1756-PA75 ,1756-PA72 ,1756-PB75 ,1756-PB72A输入电压220v,B输入电压24v,5电流容量5A,2电流容量2A。
2.数字量输入模块16点输入模块1756-IB16(对应接线臂1756-TBNH)32点输入模块1756-IB32(对应接线臂1756-TBCH)3.数字量输出模块32点输出模块1756-OB32(对应接线臂1756-TBCH)16点输出模块1756-OB16I(对应接线臂1756-TBCH)4.模拟量输入模块8路模拟量输入模块1756-IF8(对应接线臂1756-TBCH)16路模拟量输入模块1756-IF16 (对应接线臂1756-TBCH)5.模拟量输出模块8路模拟量输出模块1756-OF8 (对应接线臂1756-TBNH)4路模拟量输出模块1756-OF4(对应接线臂1756-TBNH)6.空槽盖板1756-N27.机架:A-B所提供ControlLogix槽架有4槽、7槽、10槽、13槽和17槽五种槽架。
10槽框架1756-A1013槽框架1756-A137槽框架1756-A78.通讯模块EtherNet/IP通讯模块1756-EN2T EtherNet/IP 网桥,铜缆1756-EN2TR EtherNet/IP 网桥,内置交换机,铜缆1756-ENBT EtherNet/IP 网桥,铜缆ControlNet通讯模块1756-CNBDeviceNet通讯模块1756-DNB9.可拆卸端子TBNH 20 位置 NEMA 螺丝夹可拆卸端子块TBCH 带有标准外壳的36针笼型夹可拆卸端子块10.CPU模块11.存储卡。
A-B 罗克韦尔控制器1756-SG001F-zh选型
1756-L55, 1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L631 Logix5000™2ControlLogixI/OC o n t r o l L o g ix•1756-H Y D 02g i 56O16 OD e v i c e N e tI /Og i xR S -232D H +3I/OB I/OI/OA, 1: PanelPanel A,11DH+4ControlLogix•ControlNet1756-PA75R• 1756-PSCA175651756-L55()• ,5.23()6I/O• 14I/O23I/O3133353740414243444548495055•616978808182837ControlLogixControlLogix(IFM)RTBs• 1756I/O• 1492-81756I/O-I5V:(mA)79-132V132V18ms5mA16mA1756-TBSH1756-IA1616120V 74V 5.8W18ms5mA13mA1756-TBSH1756-IA16I16120V 79V 4.9W9ms63Hz 1756-TBS6H5mA15mA1756-IM16I16240V 159V 5.8W9ms10-30V30V9ms9:5V24V:::(mA)5A1756-TBNH200260))1756-0A8D8120V 74-132V30 5.3W(4A1756-TBSH(8A1756-TBNH20025060)1756-0A1616120/240V 74-265V60 6.5W5A1756-TBCH300360)(60)(10-30V605.1W):24V:O NO F F(m A)10V31.2V10m A1756-T B S(0,1,2,91756-T B C H118m s)1756-I B16I1612/24V10-30V4m5W()/(0,1,2,91756-T B S6H(0,1,2,930-60V4m s5.2W7m A2m A1756-T(0,1,2,94.5-5.5V0.25m s4.1m A1756-T B18m s)0.8m A1756-T B 1756-I H16I16125V90-146V6m s1m A)(0,1,2,910V30V1.5m A1756-T B30V10V1.5m A1756-T B10:5V24V:::(mA)8.0A1756-TBNH1652601756-TBSH1756-0B8EI812/24V10-30V60 4.7W(8A1756-TBCH25014060)(1A60)(8A1756-TBNH2502602A30(4A1756-TBS6H)1756-OB16IS1612/24V10-30V30 3.6W)(1A60(16A1756-T B C H3(10A1756-T B S6H4.9W 1756-O C8848V30-60V6024m A608A1756-TBCH2502608A1756-TBNH2102600.5A50(10A1756-TBS6H:(mA)125/240V2A1756-TBCH15015060548V0.5A1756-TBS6H125V0.25A1756-OX8I813ms125/240V2A1756-TBCH10010060111756I/O•••• IEEE 32(mA)0-5.125V1756-TBS6H 2.33W210.5V1756-TBCH15065 2.3W80-10.25V1756-IF4FxOF2F41756-TBCH375100 4.3W10.5V1756-TBS6H 4.7W0-5.25V0-10.5V10.5V1756-IR6I678 mV B,E,J,K,R,S, 1756-TBNH250125 4.3WT,N,C1-12 mV1756-OF41756-TBSH41756-OF6CI1756-TBNH250300 5.5W1756-TBSH(0-550W4121756-CFM12-•••(TTLI/O5V:(mA)(mA)100KH(F)21.3V12131756-HSC4-ON-OFF10,000• Bulletin 872 3-:(mA)HSC)1756-PLS1800 RPM•1756-PLS R3:5VPLS1616RTBs1000125301756-TBSH6014RTBI/ORTBsRTB1756200.05 kg (0.1 lb)1492161756I/OIA8D IA16IB16IC16IN16OA8OA8D OA8E OA16OA16E OB8OB16E OC8ON81492-IFM20F-F-2/1492-IFNM20F-F120-2X24VW V V W W W1492-IFM20F-FS24-2W W W24V1492-I F M20FW V V4120V1492-IFM20F-FS240-4W8)(IFMs*208X*1492-XIM120-8R120V*171756I/O IFMsY Z Y Z1492-IFM40F-33Z1492-XIMF-2I/O I/O IFM161756I/O24V1492-IFM40D24-2/Z24VZ/1492-IFM40DS24A-424V/48V1492-IFM40DS120-4120V4YLEDs4I/O I/O IFM181756I/OIA16I IB16D IB16I IB32IH16I IM16I OA16I OB8EI OB16D OB16E OB16I OB32OH8I OW16I OX8I1492-IFM40F-F-2/1492-IFM40F-F120-2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y1492-IFM40F-FS24-2/Y Y Y Y Y1492Y Y Y1492424V120V24V*1492-XIMF-F120-2120V*408Z*1492-XIM120-8R*19:I/O0.5mm 5.0mmRTB0.5mm 5.0mm20AIFM IF8 IR6I IT6I3X Y Z8Y381492-A I F M16-F-55A I F M sA I F M461492-A I F M8-361492-A I F M6T C-31492-A I F M16-F-3316I/O I/O AIFM211492-AIFMPI-3/I/O22 AWG11.5 mm (0.45 in)1757-PIM1492-ACABLExX91756-TBNH1492-ACABLExZ20♣22 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBNH1492-ACABLExTA2022 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBCH1492-ACABLExTB2022 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBCH1492-ACABLExTC522 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBCH1492-ACABLExUA2022 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBCH1492-ACABLExUB2022 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBCH1492-ACABLExUC922 AWG 6.8 mm (0.27 in)1756-TBCH1492-ACABLExVA2022 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBNH1492-ACABLExVB2022 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBNH1492-ACABLExWA922 AWG 6.8 mm (0.27 in)1756-TBNH* 2.5m x005=0.5m, 010=1.0m, 025=2.5m,050=5mI/OI/O22x)221492-TPMA1008Allen-Bradley, Brad Harrison (Daniel Woodhead),10Crouse-Hinds125.0m010=1.0m10 ),12 ),10 ),12 ),10 ),12 ),10 ),12 ),10=10m/I/O)ControlLogix••ControlNet Ethernet/IPEthernet/IP AA24I/ORPI200750RPI)RPIRPI RPIRPIEthernet/IPControlNet(spot)RPI(RPI)RTSRTSRPI RPIRPIEthernet/IPControlNet(spot)RPII/OI/O25LogixRSLogix 5000,• KinetixKinetix• Logix•DeviceNet2:•(1756-M02AE26SERCOS)• 1756-M08SE (8•*Ethernet/IP: ControlNet: DeviceNet:1398 ULTRA 100*278-(1756-M16SE)SERCOSControlLogix)SERCOSSERCOSSERCOS• 2094 Kinetix 6000(mA):::1756-M08SE8325.0W900 mA2.5 mA8 MbitsULCCESERCOSKinetix 600028SERCOS*1000?m2090-SCVPx-x()•(Chlorinated Polyethylene)(Polyvinyl Chloride)•1-200* x-x0.3m, 1-05m, 8-015m, 20-032m1-08m, 10-020m, 25-050m, 100-0200mF-SMA1756-M02AE ControlLogix• 1394C• 1398 ULTRA 100/200ControlLogix24V(mA)1756-M02AE232 5.5W700 mA 2.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H* UL C CE((1756-TBE)301m3m9m15m30m1756-M02AE Ultra3000:1756-M02AE13941394-CCAExxxx = 01030815:1756-M02AE13981398-CCAE xxxx = 0103081531 1756-HYD0221756-HYD021756-HYD02ControlLogix/1756-TBS6H12B)RSLogix 5000PCLDT+/-15V321756-HYD02• Temposonics II: RPMGYRG• Gemco Quick-Stick II: 951 VPPWM Gemco Quick-Stick II 951 VPB-BLKK-GRYJ-PUR1757-HYD02RPMBTL-2-M2Santest GYRP+/- 15V33NetLinxControlNetInternet3NetLinx34(1756-ENBT•••• 1756-DNB•••I/OI/OFieldbus•1756-MVI, -MVIDDH-485SynchLink1756-SYNCH• 1756-DMxx•1756AMXN1203-CN1MSG35EtherNet)EtherNet/IPEtherNet/IP*SLC 5/05I/OI/OEtherNet/IP• ControlLogix• FlexLogixEthernet+RS-232EtherNet/IP361756-ENBT EtherNet/IP: 5V(mA):Mbps 3.65W70031756-ENBT 10/100• 64• 128(I/O)•CSA(A D FMPanelViewDH+EthernetPowermonitor 3000 master37ControlNet:24V:)5 Mbps)• 1786-TPYR (Y-)• 1786-TPYS (Y-12B)C-TickControlNet1784-KTCxControlNet1788-CNCR1788-CN2DN38ControlNetControlNetD,ControlLogixControlNet1756 I/OControlLoigxControlLogix1757-SRM1757-SRCxControlLogix•D 1756-CNBControlNet1757-SRM1756-CNB: 3.3V24V:30VCSA(A D FM1756-DNB DeviceNet: 5V,)• 500 Kbps,)• 1485C-P1-C300(,300,)• 1485C-P1-A150(150)1485A-C2:• 1485P-P2T5-T5 (2)• 1485P-P4T5-T5 (4)• 1485P-P8T5-T5 (8)UL C CE1771-SDNPLC-51756-DHRIO DH+I/ODH+I/OI/OI/O:5V321770-CD4.58502I/O16150Ω12):++1756-+Foundation Fieldbus FoundationFieldbusFieldbus H1::ControlNet924V270mAH16UL C CE1756-CNBControlLogixFieldbusDF1DF1DF1DF11756-CP312481756-MVI, -MVID::5V(mA):1756-MVI PRT1 RS-23234W8003PRT2 RS-232, RS-422, RS-4851756-MVID PRT3 RS-232, RS-422, RS-485(1756-MVI RJ45)DB-9UL C CELogixDH-48511747-CP31761-CBL-PM02mini-DIN 8 RS-2321761-CBL-PM02121747-CP3SLC 5/031756-SYNCH SynchLink•::5V)200/230 micron 6.19W120031403-CFxxx1mUL C CE*xxx257(1751-SLBPControlLogix1756-DMF30SF3000 Regen*1756-DM24V(mA)1403-CF xxx2563001756-DMxx820 nM ()10Mbps62.5/125 micron1SC+112B)250001,003,010PMIPMI1756-DMControlLogixPMIAllen-Bradley DriveLogix LogixPowerFlex 7005V20D)200/230 micron 6.19W1200mA3mA(HCS)VersaLink V-system(1)5Mbaud,112B)I/OI/O56AMXN ControlLogixAutoMaxDCSNetI/O0.256AMXN• 321)•• 25056AMXN DCS(612574-36R, 39-(M/N 57C380, BNC)REDCS RG-11/U.12B)。
1、首先PLC CPU模块需要刷成20.55版本。
4、当PLC CPU模块和RM2 模块都更新完成后需要在rslinx中rm2模块上设置always如图
5、设置好后需要在程序中选择使能冗余模式如图redundancy enable 前打钩。
time sync Connection 需要选择None
属性enable supervisor mode打钩
1756-PLC cpu手册
