相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 S-32 Cu-64一、选择题(本题共40分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.下列文物的材质属于合金的是A .新石器彩陶缸B .商代青铜四羊方尊C .战国水晶杯D .西汉素纱衣 2.131 53I 可用于治疗甲状腺疾病,其同位素原子可能A .质子数为78,中子数为53B .质子数为54,中子数为131C .质子数为53,质量数为127D .质子数为78,质量数为131 3.对原子核外电子运动状态的描述最全面的是A .原子结构示意图B .电子式C .电子排布式D .轨道表示式 4.对Cl 2的叙述正确的是A .能用钢瓶贮存B .与过量的Fe 反应只生成FeCl 2C .与H 2混合光照可制取HClD .与澄清石灰水反应制取漂粉精5.对认识正确的是A .名称为3-甲基丁烷B .所有碳原子在同一平面上C .难溶于水D .不能发生分解、加成、消除反应 6.分别装在体积相同容器中的乙烯和丙烯,一定具有相同的A .质量B .分子数C .碳碳双键数D .含碳量CH 3CH 3CH 2CHCH 37.HCl气体难分解是因为A.HCl相对分子质量大 B.HCl分子极性强C.H—Cl键键能大 D.H—Cl键极性强8.比较合成氨工业与制硫酸中SO2催化氧化的生产过程,正确的是A.都按化学方程式中的系数比投料 B.都选择了较大的压强C.使用不同的催化剂加快反应速率 D.都采用吸收剂分离产物9.将浓度均为∙L-1的下列溶液稀释10倍,其中pH增大的是A.HNO3 B.NaOH C.KI D.NaHCO310.不影响滴定结果准确性的操作是A.滴定前,用水洗净的滴定管装标准液 B.滴定前,用待测液润洗锥形瓶C.滴定时,用少量蒸馏水冲洗锥形瓶内壁 D.滴定时,停止振荡锥形瓶11.不能通过一步反应实现的是12.能用元素周期律解释的是A.酸性:HI>HF B.碱性:NaOH>Mg(OH)2C.稳定性:CH4>H2S D.氧化性:FeCl3> CuCl213.与H2反应生成的单炔烃有A.1种 B.2种 C.4种 D.8种14.用绿矾(FeSO4∙7H2O)配制FeSO4溶液,常加入稀硫酸和A.锌粉 B.铁粉 C.硫酸铁 D.盐酸15.下列物质间不能发生化学反应的是A.AgCl固体和KI溶液 B.Na2SO4固体和浓盐酸C.CH3COONa固体和浓盐酸 D.NaHCO3固体和石灰水16.分析图1,甲、乙具有的共性是A.反应物能量均高于生成物能量B.电极反应均有Fe-2e→Fe2+C.碳棒上均发生氧化反应D.溶液pH均增大溶液SO4溶液甲乙图1S O2SO3H2S O2SO2SO2Br2水H2SO4H2SO4(浓)CSO2 A. B. C. D.CH3CH3CH2CH CH2CHCH2CH3CH317.下列事实中,能说明醋酸是弱酸的是A .冰醋酸能和氨水反应B .冰醋酸加水后导电性增强C .醋酸溶液能溶解CaCO 3D .醋酸溶液加热后c (CH 3COO -)变大18.已知:2H 2(g)+O 2(g)→2H 2O (g)+ kJ ,2H 2(g)+O 2(g)→2H 2O (l)+ kJ ;图2中示意正确的是19.实验室制取乙酸丁酯,图3装置中正确的是20.为达成下列实验目的,所用方法正确的是二、综合分析题(共60分)图2A .B .C .D .图3(一)(本题共15分)聚合氯化铝晶体([Al 2(OH)n Cl (6-n)•XH 2O]m )是一种高效无机水处理剂。
上海市普陀区2018年中考二模化学试题化学部分(满分60分)2018.4 相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O -16 Cl-35.5 Ca-40 K-39 Fe-56六、选择题(共20分,每小题只有一个正确选项)27.下列关于化学的看法不正确的是A.化学可以为人类研制新材料B.化学会在环境保护中发挥重要作用C.化学可以为人类研制新能源D.化学的发展必然导致生态环境的恶化28.下列有关硫酸参与的变化中属于物理变化发生的是A.滴加浓硫酸后白纸变黑B.溶解氧化铜固体C.与碱发生中和反应D.浓硫酸干燥气体29.化肥在农业生产中起着重要作用,下列物质中属于复合肥料的是A.KNO3B.NH4Cl C.(NH2)2CO D.Ca(H2PO3)230.石油经分馏分离可以得到汽油、煤油、柴油等产品,由此可以判断石油属于A.单质B.化合物C.混合物D.纯净物31.人体中缺少某种元素可能导致骨质疏松,该元素是A. 碘B. 铁C. 钙D. 锌32.下列盐的水溶液呈碱性的是A.碳酸钙B.氯化钠C.碳酸钠D.氯化铵33.下列物质属于有机物的是A.SO2B.CO2 C.HCHO(甲醛)D.(NH4)2CO334.常见条件下,下列金属活动性最强的是A.铅B.铜C.银D.锡35.下列物质是金刚石的同素异形体的是A.石灰石B.石墨C.红宝石D.二氧化碳36.常见的下列物质中属于盐类的是A.CH3COOH B.NaHCO3C.CCl4D.MgO37.浓硫酸稀释时,一定要A.迅速将水倒入浓硫酸中后搅动B.把浓硫酸沿器壁慢慢地注入水中,并不断搅动C.把水缓缓地倒入浓硫酸中,并不断搅动D.迅速将浓硫酸倒入水中后搅动38.下列物质中既是二元酸又是含氧酸的是A.硝酸B.硫酸C.盐酸D.双氧水39.下列说法正确的是A.酸能与所有的金属反应制得氢气B.皮肤上沾到酸可用NaOH溶液中和C.盐酸与某些不溶性的碱也能发生中和反应D.NaOH固体可用于干燥任何气体40.某工厂排放的废水pH值为2,污染环境。
上海市普陀区高三3月等级考模拟质量调研(二模)化学试题 Word版含解析
上海市普陀区2018届高三3月等级考模拟质量调研(二模)化学试题1. 属于合金的物质是A. 石墨B. 水银C. 硬铝D. 明矾【答案】C【解析】石墨属于碳的非金属单质,纯净物,A错误;水银属于金属汞,是纯净物,不属于合金,B错误;硬铝属于铝的合金,属于合金,C正确;明矾为十二水合硫酸铝钾,纯净物,不属于合金,D错误;正确选项:C。
2. 据报道科学家在宇宙中发现了H3分子。
H3与H2属于A. 同素异形体B. 同分异构体C. 同系物D. 同位素【答案】A【解析】由同种元素组成的不同单质互为同素异形体,H3与H2都是由氢元素形成的不同单质,属于同素异形体,A正确;同分异构体要求分子式相同,H3与H2分子式不同,B错误;结构相似,组成相差n-CH2原子团的物质,C错误;同位素研究的对象为原子,不是单质,D错误;正确选项A。
3. 不属于化学变化的是A. 煤的干馏B. 石油的分馏C. 石蜡的裂化D. 重油的裂解【答案】B【解析】煤的干馏生成煤焦油等,有新物质生成,为化学变化,A错误;石油的分馏与沸点有关,无新物质生成,为物理变化,B正确;石蜡油的裂化,饱和烃转化为不饱和烃,如烯烃生成,为化学变化,C错误;重油的深度裂化,得到小分子不饱和烃,称为裂解,化学变化,D错误;正确选项B。
4. 不属于氮的固定的是A. 在根瘤菌作用下氮气转变成氮肥B. 打雷时氮气转变成一氧化氮C. 氨气与二氧化碳反应生成尿素D. 氮气与氢气合成氨【答案】C【解析】氮气转化为一氧化氮,是氮元素的游离态转化为化合态,属于氮的固定;豆科植物的根瘤菌固氮属于生物固氮;高温高压催化剂作用下,氮气、氢气合成氨属于氮元素的游离态转化为化合态,是氮的固定;利用氨气和二氧化碳合成尿素,氨气和尿素,均为化合态,不是氮的固定;综合以上,不属于氮的固定的是C;正确选项C。
上海市普陀区度第二学期理化试卷化学部分(满分60分)相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 S-32六、选择题(共20分,每小题只有一个正确选项)27.引起酸雨的主要气体是A.二氧化硫 B.二氧化碳 C.甲烷 D.氨气28.地壳中含量最高的金属元素是A.金 B.铜 C.铝D.硅29.下列只发生物理变化的过程是A.从铝土矿(主要成分是Al2O3)中提炼金属铝B.秸秆、杂草、粪便等在沼气池中发酵C.二氧化碳气体经加压、降温得到干冰D.一氧化碳燃烧生成二氧化碳30.下列属于有机氮肥的是A.氯化铵 B.尿素 C.硫酸钾D.碳酸氢铵31.不属于碱的物质是A.NH3·H2O B.Na2CO3 C.NaOH D.Fe(OH)332.苯的化学式为C6H6,下列有关苯的说法正确的是A.苯中的C、H元素的质量比为12:1B.苯分子是由6个碳元素和6个氢元素组成C.苯的相对分子质量为13D.苯分子由6个碳原子和6个氢原子构成33.下列实验操作正确的是34.化学反应的微观过程如图,下列有关说法正确的是A.甲的化学式为C2H2 B.反应物甲的质量等于生成物丁的质量C.甲和丙均为有机物 D.该反应属于复分解反应35.下列合金投入足量的稀硫酸中,能完全溶解的是A.生铁(铁和碳) B.青铜(铜和锡)C.硬铝(镁和铝)D.黄铜(铜和锌)36.实验室用如图所示装置制取氧气,实验操作正确的是A.加热前,将集气瓶注满水后倒立在盛水的水槽中B.先将导管口移入集气瓶,再开始加热C.集满O2后将集气瓶移出水槽,然后盖上玻璃片D.停止加热时,先熄灭酒精灯,再移出导气管37.化学与生活息息相关。
