An Overview of Artificial Transportation Systems
Approved by the Secretary General and published under his authorityLine OperationsSafety Audit (LOSA)First Edition — 2002Doc 9803AN/761AMENDMENTSThe issue of amendments is announced regularly in the ICAO Journal and in the monthly Supplement to the Catalogue of ICAO Publications and Audio-visual Training Aids, which holders of this publication should consult. The space below is provided to keep a record of such amendments.RECORD OF AMENDMENTS AND CORRIGENDA AMENDMENTS CORRIGENDANo.DateapplicableDateenteredEnteredby No.Dateof issueDateenteredEnteredbyTABLE OF CONTENTSPage PageForeword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(v) Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(vi) Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(vii) Chapter 1.Basic error management concepts. .1-11.1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-11.2Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2Reactive strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2Combined reactive/proactive strategies. .1-2Proactive strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-41.3 A contemporary approach to operationalhuman performance and error. . . . . . . . . . .1-51.4The role of the organizational culture . . . .1-71.5Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-7 Chapter2.Implementing LOSA . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12.1History of LOSA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12.2The Threat and Error Management Model.2-1Threats and errors defined. . . . . . . . . . . .2-1Definitions of crew error response . . . . .2-4Definitions of error outcomes. . . . . . . . .2-4Undesired Aircraft States . . . . . . . . . . . .2-42.3LOSA operating characteristics . . . . . . . . .2-5Observer assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7Flight crew participation. . . . . . . . . . . . .2-72.4How to determine the scope of a LOSA . .2-72.5Once the data is collected. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-82.6Writing the report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-82.7Success factors for LOSA. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8Chapter3.LOSA and the safety changeprocess (SCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13.1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13.2 A constantly changing scene. . . . . . . . . . . .3-13.3One operator’s example of an SCP . . . . . .3-2 Chapter4.How to set up a LOSA —US Airways experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-14.1Gathering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-14.2Interdepartmental support . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-14.3LOSA steering committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1Safety department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1Flight operations and trainingdepartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2Pilots union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-24.4The key steps of a LOSA. . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2Action plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-24.5The keys to an effective LOSA . . . . . . . . .4-4Confidentiality and no-jeopardy. . . . . . .4-4The role of the observer . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-54.6Promoting LOSA for flight crews . . . . . . .4-5 Appendix A — Examples of the various forms utilized by LOSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-1 Appendix B — Example of an introductory letterby an airline to its flight crews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-1 Appendix C — List of recommended readingand reference material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-1FOREWORDThe safety of civil aviation is the major objective of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Consider-able progress has been made in increasing safety, but additional improvements are needed and can be achieved. It has long been known that the majority of aviation accidents and incidents result from less than optimum human per-formance, indicating that any advance in this field can be expected to have a significant impact on the improvement of aviation safety.This was recognized by the ICAO Assembly, which in 1986 adopted Resolution A26-9 on Flight Safety and Human Factors. As a follow-up to the Assembly Resolution, the Air Navigation Commission formulated the following objective for the task:“To improve safety in aviation by making States more aware and responsive to the importance of Human Factors in civil aviation operations through the provision of practical Human Factors materials and measures, developed on the basis of experience in States, and by developing and recommending appropriate amendments to existing material in Annexes and other documents with regard to the role of Human Factors in the present and future operational environments. Special emphasis will be directed to the Human Factors issues that may influence the design, transition and in-service use of the future ICAO CNS/A TM systems.”One of the methods chosen to implement Assembly Resolution A26-9 is the publication of guidance materials, including manuals and a series of digests, that address various aspects of Human Factors and its impact on aviation safety. These documents are intended primarily for use by States to increase the awareness of their personnel of the influence of human performance on safety.The target audience of Human Factors manuals and digests are the managers of both civil aviation administrations and the airline industry, including airline safety, training and operational managers. The target audience also includes regulatory bodies, safety and investigation agencies and training establishments, as well as senior and middle non-operational airline management.This manual is an introduction to the latest information available to the international civil aviation community on the control of human error and the development of counter-measures to error in operational environments. Its target audience includes senior safety, training and operational personnel in industry and regulatory bodies.This manual is intended as a living document and will be kept up to date by periodic amendments. Subsequent editions will be published as new research results in increased knowledge on Human Factors strategies and more experience is gained regarding the control and management of human error in operational environments.ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADS Automatic Dependent SurveillanceA TC Air Traffic ControlCFIT Controlled Flight Into TerrainCNS/A TM Communications, Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management CPDLC Controller-Pilot Data Link CommunicationsCRM Crew Resource ManagementDFDR Digital Flight Data RecorderETOPS Extended Range Operations by Twin-engined AeroplanesFAA Federal Aviation AdministrationFDA Flight Data AnalysisFMS Flight Management SystemFOQA Flight Operations Quality AssuranceICAO International Civil Aviation OrganizationLOSA Line Operations Safety AuditMCP Mode Control PanelQAR Quick Access RecorderRTO Rejected Take-OffSCP Safety Change ProcessSOPs Standard Operating ProceduresTEM Threat and Error ManagementUTTEM University of Texas Threat and Error ManagementINTRODUCTION1.This manual describes a programme for the management of human error in aviation operations known as Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA). LOSA is proposed as a critical organizational strategy aimed at developing countermeasures to operational errors. It is an organizational tool used to identify threats to aviation safety, minimize the risks such threats may generate and implement measures to manage human error in operational contexts. LOSA enables operators to assess their level of resilience to systemic threats, operational risks and front-line personnel errors, thus providing a principled, data-driven approach to prioritize and implement actions to enhance safety.2.LOSA uses expert and highly trained observers to collect data about flight crew behaviour and situational factors on “normal” flights. The audits are conducted under strict no-jeopardy conditions; therefore, flight crews are not held accountable for their actions and errors that are observed. During flights that are being audited, observers record and code potential threats to safety; how the threats are addressed; the errors such threats generate; how flight crews manage these errors; and specific behaviours that have been known to be associated with accidents and incidents.3.LOSA is closely linked with Crew Resource Management (CRM) training. Since CRM is essentially error management training for operational personnel, data from LOSA form the basis for contemporary CRM training refocus and/or design known as Threat and Error Man-agement (TEM) training. Data from LOSA also provide a real-time picture of system operations that can guide organizational strategies in regard to safety, training and operations. A particular strength of LOSA is that it identifies examples of superior performance that can be reinforced and used as models for training. In this way, training inter-ventions can be reshaped and reinforced based on successful performance, that is to say, positive feedback. This is indeed a first in aviation, since the industry has traditionally collected information on failed human performance, such as in accidents and incidents. Data collected through LOSA are proactive and can be immediately used to prevent adverse events.4.LOSA is a mature concept, yet a young one. LOSA was first operationally deployed following the First LOSA Week, which was hosted by Cathay Pacific Airways in Cathay City, Hong Kong, from 12 to 14 March 2001. Although initially developed for the flight deck sector, there is no reason why the methodology could not be applied to other aviation operational sectors, including air traffic control, maintenance, cabin crew and dispatch.5.The initial research and project definition was a joint endeavour between The University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project and Continental Airlines, with funding provided by the Federal Aviation Admin-istration (FAA). In 1999, ICAO endorsed LOSA as the primary tool to develop countermeasures to human error in aviation operations, developed an operational partnership with The University of Texas at Austin and Continental Airlines, and made LOSA the central focus of its Flight Safety and Human Factors Programme for the period 2000 to 2004.6.As of February 2002, the LOSA archives contained observations from over 2 000 flights. These observations were conducted within the United States and internationally and involved four United States and four non-United States operators. The number of operators joining LOSA has constantly increased since March 2001 and includes major international operators from different parts of the world and diverse cultures.7.ICAO acts as an enabling partner in the LOSA programme. ICAO’s role includes promoting the importance of LOSA to the international civil aviation community; facilitating research in order to collect necessary data; acting as a cultural mediator in the unavoidably sensitive aspects of data collection; and contributing multicultural obser-vations to the LOSA archives. In line with these objectives, the publication of this manual is a first step at providing information and, therefore, at increasing awareness within the international civil aviation community about LOSA.8.This manual is an introduction to the concept, methodology and tools of LOSA and to the potential remedial actions to be undertaken based on the data collected under LOSA. A very important caveat must be introduced at this point: this manual is not intended to convert readers into instant expert observers and/or LOSA auditors. In fact, it is strongly recommended that LOSA not be attempted without a formal introduction to it for the(viii)Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA)following reasons. First, the forms presented in Appendix A are for illustration purposes exclusively, since they are periodically amended on the basis of experience gained and feedback obtained from continuing audits. Second, formal training in the methodology, in the use of LOSA tools and, most important, in the handling of the highly sensitive data collected by the audits is absolutely essential. Third, the proper structuring of the data obtained from the audits is of paramount importance.9.Therefore, until extensive airline experience is accumulated, it is highly desirable that LOSA training be coordinated through ICAO or the founding partners of the LOSA project. As the methodology evolves and reaches full maturity and broader industry partnerships are developed, LOSA will be available without restrictions to the international civil aviation community.10.This manual is designed as follows:•Chapter 1 includes an overview on safety, and human error and its management in aviationoperations. It provides the necessary backgroundinformation to understand the rationale for LOSA.