Technical Data1756 ControlLogix Controllers SpecificationsController Catalog Numbers 1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L63, 1756-L64, 1756-L65, 1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S, 1756-LSP , 1756-L63XTCompactFlash Card Catalog Numbers 1784-CF64, 1784-CF128Environmental Specifications - 1756 ControllersTopicPage Environmental Specifications - 1756 Controllers11756 ControlLogix Controllers 21756 GuardLogix Controllers 51756 ControlLogix-XT Controllers 8Controller Memory Use 10Controller Compatibility 11Redundancy14ControlLogix Connections 18ControlLogix Controller Accessories20Attribute1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L63, 1756-L64, 1756-L65, 1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S, 1756-LSP Temperature, operatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)0…60 °C (32…140 °F)Temperature, storageIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock) -40…85 °C (-40…185 °F)Relative humidityIEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Nonoperating Damp Heat) 5...95% noncondensing VibrationIEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating) 2 g at 10…500 Hz Shock, operatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock) 30 g Shock, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)50 g1756 ControlLogix Controllers Specifications1756 ControlLogix Controllers The ControlLogix controller provides a scalable controller solution that is capable of addressing a large amount of I/O points.The ControlLogix controller can be placed into any slot of a ControlLogixI/O chassis and multiple controllers can be installed in the same chassis. Multiple controllers in the same chassis communicate with each other over the backplane (just as controllers can communicate over networks) but operate independently.ControlLogix controllers can monitor and control I/O across the ControlLogix backplane, as well as over I/O links. ControlLogix controllers can communicate over EtherNet/IP, ControlNet, DeviceNet, DH+, Remote I/O, and RS-232-C (DF1/DH-485 protocol) networks and many third party process and device networks. To provide communication for a ControlLogix controller, install the appropriate communication interface module into the chassis.Feature1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L63, 1756-L64, 1756-L65 Controller tasks•32 tasks•100 programs/task•Event tasks: all event triggersBuilt-in communication ports 1 port RS-232 serialCommunication options•EtherNet/IP•ControlNet•DeviceNet •Data Highway Plus•Remote I/O•SynchLink•Third party process and device networksSerial port communication•ASCII•DF1 full/half-duplex•DF1 radio modem •DH-485•Modbus via logicController connections supported, max250Network connections, per network module•100 ControlNet (1756-CN2/A)•40 ControlNet (1756-CNB)•256 EtherNet/IP; 128 TCP (1756-EN2x)•128 EtherNet/IP; 64 TCP (1756-ENBT)Controller redundancy Full supportIntegrated motion SERCOS interface Analog options:•Encoder input•LDT input•SSI inputProgramming languages•Relay ladder•Structured text •Function block •SFC1756 ControlLogix Controllers Specifications Technical Specifications - 1756 ControlLogix ControllersAttribute1756-L611756-L621756-L631756-L641756-L65User memory 2 MB 4 MB8 MB16 MB32 MBI/O memory478 KBOptional flash memory64 MB (cat. no. 1784-CF64)128 MB (cat. no. 1784-CF128)Digital I/O, max128,000Analog I/O, max4000Total I/O, max128,000Replacement battery Series A:1756-BA1,1756-BATM,1756-BATASeries B:1756-BA2Series A:1756-BA1,1756-BATM,1756-BATASeries B:1756-BA2Series A:1756-BA1,1756-BATM,1756-BATASeries B:1756-BA21756-BA2Current draw @ 5V DC1200 mACurrent draw @ 24V DC14 mAPower dissipation 3.5 WThermal dissipation11.9 BTU/hrIsolation voltage30V (continuous), Basic Insulation Type, RS-232 to systemControllers tested to withstand 707V DC for 60 sSerial cables1756-CP3 or 1747-CP3, right angle connector to controller, straight to serial port, 3 mSIL 2Use standard ControlLogix controllersSIL 3Use GuardLogix controllers (1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S) and the Safety Partner (1756-LSP)Weight, approx.Series A: 0.32 kgSeries B: 0.35 kg(Series A: 0.71 lbSeries B: 0.78 lb)Series A: 0.32 kgSeries B: 0.35 kg(Series A: 0.71 lbSeries B: 0.78 lb)Series A: 0.32 kgSeries B: 0.35 kg(Series A: 0.71 lbSeries B: 0.78 lb)Series A: 0.32 kgSeries B: 0.35 kg(Series A: 0.71 lbSeries B: 0.78 lb)Series A: 0.32 kgSeries B: 0.35 kg(Series A: 0.71 lbSeries B: 0.78 lb)Slot width1Module location Chassis-based, any slotChassis1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17Power supply, standard1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/BPower supply, redundant1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2Wire category 2 - on communication ports(1)North American temperature code T4AIEC temperature code T4T4T4T4T4 Enclosure type rating None (open-style)(1)Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1.1756 ControlLogix Controllers SpecificationsCertifications - 1756 ControlLogix ControllersFor Australian Mining certification, use a 1756-BA1 battery. For guidelines, see your local distributor or sales officeCertification (1)1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L63, 1756-L64, 1756-L65c-UL-usUL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.CSACSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C.CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See CSA File LR69960C.ATEX European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with:EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection “n” (Zone 2)CEEuropean Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with:•EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements •EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity •EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions•EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial EmissionsFM FM Approved Equipment for use in Class I Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations TÜVTÜV Certified for Functional Safety: up to and including SIL 2(1)When marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.1756 ControlLogix Controllers Specifications1756 GuardLogix Controllers A GuardLogix controller is a ControlLogix controller that also provides safety control. The GuardLogix system is a dual controller solution — you must use a 1756-L6x S primary controller and a 1756-LSP safety partner to achieve SIL 3/CAT. 4. A major benefit of this system is that it’s still a single project, safetyand standard together. The safety partner controller is a part of the system, isautomatically configured, and requires no user setup.During development, safety and standard have the same rules, multipleprogrammers, online editing, and forcing are all allowed. Once the project istested and ready for final validation, you set the Safety Task to a SIL 3 integritylevel, which is then enforced by the GuardLogix controller. When safetymemory is locked and protected, the safety logic can't be modified and allsafety functions operate with SIL 3 integrity. On the standard side of theGuardLogix controller, all functions operate like a regular Logix controller.Thus online editing, forcing, and other activities are all allowed.With this level of integration, safety memory can be read by standard logic andexternal devices, like HMIs or other controllers, eliminating the need tocondition safety memory for use elsewhere. The result is easy system-wideintegration and the ability to display safety status on displays or marquees. UseGuard I/O modules for field device connectivity on Ethernet or DeviceNetnetworks, and for safety interlocking between GuardLogix controllers useEthernet or ControlNet networks. Multiple GuardLogix controllers can sharesafety data for zone to zone interlocking, or a single GuardLogix controller canuse remote distributed safety I/O between different cells/areas.1756 GuardLogix Controllers FeaturesIn addition to the standard features of a ControlLogix controller, theGuardLogix controller has these safety-related features.Feature1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S, 1756-LSPSafety communication options Standard and safety•EtherNet/IP•ControlNet•DeviceNetNetwork connections, per network module •100 ControlNet (1756-CN2/A)•40 ControlNet (1756-CNB)•256 EtherNet/IP; 128 TCP (1756-EN2x)•128 EtherNet/IP; 64 TCP (1756-ENBT)Controller redundancy Not supported Programming languages Relay ladder1756 ControlLogix Controllers SpecificationsTechnical Specifications - 1756 GuardLogix ControllersAttribute1756-L61S1756-L62S1756-L63S1756-LSPUser memory 2 MB 4 MB8 MB—Safety memory 1 MB 1 MB 3.75 MB—I/O memory478 KB —Optional flash memory(1)64 MB (cat. no. 1784-CF64)128 MB (cat. no. 1784-CF128)—Digital I/O, max128,000—Analog I/O, max4000—Total I/O, max128,000—Replacement battery1756-BA2Current draw @ 5V DC1200 mACurrent draw @ 24V DC14 mAPower dissipation 3.5 WThermal dissipation11.9 BTU/hrIsolation voltage30V (continuous), Basic Insulation Type, RS-232 to systemControllers tested to withstand 707V DC for 60 sSerial cables1756-CP3 or 1747-CP3, right angle connector to controller, straight to serial port, 3 mSIL 2Use standard ControlLogix controllersSIL 3Use GuardLogix controllers (1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S) and the Safety Partner(1756-LSP)Weight, approx.0.32 kg(0.70 lb)0.32 kg(0.70 lb)0.32 kg(0.70 lb)0.32 kg(0.70 lb)Slot width1Module location Chassis-based, any slotChassis1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17Power supply, standard1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B Power supply, redundant1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2Wire category 2 - on communication ports(2)North American temperature code T4AEnclosure type rating None (open-style)(1)The GuardLogix controller does not support user program storage or retrieval by using a CompactFlash card.