下列四种试剂中,能将它们通过一次实验鉴别出来的是A.Na2CO3溶液 B.MgCl2溶液 C.KNO3溶液D.酚酞试液39.对实验现象、过程的描述都正确的是A.硫在空气中点燃发出黄光、放出热量B.铁粉在空气中加热剧烈燃烧、生成黑色固体C.浓硫酸敞口放置溶液的颜色、质量不变D.烧碱固体放入水中迅速溶解、溶液温度升高40.铁在高温下能与水蒸气反应,生成四氧化三铁与氢气,该反应中还原剂是A.铁 B.水 C.四氧化三铁D.氢气41.下列关于自来水的生产说法正确的是A.最终得到的自来水是纯净物B.液氯可以去除天然水中的杂质C.明矾可促进水中悬浮杂质的沉降D.过滤能除去天然水中所有的杂质42.氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙具有相似的化学性质,其本质原因是A.都能与指示剂作用 B.都具有氢氧根原子团C.都含有金属元素 D.都含有氢元素和氧元素43.从防火、灭火、自救等安全知识判断,下列做法正确的是A.室内着火马上开门窗 B.炒菜时油锅着火用锅盖盖灭C.用明火检验燃气是否泄漏 D.电器着火时用水浇灭44.利用给定实验器材(规格和数量不限),能完成相应实验的是实验器材(省略夹持装置)相应实验A .烧杯、玻璃棒、蒸发皿氯化钠溶液的浓缩结晶B .烧杯、玻璃棒、胶头滴管、滤纸用水除去二氧化锰中的氯化钾C .烧杯、玻璃棒、胶头滴管、量筒、天平用固体碳酸钠配制5%的溶液D .烧杯、玻璃棒、石蕊试液、玻璃片测定雨水的酸度45.向某FeSO4和CuSO4的混合溶液中加入一定质量锌粉,充分反应后过滤,得滤液和滤渣。
2018年上海市普陀区中考化学二模试卷六、选择题(共20分,每小题只有一个正确选项)1.(1分)低碳环保应从我们身边做起,下列做法正确的是()A.出行以公共交通为主B.空调一直开机维持室内温度C.电池应扔在垃圾桶内D.超市购物多使用塑料袋2.(1分)属于混合物的是()A.蔗糖B.胆矾C.液态空气D.蒸馏水3.(1分)体现了“铁”的物理性质的是()A.铁易生锈B.铁在纯氧中能燃烧C.铁能与盐酸反应D.铁能锻造成刀具4.(1分)含“﹣4 价”碳元素的化合物是()A.CO B.CO2C.CH4D.Na2CO3 5.(1分)家庭中常见的物质在水中一般呈碱性的是()A.肥皂B.食醋C.食盐D.酸奶6.(1分)名称与化学式相对应的是()A.氯化亚铁FeCl3B.硫酸钠Na2SO4C.胆矾CuSO4D.氧化铝AlO27.(1分)地壳中含量最高的非金属元素是()A.氧B.硅C.铁D.铝8.(1分)用如图所示的密闭装置进行实验,能够使气球先膨胀,慢慢又恢复()A.A B.B C.C D.D9.(1分)水垢的主要成分是CaCO3、Mg(OH)2,除去玻璃水杯中水垢的试剂最好是()A.盐酸B.硫酸C.食盐水D.双氧水10.(1分)物质露置在空气中一段时间后,质量会减轻的是()A.烧碱固体B.浓盐酸C.澄清石灰水D.大理石11.(1分)化学实验既要操作规范,更要保障安全。
下列实验操作符合要求的是()A.搅拌过滤器内的液体可以加快过滤速度B.滴管伸入试管可以方便地把液体滴入试管C.烧杯直接加热,可以更快地升温D.粉末药品放入试管内,应平放试管用纸槽将粉末送入试管底部,再竖直试管12.(1分)有关“原子”说法错误的是()A.是化学变化中最小的微粒B.是自然界中最小的微粒C.是保持物质化学性质的一种微粒D.是可以直接构成物质的一种微粒13.(1分)有关燃烧说法正确的是()A.燃烧一定需要氧气B.燃烧一定放热C.燃烧一定生成二氧化碳D.燃烧一定要点燃14.(1分)一种高效消毒剂的主要成分为高氯精(C3O3N3Cl3),下列有关高氯精的说法正确的是()A.由12 种元素组成B.摩尔质量为77.5C.其中氧元素的质量分数最高D.C、O、N、Cl 的原子个数比为1:1:1:115.(1分)如图是硫在氧气中的燃烧,有关实验操作或现象描述正确的是()A.产生蓝色火焰B.瓶底放少量水,可以避免瓶底炸裂C.产生刺激性气味的气体D.硫粉越多越好,使现象更为明显,也能保证氧气充分反应16.(1分)反应中一定有盐生成的是()A.分解反应B.化合反应C.中和反应D.置换反应17.(1分)下列做法对配制10%的氯化钠溶液,不会有影响的是()A.使用的氯化钠晶体不纯B.配制溶液的烧杯未干燥C.量筒量取水时俯视读数D.将配好的溶液移入试剂瓶时,有少量溶液溅出18.(1分)利用如图实验装置进行实验,根据实验现象不能得出的结论是()A.CO 有还原性B.CO 有毒性C.CO 有可燃性D.产物有CO219.(1分)分离CaCl2、KCl 的固体混合物,可选用的一组试剂是()A.水、硝酸银、盐酸B.水、碳酸钠、盐酸C.水、碳酸钾、硫酸D.水、碳酸钾、盐酸20.(1分)含0.1mol NaOH 溶液中通入一定量的CO2后,再滴入过量的盐酸至溶液呈酸性,蒸干溶液后,得到NaCl 的物质的量n是()A.0.05<n<0.1mol B.n<0.1molC.0.05mol D.0.1mol七、填空题(共21分)21.(7分)普通电池(锌锰电池)含有多种材料,结构如图。
(2)写出反应 I 的化学方程式____________________________________。上述反应除主要得到 B 外,还可
(4)欲知 D 是否已经完全转化为肉桂酸,检验的试剂和实验条件是____________________。
d、可能减小 e、可能不变
(2)为了提高 CO2 的捕获百分率,可采取的措施是____________________。(任写一条) (3)向 2L 某密闭容器充入 1mol CO2 和 4mol H2,一定条件下发生上述反应。5min 末测得气
体的物质的量减少了 20%,则 0~5min 内 CO2 的平均反应速率为_______________。
24. 肉桂酸是一种重要的有机合成中间体,被广泛应用于香料、食品、医药和感光树脂等精细化工产品的生
(1)反应类型:反应 II________________,反应 IV________________。
CO2 还可应用于纯碱工业。工业生产纯碱的过程中,向饱和的氨化食盐水中通入足量 CO2 的生产环节又被 称为“碳酸化”。
(4)碳酸化时产生的现象是____________________________。碳酸化过程中,溶液中 c(CO32-)的变化情况
为____________________。 (5)碳酸化后过滤,留在滤液中的阳离子主要有_______________(填写化学式)。简述检验滤液中 Cl- 离 子的实验操作。________________________________ 23. I.已知某纯碱试样中含有杂质 NaCl,为了确定试样中纯碱的质量分数,可测定其在化学反应中生成 CO2 的质量,实验装置如下(铁架台及夹持仪器均已省略)。
上海市嘉定区2018厝高三下学期教学质量调研(二模)化学试題 相对原子质里: H-1 0-16 Na -23Cl-35.5 Fe-56 Cu-64 、选择题(共 40分,每小题2分。
下列中草药煎制步骤中,属于过滤操作的是2、 下列属于电解质的是A. 酒精B.氯气C.硝酸钾D.铁丝 3、 下列分离方法中,和物质的溶解度无关的是A.升华 B.萃取 C.纸层析 D.结晶 4、下列化学用语正确的是 A.乙醛的结构简式: CH 3COH7、下列分子中,具有极性键而不是极性分子的是 A. H 2O B.HCl C.NH 3 D.CH 45、 下列物质的水溶液因水解而呈碱性的是A. NaClB.NH Q 6、 可逆反应在一定条件下达到化学平衡时, A. 正反应速率等于逆反应速率C.反应体系中混合物的组成保持不变 C.Na 2CO 3D.NaOH下列说法错误的是B. 反应物和生成物浓度不再发生变化D.正、逆反应速率都为零 A.冷水浸泡 B ・加热熬制 U 算潢取液 D+灌装保存B.乙炔的结构式:CH ^CH8、中和滴定中,视线应注视A.滴定管内液面变化B.液滴滴出速度9、能说明二氧化硫具有还原性的事实是A. 反应体系中加入催化剂,会改变反应的热效应B. 反应物的总能量低于生成物的总能量C. 该反应的热化学方程式为 3H 2(g)+N 2(g) —1 2NH 3(g)+Q(Q>0)D. 该反应是吸热反应14、在合成氨生产中,下列措施正确且能用勒沙特列原理解释的是15、下列实验操作正确的是A.用带橡皮塞的棕色细口瓶盛放浓硝酸 A.使品红溶液褪色B.使溴水褪色11、有机物命名正确的是A.1,1-二甲基丙烷C.2-甲基丁烷D.2-甲基戊烷12、在测定胆矶中结晶水含量时,判断胆矶加热完全失去结晶水的依据是 A.加热时无水蒸气逸出C. 固体质量不再减小 13、下列各组性质比较错误的是B.胆矶晶体由蓝变白 D.固体质量不断减小A.氢化物的热稳定性:H 2S>HCIB.