测温范围(室内) :0℃~50℃(32℉~122℉)
测温范围(室外) :-50℃~70℃(-58℉~158℉)
AS-NZS3112-简体中⽂版Approval and test specification –Plugs and socket-outlets认可及测试规范-插头和插座(AS/NZS 3112:2000和AS/NZS 3112/Amdt 1/2001)第⼀部份: 范围及慨述1.1范围本标准规定了家⽤及类似⽤途的额定电流不超过32A的超低电压或低电压的插头和插座(如1.4条所定义的)的最基本的安全要求.(对于超低电压插头和插座见附录E)本标准不适⽤于下列:(a) 电器耦合器(见AS/NZS 3109.1)(b) 装置耦合器(见AS/NZS 3131:1995或暂标准AS/NZS 61535)(c) ⼯业⽤途的插头, 插座和耦合器(见AS/NZS 3123)(d) 可移动电器⽤插头和插座(见AS/NZS 3131)1.2应⽤1.2.1AS/NZS 3100标准的通⽤要求本标准应与AS/NZS 3100标准同时阅读, AS/NZS 3100标准的相关条款应适⽤于插头或插座的结构以及正常载流部件的绝缘和安全保护.1.2.2本标准的特殊要求插头或插座如果符合本标准的所有相关要求并通过所规定的相关测试,则认为其符合本标准.注释: (略)1.3参考⽂件本标准需参考下列⽂件:(略)1.4定义对本标准⽽⾔, AS/NZS 3100标准中的定义和如下的定义均适⽤:1.4.1完全凹⼊式插座具有符合3.6.4条的额外保护的插座.注释: 这种额外保护应设计成可防⽌接触插头(符合图2.1(e))的带电端⼦.1.4.2绝缘插⽚式插头所有带电插⽚(N/L极插⽚----译注)具有符合本标准的绝缘部份的插头.1.4.3不可拆线式插头插头的结构应为插头与其电源线形成⼀整体单元,以及;(a) 如果未使其永久破坏,电源线不可拆除;(b) 不可⽤⼿或普通⼯具更换电源线.1.4.4 插头(略)1.4.5 具有螺纹连接装置以及IP额定值的插头(略)1.4.6 可拆线式插头插头的电源线可更换.1.4.7 插座(Socket-outlet)(略)1.4.8 具有螺纹连接装置以及IP额定值的插座.(略)第⼆部份: 插头2.1 端⼦及内部连接2.1.1 材料主要⽤于载流的端⼦及内部连接应为具有⾜够硬度和刚度的耐腐蚀⾦属材料.2.1.2 端⼦的结构端⼦应具有适当的⼤⼩和形状,以配合相当于插头额定电流的载流容量的电源线的导体. 应配有防⽌导体或绞合导体桧或拉伸的装置.2.2 插⽚2.2.1 插⽚的材料插⽚的载流部份应为⾦属,并具有⾜够的机械强度,导电性和耐腐蚀性.符合性通过⽬视检查,如有怀疑,则通过化学分析检查.⽤于允许的温度范围和在正常化学污染的情况下,适当材料的实例如下:(a) 铜;(b) 铜合⾦,由冷轧薄板制作的部件含⾄少58%的铜,对于其它部件含⾄少50%的铜.(c) 不锈钢,含⾄少13%铬和⼩于0.09%碳.2.2.2 插⽚的组装在组装时,插⽚可能与插头本体脱落但仍与电源线的导体连接,不允许插头组装时,任何插⽚不处于其预定的位置.⽤弹性绝缘材料制作的插头,插⽚和端⼦应牢固定位.注释: 参见2.8条关于扁平插⽚的呎⼨.2.2.3 插⽚的形状插⽚整体应具有适当的⽐例,邻近连接处的部位其结构应不产⽣可导致插⽚断裂的应⼒集中,同时应具有适当的开关以防⽌在正常使⽤时由于弯曲对绞合导体的擦伤或割伤. 插⽚的外露端应具有引⼊端,斜⾓或圆⾓以便于插⼊带保护盖的插座,同时⽆锐边或⽑边.插⽚的接触部位应光滑,⽆缝隙或缺⼝,但对于扁平插⽚⽽⾔,在⼀个⾯的接触部份有0.3mm宽的纵向裂纹或缝隙是可以接受的.任何插⽚在裂纹处的厚度⽤如图2.3所⽰的0.3mm厚的⼑⽚测量.⾮绝缘插⽚的外露部份应⽆任何⾮⾦属涂层.2.2.4 插⽚的绝缘绝缘插⽚的插头的带电部件应不外露,当插头部份或全部插⼊插座时.如图2.1所⽰的这种类型插头的符合性按图2.4测量检查.对本条⽂⽽⾔,清漆,亮漆或喷涂的绝缘涂料不认为是绝缘材料.符合图2.1(a), 2.1(c), 或2.1(f)(扁平带电插⽚)⾄15A的插头和绝缘插⽚式插头不需符合图2.1(e)中R20.0±1mm的要求.除如图2.1(a2),(b)和(g)所⽰的插头之外,低压插头的所有带电插⽚应为绝缘插⽚,⾃本标准发布之⽇后5年.2.3 绝缘材料2.3.1 慨述陶瓷除外,插头的所有绝缘材料应符合2.13.11条.成型材料或包封材料应具有适当的性能并且其结构完全均匀,以保证具有适当的物理性能,它应⽆会明显降低插头的机械性能或电⽓性能的空⽳.2.3.2 插头本体插头本体的绝缘部份应为:(a) 性能不低于符合AS3121 (NZS/AS3121)的温度种类为80℃的绝缘材料.(b) 陶瓷材料, 在⽔中浸泡48⼩时后并⽤洁凈布除去可见的⽔珠,其质量增加应不超过2%.2.3.3 插头保护盖插头保护盖的绝缘材料应具有不低于AS3121 (NZS/AS3121)中对温度种类为60℃的绝缘材料所规定的性能.2.4 不可拆线插头不可拆线插头应符合如下要求:(a)每个导体应牢固并有效的连接到适当的插⽚上.每个插⽚(连接有导体)和邻近连接处的导体的绝缘层应适当的⽀撑并固定在插头中的位置.(b)导体应通过夹紧,压着,碰焊或锡焊连接到插⽚.锡焊连接应符合AS/NZS 3100标准. 锡焊应仅⽤作夹紧或压着连接的补充,除⾮插头的结构为锡焊连接在插头的正常使⽤中不会受到弯曲或承受机械应⼒.(c) 完整电源线(包括任何编织层,外被层)应包含在插头本体中. 完整电源线应通过注塑,密封,封套或其它适当的⽅式牢固定位于插头中,并能有效防⽌在正常使⽤中电源线的任何部份从插头中移动出来.2.5 电源线进线⼝及固定措施2.5.1 慨述电源线进线⼝应能有效地固定电源线或打算配置的⼏种电源线,以致在端⼦处的应⼒将显著降低.对于可拆线插头,应能有效固定表2.1中所列范围的电源线,除⾮;(a) 有⼀特殊的开⼝,仅能配置⼀种规格的电源线,圆孔不认为限定直径⼩于孔径的电源线进⼊.(b) 制造商指定的电源线或电源线范围按2.12.3(4)的规定进⾏标⽰.电源线的固定应符合AS/NZS 3100标准,除AS/NZS 3100标准的电源线拉⼒测试由本标准的2.13.4条的测试所代替.另外,除插头仅使⽤平⾏⼆芯⽆外被电源线,如下应施加于弹性和热塑性插头(如图2.1(a)和图2.1(b)所⽰):应提供⼆种⽅式线夹: ⼀种是通过⽀柱,接线柱,夹具,曲折路径或同等有效的⽅式固定每⼀条绝缘芯线;另⼀种是夹持电源线的外被.在⼀个装置中可以使⽤⼆种⽅式.2.5.2 右⾓插头( Side-entry plug)除需符合2.5.1条的通⽤要求之外,额定值⾄15A的低压扁平插⽚右⾓插头应符合图2.1(d1)或图2.1(d2)注释: (略)图2.1(d2)型的右⾓插头的电源线的进⼊⾓度不作规定.但是,对于这种类型的插头,电源线包括任何保护套或SR的边缘距插头⾯的距离不⼩于8.6mm.注释: (略)表2.1电源线的范围2.6 ⽆线电⼲扰抑制装置当电容加⼊插头中⽤于⽆线电或电视⼲扰的抑制时,电容应符合IEC 60384-14标准.2.7 把⼿(Finger-grip)插头应具有功能适当的把⼿,以便于容易插⼊插座或从插座中拔出.符合图2.1(a1), (c), (d), (f)或(g)的插头应容易插⼊或拔出符合图3.5的完全凹⼊式插座.符合性通过⽬视检查.2.8 低压插头的额定值和呎⼨.2.8.1 慨述彽压扁平插⽚插头和具有⼀个圆形接地⽚及⼆个扁平带电插⽚或⼆个圆形带电⽚及⼀个扁平接地⽚的低压插头(额定值⾄20A)应符合图2.1所⽰的适当呎⼨.除图2.1的呎⼨之外,任何插头的带电⽚与插头注塑边缘之间的距离应不⼩于9mm.当怀疑符合此要求时,将附录A的图A1或附录B 的图B1或附录F的图F1(a),F1(b)的适当治具置于插⽚上以接触插头⾯的最⾼点.使⽤宽度⼤于3mm的1.5mm厚薄规插⼊插头和插头治具之间(不⽤⼒),在9mm之内应不可接触到带电插⽚.插头的前⾯应⽆任何⼀点凸出超过0.5mm.插⽚长度的测量应从插头前⾯插⽚通过的最⾼点的平⾯到插⽚的末端.注释: 凸出的实例是注塑的不平整和标⽰.2.8.2 整体注塑插头和电源线⼆芯线可与3插⽚插头整体注塑.2.8.3 具有⾮平⾏插⽚的⼆扁平插⽚插头低压,具有如图2.1(c)排列⼆扁平插⽚插头其电流额定值不超过连接的电线的额定值.这种插头只允许10A最⼤额定电流并整体注塑.2.8.4 图2.1的呎⼨要求的相符性应通过任何适当的謶检查的⽅式检查低压插头与图2.1所规定的呎⼨的相符性,除涉及插⽚排列的标称呎⼨如距中⼼间距和⾓度⽅向应⽤符合附录A,附录B或附录F的适当治具进⾏检查.另外,额定电流⾄15A的低压扁平插⽚或扁平插⽚和圆形插⽚组合的插头(图2.1(a1), 图2.1(c), 图2.1(d), 图2.1(f)或图2.1(g))应符合图2.1(e)的呎⼨要求.符合本标准具有绝缘插⽚的插头不需符合图2.1(e)中的R20±1.0mm的呎⼨.(见图2.1的注释1)符合性⽤任何适当的⽅式进⾏检查.2.8.5具有螺纹连接装置以及IP额定值的插头(略)2.9 内部连接配有接地连接的插头的设计和结构应为当插头正确接线和完整组装时:(a) 松脱的端⼦螺丝或导电材料不能跨接任何带电部件或接地部件;(b) 接地部件应有效的隔离,避免接触可能松脱的带电导体;(c) 带电部件应有效的隔离,避免接触可能松脱的接地导体.辅助装置如⽆线电⼲扰抑制器或指⽰灯的任何连接需符合上述要求.2.10 接地连接的排列任何低压,3插⽚插头的接地插⽚应径向于环绕插⽚的圆(见图2.1(a1),图2.1(f)和图2.1(g)).2.11 保险丝加⼊插头中并额定值不⼤于5A的保险丝应符合BS646标准.加⼊插头中并额定值⼤于5A的保险丝应为符合AS 2005.30和AS 2005.10中相关要求的熔丝型.2.12 标⽰(Marking)2.12.1 要求的标⽰按照AS/NZS 3100标准, 插头应标⽰如下信息:(a) 制造商的名称,商业名称或标志;(b) 额定电流,以安培表⽰;(c) 电压;(d) 如果制造商标⽰的插头不是唯⼀类型,则插头还应标⽰产品号码,型号或名称与区分标⽰的任何其它插头.(e) 宣称的IP额定值.注释: (略)2.12.2 标⽰的位置2.12.1条所要求的标⽰应位于如下:(a) (a)和(d)项—位于插头的任何部位.(b) (b),(c)和(e)项—位于插头的外部本体.2.12.3 对可拆线插头的额外要求(略)2.12.4 接地连接(略)2.12.5 带电连接(略)2.12.6 插头的构型符合图2.1(a),图2.1(c),图2.1(f)或图2.1(g)的插头当正确连接插⽚时,从插⽚视⾓,插⽚的构型应为E极,N极,L极处于顺时针⽅向.当⽆接地插⽚时,带电插⽚应符合这种构型.2.13.1 慨述插头应按表2.2所述的顺序进⾏测试并符合每项测试的要求.表2.2 插头需进⾏的测试及顺序插头的耐绝缘应在500Vd.c.电压下按如下进⾏:(a) 插头的所有极之间(成对).(b) 插头的带电极与任何外部⾦属之间, 插头的所有带电极连接在⼀起.(c) 插头的带电极与外露⾦属的接地端⼦之间, 带电极连接在⼀起.(d) 带电极与施加到⾮导电部件(使⽤时正常握持)的软电极之间, 所有带电极连接在⼀起.(e) 对于绝缘插⽚插头,带电极与施加于每个带电插⽚绝缘部位(距插头⾯约4mm)的⾦属箔之间, 所有带电极连接在⼀起.测量的绝缘电阻应不⼩于5MΩ.2.13.3 ⾼压测试插头应能经受表2.3所⽰的交流电压,此电压施加于2.13.2条的(a)和(c)项各1分钟.插头应能进⼀步经受3500Va.c.的电压,此电压施加于2.13.2条的(b)和(d)项各1分钟. 绝缘插⽚的绝缘层应经受1250Va.c.电压1分钟(按2.13.2条的(e)项施加).表2.3 ⾼压测试的测试电压2.13.4 电源线固定测试电源线测试时导体应连接于适当的端⼦.沿电源线进⼊插头的⽅向施加表2.4中第4栏所规定值的直接拉⼒.超过10秒的时间,拉⼒均匀增加⾄适当的值,继续保持10秒钟,然后松开.此测试进⾏3次.弹性和热塑性插头的端⼦螺丝尽可能的松开(螺丝不脱落), 表2.4中第5栏规定值的直接拉⼒施加于电源在线. .超过10秒的时间,拉⼒均匀增加⾄适当的值,继续保持10秒钟,然后松开.此测试进⾏3次.电源线的芯线数应与插头的插⽚数相适应.如果插头设计只配置⼀种特定类型的电源线(按2.5条),则插头仅需测试此种线材,但是,对应特定类型圆线直径⼤⼩的进线⼝并不认为限定插头只使⽤此种线材.如果电源线与端⼦分开;端⼦断裂或损坏或当端⼦螺丝松开测试中电源线移动2mm.,则认为电线固定不适当.表2.4 电源线固定测试的负载2.13.5 外部螺帽或夹环的测试(略)2.13.6 保护盖的连接(略)2.13.7 滚筒测试3个未进⾏测试的插头按AS/NZS 3109.1标准所述在滚筒中进⾏测试.可拆线插头配有表2.1中规定的最轻载荷,最⼩截⾯积的电线,长度约为100mm(从SR处或插头处测量). ⽤等于AS/NZS 3100的螺纹和固定测试中规定⼒矩的2/3⼒矩将端⼦螺丝和组装螺丝拧紧.不可拆线插头按送测时所带电线进⾏测试,电线保留约100mm⾃由长度(从SR处或插头处测量).样品从500mm⾼度跌落到3mm厚的钢板上.每跌落100次后,⽬视插⽚并直接通过图A1或F1的治具.总跌落次数为1000次.滚筒转速为5转/分钟,每分钟产⽣10次跌落.每次仅测试⼀个样品.测试后,样品应⽆本标准意义上的损坏.特别如下:(a) 带电部件不外露于本标准的测试指.(b) 对于接地插⽚,仍需符合3.14.7条.(c) 任何其它影响安全性的功能将不减弱.(d) ⽆带电部件松脱⾄产⽣危害情况的程度(参见2.9条).(e) ⽤正常视⼒或校正⾄正常的视⼒⽬测插头.⽚如需要可除去绝缘层.插⽚应⽆破裂或显⽰裂纹注释: (略)2.13.8 温升测试插头的结构应使其符合如下温升测试:(a) 不可拆线插头按送测时样品测试(⽤于温度测试可接触到端⼦的特制样品).(b) 可拆线插头配置制造商说明书中规定的导体截⾯积最⼩的PVC电线.⽤测试代号5中测试所规定的⼒矩的2/3,拧紧端⼦螺丝或螺帽.注释: (略)测试插座为符合本标准的固定式插座.注释: (略)固定式插座应安装于适当的⾦属壁箱⼦中,箱⼦置于⾃由通风之处,插座配置⾄少2.5m 长,如表3.4中所⽰的截⾯积的PVC绝缘的导体.插座的电线应在箱⼦线路接头的1m距离封闭.插头插⼊插座并通1.1倍额定电流的交流电1⼩时.电线接头的温度由熔化粒⼦,颜⾊变化指⽰剂或热电偶⽅式确定,其选择和放置应对需确定的温度⽆影响.接头的温升应不超过45K.2.13.9 插⽚的牢固性2.13.9.1 插⽚的移动通过⼀刚性夹持块夹持插⽚测试插⽚的移动, 夹持块位于距插头⾯5±0.5mm处,并施加18±1N的⼒于插⽚. 夹持块的设计应为,测试时未测试的插⽚不会接触到夹持块.不可拆线插头除外,测试时插头不需连接电线,端⼦螺丝松开⾄可允许1mm2导体连接. 插头和测试设备在40±1℃温度下预处理1⼩时,不施加测试⼒.整个测试中,插头和测试设备的所有部件都处于此温度.对于所有插头,施⼒点为沿着插⽚距插头⾯14±0.5mm处,⼒的⽅向应为:(a) 沿着垂直于插⽚平⾯的线以及通过插⽚中⼼的⼆个⽅向.(b) 沿着⼀条线以右⾓达到(a)中的规定.在10秒的时间,以(a)和(b)所述⽅式将⼒逐渐施加⾄每个插⽚,并保持其最⼤⼒10秒,然后松开. 当施加⼒时,沿着相对于刚性夹持块的⼒线测量插⽚的偏差.最⼤偏差应不超过2.0mm.依次测试符合图2.1的插头的所有的插⽚,在完成最后⼀个插⽚测试后5分钟,其任何变形不应防⽌插头插⼊附录A,B,F中所⽰的适当的标准治具(不施加过分的⼒).对于其它类型的插头,5分钟后的任何变形不应防⽌插头插⼊适当的插座(不施加过分的⼒). 插⽚的固定另⼀个插头样品加热⾄50±2℃1⼩时,并在整个测试包括除去测试负荷的5分钟保持此温度.插头牢固地固定,其⽅式不会对插头本体产⽣过分的挤压或扭曲,⽽且不会使插⽚保持其原来的位置.在10秒的时间,每个插⽚依次平稳地施加⼒⾄60±0.6N,并保持10分钟.每个插⽚进⾏2次测试,⼀次⼒的⽅向沿着插⽚长度朝向插头本体的⽅向,另⼀次为相反⽅向.如果在测试中的任何时候,任何插⽚相对于本体材料移动⼤于2.4mm或在除去测试⼒的5分钟内,任何插⽚不能回到图2.1规定的标称长度的0.8mm之内,则认为插⽚的连接是不恰当的.2.13.10 IP额定值确定插头的IP额定值由制造商指定的插座和任何连接装置进⾏确定,此组合物按AS 1939标准进⾏测试.