(2)Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1.1756 ControlLogix Controllers Specifications Certifications - 1756 GuardLogix ControllersCertification(1)1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S, 1756-LSPUL UL Certified for Functional Safety up to and including SIL 3, see UL File E256621.(2)c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL FileE194810.CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C.CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See CSA FileLR69960C.CE European Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with:•EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions•EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements•EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity•EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with: AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial EmissionsFM FM Approved Equipment for use in Class I, Division 2 Group A, B, C, D Hazardous LocationsTÜV Functional Safety: SIL 1 to 3, according to IEC 61508; up to PL(e) according to ISO13849-1:2006; Category 1 to 4,according to EN954-1; NFPA79; when used as described in the GuardLogix Controller Systems Safety ReferenceManual, publication 1756-RM093.(1)When marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.(2)When used with specified software versions.1756 ControlLogix Controllers Specifications1756 ControlLogix-XT Controllers The ControlLogix-XT controllers function in the same way as the traditional ControlLogix controllers. The ControlLogix-XT products include control and communication system components that, when used with FLEX I/O-XT products, provide a complete control system solution that can be used in environments where temperatures range from -20...70 °C (-4...158 °F). When used independently, the ControlLogix-XT system can withstand environments where the temperature ranges from -25...70 °C (-13...158 °F). Environmental Specifications - 1756-L63XT ControllerTechnical Specifications - 1756-L63XT ControllerAttribute ValueTemperature, operatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)-25…70 °C (-13…158 °F)Temperature, storageIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock)-40…85 °C (-40…185 °F)Relative humidityIEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Nonoperating Damp Heat)5...95% noncondensingVibrationIEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating)2 g at 10…500 HzShock, operatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)30 gShock, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)50 gAttribute1756-L63XTUser memory8 MBI/O memory478 KBOptional flash memory64 MB (cat. no. 1784-CF64)128 MB (cat. no. 1784-CF128)Digital I/O, max128,000Analog I/O, max4000Total I/O, max128,000Replacement battery1756-BA2Current draw @ 5V DC1200 mACurrent draw @ 24V DC14 mAPower dissipation 3.5 WThermal dissipation11.9 BTU/hrIsolation voltage30V (continuous), Basic Insulation Type, RS-232 to systemControllers tested to withstand 707V DC for 60 s, RS232 to system1756 ControlLogix Controllers SpecificationsCertifications - 1756-L63XT ControllerSerial cables 1756-CP3 or 1747-CP3, right angle connector to controller, straight to serial port, 3 mSIL 2Use standard ControlLogix controllersSIL 3Use GuardLogix controllers (1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S) and the Safety Partner (1756-LSP)Weight, approx.0.35 kg (0.78 lb)Slot width 1Module location Chassis-based, any slot Chassis1756-A5XT, 1756-A7LXT Power supply, standard 1756-PBXT Power supply, redundant NoneWire category2 - on communication ports (1)North American temperature code T4A IEC temperature code T4Enclosure type ratingNone (open-style)(1)Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1.Attribute 1756-L63XTCertification (1)1756-L63XTc-UL-usUL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.ATEX European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with:EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection “n” (Zone 2)CEEuropean Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with:•EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions•EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements •EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity•EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-TickAustralian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with: AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions(1)When marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.1756 ControlLogix Controllers SpecificationsController Memory UseThe following equations provide an estimate of the memory needed for a controller. These numbers are rough estimates.For redundant controller systems, double the memory estimate you calculate. For example, if you estimate you need 2 MB of memory, select a controller with 4 MB of memory.Reserve 20...30% of the controller memory to accommodate growth.Controller tasks _____ * 4000 = _____ bytes (minimum 1 task) Digital I/O points _____ * 400 = _____ bytes Analog I/O points _____ * 2600 = _____ bytes DeviceNet modules (1)_____ * 7400 = _____ bytes Other communication modules (2)_____ * 2000 = _____ bytes Motion axis_____ * 8000 = _____ bytesFactoryTalk alarm instruction _____ * 1000 = _____ bytes (per alarm) FactoryTalk subscriber_____ * 10000=_____ bytes(1)The first DeviceNet module is 7400 bytes. Additional DeviceNet modules are 5800 bytes each.(2)Count all the communication modules in the system, not just those in the local chassis. This includes device connection modules, adapter modules, and ports on PanelView terminals.Controller Compatibility Control Distributed I/O ModulesThe controller can control these distributed I/O modules via the I/OConfiguration tree in RSLogix 5000 programming software.I/O Modules EtherNet/IP ControlNet DeviceNet Remote I/OChassis-based I/O1746 SLC I/O No No No Yes1756 ControlLogix I/O Yes Yes No No1769 Compact I/O No No Yes No1771 Universal I/O No Yes No YesIn-Cabinet I/O1734 POINT I/O Yes Yes Yes No1734D POINTBlock I/O No No Yes No1790, 1790D, 1790P CompactBlock LDX I/O No No Yes No1791D, 1791P, 1791R CompactBlock I/O No No Yes No1794 FLEX I/O Yes Yes Yes Yes1797 FLEX Ex I/O No Yes No NoOn-Machine I/O1732 ArmorBlock I/O Yes No Yes No1738 ArmorPoint I/O Yes Yes Yes No1792D ArmorBlock MaXum I/O No No Yes No1799 Embedded I/O No No Yes NoControl Safety I/O ModulesThe GuardLogix controller can control these safety I/O modules in a safetysystem.I/O Modules EtherNet/IP ControlNet DeviceNetIn-Cabinet I/O1791DS CompactBlock Guard I/O No No Yes1791ES CompactBlock Guard I/O Yes No No1734 Point Guard I/O Yes No NoOn-Machine I/O1732DS ArmorBlock Guard I/O No No YesCommunicate with Display DevicesThe controller can communicate with these display devices.Communicate with Other ControllersThe controller can communicate with these programmable controllers.Display Devices EtherNet/IP ControlNet DeviceNet DH+ Remote I/O RS-232 (DF1) DH-485Industrial Computers Rockwell Automation industrial computers (all)(1)Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesGraphic TerminalsPanelView Plus and PanelView CE terminalsYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PanelView Standard terminals Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PanelView “e” terminals NoYesNoYesYesNoNoMessage Displays InView message displaysYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes(1)Includes: Rockwell Automation integrated display rotating media (HDD) and solid state (SSD) computers, Rockwell Automation non-display computers, and Rockwell Automation integrated display computers with keypad.ControllerEtherNet/IP ControlNet DeviceNet DH+ RS-232 (DF1) DH-485(1)1756 ControlLogix, 1756 GuardLogixYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1768, 1769 CompactLogix Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 1789 SoftLogix5800 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 1794 FlexLogixYes Yes Yes No Yes Yes PowerFlex with DriveLogix Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 1785 PLC-5 Yes (2) (3)Yes Yes (4)Yes Yes — 1747 SLC Yes (5)Yes Yes (4)Yes Yes Yes 1761 MicroLogix Yes No Yes (4)No Yes Yes 1762 MicroLogix Yes No Yes (4)No Yes Yes 1763 MicroLogix Yes No Yes (4)No Yes Yes 1764 MicroLogix Yes No Yes (4)No Yes Yes 1772 PLC-2 — — — Yes Yes — 1775 PLC-3 — — — Yes Yes — 5250 PLC-5/250——NoYesYes—(1)The 1756-DH485 module supports full DH-485 functionality.