•Chapter 2 discusses the LOSA methodology and provides a guide to the implementation of LOSAwithin an airline. It also introduces a model of crewerror management and proposes the error classi-fication utilized by LOSA, which is essentiallyoperational and practical.•Chapter 3 discusses the safety change process that should take place following the implementation ofLOSA.•Chapter 4 introduces the example of one operator’s experience in starting a LOSA.•Appendix A provides examples of the various forms utilized by LOSA.•Appendix B provides an example of an introductory letter by an airline to its flight crews.•Appendix C provides a list of recommended reading and reference material.11.This manual is a companion document to the Human Factors Training Manual (Doc 9683). The cooperation of the following organizations in the production of this manual is acknowledged: The University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project, Continental Airlines, US Airways and ALPA, International. Special recognition is given to Professor Robert L. Helmreich, James Klinect and John Wilhelm of The University of Texas at Austin Human Factors Research Project; Captains Bruce Tesmer and Donald Gunther of Continental Airlines; Captains Ron Thomas and Corkey Romeo of US Airways; and Captain Robert L. Sumwalt III of US Airways and of ALPA, International.Chapter 1BASIC ERROR MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS1.1INTRODUCTION1.1.1Historically, the way the aviation industry has investigated the impact of human performance on aviation safety has been through the retrospective analyses of those actions by operational personnel which led to rare and drastic failures. The conventional investigative approach is for investigators to trace back an event under consideration to a point where they discover particular actions or decisions by operational personnel that did not produce the intended results and, at such point, conclude human error as the cause. The weakness in this approach is that the conclusion is generally formulated with a focus on the outcome, with limited consideration of the processes that led up to it. When analysing accidents and incidents, investigators already know that the actions or decisions by operational personnel were “bad” or “inappropriate”, because the “bad” outcomes are a matter of record. In other words, investigators examining human performance in safety occurrences enjoy the benefit of hindsight. This is, however, a benefit that operational personnel involved in accidents and incidents did not have when they selected what they thought of as “good” or “appropriate” actions or decisions that would lead to “good” outcomes.1.1.2It is inherent to traditional approaches to safety to consider that, in aviation, safety comes first. In line with this, decision making in aviation operations is considered to be 100 per cent safety-oriented. While highly desirable, this is hardly realistic. Human decision making in operational contexts is a compromise between production and safety goals (see Figure 1-1). The optimum decisions to achieve the actual production demands of the operational task at hand may not always be fully compatible with the optimumFigure 1-1.Operational Behaviours — Accomplishing the system’s goals1-2Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA)decisions to achieve theoretical safety demands. All production systems — and aviation is no exception —generate a migration of behaviours: due to the need for economy and efficiency, people are forced to operate at the limits of the system’s safety space. Human decision making in operational contexts lies at the intersection of production and safety and is therefore a compromise. In fact, it might be argued that the trademark of experts is not years of experience and exposure to aviation operations, but rather how effectively they have mastered the necessary skills to manage the compromise between production and safety. Operational errors are not inherent in a person, although this is what conventional safety knowledge would have the aviation industry believe. Operational errors occur as a result of mismanaging or incorrectly assessing task and/or situ-ational factors in a specific context and thus cause a failed compromise between production and safety goals.1.1.3The compromise between production and safety is a complex and delicate balance. Humans are generally very effective in applying the right mechanisms to successfully achieve this balance, hence the extraordinary safety record of aviation. Humans do, however, occasionally mismanage or incorrectly assess task and/or situational factors and fail in balancing the compromise, thus contributing to safety breakdowns. Successful compromises far outnumber failed ones; therefore, in order to understand human performance in context, the industry needs to systematically capture the mechanisms underlying suc-cessful compromises when operating at the limits of the system, rather than those that failed. It is suggested that understanding the human contribution to successes and failures in aviation can be better achieved by monitoring normal operations, rather than accidents and incidents. The Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) is the vehicle endorsed by ICAO to monitor normal operations.1.2BACKGROUNDReactive strategiesAccident investigation1.2.1The tool most often used in aviation to document and understand human performance and define remedial strategies is the investigation of accidents. However, in terms of human performance, accidents yield data that are mostly about actions and decisions that failed to achieve the successful compromise between production and safety discussed earlier in this chapter.1.2.2There are limitations to the lessons learned from accidents that might be applied to remedial strategies vis-à-vis human performance. For example, it might be possible to identify generic accident-inducing scenarios such as Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT), Rejected Take-Off (RTO), runway incursions and approach-and-landing acci-dents. Also, it might be possible to identify the type and frequency of external manifestations of errors in these generic accident-inducing scenarios or discover specific training deficiencies that are particularly related to identified errors. This, however, provides only a tip-of-the-iceberg perspective. Accident investigation, by definition, concen-trates on failures, and in following the rationale advocated by LOSA, it is necessary to better understand the success stories to see if they can be incorporated as part of remedial strategies.1.2.3This is not to say that there is no clear role for accident investigation within the safety process. Accident investigation remains the vehicle to uncover unanticipated failures in technology or bizarre events, rare as they may be. Accident investigation also provides a framework: if only normal operations were monitored, defining unsafe behaviours would be a task without a frame of reference. Therefore, properly focused accident investigation can reveal how specific behaviours can combine with specific circumstances to generate unstable and likely catastrophic scenarios. This requires a contemporary approach to the investigation: should accident investigation be restricted to the retrospective analyses discussed earlier, its contribution in terms of human error would be to increase existing industry databases, but its usefulness in regard to safety would be dubious. In addition, the information could possibly provide the foundations for legal action and the allocation of blame and punishment.Combined reactive/proactive strategies Incident investigation1.2.4 A tool that the aviation industry has increasingly used to obtain information on operational human perform-ance is incident reporting. Incidents tell a more complete story about system safety than accidents do because they signal weaknesses within the overall system before the system breaks down. In addition, it is accepted that incidents are precursors of accidents and that N-number of incidents of one kind take place before an accident of the same kind eventually occurs. The basis for this can be traced back almost 30 years to research on accidents from different industries, and there is ample practical evidence that supports this research. There are, nevertheless, limitationsChapter 1.Basic error management concepts1-3on the value of the information on operational human performance obtained from incident reporting.1.2.5First, reports of incidents are submitted in the jargon of aviation and, therefore, capture only the external manifestations of errors (for example, “misunderstood a frequency”, “busted an altitude”, and “misinterpreted a clearance”). Furthermore, incidents are reported by the individuals involved, and because of biases, the reported processes or mechanisms underlying errors may or may not reflect reality. This means that incident-reporting systems take human error at face value, and, therefore, analysts are left with two tasks. First, they must examine the reported processes or mechanisms leading up to the errors and establish whether such processes or mechanisms did indeed underlie the manifested errors. Then, based on this relatively weak basis, they must evaluate whether the error manage-ment techniques reportedly used by operational personnel did indeed prevent the escalation of errors into a system breakdown.1.2.6Second, and most important, incident reporting is vulnerable to what has been called “normalization of deviance”. Over time, operational personnel develop infor-mal and spontaneous group practices and shortcuts to circumvent deficiencies in equipment design, clumsy pro-cedures or policies that are incompatible with the realities of daily operations, all of which complicate operational tasks. These informal practices are the product of the collective know-how and hands-on expertise of a group, and they eventually become normal practices. This does not, however, negate the fact that they are deviations from procedures that are established and sanctioned by the organization, hence the term “normalization of deviance”. In most cases normalized deviance is effective, at least temporarily. However, it runs counter to the practices upon which system operation is predicated. In this sense, like any shortcut to standard procedures, normalized deviance carries the potential for unanticipated “downsides” that might unexpectedly trigger unsafe situations. However, since they are “normal”, it stands to reason that neither these practices nor their downsides will be recorded in incident reports.1.2.7Normalized deviance is further compounded by the fact that even the most willing reporters may not be able to fully