酸性:HCIO 4>H 2SO 4C.碱性:Mg(OH) 2>Al(OH) 3D.原子半径Cl>F A.使用催化剂后,反应迅速达到平衡状态C.反应宜在高压下进行B. 反应温度控制在 500 C 左右 D. 平衡混合气用水吸收后,剩余气体循环利用C.与氢硫酸反应D.与烧碱反应B.3-甲基丁烷B. 滴定管经蒸馏水润洗后,即可注入标准液进行滴定pHC. 用干燥清洁的玻璃棒蘸取某溶液点在pH试纸中部,跟标准比色卡比较来测定该溶液的D. 配制溶液时加水超过容量瓶的标线,用滴管把多余的液体吸出16、常温下,水存在H20-—H++OH--Q的平衡,下列叙述一定正确的是A. 向水中滴入少量稀盐酸,平衡逆向移动,K w减小B. 将水加热,K w增大,pH减小C. 向水中加入少量固体CH s COONa,平衡逆向移动,c(H+)降低D. 向水中加入少量固体NH4CI,c(H )=10- mol/L,K w不变17、某课外小组利用废旧金属器件制作一个简易的铜锌原电池,为确保实验安全,设计了如图装置,则下列说法正确的是M罕线吐[稀硫酸A.该装置将电能转化为化学能B.电子从电极X转移到电极Y2+C. X为阳极,表面产生大量气泡D.Y为负极,电极反应为Zn-2e宀Zn18、为证明酷酸是弱电解质,下列方法错误的是A. 测定0.1mol • L-1醋酸溶液的pH1B. 测定0.1 mol • L- CH3COONa溶液的酸碱性C. 比较浓度均为0.1 mol • L-1盐酸和醋酸溶液的导电能力D. 0.1mol • L-1的醋酸溶液与同体积0.1 mol • L-1的氢氧化钠溶液恰好反应19、下列表示碳酸氢钠水解的离子方程式正确的是A.HCO 3-+H+T CO2 f +出0B.HCO 3+OH — CO3Z+H2O- . - - + 2-C. HCO3+H2O ——H2CO3+OHD. HCO 3 +H2O T H3O +CO320、做实验时不小心沾了一些KMnO 4,皮肤上的黑斑很久才能消除,如果用草酸的稀溶液洗涤马上可以复原,其离子方程式为:Mn O4+H2C2O4+H+T CO2T +Mn 2++ 口(未配平)。
上海市普陀区2018年质量调研高三化学二模试卷相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 Cl-35.5 S—32Mg—24 Al—27 Fe—56 Cu—64一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1、今年全国两会普及使用了“石头纸”,这是以碳酸钙为主料(内层)、聚乙烯等高分子材料为辅料(双外层)制成的。
下图为某烃分子的一种模型,有关说法正确的是A.它是乙烯的球棍模型B.它是只有一种键角的非极性分子C.它的电子式为:D.半径较大原子核外电子排布的轨道表示式为:4、A、B、C、D、E为原子序数相邻且依次递增的同一短周期元素,下列说法正确的是(m、n均为正整数)A.若HnEOm为强酸,则D是位于VA族以后的非金属元素B.若C的最低化合价为-3,则E的气态氢化物的分子式为H2EC.A、B的最高价氧化物水化物均为碱,则碱性A(OH)n强于B(OH)n+1D.若B为金属,则C一定为金属元素5、在测定液态BrF3导电性时发现,20℃时导电性很强,其他实验证实存在一系列有明显离子化合物倾向的盐类,如KBrF4,(BrF2)2SnF6等,由此推测液态BrF3电离时的阳、阴离子是A.BrF2+,BrF4- B.BrF2+,F- C.Br3+,F- D.BrF2+,BrF32-二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,每题只有一个正确选项)6、实验中一定不需要“沸石”的是A.制取蒸馏水B.分馏石油C.制取乙烯D.制取溴乙烷7、给定条件下,两瓶气体所含原子数一定不相等的是A.同体积同密度的C3H6和C4H8 B.同温度同体积的O2和N2C.同质量不同密度的CO和C2H4 D.同压强同体积的N2O和CO28、将足量NO2通入下列各溶液中,所含离子还能大量共存的是A.Fe2+、Clˉ、SO42ˉ、Na+ B.NH4+、Al3+、NO3ˉ、Cl ˉC.Ca2+、K+、Clˉ、HCO3ˉ D.K+、Na+、SO32ˉ、SO42-9、固体A的试剂瓶签已部分被腐蚀(如右图所示)。
最新【解析】上海市金山区2018届高三下学期质量监控(二模)化学试题 word版上课讲义
化学试题2018.04相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 Cl-35.5 Cu-64一、选择题(本题共40分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确选项)。
1. 属于石油分馏产物的是A. 汽油B. 甘油C. 花生油D. 煤焦油【答案】A【解析】石油的主要成分是各种烷烃、环烷烃、芳香烃的混合物,属于烃类(只含碳氢元素)的混合物,汽油是C5~C12的碳氢化合物组成的混合物,是石油分馏中沸点在20℃~200℃的混合物,A选项正确;甘油是1,2,3-丙三醇,俗名甘油,属于醇类(含碳氢氧三种元素),B选项错误;花生油属于酯类(含碳氢氧三种元素),是高级脂肪酸的甘油酯,C选项错误;煤焦油是煤干馏的产物,不是石油分馏产物,D选项错误;正确答案A。
2. 属于强电解质的是A. 酒精B. 硫酸铜C. 冰醋酸D. 食盐水【答案】B【解析】在水溶液或熔融状态下完全电离出离子的电解质叫强电解质,酒精在水溶液中和熔融态下是都不导电的化合物,酒精是非电解质,A选项错误;硫酸铜在水溶液或熔融状态下都能够完全电离出离子Cu2+和SO42-,硫酸铜是强电解质,B选项正确;冰醋酸在水溶液中存在CH3COOH CH3COO-+H+电离平衡,冰醋酸是弱电解质,C选项错误;食盐水虽然能够导电,食盐完全电离,食盐是强电解质,但食盐水不是,它是混合物,而电解质是指化合物,D选项错误;正确答案是B。
3. 不属于氮肥的是A. 硫酸铵B. 尿素C. 草木灰D. 硝酸钾【答案】C【解析】氮肥是含有作物营养元素氮的化肥,硫酸铵化学式:(NH4)2SO4,含有氮元素,硫酸铵属于氮肥,A选项错误;尿素化学式是:CO(NH2)2, 含有氮元素,尿素属于氮肥,B选项错误;草木灰主要成分是K2CO3,含有钾元素,属于钾肥,所以草木灰不属于氮肥,C选项正确;硝酸钾的化学式是:KNO3,含有钾元素和氮元素,既属于钾肥,也属于氮肥,D选项错误;正确答案是C。
④拆解后经处理得到 65g 锌,则所含锌原子个数约为(用科学记数法表示)。
③50g 水中投入75g硝酸钠固体得到饱和溶液,此时,实验溶液温度为℃。
④四个烧杯中分别放入硝酸钾、硝酸钠、氯化钾、氯化钠各 10g,然后加入水都完全溶解得到50℃时饱和溶液。
A.硝酸钾B.硝酸钠 C.氯化钾D.氯化钠⑤有一包固体混合物,可能由硝酸钾和氯化钾中的一种或二种构成。
现取混合物 40g,加入50g 50℃的热水(水温保持不变),固体完全溶解。
上海市金山区2018届高三下学期质量监控(二模)化学试卷(含答案)相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 Cl-35.5 Cu-64一、选择题(本题共40分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确选项)。
1.属于石油分馏产物的是A.汽油B.甘油C.花生油D.煤焦油2.属于强电解质的是A.酒精B.硫酸铜C.冰醋酸D.食盐水3.不属于氮肥的是A.硫酸铵B.尿素C.草木灰D.硝酸钾4.水溶液可使石蕊变红的物质是A.Na2CO3 B.KCl C.NH3 D.NH4Cl5.HC≡CCH2CH3与CH3C≡CCH3互为A.同系物B.同分异构体C.同位素D.同素异形体6.能减少酸雨产生的可行措施是A.禁止燃煤B.用燃油代替燃煤C.燃煤脱硫D.使煤充分燃烧7.下列过程能实现化学能转化为热能的是A.光合作用B.木炭燃烧C.风力发电D.电解饱和食盐水8.某溶液中存在较多的H+、SO42-、Cl-离子,还可以大量存在的是A.OH-B.CO32-C.NH4+D.Ba2+ 9.将4g NaOH固体配成250mL溶液,则Na+的物质的量浓度(mol/L)为A.0.0004 B.0.016 C.0.4 D.1610.某元素的原子形成的离子可表示为n-,有关说法错误的是A.中子数为a-b B.电子数为b+nC.质量数为a+b D.一个离子的质量约为g 11.干冰气化过程中发生变化的是A.分子间作用力B.分子内共价键的极性C.分子内原子间距离D.分子的空间构型12.不能通过单质间化合直接制取的是A.CuO B.Cu2S C.Fe3O4D.Fe2S3 13.不能用元素周期律解释的性质是A.非金属性:Cl>Br B.热稳定性:Na2CO3>NaHCO3 C.酸性:HNO3>H2CO3 D.碱性:NaOH>Mg(OH)214.测定硫酸铜晶体中结晶水含量时,选用的仪器不合理的是A.蒸发皿B.玻璃棒C.干燥器D.电子天平15.Al2(SO4)3溶液分别与下列物质反应,能用Al3++3OH-→Al(OH)3↓表示的是A.少量氨水B.少量NaOH溶液C.足量石灰乳D.少量Ba(OH)2溶液16.有关钢铁的腐蚀与防腐,不能用原电池原理解释的是A.析氢腐蚀B.吸氧腐蚀C.与锌片相连后不易腐蚀D.与电源负极相连后不易腐蚀17.侯氏制碱法中可循环利用的物质是A.CO2、NaCl B.NH3、NaCl C.NH3、CO2D.CaO、NH318.传统医学治疗疟疾时将青蒿加水煮沸,但药效很差。