(2)The Ethernet PLC-5 controller must be series C, firmware revision N.1 or later; series D, firmware revision E.1 or later; or series E, firmware revision D.1 or later.(3)The 1785-ENET Ethernet communication interface module must be series A, firmware revision D or later.(4)The PLC-5, SLC, and MicroLogix processors appear as I/O points to the Logix controller. Use the appropriate DeviceNet interface for the controller.(5)Use a 1747-L55x controller with OS501 or greater.Communicate with Other Communication DevicesThe controller can communicate with these communication devices. Communication Device EtherNet/IP ControlNet DeviceNet DH+Linking device (ControlLogix controllers only) 1788-EN2DN 1788-CN2DN1788-CN2FF1788-EN2DN1788-CN2DN—PCMCIA card — 1784-PCC 1784-PCD 1784-PCMKPCI card — 1784-PCIC1784-PCICS 1784-PCID1784-PCIDS1784-CPCIDS—Drives SCANport module — 1203-FM11203-FB1(1)— —Communication module — 1203-CN(2)1770-KFC151770-KFCD151747-KFC15 1770-KFD1770-KFG—Communication card — 1784-PKTCS1784-KTCS1784-KTCX15 1784-PKTX1784-PKTXD—USB communication device — 1784-U2CN 1784-U2DN 1784-U2DHP(1)Use a CIP generic MSG instruction to communicate with the 1203-FM1 SCANport module on a DIN rail that is remote to the controller. The remote DIN rail also requires a 1794-ACN15 or 1794ACNR15 ControlNet adapter module.(2)Use the generic module configuration to configure the 1203-CN1 module and a CIP generic MSG instruction to communicate with the module.Redundancy The ControlLogix controller supports controller redundancy. In a redundantcontroller system, you need these components:•Two 1756 chassis each with the same:–number of slots.–modules in the same slots.–redundancy firmware revisions in each module.–Two additional ControlNet nodes outside the redundant chassis pair.You need one of the following redundancy modules:•One 1756-RM module per chassis, which supports:–two 1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1761-L63 controllers or one 1756-L64controller.–maximum of seven communication modules, which can be1756-CN2 series B, 1756-CN2R series B, and 1756-EN2T modules.–one 1756-RMC x cable.•One 1757-SRM module per chassis, which supports:–one 1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L63, 1756-L64 controller–maximum of seven communication modules, which can be1756-CNB series D or E, 1756-CNBR series D or E, 1756-ENBT,and 1756-EWEB modules–one 1757-SRC x cableTechnical Specifications - 1756, 1757 Redundancy ModulesAttribute1756-RM 1757-SRMVoltage, max — 30V AC/DCCurrent, max — 100 mACurrent draw @ 1.2V DC 4 mA —Current draw @ 3.3V DC — 750 mACurrent draw @ 5V DC 1200 mA 1000 mACurrent draw @ 24V DC 120 mA 90 mAPower dissipation 9.0 W 9.6 WThermal dissipation 31 BTU/hr 38.49 BTU/hrConnector cables 1756-RMC1, 1 m (3.28 ft)1756-RMC3, 3 m (9.84 ft)1756-RMC10, 10 m (32.81 ft) 1757-SRC1, 1 m (3.28 ft)1757-SRC3, 3 m (9.84 ft)1757-SRC10, 10 m (32.81 ft) 1757-SRC50, 50 m (164.04 ft) 1757-SRC100, 100 m (328.08 ft)Slot width 1 slot 2 slotModule location Chassis-based, any slot Chassis-based, any slot. Recommended defaults:slots 5-6 in 10-slot and 17-slot chassis, slots 4-5 in7-slot and 13-slot chassisChassis 1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17Certifications - 1756, 1757 Redundancy ModulesPower supply, standard 1756-PA72/C, 1756-PA75/B, 1756-PB72/C, 1756-PB75/B, 1756-PC75/B, 1756-PH75/B Power supply, redundant 1756-PA75R, 1756-PB75R, 1756-PSCA2 Wire size—Relay Terminals:0.3... 2.1 mm 2 (22...14 AWG) solid or stranded shielded copper wire rated at 75 °C (167 °F) or greater 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) insulation max Wire category — 3 - on relay terminals (1)Wire type— Copper North American temperature code T4 T4A IEC temperature code—T4(1)Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in the system level installation manual. See the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1.Attribute1756-RM 1757-SRMCertification (1)1756-RM, 1757-SRMc-UL-usUL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.CSACSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C.CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See CSA File LR69960C.ATEX European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with:EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection “n” (Zone 2)CEEuropean Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with:•EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements •EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity •EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions•EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial EmissionsFM FM Approved Equipment for use in Class I Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations TÜVTÜV Certified for Functional Safety: up to and including SIL 2(1)When marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.Environmental Specifications - 1756-RMXT Redundancy ModuleTechnical Specifications - 1756-RMXT Redundancy ModuleAttribute1756-RMXTTemperature, operatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock)-25…70 °C (-13…158 °F)Temperature, storageIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock) -40…85 °C (-40…185 °F)Relative humidityIEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Nonoperating Damp Heat) 5...95% noncondensing VibrationIEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating) 2 g at 10…500 Hz Shock, operatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock) 30 g Shock, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock)50 gAttribute1756-RMXT Current draw @ 1.2V DC 4 mA Current draw @ 5.1V DC 1.2 A Current draw @ 24V DC 120 mA Power dissipation 9.0 W Thermal dissipation 31 BTU/hrConnector cables1756-RMC1, 1 m (3.28 ft)1756-RMC3, 3 m (9.84 ft)1756-RMC10, 10 m (32.81 ft) Slot width 1 slotModule location Chassis-based, any slot Chassis1756-A5XT, 1756-A7LXT Power supply, standard 1756-PBXT Power supply, redundant None North American temperature codeT4Certifications - 1756-RMXT Redundancy ModuleCertification(1)1756-RMXTc-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL FileE194810.CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment. See CSA File LR54689C.CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See CSA FileLR69960C.CE European Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with:•EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements•EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity•EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions•EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial EmissionsFM FM Approved Equipment for use in Class I Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations(1)When marked. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.。
PLC选型导向可编程逻辑控制器,简称PLC(Programmable logic Controller), 是以计算机技术为基础的工业控制装置。
1987年,国际电工委员会IEC (International Electrical Committee)颁布了可编程序控制器的定义:可编程控制器是一种能够直接应用于专门为在产业环境下应用而设计的数字运算操纵的电子装置。
PLC 的组成结构主要由中央处理单元, 储存器,输入输出单元,通信接口,扩展接口和电源等组成。
1 中央处理单元中央处理器单元即CPU,一般由控制器、运算器和寄存器组成。
CPU 通过地址总线、数据总线、控制总线与储存单元、输入输出单元、通信接口、扩展接口相连。
CPU 是 PLC 的核心,输入单元将采集的输入信号传送到CPU,CPU执行用户程序并将运算结果传送到输出单元,用以驱动现场设备。
·I/O带载能力: CPU通常使用I/O地址空间来描述其允许访问输入输出的能力,8个数字量通道占用1个字节地址空间,1个模拟量通道占用2字节地址空间。
5、RTD模块1756-IR6I铂电阻模块6、计数器模块1756-HSC高速脉冲记数模块1756-HSC模块应用下面状态知识LED灯LED灯显示LED灯颜色指示灯意义处理方法显示输入(A,B,Z)不亮输入端断开输入信号当前没有被使用接线断开如果你需要使用此输入信号,请查线黄色灯亮输入信号正常显示输出(0,1,2,3)不亮输出端断开输出信号当前没有被使用如果你需要使用此输入信号,请查线黄色灯亮输出信号正常7、第三方通讯模块1756-MVI56MCM MODBUS通讯模块1756-MVI56MCM模块指示灯显示模块运行状态如下:LED灯显颜色状态指示示P1 绿色亮数据正通过配置/调试断口与远程终端传输不亮端口中没有数据传输P2 绿色亮数据正通过此断口与MODBUS网络传输不亮端口中没有数据传输P3 绿色亮数据正通过此断口与MODBUS网络传输不亮端口中没有数据传输APP 桔色亮模块工作正常不亮MVI56-MCM模块程序发现了它其中一个MODBUS通讯端口的通讯错误BP ACT 桔色亮此模块正在执行写操作不亮此模块正在执行读操作。
ControlLogix 选型指南_1756-sg001_-zh-p
• 1756-L71:2 MB • 1756-L72:4 MB • 1756-L73:8 MB
1756-L73XT:8 MB • 1756-L74:16 MB • 1756-L75:32 MB • 1756-L71S:2 MB + 1 MB
安全型 • 1756-L72S:4 MB + 2 MB
路 TCP (EN2x) • 128 路 EtherNet/IP ; 64
• 1769-L30ER、 1769-L30ER-NSE、 1769-L30ERM: 16 EtherNet/IP ; 120 路 TCP
