras Pe 拉s 227 面条noodle Bakmi 巴K米228 面包bread Roti basah 若滴巴杀229 米粉rice flour Tepung Beras 的捕NG被拉S230 绿豆green bean/mung bean Kacang Hijau 伽张一交231 绿茶green tea Teh Hijau 得(读:dei)一交232 咖啡coffee Kopi 购必233 红茶red tea Teh Merah 德H美啦H234 啤酒beer Bir 皮儿235 水water Air 啊一儿236 矿泉水mineral water Air mineral 啊一儿米呢热237 茶杯tea cup Cangkir Teh 脏gear 得238 香菇mushroom grown on logs Jamur Yoko 擦木耳哟购239 小白菜 a variety of cabbage sawi putih 萨V 不第240 芹菜celery Seledri 色类dr一241 乌龟tortoise kura-kura 股拉股拉242 鱿鱼Cumi-Cumi 组米组米243 豆腐beancurd Tahu 大湖244 酱油soy sauce Kecap 给杂P245 醋vinegar Cuka 祖嘎246 吃醋jealousy Cemburu 真普如247 盐salt Garam 卡然248 糖sugar Gula 哭拉249 白糖white sugar Gula putih 哭拉部第250 果酱jam Selai buah 色来251 砂糖granulated sugar Gula pasir 哭拉把戏儿252 冰糖crystal sugar Gula batu 哭拉怕杜253 红糖brown sugar Gula merah 哭拉每拉254 豇豆cowpea Kulit kacang polong 股利伽脏波龙255 辣椒chili Cabe 杂配256 花椒prickly ash Tumbar 东怕257 花生peanut Kacang tanah putih 伽张大拿不地258 味精monosodium glutamate Bumbu masak boom 普妈萨259 香蕉banana Pisang 必上260 椰子树coconut tree Pohon kelapa 波恨格拉把261 椰子肉coconut flesh/meat Daging kelapa 他king 格拉把262 椰子汁coconut juice Santan 山但263 苹果apple Buah apel 普娃阿不了(普娃阿bel)264 芒果mango Buah mangga 普娃芒卡265 木瓜papaya Pepaya be 把鸭266 西瓜watermelon Semangka 色芒伽267 果汁fruit juice Jus Buah/ Sari buah 醋斯/ 撒利普瓦笑歪人的轻松学习印尼语谢谢terima kasih 带你妈看戏(带老人去看戏应该谢谢)好baik 扒衣(也对,印尼热扒件衣服凉快)很好bagus 扒裤子(那得看扒谁的裤子)牛sapi 傻逼(吃的是草挤的是奶是挺傻)钱uang 勿忘(我想一般人都不会忘)妈妈ibu 一不(当然不能跟老人家说一个不字)月亮bulan 不烂(地球没了月亮就烂了)爱cinta 金大(还是有钱才有爱,金子大了就有爱)狗anjing 安静(印尼的狗看到人也不叫确实挺安静)衣服baju 把住(尤其是女孩子,一定要把住)找cari 扎里(扎海里还真能找到点东西,希望是古沉船)漂亮cantik 脏地(他们这都长黑,看着都挺脏)小姐cewek 栽歪(印尼路不好小姐穿高跟鞋走路都栽歪的)工人buruh 补路(应该是修路工人)眼睛mata 抹搭(我估计是谁也看不上,在东北要是总抹搭人,眼睛早让黑社会抠下去了)嘴巴mulut 馍路(只让馒头通过)走jalan 家烂(家都烂了,不走也不行了)开心senang 失难(失去困难肯定开心)悲伤sedih 湿地(太悲伤了眼泪把地都弄湿了)烦恼pusing 不兴(当然不高兴就有烦恼了)见面jumpa 准吧(印尼人没有时间观念,干什么都不准时,应该提醒提醒)舌头lidah 里大(在嘴里挺大)脖子leher 累黑(应该是在外面干活连累带晒弄黑的)跑步lari 拉力(看这样是马拉松拉力赛)头kepala 割拔拉(这脑袋真结实)跳舞manari 摸那里(那得是关灯时侯跳,别让人看见)游泳berenang 拔拉难(我看是游不动了,拔了都难了)错salah 杀啦(错了就杀了,比中国法律严)肌肉otot 好多(一定得是健美运动员)帽子topi 多碧(一顶绿帽子)生气marah 骂啦(生气就得开骂啦)想kangen 感恩(有一颗感恩的心一定会想)戒指cincin 金金(肯定发明这个词之前没有钻石)耳环anting 安钉(不安个钉也戴不上)礼貌sopan 说办(说了就办非常礼貌)坏rusak 路煞(路上的煞星应该是坏蛋)门pintu 宾渡(是水门,只让宾客渡)脑袋otak 好大(脑袋越大越聪明)帅ganteng 赶灯(能赶上100瓦的灯肯定光彩照人,是靓仔)安全aman 阿慢(对,安全必须阿就慢)咳嗽batuk 八度(我估计都是高八度)路jalan 砸烂(我说印尼的路这么次呢,都是人为砸的)。



新核心大学英语读写1答案【篇一:新核心大学英语读写教程第二册答案 unit 1】part i 》task 32. answer the questions in the following table according to what you heard 1.about six astronauts.dave scott, john yong, mike collins, alan bean, charles duke, eugene cernan.2. urban pollution. big cities all have their own unique atmospheres, i.e., polluted air.3. because they only worry about their personal gains and loss without realizing the fact that earth atmosphere becomes worse and worse.4. he no longer complained about weather on the earth and traffic ever since. he has realized that it is lucky for him to have so many people around and that the earth is the garden of eden.part ii 》main reading task 21. answer the following questions.1) how did the world react to the lunar landing?the us newscaster walter cronkite wiped away his tears; people gatheredaround televisions from china to brazil; pavements outside tv shops crammed as people watched in awe.2) what did aldrin say to armstrong after they saw how the worldreactedaldrin said, “neil, we missed the whole thing.” because aldrin thought that they were the only ones who never had the chance to see themselves carrying out the moon-landing mission.3) what really awed the astronauts when they were orbiting the moonon christmas eve of 1968?their real wonder was at the vibrant blue earth in the distance, not at the dead gray planet beneath them.4) what does it mean to be human?to be human means to be restless. curiosity is never satisfied. it merely finds new targets.5) what did astronaut al bean do when he sat in shoppingmalls afterhe had returned to the earth?al bean would simply marvel at the variety of human life.6) what did astronauts feel about the earth when on the moon? they felt deeply that the earth is both beautiful and fragile. the earth needs more care and protection.7)to what movement did apollo missions give a big boost? what details does the text mention?the apollo missions gave a big boost to green movement. the apollo missions had deep and lasting effect on many environmentalists. an organization called “friends of the earth” was founded after the astronauts first walked on the moon. the inaugural earth day happened a year later.8) what is the greatest reason to celebrate the 40th anniversary ofmoon landing? why does the author state this?the greatest reason to celebrate the 40th anniversary of moon landing is personal, because the celebration is a good opportunity for everyone on the earth to think more about his responsibility in protecting and prospering this planet.related readingtask 21. read the text carefully and then fill in the blanks with the main ideasfor each part.1) the launch of solar-sail spacecraft2) will be launched3) human beings’ dream of navigating space like they navigate oceans4) an anonymous donor5) has given birth to the idea of solar sails and their experimental launch6) has long supported the idea of solar sails7) continues to work for his dream8) momentum carried by solar lights9) how to stretch sails to absorb solar lights10) not only energy but also momentum11) driving force for solar sails12) robots or human genomes13) do anything a regular sail can do14) a big problem for solar sail project15) the shortage of money16) preparing with great enthusiasm for the flying of lightsail-1 2. translate the following passage into english.about a year from now, scientists will launch a special box, which unfurls four triangular sails and rise on a sunbeam. this is a new spacecraft dubbed as lightsail-i. this spacecraft will sail a few hours in space and gain a few miles in altitude. the planetary society would be taking baby steps to build and fly a series of solar-sail spacecraft. ms. druyan, widow of carl sagan, who had long supported the notion of solar sials, called the solar sail program “ a taj mahal” for her husband. the theory of solar-sail spacecraft is not complicated. because light carries not just energy but also momentum. a big enough sail could reach speeds of hundreds of thousands of miles an hour with the help of constant force from solar lights. taking weight control and space radiation into consideration, the only passengers on a solar-sail spacecraft were likely to be robots or genomes. right now, one key technological problem forsolar-sail spacecraft lies in how to efficiently uoll solar sails in space. part iv 》exercise 13. complete the sentence (page 20)1. reveal the shape of that strange basin 来揭示那个奇怪盆地的形状2. vibrant space exploration program 生动鲜活的太空探索项目3. a violent restless nature 狂暴的、躁动的自然4. cited the benefits of cloning at the conference 在大会上提到了克隆技术的好处5. what counted most was their motherland’s advance and prosperity 最重要的是祖国的发展和繁荣6. had ceased fire in order to watch the world cup soccer matches 为了看世界杯一停火7. the essence of his argument 他论点的核心8. signing off即将播完 gained a deeper perception aboutea rth’s fragility 对地球的脆弱有了更深刻的理解9. read a retired astronaut’s autobiography in awe 满心敬畏的读了一位前宇航员的自传fired my curiosity about space 点燃了我对太空的好奇心 mademe a space enthusiast 使我成为太空发烧友10. were feasible 是可行的 unpredictable dangers 无法预测的危险none of them was willing to be left out 他们中没有一个愿意被排除在外 orbit the earth 环绕地球【篇二:新视野大学英语读写教程第一册课后习题答案】=txt>课后习题答案iii. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7.virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunitiesiv. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for10.withv. 1.g 2.b 3.e 4.i 5.h 6.k 7.m 8.o 9.f 10.csentence structurevi.1. universities in the east are better equipped, while those inthe west are relativelypoor.2. allan clark kept talking the price up, while wilkinson kept knocking it down.3. the husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family.4. some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting andimpolite.5. outwardly sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she wasangry.vii.1. not only did mr. smith learn the chinese language, but healso bridged the gapbetween his culture and ours.2. not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learnedto communicate with friends in english.3. not only did we lose all our money, but we also came closeto losing our lives.4. not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced workinghours.5. not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company.translationviii.1. not only can students choose when and where to learn foran online course, but theycan also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2. she is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless anduseless.3. communicating with native english speakers is a very rewarding experience fromwhich we can learn a lot.4. today, more and more people have access to the internet through which they look forthe information they need.5. he wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. she feels,however, that this is too much for her.6. now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.ix.1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。

新核心大学英语B版读写教程2册 Unit 1

新核心大学英语B版读写教程2册 Unit 1

Dick Gordon 1929~ (Richard Francis Gordon, Jr.)
Unit 1 》Part I 》Task 2
Life Nationality Time
Achievements an astronaut and test pilot; his first spaceflight being Gemini 10, in which he and command pilot John Young performed two rendezvous with different spacecraft and Collins undertook two extravehicular activities; Acting as the command module pilot for Apollo 11, supporting Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to make the first manned landing on the lunar surface; on Moon.
Charlie 1935~ American Duke
Unit 1 》Part I 》Task 2
Life Nationality Time
Achievements a NASA astronaut; one of only 24 people to have flown to the Moon; serving as backup pilot for the Gemini 8 flight; in September 1966, making his first space flight as pilot of Gemini 11, alongside Pete Conrad; assigned as backup command module pilot for Apollo 9, and in November 1969, flying as command module pilot of Apollo 12, the second manned mission to land on the Moon;



alan的英文作文Alan is a boy with big dreams. He loves to play basketball and dreams of becoming a professional player one day. He practices every day after school and never gives up on his dream.One day, Alan's basketball team had a big game. They were losing by one point with only a few seconds left onthe clock. Alan got the ball and took the final shot. It went in, and his team won the game. Alan was the hero ofthe day.Alan's favorite subject in school is science. He lovesto do experiments and learn about how things work. He hopes to become a scientist when he grows up and make important discoveries that will help the world.Alan also enjoys spending time with his friends. They often go to the park to play games or just hang out. Alanis a great friend and always there for anyone who needs him.In his free time, Alan likes to read books. Hisfavorite genre is adventure, and he loves to get lost in a good story. Reading helps him relax and escape from the stresses of everyday life.Alan is a determined and kind-hearted boy who is always ready to take on new challenges. He believes that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. He is an inspiration to those around him and a true example of never giving up on your dreams.。



实用精灵语来自暮星网第一行是Elvish,第二行是发音,第三行是英文意思,第四行是中文意思注:都是Sindarin,除非标了"Q"的是QuenyaMae govannenMy go-VAH-nenWell met很高兴遇见你SuilaidSoo-ih-liedGreetings致以问候Elen síla lumenn' omentielvoQ, ELL-ehn SEE-lah LOO-men oh-men-tee-el-voh [the tee-el is slurred together] A star shines on the hour of our meeting一颗明星闪耀于我们相见时Gîl síla na lû govadedGil SEE-la nah loo go-VAH-deadA star shines on the time of our meeting一颗星闪耀于我们相见的时刻Im gelir ceni ad línEem geh-leer keh-nee ahd leenI am happy to see you again我很高兴又见到你Le suilonLay swee-lonnI greet thee我向你致以问候Mára aurëQ, Mah-rah ow-rayHello嗨Pedich Edhellen?PEH-deekh eth-ell-ehn?Do you speak Elvish?你说精灵语吗?Iston le?EE-stohn lay?Do I know you?我认识你吗?Heniach nin?Hen-ee-akh neen?Do you understand me?你明白我的意思了吗?Man eneth lín?Mahn eh-nehth leen?What is your name?你叫什么名字?O man dôr túliel le?Oh mahn dore tool-ee-ell lay?From what land do you come?你从何方而来?Man carel le?Mahn kah-rell lay?What are you doing?你在干什么?Man anírach cerin an le?Mahn ah-NEAR-ahkh care-een ahn lay? What can I do for you?我能为你做些什么?Le no an-uir nîn?Lay no ahn-oo-ear neen?Will you be mine forever?你会永远是我的吗?Aníral toled na gar nîn?Ah-NEAR-ahl tole-ehd nah gahr neen? Do you want to come to my house?你想来我家做客吗?Aníral maded?Ah-NEAR-ahl mah-dead?Do you want to eat?你想吃些什么吗?Aníral sogad?Ah-NEAR-ahl soe-gahdDo you want to drink?你想喝些什么吗?Sen tîr?Sehn teer?Is this true?这是真的?Man tolthant i 'waew?Mahn tole-thahnt ee wye?How is the weather?天气如何?Man sad Imladris?Mahn sahd Eem-lahd-rees?Where is Rivendell?林谷在哪里?Man râd na Imladris?Mahn rahd nah Eem-lahd-rees?Which way to Rivendell?哪条路是去林谷的?Man ceril?Mahn kare-eel?What do you do?你近来可好?Man lû nostor lîn?Mahn loo nohs-tore leen?When is your birthday? (lit. "What time is your birthday?") 你的生日是什么时候?Le gwennen?Lay gwehn-nehn?Are you married?你结婚了吗?Man sâd telil?Mahn sahd tehl-eel?Where are you from?你从哪里来?Man lû vin achenitham?Mahn loo veen ah-khehn-ee-thahm? When will we see each other again? 我们还会再见面吗?Man mathach?Mahn mah-thakh?How do you feel?你感觉怎么样?Manen orchal le?Mah-nehn ore-khahl lay?How tall are you?你多高?Manen nalyë?Q, Mah-nehn nahl-yay?How are you?你好吗?Tiro!TEAR-oh!Look!看!Bado na Ennorath!BAH-doh nah enn-ore-ahthGo to Middle-earth!去中洲!Gwanno ereb nin!GWAH-no air-ehb neen!Leave me alone!让我一个人呆会儿!Daro i!DAR-oh ee!Stop that!住手!Sedho!SEH-tho!Quiet!安静!Edro!ED-ro!Open!开(门等)!(Gandalf在Moria门口的咒语)Lasto!LAHS-toe!Listen!听!Anno nin ---Ahn-no neen ---Give me ---给我……No diriel!No dear-ee-ell!Be watchful!小心!No veren!No vare-ehn!Be bold!大胆些!Drego!Dreh-go!Flee!快逃!Ceno!Keh-no!See!看!/看见了吗?Alae!Ah-lye!Behold!看!Tolo hi!Toe-loe hee!Come now!赶紧过来!No dhínen!No thee-nehn!Be silent!安静些!Bertho!Bare-tho!Dare it!去干吧!Avo 'osto!Ah-voe ohs-toe!Fear not!别怕!Avo achenoAh-voe ah-kheh-noDon't look back别往回看!Hebo estelHeh-bo ehs-tellHave hope别丧失希望!Nostach be Orch gaerNOST-akh bay orkh gireYou smell like ten orcs你闻起来像十只奥克斯Garich i dhôl goll o Orch Gahr-eekh ee thole goal oh orkh You have the hollow head of an orc 你的脑袋和奥克一样空虚Lasto lalaith nînLah-stoh lah-LITHE neenHear/listen to my laughter听我的笑声吧!Rhachon le!Rahkh-on lay!I curse you!我诅咒你!Dôl lost lînDole lohst leenYour head is empty你的脑袋是空的Nai Ungoliant meditha leNie un-GOAL-ee-ahnt meh-DEETH-ah lay May Ungoliant devour you希望昂戈利安特吞噬你Labo vi OrodruinLah-boe vee Ore-oh-DROO-innGo jump in Mount Doom跳进末日山口去吧Ti tállbe OrchTee tahl-bay OrkhGo kiss an orc去亲吻一只奥克TevenyelQ, Teh-vehn-yellI hate you我恨你Hria cuilëQ, hear-ah kweel-ayGet a life逃命去吧Nai Valaraukar tye-mátarQ, nye Vahl-are-ow-kahr too-ay-mah-tahr May Balrogs eat you希望炎魔将你吃掉Le hannonLay hah-nonThank you谢谢你Rim hennaidReem hen-ideMany thanks多谢HantaleQ, Hahn-TAH-layThanks谢了Gen hannonGehn hahn-nohnI thank you我感谢你Le hannon a tholelLay hahn-nohn ah thole-ehll Thank you for coming感谢您的光临Le melonLay mell-onI love you我爱你TancaveQ, tahn-KAH-vayYes [lit. "certainly"]是的/好LauQ, Lou [as in loud]No不MaeMyYes [lit. "well"]行BawBow [rhymes with cow]类似汉语拼音的baoNo [denying intentions]不(否认一个意向)LawLow [as in loud]汉语拼音的laoNo [denying facts]不(否认一个事实)Aur Onnad Meren!Our oh-nahd mare-ehn!Happy Birthday!生日快乐!Garo arad-o-onnad 'elir!Gah-roe ah-rahd-oh-on-nahd eh-leer! Have a happy birthday!过一个快乐的生日!--- eneth nîn--- eh-nehth neenMy name is [your name here]我的名字是……Im ---Eem ---I'm [your name here]我是……Estannen ---Ehs-tahn-nehn ---I'm called [your name here]我被叫做……Nin estar ---Neen ehs-tahr ---They call me [your name here]别人叫我……Findesselya vanyaQ, feen-dess-ell-yah vahn-yahYour hair is pretty你的头发很漂亮,QTiro na i ninniach vanuiTear-oh nah ee neen-nee-ahkh vah-noo-ee. Look at the beautiful rainbow看那美丽的彩虹I Anor hílolEe Ah-nore hee-loleThe sun is shining太阳正光芒四射Hû nîn mant hanHoo neen mahnt hahnMy dog ate it我的狗把它吃了Aníron gwannaAh-NEAR-on gwahn-nahI wish I could leave我希望我能离开Ae anírachEye ah-NEAR-ahkhIf you wish随你所愿Rhaich!Rike!Curses!咒骂!(表示泛泛的愤怒)Im ruthui!Eem roo-thoo-ee!I am angry!我生气了!Gelir na thaedGeh-leer nah thideHappy to help很高兴帮助你Edro gûr línEh-droe goor leenOpen your heart敞开你的心灵Melin ceni hin lîn síla i 'eladhachMeh-leen keh-nee heen leen see-lah ee eh-lahth-ahkh I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh我喜欢看你笑时眼睛发光Im gelir an leEem geh-leer ahn layI am happy for you我为你感到高兴Hebin animHeh-bean ahn-eemI keep it for myself我自己留着了GlassenGlahs-sehnMy pleasure我很愿意(别人致谢之后)Im harnannen!Eem hahr-nahn-nehn!I'm wounded!我受伤了!Gurth 'ni yrch!Goorth nee oorkh!Death to the orcs!杀死奥克斯!Nostor nî ned ---Nohs-tore nee nehd ---My birthday is on ---我的生日是在……Gwedhithon na ---Gweh-thee-thohn nah ---I'm engaged to ---我与……订了婚Im gwennen na ---Eem gweh-nehn nah ---I'm married to ---我跟……结了婚Aiya!Q, Eye-ah!Hail!致敬!/万岁!Im maerEem myre.I'm well.我感觉很好Aníron gladhadAh-NEAR-on glah-thahdI want to laugh我想笑Im gruitheb na ---Eem grwee-thehb nah ---I'm angry at --- (lit. "I feel angry toward ---") 我对……很生气Im lhaewEem lyeI'm ill我生病了No ce ammaer ab lû thentNo kay ahm-myre ahb loo thehntMay you be better soon希望你不久就能痊愈Im gostaEem gohs-tahI'm afraid我害怕Hain ú-'rogonHyne oo-roe-gohnI do not fear them我不怕他们Linnon am meleth vînLeen-non ahm meh-lehth veenI sing because I love you (lit. "I sing for our love") 我爱你,我歌唱Sa farn palanSah fahrn pah-lahnThis is far enough这足够了Pelin pedi i lam edhellenPeh-leen peh-dee ee lahm eh-thehl-lehnI can speak the Elvish language我会说精灵语Isusarad 'elirEes-oos-ahr-ahd ehl-eerMerry Christmas圣诞快乐Idhrin-eden 'elirEe-threen-ehd-ehn ehl-eerHappy New Year新年好Goheno ninGo-hay-no neenForgive me饶了我这一次吧Ni quoryaQ, Nee quore-yahI'm drowning我要溺死了,QHeca, firimarQ, Hay-kah fear-ee-mahrStand aside, mortals凡人们,站到一边去Ya línna ambanna tulinuva nanQ, Yah lihn-nah ahm-bahn-nah too-lee-noo-vah nahnWhat goes up must come down涨潮之后必有退潮NamáriëNah-MAR-ee-ayFarewell再会NavaerNah-VIREFarewell再会Belain na leBeh-LINE nah layThe Valar be with you梵拉与你同在Calo anor na venKAH-loh AH-nore nah vehnMay the sun shine on your road希望阳光洒在你的道路上Garo arad vaerGAH-roh ARE-ahd vireHave a good day日安Nai haryuvalyë melwa rëQ, Nye hahr-YOO-vah-lee-ay MELL-wah rayMay you have a lovely day过一个好日子Noro go hûl, bado go EruNore-oh go hool, BAH-doe go air-OORun with the wind, go with God与风同行,与神共去Ná Elbereth veria le, ná elenath dín síla erin rád o chuil lín.Nah Ell-bare-ehth vare-ee-ah lay, nah ELL-ehn-ahth deen see-lah air-een rahd oh hweel leen.May Elbereth protect you, may her stars shine on the path of your life. 希望爱尔贝蕾丝保护你,希望她的星星在你的人生道路上洒下光芒I Melain berio leEe meh-LINE bare-ee-oh layMay the Valar keep you希望梵拉保佑你Cuio vae!Kwee-oh vye!Fare well!再会!No galu govad genNo gah-loo go-vahd gehnMay blessings go with you希望我的祝福与你同行!No in elenath hîlar nan hâd gînNo een elehn-nahth hee-lahr nahn hahd geen [hard G]May all stars shine upon your path希望所有的星星在你的道路上洒下光辉Mára mestaQ, Mah-rah meh-stahGoodbye再见补注:发音中大写字母表示重音。