2018年上海二模 化学 专题资料 碳氧实验试题及答案
2018年上海市中考化学试卷23. 实验室制取氧气并进行相关实验。
①仪器a的名称;装置A中反应的化学方程式;②装置C 的作用;装置D中反应的化学方程式为;③装置E中固体由黑色变成亮红色,反应化学方程式为;④装置F是安全瓶,其作用是;⑤把装置A中换成酒精灯,可用于氯酸钾与二氧化锰混合制取氧气。
测试卷一II. Grammar and vocabularySection A 10%Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word: for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Jim ThompsonJim Thompson’s life story is one of success, achievement, and finally mystery because no one knows how it ended.Thompson was born in Delaware(21)_____ the east coast of the United States in 1906. After finishing high school, Thompson went to Princeton University and later studied architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduation, Jim Thompson worked as an architect in New York City until 1940. Not long after this, he volunteered(22)______ (serve)in the U.S. Army. During World War II, Thompson gathered intelligence for the army in Thailand. It was this first taste of life in the Far East(23)______ changed Thompson’s life. He saw opportunities to develop tourism there, becoming(24)______ (involve)in an ambitious scheme to restore the Oriental Hotel.While the hotel plan fell through, by that time Thompson had hit upon another scheme that would eventually make him a millionaire. While traveling around Thailand, he came across(25)____ he considered exquisite(精美的)samples of handwoven Thai silk, a product that(26)_____(become)rare. He persuaded the weavers to work with him and marketed the silk in New York, (27)______ it became very popular. As a consequence, the Thai silk industry was revived(复兴)and the business made Thompson and some of the weavers very wealthy.With his success in the silk business, Jim Thompson continued his original interest in architecture on the side. He found six traditional Thai houses and had(28)_____ brought to Bangkok and reassembled there as one magnificent house. Today, not only is it a beautiful house inside and out, (29)______ it is also filled with the works of art Thompson collected.In 1967 during a holiday in Malaysia, he went for a walk in the Jungle and disappeared forever. To this day, no clues(30)____(find)as to what happened to this wealthy American businessman who is credited with single-handedly reviving the Thai silk industry.Section B10%Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be usedMentally and Intellectually HarmfulLast month, the Indian Medical Association declared a public health emergency in New Delhi because of high levels of air pollution. Schools were shut and emergency traffic restrictions put in place.New Delhi is far from alone. Our research into the___31___ of air pollution in China shows that, in addition to the more obvious physical price, air pollution can also have serious negative effects on mental health and cognition (认知),___ 32___ reduc ing a person’s happiness and their scores in verbal and mathematical tests.Such harmful mental effects have serious negative consequences for livelihoods and humancapital development, suggesting that development___33____ should go beyond the traditional focus of boosting GDP in the developing world.India's recent pollution emergency is the most___34___ incidence(发生率)of dangerous air pollution, but smoggy skies have been a cause of growing___35____ in most developing countries.Major cities across the developing world---from Thailand to Brazil, to Nigeria---___36____ experience pollution at several times the WHO safe limits. In fact, 98% of cities with more than 100.000___37___ in low and middle-income countries fail to meet the WHO’s air quality guidelines.India’s extreme