• 1769-L33ER、 1769L33ERM:32 路 EtherNet/IP ; 120 路 TCP
• 1756-L73S:8 MB + 4 MB 安全型
• 1756-L61:2 MB • 1756-L62:4 MB
1756-L63:8 MB • 1756-L63XT:8 MB
1756-L64:16 MB • 1756-L65:32 MB • 1756-L61S:2 MB + 1 MB
安全型 • 1756-L62S:4 MB + 1 MB
• 1769-L31:2 个 RS-232 • 1769-L23E-QB1B:1 个
EtherNet/IP 端口和 1 个
• 1769-L32C、 1769-
RS-232 串行端口
L35CR:1 个 ControlNet • 1769-L23E-QBFC1B:1 个
端口和 1 个 RS-232 串行
2、在RSLinx中点击Communications下菜单Configure Driver。
EN2T模块需建立EntherNet\IP Driver,因此选择EntherNet\IP Driver,点击ADD NEW。
A-B PLC选型1 低端为MicroLogix1000、1100、1200、1400、1500,系列:1761、1762、1763、1764、1766,编程软件为RS Logix500.2 中端小型机为SLC500,系列:SLC5/01、SLC5/02、SLC5/03、SLC5/04、SLC5/05++,编程软件为RS Logix500.3 中端新贵族为CompactLogix,系列:1769,编程软件为RS Logix5000.4 高端主流机型为ControlLogix5000,系列:1756、1757,编程软件为RS Logix5000.5 高端老机型为PLC-5,编程软件为RS Logix5(已停产,只提供备件)。
6 Flex/Point系列I/O:1734、1794.7 FlexLogix系列,一个简单的FlexLogic系统包含一个控制器和最多8个输入输出模块,输入输出模块可以放在传感器附近,便于分布式控制。
编程软件为RS Logix5000.8 Pico系列,提供简单的逻辑、定时、计数和实时时钟操作的简单控制器。
Pico GFX增加了图形画面的使用,提供高级编程:如PID控制、高速计数器和位序列。
编程使用面板操作,或PicoSoft和PicoSoft Pro配置软件。
9 Micro800系列RS Linx是AB的通讯软件,主要用来连接组态软件和PLC的通讯;ControlNet网络组态软件RS NetWork,用于需要将系统配置成ControlNet网进行规划组态。
ABB PLCAC010、AC500和AC500 eCo早期PLC为AC31,有40、50和90系列。
PLC系统选型:在PLC 日益成为工厂自动化基本技术平台的时代,如何选用一部适用的PLC 以达到真正需要,而又能符合经济效益,是一个重要问题。
S7—1200 控制器具有模块化、结构紧凑、功能全面等特点,适用于多种应用,能够保障现有投资的长期安全。
机型的选择可以从以下几个方面来考虑:1、对输入/输出点数的选择要先弄清楚控制系统的I/O 总点数,再按实际所需总点数的15~20%留出备用量(为系统的改造等留有余地)后确定所需PLC 的点数。
2、对存储容量的选择PLC 存储器容量的估算方法:对于仅有开关量输入/输出信号的电气控制系统, 将所需的输入与输出点数之和乘以8,就是所需PLC 存储器的存储容量(单位为bit).3、对I/O 响应时间的选择PLC 的I/O 响应时间包括输入电路延迟、输出电路延迟和扫描工作方式引起的时间延迟(一般在2~3 个扫描周期)等.对开关量控制的系统,PLC 的I/O 响应时间一般都能满足实际工程的要求,可不必考虑I/O 响应问题.但对模拟量控制的系统,特别是闭环控制系统就要考虑这个问题。
4、根据输出负载的特点选型不同的负载对PLC 的输出方式有相应的要求。
但固态—MOSFET输出型的PLC 有许多优点,如导通压降小,有很好的隔离作用,机械寿命长,额定负载下的触点寿命较长,价格相对较适合,承受瞬时过电压和过电流的能力较强。
ControlLogix 选型指南_1756-sg001_-zh-p
驱动 SERCOS 接口
• 梯形图 • 结构化文本 • 功能块 • 顺序功能图 • 安全任务:梯形图、安全
1769-L3x CompactLogix 1769-L31、 1769-L32x、 1769-L35x
• 1 个 USB 端口
• 1 个 USB 端口
• EtherNet/IP • ControlNet • DeviceNet • Data Highway Plus • 远程 I/O • SynchLink • USB
• EtherNet/IP • ControlNet • DeviceNet • Data Highway Plus • 远程 I/O • SynchLink
1769-L24ER-BB1B、 1769-L24ER-QBFC1 B、 1769-L27ERM-QBFC 1B
1769-L16ERBB1B、 1769-L18ERBB1B、 1769-L18ERMBB1B
控制器任务: • 32;
• 连续
• 100 个程序 / 任务
• 步进控制 • 通过 DeviceNet 的伺服 • 模拟量或者网络的交流
SERCOS 接口 模拟量编码器输入
• 梯形图 • 结构化文本 • 功能块 • 顺序功能图
• 梯形图 • 结构化文本 • 功能块 • 顺序功能图
• 梯形图 • 结构化文本 • 功能块 • 顺序功能图 • 用 C 或 C++ 开发的外部
1756系列PLC是罗克韦尔公司在1998年推出的模块化PLC,又称Controllogix PLC,它代表了当前大中型PLC发展的最高水平,是目前世界上最具有竞争力的控制系统之一。
ControlLogix 控制器最大存储容量可达8M,支持过程密集型的应用和快速运动控制应用。
1756系列1756 系列 ControlLogix PAC是新一代高性能的集成的控制平台,它在简单易于使用的环境下,实现了卓越的性能,堪称业内典范。
最近Rockwell Automation还推出了完整的DCS解决系统,卓越的PLANT PAx系统。
不需要处理器执行I/O 的桥接和路由,随着系统的增大,可用网络把控制分布到另外的机架端子基座 1794-TB3PLC框架 1756-A13前连接器40针 1756-TBCH前连接器20针 1756-TBNH空槽填补模块 1756-N2PLC电源模块 1756-PA75模拟量输入模块 1756-IR6I1756-IF16模拟量输出模块 1756-OF8ControlNet通讯电缆 1784-RG6(304.8米)TAP连接器 1786-TPS终端电阻 1786-XTBNC接头 1786-BNCControlNet电缆制作工具 1786-CTK模拟量输入RTD 1756-IR6I模拟量输入TC` 1756-IT6I模拟量输出AO 1756-OF8接线端子 1756-TBCH接线端子 1756-TBNH空槽盖板 1756-N2终端电阻 1786-XTAB电源模块1756-PA72,1个,AB电源模块1756-CNBR,1个。
AB垫电阻输入模块1756-IR6,1个网络分接头 1786-TPS同轴电缆(1卷305米) 1786-RG624v直流电源 1606-XLS480E-3AB交换机 1783-US05T1756-IB321756-PA75/B 电源1756-L61 B CPU1784-CF64 A 存储卡1756-BA2 电池1756-A10 底槽1756-CNB/E 通讯1756-IB32/B 数字量输入模块1756-OB32/A 数字量输出模块1756-HSC/A 计数模块1756-TBCH 前端连接器1756-ENBT A 以太网模板1756-IF8/A 模拟量输入模块1756-OF4 模拟量输出模块1756-SST-DP DP PROFIBUS模板1786-TPS CONTROLNET分接器1786-XT CONTROLNET终端电阻。
ControlLogix Selection Guide1756-L55,1756-L61,1756-L62,1756-L63,1756-L60M03S EL o g i x C o n t r o l l e r s C o m p a r i s o nC o m m o nC h a r a c t e r i s t i c s1756C o n t r o l L o g i x1769C o m p a c t L o g i x1789S o f t L o g i x58001794F l e x L o g i x P o w e r F l e x700S w i t hD r i v e L o g i xcontroller tasks: y continuous y periodicy event y32 tasks (only 1 continuous)y event tasks: supports allevent triggersy1769-L35x: 8 tasksy1769-L32x: 6 tasksy1769-L31: 4 tasksy only 1 continuousy event tasks: supportsconsumed tag trigger andEVENT instructiony32 tasks (only 1 continuous)y event tasks: supports allevent triggers, plusoutbound and Windowseventsy8 tasks (only 1 continuous)y event tasks: supportsconsumed tag trigger andEVENT instructiony8 tasks (only 1 continuous)y event tasks: supports axisand motion event triggersuser memory 1756-L55M12: 750 Kbytes1756-L55M13: 1.5 Mbytes1756-L55M14: 3.5 Mbytes1756-L55M16: 7.5 Mbytes1756-L55M22: 750 Kbytes1756-L55M23: 1. 5 Mbytes1756-L55M24: 3.5Mbytes1756-L61: 2 Mbytes1756-L62: 4 Mbytes1756-L63:8 Mbytes1769-L31:512 Kbytes1769-L32x:750 Kbytes1769-L35x: 1.5 Mbytes1789-L10: 2Mbytes3 slotsno motion1789-L30:64 Mbytes5 slots1789-L60:64 Mbytes16 slots1794-L34:512 Kbytes256 Kbytes768 Kbytes with memoryexpansionnonvolatile user memory 1756-L55M12: none1756-L55M13: none1756-L55M14: none1756-L55M16: none1756-L55M22: yes1756-L55M23: yes1756-L55M24: yes1756-L6x:CompactFlashCompactFlash none yes yes (expansion memory)built-in communication ports 1 port RS- 232 serial(DF1 or ASCII)y1769-L31 has 2 RS-232ports (one DF1 only, otherDF1 or ASCII)y1769-L32C, -L35CR has 1ControlNet port and 1 RS-232 serial port (DF1 orASCII)y1769-L32E, -L35E has 1EtherNet/IP port and 1 RS-232 serial port (DF1 orASCII)depends on personal computery1 port RS-232 serial (DF1 orASCII)y2 slots for 1788communication cardsy1 port RS-232 serial (DF1 orASCII)y1 slot for 1788communication cardscommunication options (these options have specific products and profiles for their platform - other options are available via 3rd party products and generic profiles)EtherNet/IPControlNetDeviceNetData Highway PlusUniversal Remote I/ OserialModbus via ladder routineDH-485SynchLinkEtherNet/IPControlNetDeviceNetserialModbus via ladder routineDH-485EtherNet/IPControlNetDeviceNetserialEtherNet/IPControlNetDeviceNetserialModbus via ladder routineDH-485EtherNet/IPControlNetDeviceNetserialModbus via ladder routineDH-485connections 64 over ControlNet (48recommended)128 over EtherNet/IP32 over ControlNet32 over EtherNet/IP64 over ControlNet (48recommended)EtherNet/IP limited by typeand number of cards32 over ControlNet32 over EtherNet/IP32 over ControlNet32 over EtherNet/IPcontroller redundancy full redundancy support not applicable not applicable controller hot backup viaDeviceNetnot applicablenative I/O1756 ControlLogix I/O1769 Compact I/O none 1794 FLEX I/O1797 FLEX Ex I/O1794 FLEX I/O1797 FLEX Ex I/Osimple motion stepperservo via DeviceNetanalog ac drivestepperservo via DeviceNetanalog ac drivestepperservo via DeviceNetanalog ac drivestepperservo via DeviceNetanalog ac drivestepperservo via DeviceNetanalog ac driveintegrated motion SERCOS interfaceanalog interface with options:y quadrature encoder inputy LDT inputy SSI inputnot applicableSERCOS interfaceanalog interface with options:y quadrature encoder inputy LDT inputy SSI inputnot applicable1 full servo1 feedback axismounting and/or installation options 1756 chassispanel mountDIN railnonepanel mountDIN railembeddedprogramming languages y relay laddery structured texty function blocky sequential function charty relay laddery structured texty function blocky sequential function charty relay laddery structured texty function blocky sequential function charty external routines (WindowsDLLs developed usingC/C++)y relay laddery structured texty function blocky sequential function charty relay laddery structured texty function blocky sequential function chart1756-SG001H-EN-P -- May 2005L o g i x P l a t f o r m sAllen-Bradley Logix platforms provide a single integrated control architecture for sequential, drives, motion, and process control.The Logix platforms provide a common control engine, programming softwareenvironment, and communication support across multiple hardware platforms. All Logix controllers operate with a multitasking, multiprocessing operating system and support the same set of instructions in multiple programming languages. One RSLogix 5000programming software package programs all Logix controllers. And, as part of theIntegrated Architecture, all Logix controllers offer the benefits of the Common IndustrialProtocol (CIP) to communicate via EtherNet/IP , ControlNet, and DeviceNet networks.ControlLogix System Overview page 2Layout the Systempage 3Select ControlLogix I/O Modules page 7Select Motion Control Requirements page 17Select Network Communications page 23Select Controllers page 39Select Chassis page 53Select Power Supplies page 57Select Software page 