appreciate what are indeed reportable events. If operational personnel are continuously exposed to sub-standard managerial practices, poor working conditions and/or flawed equipment, how could they recognize such factors as reportable problems?1.2.8Thus, incident reporting cannot completely reveal the human contribution to successes or failures in aviation and how remedial strategies can be improved to enhance human performance. Incident reporting systems are certainly better than accident investigations in understanding system performance, but the real challenge lies in taking the next step — understanding the processes underlying human error rather than taking errors at face value. It is essential to move beyond the visible manifestations of error when designing remedial strategies. If the aviation industry is to be successful in modifying system and individual per-formance, errors must be considered as symptoms that suggest where to look further. In order to understand the mechanisms underlying errors in operational environments, flaws in system performance captured through incident reporting should be considered as symptoms of mismatches at deeper layers of the system. These mismatches might be deficiencies in training systems, flawed person/technology interfaces, poorly designed procedures, corporate pressures, poor safety culture, etc. The value of the data generated by incident reporting systems lies in the early warning about areas of concern, but such data do not capture the concerns themselves.Training1.2.9The observation of training behaviours (during flight crew simulator training, for example) is another tool that is highly valued by the aviation industry to understand operational human performance. However, the “production”component of operational decision making does not exist under training conditions. While operational behaviours during line operations are a compromise between production and safety objectives, training behaviours are absolutely biased towards safety. In simpler terms, the compromise between production and safety is not a factor in decision making during training (see Figure 1-2). Training behaviours are “by the book”.1.2.10Therefore, behaviours under monitored conditions, such as during training or line checks, may provide an approximation to the way operational personnel behave when unmonitored. These observations may contribute to flesh out major operational questions such as significant procedural problems. However, it would be incorrect and perhaps risky to assume that observing personnel during training would provide the key to understanding human error and decision making in unmonitored operational contexts.Surveys1.2.11Surveys completed by operational personnel can also provide important diagnostic information about daily operations and, therefore, human error. Surveys1-4Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA)provide an inexpensive mechanism to obtain significant information regarding many aspects of the organization, including the perceptions and opinions of operational personnel; the relevance of training to line operations; the level of teamwork and cooperation among various employee groups; problem areas or bottlenecks in daily operations; and eventual areas of dissatisfaction. Surveys can also probe the safety culture; for example, do personnel know the proper channels for reporting safety concerns and are they confident that the organization will act on expressed concerns? Finally, surveys can identify areas of dissent or confusion, for example, diversity in beliefs among particular groups from the same organization regarding the appropriate use of procedures or tools. On the minus side, surveys largely reflect perceptions. Surveys can be likened to incident reporting and are therefore subject to the shortcomings inherent to reporting systems in terms of understanding operational human performance and error. Flight data recording1.2.12Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) and Quick Access Recorder (QAR) information from normal flights is also a valuable diagnostic tool. There are, however, some limitations about the data acquired through these systems. DFDR/QAR readouts provide information on the frequency of exceedences and the locations where they occur, but the readouts do not provide information on the human behaviours that were precursors of the events. While DFDR/QAR data track potential systemic problems, pilot reports are still necessary to provide the context within which the problems can be fully diagnosed.1.2.13Nevertheless, DFDR/QAR data hold high cost/efficiency ratio potential. Although probably under-utilized because of cost considerations as well as cultural and legal reasons, DFDR/QAR data can assist in identifying operational contexts within which migration of behaviours towards the limits of the system takes place.Proactive strategiesNormal line operations monitoring1.2.14The approach proposed in this manual to identify the successful human performance mechanisms that contribute to aviation safety and, therefore, to the design of countermeasures against human error focuses on the monitoring of normal line operations.Figure 1-2.Training Behaviours — Accomplishing training goals。
生态足迹概念及其在国外的应用黄宁郭玥锋(奥克兰大学建筑与规划学院, 新西兰奥克兰1004)摘要本文分为两部分,第一部分详细介绍了生态足迹概念的产生、发展和计算方法;第二部分从地域规模(宏观)和具体学科分类(微观)两种情形下介绍了生态足迹在国外的应用。
关键词生态足迹概念国外应用The Conception and Overseas Application of Ecological FootprintHUANG Ning GUO Yue-fengSchool of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland1Auckland City, New Zealand, 1004AbstractThis paper includes two sections. The first section introduces the origination, the development, and the counting method of Ecological Footprint in detail. The second section articulates the comprehensive application of Ecological Footprint overseas according to the group categorized by different geographic levels and the group categorized by various concrete disciplines. The paper aims to transmit some unambiguous information about Ecological Footprint to readers as well as leading them to understand both the conception of Ecological Footprint and its general availability in practice. Moreover, the paper can provide 1黄宁(1971-),男,河南开封人,高级工程师,新西兰奥克兰大学博士研究生;主要研究方向为城市建筑和交通的可持续发展性。
As a high school student, I often find myself pondering the future, particularly how the landscape of work will evolve. The rapid advancement of technology and the everchanging global dynamics are reshaping the way we approach our careers and daily tasks. Heres a glimpse into what I envision the future of work to be like, based on current trends and some educated guesses.The Rise of Remote WorkOne of the most significant shifts I foresee is the continued growth of remote work. The COVID19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, demonstrating that many jobs can be performed effectively from anywhere. In the future, I believe well see more companies adopting flexible work policies, allowing employees to work from home or coworking spaces. This will not only improve worklife balance but also reduce the environmental impact of daily commutes.The Integration of Artificial IntelligenceArtificial intelligence AI will play a pivotal role in the future workplace. AI assistants will become more sophisticated, taking over routine tasks and allowing humans to focus on more creative and strategic work. For instance, AI could manage scheduling, data analysis, and even initial stages of customer service, freeing up employees to tackle more complex problems.The Importance of Lifelong LearningWith the rapid pace of technological change, the need for continuous learning will be more critical than ever. Workers will have to adapt to new tools and technologies to stay relevant in their fields. This will necessitate a culture of lifelong learning, with companies investing in the professional development of their employees and individuals taking the initiative to upskill regularly.The Gig Economy and FreelancingThe traditional 9to5 job might become less common as more people turn to freelancing and the gig economy. This shift will offer greater flexibility and autonomy but also pose challenges in terms of job security and benefits. Platforms that connect freelancers with clients will become more prevalent, facilitating a more fluid job market.Collaboration Across BordersGlobalization will continue to blur the lines between national boundaries in the workplace. Well likely see more international collaboration, with teams working together across different time zones and cultures. This will require new communication tools and strategies to ensure effective teamwork despite geographical distances.The Role of Virtual Reality VR and Augmented Reality ARVirtual and augmented reality will transform how we interact with digitalinformation and each other. VR could be used for immersive training simulations, while AR might overlay digital information onto the physical world, aiding in tasks that require precision and detailed guidance.The Focus on Wellbeing and Mental HealthAs work becomes more integrated with our personal lives, there will be a greater emphasis on employee wellbeing and mental health. Companies will need to create supportive environments that promote a healthy balance between work and personal life, possibly through initiatives like mental health days and stress management programs.Ethical Considerations and WorkThe future workplace will also need to address ethical considerations more directly. Issues like data privacy, AI bias, and the environmental impact of technology will become central to business operations. Workers will be expected to engage with these topics, contributing to a more socially responsible corporate culture.The Potential for Automation to Create New JobsWhile automation will displace some jobs, it will also create new opportunities. Well see the emergence of roles that we cant yet imagine, much like how social media managers and app developers are roles that have emerged in recent years. The key will be to anticipate these changes and prepare for them through education and adaptability.In conclusion, the future of work is set to be dynamic and full of opportunities, but it also presents challenges that we must navigate with foresight and flexibility. As a high school student looking ahead, I am excited about the possibilities but also aware of the need to prepare for a world that will demand continuous learning, adaptability, and a keen sense of ethics. The future may be uncertain, but with the right mindset and skills, we can shape it into something remarkable.。
Artificial Intelligence Overview