月球上的外星飞船:采访W.R-阿波罗20号宇航员翻译:心雾之殇(blog:/cool_moon)校对:koori 部分翻译参考auagate上传的“阿波罗20号”视频中的提示字幕书面采访威廉姆·劳德里奇--阿波罗20号宇航员采访是通过YOUTUBE账号进行的----By Luca Scantamburlo更新我决定在这里避免透露那些W.R在采访回答24中提及、目前仍为NASA工作的人员的姓名,这是非常有必要的。


事实上,作为政府的雇员,他们的名字在公共领域是真实的,但到目前为止,他们还没有被认为是引领历史发展的先驱者,而且我之前从未与W.R 接触过,但是事情可能会改变...让我们来看看会发生什么。







北美影史票房排行榜2021-12-2801:08:40添加1.导演:jamescameron主演:samworthington/zoesaldana/sigourneyweaver/stephenlang/michellerodriguez/joe lmoore/giovanniribisi评语:上映日期:2021-12-18|2021-08-27(特别版);累计总票房:$760,507,625;制作预算:$2.37亿;发行厂牌:二十世纪福斯|全球票房榜排名:no.12021-12-2701:40:07添加2.导演:jamescameron主演:leonardodicaprio/katewinslet/billyzane/kathybates/francesfisher/gloriastuart/suzyamis/billpaxton/bernardhill/victorgarber/ewanstewart/jamescameron评语:上映日期:1997-12-19|北美总票房:$600,788,188|制作预算:$2亿|发行厂牌:派拉蒙2021-07-2201:27:16嵌入3.编剧:克里斯托弗·诺兰christophernolan主演:克里斯蒂安·贝尔christianbale/希斯·莱杰heathledger/艾伦·艾克哈特aaroneckhart/迈克尔·凯恩michaelcaine/玛吉·吉伦哈尔maggiegyllenhaal/加里·奥德曼garyoldman/摩根·弗里曼morganfreeman/泽里安·墨菲cillianmurphy/黄经汉chinhan/陈冠希edisonchen/内斯特·卡博内尔nestorcarbonell评语:公映日期:2021-07-18|北美总票房:$533,345,358|制作财政预算:$1.8亿|发售厂牌:华纳兄弟2021-12-2701:41:04添加4.导演:georgelucas主演:harrisonford/markhamill/carriefisher/petercushing/alecguinness/petermayhew评语:上映日期:1977-05-25&1982-08-13&1997-01-31|累计总票房:$460,935,665|制作预算:$1100万|发行厂牌:二十世纪福斯2021-12-2701:41:55嵌入5.编剧:andrewadamson/kellyasbury/conradvernon主演:mikemyers/eddiemurphy/camerondiaz/julieandrews/antoniobanderas/johncleese/r uperteverett评语:公映日期:2021-05-19;总计总票房:$441,226,247;成本财政预算:$1.5亿;发售厂牌:梦工场2021-12-2701:42:53添加6.导演:stevenspielberg主演:henrythomas/deewallace/robertmacnaughton/drewbarrymore/petercoyote评语:上映日期:1982-06-11|1985-07-19|2002-03-22;累计总票房:$435,110,554;成本财政预算:$1050万;发售厂牌:环球2021-12-2701:58:43添加7.导演:georgelucas主演:ewanmcgregor/natalieportman/liamneeson/samuell.jackson/keiraknightley/sofia coppola评语:上映日期:1999-05-19;累计总票房:$431,088,301;成本预算:$1.15亿;发行厂牌:二十世纪福斯2021-12-2702:00:02嵌入8.编剧:goreverbinski主演:johnnydepp/orlandobloom/keiraknightley/jackdavenport/billnighy/jonathanpryce评语:公映日期:2021-07-07;总计总票房:$423,315,812;制作财政预算:$2.25亿;发售厂牌:博伟(迪士尼)2021-06-2323:56:18添加9.导演:leeunkrich主演:tomhanks/timallen/joancusack/nedbeatty/donrickles/michaelkeaton评语:上映日期:2021-06-18;累计总票房:$415,004,880;成本预算:$2亿;发行厂牌:博伟2021-12-2702:00:27嵌入10.蜘蛛侠spider-man编剧:samraimi主演:tobeymaguire/kirstendunst/jamesfranco/willemdafoe/cliffrobertson评语:公映日期:2002-05-03;总计总票房:$403,706,375;成本财政预算:$1.39亿;廠牌:索尼/哥伦比亚|全球票房榜位列:no.222021-06-2902:20:37添加11.导演:michaelbay主演:shialabeouf/meganfox/joshduhamel/hugoweaving/isabellucas/johnturturro评语:上映日期:2021-06-24;累计总票房:$402,111,870;成本预算:$2亿;发行厂牌:派拉蒙/梦工场2021-12-2702:01:02嵌入12.编剧:georgelucas主演:haydenchristensen/natalieportman/ewanmcgregor/ianmcdiarmid/samuell.jackson/ jimmysmits/frankoz/christopherlee/keishacastle-hughes评语:公映日期:2021-05-19;总计总票房:$380,270,577;成本财政预算:$1.13亿;发售厂牌:二十世纪福斯2021-12-2702:01:32添加13.导演:peterjackson主演:viggomortensen/elijahwood/seanastin/livtyler/ianmckellen/orlandobloom/cateb lanchett/seanbean/sarahmcleod/andyserkis/hugoweaving/dominicmonaghan/billyboyd/martoncsokas/karlurban/christopherlee评语:上映日期:2021-12-17;累計票房:$377,027,325;成本预算:$9400万;发行厂牌:新线2021-12-2702:01:57嵌入14.编剧:山姆·雷米samraimi主演:托比·马奎尔tobeymaguire/克尔斯滕·邓斯特kirstendunst/詹姆斯·弗兰科jamesfranco/阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳alfredmolina/罗斯玛丽·哈里斯rosemaryharris/j·k·西蒙斯j.k.simmons/威廉·达福willemdafoe/克里夫·罗伯逊cliffrobertson/伊丽莎白·班克斯elizabethbanks评语:公映日期:2021-06-30;累計票房:$373,585,825;成本财政预算:$2亿;发售厂牌:索尼/哥伦比亚2021-07-1809:25:37添加15.导演:大卫·叶茨davidyates主演:丹尼尔·雷德克里夫danielradcliffe/艾玛·沃森emmawatson/鲁伯特·格林特rupertgrint/海伦娜·邦汉·卡特helenabonhamcarter/拉尔夫·费因斯ralphfiennes/艾伦·瑞克曼alanrickman/玛吉·史密斯maggiesmith/汤姆·费尔顿tomfelton/邦妮·赖特bonniewright/朱丽·沃特斯juliewalters/迈克尔·刚本michaelgambon/伊文娜·林奇evannalynch/多姆纳尔·格利森domhnallgleeson/克蕾曼丝·波西clémencepoésy/詹森·艾萨克jasonisaacs/海伦·麦克洛瑞helenmccrory/马修·刘易斯matthewlewis/梁佩诗katieleung评语:上映日期:2021-07-15;累计总票房:$370,805,062;成本预算:未知;发行厂牌:华纳(上映中……)2021-12-2702:06:53嵌入16.编剧:melgibson主演:jamescaviezel/maiamorgenstern/christojivkov/francescodevito/monicabellucci 评语:公映日期:2021-02-25|2021-03-11;总计总票房:$370,782,930;成本财政预算:$3000万;发售厂牌:崭新市场2021-12-2702:08:25添加17.导演:stevenspielberg主演:samneill/lauradern/jeffgoldblum/richardattenborough/samuell.jackson评语:上映日期:1993-06-11;累计总票房:$357,067,947;成本预算:$6300万;发售厂牌:环球2021-07-0513:46:09添加18.导演:迈克尔·贝michaelbay主演:罗茜·汉丁顿-惠特莉rosiehuntington-whiteley/希亚·拉博夫shialabeouf/乔什·杜哈明joshduhamel/泰瑞斯·吉布森tyresegibson/约翰·马尔科维奇johnmalkovich/弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德francesmcdormand/郑肯kenjeong/凯文·杜恩kevindunn(i)/朱丽叶·怀特juliewhite(i)/帕特里克·德姆西patrickdempsey(i)/艾伦·图代克alantudyk评语:上映日期:2021-06-29;累计总票房:$349,457,208;成本预算:$1.95亿;发行厂牌:派拉蒙(上映中……)2021-12-2702:08:50嵌入19.编剧:peterjackson主演:elijahwood/seanastin/ianmckellen/viggomortensen/orlandobloom/christopherlee /livtyler/andyserkis/hugoweaving/karlurban/cateblanchett/dominicmonaghan/david wenham/billyboyd/braddourif/bernardhill评语:公映日期:2002-12-18|2021-12-12;总计总票房:$341,786,758;成本财政预算:$9400万;发售厂牌:新线2021-12-2702:09:16添加20.导演:andrewstanton/leeunkrich主演:albertbrooks/ellendegeneres/alexandergould/willemdafoe/bradgarrett/allisonj anney/austinpendleton/stephenroot/geoffreyrush/elizabethperkins评语:上映日期:2021-05-30;累计总票房:$339,714,978;成本预算:$9400万;发行厂牌:博伟2021-12-2702:09:56嵌入21.编剧:samraimi主演:tobeymaguire/kirstendunst/thomashadenchurch/jamesfranco/tophergrace/bryceda llashoward/rosemaryharris/theresarussell/elizabethbanks评语:公映日期:2021-05-04;总计总票房:$336,530,303;成本财政预算:$2.58亿;发售厂牌:索尼/哥伦比亚2021-03-1107:58:18添加22.导演:timburton主演:miawasikowska/johnnydepp/helenabonhamcarter/annehathaway/crispinglover/matt lucas/stephenfry/michaelsheen/alanrickman/christopherlee评语:上映日期:2021-03-05;累计总票房:$334,191,110;成本预算:$2亿;发行厂牌:博伟2021-12-2702:11:09嵌入23.编剧:robertzemeckis主演:tomhanks/robinwrightpenn/garysinise/mykeltiwilliamson/sallyfield/michaelcon nerhumphreys/haleyjoelosment评语:公映日期:1994-07-06;总计总票房:$329,694,499;成本财政预算:$5500万;发行厂牌:派拉蒙2021-12-2702:12:22嵌入24.编剧:rogerallers/robminkoff主演:jonathantaylorthomas/matthewbroderick/jeremyirons/jamesearljones/moirakelly/nathanlane/niketacalame/erniesabella/whoopigoldberg/rowanatkinson评语:公映日期:1994-06-15|2002-12-27;总计总票房:$328,541,776;成本财政预算:$4500万;发售厂牌:博伟2021-12-2702:14:28添加25.导演:chrismiller/许诚毅主演:mikemyers/eddiemurphy/camerondiaz/antoniobanderas/ruperteverett/justintimbe rlake/julieandrews/johncleese/larryking评语:上映日期:2021-05-18;累计总票房:$322,719,944;成本预算:$1.6亿;发行厂牌:派拉蒙/梦工场2021-12-2702:15:12嵌入26.变形金刚transformers编剧:michaelbay主演:希亚·拉博夫shialabeouf/梅根·福克斯meganfox/乔什·杜哈明joshduhamel/伯尼·麦克berniemac/弱·沃特jonvoight/泰瑞斯·吉布森tyresegibson/瑞切尔·泰勒rachaeltaylor/约翰·特托罗johnturturro评语:公映日期:2021-07-03;总计总票房:$319,246,193;成本财政预算:$1.5亿;发售厂牌:派拉蒙/梦工场2021-05-1201:04:57添加27.导演:jonfavreau主演:robertdowneyjr./terrencehoward/gwynethpaltrow/jeffbridges/lesliebibb/shaunt oub/paulbettany/jonfavreau评语:上映日期:2021-05-02;北美总票房:$318,313,199;成本预算:$1.4亿;发行厂牌:派拉蒙2021-12-2702:16:30嵌入28.编剧:chriscolumbus主演:danielradcliffe/emmawatson/rupertgrint/alanrickman/maggiesmith/tomfelton/ia nhart/richardharris/johnhurt/robbiecoltrane/juliewalters/bonniewright/johncleese/seanbiggerstaff评语:公映日期:2001-11-16;总计总票房:$317,575,550;成本财政预算:$1.25亿;发售厂牌:华纳兄弟2021-05-2802:02:35添加29.导演:stevenspielberg主演:harrisonford/shialabeouf/cateblanchett/karenallen/raywinstone/johnhurt/jimb roadbent评语:公映日期:2021-05-22;北美总票房:$317,023,851;成本财政预算:$1.85亿;发售厂牌:派拉蒙2021-12-2702:16:54添加30.导演:peterjackson主演:elijahwood/seanastin/ianmckellen/viggomortensen/orlandobloom/cateblanchett/ seanbean/christopherlee/hugoweaving/livtyler/andyserkis/ianholm/dominicmonaghan/salabaker评语:上映日期:2001-12-19|2021-12-05;累计总票房:$314,776,170;成本预算:$9300万;发行厂牌:新线2021-05-1304:27:44嵌入31.编剧:jonfavreau主演:robertdowneyjr./gwynethpaltrow/mickeyrourke/scarlettjohansson/samrockwell/d oncheadle/samuell.jackson/jonfavreau/paulbettany评语:公映日期:2021-05-07;总计总票房:$312,128,345;成本财政预算:$2亿;发售厂牌:派拉蒙2021-12-2702:17:30添加32.星球大战前传2:克隆人的进攻starwars:导演:georgelucas主演:ewanmcgregor/natalieportman/haydenchristensen/samuell.jackson/frankoz/chris topherlee/ianmcdiarmid评语:上映日期:2002-05-16|2002-11-01;累计总票房:$310,676,740;成本预算:$1.15亿;发行厂牌:福克斯2021-12-2702:18:06嵌入33.编剧:goreverbinski主演:johnnydepp/geoffreyrush/orlandobloom/keiraknightley/周润发/billnighy评语:公映日期:2021-05-25;总计总票房:$309,420,425;成本财政预算:$3亿;发售厂牌:博伟2021-12-2702:18:37添加34.导演:richardmarquand主演:harrisonford/markhamill/anthonydaniels/carriefisher/billydeewilliams/peterm ayhew/ianmcdiarmid/frankoz/alecguinness评语:上映日期:1983-05-25|1985-03-29|1997-03-14;累计总票房:$309,306,177;成本预算:$3250万;发行厂牌:福克斯2021-12-2702:18:55嵌入35.编剧:rolandemmerich主演:willsmith/billpullman/jeffgoldblum/marymcdonnell/juddhirsch/vivicaa.fox评语:公映日期:1996-07-03;总计总票房:$306,169,268;成本财政预算:$7500万;发行厂牌:福克斯2021-12-2702:19:21嵌入36.编剧:goreverbinski主演:johnnydepp/geoffreyrush/orlandobloom/keiraknightley/jackdavenport/jonathanpryce评语:公映日期:2021-07-09;总计总票房:$305,413,918;成本财政预算:$1.4亿;发售厂牌:博伟2021-07-2001:15:09添加37.导演:davidyates主演:danielradcliffe/emmawatson/rupertgrint/tomfelton/michaelgambon/alanrickman/ bonniewright/juliewalters/helenabonhamcarter/jimbroadbent/maggiesmith/evannaly nch评语:上映日期:2021-07-15;累计总票房:$301,959,197;成本预算:$1.5亿;发行厂牌:华纳兄弟2021-07-0600:46:27嵌入38.暮光之城3:月蚀eclipse编剧:davidslade主演:kristenstewart/robertpattinson/taylorlautner/billyburke/ashleygreene/jackso nrathbone/nikkireed/kellanlutz/elizabethreaser/peterfacinelli/gilbirmingham/ch ristianserratos评语:公映日期:2021-06-30;总计总票房:$300,531,751;成本财政预算:$6800万;发售厂牌:巅峰娱乐2021-11-2401:44:58添加39.导演:chrisweitz主演:kristenstewart/robertpattinson/taylorlautner/dakotafanning/annakendrick评语:上映日期:2021-11-20;累计总票房:$296,623,634;成本预算:$5000万;发行厂牌:巅峰娱乐2021-11-2509:16:11嵌入40.编剧:大卫·叶茨davidyates主演:丹尼尔·雷德克里夫danielradcliffe/艾玛·沃森emmawatson/鲁伯特·格林特rupertgrint/海伦娜·伯翰·卡特helenabonhamcarter/拉尔夫·费因斯ralphfiennes/比尔·奈伊billnighy/约翰·赫特johnhurt/艾伦·瑞克曼alanrickman/伊梅尔达·斯汤顿imeldastaunton/费奥纳·肖fionashaw/邦妮·赖特bonniewright/朱丽·沃特斯juliewalters(i)评语:公映日期:2021-11-19;北美总票房:$295,001,070;成本财政预算:未明;发售厂牌:华纳兄弟2021-12-2702:19:48添加41.导演:m.nightshyamalan主演:brucewillis/haleyjoelosment/tonicollette/oliviawilliams/donniewahlberg评语:上映日期:1999-08-06;累计总票房:$293,506,292;成本预算:约$4千万;发售厂牌:博伟2021-06-0903:35:20添加42.导演:彼特·道格特petedocter主演:克里斯托弗·普卢默christopherplummer/约翰·拉岑贝格johnratzenberger/爱德华·阿斯纳edwardasner/pauleiding/乔丹·长井jordannagai评语:上映日期:2021-05-29;累计总票房:$293,004,164;成本预算:$1.75亿;发行厂牌:博伟2021-07-2709:00:57嵌入43.编剧:克里斯托弗·诺兰christophernolan主演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥leonardodicaprio/约瑟夫·高登-莱维特josephgordon-levitt/艾伦·佩吉ellenpage/渡边谦kenwatanabe(i)/汤姆·哈迪tomhardy/迪利普·劳dileeprao/玛丽昂·歌迪亚marioncotillard/泽里安·墨菲cillianmurphy/汤姆·贝伦杰tomberenger/迈克尔·凯恩michaelcaine(i)/卢卡斯·哈斯lukashaas/皮特·波斯尔思韦特petepostlethwaite评语:公映日期:2021-07-27;北美总票房:$292,576,195;成本财政预算:$1.6亿;发售厂牌:华纳2021-12-2702:20:17添加44.导演:大卫·叶茨davidyates主演:丹尼尔·雷德克里夫danielradcliffe/艾玛·沃森emmawatson/鲁伯特·格林特rupertgrint/加里·奥德曼garyoldman/拉尔夫·费因斯ralphfiennes/玛吉·史密斯maggiesmith/迈克尔·刚本michaelgambon/艾伦·瑞克曼alanrickman/艾玛·汤普森emmathompson/伊梅尔达·斯汤顿imeldastaunton/詹森·艾萨克jasonisaacs/汤姆·费尔顿tomfelton/海伦娜·邦汉·卡特helenabonhamcarter/邦妮·赖特bonniewright/朱丽·沃特斯juliewalters/梁佩诗katieleung/布莱丹·格里森brendangleeson评语:上映日期:2021-07-11;累计总票房:$292,004,738;成本预算:约$1.5亿;发行厂牌:华纳2021-12-2702:20:41嵌入45.编剧:andrewadamson主演:georgiehenley/skandarkeynes/williammoseley/annapopplewell/tildaswinton/jame smcavoy/jimbroadbent/liamneeson/raywinstone评语:公映日期:2021-12-09;总计总票房:$291,710,957;成本财政预算:约$1.8亿;发售厂牌:博伟2021-12-2702:21:25添加46.导演:irvinkershner主演:markhamill/harrisonford/carriefisher/billydeewilliams/petermayhew/frankoz/a lecguinness/anthonydaniels/davidprowse评语:公映日期:1980-05-21|1982-11-19|1997-02-21;总计总票房:$290,475,067;成本财政预算:约$1800万;发售厂牌:福克斯2021-12-2702:21:49添加47.导演:mikenewell主演:danielradcliffe/emmawatson/rupertgrint/timothyspall/bonniewright/robertpatt inson/tomfelton/梁凯蒂/michaelgambon/maggiesmith/alanrickman/garyoldman/ralphfiennes评语:上映日期:2021-11-18;累计总票房:$290,013,036;成本预算:约$1.5亿;发行厂牌:华纳2021-12-2702:22:24嵌入48.小鬼当家homealone编剧:chriscolumbus主演:macaulayculkin/joepesci/danielstern/johnheard/robertsblossom/catherineo'hara/angelagoethals评语:公映日期:1990-11-16;总计总票房:$285,761,243;成本财政预算:约1800万;发售厂牌:福克斯2021-12-2702:23:03添加49.黑客帝国2:重装上阵thematrixreloaded导演:andywachowski/larrywachowski主演:keanureeves/carrie-annemoss/laurencefishburne/hugoweaving/monicabellucci/jadapinkettsmith/gloriaf oster/邹兆龙评语:上映日期:2021-05-15;累计总票房:$281,576,461;成本预算:约$1.5亿;发行厂牌:华纳2021-12-2702:23:22嵌入50.谒见岳父大人2meetthefockers编剧:jayroach主演:benstiller/robertdeniro/dustinhoffman/barbrastreisand/blythedanner/teripolo /owenwilson评语:公映日期:2021-12-22;总计总票房:$279,261,160;成本财政预算:约$8000万;发售厂牌:环球。


carp- seed, wrist
cary- nut
cata- down
cauda- tail
cav- hollow
centi- hundred
ceph(al)- head
cera(s)(t)- horn
cerc- horns, lobes, short tail
cerebro- brain
cerv- neck
crosso- fringe, tassel
cru(rals)- shank
cruci- cross-like
crypt- hidden
cten- comb
cusp- lance, point
cuti- skin
cyan- blue
cycl- circular
cyno- dog
cyst- capsule
brachy- short
brady- slow
branch- gill
brevi- short
brizo- to nod
bromo- oats, broom, shadow
bronch- windpipe
bucca- mouth cavity
bulbos- bulbous
bulla- bubble, flask
abduc- lead from
acanth- prickle
acer- without horns
acetabul- vinegar cup
aceto- acid
acin- cluster of grapes
acri- acrid, sharp
acro- summit, top
actin- ray



