Chapter 3 Inquiry


商务英语写作 inquiry

商务英语写作 inquiry
marketable adj. 适销对路的,可销的 The goods are not marketable in our area at the price you quoted.
place v. 发出,置于,售出
If the quality of your goods is good and the price is acceptable to us, we will place a large order with you .
请为我们报一千件皮夹克的最优惠的大连船上交货价 (离岸价)。
market n. 市场,行市 come to the market 上市 find a good (poor) market 畅销(滞销) in the market for 要购买 They are in the market for table-cloth and pillowcases. 他们要购买桌布和枕头套。 Please keep us informed of the supply and demand position in your market. 请随时告知我们你处市场的供求状况。 The market is strengthening. 行情在上涨。
We have to compete with a lot of suppliers for European market.
我们要与很多供货商竞争欧洲市场。 competition n. 竞争 Those who can make their goods fit for customers’ needs will survive in the competition. 那些产品适合消费者需要的企业才能在竞争中生存。



工程施工询价文件Engineering n Inquiry Document Standard Template)Project Management DepartmentDateTable of ContentsChapter 1: n to Quote1.n to Quote2.Supplier nChapter 3: Inquiry Plan1.n2.General Range of Qualified Suppliers3.Requirements for Quote Documents4.ns for Filling in the Quote Content5.Validity d of Quote6.n of Quote Documents7.Quote Document Review8.Contract SigningChapter 4: Quote Book Format1.Quote Letter2.Quote List3.Authorized Power of Attorney for Legal Representative4.n MaterialsChapter 5: Contract DocumentsChapter 6: AppendicesChapter 1: n to Quoten to Quote:Our company is conducting material procurement through inquiry。

and we would like to inform you of the relevant matters as follows:I。

Procurement Project Content1.Project Name:2.Procurement Content:3.Product Quality and Technical Parameter Requirements:II。












A .禁食B.胃肠减压C.肌注阿托品D.静滴甲氰咪胍E.吸氧F.输液正确答案:A, B, C, D, E, F4、单选关于急性胰腺炎腹痛机制的论述错误的是()。









商务英语写作课件3 Inquiries

商务英语写作课件3 Inquiries

The second part is usually an explanation that includes the reasons for the request or provides additional helpful background information:
1) My current lighting system is nearly ten years' old, and I think it is time to change. I would like to go for something quite inventive.
Thank you
Jerry Wales Sales Manager
Dear Sirs, Your ads in Good Business magazine have attracted our attention, and we
will appreciate your answers to the following questions: What is the price of each Quiktyper? How long does it take an average typist to learn to operate this machine? According to the estimation of your experts, how much money can a
3) Our company has developed a new skill for printing high-quality booklets. It produces excellent results. However, it requires a much heavier bond paper than we are presently able to obtain.