Artificial Intelligence OverviewArtificial intelligence, often referred to simply as AI, is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. In simple terms, AI is the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.One of the key components of AI is machine learning, which involves training algorithms to recognize patterns in data and make decisions based on those patterns. This allows AI systems to continuously improve and adapt to new information without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, involves artificial neural networks that mimic the structure and function of the human brain. These neural networks can process massive amounts of data and identify complex patterns that would be impossible for humans to recognize.AI technologies have already been integrated into many aspects of our daily lives. For example, virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa use AI algorithms to understand and respond to voice commands. Recommendation systems on platforms like Netflix and Amazon use AI to analyze user data and provide personalized suggestions. In healthcare, AI is being used to analyze medical images, predict patient outcomes, and optimize treatment plans.In the field of business, AI is being used to automate routine tasks, improve decision-making processes, and provide deeper insights into data. Companies are utilizing AI-powered chatbots to handle customer inquiries, predictive analytics to forecast sales trends, and natural language processing to analyze customer feedback.While the potential benefits of AI are immense, there are also concerns about its impact on jobs, privacy, and ethics. AI has the potential to automate many jobs currently performed by humans, leading to job displacement and economic uncertainty. There are also concerns about the use of AI in surveillance, data collection, and decision-making processes that could infringe on individual rights and freedoms. Ethical considerationssurrounding AI include issues of bias, accountability, and transparency in algorithmic decision-making.Despite these challenges, the growth of AI shows no signs of slowing down. Investment in AI research and development is increasing, and new applications of AI are being discovered in diverse fields such as transportation, finance, and agriculture. As AI continues to evolve, it is essential for researchers, policymakers, and society as a wholeto work together to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a responsible and ethical manner.In conclusion, artificial intelligence has the potential to transform the way we live, work, and interact with the world. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI, we can harness its power to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and create a more sustainable future for all.。
The Art of Communication
主价值链流程梳理方法路径Understanding the main value chain process is essential for any organization to identify areas of improvement and optimize their operations. 了解主价值链流程对于任何组织来说都是至关重要的,可以帮助他们识别改进的领域并优化运营。
By systematically mapping out the main value chain process, businesses can gain insights into the different stages involved in bringing a product or service to market. 通过系统地梳理主价值链流程,企业可以深入了解将产品或服务推向市场所涉及的不同阶段。
This can help in identifying bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas where costs can be reduced or value can be added.这有助于识别瓶颈、效率低下的地方以及可以减少成本或增加价值的领域。
One method to effectively map out the main value chain process isto start by identifying the key activities involved in the creation and delivery of a product or service. 一种有效地系统地梳理主价值链流程的方法是首先确定产品或服务的创造和交付中所涉及的关键活动。
This may include activities such as design, procurement, production, marketing, sales, and after-sales service. 这可能包括设计、采购、生产、营销、销售和售后服务等活动。
The Importance and Needs Analysis of Medical English
The demand for medical English in the context of globalization
Increasing international cooperation and exchange in the medical field
Benefits of using standardized medical terminology and expressions in international communication
The application of artificial intelligence
in ed diagnosis and its association with
Challenges in understanding medical terminology and concepts across languages
Impact of language barriers on patient care and safety
Need for accurate translation and interpretation in
International application cases: Abroad, artistic intelligence technology has also been widely used in the medical field For example, in the United States, artistic intelligence has been used to predict the risk of diabetes and assist in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer In Europe, artistic intelligence has been used to monitor the health status of the elderly and provide timely warnings and interventions
mechatronicsMechatronics: Bridging the Gap between Mechanical Engineering and ElectronicsIntroductionMechatronics is an interdisciplinary field that combines mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, and control systems to design and create smart devices. These devices, often found in industrial automation, robotics, and automotive applications, have revolutionized various sectors by enhancing efficiency, precision, and safety. This document provides an overview of mechatronics, its key components, applications, and future prospects.1. Definition and ComponentsMechatronics is a well-balanced integration of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, computer science, and control engineering. The goal is to design and develop intelligent systems that can both receive and process information, as well as perform physical actions based on thatinformation. Mechatronic systems typically consist of four core components:1.1 Mechanical Components: These include various physical parts such as actuators, sensors, motors, gears, and linkages. Mechanical engineering principles are used to design and optimize these components for specific tasks and environmental conditions.1.2 Electronic Components: Mechatronics heavily relies on electronic components like microcontrollers, sensors, and transducers. These components enable the system to sense, measure, and process data, making informed decisions based on that data.1.3 Computer Science and Software: Mechatronic systems utilize software programs to analyze data, control actuators, and communicate with other devices. Programming languages like C, C++, and PLC ladder logic are commonly used for development.1.4 Control Systems: Control theory plays a crucial role in mechatronics. It involves designing and implementing algorithms and control systems to regulate the behavior andperformance of the mechatronic system. It ensures stability, accuracy, and safety in various applications.2. Applications of Mechatronics2.1 Industrial Automation: Mechatronic systems have transformed industrial processes by increasing efficiency, improving product quality, and reducing human involvement. Industrial robots, assembly lines, and automated guided vehicles are just a few examples of how mechatronics is applied in manufacturing industries.2.2 Robotics: Mechatronics is the backbone of modern robotics. Robots used in healthcare, exploration, home assistance, and even disaster management heavily rely on mechatronic principles. These robots can perform complex tasks with accuracy and precision, enhancing productivity and safety.2.3 Automotive Systems: The automotive industry heavily relies on mechatronics for safety systems, engine control units, and navigation systems. Mechatronic systems enable advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) like lane-keeping assist, adaptive cruise control, and collision avoidance, improving vehicle safety.2.4 Biomedical Engineering: Mechatronics plays a key role in the design and development of medical devices such as prosthetics, assistive devices, surgical robots, and monitoring systems. These devices enhance patients' quality of life and provide improved medical care.3. Future ProspectsMechatronics is a rapidly growing field with immense potential. The advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and internet of things (IoT) are expected to further revolutionize mechatronic systems. Some potential future prospects include:3.1 Smart Cities: Mechatronics can contribute to the development of smart cities by integrating intelligent systems into urban infrastructure, transportation, and energy management. This can lead to enhanced efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and improved quality of life for residents.3.2 Human-Robot Interaction: As robots become more advanced, mechatronics will play a crucial role in developingintuitive human-robot interaction mechanisms. This includes designing robots that can recognize emotions, understand natural language, and respond accordingly.3.3 Autonomous Systems: Mechatronic systems are the foundation of autonomous vehicles and drones. The future prospects include developing fully autonomous transportation systems that can navigate, interact, and make decisions without human intervention.ConclusionMechatronics brings together mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, and control systems to create intelligent and efficient systems. Its widespread applications in industrial automation, robotics, automotive systems, and biomedical engineering have had a significant impact on different sectors. The future prospects of mechatronics are promising, with the potential to revolutionize various industries and contribute to the development of smart cities and advanced human-robot interaction mechanisms.。
艺术和人文和自然科学一样重要英语作文Art, humanities, and natural sciences are all essential aspects of human knowledge and understanding. Each discipline offers a unique perspective on the world around us, and together they provide a comprehensive view of the complexities of life.Art plays a crucial role in expressing human emotions, creativity, and culture. Through painting, sculpture, music, dance, literature, and other forms of artistic expression, artists convey their thoughts and feelings to the world. Art allows us to explore different cultures, histories, and perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding among people of diverse backgrounds. It also serves as a means of self-expression and personal growth, allowing individuals to connect with their innermost thoughts and emotions.Humanities encompass a wide range of disciplines, including philosophy, history, literature, religion, and languages. These subjects help us explore the human experience, understand the values and beliefs that shape societies, and grapple with the big questions of existence. By studying the humanities, we gain insight into the complexities of human nature, the evolution of societies, and the way people have interpreted the world throughout history. Humanities encourage critical thinking,analysis, and reflection, challenging us to consider different perspectives and question our assumptions about the world.Natural sciences, on the other hand, focus on the study of the physical world and its natural phenomena. Fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and geology help us understand the laws that govern the universe and the mechanisms that drive natural processes. Natural sciences provide us with the tools to solve practical problems, make informed decisions about our environment, and develop new technologies to improve our quality of life. They also inspire a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty and complexity of the natural world, encouraging us to explore and preserve the planet's biodiversity and ecosystems.While each discipline has its unique methods, goals, and contributions, they are all interconnected and mutually enriching. The arts and humanities provide a humanistic perspective on the world, fostering creativity, empathy, and emotional intelligence. Natural sciences offer a systematic and empirical approach to understanding the physical world, promoting logical reasoning, observation, and experimentation. Together, these disciplines help us make sense of the world and our place in it, offering different ways of knowing and experiencing reality.In today's rapidly changing and complex world, it is more important than ever to appreciate the value of art, humanities, and natural sciences. By embracing a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to education and research, we can cultivate well-rounded individuals who are equipped to tackle the challenges of the 21st century. Art inspires creativity and imagination, humanities foster critical thinking and empathy, and natural sciences promote knowledge and innovation. To truly understand the world and ourselves, we must embrace the diversity of human knowledge and experience embodied in these three essential pillars of human understanding.。
Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation
Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation Non-destructive testing (NDT) is awide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component, or system without causing damage. This is in contrast to destructive testing, which is used to determine the properties of a material by causing damage to the material. NDT is commonly used in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries to ensure the safety and reliability of products and structures. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of non-destructive testing and evaluation and its various techniques. First and foremost, non-destructive testing and evaluation play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of products and structures. By using NDT techniques, manufacturers and engineers can detect flaws, defects, and discontinuities in materials and components without causing any damage. This allows for the early detection and prevention of potential failures, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of critical infrastructure and ensuring the safety of end users. There areseveral commonly used NDT techniques, each with its own advantages and limitations. One of the most widely used techniques is ultrasonic testing, which uses high-frequency sound waves to detect internal and surface defects in materials. Another common technique is radiographic testing, which uses X-rays or gamma rays tocreate images of the internal structure of a material. Other techniques include magnetic particle testing, liquid penetrant testing, and eddy current testing. Each of these techniques has its own unique applications and is used depending on the specific requirements of the material or component being evaluated. Inaddition to ensuring the safety and reliability of products and structures, non-destructive testing and evaluation also play a critical role in quality controland process optimization. By using NDT techniques, manufacturers can identify and eliminate defects in the early stages of production, leading to cost savings and improved efficiency. Furthermore, NDT can be used to monitor the performance and integrity of materials and components over time, allowing for predictive maintenance and extending the lifespan of critical infrastructure. Despite its numerous advantages, non-destructive testing and evaluation also have some limitations. One of the main challenges is the need for highly trained and skilledpersonnel to perform NDT techniques accurately and reliably. Additionally, some NDT techniques may be time-consuming and require specialized equipment, which can increase the overall cost of testing. Furthermore, certain materials and components may be difficult to inspect using conventional NDT techniques,requiring the development of new and innovative methods. In conclusion, non-destructive testing and evaluation are essential tools for ensuring the safety, reliability, and quality of products and structures. By using a variety of NDT techniques, manufacturers and engineers can detect flaws and defects in materials and components without causing any damage, leading to cost savings, improved efficiency, and extended lifespan of critical infrastructure. While NDT has its limitations, ongoing research and development in this field continue to expand the capabilities of non-destructive testing and evaluation, making it an indispensable part of modern industry.。
学术研讨交通运输标准国际化现状与实施路径研究■ 潘 硕 张 宇 王 冀(交通运输部科学研究院标准与计量研究中心)摘 要:近年来,世界发达国家积极实施标准化战略,增强标准国际化与标准化战略的融合度和协调性。
关键词:标准国际化,国际标准化,标准制修订,标准化战略DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2021.05.005Research on Status and Implementation Path of Internationalization ofTransportation StandardsPAN Shuo ZHANG Yu WANG Ji(Standardization and Metrology Research Centre, China Academy of Transportation Sciences)Abstract: In recent years, the developed countries in the world have actively implemented the standardization strategy to enhance the integration and coordination of the internationalization and standardization strategies. In order to improve the international development level of China's transportation industry standards, the status quo and implementation path of transportation standards internationalization were studied. Firstly, the participation of relevant standardization organizations of China's transportation industry participating in the development and revision of international standards and the work of international standardization organizations was investigated through questionnaire; Combined with policy research and case analysis, this paper summarized the problems existing in the standardization work of industry standardization institutions; Finally, on the basis of summarizing and analyzing the policies and measures of standards internationalization in some developed countries, this paper compared the development status and existing problems of industry standards internationalization, and put forward the implementation path and specific measures suitable for the internationalization development level of transportation industry standards in China.Keywords: Standard internationalization, international standardization, standard formulation and revision, standardization strategy基金项目: 本文受交通运输标准国际合作交流发展战略研究项目(项目编号:2020-99-053)资助。
state-of-the-art review
state-of-the-art reviewA state-of-the-art review, also known as a literature review or systematic review, is a comprehensive analysis of existing knowledge and research in a particular field. It involves evaluating and summarizing the current state of scientific literature, including both published and unpublished studies.The purpose of a state-of-the-art review is to provide an overview of the current knowledge and understanding in a specific area of study. It aims to identify gaps, inconsistencies, and emerging trends in the research and to highlight areas that require further investigation.The process of conducting a state-of-the-art review typically involves the following steps:1. Defining the research question or topic: The review should focus on a specific research question or topic that is relevant and significant.2. Identifying relevant sources: Researchers must identify and gather a wide range of literature sources, including academic articles, books, conference papers, reports, and other relevant documents.3. Screening and selecting studies: The identified sources should be screened and selected based on predefined criteria, such as relevance, quality, and methodology.4. Data extraction and analysis: Researchers should extract andanalyze key information from the selected studies, such as study design, sample size, methods, findings, and any relevant statistical information.5. Synthesis and interpretation of findings: The findings of the selected studies should be synthesized and interpreted to provide a coherent and comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge.6. Identification of gaps and future directions: The review should identify any gaps, inconsistencies, or areas where further research is needed. This can help guide future research and inform the development of research agendas.A state-of-the-art review can be conducted for various purposes, such as guiding research projects, informing policy decisions, or providing a foundation for further research in a particular field. It is an important tool for researchers to stay updated with the latest advancements and to ensure that their work builds upon existing knowledge.。
ca1821Title: CA1821: Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the 21st CenturyIntroductionArtificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century. Its potential to revolutionize various domains such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and communication is immense. CA1821 aims to explore the impact and implications of AI on society, economy, and individuals. This document discusses the advancements, benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations associated with AI.Advancements in AIIn recent years, AI has made significant progress in various fields, fueled by advancements in machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. CA1821 lays the foundation for understanding these advancements and explores their potential applications. AI has enabled breakthroughs in areas such as autonomous vehicles,healthcare diagnosis, personalized recommendations, and fraud detection. With algorithms becoming increasingly sophisticated, AI systems are able to learn, adapt, and make decisions with minimal human intervention.Benefits of AIThe widespread adoption of AI holds numerous benefits for society. CA1821 delves into these advantages, highlighting AI's potential to improve efficiency, enhance productivity, and solve complex problems. In healthcare, AI-powered algorithms can facilitate early disease detection, improve patient outcomes, and support medical professionals in decision-making. AI's role in combating climate change through energy optimization, accurate weather forecasting, and environmental monitoring is also examined. Furthermore, AI can optimize transportation systems, reducing traffic congestion and improving logistics in smart cities.Challenges and RisksDespite the undeniable benefits, the deployment of AI comes with challenges and risks that need to be addressed. CA1821 discusses these challenges, including the potential for job displacement due to automation. While AI can streamlineprocesses and boost productivity, it also raises concerns about unemployment and a widening skills gap. Moreover, AI algorithms are susceptible to bias, leading to discriminatory outcomes. Ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI systems is crucial to mitigate these risks.Ethical ConsiderationsDeveloping AI ethically is a key concern in the 21st century. CA1821 introduces ethical considerations related to AI, including privacy, data security, and algorithmic transparency. AI systems rely heavily on data, raising concerns about the misuse and unauthorized access to sensitive information. It is essential to establish robust regulations and ethical guidelines to protect user privacy and maintain public trust in AI technologies. The document also examines the potential of AI in reinforcing existing inequalities, emphasizing the importance of promoting inclusive and equitable AI development.Future OpportunitiesCA1821 concludes by exploring the future opportunities and possibilities that AI presents. As AI technologies continue to evolve, there is potential for breakthroughs in areas such aspersonalized education, virtual assistants, and personalized medicine. With ongoing research and advancements, AI has the potential to transform the way we live, work, and interact. Companies and policymakers need to collaborate to create an environment that fosters innovation while ensuring that AI benefits all segments of society.ConclusionArtificial Intelligence has become an indispensable part of the 21st century. Its transformative potential can disrupt traditional industries while offering numerous benefits. However, it is crucial to carefully navigate the challenges and ethical considerations associated with AI to ensure its responsible and inclusive deployment. CA1821 provides an overview of the impact of AI, highlighting its advancements, benefits, challenges, and ethical implications. By understanding the potential of AI and working towards its responsible development, we can harness its power to shape a better future for humankind.。