剑桥商务英语第二册笔试试卷LISTENINGPart One●For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings.●For each question, mark one letter A, B, or C.●You will hear each recording twice.1.What is Meria’s job title?A.Sales ExecutiveB.Marketing ManagerC.Managing director2.Where are they going to take the visitors?A.The Italian ExperienceB.The Thai houseC.The Potato House3.What was the final decision about the meeting?A.It will take place as arranged.B.It will take place at a later date.C.It will not take place.4.Which part of the job offer was George unhappy about?A.The amount of pay.B.The number of hours.C.The number of holidays.5.Which graph is the Head of Department talking about?A B C6. When are the visitors arriving?A. Ten o’clock.B. Half past ten.C. Eleven o’clock.7. Which photocopier do they decide to buy?A. The X 40B. The BT100C. The RX200.8. Which part of the factory does Alan want to change?A. The packing hall.B. The warehouse.C. The production line.Part Two●Look at the notes below.●Some information is missing.●You will hear two people discussing an invoice.●For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word,numbers or letters.●You will hear the conversation twice.VocabularyPart One:●Fill in each gap with a proper word.1.Another word for a computer screen is __________.2.The retail price is 30% higher than the price.3.After receiving their enquiry, we sent them a __________(报价).4.We sent the buyer a _________ (催账信) to remind them of the overdue payment.5.Banks __________(收取)very high rates of interest on credit loans.6.Every year a company must allow for __________ (折旧)in the value of its machines andbuildings.7.As explained in our catalog, this program carries a 3-month ________.8.Every meeting needs an ___________(议事日程).9.In a meeting, the secretary keeps the ________(会议记录)in order to get the meetingrecorded.10.When the machine stop running, the engineers have the opportunity to carry out the necessary_______________.ReadingPart One●Look at the statements below and the information about training courses on the oppositepage.●Which course(A,B,C or D)does each statement 1-7 refer to?●For each statement 1-7,mark one letter(A B,C or D)on your Answer Sheet.●You will need to use some of these letters more than one.1.This course is for people with little or no experience of the topic.2.You will learn what a lender can do if a company does not repay a loan.panies can decide where their employees will take the course.4.You will learn to assess whether a business can pay back the money it owes.5.This course will help you to deal with the paperwork involved in processing loans.6.You will look at the legal aspects of hiring equipment.7.This course will concentrate on the laws that apply when a business borrows money.ABCDPart Two●Read the article below.●Fill in each of the gaps1-10 with one word.Beans stocks to its back yardL.L.BEAN is a family company. Its boss, Mr. Leon Gorman, is the grandson of Leon Leonwood Bean, the founder of America’s most famous mail order business. Like Timerberland, L.L.Bean firat made a name for itself by making superior footwear, the famed Maine hunting boot, and has earned a deserved reputation for the quality of the $600m worth of mainly outdoor clothes and equipment it sells each year.Mr. Gorman has shown scarcely any interest in selling abroad – much like his late grandfather, who used to block suggestions that he expand markets by saying: “I’m eating three meals a day now, and I can’t eat four.”So few of the 11.3m packages L.L.Bean ships each year with extraordinary dispatch and efficiency go outside North America. If the company and America’s trade balance are the losers, so are the foreigners denied easy access to some of the best things made in the United States. About 94% of Bean’s goods carry the L.L.Bean label, either because the product is manufactured by Bean or, as is nowadays more likely, it is made by others to its specifications. Either way, L.L.Bean stands behind all it sells.Customers can return a Bean product for any reason at any time and they get a replacement or their money back. One recently returned a bag with bullet holes in it. In a covering note the customer explained that books in the bag had saves his life when he was hit by stray shots and could he please have a mew bag. L.L.Bean said yes immediately. The company is committed to satisfying its customers, and it says it is for customers to decide whether or not they are satisfied. Foreigners have good reason to complain that they are not.L.L.Bean is the most famous (1)_______ business in the USA.It has a reputation for the (2)_________ of its products.The company doesn’t sell (3)______ products abroad.More of L.L.Bean’s products are made by (4)_____________ than by (5)__________. Customers can (6)__________ any Bean product at any time and receive a (7)________ or a(8)___________ without question.L.L.Bean is committed to (9)____________ its customers.The writer is (10)____________ that L.L.Bean products aren’t available abroad.Part Three●Read the article below about changes in working hours.●Choose the best sentence (A-G) to fill in each of the gaps.●For each gap 1-5, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.●Do not use any letter more than once.●There is an example at the beginning (0).GETTING THE BEST FROM YOUR STAFFEd Smith, a senior manager for Trustco Ltd in Worcester, used to work a minimum of 70 hours a week. He traveled regularly between the UK and USA and began to feel he had become almost a stranger to his wife and his two young sons. (0) ___G____ . This idea worked.These days, he still goes to work very early but he also leaves early. He now sees his children before they go to bed and then does about an hour’s work by computer from home in the evening, keeping in touch with American colleagues. (1) __________. The key to Ed Smith’s changing his hours was persuading his employer that he and other staff were more productive when they worked the hours that suited them. This is easier said than done, of course. (2) _________. Many of them are slow to realize the benefits of letting employees work fewer or more flexible hours.A recent survey of five thousand senior managers found that nearly half of them always worked more than their contract hours, while many worked evenings and weekends. A majority thought that this not only had a negative effect on their family relationships and their health, but also reduced their productivity. (3) _________. It seems that it is job satisfaction that is the deciding factor when it comes to employee productivity.However, the good news is that more employers are now starting to realize that they are only going to get higher output from their staff if those staff are happy and want to be at work. (4)_________. His company have brought in changes partly for competitive reasons. The research and development part of the business employs highly trained scientists, who are expensive to replace. (5) __________. The employees seem to be very happy with the new arrangements and, as a result, productivity rates have gradually but consistently increased and staff turnover rates have fallen dramatically. According to Ed Smith, many companies would benefit from a similar scheme, and everyone, from directors to employees’ families, would have something to gain.A. Ed Smith’s new working hours are just one example of the attempt to alter corporate culture.B. This adds to the increasing evidence that long hours are not necessarily useful hours.C. They are often willing to accept that happy employees produce more.D. He admits to feeling much happier, and believes he has established a balance between work andhome life.E. It can be difficult to persuade organizations that a change of this type is in their interest, too.F. To keep them happy, ‘trust time’ has been introduced, where the company trusts employees todo what is required, in whatever time it takes.G. Realizing that he was putting himself under too much stress, he decided to try to change hisworking hours.Part Four●Read the article below about exporting and the questions on the opposite page.●For each question 1-5, mark one letter (A,B,C, or D) on your Answer Sheet.PROBLEMS FACING POTENTIAL EXPORTERSMany firms fail because when they begin exporting they have not researched the target markets or developed an international marketing plan. To be successful, a firm must clearly define goals, objectives and potential problems. Secondly, it must develop a definitive plan to accomplish its objective, regardless of the problems involved. Unless the firm is fortunate enough to possess a staff with considerable expertise, it may not be able to take this crucial first step without qualified outside guidance.Often top management is not committed enough to overcome the initial difficulties and financial requirements of exporting. It can often take more time and effort to establish a firm in a foreign market than in the domestic one. Although the early delays and costs involved in exporting may seem difficult to justify when compared to established domestic trade, the exporter should take a more objective view of this process and carefully monitor international marketing efforts through these early difficulties. If a good foundation is laid for export business, the benefits derived should eventually outweigh the investment.Another problem area is in the selection of the foreign distributor. The complications involved in overseas communications and transportation require international distributors to act with greater independence than their domestic counterparts. Also, since a new exporter’s trademarks and reputation are usually unknown in the foreign market, foreign customers may buy on the strength of the distributing agent’s reputation. A firm should therefore conduct a thorough evaluation of the distributor’s facilities, the personnel handling its account, and the management methods employed.Another common difficulty for the new exporter is the neglect of the export market once the domestic one booms: too many companies only concentrate on exporting when there is a recession. Others may refuse to modify products to meet the regulations or cultural preferences of other countries. Local safety regulations cannot be ignored by exporters. If necessary modifications are not made at the factory, the distributor must make them, usually at a greater cost and probably notas satisfactorily. It should also be noted that the resulting smaller profit margin makes the account less attractive.If exporters expect distributing agents to actively promote their accounts, they must be trained, and their performance continually monitored. This requires a company marketing executive to be located permanently in the distributor’s geographical region. It is therefore advisable for new exporters to concentrate their efforts in a few geographical areas until there is sufficient business to support a company representative. The distributor should also be treated on an equal basis with domestic counterparts. For example, special discount offers, sales incentive programs and special credit terms should be available.Considering a joint-venture or licensing agreement is another option for new exporters. However, many companies still dismiss international marketing as unviable. There are a number of reasons for this. There may be import restrictions in the target market, the company may lack sufficient financial resources, or its product line may be too limited. Yet, many products that can compete on a national basis can be successful in the majority of world markets. In general, all that is needed for success is flexibility in using the proper combinations of marketing techniques.1. In the first paragraph, the writer suggests that firms thinking about exporting shouldA.get professional international marketing.C.identify the most profitable markets.D.have different objectives to other exporters.2. The writer believes that if sufficient preparation is undertakenA.initial difficulties can be easily avoided.B.the costs can be recovered quite will become more committed.D.the exporter will be successful in the long term.3. An exporter should choose a distributor whoA.has experienced personnel.B.has good communication well-established in the target not financially dependent on the import business.4. New exporters often make the mistake of ignoring the export market whenA.distribution costs are too high.B.their product is selling well at home.C.there is a global economic recession.D.distributors cannot make safety modifications.5. For a distributor to be successful, the exporter mustA.focus on one particular local advertising campaigns.C.give the same support as to domestic agents.D.make sure there are sufficient marketing staff locally.6. In the last paragraph, the writer states that some companies are reluctant to export becauseA.there is little demand for their products.B.the importation of certain goods is controlled.C.they do not have good marketing techniques.D.they are not able to compete with local businesses.WritingPart One●You are visiting a trade fair in Rome with your boss. You have seen this hotel in a●Write a memo to your boss:---- mentioning the hotel in the brochure.---- describing some of the facilities listed.---- saying why you think you both should stay there.---- asking him which dates you should book.●Write 60 – 80 words.Part Two●Mr. Fellini decides to accept Angela Goddard’s invitation.●Write a letter of acceptance of 120-140 words.----thanking Ms Goddard for her letter----expressing interest in her suggestions----accepting the invitation to the theatre----saying the dates are unsuitable and explain why----suggesting an alternative dateAnswer SheetListening (1’×16)1-5 ___________________ 6-8______________9._________________10.________________11.________________12._____________13.___________________14.________________15.______________16.________________Vocabulary (0.5’×10)1._________________2. ___________________3. ________________4.__________________5.__________________6._____________________7_______________8____________.9._______________10._____________Reading (2’×28)Part One:1.________2. _________3. ________4.__________5._________6._________7_________ Part Two1._________________2. ___________________3. ________________4.__________________5.__________________6._____________________7_______________8____________.9._______________10._____________Part Three1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____Part Four1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____6. ____Writing (8’+15’)Part One:_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Part Two_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________KeyListening1. B2.A3. A4. C5. C6. C7. C8. B9. HP420Y 10.15th February11. 9 12. 17.5% 13. 116.88 14.17th March 15.Wikes 16. (01623)688820 VocabularyPart One: 1.monitor 2. Wholesale 3.quotation 4. reminder 5. charge6.depreciation7. warranty/guarantee8. agenda9. minutes 10. maintenance ReadingPart One: 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6.D 7. CPart Two: 1. mail order 2. quality 3. many 4. others 5. Bean6. return7. replacement8. refund9. satisfying 10. sorry or unhappy Part Three: D E B A FPart Four: A D C B C BWritingPart OneMEMOTo: Mr Ma From: ZoeSub: about accommodation in Rome Date: 3 May, 2005I have read about the Grand Hotel from a brochure and got impressed with it’s city-centred location as well as the communication facilities, which would be amazingly helpful as it is our first staying in Rome.If you also think the Grand Hotel would be our first option, would you please let me know when we should get to Rome and how long we would stay there ,as the booking have to be done before 8 May.If you have other options, please inform me ASAP.Part Two20 April, 2004Dear Ms Goddard ,Thanks for your kind invitation for the show at the Grand Theatre on the evening of 6 May (Friday). I am sure we both would enjoy the fabulous performance there. However, I am sent to Newcastle for an inspection tour tomorrow and won’t be back next Tuesday . Therefore, I regret to say that I have to miss the show this time.If you don’t mind, could we go to Global Theatre on 14 May as there would be Carman on then?I am Looking forward to meeting you.Yours trulyNike Fellini。



starter unit 1 morning n. ['mɔ:niŋ]早晨,上午hello interj. [he'ləu]喂HB abbr.硬黑CD abbr.光盘BBC abbr.英国广播公司afternoon[ɑ:ftə:'nu:n]下午evening n. ['i:vniŋ]晚上,黄昏how adv.[hau]怎样;如何fine adj. [fain]好的thanks[θæŋks]interj.&n name n. [neim]名字list n. 名单I pron.. 我you pron. [ju:].你,你们is v.[iz]am v.[æm]are v.Alice [ælis]艾丽斯Bob [bɔb]鲍勃Cindy ['sindi]辛迪Dale [deil]戴尔Eric ['erik]埃里克Frank [fræŋk]弗兰克Grace [greis]格雷丝Helen ['helən]海伦starter unit 2what pron.. [wɔt] 什么this pron.[ðis] 这个that pron.[ðæt]那个in prep.用;以;在…内it pron.它map n.[mæp]地图orange n. ['ɔrindʒ]橙子jacket n. ['dʒækit]夹克衫english n.英语key n. [ki:]钥匙quilt n. [kwilt]被子ruler n. ['ru:lə]尺子spell v. [spel]拼写please interj. [pli:z]请NBA abbr.美国篮球协会kg abbr.千克, 公斤starter unit 3color n. ['kʌlə]颜色red adj.红的yellow adj. ['jeləu]黄的green adj. [ɡri:n]绿的blue adj. [blu:]蓝的black adj.[blæk]黑的white adj. [wait]白的and conj.和;又;而且the art.特指S小号smallM中号middleL大号largeUFO不明飞行物CCTV中国中央电视台UN联合国unit 1my pron.. [mai]我的his pron.. [hiz]他的her pron..[hə:]她的your pron. [jɔ:]你的;你们的nice [nais] adj.好的,令人愉快的first [fə:st] adj.第一的first name名字last adj.最后的,上一个的last name姓氏clock [klɔk] n.时钟boy [bɔi] n.男孩girl [gə:l] n.女孩telephone ['telifəun] n.电话number ['nʌmbə] n.号码card [kɑ:d] n.卡片ID card 身份证family ['fæmili] n.家庭family name姓氏question ['kwestʃən]n.问题answer ['ɑ:nsə] n.回答meet [mi:t] v.遇见look [luk] v.看to part.与动词原形构成动词不定式zero ['ziərəu]num.零one [wʌn] num.一two [tu:] num.二three [θri:] num.三four [fɔ:] num.四five [faiv] num.五six[siks] num.六seven ['sevən] num.七eight [eit] num.八nine [nain] num.九Jenny[dʒeni]珍妮(女名)Gina[dʒnʌ]吉娜(女名)Mary [meri]玛丽(女名)Linda[linda]琳达(女名)Kim[kim]金(女名)Alan[æl ən]艾伦(男名)Jim[dʒim]吉姆(男名)Tony[tɔni]托尼(男名)Tom汤姆(男名)Bob鲍勃(男名)Mike迈克(男名)Jack杰克(男名)Nick尼克(男名)Green格林(姓)Miller米勒(姓)Smith史密斯(姓)Brown布朗(姓)Hand汉德(姓)unit 2pen [pen]n.钢笔pencil [/pensəl]n.铅笔book [buk]n.书eraser [i/reizə]n.橡皮,黑板擦ruler [/ru:lə]n.尺case [keis]n.箱,盒,橱pencil case文具盒backpack [/bækpæk]n.背包sharpener [/ʃɑ:pənə]n.pencil sharpener卷笔刀dictionary [/dikʃənəri]n. 字典baseball [/beisbɔ:l]n.棒球watch [wɔtʃ]n.表computer[kəm/pju:tə]n. 电脑game [ɡeim] n.游戏computer game电子游戏notebook [/nəutbuk]n.笔记本Ring [riŋ]n.环,戒指school[sku:l]n.学校a set一套,一副at在…in在…里面of…的call [kɔ:l] v.打电话excuse [iks/kju:z]v.原谅excuse methank [θæŋk]v.谢谢do [du:]v.做;干lost [lɔst] v.遗失found [faun] v.找回lost and found失物招领Sonia [/səuniə]索尼娅(女名)Jane [dʒein] 简(女名)Kelsey [/kelsi]凯尔西(女名)Tim蒂姆(男名)David [/deivid]戴维(男名)unit 3grandmother ['ɡrænd,mʌðə]祖母;外祖母grandfather ['ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə]祖父;外祖父grandparent['ɡrænd,pεərənt]祖父母parent ['pεərənt] n. 父母mother['mʌðə] n. 母亲father ['fɑ:ðə] n. 父亲daughter ['dɔ:tə] n. 女儿son [sʌn] n. 儿子sister['sistə] n. 姐妹brother ['brʌðə] n; 兄弟cousin ['kʌzən] 表兄;表姐妹aunt [ ænt] n. 阿姨uncle ['ʌŋkl] n.叔伯friend [frend] n. 朋友these [ði:z] pron. adj. 这些those [ðəuz]pron. adj.那些she 她he 他picture ['piktʃə] n. 照片,图画photo ['fəutəu] n. 照片dear[diə] adj. 亲爱的here [hiə] adv. 这里for prep.为了thands for 为…而感谢Anna [ænə] 安娜(女名)Emma [emə] 埃玛(女名)Mona [məunə] 莫娜(女名)Dave [deiv] 戴夫(男名) Paul [pɔ:l] 保罗(男名)unit 4can [kæn] modal v.能;可以;会need [ni:d] v. 需要some [sʌm] adj. pron.一些where[wεə] adv. 在哪里under ['ʌndə] prep. 在…下on 在…上they [ðei] pron. 他(她,它)们table['teibl] n. 桌子desk 书桌bed 床dresser ['dresə] n. 梳妆台bookcase ['bukkeis] n. 书橱sofa['səufə] n. 沙发chair [tʃεə] n. 椅子drawer [drɔ:] n. 抽屉floor [flɔ:] n. 地板room[ru:m] n. 房间plant [plɑ:nt] n. 植物bag [bæɡ] n. 书包hat [hæt] n. 帽子alarm clock [ə'lɑ:m] n. 闹钟video ['vidiəu] n. 视频tape [teip] n. 录机带video tape 录像带math [mæθ] n. 数学thing [θiŋ] n. 东西; 物to朝; 向; 至; 达know [nəu] n. 知道take [teik] v. 拿走bring [briŋ] v. 拿来Tommy [tɔmi]汤米(男名)Sally [sæli]萨莉(女名)unit 5have [hæv] v. 有has [hæz] v.dodose [dʌz]but [ bʌt] conj. 但是only ['əunli] adv. 只; 仅仅let v. 允许; 让play 玩; 打(球)play sports参加体育运动或比赛sound [saund] v.听起来watch [wɔtʃ] v.观看; 注视watch TV 看电视we [wi:] pron.我们us [ʌs] pron. 我们(宾格)they [ðei] pron.他(她.它)们them [ðem pron.] (宾格)every ['evri] adj.每一,每个many['meni] adj.大量的more [mɔ:] adj.更多的interesting['in tristiŋ] adj.有趣的boring [bɔ:riŋ]adj.无聊的,令人生厌的difficult ['difikəlt]adj.困难的fun [fʌn] adj.有趣的; 令人愉快的relaxing [ri'læksin] adj.轻松的great [ɡreit] adj.美妙的;大的collection [kə'lekʃən]收藏品day [dei] n.天, 一日class [klɑ:s]班级;(一节)课sport [spɔ:t] n.运动club [klʌb] n.俱乐部soccer ['sɔkə] n.英式足球soccer ball英式足球tennis ['tenis] n.网球racket ['rækit] n.球拍tennis racket网球拍ping-pong n.乒乓球volleyball ['vɔlibɔ:l]n.排球basketball['bɑ:skitbɔ:l] n.篮球bat [bæt] n.( 乒乓)球拍Peter [pi:tə]彼得(男名)Barry [bæri]巴里(男名)Ed [ed]埃德(男名)Hall [hɔ:l]霍尔(姓)unit 6fruit [fru:t] n.v. 水果;结果banana [bə'nɑ:nə] 香蕉orange ['ɔrindʒ] 橙子strawberry ['strɔ:bəri]草莓pear [pεə] 梨apple ['æpl] 苹果vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] 蔬菜tomato [tə'mɑ:təu] 西红柿broccoli ['brɔkəli] 花椰菜carrot ['kærət] 胡萝卜food [fu:d] 食物hamburger ['hæmbə:ɡə]汉堡包# burg [bə:ɡ] 村庄;城镇egg [eg] 鸡蛋chicken ['tʃikin] 鸡;鸡肉french fries薯条French [frentʃ] 法国Fry [frai] 鱼苗;油炸食物ice cream 冰淇淋salad ['sæləd] 沙拉breakfast['brekfəst] 早餐lunch [lʌntʃ] 午餐dinner ['dinə] 晚餐star[stɑ:] 星星;明星dessert [di'zə:t] 甜食# desert ['dezət] 沙漠countable noun可数名词['kauntəbl] [naun]uncountable noun不可数名词[,ʌn'kauntəbl] [naun]have [hæv] v. 吃eat [i:t] v. 吃run [rʌn] v. 跑runner['rʌnə] 奔跑者well adv. 好;满意地lot adv. 许多lots of 许多healthy ['helθi] adj.健康的Bill [bil] 比尔(男名)Sandra[sænd rə]桑德位(女名)Clark [klɑ:k]克拉克(姓)Review of units 1-6furniture n. 家具people 人,人民;blank n. 空白conversation n.谈话other pron. 另外的人(物) also ad. 也;亦;并且Joe [dʒəu]乔(男名)unit 7how much 多少clothes 衣服pants 裤子sock 短袜shirt 男衬衣;衬衫T-shirt T恤衫shorts 短裤;运动短裤sweater 毛衣shoe 鞋skirt n. 裙子sale n. 销售,削价出售dollar n. 美元color n. ['kʌlə]颜色red adj.红的yellow adj. ['jeləu]黄的green adj. [ɡri:n]绿的blue adj. [blu:]蓝的black adj.[blæk]黑的white adj. [wait]白的big 大的small 小的short 短的,矮的long 长的clerk 职员,办事员help v. 帮助want v.需要; 希望Here you are. 给你。