当插头测试AS 1939标准的第⼀个数字5(粉尘测试)时,测试应在AS 1939标准中规定的第2类条件下测试.2.13.11 防⽕性测试所有绝缘材料应进⾏AS/NZS 4695.2.11规定的灼热丝测试,并符合相关的条款,施加650℃的灼热丝30秒.2.13.12不可拆线插头和电源线的额外测试2.13.12.1 慨述不可拆线插头和电源线应通过2.13.12.2⾄条的测试,除2.13.12.5条的测试仅⽤于具有锡箔导体的电线.每项测试在不同的样品上进⾏.在这些测试时,室温保持20±2℃. 电源线的固定按如下步骤进⾏弯曲测试:(a) 将插头固定⾄测试仪通过将插⽚固定于如图2.2所⽰仪器的摇摆机构上⽽将插头固定,摇摆机构处于运动中⼼,插头出线⼝处电线的轴线垂直并通过摇摆的轴线.对此测试,任何SR认为是插头的⼀部份.带扁线的插头其安装应为截⾯的主轴平⾏于摇摆的轴线.插头应置于测试仪上,以致当摇摆时,重块和电线产⽣最⼩的侧向运动.为了得到测试中重块和电线具有最⼩侧向运动的安装位置,测试仪的结构应为,摇摆机构的不同⽀承物可通过螺纹轴(⾄少可移动范围20⾄150mm)调节.⼀个装置如条⽚应⽤于检查重块和电线产⽣最⼩侧向运动.(b) 电线的负载电线应有如下负载:Ⅰ). 20±0.2N, 电线的截⾯积超过0.75 mm2Ⅱ). 10±0.1N, 电线的截⾯积未超过0.75 mm2重块位于电线进线⼝⾄少300mm处(见图2.2).(c) 测试⽅法摇摆机构摆动90°(每侧45°), 弯曲次数为10000次,弯曲速度为60次/分钟.注释: ⼀次弯曲为向⼀个⽅向的⼀次运动.弯曲5000次后,圆线样品在摇摆机构中转动90°. 扁线样品仅在垂直于含有线轴的平⾯⽅向弯曲.(d) 弯曲测试中的符合性在测试中,⽆铜丝刺破绝缘层,使其可接触.(e) 弯曲测试后的符合性符合性指标如下:(Ⅰ). 样品不显⽰损坏.(Ⅱ). 保护套(如有)应不与插头本体分开.(Ⅲ). 电线的绝缘层应不损坏.(Ⅳ). 每个导体的铜丝数不⼤于10%的破裂. 芯线的连接通过夹持插⽚牢固地固定插头.将沿电线出线⼝⽅向的直接拉⼒施于距进线⼝约600mm 处芯线(夹持在⼀起).,外被除去⾄插头.在10秒的时间,拉⼒均匀增加⾄110±1N,并保持此最⼤值10秒钟,然后松开.如果在测试中的任何时候,任何芯线从插头上脱落或所有导体铜丝从插⽚上脱落,可认为芯线的连接不适当. 外被的连接(带外被电线)通过夹持插⽚牢固地固定插头.将沿电线出线⼝⽅向的直接拉⼒施于距进线⼝约600mm 处外被,在距插头约25mm处切断芯线.在外被上做⼀轴向切⼝. 在10秒的时间,拉⼒均匀增加⾄130±1.3N,并保持此最⼤值10秒钟,然后松开.如果在直接拉⼒达到所需值之前或在保持拉⼒期间,在进线⼝或SR处芯线外露,可认为外被的连接不适当.对于连接轻负载PVC电线或普通负载的弹性电线的插头,如果在达到130N最⼤⼒之前,当外被破裂时,进线⼝处芯线不外露,则认为连接是恰当的. 绝缘层的连接(⽆外被电线)通过夹持插⽚牢固地固定插头.将沿电线出线⼝⽅向的直接拉⼒施于距进线⼝约600mm 处电线,每条线的绝缘层从距进线⼝约25mm处平⾏于导体切开⼀⼩段距离.导体的所有铜丝从切开部份切断, 在10秒的时间,拉⼒均匀增加⾄65±0.7N,并保持此最⼤值10秒钟,然后松开.如果在测试中的任何时候,绝缘层脱离插头或进线⼝附近导体外露,则认为绝缘层的连接是不适当的. 导体的连接插头应切开,并且插⽚和适当长度的芯线从插头上除去.另外,制造商可送交未注塑的样品⽤于此项测试.邻近插⽚约25mm的绝缘层从电线上剥开.每个插⽚依次固定,直接拉⼒施于距插⽚约600mm处的导体上,⽅向为导体连接到插⽚的⽅向.在10秒的时间,拉⼒逐渐增加⾄85±0.9N,并保持此最⼤值1分钟,然后松开.如果在测试的任何时候,所有导体铜丝从插⽚上脱落,则认为导体的连接是不适当的.2.13.13具有绝缘插⽚的插头的额外测试2.13.13.1 慨述插⽚的绝缘材料应能经受⾼温和低温应⼒.通过2.13.13.2⾄条的测试进⾏检查. ⾼温压⼒测试⼀个绝缘插⽚样品⽤如图2.5所⽰的仪器进⾏如下测试.该仪器有⼀直径为6mm,厚度为0.7mm的圆形压⽚.如图2.5所⽰放置样品,通过压⽚对样品施加2.5N的⼒.放置样品的仪器置于160±5℃的烘箱中2⼩时.从仪器中取出样品,在10秒钟内浸⼊冷⽔中冷却.⽴即测量浸⼊处绝缘层的厚度,⽽且厚度的降低不超过50%.⽬视检查绝缘材料应⽆裂纹,⽽且绝缘材料的呎⼨应不低于图2.4所⽰的最⼩呎⼨. 静态阻尼加热测试具有绝缘插⽚的插头应按IEC 60068-2-30.Db (12+12 h cycle)进⾏2次阻尼加热循环.相对温度为95%,低温为25±3℃,⾼温为40℃.经过上述处理并恢复到室温后,样品应进⾏如下测试:(a) 耐绝缘测试(2.13.2(5)条)(b) ⾼压测试(2.13.3条)(c) 耐磨测试(2.13.6条).注释: (略) 低温测试具有绝缘插⽚的插头应在-15±2℃保持⾄少24⼩时,然后回到室温.样品应进⾏如下测试:(a) 耐绝缘测试(2.13.2(5)条)(b) ⾼压测试(2.13.3条)(c) 耐磨测试(2.13.6条).注释: (略) 低温冲击测试仅⼀个绝缘插⽚样品进⾏冲击测试,使⽤如图2.6所⽰的仪器.下落重块的质量为100±1g.在40mm厚泡沫橡胶垫上的仪器与样品置于-15±2℃保持⾄少24⼩时.在时间末期,样品如图2.6所⽰放置,下落重块可从100mm⾼处下落.对同⼀样品连续进⾏4次冲击,在冲击之间将其转动90°.测试后,样品回到室温然后进⾏检查.⽬视检查样品,绝缘材料应⽆裂纹.注释: (略) 耐磨测试具有绝缘插⽚的插头应⽤如图2.7所⽰的仪器进⾏如下测试.测试仪器包括⼀⽔平横梁,它可围绕其中⼼旋转.⼀段直径为1mm钢丝线,弯成U形,其底部为平直的, 两端牢固地连接于横梁的⼀端,以致平直部份凸出横梁之下,并平⾏横梁旋转轴.⽤适当的夹具夹持插头,使钢丝线平直部份靠在插⽚主轴⾯上.插头处于与⽔平⾯成10°的斜⾯.对横梁加载,使钢丝线对插⽚施加4N的⼒.插头在⽔平⽅向前后移动,使钢丝线沿插⽚磨擦.插⽚被磨擦的长度约为9mm,其中约7mm为绝缘部份.移动的次数为20000次(每个⽅向10000次),速度为30次/分钟.测试后,插⽚应⽆影响安全性或插头使⽤的损坏,尤其是绝缘护套不被刺破或起皱.第三部份: 插座3.1 接头和内部连接3.1.1 材料主要⽤于载流的接头和内部连接应为具有⾜够硬度和刚度的适当的耐腐蚀性⾦属.3.1.2 接头的结构插座的接头应隐⼊插座的本体,以防⽌其偶尔接触裸露的接地导体或其它外露⾦属.除在额定电流为15A或以上的插座中,插座的带电接头应有适当的⼤⼩和形状,以配合相当于插座额定值的⾄少⼆种规格的导体.对于所有的插座,接地接头应有适当的⼤⼩和形状,以配合相当于插座额定值的⾄少⼆种规格的接地导体.注释: (略)3.2 禁⽌的配置低压固定式插座或其⾯板不能并⼊通讯线路,电视或⽆线电天线线路或其它相似线路系统的连接装置.3.3 插座弹夹3.3.1 材料弹夹应为对其⽤途具有⾜够的刚性和耐久性的耐腐蚀性⾦属.3.3.2 结构在正常使⽤条件下,弹夹应与适当类型的插头的插⽚产⽣并保持满意的电性接触和机械接触.对于额定值⾄10A并⽤于图2.1(a1)型插头的插座,进⾏条的测试.对于配置具有扁平插⽚的插头,插座弹夹应与每个插⽚的两侧产⽣接触,除允许使⽤的带弹簧的单侧弹夹.弹夹不仅仅依靠弹夹材料的弹性,⽽且具有除热塑性材料或弹性材料之外的材料的相反的⼒.弹夹的匹配和接触性能应不依赖于接头螺丝.弹夹的有效性应不依赖于于来⾃热塑性材料或弹性材料注塑的压⼒.与符合图2.1的插头使⽤的插座,其弹夹应为⾃调节节距和接触.3.3.3 插⽚插⼊插座或拔出插座的构造应有效地引导相应的插头,⽚确保直接插⼊和拔出,需插座的弹夹⽆明显的变形.通过⽬视检查,必要时通过⼿⼯或电⽓测试进⾏检查.3.3.4 弹夹的深度3.3.4.1 具有⽤于扁平插⽚的插座孔的弹夹深度对于配合符合图2.1呎⼨要求的带扁平插⽚的插头,插座应进⾏如下测试.当⽤如图3.1(a)或(b)的适当测试治具,以任何⽅式(⽆过分⽤⼒)插⼊插座的带电插座孔中,应不可接触带电部件.当使⽤下列规格的⾦属⽚垂直于插座⾯插⼊每个插座孔时:(a) 1.58+0-0.02 X6.20+0-0.05 , 10A和15A插座;(b) 1.58+0-0.02 X8.93+0-0.05 , 20A插座;必须在12.6mm深度前产⽣接触.另外,附录C的图C1或附录G的图G1的适当3 PIN插头应能完全插⼊插座.3.4 绝缘材料插座的绝缘部份应为:(a) 性能不低于符合AS3121 (NZS/AS3121)的Class 100成形材料的材料.(b) 陶瓷材料, 在⽔中浸泡48⼩时后并⽤洁凈布除去可见的⽔珠,其质量增加应不超过2%.除陶瓷之外的所有绝缘材料还需符合3.14.11条的要求.3.5⽆线电⼲扰抑制装置当电容加⼊插座中⽤于⽆线电或电视⼲扰的抑制时,电容应符合IEC 60384-14标准.3.6 呎⼨3.6.1 插座孔⽤于如图2.1所⽰的插头类型的插座孔应不超过表3.1中规定的呎⼨.这些呎⼨通过测量进⾏检查.表3.1 插座孔的最⼤呎⼨从带电插座孔的边缘:。
Philips AJ3112 产品注册与支持说明书
User manual AJ3112Register your product and get support at/welcome341#%^$5906782!@EnglishCONTROLS (see fig. 1)1DISPLAY - shows the clock/ alarm time and status of the set 2ALARM indicator - lights up when alarm is activated3Frequency indicator - shows the radio frequency of your selected waveband 4REPEAT ALARM / SLEEP OFF- switches off the active alarm for a 8-9 minute period - switches off the sleep function 5CLOCK - sets the clock time 6SLEEP- activates the radio for sleep function - adjusts the sleep period7ALARM RESET - stops the active alarm for 24 hours 8ALARM - sets the alarm function 9RADIO / ALARMRADIO ON : switches on the radioRADIO OFF : switches off the radio/alarm ALARM - RADIO : activates the radio for alarm ALARM - BUZZ : activates the buzzer for alarm 0SET TIME HR / MIN- adjusts the hours / minutes for clock / alarm / sleep time !Power cord - connects to wall outlet @Pigtail - improve FM reception #VOLUME - adjusts the sound level$Battery door - opens to store a 9 volts 6F22battery (not included) for clockmemory backup.%FM/MW -selects FM/MW waveband ^TUNING - tunes to radio stationsCongratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips!To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at /welcome.INSTALLATIONPOWER SUPPLY1Check if the power supply, as shown on the type plate located on the bot-tom of the set, corresponds to your local power supply. If it does not, consult your dealer or service center.2Connect the plug to the wall outlet.3To disconnect the set from the power supply completely, remove the plug from the wall outlet.CLOCK MEMORY BACKUPThe clock memory backup allows your alarm and clock time settings to be stored for up to a day when there is a power interruption e.g. power failure. The com-plete clock radio and display illumination will be switched off. As soon as the power supply returns, the display will indicate the correct time.1Remove the battery door to insert a 9 volts 6F22type battery (not included) for backup.2Replace the battery door.NOTE: If no backup battery is installed or the power interruption is prolonged, you will need to set the clock and alarm times again.Batteries contain chemical substances so they should be disposed of properly.RADIOYou can use this set solely as a radio!1Adjust RADIO / ALARM to RADIO ON to switch on the radio.2Select your waveband by adjusting the FM/MW switch .3Adjust TUNING to tune to your desired station .4Turn the VOLUME control to adjust the volume level .5Adjust RADIO / ALARM to OFF to switch off the radio.To improve reception:FM:Extend and position the pigtail fully to obtain optimal reception.MW:uses a built-in antenna inside the set. Direct the antenna by adjusting the position of your set .SETTING THE CLOCK / ALARM TIME The time is displayed using the 24-hour clock.1Hold down CLOCK or ALARM .2Press HR or MIN repeatedly, or hold down HR or MIN to adjust minute and/or hour.3Release CLOCK or ALARM and HR or MIN when you reach the correct set-ting.