与艺术的鉴赏英语作文800字Art Appreciation: A Path to Deeper Meaning.Art has the ability to transcend the boundaries of language and culture, captivating hearts and minds across generations. Its enigmatic allure stems from its capacity to evoke emotions, spark imagination, and provide a glimpse into the human condition. Appreciation of art, therefore, is not merely a passive act of observation but an active engagement that demands our attention, contemplation, and interpretation.Aesthetic Experience: The Sensory Encounter.The initial encounter with a work of art is often through our senses. The interplay of colors, shapes, textures, and sounds engages our visual, tactile, and auditory faculties. This sensory experience can elicit immediate reactions, evoking awe, wonder, or tranquility. The aesthetics of a piece, its visual appeal and pleasingcomposition, can be a gateway to further exploration.Historical and Cultural Context: Understanding the Tapestry of Time.Beyond the sensory perception lies the rich tapestry of historical and cultural context in which art is created. Understanding the time period, the artist's background, and the societal influences that shaped the work unveils layers of meaning that would otherwise remain hidden. A painting depicting a biblical scene, for instance, becomes more resonant when we grasp the prevailing religious beliefs and social norms of the era.Symbolic Interpretation: Deciphering the Artistic Language.Art often employs symbols, metaphors, and allegories to convey deeper meanings. The artist's choice of objects, colors, and gestures can hold symbolic significance, enriching the viewer's understanding of the work. By unraveling these symbolic codes, we gain access to theartist's intended message and the broader themes that the work explores.Formal Analysis: Uncovering the Structural Intricacies.Beyond the content, art appreciation also involves analyzing its formal qualities. The composition, balance, perspective, and use of line and shape contribute to the overall impact of a piece. By examining these formal elements, we can appreciate the artist's technical skill and the deliberate choices made to create a harmonious or dissonant effect.Emotional and Intellectual Engagement: Connecting with the Human Experience.Art has the profound power to evoke a wide range of emotions in viewers. It can make us laugh, cry, feel inspired, or provoke deep contemplation. The ability of art to tap into our emotional core stems from its capacity to represent universal human experiences. By engaging with art on an emotional level, we connect with the emotions andperspectives of others, fostering empathy and a deeper understanding of our shared humanity.Intellectual stimulation, challenging our perceptions.Art can also challenge our assumptions and preconceived notions. It can provoke questions about society, morality, and the nature of reality. By encountering different perspectives and challenging our own beliefs, art stimulates our critical thinking and encourages us to question the status quo.Personal Interpretation: Embracing Subjectivity.Art appreciation is inherently subjective. The meaning and value we find in a work of art are shaped by our individual experiences, perspectives, and beliefs. There is no single correct interpretation, and embracing this subjectivity allows us to derive personal insights and connections.The Transformative Power of Art: A Catalyst for Change.Exposure to art has the potential to transform us on a profound level. It can inspire us, challenge our assumptions, and spark creativity. Art can foster empathy, breaking down barriers between people and bringing about positive social change. By engaging with art, we open ourselves up to new ways of thinking, feeling, and connecting with the world.Conclusion.Art appreciation is an ongoing journey of discovery and interpretation. It invites us to engage our senses, explore historical and cultural contexts, decipher symbols, analyze formal elements, connect with our emotions and intellect, embrace subjectivity, and recognize the transformative power of art. By embracing the multifaceted nature of appreciation, we unlock the vast potential of art to enrich our lives, foster understanding, and inspire us to create a more vibrant and meaningful world.。
Jakub Sorocki, Ilona Piekarz, Krzysztof Wincza, Member, IEEE, and Slawomir Gruszczynski, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Novel metamaterial structures featuring left-handed (LH) and composite right/left-handed (CRLH) character are presented. The proposed unit cells utilize sections of coupled transmission lines. It is shown that by taking advantage of the coupling between transmission lines an additional degree of freedom is achieved, and therefore, the design process of artificial transmission lines is more flexible. The general behavior of each of the proposed circuits is presented and analyzed. Moreover, the design equations are formulated and the design process of each unit cell is described. The usefulness and validity of the proposed unit cells are illustrated and verified by the design and measurements of compact artificial transmission line sections utilizing the presented structures. Moreover, possible applications are discussed.
学术英语社科unit3 A翻译
六级英语作文题目 art
六级英语作文题目 art英文回答:Art has captivated human imagination throughout history, serving as a mirror to society, a vehicle for self-expression, and a catalyst for emotional and intellectual growth. Its multifaceted nature encompasses an array of creative disciplines, including painting, sculpture, music, literature, and dance. Each art form possesses unique attributes, but they all share the ability to evoke emotions, convey ideas, and inspire contemplation.The power of art lies in its ability to transcend language barriers, reaching across cultures and timeperiods to resonate with human experiences. Whether it is a poignant painting, an evocative piece of music, or a captivating dance performance, art has the capacity totouch our hearts and minds, stirring within us a profound sense of connection.Moreover, art serves as a catalyst for critical thinking and introspection. By engaging with works of art, we are invited to question our preconceptions, explore different perspectives, and delve into the depths of our own emotions. Art can provoke discomfort, challenge our beliefs, and lead us to a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us.In today's fast-paced, technology-driven society, art remains an essential facet of human existence. Its ability to provide solace, inspire creativity, and foster empathy makes it more important than ever. Whether we lose ourselves in the beauty of a painting, are moved by the symphony of an orchestra, or find solace in the written word, art enriches our lives and connects us to our shared humanity.中文回答:艺术在整个历史中都吸引着人们的想象力,它是社会的一面镜子,是自我表达的载体,也是情感和智力成长的催化剂。
The Art of Effective Communication
The Art of Effective Communication Effective communication is an essential skill that permeates all aspects of human interaction. It is the foundation of successful relationships, both personal and professional. The ability to convey one's thoughts and ideas clearly, concisely, and persuasively is crucial for building trust, fostering collaboration, and achieving desired outcomes. The art of effective communication encompasses a wide range of elements, including verbal and non-verbal cues, active listening, empathy, and clarity of expression. Verbal communication involves the use of spoken or written words to convey meaning. The choice of words, tone of voice, and pace of delivery all play a significant role in shaping the message and its impact on the recipient. Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and eye contact, can either reinforce or contradict the verbal message, adding another layer of complexity to the communication process. Active listening is an equally important aspect of effective communication. It involves paying undividedattention to the speaker, seeking to understand their perspective, and respondingin a way that demonstrates comprehension and empathy. By actively listening, we create an environment of trust and respect, encouraging open dialogue and the free flow of ideas. Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is crucial for building strong connections and fostering meaningful communication. By putting ourselves in the shoes of others, we can better appreciate their viewpoints and respond with sensitivity and understanding. Clarity of expressionis paramount in effective communication. Using precise language, avoiding jargon and ambiguity, and structuring thoughts logically are essential for ensuring that the message is conveyed accurately and understood by the recipient. Concise communication is equally important, as it prevents information overload and ensures that the key points are delivered effectively. The benefits of effective communication are manifold. It strengthens relationships by fostering trust and mutual understanding. It enhances collaboration by facilitating the sharing of ideas and perspectives. In the workplace, effective communication is essential for productivity, efficiency, and achieving organizational goals. By fostering aculture of open and honest communication, organizations can improve employee morale, reduce conflicts, and create a more positive and productive workenvironment. In conclusion, the art of effective communication is an indispensable skill that enriches our personal and professional lives. By mastering the elements of verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, empathy, and clarity of expression, we can unlock the transformative power of communication and create a more connected and fulfilling world.。
acrobatics作主语 -回复
artificial in telligence 英语专业四
artificial in telligence 英语专业四Future trend in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a new science of researching theories, methods and technologiesin simulating or developing thinking process of human beings. It including the research in the field of robotics, speech recognition, image recognition, Natural language processing and expert systems.AI is an embranchment of Computer Science, and itis foreland of research field of computer science. Thefield of AI research was founded at a conference on the campus of Dartmouth College in the summer of1956.Artificial intelligence has the impact in natural science. The need of using mathematic computer to solve the problem, AI brings many benefits. Artificial intelligence has the impact in economy, the expert system more depth in all, to bring the great benefit. AI also promoted the development of the computer industry, but at the same time, also brought the problem of employment services.With the development of artificial intelligence and intelligent robot, we have to say, artificial intelligence is advanced research, so it may touch the bottom lines ofethics. I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore the real connotation.。
摘 要:人工智能作为一项引领全球新一轮科技革命和产业变革的战略性技术,已经成为大国经济竞争的重要筹码。
关键词:人工智能;经济安全;经济竞争;技术民族主义中图分类号:F124 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1009-8054(2021)05-0010-08戢仕铭(华东师范大学 国际关系与地区发展研究院,上海200062)人工智能对国家经济安全的影响研究*文献引用格式:戢仕铭.人工智能对国家经济安全的影响研究[J].信息安全与通信保密,2021(5):10-17. JI Shiming.Research on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on National Economic Security[J].Information Security and Communications Privacy,2021(5):10-17.Research on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on NationalEconomic SecurityJI Shiming(SAIAS of East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)Abstract: As a strategic technology leading a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world, artificial intelligence has become an important bargaining chip in the economic competition of major countries. In this context, it is necessary to systematically explain the impact of artificial intelligence on national economic security from the perspective of international politics, economy and national security. Artificial intelligence may bring many risks to national economic security, including unemployment risks, platform monopoly risks, and economic network risks. Therefore, while accelerating the development of artificial intelligence, all countries in the world must change the* 收稿日期:2021-03-06;修回日期:2021-04-03 Received date:2021-03-06; Revised date:2021-04-03 基金项目:国家社会科学基金重大项目“全球价值链与新型国际关系建构研究”(No. 20DZA099)Foundation Item: National Social Sciences Foundation of China"Research on the Construction of Global Value Chain and New International Relations" (No.20DZA099)0 引 言关于人工智能(AI)的普遍定义在国际上经常被视为机器学习、计算机视觉等领域的统称[1]。