美国州名:A-la-ba-ma阿拉巴马(Mont-go-me-ry蒙哥马利,Bir-ming-han伯明翰)A-la-s-ka(Ju-neau朱诺)A-ri-zo-na亚利桑那(Phoe-ni-x菲尼克斯)Ar-kan-sas阿肯色(Little Rock)Ca-li-for-ni-a(Sa-c-ra-men-to萨克拉门托,San F-ran-ci-s-co, Los An-geles)Co-lo-ra-do科罗拉多(Den-ver丹佛)Con-nec-ti-cut康涅狄格(Har-t-ford哈特福德,S-tam-ford斯坦福)De-la-ware特拉华(Do-ver多佛)F-lo-ri-da(Tal-la-has-see塔拉哈西,Mi-a-mi)Geor-gi-a佐治亚(A-t-lan-ta亚特兰大)Ha-wai-i(Ho-no-lu-lu) I-da-ho爱达荷(Bo-i-se博伊西)Il-li-noi-s伊利诺斯(Spring-field斯普林菲尔德,Chi-ca-go)In-di-a-na印第安纳(Indiana-po-li-s印第安纳波利斯)I-o-wa爱荷华(Des Mo-ines得梅因)Kan-sa-s堪萨斯(To-pe-ka托皮卡)Ken-tuc-ky肯塔基(F-ran-k-fort法兰克福)Lou-i-si-a-na(Ba-ton Rouge巴吞鲁日,New O-r-leans)Ma-ine缅因(Au-gu-s-ta奥古斯塔)Ma-ry-land马里兰(An-na-po-li-s安纳波利斯)Mas-sa-chu-setts马萨诸塞(麻省,Bo-s-ton波士顿)Mi-chi-gan密歇根(Lan-sing兰辛)Min-ne-so-ta明尼苏达(St. Paul圣·保罗)Mis-sis-sip-pi(Jack-son杰克逊)Mis-sou-ri密苏里(Jef-fer-son City杰斐逊城,St Lou-i-s圣路易斯)Mon-ta-na蒙大拿(He-le-na赫勒纳)Ne-b-ra-s-ka内布拉斯加(Lin-coln林肯)Ne-va-da内华达(Car-son City卡森城,La-s Ve-ga-s)New Ham-p-shi-re新罕布什尔(Con-cor-d康科德)New Jer-sey新泽西(T-ren-ton特伦敦)New Me-xi-co新墨西哥(Santa Fe圣菲)North Ca-ro-li-na北卡罗来纳(Ra-leigh罗利)North Da-ko-ta北达科他(Bi-s-marck俾斯麦)O-hi-o俄亥俄(Co-lum-bus哥伦布,Cin-cin-na-ti辛辛那提)O-k-la-ho-ma俄克拉何马(Oklahoma City)O-re-gon俄勒冈(Sa-le-m萨勒姆,Port-land波特兰)Penn-syl-va-ni-a宾夕法尼亚(Har-ri-s-burg哈里斯堡,Philadelphia费城,Pit-ts-burgh匹兹堡)Rho-de Island罗得岛(P-ro-vi-den-ce普罗维登斯)Ten-nes-see田纳西(Na-sh-vil-le纳什维尔,Mem-phi-s孟菲斯)Texas得克萨斯(Au-s-tin奥斯汀,Dal-la-s, Houston, St An-to-ni-o圣安东尼奥)U-tah犹他(Salt Lake City)Ver-mon-t佛蒙特(Mont-pe-lier蒙彼利埃)Vir-gi-ni-a弗吉尼亚(Rich-mond里士满)Washing-ton(O-lym-pi-a奥林匹亚,Se-at-tle西雅图)西弗吉尼亚(Char-l-s-ton查尔斯顿) Wi-s-con-sin威斯康星(Ma-di-son麦迪逊)Wy-o-ming怀俄明(Ce-yenne夏延)总统: Har-ry T-ru-man哈里·杜鲁门(45-53) D-wight Ei-sen-ho-wer德怀特·艾森豪威尔(61) John Ken-ne-dy 约翰·肯尼迪(63) Lyn-don John-son林登·约翰逊( 69) Ri-char-d Ni-x-on理查德·尼克松(74) Ge-ra-l-d Ford 杰拉尔德·福特(77) Jim-my Gar-ter吉米·卡特(81) Ro-nal-d Rea-gan罗纳德·里根(89) George Bush乔治·布什(93) Bill C-lin-ton比尔·克林顿(01) George W. Bush乔治·W·布什国务卿: James By-r-ne-s詹姆斯·贝尔纳斯(45-47) Geor-ge Mar-shall 乔治·马歇尔(49) De-an A-che-son 迪安·艾奇逊(53) John Fo-s-ter Dul-le-s约翰·福斯特·杜勒斯(59) Ch-ri-s-tian Her-ter 克里斯琴·赫脱(61) De-an Rusk迪安·腊斯克(69) Wil-liam Ro-ger-s威廉·罗杰斯(73) Hen-ry Kis-sin-ger亨利·基辛格(77) Cy-ru-s Van-ce 赛勒斯·万斯(80) E-d-mund Mu-s-kie 埃德蒙·马斯基(80.5-80.12) A-le-xan-der Hai-g, Jr. 小亚历山大·黑格(81-82) Geor-ge Shu-l-tz 乔治·舒尔茨(89) James Ba-ker詹姆斯·贝克(93) War-ren Ch-ri-s-to-pher沃伦·克里斯托弗(97) Ma-de-leine A-l-b-right马德琳·奥尔布赖特(01) Co-lin Po-well科林·鲍威尔英首相: Ar-thur Cham-ber-lain阿瑟·张伯伦(37-40) Win-s-ton Chur-chill温斯顿·丘吉尔(45) C-le-men-t At-t-lee克莱门特·艾德礼(51) Winston Churchill温斯顿·丘吉尔(55) Ro-ber-t E-den罗伯特·艾登(57) Ha-rol-d Ma-c-mil-lan哈罗德·麦克米伦(63) A-le-c Dou-g-la-s-Home亚历克·道格拉斯-霍姆(64) Ha-rol-d Wi-l-son哈罗德·威尔逊(70) E-d-ward Hea-th爱德华·希思(74) Harold Wilson哈罗德·威尔逊(76) James Cal-lag-han詹姆斯·卡拉汉(79) Mar-ga-re-t That-cher玛格丽特·撒切尔(90) John Ma-jor约翰·梅杰(97) To-ny Blair托尼·布莱尔国家及首都: A-f-ghan-istan阿富汗(Ka-bu-l喀布尔)A-l-ba-nia阿尔巴尼亚A-l-ge-ria阿尔及利亚(A-l-gi-ers 阿尔及尔)An-go-la安哥拉Ar-gen-tina阿根廷(Bu-e-no-s Ai-re-s布宜诺斯艾利斯)Aus-t-ria奥地利(Vi-en-na 维也纳)Bah-rain巴林Ban-g-la-desh孟加拉(Dha-ka达卡)Be-l-gium比利时(B-rus-se-ls布鲁塞尔)Bhu-tan不丹(Thim-phu廷布)Bo-li-vi-a玻利维亚(Su-c-re苏克雷)Bra-zil巴西(Bra-si-li-a巴西利亚)Bru-nei文莱Bul-ga-ria保加利亚(So-fi-a索非亚)Bur-ma缅甸(Ran-goon仰光)Cam-bo-dia柬埔寨(Phnom Penh金边)Ca-me-roon喀麦隆Ca-rib-bean加勒比Cey-lon锡兰Cha-d乍得Chi-le智利(San-ti-a-go圣地亚哥)Co-lom-bi-a哥伦比亚(Santa-fe de Bo-go-ta圣菲波哥大)Con-go刚果Co-s-ta Ri-ca哥斯达黎加Cu-ba古巴(Ha-va-na哈瓦那)Cy-p-ru-s塞浦路斯Cze-ch捷克(P-ra-gue布拉格)Den-mark丹麦(Co-pen-ha-gen哥本哈根)E-cua-do-r厄瓜多尔(Qui-to基多)E-thi-o-pi-a埃塞俄比亚(Ad-di-s A-ba-ba亚的斯亚贝巴)Fin-land芬兰(He-l-sin-ki赫尔辛基)Ga-bon加蓬G-re-na-de格林纳达(St. George’s圣乔治)Gua-te-ma-la危地马拉Gui-ne-a 几内亚Guy-a-na圭亚那Hai-ti海地(Port-au-Prince太子港)Hol-land(The Nether-lands)荷兰(A-m-s-ter-dam 阿姆斯特丹)Hon-du-ra-s洪都拉斯Hun-ga-ry匈牙利(Bu-da-pe-st布达佩斯)In-do-nesia印度尼西亚(Ja-kar-ta 雅加达)I-ran伊朗(Te-h-ran德黑兰)I-ra-q伊拉克(Ba-g-dad巴格达)I-s-rael以色列(Je-ru-sa-lem耶路撒冷)Ja-mai-ca牙买加Jor-dan约旦(Am-man安曼)Kam-pu-chea柬埔寨Ka-za-kh-stan哈萨克斯坦Ke-ny-a肯尼亚Ko-rea(D.P.R.)朝鲜(Pyong-yang平壤)Ko-rea(R.O.)韩国(Seoul汉城)Ku-wai-t科威特Ky-r-gy-z-stan吉尔吉斯斯坦Laos老挝(Vien-tiane万象)Le-ba-non黎巴嫩(Bei-ru-t贝鲁特)Li-by-a利比亚Lie-ch-ten-s-tein 列支敦士登Lu-xem-burg卢森堡Ma-da-ga-s-car马达加斯加Ma-la-wi马拉维Ma-lay-si-a马来西亚(Kua-la Lum-pur吉隆坡)Mau-ri-tiu-s毛里求斯Me-la-nesia美拉尼西亚Me-xi-co墨西哥Mi-c-ro-nesia密克罗尼西亚Mon-golia蒙古(U-lan Ba-tor乌兰巴托)Mo-roc-co摩洛哥Mo-zam-bi-que莫桑比克Na-mi-bi-a纳米比亚Nau-ru瑙鲁Ne-pa-l尼泊尔(Ka-t-man-du加德满都)Ni-ca-ra-gua尼加拉瓜Ni-ger尼日尔Ni-ge-ria尼日利亚Nor-way挪威(O-s-lo奥斯陆)O-man阿曼Pa-ki-stan巴基斯坦(I-s-lama-bad伊斯兰堡)Pa-le-s-tine巴勒斯坦Pa-na-ma巴拿马Pa-ra-guay巴拉圭Per-sia波斯Pe-ru秘鲁(Li-ma利马)Phi-lip-pines菲律宾(Ma-ni-la马尼拉)Po-land波兰(War-saw华沙)Po-ly-nesia波利尼西亚Por-tu-gal葡萄牙(Li-s-bon里斯本)Puer-to Ri-co波多黎各Qa-ta-r卡塔尔(Do-ha多哈) Ro-ma-nia罗马尼亚(Bu-cha-rest布加勒斯特)R-wan-da卢旺达Sau-diA-ra-bia沙特(Ri-ya-dh利雅得)Se-ne-ga-l塞内加尔Sey-chel-les塞舌尔Siam暹罗(泰国)Sier-ra Le-one塞拉里昂Sin-ga-pore新加坡S-lo-va-kia斯洛伐克So-ma-lia索马里S-ri Lan-ka斯里兰卡(Co-lom-bo科伦坡)Su-dan苏丹Swe-den瑞典(Stock-ho-l-m斯德哥尔摩)Switzer-land瑞士(Bern伯尔尼)Sy-ri-a叙利亚(Da-ma-s-cus大马士革)Ta-ji-k-istan塔吉克斯坦(Du-shan-be杜尚别) Tan-za-nia坦桑尼亚Thai-land泰国(Bang-kok曼谷)Ti-mor East东帝汶Ton-ga汤加Tu-ni-sia突尼斯(Tu-ni-s突尼斯)Tu-r-key土耳其(An-ka-ra 安卡拉)Tur-k-men-istan土库曼斯坦U-gan-da乌干达U-k-raine乌克兰(Kiev基辅) United A-ra-b Emirates 阿联酋(A-bu Dha-bi阿布扎比) U-ru-guay乌拉圭Va-ti-can梵带冈Ve-ne-zue-la委内瑞拉Viet-nam越南(Ha-noi河内)Ye-men也门Yugo-s-la-via南斯拉夫(Be-l-grade贝尔格莱德)Za-i-re扎伊尔Zam-bi-a赞比亚Zim-ba-b-we津巴布韦城市: A-ber-deen阿伯丁A-le-xan-dria亚历山大An-t-we-p安特卫普Athens雅典Auck-land奥克兰Be-l-fast贝尔法斯特Ber-lin柏林Bir-ming-ham伯明翰Bom-bay孟买Bon-n波恩Cai-ro开罗Ca-l-cut-ta 加尔各答Cam-bridge剑桥Can-ber-ra堪培拉Cape Town开普敦Dar el Bei-da达尔贝达(卡萨布兰卡) Kyo-to京都Du-b-lin都柏林E-din-burgh爱丁堡F-ran-k-furt法兰克福Ge-ne-va日内瓦Ge-no-a热那亚Ham-burg汉堡I-s-tan-bu-l伊斯坦布尔Jo-han-ne-s-burg约翰内斯堡Ka-ra-chi卡拉奇Kin-sha-sa金沙萨Ko-be神户Lei-p-zig莱比锡Li-ver-pool利物浦Ma-cao澳门Ma-d-rid马德里Man-che-s-ter曼彻斯特Mar-seilles马赛Mec-ca麦加Me-l-bourne墨尔本Mi-lan米兰Mon-t-real蒙特利尔Mo-s-cow莫斯科Mu-nich慕尼黑Mu-r-man-sk摩尔曼斯克Na-ga-sa-ki长崎Na-go-ya名古屋New De-lhi新德里O-sa-ka 大阪Ot-ta-wa渥太华Ox-ford牛津Per-th佩思P-re-to-ria比勒陀利亚Que-be-c魁北克Rey-k-ja-vi-k雷克雅未克Rio de Ja-nei-ro里约热内卢Rome罗马Rot-ter-dam鹿特丹Sa-ra-je-vo萨拉热窝Syd-ney悉尼To-kyo东京To-ron-to多伦多Van-cou-ver温哥华Ve-nice威尼斯V-la-di-vo-s-to-k符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴) Wel-ling-ton惠灵顿Yo-ko-ha-ma横滨Zu-rich苏黎世人名:Aa-ron阿伦A-dam亚当A-d-ri-an阿德里安A-lan艾伦Al-ber-t艾伯特A-le-xan-der亚历山大Alfred 阿尔弗雷德A-l-vin,Alwin,Alwyn阿尔文A-mo-s阿莫斯An-d-rew安德鲁An-gu-s安格斯An-t(h)o-ny,An-to-nie安东尼Ar-chi-ba-l-d阿奇博尔德Ar-nold阿诺德Ar-thur阿瑟Au-b-rey奥布里Bal-d-win鲍德温Ba-ron巴仑Bar-ry巴里Bar-tho-lo-mew巴塞洛缪Ba-si-l巴兹尔Ben-ja-min本杰明Ber-nar-d伯纳德Ber-t伯特Ber-t-rand伯特兰Bo-ri-s鲍里斯B-ran-t布兰特B-ry-an,B-ri-an布赖恩By-ron 拜伦Ca-l-vin卡尔文Ce-ci-l塞西尔Char-le-s查尔斯Ch-ri-s-to-pher克里斯托弗C-lar-k克拉克C-lif-for-d 克利福德C-ly-de克莱德Cy-ri-l西里尔Da-le戴尔Da-nie-l丹尼尔Dar-ren达伦Da-vid戴维Den-(n)i-s丹尼斯De-re-k德里克De-x-ter德克斯特Dick迪克Do-mi-ni-c多米尼克Do-nal-d唐纳德Dou-g-la-s道格拉斯Du-ke杜克D-wigh-t德怀特Ear-l(e)厄尔E-d-gar埃德加E-d-mund埃德蒙E-d-ward爱德华El-lio-t艾略特E-l-mer埃尔默E-l-ton埃尔顿E-ri-c,Erick埃里克Er-ne-s-t,Ernesto欧内斯特Eu-gene尤金Fe-li-x费利克斯Fer-di-nan-d费迪南德F-lo-y-d弗洛伊德F-ran-ci-s弗朗西斯F-ran-k弗兰克F-re-de-ri-ck,Frederic 弗雷德里克Ga-b-ri-e-l加布里埃尔Ga-ry加里Ga-s-par加斯珀Ga-vin加文Ge-ne吉恩Geof-f-rey,Jeffrey杰弗里Geor-ge乔治Ge-ra-l-d杰拉尔德Gi-l-ber-t吉尔伯特God-f-rey戈弗雷Gor-don戈登G-ran-t格兰特G-re-go-ry格雷戈里Gu-s-ta-vo古斯塔夫Guy盖伊Ha-l哈尔Ha-le黑尔Ha-rol-d哈罗德Har-ry哈里Har-vey哈维Hen-ry亨利Her-ber-t赫伯特Ho-mer霍默Ho-ra-ce霍勒斯Ho-war-d霍华德Hugh休Hum-ph-rey汉弗莱I-an伊恩Is-sa-c艾萨克I-van伊凡Ja-co-b雅各布James詹姆斯Ja-son贾森Jef-fe-ry 杰弗里Je-re-my,Je-re-miah杰里米Je-ro-me杰罗姆Jes-se杰西Jo-se-ph约瑟夫Ju-li-an朱利恩Ju-s-tin贾斯廷Kei-th基思Ke-l-vin凯尔文Ken-ne-th肯尼思Ken-t肯特Ke-vin凯文Kir-k柯克Ky-le凯尔Lan-ce 兰斯Law-ren-ce,Laurence劳伦斯Le-o利奥Le-s-lie莱斯利Lou-i-s路易斯Lu-ke卢克Lu-ther卢瑟Lyn-n 林恩Ma-l-col-m马尔科姆Ma-nue-l曼纽尔Mar-lon马龙Mar-tin马丁Mat-thew马修Mau-ri-ce莫里斯Ma-x马克斯Me-l-vin梅尔文Mi-chae-l迈克尔Mi-le-s,My-le-s迈尔斯Mor-gan摩根Na-than内森Ne-d 内德Nei-l,Nie-l,Nea-l尼尔Ni-cho-la-s尼古拉斯Ni-ge-l奈杰尔No-e-l诺埃尔Nor-man诺曼O-li-ver,O-li-vier奥利弗O-s-car奥斯卡O-wen欧文Pa-t-ri-ck帕特里克Per-cy珀西Phi-li-p菲利普Ra-l-ph 拉尔夫Ran-dol-ph伦道夫Ray-mon-d雷蒙德Ri-char-d理查德Ri-ck,Ri-ckie,Ri-cky里克Ro-bin罗宾Ro-ck 罗克Ro-d-ney罗德尼Ro-ger罗杰Ro-land罗兰德Ro-nal-d罗纳德Ro-y罗伊Ru-dol-ph,Ru-dol-f鲁道夫Rus-sel-l拉塞尔Sa-mue-l塞缪尔S-cot-t斯科特Sea-n肖恩Se-ba-s-ti-an塞巴斯蒂安Si-mon西蒙S-pen-cer,S-pen-ser斯潘塞S-tan-ley斯坦利S-te-phen,S-te-ven斯蒂芬S-te-war-d,S-tu-ar-t斯图尔特Sy-d-ney,Si-d-ney西德尼Sy-l-ve-s-ter,Silvester西尔维斯特Te-d,Teddy特德Te-ren-ce,Ter-ren-ce特伦斯The-o-dore西奥多Ti-mo-thy蒂莫西Tod-d托德To-ny托尼T-ra-cy特雷西Vi-c-tor维克托Vin-cen-t文森特Vi-vi-an,Vy-vi-an维维安Wal-la-ce华莱士Wa-l-ter沃尔特War-ren沃伦Way-ne韦恩Wil-liam威廉Xa-vi-er,Ja-vi-er泽维尔A-bi-gai-l阿比盖尔A-da埃达A-ga-tha阿加莎A-g-ne-s阿格尼丝A-le-xan-d-ra亚历山德拉A-li-ce艾丽斯A-li-son艾莉森A-man-da阿曼达A-me-li-a艾米莉亚A-my埃米An-d-re-a安德烈亚An-ge-la安杰拉Ann,An-ne安(妮)An-na-bel-le安纳贝尔An-to-ni-a安东尼娅April阿普里尔Ar-lene阿琳A-the-na阿西娜Au-d-rey奥德丽Bar-ba-ra巴巴拉Be-a-t-ri-ce,Beatrix比阿特丽斯Be-ry-l贝丽尔Bet-sy贝齐Bet-ty贝蒂Be-ver-ly贝弗利B-lan-che布兰奇B-ren-da布兰达B-ri-dge-t,B-ri-dgi-t布里奇特B-roo-k(e)布鲁克Can-di-ce,Can-da-ce,Can-di-s坎迪斯Ca-ro-l,Car-rol-l卡罗尔Ca-ro-line,Ca-ro-lyn卡罗琳Ca-the-rine,Ka-the-rine凯瑟琳Ce-ci-li-a塞西莉亚Char-lot-te夏洛特Che-ry-l谢里尔Ch-lo-e克洛伊Ch-ri-s-tine克里斯廷C-lai-re,C-la-re克莱尔Con-s-tan-ce康斯坦斯C-ry-sta-l克里斯特尔Cyn-thi-a辛西娅Dai-sy黛西Da-ph-ne达夫妮Daw-n唐恩De-bo-rah德博拉De-ni-se,De-ni-ce丹尼斯Di-a-na,Di-a-ne黛安娜Di-ly-s迪莉斯Do-lo-re-s多洛雷斯Don-na唐娜Do-ra多拉Do-ri-s多丽丝Do-ro-thy多萝西E-di-th伊迪丝E-lai-ne伊莱恩E-lea-nor,E-lea-nore埃琳诺E-li-za-beth伊丽莎白El-la埃拉El-len埃伦E-l-sie埃尔西E-mi-ly埃米莉Em-ma埃玛E-ni-d伊妮德Er-ne-s-ti-na欧内斯廷娜E-s-ther埃丝特E-the-l埃瑟尔Et-ta 埃塔Eu-ni-ce尤妮斯E-ve伊夫E-ve-lyn伊夫林Fai-th费思Fa-y,Fa-ye费伊Fi-o-na菲奥纳F-lo-ra弗洛拉F-lo-ren-ce弗洛伦斯F-ran-ce-s弗朗西丝F-re-da弗蕾达Gai-l盖尔Ge-ne-vie-ve吉纳维夫Geor-gi-a乔治娅Gin-ny金妮G-lo-ri-a格洛丽亚G-ra-ce格雷斯G-re-ta格里塔G-wen-do-lyn,G-wen-do-line格温德琳Han-nah汉纳Har-rie-t哈丽特Ha-ze-l黑兹尔Hea-ther希瑟He-len海伦Hen-ri-et-ta亨里埃塔He-s-ter赫斯特Hi-la-ry希拉里Hi-l-da希尔达Hol-ly霍莉Ho-pe霍普I-da艾达In-g-ri-d英格里德I-rene艾琳I-ri-s 艾里斯I-sa-be-l,I-so-be-l伊莎贝尔I-vy艾维Jac-que-line杰奎琳Ja-ne-t珍妮特Ja-ni-ce贾妮丝Jean,Jean-ne琼,珍妮Jen-ni-fer珍妮弗Jes-si-ca杰西卡Jil-l,Gil-l吉尔Joan琼Jo-an-ne乔安娜Jo-ce-lyn乔斯琳Jo-die 乔蒂Jo-se-phine约瑟芬Jo-y-ce乔伊斯Ju-di-th朱迪思Ju-dy朱迪Ju-li-a朱莉娅Ju-li-et,Ju-li-ette朱丽叶June琼Ka-ren卡伦Ka-the-rine,Ca-the-rine凯瑟琳Ka-th-leen凯瑟琳Ka-y,Ka-ye凯伊Kel-ly凯莉Kim-ber-ly 金伯莉Lau-ra劳拉Lee李Lei-la,Le-la莉拉Le-s-le莱斯莉Lil-lian,Li-lian莉莲Li-sa,Li-z莉萨Lo-i-s洛伊丝Lor-raine洛兰Lou-i-se路易丝Lu-cy,Lu-cille露西Ly-di-a,Li-di-a莉迪亚Lyn-n琳恩Ma-be-l梅布尔Ma-de-line马德琳Ma-mie玛米Mar-ci-a马西娅Man-dy曼迪Mar-ga-re-t,Mar-gue-ri-te玛格丽特Mar-ga-ri-ta玛格丽塔Ma-ri-a玛丽亚Ma-ri-an,Ma-ri-on玛丽安Ma-ri-na玛丽娜Mar-tha马莎Ma-x-ine玛克辛May梅Mi-chel-le米歇尔Mi-l-d-re-d米尔德里德Mi-ran-da米兰达Mol-ly莫莉Mo-ni-ca莫妮卡Nan-cy南希Na-o-mi内奥米Na-ta-lie纳塔利Nel-l,Nel-lie内尔,内利Ni-co-la尼古拉Ni-na尼娜No-e-l,No-el-le诺埃尔No-ra诺拉Nor-ma诺玛O-de-let-te奥德列特O-li-vi-a奥利维亚Pa-ge佩奇Pa-me-la 帕梅拉Pa-t-ri-cia帕特里夏Pau-la葆拉Pear-l珀尔Peg-gy佩吉Pe-ne-lo-pe佩内洛普Phoe-be菲比Phyl-li-s,Phil-li-s菲莉斯P-ris-cil-la普里西拉Ra-che-l雷切尔Re-bec-ca丽贝卡Re-nee雷妮Rho-da罗达Ri-ta丽塔Ro-ber-ta罗伯塔Ro-se-mary罗斯玛丽Ro-x-anne洛克珊Ru-by鲁比Ru-th鲁思Sa-bi-na萨宾娜Sal-ly萨莉Sa-man-tha萨曼莎San-d-ra桑德拉Sa-rah,Sa-ra萨拉Se-li-na,Se-le-na塞琳娜Sha-ron沙伦Shei-la希拉Shir-ley雪莉Si-by-l,Sy-bi-l西比尔Si-l-vi-a,Sy-l-vi-a西尔维亚So-phi-a索菲娅S-tel-la斯特拉S-te-pha-nie斯蒂芬妮Tam-my塔米Te-re-sa,The-re-sa特里萨The-l-ma塞尔玛Tif-fa-ny蒂法妮Ti-na 蒂娜To-ni托妮T-ra-cy特蕾西Ur-su-la厄休拉Va-len-ti-na瓦伦蒂娜Va-le-rie,Va-le-ry瓦莱丽Va-nes-sa 瓦内莎Ve-ra薇拉Ve-ro-ni-ca维罗妮卡Vic-to-ria维多利亚Vi-o-la维奥拉Vi-o-le-t维奥莱特Vir-gi-nia弗吉尼亚Vi-vi-an,Vi-vi-en维维安Wan-da万达Wen-dy温迪Wi-ni-f-re-d威尼弗雷德Xe-nia齐妮亚Y-vonne 伊冯Zo-e佐伊联合国: General Assembly大会Security Council安理会Economic and Social Council经社理事会Trusteeship Council托管理事会International Court of Justice国际法院Secretariat秘书处International Telecommunication Union 电联International Bank for Reconstruction and Development世行International Maritime Organization海事International Monetary Fund货币基金International Finance Co.国际金融公司International Development Association国际开发协会International Labor Organization劳工International Civil Aviation Organization民航United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization教科文Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations粮农World Meteorological Organization气象Universal Postal Union万国邮联美国节日: New Year’s Day元旦Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday Easter复活Memorial Day阵亡将士Independence Day独立Labor Day劳工Co-lum-bus Day哥伦布Veterans Day退伍军人Election Day 选举Thanksgiving Day感恩Christmas Day圣诞。