™The set clock time will show on the display and start to run.REPEAT ALARMSpecificationsAC Power................................................................220 – 230 V / 50 Hz Power ConsumptionActive................................................................................................ 5 W Standby ...........................................................................................≤ 2 W Dimensions (w x h x d) ..............................130.4 x 130 x 46.8 (mm)Weight ........................................................................................0.395 kgSELECTING THE ALARM MODETo use the alarm, you must set the alarm time first. You can choose from two different alarm modes to wake you up: by radio or buzzer.1Select your choice of alarm mode by adjusting RADIO / ALARM to RADIO or BUZZ.™The alarm indicator (AL) will light up.Helpful Hint:•If you have selected the radio mode, make sure you have adjusted the vol-ume loud enough to wake you.•The buzzer is set at a fixed volume and cannot be adjusted.SWITCHING OFF THE ALARMThere are three ways of switching off the alarm. Unless you cancel the alarm completely, the 24 hour alarm reset option will be automatically selected after 1 hour and 59 minutes, from the time your alarm time first goes off.24 HOUR ALARM RESETIf you want the alarm mode to be stopped immediately but also wish to retain the same alarm setting for the following day:•Press ALARM RESET during the alarm call.™The alarm indicator (AL) will remain on.CANCELING THE ALARM COMPLETELYTo cancel the set alarm time before it goes off, or during the alarm call:•Adjust RADIO / ALARM to OFF position.™The alarm indicator (AL) will light off.SAFETY INFORMATIONREPEAT ALARMThis repeats your alarm call at 9-minute intervals.1During the alarm call, press REPEAT ALARM/ SLEEP OFF.™The alarm indicator (AL) will remain on.SLEEPThis set has a built-in timer which enables the set to be automatically switched off during radio playback after a set period of time. This allows you to lie back, listen and fall asleep. The maximum sleep time is 1 hour and 59 minutes. Setting SLEEP1Set RADIO / ALARM to OFF position.2Set the sleep time to activate sleep function by selecting on the following ways:•Simply press SLEEP to set your sleep time to 59 minutes.•Hold down SLEEP, and press MIN repeatedly to adjust sleep time from 59 minutes downward.•Hold down SLEEP and press HR to get one more hour sleep time (1:59)™To cancel sleep, press REPEAT ALARM/ SLEEP OFF.Notes for battery disposalYour product contains batteries covered by the EuropeanDirective 2006/66/EC, which cannot be disposed with normalhousehold waste. Please inform yourself about the local ruleson separate collection of batteries because correct disposalhelps to prevent negative consequences for the environmentaland human health.TROUBLESHOOTINGSAFETY INFORMATION•Install the unit near the AC outlet and where the AC plug can be easily reached.•Where the MAINS plug is used as the disconnect device, the disconnet device shall remain readily operable.•Place the set on a hard and flat surface so that the system does not tilt.•If you do not intend to use the set for a long time, withdraw the power plug from the wall outlet. In addition to this, it is advisable to remove the battery from the clock radio. This will prevent any danger of leakage and the clock radio will not be damaged.•Do not expose the set, batteries to humidity, rain, sand or excessive heat caused by heating equipment or direct sunlight.•The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing.•Adequate ventilation with a minimum gap of 15cm between the ventilation holes and surrounding surfaces is necessary to prevent heat build-up.•The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items, such as newspapers, table-cloths, curtains, etc..•No objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the appartus.•No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the apparatus.•To clean the set, use a soft, slightly dampened chamois leather. Do not use any cleaning agents containing alcohol, ammonia, benzene or abrasives as these may harm the housing.•Battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like. CAUTIONUse of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than herein may result in unsafe operation.This set complies with the radio interference requirements of theEuropean Union.TROUBLESHOOTINGIf a fault occurs, first check the points listed below before taking the set for repair. If you are unable to remedy a problem by following these hints, consult your dealer or service center.WARNING:Under no circumstances should you try to repair the set yourself, as this will invalidate the warranty. Do not open the set as there is a risk ofelectric shock.Problem–Possible Cause•RemedyNo sound/power–Volume not adjusted•Adjust the volumeOccasional crackling sound during FM broadcast–Weak signal•Adjust the position of the PigtailContinuous crackling/hiss disturbance during MW broadcast–Electrical interference from TV, computer, fluorescent lamp, etc.•Move set away from other electrical equipmentThe alarm does not function–Alarm time not set and or alarm mode not selected•Set the alarm time and / select alarm mode–Volume too low for RADIO•Adjust the volume–Radio alarm not adjusted to radio station•Tune to a radio stationAll registered and unregistered trademarks are property of their respective owners.© 2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All rights reserved.AJ3112_12_UM_V5.1。
Canon imageclass MF3112 说明书
带有此符号的指南是PDF手册,包含在附带的 CD-ROM 中。
•安装设备•软件安装•介绍使用方法•复印和打印说明•故障排除•软件安装和使用说明•打印和扫描说明•故障排除机型名称F146603 (MF3112)版权所有佳能公司©2004年版权所有。
商标Canon®是佳能公司的注册商标,UHQ TM是佳能公司的商标。
作为ENERGY STAR®的合作伙伴,佳能公司确认本产品符合能源之星的节能要求。
目录前言 (vii)如何使用本手册 (vii)本手册中使用的符号标识 (vii)本手册中使用的按键 (vii)LCD(液晶显示屏)显示的信息 (vii)章1 介绍客户支持............................................................................1-1设备的主要组件......................................................................1-1操作面板............................................................................1-3待机显示............................................................................1-4节能模式............................................................................1-5手动设定节能模式...............................................................1-5从节能模式中恢复...............................................................1-5章2 纸张处理打印介质要求........................................................................2-1打印区域.......................................................................2-2装纸................................................................................2-3将纸张装入纸盒.................................................................2-3在多用途纸盒中装入纸张.........................................................2-6在多用途纸盒中装入信封.........................................................2-7指定纸张尺寸和类型(适用于纸盒和多用途纸盒)........................................2-8指定纸张尺寸...................................................................2-8指定纸张类型...................................................................2-9稿件和纸张装入的方向...........................................................2-9选择纸张输出区域...................................................................2-10纸张类型和纸张输出区域........................................................2-10面向下纸张输出区域............................................................2-11面向上纸张输出区域............................................................2-11章3 