61Summarypage 711756-SG001H-EN-P -- May 2005The ControlLogix system provides sequential, process, motion, and drive control together with communications and state-of-the-art I/O in a small, cost-competitive package. The system is modular, so you can design, build, and modify it efficiently - with significant savings in training and engineering. A simple ControlLogix system consists of a stand-alone controller and I/O modules in a single chassis.You can also use the ControlLogix system as a gateway. Include the communication modules you need for connectivity to other networks. For this use, a controller is not required. The ControlLogix Gateway integrates into existing PLC-based systems so that users with existing networks can send or receive messages to or from other networks. For a more flexible system, use:y multiple controllers in a single chassis y multiple controllers joined across networksyI/O in multiple platforms that is distributed in many locations and connected over multiple I/O linksWhat's New in Version 15:C o n t r o l L o g i x S y s t e m O v e r v i e wy support for Equipment Phase programs y support for 100 programs per task y when online, ability to add 1756 I/O to the local chassis, via an unscheduled ControlNet network, and via an EtherNet/IP networky discontinued support for Windows NT1756-SG001H-EN-P -- May 2005L a y o u t t h e S y s t e mLay out the system by determining the network configuration and the placement of components in each location. Decide at this time whether each location will have its own controller.Place each controller’s I/O on an isolated network to maximize the performance and to more easily accommodate future network or system configuration changes. If you plan to share I/O, make sure the I/O is on a network that each controller can access.Assume that Location A and Location B both require a controller and its own I/O. Both controllers interact with time critical information. Panel C does not need a controller and can be a gateway.For a ControlLogix controller to control I/O modules, both the controller and the I/O modules must be directly attached to the same network.Evaluate what communications need to occur between controllers. If there is sporadic information that is not time critical, use a message-based network such as an EtherNet/IP (the information portion), Data Highway Plus, or the unscheduled portion of a ControlNet network. If the information is time critical, such as produced/consumed tags between controllers, use a ControlNet or EtherNet/IP network.I /O L o c a t i o n C o n t r o l l e r i n P a n e l A ,C h a s s i s 1C o n t r o l l e r i n P a n e l B ,C h a s s i s 1Panel A, Chassis 1yes yes Panel A, Chassis 2yes no Panel A, Chassis 3yes no Panel B, Chassis 1yes yes Panel B, Chassis 2no yes Panel C, Chassis 1yesyes1756-SG001H-EN-P -- May 2005L a y o u t a r e d u n d a n t s y s t e mThe ControlLogix environment offers different levels of redundancy that you can design into your system. These systems require additional hardware, so plan accordingly. You can design redundant:y 1756-CNBR ControlNet modules y two identical ControlNet linksR e d u n d a n t C o n t r o l N e t m e d i aR e d u n d a n t p o w e r s u p p l i e sRequires:Requires:y media for ControlNet y power supplies ycontroller chassisy two redundant power supplies, any combination of 1756-PA75R and 1756-PB75R y 1756-PSCA2 chassis adapter module, in place of the standard power supply y two 1756-CPR2 cables to connect the power supplies to the 1756-PSCA2 adapter y user-supplied annunicator wiring to connect the power supplies to the input modules, if needed1756-SG001H-EN-P -- May 2005R e d u n d a n t c o n t r o l l e r c h a s s i sRequires:All I/O must be remote from the redundant controllers. ControlLogix redundancy works with remote 1756 I/O, FLEX I/O, drives, operator interfaces, or any other devices that can communicate with a ControlLogix controller over an EtherNet/IP or ControlNet link.To connect to other networks, bridge through another ControlLogix chassis (not one ofthe redundant controller chassis).y same size chassis for each redundant chassis with the same slot assignments in each chassisy one 1756-L55, 1756-L61, 1756-L62, or 1756-L63 controller per chassis;use the same catalog number and memory size controller in each chassis y a maximum of 5 communication modules, which can be:⎯1 to 5 1756-CNB modules ⎯1 to 2 1756-ENBT modulesy one 1757-SRM module in each redundant chassisRedundancy requires no additional programming and is transparent to any devices connected over an EtherNet/IP or ControlNet network. It uses 1757-SRM modules to maintain communication between the pair of redundant chassis.S I L 2 C e r t i f i c a t i o nComponents of the ControlLogix system are type-approved and certified for use in SIL 2applications, according to IEC 61508 and AK4 applications according to DIN V19250.A Saftey Integration Level (SIL) is a numeric designator assigned to a safety system that indicates that system’s ability to perform its safety function. The SIL 2 TYPE certification of ControlLogix products by TUV, an internationally-recognized and accredited testlaboratory certification center, assures the suitability of ControlLogix products for use in up to a SIL 2 safety application.For a list of ControlLogix system components that meet SIL 2 requirements, see Using ControlLogix in Sil 2 Applications Reference Manual, publication 1765-RM001.1756-SG001H-EN-P -- May 2005Use this checklist as a guide for a system specification. The inside of the back cover of this selection guide is a worksheet you can use to record your selections.9S t e p S e e 1Select I/O devicesUse a spreadsheet to record:y location of the devicey number of points neededy appropriate catalog numbery number of points available per module y number of modules I/O module specifications page 7 Wiring systems page 13 Place I/O modules page 14 Select controller ownership page 16 How I/O modules operate page162Select motion control and drives requirements To the I/O spreadsheet, add the number of motion modules.Motion overview page 17 SERCOS interface modules page 19 Analog interface modules page213Select communication modulesTo the I/O spreadsheet, add the number of communication work overview page 23 EtherNet/IP specifications page 25 ControlNet specifications page 27 DeviceNet specifications page 29 DH+/RIO specifications page 30 Foundation Fieldbus specifications page 31 HART specifications page 32 Serial specifications page 33 DH-485 specifications page 34 SynchLink specifications page 35 AutoMax specifications page 37 Access the controller remotely page384Select controllersSelect the appropriate controller based on: y required controller tasksy number of I/O points neededy number of communication cards needed y required controller memory Controller specifications page 39 Determining memory requirements page 41 Determining battery requirements page 42 Control devices page 43 Communicate with other devices page 44 How a Logix system uses tasks page 45 How a Logix system uses connections page475Select chassisDetermine the number of chassis you need.Chassis specifications page53 6Select power suppliesOn the module spreadsheet, calculate power requirements.Power supply specifications page577Select softwareDetermine the software products you need to configure and program your application. Based on the system design, determine the software products you need.Available software products page 61 Programming software page 62 Communication software page 64 Network configuration software page 65 Emulation software page 66 Training software page 67 Visualization software and products page691756-SG001H-EN-P -- May 2005Select ControlLogix I/O ModulesStep 1 - Select:The ControlLogix architecture provides a wide range of input and output modules to span many applications, from high-speed discrete to process control. The ControlLogix architecture uses producer/consumer technology, which allows input information and output status to be shared among multiple ControlLogix controllers.Each ControlLogix I/O module mounts in a ControlLogix chassis and requires either a removable terminal block (RTB) or a 1492 interface module (IFM) to connect all field-side wiring. RTBs and IFMs are not included with the I/O modules. They must be ordered separately.1756 D i g i t a l I /O M o d u l e sThe 1756 digital I/O modules support:y wide