六个字母的英文单词aahing aaliis aarrgh abacas abacus abakas abamps abased abaser abases abasia abated abater abates abatis abator abbacy abbess abbeys abbots abduce abduct abeles abelia abhors abided abider abides abject abjure ablate ablaut ablaze ablest ablins abloom ablush abmhos aboard aboded abodes abohms abolla abomas aboral aborts abound aboves abrade abroad abrupt abseil absent absorb absurd abulia abulic abused abuser abuses abvolt abwatt abying abysms acacia acajou acarid acarus accede accent accept access accord accost accrue accuse acedia acetal acetic acetin acetum acetyl achene achier aching acidic acidly acinar acinic acinus ackees acnode acorns acquit across acting actins action active actors actual acuate acuity aculei acumen acuter acutes adages adagio adapts addend adders addict adding addled addles adduce adduct adeems adenyl adepts adhere adieus adieux adipic adjoin adjure adjust admass admire admits admixt adnate adnexa adnoun adobes adobos adonis adopts adored adorer adores adorns adrift adroit adsorb adults advect advent adverb advert advice advise adytum adzuki aecial aecium aedile aedine aeneus aeonic aerate aerial aeried aerier aeries aerify aerily aerobe aerugo aether afeard affair affect affine affirm afflux afford affray afghan afield aflame afloat afraid afreet afresh afrits afters aftosa agamas agamic agapae agapai agaric agatesagaves agedly ageing ageism ageist agency agenda agenes agents aggers aggies aggros aghast agings agisms agists aglare agleam aglets agnail agnate agnize agonal agones agonic agorae agoras agorot agouti agouty agrafe agreed agrees agrias aguish ahchoo ahimsa aholds ahorse aiders aidful aiding aidman aidmen aiglet aigret aikido ailing aimers aimful aiming aiolis airbus airers airest airier airily airing airman airmen airted airths airway aisled aisles aivers ajivas ajowan ajugas akelas akenes akimbo alamos alands alanin alants alanyl alarms alarum alaska alated alates albata albedo albeit albino albite albums alcade alcaic alcids alcove alders aldols aldose aldrin alegar alephs alerts alevin alexia alexin alfaki algins algoid algors algums alibis alible alidad aliens alight aligns alined aliner alines aliped aliyah aliyas aliyos aliyot alkali alkane alkene alkies alkine alkoxy alkyds alkyls alkyne allays allees allege allele alleys allied allies allium allods allots allows alloys allude allure allyls almahs almehs almner almond almost almuce almude almuds almugs alnico alodia alohas aloins alpaca alphas alphyl alpine alsike altars alters althea aludel alulae alular alumin alumna alumni alvine always amadou amarna amatol amazed amazes amazon ambage ambari ambary ambeer ambers ambery ambits ambled ambler ambles ambush amebae ameban amebas amebicameers amends aments amerce amices amicus amides amidic amidin amidol amidst amigas amigos amines aminic ammine ammino ammono amnion amoeba amoles amoral amount amours ampere ampler ampule ampuls amrita amtrac amucks amulet amused amuser amuses amusia amylic amylum anabas anadem analog ananke anarch anatto anchor ancone anears aneled aneles anemia anemic anenst anergy angary angels angers angina angled angler angles angora angsts anilin animal animas animes animis animus anions anises anisic ankled ankles anklet ankush anlace anlage annals anneal annexe annoys annual annuli annuls anodal anodes anodic anoint anoles anomic anomie anonym anopia anorak anoxia anoxic ansate answer anteed anthem anther antiar antick antics anting antler antral antres antrum anural anuran anuria anuric anuses anvils anyhow anyone anyway aorist aortae aortal aortas aortic aoudad apache apathy apercu apexes aphids aphtha apiary apical apices apiece aplite aplomb apneal apneas apneic apnoea apodal apogee apollo apolog appall appals appeal appear appels append apples appose aprons aptest arabic arable aramid arbors arbour arbute arcade arcana arcane arched archer arches archil archly archon arcing arcked arctic ardebs ardent ardors ardour arecas arenas areola areole aretes argala argali argals argent argils argledargles argols argons argosy argots argued arguer argues argufy argyle argyll arhats arider aridly ariels aright ariled ariose ariosi arioso arisen arises arista aristo arkose armada armers armets armful armies arming armlet armors armory armour armpit armure arnica aroids aroint aromas around arouse aroynt arpens arpent arrack arrant arrays arrear arrest arrive arroba arrows arrowy arroyo arseno arshin arsine arsino arsons artels artery artful artier artily artist asanas asarum ascend ascent ascots asdics ashcan ashier ashing ashlar ashler ashman ashmen ashore ashram asides askant askers asking aslant asleep aslope aspect aspens aspers aspics aspire aspish asrama assail assais assays assent assert assess assets assign assist assize assoil assort assume assure astern asters asthma astony astral astray astute aswarm aswirl aswoon asylum atabal ataman atavic ataxia ataxic atelic atlatl atmans atolls atomic atonal atoned atoner atones atonic atopic atrial atrium attach attack attain attars attend attent attest attics attire attorn attune atwain atween atypic aubade auburn aucuba audads audial audile auding audios audits augend augers aughts augite augurs augury august auklet aulder auntie auntly aurate aureus aurist aurora aurous aurums auspex ausubo auteur author autism autoed autumn auxins avails avatar avaunt avenge avenue averse averts avians aviary aviate avidin avidlyavions avisos avocet avoids avoset avouch avowal avowed avower avulse awaits awaked awaken awakes awards aweary aweigh aweing awhile awhirl awless awmous awning awoken axeman axemen axenic axilla axioms axions axised axises axites axlike axonal axones axonic axseed azalea azides azines azlons azoles azonal azonic azoted azotes azoths azotic azures azygos baaing baalim baases babble babels babied babies babkas babool baboon baboos babuls baccae bached baches backed backer backup bacons bacula badass badder baddie badged badger badges badman badmen baffed baffle bagass bagels bagful bagged bagger baggie bagman bagmen bagnio baguet bagwig bailed bailee bailer bailey bailie bailor bairns baited baiter baizas baizes bakers bakery baking balata balboa balded balder baldly baleen balers baling balked balker ballad balled baller ballet ballon ballot balsam balsas bamboo bammed banana bancos banded bander bandit bandog banged banger bangle banian baning banish banjax banjos banked banker banned banner bannet bantam banter banyan banzai baobab barbal barbed barbel barber barbes barbet barbut barded bardes bardic barege barely barest barfed barfly barged bargee barges barhop baring barite barium barked barker barley barlow barman barmen barmie barong barons barony barque barred barrelbarren barres barret barrio barrow barter baryes baryon baryta baryte basalt basely basest bashaw bashed basher bashes basics basify basils basing basins basion basked basket basque basses basset bassly bassos basted baster bastes batboy bateau bathed bather bathes bathos batiks bating batman batmen batons batted batten batter battik battle battue baubee bauble baulks baulky bawbee bawdry bawled bawler bawtie bayamo bayard baying bayman baymen bayous bazaar bazars bazoos beachy beacon beaded beadle beagle beaked beaker beamed beaned beanie beanos beards bearer beasts beaten beater beauts beauty beaver bebops becalm became becaps becked becket beckon beclog become bedamn bedaub bedbug bedded bedder bedeck bedell bedels bedews bedims bedlam bedpan bedrid bedrug bedsit beduin bedumb beebee beechy beefed beeped beeper beetle beeves beezer befall befell befits beflag beflea befogs befool before befoul befret begall begaze begets beggar begged begins begird begirt beglad begone begrim begulf begums behalf behave behead beheld behest behind behold behoof behove behowl beiges beings bekiss beknot belady belaud belays beldam beleap belfry belgas belied belief belier belies belike belive belled belles bellow belong belows belted belter beluga bemata bemean bemire bemist bemixt bemoan bemock bemusebename benday bended bendee bender bendys benign bennes bennet bennis benumb benzal benzin benzol benzyl berake berate bereft berets berime berlin bermes bertha berths beryls beseem besets beside besmut besnow besoms besots bested bestir bestow bestud betake betels bethel betide betime betise betons betony betook betray bettas betted better bettor bevels bevies bevors bewail beware beweep bewept bewigs beworm bewrap bewray beylic beylik beyond bezant bezazz bezels bezils bezoar bhakta bhakti bhangs bharal bhoots bialis bialys biased biases biaxal bibbed bibber bibles bicarb biceps bicker bicorn bicron bidden bidder biders bidets biding bields biface biffed biffin biflex bifold biform bigamy bigeye bigger biggie biggin bights bigots bigwig bijous bijoux bikers bikies biking bikini bilboa bilbos bilged bilges bilked bilker billed biller billet billie billon billow bimahs bimbos binary binate binder bindis bindle binged binger binges bingos binits binned binocs biogas biogen biomes bionic bionts biopic biopsy biotas biotic biotin bipack bipeds bipods birded birder birdie bireme birkie birled birler birles birred birses births bisect bishop bisons bisque bister bistre bistro biters biting bitted bitten bitter bizone bizzes blabby blacks bladed blades blains blamed blamer blames blanch blanks blared blares blasts blasty blawed blazed blazer blazesblazon bleach bleaks blears bleary bleats blebby bleeds bleeps blench blende blends blenny blight blimey blimps blinds blinis blinks blintz blites blithe bloats blocks blocky blokes blonde blonds bloods bloody blooey blooie blooms bloomy bloops blotch blotto blotty blouse blousy blowby blowed blower blowsy blowup blowzy bluely bluest bluesy bluets blueys bluffs bluing bluish blumed blumes blunge blunts blurbs blurry blurts blypes boards boarts boasts boated boatel boater bobbed bobber bobbin bobble bobcat bocces boccia boccie boccis boches bodega bodice bodied bodies bodily boding bodkin boffin boffos bogans bogeys bogged boggle bogies bogles boheas bohunk boiled boiler boites bolder boldly bolero bolete boleti bolide bolled bollix bollox bolshy bolson bolted bolter bombax bombed bomber bombes bombyx bonaci bonbon bonded bonder bonduc bonged bongos bonier boning bonita bonito bonked bonnes bonnet bonnie bonsai bonzer bonzes boobed boobie booboo boodle booger boogey boogie boohoo booing booked booker bookie boomed boomer boosts booted bootee booths bootie boozed boozer boozes bopeep bopped bopper borage borals borane borate bordel border boreal boreen borers boride boring borons borrow borsch borsht borzoi boshes bosker bosket bosoms bosomy bosons bosque bossed bosses boston bosunsbotany botchy botels botfly bother bottle bottom boubou boucle bouffe boughs bought bougie boules boulle bounce bouncy bounds bounty bourgs bourne bourns bourse boused bouses bouton bovids bovine bowels bowers bowery bowfin bowing bowled bowleg bowler bowman bowmen bowpot bowsed bowses bowwow bowyer boxcar boxers boxful boxier boxing boyard boyars boyish boylas braced bracer braces brachs bracts braggy brahma braids brails brains brainy braise braize braked brakes branch brands brandy branks branny brants brashy brasil brassy bratty bravas braved braver braves bravos brawer brawls brawly brawns brawny brayed brayer brazas brazed brazen brazer brazes brazil breach breads bready breaks breams breast breath bredes breech breeds breeks breeze breezy bregma brents breves brevet brewed brewer brewis briard briars briary bribed bribee briber bribes bricks bricky bridal brides bridge bridle briefs briers briery bright brills brined briner brines brings brinks briony brisks britts broach broads broche brocks brogan brogue broils broken broker brolly bromal bromes bromic bromid bromin bromos bronco broncs bronze bronzy brooch broods broody brooks brooms broomy broses broths brothy browed browns browny browse brucin brughs bruins bruise bruits brulot brumal brumby brumes brunch brunet bruntsbrushy brutal bruted brutes bryony bubale bubals bubble bubbly buboed buboes buccal bucked bucker bucket buckle buckra budded budder buddle budged budger budges budget budgie buffed buffer buffet buffos bugeye bugged bugger bugled bugler bugles bugsha builds bulbar bulbed bulbel bulbil bulbul bulged bulger bulges bulgur bulked bullae bulled bullet bumble bumkin bummed bummer bumped bumper bumphs bunchy buncos bundle bundts bunged bungee bungle bunion bunked bunker bunkos bunkum bunted bunter bunyas buoyed buppie buqsha burans burble burbly burbot burden burdie bureau burets burgee burger burghs burgle burgoo burial buried burier buries burins burked burker burkes burlap burled burler burley burned burner burnet burnie burped burred burrer burros burrow bursae bursal bursar bursas burses bursts burton busbar busboy bushed bushel busher bushes bushwa busied busier busies busily busing busked busker buskin busman busmen bussed busses busted buster bustic bustle butane butene buteos butled butler butles butted butter buttes button bututs butyls buyers buying buyout buzuki buzzed buzzer buzzes bwanas byelaw bygone bylaws byline byname bypass bypast bypath byplay byrled byrnie byroad byssus bytalk byways byword bywork byzant cabala cabals cabana cabbed cabbie cabers cabins cabled cables cablet cabmancabmen cabobs cacaos cached caches cachet cachou cackle cactus caddie caddis cadent cadets cadged cadger cadges cadmic cadres caecal caecum caeoma caesar caftan cagers cagier cagily caging cahier cahoot cahows caiman caique cairds cairns cairny cajole cakier caking calami calash calcar calces calcic calesa calico califs caliph calked calker calkin callan callas called caller callet callow callus calmed calmer calmly calory calpac calque calved calves calxes camail camass camber cambia camels cameos camera camion camisa camise camlet camped camper campos campus canals canape canard canary cancan cancel cancer cancha candid candle candor caners canful cangue canids canine caning canker cannas canned cannel canner cannie cannon cannot canoed canoes canola canons canopy cansos canted canter canthi cantic cantle canton cantor cantos cantus canula canvas canyon capers capful capias capita caplet caplin capons capote capped capper capric capris capsid captan captor carack carafe carate carats carbon carbos carboy carcel carded carder cardia careen career carers caress carets carful cargos carhop caribe caried caries carina caring carked carles carlin carman carmen carnal carnet carney carnie carobs caroch caroli carols caroms carpal carped carpel carper carpet carpus carrel carrom carrot carses carted cartel carter cartes carton cartopcarved carvel carven carver carves casaba casava casbah casefy caseic casein casern cashaw cashed cashes cashew cashoo casing casini casino casita casked casket casque cassia cassis caster castes castle castor casual catalo catchy catena caters catgut cation catkin catlin catnap catnip catsup catted cattie cattle caucus caudad caudal caudex caudle caught caulds caules caulis caulks causal caused causer causes causey caveat cavern cavers caviar cavies cavils caving cavity cavort cawing cayman cayuse ceased ceases cebids ceboid cedarn cedars ceders ceding cedula ceibas ceiled ceiler celebs celery celiac cellae cellar celled cellos celoms cement cenote censed censer censes censor census cental center centos centra centre centum ceorls cerate cercis cercus cereal cereus cerias cering ceriph cerise cerite cerium cermet cerous certes ceruse cervid cervix cesium cessed cesses cestas cestoi cestos cestus cesura cetane chabuk chacma chadar chador chadri chaeta chafed chafer chafes chaffs chaffy chaine chains chairs chaise chakra chalah chaleh chalet chalks chalky challa chally chalot chammy champs champy chance chancy change changs chants chanty chapel chapes charas chards chared chares charge charka charks charms charro charrs charry charts chased chaser chases chasms chasmy chasse chaste chatty chaunt chawed chawer chazan cheapo cheaps cheatschebec checks cheder cheeks cheeky cheeps cheero cheers cheery cheese cheesy chegoe chelae chelas chemic chemos cheque cherry cherts cherty cherub chests chesty chetah cheths chevre chewed chewer chiasm chiaus chicer chichi chicks chicle chicly chicos chided chider chides chiefs chield chiels chigoe childe chiles chilli chills chilly chimar chimbs chimed chimer chimes chimla chimps chinas chinch chined chines chinks chinky chinos chints chintz chippy chiral chirks chirms chiros chirps chirpy chirre chirrs chisel chital chitin chiton chitty chives chivvy choana chocks choice choirs choked choker chokes chokey choler cholla cholos chomps chooks choose choosy chopin choppy choral chords chorea chored chores choric chorus chosen choses chotts chough chouse choush chowed chowse chrism chroma chrome chromo chubby chucks chucky chufas chuffs chuffy chukar chukka chummy chumps chunks chunky church churls churns churrs chuted chutes chyles chymes chymic cibols cicada cicala cicale cicely cicero ciders cigars cilice cilium cinder cinema cineol cinque cipher circle circus cirque cirrus ciscos cistus citers cither citied cities citify citing citola citole citral citric citrin citron citrus civets civics civies civism clachs clacks clades claims clammy clamor clamps clangs clanks claque claret claros clasps claspt classy clastsclause claver claves clavus clawed clawer claxon clayed clayey cleans clears cleats cleave cleeks clefts clench cleome cleped clepes clergy cleric clerid clerks clever clevis clewed cliche clicks client cliffs cliffy clifts climax climbs climes clinal clinch clines clings clingy clinic clinks clique cliquy clitic clivia cloaca cloaks cloche clocks cloddy cloggy clomps clonal cloned cloner clones clonic clonks clonus cloots cloque closed closer closes closet clothe cloths clotty clouds cloudy clough clours clouts cloven clover cloves clowns cloyed clozes clubby clucks cluing clumps clumpy clumsy clunks clunky clutch clypei coacts coalas coaled coaler coapts coarse coasts coated coatee coater coatis coaxal coaxed coaxer coaxes cobalt cobber cobble cobias cobles cobnut cobras cobweb cocain coccal coccic coccid coccus coccyx cochin cocked cocker cockle cockup cocoas cocoon codded codder coddle codecs codeia codein codens coders codger codify coding codlin codons coedit coelom coempt coerce coeval coffee coffer coffin coffle cogent cogged cogito cognac cogons cogway cohead coheir cohere cohogs cohort cohosh cohost cohune coifed coiffe coigne coigns coiled coiler coined coiner coital coitus cojoin coking colder coldly colead coleus colics colies colins collar collet collie collop colobi cologs colone coloni colons colony colors colour coltercolugo column colure colzas comade comake comate combat combed comber combes combos comedo comedy comely comers cometh comets comfit comics coming comity commas commie commit commix common comose comous comped compel comply compos compts comtes concha conchs conchy concur condom condor condos coneys confab confer confit congas congee conger conges congii congos congou conics conies conine coning conins conium conked conker conned conner conoid consol consul contes contos contra convex convey convoy coocoo cooeed cooees cooers cooeys cooing cooked cooker cookey cookie cooled cooler coolie coolly coolth coombe coombs cooped cooper coopts cooter cootie copalm copals copeck copens copers copied copier copies coping coplot copped copper coppra coprah copras copses copter copula coquet corals corban corbel corbie corded corder cordon corers corgis coring corium corked corker cormel cornea corned cornel corner cornet cornua cornus corody corona corpse corpus corral corrie corsac corses corset cortex cortin corvee corves corvet corymb coryza cosecs cosets coseys coshed cosher coshes cosied cosier cosies cosign cosily cosine cosmic cosmos cosset costae costal costar costed coster costly cotans coteau coting cottae cottar cottas cotter cotton cotype cougar coughs couleecoulis counts county couped coupes couple coupon course courts cousin couter couths covens covers covert covets coveys coving covins cowage coward cowboy cowers cowier cowing cowled cowman cowmen cowpat cowpea cowpie cowpox cowrie coxing coydog coyest coying coyish coyote coypou coypus cozens cozeys cozied cozier cozies cozily cozzes craals crabby cracks cracky cradle crafts crafty craggy crakes crambe crambo cramps cranch craned cranes crania cranks cranky cranny craped crapes crappy crases crasis cratch crated crater crates craton cravat craved craven craver craves crawls crawly crayon crazed crazes creaks creaky creams creamy crease creasy create creche credal credit credos creeds creeks creels creeps creepy creese creesh cremes crenel creole creped crepes crepey crepon cresol crests cresyl cretic cretin crewed crewel cricks criers crikey crimes crimps crimpy cringe crinum cripes crises crisic crisis crisps crispy crissa crista critic croaks croaky crocks crocus crofts crojik crones crooks croons crores crosse crotch croton crouch croupe croups croupy crouse crowds crowdy crowed crower crowns crozer crozes cruces crucks cruddy cruder crudes cruets cruise crumbs crumby crummy crumps crunch cruors crural cruses cruset crusts crusty crutch cruxes crwths crying crypto crypts cubage cubebs cubers cubics cubingcubism cubist cubits cuboid cuckoo cuddie cuddle cuddly cudgel cueing cuesta cuffed cuisse culets cullay culled culler cullet cullis culmed culpae cultch cultic cultus culver cumber cumins cummer cummin cumuli cundum cuneal cunner cupels cupful cupids cupola cuppas cupped cupper cupric cuprum cupula cupule curacy curagh curara curare curari curate curbed curber curded curdle curers curets curfew curiae curial curies curing curios curite curium curled curler curlew curran curred currie cursed curser curses cursor curtal curter curtly curtsy curule curved curves curvet curvey cuscus cusecs cushat cushaw cusped cuspid cuspis cussed cusser cusses cussos custom custos cutely cutest cutesy cuteys cuties cutins cutlas cutler cutlet cutoff cutout cutter cuttle cutups cyanic cyanid cyanin cyborg cycads cycled cycler cycles cyclic cyclos cyders cyeses cyesis cygnet cymars cymbal cymene cymlin cymoid cymols cymose cymous cynics cypher cypres cyprus cystic cytons dabbed dabber dabble dachas dacker dacoit dactyl daddle dadoed dadoes daedal daemon daffed dafter daftly daggas dagger daggle dagoba dagoes dahlia dahoon daiker daikon daimen daimio daimon daimyo dainty daises dakoit dalasi daledh daleth dalles dalton damage damans damars damask dammar dammed dammer damned damner damped dampen damper damplydamsel damson danced dancer dances dander dandle danged danger dangle danios danish danker dankly daphne dapped dapper dapple darers darics daring darked darken darker darkey darkie darkle darkly darned darnel darner darted darter dartle dashed dasher dashes dashis dassie datary datcha daters dating dative dattos datums datura daubed dauber daubes daubry daunts dauted dautie davens davies davits dawdle dawing dawned dawted dawtie daybed dayfly daylit dazing dazzle deacon deaden deader deadly deafen deafer deafly deairs dealer deaned dearer dearie dearly dearth deasil deaths deathy deaved deaves debark debars debase debate debeak debits debone debris debtor debugs debunk debuts debyes decade decafs decals decamp decane decant decare decays deceit decent decern decide decile decked deckel decker deckle declaw decoct decode decors decoys decree decury dedans deduce deduct deeded deejay deemed deepen deeper deeply deewan deface defame defang defats defeat defect defend defers defied defier defies defile define deflea defoam defogs deform defray defter deftly defund defuse defuze degage degame degami degerm degree degums degust dehorn dehort deiced deicer deices deific deigns deisms deists deixis deject dekare deking dekkos delate delays delead delete delfts delict delime delist deltas delticdelude deluge deluxe delved delver delves demand demark demast demean dement demies demise demits demobs demode demons demote demure demurs denary dengue denial denied denier denies denims denned denote denser dental dented dentil dentin denude deodar depart depend deperm depict deploy depone deport depose depots depths depute deputy derail derate derats derays deride derive dermal dermas dermic dermis derris desalt desand descry desert design desire desist desman desmid desorb desoxy despot detach detail detain detect detent deters detest detick detour deuced deuces devein devels devest device devils devise devoid devoir devons devote devour devout dewans dewars dewier dewily dewing dewlap dewool deworm dexies dexter dextro dezinc dharma dharna dhobis dholes dhooly dhoora dhooti dhotis dhurna dhutis diacid diadem dialed dialer dialog diamin diaper diapir diatom diazin dibbed dibber dibble dibbuk dicast dicers dicier dicing dicked dicker dickey dickie dicots dictum didact diddle diddly didies didoes dieing dienes diesel dieses diesis dieted dieter differ digamy digest digged digger dights digits diglot dikdik dikers diking diktat dilate dildoe dildos dilled dilute dimers dimity dimmed dimmer dimout dimple dimply dimwit dinars dindle dinero diners dinged dinger dinges dingey dinghy dingle dingus dining dinked dinkeydinkly dinkum dinned dinner dinted diobol diodes dioecy dioxan dioxid dioxin diplex diploe dipnet dipody dipole dipped dipper dipsas dipsos diquat dirdum direct direly direst dirges dirham dirked dirled dirndl disarm disbar disbud disced discos discus dished dishes disked dismal dismay dismes disown dispel dissed disses distal distil disuse dither dittos ditzes diuron divans divers divert divest divide divine diving divots diwans dixits dizens djebel djinni djinns djinny doable doated dobber dobbin dobies doblas doblon dobras dobson docent docile docked docker docket doctor dodder dodged dodgem dodger dodges dodoes doffed doffer dogdom dogear dogeys dogged dogger doggie dogies dogleg dogmas dognap doiled doings doited doling dollar dolled dollop dolman dolmas dolmen dolors dolour domain domine doming domino donate donees dongas donjon donkey donnas donned donnee donors donsie donuts donzel doodad doodle doofus doolee doolie doomed doozer doozie dopant dopers dopier doping dorado dorbug dories dormer dormie dormin dorper dorsad dorsal dorsel dorser dorsum dosage dosers dosing dossal dossed dossel dosser dosses dossil dotage dotard doters dotier doting dotted dottel dotter dottle double doubly doubts douche doughs dought doughy doumas dourah douras dourer dourly doused douser douses dovens dovish dowelsdowers dowery dowing downed downer dowsed dowser dowses doxies doyens doyley dozens dozers dozier dozily dozing drably drachm draffs draffy drafts drafty dragee draggy dragon drails drains drakes dramas draped draper drapes drapey drawee drawer drawls drawly drayed dreads dreams dreamt dreamy drears dreary drecks drecky dredge dreggy dreich dreidl dreigh drench dressy driegh driers driest drifts drifty drills drinks drippy drivel driven driver drives drogue droits drolls drolly dromon droned droner drones drongo drools droops droopy dropsy drosky drossy drouks drouth droved drover droves drownd drowns drowse drowsy drudge druggy druids drumly drunks drupes druses dryads dryers dryest drying dryish drylot dually dubbed dubber dubbin ducats ducked ducker duckie ductal ducted duddie dudeen duding dudish dueled dueler duelli duello duende duenna duffel duffer duffle dugong dugout duiker duking dulcet dulias dulled duller dulses dumbed dumber dumbly dumdum dumped dumper dunams dunces dunged dunite dunked dunker dunlin dunned dunner dunted duolog duomos dupers dupery duping duplex dupped durbar duress durian during durion durned durocs durras durrie durums dusked dusted duster dustup duties duvets dwarfs dweebs dwells dwined dwines dyable dyadic dybbuk dyeing dyings dykingdynamo dynast dynein dynels dynode dyvour eagers eagles eaglet eagres earful earing earlap earned earner earths earthy earwax earwig easels easier easies easily easing easter eaters eatery eating ebbets ebbing ecarte ecesis echard eching echini echoed echoer echoes echoey echoic eclair eclats ectype eczema eddied eddies eddoes edemas edenic edgers edgier edgily edging edible edicts ediles edited editor educed educes educts eelier eerier eerily efface effect effete effigy efflux effort effuse egesta egests eggars eggcup eggers egging eggnog egises egoism egoist egress egrets eiders eidola eighth eights eighty eikons either ejecta ejects ekuele elains elands elapid elapse elated elater elates elbows elders eldest elects elegit elemis eleven elevon elfins elfish elicit elided elides elints elites elixir elmier elodea eloign eloins eloped eloper elopes eluant eluate eluded eluder eludes eluent eluted elutes eluvia elvers elvish elytra embalm embank embark embars embays embeds embers emblem embody emboli emboly embosk emboss embows embrue embryo emceed emcees emeers emends emerge emerod emeses emesis emetic emetin emeute emigre emmers emmets emodin emoted emoter emotes empale empery empire employ emydes enable enacts enamel enamor enates enatic encage encamp encase encash encina encode encore encyst endear enders。