稿件处理稿件要求............................................................................3-1稿件的可扫描区域....................................................................3-2把稿件放在稿台玻璃上................................................................3-2章4 从计算机中打印打印前..............................................................................4-1打印稿件............................................................................4-1取消打印.......................................................................4-2更多信息............................................................................4-2章5 复印您可以复印的稿件....................................................................5-1复印................................................................................5-1设定放大/缩小......................................................................5-2用预设的复印比率来放大/缩小...................................................5-2用自定义复印比率来放大/缩小...................................................5-2改善复印的图像......................................................................5-3调整图像质量(分辨率).........................................................5-3调整曝光(密度)...............................................................5-3特殊功能............................................................................5-4排序复印.......................................................................5-42合1复印......................................................................5-5备用复印.......................................................................5-6章6 扫描扫描前..............................................................................6-1扫描方法............................................................................6-1更多信息............................................................................6-2章7 系统监控检查本设备中所存作业的状态..........................................................7-1确认和删除复印作业.............................................................7-1确认和删除打印作业.............................................................7-2章8 维护定期清洁............................................................................8-1清洁外壳.......................................................................8-1清洁扫描区域...................................................................8-1何时更换墨盒........................................................................8-2打印产量.......................................................................8-3使用和存储墨盒.................................................................8-3更换墨盒............................................................................8-5重新包装和运输设备..................................................................8-8搬运设备时,请抓住其两侧.......................................................8-8通过汽车运输设备...............................................................8-9章9 故障排除清除卡纸............................................................................9-1液晶显示屏消息......................................................................9-7供纸故障............................................................................9-9复印故障...........................................................................9-12打印质量故障.......................................................................9-12打印故障...........................................................................9-14扫描故障...........................................................................9-15一般故障...........................................................................9-15如果您自己不能排除故障.............................................................9-17章10 本产品设置读取本产品设置.....................................................................10-1菜单说明...........................................................................10-1PAPER SETTINGS(纸张设置)....................................................10-1COMMON SETTINGS(一般设置)...................................................10-2COPY SETTINGS(复印设置).....................................................10-3PRINTER SETTINGS(打印设置)..................................................10-4TIMER SETTINGS(时间设置)....................................................10-4章11 附录技术规格...........................................................................11-1索引...............................................................................11-3前言感谢您购买佳能imageCLASS MF3112。
1 概述本仪表为反渗透控制器和在线电导率仪表的组合式控制仪表。
2 流程选择RO系统有以下两种典型工作模式(如图A、B),本RO控制器对图A、图B两种模式都能兼顾。
3 功能及主要技术指标无水保护功能:如原水断水,“LOW FEED PRESS”灯点亮,数码管显示“ALA”,蜂鸣器报警,控制器关闭整个RO系统。
低压保护功能:如低压不足,“LOW PRESS”灯点亮,数码管显示“ALA”,蜂鸣器报警,控制器关闭整个RO系统,控制器1分钟后进行首次试启动,如水压满足则恢复制水过程。
高压保护功能:如高压超压,“HIGH PRESS”灯点亮,数码管显示“ALA”,蜂鸣器报警,控制器关闭整个RO系统,等待高压消除。
主要技术指标:1)电源电压:AC 220V±15% 50Hz 功耗:≤3W2)环境条件:a)温度:0~50℃;b)湿度:≤85%RH3)测量范围: 0~200μS /cm4)准确度:1.5级5)输出接点负载能力:3A/250V AC (电磁阀须通过中间继电器驱动) 6)电导池工作压力:0~0.5Mpa7)介质温度:5~50℃8)温度补偿:以25℃为基准,自动温度补偿9)测量距离:不大于30m(除另有约定外,电极电缆出厂配置5m)10)显示方式:31-2位LED数字显示11)选配电极: 1.0cm-112)外形尺寸:96×96×110mm(高×宽×深)13)表盘开孔:92×92mm(高×宽)4 前面板说明图3 前面板显示板如上图,由上到下共分为I、II、III三个区域。
目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)1 引言 (1)2 湿敏传感器的组成 (1)2.1 DHT11的特性 (1)2.2.2电源引脚说明 (2)2.2.2 串行接口 (2)2.3显示部分:LCD (3)2.3.1 LCD1602液晶简介 (3)2.3.2 LCD1602主要技术参数 (3)2.3.3引脚功能说明 (3)2.4单片机ST89C52 (4)2.4.1ST89C52引脚图 (4)2.4.2 引脚功能 (5)3湿敏传感器湿度计原理 (6)3.1 湿度定义 (6)3.2 湿度计量分类 (6)3.3 湿度计湿度定义 (6)3.4 湿度测量方法 (6)3.5 湿度测量方案的选择 (7)3.6 精度的选择 (8)3.7 湿敏传感器原理图 (9)4 结论 (10)致谢语 (10)参考文献 (10)英文翻译 (11)湿敏传感器湿度计王强重庆三峡学院机械工程学院机械设计专业2010级重庆万州 404000摘要:湿度是生活生产中的重要的参数。
用新型的智能湿度传感器DHT11主要实现对湿度的检测,将湿度信号通过传感器进行信号的采集并转换成数字信号,再运用单片机ST89C52进行数据的分析和处理, 。
关键词:单片机 DHT11湿度传感器控制系统1 引言湿度是指大气中的水蒸气的含量,湿度直接影响到存储物资的使用寿命和工作可靠性。
Site MasterS113C,S114C,S331C,S332C,天线、电缆和频谱分析仪用户指南专门用于传输线和其它射频器件的手持式测试仪目录第一章—概述简介………………………………………………………………..1-1说明………………………………………………………………..1-1标准附件……………………………………………………………1-1选件…………………………………………………………………1-2可选附件……………………………………………………………1-2性能指标…………………………………………………………..1-3维护事项……………………………………………………………1-6校准…………………………………………………………………1-6自动校准InstaCal 模块…………… ………………………………1-7年检………………………………………………………………….1-7第二章—功能和操作简介…………………………………………………………….…….2-1测试连接器面板…………………………………………………….2-1前面板概述………………………………………………………….2-2功能区硬键……………………………………………………………2-3 键盘区硬键…………………………………………………………2-4软键…. ………………………………………………………………2-6功率监测菜单……………………………………………………….2-15符号………………………………………………………………….2-19自检………………………………………………………………….2-19错误代码…………………………………………………………….2-19 自检错误…………..…………………………………………….2-19范围错误……..………………………………………………….2-21自动校准InstaCal错误消息………….…………………………2-22 电池信息…………………………………………….………………2-24新电池充电…………………………………………………………2-24 在Site Master上给电池充电…………………………………….2-24用充电器给电池充电………………………………………………2-24电池充电指示……………………………………………………2-25电池寿命…………………………………………………………..2-25关于电池的重要信息……………………………………………..2-26第三章—操作入门简介…………………………………………………………3-1开机过程……………………………………………………3-1选择频率/距离………………………………………………3-2校准…………………………………………………………..3-2校准确认……………………………………………….3-3手动校准过程………………………………………….3-4自动校准InstaCal 模块确认…………………………3-5自动校准InstaCal模块校准过程……………………. 