variety of voltage interface capabilities y isolated and non-isolated module types y point-level output fault statesy choice of direct-connect or rack-optimized communications y field-side diagnostics on select modulesIn addition, you can select these types of digital I/O modules:D i g i t a l I /O T y p e D e s c r i p t i o ndiagnostic These modules provide diagnostic features to the point level.These modules have a "D" at the end of the catalog number.electronic fusing These modules have internal electronic fusing to prevent too much current from flowing through the module. These modules have an "E" at the end of the catalog number.individually isolatedThese modules have individually isolated inputs or outputs.These modules have an "I" at the end of the catalog number.y I/O modules - some modules have field-side diagnostics, electronic fusing, or individually isolated inputs/outputs y a remote terminal block (RTB) or wiring system for each I/O module y PanelConnect modules and cables if connecting input modules to sensors1756-SG001H-EN-P -- May 2005D i g i t a l a c i n p u t m o d u l e sC a t.N o. 1756-IA8D 1756-IA16 1756-IA16I 1756-IA32 1756-IM16I 1756-IN16N u m b e r o fI n p u t sV o l t a g e,O n-S t a t eI n p u t,N o m.O p e r a t i n gV o l t a g eI n p u t D e l a yT i m e,O N t oO F FC u r r e n t,O n-S t a t eI n p u t,M i n.C u r r e n t,O n-S t a t eI n p u t,M a x.C u r r e n t,O f f-S t a t eI n p u t,M a x.R e m o v a b l eT e r m i n a lB l o c kH o u s i n gB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t(m A)a t5VB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t(m A)a t24VP o w e rD i s s i p a t i o n,M a x.8diagnostic120V ac79...132V acProgrammablefilter: 9 ms or18 ms5 mA @ 79Vac16 mA @ 132Vac2.5 mA1756-TBNH1756-TBSH100mA3mA 4.5 W @ 60 °C 16120V ac74...132V acProgrammablefilter: 9 ms or18 ms5 mA @ 74Vac13 mA @ 132Vac2.5 mA1756-TBNH1756-TBSH105mA2mA 5.8 W @ 60 °C16individuallyisolated120V ac79...132V acProgrammablefilter: 9 ms or18 ms5 mA @ 79Vac 47…63Hz15 mA @ 132Vac, 47…63HZ2.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H125mA3mA 4.9 W @ 60 °C 32120V ac74...132V acProgrammablefilter: 9ms &18 ms5 mA @ 74Vac10 mA @ 132Vac2.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H165 mA 2 mA 6.1 W @ 60°C16individuallyisolated240V ac159...265V acProgrammablefilter: 9 ms or18 ms5 mA @ 159Vac, 60Hz13 mA @ 265Vac, 60Hz2.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H100mA3mA 5.8 W @ 60 °C 1624V ac10...30V acProgrammablefilter: 9 ms or18 ms5 mA @ 10Vac, 60 Hz1.2 mA @ 30Vac, 60 Hz2.75 mA1756-TBNH1756-TBSH100mA2mA 5.1 W @ 60 °CD i g i t a l a c o u t p u t m o d u l e sC a t.N o.N u m b e r o fO u t p u t sV o l t a g eC a t e g o r yO p e r a t i n gV o l t a g eO u t p u t C u r r e n tR a t i n g,p e rP o i n t,M a x.O u t p u tC o n t i n u o u sC u r r e n t p e rM o d u l e,M a x.R e m o v a b l eT e r m i n a lB l o c k H o u s i n gB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t(m A)a t5VB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t(m A)a t24VP o w e rD i s s i p a t i o n,M a x.1756-OA88120/240V ac74...265V ac 2 A @ 60 °C(Linear derating)5 A @ 30 °C(Linear derating)4 A @ 60 °C(Linear derating)1756-TBNH1756-TBSH200mA2mA 5.1 W @ 60 °C1756-OA8D 8diagnostic120V ac74...132V ac1 A @ 30 °C(Linear derating)0.5 A @ 60 °C(Linear derating)8 A @ 30 °C(Linear derating)4 A @ 60 °C(Linear derating)1756-TBNH1756-TBSH175mA250mA 5.3 W @ 60 °C1756-OA8E 8electronic fusing120V ac74...132V ac 2 A @ 60 °C8 A @ 30 °C(Linear derating)4 A @ 60 °C(Linear derating)1756-TBNH1756-TBSH200mA250mA 5.5 W @ 60 °C1756-OA1616120/240V ac74...265V ac0.5 A @ 60 °C 4 A @ 60 °C 1756-TBNH1756-TBSH400mA2mA 6.5 W @ 60 °C1756-OA16I 16individuallyisolated120/240V ac74...265V ac2 A @ 30 °C(Linear derating)1 A @ 60 °C(Linear derating)5 A @ 30 °C(Linear derating)4 A @ 60 °C(Linear derating)1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H300mA3mA 5.5 W @ 60 °C1756-ON88240V ac10...30V ac 2 A @ 60 °C 5 A @ 30 °C4 A @ 60 °C(Linear derating)1756-TBNH1756-TBSH200mA2mA 5.1 W @ 60 °CD i g i t a l d c i n p u t m o d u l e sC a t.N o.N u m b e r o fI n p u t sV o l t a g e,O n-S t a t eI n p u t,N o m.O p e r a t i n gV o l t a g eI n p u t D e l a yT i m e,O Nt o O F FC u r r e n t,O n-S t a t eI n p u t,M i n.C u r r e n t,O n-S t a t eI n p u t,M a x.C u r r e n t,O f f-S t a t eI n p u t,M a x.R e m o v a b l eT e r m i n a lB l o c kH o u s i n gB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t(m A)a t5VB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t(m A)a t24VP o w e rD i s s i p a t i o n,M a x.1756-IB161612/24V dcsink10...31.2V dc2 mshardware +filter time (0,1, 2, 9, or 18ms)2.0 mA @ 10Vdc10 mA @31.2V dc1.5 mA1756-TBNH1756-TBSH100mA2mA 5.1 W @ 60 °C1756-IB16D 16diagnostic12/24V dcsink10...30V dc4 mshardware +filter time (0,1, 2, 9, or 18ms)2 mA @ 10Vdc13 mA @ 30Vdc1.5 mA/point1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H150mA3mA 5.8 W @ 60 °C1756-IB16I 16individuallyisolated12/24V dcsink/source10...30V dc4 mshardware +filter time (0,1, 2, 9, or 18ms)2 mA @ 10 Vdc10 mA @ 30Vdc1.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H100mA3mA 5 W @ 60 °C1756-IB16ISOE=16individuallyisolated;sequence ofevents24/48V dcsink/source10...55V dc50 µshardware +filter time(0...50 ms)5.5 mA @ 55Vdc2 mA @ 10Vdc1.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H275 mA 2 mA 5.5 W @ 60 °C1756-IB323212/24V dcsink10...31.2V dc420 µs + filtertime (0, 1, 2,9, or 18 ms)2 mA 5.5 mA 1.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H120 mA2mA 6.2 W @ 60 °C1756-IC161648V dcsink30...60V dc4 mshardware +filter time (0,1, 2, 9, or 18ms)2 mA @ 30Vdc7 mA @ 60Vdc1.5 mA1756-TBNH1756-TBSH100mA3mA 5.2 W @ 60 °C1756-IG1616 (8points/common)5V dcTTL source4.5...5.5V dc.25 mshardware +filter time (0,1, 2, 9, or 18ms)—— 4.1 mA1756-TBNH1756-TBSH110mA2mA 1.4 W @ 60 °C1756-IH16I 16individuallyisolated125V dcsink/source90...146V dc6 mshardware +filter time (0,1, 2, 9, or 18ms)1 mA @ 90Vdc3 mA @ 146Vdc0.8 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H125mA3mA 5 W @ 60 °C1756-IH16ISOE=16individuallyisolated;sequence ofevents125V dcsink/source90...140V dc75 µshardware +filter time(0...50 ms)1.15 mA @90V dc1.85 mA @140V dc0.3 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H275 mA 2 mA 5.5 W @ 60 °C1756-IV161612/24V dcsource10...30V dc2 mshardware +filter time (0,1, 2, 9, or 18ms)2.0 mA @ 10Vdc10 mA @ 30Vdc1.5 mA1756-TBNH1756-TBSH110mA2mA5.41 W @ 60°C1756-IV323212/24V dcsource10...30V dc2 mshardware +filter time (0,1, 2, 9, or 18ms)2 mA @ 10Vdc3.5 mA @ 30Vdc1.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H120mA2mA 4.1 W @ 60 °C=If you use 1756-IB16ISOE or 1756-IH16ISOE modules in a remote rack, you must use a 1756-SYNCH SynchLink module to coordinate system time.D i g i t a l d c o u t p u t m o d u l e sD i g i t a l c o n t a c t o u t p u t m o d u l e sC a t . N o .N u m b e r o f O u t p u t sV o l t a g e C a t e g o r yO p e r a t i n g V o l t a g eO u t p u t C u r r e n t R a t i n g , p e r P o i n t , M a x .O u t p u tC o n t i n u o u s C u r r e n t p e r M o d u l e , M a x .R e m o v a b l e T e r m i n a l B l o c k H o u s i n g B a c k p l a n e C u r r e n t (m A )a t 5VB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t (m A )a t 24VP o w e rD i s s i p a t i o n ,M a x .1756-OB8812/24V dc source 10...30V dc2.0 A @ 60 °C8.0 A @ 60 °C 1756-TBNH 1756-TBSH 165mA2mA2.5 W @ 60 °C1756-OB8EI 8electronically fused,individually isolated12/24V dc sink/source10...30V dc 2 A @ 60 °C 16.0 A @ 55 °C(Linear derating)10.0 A @ 60 °C 1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H250mA 2mA 4.7 W @ 60 °C1756-OB16D16diagnostic 24V dc source 19.2...30V dc2 A @ 30 °C (Linear derating)1 A @ 60 °C (Linear derating)8 A @ 30 °C (Linear derating)4 A @ 60 °C (Linear derating)1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H 250mA 140mA 3.3 W @ 60 °C1756-OB16E 16electronicallyfused 12/24V dc source 10...31.2V dc 1 A @ 60 °C 8 A @ 60 °C 1756-TBNH 1756-TBSH 250mA 2mA 4.1 W @ 60 °C1756-OB16I16individually isolated12/24V dc sink/source10...30V dc 2 A @ 30 °C (Linear derating)1 A @ 60 °C (Linear derating)8 A @ 30 °C (Linear derating)4 A @ 60 °C (Linear derating)1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H350mA 3mA 3.6 W @ 60 °C1756-OB16IS 16individuallyisolated;8scheduled 12/24V dc sink/source10...30V dc2 A @ 30 °C 1 A @ 60 °C (Linear derating)8 A @ 30 °C 