风雨哈佛路‎目录[隐藏]概述演员一览制片人制片主管电影剪辑化妆师美术剧情介绍概述演员一览制片人制片主管电影剪辑化妆师美术剧情介绍经典台词概述风雨哈佛路‎(Homel‎e ss to Harva‎r d: The Liz Murra‎y Story‎),是美国一部‎催人惊醒的‎电影,通过一位生‎长在纽约的‎女孩莉斯,经历人生的‎艰辛和辛酸‎,凭借自己的‎努力,最终走进了‎最高学府的‎经历,表达了一个‎贫穷苦难的‎女孩可以用‎执着信念和‎顽强的毅力‎改变了自己‎、改变人生的‎主题。

演员一览莎拉·布姬 Thora‎Birch‎......Liz Murra‎y凯莉·林奇 Kelly‎Lynch‎...... Jean Murra‎y艾伦·佩吉 Ellen‎Page ...... Young‎LisaRober‎t Bocks‎t ael ...... David‎Jenni‎f er Pisan‎a ...... Young‎LizAron Tager‎...... PopsMicha‎e l Riley‎...... Peter‎Marla‎McLea‎n...... LisaMargu‎e rite‎McNei‎l (v)Amber‎Godfr‎e y...... DawnSeamu‎s Morri‎s on ...... Bobby‎John Fulto‎n...... Old Irish‎CopRejea‎n Courn‎o yer ...... Young‎Irish‎CopMaura‎l ea Austi‎n ...... Miss Wanda‎Krist‎i ne Slawt‎e r ...... Tall Thin GirlMary Colin‎Chiso‎l m ...... Teach‎e r at Publi‎c Schoo‎l Stan Carew‎...... New York Times‎Edito‎rCecil‎Wrigh‎t...... Mr. MakiDeb Allen‎...... Couns‎e lorJuani‎t a Peter‎s...... Teach‎e r at Middl‎e Schoo‎lRita Malik‎...... Assis‎t ant Princ‎i palDougl‎a s Mayr ...... Grave‎d igge‎rLinda‎Carve‎y ...... Femal‎e Drunk‎Brian‎Jamie‎s on...... Male Drunk‎Ray Douce‎t te ...... Repor‎t erSarah‎Brian‎d...... Girl with SoupLiz Murra‎y...... Socia‎l Worke‎rLisa Snow...... Stude‎n t制片人Barne‎t BainSteph‎e n Deuts‎c hRonni‎e KernMicha‎e l Mahon‎e yLiz Murra‎yAlan Nevin‎sTom Patri‎c ia制片主管Valer‎i e Halma‎nBrend‎a Torra‎n ce原创音乐Louis‎Febre‎改编音乐摄像师Uta Bries‎e witz‎电影剪辑Anita‎Brand‎t-Burgo‎y ne造型设计Jenni‎f er Stewa‎r t服装设计Marth‎a Curry‎化妆师Betty‎Belmo‎r eJoann‎e Stamp‎Colle‎e n Ryan美术Jeff Beanl‎a ndsJason‎Clark‎eSasha‎Serge‎j ewsk‎i剧情介绍父母吸毒、8岁开始乞‎讨、15岁母亲‎死于艾滋病‎、父亲进入收‎容所、17岁开始‎用2年的时‎光学完高中‎4年课程,获得199‎6年纽约时‎报一等奖学‎金,进入哈佛学‎习,一个真实、努力女孩的‎人生经历、一段自强不‎息昂扬奋斗‎的生命历程‎,一曲励志向‎上的美国影‎片;托拉·伯奇演绎了‎一个女孩子‎克服种种不‎利条件、努力奋进的‎故事;细腻的情感‎刻画了人物‎;影片《风雨哈佛路‎》传递给人的‎除了心灵的‎震撼,还有深深的‎感动。



人教版初中英语单词表(七年级上册)Unit 1my /ma✋/ pron. 我的name /ne✋m/ n. 名字is /✋z/ v. 是name's=name isclock /kl :k/ /kl k/n. 时钟I /a✋/ pron. 我的am /✌m/ v. 是I'm=I amnice /na✋s/ adj. 好的;令人愉快的to /t✞:/ p art. 用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式meet /mi:t/ v. 遇见;相逢you /ju:/ pron. 你;你们what /w :t/ pron. &adj.什么what's= what isyour /j :(r)/ pron. 你的;你们的hello/h☜’l☜☺/interj.(表示问候)喂hi /ha✋/interj.(表示问候)嗨his /h✋z/ p ron. 他的and /✌nd/conj. 和;又;而且her /h :(r)/ pron. 她的question/’kwest☞☜n/ n. 问题;难题;询问;疑问answer /’✌ns☜r/ n. 回答;答案look /l☺k/ v. 看;望;看起first /f :(r)st/ sdj. 第一的first name 名字last /l✌st/adj. 最后的;上一个的last name 姓氏boy /b ✋/ n. 男孩girl /♈:(r)l/ n. 女孩zero /’zi:r☜☺/ mum. 零one /w✈n/ num. 一two /tu:/ num. 二three / ri:/ num. 三four /f :(r)/ num. 四five /fa✋v/ num. 五six /s✋ks/ num. 六seven /’sev☜n/ num. 七eight /e✋t/ num. 八nine /na✋n/ num. 九telephone /’tel✋f☜☺n/ n. 电话number /’n✈mb☜(r)/ n. 数,数字telephone number 电话号码phone /f☜☺n/ n. 电话phone number 电话号码it /✋t/ pron. 它it's=it iscard /k :r(d)/ n. 卡ID card(ID=identification)身份证family /’f✌m☜lI/ n. 家,家庭family name 姓氏Jenny /’d✞en✋/ 詹妮Gina /’d✞i:n☜/ 吉娜Alan /’✌l☜n/ 艾伦Mary /’mer✋/ 玛丽Jim /d✞m/ 吉姆Tony /’t☜☺n✋/ 托尼Tom /tɒm/ 汤姆Bob /bɒb / 鲍勃Mike / ma✋ / 迈克Green /♈ri:n/ 格林Miller /’m✋l☜/ 米勒Jack /d✞✌k/ 杰克Smith /sm✋/ 史密斯Brown /bra☺n/ 布朗Linfs /’l✋nd☜/ 琳达Nick /n✋k/ 尼克Kim /k✋m/ 金Hand /h✌nd/ 汉德Unit 2this /❆✋z/ pron.&adj. 这;这个pencil /’pens☜l/n. 铅笔pen /pen/ n. 钢笔book /b☺k/ n. 书eraser / ✋’re✋s☜r / n. 橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦ruler /’ru:l☜(r)/ n. 尺子,直尺case /ke✋s/ n. 箱,盒,橱pencil case铅笔盒;文具盒backpack/’b✌kp✌k/n. 又肩背包pencilsharpener/’☞(r)p☜n☜(r)/卷笔刀;铅笔刀dictionary/’d✋k☞☜ner✋/ n. 字典that /❆✌t/ pron.&adj. 那;那个yes /jes/ adv. (表示肯定)是no /n☜☺/adv.(表示否定)不,不是not /n :t/adv. (构成否定形式)不是isn't=is notexcuse /✋k’skju:z/ v. 原谅;宽恕excuse me 请原谅thank / ✌☠k/ v. 感谢OK /,☜☺’ke✋/ interj. 好;不错in /✋m/ prep. 用,在……里English /’✋☠♈l✋☞/ n. 英语;英文a /☜,e✋/ art. 一个how /ha☺/ a dv. 多少,何等,怎样do /du:/ v.&aux 做,干spell /spel/ v. 拼写baseball/’be✋sb :l/ n. 棒球watch /k☜m’pju:t☜(r)/ n. 手表computer/k☜m’pju:t☜(r)/n. 电脑,电子计算机game /ge✋m/ n. 游戏computer game 电子游戏key /ki:/ n. 钥匙notebook /’n☜☺tb☺k/ n. 笔记本ring /r✋☠/ n. 环,戒指call/k :l/ v. 打电话at/✌♦/ prep. 在…...里面或附近,在…点、刻;以in/✋n/ prep. 在……里面the/❆☜,❆i:/ art. 表示特指的人、物、事或群体lost /l :st/ v. 遗失found /fa☺nd/ v. 找回lost and found 失物招领please /pli:z/ interj. 请原谅school /sku:l/ n. 学校a set 一套、一副of /☜v/ p rep. 属于…….的Tim /t✋m/ 蒂姆Sonia /’s☜☺nj☜/ 索尼娅Jane /d✞e✋n/ 简Kekset /’kels✋/凯思David /’de✋v✋d/ 大卫Unit 3sister /’s✋st☜(r)/ n. 姐、妹mother /’m✈❆☜(r)/ n, 妈妈,母亲father /’f :❆☜(r)/ n. 爸爸,父亲parent /’per☜nt/ n. 父亲或母亲brother /’br✈❆☜(r)/ n. 兄弟grandomther /’♈r✌n,m✈❆☜(r)/ n. 祖母,外祖母grandfather /’♈r✌nd, f :❆☜(r)/ n. 祖父,外祖父friend /frend/ n. 朋友grandparent /’♈r✌nd, per☜nt / n. 祖父(母),外祖父(母)those /❆☜☺z/ pron.&adj 那些are / :(r)/ v. 是that's=that isthese /❆i:z/ pron.&adj 这些she /☞i:/ pron. 她he /hi:/ pron. 他he'=he isaunt /✌nt/ n. 姨母,姑母,伯母son /s✈n/ n. 儿子cousin /’k✈z☜n/n. 堂(表)兄弟daughter/’d :t☜(r)/ n. 女儿uncle /’✈☠k☜l/ n. 叔、伯、舅、姨夫、姑夫picture /’p✋kt☞☜(r)/ n. 照片,图画dear /d✋r/ a dj 亲爱的for /f :(r)/ prep. 为了thanks for 为……而感谢photo /’f☜☺t☜☺/ n. 照片,相片here /h✋r//h✋☜/adv.这里,在这里Dave /de✋v/ 戴夫Anna /’✌n☜/ 安娜Paul /p :l/ 保罗Emma /’em☜/ 艾玛Mona /’m☜☺n☜/ 莫娜Unit 4Where /wer/adv. 在哪里where's=where istabke /’te✋b☜l/n. 桌子bed /bed/n.床dresser /’dres☜(r)/n.梳妆台bookcase /’b☺kke✋s/ n.书橱;书柜sofa /’s☜☺f☜/n. 沙发chair /t☞er/ n. 椅子drawer /dr :(r)/n. 抽屉plant /pl✌nt/n. 植物under /’✈nd☜(r)/prep. 在……下they /❆e✋/pron. 他(她,它)们they're=they areon / :n/prep. 在……上don't=do notknow /n☜☺/v.知道,了解bag /b✌♈/n.书包,提包,袋子math /m✌/n. 数学alarm /☜’l :(r)/闹钟CD /,si:’di:/(=compact disc)abber.光盘video /’v✋d✋☜☺/n. 录像,视频tape /te✋p/ n.录音带video tape 录像带hat /h✌t/n.帽子take /te✋k/v. 拿走,带到thing / ✋☠/n.东西,物to /tu:/prep.朝,向,至,达mom /m :m/n. 妈妈can /k✌n/ v.能,可以,会bring /br✋☠/v.拿来,取来,带来some /s✈m/adj.&pron 一些,若干need /ni:d/v.需要floor /fl :(r)/n. 地板,地面room /ru:m/n. 房间TV/,ti:’vi:/=televisionabbr. 电视,电视机dest /desk/n.书课,课桌Tommy /’tɒm✋/汤米Sally /’s✌●✋/萨利UNIT 5gave /♈✌v/ v. 有soccer /’s :k☜r/ n. 英式足球ball /b :l/ n. 球soccer ball 英式足球tennis /’ten✋s/ n. 网球racket /’r✌✋♦/n.(网球,羽毛球的)球拍tennis racket网球拍ping-pong /’p✋☠p :☠/ n. 乒乓球volleyball /’v :l✋b :l/ n. 排球basketball /’b✌sk✋tb :l/n. 篮球bat /b✌t/ n. 乒乓球拍does/d✈z/v.&aux. 第三人称的做,干doesn't=does notlet /het/v. 让,允许us /✈s/pron. 我们let's=let usplay /ple✋/v. 玩,打(球)well /wel/ interj. 喔,噢,唔sound /sa☺nd/v. 听起来good /♈☺d/adj. 良好的,令人满意的sport /sp :(r)t/ n. 运动well /wi:/ pron. 我们many /’men✋/ adj. 大量的club /kl✈b/ n. 俱乐部more /m :(r)/pron. 更多的,更大的class /kl✌s/ n. 班级,(一节)课interesting /’✋ntr✋st✋☠/ adj. 今人感兴趣的boring /’b :r✋☠/adj. 无聊的,令人生厌的fun /f✈n/adj.有趣的,令人愉快的difficult /’d✋f✋k☜lt/adj. 困难relaxing /r✋’l✌s✋☠/ adj. 轻松的watch /w :t☞/ /wɒt☞/v. 观看;注视watch TV 看电视has /h✌z/ v. 有great /♑re✋t/ adj. 美妙的,大的collection /k☜’lek☞☜n/n. 收藏品,收集物but /b✈t/conj. 但是play sports参加体育运动或比赛only /’☜☺nl✋/adv. 仅仅,只them /❆☜m/ porn. 他们(宾格)every /’evr✋/ a dj. 每一,每个day /de✋/n. 天,日间,白天,一日Peter /’pi:t☜/ 彼得Barry /’b✌r✋/ 巴里ED /ed/埃德Hall /h :l/ 霍尔Unit 6like /la✋k/ v. 喜欢banana /b☜’n✌n☜//b☜’n :n☜/n. 香蕉hamburger /’h✌mb :(r)♑☜(r)/ n. 汉堡包tomato/t☜’me✋t☜☺//t☜’m :t☜☺/n. 西红柿broccoli /’br :k☜l✋/ /’brɒk☜l✋/ n. 花椰菜French fries 炸马铃薯条;薯条orange /’ :r✋nd✞ / /’ɒr✋nd✞/n. 橙子ice /a✋s/ n. 冰cream /kri:m/n. 奶油,乳脂ice cream 冰淇淋salad /’s✌l☜d/ n. 沙拉strawberry/’str :ber✋//’str :b☜r✋/n. 草莓pear /per/ n. 梨have /h✌v/ v. 吃,饮oh /☜☺/ interj.啊,噢,呀countable noun可数名词uncountable noun 不可数名词food /fu:d/n. 食物egg /e♑/n. 蛋,鸡蛋apple /e♑/n. 苹果carrot /’k✌r☜t/n. 胡萝卜chicken /’t☞✋k☜n /n. 鸡,鸡肉breakfast /’brekf☜st/n.早餐lunch /l✈nt☞/n.午餐dinner /’d✋n☜(r)/ n.晚餐,正餐fruit /fru:t/ n.水果vegetable /’ved☞t☜n♌☜●/n. 蔬菜,植物runner /r✈n/ n.奔跑者eat /♓♦/ v.吃,饮well /wel/ adv. 好,对,满意地run /r✈n/ v.跑,奔跑star /st :(r)/ n.星星,明星lot /l :t/ adv. 许多,很多lots of 大量,许多healthy /’hel ✋/adj.健康的,强健dessert /d✋’z :(r)t/ n. 甜食list /l✋st/ n. 清单Bill /b✋l/比尔Sandra /’s✌ndr☜/ 桑德拉Clark /kl :k/克拉克Rrbire og units 1-6furniture /’f :(r)n✋t☞☜(r)/n.家具people /’pi:p☜l/ n.人,人民an /✌n/art. 一个blank /bl✌☠k/n.空白conversation/,k :nv☜r’se✋☞☜n//,kɒnv☜r’se✋☞☜n/n.交谈,谈话other /’✈❆☜☎❒✆/pron.另外的人also /’ :ls☜☺/adv. 也,亦,并且Joe /d✞☜☺/乔Unit 7how much (价格)多少pants /p✌nts/ n. 裤子sock /s :k/ n. 短袜shirt /☞:(r)t/n. 男衬衫,衬衣T-shitr /’ti:☞: (r)t / n. T恤衫shorts /☞:(r)ts/ n.(pl). 短裤sweater /’swet☜(r)/ n. 毛衣shoe /☞u:/n. 鞋skirt /sk :(r)t/ n. 裙子sale /se✋l/ n. 出售,廉价销售dollar /’d :l☜r//’dɒl☜r/n. 元,美国货币单位,符号为$ color /’k✈l☜(r)/ n. 颜色black /bl✌k/adj.& n. 黑色(的)white /wa✋t/ adj.& n.白色(的)red /red/ adj.& n. 红色(的)green /♑ri:n/ adj.& n.绿色(的)blue /blu:/ adj.& n. 黄色(的)yellow /’jel☜☺/adj.& n. 蓝色(的)big /b✋♑/adj. 大的,广大的,重大的small /sm :l/adj.小的,小号的shorts /☞:(r)t/ adj. 短的,矮的long /l :☠/ adj. 长的clerk/kl :rk//kl :k/n.职员,办事员help /help/ v. 帮助,援助want /w :nt/v. 需要,想要here you are给你welcome/’welk☜m/ adj. 不必客气的you're welcome 不客气example /✋♑’z✌mp☜l/n. 例子,实例ten /ten/ num. 十eleven /✋’lev☜n/ num. 十一twelve /twelv/ num. 十三thirteen /, :(r)’ti:n/num. 十三fourteen/,♐:(r)’ti:n /num. 十四fifteen /,f✋f’ti:n / num. 十五sixteen /,s✋ks’ti:n / num. 十六seventeen/’sev☜n,s✋ks’ti:n/num. 十七eighteen /,e✋’ti:n / num.十八nineteen /,na✋n’ti:n /num.十九twety /’twent✋/ num. 二十thirty /’ :(r)t✋/ num. 三十clothes /kl☜☺❆z/ n.(pl)衣服,服装store /st :(r)/ n. 商店come /k✈m/ v. 来,来到buy /ba✋/ b. 购买very /’ver✋/ adv. 很,非常,颇price /pra✋s/n. 价格each /i:t☞/ pron. 每个anybody /’en✋,b :d✋//’en✋,b ɒd✋/pron. 任何人afford /☜’f :(r)d/v. 负担提起,买得起our /’a☺r/ p ron. 我们的see /si:/ v. 看见yourself /j :(r)’self/pron. 你自己Mr /’mst☜☎❒✆/ 先生sell /sel/ v. 卖,销售from /fr :m/prep. 从,从……起Zig Zag /z✋♑/文中指服装店名have a look 看一看,看一眼on sale 廉价出售,出售sorry /’s :r✋/adj. 抱歉的,难过的,遗憾的Lisa /’ki:z☜/莉萨(女名)Unit 8when /wen/adv. 什么时候,何时(疑问副词)firthday /'b :(r)/ n. 生日month /m✈n / n. 月份January /’d✞✌nj☺♏❒✋/n.一月,正月February /’febj☺er✋/ n. 二月March /m :(r)t☞/ n. 三月April /’e✋pr☜l/ n. 四月May /me✋/ n. 五月June /d✞u:n/n. 六月July /d✞☺’la✋/ n. 七月August /’☺:♑☜st/ n. 八月September /sep’temb☜(r)/n.九月October /ten / n. 十月November /n☜☺’vemb☜(r)/ n. 十一月December / d✋’semb☜(r)/n. 十二月tenth /ten / num. 第十fourth /f :(r) / num. 第四fifteenth/,f✋f’t✋n / num. 第十五second /’sek☜nd/ n um. 第二third / :(r)d/ num. 第三fifth /f✋f / num. 第一sixth /s✋k / num. 第六seventh /’sev☜n / num. 第七eighth /e✋t / num. 第八ninth /na✋n /num. 第九eleventh /✋’lev☜n / num.第十一twelfth /twelf /num.第十二thirteenth/ ☎❒✆’ti ⏹/n um.第十三fourteenth /,f :(r)’ti:n / num.第十四sixteenth /,s✋k’sti:n / num.第十六seventeenth /,sev☜n’ti:n /num.第十七eighteenth /,e✋’ti:n / num.第十八nineteenth /,na✋n’ti:n / num.第十九twentieth /twenti:n /num.第二十thirtieth/’ :(r)ti:n /num.第三十date /de✋t/n. 日期happy /’h✌p✋/adj.愉快的,高兴的Happy Birthday 生日快乐birth/b :(r)/n. 出生,出世,诞生age /e✋d✞/ n. 年龄old /☜☺d/adj. 年岁,年老的,年长的how old 多大年纪,几岁speech /spi:d☞/n. 演说,演讲,说话,言论contest /’k :(r)test//’kɒtest/n. 竞争party /’p :(r)t/ n. 聚会,晚会trip /tr✋p/ n. 旅途,观光旅行basketball game 篮球赛volley ball game 排球赛School Day 学校庆祝日art / :(r)t/n. 艺术,美术,艺术品festival /’fest✋v☜l/ n. 节,节日Chinese /,t☞a✋’ni:z/n. 中文,中国人,中国的,中国人的music /’mju:zik/ n. 音乐year /j✋r/ n. 年year(s) old ……岁Vera /’v✋☜r☜/薇拉Jeff /d✞ef/ 杰夫Leila /’le✋l☜/莱拉Robert /’rɒb☜t/ 罗伯特John /d✞ɒn/ 约翰William /w✋lj☜m/威廉Tina /’ti:n☜/蒂那Johnson /’d✞ɒnsn/ 约翰逊Unit 9go /♑☜☺/ v. 去movie /’mu:v✋/ n. 电影go to a movie 去看电影action /’✌k☞☜n/ movie 动作片comedy /’k :m☜d✋//’kɒm☜d✋/n. 喜剧documentary /,d :kj☺’ment☜r✋/ /,dɒkj☺’ment☜r✋/n. 记录片thriller /’ r✋l☜(r)/n. 恐怖电影或小说kind/ka✋nd/n.种类singular /’s✋☠♑j☺l☜(r)/n.单数,单数形式adj. 单数的plural/’pl☺☜❒☜●/n.复数,复数形式adj. 复数的opera /’ :p☜r☜//’ɒp☜r☜/n. 歌剧Beijing Opera n. 京剧find /fa✋nd/v. 寻找,查找someone /’s✈mw✈n/pron. 某人who /hu:/pron. ……的人student /’stu:d☜nt//’stju:d☜nt/n. 学生scary /’sker✋/adj. 可怕的,吓人的funny /’f✈n✋/adj. 有趣的,好玩的sad /s✌d/adj. 悲哀的,悲伤的exciting /✋k’sa✋t✋☠/adj. 令人激动的really /’r✋☜l✋/adv.振奋人心的often/’ :f☜n/adv.事实上,无疑的,真正的think / ✋☠k/v. 认为,想,思考learn /l :(r)n/v. 学习,学会about /’☜ba☺t/prep. 关于,涉及,在……方面history /’h✋st☜r✋/n. 历史with /w✋❆/ prep. 与……在一起,和,使用,有favorite /’fe✋v☜r✋t/adj.& n. 最喜爱的actor /’✌♦☜☎❒✆/ n. 演员new /nu:/ /nju:/adj. 新的successful /s☜k’sesf☜l/adj. 成功的weekend /’wi:kend/n. 周末too /tu:/adv. 也,又,太Rush/r✈☞/ Hour /a☺r/《尖峰时刻》(电影名)Mr Bean /bi:n/《憨豆先生》(电影名)Shaolin Temple /’temp☜l/《少林寺》(电影名)Ben /ben/本Maria /m☜’r✋☜/玛丽亚Michelle /m✋’☞el/米歇尔June /d✞u:n/琼Edward /’edw☜d/爱德华Jackson /’d✞✌ksn/杰克逊Rick /r✋k/瑞克Jackie /’d✞✌k✋/杰克Roesn /’r☜☺w☜n/Atkinson/’✌tkms☜n/罗温.艾金森(饰演《憨豆先生》) Jet /d✞et/杰特Unit 10guitar /♑✋’t :(r)/ n. 吉它join /d✞in/v. 参加,加入dancd /d✌ns/,/d :ns/v. 跳舞swim /sw✋m/v. 游泳sing /si☠/ v. 唱,唱歌chess /t☞es/ n. 国际象棋paint /pe✋nt/v. 画画speak /spi:k/v. 说,说话can't=can notkid /k✋d/ n. 小孩子,年轻人our /♋☺r/ pron. 我们的drum /dr✈m/n. 鼓piano /p✋’✌n☜☺/ n. 钢琴trumpet /’tr✈mp✋t/ n. 喇叭violin /,va✋☜’l✋n/ n. 小提琴or / :(r)/ conj. 或者musician/mj☺’z✋☞☜n//mju:’z✋☞☜n/ n. 音乐家,擅长音乐的人then /❆en/ adv. 那时,然后be /bi:/v. 是rock /r :k/ n. 摇滚乐band /b✌nd/ n. 乐队show /☞☜☺/ n. 演出,表演v. 展示,给……看Sunday /’s✈md✋/n. 星期日,星期天Pm /,pi:’e✋/abber 下午kung fu /,k✈☠’fu:/ 中国功夫may /me✋/ v. 可能,可以draw /dr :/ v. 画画little /’l✋tl/ p ron. 少许,少量a little 少许,少量e-mail /’i:me✋l/n. 电子邮件address /☜’dres/n. 通讯处,地址why /wa✋/ adv. 为什么Jennifer /’d✞♏⏹✋♐☜/ 詹妮弗Victor /’v✋kt☜/维克多Cindy /’s✋nd✋/辛蒂Jones /’d✞☜☺nz/ 琼斯Unit11time /ta✋m/ n. 时间what time 几点,什么时候go to schol 去上学get /♑et/ up 起床shower /☞a☺r/ n. 淋浴,淋浴器take a shower 淋浴,洗澡usually /’ju:✞☺☜●✋/ a dv. 常常,能常o'clock /☜’kl :k//☜’klɒk/adv. ……点钟work /w :(r)k/ v.& n. 工作hour /a☺r/ n. 小时brush /br✈☞/ v.& n. 刷teeth /ti: / n. 牙齿after /’✌ft☜r/prep.&conj. 在……之后go go work 去上班get to 到达bus /b✈s/ n. 公共汽车hotel /h☜☺’tel/ n. 旅馆all / :l/ pron. 全部night /na✋t/ n. 夜,夜间love /l✈v/ v.& n. 爱,喜欢listen /’l✋s☜n/ v.& n. 听home /h☜☺m/ adv. 家morning/’m :(r)n✋☠/n. 早晨,上午go to ged 上床睡觉job /d✞:b/n. 工作,零工,任务,职务am /,e✋’em/ n. 上午afternoon /,✌ft☜r’nu:n/n.下午,午后evening /’i:vb✋☠ /n. 傍晚,黄昏,餐上homework /’h☜☺mw :(r)k /n. 课外作业do homework 做作业go home 回家letter /’let☜(r)/ n. 信around /☜’ra☺nd/ adv. 大约start /st :(r)/v. 开始,出发write /ra✋t/ v. 书定,写tell /tel/ v. 告诉,讲述me /mi:/ pron. 我soon /su:n/ adv. 不久best /best/ adj.& adv. 最好的wish /w✋☞/ n. 希望,祝愿Saturday /’s✌t☜ (r)d✋ /n. 星期六survey /’s :(r)ve✋/n. 调查,考察Jerry /’d✞er✋/ 杰里Alicia /☜’l✋☞☜/阿莉西亚scott /skɒt/ 斯科特Unit12subject /’s✈bd✞✋kt/n. 学科,科目science /’sa✋☜ns/ n. 科学P.E=physical education/,pi:’i:/ abber 体育because /b✋’k :z/conj. 因为description /d✋’skr✋p☞☜n/ n. 描述,记述word /w :(r)d/ n. 字,词,话teacher /’ti:t☞☜(r)/ n. 教师who /hu:/ pron. 谁Mrs /’m✋s✋z/ 夫人,太太partner /’p :(r)tn☜(r)/n. 伙伴,合作者city /’s✋t✋/ n. 城市dad /d✌d/ n. 爸爸Tuesday /’tu:zd✋/n. 星期二Thursday /’ :(r)zd✋/n. 星期四Wednesday /’w♏nzd✋/n. 星期三Friday /’fra✋d/n. 星期五Monday /’m✈nd✋/ n. 星期一biology /ba✋’ :l☜d✞//ba✋’ɒl☜d✞/n. 生物学busy /’b✋z✋/adj. 忙的,繁忙的,忙碌的next/nekst/adv.然后,接下去strict /str✋kt/advj.严格的,严厉的tired/ta✋rd/ adj. 疲倦的,累的、Miss /m✋s/ 小姐ask /✌sk/ v. 询问,问人教版初中英语单词表(七年级上册)any /’en✋/ pron. 任保一个dog /dɒ♑/ n. 狗around /☜’ra☺nd/adv. 在附近,到处Selina /s☜’li:n☜ 塞琳娜Ken /ken/肯Cooper /’ku:p☜/库珀Review of units 7-12America /☜’mer✋k☜/美国so /s☜☺/ conj.所以,那么China /’t☞♋✋⏹☜/中国before /b✋’f :(r)/prep. 在……以前hobby /’h :b✋/ n. 业余爱好today/t☜’de✋/n. adv. 今天,今日life /la✋f/ n. 生活Martin /’m :t✋n/马丁(男名或姓)11。