3-6有测试端口延长电缆的校准………………………3-6 设臵刻度…………………………………………………3-7 自动刻度……………………………………………….3-7幅度刻度………………………………………………3-7 保存和调用设臵………………………………………….3-7 保存设臵……………………………………………...3-7调用设臵……………………………………………..3-8 保存和调用显示…………………………………………3-8 保存显示…………………………………………….3-8调用显示……………………………………………3-8设臵距离和电缆类型……………………………..3-9 改变单位…………………………………………………..3-9改变显示语言……………………………………………..3-9打印………………………………………………………..3-10 打印屏幕……………………………………………..3-10打印机开关设臵……………………………………..3-11 使用软背包……………………………………………….3-12第四章—电缆测量和天线测量简介……………………………………………………….4-1传输线扫描的基本原理………………………………….4-1进行传输线扫描所需的信息…………………………….4-2典型传输线扫描的测试过程…………………………….4-3 系统回波损耗测量………………………………….4-3插入损耗测量………………………………………4-4故障点定位(DTF)传输线测试…………………4-8天线子系统回波损耗测试………………………..4-10第五章—频谱分析仪测量简介……………………………………………………….5-1占用带宽………………………………………………….5-1通道功率测量…………………………………………….5-2 Site Master的通道功率测量…………………………5-2 邻道功率测量…………………………………………….5-4带外杂波散射测量……………………………………….5-6带内/通道外测量…………………………………………5-7场强测量…………………………………………………5-8天线校准………………………………………………….5-9 第六章—功率测量简介………………………………………………………..6-1功率测量…………………………………………………..6-1 第七章—Site Master软件工具简介………………………………………………………… 7-1特点…………………………………………………………7-1系统需求……………………………………………………7-1安装…………………………………………………………7-2 通讯口设臵……………………………………………7-2接口电缆安装………………………………………….7-3 使用软件工具……………………………………………….7-3从Site Master下载图形曲线………………………………..7-3图形获取……………………………………………………..7-3图形属性…………………………………………………….7-4 曲线叠加或图形叠加…………………………………..7-4保存曲线………………………………………………7-5常规电缆列表…………………………………………7-6输入天线因子…………………………………………7-7上载天线因子………………………………………...7-8创建数据库…………………………………………..7-8打印格式……………………………………………..7-8附录 A—参考数据同轴电缆技术数据…………………………………………………A-1附录B—视窗简介…………………………………………………………………B-1 样例…………………………………………………………………B-1第一章概述简介本章对Site Master S113C、S114C、S331C和S332C型号及其性能指标、选用附件、日常维护和校准要求进行了说明。
311C 简介
两个通讯串口都可以支持标准的MIRRORED BITS™通讯技术以及其它自动化功能。
显示面板、扩展I/O以及分布式网络规约(DNP Version 3.00 Level 2)可以作为可选的功能。
图1 功能框图F unc_O verviewi2019SEL-311C继电器包含所有保护架空输电线路和地下电缆所必须的保护元件和控制逻辑。
技术指标量程:0—0.5~200m(H2O)工作温度:-20 ~ 85℃过载:150%FS工作电源:24VDC综合精度:0.1,0.2,0.5级输出:两线4~20mA 测量介质:与不锈钢(1Cr18Ni9Ti)或保护等级:IP68聚四氟乙烯兼容的介质稳定性:0.2%FS /年负载:与供电电源有关,在某一电源电压时带负载能力见右图,负载阻抗R与电源电压V的关系式为R≤50(V-12)Ω。
安装方式:B 类接线盒为M42×1.5螺纹安装或DN50 PN0.6 (GB9119—88)标准法兰安装两种形式;C 类接线盒为3-φ8(在φ134圆上均布)安装孔。
杆式铠装液位变送器的压力探头及电缆护套为全不锈钢(1Cr18Ni9Ti)材料,变送器的插入深度可在±20cm 范围内自由调整。
B 类接线盒(平视)(俯视)用户自备法兰(DN50 PN0.6标准法兰)B类接线盒法兰、螺纹安装结构图1)缆式法兰安装2)缆式螺纹安装3)杆式法兰安装4)杆式螺纹安装在动水中安装在静水中安装在容器中安装电气原理图注:因为改进,本原理图将会不经预告予以变更,敬请谅解!1.安装前请检查标牌上所标型号、量程及工作电源与使用现场是否一致。
电解式膜厚计GCT-311中文操作说明书VC-1.05目次1. 注意事项及基本常识 (1)1‧1 操作上的注意事项 (2)1‧2 标准附属品 (3)1‧3 规格 (4)1‧4 GCT-311组成 (5)1‧4‧1 构成 (5)1‧4‧2前面板 (6)1‧4‧3后面板 (7)1‧5 测量原理 (8)1‧6 电解电位图 (9)2. 测量 (10)2‧1准备测量 (10)2‧1‧1测量台的组法及名称 (11)2‧1‧2本机与测量台的接法 (12)2‧2 单层测量 (13)2‧2‧1档案的选择 (13)2‧2‧2 测量项目的设定 (15)2‧2‧3 标准校正 (18)2‧2‧4 被测物的处理 (20)2‧2‧5 被测物与测量台的设定 (21)2‧2‧6 电解液的填充及搅拌玻璃管的设定 (21)2‧2‧7 开始测量后不良的消除 (22)2‧2‧7‧1 接触不良 (22)2‧2‧7‧2 感度调整 (24)2‧2‧7‧3 电解液的交换 (25)2‧2‧8 测量终了 (26)2‧2‧9 测量终了后的处理 (26)2‧2‧10 不要自动终了的情形的处理 (27)2‧3 标准校正 (28)2‧3‧1 标准项目的设定 (28)2‧3‧1‧1 基本数据 (28)2‧3‧1‧2 搅拌、电解液、感度 (30)2‧3‧1‧3 出力电流 (32)2‧3‧1‧4 自动停止 (33)2‧3‧2校正设定 (33)2‧4‧3校正终了 (36)2‧4 多层测量 (37)2‧4‧1测量项目的设定 (37)2‧4‧1‧1基本数据的设定 (37)2‧4‧1‧2 搅拌、电解液、感度 (37)2‧4‧1‧3自动停止、重量计算、无感时间的设定 (38)2‧5 测量Sn/Cu (39)2‧5‧1测量Sn/Cu合金层 (39)2‧5‧1‧1系数的选择、电解液的选择 (39)2‧5‧1‧2感度、无感时间的选择 (41)2‧5‧2 不要测量Sn/Cu合金层 (42)2‧6 测量合金 (42)2‧7 测量终了 (42)3 WT测量............................................................. (43)3‧1 WT测量的连接方法 (43)3‧2 WT测量的条件设定 (44)3‧2‧1 先输入长度 (44)3‧2‧2 后输入长度 (45)3‧2 WT测量的注意事项 (45)4 STEP (多层镍) 测量............................................. (48)4‧1 银比较电极的使用方法 (48)4‧2 测量的条件设定 (49)4‧3 电位图的测量 (50)4‧4 各层镍的电位图及厚度 (53)4‧5 电位图的储存及打印 (53)5. 数据处理........................................................... (57)5‧1 统计设定 (57)5‧2 临时设定 (58)5‧2‧1 分组的方法 (58)5‧2‧2 测量数据的打印 (60)5‧2‧2‧1 测量数据统计结果的打印、保存 (60)5‧2‧2‧2 测量数据的柱状图的打印、保存 (60)5‧2‧2‧3 测量数据的轮廓图的打印、保存 (62)5‧2‧2‧3 测量数据的X-R管制图的打印、保存 (63)5‧3 测量数据由DDE传送到Excel或Word (64)5‧3‧1 DDE传送方法的设定 (64)5‧3‧2 DDE的(参考HELP) (65)5‧3‧3 测量数据由DDE传送到Excel或Word的例子 (66)6. 菜单栏的使用方法.................................................. (67)6‧1 档案 (67)6‧2 测量 (69)6‧3 编辑 (72)6‧4 校正 (74)6‧5 统计 (75)6‧6 选配 (76)6‧7 维护 (78)6‧8 求救 (80)7. 功能栏的使用方法.................................................. (81)7‧1 档案的选择 (81)7‧2 测量条件的设定 (82)7‧3 标准校正 (82)7‧4 临时统计 (83)7‧5 数据的删除 (83)7‧6 表面处理 (84)7‧7 电位图 (84)注意:※ 务必在使用前阅读本说明书。
佳能 Image CLASS MF3112 维修手册
版权所有/佳能(中国)有限公司技术部 OSS_SE 科发行
2.4 搓纸和输送系统 ................................................................................. ........ ...............................2-6
2.4.1 外观/构造 ...................................................... ................. ......................................................2-6
1.1 产品规格....................................................................................................................................... 1-1
2.3 图像形成 ................................................................................................... .......................…..…..2-4
The REF31xx is a family of precision, low power, low dropout, series voltage references available in the tiny SOT23-3 package. The REF31xx’s small size and low power consumption (100µA typ) make it ideal for portable and battery-powered applications. The REF31xx does not require a load capacitor, but is stable with any capacitive load and can sink/source up to 10mA of output current. Unloaded, the REF31xx can be operated on supplies down to 5mV above the output voltage. All models are specified for the wide temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.
–40°C to +125°C
TPA3113D2PWPR,TPA3113D2PWPR,TPA3113D2PWPR,TPA3113D2PWP,TPA3113D2EVM, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
TPA3113D2 PWP (28 PINS)
over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)(1)
Supply voltage
• Televisions • Consumer Audio Equipment • Monitors
The TPA3113D2 is a 6-W (per channel) efficient, Class-D audio power amplifier for driving bridged-tied stereo speakers. Advanced EMI Suppression Technology enables the use of inexpensive ferrite bead filters at the outputs while meeting EMC requirements. SpeakerGuard™ speaker protection circuitry includes an adjustable power limiter and a DC detection circuit. The adjustable power limiter allows the user to set a "virtual" voltage rail lower than the chip supply to limit the amount of current through the speaker. The DC detect circuit measures the frequency and amplitude of the PWM signal and shuts off the output stage if the input capacitors are damaged or shorts exist on the inputs.