目录Chapter 1 建立贸易关系1. 请求建立贸易关系 Request for Establishing Business Relations2. 回复请求建立业务关系 Reply to the Request for Establishing Business Relations3. 索取产品资料 Request for Product Literature4. 回复索取产品资料 Reply to the Request for Product Literature5. 邀请会面 Invitation to the Business Appointment6. 接受会面邀请 Accepting the Invitation to the Business Appointment7. 谢绝会面邀请 Declining the Invitation to the Business Appointment8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the MeetingChapter 2 推销9. 向特定客户推销 Sales Letter to Specific Customers10. 向不特定客户推销 Sales Circular to Non-Specific Customers11. 寄信给老客户 Sales Letter to Old Customers12. 寄信给新客户 Sales Letter to New Customers13. 推销新产品 Sales Letter for Promotion of New Products14. 推销劳务 Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor ServicesChapter 3 询盘和订货15. 一般询盘 General Inquiry16. 回复一般询盘 Reply to the General Inquiry17. 具体询盘 Specific Inquiry18. 报虚盘 Making a Non-Firm Offer19. 报实盘 Making a Firm Offer20. 买方还盘 Making a Counter Offer21. 卖方返还盘 Making a Counter-Counter Offer22. 下订单 Placing an Order23. 接受订单 Accepting an Order24. 拒绝订单 Declining an Order25. 下续订单 Placing a Repeat Order26. 推荐替代品 Offering a Substitute Product27. 接受替代品 Accepting a Substitute Product28. 拒绝替代品 Declining a Substitute Product29. 涨价通知 Notice for Price Increase30. 回复涨价通知 Reply to the Price Increase NoticeChapter4 付款31. 询问付款方式 Asking about Payment Terms32. 接受付款方式 Accepting Payment Terms33. 要求修改信用证 Request for Amendment to L/C34. 信用证修改 Amendment to L/C35. 付款通知 Payment Notice36. 收到付款通知 Receipt of Payment Notice37. 催促付款(初次)Urging Payment (First Notice)38. 催促付款(最后通告)Urging Payment (Last Notice)39. 索取发票 Asking for Invoice40. 寄送发票 Sending InvoiceChapter 5 包装和交货41. 包装要求 Packaging Requirements42. 回复包装要求 Reply to Packaging Requirements43. 装运时间 Time of Shipment44. 回复装运通知 Reply to Time of Shipment45. 催促装运 Urging Shipment46. 回复催促装运 Reply to Urging Shipment47. 出货通知 Shipment Advice48. 货物抵达通知 Goods Arrival NoticeChapter 6 投诉和致歉49. 投诉货物未寄达 Complaint about Goods Arrival Failure50. 对货物未寄达致歉 Apology for Goods Arrival Failure51. 出货延迟 Late Delivery52. 对出货延迟致歉 Apology for Late Delivery53. 投诉货物质量 Complaint about Poor Quality of Goods54. 对货物质量不佳致歉 Apology for Poor Quality of Goods55. 投诉货物数量 Complaint about Wrong Quantity of Goods56. 为数量错误致歉 Apology for Wrong Quantity of Goods57. 投诉发货出错 Complaint about Receiving Wrong Goods58. 为发货有误致歉 Apology for Sending Wrong Goods59. 抱怨包装不良 Complaint about Poor Packaging60. 为包装不良致歉 Apology for Poor Packaging61. 付款出错 Payment Error62. 为付款出错致歉 Apology for Payment Error63. 对服务的不满 Service Dissatisfaction64. 对服务不满致歉 Apology for Customer Service DissatisfactionChapter 7 商务交往65. 请求筹备出差 Request for Preparing for a Business Trip66. 回复请求筹备出差 Reply to the Request for preparing for a Business Trip67. 确认预定行程 Confirming Itinerary Reservation68. 出差后的感谢 Thanks for a Business Trip69. 活动通知 Activity Notice70. 集会通知 Gathering Notice71. 邀请担任演讲者 Inviting Speaker72. 回复演讲邀请 Reply to the Invitation for Speaker73. 展销会通知 Trade Fair Notice74. 回复邀请 Reply to the Trade Fair Invitation75. 请求帮忙做问卷调查 Request for Filling Out Questionnaire76. 请求转载许可 Request for Reproduction PermissionChapter 8 公司人事77. 人事查询 Personnel Enquiry78. 找寻人才 Looking for Qualified Personnel79. 晋升公告 Promotion Announcement80. 调动通知 Transfer Notice81. 褒奖员工 Complimenting EmployeesChapter 9 公司内部82. 会议通知 Meeting Notice83. 例行报告 Routine Report84. 问题报告 Problem Report85. 提案 Proposal86. 回复提案 Reply to Proposal87. 说服对方 Convincing the Other Side88. 给予指示 Giving Instructions89. 新产品说明 New Product DescriptionChapter 10 社交信函90. 邀请与约见函 Invitation and Appointment Letter91. 回复邀请 Reply to Invitation92. 祝贺函 Letter of Congratulation93. 慰问函 Letter of Sympathy94. 感谢函 Letter of Thanks95. 道歉函 Letter of Apology96. 通知函 Letter of Advice97. 鼓励函 Letter of Encouragement98. 探病函 Letter of Consoling the Sick99. 吊唁函 Letter of Condolence100. 节日问候 Seasons GreetingChapter 1 建立贸易关系1. 请求建立贸易关系 Request for Establishing Business RelationsWe have learned from ①(信息来源) that you are ②(公司性质) in ③(国名或地域名). We are glad that you are interested in ④(产品名称). So, we are willing to establish business relations with you. Attached please find ⑤(附件内容).We are ⑥(公司性质). We export ⑦(出口产品名称) to ⑧(出口产品目的地). If ⑨(对方条件),we ⑩(期待事宜).We look forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date.2. 回复请求建立贸易关系 Reply to the Request for Establishing Business RelationsThanks for your email to enter into business relations with us in ①(经营范围). We have read your ②(邮件附件内容).As you know, we are ③(重述本公司身份). We have a large ④(需求量大的产品名称) market here, so we are seeking new partners. If possible, we’d like to be ⑤(我方角色) in ⑥(国名或地域名).Should ⑦(对方提供的优惠), we’ll ⑧(订单种类).We look forward to your favorable reply.3. 索取资料 Request for Product LiteratureWe learn from ①(信息来源) that you are ②(供货商身份). We ③(关注产品途径) and became much interested in your ④(产品名称).We are ⑤(我方公司身份). As we are interested in doing business with you, we would like you to send us ⑥(邮寄方式) the detailed information about ⑦(欲购产品名称) to ⑧(邮寄地址). The demand for ⑨(产品类型) in our market is really great.Your immediate attention is highly appreciated.4. 回复索取产品资料 Reply to the Request for Product LiteratureWe are so glad that you are interested in ①(产品名称). Attached are ②(附件内容). As you requested in your email, we sent you our ③(索取资料) by ④(邮寄方式), which will tell you everything about our ⑤(产品名称).Although established in ⑥(公司成立时间), we are developing very fast. We pay great attention to ⑦(特别关注之处). We have introduced advanced production equipment from ⑧(国名或地域名). We now export our products to ⑨(出口产品目的地). ⑩(产品畅销国国名或地名) is our largest market. ○ (某一特定产品系列) is a bestseller. We look forward to your trial order.v1.0 可编辑可修改5. 邀请会面 Invitation to the Business AppointmentI’d like to invite you for a meeting with ①(我公司会面人职务和姓名) if you feel convenient.As ②(会议名称) will be held in ③(会议地点) from ④(会议起始日) to ⑤(会议结束日), we think you ⑥(对方可能采取的行动). If you come, we would like to invite you for a meeting with ⑦(我公司会面人)at ⑧(会面地点), on ⑨(双方会面日) to discuss ⑩(双方会面商讨事宜). ○ (我公司会面人) wishes to have an opportunity for a meeting with you.We look forward to receiving a positive reply from you.6. 接受邀请会面 Accepting the Invitation to the Business AppointmentI’m glad that you will arrange a meeting between ①(对方会面人职务和姓名) and me on the day before the opening of ②(会议名称) to ③(会面事宜).As a matter of fact, we had had the intention to meet ④(对方会面人职务) during ⑤(会议名称) before we got your email. We cherish the opportunity ⑥(我方珍惜之事), and are pleased to have a chance to ⑦(有机会之事).We look forward to seeing you in Dongguan.7. 谢绝会面邀请 Declining the Invitation to the Business AppointmentThank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日), inviting me to have a meeting with ②(对方会面人职位) on ③(对方建议的会面日) before the opening of ④(会议名称) at ⑤(会面地点).I’m sorry to say that we are unable to go to ⑥(会议名称), when we ⑦(拒绝会面原因). That’s why I can’t go and meet ⑧(对方会面人职位).We hope that you will understand our situation. We wish to meet sometime in the near future to ⑨(会面目的).8. 要求更改会面时间及地点 Request for Changing the Time & Place of the MeetingThank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日), inviting me to have a meeting with ②(对方会面人职位) on ③(对方建议的会面日) before the opening of ④(会议名称) at ⑤(会面地点).We’d like to have the meeting on ⑥(我方提出的会面时间) at ⑦(我方提出的会面地点). It will be much more convenient to us if you agree to the date and place we have suggested.Your favorable reply would be highly appreciated.Chapter 2 推销9. 向特定客户推销 Sales Letter to Specific CustomersI would like to tell you that we have got the ①(产品名称) you inquired about ②(对方询盘时间). Attached are ③(附件名称), which will give you all details for placing an order.④(产品名称) we’ve got are ⑤(产品优势). They are really ⑥(欲推销产品引以为傲之处). They are at least as good as, if not better than, ⑦(与同类产品一样好), but prices are ⑧(价格情况).We expect your feedback before the end of this month.10. 向不特定客户推销 Sales Circular to Non-Specific CustomersWe are willing to seek partners for ①(出口产品类型).We are ②(我公司注册地点),specializing all kinds of ③(产品种类). They are bestsellers both at home and abroad. We’ve now made some researches on ④(新研制产品名称), which we are able to provide regularly.If you are interested, please contact me at ⑤(电话联系方式). For more related information, you can ⑥(获知信息途径). Maybe we will make arrangements for a meeting to discuss details concerning ⑦(商讨事宜).11. 寄信给老客户 Sales Letter to Old CustomersIt’s been ①(有业务往来持续时间) since we executed your last order. Recently, we got in large quantities of ②(新产品名称). Attached please find ③(附件名称).I’d like to inform you that, we are ④(优惠措施) on certain items, including ⑤(对方感兴趣产品名称). Would you have a look at the attached catalogue If you wish to order large quantities, ⑥(联系方式) me. We will try to work out terms and conditions to our mutual benefit.We look forward to our continued mutually-profitable business relationship. We expect ⑦(期待事宜).12. 寄信给新客户 Sales Letter to New CustomersWe are glad to learn, from ①(信息来源), that you are interested in ②(产品名称).We ③(经营情况). Attached please find ④(附件名称).⑤(欲知详细信息), please ⑥(查询方式).We look forward to your trial order and assure you of our prompt attention.13. 推销新产品 Sales Letter for Promotion of New ProductsWe’re pleased to inform you that, with years of research, we’ve introduced our new products ①(产品名称) to market. Much to our delight, they enjoy great popularity. As we guess you might be interested, we’ve sent you ②(邮寄方式) ③(邮寄样品种类及数量) for your trial use. A trial use will convince you of theirextraordinary functioning. For more information, please ④(查看信息途径). Attached please find ⑤(附件名称). We hope you’ll take this opportunity to ⑥(为双方利益起见). If you consider placing an order, we’ll grant you ⑦(优惠幅度).14. 推销劳务 Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor ServicesWe’re pleased to learn, from ①(信息来源),that you are in need of ②(某种职业工作人员). We advertised your job vacancies and attracted ③(申请人数) applicants, from whom we have chosen ④(人数) for your consideration. Attached are ⑤(附件名称).The candidates we have chosen are ⑥(身份). They all have ⑦(工作经历持续时间) experience, in a ⑧(工作单位). We have interviewed them with satisfactory results and offered them ⑨(提供事宜) as required.They are looking forward to your phone interviews. Contact us if ⑩(所需帮助事宜). We hope to have more cooperation in the future.Chapter3 询盘和订货15. 一般询盘 General InquiryWe are very much interested in importing ①(产品名称) from you since you are ②(对方身份). We would be grateful if you could let us have detailed information about ③(产品名称) and send us samples of your complete product range as well.We have been ④(我方身份) for ⑤(公司历史年限) and have ⑥(销售渠道). We are in great need of ⑦(产品名称) in our production. Our credit standing has been AAA rated since ⑧(起始年).If business terms are satisfactory, we’ll place regular orders with you.16. 回复一般询盘 Reply to the General InquiryWe are glad to learn that you are interested in our ①(产品名称). Attached please find ②(附件信息). As you requested, we have sent you samples of our complete range ③(邮寄方式).We are one of the ④(公司性质), specializing in ⑤(经营范围). All our products are manufactured ⑥(产品优势). We ⑦(公司优势). We will allow a ⑧(折扣幅度) discount for your orders. For ⑨(欲知信息), please ⑩(获知信息途径).We look forward to your trial order.17. 具体询盘 Specific InquiryWe are ①(公司性质). We have obtained your name and address from ②(信息来源) and we are very interested in ③(产品名称).We’d like to have an ④(产品数量) quotation of the said products, ⑤(价格术语).We’d like you to tell us about ⑥(其他欲知事项). If ⑦(下订单前提条件), we will place an order with you.We would await your reply.18. 报虚盘 Making a Non-Firm OfferWe thank you for your inquiry ①(对方询盘日),asking for ②(欲购产品数量) quotation of ③(欲购产品名称) made in ④(产品原产地). We are pleased to offer as follows: ⑤(报盘详细内容).The above offer is subject to our final confirmation. If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us know at an early date. We would be glad to offer any additional information you need.19. 报实盘 Making a Firm OfferThank you for your inquiry of ①(对方询盘日), asking for an ②(欲购产品数量) quotation of our ③(欲购产品名称). We are pleased to offer as follows: ④(报盘详细内容).The above offer is firm until ⑤(报价有效期限). If you think our offer is satisfactory, please let us know before ⑥(订单有效期限). You can be assured of our best service.20. 买方还盘 Making a Counter Offe rWe thank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日期), offering us ②(我方欲购产品名称及数量) made in ③(产品原产地) at ④(卖方报价).We regret to inform you that we can’t accept your offer as ⑤(还盘原因). For ⑥(继续保持合作的原因), we counter offer as follows, subject to your reply reaching us ⑦(有效期限): ⑧(我方还盘价). We are satisfied with other terms in your offer. We look forward to your favorable reply..21. 卖方返还盘 Making a Counter-Counter OfferReferring to your counter offer of ①(对方还盘邮件发送日期), asking for a cut down of the price from ②(我方报盘价) to ③(对方还盘价), we regret to tell you that it is difficult for us to accept your counter offer.The price we set in our offer is carefully calculated. As a matter of fact, we have had considerable business with many customers at ④(价格描述).Our ⑤(我方产品种类) sell well in their markets. As you know, our products are far superior in quality to ⑥(同类产品名称) provided by any other suppliers in the world. For long lasting trade relations between us, however, we decide to allow you ⑦(让利种类) if your order ⑧(订单价值).If you think our proposal acceptable, please place an order on or before May 31st.22. 下订单 Placing an OrderThank you for your timely reply of ①(对方邮件发送日期) to our inquiry about the ②(欲购产品名称). We are very satisfied with the trade terms you offer. The prices are acceptable. Therefore, we now email you our purchase order ③(订单编号) in the attached file.We will open ④(信用证种类) in your favor as soon as possible through ⑤(开户行), for the total value of ⑥(总价值) as stated in this order. Please inform us of the shipping date at least ⑦(提前通知装船天数) in advance after you receive our L/C. We look forward to your confirmation of the acceptance of our order.23. 