Abercrombie, Nicholas B J Adler, Patricia A L E o Adler, Peter o E o Adorno, Theodor h Aksoy, AsuAlasuutari, P.Alexander, Jeffrey s j Alien, R. C. w Allen, RodAltheide, D. L. w Althusser, LouisAltman, Rick S Altschull, J. H. C Amin, HusseinAndersen, Robin w w Anderson, Ben w w Anderson, Benedict w w Ang, Ien x y w Angus, Ian w Ansell, Amy w Anzaldua, Gloria w Appadurai, ArjunArac, J J Arendt, Hannah R k Aristotle h w Armstrong, Philip i Arnold, Matthew w Asherson, SamuelAthanasiou, RobertAufderheide, Patricia w w Augarten, StanAuletta, Ken C Austen, Jane B AustinBaconBagdikian, BenBaker, Robin J Bakhtin, MikhailBaldwin, James o BaliBall, Terence i Balladur, RaymondBallRokeach, S. J. B Barker, Chtis J Barney, Darin Z Barthes, Roland D S Batille, Georges C Batt, Terry S Baudelaire, Charles i S Baudrillard, JeanBauer, R. A. j BaumanBaumol, WilliamBean, CliveBeaverbrook, Lord J Becker, Howard S. J Beharell, Peter p Bell, DanielBender, G. Z w Beniger, J. R. Z Benjamin, Walter Z Bennett, Tony Z S Bentham, Jeremy G Benveniste, Emile Z S Berelson, B.Berezin, Mabel B Berger, Arthur Asa B Berger, Bennett B Berger, David B Berger, Peter B Bergman, Andrew B Berlusconi, Silvio c Bersani, L f Bertilsson, MargaretaBerwanger, Dietrich B Best, Joel SBest, K. S Bettig, RanoldBhabha, HomiBignell, JonathanBiltereyst, D. S S Bin Laden, Osama n Binder, Amy Z o Biocca, E. A. d Biskind, Peter w Blair, TonyBlake, William p J Blanchot, MauriceBlauBlauner, BobBleitch, D p Bloom, Allen R Bloom, Harold R Blount, M. S Blumer, Herbert q Blumler, JayBoas, FranzBobo, Lawrence i f Bochco, StevenBoden, Deirdre i n Bogard, William B Bogart, L. S Bohrnstedt, G.W. B S Boller D. i Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo i u Bordwell, David i w Borges, Jorge Louis i h Born, Georgina B Bourdieu, PierreBourgois, PhilippeBowen, William j Boyd Barrett, O. B w S Boyd, Douglas w Bradbury, M. OBrants, Kees S Brecht, Bertolt S Breed, W. w Brenner, RobertBriggs, AsaBronte sisters B S n f Brooks, Cleanth J Brown, J. R.Browning, RufusBruce, SteveBrunsdon, Charlotte y Bryman, AlanBuchbinder, David w Bulter, Judith S Burchell, G.Burke, Edmund f J Burnett, Robert B S Burroughs, William Y Burston, Jonathan B y Bush, George W.Butler, Judith S Cage, John N Cairncross, Frances d Canclini, Nestor Garcia O Canter, M. d S Carbaugh, Donal d B Cardiff, David d Carey, JamesCarlos, John D d Carlyle, Thomas d Carmines, Edward G. d Carr, Leslie d Carroll, Noel d Carter, Bill d S Castells, Manuel d S Castro, Fidel d Caves, RichardCaygill, Howard NCerulo, Karen p Chaffee, S. H. d D Chambers, Iain f Chass, MurrayChaucerChawaf, Chantal d Chen, Kuan-HsungChirac, Jacques u J Chodorow, Nancy w Chomsky, Noam C h Christianen, Michael J Q n Christopherson, Susan J Chun, Ki-Taek d Cixous, HeleneClark, Kenneth J Clarke, David J J Clark-Lewis, Elizabeth J J V S N Clausen, Aage J Clement, C. J Clifford, James J O S Clinton, Bill L y Clough, Patricia J Coffey, SteveCoit J S Cole, JeffreyColeridge, Samuel TaylorColes, Robert F Collins, Jim L Collins, Richard L Combs, Michael F i Compaine, Benjamin d Comstock, G. d J Comte, Auguste w Congdon, Tim d n Connolly, William d Q Connor, S. d Conrad, Joseph d w Coppola, Francis Ford iCornell, R.W. d D Corner, John F Cornford, James d w Cosby, Bill F q Cose, Ellis F q Coser, LewisCouldry, NickCoward, Rosalind w Cowie, E.Coyne, R. g Crawford, Joan J L Creed, B. J w Crenshaw, Kimberle Williams t Cresser, Frances J p Croce, Benedetto J q Croteau, David J Csikszentmihalyi, M. J Cunningham, G. d Cunningham, Stuart d Curran, JamesCurtin, Michael F Curtis, T. J Dahl, Robert F Dahlgren, P. F Dale, MartinDaly, Charles P. Q Darwin, Charles F Davies, PaulDavis, HowardDawkins, Richard D Dayan, Danielde Beauvoir, Simone i de Certeau, MichelDe Fleur, Melvinde Lauretis, Theresade Man, Paul w de Onis, Fredericode Saussure, Ferdinandde Sola Pool, IthielDeleuze, Gilles w Dennett, Daniel w S Denzin, Norman h Derrida, Jacques w F Dery, MarkDescartes, Rene d Descombes, Vincent d f Dewey, JohnDews, Peter HDi/Dianna Princess w R m DiCaprio, Leonardo h D d Diggins, John Patrick f Dillon, Michele f s Dillon, William f s Dilthey, Wilhelm f DiMaggio, PaulDimmick, J. f J Dion, Celine u Y D f DiRenzo, GordonDocker, John F J Dorn, RooseveltDouglas, Jack J E D Douglas, Mary E D Downey, John D Drake, J. w p J Driscoll, C. w Driver, StephenDruckrey, D.Drummond, Murray wD'Souza, DineshDu Bois, W. E. B.du Gay, PaulduCille, Ann u Duffy, Brendan F Duneier, Mitchell I Durant, AlanDuring, Simon LDurkheim, Emile F Dyer, RichardDylan Bob j f D f Eagleton, Terry y Eastman, S. T. S Eco, UmbertoEdelman, Murray R w Edwards, Harry w Ehrenreich, Barbara w Einstein, Albert R Z Eisenstein, E. Z Eisenstein, Sergei Z Eliasoph, NinaEliot, T.S. S Elliot, P. S Elliott, Gregory S Ellison, Ralph O Engels, FriedrichEngwallEntman, R. w S Ericson, R. V. J Erikson, Erik J Erikson, Kai J Espiritu, Yen Le q Ess, CharlesEuripidesFahrenheit, Gabriel S Fairclough, Norman O J Fairey, Shepard O Farr, James k Farwell, JerryFaulkner, William J Featherstone, Mike O v F Fejes, Fred O Feld, Steven O w Feldman, Tony O w Ferguson, M.Feuer, Jane OFiedler, Leslie w Fielding, Henry O B Filene, Edward A. O C Fine, Ben k Finke, Roger J Fishman, J. O Fiske, John O J Flannigan, WilliamFlaubertFlichy, PatriceFligstein, Neil Q Z Flood, J. w Forester, Tom S Foucault, MichelFourier, CharlesFowler, MarkFrampton, Kenneth L y Francis, Wayne k Fraser, Nancy O Freeman, Derek Q Frege, Gottlob p Freire, PauloFreud, Sigmund w Friedman, Lawrence Q S Friend, Donald w Frith, SimonFromm, Eric i Frow, JohnGadamer F q Gallup, GeorgeGalperin, Hernan L Galton, Francis y Galtung, J. y Gamson, JoshuaGamson, William A. i Gandhi, Mahatma a Gandy, OscarGans, HerbertGarfield, SimonGarfinkel, HaroldGarnham, NicholasGarofalo, Reebee k Gates, Bill E Gates, Henry LouisGaziano, C. C Geertz, Clifford N Genet, Jean S Geraghty, ChristineGeraghty, G.Gerbner, George B Ghadar, Fariborz F Ghemawat, PankajGibson, James William N Giddens, Anthony n Gilbert, S. N B S Gilder, George N w Giles, J. N Gillespie, AndrewGillespie, MarciaGillespie, MarieGillett, Charlie N C Gilliam, Franklin Jr. p N I Gilligan, Carol h Gilroy, Paul N Ginsberg, Allen D Gitlin, Todd N S L Glasser, T. p Glynn, K. L Godard, Jean-Luc F Goebbels, JosephGoethe, Johann Wolfgang von q w Goffman, ErvingGoldberg, David f Golding, Peter w Goldstein, Matthew w Z Goleman, DanielGomery, Douglas z Goodfield, June j w w Goodwin, Andrew j w Gore, JoeGouldner, Alvin j w Graber, D. B Graham, Billy p Gramsci, AntonioGrateful DeadGray, JohnGreco, AlertGreenaway, Peter L Greenfield, Steve L Greenwood, Davydd J. L w Greer, Germaine N Gripsrud, Jostein w Griswold, Wendy w Gronow, PekkaGrossberg, Lawrence B Gruhl, John U Guattari, Felix F Guback, Thomas j J Gubar, S. j B Gubrium, JaberGuha, Ranajit j Gunew, S.Gurevitch, MichaelHabermas, Jurgen B Hafner, KatieHalberstam, Judith B Z Hall, Stuart N Halle, David O Hallin, Daniel L Halloran, JamesHamelink, Cees i J Hannerz, U.Hansen, John MarkHaraway, DonnaHarding, Sandra w Hardt, H. S Hardy, C. a Harkavy, Ira d Harlins, Latasha L Harrisd, GavinHarrison, BennetHarrison, JackieHart, L. S Hartley, John S Q Hartman, Geoffrey S Hartman, P. S Harvey, DavidHassan, Ihab s Hatch, MartinHayes, SharonHead, Kendra B. w Hearst, William Randolph S Heath, StephenHebdige, Dick f Hedinsson, E.Hegel, G. W. F.Heidegger, Martin w Hekman, S. J Held, David P w Heller, JosephHellyer, PaulHemingway, ErnestHenderson, Lesley w Hepworth M. U Herman, EdwardHermes, Joke K Hesmondhalgh, David q Hetherington, A. L y Heywood, Leslie w Hirsch, PaulHobbes, Thomas N Hobsbawm, Eric NHobson, Dorothy N Hochschild, Arlie N Hodes, Robert N Hoffman-Reim, Wolfgang N V Hoggart, Richard S Holmes, Robyn P Holmes, Susan P Holstein, James N h HomerHooks, Bell J J Hoover, Kenneth J Hoover, Michael J Horkheimer, Max N J q Horn, D.Horne, Donald x Hoskins, Colin N Hovland, C. I. P Howard, Toby N Hoynes, William N Huet, ArmelHughes, C. EverettHulten, Olof N y Hume, DavidHume, MickHumphreys, PeterHunt, Darnell C S Hunter, Floyd C S Hunter, Ian C S Husband, C.Husserl, Edmund J Hutcheon, LindaHuxley, Aldous E Huyssen, Andreas J Iannaccone, Laurence F I Inglis, FredInnis, H. M.Introna, Lucas L Iosifides, Petros u wIrigaray, LuceIser, WolfgangIto, Y. M Jack, Dana J Jack, Rank J Jacka, E. d Jacks, Elizabeth J Jackson, B. J Jackson, S. J Jacobs, Ronald J Jacques, Martin J James, William i Jameson, Fredric H Janesick, Valerie u J Jankowski, N. J Janowitz, M.Jarrett, Lucinda S Jarvie, IanJencks, Charles J Jenkins, HenryJensen, K. B.Jhally, Sut L O Johnson, Leola j Johnson, Richard j Jones, Bryan D.Joplin, Janis g D L Jordan, Michael J E Jordan, TimJordan, WinthropJowett, G. S Joyce, JamesKafka, Franz d d Kandinsky d B Kant, Immanuel d w Karan, Bradlee d Katz, ElihuKealy, Edward Q Keane, JohnKeat, RussellKeats, John O Kellner, DouglasKellstedt, Lyman A. S Kepplinger, H. M. L Kerby, M.Kern, RogerKerouac, Jack J Kerr, PaulKertzer, David A Key, Vladimir Orlando Jr.KeynesianKhomeini, AyatollahKierkegaard, Soren J G Kim, Jae-OnKinder, Donald o King, GaryKing, Martin Luther Jr. B w D King, Rodney w D Kittross, John SKit-wai Ma, EricKlapper, J. J B Klein, Hilary J Klein, Melanie J Kleinsteuber, Hans J B Knoke, D. J J Kranich, Kimberlie J Kraus, S. J Krippendorff, Klaus J p h Kristeva, Julia J Kroker, A. J J Kroker, M. J J Kubey, R. W. w Kuhn, ThomasKurokawa, Kisho t Kyser, JackLacan, Jacques d Laclau, Ernesto JLaing, R.D.Laing, S.Lamont, Michele S Landow, G. D Lane, RobertLang K. and Lang G.Lanham, RichardLarrain, JorgeLash, ScottLasswell, H.Laulau, Ernesto J Lawrence, D.H.Lazarsfeld, P. F d Lazes, PeterLeavis, F.R. Q Leavis, Queenie Q Lee, GregoryLee, RobertLefebvre, Henri C Leidner, Robin o Leigh, MikeLemert, CharlesLenin, V. C Lent, John S Leonard, MarionLerner, PrestonLester, M. J. p S Levine, Rhonda C Levi-Strauss, Claude v Levy, EmmanuelLevy, M.Lewis, G.. H.Lewis, J.Liang, Dave s Liebes, TamarLiebow, Elliot C O Lindlof, T. L w Lippmann, W.Lipsitz, George Q u Livingstone, Ira v F Livingstone, Sonia v F Locke, John J Lomax, Alan J Long, Elizabeth s Longley, Erika Q Lopes, PaulLord, M. G. o Lott, Tommy S Love, Courtney F S g E Lowery, ShearonLuce, HenryLuckmann, T. J Lukacs, Georg c d Lull, JamesLumby, CatherineLynch, David j D L Lynd, Helen L w Lynd, Robert L w Lyon, DavidLyon, MattewLyotard, Jean-FrancoisMacCabe, Colin J MacDonald, Dwight J MacDonald, N. J Macherey, PierreMachin, DavidMacLean, M. J L Madonna R Magder, Ted w Mailer, NormanMalanchuk, Oksana J Malinowski, Bronislaw L Malthus, Thomas RobertMaltsby, B.Mancini, Paolo u Mandel, Ernest wManheim, J. B.Mankekar, Purnima d Mansell, RobinMarc, David J Marcuse, Herbert w Marglin, Stephen L Marshall, Dale RogersMarshall, P.D.Marvin, CarolynMarx, Karl J Mattelart, Armand S Mattelart, Michele S Matthews, J.Mazzoleni, GiuseppeMcAllister, Matthew J Q S McCall, George i McCall, M. i McChesney, RobertMcClintock, A. J i L J McFarlane, J. J k McGuigan, Jim j McGuire, W. J.McHale, Brian J McLeod, J. J h McLeod, Kembrew J h McLuhan, Marshall J McManus, J. H. J McQuail, DenisMcRobbie, Angela J Mead, George Herbert w Mead, Margaret w Medawar, P. B. F Meehan, EileenMeehan, EugeneMeier, WernerMelody, W. H. a Mendelsohn, H. s w Mercer, ColinMerritt, Greg Q Merry, Sally Engle O Messner, M.Meyer, P.Meyrowitz, J. C Michael, George v E i Michaels, Eric J Middleton, T. w y Miege, BernardMilgram, Stanley K Mill, John Stuart K Miller, ArthurMiller, DavidMiller, HenryMiller, J. HillisMiller, Mark CrispinMillett, Kate R S Mills, C. WrightMillwood Hargrave, Andrea K U p MiroMitchell, J.Mitchell, TonyMitterrand, Francis K S Modleski, T. w Mohr, LawrenceMolotch, H. L.Monaco, J.Monroe, Marilyn R S Montgomery, Sarah Q Moore, David W.Moores, S.Moraga, CherrieMoran, DanielMoran, JoeMorgan, M.Morin, EdgarMorley, David Q Morris, EdmundMorris, MeaghanMorris, Milton D.Morrison, Toni z Mosco, Vincent i Motta, S.Mouffe, Chantal D Mowlana, H.Mueller, CharlesMughan, AnthonyMulvey, LauraMurdoch, Rupert M Murdock, Graham M Murroni, CristinaMussolini, Benito q Naficy, HamidNancy, JLNasar, Sylvia R Neale, S.Negroponte, Nicholas e Negus, KeithNeil, AndrewNeuman, RussellNeuman, W. R.Newton, Issac y Nietzsche, Friedrich WilhelmNightingale, V. n B Nissenbaum, Helen i Nixon, Sean J Noelle-Neumann, E. V Noll, Mark A.Nordenstreng, Kaarle w v Norris, ChristopherNorthcliffe, LordNorton, Graham y Nowak, K. J Numberg, G. f Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan V k Oates, Stephen OOgbu, John U Ollman, BertellOng, Aihwa R Ortner, Sherry S Orwell, GeorgeOsborn, GuyOstergaard, Bernt Stubbe S w O'Sullivan, Tim Q O'Toole, LaurencePacker, Kerry J Padioleau, JeanPaletz, D. p Palmer, Michael i Park, Myung-jin J Park, Robert J Parsons, TalcottPatelis, Korinna S Paterson, Richard S Paxton, Susan y Peirce, Charles SandersPendakur, Manjunath w Perse, E. M. f Peterson, Richard A. o Phalen, Patricia O Philo, Greg O Picard, R. G.Picasso d Piore, Michael C Plato f Pool, I. de SolaPoole, Steven i Popper, Karl i Porcello, Thomas i Poster, Mark i S Postman, Neil i Poulantzas, Nicos q Poulet, G. O Prager, JeffreyPress, Andrea q Press, JoyPrindle, David L w Propp, VladimirProudhon, Pierre F Proust, Marcel S Quayle, DanQuine, W. V. O.Rabelais B p Rabinow, PaulRaboy, Marc p i Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred w J Q V Radner, Daisie w Radner, Michael w Radway, Janice w Rakow, Lana F Ranke, Leopold von J Ranson, W. K.Rantanen, T. p Z Raphael, ChadRawlsReagan, Ronald p Real, M.Redhead, S. p w Reese, S. D.Reynolds, Simon p Rheingold, Howard w Rice, R. E.Richardson, DorothyRichardson, LaurelRickman, H. P. J Ricoeur, Paul f Rigby, S. H.Roach, ColleenRoberts, Oral B Robertson, Roland B Robins, KevinRobinson, John P.Robinson, MichaelRoediger, DavidRogers, E. M.Rorty, RichardRose, AndrewRose, GillianRosenberg, AlexanderRosengren, K. E. O Rosenstone, Steven J. v F Ross, AndrewRothenbuhler, E. W.Roty, RichardRousseau, Jean Jacques c Rubin, A. M.Rubin, GailRuge, M. c N Rushdie, SalmanRusk, Jerrold G. J Russsell, BertrandRyan, BillRyan, J.Ryle, GilbertSabel, Charles B Sacks, Harvey J Sadler, David w Said, Edward w Sampedro, Victor B M Samuelson, Paul s Sanchez-Tabernero, Alfonso h V Sanders, Lynn o Sartre, Jean Paul F S Sassen, SaskiaSaussure, Ferdinand deSawicki, J.Scammell, P. v Scannell, Paddy v Scase, Richard u Schatz, ThomasSchegloff, Emanuel L Schement, J. S Schiller, Dan u Schiller, Herbert u Schlesinger, Philip v C Schmidt, Hermolt K S Schmidt, Leigh Eric K S Schoenberg J Schopenhauer, ArthurSchor, JulietSchramm, W. I i Schroder, K. C. I w Schroeder, L. I w Schudson, Michael w Schumacher, Thomas J Schutz, AlfredSchwartz, Barry v Scott, John v S Segrave, Kerry u Seidman, Steven u o Seiter, E. S Sepstrup, P. i v Shakespeare, William h Shaver, Phillip R.Shelley, MaryShilling, Chris L Shively, JoEllen L Shoemaker, P. J Siegel, SidneySignorielli, N. p Silverstone, Roger u v F Simmons, J. L.Simpson, O. J.Sinclair, John J Singelmann, JoachimSinha, NikhilSiune, KarenSjoquist, D. N h SSkelton, T. v y Skocpol, Theda v d q i Slavin, J. v Smith, Adam K Smith, Adthony v K Smith, Christian J Q D v K Smith, Neil v K Smith, Tommie D v K Smythe, D. v K Snow, R. P. v Snyder, Ilana w Sobe, D. f SocratesSofoulis, ZoeSoja, EdwardSontag, SusanSparks, Colin v J Spencer, Diana w R m Spencer, Herbert v Spencer, Ranier v Spender, D. v w Spinoza, Benedict v Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty v J Sreberny, Annabelle f Stacey, Jackie v L Staiger, Janet v Stalin, Joseph v F L Stallone, Sylvester u D v S s Stark, Rodney v F J Stauber, John v Stavans, Ilan v q Steemers, Jeanette v q Stelarc v L J Stephan, P. v Sterling, Christopher v S L Sterne, Laurence v Z Stevenson, Nick v Stinchcombe, Arthur v BStipp, Horst v Stoke, Lisa Oldham v J Stokes, Janes v J Storey, John v Storper, Michael v Stratton, Jon v A Z Straw, Will v Sullivan, William Q Sussman, G.Swidler, Ann v o Tabb, David H. B Tasker, Yvonne d Taylor, JohnTaylor-Mill, Harriet V K Teo, StephenThade, Don w Thatcher, MargaretThe Beatles Y The Rolling Stones u Theberge, Paul w f Thomas, JohnThomas, KristinThomas, PaulThomas, PradipThomas, RosieThomas, William I.Thompson, DenysThompson, E.P.Thompson, Robert J.Thornton y Thussu, DayaTill, EmmettTilly, Charles Q Tiryakian, Edward S Tocqueville, Alexis de J Tomkins, R.Tomlinson, John L Tompkins, J.Torpey, JohnToulmin, StephenTouraine, AlianTowse, RuthToynbee, JasonTracey, Michael Z Trappel, Josef S K Trask, Huanani-Kay A q J Trenaman, J. S. M. Z Trostsky LeonTuchman, Gaye J Tumber, Howard i i Tunstall, JeremyTurkle, S. S F Turner, Bryan z Turner, Charles z Turner, Graeme z Turner, Victor z Turow, J. g Tylor, E. B.Urry, JohnValentine, G. Z van Cuilenburg, J. J. S f van Dijk, T. S f J Van Leeuwen, Theo S Van Mannen, John S n van Zoonen, L. S n Varis, TapioVeblen, Thorstein B Verba, SidneyVertinsky, Patricia Z B Vickers, A. J Vink, Nico JV ogel, HaroldV olosinovV oltaireWagner-Pacifici, Robin V k Waisbord, Silvio f wWalch, J. U Wallis, R.Walser, Robert A Ward, Nathaniel w Warhol, Andy U Warwick, DonaldWasko, JanetWaterman, Christopher S Wattenberg, Martin y f Weaver, D.Webb, Beatrice A q D Webb, Sidney u o D Webb, T. D.Weber, Max B Webster, Frank B S Webster, James B S Weibull, L. Q f Weitz, RoseWelch, SusanWells, AlanWest, Cornel S Westerstahl, J. S v M Westley, B. S Whale, John f Whyte, William Foote h S Wicke, Peter J Wieder, D. Lawrence o Wijeyesinghe, C.Wilde, Oscar h w Williams, Eddie N. G Williams, Linda G Williams, Mark G Williams, Michelle G Williams, Raymond G Williamson, Judith G Willis, Paul Q Willock, R. J Wilson, TonyWilson, William JuliusWindahl, S. w Winship, J.Winston, Brian y Wittgenstein, Ludwig Z Wolf, Micheal J. U Wolf, Noami U Wolff, Janet d Wollen, PeterWoody, Allen E Woolf, VirginiaWright, C. R. S Wright, Will S Wyatt, Justin f S Yodic, Geoge J Yoth, Yindi L Zaniecki, Florian I Zelditch, Morris Jr.Zeller, Richard d Zerubavel, Eviatar p Zingalle, NancyZnaniecki, Florian I Zolo, Danilo。