levels of air pollution are well recognized, and examining the effects provides clear warnings for other countries seeking fast growth through rapid industrialization.We used nationally ___38___ longitudinal (纵向)surveys on mental health and cognition, matched with daily air quality data for the time and place of interviews, to see what pollution does in a given time to individual happiness and cognitive performance. Because each person in our survey was __39___multiple times, we can control for the effect of individual characteristics on the outcome variables.We found that worsening air quality led to a decrease in happiness that day__40___to about 10 percent of the reduced happiness one would experience form a negative major life event such as divorce.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A15%Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Globalization: Good or Bad?Globalization is defined in many ways .One simple __41__is that it is the rapid increase in inte rnational free trade, investment, and technological exchange. It is argued that this international trade has been one of the main causes of world economic __42___over the past half century. Although there is little doubt that the global economy has developed enormously in the last 50 years, some people believe that this trend has only benefited certain countries, and that others have suffered as a result.Improved income?An argument__43___globalization is that the benefits of increased international trade are shared among everyone in the country. An example of this is China, where per capita income(人均收入)rose from about $1400 in 1980 to over $4000 by 2000.___44____per capita income rose by over 100% in India between 1980 and 1996. It would appear that countries which open their doors to world trade tend to become___45____ .However, these sorts of___46__might not be giving a true picture. They are “average”, and despite the fact that there has been a substantial increase I n income for a small minority of people, the vast majority have only seen a___47___improvement.More imports, more exportsSupporters of free trade point out that there is another direct benefit to be gained from an increase in international trade: exports___48___imports. Take coffee as an example. Countrieswhich produce and export coffee import the packaging for it: a(n) ___49__ trade which enables commerce to develop in two countries at the same time.___50___ maintain that, in general, it is poorer countries that produce and export food such as coffee, and richer countries that produce and export manufactured goods such as packaging materials. Furthermore, it is the richer countries that control the price of good and, ____51___, farmers may be forced to sell their produce at a low price and to buy manufactured goods at a high price.___52___developmentFinally, globalization often___53___ a country to concentrate on industries which are already successful. These countries develop expertise(专门技能)and increase their share in the international market. On the other hand, those countries which___54___ to support all their industries usually do not develop expertise in any one. Consequently, these countries do not find a world market for their goods and do not increase their gross domestic product(GDP).Anti-globalists claim that there is a serious problem in this argument for the ___55___ of industry. Countries which only concentrate on one or two main industries are forced to import other goods. These imported good are frequently overpriced, and these countries, therefore, have a tendency to accumulate huge debts.41. A. indication B. principle C. definition D. factor42. A. systems B. solution C. crisis D. growth43. A. in favor of B. on account of C. with regard to D. in honour of44. A. Fortunately B. Similarly C. Undoubtedly