接受订单 Accepting an OrderWe confirm our acceptance to your order ①(订单编号) you emailed us ②(对方邮件发送时间) for ③(订购产品名称). We welcome you as one of our customers.We are pleased to send you in the attached file the Sales Confirmation ④(销售确认书编号) for your e-signature. Please cosign it and return it to us for our file. And please open your L/C ⑤(开证时间). Shipment will be made upon our receipt of your L/C.Your cooperation is highly appreciated. We assure you of ⑥(我方承诺) and look forward to receiving ⑦(期盼对方继续订购) from you.24. 拒绝订单 Declining an OrderWe acknowledge receipt of your order ①(订单编号) you emailed us ②(对方邮件发送时间) for ③(订购产品名称), but regret to tell you that we are unable to take your order as ④(无法供货原因).⑤(无法供货的原因).We are indeed sorry for being unable to take your order. We sincerely hope that you will understand our situation and keep business relations with us in the future.25. 下续订单 Placing a Repeat OrderWe are pleased to inform you that the ①(产品名称) we ordered from you last time is very suitable for our market. Last shipment of ②(产品名称) sells well here. As we believe there is still a great demand for ③(产品名称) in our market, we are placing with you a repeat order ④(续订单编号) in the attached file for the same kinds and the same quantity of the said products at the same price and on the same trade terms as we did last time, provided ⑤(续订单特别要求). We hope you will ⑥(希望对方所做之事).We expect you to confirm our repeat order as soon as possible.26. 推荐替代品 Offering a Substitute ProductWe are pleased to learn from your email ①(对方发送邮件日期) that you intend to place with us an order for ②(欲订产品名称),but we regret to tell you that this model is already out ofproduction.We’d like to recommend to you our new model ③(替代产品型号), which is even more welcomed by ④(受谁欢迎). This new model is much better than the previous one, but the price is ⑤(替代品价格低廉程度) lower with ⑥(替代品“卖点”). Attached please find our latest catalogue and export price list so that you can know more about our new model or you can visit our web site:⑦(公司网站) to get more information you need.We expect you to place a trial order with us.27. 接受替代品 Accepting a Substitute ProductThank you very much for your recommendation. As this model is new to our market, we’d like to place a trial order with you for ①(替代品名称及数量), if you allow us ②(优惠种类及优惠额). Attached please find our Purchase Order ③(采购订单编号). We will open an ④(开立何种信用证) in your favor for the total value as stated in this order as soon as we get your confirmation. It is for keeping our long term trade relationship that we decide to place this trial order. We hope you will ⑤(希望对方所做之事) concerning this transaction.We look forward to your positive reply.28. 拒绝替代品 Declining a Substitute ProductWe have received your email recommending us the ①(替代品名称及数量) for lack of②(原欲购产品名称) we requested, but we are very sorry to say that we can’t accept③(替代品名称). ④(拒绝替代品的原因). ⑤(我方提出的解决办法). If you fail to deliver ⑥(原欲购产品名称及数量) on time, you have to pay us liquidated damages, that is, a ⑦(赔偿额度) of the total value of the delayed goods, for ⑧(延误期限). We hope you will give us a favorable reply as soon as possible.29. 涨价通知 Notice for Price IncreaseWe formally inform you that the price of ①(涨价产品名称) has increased by ②(价格上涨幅度) mainly owing to ③(涨价原因).④(对涨价原因做具体解释). We can’t but increase our export price by ⑤(价格上涨幅度). In fact, many companies have increased their price to that extent. However, for ⑥(提供原价的原因), we offer you the original price for your ⑦(最近的一次订单时间或订单编号) order. From⑧(涨价起始时间) , the price will go up by ⑨(价格上涨幅度).We hope you will ⑩(希望对方所做之事).30. 回复涨价通知 Reply to the Price Increase NoticeThank you for informing us the ①(涨价幅度) increase in the price of ②(涨价产品名称) due to ③(涨价原因).To tell you the truth, we have predicted the increase in the price of ④(涨价产品名称), but we didn’t expect the rise to be so high as ⑤(涨价幅度). We thank you for keeping the original price for our ⑥(最近的一次订单). Would you reconsider our later orders at the price of ⑦(略低于卖方涨价幅度的价格)Reconsider the price of the products and we’ll ⑧(我方将做之事).Chapter 4 付款31. 询问付款方式 Asking about Payment TermsWe are in receipt of your bid yesterday for ①(对方递盘主要内容).However, you didn’t mention specific payment terms.We’d like to tell you that we only accept payment by ②(信用证种类).Generally speaking,③(付款方式)is considered to be a reliable and safe method of payment in international trade. It protects the rights and interests of both of us. It is our usual case accept ④(信用证种类) when we do business internationally. We wonder whether you accept this kind of payment.Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.32. 接受付款方式 Accepting Payment TermsWe thank you for your email telling us about the payment terms, which we forgot to mention in ①(我方信函种类).We accept the payment terms you have offered, that is, we’ll make payment by ②(我方接受的信用证种类).It is true that ③(付款方式) is the safest way of payment and ④(信用证种类)is more favorable to you. Though it will add to our cost, we’ll do as you have asked us to. As we need to put a deposit in the bank amounting to the cost of the import, we need ⑤(所需时间)to arrange all the issues concerning the opening of ⑥(信用证种类).We’ll let you know once we have ⑦(信用证种类)opened.33. 要求修改信用证 Request for Amendment to L/CMany thanks for sending us your L/C ①(信用证编号) issued by ②(开证行名称).However, on checking its clauses we found with regret that your Letter of Credit has several mistakes. You are kindly requested to amend the above L/C as follows:③(信用证需修改之处).As soon as we confirm the above amendment, we shall proceed with ④(我方立即着手办理事宜)at once.A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.34. 信用证修改 Amendment to L/CThanks for the email asking us to make amendment to our L/C. As requested, the amendment to our L/C ①(信用证编号) has been made as follows:②(对信用证的具体修改内容).Shortly after receiving your email, we checked the details and found ③(信用证错误数量) in our L/C. We are really sorry ④(致歉原因).We have now instructed our bank ⑤(开证行名称) to make the amendment. The amendment advice will reach you soon. Please try your utmost to ⑥ (催促对方办理事宜)once you confirm our amendment. We expect to receive the first shipment at the date stated in the contract.35. 付款通知 Payment NoticeAs agreed, we are drawing on you for the value of ①(货物名称).The payment in arrears amount to ②(对方应付款额).To simplify the issues, we will ③(我方为简化过程所采取的措施). Please protect our draft on presentation.We shall appreciate your cooperation.36. 收到付款通知 Receipt of Payment NoticeWe are in receipt of your email about payment notice of ①(对方发送邮件时间)contents of which have had our due perusal. In view of ②(说明原因),we will ③(我方立即办理事宜)immediately. Supplementary to this email, we wish to say that the amount ④(货款金额)has already been ⑤(货款处理情况).Please accord this matter your close attention. If you haven’t received the payment of the goods, please keep us advised as far in advance as possible.37. 催促付款(初次) Urging Payment (First Notice)As required in the contract, which was settled by careful discussion of both parties, we wish to call your attention to the fact that we have got ①(已备货物) ready for some time.However, up till now, we haven’t had any news concerning your payment. Therefore, we kindly ask you to send us the payment as scheduled, so that we can execute your order ②(订单编号) within the contract time.We hope that you will ③(亟待对方解决事宜)as soon as possible.38. 催促付款(最后通告) Urging Payment (Last Notice)We wonder whether you have received our emails, asking you to send us payment for your order ①(订单编号).In spite of our repeated reminders, the payment still remains unsettled. We have emailed you asking for the speeding up of the payment over and over again. Frankly speaking, we have got a little bit uneasy at no arrival of your payment. It is your responsibility to pay the products in due time. Should you have financial difficulties, please let us know. This will be the last time for us to remind you that if you fail to send us payment by ②(付款最后期限),you will have to ③(未付款所导致的后果) accordingly.Please arrange payment as soon as possible so as to continue our cooperation.39. 索取发票 Asking for InvoiceWe are pleased to have received your high quality products on schedule.①(对收到的产品进行评论).We further know your good reputation, so we expect to continue our smooth cooperation.The only thing, however, we are feeling a little worried about is that we have received all the documents except the invoice. As a rule, we require commercial invoice in ② (发票复印数量). Please write our company name ③(公司名称) as the buyer with the amount of ④(发票面额). Our order number is ⑤(订单编号).Since it is important, please post them to us with the original invoice ⑥(邮寄方式). Thanks in advance for your immediate attention.40. 寄送发票 Sending InvoiceThanks for telling us the issues concerning the invoice of your order ①(订单编号).We have noted your instructions about the invoice and, as requested, have postedyou the ②(所寄票据) in ③(复印数量),together with the original one, by ④(快递公司名称),⑤(邮寄时间).The number of the mail by ⑥(快递公司名称) is:⑦(快递邮件编号).They will contact you by your mobile phone. We have sent you an e-copy in the attached file for your advance look. We look forward to our further cooperation in the future.Please acknowledge receipt of the invoice we sent you ⑧ (邮寄时间) once you get it.Chapter 5 包装和交货41. 包装要求 Packaging RequirementsWe appreciate your email asking about ①(对方邮件询问内容).As our products are easily damaged, it is quite necessary to pay special attention to packaging. Also please ②(对方需特别注意的事项).Frankly speaking, our packaging requirements are quite strict. The details are written in our packing instruction, which is attached. However, I’d like to emphasize the following four points:1. The packaging must be strong enough to withstand③(货物所能承受的内容).2. The products are to be wrapped in...before being packed in④(包装方式).3. The most important thing is to protect the goods⑤(货物需避免的因素).4. Any loss in transit is to be compensated by..pany.We believe you will give special care to the packaging to avoid any possible damage.42. 回复包装要求 Reply to Packaging RequirementsHaving received your email of ①(对方邮件主题),we immediately passed your opinions on packing to our ②(与包装问题直接相关的人).Recently, they have made a number of improvements in packaging. We will also take effective measures to satisfy yourpackaging requirement.We have prepared ③(已备的包装)so as to protect the goods against④(可能遭受的损失).And also, we give special care to the problem of ⑤(需特别注意的事项).In sum, we will reinforce packing in order to minimize the extent of any damage to the goods in transit.If you have any questions, please email me or call me.43. 装运时间 Time of ShipmentWe are pleased to inform you that we have shipped ①(货物批次) for your order ②(订单编号).Since your order is a large one, the goods are to be shipped in ③(货物批数) of ④(每批货物数量) with separate bills of lading according to our sales contract. The first shipment has already been loaded on board “⑤”(货轮名称),which is sailing for your port ⑥ (目的港名称),⑦(货轮启航时间) from ⑧(装货港名称).We believe that the goods will reach you in time to meet the needs of your market and that they will prove to be satisfactory to your customers.Please let us know the moment you have received the goods.44. 回复装运通知 Reply to Time of ShipmentMany thanks for your email telling us about ①(货物批次)for our order ②(订单编号).We really appreciate your timely arrangement.The punctual shipment will help us deal with other corresponding issues smoothly. We expect the goods to reach us in time so that we will be able to put them to market at a time ③(何种情形下).Thank you for your efforts and true cooperation. And we expect you to get the ④(货物另一批次) ready for shipment concerning our order ⑤(订单编号).As soon as we get the goods, we will email to let you know.45. 催促装运 Urging ShipmentWe regret to say that we have not heard anything from you about①(希望对方办理的事宜). As you know, our contract is for ② (合同规定的装运要求).We understand there must be some particular reasons for ③(对方未解决或未处理的事宜). However, we have the right to know detailed information. And we would like to cooperate with you to deal with this problem. Even if we did not know the reason,④(我方做出的何种让步).Please arrange the shipment as soon as possible and let us know ⑤(要对方告知的事宜).46. 回复催促装运 Reply to Urging ShipmentWe have already received your email of ①(对方邮件的日期).We feel sorry for the shipment delay, which was caused by ②(说明装运延迟的原因).It is our fault not letting you know the cause in time.In addition, because of ③(未能按时装运的另一个原因),we failed to make timely shipment. After communication with related officials, we now have settled the problem.The shipment of ④(产品名称和数量) under S/C ⑤(合同编号) will be arranged to go forth on board .⑥(货船名称).The ship will sail from⑦(出货港口名称) on or about ⑧(装运时间).We will email you immediately when the ship sets off.Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.47. 出货通知 Shipment AdviceWe are pleased to inform you that we have completed the shipment of ① (产品名称) in accordance with the stipulations set forth in ② (信用证编号). The ③(货船名称) has sailed from ④ (出货港口名称) on ⑤ (出港日期).We are attaching the following copies of shipping documents for your advance look:⑥(单据名称)⑦(票据编号).If you find any problem, please let us know as soon as possible.48. 货物抵达通知 Goods Arrival NoticeAfter ①(说明原因),the first batch has already arrived. Because of ②(具体装运安排的原因),we agree to ship the goods in ③(装运安排).We greatly appreciate it that the first batch has reached us in safety and in good condition. We expect to get ④(货物批次) by⑤(期望货物到达的日期).There is one thing we need to mention, that is, it is no matter ⑥(我方特别强调的事宜)as long as they arrive here in time as required.We look forward to ⑦(货物批次) .Chapter6 投诉和致歉49. 投诉货物未寄达 Complaint about Goods Arrival FailureFor the non-arrival of the goods, we are most reluctant to complain, but we must draw your attention to this matter.According to the contract, the goods should arrive at the port ① (港口名称) on ② (货物寄达日期).However, even till today ③(发送邮件当天日期),we still have not had any news about the arrival of the products. Moreover, we have not received any information from you for explanation. Please carefully check every step of the ④(需核查内容)in order to find the exact causes.。

Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies

Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies

• • General enquiry 一般询盘 Specific enquiry 具体询盘
General enquiry 一般询盘 这种询价并不一定立即接触具体交易,一般属 摸底性质,通常是买方向卖方询问产品的一般信 息。其内容包括:1)请寄某种商品的样品、目 录及价格表;2)探寻某种商品的品质、价格、 数量、交货期等。 Specific enquiry 具体询盘 请求对方报盘,也就是说,买方已经准备购买某 种或某几种商品,或已有现成买主,请卖方就这 一商品报价。
Price: 如果跟对方谈价格,表示出优惠时, 一般会用到以下的几 种表达法: competitive(竞争的) suitable/reasonable/in line(合适的) favourable(优惠的) workable(可行的) realistic( 实在的)
• 4. representative [repri'zentətiv] • n. 代表, 众议员, 典型 • That representative brought forth an amendment to the press law.
Inquiries and Replies
Chapter Three
Objectives 通过本章的学习,大家需掌握:
Definition of an enquiry: An enquiry is a request for information. In the international business, the importer may send an enquiry to an exporter, inviting a quotation and or an offer for the goods he wishes to buy or simply asking for some general information about these goods.



商务英语写作Chapter 1 Parts and Formats of Busniess Letters 商务书信写作组成部分及其格式Structure of Business LettersThere are 13 parts of the Business Letter as follows:(1) Letterhead(2) Reference and Date(3) Inside Address(4) Attention Line(5) Salutation(6) Subject Line(7) Body①Opening or Introduction; ②Details; ③Response or Action; ④Close(8) Complimentary Close(9) Signature(10) I nitials(11) Enclosure(12) C arbon Copy(13) P ostscriptChapter 2 Sales Letters建立业务关系信函地内容一般包括以下几点:怎样得知对方公司地名称和地址Means of knowing the targeted company.阐述写信地目地The purpose of writing介绍公司及产品地基本情况Introduction to your company and products.表明建立业务关系地愿望并希早日回复.Express your hope to cooperate with thecompany and to have an early reply.The heart of most business is sales—selling a product or service. Much of a company's sales effort is accomplished through the writing of effective sales letters. The suggested plan for a sales letter includes the following elements:1.An opening attracting the reader's attention.2.A section capturing the reader's interest in the product or service you are selling.3.A section fueling the reader's desire and conviction.4.A courteous, action-oriented closing.Chapter 3 InquiriesⅠ. InquiryInquiry is the first step in business negotiations and is the beginning of negotiating the import trade. The inquiry letter is written by the importer to the exporter for grasping the detailed information on specific commodities, especially on prices and the trade terms. The inquiry letters must be written directly and concretely.The procedures and principles in writing an inquiry letter(1) T ell your receiver the source of the information you have got for making inquiry at the beginning of the letter.(2) I ntroduce your identification and the products you are engaged in.(3) T ell them concretely the contents you want to know and ask them to send you catalogue, price list, samples, etc.(4) W rite the inquiring letter politely, briefly and concretely. But there is no need for excessive politeness. Words and phrases价格price 合理地价格reasonable price具有竞争力地价格competitive price 优惠地价格favorable price单价unit price 总值total value金额amount 佣金commission净价net price 折扣discount批发价wholesale price 零售价retail price现行价格(时价)current / prevailing price 国际市场价格world (International) market price Chapter 4 Reply to InquiriesReply to InquiriesLetters of reply to inquiries are messages that provide the reader with information about products or services. The reply may be a positive or a negative one.Positive ReplyA favorable reply to a letter of inquiry about a product or service must be accurate and comprehensive.The response to a letter of inquiry should be timely, certainly within a few days.The suggested plan for a positive reply to an inquiry about a product or service includes the following elements:1.Show your appreciation of the inquiry.2.Provide all the required information and, if necessary, additional details of interest to the reader.3.Include a sales appeal, stressing the competitiveness of the product or service in quality, price or other terms and conditions.4.End courteously. When appropriate, suggest the action you would like the reader to take.Negative ReplyWhen you decide that a negative reply is inevitable, you need to make the best of the situation by giving a courteous explanation of the facts and reasons to maintain a positive customer relationship.A suggested plan for preparing a negative response to an inquiry, using the indirectapproach, includes the following elements:1)A neutral or buffered opening that helps neutralize the situation.2)A review of the facts and an analysis of the reasons necessitating the refusal.3)A statement of refusal (and counteroffer if appropriate).4)A courteous closing with, if appropriate, action orientation.Chapter 5 Offers and Counter ProposalsOffer LettersOffer is the price of making transaction of a certain product offered by the exporter according to some given trading terms. The person making the offer is called “offeror”, while the person receiving the offer is called “offeree”.Firm Offer (P51,Case Study)实盘,确盘(不能还价,而且有时间限制)Non-firm Offer (P53, Example 2)虚盘(可以还价)Non-firm Offer虚盘是发盘人做出地非正式报盘,没有有效期限,但常常注明其确认地条件,如:subject to our final confirmation以我方最后确认为准E.g. We are now making you an offer subject to our final confirmation.现报盘,以我方最后确认为有效.without engagement此报盘无约束力We are now making you the following offer without engagement.现报盘如下,此报盘无约束力.subject to the goods being unsold以货物未被售出为准We are now making you a special offer subject to the goods being unsold.我方向你方报特惠盘,以货物未被售出为准.subject to prior sale以先售为准We are now making an offer for air-conditioners as follows, subject to prior sale.我方现报空调盘如下,以先售为准.Counter-offerCounter-offer is the response or reply of the offeree to the offeror during negotiations for signing the contract. There are 2 kinds of replies, one of which is favourable for its showing the offeree’s acceptance, and the other is unfavorable for its showing the acceptance of the offeree together with the suggestions of some additions, restrictions or amendments. The latter kind of reply is called counter-offer.The counter-offer letter(1) Expressing thankfulness to the offeror.(2) Expressing regretfulness to the offeror for not being able to accept the offer.(3) Indicating the reason for not accepting the offer.(4) Making counter-offer.(5) Urging the offeror to accept your counter-offer.Chapter 6 Orders and SuppliesThe General Procedures of Transaction NegotiatingsAfter carrying out some procedures of transaction negotiatings in import and export trade, such as inquiry, offer, counter offer,etc., and after reaching to the acceptance of both sides, the Contract or Sales Confirmation or Purchase Confirmation may be signed.Placing Orders1. The use of the ordering letters(1) The letter for ordering single commodity is written in letter writing style.(2) The order for many kinds of commodities is made by the listing style.(3) If there is any ready-made order sheet, fill it in a rather perfect way.(4) If there is any ready-made unfilled Purchase Confirmation, fill it as well in a perfect way.Content of OrdersOrders placed by letter should include an accurate and full description of goods required; catalogue numbers; quantities; prices; delivery requirements (e.g. date of delivery, mode of transport, and whether carriage paid or carriage forward); the agreed terms of payment. If the order is for more than two items, these should be numbered so as to lessen the chance of items being overlooked. Orders through telephone should be confirmed in writing.How to answer an orderExpress your thanks for the order and make an acknowledgement about the orderAdd a favorable comment on the goods orderedGive your reference numberRestate the contents of the orderAdditional Infor. to the other products likely to be interesting to the buyerChapter 7 Letters Concerning ShipmentKinds of Transportation in International TradeOcean Marine transportation, rail transportation, air transportation, highway transportation, river transportation, postal transportation, etc. The Ocean Marine Transportation has won its advantages of large holding capacity and low freight, so in spite of its disadvantages of slow navigation speed and strong risks, it still makes up over two-thirds of the total freight volume of the transportation in international trade.Three parties involved in the movement of the goodsthe consigner(发货人) —who sends the goods;the carrier(承运人)—who carries them;the consignee(收货人)—who receives them at the destination.Advice of Goods Ready for DispatchCase Study (Page 86)The structure of an advice of goods ready for dispatch is as follows:1.At the beginning, the seller informs the buyer that the goods ordered have been ready for shipment.2.The seller then details the arrangements for shipment.stly,the seller expresses his wishes.Shipping InstructionsCase Study (Page 87)Shipping instructions are sent by the buyer to the seller and usually include the following three parts:1.The buyer tells the seller that the relevant L/C has been established.2.The buyer then puts forward some instructions concerning the date of shipment, name of the vessel, or the quality of the products, and so on.3.In the last part, the buyer expresses good wishes or shows that he is expecting the shipping advice. Shipping AdviceIn international trade the buyer sometimes sends the shipping instructions (including shipping requirements) to the seller. Sometimes the buyer will write to the seller for informing the seller of effecting shipment in time in case of shipment delay.After the shipment of the goods, the seller will send the buyer the Shipping Advice to inform the buyer the related shipment details, the contents of which are as follows:(1) T he date of shipment(2) T he shipped goods(3) T he way of shipmentShipping Documents may includes: 装运单据应包括commercial invoice 商业发票packing list 装箱单weight memo 重量单;磅码单certificate of origin 原产地证明certificate of inspection 检验证明bill of lading 提单insurance policy 保险单Urging ShipmentCase Study (Page 92)In this kind of letter, the buyer should:1.Draw the attention of the seller that the ordered goods have not been received yet or no news has been heard about shipment.2.Reiterate the importance of punctual delivery and the possible loss a delayed delivery of the goods may entail.3.Urge the shipment of the goods in a tactful way.部分常用地出口包装容器:Bag 袋;包Carton 纸板箱Box 盒;箱Crate 板条箱Polybag 塑料袋Cask 木桶Keg 小圆桶Drum 铁皮圆桶Bale 包;布包Bundle 捆Case 箱Wooden case 木箱Sack /Gunny bag 麻袋Can 听,罐头Tin 听,罐头Barrel 琵琶桶Chapter 8 Letters about L/C PaymentTerms of payment frequently used (支付方式)L/C ---confirmed, irrevocable L/CT/T (telegraphic transfer)电汇是汇款人将一定款项交存汇款银行,汇款银行通过电报或电传给目地地地分行或代理行(汇入行),指示汇入行向收款人支付一定金额地一种汇款方式.【也就是一般先付30%地定金,货收到之后再付剩下地.】M/T (mail transfer)信汇是指汇款人向当地银行交付本国货币,由银行开具付款委托书,用航空邮寄交国外分行或代理行,办理付出外汇业务. 【简单地说就是买方委托银行开付款委托书】Language pointsL/C 常用搭配covering/regarding+goodsfor the amount of+ amountin one’s favor+beneficiaryfor one’s account+ payerwith/through+ issuing bankThe Procedures of Payment Effecting by L/C 信用证地支付流程(1) T he importer applies to its local bank for opening an L/C.进口商向其当地银行申请开立信用证.(2) The opening bank of the importer opens the L/C.进口商开证行开证.(3) The opening bank sends its L/C to the advising bank entrusted by the exporter and the advising bank sends its L/C information to the exporter.开证行将信用证寄给出口商委托地通知行,通知行将信用证通知递交出口商.(4) The exporter checks the L/C. If there are any errors or any terms which the exporter can not accept, thenasking the opening bank to amend the L/C is necessary. If the contents of the L/C are in conformity with the requirements, the exporter should effect shipment, prepare the draft and send the draft together with all of the shipping documents to the advising bank for negotiating.出口商收到信用证后进行审查,如有错误或信用证内某些条款不能接受,应及时要求开证行修改.如信用证地内容符合要求,就完成装运,取得运输单据,制作汇票,并将运输单据及汇票递交通知行要求议付.(5) The advising bank sends the draft and the shipping documents to the opening bank for its effecting payment.通知行将汇票和装运单据寄给开证行要求支付.(6) The opening bank sends the draft and the shipping documents to the importer.开证行递交汇票及装运单据给进口商.(7) The opening bank remits the money for goods to the advising bank. At this time the opening bank is also called the paying bank.开证行把货款汇给通知行(此时开证行也叫付款行).(8) The advising bank transmits the money for goods to the exporter.通知行将货款转给出口商.The Classification and the Kinds of L/C s1. Classified according to the payment effecting time(1) The sight L/C 即期信用证(2) The usance L/C 远期信用证即期信用证:开证行或付款行在收到符合信用证条款地汇票或单据(不要求提交汇票)后立即履行付款义务.远期信用证:见单后若干天或者付款.交单日到指定付款日称有效期;时间越长对进口商(融资)越有利.2. Classified according to the Possibility of Revocating(1) The revocable L/C 可撤销信用证(2) The irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证---可撤销信用证是指开征行可以不经过受益人地同意,也不必事先通知出口商,在出口地银行议付之前,有权随时撤销信用证或修改信用证地内容.但是一般应通知原通知行;通知到达前若已经付款、承兑、议付,则开证行应承认并偿付.---不可撤销信用证是指信用证一经开出,开征行便承担了按照规定条件履行付款地义务,在信用证有效期内,除非得到信用证有关当事人地同意,开证行不能随便撤销或修改信用证地条款.其特点是:确定付款承诺;信用证地不可撤销性.3. Classified according to the necessity of being confirmed by another bank(1) Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证(2) Unconfirmed L/C 不保兑信用证---一家银行所开地信用证,经另一家银行保证,对符合信用证条款规定地单据履行付款,经过这样保兑地信用证叫保兑信用证.---未经另一家银行在信用证上加保兑地为不保兑信用证.4. Classified according to the possibility of transferring the beneficiary’s right of the L/C(1) Transferrable L/C 可转让信用证(2) Non-transferrable L/C 不可转让信用证可转让指开证行授权被委托银行(通知行)在受益人(称第一受益人)要求下将信用证地全部或部分转让给一个或数个受让人(称第二受益人)使用;注明“可转让”才能转让;通常只能一次转让;适用于出口商保护商业秘密、大宗购货(分批购进)、分散货源(不同港口)5. Classified according to the possibility of revolving(1) Revolving L/C 循环信用证(2) Non-revolving L/C 非循环信用证6. Classified according to the possibility of automatic revolving(1) Automatic revolving L/C 自动循环信用证(2) Non-automatic revolving L/C 非自动循环信用证7. Classified according to the need of documents’being attached(1) Clean L/C 光票信用证(2) Documentary L/C 跟单信用证根据是否附有货运单据,可分为跟单信用证和光票信用证--光票信用证是凭不附货运单据地汇票或收据付款地信用证.---跟单信用证是凭附带货运单据地汇票或仅凭单据付款地信用证.L/C Checking and L/C Amending信用证审核内容:1.信用证地种类及条款与合同一致.2.信用证中地两个主要当事人,即开证人和受益人地名称必须准确无误.3.信用证中地合同号码是否正确.4.信用证是否有效.5.信用证金额应与合同规定一致.6.付款是即期还是远期.7.信用证有效期、交单期及到期地点是否充裕.8.货物或商品地说明必须与合同一致.9.装运港及目地港必须与合同一致.10.有关保险地规定应与合同一致.11.信用证中是否存在其它不合理地要求.Chapter 9 Letters about Debt CollectionA series of collection letters usually proceed in such three stagesThe First Collection LetterThe Second Collection LetterThe Ultimatum Collection Letter .(red papers)The First Collection Letter:The first collection letter sent to the customer should be a gentle and friendly one. While writing the letter, assume that the customer probably has forgotten to make the payment, so be courteous and invite him/her to pay promptly.掌握写作要领1. Be courteous in your first collection letter.2. Be persuasive rather than threatening.3. Include the necessary details:The amount owed by the customer;The length of time the bill has been overdue; What specific action the customer should take4. Encourage prompt response and contact.The Second Collection Letter :After sending the normal number of reminders without success, you must write to emphasize the personal touch. Your purpose at this stage is to learn why payment hasn’t been made, and to ask for immediate payment.掌握写作要领1. Choose a firm tone for your letter.2. Remind the recipient of your previous collection letters.3. Remind the recipient of all the necessary details:The amount owed by the recipient;The length of time the bill has been overdue;The additional amount of late charge if there is any4. Tell the recipient what kind of legal action will be taken if the final collection effort fails.Chapter 10 Claim and Adjustment LettersInsurance Contract(保险合同)1.Definition(1)保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系地协议An insurance contract is an agreement whereby the insurance rights and obligations are specified and agreed by the applicant and the insurer.(2)投保人——the applicant 是指与保险人订立保险合同,并按照保险合同负有支付保险费义务地人. An applicant refers to the party who enters into an insurance contract with an insurer and is obligated to pay the premiums under the insurance contract.(3)保险人——the insurer是指与投保人订立保险合同,并承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任地保险公司. An insurer refers to the insurance company which enters into an insurance contract with an applicant and is obligated to make indemnity or payments of the insurance benefits.(4)被保险人——the insured被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权地人,投保人可以为被保险人.The insured refers to anyone whose property or person is protected by the insurance contract and who is entitled to claim for compensation. An applicant may be the insured.(5)保险目标——The subject matter 保险目标是指作为保险对象地财产及其有关利益或者人地寿命和身体.The subject matter of the insurance refers either to the property of the insured and related interests associated therewith, or to the life and the body of the insured, which is the object of the insurance.(6)保险事故——insured event 保险事故是指保险合同约定地保险责任范围内地事故.An insured event refers to an event falling within the scope of cover under the insurance contract.(7)保险金额——the insured sum 保险金额是指保险人承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任地最高限额.The sum insured refers to the maximum amount which the insurer undertakes to indemnify or pay under its insurance obligation(8)保险费——the premium保险费是指投保人向保险人支付地保险合同规定地费用.The premium refers to the charge that the applicant pays to the insurer as specified in the insurance contract.海洋运输货物保险地基本险(basic risks coverage)有三种.(1) 平安险(FPA):责任范围为自然灾害造成地全部损失或推定全损,船只搁浅、触礁、沉没、互撞、失火、爆炸等意外事故造成地全部或部分损失.Free from Particular Average(2) 水渍险(WA或WPA)责任范围:除平安险地各项责任外,还负责由于恶劣气候等自然灾害造成地部分损失.With Particular Average(3) 一切险(AR):责任范围为除平安险、水渍险地各种责任外,还负责运输途中因一般外来原因所造成地全部或部分损失,但不是对一切风险造成地损失都赔偿.All RisksGeneral Additional Insurance 一般附加险There are several additional insurances as follows:(1) Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery(TPND)偷窃提货不着险(2) Fresh Water and Rain Damage淡水雨淋险(3) Risk of Shortage短量险(4) Risk of Leakage渗漏险(5) Risk of Crash and Breakage碰撞、破碎险(6) Risk of Odor串味险(7) Hook Damage钩损险(8) Damage Caused by Sweating and Heating受潮、受热险(9) Breakage of Packing包装破裂险(10) R isk of Rust锈损险Notes:1). 办理保险:Arrange / cover / effect / provide / take out insurance2). Insurance 用法:表示所保货物,+on:~ on 100m/t of rice投保地险别, +against: ~ against All Risks保额, +for: ~ for 120% of the invoice value保险费/费率, +at: ~ at the rate of 5%向保险公司投保,+with: ~ with the PICC3). 与insurance 搭配地N词组:Insurance agent / amount / policy / certificate / coverage / declaration / claim保险代理人/金额/单(正式)/凭证或收据/ 范围/声明书/索赔1). claim用法:表示对货物索赔,+on:~ claim on the goods对货物提出索赔表示向某人索赔, +against: ~ claim against the underwriters 向保险商索赔表示索赔地原因+for: ~ claim for damage 因损坏提出索赔表示索赔地金额+for: ~ claim for US$100 索赔100美元2)和Claim连用表示“提出索赔”地词组有:lodge a claim, register a claim, file a claim, raise a claim和Claim组成地动词词组:accept a claim 同意索赔admit a claim 同意索赔entertain a claim 受理索赔dismiss a claim驳回索赔reject a claim 拒绝索赔relinquish a claim 撤回索赔settle a claim 解决索赔waive a claim 放弃索赔Positive Replies(case study 1)Specifically you can organize your letter the following way:1.Give the good news first or try to get in step with your reader, thanking him or her for his or her thoughtfulness or agreeing with one of the writer’s comments.2.Explain the mistake. Don’t blame employees; don’t promise it won’t happen again; don’t say it was bound to happen. Just give a detailed explanation of the mistake.3.Close the letter with a friendly note.Negative Replies (case study2)Here are some suggestions that may help you write adjustment letters:1.Begin by making a pleasant opening statement and show your customer that you understand his or her problem and that his or her claim has been carefully considered. Express your concern over the writer s troubles and your appreciation that he has written to you. In other words, begin with a buffer; don t state the refusal right away.2.Explain the reasons why the request cannot be granted in as cordial and noncombative manner as possible.3.Try to offer some partial or substitute compensation or offer some friendly advice (to take the sting out of the denial).4.Conclude the letter cordially, perhaps expressing confidence that you and the writer will continue doing business.。