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An Overview of Artificial Transportation SystemsQing-Jie Kong, Fei-Yue WangThe State Key Laboratory of Management and Control forComplex SystemsInstitute of Automation, Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing, China{qjkong.cas; feiyue.trans}@Fenghua Zhu, Gang XiongDongguan Research Institute of CASIACloud Computing Center, Chinese Academy of SciencesDongguan, China{fenghua.zhu; gang.xiong}@Abstract―At present, the problems of urban traffic management and control have not yet been well solved, due to the great complexity of urban transportation systems. In this context, artificial transportation systems (ATS) theory was presented several years ago, and has been verified to be a promising approach to better management and control of complex transportation systems. On the basis of summarizing the research works on ATS to date, this paper systematically introduces the concept, theory frame and methods of ATS; meanwhile, the corresponding literatures are also reviewed. Then, as a major application approach of ATS, the parallel system theory is briefly introduced, and the major case studies of applying ATS are also reviewed. Finally, we analyze the current state-of-the-art of ATS, and point out the main research directions.Keywords―artificial transportation systems; transportation simulation systems; agent method; parallel transportation management systemsI.I NTRODUCTIONTraffic problems, as a sort of the key problems of urban development and management, have resulted in a huge impact on the social development. In many big cities, the traffic problems have formed a bottleneck of economic and social development and have become one of the culprits to environment pollution. However, as a research object, transportation systems not only have characteristics, such as multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, large-scale, high complexity, but also have the high cost, which makes it very difficult to do experiments directly on the real transportation systems. Therefore, it is quite difficult to comprehensively test and accurately evaluate the solutions for traffic problems in advance, which is also one of the reasons why the existing intelligent transportation technologies are not able to solve the traffic problems completely yet[1].After several decades of development, transportation simulation systems (TSS) have become an important tool in the research of transportation systems, and have been widely and effectively applied in practice. Typical TTS include CORSIM, VISSIM, TransModeler, Quadstone Paramics, etc. However, along with the increase of computer capacity and speed, and also the popularization of parallel, distributed and grid computing methods, the limitations of the traditional transportation simulation approaches become obvious, and these approaches are not able to take full advantages of the high performance of current computers [1], [2].Under this background, Wang et al.[1-3] proposed the concept of artificial transportation systems (ATS), by which the transportation simulation methods were improved to a higher level. In this paper, we systematically discuss the ATS theory and method. First, the question what is ATS is comprehensively answered in three aspects: 1) the definition of ATS; 2) the differences between ATS and TTS; 3) the basic framework of ATS. Then, the research methods of ATS are discussed in detail, and the case studies are also reviewed after the method description. Finally, as a major application approach of ATS, the theory of parallel systems and its applications are briefly discussed.II.A RTIFICIAL T RANSPORTATION S YSTEMSA.Definition of ATSThe main idea of ATS is to integrate the artificial society theory and method [4] into transportation simulation methods, and to apply the technologies of high-performance computing and agent-based modeling to transportation systems, i.e. “artificial transportation systems” [1-3].It is a direct application of artificial societies in transportation simulation systems, and is also the novel requirement of the traditional simulation methods in the research of complex systems and the inevitable outcome of the increasing computing performance. B. Differences between ATS and TSSAs an important application of computer simulation technology in the field of traffic engineering, transportation simulation uses modern computer technology to reproduce the complex traffic phenomena. By using TSS to analyze the possible behaviors of transportation systems under various conditions, the users try to find the optimal solution for the traffic problems in the real world. Compared with TSS, ATS has both similarities and differences.The similarities: On one hand,the research thoughts of ATS and TSS come down in one line. ATS just change an angle and try to use the new method to solve the same problem, which is how to analyze the complexity of transportation systems. On the other hand, they are both based on the traffic theory research, and use the computer technologies to study the complex traffic phenomena by developing the virtual mathematical models or computer-implemented models.The differences:The most important difference lies in that the fundamental starting point of building ATS and TSS is different. TSS first divide the research object into subsystems,Research supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China grants 61104160, 61174172, 61233001, and 71232006.then use computer and numerical technologies to perform modeling and integrating, and finally simulate and replay the status and development characteristics of the real transportation system, so as to discuss and solve the various problems faced by the real traffic. It belongs to a top-down passive reduced-style research method. However, ATS employ computer and agent technologies to build transportation systems. Starting with the traffic behavior models of a single vehicle or a local object, ATS explore the emerged characteristics caused by the interaction between agent and agent, agent and environment, and environment and environment; meanwhile it shows the various states and development characteristics of ATS. It belongs to a bottom-up initiative synthesized-style research method. Second, both of the systems are also slightly different in terms of the system functions. ATS have self-organization. With the passage of time, it is able to rely on its internal strength to realize its internal ordered, so that its functions can be achieved. Different from ATS, TSS achieve its own balance not relying on its internal strength but completely under the external control.However, regardless of the differences between ATS and TSS in the objectives, methods, and understandings, their essence is the same, which is to use computational methods to study the traffic problems.C. Basic Framework of ATSAs the aforementioned characteristics, ATS are self-contained with respect to the generation and evolution of the traffic behavior. Therefore, constructing an ATS not only involves the transportation itself, but also involves the interaction between traffic and people, traffic and nature,transportation and society.Fig. 1. Major components of ATS.Figure 1 shows the major components of ATS, including1)Transportation subsystem:It involves transport infrastructures, vehicles, travelers, management and rules, etc.2)Construction subsystem:It involves infrastructure construction, the introduction of new technology, etc.3)Logistical subsystem:It involves freight warehousing, network, scheduling, etc.4)Social and economic subsystem:It involves population, economic, commercial activities, large social group activities, etc.5)Ecological and resource subsystem:It involves environmental pollution, ecological cycle, resource consumption and re-use, etc.6)Weather and environment subsystem:It involves weather, climate, environment conditions, etc.7)Legal and regulation subsystem:It involves administrative regulations, traffic laws, etc.8)Parallel and distributed computing subsystem:It involves parallel, distributed, and grid computing, experimental design, etc.9)Meta-synthesis subsystem:It involves data mining, multiple-factor synthesis, decision evaluation, etc.10)Objective decision subsystem:It involves object strategy, task planning and assignment, etc.Among them, logistical, construction and regulation subsystems are closely related with the operation of the entire transportation system; weather and environment, social and economic, and ecological and resource subsystems have a significant impact on the state of the transportation system; parallel and distributed computing, meta-synthesis and objective decision subsystems directly service for the transportation system, and are responsible for the calculation process, comprehensive analysis and indicator assessment in ATS. It should be noted that these subsystems are not only directly related to the transportation system but also interrelated among themselves. Herein, we only consider those relations that affect traffic behaviors.III.R ESEARCH M ETHODS OF ATSObviously, the existing methods for TSS and its subsystems can all be used in the modeling and construction of ATS. Besides, according to the methods used by artificial societies and the latest progress of the complex system and computational intelligence fields, the constructing methods of ATS also involve the following four aspects [5], [6]: 1) agent methods; 2) Petri nets and its derivative models; 3) linguistic dynamic description of complex systems; 4) cellular automata and its generalized form. In this section, these new research methods are successively discussed, with which some typical research literatures are also reviewed.A. Agent MethodsAgent methods are the primary means of describing artificial societies and many other complex systems. The main features of agents include autonomy, social skills, learning and evolutionary adaptive abilities, and moving ability. Employingagents to realize the description and analysis of ATS includes three components: the agents, the environment of agents, and the social rules, which are discussed as follows.1)Agents:Agents can be various personnel, vehicles, equipments, regulations, even plants, etc. in ATS. They have their own internal states, rules of behavior, ways of thinking, and growth process, which can change with time, communication and external environment. For instance, in the modeling of ATS, each moving vehicle is treated as a traffic agent. Every traffic agent has its internal state and rule, can communicate with the outside world, and can vary with the change of time and space. Generally, traffic agents refer to those subjects who bear abilities for intelligent thinking and can participate in the traffic operation.2)Environment:Environment is the place that agents run in. It may be the actual physical environment or a virtual mathematical or computational process. Specifically, the environment of ATS refers to traffic junctions, roads, lights, detectors, gas stations, shops, communities, etc., which form the activity space for agents. In ATS, the changes of the environment may be caused by the emerged traffic phenomena under different conditions. Meanwhile, the new nurtured traffic junctions and road sections can also be used to study their impact on the operation of ATS.3)Rules:Rules are the standards and methods of the interactions between agent and agent, agent and environment, and environment and environment. For instance, a simple interaction rule between an vehicle agent and the environment can be the vehicle agent turns left, turns right, goes straight or stops according to the traffic signals at the road intersections; for the case of interactions between agent and agent, a rule can be that a single vehicle agent accelerates, decelerates, or changes lanes, according to other vehicle agents’ traveling speed or the road conditions on the same road; according to the emerged traffic characteristics, a simple interaction rule between environment and environment is to design the new traffic junctions and sections.As one of the important research approaches of ATS, the