D. Unusually45. A. freer B. greater C. stronger D. wealthier46. A. figures B. descriptions C. countries D. benefits47. A. severe B. slight C. further D. general48. A. overtake B. qualify C. fight D. require49. A. two-way B. all-inclusive C. official D. legal50. A. Supporters B. Advocates C. Critics D. Authorities51. A. otherwise B. nevertheless C. therefore D. besides52. A. Global B. Industrial C. National D. Economical53. A. encourages B. restricts C. forbids D. forces54. A. stop B. continue C. fail D. refuse55. A. globalization B. transformation C. specialization D. identificationSection B22%Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AThe Harlem RenaissanceThe word “renaissance” means “rebirth”. The Harlem Renaissance took place during the 1920s. It was a time when the African American artistic community grew and flourished, producing a ton of work in a short period of time. The work celebrated African American culture and spoke to their experiences as minorities---both the good parts and the bad parts.After the Civil War, many African Americans left the South to escape unfair treatment and laws that discriminated against them. Between 1910 and 1920, massive numbers of black Southerners moved from the rural south into the urban North and West in the Great Migration. The African American population of Chicago more than doubled during that time! And in New York, African Americans flocked to uptown Manhattan, setting in a neighborhood called Harem. Forming a community within the big city let African Americans keep their cultural identity in a white-dominated society. It was a good thing, and a lot of important cultural issues were brought to light during the Harlem Renaissance. One of the most important figures of the time was the African American writer, W. E.B Du Bois. In his book, The Souls of Back Folk, in 1903, Du Bois wrote that African Americans suffered from something called “double consciousness”. They had their own self-image while they saw themselves through the eyes of white Americans. And performers like Josephine Baker and Paul Robeson brought African American culture to all New Yorkers. The Renaissance was so influential that “Harlem” grew into something of a brand name African Americans were pushing boundaries across all aspects of society. Black businesses began to flourish, creating a growing middle class, like Madame C.J. Walker, who tuned her cosmetics line into a million dollar empire. All together, the artists, and thinkers of this period helped mobilize the larger black population. Young African-Americans took advantage of improved access to higher education. This opened up new career paths and opportunities to attain advanced degrees. Perhaps most importantly, people---black and white---began the push for racial integration, planting the seeds of what would eventually become the civil rights movement of the 1960s.56. Why did many African Americans leave the South after the Civil War?A. To escape slaveryB. To find jobs in agricultureC. To avoid racial discriminationD. To gain citizenship57. How did W.E.B. Du Bois contribute to the Harlem Renaissance?A. He led to movement to return to AfricaB. He composed folk music based on African American themeC. He wrote plays about the African-American experienceD. He wrote about the struggle for African-American identity58. What can you infer about the economic status of African Americans prior to the Harlem Renaissance?A. Nearly all were unemployed at that timeB. The vast majority were considered lower classC. Most were regarded as middle classD. A large percentage were recognized as wealthy59. What actor allowed many more Africa Americans to pursue careers in fields like medicine and law?A. Spread of black businessesB. Access to higher educationC. Shift from agriculture to industryD. Push for unity among all