国际商务英语-Inquiry, Quotation and Counter-offer

国际商务英语-Inquiry, Quotation and Counter-offer
advantages and disadvantages in business world.
Ⅰ. Inquiry
• Dear Sirs,
• Re: Inquiry about the Price of Cotton Embroidered Dresses
• Your Chinese textiles have won great popularity in the world, especially cotton embroidered dresses, for which there has always been active demand in Europe. We are now very glad to inform you that we are as well in the market for these commodities. We would very much appreciate it if you can make us your best offer on CIF London basis for XX dozen Cotton Embroidered Dresses. It is necessary to emphasize that the cloth you will use for making these dresses must be specially treated to prevent shrinkage and the color of the cloth must not fade.
International business English
Chapter 4 Inquiry, Quotation and Counter-offer

Chapter Two Inquiry

Chapter Two Inquiry

Chapter Two InquiryExercises:Ⅰ.Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.We are enclosing herewith an inquiry sheet.2.We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date.3.As soon as we have received your inquiry, we will immediately mail you the samples and offer you most favorable prices.4.If your quotation is competitive, we are ready to place orders of Men's Shirts.5.Please quote as requested in our inquiry sheet your lowest prices and state the earliest delivery date.6.If you are interested in our electronic products, please let us know with a specific inquiry.7.We are making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching here within five days.8.If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please cable us immediately for our confirmation.9.Please quote us CIF Vancouver including 3% commission.10.The above offer is subject to our final confirmation.Ⅱ.Translate the following sentences into English:1.如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。

chapter3_ 4

chapter3_ 4
Example letter 1
Our annual requirements for bathroom fittings are considerable, and we may be able to place substantial orders with you if your prices are competitive and your delivery is prompt. We are expecting your quotation. Yours faithfully, Tom Zhang
Chapter 3
Sales-related Inquiries and Replies
1 Sales-related Inquiries
SIBC 2013
What is an inquiry?
Letters seeking information fall into two broad categories: general inquiries and salesrelated inquiries. In international trade, inquiries are usually made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered.
Байду номын сангаас
Example letter 1
Dear Sirs,
Would you kindly send us details of your bathroom fittings which you advertised in Business Week October 11?


每单位葡萄酒对劳动力需求用aLW表示 (例如如果 aLW = 2, 那么
每单位奶酪对劳动力需求用 aLC表示 (例如如果 aLW = 1, 那么
经济的全部资源定义为 L, 全部劳动力供应 (例如如果 L = 120, 那么这个经济拥有120小时劳动,或者120个工
Qj L
a Lj
L Qj
英国: 毛呢的生产成本为100小时/匹,酒的生产成本为120小时/吨 法国: 毛呢的生产成本为110小时/匹,酒的生产成本为100小时/吨
经济的生产可能性边界(PPF)显示了生产某种产品(如 奶 酪),一定数量的资源能生产另一种产品(如 葡萄酒)的最 大数量 ,反之亦然. 或者表明这种经济状况下所能生产 的产品的混和数量.
下面的式子显示了本国的经济的 PPF :
换言之,在贸易不存在时,国内奶酪的相对价格比国外奶酪 的相对价格低。
图 3-2: 外国的生产可能性边界
外国葡萄 酒产量, Q*W(加仑)
L*/a*LW F*
+1 P*
外国奶酪产量, Q*C (磅)
如果没有国际贸易,各国奶酪对葡萄酒的相对价格 由各自的相对单位产品劳动投入决定。
同理,由于1/ aLW 是一个劳动小时所生产的葡萄酒产量,则PW / aLW 为葡萄酒行业一个小时生产的产值

商务函电Chapter 3

商务函电Chapter 3

similar expressions: note that , be informed that, get to know that, get information from…that e.g.从你处10月3日来信获悉这项业务属于你方经营范围。 We learn from your telegram of October 7 that the goods lie within the scope of your business.
10. Be in a position to do sth. 能够做某事 11. Competitive prices 竞争性的价格 12. Financial standing, business capacity and character 资金情况, 业务能力和信誉 13. Selling season 销售季节 14. Supply from stock 现货供应 15. In our favour 以我方为受益人 16. import licence 进口许可证 17. Proforma Invoice 形式发票 18. L/C at sight 即期信用证 Quote CIF London 报CIF伦敦价 20. Confirmed ,irrevocable L/C 保兑的,不可撤销的信用证
17、尺码 Size 18、存货 Stock 19、批发商 Wholesalers 20、零售商 Retailers 21、分销商 Distributors 22、毛利 Gross Profit 23、样式 Style 24、花样 pattern 定期订购 Place regular orders
1. learn from…that be given to understand…that 从…得知, 获悉 e.g. 从贵方6月21日信中得悉,贵方对我们的盒式磁带录音机感兴趣。 We learned from your letter of June 21 that you are interested in our tape recorder.