4 A @ 60 °C (Linear derating)1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H350mA 2.5mA 3.6 W @ 60 °C1756-OB323212/24V dc source 10...31.2V dc 0.5 A @ 50 °C (Linear derating)0.35 A @ 60 °C 16 A @ 50 °C (Linear derating)10 A @ 60 °C 1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H 300mA 2mA 4.8 W @ 60 °C 1756-OC8848V dc source 30...60V dc 2.0 A @ 60 °C 8.0 A @ 60 °C 1756-TBNH 1756-TBSH 165mA 2mA 4.9 W @ 60 °C 1756-OG16165V dc TTL 4.5...5.5V dc 24 mA @ 60 °C 384 mA @ 60 °C 1756-TBNH 1756-TBSH 210mA 2mA 1.5 W @ 60 °C 1756-OH8I8individually isolated120V dc sink/source 90...146V dc2 A @ 60 °C8 A @ 60 °C1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H 210mA2mA3.3 W @ 60 °C1756-OV16E 16electronicallyfused 12/24V dc sink 10...30V dc 1 A @ 60 °C 8 A @ 60 °C 1756-TBNH 1756-TBSH 210mA 2mA 6.72 W @ 60 °C1756-OV32E 32electronicallyfused12/24V dc sink10...30V dc 0.5 A @ 50 °C (Linear derating)0.35 A @ 60 °C16.0 A @ 50 °C (Linear derating)10.0 A @ 60 °C1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H390mA 2mA 5.88 W @ 60 °CC a t . N o .1756-OW16I 1756-OX8IN u m b e r o f O u t p u t sO u t p u t D e l a y T i m e , O N t o O F F , M a x .T y p e o f C o n t a c t O u t p u tO p e r a t i n g V o l t a g eO u t p u t C u r r e n t R e m o v a b l e T e r m i n a l B l o c k H o u s i n g B a c k p l a n e C u r r e n t (m A )a t 5VB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t (m A )a t 24VP o w e rD i s s i p a t i o n ,M a x .16individuallyisolated10 ms16 N.O.10...265V ac 5...150V dc2 A @ 5…30V dc 0.5 A @ 48V dc 0.25 A @ 125V dc 2 A @ 125/240V ac1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H 150mA150mA4.5 W @ 60 °C8individually isolated13 ms1 set of form-C contacts for each output10...265V ac 5...150V dc2 A @ 5…30V dc 0.5 A @ 48V dc 0.25 A @ 125V dc 2 A @ 125/240V ac1756-TBCH 1756-TBS6H 100mA 100mA 3.1 W @ 60 °C1756A n a l o g I/O M o d u l e s The 1756 analog I/O modules support:y on-board data alarmingy scaling to engineering unitsy real-time channel samplingy IEEE 32-bit floating point or 16-bit integer data formatsC a t.N o.N u m b e r o fI n p u t sN u m b e r o fO u t p u t s R e s o l u t i o n S e n s o r s S u p p o r t e dR e m o v a b l eT e r m i n a l B l o c kH o u s i n gB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t(m A)a t5VB a c k p l a n eC u r r e n t(m A)a t24VP o w e rD i s s i p a t i o n,M a x.1756-IF88 single-ended, 4differential,2 high-speeddifferential—16 bits±10.25V0...5.125V0...10.25V1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H150mA40mA1.73 W - Voltage2.33 W - Current1756-IF6CIS 6 isolated, currentsourcing—16 bits0...21mA Range1756-TBNH1756-TBSH250mA275mA 5.1 W @ 60 °C1756-IF6I 6 isolated—16 bits ±10.5V0...5.25V0...10.5V1756-TBNH1756-TBSH250mA100mA3.7 W - Voltage4.3 W - Current1756-IF168 differential,4 high-speeddifferential,16 single-ended—16 bits±10.25V0...5.125V0...10.25V1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H150mA65mA2.3 W - Voltage3.9 W - Current1756-IF4FXOF2F 4 high-speed, sub-millisecond,differential2 high-speedvoltage orcurrent14 bitsInputs±10.5V0...5.25V0...10.5VOutputs±10.5V1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H375mA100mA4.3 W - Voltage4.7 W - Current1756-IR6I 6 isolated RTD—16 bits y100, 200, 500, 1000ΩPlatinum, alpha=385y100, 200, 500, 1000ΩPlatinum, alpha=3916y120ΩNickel, alpha=672y100, 120, 200, 500ΩNickel,alpha=618y10ΩCopper1756-TBNH1756-TBSH250mA125mA 4.3 W1756-IT6I 6 isolatedthermocouple1 CJC—16 bits-12 mV... +78 mV-12 mV... +38 mVThermocouples: B, E, J, K, R,S, T, N, C1756-TBNH1756-TBSH250mA125mA 4.3 W1756-IT6I26 isolatedthermocouple2 CJC—16 bits-12 mV... +78 mV-12 mV... +38 mVThermocouples: B, E, J, K, R,S, T, N, C, L, D1756-TBNH1756-TBSH200mA120mA 3.9 W1756-OF4—4 voltage orcurrent15 bits—1756-TBNH1756-TBSH150mA120mA3.25 W - 4 channelcurrent1756-OF6CI— 6 isolated13 bits—1756-TBNH1756-TBSH250mA=300mA75.5 W (0…550 Ωloads)6.1 W (551 (1000)Ωloads)1756-OF6VI— 6 isolated14 bits—1756-TBNH1756-TBSH250mA175mA 4.85 W1756-OF8—8 voltage orcurrent15 bits—1756-TBNH1756-TBSH150mA210mA4.92 W - 4 channelcurrent。
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1756-L55, 1756-L61, 1756-L62, 1756-L631 Logix5000™2ControlLogixI/OC o n t r o l L o g ix•1756-H Y D 02g i 56O16 OD e v i c e N e tI /Og i xR S -232D H +3I/OB I/OI/OA, 1: PanelPanel A,11DH+4ControlLogix•ControlNet1756-PA75R• 1756-PSCA175651756-L55()• ,5.23()6I/O• 14I/O23I/O3133353740414243444548495055•616978808182837ControlLogixControlLogix(IFM)RTBs• 1756I/O• 1492-81756I/O-I5V:(mA)79-132V132V18ms5mA16mA1756-TBSH1756-IA1616120V 74V 5.8W18ms5mA13mA1756-TBSH1756-IA16I16120V 79V 4.9W9ms63Hz 1756-TBS6H5mA15mA1756-IM16I16240V 159V 5.8W9ms10-30V30V9ms9:5V24V:::(mA)5A1756-TBNH200260))1756-0A8D8120V 74-132V30 5.3W(4A1756-TBSH(8A1756-TBNH20025060)1756-0A1616120/240V 74-265V60 6.5W5A1756-TBCH300360)(60)(10-30V605.1W):24V:O NO F F(m A)10V31.2V10m A1756-T B S(0,1,2,91756-T B C H118m s)1756-I B16I1612/24V10-30V4m5W()/(0,1,2,91756-T B S6H(0,1,2,930-60V4m s5.2W7m A2m A1756-T(0,1,2,94.5-5.5V0.25m s4.1m A1756-T B18m s)0.8m A1756-T B 1756-I H16I16125V90-146V6m s1m A)(0,1,2,910V30V1.5m A1756-T B30V10V1.5m 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in)1756-TBCH1492-ACABLExUC922 AWG 6.8 mm (0.27 in)1756-TBCH1492-ACABLExVA2022 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBNH1492-ACABLExVB2022 AWG8.4 mm (0.33 in)1756-TBNH1492-ACABLExWA922 AWG 6.8 mm (0.27 in)1756-TBNH* 2.5m x005=0.5m, 010=1.0m, 025=2.5m,050=5mI/OI/O22x)221492-TPMA1008Allen-Bradley, Brad Harrison (Daniel Woodhead),10Crouse-Hinds125.0m010=1.0m10 ),12 ),10 ),12 ),10 ),12 ),10 ),12 ),10=10m/I/O)ControlLogix••ControlNet Ethernet/IPEthernet/IP AA24I/ORPI200750RPI)RPIRPI RPIRPIEthernet/IPControlNet(spot)RPI(RPI)RTSRTSRPI RPIRPIEthernet/IPControlNet(spot)RPII/OI/O25LogixRSLogix 5000,• KinetixKinetix• Logix•DeviceNet2:•(1756-M02AE26SERCOS)• 1756-M08SE (8•*Ethernet/IP: ControlNet: DeviceNet:1398 ULTRA 100*278-(1756-M16SE)SERCOSControlLogix)SERCOSSERCOSSERCOS• 2094 Kinetix 6000(mA):::1756-M08SE8325.0W900 mA2.5 mA8 MbitsULCCESERCOSKinetix 600028SERCOS*1000?m2090-SCVPx-x()•(Chlorinated Polyethylene)(Polyvinyl Chloride)•1-200* x-x0.3m, 1-05m, 8-015m, 20-032m1-08m, 10-020m, 25-050m, 100-0200mF-SMA1756-M02AE ControlLogix• 1394C• 1398 ULTRA 100/200ControlLogix24V(mA)1756-M02AE232 5.5W700 mA 2.5 mA1756-TBCH1756-TBS6H* UL C CE((1756-TBE)301m3m9m15m30m1756-M02AE Ultra3000:1756-M02AE13941394-CCAExxxx = 01030815:1756-M02AE13981398-CCAE xxxx = 0103081531 1756-HYD0221756-HYD021756-HYD02ControlLogix/1756-TBS6H12B)RSLogix 5000PCLDT+/-15V321756-HYD02• Temposonics II: RPMGYRG• Gemco Quick-Stick II: 951 VPPWM Gemco Quick-Stick II 951 VPB-BLKK-GRYJ-PUR1757-HYD02RPMBTL-2-M2Santest GYRP+/- 15V33NetLinxControlNetInternet3NetLinx34(1756-ENBT•••• 1756-DNB•••I/OI/OFieldbus•1756-MVI, -MVIDDH-485SynchLink1756-SYNCH• 1756-DMxx•1756AMXN1203-CN1MSG35EtherNet)EtherNet/IPEtherNet/IP*SLC 5/05I/OI/OEtherNet/IP• ControlLogix• FlexLogixEthernet+RS-232EtherNet/IP361756-ENBT EtherNet/IP: 5V(mA):Mbps 3.65W70031756-ENBT 10/100• 64• 128(I/O)•CSA(A D FMPanelViewDH+EthernetPowermonitor 3000 master37ControlNet:24V:)5 Mbps)• 1786-TPYR (Y-)• 1786-TPYS (Y-12B)C-TickControlNet1784-KTCxControlNet1788-CNCR1788-CN2DN38ControlNetControlNetD,ControlLogixControlNet1756 I/OControlLoigxControlLogix1757-SRM1757-SRCxControlLogix•D 1756-CNBControlNet1757-SRM1756-CNB: 3.3V24V:30VCSA(A D FM1756-DNB DeviceNet: 5V,)• 500 Kbps,)• 1485C-P1-C300(,300,)• 1485C-P1-A150(150)1485A-C2:• 1485P-P2T5-T5 (2)• 1485P-P4T5-T5 (4)• 1485P-P8T5-T5 (8)UL C CE1771-SDNPLC-51756-DHRIO DH+I/ODH+I/OI/OI/O:5V321770-CD4.58502I/O16150Ω12):++1756-+Foundation Fieldbus FoundationFieldbusFieldbus H1::ControlNet924V270mAH16UL C CE1756-CNBControlLogixFieldbusDF1DF1DF1DF11756-CP312481756-MVI, -MVID::5V(mA):1756-MVI PRT1 RS-23234W8003PRT2 RS-232, RS-422, RS-4851756-MVID PRT3 RS-232, RS-422, RS-485(1756-MVI RJ45)DB-9UL C CELogixDH-48511747-CP31761-CBL-PM02mini-DIN 8 RS-2321761-CBL-PM02121747-CP3SLC 5/031756-SYNCH SynchLink•::5V)200/230 micron 6.19W120031403-CFxxx1mUL C CE*xxx257(1751-SLBPControlLogix1756-DMF30SF3000 Regen*1756-DM24V(mA)1403-CF xxx2563001756-DMxx820 nM ()10Mbps62.5/125 micron1SC+112B)250001,003,010PMIPMI1756-DMControlLogixPMIAllen-Bradley DriveLogix LogixPowerFlex 7005V20D)200/230 micron 6.19W1200mA3mA(HCS)VersaLink V-system(1)5Mbaud,112B)I/OI/O56AMXN ControlLogixAutoMaxDCSNetI/O0.256AMXN• 321)•• 25056AMXN DCS(612574-36R, 39-(M/N 57C380, BNC)REDCS RG-11/U.12B)。