Africans60. A traveler will enjoy a performance if he chooses ________.A. the Essential TourB. the Backstage TourC. Opera High TeaD. any of the tours61. Joining the Backstage Tour, a traveler _____.A. is allowed to wear sneakers when standing on the stageB. will have an opportunity to be the conductor of the orchestraC. can take his big family of 8 members to free breakfastD. can buy the discount ticket the day before the tour62. If a couple who travelled with their 17-year-old son joined the Essential Tour and had a meal of $150 there ,what would the lowest cost be if paid in cash?A. $203.25B. $214.5C. $225D. $239.25CA sensational new scientific discovery in the ocean near Australia may explain the mostmassive extinction of living things in Earth’s his tory. For years, scholars have been frustrated in trying to analyze why 90 to 95 percent of sea life and 75 percent of and life vanished about 250 million years ago. The extinctions were so enormous that they are called The Great Dying. To date, some authorities on ancient life thought that a volcanic eruption or a sudden change in the environment affected all life on Earth. Other specialists have doubted these theories, maintaining that it was not plausible that a solo volcano could bring about such chaos. From the outset, critics believed these claims were exaggerated.By contrast, there is wide acceptance of the idea that a meteor (流星)which hit Mexico’s Yucatan peni nsula 65 million years ago was the primary cause of the dinosaurs’ extinction. Nevertheless, until now they had no evidence of an intense meteor impact 185 mill on years earlier. Now they do.American geologists have been examining rock samples from a deep sea crater (火山口)near the northwest coast of Australia. The samples were initially collected and preserved by petroleum technicians seeking oil. Now the geologists and their colleagues believe that the precise splits in the rock’s structure show a typical pattern for meteors. There is a clear distinction from volcanic patterns. In fact, a spokesperson went so far as to say that these rocks completely revise the way scientists perceive the mass extinctions from the ancient era. Academics say that the meteor’s crater s the size of Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain on Earth! Literally, the meteor made a mark on Earth as it drowned in the sea. The Earth could not absorb such a harsh blow without sustaining global devastation. Things must have come to a standstill. Evidently, the blow was fatal for many forms of life.Bear in mind that all this was long before mammals---including humans--emerged in Earth’s history. Still, we would be wise to pay attention to the damage a meteor can cause. Fortunately, meteor strikes on Earth are few and far between.63. The word “plausible” (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to“______”.A. availableB. incredibleC. reasonableD. ridiculous64. Why didn’t the meteor affect human beings?A. Because they were very resistantB. Because there weren’t any thenC. Because they lived in isolated areasD. Because they hid themselves in the caves65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Scholars agreed that a single volcano caused The Great DyingB. 75 percent of land life continued 250 million years agoC. V olcanic rocks and meteors have different patternsD. When the meteor hit land Mount Qomolangma sprang up.66. What is the best title for the passageA. The Dinosaurs’ EndB. Crater on QomolangmaC. Contradictory ClaimsD. A Meteor’s ImpactSection C8%Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Blind imitation is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their unique worth, imitation appears attractive; to those who know their strength, imitation is unacceptable.In the early stages of skill or character development imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook. I used recipes and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. ____67______ Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a child’s bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.