目录Chapter 1 建立贸易关系1. 请求建立贸易关系 Request for Establishing Business Relations2. 回复请求建立业务关系 Reply to the Request for Establishing Business Relations3. 索取产品资料 Request for Product Literature4. 回复索取产品资料 Reply to the Request for Product Literature5. 邀请会面 Invitation to the Business Appointment6. 接受会面邀请 Accepting the Invitation to the Business Appointment7. 谢绝会面邀请 Declining the Invitation to the Business Appointment8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the MeetingChapter 2 推销9. 向特定客户推销 Sales Letter to Specific Customers10. 向不特定客户推销 Sales Circular to Non-Specific Customers11. 寄信给老客户 Sales Letter to Old Customers12. 寄信给新客户 Sales Letter to New Customers13. 推销新产品 Sales Letter for Promotion of New Products14. 推销劳务 Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor ServicesChapter 3 询盘和订货15. 一般询盘 General Inquiry16. 回复一般询盘 Reply to the General Inquiry17. 具体询盘 Specific Inquiry18. 报虚盘 Making a Non-Firm Offer19. 报实盘 Making a Firm Offer20. 买方还盘 Making a Counter Offer21. 卖方返还盘 Making a Counter-Counter Offer22. 下订单 Placing an Order23. 接受订单 Accepting an Order24. 拒绝订单 Declining an Order25. 下续订单 Placing a Repeat Order26. 推荐替代品 Offering a Substitute Product27. 接受替代品 Accepting a Substitute Product28. 拒绝替代品 Declining a Substitute Product29. 涨价通知 Notice for Price Increase30. 回复涨价通知 Reply to the Price Increase NoticeChapter4 付款31. 询问付款方式 Asking about Payment Terms32. 接受付款方式 Accepting Payment Terms33. 要求修改信用证 Request for Amendment to L/C34. 信用证修改 Amendment to L/C35. 付款通知 Payment Notice36. 收到付款通知 Receipt of Payment Notice37. 催促付款(初次)Urging Payment (First Notice)38. 催促付款(最后通告)Urging Payment (Last Notice)39. 索取发票 Asking for Invoice40. 寄送发票 Sending InvoiceChapter 5 包装和交货41. 包装要求 Packaging Requirements42. 回复包装要求 Reply to Packaging Requirements43. 装运时间 Time of Shipment44. 回复装运通知 Reply to Time of Shipment45. 催促装运 Urging Shipment46. 回复催促装运 Reply to Urging Shipment47. 出货通知 Shipment Advice48. 货物抵达通知 Goods Arrival NoticeChapter 6 投诉和致歉49. 投诉货物未寄达 Complaint about Goods Arrival Failure50. 对货物未寄达致歉 Apology for Goods Arrival Failure51. 出货延迟 Late Delivery52. 对出货延迟致歉 Apology for Late Delivery53. 投诉货物质量 Complaint about Poor Quality of Goods54. 对货物质量不佳致歉 Apology for Poor Quality of Goods55. 投诉货物数量 Complaint about Wrong Quantity of Goods56. 为数量错误致歉 Apology for Wrong Quantity of Goods57. 投诉发货出错 Complaint about Receiving Wrong Goods58. 为发货有误致歉 Apology for Sending Wrong Goods59. 抱怨包装不良 Complaint about Poor Packaging60. 为包装不良致歉 Apology for Poor Packaging61. 付款出错 Payment Error62. 为付款出错致歉 Apology for Payment Error63. 对服务的不满 Service Dissatisfaction64. 对服务不满致歉 Apology for Customer Service DissatisfactionChapter 7 商务交往65. 请求筹备出差 Request for Preparing for a Business Trip66. 回复请求筹备出差 Reply to the Request for preparing for a Business Trip67. 确认预定行程 Confirming Itinerary Reservation68. 出差后的感谢 Thanks for a Business Trip69. 活动通知 Activity Notice70. 集会通知 Gathering Notice71. 邀请担任演讲者 Inviting Speaker72. 回复演讲邀请 Reply to the Invitation for Speaker73. 展销会通知 Trade Fair Notice74. 回复邀请 Reply to the Trade Fair Invitation75. 请求帮忙做问卷调查 Request for Filling Out Questionnaire76. 请求转载许可 Request for Reproduction PermissionChapter 8 公司人事77. 人事查询 Personnel Enquiry78. 找寻人才 Looking for Qualified Personnel79. 晋升公告 Promotion Announcement80. 调动通知 Transfer Notice81. 褒奖员工 Complimenting EmployeesChapter 9 公司内部82. 会议通知 Meeting Notice83. 例行报告 Routine Report84. 问题报告 Problem Report85. 提案 Proposal86. 回复提案 Reply to Proposal87. 说服对方 Convincing the Other Side88. 给予指示 Giving Instructions89. 新产品说明 New Product DescriptionChapter 10 社交信函90. 邀请与约见函 Invitation and Appointment Letter91. 回复邀请 Reply to Invitation92. 祝贺函 Letter of Congratulation93. 慰问函 Letter of Sympathy94. 感谢函 Letter of Thanks95. 道歉函 Letter of Apology96. 通知函 Letter of Advice97. 鼓励函 Letter of Encouragement98. 探病函 Letter of Consoling the Sick99. 吊唁函 Letter of Condolence100. 节日问候 Seasons GreetingChapter 1 建立贸易关系1. 请求建立贸易关系 Request for Establishing Business RelationsWe have learned from ①(信息来源) that you are ②(公司性质) in ③(国名或地域名). We are glad that you are interested in ④(产品名称). So, we are willing to establish business relations with you. Attached please find ⑤(附件内容).We are ⑥(公司性质). We export ⑦(出口产品名称) to ⑧(出口产品目的地). If ⑨(对方条件),we ⑩(期待事宜).We look forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date.2. 回复请求建立贸易关系 Reply to the Request for Establishing Business RelationsThanks for your email to enter into business relations with us in ①(经营范围). We have read your ②(邮件附件内容).As you know, we are ③(重述本公司身份). We have a large ④(需求量大的产品名称) market here, so we are seeking new partners. If possible, we’d like to be ⑤(我方角色) in ⑥(国名或地域名).Should ⑦(对方提供的优惠), we’ll ⑧(订单种类).We look forward to your favorable reply.3. 索取资料 Request for Product LiteratureWe learn from ①(信息来源) that you are ②(供货商身份). We ③(关注产品途径) and became much interested in your ④(产品名称).We are ⑤(我方公司身份). As we are interested in doing business with you, we would like you to send us ⑥(邮寄方式) the detailed information about ⑦(欲购产品名称) to ⑧(邮寄地址). The demand for ⑨(产品类型) in our market is really great.Your immediate attention is highly appreciated.4. 回复索取产品资料 Reply to the Request for Product LiteratureWe are so glad that you are interested in ①(产品名称). Attached are ②(附件内容). As you requested in your email, we sent you our ③(索取资料) by ④(邮寄方式), which will tell you everything about our ⑤(产品名称).Although established in ⑥(公司成立时间), we are developing very fast. We pay great attention to ⑦(特别关注之处). We have introduced advanced production equipment from ⑧(国名或地域名). We now export our products to ⑨(出口产品目的地). ⑩(产品畅销国国名或地名) is our largest market. ○11 (某一特定产品系列) is a bestseller. We look forward to your trial order.5. 邀请会面 Invitation to the Business AppointmentI’d like to invite you for a meeting with ①(我公司会面人职务和姓名) if you feel convenient.As ②(会议名称) will be held in ③(会议地点) from ④(会议起始日) to ⑤(会议结束日), we think you ⑥(对方可能采取的行动). If you come, we would like to invite you for a meeting with ⑦(我公司会面人)at ⑧(会面地点), on ⑨(双方会面日) to discuss ⑩(双方会面商讨事宜). ○11 (我公司会面人) wishes to have an opportunity for a meeting with you.We look forward to receiving a positive reply from you.6. 接受邀请会面 Accepting the Invitation to the Business AppointmentI’m glad that you will arrange a meeting between ①(对方会面人职务和姓名) and me on the day before the opening of ②(会议名称) to ③(会面事宜).As a matter of fact, we had had the intention to meet ④(对方会面人职务) during ⑤(会议名称) before we got your email. We cherish the opportunity ⑥(我方珍惜之事), and are pleased to have a chance to ⑦(有机会之事).We look forward to seeing you in Dongguan.7. 谢绝会面邀请 Declining the Invitation to the Business AppointmentThank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日), inviting me to have a meeting with ②(对方会面人职位) on ③(对方建议的会面日) before the opening of ④(会议名称) at ⑤(会面地点).I’m sorry to say that we are unable to go to ⑥(会议名称), when we ⑦(拒绝会面原因). That’s why I can’t go and meet ⑧(对方会面人职位).We hope that you will understand our situation. We wish to meet sometime in the near future to ⑨(会面目的).8. 要求更改会面时间及地点 Request for Changing the Time & Place of the MeetingThank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日), inviting me to have a meeting with ②(对方会面人职位) on ③(对方建议的会面日) before the opening of ④(会议名称) at ⑤(会面地点).We’d like to have the meeting on ⑥(我方提出的会面时间) at ⑦(我方提出的会面地点). It will be much more convenient to us if you agree to the date and place we have suggested.Your favorable reply would be highly appreciated.Chapter 2 推销9. 向特定客户推销 Sales Letter to Specific CustomersI would like to tell you that we have got the ①(产品名称) you inquired about ②(对方询盘时间). Attached are ③(附件名称), which will give you all details for placing an order.④(产品名称) we’ve got are ⑤(产品优势). They are really ⑥(欲推销产品引以为傲之处). They are at least as good as, if not better than, ⑦(与同类产品一样好), but prices are ⑧(价格情况).We expect your feedback before the end of this month.10. 向不特定客户推销 Sales Circular to Non-Specific CustomersWe are willing to seek partners for ①(出口产品类型).We are ②(我公司注册地点),specializing all kinds of ③(产品种类). They are bestsellers both at home and abroad. We’ve now made some researches on ④(新研制产品名称), which we are able to provide regularly.If you are interested, please contact me at ⑤(电话联系方式). For more related information, you can ⑥(获知信息途径). Maybe we will make arrangements for a meeting to discuss details concerning ⑦(商讨事宜).11. 寄信给老客户 Sales Letter to Old CustomersIt’s been ①(有业务往来持续时间) since we executed your last order. Recently, we got in large quantities of ②(新产品名称). Attached please find ③(附件名称). I’d like to inform you that, we are ④(优惠措施) on certain items, including ⑤(对方感兴趣产品名称). Would you have a look at the attached catalogue? If you wish to order large quantities, ⑥(联系方式) me. We will try to work out terms and conditions to our mutual benefit.We look forward to our continued mutually-profitable business relationship. We expect ⑦(期待事宜).12. 寄信给新客户 Sales Letter to New CustomersWe are glad to learn, from ①(信息来源), that you are interested in ②(产品名称).We ③(经营情况). Attached please find ④(附件名称).⑤(欲知详细信息), please ⑥(查询方式).We look forward to your trial order and assure you of our prompt attention.13. 推销新产品 Sales Letter for Promotion of New ProductsWe’re pleased to inform you that, with years of research, we’ve introduced our new products ①(产品名称) to market. Much to our delight, they enjoy great popularity. As we guess you might be interested, we’ve sent you ②(邮寄方式) ③(邮寄样品种类及数量) for your trial use. A trial use will convince you of their extraordinary functioning. For more information, please ④(查看信息途径). Attached please find ⑤(附件名称). We hope you’ll take this opportunity to ⑥(为双方利益起见). If you consider placing an order, we’ll grant you ⑦(优惠幅度).14. 推销劳务 Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor ServicesWe’re pleased to learn, from ①(信息来源),that you are in need of ②(某种职业工作人员). We advertised your job vacancies and attracted ③(申请人数) applicants, from whom we have chosen ④(人数) for your consideration. Attached are ⑤(附件名称).The candidates we have chosen are ⑥(身份). They all have ⑦(工作经历持续时间) experience, in a ⑧(工作单位). We have interviewed them with satisfactory results and offered them ⑨(提供事宜) as required.They are looking forward to your phone interviews. Contact us if ⑩(所需帮助事宜). We hope to have more cooperation in the future.Chapter3 询盘和订货15. 一般询盘 General InquiryWe are very much interested in importing ①(产品名称) from you since you are ②(对方身份). We would be grateful if you could let us have detailed information about ③(产品名称) and send us samples of your complete product range as well.We have been ④(我方身份) for ⑤(公司历史年限) and have ⑥(销售渠道). We are in great need of ⑦(产品名称) in our production. Our credit standing has been AAA rated since ⑧(起始年).If business terms are satisfactory, we’ll place regular orders with you.16. 回复一般询盘 Reply to the General InquiryWe are glad to learn that you are interested in our ①(产品名称). Attached please find ②(附件信息). As you requested, we have sent you samples of our complete range ③(邮寄方式).We are one of the ④(公司性质), specializing in ⑤(经营范围). All our products are manufactured ⑥(产品优势). We ⑦(公司优势). We will allow a ⑧(折扣幅度) discount for your orders. For ⑨(欲知信息), please ⑩(获知信息途径).We look forward to your trial order.17. 具体询盘 Specific InquiryWe are ①(公司性质). We have obtained your name and address from ②(信息来源) and we are very interested in ③(产品名称).We’d like to have an ④(产品数量) quotation of the said products, ⑤(价格术语).We’d like you to tell us about ⑥(其他欲知事项). If ⑦(下订单前提条件), we will place an order with you.We would await your reply.18. 报虚盘 Making a Non-Firm OfferWe thank you for your inquiry ①(对方询盘日),asking for ②(欲购产品数量) quotation of ③(欲购产品名称) made in ④(产品原产地). We are pleased to offer as follows: ⑤(报盘详细内容).The above offer is subject to our final confirmation. If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us know at an early date. We would be glad to offer any additional information you need.19. 报实盘 Making a Firm OfferThank you for your inquiry of ①(对方询盘日), asking for an ②(欲购产品数量) quotation of our ③(欲购产品名称). We are pleased to offer as follows: ④(报盘详细内容).The above offer is firm until ⑤(报价有效期限). If you think our offer is satisfactory, please let us know before ⑥(订单有效期限). You can be assured of our best service.20. 买方还盘 Making a Counter Offe rWe thank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日期), offering us ②(我方欲购产品名称及数量) made in ③(产品原产地) at ④(卖方报价).We regret to inform you that we can’t accept your offer as ⑤(还盘原因). For ⑥(继续保持合作的原因), we counter offer as follows, subject to your reply reaching us ⑦(有效期限): ⑧(我方还盘价). We are satisfied with other terms in your offer. We look forward to your favorable reply..21. 卖方返还盘 Making a Counter-Counter OfferReferring to your counter offer of ①(对方还盘邮件发送日期), asking for a cut down of the price from ②(我方报盘价) to ③(对方还盘价), we regret to tell you that it is difficult for us to accept your counter offer.The price we set in our offer is carefully calculated. As a matter of fact, we have had considerable business with many customers at ④(价格描述).Our ⑤(我方产品种类) sell well in their markets. As you know, our products are far superior in quality to ⑥(同类产品名称) provided by any other suppliers in the world. For long lasting trade relations between us, however, we decide to allow you ⑦(让利种类) if your order ⑧(订单价值).If you think our proposal acceptable, please place an order on or before May 31st.22. 下订单 Placing an OrderThank you for your timely reply of ①(对方邮件发送日期) to our inquiry about the ②(欲购产品名称). We are very satisfied with the trade terms you offer. The pricesare acceptable. Therefore, we now email you our purchase order ③(订单编号) in the attached file.We will open ④(信用证种类) in your favor as soon as possible through ⑤(开户行), for the total value of ⑥(总价值) as stated in this order. Please inform us of the shipping date at least ⑦(提前通知装船天数) in advance after you receive our L/C. We look forward to your confirmation of the acceptance of our order.23. 