Data Sheet No. PD60338IRMCK311 Dual Channel Sensorless Motor Control IC forAppliancesFeaturesMCE TM (Motion Control Engine) - Hardware based computation engine for high efficiency sinusoidal sensorless control of permanent magnet AC motor Integrated Power Factor Correction controlSupports both interior and surface permanent magnet motorsBuilt-in hardware peripheral for single shunt current feedback reconstructionNo external current or voltage sensing operational amplifier requiredDual channel three/two-phase Space Vector PWM Three-channel analog output (PWM)Embedded 8-bit high speed microcontroller (8051) for flexible I/O and man-machine controlJTAG programming port for emulation/debugger Two serial communication interface (UART)I2C/SPI serial interfaceWatchdog timer with independent analog clockThree general purpose timers/countersTwo special timers: periodic timer, capture timer Internal ‘One-Time Programmable’ (OTP) memory and internal RAM for final production usagePin compatible with IRMCF311 RAM version1.8V/3.3V CMOS Product SummaryMaximum crystal frequency 60 MHz Maximum internal clock (SYSCLK) frequency 128 MHz Maximum 8051 clock frequency 33 MHz Sensorless control computation time 11 μsec typ MCE TM computation data range 16 bit signed 8051 OTP Program memory 56K bytes MCE program and Data RAM 8K bytes GateKill latency (digital filtered) 2 μsec PWM carrier frequency counter 16 bits/ SYSCLK A/D input channels 6 A/D converter resolution 12 bits A/D converter conversion speed 2 μsec 8051 instruction execution speed 2 SYSCLK Analog output (PWM) resolution 8 bits UART baud rate (typ) 57.6K bps Number of I/O (max) 14 Package (lead-free) QFP64 Operating temperature -40°C ~ 85°CDescriptionIRMCK311 is a high performance OTP based motion control IC designed primarily for appliance applications. IRMCK311 is designed to achieve low cost and high performance control solutions for advanced inverterized appliance motor control. IRMCK311 contains two computation engines. One is Motion Control Engine (MCE TM) for sensorless control of permanent magnet motors; the other is an 8-bit high-speed microcontroller (8051). Both computation engines are integrated into one monolithic chip. The MCE TM contains a collection of control elements such as Proportional plus Integral, Vector rotator, Angle estimator, Multiply/Divide, Low loss SVPWM, Single Shunt IFB. The user can program a motion control algorithm by connecting these control elements using a graphic compiler. Key components of the sensorless control algorithms, such as the Angle Estimator, are provided as complete pre-defined control blocks implemented in hardware. A unique analog/digital circuit and algorithm to fully support single shunt current reconstruction is also provided. The 8051 microcontroller performs 2-cycle instruction execution (16MIPS at 33MHz). The MCE and 8051 microcontroller are connected via dual port RAM to process signal monitoring and command input. An advanced graphic compiler for the MCE TM is seamlessly integrated into the MATLAB/Simulink environment, while third party JTAG based emulator tools are supported for 8051 developments. IRMCK311 comes with a small QFP64 pin lead-free package.TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Overview (5)2 IRMCK311 Block Diagram and Main Functions (6)3 Pinout (8)4 Input/Output of IRMCK311 (9)4.1 8051 Peripheral Interface Group (10)4.2 Motion Peripheral Interface Group (10)4.3 Analog Interface Group (11)4.4 Power Interface Group (11)4.5 Test Interface (12)5 Application Connections (13)6 DC Characteristics (14)6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (14)6.2 System Clock Frequency and Power Consumption (14)6.3 Digital I/O DC Characteristics (15)6.4 PLL and Oscillator DC Characteristics (15)6.5 Analog I/O DC Characteristics (16)6.6 Under Voltage Lockout DC Characteristics (17)6.7 AREF Characteristics (17)7 AC Characteristics (18)7.1 PLL AC Characteristics (18)7.2 Analog to Digital Converter AC Characteristics (19)7.3 Op Amp AC Characteristics (19)7.4 SYNC to SVPWM and A/D Conversion AC Timing (20)7.5 GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)7.6 Interrupt AC Timing (21)7.7 I2C AC Timing (22)7.8 SPI AC Timing (23)7.8.1 SPI Write AC timing (23)7.8.2 SPI Read AC Timing (24)7.9 UART AC Timing (25)7.10 CAPTURE Input AC Timing (26)7.11 JTAG AC Timing (27)7.12 OTP Programming Timing (28)8 I/O Structure (29)9 Pin List (32)Dimensions (35)10 Package11 Part Marking Information (36)Information (36)12 OrderingTABLE OF FIGURESFigure 1. Typical Application Block Diagram Using IRMCK311 (5)Figure 2. IRMCK311 Internal Block Diagram (6)Figure 3. IRMCK311 Pin Configuration (8)Figure 4. Input/Output of IRMCK311 (9)Figure 5. Application Connection of IRMCK311 (13)Figure 6. Clock Frequency vs. Power Consumption (14)Figure 7 Crystal oscillator circuit (18)Figure 8 Voltage droop of sample and hold (19)Figure 9 SYNC to SVPWM and A/D conversion AC Timing (20)Figure 10 GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)Figure 11 Interrupt AC Timing (21)Figure 12 I2C AC Timing (22)Figure 13 SPI AC Timing (23)Figure 14 SPI Read AC Timing (24)Figure 15 UART AC Timing (25)Figure 16 CAPTURE Input AC Timing (26)Figure 17 JTAG AC Timing (27)Figure 18 OTP Programming Timing (28)Figure 19 All digital I/O except motor PWM output (29)Figure 20 RESET, GATEKILL I/O (29)Figure 21 Analog input (30)Figure 22 Analog operational amplifier output and AREF I/O structure (30)Figure 23 VPP programming pin I/O structure (30)Figure 24 VSS and AVSS pin structure (31)Figure 25 VDD1 and VDDCAP pin structure (31)Figure 26 XTAL0/XTAL1 pins structure (31)TABLE OF TABLESTable 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings (14)Table 2. System Clock Frequency (14)Table 3. Digital I/O DC Characteristics (15)Table 4. PLL DC Characteristics (15)Table 5. Analog I/O DC Characteristics (16)Table 6. UVcc DC Characteristics (17)Table 7. AREF DC Characteristics (17)Table 8. PLL AC Characteristics (18)Table 9. A/D Converter AC Characteristics (19)Table 10. Current Sensing OP Amp AC Characteristics (19)Table 11. SYNC AC Characteristics (20)Table 12. GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)Table 13. Interrupt AC Timing (21)Table 14. I2C AC Timing (22)Table 15. SPI Write AC Timing (23)Table 16. SPI Read AC Timing (24)Table 17. UART AC Timing (25)Table 18. CAPTURE AC Timing (26)Table 19. JTAG AC Timing (27)Table 20. OTP Programming Timing (28)Table 21. Pin List (32)1 OverviewIRMCK311 is a new International Rectifier integrated circuit device primarily designed as a one-chip solution for complete inverter controlled appliance dual motor control applications. Unlike a traditional microcontroller or DSP, the IRMCK311 provides a built-in closed loop sensorless control algorithm using the unique Motion Control Engine (MCE TM) for permanent magnet motors. The MCE TM consists of a collection of control elements, motion peripherals, a dedicated motion control sequencer and dual port RAM to map internal signal nodes. IRMCK311 also employs a unique single shunt current reconstruction circuit to eliminate additional analog/digital circuitry and enables a direct shunt resistor interface to the IC. The sensorless control is the same for both motors with a single shunt current sensing capability. Motion control programming is achieved using a dedicated graphical compiler integrated into the MATLAB/Simulink TM development environment. Sequencing, user interface, host communication, and upper layer control tasks can be implemented in the 8051 