agent methods have been widely studied in recent years. Miao et al. [7], [8] preliminarily investigated the application of the P2P computation techniques and the concept of the social computing in ATS. They established the agent models of vehicles, transport facilities, and shopping malls, and focuses on elaborating the method and procedure of using the P2P communication mechanism to construct the ATS. The feasibility of the proposed method was validated by the simulation example of the single commercial subsystem (population, weather and environment subsystems were not included). Finally they also discussed the issues on the operating strategy and mechanism of ATS. Li et al. [9] designed the ATS based on iteration of the rules, and proposed the ATS model with multi-agent platform group and its computational experiment methods. Miao et al. [10] realized ATS modeling and computational experiments on the game engine platform, in which the population module, the traffic simulation module, rules, networks and the interaction were flexibly designed under one framework, and eventually realized the distributed traffic simulation.B. Petri Nets and Its Derivative ModelsPetri nets were originally proposed by Petri in the 1960s in order to describe the communication between the finite automata. Currently, it has been extensively and effectively used in the communications, networking, computation, computer-integrated manufacturing, intelligent systems, project management, and workflow analysis. Recently, many researchers are committed to applying Petri nets into the transportation systems and the agent methods. The use of Petri nets, we can establish the analytic representation of the agent behaviors and the agent social process, and lay the foundation for agent-based ATS design, implementation and verification. The main research directions in this area include:1)The use of Petri net transducers to establish a singleagent in the form of model;2)Establishing the Petri net model of the agents’ socialskills to analytically describe the communication andconnection between the agents;3)Using Petri nets to describe the agents’ mobile ability;4)Using probability Petri nets to establish the modeldescribing the agent's reasoning, learning,evolutionary and adaptive ability;5)Introducing the game theory to describe theproducing and influence of the cooperation,antagonism, decision-making between agents.Zhu et al. [11] established the ATS model with the two key factors: the agent and the interaction between agents. They put the whole system model as a sequential communication system (a special type of Petri nets), and also demonstrated that the established Petri nets model has good performance by studying the road network modeling case.C. Linguistic Dynamic Description of Complex SystemsThe essence of language dynamic research is how to dynamically and effectively use information to solve the problems on modeling, analysis, control and evaluation of complex systems in the language level. Its main idea is to study how to make use of the effective concept, framework, and methods of the general numerical dynamic to build its own corresponding system. Currently, the main research contents include the concept system, computational frame, and the algorithms of word-digital conversion and digital–word conversion, whereas the main methods involve fuzzy logic, cell space and cell mapping, number theory grid point sets, and discrete dynamic programming. The ultimate goal of language dynamics research is to establish the bridge between human language knowledge representation and computer digital knowledge representation, and becomes one of the basic theories of the next generation intelligent and language-formhuman-computer interaction. Language dynamics are mainly applied in the abstraction analysis of numerical dynamic systems, the dynamic analysis of the word-described economic, social, management, and ecological systems, decision-making synthesis, policy evaluation, and the knowledge mining, dynamic representation, and their application of large amounts of data. As the establishment and analysis of ATS involve many intuitions of language representation, experience knowledge and the corresponding reasoning and planning, and data and knowledge mining, language dynamics play an important role in the ATS research.Wang and Lansing [12] introduced the ontology knowledge base into the ATS, and first represented the concept of ATS with the ontology. Thus, ATS can make full use of web open-source information and the third-party information systems in the semantic level to promote knowledge sharing and reuse. On this basis, they further adopted logic language to formally describe the rules in the simulation process, in order to enhance simulation flexibility and understandability, and also used the knowledge base to implement the centralized management of the ontology and rules.D. Cellular Automata and Its General FormCellular automata and Neumann first proposed self-reproduction automata have been proved by the research on artificial societies that they are the effective tools to realize the analytical model of agents and the calculation process. In recent decades, cellular automata have also been widely used in the studies on traffic behavior. The typical works include the one dimension cellular automata model proposed by Nagel et al. for freeway traffic, and the two-dimensional cellular automata model, which is put forward by Biham for urban traffic. Recently, some researchers further presented the generalized cellular automata model, which can also be applied in ATS.IV.P ARALLEL S YSTEM T HEORY AND A PPLICATIONS OFATSTransportation systems are a sort of huge complex systems with dynamics and unpredictability. In order to apply ATS into actual traffic engineering to optimize transportation systems, the parallel system theory (PST), as an effective solution, was developed in transportation management and control [13], which are the parallel transportation management systems (PtMS) [14]. In this section, we first introduce the basic concept of PtMS, and then review the up-to-date researches on the application of ATS.A.Basic Concept of PtMSFig. 2. Basic framework of PtMS.PtMS changes the traditional passive and offline methods using traffic simulation, and realizes rolling online improvement and optimization for the running transportation systems. The basic framework of PtMS is shown in Figure 2.The mechanism of PtMS is to use the interactions between the actual transportation systems and ATS to achieve observation and investigation of the physical system, the optimization and management of the actual transportation systems, the experiments and evaluations of the corresponding solutions and decisions, etc. Through the repeated coordination between the two systems, PtMS not only can perform the rolling improvement and optimization of the running traffic management and control system, but also can improve the managers and users' learning efficiency and operating reliability. The main contents include1)Experiment and evaluation [15]:By acquiring real-time traffic data, PtMS employ the ATS simulation software to comprehensively and accurately perform the experiment, analysis and evaluation of the transportation system solutions according to the different index systems. This is a big promotion of traffic simulation on the experimental methods, which is also more scientific and reasonable.2)Learning and training:As a learning, training and management center, ATS can be connected or combined with the actual transportation systems to implement the "virtual" training to the managers and users of the transportation systems, in order to improve the learning efficiency and operating reliability.3)Optimization and control [16]:By connecting ATS with the actual transportation systems to compare them in real time, PtMS perform the rolling improvement and optimization of the actual transportation management and control system. Furthermore, PtMS can predict the future traffic states and correspondingly adjust the management and control modes to achieve better effect of optimization, improvement or control. Meanwhile, the ATS can also be revised to reduce the differences with the actual transportation systems.B. Applications of ATSIn the framework of PtMS, ATS have been widely studied and practiced during recent years. For instance, Lv et al. [17] investigated the problem how to use ATS to evaluate the operation status of transportation systems, under the given conditions of urban land utilization and traffic networks. In their studies, some indices, such as the ratio of congested roads in peak hours and the maximum number of vehicles in road networks, were employed to reflect the traffic operation status of the road networks, which can provide decision support for traffic management departments to formulate transportation development plans. Zhu et al. [18] successfully realized the ATS in Ji’nan city of China, and showed positive effectiveness of applying the ATS methods. In the meantime, Xiong et al. [19] built the PtMS in Guangzhou, China to enhance smoothness, safety, efficiency, and reliability of public transport management during 2010 Asian (Para) Games. Li etal. [20] studied the computational experiment method in the parallel public transportation system, and obtained better results. Li et al. [21] applied the ATS theory in the urban transit system, which was called artificial urban transit system (AUTS). With AUTS, they realized dynamical modeling of the passenger’s behavior and route choice, and transit demand prediction on a simplified transit network. The demonstration system of the Beijing AUTS was also presented in their paper. Zhang et al. [22]built the system of computational experiments and decision support for ITS, which is a complete application system of ATS. Wang and Shen [23] applied the GPU-based cloud computing technique to develop the ATS, which greatly improved the operation speed of ATS, and thus made the on-line operation of ATS become possible. Besides, ATS have also been applied in other sorts of transportation systems, e.g. urban rail transportation systems [24], [25] and high-speed railway systems [26].V.C ONCLUSIONSThis paper has shown an overview of Artificial Transportation Systems (ATS) by reviewing the related literatures to date. The main contents include the theory framework, research methods, implementation approaches, and case studies. By analyzing the existing works, we can draw the following conclusions.Since ATS were proposed almost a decade ago, many research works have been done in this field. In these research works, not only new methods of ATS were developed, but also successful real-world applications were reported for ATS. All of the research works kept on gradually enriching the theoretical system of ATS. Nevertheless, the research on ATS is still just at its beginning, and there are still many technical problems need to be explored and solved. They mainly lie in the following two aspects:1)The construction techniques of ATS are immature:Although the four key research methods of ATS has been widely studied for many years, for the research field of ATS, they are still quite new, especially for P2P computing and social computation theory. This sort of interdisciplinary development will play a very significant role in the construction of ATS, but still lack in-depth research and application.2)Real-world applications of ATS need to bestrengthened:Most of the PtMS at present are only to connect the actual transportation systems and the traffic simulation systems to build the simple parallel systems, which is not completely in the sense of parallel transportation systems.Therefore, not only ATS need further be explored, finalized, and applied, but the related methods of computational experiment and parallel execution also need to be deeply investigated. 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