第一首音乐‎Grou‎p love‎- To‎n gue ‎Tied‎‎‎‎‎‎ 00:‎00:00‎-00:0‎3:33‎第二首音乐‎Vox ‎A ngel‎i - N‎e w So‎u l ‎‎‎‎‎‎ 00:‎03:36‎-00:0‎6:45‎第三首音乐‎Katy‎Perr‎y - R‎o ar ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ 00:‎06:45‎-00:1‎0:26‎第四首音乐‎Clea‎n Ban‎d it -‎Rath‎e r Be‎(fea‎t. Je‎s s Gl‎y nne)‎‎ 00:‎10:28‎-00:1‎4:23‎第五首音乐‎Audi‎o mach‎i ne -‎Brea‎t h an‎d Lif‎e‎‎‎‎ 00:‎14:25‎-00:1‎6:06‎第六首音乐‎OneR‎e publ‎i c - ‎C ount‎i ng S‎t ars ‎‎‎‎‎ 00:‎16:08‎-00:2‎0:22‎第七首音乐‎Siss‎e l Ky‎r kjeb‎o - S‎o meon‎e Lik‎e You‎‎‎‎ 00:‎20:25‎-00:2‎2:42‎结尾片‎段出自电影‎座头市‎(2003‎)‎001:‎超凡蜘蛛‎侠 The‎Amaz‎i ng S‎p ider‎-Man ‎(2012‎)002‎:珠光宝‎气 The‎Blin‎g Rin‎g (20‎13)0‎03:伴‎娘 Bri‎d esma‎i ds (‎2011)‎004:‎勇敢的心‎Brav‎e hear‎t (19‎95)0‎05:游‎戏巫师3宣‎传视频0‎06:超‎人高校 S‎k y Hi‎g h (2‎005) ‎007:‎韩国电影‎向日葵‎(200‎6)00‎8:勇士‎Maga‎d heer‎a (20‎09)‎009:‎A utoe‎r otiq‎u e - ‎A sphy‎x iati‎o n01‎0:不惧‎风暴 In‎t o th‎e Sto‎r m (2‎014) ‎011:‎LYNX‎Exci‎t e Fa‎l len ‎A ngel‎s Fun‎n y Ad‎s‎L ynx ‎E xcit‎e香水广‎告天使坠‎落012‎:天国王‎朝 Kin‎g dom ‎o f He‎a ven ‎(2005‎)01‎3:信号‎The ‎S igna‎l (20‎14)‎014:‎网游《突击‎风暴》宣传‎广告片0‎15:宿‎醉 The‎Hang‎o ver ‎(2009‎)01‎6:加勒‎比海盗4:‎惊涛怪浪‎P irat‎e s of‎the ‎C arib‎b ean:‎On S‎t rang‎e r Ti‎d es (‎2011)‎017‎:陈静‎S pa C‎o llec‎t ion ‎愛享瘦活‎动视频0‎18:钢‎铁侠3 I‎r on M‎a n 3 ‎(2013‎)01‎9:世界‎之战 Wa‎r of ‎t he W‎o rlds‎(200‎5)0‎20:美‎剧废柴联盟‎s03e2‎2021‎:复仇者‎联盟 Th‎e Ave‎n gers‎(201‎2)0‎22:神‎奇四侠2 ‎F anta‎s tic ‎4: Ri‎s e of‎the ‎S ilve‎r Sur‎f er (‎2007)‎023‎:长大成‎人2 Gr‎o wn U‎p s 2 ‎(2013‎)02‎4:AO‎A MIN‎I SKIR‎T025‎:单亲度‎假村 Bl‎e nded‎(201‎4)0‎26:神‎奇四侠2 ‎F anta‎s tic ‎4: Ri‎s e of‎the ‎S ilve‎r Sur‎f er (‎2007)‎027‎:X战警‎:逆转未来‎X-Me‎n: Da‎y s of‎Futu‎r e Pa‎s t (2‎014) ‎028:‎分歧者:‎异类觉醒‎D iver‎g ent ‎(2014‎)02‎9:金刚‎King‎Kong‎(200‎5)0‎30:沉‎睡魔咒 M‎a lefi‎c ent ‎(2014‎)03‎1:哥斯‎拉 God‎z illa‎(201‎4)0‎32:割‎喉岛 Cu‎t thro‎a t Is‎l and ‎(1995‎)03‎3:av‎a lanc‎h e sh‎a rks ‎(2013‎)03‎4:杀死‎比尔2 K‎i ll B‎i ll: ‎V ol. ‎2 (20‎04)‎035:‎复仇忍者‎R even‎g e of‎the ‎N inja‎(198‎3)0‎36:我‎,机器人‎I, Ro‎b ot (‎2004)‎037‎:无敌浩‎克 The‎Incr‎e dibl‎e Hul‎k (20‎08)‎038:‎星际迷航:‎暗黑无界‎S tar ‎T rek ‎I nto ‎D arkn‎e ss (‎2013)‎039‎:极速6‎0秒 Go‎n e in‎60 S‎e cond‎s (20‎00)‎040:‎绿巨人浩克‎Hulk‎(200‎3)0‎41:飙‎风战警 W‎i ld W‎i ld W‎e st (‎1999)‎042‎:绝命反‎击 The‎Lose‎r s (2‎010) ‎043:‎特种部队‎:眼镜蛇的‎崛起 G.‎I. Jo‎e: Th‎e Ris‎e of ‎C obra‎(200‎9) 04‎4:异星‎战场 Jo‎h n Ca‎r ter ‎(2012‎)045‎:美国队‎长2 Ca‎p tain‎Amer‎i ca: ‎T he W‎i nter‎Sold‎i er (‎2014)‎046:‎针脚 S‎t itch‎e s (2‎012)‎047:‎守望者 W‎a tchm‎e n (2‎009) ‎048:‎突袭2:‎暴徒 Th‎e Rai‎d 2: ‎B eran‎d al (‎2014)‎049‎:白日梦‎想家 Th‎e Sec‎r et L‎i fe o‎f Wal‎t er M‎i tty ‎(2013‎)05‎0:惊天‎危机 Wh‎i te H‎o use ‎D own ‎(2013‎)05‎1:木乃‎伊3 Th‎e Mum‎m y: T‎o mb o‎f the‎Drag‎o n Em‎p eror‎(200‎8)0‎52:美‎国队长2 ‎C apta‎i n Am‎e rica‎: The‎Wint‎e r So‎l dier‎(201‎4)0‎53:我‎的超级前女‎友 My ‎S uper‎Ex-G‎i rlfr‎i end ‎(2006‎)05‎4:赏金‎杀手 Bo‎u nty ‎K ille‎r (20‎13)‎055:‎斯大林格勒‎ (2‎013) ‎056:‎全面回忆‎Tota‎l Rec‎a ll (‎2012)‎057‎:生化危‎机4:战神‎再生 Re‎s iden‎t Evi‎l: Af‎t erli‎f e (2‎010) ‎058:‎守望者‎W atch‎m en (‎2009)‎059‎:三个火‎枪手 Th‎e Thr‎e e Mu‎s kete‎e rs (‎2011)‎060‎:七个神‎经病 Se‎v en P‎s ycho‎p aths‎(201‎2)0‎61:天‎龙特攻队‎T he A‎-Team‎(201‎0)0‎62:金‎刚不坏 D‎e ath ‎P roof‎(200‎7)0‎63:长‎大成人2 ‎G rown‎Ups ‎2 (20‎13)‎064:‎蠢蛋搞怪秀‎3.5 J‎a ckas‎s 3.5‎(201‎1)0‎65:佛‎莱迪大战杰‎森 Fre‎d dy v‎s. Ja‎s on (‎2003)‎066‎:星际迷‎航 Sta‎r Tre‎k (20‎09)‎067:‎绝密飞行‎S teal‎t h (2‎005) ‎068:‎超人:钢‎铁之躯 M‎a n of‎Stee‎l (20‎13)‎069:‎变形金刚4‎:绝迹重生‎Tran‎s form‎e rs: ‎A ge o‎f Ext‎i ncti‎o n (2‎014) ‎070:‎遗落战境‎Obli‎v ion ‎(2013‎)07‎1:红色‎机尾 Re‎d Tai‎l s (2‎012) ‎072:‎冥界警局‎R.I.‎P.D. ‎(2013‎)07‎3:明日‎边缘 Ed‎g e of‎Tomo‎r row ‎(2014‎)07‎4:游戏‎T he.C‎r ew法外‎之徒宣传‎视频07‎5:惊天‎魔盗团 N‎o w Yo‎u See‎Me (‎2013)‎076‎:碟中谍‎4 Mis‎s ion:‎Impo‎s sibl‎e - G‎h ost ‎P roto‎c ol (‎2011)‎077‎:惊天战‎神 Imm‎o rtal‎s (20‎11)‎078:‎敢死队3 ‎T he E‎x pend‎a bles‎3 (2‎014) ‎079:‎加勒比海‎盗3:世界‎的尽头 P‎i rate‎s of ‎t he C‎a ribb‎e an: ‎A t Wo‎r ld's‎End ‎(2007‎) 08‎0:弯刀‎杀戮 Ma‎c hete‎Kill‎s (20‎13)‎081:‎复仇者联盟‎The ‎A veng‎e rs (‎2012)‎082‎:波西·‎杰克逊与魔‎兽之海 P‎e rcy ‎J acks‎o n: S‎e a of‎Mons‎t ers ‎(2013‎)08‎3:致命‎武器4 L‎e thal‎Weap‎o n 4 ‎(1998‎)08‎4:星际‎迷航 St‎a r Tr‎e k (2‎009) ‎085:‎游戏Wa‎t ch D‎o gs看门‎狗宣传视‎频086‎:夏日福‎星 (19‎85)‎087:‎嗜血破晓‎D aybr‎e aker‎s (20‎09)‎088:‎惊变28周‎28 W‎e eks ‎L ater‎(200‎7)0‎89:极‎品飞车 N‎e ed f‎o r Sp‎e ed (‎2014)‎090‎:死神来‎了5 Fi‎n al D‎e stin‎a tion‎5 (2‎011) ‎091:‎木乃伊3‎The ‎M ummy‎: Tom‎b of ‎t he D‎r agon‎Empe‎r or (‎2008)‎092‎:致我们‎终将逝去的‎青春 (2‎013) ‎093:‎霍比特人‎2:史矛革‎之战 Th‎e Hob‎b it: ‎T he D‎e sola‎t ion ‎o f Sm‎a ug (‎2013)‎094:‎GC13‎:《丧尸围‎城3》宣传‎视频09‎5:猪头‎逛大街3 ‎A Ver‎y Har‎o ld &‎Kuma‎r 3D ‎C hris‎t mas ‎(2011‎)09‎6:游戏‎合金装备‎5幻痛宣‎传视频0‎97:第‎三类外星人‎Xtro‎(198‎3)0‎98:超‎验骇客 T‎r ansc‎e nden‎c e (2‎014) ‎099:‎第一滴血‎4 Ram‎b o (2‎008) ‎100:‎金玉良缘‎38集‎‎。

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;s next space mission was as commander of Skylab Mission II (SL-3), the second crew of America's first space station from July 29 to September 25, 1973. With him on the record-breaking, 59-day, 24,400,000-mile flight were Dr. Owen K. Garriott and Lieutenant Colonel Jack R. Lousma. During the mission Bean tested a prototype of the Manned Maneuvering Unit and led three space walks. Mission II accomplished 150% of its forecast goals. On his next assignment, Captain Bean was backup Spacecraft Commander of the United States flight crew for the joint American-Russian Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.
Graduated from Paschal High School in Fort Worth, Texas Received a bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of Texas in 1955 Awarded an honorary doctorate of science from Texas Wesleyan College in 1972 Presented an honorary doctorate of engineering science degree from the University of Akron (Ohio) in 1974.
Born in Wheeler, Texas On March 15, 1932. Married. Two grown children, a son and a daughter Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering, University of Texas
航天任务:阿波罗12号 ,天空实验室3号 执行航天任务时间:69天15小时45分钟 首次太空飞行:阿波罗12号 宇航局:美国国家航空航天局
Alan Bean was the Lunar Module pilot on Apollo 12, the second manned landing on the Moon. Launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida on November 14, 1969, Apollo 12 entered lunar orbit after a five-day flight of some 250,000 miles. Bean, and Mission Commander Pete Conrad, landed the Lunar Module Intrepid on the Moon's Ocean of Storms. They explored the lunar surface, deployed several experiments, and installed the first nuclear power generator station on the moon to provide the power source for the experiments while Command Module pilot Richard Gordon remained aboard the Command Module Yankee Clipper in lunar orbit photographing landing sites for future missions.
He resigned from NASA in June 1981 to devote his full time to painting. He said his decision was based on the fact that, in his eighteen years as an astronaut, he was fortunate enough to visit worlds and see sights no artist's eye, past or present, has ever viewed firsthand, and he hoped to express these experiences through the medium of art.
"Frequently on the lunar surface I said to myself, 'This is the Moon, that is the Earth. I'm really here, I'm really here!'“ "But I'm the only one who can paint the moon, because I'm the only one who knows whether that's right or not.“ "It was hard to believe that everybody I had ever known or seen on TV, and the places they lived and played were all on that little blue-and-white marble.“ "We knew it was going to be difficult to get to the Moon. We didn't know how difficult."
On November 20, after 31 hours and 31 minutes on the moon, Intrepidsuccessfully lifted off with 76 pounds of lunar samples. After re-uniting with Gordon, Bean, and Conrad jettisoned the empty Intrepid, which fell back to the lunar surface. The Yankee Clipper splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean on November 24, after a mission of ten days, four hours and 36 minutes.