___68_____If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.In the field of entertainment, our culture glorifies celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. _____69_____ Blessed is the person willing to at on their sudden desire to create something unique. Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them.____70_____The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.Study your role models, accept the gifts they have given, and leave behind what does not serve you. Then you can say, “I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors’ tragedies and declare victory, and know that they are cheering me on.”IV. Summary Writing 10%Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Better Memory Causes BoredomA new study shows that the better your short-term memory, the faster you feel fed up and decide you’ve had enough. The findings appear in the Journal of Consumer Research.Noelle Nelson, assistant professor of marketing and consumer behavior at the University of Kansas School of Business. She and her colleague Joseph Redden at the University of Minnesota tried to think outside the lunch box. “Something that was interesting to me is that some people get tired of things at very different rates. When you think about pop songs on the radio, some people must still be enjoying them and requesting them even after hearing them a lot. But a lot of other people are really sick of those same songs.” The difference, the researchers supposed, might have to do with memories of past consumption.The researchers tested the memory capacity of undergraduates. The students then viewed a repeating series of three classic paintings like The Starry Night, American Gothic, and The Scream or listened and re-listened to a series of three pop songs or three pieces of classical music.Throughout the test, the participants were asked to rate their experience on a scale of zero to ten. And the better a participant scored in the memory test, the faster they got bored.“We found that people with larger capacities remembered more about the music or art, which led to them getting tired of the music or art more quickly. So remembering more details actually made the participants feel like they’d experienced the music or art more often.”The findings suggest that marketers could cope with our desire for their products by figuring out ways to distract us and keep us from fully remembering our experiences. We could also trick ourselves into eating less junk food by recalling the experience of a previous snack. As for kids easily bored, just tell them to forget about it---it might help them have more fun.V. Translation 15%Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.比起节食,我宁愿多做运动来减肥。
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可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23
A. 石墨
B. 水银
C. 硬铝
D. 明矾
A. 同素异形体
B. 同分异构体
C. 同系物
D. 同位素
A. 煤的干馏
B. 石油的分馏
C. 石蜡的裂化
D. 重油的裂解
A. 在根瘤菌作用下氮气转变成氮肥
B. 打雷时氮气转变成一氧化氮
C. 氨气与二氧化碳反应生成尿素
D. 氮气与氢气合成氨
A. 点燃
B. 通入溴水
C. 通入酸性KMnO4溶液
D. 观察气体的颜色
A. 沸点:Cl2<I2
B. 热稳定性:HF>HCl
C. 硬度:晶体硅<金刚石
D. 熔点:MgO>NaCl
A. Ts与F同主族
B. Ts的最外层p轨道中有5个电子
C. 在同族元素中Ts金属性最强
D. 中子数为176的Ts符号是176
A. 消毒、絮凝、吸附
B. 吸附、絮凝、消毒
C. 絮凝、吸附、消毒
D. 消毒、吸附、絮凝
A. 烧碱与氢溴酸反应OH-+H+→H2O
B. 大理石与盐酸反应CO32-+2H+→CO2↑+H2O
C. 氯化铝与氨水反应Al3++3OH-→Al(OH)3↓
D. 硫酸与铁粉反应2H++Fe→Fe3++H2↑
A. 此装置属于电解池
B. 电子从铁经导线流向锌
C. 铁电极上发生氧化反应
D. 该方法称为“牺牲阳极阴极保护法”
A. 一定偏低
B. 一定偏高
C. 仍然准确
D. 可能偏高也可能偏低
A. CO2使Na2O2固体变白
B. Cl2使KI-淀粉试纸变蓝
C. C2H4使Br2的CCl4溶液褪色
D. H2S使酸性KMnO4溶液褪色
A. 单质在冷的浓硫酸中都会钝化
B. 单质在空气中都易形成致密的氧化膜
C. 氧化物都属于两性氧化物
D. Al3+、Fe3+都有较强的氧化性
A. 探究SO2还原性
C. 收集SO2
D. 处理含SO2尾气。