high-speed 8-bit microcontroller. The 8051 microcontroller is equipped with a JTAG port to facilitate emulation and debugging tools. Figure 1 shows a typical application schematic using IRMCK311.IRMCK311 is intended for volume production purpose and contains 64K bytes of OTP (One Time Programming) ROM, which can be programmed through a JTAG port. For a development purpose use, IRMCF311 contains a 48k byte of RAM in place of program OTP to facilitate an application development work. Both IRMCF311 and IRMCK311 come in the same 64-pin QFP package with identical pin configuration to facilitate PC board layout and transition to mass productionFigure 1. Typical Application Block Diagram Using IRMCK3112 IRMCK311 Block Diagram and Main FunctionsM o t i o n C o n t r o l B u sFigure 2. IRMCK311 Internal Block DiagramIRMCK311 contains the following functions for sensorless AC motor control applications:• Motion Control Engine (MCE TM )o Proportional plus Integral block o Low pass filtero Differentiator and lag (high pass filter) o Ramp o Limito Angle estimate (sensorless control) o Inverse Clark transformation o Vector rotator o Bit latch o Peak detect o Transitiono Multiply-divide (signed and unsigned)o Divide (signed and unsigned)o Addero Subtractoro Comparatoro Countero Accumulatoro Switcho Shifto ATAN (arc tangent)o Function block (any curve fitting, nonlinear function)o16-bit wide Logic operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NEGATE)o MCE TM program and data memory (6K byte). Note 1o MCE TM control sequencer• 8051 microcontrollero Three 16-bit timer/counterso16-bit periodic timero16-bit analog watchdog timero16-bit capture timero Up to 36 discrete I/Oso Eleven-channel 12-bit A/DFive buffered channels (0 – 1.2V input)One unbuffered channel (0 – 1.2V input)o JTAG port (4 pins)o Up to three channels of analog output (8-bit PWM)o Two UARTo I2C/SPI porto 64K byte Note 1program One-Time Programmable memoryo2K byte data RAM. Note 2Note 1: Total size of OTP memory is 64K byte, however MCE program occupiesmaximum 8K byte which will be loaded into internal RAM at a powerup/bootprocess. Therefore only 56K byte OTP memory area is usable for 8051microcontroller.Note 2: Total size of RAM is 8K byte including MCE program, MCE data, and 8051data. Different sizes can be allocated depending on applications.3 PinoutXTAL0XTAL1P1.1/RXD P1.2/TXDVDD1VSS VDD2P1.3/SYNC/SCKP1.4/CAPP 3.6/R X D 1P 3.7/T X D 1FPWMVL FPWMUL V S SV D D 2A V D DA V S SA I N 0A R E FP 2.7/A O P W M 1P 2.6/A O P W M 0CPWMUH CPWMVH CPWMWH CPWMUL CPWMVL CPWMWL CGATEKILL VDD1VSS I F B C OI F B C +I F B C -P L L V S SP L L V D DR E S E TN CT C KP 5.3/T D IP 5.2/T D OP 5.1/T M SS D A /C S 0S C L /S O -S I /V P PP 5.0/P F C G K I L LP F C P W M V S SFGATEKILL FPWMWL VAC-VAC+VACO IPFCO IPFC+IPFC-I F B F OI F B F +I F B F -P3.0/INT2/CS1C M E X TFPWMVH FPWMUHFPWMWH A I N 1P 3.2/I N T 0Figure 3. IRMCK311 Pin Configuration4 Input/Output of IRMCK311All I/O signals of IRMCK311 are shown in Figure 4. All I/O pins are 3.3V logic interface except A/D interface pins.Figure 4. Input/Output of IRMCK3114.1 8051 Peripheral Interface GroupUART InterfaceP1.1/RXD Input, Receive data to IRMCK311, can be configured as P1.1P1.2/TXD Output, Transmit data from IRMCK311, can be configured as P1.22nd channel Receive data to IRMCK311, can be configured as P3.6 P3.6/RXD1 Input,P3.7/TXD1 Output,2nd channel Transmit data from IRMCK311, can be configured as P3.7Discrete I/O InterfaceP1.3/SYNC/SCK Input/output port 1.3, can be configured as SYNC output or SPI clock P1.4/CAP Input/output port 1.4, can be configured as Capture Timer inputP3.0/INT2/CS1 Input/output port 3.0, can be configured as external interrupt 2 or SPIchip select 1P3.2/INT0 Input/output port 3.2, can be configured as external interrupt 0Analog Output InterfaceP2.6/AOPWM0 Input/output, can be configured as 8-bit PWM output 0 withprogrammable carrier frequencyP2.7/AOPWM1 Input/output, can be configured as 8-bit PWM output 1 withprogrammable carrier frequencyCrystal InterfaceXTAL0 Input, connected to crystalXTAL1 Output, connected to crystalReset InterfaceRESET Inout, system reset, needs to be pulled up to VDD1 but doesn’t requireexternal RC time constantI2C/SPI InterfaceSCL/SO-SI/VPP Output, I2C clock output, SPI SO-SII2C Data line, Chip Select 0 of SPISDA/CS0 Input/output,P3.0/INT2/CS1 Input/output port 3.0, can be configured as external interrupt 2 or SPIchip select 1P1.3/SYNC/SCK Input/output port 1.3, can be configured as SYNC output or SPI clock 4.2 Motion Peripheral Interface GroupPWMCPWMUH Output, motor 1 PWM phase U high side gate signalCPWMUL Output, motor 1 PWM phase U low side gate signalCPWMVH Output, motor 1 PWM phase V high side gate signalCPWMVL Output, motor 1 PWM phase V low side gate signalCPWMWH Output, motor 1 PWM phase W high side gate signalCPWMWL Output, motor 1 PWM phase W low side gate signalFPWMUH Output, motor 2 PWM phase U high side gate signalFPWMUL Output, motor 2 PWM phase U low side gate signal分销商库存信息: IRIRMCK311TR。
SN3112-12 P0.1中文版
图 1 典型应用电路
注 1:REXT = 3.3kΩ 时,每路最大输出电流为 23mA。最大电流可通过外接电阻 REXT 设置,详情请见第 8 页。 注 2:PCB 布线时,芯片需远离手机天线放置,防止天线对芯片辐射造成影响。
2011.05 P0.1
12 路 LED 控制芯片
SN3112-12 是一款 12 路呼吸灯驱动芯片,每路单独 256 级细腻亮度可控。单路最大输出电流可以通过一 个外部电阻设定,最大电流为 38mA。 主控器件通过 I2C 接口对 SN3112-12 进行编程控制, 通过将 SDB 脚拉低或软件设置可关断芯片, 进入低功 耗模式。SN3112-12 从地址为“1010 1000” 。 SN3112-12 使用 QFN-20(3mm × 3mm)的封装形式。 工作电压在 2.7V ~ 5.5V,可在-40°C ~ +85°C 的温度 范围下工作。
2011.05 P0.1
图 5 地址自加方式写入 SN3112-12
表格 1 寄存器功能列表 名称 关断寄存器 PWM 寄存器 LED 控制寄存器 1 LED 控制寄存器 2 LED 控制寄存器 3 数据更新寄存器 复位寄存器 关断寄存器 D7:D1 0000000 软件关断使能位 软件关断模式 标准工作模式 PWM 寄存器 D7:D0 PWM 0000 0000 D0 SSD 0 软件关断 SN3112-12 存储 12 路 LED 的 PWM 亮度值 存储 1~3 路的 LED 开关状态 存储 4~9 路的 LED 开关状态 存储 10~12 路的 LED 开关状态 更新 PWM 寄存器和 LED 控制寄存器的数据 重置所有寄存器数据为默认值 功能 表格 2 3 4 5 6 xxxx xxxx 0000 0000 默认值 地址 00h 04h~0Fh 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 表格 2 00h 位 名称 默认值 SSD 0 1
•Ideal for 318.0MHz Transmitters •Very Low Series Resistance •Quartz Stability•Surface-mount Ceramic Case•Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS)The RO3118A is a true one-port, surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) resonator in a surface-mount, ceramic case. It provides reliable, fundamental-mode, quartz frequency stabilization of fixed-frequency transmitters 318.0 MHz SAW ResonatorRO3118ACAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling.Notes:1.Frequency aging is the change in f C with time and is specified at +65 °C or less. Aging may exceed the specification for prolonged temperaturesabove +65 °C. Typically, aging is greatest the first year after manufacture, decreasing in subsequent years.2.The center frequency, f C , is measured at the minimum insertion loss point, IL MIN , with the resonator in the 50Ω test system (VSWR ≤ 1.2:1). The shunt inductance, L TEST , is tuned for parallel resonance with C O at f C . Typically, f OSCILLATOR or f TRANSMITTER is approximately equal to the resonator f C .3.One or more of the following United States patents