接受订单 Accepting an OrderWe confirm our acceptance to your order ①(订单编号) you emailed us ②(对方邮件发送时间) for ③(订购产品名称). We welcome you as one of our customers.We are pleased to send you in the attached file the Sales Confirmation ④(销售确认书编号) for your e-signature. Please cosign it and return it to us for our file. And please open your L/C ⑤(开证时间). Shipment will be made upon our receipt of your L/C.Your cooperation is highly appreciated. We assure you of ⑥(我方承诺) and look forward to receiving ⑦(期盼对方继续订购) from you.24. 拒绝订单 Declining an OrderWe acknowledge receipt of your order ①(订单编号) you emailed us ②(对方邮件发送时间) for ③(订购产品名称), but regret to tell you that we are unable to take your order as ④(无法供货原因).⑤(无法供货的原因).We are indeed sorry for being unable to take your order. We sincerely hope that you will understand our situation and keep business relations with us in the future.25. 下续订单 Placing a Repeat OrderWe are pleased to inform you that the ①(产品名称) we ordered from you last time is very suitable for our market. Last shipment of ②(产品名称) sells well here. As we believe there is still a great demand for ③(产品名称) in our market, we are placing with you a repeat order ④(续订单编号) in the attached file for the same kinds and the same quantity of the said products at the same price and on the same trade terms as we did last time, provided ⑤(续订单特别要求). We hope you will ⑥(希望对方所做之事).We expect you to confirm our repeat order as soon as possible.26. 推荐替代品 Offering a Substitute ProductWe are pleased to learn from your email ①(对方发送邮件日期) that you intend to place with us an order for ②(欲订产品名称),but we regret to tell you that this model is already out ofproduction.We’d like to recommend to you our new model ③(替代产品型号), which is even more welcomed by ④(受谁欢迎). This new model is much better than the previous one, but the price is ⑤(替代品价格低廉程度) lower with ⑥(替代品“卖点”). Attached please find our latest catalogue and export price list so that you can know more about our new model or you can visit our web site:⑦(公司网站) to get more information you need.We expect you to place a trial order with us.27. 接受替代品 Accepting a Substitute ProductThank you very much for your recommendation. As this model is new to our market, we’d like to place a trial order with you for ①(替代品名称及数量), if you allow us ②(优惠种类及优惠额). Attached please find our Purchase Order ③(采购订单编号). We will open an ④(开立何种信用证) in your favor for the total value as stated in this order as soon as we get your confirmation. It is for keeping our long term trade relationship that we decide to place this trial order. We hope you will ⑤(希望对方所做之事) concerning this transaction.We look forward to your positive reply.28. 拒绝替代品 Declining a Substitute ProductWe have received your email recommending us the ①(替代品名称及数量) for lack of②(原欲购产品名称) we requested, but we are very sorry to say that we can’t accept③(替代品名称). ④(拒绝替代品的原因). ⑤(我方提出的解决办法). If you fail to deliver ⑥(原欲购产品名称及数量) on time, you have to pay us liquidated damages, that is, a ⑦(赔偿额度) of the total value of the delayed goods, for ⑧(延误期限). We hope you will give us a favorable reply as soon as possible.29. 涨价通知 Notice for Price IncreaseWe formally inform you that the price of ①(涨价产品名称) has increased by ②(价格上涨幅度) mainly owing to ③(涨价原因).④(对涨价原因做具体解释). We can’t but increase our export price by ⑤(价格上涨幅度). In fact, many companies have increased their price to that extent. However, for ⑥(提供原价的原因), we offer you the original price for your ⑦(最近的一次订单时间或订单编号) order. From⑧(涨价起始时间) , the price will go up by ⑨(价格上涨幅度).We hope you will ⑩(希望对方所做之事).30. 回复涨价通知 Reply to the Price Increase NoticeThank you for informing us the ①(涨价幅度) increase in the price of ②(涨价产品名称) due to ③(涨价原因).To tell you the truth, we have predicted the increase in the price of ④(涨价产品名称), but we didn’t expect the rise to be so high as ⑤(涨价幅度). We thank you for keeping the original price for our ⑥(最近的一次订单). Would you reconsider our later orders at the price of ⑦(略低于卖方涨价幅度的价格)?Reconsider the price of the products and we’ll ⑧(我方将做之事).Chapter 4 付款31. 询问付款方式 Asking about Payment TermsWe are in receipt of your bid yesterday for ①(对方递盘主要内容).However, you didn’t mention specific payment terms.We’d like to tell you that we only accept payment by ②(信用证种类).Generally speaking,③(付款方式)is considered to be a reliable and safe method of payment in international trade. It protects the rights and interests of both of us. It is our usual case accept ④(信用证种类) when we do business internationally. We wonder whether you accept this kind of payment.Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.32. 接受付款方式 Accepting Payment TermsWe thank you for your email telling us about the payment terms, which we forgot to mention in ①(我方信函种类).We accept the payment terms you have offered, that is, we’ll make payment by ②(我方接受的信用证种类).It is true that ③(付款方式) is the safest way of payment and ④(信用证种类)is more favorable to you. Though it will add to our cost, we’ll do as you have asked us to. As we need to put a deposit in the bank amounting to the cost of the import, we need ⑤(所需时间)to arrange all the issues concerning the opening of ⑥(信用证种类).We’ll let you know once we have ⑦(信用证种类)opened.33. 要求修改信用证 Request for Amendment to L/CMany thanks for sending us your L/C ①(信用证编号) issued by ②(开证行名称).However, on checking its clauses we found with regret that your Letter of Credit has several mistakes. You are kindly requested to amend the above L/C as follows:③(信用证需修改之处).As soon as we confirm the above amendment, we shall proceed with ④(我方立即着手办理事宜)at once.A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.34. 信用证修改 Amendment to L/CThanks for the email asking us to make amendment to our L/C. As requested, the amendment to our L/C ①(信用证编号) has been made as follows:②(对信用证的具体修改内容).Shortly after receiving your email, we checked the details and found ③(信用证错误数量) in our L/C. We are really sorry ④(致歉原因).We have now instructed our bank ⑤(开证行名称) to make the amendment. The amendment advice will reach you soon. Please try your utmost to ⑥ (催促对方办理事宜)once you confirm our amendment. We expect to receive the first shipment at the date stated in the contract.35. 付款通知 Payment NoticeAs agreed, we are drawing on you for the value of ①(货物名称).The payment in arrears amount to ②(对方应付款额).To simplify the issues, we will ③(我方为简化过程所采取的措施). Please protect our draft on presentation.We shall appreciate your cooperation.36. 收到付款通知 Receipt of Payment NoticeWe are in receipt of your email about payment notice of ①(对方发送邮件时间)contents of which have had our due perusal. In view of ②(说明原因),we will ③(我方立即办理事宜)immediately. Supplementary to this email, we wish to say that the amount ④(货款金额)has already been ⑤(货款处理情况).Please accord this matter your close attention. If you haven’t received the payment of the goods, please keep us advised as far in advance as possible.37. 催促付款(初次) Urging Payment (First Notice)As required in the contract, which was settled by careful discussion of both parties, we wish to call your attention to the fact that we have got ①(已备货物) ready for some time.However, up till now, we haven’t had any news concerning your payment. Therefore, we kindly ask you to send us the payment as scheduled, so that we can execute your order ②(订单编号) within the contract time.We hope that you will ③(亟待对方解决事宜)as soon as possible.38. 催促付款(最后通告) Urging Payment (Last Notice)We wonder whether you have received our emails, asking you to send us payment for your order ①(订单编号).In spite of our repeated reminders, the payment still remains unsettled. We have emailed you asking for the speeding up of the payment over and over again. Frankly speaking, we have got a little bit uneasy at no arrival of your payment. It is your responsibility to pay the products in due time. Should you have financial difficulties, please let us know. This will be the last time for us to remind youthat if you fail to send us payment by ②(付款最后期限),you will have to ③(未付款所导致的后果) accordingly.Please arrange payment as soon as possible so as to continue our cooperation.39. 索取发票 Asking for InvoiceWe are pleased to have received your high quality products on schedule.①(对收到的产品进行评论).We further know your good reputation, so we expect to continue our smooth cooperation.The only thing, however, we are feeling a little worried about is that we have received all the documents except the invoice. As a rule, we require commercial invoice in ② (发票复印数量). Please write our company name ③(公司名称) as the buyer with the amount of ④(发票面额). Our order number is ⑤(订单编号).Since it is important, please post them to us with the original invoice ⑥(邮寄方式). Thanks in advance for your immediate attention.40. 寄送发票 Sending InvoiceThanks for telling us the issues concerning the invoice of your order ①(订单编号).We have noted your instructions about the invoice and, as requested, have posted you the ②(所寄票据) in ③(复印数量),together with the original one, by ④(快递公司名称),⑤(邮寄时间).The number of the mail by ⑥(快递公司名称) is:⑦(快递邮件编号).They will contact you by your mobile phone. We have sent you an e-copy in the attached file for your advance look. We look forward to our further cooperation in the future.Please acknowledge receipt of the invoice we sent you ⑧ (邮寄时间) once you get it.Chapter 5 包装和交货41. 包装要求 Packaging RequirementsWe appreciate your email asking about ①(对方邮件询问内容).As our products are easily damaged, it is quite necessary to pay special attention to packaging. Also please ②(对方需特别注意的事项).Frankly speaking, our packaging requirements are quite strict. The details are written in our packing instruction, which is attached. However, I’d like to emphasize the following four points:1. The packaging must be strong enough to withstand③(货物所能承受的内容).2. The products are to be wrapped in...before being packed in④(包装方式).3. The most important thing is to protect the goods⑤(货物需避免的因素).4. Any loss in transit is to be compensated pany.We believe you will give special care to the packaging to avoid any possible damage.42. 回复包装要求 Reply to Packaging RequirementsHaving received your email of ①(对方邮件主题),we immediately passed your opinions on packing to our ②(与包装问题直接相关的人).Recently, they have made a number of improvements in packaging. We will also take effective measures to satisfy your packaging requirement.We have prepared ③(已备的包装)so as to protect the goods against④(可能遭受的损失).And also, we give special care to the problem of ⑤(需特别注意的事项).In sum, we will reinforce packing in order to minimize the extent of any damage to the goods in transit.If you have any questions, please email me or call me.43. 装运时间 Time of ShipmentWe are pleased to inform you that we have shipped ①(货物批次) for your order ②(订单编号).Since your order is a large one, the goods are to be shipped in ③(货物批数) of ④(每批货物数量) with separate bills of lading according to our sales contract. The first shipment has already been loaded on board s.s“⑤”(货轮名称),which is sailing for your port ⑥ (目的港名称),⑦(货轮启航时间) from ⑧(装货港名称).We believe that the goods will reach you in time to meet the needs of your market and that they will prove to be satisfactory to your customers.Please let us know the moment you have received the goods.44. 回复装运通知 Reply to Time of ShipmentMany thanks for your email telling us about ①(货物批次)for our order ②(订单编号).We really appreciate your timely arrangement.The punctual shipment will help us deal with other corresponding issues smoothly. We expect the goods to reach us in time so that we will be able to put them to market at a time ③(何种情形下).Thank you for your efforts and true cooperation. And we expect you to get the ④(货物另一批次) ready for shipment concerning our order ⑤(订单编号).As soon as we get the goods, we will email to let you know.45. 催促装运 Urging ShipmentWe regret to say that we have not heard anything from you about①(希望对方办理的事宜). As you know, our contract is for ② (合同规定的装运要求).We understand there must be some particular reasons for ③(对方未解决或未处理的事宜). However, we have the right to know detailed information. And we would like to cooperate with you to deal with this problem. Even if we did not know the reason,④(我方做出的何种让步).Please arrange the shipment as soon as possible and let us know ⑤(要对方告知的事宜).46. 回复催促装运 Reply to Urging ShipmentWe have already received your email of ①(对方邮件的日期).We feel sorry for the shipment delay, which was caused by ②(说明装运延迟的原因).It is our fault not letting you know the cause in time.In addition, because of ③(未能按时装运的另一个原因),we failed to make timely shipment. After communication with related officials, we now have settled the problem.The shipment of ④(产品名称和数量) under S/C ⑤(合同编号) will be arranged to go forth on board s.s.⑥(货船名称).The ship will sail from⑦(出货港口名称) on or about ⑧(装运时间).We will email you immediately when the ship sets off.Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.47. 出货通知 Shipment AdviceWe are pleased to inform you that we have completed the shipment of ① (产品名称) in accordance with the stipulations set forth in ② (信用证编号). The ③(货船名称) has sailed from ④ (出货港口名称) on ⑤ (出港日期).We are attaching the following copies of shipping documents for your advance look: ⑥(单据名称)⑦(票据编号).If you find any problem, please let us know as soon as possible.48. 货物抵达通知 Goods Arrival NoticeAfter ①(说明原因),the first batch has already arrived. Because of ②(具体装运安排的原因),we agree to ship the goods in ③(装运安排).We greatly appreciate it that the first batch has reached us in safety and in good condition. We expect to get ④(货物批次) by⑤(期望货物到达的日期).There is one thing we need to mention, that is, it is no matter ⑥(我方特别强调的事宜)as long as they arrive here in time as required.We look forward to ⑦(货物批次) .Chapter6 投诉和致歉49. 投诉货物未寄达 Complaint about Goods Arrival FailureFor the non-arrival of the goods, we are most reluctant to complain, but we must draw your attention to this matter.。