apply: 4,454,488 and 4,616,197.4.Typically, equipment utilizing this device requires emissions testing and government approval, which is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer.5.Unless noted otherwise, case temperature T C =+25±2°C.6.The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this device are subject to change without notice.7.Derived mathematically from one or more of the following directly measured parameters: f C , IL, 3 dB bandwidth, f C versus T C , and C O .8.Turnover temperature, T O , is the temperature of maximum (or turnover) frequency, f O . The nominal frequency at any case temperature, T C , may be calculated from: f =f O [1-FTC (T O -T C )2]. Typically oscillator T O is approximately equal to the specified resonator T O .9.This equivalent RLC model approximates resonator performance near the resonant frequency and is provided for reference only. The capacitance C O is the static (nonmotional) capacitance between the two terminals measured at low frequency (10MHz) with a capacitance meter. Themeasurement includes parasitic capacitance with "NC” pads unconnected. Case parasitic capacitance is approximately 0.05pF. Transducer parallel capacitance can by calculated as: C P ≈C O -0.05pF.10.Tape and Reel standard per ANSI / EIA 481.PbElectrical ConnectionsThe SAW resonator is bidirectional and may beinstalled with either orientation. The two terminalsare interchangeable and unnumbered. The calloutNC indicates no internal connection. The NC padsassist with mechanical positioning and stability.External grounding of the NC pads isrecommended to help reduce parasiticcapacitance in the circuit.Typical Test CircuitThe test circuit inductor, L TEST, is tuned to resonate with the static capacitance, C O, at F C.Typical Application Circuits Equivalent Model Temperature Characteristics The curve shown on the right accounts for resonator contribution only and does not include LC component temperature contributions.CaseDimensionsMillimeters InchesMin Nom Max Min Nom MaxA 4.87 5.00 5.130.1910.1960.201B 3.37 3.50 3.630.1320.1370.142C 1.45 1.53 1.600.0570.0600.062D 1.35 1.43 1.500.0400.0570.059E0.670.800.930.0260.0310.036 F0.370.500.630.0140.0190.024G 1.07 1.20 1.330.0420.0470.052H- 1.04--0.041-I- 1.46--0.058-J-0.50--0.019-K- 1.05--0.041-L- 1.44--0.057-M-0.71--0.028-PCB Land PatternTop View分销商库存信息: RFMRO3118A。
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Electrical Characteristics CharacteristicSymNotesMinimumTypical MaximumUnitsCenter Frequency (+25 °C)Absolute Frequency f C 2,3,4,5433.345433.495MHz Tolerance from 433.420 MHzΔf C ±75kHz Insertion Loss IL 2,5,61.2 1.5dBQuality Factor Unloaded Q Q U 870050W Loaded Q Q L 920Temperature StabilityTurnover Temperature T O 6,7,8102540°C Turnover Frequencyf O f C Frequency Temperature CoefficientFTC 0.032ppm/°C 2Frequency AgingAbsolute Value during the First Year |f A |1≤10ppm/yr DC Insulation Resistance between Any Two Terminals51.0M ΩRF Equivalent RLC ModelMotional Resistance R M 5, 7, 911.9ΩMotional Inductance L M 37.9µH Motional Capacitance C M 3.6fF Shunt Static CapacitanceC O 5, 6, 9 3.8pF Test Fixture Shunt InductanceL TEST2, 735.4nHLid Symbolization (in addition to Lot and/or Date Codes)657 // YWWS Standard Reel QuantityReel Size 7 Inch 500 Pieces/Reel Reel Size 13 Inch3000 Pieces/Reel•Ideal for European 433.420MHz Transmitters •Very Low Series Resistance •Quartz Stability•Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS)The RO3112C is a true one-port, surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) resonator in a surface-mount, ceramic case. It provides reliable, fundamental-mode, quartz frequency stabilization of fixed-frequency transmitters operating at 433.92MHz. This SAW is designed specifically for remote-control and wireless security transmitters operating in Europe under ETSI I-ETS 300 220 and in Germany under FTZ 17 TR 2100.Absolute Maximum Ratings RatingValueUnitsInput Power Level 0dBm DC voltage12VDC Storage Temperature-40 to +85°C Soldering Temperature (10 seconds / 5 cycles max.)260°C433.420 MHzSAW ResonatorRO3112CCAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling.Notes:1.Frequency aging is the change in f C with time and is specified at +65°C or less. Aging may exceed the specification for prolonged temperaturesabove +65°C. Typically, aging is greatest the first year after manufacture, decreasing in subsequent years.2.The center frequency, f C , is measured at the minimum insertion loss point, IL MIN , with the resonator in the 50Ω test system (VSWR ≤ 1.2:1). The shunt inductance, L TEST , is tuned for parallel resonance with C O at f C . Typically, f OSCILLATOR or f TRANSMITTER is approximately equal to the resonator f C .3.One or more of the following United States patents apply: 4,454,488 and 4,616,197.4.Typically, equipment utilizing this device requires emissions testing and government approval, which is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer.5.Unless noted otherwise, case temperature T C =+25°C±2°C.6.The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this device are subject to change without notice.7.Derived mathematically from one or more of the following directly measured parameters: f C , IL, 3dB bandwidth, f C versus T C , and C O .8.Turnover temperature, T O , is the temperature of maximum (or turnover) frequency, f O . The nominal frequency at any case temperature, T C , may be calculated from: f =f O [1-FTC (T O -T C )2]. Typically oscillator T O is approximately equal to the specified resonator T O .9.This equivalent RLC model approximates resonator performance near the resonant frequency and is provided for reference only. The capacitance C O is the static (nonmotional) capacitance between the two terminals measured at low frequency (10MHz) with a capacitance meter. Themeasurement includes parasitic capacitance with "NC” pads unconnected. Case parasitic capacitance is approximately 0.05pF. Transducer parallel capacitance can by calculated as: C P ≈C O -0.05pF.SM5050-8 Case5 X 5PbCase Dimensions Dimensionmm Inches MinNomMaxMinNomMaxA 4.8 5.0 5.20.1890.1970.205B 4.85.0 5.20.1890.1970.205C 1.70.067D 2.080.082E 1.170.046F 0.640.025G2.39 2.542.690.0940.1000.106Equivalent LC ModelTemperature CharacteristicsThe curve shown on the right accounts for resonator contribution only and does not include LC component temperature contributions.PinConnection1NC2Terminal 3NC 4NC 5NC 6Terminal 7NC 8NCPower TestElectrical ConnectionsThe SAW resonator is bidirectional and may be installed with either orientation. The two terminals are interchangeable and unnumbered. The callout NCindicates no internal connection. The NC pads assist with mechanical positioning and stability. External grounding of the NC pads is recommended to help reduce parasitic capacitance in the circuit.Typical Test CircuitThe test circuit inductor, L TEST , is tuned to resonate with the static capacitance, C O , at F C .Electrical TestTypical Application Circuits分销商库存信息: RFMRO3112C。