enquiry, offer, order, packing

enquiry, offer, order, packing

Chapter Two Enquiries and Replies
New Words & Expressions
16. quote v. 报价 quote sb. a price for (or: on) sth. ) 报给某人某种商品的价格
Please quote us your lowest prices for personal computers. 请报个人电脑的最低价。 请报个人电脑的最低价。 Would you please quote us your best price FOB Dalian for (or: on) 1,000 pieces of leather jacket. 请报一千件皮夹克的最好大连船上交货价。 请报一千件皮夹克的最好大连船上交货价。
Chapter Two Enquiries and Replies
New Words & Expressions
6. under separate cover 另函,用另外一封信 另函,
这个机会做… 还可以说take advantage of this 这个机会做 还可以说 opportunity or avail ourselves of this opportunity. e.g. We take this opportunity to express our great appreciation for your cooperation. 借此机会,对于您的合作,我们深表感谢。 借此机会,对于您的合作,我们深表感谢。
Chapter Two Enquiries and Replies
New Words & Expressions
enquire of sb. about sth. 询问某人某事 e.g. Mr. Smith enquired of the er about the quality of their goods. 史密斯先生询问出口商他们的产品质量如何。 史密斯先生询问出口商他们的产品质量如何。



商务英语作文专栏- Inquiry在对外贸易中,询盘,也叫询价(inquiry或enquiry)是买方或买方对于所要购买或出售的商品向另一方作出的询问。

询盘是交易的起点,可以分为:普通询盘(a general inquiry):索取普通资料,诸如:目录( a catalogue)、价目表或报价单( a price-list or quotation sheets)、样品(a sample)、图片(illustrated photo prints)等。

具体询盘(a specific inquiry): 具体询问商品名称(the name of the commodity)、规格(the specifications)、数量(the quantity)、单价(the unit price fob…cif…),装船期(the time of shipment)、付款方式(the terms of payment)等。


利用e-mail 写询盘信,无须写的过分客气,只需具体、简洁、措词得体。



实用范例subject: enquirydear sir,we are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws i n all sizes.we would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per k ilogram c&f liverpool, england. it would also be appreciated if y ou could forward samples and your price-list to us.we used to purchase these products from other sources. we may now prefer to buy from your company because we underst and that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. in addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.we look forward to hearing from you by return e-mail.sincerely,主题:询盘亲爱的先生:本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉,欲知每公斤运抵英国利物浦的成本价运费价格。

Chapter 3 商务英语缩略语与习惯用语翻译

Chapter 3 商务英语缩略语与习惯用语翻译

topology Mig
拓扑学 米格飞机
世界贸易组织 联合国教育科学文化组织 北大西洋公约组织
Teenagers in Japan are going wild over personal HPS. 日本青少年对个人轻便电话系统(HPS) 着了迷。(HPS=handy phone system)
【译文】 I am very pleased to have received your letter.
2.为了表达的清晰和自然而增词 例:【原文】 有工作经验者优先录取。
【译文】 The applicants with the working experience will receive preference over those who have not.
I know it is a very tough job; if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
我知道那是一个艰难的工作,如果你无法 承受压力,你就该离职。
(二)减词法 减词法也是英汉互译时常见的现象。与词的 增补情况相反,原文中有些词语从译文的角 度来看往往是多余的,可以或必须删去,决 不能只字不漏地生搬硬套过来,不然会引起 文理不通、意思含糊等弊病。
Chapter 3 商务翻译常用方法
音译 意译 音译和意译兼用 意译成全称后再缩略 附原文译 直接引用
volt ampere joule sofa
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
为保证最快交货,我方要求对上述订单用航空运货。 为保证最快交货,我方要求对上述订单用航空运货。
Language Points
2) We must insist on delivery within the time dated, and reserve the right to reject the goods, should they be delivered later.
We note from your letter of Dec. 30 that you are interested in our cashmere sweaters.
Language Points
2. The characteristics of a reply to the letters 1) stating the date of the letter that you’ve received 2) making a brief summary ( or the main idea ) of the letter you've received 3) you should express your thanks for the letter you've received
Language Points
We agree to give you 15% discount provided you order 100,000 sets. 我们同意给你方百分之十五的折扣, 我们同意给你方百分之十五的折扣,但你得订购十万 套才可以。 套才可以。 The highest discount we can allow you on this article is 10%. 我们对这种商品最多只能打九折。 我们对这种商品最多只能打九折。 We cannot agree your request for an increase in discount. 我们不能同意你们增加折扣的要求。 我们不能同意你们增加折扣的要求。
Language Points n 折扣 a special discount特别折扣 特别折扣 cash discount现金折扣 现金折扣 trade discount同业折扣,商业折扣 同业折扣, 同业折扣 quantity discount数量折扣 数量折扣 exceptional discount额外折扣 额外折扣 at a discount削价,降价,无销路的 削价, 削价 降价, to give (allow, make, grant) sb a discount打折扣 打折扣
1) We are glad to learn from your letter of June 18 that you have booked our order.
我们高兴地得知贵方已接受我们的订单。 我们高兴地得知贵方已接受我们的订单。 2) 从你 月30日来信得知你方对我羊绒衫感兴趣。 从你12月 日来信得知你方对我羊绒衫感兴趣 日来信得知你方对我羊绒衫感兴趣。
Language Points
1) There is no more stock on hand. 手头已无存货。 手头已无存货。 2) We can supply you from stock. 我们可以现货供应。 我们可以现货供应。 3) The type you required is out of stock, but the , similar type is in stock. 你方询购的型号无货。 你方询购的型号无货 。 类似的型 号有货。 号有货。
我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若迟交则保留拒收的权利。 我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若迟交则保留拒收的权利。
你的报盘碰巧和我们昨天收到的韩国报盘吻合。 你的报盘碰巧和我们昨天收到的韩国报盘吻合。
happen强调事情的偶然性 occur比较正式,尤其指经 强调事情的偶然性 比较正式, 比较正式 过预防而仍然发生的事情
4. Crepe Georgette 乔其纱
Language Points
5. silk piece goods 绸缎 cotton piece goods 棉布 6. delivery n 交货 effect delivery交货 delivery交货 make delivery交货 交货 take delivery提货 提货 1) To ensure fastest delivery, you are required to forward the above order by air freight.
Language Points
Owing to your delay in opening the relative L/C, we could not make shipment as prescribed in the contract. 由于你方在开立信用证上的延误而使我方无法按合同规 定完成装运。 定完成装运。 5.keen competition竞争激烈 竞争激烈 chance 商机,销售旺季 商机, 类似的表达法: 类似的表达法: △ the season △ the busy season △ the brisk demand需求活跃 需求活跃
Letter 2 The first inquiry
Language Points
1.wholesaler n. 批发商 retailers n 零售商 be interested in 后接名词或动名词,表示对 有 后接名词或动名词,表示对…有 兴趣或有意做某事 Please let us know if you are interested in shipping us your special offers regularly. 请告知贵公司是否有意为我方定期发运特价品。 请告知贵公司是否有意为我方定期发运特价品。
Letter 3 general inquiry
Language Points
1. Trade Directory : 贸易指南(杂志) 贸易指南(杂志) return 立即
Chinese version of the letter
执事先生: 执事先生 从第二期“贸易指南”上看到贵公司的广告。 从第二期“贸易指南”上看到贵公司的广告。 我们对贵公司的纯棉衬衫很感兴趣, 我们对贵公司的纯棉衬衫很感兴趣,若能尽快寄给 我方这些货物的价格表和带有图片的目录册, 我方这些货物的价格表和带有图片的目录册,将不胜感 激。 我们的往来银行时新加坡银行。 我们的往来银行时新加坡银行。 盼早日答复。 盼早日答复。 谨上, 谨上,
Chinese version of the letter
执事先生: 执事先生: 关于圣诞节装饰物 作为英格兰主要色经销商之一, 作为英格兰主要色经销商之一,我们了解标题项下货物的详细 情况。 情况。 请寄有关不同颜色的灯泡、 请寄有关不同颜色的灯泡、铃、小动物以及其他用于装饰圣诞 树的铝制饰物的价格表。我们所需的货物要耐用,颜色鲜艳、 树的铝制饰物的价格表。我们所需的货物要耐用,颜色鲜艳、具有 吸引力。因为我们所需货物的质量应该是高质量的, 吸引力。因为我们所需货物的质量应该是高质量的,所以如果质量 可行的话,我们愿意出高价。 可行的话,我们愿意出高价。 报价时,请提供能现货供应的样品。 报价时,请提供能现货供应的样品。 至于我方的资信状况,您方可向我方银行, 至于我方的资信状况,您方可向我方银行,伦敦巴克莱银行查 询。 期待您方的早日答复。 期待您方的早日答复。 谨上, 谨上,
Chinese version of the letter
执事先生: 执事先生: 我们同好运公司交往多年, 我们同好运公司交往多年 , 承蒙他们向我们推 荐了贵公司。 荐了贵公司。 我们是美国主要的纺织品批发商。 我们是美国主要的纺织品批发商 。现有意进口 10,000码货号为 码货号为2040全棉漂白府绸。 全棉漂白府绸。 , 码货号为 全棉漂白府绸 由于竞争激烈, 由于竞争激烈 , 因此你方报价须在本月底前到 达我处以免错过销售机遇。 达我处以免错过销售机遇。 如能告知所给折扣将不胜感激。 如能告知所给折扣将不胜感激。 谨上, 谨上,
3. happen v 发生 ith our wishes. 你方的意图碰巧与我们的愿望相一致。 你方的意图碰巧与我们的愿望相一致。
Language Points
2) Your offer happens to be exactly the same as what we have received from Korea yesterday.
Letter 4 Specific inquiry
Language Points
1. learn vi 获悉;得知 获悉; to learn from (书面表达) 书面表达) to note that(书面表达) 书面表达) to understand that (书面表达) 书面表达) to know (更口语化) 更口语化)
Letter 1 Requesting for catalogues and price lists
Language Points
1.the captioned goods 2. stock n. 库存;存货 库存; a stock of 一批…现货 一批 现货
from stock (ex stock) 现货;动用库存 ) 现货; in stock 库存中 come into (to) stock 库存有货 ) out of stock 无货;缺货 无货;
Language Points
We are interested in importing canned asparagus from your country. 我们有意从你方进口罐装芦笋。 我们有意从你方进口罐装芦笋。 3. Cotton Bleached Poplin全棉漂白府绸 全棉漂白府绸 4.owing to 因为;由于 因为; Owing to heavy demand, we cannot entertain your counteroffer. 由于需求量很大,我们不能考虑接受你方的还盘。 由于需求量很大,我们不能考虑接受你方的还盘。